#The Walking Dead Season 3
scarisd3ad · 3 months
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x reader
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Chapter twenty six | I love you, I’m sorry
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Warnings - ANGST! Guns, and shooting, Death, mentions of sex, cursing, usual twd warnings
Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
(A/N) - it’s finally here! Yay I’ve been working on this chapter since may and I’m so happy I’ve finally finished it. I know progress with my fics have been moving a little slower that they usually do but I’m hoping fingers crossed 🤞that I am able to speed the process up a little in the coming months 🫶🏻 also finally introducing the governor as the readers father in this chapter, I kind of hinted at it last chapter, to play around with the idea of it being canon. And I really like the ideas and situations I’ve came up in my head to put them in.
‘The suicide king’
S3 ep 9
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Daryl is unbagged and pushed forward towards the middle of the arena. Merle and Daryl stand frozen, their eyes scanning the crowd in utter disbelief. The deafening sound of boos and heckles echoes throughout the arena, drowning out any other noise. Daryl's chest is heaving, faster and faster with each shout made from the audience of people. A blonde woman is attempting to force her way through a group of people, most likely the Governor's personal bodyguards, to get closer to him.
She manages to get through the first set before a surprise second set grabs her up before she can even get to his side. The governor - or maybe I should just start calling him Philip - because I finally know who the man behind the oh-so-mysterious name 'the governor' is. It's funny, I've been looking for this man for the last, what? 20 years of my life and I'm able to find him not even a year into the apocalypse so easily. How could he avoid his kids for 20 years in the old world, but he couldn't even last a year without me finding him now?
I really want to know how my father, Philip Blake, ended up being some dictator for a survivor's refugee camp. I almost want to laugh at how 'badass' he looks right now. makeshift eyepatch over one eye, as he looked over all his people so proud to be an asshole. My father was never much of a threat, but god he tried to be, though he really tried. I didn't hear much about my dad growing up, my maternal grandpa always muttered about how he was "such an asshole of a man", but the one thing I did hear from my paternal grandmother was that he ended up skipping town got some stupid office job and started a new family. it was all some bullshit about needing to start over, without my 'slut of a mother'.
His arm raises, so it's pointing towards Merle. The people of Woodbury immediately quiet down as their leader begins to speak. "I asked where your loyalties lie. You said here." Daryl was finally let out of whatever shackles that were placed around his arms, letting them fall to his sides freely. "Well, prove it. Prove it to us all." My blood runs cold.
"Brother against brother," he says with a dry chuckle. The crowd copies their leader, letting out a small chuckle that's paired with a quiet "yeah."
"Winner goes free" the crowd cheers at that, probably hoping and praying that Merle is able to win. Even though Merle was now deemed possibly 'unloyal' in the governor's eyes, it was still the better option for them. If Daryl died, Merle would have absolutely no reason to want to help us. Merle would go back to being Philip's loyal righthand man, and we, the 'terrorists' would be dead. Glenn had already told them our location and they would be marching up to our door with pitchforks in no time. Philip walks towards Merle shouting "Fight to the death!" as he does so. The crowd cheers once again. This was a scene taken straight out of one of those shitty medieval times shows.
The blonde woman finally turns, revealing her whole face to me. Andrea, the woman I thought I had accidentally left for dead, was here? Of all places, how did she end up here? Well, she had already shown us she didn't care about being led by an asshole, and if she was as close with Philip as she seems, she should already know how much of an asshole he was. "Philip, please. Don't do this," Andrea pleads, as one of Philips's men holds her back. "Don't do this!" He doesn't even glance at her, choosing instead to keep his eye on his prey. He glares at the two men standing in front of him, a smirk on his face that shows he truly enjoys this. The torture. He doesn't even have to do it himself, he just has to sit back and watch.
Merle raises his hand in the air before shouting "Y'all know me!" the crowd cheers, and I can see the absolute look of betrayal on Daryl's face. "I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to prove..." He hesitates for a moment before swinging his arm back and delivering a forceful punch to Daryl's stomach. With a loud grunt, Daryl collapses to the ground, and the crowd erupts in excitement. I stand frozen, unable to believe what I'm witnessing. how could he do that? Do that to his brother? "Holy shit," Jack gasps as Daryl begins to push himself up off of the ground. "That's my loyalty to this town!" just as Daryl has gotten his head off of the ground, Merle kicks him, sending him right back onto the ground.
Daryl lies motionless on his back, his chest heaving up and down with a faint rhythm. My eyes are fixed on him, hesitant to glance away, as if by doing so I might miss the final moments of his life. Merle continues throwing blow after blow as Philip watches on the sidelines with a sick look on his face. The crowd cheers as they lead out a walker. It's practically on a leash as some man, probably another one of Philips's men, leads him toward Daryl and Merle.
Finally, Daryl throws a punch. It's towards Merle's ankles but it gets him somewhere. It gets Daryl back onto his feet. Daryl launches himself toward Merle, tackling him, or at least trying to, but Merle has a leg up in this competition. merle gets Daryl down to the ground first. Both men have their hands around each other's necks as three of Philips's men lead three walkers towards them.
I don't even know what to do to help Daryl out. I could cause some type of distraction. If something more dangerous happens, it could give Daryl the freedom to escape. My eyes fall to my bag. I open it up and grab my gun right as Daryl and Merle get back to their feet. The two are working together to defeat the walkers.
My ammunition is running dangerously low, but my determination to save Daryl is unwavering. I'm willing to take the risk and use my last bullet to help him escape. My breaths come in quick and shallow as I raise my gun, my hands trembling with apprehension. I take aim at a man standing near Philip. I let out one more shaky breath before pressing the trigger and letting the bullet fly out of the gun and toward the man. Luckily for me, my aim was amazing today. The bullet tears right through his skull. Everyone around him screams as he falls to the ground with a thud.
Suddenly, someone behind Jack and I start shooting rounds into the arena, which makes even more of a ruckus. As I turned around to glance behind me, my eyes fell on Maggie, who was casually leaning against the top of the cold metal dumpster that was situated behind us. She shoots round after round into the arena. I let out a sigh of relief and began running back towards her. rick throws one of his smoke bombs, and Maggie continues to shoot. All I can hear is the sound of the automatic rifle and screams. Everyone's scattering like flies. Rick looks up at me, his mouth is open as if he's about to ask me something before his eyes flick to Jack who's stood behind me. "Who's that?"
"Old friend... he helped me," I reply. Rick continues to stare at Jack, scrutinizing him from head to toe as if he's trying to find a reason not to like him. I already know what he's going to ask. "Is he one of the governor's men?" I quickly respond, "He was just a resident and didn't know anything about what was going on, right Jack?" Jack nods, muttering a quiet "mhm."
Daryl and Merle sprint towards us while Rick urges, "Daryl, let's go!" Without wasting any time, we all take off at full speed, our hearts pounding with fear of being spotted by Philip or his men. The only sound that can be heard is our pounding footsteps on the ground as we race towards safety.
We manage to escape the arena and run back into the main town area. We were cautious as we walked around, hoping everyone was in the arena, but there was no actual way to know, so we were as careful as we could.
"they're all at the arena, this way!!" Merle instructs, attempting to lead us toward an exit. Rick was quick to shoot down the idea of Merle going with us. "you're not going anywhere with us!" he growls. "You really want to do this now?!" Merle asks as he runs towards the fence, attempting to pry apart the metal, as Rick and Daryl stand guard. I pray to God Rick won't say anything about Jack going with us. I don't want him to stay here, knowing the possible doomed future of Woodbury.
Finally, Merle manages to pull apart the metal, leaving a nicely sized hole in its wake. We all slipped through without a problem, but we're only met with walkers on the opposite side. "A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE NICE!" Merle shouts as he beats a walker to death with his prosthetic arm. Daryl was quick to pitch in, shooting a walker with his bow. I pull my gun out, shooting off my last bullet into a walker's head, "We ain't got time for this!" before beginning to sprint off.
I stand motionless next to Jack, anticipation building as we await instructions from Rick. "let's go!" Daryl shouts once it's been more than a few seconds, Rick, Maggie, and I not moving. I'm glad Daryl hasn't asked about Jack yet. Maybe it's just because he's too busy to realize. But I hope he never mentions it. I'm scared he'll get mad, or jealous. He's just a friend now, hell we were tiptoeing around a breakup when the outbreak started. But I don't know how Daryl is with exes. I know he can get jealous; he has many times before. Normally, I can predict what he'll do in certain situations, but with Jack, I just don't know how Daryl will react. rick folds, deciding to follow after Merle rather than die.
The walk back to the car is long. My hands are in my pockets as I trail behind a bit, with everyone else at least a few feet ahead of me. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I can't help but overhear Merle and Daryl's conversation. "sooo, wha's up with you'n tha' bitch?" Merle asks, his head tilting back, so it points towards me. My heart stops, wondering what Daryl would say. Would he refer to me as his girlfriend? Even though we already had discussed what our relationship was, and I was confident in my role as Daryl's girlfriend, I was scared that he'd be embarrassed to admit that we were in a relationship with his older brother.
