It Probably Goes In My Mouth
46 posts
I post fart smut, and other things, if I’m in the mood. I’m also down to rp. This blog is not for anyone under the age of 18, and all of the media I use are found on the internet and are of men that have been assumed to be over 18. I implore anyone who stumbles on my blog. To not feel ashamed, just acceptance, love and arousal.
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imtheasssniffer · 8 months ago
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“Come here, come sniff it.” He ordered as you walked into the room. Without missing a beat you got down on your knees and crawled to him. You placed your nose firmly against his hole and rested your chin on his cheek. You inhaled deeply; quickly filling your nose with the musky scent of his asscrack.
“Goood boy, is your pathetic cock dripping on the floor,” he teased. You nodded your head yes and softly moaned an ‘mhm’ as you kept sniffing.
“I know it is.” You wanted to touch yourself but knew you weren’t allowed, so you nervously rubbed your hands over your thighs in circular motions as you leaned in deeper to his ass. Consuming all of the musk that you could.
“How does it smell? Wait…” He asked disinterested before his weight slightly shifted.
His hole swelled and a quick airy fart shot out, forcing its fumes into your accepting nostrils. Your body fought to pull away but your lustful urges kept you planted with your face between his cheeks
“Now how does it smell?” He taunted. His tone distinctly more playful than previously. He had not only let loose his gas but his humor.
You moaned. Unable to form a coherent thought as you desperately inhaled the fetid air desperate moans were all you could muster.
“You like that? You’re pathetic.” You wanted to defend yourself against his cruelty but you knew he was right. Even in a horny haze of desperation you were aware of how pathetic of a situation you had placed yourself in.
“Keep your nose in there, don’t waste my scent.”
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imtheasssniffer · 1 year ago
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Locked Out
“Really babe socks and slides?” You teased, getting out of your car, and approaching your front door where your husband Myles was sitting. He called saying it was an emergency, and you rushed home to find him outside pantsless.
“Just shut the fuck up,” he snapped yelling at you. He was obviously frustrated. He was usually more patient, so you were slightly taken aback by his tone.
“What happened to your pants anyways?”
“It’s a long story, just let me in,” he stated getting ready to stand as you approached the door.
“No, no you have to tell me first,” you said looking down at him. Smiling, trying some way to cheer him up.
“Babe I’m not fucking around! Give me the keys!” He stood lunging at you to grab the keys, but you quickly stepped back.
“Ah, you gotta get them from me.” You ran into the yard, expecting him to chase you, but you saw him awkwardly shift back towards his chair like there was something stuck between his legs. And then it dawned on you.
“Wh- oh my god did you shit yourself,” you teased loudly, already knowing the answer. His face contorted into a defeated and angry look.
“That’s why you’re in such a bitch mood!” You called, while walking a few steps closer.
“Babe could you be a bit more quiet?” You could tell he was ashamed, and paranoid that your neighbors would know.
“You shit yourself! That’s so embarrassing,” you laughed, teasing.
“Here take the keys,” you said throwing them to him.
“You clearly need them.”
You laughed as he failed to catch them, and frantically scoured for them.
“Fuck you,” he screamed struggling to place the key in the lock. You continued to laugh and walked up to him. Observing the dark streak of brown that stained his white briefs.
“I hope you know I’m never letting you live this down.”
“For real, fuck you.” He shot back. You took the keys from his panicked hands, and quickly unlocked the door for him, he rushed in a ran to the bathroom.
“I wish you would,” you mumbled. You locked the door, and slowly followed him into the house, dropping your keys and belongings in the entrance, and making your way to the bathroom, which he occupied.
“Sheesh, you could’ve at least close the door behind you,” you said resting yourself against the frame.
“Please,” he strained, before his ass exploded into the toilet bowl. It was both liquid and solid, something that you didn’t even know was possible. You cringed as a vile smell also exploded out of him. Echoing off of the bowl and filling the room. You felt your nose begin to stuff up just from smelling it.
“You sound like you’re having fun.” You choked out to break the seriousness. You had to take a step back to breathe. His face was bright red. You couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment, or from the concentration he was putting into his poop. Myles put out a hand for you, and you debated whether or not you wanted to accept it, and comfort him as he processed these bowel movements. You looked at his face, skewed in pain, eyes squinted, tears flowing down his cheeks. You had to be there for him. You stepped into the bathroom, and almost instantly regretted it, you didn’t have to inhale for the rotten stink to rise into your nostrils.
“Oh my god,” you said placing your elbow over your face.
“That’s really bad.” You grabbed his hand and sat on the sink counter.
“What the fuck did you eat?” Your throat felt irritated like you were sick. It was vile.
“I don’t know,” he cried, his voice breaking. He was on the verge of sobbing. His eyes were puffy with with thick lenses of water ready to burst down his face, and his breathing had become sharp, and he looked so defeated. You heard his stomach groan, and he winced in pain. You slid off of the sink and walked in front of him. Pulling his head against your waist and running your fingers along his scalp, as some way to soothe him. He wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you into a deep hug making your knees buckle, and pulling you forward. You leaned closer to him, which you instantly regretted as the smell wafted up from behind him and directly into your face. He squeezed your waist tightly as his ass erupted again. You gagged and tried to break free from his hug, but his grip only become stronger as he groaned as more liquid shit shot from his hole. You gagged again, but his grip on you didn’t loosen. He only pulled you tighter as he released another violent stream.
“Oh god,” you mumbled feeling queasy from the scent. You felt your own stomach lurch like you were going to throw up, but you held it together. Myles’s grip finally loosened and you pulled away running into the kitchen where you dry heaved into the sink. Fully expecting to vomit.
“Oh my god,” you pleaded to yourself as the nausea pulsed through you. The stink was trapped in your nose. You couldn’t escape the smell of his diarrhea.
“Babe, what the fuck, did you eat?” You yelled from the kitchen.
“I don’t know,” Myles remarked. You could tell he was crying now. You heard another explosive movement from his bottom and decided it would be best if you stayed in the kitchen for the time being.
You finally mustered up the courage to go back to him just in time to hear him flush. When he noticed you he asked you to grab a clean pair of underwear and then shut the door as you walked away. You heard the shower start, and quickly placed the clean pair on the counter before heading back into the kitchen to grab the Febreeze and cleanse the house of his vile stench.
As you waited for him to get out of the shower, which was interrupted by a couple trips to the toilet you sat in the couch and watched TV, awaiting his return.
