#The Young Poisoner's Handbook
ulrichgebert · 7 months
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Der putzige psychopathische Serienmörder Graham Young vergiftet seine Familie und Freunde aus wissenschaftlichem Interesse, schreibt ein Handbuch für junge Giftmischer und wird aufgrund seiner überragenden Intelligenz nach einem Aufenthalt in der Psychiatrie als geheilt entlassen, um unbeirrt mit seinen Kollegen weiterzumachen. Dafür wie eigentlich nicht lustig das ist, ist es recht lustig.
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
What is the best way to learn plant identification for rescue plants? I'm hoping to try doing some plant rescuing soon from sidewalks and suchlike, but how do I learn what I'm looking at? Are there good digital resources for young plants? Most of what I know how to find uses mature plants as examples.
(In reference to my policy against seedbombing, with my caveat that if you want to commit mild botanical crime - a natural human impulse - you might as well rescue baby trees that would otherwise be killed)
Depending on how you learn best, you might like to:
1. Download an app like iNaturalist or PlantNet to ID plants by snapping a picture with your phone and uploading it to be identified by image recognition.
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2. Find a visual chart of common leaf types and learn to identify common trees (i.e. oak, maple, etc.) - a worthy activity anyway. Some visual aids are styled like flowcharts, like this one.
3. Find a handbook for your area, ditto.
4. Learn the characteristics of saplings as opposed to soft-stemmed annual plants so you can categorise plants of interest. I personally find it easier to spot the pale baby leaves, crown-shaped tops and woody singular stems of baby saplings than to pick out unfamiliar leaf shapes in a bunch of conflicting shapes, although it’s surprisingly easy to pick out the ones you know best. A naturalist would call this spotting the tree by its habit; the innate characteristics that make something tree-ish.
Note that if you have noxious plants in your area like stinging nettles or poison ivy, you’ll want to have a good idea of what they look like before grabbing/touching plants you don’t recognise.
And good luck! Welcome to a lovely journey!
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
Everything you wanted to know about Sandworms, but were afraid to ask. Stolen screenshots from The Handbook for the Recently Deceased. In fair condition, with some minor pencil marks and writing. 
For those who would prefer to read it straight up, please continue below the cut.
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From the pages of The Handbook for the Recently Deceased:
Sandworms! The scourge of Saturn, eaters of the dead foolish enough to cross their paths! 
Sandworms are native to the desert sands of Saturn, but other species can be found in other places too. Hydroworms on Neptune, Aborealworms slithering through the trees on Venus … they’re everywhere. However, Sandworms are the biggest and most vicious, and they’re our focus today. What’s their biology? Should they be so feared? Why does the self-acclaimed Ghost with the Most hate them so much? Let’s find out!
1.) The young are born live. They come out hungry and squirming; they have to be quick to bury themselves because mama Sandworm is not above eating them as a snack. The little ones spend most of their youth in the upper layers of the sands of Saturn, eating whatever they can find (the bugs and tiny rodents that live in the desert, or each other).
2.) As they grow, they burrow deeper. This provides protection as well as makes them stronger, because tunneling through packed substrate is more difficult than shifting sands. 
3.) Of note are the red eyespots and striped fangs of the false head. The true, primary head with its yellow eyes is smaller and protected by the secondary head while burrowing, or if a ‘worm needs to project a larger size, especially when it is young. As it matures, the primary head is shielded less frequently.
4.) Also of note is the dorsal fin. This is present at birth. It helps stabilize a Sandworm as it tunnels through loose sand, and luckily can provide an early warning that one is near, as it is visible before much, if any, other bodily part of the ‘worm is seen!
5.) Although rarely above ground, they can hunt by sight. However, most of their hunting is done through vibration; they can detect footfalls from a hundred yards away as they lie in wait for prey. 
6.) Only the strongest and most vicious reach adult size. Like some earthly reptiles, their full size is based on how much they get to eat and how long they live. The largest Sandworm recorded was close to ninety feet!
7.) Females tend not to breed until they are at least thirty feet long. Males can breed at a smaller size, but run the risk of being eaten before, during, or after mating if there is a marked size difference between the two of them. 
8.) Unlike some dimorphic species, Sandworm coloration is not based on gender. They all have the same distinct, vivid colors. Their stripes and bright colors warn off potential predators that they are poisonous if eaten. And as if their multiple fangs and size weren’t enough to concern someone, they are also venomous! If the ‘worm is large enough, a bite can inject both a neurotoxin and hemotoxin that will affect respiration and eventually paralyzation, as well as cause tissue damage, swelling, and immediate pain at the site. The hemotoxin component destroys red blood cells, and may aid in the Sandworm’s digestion of its prey.
9.) Like all dangerous animals, it is not recommended to keep them as a pet. Their aggressiveness, high levels of lethal venom, and their demanding feeding schedule make them difficult keepers. However, there are some kept in captivity in the Netherworld in zoological gardens for the entertainment and education of deceased children and the newly dead. Many of these are young wormlings; no facility keeps an adult above twenty feet.
10.) Some less reputable sideshows have adverts declaring they have “rare, live, adult thirty foot Sandworms!” but most of those are less deadly species painted in stripes to resemble a ‘worm. A fake can be determined by whether or not it has teal lips, as those are the most difficult area to paint.
11.) Cautionary stories of Sandworms biting or consuming them for not doing their chores or disobeying their elders are common threatening techniques told to demonic or ghostly children in the Netherworld. (It could be speculated that Lawerence Betelguese Shoggoth was a recipient of these frightening tales, hence, his not-unfounded hatred and fear of the creatures.)
In summary, as the alpha predator in its environment, the Sandworm demands respect. They are dangerous and aggressive, and it is best to stay out of their way. If you find yourself outside your haunting, make haste to the nearest door or you could become another tragic victim of a Sandworm attack!
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alightinthelantern · 6 months
Books read and movies watched in 2023 (July to December):
Bolded verdicts (Yes!/Yes/Eh/No/NO) are links to more in-depth reviews!
