#The Willowick Weeks
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"As for Spalatin, he quickly found favor with Frederick, soon gaining his deepest confidence."
Quote selected randomly from page 79 of Eric Metaxas's biography Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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youngerdrgrey · 5 years ago
easy there, oedipus (or, how to get away with impregnating your law professor) [DRAFTS 1]
about: alternatively titled, how to get away with impregnating your law professor and secretly parenting your child; or moments from a fic unwritten, updated and revamped for a season that only feeds into my need for Annalise and Wes to fall into the abyss together. — takes place in season 3
a/n: Drafts from before the show hurt me w/ season three’s finale; shared in case anyone wanted more of the story -- this was a deleted sequence about the night Wes and Annalise hooked up, featuring the rest of the crew.
i. step one: forget the wine (or the night of)
Laurel C. (8:10pm) // Connor’s gonna kill you if you forget the wine again.
Wes G. (8:11pm) // I have the wine.
Or, at least, he will if everyone could just stop texting him long enough for him to open the front door. Wes tries pocketing his phone again when it buzzes with another message.
Connor W. (8:12pm) // Don’t let me down, man. Michaela’s already started her Aiden’s got mommy issues rant.
Wes rolls his eyes. Replies.
Wes G. (8:13pm) // I’m on my way.
Which technically isn’t a lie, he’s on the way, just with a slight pitstop before he bikes all the way to Laurel’s apartment.
In Wes’s defense, this Thursday has to be one of the most chaotic Thursdays he’s had since they wrapped the Lila Stangard case. Normally, he goes to class, reports to Annalise’s, and then heads back to his place for a few hours of peace, but one of his loans fell through so he had to spend every minute of free time hovering in the Student Services building and trying to get his point across without having someone accuse him of being the intense, black guy pissed off in the corner.
Tough day, so the last thing he really needs is the constant barrage of texts and phone calls from Laurel and Connor and Michaela about the wine that they apparently cannot have dinner without.
His phone rings, and he answers with a huff.
“Calm down. I’m almost there,” he tells them while turning the key in the lock. The groans on the other side of the line tell him they believe him about as much as he believes himself.
Michaela groans. “Is that a key? Wes! You’re supposed to be here by now!”
He sighs. “Michaela, please don’t yell into the phone.” He shifts so he can use his weight to pry the door open. He pulls his bike into the entry way and props it on the wall. “Or, better yet, give the phone to Laurel.”
“So she can tell you this is okay? You promised you’d bring the wine tonight and—“
“And I’m getting it right now. I will talk to you when I see you, okay?”
“It’s definitely not okay.”
“I promise I will hear all about it later, but for now, I’m hanging up. Don’t call back. Or text me.”
He hangs up before she gets the chance to say anything more. Then grimaces at the thought of her when he will arrive later. She’ll probably pop the cork in his direction. Hopefully, she gets some of her anger out at Connor before he gets there.
Wes pockets his phone and turns around to push the door closed behind him. There’s a nice finality and peace in hearing the click of the door in the frame, like he’s home and no one can take that away from him.
Of course, he’s not technically home, but Annalise’s house has pretty much become all of theirs ever since they started working for her. They have spare keys, which they’re basically never to use unless they think she’s dead, and they have extra toothbrushes in the downstairs guest bathroom, and — ding, ding, ding — they have a bottle of wine that they stashed in the bottom of her fridge last week that will go perfectly with the lasagna Laurel’s making for dinner tonight.
Plus, this bottle’s free so long as he grabs it and gets back out before Annalise ever even knows he came over. Brilliant plan, with the slight exception of the fact that, well, the light switches on after he’s gotten a few steps into the house, and he’s not the one who flipped it.
“Stop right there.”
He glances up from the threshold, and Annalise is on the steps, seated practically right where Michaela pushed her husband over the bannister. Wes grimaces. He’s got to start seeing something else when he looks in the entryway.
“Uh, hi, Annalise.” Another grimace. He probably should’ve called her Mrs. Keating instead. “What a great night tonight, right?”
Her hand doesn’t move from the light switch she holds it on.
“Oh, of course. What great night doesn’t involve one of my students breaking into my house?”
