#The actors in general are also -with time and distance now - afforded the luxury of speaking on this in a way that
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sheergeekypanic · 2 years ago
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tanadrin · 4 years ago
"On the Hylobiota of FEC-3230-3B6f," a note from the personal log of Junior Technical Officer Omru Setan, of the DSEV Soliton. As published in Frontier Xenobiology Today, issue 32, vol. 26.
The Soliton was, fortunately, able to spend a few months in orbit of FEC-3230-3B6, a luxury of time not usually afforded to frontier exploration vessels. It is a sad truism of this line of work that we can only ever devote the smallest fraction of due attention to most of the worlds we discover, and we must hope that eventually follow-up missions will be able to visit at least the most interesting of them. Since the ship was overdue for maintenance by the time we reached that star, and the local civilization had technology and resource extraction compatible with our systems, the crew elected to remain in the system long enough to establish basic communications and trade relations sufficient to complete repairs. That process went more smoothly than expected, and a further twelve weeks were devoted purely to scientific investigation, which accounts for the outsized entry on the Shards and their environment in the Soliton's survey logs.
The Shards are the dominant variety of local sapients in the FEC-3230-3B6 system, and are found especially around FC-3230-3B6f, a fragment of a disrupted planetary-mass body embedded in a dense asteroid belt in the circumstellar habitable zone. They are a variety of machine life, with a complex culture and language, including sophisticated political and economic structures, and one evidently purpose-built to the low-gravity zero-atmosphere environment in which they dwell. They are capable of autonomous space travel within the local asteroid belt, and many of their most basic systems rely on very sophisticated field manipulation, spacetime-distortion, and reactionless propulsion mechanisms, all far more advanced than any technology in common use in Accord space. Very little of the functioning of these technologies could be gleaned from studying the Shards directly, since the field manipulators on which the Shards rely are microscopic in scale and distributed throughout their bodies. How much the Shards understand the technologies their bodies use is also unknown; while basic communication was established fairly easily using standard protocols, communication on abstract concepts has been more difficult, and the Shards' understanding of their own history and design is, for now, mostly opaque.
We do know this: the Shards refer to the principal volume of space in which they dwell as the Field of Rest. It is so called because artificial field effects, generated by ruined megastructures found embedded in 3B6f and the other largest nearby asteroids, keep the major celestial bodies in the region more or less stationary with respect to one another; and any body moving through the region will gradually decelerate, until it is at rest within the Field. This effect is strongest in the immediate environs of 3B6f, and past a certain point rapidly falls off with distance, with a very weak residual effect spreading out for many hundreds of thousands of kilometers in all directions. We were unable to determine whether this field and the megastructures which generate it were responsible for the original disruption of the planet which formed the asteroid belt; whether they are incidental ruins; or whether they were built or repurposed after the disruption in order to stabilize the region. Moreover, while the Field is stable over much longer time scales than it would be without the presence of this effect, it is unlikely to be stable over very long geological timescales, even provided the megastructures (power source currently unknown) could maintain the effect for that long. Back-of-the-envelope calculations by my colleague, Sidar Resk, indicate that the Field is likely not younger than one hundred thousand years, and likely not older than two million.
My own expertise is not in astrogeology, xenoanthropology, or xenoarcheology, so I will leave further explanation of such matters to those more suited to do them justice. See especially the logs of Svys Sidar, Deng, Falke, and Yun, especially Svy Yun's speculative but extremely interesting timeline of the system's history. What I really want to discuss is the--for lack of a better term--biology of the system.
3B6f, most other bodies in the Field, and most bodies surveyed in the wider belt, show traces of a unique set of chemical and physical processes analogous to, but very unlike, the processes of organic life. Since applying the term "biology" to both aqueous organic processes and these unique processes is a recipe for confusion, let's call the latter "hylology," by analogy to hylotechnology, that is to say, non-aqueous nanotechnology which has much more in common with purely mechanical systems than normal nanoscale systems do.