Books (fiction):
The Starless Sea (Erin Morgenstern): No
The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina (Zoraida Córdova): Yes
Brave New World (Aldous Huxley): No
The Association of Small Bombs (Karan Mahajan): No
Pond (Claire-Louise Bennett): NO
Heaven (Mieko Kawakami): No
The Verifiers (Jane Pek): No
The Old Capital (Yasunari Kawabata): No
Falling Man (Don DeLillo): No
A Free Life (Ha Jin): Yes
People of the Book (Geraldine Brooks): No
The Spectacular (Fiona Davis): No
Klara and the Sun (Kazuo Ishiguro): Yes
Children of the Jacaranda Tree (Sahar Delijani): No
This Place: 150 Years Retold (anthology): Yes
Books (nonfiction):
The Forgetting River (Doreen Carvajal): Eh
Valiant Women: The Extraordinary American Servicewomen Who Helped Win World War II (Lena S. Andrews): Yes
Mozart's Starling (Lyanda Lynn Haupt): Yes
Poetic Form & Poetic Meter (Paul Fussell): No
Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry (David Mason & John Frederick Nims): No
A Poetry Handbook (Mary Oliver): Yes
We Should Not Be Friends (Will Schwalbe): No
Seen from All Sides (Sydney Lea): No
Books (poetry):
Afterworlds (Gwendolyn MacEwen): Eh
Sailing Alone Around the Room (Billy Collins): Yes
Be With (Forrest Gander): No
Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (William Carlos Williams): Yes
Horoscopes For the Dead (Billy Collins): No
The Wild Iris (Louise Gluck): Eh
Moon Crossing Bridge (Tess Gallagher): Yes
Who Shall Know Them? (Faye Kicknosway): Yes
Great Blue (Brendan Galvin): No
Collected Poems (Basil Bunting): Eh
Paterson (William Carlos Williams): No
Selected Poems (Donald Justice): No
Dear Ghosts, (Tess Gallagher): No
The Death of Sitting Bear (N. Scott Momaday): No
Evidence (Mary Oliver): No
What Have I Ever Lost by Dying? (Robert Bly): Yes
Blessing the Boats (Lucille Clifton): Yes
Source (Mark Doty): No
Tell Me (Kim Addonizio): Eh
Zoo (Ogden Nash): No
Alive Together: New and Selected Poems (Lisel Mueller): No
“A” (Louis Zukovsky): NO
Flying at Night (Ted Kooser): Yes
The Man in the Black Coat Turns (Robert Bly): Yes
This Tree Will Be Here for a Thousand Years (Robert Bly): No
Nine Horses (Billy Collins): Yes
Arabian Love Poems (Nizar Kabbani): Yes
Delights & Shadows (Ted Kooser): Yes
This Great Unknowing (Denise Levertov): Yes
Young of the Year (Sydney Lea): No
Pursuit of a Wound (Sydney Lea): No
The Life Around Us (Denise Levertov): No
Red List Blue (Lizzy Fox): No
It Seems Like A Mighty Long Time (Angela Jackson): No
Some Ether (Nick Flynn): Yes
Divide These (Saskia Hamilton): No
The Simple Truth (Philip Levine): No
Saving Daylight (Jim Harrison): Eh
Midnight Salvage (Adrienne Rich): No
The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems (Billy Collins): Eh
My Brother Running (Wesley McNair): Eh
Whale Day (Billy Collins): Eh
Talking Dirty to the Gods (Yusek Komunyakaa): No
A New Selected Poems (Galway Kinnell): No
The Dolphin (Robert Lowell): No
Star Route (George Longenecker): No
Brute (Emily Skaja): Eh
No Witnesses (Paul Monette): Yes!
Blood, Tin, Straw (Sharon Olds): No
Town Life (Jay Parini): No
Dead Men's Praise (Jacqueline Osherow): No
Stag's Leap (Sharon Olds): No
Sleeping with the Dictionary (Harryette Mullen): No
Looking for the Parade (Joan Murray): No
Sparrow (Carol Muske-Dukes): Yes
You can't Get There from Here (Ogden Nash): No
Carver: a Life in Poems (Marilyn Nelson): Yes
The House of Blue Light (David Kirby): No
Ariel (Sylvia Plath): No
Caribou (Charles Wright): No
The Collected Verse of Theodore Roethke: No
Letters from Maine (Mary Sarton): No
Diasporic (Patty Seyburn): Eh
The Five Stages of Grief (Linda Pastan): Yes!
Not One Man’s Work (Leland Kinsey): Yes
Wise Poison (David Rivard): Yes
The Continuous Life (Mark Strand): Eh
On the Bus with Rosa Parks (Rita Dove): Yes
Fuel (Naomi Shihab Nye): Yes
Ludie’s Life (Cyntha Rylant): Yes
Wise Poison (David Rivard): Yes
My Name on His Tongue (Laila Halaby): Yes
Messenger (Ellen Bryant Voigt): Yes!
Unfortunately, it was Paradise: Selected Poems (Mahmoud Darwish): Eh
The Collected Poetry of James Wright: No
The Unlovely Child (Norman Williams): No
The New Young American Poets (anthology, 2000): Yes
The Black Maria (Aracelis Girmay): Yes!
Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Ocean Vuong): Yes!
Thoughts of Her. (Casey Conte): NO
Standing Female Nude (Carol Ann Duffy): Yes!
The Tradition (Jericho Brown): Yes
Girls That Never Die (Safia Elhillo): No
Repair (C. K. Williams): No
The Big Smoke (Adrian Matejka): Yes
American Wake (Kerrin McCadden): Eh
Collected Poems (Jane Kenyon): No
E-mails from Scheherazad (Mohja Kahf): Yes!
I Had a Brother Once (Adam Mansbach): No
Holding Company (Major Jackson): No
Hunting Down the Monk (Adrie Kusserow): No
Happy Life (David Budbill): No
Prelude to Bruise (Saeed Jones): No
Wade in the Water (Tracy K. Smith): Eh
Penury (Myung Me Kim): Yes!
Commons (Myung Mi Kim): Yes!
The Final Voicemails (Max Ritvo): No
Pieces of Air in the Epic (Brenda Hillman): No
Gone (Fanny Howe): No
A Vermonter's Heritage: Listening to the Trees (Rick Bessette): No!
Roget's Illusion (Linda Bierds): No
First Hand (Linda Bierds): No
The Other Side (Julia Alvarez): No
Pig Dreams: Scenes from the life of Sylvia (Denise Levertov): Yes
Winter Evening in Gagra (1985, Karen Shakhnazarov): Yes
My Tender and Affectionate Beast (A Hunting Accident) [1978, Emil Loteanu]: No
Fate of a Man (1959, Sergei Bondarchuk): Eh
Ordinary Fascism (aka Triumph Over Violence) (1965, Mikhail Romm): Yes
The Most Charming and Attractive (1985, Gerald Bezhanov): Yes
Gals/The Girls (1961, Boris Bednyj): Yes
Drunken Angel (1948, Akira Kurosawa): Yes
Stray Dog (1949, Akira Kurosawa): No
Viy (1967, Konstantin Yershov/Georgi Kropachyov): No
Battleship Potemkin (1925, Sergei Eisenstein): Yes
Amarcord (1973, Federico Fellini): Yes!
Charade (1963, Stanley Donen): No
Dreams (1990, Akira Kurosawa): Yes!
Barton Fink (1991, Coen Brothers): No
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967, Leonid Gaidai): No
Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1974, Eldar Ryazanov & Franco Prosperi): Yes
By the White Sea (2022, Aleksandr Zachinyayev): Yes
Ivan’s Childhood (1962, Andrei Tarkovsky): Yes!
The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed): Yes!
The Kitchen in Paris (2014, Dmitriy Dyachenko): No
Optimistic Tragedy (1963, Samson Samsonov): Eh
White Moss (2014, Vladimir Tumayev): Yes
Oppenheimer (2023, Christopher Nolan): Yes!
Scarlet Sails (1961, Alexandr Ptushko): Yes
We'll Live Till Monday (1968, Stanislav Rostotsky): Yes
Vladivostok (2021, Anton Bormatov): No
Ballad of a Soldier (1959, Grigory Chukhray): Yes
The Theme (1979, Gleb Panfilov): Yes
A Haunting in Venice (2023, Kenneth Branagh): Yes
Barbie (2023, Greta Gerwig): Yes
Is It Easy To Be Young? (1986, Juris Podnieks): Yes
Badlands (1973), Terrence Malick: Yes
Satyricon (1969, Federico Fellini): No
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, Werner Herzog): Yes
Fitzcarraldo (1982, Werner Herzog): No
The Illusionist (2006, Neil Burger): Yes
The Duchess (2008, Saul Dibb): Yes
Pride & Prejudice (2005, Joe Wright): Yes!