Finally, you heard the water stop, and the vents turn on, followed by a distant misting of Febreeze, and you knew that meant he was finally done. You watched as he slowly turned the corner, slouched and exhausted, with wet hair and only a pair of boxers on.
“Come here,” you stated sympathetically, holding up your arms to entice him over to you.
“Are you feeling better?” You asked as he defeatedly shuffled over to you.
“Yeah,” he let out with a long sigh as he threw himself on top of you, laying in your arms on his back.
“Did the shower help,” you asked shifting in your seat to make him more comfortable.
“I’m not covered in shit anymore, so that helped I guess.”
“Does your stomach still hurt?”
“It’s feels like this pain will never go away honestly.” He said rubbing his tummy. You placed your hand over his and started to rub with him.
“I’m sorry babe,” you said before kissing the back of his head.
“Do you know what caused it?”
“I have no idea,” he said placing his hands at his sides, and lightly squeezing your thighs.
“Where were you when you shit yourself though?”
“I was changing at the gym, and I thought it was just a fart, so I, you know, let it out, but shit shot out all over my pants so I just put on my underwear and came home, but I didn’t have my keys. I left them-“
“You left them in the room last night, I told you, you would forget, but you never listen.”
“Anyways, so then I called you. That’s what happened,” you played with his hair, and looked him in the eye.
“You’re fucking gross.”
“Bitch I will shart on you.”
“That would just prove my point.” You both laughed and Myles grabbed his stomach.
“I can’t laugh,” he stated clutching his sore stomach from the days previous devilish bowel movements.
“Please don’t shit yourself again, I’m in the splash zone,” you joked, sliding your hands from his hair to his stubble, which you gently swirled your fingers in.
“No promises,” he quipped back, sinking into you and letting out a sigh of relief as he was finally able to relax.
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imtheasssniffer · 1 year ago
I guess Tumblr has gotten stricter since I last logged in, so I won’t post with photos or videos because it flagged my posts.
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imtheasssniffer · 1 year ago
It’s safe to say that life had gotten really complicated for you. After you mysteriously shrunk down to less than three inches, you were forced to leave college for safety reasons, and live back at home with your parents. Not knowing what to do with you, and afraid that she might lose you your mom put you in the laundry machine. It kept you safe from getting crushed or lost, and allowed you to have the privacy you wanted. This meant though, that she wasn’t able to do laundry while you lived in there. You were minding your business watching a movie on your giant phone, cause it was all you could really do, when you saw a shadow loom outside the machine, you knew your mom wasn’t home, and were surprised to see your dad, because he never came into the laundry room. You paused the movie, and watched as he angrily paced in front of the machine angrily throwing around the piles of dirty clothes outside of the machine. Finally he acknowledged you, glaring through the glass at your tiny body. He opened the door, and without a word filled the opening with his ass. You were so stunned you couldn’t say anything. You just watched in horror, as a massive fart echoed into the cylindrical space. The sound bouncing off of the metal walls. The smell began to descend on you, and you coughed choking on the rancid scent. You then watched in horror as your father slammed the door, locking you in a stinky gassy prison. There was nothing to absorb the smell except for you. You banged on the walls and he laughed.
“How does it feel,” he teased poking at the glass.
“Your mother hasn’t been able to wash clothes in forever. I’m tired of it.” You continued to choke on the rancid stink he left behind.
“Now you have to live with the stink you created.” He smiled an evil smile, and chuckled a little getting a sick sense of joy from your suffering. He turned around, and picked up some clothes from the ground. He opened the door, and you inhaled, relieved to get fresh air, and then a heavy black cloth landed on top of you. Smelling of intense musk and ball funk. You came out from underneath to watch in horror as your father began to throw every pair of dirty underwear into the machine. By the end of it nearly twenty pairs of underwear lined the bottom of the metal container. You started to beg, but he just roughly threw a pair at you. You couldn’t escape. You both knew that. The drop was too far for you to land safely, so you just had to endure the stench that was quickly starting fill the space. You knew now, way too intimately what your dads dick smelled like, and the stench made you sick. Just as you thought it was over you again watched in terror as he began to act more mad than before. Now taking off his pants, and stripping down to boxer briefs. They were nasty. There were apparent stains all around the pouch. He grabbed his crotch and shook it angrily, saying,
“You see this mess, I haven’t changed my underwear in over a week and a half! Because of you!” He then began to shimmy out of them. You watched as his saggy balls shook as he hopped out of his briefs. His uncut dick swinging just above you. Allowing you to see the back of his underwear which was worse than the front, a long brown streak stained the crack of his underwear. He threw the nasty pair in the machine. The stained, wet pouch landing on your body. You picked it off of you. Gagging at the rancid and strong stench of piss and balls. He slammed the machine and left. Leaving you to bask in the filthy aroma of all his dirty underwear. You wanted to cry. The stink was so intense you got a migraine, and for once the space felt claustrophobic. A few minutes passed by of what felt like hell. The underwear that flooded the machine not only radiated a stink but a heat, and it felt like you were in an inferno. You began to sweat, adding your own musk into the mix, although it was minuscule compared to the overwhelming scent of your fathers undergarments.
Suddenly he returned, still wearing no pants. His dick flopping around with each step. He abruptly opened the door, and hope filled your body, you ran up to the entrance expecting him to let you out, but you were swiftly disappointed, as his ass entered the machine again, only this time, completely nude, and significantly closer to you.
Another huge 5 second fart rang out. This one sputtering and wet. The smell was toxic, and made you feel sick. You dry heaved as he slammed the door. You beat on the glass hopelessly. Again suffocating in your father’s malicious gas. He laughed at your weak attempt and placed his ass against the glass door. Spreading his cheeks, so you could see his hole as it sputtered another fart. Echoing across the glass. He laughed. Clearly enjoying teasing and torturing you. You fell down, defeated. He had successfully broken you. And just when you thought he was done. The door opened again. This time he grabbed his rancid, ripe, fresh pair of underwear and put them back on. You thought this meant the end of his torture, until he picked you up. He lifted you up to his face and smiled,
“I can’t tell if I want your face in my shit, or if you want your face in my hole so I can spray you with shit.” You got the chills. Pure terror and disgust filled your body, and you began to panic flailing in his fingers. “I guess we’ll see how lucky I get,” he said bringing you around to his ass, and dropping you in the back of his underwear, you screamed terrified of what awaited below. You fell facing his ass. Feeling his hair tickle your face, and the crust of his skid mark behind you. He adjust his underwear until you were face to face with his hole. Aligned perfectly with the puckering ring of muscle. It almost engulfed your face as he flexed it, squeezing and releasing his hole, so it rubbed all over you. You felt him grab and readjust his crotch, as he played with his hole, and then he started walking. Each step you were strewn about his hole. Getting dragged along the surface of his ring, left, right, left right. The stink was sinking into your skin, and as if it couldn’t get worse you felt his hole loosen, and heard as gas made it’s way from deep within him to your face. You gagged as a silent hissing fart burned your nostrils. Smelling like burned rubber, meat and general ass the smell was overwhelming. Your eyes began to water, and you thrashed feeling violent from the intense aroma that was produced. You heard your dad chuckle above, and then a loud, yet quick toot shot out. You could tell he forced it out too, by how hard he clenched. Pretty soon he wasn’t forcing them out, as his hole loosened. He joked about having to take a shit, and after spending the rest of the night in his underwear you realized how he got such bad skid marks.