A brief digression for the interested: it was once the dream of many engineers that, as the miniaturization of mechanical technology improved, it would be possible eventually to build machines at the nanometer scale, very roughly the size of the most interesting components of living cells, and that this nanoscale technology would allow extremely precise manipulation of both biological and non-biological materials, and thus both extremely precise manipulation of living tissue and the easy creation of macroscopic materials with novel properties. As the technologies for investigating and manipulating the nanoscale world improved, however, it became apparent that below a certain scale "mechanical" and "chemical" processes rapidly converge: the interactive forces of atoms and molecules that we usually think of as belonging to the messy world of chemistry come to equal or overwhelm what we think of as the austere forces of the purely mechanical world, especially in the watery environs of biological systems, and when the first nanotechnological revolution finally began in the 22nd century, it was the result of many parallel developments in mechanical, chemical, and quantum engineering, and it proceeded rather more slowly than the optimists of previous ages had hoped.
Some researchers have continued to pursue what might be called "classical" nanoscale and sub-nanoscale technologies, in a specifically non-biological context. This is what is usually meant by "hylotechnology," a niche but important category that, among Accord species, is used mostly for careful fabrication of small quantities of highly specialized metamaterials. Because of the difficulties inherent in nanoscale mechanics, hylotech is extremely finicky, and even the most cutting-edge hylotech forges usually end up recycling as much as 60% of their output for failing to meet the intended specifications. The term "hylotech" also is often extended to mean chemistry-like processes which occur in systems other than normal atoms and the molecules they form: quasiparticle complexes, Xuluan lattices, and monopole chemistry, but for now these all belong to the theoretical realm.
The Field is unusual because it is an environment with many naturally evolved forms of life, that is to say orders having arisen without apparent intervention by any sapient actor, all of which are based originally on artificial hylotechnology. As Svy Yun argues (and I agree), chemical and fossil evidence in rock fragments formerly belonging to the crust of 3B6f's progenitor-planet indicate that organic life arose on that world, and eventually yielded a sentient species not too dissimilar from any of the Accord members. This species built a technologically sophisticated civilization, one which pursued nanotech vigorously, and which integrated it into many of their other technologies. When the catastrophe that destroyed 3B6f occurred, fragments of that nanotechnology survived, perhaps in the form of trace programmable matter, of small self-replicated nanomachines, or as part of the structure of larger machine life entities like the Shards. This basic nanofilm eventually spread throughout the Field, and evolved in new ways, producing new complex behaviors and structures. These include the equivalent of both single-celled organisms, and multi-cellular organisms with highly specialized tissues; organisms with bilateral and radial symmetry; and even organisms with tissues that seem to resemble, in structure and function, the nervous tissue of Earth's early animalia like the Cnidarians.
Needless to say, we found this to be a very startling result, and there are several considerations which I wish to address in turn.
First, the Shards. The Shards are not an evolved organism; of this I am as certain as it is possible to be. Although they plainly share technological innovations with the hylozoan LUCA, they don't have anything like the pseudocellular structure of the hylozoa. The smallest units of the hylozoa are molecular machines that range in size from 50 to 500 nanometers. They are mostly self-reproducing, and they exhibit some of the field and spacetime-manipulation technology the Shards do, at a far smaller and much more low-powered scale. The Shards, in contrast, while they are carefully engineered from the nanometer scale up, are not composed of easily discernible components on that scale, nor specialized tissues made up of self-reproducing components. The Shards do have sophisticated repair mechanisms, but these replace sections of their bodies at the scale of dozens of micrometers. Whereas most species we have encountered have had at some point to grapple with the fact they are the product of accident and not intention, and that they are of the same order of life and matter as the living things they share their environment with, the Shards might justly be possessed of a certain smugness--they are, after all, truly different from the hylozoa around them. Something else to consider when the xenologers attempt to investigate Shard culture, I suppose.
Second, the hylozoan "cell." Our own cellular structure is a lipid envelope enclosing organelles, proteins, and many different kinds of useful molecules either taken in from our food or produced by our own bodies, which--carried along by the furious Brownian motion of the aqueous environment--shakes and rattles thousands of different kinds of chemical machinery along every moment. It is, in origin, a droplet of the primeval soup that has been carefully contained and carried forward in time, a product of the ancient oceans within which those droplets formed.