Emma (1996, Douglas McGrath): No
And here’s Part 1 of my 2023 list!
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queerstuffonscreen · 9 months
Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017) [I]
Episode length: 40-45 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Language: English
Based on the Pretty Little Liars series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard, the series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily — whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. One year later, they begin receiving messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets — including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.
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Season 1
Episode 1: Pilot
Episode 2: The Jenna Thing
Episode 3: To Kill a Mocking Girl
Episode 4: Can You Hear Me Now?
Episode 5: Reality Bites Me
Episode 6: There's No Place Like Homecoming
Episode 7: The Homecoming Hangover
Episode 8: Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
Episode 9: The Perfect Storm
Episode 10: Keep Your Friends Close
Episode 11: Moments Later
Episode 12: Salt Meets Wound
Episode 13: Know Your Frenemies
Episode 14: Careful What U Wish 4
Episode 15: If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
Episode 16: Je Suis Une Amie
Episode 17: The New Normal
Episode 18: The Bad Seed
Episode 19: A Person of Interest
Episode 20: Someone to Watch Over Me
Episode 21: Monsters in the End
Episode 22: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
Episode 1: It's Alive
Episode 2: The Goodbye Look
Episode 3: My Name Is Trouble
Episode 4: Blind Dates
Episode 5: The Devil You Know
Episode 6: Never Letting Go
Episode 7: Surface Tension
Episode 8: Save the Date
Episode 9: Picture This
Episode 10: Touched by an A-ngel
Episode 11: I Must Confess
Episode 12: Over My Dead Body
Episode 13: The First Secret
Episode 14: Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares
Episode 15: A Hot Piece of 'A'
Episode 16: Let the Water Hold Me Down
Episode 17: Blond Leading the Blind
Episode 18: A Kiss Before Lying
Episode 19: The Naked Truth
Episode 20: CTRL:A
Episode 21: Breaking the Code
Episode 22: Father Knows Best
Episode 23: Eye of the Beholder
Episode 24: If These Dolls Could Talk
Episode 25: UnmAsked
Season 3
Episode 1: It Happened 'That Night'
Episode 2: Blood is the New Black
Episode 3: Kingdom of the Blind
Episode 4: Birds of a Feather
Episode 5: That Girl Is Poison
Episode 6: The Remains of the 'A'
Episode 7: Crazy
Episode 8: Stolen Kisses
Episode 9: The Kahn Game
Episode 10: What Lies Beneath
Episode 11: Single Fright Female
Episode 12: The Lady Killer
Episode 13: This is a Dark Ride
Episode 14: She's Better Now
Episode 15: Mona Mania
Episode 16: Misery Loves Company
Episode 17: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
Episode 18: Dead to Me
Episode 19: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Episode 20: Hot Water
Episode 21: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Episode 22: Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Episode 23: I'm Your Puppet
Episode 24: A DAngerous GAme
Season 4
Episode 1: 'A' is for A-l-i-v-e
Episode 2: Turn of the Shoe
Episode 3: Cat's Cradle
Episode 4: Face Time
Episode 5: Gamma Zeta Die!
Episode 6: Under the Gun
Episode 7: Crash and Burn, Girl!
Episode 8: The Guilty Girl's Handbook
Episode 9: Into the Deep
Episode 10: The Mirror Has Three Faces
Episode 11: Bring Down the Hoe
Episode 12: Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Episode 13: Grave New World
Episode 14: Who's in the Box?
Episode 15: Love ShAck, Baby
Episode 16: Close Encounters
Episode 17: Bite Your Tongue
Episode 18: Hot for Teacher
Episode 19: Shadow Play
Episode 20: Free Fall
Episode 21: She's Come Undone
Episode 22: Cover for Me
Episode 23: Unbridled
Episode 24: 'A' is for Answers
Watch on HBO Max or Hulu
See Pretty Little Liars post II season 5-7
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everydayesterday · 1 year
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(My favourite films by decade are below the cut)
Tonight, I watched 'Safety Last!'—the slapstick silent comedy from 1923 with the indelible 20-minute clocktower scene—which means that I've now seen at least one film from every year since 1891, shortly after the invention of motion pictures (I've also seen the few recordings that came before that, such as the 12-slide ‘Horse in Motion,’ but there are gaps in the years, and we're talking about film segments that were roughly 2 seconds in length—films didn't even get to 3 minutes in length until 1898; the first hour-long movie was in 1906).  
I've got 916 movies on my list (it's probably more than that; my mind has no idea if it's ever seen a sequel).  I posted a while ago about only having 600 movies logged; to fill out the list I went through box office charts to identify what I'd likely seen in the 80s, 90s, 00s, etc. but had forgotten about.  
I was missing so many from the 90s, when we had our family movie nights.  On average, from 1989 to 2000, I saw 28 films per release year.  That dropped to 15 once I finished undergrad, and has remained pretty constant.  Going by the box office charts, I don't feel I've missed much of what I've wanted to see; there have been far too many sequels and metaverses, which simply don't interest me.  Over these COVID years, I've been watching more than just the newest releases, catching up on earlier decades; I've seen 173 that were released before I was born (most pre-1970 releases are from COVID onward).  
My favourite films by decade (because I like lists):  
1890-99: The Astronomer's Dream (1898).  Directed by Georges Méliès; the first film as real artistic production; multiple scenes and stages, special effects, 3 minutes.  
1900-09: The Great Train Robbery (1903).  The first epic action movie, at 13 minutes.  Fantastic production value; it's got better cinematography and editing than a lot of current movies.  
1910-19: I'm unsure.  ...perhaps The Conquest of the Pole (1912), another by Georges Méliès.  I need to see more films from this decade.  
1920-29: Wings (1928) and Metropolis (1927), take your pick.  One, the Oscars' first Best Picture winner and the benchmark for romantic drama (and with Clara Bow!), the other the most impressive film ever made.  
1930-39: My Man Godfrey (1936), my favourite Carole Lombard role (she's a fuckin' hoot!).  
1940-49: Citizen Kane (1941), Casablanca (1943) are both fine choices, but my choice would be His Girl Friday, because snappy dialogue is like a hit of cocaine.  
1950-59: Roman Holiday (1953).  Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck are both so charismatic; the chemistry here is palpable.  
1960-69: The Great Escape (1963) is an excellent pick, as is Ingmar Bergman's Persona (1966).  I'd take The Graduate (1967); it felt so unique, not your typical love story, and Anne Bancroft's vulnerable seductiveness turn felt so dangerous.  
1970-79: This was such a great decade (Harold and Maude, Chinatown, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Up in Smoke) ...but Apocalypse Now (1979) is my all-time top pick.  
1980-89: The Gods Must Be Crazy (1984).  Timeless.  Wholesome.  Simple and effective.  
1990-99: I'm trying to pick one film out of the 300 that I've seen from this timeframe, so maybe one [Ed. note: or more] per year?  Edward Scissorhands (1990), Point Break (1991), Wayne's World (1992), Jurassic Park/Schindler's List (1993), The Madness of King George/The Hudsucker Proxy/Quiz Show/Malcolm X (1994), Babe (1995; yes, the pig movie), The Young Poisoner's Handbook (1996), Life is Beautiful (1997; La vita è bella), ...not sure on 1998...maybe Waking Ned Devine/Pleasantville..., Office Space/Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (1999).  