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imtheasssniffer · 1 year ago
Since I haven’t been on tumblr in a while I’m going to post my finished drafts, and answer questions if anyone has any. Merry Christmas!
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imtheasssniffer · 2 years ago
I just ate ass and I don’t know who to talk to about it, everyone I would normally talk to about something like this would feel betrayed. My best friend just got back into town, and I was literally by a park less than a minute from her apartment in the backseat of my sneaky-links truck eating his ass, and I could’ve spent the time with her. I’ve starting dating someone kind of and we always tell each other about our days before bed, but I’m afraid they’ll be upset I hooked up with someone even though they’ve been on other dates since we met, and they said I was their friend while we were talking on the phone. And I definitely can’t tell my mother because she thinks I’m an Angel who’d never indulge in such filthy acts. The only outlet I have is my Tumblr which I recently redownloaded, and I know that my followers are at least slightly interested in my sex life.
It was really great. As far as ass eating goes, it wasn’t my most thorough job, but it was so good nonetheless. While writing this right now I can smell the scent of his must on my face and I’m feeling euphoric. We were both in a slight rush, and I was honestly surprised he said yes because I’d never really eaten his ass before. But today I think he was desperate to nut, and knew that I really wanted to eat his ass because I’d made it known previously.
It was almost a wattpad scenario, we haven’t linked in over a month and he told me when we first met today that he hadn’t really came since then because he hadn’t been jerking off, or hooking up with anyone else, so he was ready to bust, and then when I started to suck his dick at first he said, “sorry if it’s musty I was moving furniture.” Which he wasn’t really that musty, he just likes to be clean when we meet up. I told him I didn’t mind, obviously, and then I started sucking his dick. As I was sucking his dick I slid my hand under his ass, which was pressed on the leather seats of his truck and had left some moisture on the seat from sweat. I joked about it, and said something about eating his ass which led to him saying, “I don’t know the last time I shit,” which I responded, “is it disgusting if I say I don’t care.”
At this point I was dismissing the idea and felt awkward and gross and he said, “I don’t care, I’m down.” He then promptly shifted his body back so his ass was exposed to me and told me to eat. I got excited, obviously, and then somewhat bashfully asked him to get on his knees so I could eat it better. I prefer when someone is on all fours because it really lets you spread their cheeks and get in there. I then went to town. It’s been months since I’ve eaten ass and I’ve been craving it. His ass was pretty great too, unlike his dick which wasn’t really that musty, his ass was dank. I could smell it before even putting my face in. It was luckily clean but his must was so strong and honestly making me feral. His ass is also hairy, like really hairy, so it was really satisfying getting deep into the smooth skin of his hole. He obviously enjoyed it as well because I’m a fucking samurai when it comes to shoving my tongue in someone’s ass. He kept grabbing my head and pushing me deeper in, and moaning. He then flipped over and made me finish sucking him off which didn’t take long because my ass eating skills had him edging.
I will say I wish I could’ve spent longer in there. Normally when I eat ass, it’s a full face exercise, I rub my chin up and down the crack I wedge my nose in their hole, I like to get in there, but today we were rushing and he was extra horny so I really only got to work my tongue. Not to mention normally when I eat ass even if it’s musty beforehand, by the end all you can smell is spit, or nothing, but today I left that ass musty as hell. Which is so hot!
I’d also like to add, that I don’t think I’ve ever eaten such a muscular ass, like it was harder to suck on and bite and spread because it was so big and firm which is kind of crazy.
Also ig I’m back
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imtheasssniffer · 2 years ago
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Christmas Chronicles 2021: Noah (Part 2)
With his ass over your face, and your hands restrained, you had no choice but to endure the merciless stink he unleashed onto your face. The thick curling hair surrounding his hole slathered your face with a thick fragrant sweat which almost made you gag. You could feel the lump of disgust swell in your throat, as each subtle move he made painted your face with the sick scent of his ass. His hole hovered right over your lips and you could feel the slime of his ass cake your lips. You wanted to speak, but we’re too nervous to let it in your mouth.
“I hope it was worth it babe,” Noah said sternly, and then you watched as his asshole gaped to unleash another rancid fart over your mouth.
“I hope you you don’t hate this too much,” he said in a plotting tone before collapsing his ass onto your face. However this was the straw that broke the camels back. You began to thrash under him, unable to bear the relentless, brutish atrocities his ass was subjecting you to. You felt the lump in your throat burst, and luckily instead of vomiting you screamed a hellish scream that was greatly muted by his thick ass directly on your face.
As you thrashed understand him you could feel him move. You figured it was a response to your protesting, but in reality his scheming plan wasn’t to sit on your face, it was to trap you in a warm holiday Dutch oven. His hole over your lips was just a means to keep you in place as he oriented the both of you into bed, and to grab some blankets. You were too busy fighting for your life to notice a warmth spread to your legs as Noah placed not one, not two, but three blankets over the both of you. You only noticed when Noah scooted off of your face and sat on your arms which he pinned above your head with his ass.
“Are you fucking kidding me Noah! I get you’re fucking mad, but this is fucked up,” you screamed through the thick blankets slowly realizing your position.
“You’ve already done enough, please don’t fucking Dutch oven me, what are you 12,” you heard no response. Instead you felt Noah lean over, slightly lifting his right cheek. Based on what you’d been through you assumed the worst and prepared to hold your breath, but instead of an obnoxious fart you heard the TV turn on, which honestly made you more upset.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Let me ou-“
“Please it’s getting so hot under here.” After getting cut off by a 6 second fart you attempted a different approach maybe anger and frustration was just fueling his frustration with you, you tried to sound helpless under him.