The basic unit of hylozoan biology, the "hylocell" is likewise a product of its original environment--in this case, the austere vacuum. It is not a bag of chemical soup: instead, it is a spindly structure made of many modular elements which spread outward from a central nucleus. Rather than containing chemical information stored as DNA, the nucleus of the hylocell is a chemical-mechanical battery which powers the modules to which it is connected. At the tip of the spindles or rays which extend out from this battery, magnetic interactions between specialized connector-modules bind the hylocells together; these connections can be rapidly reconfigured as needed. Between the spindles, a weak electromagnetic field holds various kinds of charged particles in a diffuse suspension, one which is practically a vacuum compared to the interior of our own cells, but which is a valuable reservoir of raw materials for the hylocell, compared to the gasping emptiness of most of the Field.
The modules which compose the hylocell are arranged hierarchically, and while we have much to learn about how they function, at least some of them seem to store information in a manner not unlike our own cellular nuclei, albeit distributed throughout the hylocell; others are geared toward energy storage, to the synthesis of specific chemicals, to building new modules or new hylocells; and still others to generating precise field distortions or spacetime distortions which form an integral part of the hylocell's functioning.
Another important difference between the hylocellular structure and our own biology includes the far more rapid mutation rate of hylocells: the biodiversity of 3B6f is comparable to a biosphere many hundreds of millions of years old, and my own experiments, undertaken with the help the Soliton's geneticists, indicate that the hylozoan LUCA may have been designed to be adaptive from the beginning, able to direct and vet mutations that allow it to function better in novel environments, instead of having to rely on copying errors and blind chance. Attempts to devise a "molecular clock" based on some highly conserved hylocellular modules across many different genera put the divergence of those genera from the hylozoan LUCA between 250,000 and 750,000 YBP, at the younger end of our estimates for the age of the Field as a whole; but these results should be regarded as extremely tentative.
Lastly, I wish to collect miscellaneous observations from my colleagues, which have not fit into any of the larger topics above.
While many varieties of hylocell process other organisms, minerals, or solar energy directly, at least some seem to be capable of absorbing energy from solar neutrinos. This adaptation is found in many different clades, where it seems to have arisen independently.
Hylocells are completely non-functional in dense atmospheres. The pressure of even a one-Pascale environment disrupts normal function. Some single-cellular hylozoans seem to be able to gradually recover when returned to a near-vacuum environment, but all studied multi-cellular hylozoans were killed when exposed to high pressures. Shards, by contrast, are entirely unaffected by normal atmospheric pressures, and were able to come and go from within the Soliton without difficulty.
Since Shards do not consume hylozoans for food, they are in many respects "outside" the hylozoan ecology. They do not depend on it for any resources, nor do the hylozoans depend on them; but the ecology of their environment does seem to have cultural significance and aesthetic interest.
Hylozoans are most densely distributed in the middle of the Field, but are found on virtually every body in the asteroid belt surveyed. The smallest and most distant of such bodies often have very divergent clades inhabiting them; no known hylozoans can traverse deep space except if carried, intentionally or accidentally, by the Shards.
Five major domains of hylozoan life have been identified: these are the Hylobacteria (invariably single-celled, and with simple structure), Electrophores (have cellular processes that depend on more sophisticated manipulation of charged particles), Lithozoa (most are deep-rock dwellers), Planetozoa (found mostly on remote bodies outside the Field), and Polyklemata (have an advanced compound cellular structure whose greater complexity compared to the Hylobacteria is perhaps comparable to the difference between the Eukaryota and Bacteria). Multicellular hylozoans are found in every domain except the Hylobacteria. The most basal existing hylozoan may be Plinodeisa aeides, a planetozoan that forms thick, undifferentiated cellular mats on sunlight-exposed surfaces.
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news-ase · 5 years ago
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asoenews · 5 years ago
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celebritylive · 5 years ago
Tyler Rich and Sabina Gadecki are married.
The “Leave Her Wild” singer and L.A.’s Finest actress tied the knot in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on Friday in front of 275 guests at Saddle Woods Farm — and PEOPLE has all the exclusive details.
Ahead of their big day, the couple told PEOPLE that they chose their venue — which they called a “big, beautiful property with a gorgeous barn” — in part because of the “kind” owners, Jayne and Gary LeGate.
“They invited us in for dinner with their family during the holidays when we visited the venue,” they said. “We were sold right then and there.”
Throughout the space, the couple decorated with pampas grass, macrame, neon lights, bulb string lights, vintage rugs, teepees and couches to bring their music festival-theme to life.