Daryl's quiet for a few seconds, giving his brother enough time to throw in another comment. "You to fuckin' around or something?" Daryl chuckles left hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Um...I guess me'n her are together," he says with a shrug. Merle almost immediately bursts out in a booming fit of laughter, which makes Rick turn around and glare. I don't understand what's so funny. Was it so farfetched that Daryl and I were dating? I can see the back of Daryl's ears turn a bright red as his hands nervously play with the hem of his shirt. "yer datin' her! ain't she fuckin' that Chinese boy?" I almost scoff at Merle's assumption. I can almost hear Daryl's eyes roll as he says, "Nah... they're just friends."
"ya sure? I remem-" Daryl's quick to shut Merle down once again "I'm sure"
It's about 20 minutes later when we end up back at the other side of the large acre of woods where we parked the car. As we approach the car, Rick whisper yells out Glenn's name, which makes both Glenn and Michonne get up and run to us. "Oh, thank god," Glenn sighs out as he approaches us. Rick was quick to squash the inkling of relief that Glenn had by revealing our newfound problems. "Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." the moment Merle's face comes into Glenn's sigh, his face instantly contorted into anger "What the hell is he doing here!" Michonne pulls out her Katana in an effort to protect herself, and Daryl, he's quick to begin yelling in an effort to protect his older brother. There is a gun pointed at almost everyone in the group. "are you guys always like this?" Jack mutters quietly, "Always," I reply with an eye roll.
Everyone is yelling over each other; I can barely understand one word that's coming out of anyone's mouth. "Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you," Rick scoffs, while I cross my arms over my chest, feeling absolute annoyance simmering inside me. "Hey, we both took our licks, man," Merle chuckles as his back presses against the tree behind him. "Jackass" Daryl scoffs with an eye roll. merle pushes himself off the tree. "Hey shut up!" Merle shouts back at his brother, his voice filled with pure annoyance. The brotherly squabble is quickly shut down by Rick with a loud "Enough!" but that just turns into another fight. "Hey! hey! Relax! Put that down!" Rick shouts at Michonne, who's got her Katana pointed at him. "Get that thing out of my face!" Daryl shouts, swatting at Glenn's gun.
Merle laughs. "Man, look like you've gone native, brother." Daryl turns around, his anger now fully directed at his brother. "NO more than you hangin' out with that psycho back there." Merle just has a smirk on his face, mainly just to piss Daryl off even more. "oh, yeah, man. He is a charmer, I got to tell you that. been puttin' the wood to your girlfriend Andrea big time, baby." Merle said eye's making direct contact with Michonne. my eyebrows furrow with confusion, not because of Andrea fucking my father, that was predictable, Andrea liked a man with power, but I'm confused because Andrea and Michonne had known each other. Glenn's just as confused brows furrowed as he asks "What? Andreas in Woodbury?"
"Right next to the governor," Daryl replies. Michonne takes a few steps forward, pointing her Katana in front of her once again, with the intention of hurting someone. "I told you to drop that!" Rick shouts, lunging forward, making Michonne lower it once again. Michonne has a blank expression on her face as Rick asks, "You know Andrea?" her eyes don't make contact with Rick, instead settling for somewhere right behind him.
Rick doesn't take her silence for an answer, so he gets closer, and his voice drops to a low, sinister whisper, "Hey, do you know Andrea?" he asks once again. She doesn't answer, letting Merle answer for her. "Yep, she does," he says, a smirk displayed on his lips. "Her and blondie spent all winter cuddlin' up in the forest. Mm-mmm-mmm." Rick has a look of betrayal on his face as Merle continues to reveal more and more of Michonne's secrets. "Yeah. My Nubian queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains."
What. The. fuck? two pet walkers! "kinda ironic now that I think about it." Daryl is done with Merle's mouth. Daryl quickly spins around shouting "Shut up, bro!" Merle laughs, obviously finding Daryl's anger hilarious "Hey, man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dyin'."
"Is that why she's with him?"
Merle nods. "Yeah. Snug as two little bugs. So, what ya gonna do now, sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs, and cowards." Merle says, just poking and prodding at Rick, trying to get a reaction out of him. And a reaction is what he got; Rick turns his head, commanding Merle to "shut up!" Merle, being Merle, doesn't comply and continues his antics. Merle chuckles. "Oh, man, look at this. Pathetic!" he shakes his head in faux shame. "All these guns and no bullets in them."
Merles once again got on his brother's last nerve. "Merle! shut up!" Daryl growls, leaning forward a bit, trying to intimidate his older brother. Merle doesn't take that and begins to shout, "Shut up yourself! Bunch of pussies you roll-" Merle isn't even able to finish his last sentence before Rick quickly strikes him in the back of the head with his gun, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious with a thud. "Asshole."
We're all gathered around in the middle of the road, leaving Jack sat on the side of the road, feeling he had no place in the conversation, and Merle still in the woods. Daryl's trying to propose that Merle comes with us, but Rick's not so sure, feeling it will just cause trouble. "It won't work," Rick sighs. Daryl still tries his best to convince Rick, though "it's gotta" I'm not on either side. I know Merle is nothing but trouble. I've known that since the moment I met him. But I also know that Daryl has beaten himself up over losing his brother for the past year. I know having his brother with our group again would make him happy. I want Daryl to be happy, I really do, but Merle has already caused so much trouble for our group. Hell, he kidnapped and almost killed Glenn and Maggie.
"it'll stir things up," Rick argues. I know he's right. Having Glenn and Merle under the same roof probably won't end up well. Glenn was already so pissed off; it wouldn't be right to make Glenn and Maggie feel more unsafe than they already did. "Look, the governor is probably on the way to the prison right now. merle knows how he thinks, and we could use the muscle," Merle did already know a bunch about Phillip, but who says he's even gonna help up, all he did back at the quarry was fuck around and start unnecessary fights with Shane.
"I'm not havin' him at the prison,"
"Do you really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol, Beth, or hell, Casey?" Glenn asks. thinking about it, I don't want Merle Dixon anywhere near Casey. I know Merle is Daryl's brother and all, but he should really think about this. I was barely comfortable being within 5 feet of Merle myself let alone my 5-year-old. he has to start thinking about the bigger picture, he has to start thinking about how this could affect Casey, Carl, and the baby. Daryl grunts before muttering, "he ain't a rapist." He wasn't a rapist, but he sure did make me more than uncomfortable on multiple occasions. Look at him, the way he talked, the men he hung out with; would he really want that kind of person around the children?
"Well, his buddy is." Daryl was still trying to plead Merle's case. "They ain't buddies no more. Not after last night," I sigh, arms crossing over my chest "C'mon D you know how Merle is, do you really want that around case?" he huffs, trying not to make eye contact as a look of betrayal spreads across his face.
"There's no way Merles gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats," Rick says. I know Rick doesn't want to piss Daryl off, but he also wants everyone in our group to feel safe. "So, yer gonna cut Merle loose and bring the last samurai home with us?" Rick shakes his head, saying "She's not coming back. " 
"she's not in a state to be on her own" Maggie argues. Maggie and Glenn continue to try and plead Michonne's case. "She did bring you guys to us" Glenn whispers, in a way he's right. Michonne had helped us, but she's already practically gone rogue pointing that damn katana at people. we just don't know what she's capable of yet. "And then ditched us" rick argues, head turning towards Glenn. "at least let my dad stitch her up" Maggie begs, we can't just leave her out for dead, we should at least let Hershel check her out, so she's has the best chance of survival out there, it just the right thing to do. "She's too unpredictable." She's a loose cannon, that's for sure. On one hand, she has proven herself to be beneficial to our group, but on the other hand, she has also shown us that she could be harmful to our group. She's helping us, but also going missing for a long period of time and pointing her damn Katana at us like we're the bad guys.
We're staring at Michonne. She is leaning against the side-view mirror, staring back at us, almost as if she knows we're talking about her. Scratch that, she probably does know because Rick is not trying to whisper at all. He wants her to know she's unwanted, hoping she'll take a hint and scurry off before Rick can boot her out. Daryl nods agreeing with Rick, "That's right, we don't know who she is" he mutters, but he's only agreeing with Rick right now to try to slip in a word about Merle staying with us.
"But merle, merles blood." Daryl says almost acting like we're all some big family. Deep down, I have a feeling he'd run if Merle asked him. We're not blood, I'm not his wife, Casey's not his daughter. I'm his girlfriend, barely even that sometimes, and Casey, she's a little girl who has accidentally grown too attached. The 'D' around my neck means nothing if Merle is asking for something, and I know that. I wouldn't expect him to choose me over his brother, and I know he wouldn't expect me to pick him over mine, even if it would be a difficult decision for me.