“I told you I’m not letting you out until I feel better,” he stated. You heard his voice faintly and all hope of getting out flooded out of you.
“Please,” you whimpered, but you were just met with another fart. All you could see bedsides the blanket over your face was his asshole and balls between his thighs just above your head. The way he sat you were inches away from him.
“God I’m still fucking freezing.” You heard from above you before he leaned over again. You heard a few beeps and then an additional sound of crackling as your feet began to get warmer, and then the rest of your body. A strong heat began to fill the room. He remotely turned on the electronic fireplace you had previously convinced him to purchase for the wintertime. Fuck him, he was rubbing it in. The heat of the predicament you were in made you boil, not only physically but emotionally. He had gone way too far.
“Achoo!” You heard from above you as Noah’s body tensed up and a loud quick fart forced its way out.
“Uh oh,” you muttered to yourself, as Noah sneezed six more times each time followed by a quick toot.
“This is all your fault you know,” Noah said annoyed. He softly slapped the blanket where your face was and let out another fart. You groaned and tried to pull free.
“I’ve more than repaid,” you called back annoyed.
“Yeah and who decides that,” Noah asked smugly.
“Fuck you,” you retorted. Annoyed and tired. Your nostrils burnt and your body was sweaty. You could only imagine the state of Noahs body. You could tell there was sweat accumulating below his balls, because little beads formed on the thick hairs.
“What Christmas movie should I watch,” he asked, and although you were tempted not to answer you still called out to him,
“What about Frozen?”
“Really? That’s a weird one,” he responded.
“We’ll it’s not a typical Christmas movie, but it’s about winter and family.”
“It’s ok I’ll wait so we can watch it together, you still haven’t seen the second one right.”
“Aww, you’ll marathon with me?”
“Of course.”
The conversation felt all too normal for the circumstances, and a harsh reality check hit you as,
A 7 second fart rang out, and you could feel the warmth radiate under the covers. You heard Noah sigh in relief as this large mass of toxins was released from his insides, and directly inhaled into yours. You wanted to complain, but realized it was futile.
“Why don’t you watch Home Alone,” you asked.
“I don’t know if I want to give you any ideas,” Noah joked. Shifting his body a little.
“What, like this.”
“No, anyone can fart on someone. You’d come up with something clever and fucking evil if I let you.”
“Guess you’re lucky your the strong one,” you quipped jokingly.
Again the conversation was ended by a sizable fart. You sighed and spoke up again,
“Just be basic and watch the Grinch.”
“But which one.”
“The older one, obviously.”
“Yeah I guess.”
You heard the movie start, and the volume turn louder, presumably for you to hear. Noah was so fucked up, only he could be torturing you and caring for you at the same time.
As you heard the movie continue you felt Noah’s body slouch, and his weight get heavier. You could tell he had fallen asleep, and accepted that you wouldn’t get out of this Dutch Oven tonight.
“Fuck,” you groaned to yourself as you closed your eyes. The night was filled with countless more farts, but you eventually, somehow dozed off.
When you woke up you were breathing fresh air, and face to face with Noah.
“Good morning my love, I hope you liked your Christmas present,” Noah greeted.
“I did,” you said kissing him quickly.
“Now let’s get out of bed. You need to brush your teeth, your breath stinks.” You laughed nudging him out of bed. He let out a gross breath blowing air into your face as you two got up.
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imtheasssniffer · 3 years ago
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(Lmao sorry if the writing style changes towards the end of this, this story has been in my drafts for years, and I’ve grown just a little bit, this also commences the first of the three picked! I hope you guys enjoy)
Bussy Brunch lol
Eden was a very gassy guy, it was one of the first things you learned about him, when you two started dating. He farted constantly, even on your first date, at lunch, you remembered watching him lean over, and blasting a fart that echoed through the restaurant. He died laughing, and you knew he meant it as a warning, but for you, the desperate pig you were, it was what made him your dream man. He found his extreme gassiness and flatulence hilarious, but to you saw his farts as religious. He loved that you were so turned on by his farts. He would always fart around you to see how hard you could get. He your fetish as a game, and you were the overly eager player, willing to be subjected to whatever he wanted. This meant that you’d get farted on constantly. Even in public. And today, was no exception.
You’re both off of work on Saturday’s, and as a result you two made an agreement to try and do one thing together each Saturday. Eden woke you up early, and asked you about brunch. You agreed, tired, but willing. There was a new spot a couple of blocks from where you lived, and he’d been wanting to try it out, so today was the perfect day. You laid in bed allowing yourself to wake up, as he got dressed. You watched him get ready for the day, the way he softly played with his hair, and gently grabbed his clothes, unfolding them, and laying them out. You watched as he struggled to fit his pants over his bubble butt, bouncing to slide his ample ass into the beautifully, form fitting waistband, which you were pretty sure he was doing to show off, but you could never complain, watching his fat jiggle, and fall into place was serene. He put on deodorant, and brushed his teeth, and then came back into the room. Sliding a t-shirt over his head,
“Come on, I don’t want to miss the breakfast menu,” he said. You groaned, and began to crawl out of bed. You followed a similar routine to him, only with less grace.
As you two left your apartment, you followed Eden, holding his hand. He opened the front door, and then abruptly stopped, turning his head to look at you.
“Babe I forgot something,” he said with a concerned expression. Caught off guard by his abruptness you also got concerned.
“What?” You asked quizzically, starting to turn towards the apartment.
“My morning kiss,” he said with a grin now growing on his face.
You felt your hand warm up, realizing that he had guided it to his ass for the sole purpose of this prank.
“Whatever,” you said blushing. Your dick bounced in your pants a little as you leaned in to kiss him.
“Good morning,” he said, pulling away and catching his breath after the somewhat passionate kiss you two shared. You inhaled as deeply as you could, before Eden dragged you away.
You two walked to the brunch spot, which was an easy trek. It really was a convenient location, if the food was good. As you two sat down Eden grabbed your hand, and smiled,
“Thanks for coming.” You smiled back,
“Of course, you’ve been wanting to come since they started building this place,” you reassured.
“I love you,” Eden replied warmly, you started to respond, but a loud vibration echoed from his seat, and you went quiet, feeling your face burn red. You watched as he fanned the air towards you, and laughed.
“Ooh that stinks, just imagine, after this,” he said jokingly. You inhaled as discretely as possible, and Eden laughed at your attempts.