He winces. “Technically, I used the key.”
“And what exactly was the emergency?”
He almost doesn’t even want to answer. She’s looking down at him from the top of the world, and he’s a speck with a muddy bike that he should’ve never brought into her home and a shitty excuse.
“We, uh, left a bottle of wine in your fridge, and I wanted to get it before you noticed.”
“On a Thursday night?”
His voice gets more sheepish. “There’s a dinner tonight. I thought, free wine.”
Annalise chuckles. The stairs are quiet, but he hears her walking down them in the padding of her feet. His breath slows so his chest kind of vibrates between exhales as she gets closer with each step.
“Who’s the lucky girl?”
His eyes roll to the side. She’s nearly on the bottom step, and for a second, her eyes linger on his button-up shirt and court pants, and he honestly is a bit more put together than he should be for a night with his friends. (Although, in his defense, laundry day normally means he looks like shit or like he’s going to walk a runway; there’s not really an in-between.)
He shakes his head. “Laurel.” He watches Annalise’s eyes widen before cocking his head to the side. “And Michaela. Connor too. It’s study group dinner night.”
Thursdays are kind of the only nights they get off for sure since she’s normally out with clients, or other official lawyers, so they turned into study nights, which turned into dinner and drinking, which is kind of mostly just drinking at this point.
Maybe he should invite her. Or he could tell everyone else to come over here. She has a dining room, unlike any of them, and their dinner would probably feel a lot more like home if it were, well, in their home.
(Not that any of them would ever tell Annalise how much they loved her place. And hated it. And could never seem to stay away.)
“Would you like to come?” His voice almost sounds hopeful, though he tries to ignore that fact.
She’s already dressed from earlier in the day so it wouldn’t take much for her to come with him. Or, come over at the same time as him — not come with him because they’re not — the two of them couldn’t — she’s ready, is all he really means.
She waves him off while turning to walk further into the house.
“It’s bad enough I spend my days with you all. I won’t be giving my nights to cheat sheets and exam prep.”
Wes follows behind her. Is that really what she thinks of them? They would never use her like that.
(Well, maybe Michaela, but Michaela can’t really help it at this point.)
“We don’t just see you as a professor, you know?”
She hums while rounding the corner into the kitchen. “I’m your boss too.”
Yes, but “You’re also an amazing person. Dedicated, driven, damn near unstoppable.” He should probably stop talking, but she’s opening the fridge and going directly to the bottom tray, which means she knew they had hid it there. “Does anything ever get past you?”
She plucks out the bottle. Stands so she can turn and hold it out to him.
“Only opportunities.”
He takes the wine but doesn’t look at it. Takes the bait, more accurately.
“Like what?”
She wipes off her hands. “Like… life. A whole lot of it.”
There’s an island near him, so he plunks the bottle onto it and leans his back against the edge to face her.
“I’m all ears,” he says.
She grins, and, for a moment, he can almost hear the old kids from Willowick calling him Dumbo. Can imagine the words spilling from her lips too. Then her lips part, and he can’t stop staring at them.
Her lipstick’s almost gone, aftermath of what must’ve been a long day on her end as well. Most of her make-up’s gone, now that he’s noticing. Her skin a little more disparate and dissonant, like an unearthed galaxy or file beneath a folder.
“I thought you were leaving.”
He shrugs. “Wine emergency. It takes a while. They’ll understand.”
She pushes the fridge closed. Her hands linger on the cool metal. She admits, “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
He keeps his voice casual. “How about why you were on the steps when I got here? Alone. In the dark.”
“Who else would’ve been here?”
She focuses on the alone part of his sentence; he can too.
“I’m here,” he says.
“For a drink,” she returns.
“Still here, aren’t I?”
She peers at him like he’s a client on the stand who won’t say the exact words she needs him to. Annalise Keating always has a motive, a plan of action that tops everyone else’s. What’s she searching for?
He motions to the bottle. Nearly deflects. “Need me to open this? I hear it loosens people right up.”
A dent in her armor, a quirk of her lips and an almost self-deprecating chuckle that doesn’t quite reach the outside world.
“You don’t want to see me drunk, Mr. Gibbins.”