Glenn shakes his head in disgust. "No, merles your blood, my blood, my family is standing right here, and waiting for us back at the prison." We had no ties to Merle, no need to keep him. The only one who did was Daryl. we all know the line we're tittering on, we all know the thoughts and decisions racing through his mind. We all know he's thinking about leaving and going with Merle. that's why my eyes are burning into his with a stare begging him not to. Begging him not to make me go back without him, begging him not to make me explain why he didn't come back. "And you're part of that family, but he's not. He's not"
I can see the anger boiling in his chest, the words he's trying to fight back. "Man, ya'll don't know" We all stare at him waiting for him to say it because we know he is "Fine. we'll fend for ourselves." he finally says it, which almost sends me over the edge. I just want to scream at him. How could he just leave, leave after promising he'd come back? "that's not what I was saying," Glenn says, trying to make Daryl think about his decision. "no, him, no me." It's as simple as that. He didn't think about Casey, Carol, Beth, or hell fucking me. "Daryl, you don't have to do that"
"It was always merle an' I before this" Then he makes eye contact with me, and he sees it, the tears pooling in my eyes that I desperately try to blink back, the begging the pleading, but he doesn't care. "So, you're just gonna leave?" I ask finally breaking my silence. His eyes meet mine. "you'd do the same thing," he mutters. My brother, he wasn't like Merle. He wouldn't be booted out of the group because my brother was a good man. "What do you want me to tell Casey? you promised her you'd come back." he shrugs, almost like he doesn't care. "y/n ya gotta understand this is my brother, my blood. You'd do the same if you found yer's. I know ya would"
"My brother's dead," I say, my voice comes out bitter and harsh. Because how could he bring up my brother, who's dead? Who died trying to help me? How could he compare his racist, misogynistic, absolute scumbag brother to mine? "Then ya should understand. "my arms cross over my chest, and my face twists into a disgusted expression. I can't believe he'd just leave us like that. After everything we've been through. He said he loved me. I thought he thought more of me. I thought this was it. I thought he was going to be my husband.
Daryl starts walking, pushing past Maggie and me, muttering, "Say goodbye to yer pops for me." I spin around on my heels, facing him now rather than Glenn and Rick. I'm practically chasing after him shouting "You're seriously leaving?! After everything we've been through?!" he ignores me and just continues to walk until he gets to the trunk of the car. He opens it and begins to gather his items.
"So, this is it?" I whisper, my hands shoved in my pockets, "guess so" he mutters, my heart drops and tears begin to pool in my eyes once again. "Seriously? What about Casey?" he shrugs, not answering because he knows whatever he's going to say is just going to piss me off. "What about me D? What about us?" a tear falls down my cheek, and my hand reaches up to wipe it away. "you'll get over it," he mutters, slinging his bag over his shoulder. That hurt me. It felt like a stab to the gut. Did he really think I just get over him like that? He shakes his head, almost as if he was trying to ignore the tears that lined my waterline. he's trying not to care.
I've watched Daryl grow so much as a person in the last year. The man I knew yesterday was a scrap of the man I had met at that quarry. But somehow, with Merle's reappearance, he went back to the Douch bag he was. He no longer cared for Casey, Beth, or Carol. He no longer cared for me. He no longer cared about us. All the late-night conversation meant nothing, the necklace meant nothing, Casey meant nothing. "I-I love you," I whisper, hoping it would change his decision. Hoping the quiet admission of love would snap him back into reality.
"Then stop..." he mutters. His words are so bitter, so calloused they slice right through my heart, breaking it into a million pieces. "ya got whoever that guy is over there, ya got Glenn. know you'll be fuckin' one of them by the end of the week," he mutters. Hot, angry tears begin to fall down my cheeks. How could he say that? Was that really all he thought of me? A slut? Did he think I was only with him for the sex? The sex that was so far in between that I can't recall the last time we had it. Did he not notice how in love I was?
I rip the necklace from my neck and throw it at him. It hits his torso before falling to the ground with a soft thud. The silver metal glimmers in the sun staring up a simple reminder of what we were, and what we could have been. "Fuck you" is the last thing I mutter before wiping my tears and turning to walk back towards the group.
The ride back to the prison is a blur. I sit in the back, middle seat, with a shell-shocked look on my face. I don't want to cry, but my body wants me to cry. There's a lump in my throat and I'm desperately trying to hold back tears. The whole ride Glenn muttering quietly to me, "I'm so sorry" "I didn't think he was really going to leave" I don't pay attention to him. I can't listen, I can't pay attention. I just want to be in my head right now. I feel the car stop and feel people leave, but I don't pay it any mind. I don't even pay any mind when I hear the shouting outside. I just want this all to be over.
I'm zoned out until I feel the car park, and everyone gets out. I get out, hands shoved in my pockets. The only thing that knocks me out of my head is the feeling of two little arms wrapping around my leg. "you're back," Casey squeaks as I bend down and pick her up. Her arms wrap around my neck and her head buries itself into my shoulder. I know the inevitable question awaits us, and I still don't know what I'm going to say. When I feel her head leave my shoulder and begin looking around, my heart begins to slam against my chest. "where's Daryl?" she asks eyes still searching, "he...Daryl left"
"Did he die?" she asks, brows furrowing up as I shake my head. I'd rather he had died. It's easier to explain to her that he died rather than he decided to leave us. "No, baby. He found his brother and decided he needed to be with his family." Her brows furrow up even farther, if that's even possible. "I thought we were his family?"
When I get back inside, I tell Casey to stay with Carl and go up and find an empty cell. This is when I finally let myself break down. Sitting on the bed with my head in my hand, I just let go. I'm full-on ugly crying, with tears streaming down my face, and snot bubbling out of my nose. I just hate him so much for leaving. Broken sobs escape my lips as I try to keep myself as quiet as possible. I don't want anyone else to know how badly this hurt me.
My chest rises and falls fast with each gasp I take. The only thought that is racing through my mind is why would he do this? How could he do this? Did he really think that I was a slut all this time, or was it Merle's comments about Glenn, and I that suddenly had changed his opinion of Glenn and I's relationship? Did he seriously think I didn't love him?
"You, okay?" a knock on the wall pulls me from my thoughts. I look up to see Carol. My bottom lip wobbles as I shake my head 'no'. she lets out a sigh as she nods and slowly walks towards me. She takes a seat next to me on the bottom bunk. "You want to talk?" she asks, her arm coming to wrap around my body and pull mine close to hers. I shake my head 'no' once again. I could barely think about him without a blubbering mess, let alone talk about him to someone else.
My head buries into her chest as her left hand rubs small circles into my back. "I know, I know," she mutters as broken sobs erupt from my throat. I just hate him so much for leaving with Merle, but at the same time I want him here, and I want him to hold me. I want to hear him tell me he loves me.
I sat in that cell for the rest of the night, not bothering about dinner because I had already felt sick to my stomach. The only human interaction I have is with Casey at bedtime when she cuddles up next to me in the bottom bunk. I can't bring myself to touch the stuff Daryl had left behind, because I know I'll either break it or throw it at a wall.
Casey's eyes were heavy with sleep, and yawns erupted from her every few seconds. She didn't want to sleep on the top bunk. For the past few months, she only knew what it felt like to sleep between Daryl and me. There was always a warm body next to her, no matter what. I can't bring myself to think how last night was for her. Through a yawn, she whispers, "I miss Daryl" I let out a heavy sigh. In a way I miss him, I wish he hadn't made the choice he had made, I wish he would have considered how'd those decisioned would affect us. I wish I didn't have the burden of living the rest of my life wondering if he's alright, so I guess in a way I miss him.
Casey eventually drifted off to sleep, and I quietly slipped out of bed, hoping that everyone else had retired for the night. As I tiptoed down the stairs and into the dimly lit rec room, I noticed Glenn sitting at a table in the far-left corner. He was shrouded in almost complete darkness, with only his hoodie standing out in the dim light. His head faced down; one elbow propped up on the table to hold it up. "How you holdin' up?" I ask, breaking him from his thoughts. I can see him just and let out a tiny gasp. "shit" he mutters under his breath as his head snaps up to see me.
I laugh, a small smile breaking across my face. "sorry" I whisper, walking across the room to meet him at his table. "watcha doin' up so late?" I ask, sliding into the seat beside him. "can't sleep you?" he asks. I shrug, not knowing why I was still up. I felt like I could sleep for a good week if I really tried. "So...did Jack get booted out with the rest...or..." I ask referring to the commotion I had heard earlier that day involving rick. Glenn shakes his head "Nah, didn't wanna upset you anymore than you already were," he says, tiptoeing around the subject of Daryl.
I can't help but feel bad about Glenn and Maggie. Every time I see the black and blue bruises that decorated his face, I can't help but be reminded of who caused it. I hadn't thought about him in years. The only times I was reminded of the faded remembrance of his face were in old family portraits that were in boxes up in my mom's attic.
1992 or 3 maybe, I was three years old in the picture, mom was heavily pregnant, and dad looked so young. I never realized how young both my parents were when they had me until I looked at those photos. Mom looks maybe 19, dad had to be at least 21. He's got me on his hip, we're all pushed in close, one arm around a waist, Dad's face and I's squished together. We looked so happy.
When I saw his face out in the crowd, I was 12 years old again up in the attic, sorting through boxes, finding the dusty portraits. Wondering how he could leave us. I wasn't stupid. I remembered those last few months, the last year. I remembered the drinking, the fighting, the bruises. I remembered the broken potted plants I remembered my brother's broken arm. I just couldn't believe the man who wore such a bright smile could be so evil.
How could he hurt me, hurt my brother, hurt my mom? I feel like I'm sitting in my paternal grandmother's kitchen this time, maybe 15, listening to her blab on and on about his family. His wife, his daughter. His daughter he loved so dearly, the daughter who had replaced me. 'He just loves her so much,' she said 'No one can take away a father's love for their daughter'. I hadn't thought of him since that moment. After that, I gave up on having a dad. I gave up on waiting. I finally realized he just didn't love me, and I couldn't change that.
But yesterday, seeing him again was like a punch to the gut, and finding out that he was the one who hurt my friends that made me furious. I wanted to be the one to hunt him down. I wanted to be the one to kill him. I couldn't wait to see his face when he realized who I was and what I was going to do.