“There sniff that up.”
“Oh my god, what is your problem,” you said, embarrassed. And he laughed again amusing himself with the fact that your were obviously uncomfortable. You stood a menu up to cover your face, and then heard another fart, you heard him, and out of desperation blurted,
“Come on dude.” You placed your menu down, and looked at his smiling face.
“Leave some for me,” you said jokingly trying to match his energy, but it just made his goofy smile turn wicked, after that his gassy rampage didn’t interrupt brunch.
The place was good, and the fact that your stomach was gurgling and gassy after eating meant that it had sufficed in providing you a meal for when you got back home. If you were feeling gassy, that means that Eden was about to nuke the apartment. As you two walked back home, albeit slowly, groggy from the uncontrollable way you both stuffed your faces, he kept ripping ass, letting little toots escape his ass. By consequence you spent most of the journey behind him.
When you two made it back to the apartment, you didn’t even give him time to recoup, he was usually the dominant one, but as soon as the front door closed, you grappled him, picking him up, and kissing him. As he wrapped his legs around you he let out a sick fart, that sounded uncomfortably wet, he released his mouth from yours to moan, which then turned to a disgusting burp. The stench was wicked. His burp was potent, a reminder of the meal you had both just consumed, but tainted, in a vile way. Smelling meaty and strong, mixed with the scent of his sick fart made your legs weak. You almost dropped him as your knees buckled by the sheer euphoria you felt. You moaned, and Eden smiled, leaning back in for a kiss, you placed your lips on his, and then you felt his hand on the back of your head.
Edens mouth tensed, as he belched down your throat. The smile made you gag, and you pulled away, almost in a dry-heave. He laughed, and you couldn’t help but moan,
“Fuck!” You nearly ran, with him wrapped around you to the bedroom, bumping into multiple things on your way. You were in such a horny daze, that it didn’t matter. He leaned back in to kiss you as he ripped another fart, you moaned into his mouth, and busted into the bedroom. Before he knew what was happening you slammed his body onto the bed. He seemed disoriented for a second, but you immediately started taking off your clothes, and he followed. He took off his shirt to reveal the little bloated belly he had, and by the time he got to his pants you had already dove in, he was barely able to get his fly down, when you planted your face into his crotch. Getting the memo, he grabbed your head, forcing you deeper, and,
Let out a 4 second fart that smelled so rank, it had the same meaty flavor as his burps, but more refined, and less sickly. You hugged at his jeans, sniffing as the smell faded from the heavy cotton fabric. After you got all you could you pulled away, yanking at his pants to get them off. You sat up on your knees pulling them down, and Eden thrusted the air lifting his ass off the bad so you could get them down. He stayed in this position, which you understood as an invitation. You planted your face under his ass, and he dropped it on you. Farting as he not so graciously slammed his ass on your face. His thin briefs were potent with the stench of his blast, and you could smell the remainder of the past. You moaned into his ass, as he farted again. You received it with your open mouth choking on the rancid air, coughing as a familiar and toxic meaty flavor offended your taste buds,
“Eat it up,” Eden demanded. You wrapped your arms around his stomach, feeling it rumble with your palms, you firmly pressed down, and like a whoopee cushion, all the air rushed out,
A 12 second fart surprised you, as you nearly screamed into his ass from pure ecstasy. You heard him let out a satisfied moan as well. Your nose burnt a little, but you continued hugging his ass, not wanting to miss the heavenly vile scent Eden was producing. You pressed down on his stomach again and,
A wet sounding fart warmed up your face. This time lasting 6 seconds. He was a ticking time bomb, any second now you’d be on the receiving end of a minute of constant flatulence.
Craving more you pressed on his stomach again, harder, massaging his belly in a circular motion. You felt him tense, and raise off of you. Sliding his briefs down, before slamming on your face, his hole was puckered, he was holding it in, and you continued to massage, you heard him groan, and you moaned in anticipation.
“Fuck, babe, I’m about to blow up your ducking face.” As if on cue a loud gurgle rang through his intestines as gas bubbles down his digestive tract to add more pressure to his puckered hole. You felt his hand over yours, as he pushed down even harder. His insides let out a roar, and then Boom,
Eden moaned, almost uncontrollably as 46 seconds worth of pressure and gas flooded out of his hole, and onto your willing face. You came, barely touching yourself, your dick erupted as 46 seconds of the most vile scent filled your nose. 46 seconds of Eden’s nude hole gaping over your nose to release its toxic fumes. 46 seconds of relief and pleasure and dominance for Eden who sat on your face, releasing himself of all the built up gas. You choked. Thrown into a coughing fit as he finished he rolled off of you, jerking off, almost as turned on as you by the monster he ripped.
As you caught your breath, you glared back at him, he looked up at you, and again, in an act of rare dominance you pushed him down, following your lead he laid down. You massaged down to his thighs.
“Flip over,” you stated harshly. Without a word Eden complied. You stared at his ass. Smooth, with slight hair around the hole, and now sweaty from his exertion. Your mouth was practically watering. Without the faintest hint of grace, you dove in, lapping up the sweat around his rim. Biting the mounds of fat in pure list, enticing a wince from Eden. Your tongue entered his hole, and you both moaned almost harmoniously.
“Just fuck me,” he moaned placing his head on a pillow. You mumbled a “no” into his ass, and kept licking, getting high off of the sexual ecstasy you were feeling. You then pulled out to respond.
“I’m not done yet.” And then you resumed. You pulled away once more to stick a finger in. Eden moaned again, and then you stuck a second. With your other hand you placed a third in his hole, and then stretched his hole out, using both hands to broaden the rim. Eden moaned once more, he was getting frustrated. You spit into his hole, and then stood up.
Your dick was rock hard, it was one of the most painful erections you’d ever had. You slapped your dick against his ass cheek, making a satisfying slapping noise, that was warning Eden of the pleasure and pain to come his way. You slid your dick down his crack, and then slowly entered his hole. Eden again moaned, and moved his entire body closer to you, placing you deeper inside of him. Your body tingled at the heavenly sensation, and your knees went week.
“Fuck, babe.” It was so good you wanted to cry. He was now looking back at you with a satisfied grin. You began to slide deeper and with more speed, as his hole had opened to you. As you fucked him you couldn’t help but go fast, you were so horny, weak from sheer bliss, you leaned forward placing your hands on his back, and as your weight was applied, he struck again. A fart vibrated around your dick, and you stood still, feeling it warm up your balls. You took a deep inhale, and then resumed fucking him with a harsh speed. Eden chuckled, and then another fart heated up your penis.