“We met at a music festival and spend so much of our time together on the road at shows festivals,” Rich, 33, and Gadecki, 36, said. “So we wanted to throw a festival-themed wedding so our guests could take a step into our lives for a night.”
Rich and Gadecki — who hired Sara Fried, owner of Fête Nashville Luxury Weddings, to plan their wedding — put neon signs inside and outside the barn and also had an escort wall for guests to “find their festival friends” with each table being named after a music festival (where they were given custom luggage tags from Sketch & Etch). The couple first met at the Stagecoach country music festival in Indio, California on May 1, 2016 and have been together for almost three-and-a-half years now.
“I was watching the show from the side of the main stage and saw Sabina with her friends down in the pit,” Rich recalled. “So I snuck down and perfectly placed myself right in front of her group with my friend Alex, and we made sure we had such a great time in front of them that she and her friends would wish they were part of our group. Well, it barely worked — we quickly said hello and she left. I had to do the rest of my courting via an Instagram direct message.”
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A post shared by Tyler Rich (@tylerrich) on May 4, 2019 at 2:56pm PDT
Standing beside the couple on their big day was a bridal party made up of 13 groomsmen and 12 bridesmaids, including three best men and three maids of honor. Ayesha Curry, who attended with her husband Stephen Curry, brother-in-law Seth Curry and his wife, Callie Rivers-Curry, was in Gadecki’s bridal party.
One of the couple’s closest friends, Ambrosio “Boskie” Lopez, married them. “Nobody knows us better as individuals and as a couple at the same time,” they said.
The couple wrote their own vows, and Rich anticipated there was a “100 percent” chance he’d cry during the special moment.
RELATED: From Red Robin to Hitting No. 1: What to Know About ‘The Difference’ Singer Tyler Rich
Gadecki wore two different gowns by Israeli designer Galia Lahav for the ceremony and reception, and she described them as the “perfect combination of both sexy and playful.”
“You can see and feel from the details that the dresses were made with a lot of love,” said Gadecki, who calls herself the “most indecisive person known to man” and tried on a lot of dresses before making her decision.
Gadecki also stuck with tradition and incorporated “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” in her ensemble.
“I never had the chance to meet my babcia , my mom’s mom,” she said. “Both of my grandparents on my mom’s side died before I was born, but I’ve always felt a strong connection to them. My grandmother was wearing a blue brooch in the hospital before she passed away, and I had the brooch sewn into my dress. My ‘something old’ is my mother’s veil. I took the beautiful lace and tulle and had it turned into our ring bearer’s pillow, a small purse for my day, as well as my garter. And my ‘something borrowed’ is my jewelry.”
Rich wore a charcoal suit by Italian designer Boglioli, and he completed his look with a Rolex Yacht-Master from Crown & Caliber. Justin Alexander styled all of Rich’s groomsmen, who accessorized with matching black leather matches from MVMT, while Gadecki’s bridesmaids all wore blush bohemian dresses from Jenny Yoo.
Throughout the day, the couple made sure that the music was “perfect for us,” meaning that it was “not your traditional wedding music, but the music you hear when you go see your favorite bands at a festival.”
“We also wanted a raw and true to Nashville element, so we had the amazing Ashley Campbell bring her banjo picking to our cocktail hour,” they said.
RELATED: Actress Sabina Gadecki’s Friends ‘Thanked’ Her Fiancé Tyler Rich For Not Changing Her
At the reception, Rich and Gadecki picked “Yellow” by Coldplay for their first dance as a married couple.
“We first said ‘I love you’ when listening to ‘Yellow,’ and it’s been our song ever since,” they said. “That first dance to ‘Yellow’ in front of everyone we love so much will live forever with us.”
As for the food, the couple went with “food truck-style eating” in an indoor setting. They had a pierogi bar, slider station and “meat and two” station along with a donut wall and cake for dessert. Additionally, they had a cigar bar and flower crown cart to keep with their music festival-theme.
Rich also wanted the alcohol at the wedding to represent them as a couple. Since he was raised in Northern California, Rich had Lagunitas IPA beer and four types of wine from Brasswood Cellars in Napa Valley served at the wedding. Since Gadecki’s entire family is from Poland, they knew the right vodka was a “very important element” and chose to serve Big Machine Vodka. The wedding was many of their guests’ first trip to Nashville, so they also had a true Tennessee whiskey, Clayton James, on deck.