"Glenn, can I tell you something? But you can't get mad" his brows furrow, a sliver of a smile displaying on his lips as his mouth opens to say something. I'm quick to cut him off, finally revealing the hardest secret I've ever had to keep. "the governor is my dad" his eyes widen, and fear sets in quickly, terrified he'll hate me. "What?" he asks, it coming out as a half laugh as he stares at me. His eyes fall up and down my body, examining every single one of my facial features, finding everyone that even slightly resembled Philips. "Are you joking?" he asks, head cocking to the side in disbelief. I shake my head slowly, and he lets out a quiet "oh my god."
"I didn't even know this governor guy was him until I saw him. You're not mad, are you?" he shakes his head, letting my anxieties settle. "No..not mad, just...shocked, yo-you...wow."
@rivversin @soul4death @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @jai-lovely @maziejay08 @oi-itse @rhaenryawhore @kimbunnysstuff @blipblopper @ramielll @ilyhannah @daryldixonnn @delicatebearpandaopera @daryldixmedown @duckybird101 @0-imjusthere-0 @tanuki-tsuki
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
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THE WALKING DEAD - 3.06 | "Hounded"
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littlelovingideas · 1 year
“Todays your lucky day, fellas. You been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You’re free to go.”
Bruh. Daryl kills me.
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eccentricallygothic · 5 months
oh no, daryl cried for the first time
"i just want my brother back"
my heart, someone give him a hug oh my god
i hated merle but i knew something like this would break daryls heart
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Okay I will explain, to me, why this song (and the scene it was used in) is so important in my opinion.
There is a metaphor between Lori and Jessie- he saw Lori in Jessie so he got obsessed over her, wants to give her the love he regret not giving his deceased wife Lori- act more and face the problems more, because he would keep running away from the problems when he was with Lori, what made their marriage troublesome. However, the truth is hard, he cant live in that fantasy- Jessie isn't Lori- and Lori is dead and the world outside is brutal and far gone.
The position Rick gets against the wall is almost the same he got against the prison metal grid right before walkers attacked and Lori would get killed minutes after- That moment the song goes "the sun of my life, it is dead, it is dead".
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In the shot, Rick is alone- the dead walker on the other side- his wife is dead-
The last camera shot has space to fit 2 people side by side, yet Rick is alone.
This is the episode Rick snaps out of this little new fantasy he wanted to live in Alexandria.
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devnmon · 10 months
why didnt rick and his group keep using silencers for their guns... like they did it in season three for five seconds. and it WORKED. the silencers literally worked so well so whyyy didnt they keeep using themmmmmmm.
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Bad People or Good People? - Chapter 6: We're the Good Guys, Clem (Part 1)
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story summary:
“Find a group…” are one of the last words Lee says to Clementine. And so, Clementine does. Over and over and over again… until Clementine finds Daryl Dixon and his group at the prison. Whilst it’s easy to gain the affection of Daryl, a man who soon becomes like a father to her, other members of the group might have some issues with her… not to mention the looming threat of other people still out there.
Changes Clementine’s fate after telltale’s season 1 to fit in with the Walking Dead show, intertwining the stories from mid season 3 and onwards. Clementine is therefore 9 at the start!
(I will try to write with enough details that if you haven’t seen or played either of the medias, you can follow along. But I also keep in mind that some have played and seen things multiple times so if something that was canon doesn’t make sense immediately, it will in a later chapter <3 )
chapter summary:
With Clementine revealing the location of the group after her, Rick makes a risky decision to take some of the group’s fighters to go after them despite the Governor looming on their doorstep. Meanwhile, Merle finds more reasons to provoke Daryl.
read it on Ao3 too (closed to only those with AO3 accounts, send an ask if you want an invite) previous chapters:   Glenn || Find a Group || Fever || Forgiveness || An Honest Man || A Stronger Girl || word count: 4212
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The following morning, instead of the warm touch of sunlight rousing her, the harsh wailing of an infant did instead.
It was not the first time Judith had awoken Clementine. So she didn’t jump as much this time around.
Rick was stood by the make-shift crib: the culprit for why the infant had suddenly begun to cry, roused from her sleep unwillingly. The box adorned with her scribbled name was becoming slightly too big for her, advocating both for how Clementine had already been with the group for a while now (as it had fit her perfectly at the start), and for how swiftly infants grew (and perhaps it also showed how well the group was handling taking care of an infant despite the world gone to hell).
That had been Rick’s voice: words directed both to Judith and the two roused group members sleeping on the catwalk.
He picked his infant daughter up, glancing briefly toward Clementine and Daryl stirring in their sleep. As she was lifted in the arms of an adult she recognized, Judith calmed a bit, but was still fussing and kicking and scrunching her face up in annoyance.
It was obvious that her reaction wasn’t just from being roused from her sleep: she was hungry.
Normally Daryl handled the morning feedings. Upon the cry from Judith, said archer had indeed moved to stand too. But upon seeing Rick, he’d fallen back onto his mattress and tossed an arm over his eyes to try and catch a minute or two more shuteye.
The sight of Clementine and Daryl seemed to amuse Rick, who barely ever came up those stairs at least in the morning. Lately, though, Rick seemed to take more of an interest in his baby - something was healing inside of him. Something Clementine hadn’t known was broken.
She had wondered why Daryl had had to have taken over the role of a father… but had been too shy to ever ask.
From the way Rick was taking more of an interest, though, maybe the crib would not be in Daryl’s presence for much longer. Merle would be thrilled, always complaining about the baby waking him up.
With just a foot between Clementine and Daryl, Rick turned an amused look toward the two. “What are you doing out here?”
Without a mattress, and with barely a pillow under her head, it was very uncomfortable sleeping out on the catwalk near Daryl. But, it was the only place she felt she could sleep.
“Didn’t Carol offer you a cell?”
Clementine paused before replying, in a groggy voice, “I can’t fall asleep there.”
“She’s fine ‘ere,” Daryl grunted out, arm still over his eyes.
Amused and slightly… proud? - Rick nodded his head and instead said: “Why don’t you at least move a mattress out here?”
With a little nod, Clementine agreed. It would be more comfortable.
Rick cocked his head, and she stood to follow him to her cell. With one hand, the other arm clutching Judith, Rick helped her move a mattress out onto the perch. Happily, Clementine plopped down onto the mattress, patting it all around her in a grateful and joyful gesture.
“You can keep your cell, for when you wanna sleep there anyway, or store yeh things.” Rick leaned down to pat her head, ruffling her for once exposed hair - the only time she took her hat off was when sleeping, so it wouldn’t get lost when she moved around. That hat was too important to her for her to ever lose it. “Carl, Michonne and I are getting ready to head off. There’s breakfast ready for whenever you’re hungry.”
“Gotta put that on hold, Rick,” Daryl muttered. With a slight grunt, Daryl sat up on his mattress and offered a look to Clementine.
The girl nodded her head confidently. 
“I know where Ylva’s group is at.”
“Then let’s gather the group,” Rick announced with a sudden urgency. He nodded his head at Daryl with a silent meaning which Clementine could not figure out before heading down the stairs.
She didn’t care about the hidden meaning for long though, because when Daryl turned his eyes to her once more, there was a gentle pride in his eyes. “You’re doin’ good, kid.” And honestly… as little as she knew about him, as little as he knew about her, that tiny bit of praise meant the world to her - that was how quickly she had attached herself to him. As unhealthy as that was, and as dangerous as it was in this new world, Clementine was there to stay beside Daryl.
Sprinting off to get ready for breakfast, Clementine left Daryl on his own. He stayed put on his mattress, not bothering to get cleaned up or dressed for anything anymore (why be clean when there’s an apocalypse happening outside?)… but waiting for Clementine to be ready so they could walk down together.
His eyes flickered to the mattress next to his.
Man… What kinda shit had he gotten himself into now? Caring for an infant whilst the dad got his shit together was one thing. It meant he wasn’t the sole person responsible of shaping the morals and identity of a little fragile human being. It meant it wasn’t his fault if the kid became screwed up because he could blame it on the dad leaving. But Clementine would look up to him and him alone. She’d need him to help guide her into becoming a semi decent person and Daryl…
Could he really do that? Was Daryl a semi decent person to begin with?
Maybe he ought to push her onto Glenn and Maggie instead.
Rick’s entire group was gathered in the dining area, breakfast served in bowls but fully ignored by all the second Daryl and Clementine had joined them.
Now, Rick was pouring over a map, eyes scanning it for the safest route. But it was difficult considering they had no information. If he went there, he would be leading part of his group into unknown territory to check out a place occupied by a group Clementine had run from, and which was clearly hostile toward others.
Was it worth it? If he went, he’d be making the remaining people left behind in the prison vulnerable to the Governor’s attacks - more vulnerable than they already were with so few fighters, and so few guns.
He rubbed a hand over his face, acutely aware of the pure silence almost suffocating him, and the stares of the others watching him, waiting for a decision, a plan... Making decisions was much harder as of late. He couldn’t trust himself. Half the time he thought he was doing the right thing, only to lose himself to delusions.
That, or he was making decisions based in dictatorship which were given responses of silent, blank faces from those he trusted the most.
From his family.
And such reactions… hurt.