He hears it as a challenge, an invitation. His fingers wrap around the bottle. “Um, quite the opposite, actually. Seems like a pretty good night to me.”
She gives him another look, like she’s searching for something. He’s not sure if she finds it, but she does motion to the island.
“Third drawer on your left. Get the corkscrew, and meet me in my office.”
She walks away while he goes for it. He fetches it out, then gets his phone from his pocket.
Wes G. (8:19pm) // Not sure if I can make it tonight after all. You understand right?
Laurel C (8:20pm) // Connor’s gonna flip. (8:21pm) // Michaela too.
The light turns on in the office, illuminating a path through the house. Wes pushes the door closed.
Wes G. (8:23pm) // I’ll bring two bottles next week. Totally worth your while.
He grabs glasses and rinses them out.
Laurel C. (8:25pm) // Whatever. You better not be watching TV right now.
Annalise left the sliding doors open, so he can see her as she settles on the edge of her desk with her ankles crossed and her palms on either side of her hips. He can make eye contact when she glances up without lifting her head, so she’s all hooded eyes and shadow-kissed lips.
He probably should reply to Laurel, but honestly, she can think whatever she wants of him at this point. He’s the one with the wine, the nearly empty house, and nowhere he’d rather be.
Maybe his Thursday was turning around after all.
More drafts and headcanons to come.
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It's a day worth celebrating here at the Chase household today 🔥🔥 I was not intending on sharing two personal posts today, but we are proof that anything is possible as long as you are working hard. 🏋🏻‍♀️ I have officially lost SIXTY freaking pounds. When I stepped on the scale, my mouth hit the floor! I knew I would eventually get there, but I am not 'cutting' like I was at first. It's proof you can eat more & still lose... not as quickly, but I'm ok with that because I don't care about the number on the scale as much as how great I feel and how my clothes fit. I can fit into smalls and mediums at 147 pounds, but I also did in high school when I was 120 pounds. That right there should tell you enough! 🏋🏻 My hubby got on the scale two weeks ago and didn't gain anything from the two weeks prior. I told him a few things he should change up until his next weigh in day & IT WORKED! He gained two pounds of mass in TWO WEEKS! Super proud of his hard work and determination! Can't wait to see where you're at in another two weeks! @chase_thepump @myfitnesspal @underarmour . . . . #thesimplyradiantproject #specialistinfitnessnutrition #hardworkpaysoff #determination #myfitnesspal #underarmour (at Willowick, Ohio)
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tikiunderground · 5 years ago
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Helping the service industry! We had a wonderful donor from California who bought some TU@Home packs to support us, and we opened it up for nominations to donate to someone in the service industry impacted by COVID-19. . We were excited to help one of our best supporters Jessica Roach Manko who was nominated by another one of our best supporters Carol Junebug Harnett, who have both been there for us from the beginning. Here’s the background that Carol provided, such a great story, and one of thousands in Ohio alone. Be kind and keep this in mind as you go back into the world. - TU #tikiunderground #tiki #tikiohio #tikibar #ohana #akronbars #akron . —————————————— . I nominate Jessica Roach Manko for Tiki Underground's TIKI TAKE AWAY GIVE AWAY and not just because she is known as "Tiki Kitty"! . Throughout our shelter-at-home time period, Jessica found herself out of work from many jobs: 1 commercial cleaning job, 3 housekeeping gigs and was also furloughed from PetFix (which fortunately she was able to restart this week). . She was already volunteering regularly, but greatly increased her hours with Willowick Food Pantry and Lauren's City Cats in the Flats, and THEN added volunteer hours to yet another place: Caroline's Kids (a cat sanctuary) ~ who has since hired her at 2 days per week! . In her "spare time" she also helped feed and care for the pets of a friend who was hospitalized. Oh, and she also donated blood and promoted the heck out of this critical need. . She has shown the true spirit of OHANA for which this offer was generously made all the way from California! MAHALO to the contributors! (at Tiki Underground) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiU5NoANy3/?igshid=1aum9lmqbhrpd
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spotondogtraining · 6 years ago