Rich and Gadecki used the site Minted to design all of their menus, table numbers, save the dates, invites, day-of-pieces and thank you cards in one place.
RELATED VIDEO: Tyler Rich on Writing ‘Leave Her Wild’ & Acting with Sabina Gadecki in ‘The Difference’ Music Video
When it came time for speeches, Rich and Gadecki’s best men and maids of honor all walked up and took turns passing around the microphone. Ahead of the reception, Rich anticipated that it would be “the dance party of all parties.”
“Our friends and family couldn’t stay still if they wanted to,” he said. “Sabina’s family is all from Poland and rowdy as they come. You mix that with our crazy friends, and it’s going down.”
Along with the Curry family, famous faces at the wedding included Jon Pardi, Gadecki’s fellow Entourage actor Jerry Ferrara and his wife, Breanne Racano Ferrera, UFC fighter Anthony Pettis, NBA players Dorell Wright and Biedriņš, actor Dylan Playfair, Sirius XM’s “The Highway” host Mary Carlisle Young, professional fisher Aaron Britt (who was also one of Rich’s groomsmen) and model Ubah Hassan.
Though Rich and Gadecki have been engaged for over two years, they felt like now was finally the perfect time to have their wedding.
“We have both had the craziest couple years, with little time,” Rich — whose song “The Difference” hit No. 21 on the country charts last year — said. “We could never afford it until the past year or so, really. Once both our careers picked up last year, it changed everything and gave us the opportunity to finally plan the wedding we’d always wanted. There are just so many important people in our lives, that we knew it couldn’t be small. So we were waiting until we could have the wedding of our dreams.”
Since their relationship has been long-distance between Los Angeles and Nashville since they met, the couple said they depend on trust to keep them strong.
“We have always trusted each other, and never let any insecurities or fear of anything get in between us,” they said. “We fully support each other’s dreams and 100 percent the person each of us are inside. We embrace that fully.”
As to what he’s most looking forward to about marriage itself, Rich said it’s getting to introduce Gadecki as his “wife.”
“I’m so excited to build a life together from scratch,” he said. “To know that decades from now when there is an entire new generation beneath us, that it all started back in September 2019 when we kissed and said, ‘I do.’ It’s a really beautiful thing.”
Before forever, though, comes the honeymoon, which the couple had to put on hold for a bit now that Gadecki will be busy shooting for the upcoming film False Positive.
“Originally we had plans to go to the Cayman Islands on Monday following the wedding,” Rich said. “The Caribbean is so relaxing, recharging and the break we sure could use right now. But Sabina just booked a new film that starts shooting right away, and we are so excited about it! So, we will try to have a honeymoon in January when our schedules usually slow down. Either to Grand Cayman still, or potentially southeast Asia, it will be January weather-dependent.” 
Rich — who previously toured with Dustin Lynch, Sam Hunt, Brett Eldredge, Justin Moore, Cole Swindell, Dan + Shay and Brett Young — has headlining dates across the United States through the end of the year and is opening on select dates with Pardi and Brantley Gilbert.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2IgLgtr
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beyondalpha-blog1 · 7 years ago
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In the past several decades, the limo design has changed with changing technology and styles. Traditionally, an expansion of a huge automobile, using a more period and wheelbase, this initial layout was modest in contrast with a few of the beasts in the marketplace nowadays. These days, a divider, frequently made from glass, divides the driver in the trunk area so as to provide passengers more solitude. Limousines have a whole lot more variation in relation to their preceding generation, since you're able to employ different sized limos, from the little and candy Baby Bentley limo to the colossal Hummer. The expression restricted mobility is not always known precisely the exact same manner by automobile rental businesses. Some could use it to only indicate that they are unable, by motives of age or alternative medical illness, to walk over a brief distance. Other people use it to indicate situations in which the person is bed ridden or confined to a wheelchair concerning moving. Evidently, your transportation requirements might vary hugely determined by your particular situation on what's a broad spectrum of possibilities. But, assuming your transportation needs aren't necessarily highly specialised, like an ambulance providing in-transport healthcare, you might be surprised to understand that luxury limo hire may be a true choice. Are you sick of seeing your buddies and others coming at gala events or specific events in a limo when you're unable to enjoy this luxury? https://www.anilimo.com can be particularly hard for children preparing for their own prom to understand they'll be chauffeured by mother or dad while their buddies will be coming in a gorgeous stretch limousine. Children