The only right thing he had done as of late was let Clementine in… Despite the trouble she had brought them, as Hershel might have once said, Rick fully believed rescuing a child remained the best thing even in this world.
Said girl was sitting hunched up on a nearby bench, staring down at the floor with wide eyes. She wasn’t the greatest with having all attention be on her, and clearly this had been a difficult decision for her. This, too, confused Rick. If Clementine was scared of the group, why was she protecting them? Why was she still loyal to some of them? And would she be a flight risk because of it?
“We could go up through here?” Hershel suggested, pointing toward the map.
Rick didn’t answer Hershel’s suggestion, instead glancing back at Clementine. Next to her, Daryl stood with his arms crossed, eyes like a hawk awaiting its prey. Protective was an understatement when it came to Daryl. Especially when Clementine wasn’t feeling the greatest. Rick wondered if Daryl was even aware of what he was doing though.
“This group…” Rick straightened up and moved over to Clementine, crouching down in front of her. “Will they attack?”
Frowning, Clementine remained quiet but, avoiding eye contact, she nodded her head yes in reply.
“So we go in from the back,” Rick decided, glancing over his shoulder to Hershel. “It’s a day’s car ride away from here…” He sighed. Again, more questions were raised. This Ylva person had gone so far just to get to Clementine… to get her back… Why? “Clementine…” Rick took another pause as he pondered over how he should approach this. “I… We are really grateful that you’ve told us somethin’ ‘bout them. Truly we are. But we gotta know why they want you back.”
“I was a worker,” Clementine quietly admitted. “They just want me back.”
“A worker?” Rick asked. The entire group was watching intensely now, curious and worried for what more information Clementine might reveal.
A nod from the girl and an uncomfortable shift in her seat was all Rick got for a while. Then, a quiet whisper added: “They lure you in. Then threaten you. And then you work for them to stay safe. To be protected by them. But you’re not really safe. Not really…”
She shook her head and quietened down again. Her gaze, all the time as she spoke, had been glued to a spot on the floor. Rick tried to move his head so he was in her line of sight, but she only shifted her gaze away no matter what he attempted.
Rick knew what that meant. He had interviewed enough civilians to understand their body language. She was done, clammed up and not open to speaking about it anymore.
So he let her be.
But there was more to this story. From what Clementine told him, there was no reason for her to keep this information from them. She hadn’t done anything wrong. So why was she exhibiting all the telltales of a person riddled with guilt?
“What are you going to do?” Clementine quietly asked, finally looking up at him.
“We will have a chat, if we can. And make sure they leave you the hell alone.” Rick said this with confidence. If a chat couldn’t be had, there were other ways to make it clear Clementine was off limits now. That’s why he was planning on bringing Daryl, the overprotective one.
“It’s just three of them,” Clementine admitted. “Please don’t hurt the others.”
“He won’t,” Beth was quick to say, stepping forwards. Her eyes, pleadingly, glanced to Rick’s crouched form. “You won’t, right?”
A tension arose in the group. Something unsaid lurked in everyone’s minds, whether it was the same subconscious thought, the same moment of doubt, that passed through everyone’s minds was uncertain… but it was clear each and every member had experienced a moment that had made them question Rick’s ability to be calm, collected… and a good guy.
It was clear that no one knew what Rick’s intentions were anymore.
“We won’t,” Rick said with a smile, pretending the tension in the group wasn’t present. “We’re the good guys, Clem.”
A lie. Almost everyone thought it.
Except for Clementine, who smiled. Her innocence meant blind faith in people who had yet to prove their mettle in actions. It was an innocence Rick wanted to protect. He wasn’t a bad guy. But bad things had happened, and he didn’t blame anyone for doubting him.
“We take Hershel’s route, then circle around the back and find a way in. Glenn, Daryl, Merle-“ Rick paused to give Glenn a pointed look when he started complaining he didn’t want Merle on the team. “Merle, stay here.” With a roll of his eyes, Merle quietly agreed. “Glenn and Daryl’ll come with me. The rest of you… stay on your guards. Keep an eye on the forest. Don’t let no one get too close.”
Everyone nodded their heads.
Ignoring his breakfast, Rick went to collect the map and go get ready. But he was stopped by Hershel’s words: “Rick? We can’t handle two groups. We can barely handle the Governor as it is. You hear me?”
Despite most likely not being on the side of murdering the lot of them, which Rick honestly wasn’t a fan of either but leaned more toward nowadays, Hershel’s pointed look and heavy words got through to Rick. A nod passed between the two men. Hershel was asking Rick to keep his daughters safe. And Rick would do that, no matter the cost. No matter what he might have to ask of his people… no matter what he might have to lie about.
“I’m coming with.” Another thing to stop Rick from going to get ready was Clementine’s words.
Everyone in the group turned to look at her.
Carl stepped up too: “Me too.” Clem and Carl shared a look, then a little smile.
“No.” Rick pointed at Carl. That was an easy ‘no’. That was his son. A son who was also still a child. “You stay here, and you keep an eye on the group.” The smiles disappeared.
Merle scoffed at those words, but rose his hands in defeat at Daryl’s glare. A part of Carl’s attitude showed he too wanted to scoff and have a rude reaction at his father’s words, but instead all he did was glare relentlessly.
With a sigh, Rick tried not to take the glares to heart. “Keep an eye on your sister.” Those words worked better, and Carl looked away, defeated.
“You can’t let her go,” Hershel voiced once Rick hadn’t replied to Clementine’s plea. 
“I can take care of myself.” Clementine, trying to make a point of that, took out her gun and curled her lips into what she hoped to be a menacing frown.
Truthfully, she probably could take care of herself. But it was too dangerous, and there were too many things that could scare her into freezing rather than fighting… She’d had close to no practice so far…
“I have no doubt of that, but you cannot be going out there. It’s too risky. These people want you back. They might go to extremes,” Hershel reasoned.
“I agree, you shouldn’t go Clem,” Carol voiced.
There were a few more nods from others. But, Clementine stayed firm in her intentions. “I can do it.”
Her determination, and the lack of a parental figure to simply tell her no as with Rick and Carl, made the group slowly turn their gazes… to Daryl instead; awaiting his verdict, like a friend asking another friend’s parents for permission. Daryl watched the group in confusion for a while… until it clicked.
“The hell ya’ll lookin’ at me for. I ain’t her dad.” Daryl looked down at Clementine, who still remained looking back at the people with a determined face - a face he would have given himself at her age, hence his response: “If she says she can handle herself, she can.” 
“You wanna take a child with us on this mission? We…” Rick quietened down, and instead tried to voice the ‘we might kill people’ through a look.
Daryl understood. But, he was still determined just like Clementine. “They’re her people.”
“Not my people,” Clementine defended quickly, earning a soft, apologetic, look from Daryl. “But… I had friends.”
“She’s not coming,” Glenn piped up, not believing what he was hearing, Maggie nodding in agreement with him.
“No, she’s not.” Rick’s words came out harshly. It brought a pause to everyone in the group, and made Daryl lower his gaze in defeat too.
Merle and Michonne watched curiously.
When Clementine pulled at his pant leg for further help, Daryl simply shook his head.
Shoulders slumping, Clementine let the group disperse with Rick’s decision being the final one.
Clementine would stay behind. Again.
Every time Clementine stayed behind, things went wrong. She hated it.
Sensing her displeasure, Daryl crouched beside her. “There’s a lot of bad people out there. When I get back, yah show me what yeh can do with that gun, and we will have a reason you can come with next time.”
Daryl, the one who had been given his first gun at age seven, the one who had shot his first deer a few months later and skinned it with his own knife which he had gotten a few birthdays earlier…? Yeah, he was bound to agree children could do more than Rick thought.
Clementine beamed at the trust Daryl was showing her, lighting up like a little sun in front of him.
“Thank you!”
Daryl nodded his head awkwardly, not sure how to handle such happy emotions from another. Instead, he patted her head. “Don’t do nothin’ stupid while I’m gone.”
Daryl had learned a long time ago, before the apocalypse even happened, that it was important to always have a backpack ready for when you needed to get away quickly. So, he had a backpack all ready with clothes, weapons, food and water. It was easy for him to be ready ASAP for this mission.
He stored it in his assigned cell. That cell was only really used it to get away from people, storing stuff, and sometimes for exercising. He slept out on the catwalk to keep an eye on the others, and to make sure that he wasn’t attached to any one place.
If he got attached to a place, he would make it his home. And if he made something his home… he could get hurt when he inevitably lost it. That was, unfortunately, not something the apocalypse had taught him, but his past life.
Despite being prepared with a bag, he still fumbled around a bit trying to find the last of his arrows. Lifting his mattress, Daryl realised that it was missing - there was no way that arrow had managed to get under his bed. He kept his arrows all neatly stacked and ready if something were to happen…
In his momentary distracted state, Merle had managed to sneak up on him, placing himself leaned against the cell’s frame. “You really goin’?”
Daryl turned to glance at Merle. “Rick needs me to.”
Merle truly enjoyed prodding at the friendships that had stirred between Daryl and the man who had left Merle on a roof to die. There was amusement present each time he poked around, prodded or made fun of it. There was also mocking. And potentially a bit of harmful protectiveness…
“It’s for the girl.” The words slipped out before Daryl could stop them. They were truthful, and perhaps the only motivation outside of helping Rick that Daryl had as of late (or rather, a better motivation than doing something for Rick… since Rick’s mental break, it was harder and harder to support their leader’s choices), but… they were not the right words to say to Merle.