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Meet Thunder a 7mo old black lab from Willowick on his graduation day. This guy is spent a week with us for training and is now much more obedient with his owners especially around severe distractions. Thunder has a lot of energy that is now manageable. Great job Thunder! 🥳 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxme6PXnh7K/?igshid=bkrvphly17u2
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rich2182-blog · 6 years ago
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Good night to All You Beautiful People of the world. ✌️ 🍄 ❤️ 💙 🙏 🙌🏼 🕉️ 🌈 😘 🤗 😎 ------------------------------ I'm going to spend the night at my friend Preston's pad. I don't feel like driving home I'm too stoned, I mean I can drive I just don't feel like it and he has two extra bedrooms so... He started out as my weed man (and still is and hooks me up better than any connect I have ever had) but we have become such close friends it's like he is My bridge over the shark and piranha and alligator and crocodile infested waters that I had to go through last year. TBH I don't even remember how we met, I don't know who even told me that he would be my Kinect. What's cool about Preston is that he straight and he's not homophobic he doesn't care that I'm gay he thinks I'm funny cuz I am I'm entertaining LOL if you know me you know that already 😂😂😂 Preston is being shy and doesn't want to show his face. If you don't know why he can't show his face you're just stupid as fuck!!! I'm making fun of him right now for that patch of hair that he has on his lower back right above his ass. I keep telling him he needs to shave that or go have it waxed cuz his girl Jenna I really don't think likes that, or maybe she does I need to ask her next time I see her 🤣🤣🤣 This is a true friend right here. Even though he's my weed man he has been there when friends that I have known my entire life weren't and also friends that I've known for most of my life were there for me. Preston befriended me and accepts me for who I am there's nothing sexual between us so don't get any ideas or be starting rumors, Preston is the type of guy who truly really would give you the shirt off his back. He's also the type of guy that will give you the last nug LOL Preston even went with me one time to a chemo treatment to keep me company, now how many people would do that? That's true friendship right there when he took off work just to be there and sit in a pleather recliner and watch Hallmark channel cause that's what the TV was on in the hospital, he stayed with me for an hour N a half while I got my chemo, when he'd only known me for like 3 weeks. ✌️ 🍄 ❤️ 💙 🙏 🙌🏼 🕉️ 🌈 😘 🤗 😎 (at Willowick Apartments) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-RJRLnbFlh2Dni4dGhnsodKql2DZ8wHzvFNw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qmdz7ldyzhkr
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corndnc · 6 years ago
Another Earthquake Shakes Ohio Near Lake Erie – CBS Pittsburgh
Another Earthquake Shakes Ohio Near Lake Erie – CBS Pittsburgh
WILLOWICK, Ohio (KDKA) — Another earthquake shook Ohio over the weekend.According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the 1.5 magnitude quake happened near Willowick, Ohio, around 10:30 p.m. Sunday.CBS station WOIO reports that no damage has been reported at this time.Last week, a 4.0 magnitude quake hit near Cleveland. It was centered just off of the city, in Lake Erie.
Source: Another Earthquake…
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riveroaksluxapthous-blog · 7 years ago
Best River Oaks Luxury Apartments Houston
River Oaks is a residential neighborhood, situated in the heart of Houston, Texas, between the Downtown and Uptown of Houston and within the 610 Loop. This neighborhood brags to house some of the most expensive residential buildings in the whole of Houston. You can find the most costly condominiums, mansions and river oaks luxury apartments houston.
It is named River Oaks because the development plans of the area included planting of oaks located within its parks and boardwalks.
The development of the place was designed to establish a well-integrated community. In fact, it became a national model for community planning.
River Oaks, the Beverly Hills of Houston
Uptown, The River Oaks neighborhood is, essentially, Houston’s Beverly Hills. The upper class describes this part of town exquisitely because it is where the most expensive residences are. If you are looking for full-scale mansions, condominiums, homes for rent, high-quality luxury apartments, and great amenities, River Oaks in Houston is the place to go.
Business Week reports that the streets surrounding the River Oaks Country Club like Inwood Drive and Lazy Lane are lined with the most expensive estates, apartments, and rentals in this part of Houston.