“Don’t stop,” you begged, the feeling of sheer bliss filling you up. You pressed on his back again, and a powerful fart took you out. You couldn’t help but spray deep within his insides with your seed. You nearly collapsed as you came again.
“Fuck, fuck you,” you moaned. Nearly screaming as Eden looked back at you. Knowing he hasn’t cum yet, you got down on your knees, and sucked him off. After he came he fell asleep, and you left the room, letting him rest.
When you walked back into your bedroom Eden was laying ass up in bed. He’d gotten his briefs back on, but the sight of his thin briefs doing a poor job of covering his hole made your cock start to get hard again. Goddamn he was so cute. You slowly crept to the edge of your bed stifling a moan as your dick rubbed against the tight constraints of your own briefs. You ran your fingers up and down his calf as you admired the view of his body in this position. As if it couldn’t get any better you heard a small toot escape his ass. Your dick nearly tore a hole through your underwear, as it throbbed. Although it was a small expulsion. The smell from his little fart quickly flooded your nostrils. It was rank. It smelled of meat and sewage. How could such a beautiful man create such a foul smell. After a couple of deep inhales you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed to get in his ass to soak up every last molecule of gas that he had released, you still weren’t satisfied from earlier. You dove into his ass face first. As your face sank into his taint you grabbed his thighs and greedily sniffed the remnants of his past fart. Getting a quick taste of it from the remaining warmth in his underwear.
Of course this woke him up. Eden groaned at the familiar sensation of your face in his ass.
“Really babe this is the second time today. You’ve stuck your face in my ass. Can’t I catch a break,” he teased. After he said that he then,
He pressed a 5 second fart out of his hole, and directly down your throat. It boomed out of his ass, the dramatic and objectively humorous sound made him start laughing as its vibrations echoed into your mouth. The taste was intense it smelled like a pre-shit fart. He turned around and pushed your head out of his ass. You reluctantly pulled away.
“Ok babe. I’ll fart for you, but I have to take a shit, so tread lightly.” He smirked as he said it knowing that you didn’t care about his warning. This got a chuckle from him, as he opened his legs, and shoved your face in his taint.
“Just cause I’m holding back, doesn’t mean I’ll disappoint.”
“Holy shit,” Toni hollered laughing at the enormous 12 second fart that escaped his ass. It was hot, and you felt it’s warmth move from his ass hole to your face. You looked up at him. He was scrunching his face and grunting.
“What the fuck.” Toni was in a laughing fit. While you were nearly cumming already. He ripped a 21 second long fart. It was shitty and rank. and you inhaled as much as you could. You felt him tense, and then start to move.
“I’m gonna take a shit, because I’m not tryna shart on your cute face,” he said grabbing your face and smushing your cheeks. Keeping a slightly mischievous grin the whole time. As he got out of bed he tea-bagged you. Rubbing his ass across your face. Purposefully dragging himself across you. As he got up he let out a small toot. Desperate, you crawled behind him, as he started walking to the restroom.
“I’ll come with you,” you pleaded. Looking up at him. Eden turned around and looked down at you. A smirk grew on his face, and he said,
“Of course you will you filthy fucking pig.” You felt your face light up, and started to stand, but he put his hand on your shoulder and pushed you back down.
“No, you stay on the floor. I want to know you receive all my gifts as I walk.” After he said this Eden pushed your face into his ass and,
A 6 second fart boomed against your face.
“Now come on babe. I’m not waiting for you.” By the time you came to, you realized he left you behind. You quickly caught up to him keeping your nose a couple inches from his ass the entire time. Every couple of seconds you could hear a squeak or a hiss from Eden’s ass, and you knew you were in for a treat.
He made it to the bathroom and stopped abruptly causing your face to collide with his ass. You felt your nose graze his hole and that’s when he struck. Eden grabbed the back of your head and rubbed deep into his crack.
“Babe I got an itch. Do you think you could get it for me.” After saying this he proceeded to,
“Ah thanks babe.” The 4 second fart was distinctly shittier than any of the other farts that you smelled earlier. He dropped his underwear and sat in the toilet. You instantly dove for his briefs sniffing what ever you could out of them. Smelling the wet spot of your seed, and his sweat, and the slight stains from his balls. After a couple of seconds of silence it sounded like bombs were going off in the toilet bowl. You could hear his stream of piss splashing down, and a loud torrent of farts echoing into the bowl. You were almost jealous of its position until you heard his fat shit plop into it. You looked up at him concentrating and your dick throbbed. He grabbed his dick and dripped it dry. He then looked at you with a devilish grin on his face. You knew what it meant. You lunged at his dick. Ready to serve the man that you were so lucky to have. You tasted a fee droplets of piss on his dick, but it didn’t bother you. You sucked his dick as he plopped another disgusting log into the bowl. Before you knew it. He had blown his load, and was wiping his ass to get off the toilet. You sat back with his cum on your lips, and he laughed at you.
“You know I’ve never got a blumpkin before. I guess I can cross that one off the bucket list.” You both laughed after he said that, and Eden got up to wash his hands.
“Are you sure you still want to keep your nose in there?” He teased going back to bed.
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imtheasssniffer · 3 years ago
Ok you guys. I feel really bad, cause I haven’t posted anything in forever, and I have so much in my drafts. I have some stories that are finished/nearly completed, and some that have literally nothing. So I’m going to let you guys pick what I should publish. I’ll take 3 numbers between 1 and 64. And whatever you pick, I’ll finish and post. Please don’t let this flop. I will not disappoint this time I swear, I will deliver.
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imtheasssniffer · 3 years ago
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Christmas Chronicles 2021: Noah (Part 1)
“Yeah, you look great!” When your boyfriend Noah agreed to take holiday photos for you, he had no idea this is what you had in mind.
“It’s fucking freezing, can you hurry up?” You made him strip down in the freezing snow to get sexy Christmas photos.
“Can you try not to look so tense?” You played him. You got the whole Santa costume which he put on joyously, laughing in excitement about being your subject. Only to be told to take it off in the freezing temperatures.
“Fuck you.” You almost felt bad, but seeing him naked was worth the guilt.
Noah offered to drive home, and you took him up on that offer, the site for your photo shoot was nearly a two hour drive, and you were glad to not have that responsibility. So, after Noah got fully dressed, and you put all of the equipment in the back you two took off for home. The ride started silent, and you saw Noah shivering. His right hand rested on the middle console, and you grabbed it. Circling your fingers around the icy cold ridges of his hand bones.