Yet, his older brother stayed quiet for longer than Daryl had thought. There was a look of disbelief in the man’s eyes, but Daryl could have sworn it was not disgust toward Daryl’s strange parental nature, but… something else.
And then the depth of emotions in Merle’s eyes were all gone again when he scoffed and spat on the floor. “Man, what a wheepy bunch of losers ya’ll are. It’s a girl. She gotta learn to fend for ‘erself and go out there on her own! Why’d you all gotta get dragged into this? The Governor is out there, and our best fighters are leaving on a girl’s quest! Trust me, the Governor is more harmful than some bitches out in the forest!” Merle scoffed again. “Sit it out, brother. Stay here, defend the place from the Governor and you’ll probably do more good for her than anything else yeh do.”
“Those people could be a threat too. Like that woman out in the forest.”
“That was one woman. If that’s the best they can throw at us, we’re fine.”
“We gotta check it out ‘n make sure,” Daryl pointed out.
Merle rolled his eyes. “That’s not why you’re going. You’re going because you think letting some kid run all over you is parenting.” Part of what Merle said surprised Daryl. It sounded almost, although it was impossible Merle would, like Merle had accepted Clementine was slowly weaving a braid of parental protection within Daryl’s chest. “If ya let yerself be affected by the kid, yeh let yer guard down. Kids don’t do nothin’ but take and steal yo’ money, and leave yah without yeh freedom. Screw her. Stay here with me, brother.”
“Man to hell with all that crap! That’s dad speaking, not you!” Daryl had no idea where the emotions were coming from. Maybe it was partly the entire group looking to Daryl to stop Clementine from making bad choices, like he was her dad or something. Maybe it was partly because Daryl knew he’d be a shit father. And maybe it was partly… because he wanted to be a father, but never thought he’d be allowed to.
Or maybe it was just the stress of not finding that one arrow - who knew? Daryl surely didn’t.
“She might not have been with us for long, but that don’t make her any less part of the group. Part of the family.” Merle bit down a reply at that, and glared at Daryl. That was enough for Daryl to understand what his brother meant though. “Family don’t end in blood. This group is a family. We help. We protect. That’s what families do. They don’t screw each other over at every turn they get, and then expect forgiveness and loyalty just cause some jackass came in a woman and created both o’ us.”
“Watch your tongue, boy,” Merle attempted, but Daryl didn’t back off.
Instead, he moved in closer to breach his brother’s personal space, turning his head threateningly before continuing: “Kids are meant to be ungrateful, take yer food and money and leave yeh heartbroken. That’s when yeh know you’ve done a good job in preparing them for a world on their own, ‘cause they’ll have left yah and become people.” He paused to breathe and take in his brother’s reactions. Merle was staring with eyes that held emotions but a face that was as emotionless and strong as steel as possible; contorting everything into anger had been taught to him instead of learning to cope. Daryl wasn’t sure if he was getting through to his brother… or if that was even possible, so he tried one more time: “Punching kids just cause they grow to be someone independent… just cause they got needs, want some food, some attention… That what you’d call fatherhood?”
“Nah man I just-“
“You just nothin’. I don’t care if this hurts me. This is for a kid. For the group. And I ain’t need no thanks.”
With that, Daryl shut up and moved away from his brother.
“You’ve changed, little brother. And I don’t mean since I left, I mean in the past week or so.” Merle’s voice was not angry, it was not provocative. It was strangely quiet too. “You’re gonna get yourself killed if you keep going this way.”
“I won’t. ‘Cause I’ll have ‘em.”
“Will you?” Merle’s anger flared up again. It wasn’t at Daryl though. “Will you!? You think they will keep accepting you? Them kinds of people never accept us. Ever. Relying on ‘em ain’t good. You gotta be with me. Be with blood. It’s always been like this. People will never accept us, man!” Toward the end, Merle had begun to scream. But for some reason, he stopped himself there… and with a little sigh, he lowered his voice to continue. “She’s fucking great, alrigh’?” To say that those words shocked Daryl would be an understatement. “She’s a damn good kid and a good shot. But you gotta be smart ‘bout this. Second that girl stops wanting yeh as someone to take over after that Lee fellah, yer expandable again.”
“Nah…” Daryl said, trying to shake the words off by shaking his head, and turning away from Merle to grab his bag.
Maybe he ought to push her onto Glenn and Maggie instead.
“Ain’t that what always happened, little brother? Yeh got used and then when someone better came along, yeh were nothing.”
There was no answer. The words had clearly gotten through to Daryl, touching upon the anxiety of loving only to be let down: a vicious cycle that occurred in their childhood home, and a cycle Merle was well aware of had left Daryl emotionally broken. And so Merle victoriously stepped back and let his baby brother pass him by.
Trying to stand by what he had said earlier, Daryl opted for some last words before passing him by: “Kids are meant to leave yah.”
Despite having clearly won that argument, Merle felt his victory didn’t last long, a strange sensation creeping up his spine instead.
His smirk faded.
“So you her dad now?” Merle called after Daryl, who did not stop walking… but who definitely tensed up at the question.
Making Daryl feel worse didn’t make Merle feel better. Annoyed, he punched the wall and walked off in search of something to get high on…
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my carrd
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westidia · 1 year
I am so glad that bitch Lori died (I’m rewatching the early seasons of the walking dead just finished seasons two) the way she reacted to Rick telling her he killed Shane pissed me the fuck off!!! She act like a few episodes earlier she wasn’t in this man’s ear saying and telling him “Shane said you don’t how to protect them” ect etc, telling this man “you need to put Shane down” and when he actually does it mind you giving this man multiple chances to turn this shit around, after knowingly being set up by his best friend, AFTER his best friend impregnated his WIFE (and some of y’all might not agree but I 100% believe that Lori and Shane were having an affair before the world went to shit, you can’t change my mind) he actually does it and the bitch is mad, upset, scared. And don’t even get me started on how the team reacted to the news in the season 2 finale. Daryl really was the only sane one/ride or die for Rick. He stuck beside his friend.
I’ll say it again I’m glad this bitch died and not just because of the reason up above but for plenty of other reasons, this was just bigger than all the others.
Even though Carl will never forget his mom, he also found a mother in Michonne and Judith’s only mother will ever only be Michonne and that’s all she needs.
(And we get to the premiere of s3 and the BITCH STILL MAD! what the hell.)
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ipoke-idraw · 2 years
i see your “they paralleled rick carrying carl when he got shot with the daryl carrying judith after she got shot scene” and i raise you “they paralleled daryl carrying his daughter figure judith with daryl carrying his daughter figure beth”
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cybersurii · 2 years
andrea and michonne shouldve had a lesbian romance where they ran away together
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x fem!reader
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Chapter twenty-one - mamas boy
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - death during child birth, labor, normal twd warnings
A/n - since s3 ep 3 is mainly focused around Andrea and michonne we’re skipping to ep 4!
S3 ep 4
'Killer within'
I'm outside helping Rick, Daryl, Carol, and T move the cars and clear the yard. Since Hershel was now awake, we were going to try and use his knowledge about crops to start a little garden. "Okay, let's get the other car in." Rick says as Carol backs a white truck up, giving space to move the next in. "we'll park'em in the west entry of the yard." Rick says. "Good, our vehicles camped out there looked like a giant vacancy sign." Daryl says as Rick begins to walk forward, pointing at the abundant corpses scattered about the yard. "After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn'em."
We follow after him. "gonna be a long day." T mutters. "where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol asks. "Up in the guard tower." Daryl says as he continues walking forward and points up at the guard tower. We..well, I knew what that meant. We don't get enough or much alone time with our significant others, and even with the cells, the walls are thin, and the beds are small. So, they'd go up to the guard tower in the middle of the night to have...fun. "Guard tower??" Rick asks, squinting as he looks up towards the guard tower, trying to figure out what they are doing. "They were just up there last night." Rick adds as Daryl walks a bit closer to Rick.
"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl shouts. A shirtless Glenn tumbles out of the guard tower while simultaneously pulling his pants up and fixing his belt. "Hey, what's up, guys?!" he shouts, trying to play it off, trying to make it seem like we don't know what they were doing up there. we all laugh. "you comin'?" my eyes widen as I swat at Daryl's shoulder. "what?!" Daryl chuckles at Glenn's reaction. "You comin'?!" Daryl repeats. Glenn looks over at Maggie. "come on! we could use a hand!" Daryl shouts. Maggie walks out, her hair askew and one of the straps on both her shirt and bra falling down. "Yeah, we'll be right down!" then both retreat back into the guard tower.
Carol, Rick, Daryl, and I walk away while quietly giggling. "Hey Rick," T-dog calls out, which makes all four of us stop and look back. The smile that was once spread across Rick's lips fades as he sees the two surviving prisoners walk up to the fence. The other 3 died yesterday, mostly from not understanding how to deal with walkers or how the world works nowadays. Rick marches up to them, muttering, "Come with me." as he passes by T. The prisoners cross into the yard as Rick, T, and Daryl walk up to them. "that's close enough." Rick growls. The prisoners stop in their tracks. Rick is wary of the remaining two prisoners because of how one of them behaved yesterday. He doesn't want to let his guard down and then find out the other two are traitors, too. "We had an agreement." Rick says harshly. The man with a long mustache begs, "Please, mister. w-we know that." both Maggie and Glenn walk out of the guard tower. "We made a deal. But you gotta understand...we can live in that place another minute. You follow me? All the bodies people we knew. Blood brains everywhere. There's ghosts." the man cries out.