It is home to the famous Menil Collection. This is a museum of modern art created by Dominique De Menil, a Schlumberger oil-drilling heiress and her husband Jean. The museum was designed by Louis Kahn and Renzo Piano. It houses no less than 16,000 works, including Byzantine, African and Modern Art Antiquities. The highlight of the museum is the Mark Rothko chapel.
As you would expect, such a breathtaking array of architecture and perfectly maintained streets give rise to extraordinary restaurants, art galleries, and boutiques. These are the centers of city life in the River Oaks neighborhood, and the River Oaks Shopping Center is a short walk from the renowned River Oaks Theater.
Close by is the fantastic Memorial Park, which borders the ten-mile inner loop that defines most of the exclusive River Oaks region in Houston. For fitness aficionados, this route marks a scenic run that can take you through the bulk of the luxury apartments for which this upscale region is known.
In fact, most of the condos, high end luxury apartments, and rentals in River Oaks are arrayed around Memorial Park and accessible via Willowick Rd., Inwood Dr., Jester Blvd and several other streets coming off the Katy Fwy.
Because of the rush of openings this Ritzy neighborhood, River Oaks District has become one of Houston’s hottest dining places. It offers access to the best restaurants you can find in all of Houston.
Le Colonial is a chic River Oaks restaurant in Houston, Texas, that serves modern Vietnamese food such as crispy chicken wings with tamarind-lemongrass sauce and their delicate wood-ear stuffed Banh Cuon.
If your mouth buds are yearning for the best burgers, Hopdoddy’s burgers offers the meatiest burgers topped with all the specials you desire from bacon and grilled poblanos to chili and lots of cheddar. They also have an all-veggie burger for vegetarians. Their Kennebec fries are hand-cut and taste great.
Why Choose a Luxury Apartment in River Oaks, Houston
In addition to being home to luxury furnished apartments tucked away in high-rises with panoramic views of Houston, you cannot miss the ease-of-access provided by River Oaks Shopping Center which is owned and operated by a realty company.
The location is very convenient, as it is nestled right between River Oaks and downtown Houston, and so acts as a sort of bridge between city life and the semi-private enclaves of upscale luxury apartments and houses. Inside the River Oaks Shopping Center, you will find unique, independently owned boutiques as well as national retailers.
With 31 million tourists passing through downtown Houston each year, you can be certain that there are robust dining and shopping establishments set up to serve them. For the locals and visitors, of course, there are fitness centers, beauty boutiques, opera houses and massage parlors insofar as the more hands-on venues are concerned.
Notable River Oaks luxury Locations for Houston Residents
Landmark River Oaks Theatre delivers a special kind of movie-going experience, given its insistence on showing exclusively foreign and old shows. Built nearly nine decades ago, it has undergone renovations to ensure structural integrity but has kept its ancient flair. Unlike most theaters, they offer movies at midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
Massage Heights is a venue totally dedicated to making you feel relaxed using the therapeutic effects of professional massages and skin therapy. Everything about the excellent ambiance and in-house comfort is about pampering the customer.
The Rienzi is an art center that sits on a beautiful 5-acre area surrounded by ravines between River Oaks and Buffalo Bayou. Inside, you will find exquisite collections of Worcester porcelain, original English furniture and famous paintings from the Western world. There are sculptures and the Rienzi Garden from the mind of noted architect Ralph Ellis Gunn.
The Bayou Bend Collection and Garden is housed in Houston’s philanthropist Ima Hogg’s former home. The garden is so picturesque, and many visitors enjoy the majestic formal gardens and woodland ravines that surround the 28-room historic Southern home. Inside the house is an art collection of the rare masterpieces of American art and antiques.
Located in the River Oaks Shopping Center is the River Oaks Theatre, where you can watch Indie movies. Its grand showroom has the best lineup of foreign language and independent films cinemas. It holds special events such as the monthly midnight viewings of selected shows.
Owned by Chef Ford Fry, the State of Grace serves a globally inspired menu with local skills, ingredients, and spices. Their menu includes twice-fried Korean chicken, cheese enchiladas, sticky and smoky beef ribs, and Thai curry octopus hearth-grilled served with the best oyster sauce. Your mouth will water at the sight of all this food.