2000-09: Gladiator/Girl, Interrupted/American Psycho (2000), Amélie/Ali (2001), Super Troopers/Secretary (2002), Dogville (2004), No Country for Old Men (2007), There Will Be Blood (2008), Dead Snow (2009).  
2010-19: The Artist (2011), Argo (2012), Beasts of No Nation (2015), Rogue One (2016), Coco (2017), The Nightingale/Parasite/Knives Out (2019).  
2020-23: One Night in Miami... (2020), Nitram (2021).  
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for watching.  🎞️
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YouTube Link | Spotify Link (modified) So. Inspired by Sporesgalaxy’s annotated Thanks To Them playlist, here’s an annotated version of Hymn for the Third Child.
Quotes come from the Metal Gear Solid Official Mission Handbook and the cassette tapes in Phantom Pain, while the photos are a mix of screen shots, concept art, and the official Metal Gear Solid comic book. I might come back and add some of my own art just to fill the empty space.
Burn Him Down - “His initial childhood in a rural Russian town was idyllic, until he used his ‘gift’ to dive into the mind of his father, and found to his horror that he was utterly hated.”
Kids have given me lots of hugs As I lead the charge against litter bugs Now it's time to set fire to it all Following forest service protocol
Fire - “The mental shockwave emanating from him was powerful enough to kill his surrounding town, populated by over 1,000 people. Most died of brain hemorrhaging.”
It seemed like everyone I knew was dying I looked in the mirror and I was on fire Somebody yelled out "Hey, stop, drop, and roll!" I said "That might save my skin, but it won't save my soul”
Honey I’m Home - “The KGB, impressed by his abilities, took him in and trained him.”
A petty line of white noise Pack up your bags and throw out the toys Three strikes, and "Honey, I'm home!" Three voices come from the gramophone A vivisection of me Yielded the start of a mystery
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Toba the Tura - “The day the research facility holding Volgin burned down, a Soviet jumbo passenger jet happened to crash nearby, far away to the north of that hospital in Cypress…
The beaming flood will pour right through the binds.  My words will tear through the air, Pierce through the despair, To find your arrogant, throbbing ears. If it's too much to bear, or to hear, Or take, I'll be frank, Let my inflection be crystal clear. This mess that you've made, it's a six-foot grave. It's a home for your lonesome bones that remain. We'll disappear, but you'll stay here to rot
I Don’t Wanna Die - “…Onboard the plane was a young boy who was being studied at the same facility. The plane fell to earth from over 8,000 feet, but the boy's body was the only one not recovered.”
I spotted the glow over the mountain, tonight My turn to turn in just when the weather's getting nice I predict: I die in a plane crash
City of the Dead - “While he's parasitizing a host, the boy's ego gets shut away. Allowing the will of the host to take control of his powers. Like some annoying static drowning out your own voice.”
I feel it burning through my veins It's driving me insane The fever is rising I'm going under Memories flash before my eyes I'm losing time The poison is killing me, taking over
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White Face, Black Eyes - “The Third Boy resonated with Eli's mind. And that means Eli bore the strongest animosity of all individuals within the boy's reception range - estimated to be a 3-mile radius - beating out even Volgin and Skull Face. The Third Boy has probably remained hooked on Eli's anger since.”
They had a white face They had black eyes They had burns all over their bodies They had love for my revulsion
Safe Space - “Maybe them both being kids was enough to bring them together.”
I met a stranger in the woods Can I trust him? I think I should ‘Cause he might be a stranger But in his eyes there’s eyes there’s an angel
This is Home - “And if so, maybe with Eli he isn't feeding off him, but acting in symbiosis with him.”
Often, I am upset That I cannot fall in love, but I guess This avoids the stress of falling out of it Are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now but I swear When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
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Avalanches - “[Eli] won't say a word about himself. But you know, it looks like he speaks English. One of the deck crew called out to him in English, and he said something back. He just lost it all of a sudden, started mouthing off at the guy, in perfect English. He wasn't stringing together words he picked up somewhere.”
If snow is flesh in gardens: we don't have mouths to talk about it Between avalanches, we can find our language Between fire blankets, we can speak our language But if snow is like skin: it pulls away, so easy, dragged from the body
Be Nice To Me - “In order to prevent self destruction when his powers of ESP were utilized (as his focusing still needed honing), he kept his other personality (the parasite) within himself.”
I got boulders on my shoulders Collarbones begin to crack There is very little left of me And it's never coming back There are certain things you ask of me And there are certain things I lack In the beginning, we were winning But now I'm just making up facts
A Deer Mistaking Candles for Headlights - “They affected his mind like a virus. Extreme anger, or resentment... motives for revenge, in other words.”
Does the blank stare scare you more than the frown? Am I the reason that you feel down? Distant but rational, bringer of rage To get to a level where I will engage I am a tentacle, incapacitated obstacle I am obsolete and apathetic, thoughtlessly apologetic Watch my actions, or lack thereof Negate the person that I said I was
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Allies or Enemies - “He was moved into a dormitory school known for training former Soviet agents and psychic operatives since World War II.”
What happens now? Do we have another go? Do we bow out and take our separate roads? I’ll admit I’ve had my doubts But I want to be let in, not out
Boys Will Be Bugs - “He earned the nickname Mantis due to the mental parasite within himself.”
I have friends who understand me Their names are spider, beetle, bee They don't say much but They have always listened to me The other boys at school Think it's cool to hate your parents But they're lying all the time The bugs advised that I should let 'em
Arsonist’s Lullaby - “To contain the parasite within, he wore restrictive attire, clothing that he said ‘tied himself up.’”
All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep them on a leash
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Veteran of the Psychic Wars - “After his talents were controlled, he became a fully fledged psychic secret agent for [the] KGB.”
You see me now, a veteran of a thousand psychic wars I've been livin' on the edge so long where the winds of limbo roar And I'm young enough to look at and far too old to see All the scars are on the inside I'm not sure that there's anything left to me
cop graveyard - “However, his career was short-lived, and lost his position in the Soviet Union after the nation’s collapse. He then moved to the U.S., displayed his talents and served the FBI for a while.”
They said I was fucked in the head And dragged me out of my house Later on, on the way to your school Left my body on the side of the road
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The Soft Parade - “He dove into the minds of serial killers and ended up uniting himself with such minds (after seeing beyond the elemental thresholds of the crime), the parasite within him urging him on to commit horrific acts of psychic slaughter.”
Can you find me soft asylum I can't make it anymore The Man is at the door Peppermint, miniskirts, chocolate candy Champion sax and a girl named Sandy There's only four ways to get unraveled One is to sleep and the other is travel One is a bandit up in the hills One is to love your neighbor 'till his wife gets home
Fire with Fire - “He then became a freelance espionage agent before being offered a mercenary role in Fox-Hound.”
I guess I'm mad because I am And I've tried this all before Just in my head not in control Which is why the music died And we're living out our lives in this hope one day our lives will straighten out And we will leave town And we'll get down to business now will someone tell me who I am
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Wrecked - “He also seeks death as he believes that the parasite within him will disappear, allowing him a brief period of peace. His wish is to be mentally cleansed.”