"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asks as his hands settle on his hips. "You should be burning them." adds T. "we tried, we did." the man says. "The fence is down on the far side of the prison" the larger and taller guy of the two states. "Every time we drag a body out, those things line up. Dropping the body and just running back inside. " He adds. The other man steps forward, outstretching his arms, saying, "Look, we had nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew. Nothing. You trying to prove a point? You proved it, bro. We'll do whatever it takes to be part of your group, just please, please...don't make us live in that place." Rick is silent for a few seconds, thinking, "Our deal is not negotiable. You either live in your cell block, or you leave." the man's head falls in disappointment. "I told you this was a waste of time. They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends' corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw'em out, like. These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in the joint, like Tomas and Andrew." It was cruel leaving them in there with nothing really to do. We're not even helping them; we're treating them like outsiders when we should be helping them.
We're the minority in this world now. We shouldn't treat perfectly good, friendly people like they're second-class citizens. "we've all made mistakes to get in here, chief. And I'm not gonna pretend to be a saint but believe me, we've paid our due enough that we would rather hit that road than go back into that shithole" Rick takes a few steps forward before turning back to Daryl, giving him a look that's asking for his opinion. Daryl shakes his head, and the decision is final. It's a no.
Rick and Daryl lock the two men up between the gates that separate the outside from the inside. "are you serious? You want them living in a cell next to you?" Rick whispers harshly. T is against it, saying he's known guys like this, and they seem like good guys. "they'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. you want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" T looks up at Rick, shaking his head and whispering, "I never stopped. Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves."
I keep my mouth closed because I already know what Rick will say. 'do you want them staying in the same area that Casey is?' "I don't know. axel seems a little unstable." Glenn whispers. "After all we've been through? We fought so hard for all this. What if they decide to take it?" Carol says. I don't think they seem like the type to just take it; the guy with the long hair, Tomas, I think definitely, but these two seem harmless. "it's just been us for so long they're strangers. I don't- it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around," Maggie says. I cross my arms and lean against the car behind me.
I don't care what the others are saying. It doesn't make what we're doing to them any less cruel. "You brought us in." T says, they brought us in, let us live on their farm, use their food, water, horses, hell, they allowed us to set their barn on fire, but this is drawing the line? Two men who have been locked up in this prison for months are the bad guys. "Yeah, but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms. Didn't give us a choice." but it's the fact that they didn't have to; they could've thrown us to the wolves just like we're doing to these guys, but they didn't. They let us stay, so why can't we let them? "They can't even kill walkers." I give them the benefit of the doubt. They were locked up in that cafeteria since the beginning; obviously, they won't know how to kill walkers. "they're convicts, bottom line." Carol whispers. "Those two might have less blood on their hands than we do." we've killed several people in the last 9 months, lots of living people, probably more than either of them, even if one was a murderer.
“I get guys like this. Hell, I grew up with'em. They're degenerate, but they ain't psychos. I could've been in there with him just as easy as I'm out here with you guys." Daryl says as he steps forward a bit. "So, are you with me?" T asks, "hell no, let'em take their chances out on the road, just like we did." just because we had to fight for our lives out on the road doesn't mean they got to too. "What I'm saying, Daryl-" t is quickly cut off by Rick, "when I was a rookie, I arrested this kid. Nineteen years old, wanted for stabbing his girlfriend. The kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation during the trial. Suckered the jury. He was acquitted due to insufficient evidence, and then two weeks later, shot another girl."
I thought we were supposed to be living more like Dale. Rick said it himself back at the farm. "we've been through too much. Our deal with them still stands." Rick says before he begins to walk off. This isn't how Dale would've handled this; he always saw the good in everyone. "I thought we were supposed to be living more like Dale." I state. Rick turns around, placing both hands on his hips as his brows furrow together. "wh-what?" his face screws up in confusion. "Back at the farm when Dale died, you said we were going to start being more like him...but this isn't what Dale would've done." his brows are still furrowed up. "This is differ-" This is no different than what happened at the farm "no its not, it's the same exact thing! And you know it. Back at the farm, you let Shane manipulate you, and guess what happened? Not only did Shane die, but Andrea, Patricia, and Jimmy died, too. You're still letting him get in your head, and you fucking know it" My arms are crossed over my chest as I shout angrily, "I'm sorry they're being fucking assholes T" I mutter as I storm off past both Daryl, and rick towards the prison.
I walk back into our cell block; Casey and Carl are sitting on the stairs. "Hey, Case." I say, kneeling in front of her. "where's Daryl?" she asks still looking down at the toy in her hands. "workin' outside." I say as I reach up and caress her cheek. I hear a few pairs of footsteps behind me, so I turn my head to see Beth and Lori walking into Hershel's cell with a pair of crutches. Carl gets up and follows after his mother and Beth. "c'mon, wanna go watch Hershel walk again?" I ask with a smile; she smiles back up at me and nods. We both walk into the cell to see Hershel standing up with Beth and Lori holding onto him. he takes a few steps forward before turning and telling Lori, "Y'know, I think I'm pretty steady." he takes a few more steps forward, "that's a good start" I push Casey back a bit so there's room for Hershel to come out the door. "Want to take a rest?" Lori asks Hershel. He chuckles. "Rest? Let's go for a little stroll."
Hershel continues walking, his crutches tapping against the pavement with each step. Lori places her hand on his shoulder, trying to slow him down, but he just pushes past her hand, continuing to walk. It's good that he's getting used to the crutches so fast. Most people have trouble getting used to walking with one leg. We follow after him as he walks towards the door that leads to the outside. Lori slides the door open, letting everyone out. Once we get to the stairs, Lori steps in front of him, holding her hand against his chest to ensure he won't fall.
 "Gotcha here if you need it." Lori says as Hershel stops at the top of the steps, looking down at them before tackling the challenge of going down the stairs. "Just take your time on these steps." Beth tells her father as Hershel begins to wobble. Hershel manages to get down the steps with no bumps or bruises. "You cleared all those bodies out?" Hershel asks as we walk across an old basketball court. "it's starting to look like a place we could really live in." Hershel states as he begins to walk a little faster. "Hey, you watch your step. last thing we need is you falling." Lori warns Hershel as he walks ahead of Lori.
"Alright, Hershel!" I hear Glenn shout from across the yard. "you're doin' great, Daddy." Beth says. He really is he's walking with little to no assistance. "Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl asks with a grin. "Give me another day. I'll take you on." Hershel says with a chuckle. Everyone's really happy for Hershel; it's remarkable that he can stand up and walk around so quickly. Casey tugs on my hand. I look down, brows furrowed as if I'm asking her 'what?' "I wanna race Hershel too." she whispers. I smile. "I'm sur-"
I'm cut off by Carl's shout and the loud sound of walkers growls and groans. "Hold my hand, don't let go, alright?" Casey nods as her tiny hand tightens around mine. Beth runs, and Hershel follows after her. Lori pulls out her gun and begins shooting walkers. "Lori, Lori, come on, we can't stay." I say as I run back towards the door leading to the cell block. Maggie is standing there waiting for us. We run in, and Lori closes the door behind us. We run into the cell block but are immediately met with more walkers. "no, no, this way." Maggie says as she quickly turns around once she hears the walkers snarls. We run into the tombs. We're navigating through the tombs when a loud alarm starts blaring. Carl is in front of us, gun in hand, as he turns corners, ensuring no walkers are in our way.
I noticed Lori's heavy breathing and panting about two or three hallways ago. I didn't want to jump ahead of myself and say she was going into labor, but when she stopped and placed her hand against the wall as she let out a painful grunt, I knew she was. "Ar-are you alright?" I ask, placing my hand on her lower back. "so-somethings not right." Lori says through heavy pants, "Are you bit?" Carl asks. Lori shakes her head. "No, no, no. I think the baby's coming.""Mom?" Carl cries out. The sound of walkers makes our attention quickly turn from Lori to the walkers. Carl pulls out his gun and is about to shoot, but Maggie shouts, "No, there's no time. Turn back!" "Hold Maggie's hand, alright?" I tell Casey as I let go of her and let Lori wrap her arm around my shoulder. I help escort her down the halls. "In here!" Carl shouts as he runs to a door, opening it so I can help Lori inside. Lori braces herself against a fence-like structure as she pants. Once she feels ready, she starts walking down the steps into the rest of the area. Lori lets out a pain-filled gasp as she gasps onto a chain connected to the wall. "Is Lori going to be okay?!" Casey cries out. "She-shes going to be just fine." I say as I watch Lori let out another gasp. "what are those alarms?" Lori asks through a grunt.
Lori lets go of the chain and begins to walk again. "Don't worry about it." Maggie says as we both follow her. "what if it attracts them?" Carl asks. "Lori, let's lay you down." Maggie says as Lori braces herself on a table. "No- the baby's coming now." Lori says breathlessly. "we-we have to get back to our cell block and have Hershel help." Carl says. There is no time; the tombs are filled with walkers, and Lori will probably give birth there if we leave now. We have to deliver the baby here and then return. "we can't; we don't have time." I say as I place my hand against Lori's lower back. "Great." Lori mumbles as her breathing quickens. "What is she doing? Can't she breathe?!" Carl asks, his voice full of concern.