If you have plans of owning or to move to a luxury apartment or high rise condo located in River Oaks, the place will give you easy access to the biggest spots in Houston, including The Galleria, Greenway Plaza, the Texas Medical Center, exclusive amenities, and important freeways. For more information on the option that best suits your desires, contact Juvitae Luxury Real Estate.
Find the Best Luxury Apartment in River Oaks with Juvitae
Juvitae Luxury Real Estate—home of the best luxury apartment locators—is a worldwide luxury real estate firm based in Houston, TX. Founded by Julian Vera, Juvitae specializes in both short-term and long-term luxury leases.
Julian is a self-proclaimed perpetual overachiever and has a team of like-minded and like-hearted professionals who are passionate about providing their clientele—who have distinct tastes, demanding schedules and sometimes quickly changing needs—the best real estate services.
The team has an innate talent for anticipating their clients’ requirements and wishes. Juvitae Luxury Real Estate’s goal is to establish long-term relationships with clients and to meet their needs in whatever cities they may land next.
If you are looking for the best River Oaks Luxury Apartment, Julian and his team will seamlessly guide you through your luxury acquisitions. The Juvitae Luxury Real Estate Team will sincerely attend to your concerns and provide you with details other realtors might not be willing to do such as personal transportation to and from the airport or serve as guides who will assist you in quickly acclimating to your new city. Being able to provide customer service that encompasses a concierge attitude is paramount to Julian and his team.
Clients’ reviews about their experience with Juvitae Luxury Real Estate emphasize that their relocations and acquisitions were seamless, enjoyable and satisfactory. In choosing your luxury apartment in River Oaks, Julian and his team will apply their expertise in strategic planning, logistics coordination, and negotiation and transaction management.
Are you now ready to find the best luxury apartment in River Oaks? Contact Juvitae Luxury Real Estate today and speak with a seasoned Luxury Real Estate specialist who will give you a sense of confidence greater than that provided by other real estate service providers. With Juvitae, experience the luxury living that suits your lifestyle! Visit our website: https://www.juvitae.com/
Contact us:
(877) 959-9105
JuVitae | River Oaks Luxury Apartments Houston
5444 Westheimer Rd #1000-001, Houston, TX 77056, USA
Connect with us:
JuVitae | River Oaks Luxury Apartments Houston - Facebook
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fancyhoustonapartments · 8 years ago
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I love River Oaks and have recently been leasing a lot of clients there! Take a look at the best River Oaks apartment special:
River Oaks Apartment specials:
Kirby Collection: 2 Months Free
Grey House River Oaks: 2 Months Free
Aria at Willowick Park: 1 Month Free
Olympia at Willowick Park: $1000 off up front, plus half off your first 6 months
Marq31: 10 weeks free prorated
The Millennium High Street: 6-10 weeks free
The Ivy River Oaks: 1 Month Free
2929 Weslayan: Up to 13 Weeks Free
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"He was so confident and so handsome."
Quote selected randomly from page 231 of Rebel Wilson's memoir Rebel Rising.
Additional notes: "He" is named Mickey.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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idtodna · 8 years ago
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"Without explanation, he opened the low door to reveal dank stone steps that plunged deep into subterranean tunnels beneath the flagstoned expanse of Chronos Square."
Quote randomly selected from page 81 of Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's novel Clockwork Destiny, book three of the Clockwork Angels trilogy.
Additional notes: "He" is the Watchmaker.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"Maybe you didn't hear me."
Quote randomly selected from page 123 of Karen Whiddon's novel The Texan's Return.
Additional notes: Spoken by the character Hailey to her mother.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"The body, still warm, was that of a husky 35-year-old with his ears pierced, a common practice among Sicilians."
Quote was randomly selected from page 60 of Roberto M. Dainotto's nonfiction book The Mafia: A Cultural History.
Additional notes: The body is the titular body from the 1931 film The Body in the Barrel.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"Nutrient measurements are in grams (g) and milligrams (mg)."
Quote randomly selected from page 13 of The New Mayo Clinic Cookbook Second Edition.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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the-random-sentence-library · 7 months ago
"One soldier scans the Angel and says 'this is charged up with weird energy!'"
Quote randomly selected from page 224 of David F. Chapman et al's instruction book The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game.
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from the Willowick Public Library.
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