“Sorry I made you do that. At least the photos came out good,” you said apologetically. He silently nodded, and looked at the road. The guilt was starting to eat at you. You played with his hand trying to warm it up, as if it would fix what you had done.
“I know you’re mad at me, and-“
“I just need to warm up,” he interrupted. Pulling his hand away from you and turning the car AC temperature even higher. You were starting to sweat, but you figured since you forced him into the freezing cold, you could sit through this. You wanted to say something, but couldn’t think of what would make the situation better, so you just stared at him. Uou watched as he shuffled, lifting his right cheek and pointing his ass towards you.
A thick potent meaty scent filled the car quickly, amplified by the warm air. Noah looked at you, with a stern look still on his face, and then you heard the windows lock. You knew Noah was a gassy guy, you’d dated him for nearly two years, but he’d never trapped you in a fart. You held your nose, unsure of what to say or do. The air in the car felt thick, and it was hard to breathe. And then you heard another rumble from his seat, much more quiet, but still audible.
“Noah…” you mumbled looking at him with wide eyes. The edge of his mouth curled in a lopsided smirk, and you watched as his brows furrowed, and his face focused, before another loud unapologetic fart rang out from his ass.
“This is your punishment, and if I get sick, you’re smelling every single one until I feel better.” Terror filled your body. The smell was so intense it was making you nauseous. You grabbed his arm, and he glanced at you before cutting another large fart.
“Please-“ you tried to plead.
“No, no, no. After what you put me through,” he paused.
“You deserve to suffer,” he said with a smile. A low rumble echoed up the back of his seat, and though the temperature in the car was boiling, you got the chills.
As you approached your home, you began to feel fatigued. Noah laughed at your weak state every time he looked at you. He continued gassing out the car until you pulled up to the drive way.
“Are you ready for fresh air,” he joked, and you weakly laughed. Excited to finally breathe something other than his ass fumes. But as you were unbuckling you heard it. And looked over towards him full of fear. A sneeze rang loud and clear, and as your eyes met Noah’s, a sick smile crept on his face.
“Oh, you’re fucked!” You reached to open the door, and heard as it clicked locked. Then Noah jumped out of his seat, slammed his door, and ran around to you, using the key to unlock your door from the outside. The cold air strung your nostrils, new and chilling. And then he scooped you from your seat into his arms, and carried you inside. The whole time you thought,
‘Figures that even when sick he’s stronger than you.’ You didn’t even fight back. Noah would win. He always did. You started to second guess exploiting your buff, gassy boyfriend. You looked up at the sky as he carried you towards the front door. Once under the porch you looked at him. He was so handsome and cruel.
He took you straight to bed throwing your body down like a rag doll.
“Stay there,” he said leaving to go undress. You didn’t dare rebel, you knew better. He’d just catch you. You laid there contemplating. He’d never been mad at you before, and you’d never been afraid of him before. But now it was different. His smile wasn’t sweet, his muscles weren’t hot, his farts weren’t gross yet endearing. He was scary.
You heard his footsteps stomp back. They were all you could hear. You just stared at the ceiling, as you waited for him. You then felt indents on the bed, and began to look up, but there was no need, as you saw him stand over you naked. He squatted planting his hairy pink hole over your face. It was slick, and sweaty. The car ride, wasn’t just to trap you, it was to make your punishment later even worse. He began to bounce his butt up and down, rubbing his hole over your face. The hairs tickling your skin. And his smooth hole puckered over your lips,
You accepted it, knowing there was nothing else he’d let you do. He laughed, and then planted his whole weight on your face. This causing his hole to push your top lip up, and open your mouth. You began to struggle, and tried to push him off. But Noah grabbed your hands, and held you down.
“Oh no you don’t.”
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imtheasssniffer · 3 years ago
Hey guys I’m sorry for not posting in forever, this year has been very difficult and hectic for me, and my blog hasn’t really been a priority, however I’ve still been active, and have noticed that I’ve reached over 2,000 followers! So I wanted to say thank you, and also I will try posting the second part of Worth it, as a memento. I have a couple of finished stories in my drafts that will probably come out after the second part is completed. Thank you guys for being gross and supporting my blog. It’s nice to know that there’s a community out there for everyone lol
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I’m thinking of writing little short stories until the second part of worth it comes out, so look out for that.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
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Dire Situations
(I’m sorry, but could y’all imagine eating an ass like this? Literally he’s so thiccc, and for what? And ooh the underwear, and the flow from his ass to his taint, and then his balls. I would love to just put my face in there, and do nothing. This man looks damn tasty. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.)
Living with your fuck buddy was a weird turn of events that both of you had to grow accustomed to. After a long string of hardships, you needed a place to stay, and eventually you both mutually decided to be roommates full time. It was great, he was really considerate of your space and belongings, but the sex was nonstop, you honestly had to stop having sex, because it was occupying most of your time, but being the horny brat he was, he always found a way to rope you into fucking. Usually by exploiting your dirty fetishes and kinks to get your attention.
This meant he would stink up the apartment with his pheromones and thick stench, causing you to constantly be horny while at home. He went about this, by oftentimes walking around naked, and while you weren’t home, rubbing his body on everything. He’d slide his asshole across the countertops, douse the couch cushions in his sweaty armpits, hide his socks under the rug. Then when he could tell the smell was getting to you he’d lounge around in his underwear, and he’d offer his body.
Today as you walked out of your room, you saw him laying on the couch, watching tv. You smiled and nodded at him, and he smirked back. You popped a boner almost immediately as you entered the living room, the air felt thick with the smell of musk and ass. You began to stumble into the kitchen, where the smell of ass was even stronger, you felt your knees buckle, as your dick strained in your underwear, and your body got the chills. You lightly moaned and he looked back at you juggling his ass.
“Is everything alright,” he asked smugly.
“Stop,” You groaned half-annoyed, and half ready to jump the counter.
“Sorry if it smells, I’ve been super gassy today,” he said, while releasing a small poot. You chuckled as you weakly walked to the fridge, your mind was so occupied with his ass, and stench that you could barely even function.
“What’s the matter, are you hungry,” he said sarcastically, still shaking his ass. You heard him smack it, and nearly fell to your knees.