"she's fine, c'mere, let's get your pants off." I say. "okay." Lori says through pants. Lori lays down on the floor as I grab the waist of her pants, pulling her pants and underwear down simultaneously. "you're gonna need to help deliver your brother or sister. You up for it?" I ask Carl as I look up at him. Carl nods. "I'll need to do an exam. Let me see if you're dilated." I say as I toss her pants to the side. "okay." she whispers.
"do you know how?" Carl asks. I knew how I've never done one, but I've read about it. "I know how, never done one, but I know how."I stick two of my fingers into her vagina, trying to feel for her cervix, but I can't, so I pull my fingers out. "I-I can't tell." Lori lets out a grunt. "I gotta push, I gotta push!" she groans as she sits up. I help her as she pulls herself up to her feet; she lets out two loud sighs before she begins to push. She let out a grunt-like scream, "Somebody!" as she pushed. "I'm okay, I'm okay." she says as I try to place my hands on her back to help. "you're doing great. Your body knows what to do; let it do all the work."
Lori yelps as she tries pushing again. "you're doing great." I say as I kneel down so I'm ready to catch the baby. Lori huffs before pushing again. I'm about to encourage her to push again when blood trickles down her thigh. "Oh god, Lori, don't push. Stop somethings wrong." she doesn't listen, pushing again with a loud scream. I pull my hand away, which is now covered in blood. Carl sees it. "Is she alright? What's wrong?" Carl asks. "I-I don't know. Let's-let's get her lying down." I look up to Maggie, and she nods. We both help her, so she's lying on the ground. Carl is kneeling on the other side of his mother. he grabs her limp hand, "Mom, Mom, look at me, look at me. Keep your eyes open."
"We have to get her back to my dad." Maggie says there's no way to get her back; she's bleeding and limp, probably from blood loss. It's just impossible. "We can't. We're-we're going to have to do the c-section."
"I'm not going to make it." Lori whispers, "No, I'm not going to let you die." I say, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "I know what it means, and I'm not losing my baby." she says. I see Carl's eyes fill with tears at his mother's words. "you're not going to lose your baby, and we're not going to lose you, I promise." I say, "Y/n, I'm not going to make it; promise me you'll take care of my babies for me." my eyes well up with tears. "I, you're going to do that." I whisper. Carl stands up. "I'll go get help."
"No!" Lori shouts, "Look, I-I practiced. You're not going to die. I know how to do this." She's adamant that she will die, and no matter how much I try to convince myself she'll survive, I know she won't. "y/n, just make sure my baby is okay; don't worry about me." I can't just not worry about her, though. What am I supposed to tell Rick if she doesn't survive? That I just killed his wife because she said to? "I promise you're going to be okay, Lori." I whisper, "You can't promise me that; just please make sure my baby is okay." A tear falls down my cheek, and I quickly wipe it away and pretend I'm not crying.
I don't want Casey to see this in case Lori dies. I turn to Casey and grab her hand. "Casey baby, go stand over there, okay?" a tear falls down her cheek. "is Lori going to be alright?" she asks. I wipe the tear off her cheek. "she's going to be fine, okay? Just go over there for me, okay?" she nods and walks towards the door. "Maggie, can you make sure she stays there? I don't want her to see this." Maggie nods and stands up. "C'mon, Case sweetheart, let's stand over here." Maggie says.
"Okay, Aunt Maggie." I hear Casey whisper. I lift up her shirt and see her old C-section scar. This will be easier than with the walker because at least I have a guide. Carl walks back over to his mother and kneels down next to her. "Carl? Baby, I don't want you to be scared, okay?" a tear rolls down Carl's cheek as he nods. "this is what I want. This is right. Now you take care of your daddy for me, alright? And your little brother or sister too, you take care-" A few tears fall down my cheeks. I remember the first time I met Lori, like it was yesterday. I was scared, and I didn't know anyone but Glenn, who I had talked to earlier that day. She immediately treated me like I was her own daughter, introducing me to her, her son, and all the others in the group. "You don't have to do this." Carl cries out, cutting her off.
"you're going to be fine. You are going to beat this world. I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and I love you." Carl sniffles as tears continue to fall. "I love you too." he whispers through sobs. "You gotta do what's right, baby...you promise me you'll always do what's right." I can't stop myself from crying. I've lost so many people in this world, but for some odd reason this, this feels the worst. It feels like I'm about to kill my own mother. I hate knowing that I'm probably going to kill her the moment I slice her open. "it's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world. So, don't- so if it feels wrong, don't do it, alright? If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you." this doesn't feel easy; this is the hardest thing I've ever done. Lori reaches up and wipes Carl's cheek. "you're so good. You're my sweet boy. you're the best thing I ever did. And I love you." Lori's hands are cupping Carl's cheeks. 
Lori pulls Carl into a hug, wrapping her arms around her son's body tightly as both of them cry. "I love you." she says through a sob. "You're my sweet, sweet boy. I love you." she cradles the back of his head as Carl sobs loudly. She kisses his cheek before saying, "Okay, okay, now, okay." Carl lifts up off of her, still crying. "y/n, when this is all over, you're gonna have to-" I shake my head. I can't shoot her after this; I can't. I'm already having to cut her open. I can't do that too. "You have to do it. It can't be Rick."
"Alright...alright. It's alright, it's alright." Carl hands me his knife, and I take a deep breath in. Lori sighs. "goodnight, love."
"I'm sorry, Lori." I cry out as I take the knife and slice right where her old scar was. She lets out a strangled scream as blood squirts out of the incision. Carl screams, "Stop, stop! you're hurting her!" Lori shudders before becoming limp. I reach into her stomach, blindly searching for the uterus. "Carl, give me your hands." I say, his brows furrow as he looks at me confused. "Carl, please. You should keep the site clean, okay? If I cut too deep, I'll cut the baby." he obeys, holding open the incision while I cut into the uterine wall.
I drop the knife, letting it clatter to the floor as I reach into the uterus. I feel the baby almost immediately. Carl sobs beside me as I pull the baby out. It's a girl; she doesn't cry like she should. I cradle her in my arms as I pat her, trying to make her cry. "please," I cry out as I rub her chest, nothing. I can't let the baby die. I flip her over so she's on her back. "c'mon." I whisper as I rub and pat her back. She finally let out a tiny cry, and I sighed in relief. Carl jumps back a bit with a gasp. The baby sobs and squirms in my arms as I cut the umbilical cord. Carl takes his jacket off and hands it to me. I wrap her in it and stand up. "we have to go." I say. Carl's brows furrow. "We can't leave her here." he cries out.
"she'll turn." I'm about to pull my gun out and shoot her because Lori told me to do that, but Carl shakes his head. "No." I can't let him do it, "Carl..." Wouldn't it be too traumatizing for him to do it? "she's my mom." a tear falls down his cheek as his sister cries in my arms. I turn around and walk back up the stairs, letting Carl do what he's got to do. Maggie looks at me, brows furrowed. "it's a girl." I whisper. I look down at Casey; her eyes are red and puffy. "Case when we go out there, stay with Maggie, alright?" she nods as she wipes at her cheeks. I push open the door and peer out; there are still walkers, but they're stumbling away now. "What about-"
Carl walks up to us and pushes past me, a stone-cold look on his face. It's actually disturbing, the look on his face. We all walk out and navigate our way back towards the cell block. The cell block is cleared now. Rick must've come looking for us. We walk out of the cell block; outside, Rick, Hershel, Beth, Glenn, and Daryl are standing in the corner farthest from us talking. The baby's cries are the thing that makes Rick turn around. I'm shaking as I cradle the baby in my arms. I push the gate open and walk into the area where everyone else is.
"Ri-Rick, I'm sorry." I cry. He looks at the baby and then my bloody hands as he walks towards us. He drops the axe in his hands, letting it clatter to the ground as he shakes his head. My bottom lip quivers as I let out a strangled sob. "Wh-where where is she? Where is she?" he asks, his eyes filling with tears. He begins to walk towards the door. I push the baby to hold her with one hand so I can grab onto his wrist. "no... Rick, no!" I cry as I fail to hold him back. Carl is staring at the ground, tears falling down his cheeks.
Rick looks at his son before looking down at his very traumatized son. "oh, no, no!" he sobs as he places both hands on his knees. He stands back up and walks away. "NO!" Rick sobs again. I walk over to Daryl, and he cups my face in his hands as I weep. "I killed her." I cry. He pulls me into him, hugging me tight enough so we don't squish the baby between us. I feel his lips press against my head as I sob into his shoulder. How am I supposed to live with this guilt? I killed Rick's wife, I killed Carl's mother. I thought I'd be able to do it, keep her alive, I wanted to show everyone that I could do it, but I fucked up and killed her.
@rivversin @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08 @oi-itse @rhaenryawhore @kimbunnysstuff @blipblopper @ramielll @ilyhannah @daryldixonnn @delicatebearpandaopera @crypticmushroom
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littlelovingideas · 1 year
Now Lori backing away and looking at Rick with that dumb horrified expression..
As if he didn’t save her from an actual lunatic.
And shes out here acting like Rick is the crazed nutbar?
Get fucked.
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