#The Walking dead in space
theladyregret · 2 years
Wow, I...vastly underestimated how much you guys would vibe with the whole The Walking Dead in Space thing lol ok well...now that I have a day off from work here's some of the ideas I've been thinking about while bored this week.
Human Diplomat: Hey, is there a reason all the water access areas don't allow humans anymore? Don't you guys know we have high water requirements?
Alien Space Station technician: Oh! No one told you?
Human: Told us what?
Alien: Sorry, they were supposed to tell you. Our apologizes, this must look terrible.
Human: Tell. Us. What?
Alien: Our bio filters detected the disease you all carry in the stations water supply after you visited last. Our scientists ran some tests and found that it can survive almost indefinitely in water and is highly resistant to our water treatments. We had to purge and decontaminate the entire system. We created a separate system for your use that is more isolated. You can use those....I....uh...are you ok? Is this sufficient?
Human, frantically writing in a log book: Oh? Yes, fine...that's fine!
Second human: I think you guys just solved a centuries old mystery for us.
Alien, looking confused: What mystery?
Second human: How our species all became infected so quickly.
Alien: You never found out?
Human: It wiped out 99% of our population during the initial outbreak...the how and why of it kind of stopped mattering after a bit, you know?
Galactic News Reporter: Tragedy today after the recent excavation of the lost human mining crew in sector 92. Against human recommendations, rescuers continued their efforts throughout the week. The human deceased, commonly referred to as Walkers, attacked and killed several rescue parties before the site had to be bombed by air support military. Diplomats from several species met once again today to discuss the risks of open contact with the Humans and whether stricter protocols need to be put in place.
Video feed cuts to a human diplomat standing in a room full of multiple different aliens: We told you what to do! You didn't listen! You never listen to us! If you had, none of this would have happened!
Alien Politician: You recommended that the tunnels be collapsed before any excavation be conducted prior to the time frame denoted by safety regulations which would have condemned any potential survivors-
Human, hitting the table in front of him with his fists: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!
Transport ship pilot over PA system: Our ship is currently on approach to the Human home planet of Terra. Be aware that we will be passing through the debris field left over from the Human Colony Wars which will require us to drop out of FTL. Our ship is specially equipped for this journey so rest assured we are in no danger from the debris. It is recommended that any windows be shielded for the duration of this time, thank you.
Human passenger pulls the shade down for their window with a sigh.
The alien next to them looks curious: Why do the windows need to be covered?
Human: Some people find the...debris...disturbing. *the way they said debris sounded sarcastic*
Alien: ...humans find broken ships disturbing?
Human: You didn't do very much research before coming here did you?
Alien just looks confused.
Human reaches over and opens the window cover. They pass close by one of the wrecked ships and at first it looks like any other debris field...then something moves and they realize it's a body. A human body floating in space. It jerks and twists as they pass by. Mouth opening and closing. The alien jerks back in surprise.
Human: The vacuum of space means they don't decompose so...all those people who didn't die properly...they're just out there...like that. Thousands of soldiers. Ships just full of Walkers.
They pass by another ship. This one looks intact and newer.
Alien: That's not human...
Human: Pirates...scavengers. Sometimes they try to come in and take metal from the ships...but...without the proper shielding.
They pass to the other side and there's a hole torn into the side of the ship.
Human: Just another corpse in a field of corpses. Food for the dead.
Alien looking horrified: Why not clean it out?
Human: Why take the risk? Besides...it keeps out the unwanted.
They pass by the corpse of an alien floating in space that still has a walker clinging to it, idly chewing on what still has flesh attached to it. This walker looks more decayed then the other one had. The alien looks like they might be sick so the human shuts the shade again. They don't talk the rest of the way.
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spacedlexi · 2 months
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its crying about clem and aj hours
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getousatoruu · 3 months
He is just a girl in love 😔😔😔
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kieran-hayward-art · 3 months
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random sketchbook stuff from the past month that's mostly just drawings of jeffrey combs✌️
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treespen · 1 year
I love this liminal boy. At the threshold of all things.
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esomaniac · 2 months
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some ds oc stuff cause i haven’t drawn them in a while
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weyounthevorta · 15 days
Boy Band Beauties
You’re getting married next week, and gosh dang it you were put in charge of selecting a local boy band to play live at the reception. You royally goofed and waited until the last minute. With this kind of short notice the pickings are sorta slim.
You searched high and low and found four bands with availability on your wedding day.
Who are you hiring?
Idea from @kaptainandy
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threadbaresweater · 24 days
I am so irrationally afraid of my basement you guys
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b4by-b4t · 2 months
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🤎 Daryl Dixon (and Dog) petre board 🤎
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Reblog and put in the tags what you called the BoB Boys before you learned their names
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theladyregret · 2 years
Sometimes when I’m at work and bored I like to think of how weird/interesting the entire idea of humanity from The Walking Dead universe progressing past the apocalyptic phase and just existing like normal with this infection. Like could you imagine humans from this universe used in a sci-fi setting where they meet aliens?
Just everything about humanity already and OH YEAH if we die for any reason that doesn’t destroy our brains enough our corpses will just keep going and immediately try to eat anything else alive around it because we all carry an inactive form of prion disease that activates upon death.
Aliens: Why are your bunks inside locked cages?
Humans: Oh, one of the early space missions a guy died in his sleep because of an oxygen leak near his bunk and ate everyone before they could wake up so...ya know, tradition.
Aliens: ...o-oh
On the other hand there would likely be common war tactics of kamakazi fighters who could easily weaponize themselves by dying on enemy ships.
I see peaceful relations with aliens being very difficult to maintain honestly lol
Even if we’re not trying to do anything hostile, who wants to risk exposure to something like that?
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guardian-angel12 · 7 days
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The mark of some true GOTG nerds right here. I’m proud of us.
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spacedlexi · 5 months
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little girl, where did you sleep last night?
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rad-roche · 3 months
oh my god i'm having thoughts. i'm having timeskip design thoughts
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kieran-hayward-art · 9 days
!! INPRNT Art Update !!
Here are some more of my recent paintings which you can now buy prints of <3<3
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