I have accepted I will not survive my heart I am wrecked and ready to die Being alive makes Makes me feel like a whore
Euthanasia - “He is able to correctly point out the actions of an individual by looking at their path in life, and this has shocked even Liquid Snake.”
I was right there, while you fought tooth and nail Gasping in the gas mask thrashing 'till you disappeared Say you're not scared, that you know it's 'cause I cared and Say you know I love you, and that hope was just not there
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dungeonmastertyrant · 16 days
Dwarf Class Ranking and Race Traits (5e)
1= Don't play this class as this race
2= Not Recommended
3= Decent choice
Source: Player's Handbook
Kingdoms rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs – these common threads unite all dwarves.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.
Alignment. Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.
Size. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer.
Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: smith's tools, brewer's supplies, or mason's tools.
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish. Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds, and those characteristics spill over into whatever other language a dwarf might speak.
As a hill dwarf, you have keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience. The gold dwarves of Faerun in their mighty southern kingdom are hill dwarves, as are the exiled Neidar and the debased Klar of Krynn in the Dragonlance setting.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
As a mountain dwarf, you're strong and hardy, accustomed to a difficult life in rugged terrain. You're probably on the tall side (for a dwarf), and tend toward lighter coloration, The shield dwarves of northern Faerun, as well as the ruling Hylar clan and the noble Daewar c1an of Dragonlance, are mountain dwarves.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Dwarven Armor Training. You have proficiency with light and medium armor.
If you're a dwarf with the Mark of Warding, you have this subrace, with the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1
Warder's Intuition. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) check or an Ability Check involving Thieves' Tools, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the total ability check.
Wards and Seals. You can cast the Alarm and Mage Armor spells with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast the Arcane Lock spell with it. Once you cast either spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell again until you finish a Long Rest. Intelligence is your Spellcasting Ability for these spells, and you don't require material components when you cast them with this trait.
Spells of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Warding Spells table are added to the spell list of your Spellcasting class.
1st level spells Alarm and Armor of Agathys
2nd level spells Arcane Lock and Knock
3rd level spells Glyph of Warding and Magic Circle
4th level spells Leomund's Secret Chest and Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
5th level spell Antilife Shell
Source: Player's Handbook and Eberron: Rising from the Last War
Class Rankings:
Artificer 4 Mark of Warding provides the crucial Intelligence increase needed to make Artificer work and access to Armor of Agathys is a great improvement to Artificer’s already impressive durability. The Dwarf’s natural durability makes for a great front line Artificer so Dwarf artificers should strongly consider Armorer or Battlesmith. Other Dwarf subraces lack the crucial Intelligence increase
Barbarian 4 Mountain Dwarf gets +2 to both Strength and Constitution making it a spectacular option for Barbarian. If you can start with 15 Strength 14 Dexterity and 15 Constitution as your base ability scores you’re off to a great start and your 4th level ability increase will be extremely impactful if you split it between Strength and Constitution to get both to 18. Fast Movement will correct Dwarf’s relatively poor speed and Dwarf’s other defensive racial traits will add to Barbarian’s already impressive durability
Bard 1 Dwarf doesn’t get anything that complements Bard’s skillset. Mountain Dwarf offers medium armor proficiency which is tempting for most Bard subclasses but that’s not enough to make Dwarf a good option
Cleric 4 Dwarf’s natural durability is a great option for Clerics since Clerics often do double duty as a healer and a defender. Hill Dwarf offers a crucial Wisdom increase making them the best subrace for Cleric
Druid 4 Hill Dwarf offers a Constitution increase a Wisdom increase and extra hit points on top of all of that. Those are great options for Druids who have terrible AC and only 1d8 hit points but still find themselves in melee more often than they probably should. Dwarf’s poison resilience will be somewhat redundant but that shouldn’t deter you
Fighter 3 every subrace works for Fighter. Mountain Dwarf is the go-to options because of their Strength increase.
Monk 2 Hill Dwarf Monk is much more durable than most Monks but without a Dexterity increase you’ll be weak offensively and you won’t hit 20 Dexterity for a long time
Paladin 3 Mountain Dwarf makes a fine Paladin and Dwarf’s natural durability nicely complements Paladin’s already exceptional durability
Ranger 4 Hill Dwarf is an excellent choice for a Druidic Warrior build. You can essentially build yourself like a Druid and be just as effective in melee as the best Strength based Ranger builds. Hill Dwarf’s additional hit points will help offset your relatively poor AC compared to martial classes like Fighter and Paladin. Mountain Dwarf could work for a Strength based build but mechanically it’s just not a good option. Too much of Mountain Dwarf’s value is tied up in their armor proficiencies and Ranger already gets them.
Rogue 2 Darkvision is great but that’s the best thing that Dwarf can offer Rogue. A Dexterity increase is simply too important
Sorcerer 1 no Charisma increase
Warlock 1 same as Sorcerer
Wizard 4 Mark of Warding provides an Intelligence increase and Dwarf’s core racial traits provide durability that Wizard sorely needs. If you’re willing to forgo an Intelligence increase Mountain Dwarf’s armor proficiencies will provide a significant boost to your AC
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santhanabharathi123 · 3 months
Are you looking for the best toy store in Kottur? Then look no further than this blog.
In this new modern world era, lots of things have changed, nowadays children are not playing on the ground or with toys, they are playing with phones and handbooks. Why are they not playing? Because now kids like different modern toys like handmade toys and robotic toys. Toys play a main role in all children's development in skills, construct their group, and make the kids more creative, so toys only engage kids of all ages. some parents don't how to choose toys for their kids I have more than 10 years of personal experience in this field with my own experience and industrial visits to more than 25 toy-making industries in this much year how toys are made, how to select toys for kids, and where to get good toys for your kids. Now we can see the top 10 toy shops in Kotturpuram in Chennai which help to choose what type of toys your kids want to enjoy with new toys.
Best toy store and dress shop for kids in kotturpuram
4. ZURU DISNEY mini store
To select toys for your kids or baby you need to follow some guidelines before you buy a toy:
If you like to get fabric toys, those toys should be flame-resistant.
Avoid toys that produce loud noise, because it will damage your child's ear.
Make sure your soft toys should be washable.
If toys are painted they should not be toxic.
Avoid toys with toxic materials that could cause poisoning.
Avoid toys like gun type, bow and arrow type that will hurt your kids.
Avoid video game time that will affect your kid's creativity and character behavior.
Best toy store and dress shop for kids in kotturpuram
    This is one of the first choices for handmade toys in the city this shop gives all their toys of good quality, and their service is good to all customers they have toys for your newborn baby to 2-year-old kids shopping with this store your kids will enjoy their toys and that toys will surely develop your learning skill.
This shop is more service-oriented shop than others they donate 1% of profit money to child charities for needy children, They also provide online orders for all customers they also provide a 25% discount, and free buy and get one for the first 10 customers for the first purchase on online order, they also making free service for toys if it got a problem in any of the toys within 6 months, they also providing replacement of toy if it got any damaged in online purchase after you receive your order within 24 hrs on intimation to the shop about the damage. This shop is one of the top stores in Kottur for wooden toys.