“Fine,” you yelled, slamming the fridge shut, and stomping over to him. He let out an evil giggle, as you neared him and then stripped him of his underwear, pulling them down so swiftly, he didn’t even get up. He was about to speak, but you just grabbed his hair, and told him to shut up. An evil smirk grew on his face as your hand traced down his back to his ass, and you stuck your finger inside. He lightly moaned, as you probed his ass with your finger. Then you pulled it out and sniffed it. You couldn’t help but moan at the scent. You sucked your finger, and then dove face first into his hole sniffing his crack, all the way down to his balls. You roughly began to smooch and lick his area, before focusing on his hole. First lightly tickling the rim with your tongue, and then sticking your tongue deep inside of him. Flicking your tongue against his slick innards. Your moans got deeper as you completely gave into your lust.
“You want to taste these sweet sweet farts,” he said jokingly.
“Don’t taunt me,” you replied briefly coming out for air.
“I want to hear you beg.” You simply slapped his ass as hard as you could, watching it turn red. He let out a startled and pained yelp.
“I don’t beg, that’s your job,” you joked. You stuck your face back into his ass, and began to massage his lower back. You heard a slight grumble, and you felt him tighten his hole.
“Just so we’re clear I don’t beg either.” Ignoring him you stuck your tongue as deeply as you could into his hole, and as you did you felt a wave of hot retched air tickle your taste buds and warm up your face. The taste was far more rancid than you imagined, and you began to cough.
“Goddamn no wonder it smells so bad out here. What the fuck did you eat,” you complained between coughs.
“I like to treat my pig.” Trying your best to ignore his comment you simply squeezed his thighs, and slammed your face back into his ass, and inhaled deeply, trying to find any remnants of the fart.
“Calm down bitch-“ he tried to speak, but you interrupted saying,
“Keep talking and I’ll fuck your mouth so hard, you won’t be able to speak for a week.” You heard him moan, as you placed your face back in his ass, and you expected him to rebut, but instead,
A hot steamy fart startled you. It lasted 8 seconds, and you tried your best not to choke on it’s devastating stench. It came out like a chainsaw, and you couldn’t help but start humping the couch, as you just became hornier.
“Now that you’re busy, I just want to say,” he started
“That just cause you’re the top, does not mean you call the shots.” He ended with a groan, before another,
“Don’t forget, who makes you so horny you can’t even function. Piggy!”
By the end you could tell he was straining. You felt light-headed as you had pretty much inhaled all of what was nearly 40 seconds worth of farts. He let out a deep moan, as he finished, and you could feel his taint swell, as his dick got harder.
You pulled your face out of his ass, and moaned,
“Fuck you.”
“Why don’t you,” he smirked back at you, pointing to the giant bottle of lube on the coffee table. You couldn’t help but smirk.
“You’re such a fucking whore,” you laughed out of breath. After slicking down your dick, you slap his hole to apply more lube, causing him to wince.
“Oh fuck, you look so delicious,�� you mutter, still slightly out of breath from eating his ass, and swallowing his farts. You then roughly shove your dick inside of him causing him to nearly screech at the instant, and deep penetration. You only get hornier, as you heard him moan. You began to ferociously fuck him, now you were too horny to go slow, you just wanted to cum. Plus you didn’t feel bad being rough after he ran his mouth, while yours was full. You leaned forward, and grabbed his hair, pulling him back.
“Watch your mouth, brat. Don’t forget whose dick you’re fiending over.” You then slammed his face into the couch, putting your weight on top until you began to spray his insides with your seed.
After you slid out of him you both slumped over on top of the couch cuddling.
“I gotta move out,” you teased.
“You say that every time, but it’s been four weeks and you’re still here.”
“Fine I gotta get a boyfriend,” you said more jokingly.
“Then I’ll just have a new toy.”
“Please I won’t let you get your sleazy hands on my man,” you said into his ear.
“Please I’ll get him to tease you just like me.”
“And then your hole will run dry?”
You both laughed as you rubbed your chin on the top of his head.
“You need me,” he rebutted.
“Yeah to make me a sandwich,” you said tickling his ribs, and wrestling him off the couch.
“I fucked you, you make me food, it’s fair,” you said, as you smacked his ass. He scoffed and walked towards the kitchen, and you got comfortable, as you watched his as his ass jiggled with each step, and a wet spot formed in his underwear.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned.
The wet spot widened as cum shot out from his ass.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
Are there plans to make a sequel to Worth It?
Yes. I just haven’t been writing for some reason... I think that I’ve been so stressed and overworked for so long, that I forgot how to relax. I used to get comfortable and write, but now I just sleep. Literally anywhere, anytime. It’s been a while since I haven’t had to get sleep any chance I got. But short answer is yes. I have a lot of stories in mind, I just need to get it together so I can start/continue writing them.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
I’m sorry for not publishing a story this week, I’ll try to post it tomorrow. I’ve just been busy for a while and this was my first weekend without any plans, or obligations, so I was lazy and played video games for the first time in 2021... and got a little carried away. As an apology here is a snippet from the second part of the Jeremiah saga:
Taking the hint you glided down his thighs with your hands and placed your mouth on the head of his dick. He let out a pleasured moan, as you started to bob your head up and down. Dunking your head into the bathwater each time. As you continued to give Jeremiah a blow job you felt him rest his hand on your head, eventually pressing firmly against the back of your head. Holding you under the water against his dick. He could tell you were running out of breath and that’s when he struck.
bbBbBBbBrRRrRr A 3 second fart rippled through the tub echoing across the metal. You felt the bubbles rise up and tickle your face some going in your nose and forcing you to suffer the scent of rotten eggs and meat. After a couple of seconds of forcing you to endure nothing but his ass stench Jeremiah finally let you up for air.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
Did you ever figure out whether or not you were going to write out a story about the dream you had with the giant trapped in a cage on the cruise ship? I really liked what you had written so far about it.
I do still want to write that story, but I haven’t started it yet. It’s going to be a very long winded series, and I don’t have time to write something like that rn. But yes! I do plan on writing it one day.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
Do you know the story of that one boy who gets forced by his uncle to sniff his feet? I dont know who made the story but it was such a great story and i cant find it
I have no clue tbh. I know of a lot of stories regarding uncles, and forced scenarios, but I don’t remember any with feet. Sorry.
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imtheasssniffer · 4 years ago
I know you said it's not your thing but your scat story was amazing!
Thank you. Tbh I was nervous to post it, like I said I was in a mood, and was just fixated on the idea, I’m sure I’ll be in the mood again sometime lol, so it probably won’t be the only scat story I write.
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