are all about looks and keeping up with their peers. Their social status is all-important. While this doesn't necessarily mean that parents must place themselves in debt to supply things they cannot manage for their child, it's necessary that it be recalled, particularly when prom is at sight. The fantastic thing is that limousines are not only for the wealthier among people. Now it's possible to rent a limousine without costing too much. Regardless of why you need the limo service constantly keep the cost limit you are able to spend, and also the quality which you're interested in finding, at the forefront of your thoughts. As soon as you've compared the costs of some of the limo rental services you'll have a fairly good idea about what you may finally have to invest. Quality is a problem by itself. The service quality of a limousine service that you employ to get a prom may not be acceptable for a different sort of event, like a wedding, for instance. If you would like to be certain everything is going to be of a specific benchmark you'll have to be ready to pay more. Although enormous progress has been made in this region, it remains a problem. Some electric vehicles which are visually indistinguishable from traditional luxury limousines still need a few hours of link to a supply of mains power so as to recharge their batteries. There's work underway using fast-charge methods employing high voltage mains input as well as instantaneous power pack swap-out which will be finished in garages on precisely the exact same foundation as filling your tank with gasoline. But in the time of writing, many vehicles of this nature nevertheless presume you're going to have the ability to plug the batteries into a mains origin for many hours as soon as your reservations are reduced. Los Angeles is home to many actors, in addition to the Hollywood Studios, Universal Studios, Paramount, and a lot more places and areas of interest that produce the city extra special. There are many companies situated in LA or at the greater LA region, and your company customers and executives may expect one to match which high quality. Showing a high standing in the company world often suggests the person or the provider owns a limousine or can afford to hire a person on a normal basis. Limos have made a certain degree of esteem from the time that they arrived on the current market, as in the beginning it was just the wealthiest individuals who could afford to get and use a single. Traveling in a limousine indicates you or your business value fashion, comfort, comfort and high standards. It is important to choose how a lot of people will be enjoying the ride. A few Limos can accommodate a few passengers and a few around 20 passengers. If you're searching for a lavish and high-rise journey, then choose a best one and ask friends and family if they'd like to talk about. So what exactly are you planning? Learn if alcoholic drinks are permitted onboard the car. Some limo hire business will supply you with their alcohol and won't permit you to deliver anything else on board. That being said some providers cost you extra for stocking the bar in the limo.
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sheergeekypanic · 1 year ago
Someone interacted with this so I thought I'd reblog it. Original tags below:
#Figured I'd just repost this here#destiel#the legacy of studio meddling is as long as the history of TV#we all know the stories of Star Trek TOS pulling all kinds of shit to get things onscreen and yet some people think that practice died#that it's no longer necessary#when more people than ever tell you it is necessary#The actors in general are also -with time and distance now - afforded the luxury of speaking on this in a way that#writers#showrunners#crew on the ground#generally are not and probably never will be#Speight another great example since he pulled double duty as director#and Jensen of course#A cloak of vagueness over it maybe but it's not rocket science#This was not one man against the world this was a team of dedicated people making their own jobs more hellish than they needed to be#specifically because they knew what they were fighting for was right#my posts#my tweets
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sheergeekypanic · 2 years ago
#Figured I'd just repost this here#destiel#the legacy of studio meddling is as long as the history of TV#we all know the stories of Star Trek TOS pulling all kinds of shit to get things onscreen and yet some people think that practice died#that it's no longer necessary#when more people than ever tell you it is necessary#The actors in general are also -with time and distance now - afforded the luxury of speaking on this in a way that#writers#showrunners#crew on the ground#generally are not and probably never will be#Speight another great example since he pulled double duty as director#and Jensen of course#A cloak of vagueness over it maybe but it's not rocket science#This was not one man against the world this was a team of dedicated people making their own jobs more hellish than they needed to be#specifically because they knew what they were fighting for was right
Just reblogging this with my own tags for no particular reason today.
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