“Playful Minds, Happy Hearts”
            This BABYHUG shop has a variety of soft toys, mainly teddy bears. They are very special in this shop of varying lengths of teddy bears from 1 foot to 7 feet, from kids to young people like teddy bears. This shop also has wildlife soft toys and the materials are made of very good quality materials so you should not worry about the quality of the toys they made the toys in soft cotton only. So if you like to buy teddy bears your first choice will be this shop. we can also wash the toys it will not affect the material of your toys i guarantee this from my experience this toys for my kids.
“Endless Adventures, Limitless Fun"
            It is more than a toy shop where you can find more toys than any other shop in this locality where you have all varieties of toys including robotic toys, story books for kids, and many different dress varieties you can see in this shop. They also have summer water balloons for kids to learn to swim. In this shop a special thing they provide is they do a demo for robotic toys, they also teach how to solve puzzle toys with some guided exports. This is the only shop for all your kid's needs available in a single shop. For more information click on the link FIRSTCRY.
“Fun Unleashed, Always”
4. ZURU DISNEY mini store
            It is more fun for children in this shop where you get Disney cartoon toys, this is a unique toy shop where you only have Disney character toys of both soft and doll-type toys, this shop model will look like a wonderland so we can see more kids come to this shop regularly, it also has small play area inside the shop where your children can play with their friends if want new toy experience you need to come and buy the toys for your kids it has very beautiful toy section for all Disney characters mainly the mickey mouse toy hot selling of this toy shop.
“Fueling Young Minds with Fun”
            As the name Heaven, this toy store is heaven for kids, they have toys of robotic toys, which toys are moving all around the shop toys like moving toys, remote control toys( cars, airplanes, helicopters, etc.,), speaking toys this speaking toy play hero of this shop where it speaks what we speak it repeats without any mistakes this toy get high rated by all customer it is an imported toy from Japan, if your kids like a more robotic toy and entertain and develop the speaking them throughout the day that toys help your kids to avoid phone and television.
“Igniting Imaginations Worldwide”
    As the name itself, you can understand it is a handmade wooden toy store. This shop is a fully wooden furnished shop. It is a two-floor shop with fully wooden toys like baby kitchen toys, trains, wooden puzzles, etc. This shop provides a 10% discount for kids who get toys on their birthday in this shop. The toys are of good quality material and the service approaches from the shop to the customers are very good.
“Crafted with Love, Built for Play”
   This is a heart of electronic toys for kids of all ages in the city they are the only distributor of all electronic toys throughout the city, and they have all battery cars, bikes, cycles, and autos for kids aged from 3 to 10 years they also providing good offers for all customers with acceptable price for electronic battery toys, they also providing online delivery of the product to your home throughout the state within 3 days of placing orders, they also doing service for your battery toys if it gets any problem. If you want to get battery toys for your kids and make them more surprised you get from this shop the best and first shop for battery toys. By kids, it ranked the best top toy store in Kottur for electronic toys.
“Toys That Sparkle, Minds That Shine”
            Kottur Dora Toy Shop is more special classy toys where you get highly imported toys, they also sell clothes for the age group from newborn to 15 years old, they also sell attractive school bags for school, lunch boxes that will attract your kids when you get school accessories for your kids for school they will surely enjoy with them to go to the schools.
“Where Fun is the Main Attraction”
            This toy store is unique for your kids. Do you know why? Because they provide special Materials to make their toys on their own in their shop. They provide brochures on what toys are available, what materials they make that toy, if we order any toys, and what materials we need for toys to be selected by us for kids. Even we can give our toy design to this shop they make the toy for you what you are given the design same. After we order we get our toys Within a week they also provide an online order of their toy.
“Play Today, Dream Tomorrow”
       Josva was the first shop to open in this area. It was the oldest of all shops, this shop had a variety of toys, dresses, and baby needs like(powder, oil, and shampoo). You can get all brand materials in this shop for a very reasonable amount with more offers for all products you buy from MRP. If you want branded toys and dresses in budget-friendly you can go to this shop and purchase for your sweet kids.
“Play Today, Dream Tomorrow”
As the above blogs for the above 10 shops, it is purely written from my personal experience in all above shops you can prefer all the above 10 shops to buy kids' toys according to your kid's needs. Toys play a vital role in your kids or baby's development in the early stage itself like problem-solving and social interaction with other kids. It also helps to deviate from using mobile and watching TV, so make your kids engage with interactive toys for your kids.
“More Play, Less Screen"
If anyone wants to know further details about any of the 10 above shops, you can contact my mobile number or email id by visiting my website contact us page.
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smallnetbusiness · 7 months
Complete Guide to the Best coolant for Honda Civic for overheating
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It is made up of many parts, such as the coolant, water pump, thermostat, and radiator. The lifetime and general health of the best coolant for Honda Civic for overheating depend on the choice of coolant. The correct coolant offers the required heat transfer characteristics, lubricates the water pump, and aids in corrosion prevention. Maintaining the system's effectiveness requires selecting the finest coolant for an overheated Honda Civic that complies with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is advised to use a coolant made especially for Honda automobiles, which is sometimes referred to as OAT (Organic Acid Technology) or HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology). If you're looking for the manufacturer's recommended coolant requirements, always consult the owner's handbook. Maintaining a properly working cooling system is essential to the durability and dependability of your Honda Civic. Regular coolant tests and maintenance help achieve this. Best coolant for Honda Civic for overheating Coolant Leaks: Broken hoses, problems with the radiator, or a broken water pump may all lead to leaks in the cooling system. Thermostat malfunction: An ineffective thermostat might result in incorrect temperature control and overheating of the engine. Radiator Issues: The cooling process may be hampered by radiator issues such as clogged or leaks. Inadequate Coolant: Overheating may result from low coolant levels or the incorrect kind of coolant being used. An elevated temperature gauge indicates that the engine is operating at a higher temperature than usual. Steam or Smoke: Evident indicators of an overheated area, often coupled with a pleasant scent. Coolant Puddles: The presence of coolant underneath the car may indicate a leak. Warning Lights: The dashboard's warning lights illuminate to indicate problems with the engine's temperature. Coolant's Significance for Engine Health Heat is taken up by the coolant and sent to the radiator for release as it circulates throughout the engine. The right mixture of coolant improves the fluid's capacity to control temperature, averting extremes that might harm the engine. Engine Damage: Blown gaskets and deformed cylinder heads are only two examples of engine parts that may be damaged by overheating. Reduced Efficiency: Engine performance and fuel economy are negatively impacted by inadequate cooling, which also lowers engine efficiency. Increased Wear: Engine parts experience increased wear and tear as a result of persistent overheating, which shortens their lifetime. Coolant Types The most popular kinds of coolants are those based on ethylene glycol, which has good heat transmission capabilities. They assist in keeping the cooling system from corroding and provide superior freeze protection. They must, however, be handled carefully since they are poisonous. Coolants based on propylene glycol may be used instead of ethylene glycol. They are a safer alternative since they are less harmful, particularly for homes with young children or pets. Their advantages to safety and the environment outweigh any potential cost increase. Propylene and ethylene glycol characteristics are combined in hybrid coolants to provide a balance between safety and performance. Their design aims to provide lower toxicity, corrosion protection, and effective heat transmission. Honda Civic Coolant Specifications For the recommended coolant parameters from the manufacturer, always consult the owner's handbook for your car. This guarantees compatibility and top-notch functionality. Observe the coolant codes and ratings that Honda specifies, such as HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology) or OAT (Organic Acid Technology). The chemical makeup of the coolant and its compatibility with the cooling system are indicated by these codes.  Reviews and Experiences from Users Obtain input from several sources to provide a thorough summary. Emphasise often reported good and poor user experiences. Provide case studies or stories from customers of Honda Civics who have tried certain coolants. Take into account the control of temperature, system efficiency, and any problems that may arise. Coolant Alternation Period Observe the coolant replacement interval guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Take into account elements like the weather and driving conditions. Talk about circumstances that can call for more frequent coolant replacements (such as high temps or a lot of towing). How-To Guide for DIY Coolant Change? List the supplies such as coolant, a funnel, and wrenches—that are needed for a coolant change. Make sure you have safety gear on, such as gloves and goggles. Describe every stage of the procedure, including the cooling system's replenishing, flushing, and emptying. Stress the need to take safety measures and dispose of old coolants in an eco-friendly way. For correct information, always refer to the vehicle's service manual and abide by safety regulations. Tips for Maintaining a Coolant System - Check the coolant level and check for noticeable damage or leaks in the radiator and hoses regularly. - Follow the suggested coolant replacement schedules to avoid pollutant accumulation and guarantee peak performance. - To avoid freezing or overheating, keep the coolant-to-water ratio at the proper level as recommended by the manufacturer. - Make sure the system pressure is maintained and the radiator cap is in excellent shape. If needed, replace. - To promote effective heat dissipation, clean the cooling fins and radiator regularly to remove debris. - Check to make sure the thermostat is regulating the temperature as it should by opening and shutting it as designed. - Significant changes in engine temperature might be a sign of a cooling system issue. Conclusion To sum up, keeping your Honda Civic's cooling system in good working order is essential to its general health and durability. To avoid overheating and guarantee optimum engine performance, coolant selection and maintenance are crucial. You can protect your car by being aware of the typical causes and symptoms of overheating as well as the significance of selecting the proper coolant. Take a deep dive into similar car niche blog posts to sustain your appetite for reliable and current information, building on the insights shared in this article. Read the full article
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jamietukpahwriting · 8 months
[Nicotine] is famed among toxicologists because it was the first plant alkaloid that scientists had been able to detect in a corpse. That breakthrough occurred in France in 1851, when a remarkably determined young chemist named Jean Servais Stas extracted nicotine from stomach tissues. The stomach belonged to a wealthy aristocrat who had been murdered by his financially strapped sister and her husband. Driven by evidence of the victim’s suffering as he had died, the reclusive and fanatical Stas closeted himself in a laboratory until he found a way to isolate nicotine from the corpse.
—The Poisoner's Handbook by Deborah Blum
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
The Magic Of Magnolias || Correspondences
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What is a Magnolia Tree?
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Magnolia trees are a genus of tree that contain about 210 different flowering species of plants. It is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol. One thing that I find absolutely fascinating about Magnolia trees is that they are ancient! Fossilized specimens of one type of Magnolia have been found dating to 20 million years ago! Magnolia trees were around before the evolution of bees and it is theorized that the Magnolia tree adapted to allow for pollination by beetles because of this! Magnolias are spreading, evergreen, or deciduous trees or shrubs. They have large fragrant flowers that can be bowl-shaped or star-shaped. The flowers also come in shades of white, pink, purple, green, or yellow. In deciduous species, the blooms often appear before the leaves in Spring. 
I don’t quite know what species of Magnolia they planted in my yard when they built the house, but they haven’t flowered yet! I am definitely excited to see the color and shape of the flowers when they do bloom and blossom. 
The flowers of many species are considered edible. In parts of England, the petals of M. grandiflora are pickled and used as a spicy condiment. In some Asian cuisines, the buds are pickled and used to flavor rice and scent tea. In Japan, the young leaves and flower buds of Magnolia hypoleuca are broiled and eaten as a vegetable. Older leaves are made into a powder and used as seasoning; dried, whole leaves are placed on a charcoal brazier and filled with miso, leeks, daikon, and shiitake, and broiled. There is a type of miso which is seasoned with magnolia, hoba miso.
Magnolia in Folklore
In Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics, by Richard Folkard, the author states that Magnolia belongs to a group of plants that are noxious, poisonous, and deadly. The author said they are a Plant of the Devil and should be treated as such.
The Magnolia grandiflora is one of those shrubs the baneful emanations from which have procured for them an ill name. It is a native of Carolina, and has large white blossoms of powerful fragrance. When wafted to a distance upon the air, the scent is delicious, but when inhaled in the immediate neighbourhood of a group of Magnolias in flower, it becomes overpowering. The Indians carefully avoid sleeping under a Magnolia in blossom, and it is stated that so powerful is the perfume of the flower, that a single blossom placed in a bedroom suffices to cause death in one night.
Using Magnolia Medicinally
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According to WebMD, Magnolia plants have been used for a variety of ailments and issues. These include the following, though we have to keep in mind that there is usually a lack of scientific evidence and study to back up these claims.
Dental Plaque
Menopausal Symptoms
Weight Loss
Common Cold
Digestion Problems
Facial Dark Spots
High Cholesterol
Nasal Congestion
Runny Noses
WebMD does point out several safety concerns including ingesting Magnolia during pregnancy.
Taking magnolia flower bud by mouth is UNSAFE during pregnancy. There are reports that magnolia can cause the uterus to contract and that might cause a miscarriage. Not enough is known about the safety of using magnolia bark during pregnancy. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
They also say that Magnolia can slow down the central nervous system, so it is best to avoid ingesting Magnolia before medical procedures.
Magnolia can slow down the central nervous system. There is a concern that it might slow down the nervous system too much when combined with anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. Magnolia might also slow blood clotting and cause bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using magnolia at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Other Magickal Mentions of Magnolia Correspondences
According to The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them by Karen Harrison and Arin Murphy-Hiscock, Magnolia is of the Earth element and corresponds with the planet Jupiter.
Placing magnolia flowers near the nuptial bed ensures fidelity, and when added to the bath, they attract honor and recognition. With its rulerships by the Element Earth and the Planet Jupiter, the energies of this dramatic and beautiful tree promote financial increase. After the flower petals have dried and fallen away, the resulting seed cone makes a wonderful aspergil for sprinkling ceremonial waters.
The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them
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If we look at another source, one that came prior to the above book, Cunningham actually wrote that Magnolia corresponds with the element of Earth but with the planet Venus. He claims that the Magnolia tree, flower, and bark are used to promote fidelity. 
Place some magnolia near or beneath the bed to maintain a faithful relationship.
Magnolia Correspondences
calming people and situations
quieting others
banishing work
baneful magic (curses and hexes)
ancient wisdom
My Thoughts
For me personally, I tend to lean toward Magnolia being a plant ally to help promote wisdom and transformation. The flowers themselves are also bisexual meaning that it contains both pistils and stamens. It is a flower of androgyny! No one sex can be assigned to the flower and I believe that lends itself to inherent magickal quality. For Magnolia correspondences, I would personally use this little biological fact to correlate the Magnolia tree with abundance, growth, fertility, and self-reliance.
It is also interesting to note that it has anti-inflammatory properties physically. This also leads me to believe that using Magnolia in magick would aid in calming people and situations, even going so far as to quiet them altogether. It could potentially be used as an aid in banishing work or other baneful magick.
I am really glad I took the time to look into Magnolia trees and come up with some correspondences. I had no idea they were so fascinating and powerful. When my Magnolia trees bloom, I’ll be sure to share photos and let you know how they smell but I’ll be careful not to get too close!
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Mandatory Disclaimer: Nothing written here is intended to treat, cure, or otherwise diagnose any medical ailment or illness. It is written for informative purposes only and is not medical advice. Please seek the advice of a professional before ingesting or otherwise consuming any herb, tree, or flower. 
Sources and Further Reading
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnolia
WebMD – Magnolia Uses and Risks: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/magnolia-uses-and-risks
WebMD – Magnolia Overview: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-188/magnolia
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics, by Richard Folkard: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/44638/44638-h/44638-h.htm
The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them by Karen Harrison and Arin Murphy-Hiscock: https://www.scribd.com/book/450125352/The-Herbal-Alchemist-s-Handbook-A-Complete-Guide-to-Magickal-Herbs-and-How-to-Use-Them
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs: https://www.scribd.com/book/275211003/Cunningham-s-Encyclopedia-of-Magical-Herbs
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for-dramas-sake · 1 year
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(long post today)
Long story short: The Long Family, a powerful organization, wants Listening Snow Tower to give them a bride for their young master. In return they will heal Ah Jing's disciple brother who has been poisoned. It's complicated more than that, but you get the idea.
For a few episodes Yi Qing has been debating who to send to the Long Familiy and quite a few times Ah Jing's name has come up, but every time he shoots that down.
And now here's Ah Jing herself offering to go.
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Blink and you'll miss the tiny, furrowed brow Yi Qing has. Not happy, the Tower Master is.
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Ah Jing gives the same reasoning Yi Qing's best friend has she is strong and can protect herself.
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Over and over these two go over the same thing:
Ah Jing gets into trouble
Yi Qing saves her
Yi Qing tells her to be more careful
Ah Jing ignores him
Yi Qing, it's time for you to see that your girl does not stand by when there's danger around! She has to be in the action!
But here's the icing on the cake.
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*slow clap* Jealousy, ladies and gentlemen! The boy is jealous! It's not just that Ah Jing is heading to Danger Island (not the actual name), but she's doing it for her brother (not actual brother). And Yi Qing can't stand it that Gao Meng Fei is getting more attention than him!
He's so angry! *smile*
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Ah Jing responds to Yi Qing in reverse of how he talked to her: he first mentioned her in danger and then Gao Meng Fei. She responds about Gao Meng Fei then her own safety. The final point: Don't worry about me.
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ooooh! You know when someone uses their full name they are in trouble and especially when that someone loves them.
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He's telling her: this is bigger than Gao Meng Fei and you.
And then he gets closer.
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The boy is not happy and uses his Tower Master card to trump her.
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And how these two love to go in a circle! And I'm not just talking about Yi Qing saving Ah Jing all the time, but their relationship goes in a circle. They are in an employer/employee relationship, but feelings get in the way, or should I say they are in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but status gets in the way.
Yi Qing will play the "I'm the Tower Master" card on Ah Ying if she gets too unreasonable and needs disciplining. And Ah Jing will also use the same card to remind him that she's just an employee and shouldn't overstep his bounds. These two should just stop reading the Snow Tower Handbook for Employees and start reading "How I Fell in Love with My Boss". They could learn a thing or two.
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greyknightsblog · 2 years
The Forms of Poetry 
Hello Everyone, I’ll be focusing this week’s blog post on five poetry terms found in Babette Deutsch’s Poetry Handbook: A Dictionary of Terms and exemplify them to some famous poetry. Here we go!
Epic: an epic is a long, usually book-length, narrative work of poetry that is typically about the heroic deeds of an extraordinary hero during their mighty adventures.
    Example: Beowulf - Anonymous
        “Your fame is renowned wherever men journey, my dear friend Beowulf, among all the peoples. You hold power with balance, with wisdom of mind. Now I shall fulfill our friendship as we earlier agreed. And you shall bring peace to your people for a long time to come, a source of strength to the heroes.”
    Explanation: This excerpt is taken from the epic poem Beowulf, it’s the speech made by the Danish King, Hrothgar, delivered to the mighty and heroic Geat, Beowulf, who had just defeated the second monster that inflicted death and desolation to the Danish people. Beowulf, along with his Thanes, journey across the sea to aid the Danish King from the evil cursing his people, his long adventures throughout the poem are noble and epic that follow this heroic code that eventually gains him power, fame and wealth.
Ballad: a ballad is an anonymous short narrative poem that was traditionally composed to be a song. They are story tales that are sung from generation to generation before being recorded in writing.
    Example: “Lord Randal” - Anonymous
        “‘O I fear ye are poison’d, Lord Randal, my son!
        I fear ye are poison’d, my handsome young man!’
        “O yes! I am poison’d; mother, make my bed soon,
        For I’m sick at the heart, and I fain wald lie down.’”
    Explanation:This particular poem is a short conversation between a mother and her son who went hunting with his “bloodhounds” and had an unexpected dinner with a special lady who had fed him eels in broth that poisoned his dogs and himself. It’s a Scottish folk ballad, if you aren’t aware of the deep Scottish accent, that wasn’t meant for being written but serves as a moral lesson of true-love and betrayal. 
Sonnet: a poetic form of fourteen lines written in iambic pentameter that employs several rhyming patterns that deals in a single thought or feeling. The sonnet had originally derived from Italy and spread beyond Europe during the Renaissance.
    Example: “Sonnet LXXIII” - William Shakespeare
        “In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
        As after sunset fadeth in the west; 
        Which by and by black night doth take away,
        Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.”
    Explanation: Shakespeare’s poem consists of fourteen lines with a particular rhyming pattern essentially about characterizing the nature of old age. Furthermore, sonnet seventy-three is one giant metaphor that compares nature to growing old. In the quatrain gladly given, Shakespeare says that his age is like the late twilight where the sun slowly fades in the west and darkness begins to grow around, almost like sleeping but in this case, dying. 
Free Verse: is a form of poetry that does not abide by the rules of metrical verse. In other words, there’s no rhythmic structure or rhyming patterns involved but rather tends to follow the natural rhythm of speech.
    Example: “A Noiseless Patient Spider” - Walt Whitman
        “A noiseless patient spider, 
        I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated, [...]
        And you O my soul where you stand,
        Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,”
    Explanation: Walt Whitman’s “A Noiseless Patient Spider” is a free verse poem that has no rhythmic structure but feels like a running train of thought without the rails. The poem is metaphorical because it compares the spider to a soul learning the ways of the world.
Blank Verse: is a literary term that refers to poetry written in unrhymed metered lines.
    Example: “The Second Coming” - William Butler Yeats
        “Surely some revelation is at hand;
        Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
        The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
        When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi”
   Explanation: Yeats’ poem demonstrates blank verses that contain no rhythmic patterns and ultimately describe this apocalyptic nightmare he’s attempting to warn the reader about.
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mynameiseosson · 2 years
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The Young Poisoner’s Handbook (1995), dir. Benjamin Ross
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ianxfalcon · 4 years
I watched Young Poisoner’s Handbook yesterday, and I’m honestly surprised that nobody has ever cast Hugh O’Conor as Caligula. I mean, just fucking look:
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