#The Troll-Mun(Mun Speaks)
blue-eyed-banshee · 6 months
I would have loved it if the horde player found a stained robe that had once belonged to Kael'thas, and the stain would be towards the bottom of said robes.
Referencing to when a clumsy Sylvanas spilled wine on his robes at a party that she supported her little brother at. She ultimately got banned from Saltiril's vineyard for spiking the punch bowl with woundwood.
There are a lot of things from the Sylvanas novel they could have referenced!
Vereesa's love for melon juice as a child, How each sister got their own unique outfit to the rememberence.
Or even Lirath's death!
Sylvanas cradding him as he died and sang lament of the highborne to him as she cried.
Why would you pass this up blizzard? You only gave us ONE VISION into her past at the Spire.
They should at least put new items that reference her parents! Lireesa's child bow or even something from Verath!
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aryll-of-the-wild · 4 months
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I have this idea that despite having become the super serious guy we know after being appointed a knight, Link still keeps some of his old carefree, joking nature around Aryll (the same one with stupid puns we get to see in the game), both because he's more spontaneous around her, and to protect her innocence as well.
So I just imagine them hanging out with everyone else and at some point Aryll starts laughing, the champions turns around, and she's like "Did you hear that?? Oh my goddess, my brother is such a goof!", and the champions just look at Link like "???" while he's wearing his usual stoic look as if nothing happened, but Aryll keeps laughing like an idiot.
Revali particularly hates it, because he is sure it must be some kind of joke about him. (And sometimes he's right.)
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dragonsongmakhali · 10 months
A realization occurs!
So the new class is Viper yes? And it's dual-swords?
...Val. I need an actual Val alt now. Why does XIV have to be so alt-unfriendly T_T
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hayleysmuses · 10 months
(Me: *Still fairly inactive over here due to being distracted by other things*
Also me: *Coughs in Added To Muses*
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askkwieon · 2 years
oh and because i havent mentioned it, Kikert and Kelkia are biological siblings.
they don’t know though so don’t tell them
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(thems two)
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astrumocs · 1 year
cute but in a vampire kind of way yfm? stargazer as well,
hehe? twirls my hair...
Thank u Eros <3
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peanutbuttertroll · 1 year
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It's that wonderful time of year again where I draw Peanut and then forget about her for the rest of time until this moment the next year
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piranhasbreath · 9 months
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euphorbiafantrolls · 1 year
No friends - cadmium
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
This one is super nice, I like the pacing of the lyrics and the background sound effects are giving,,,
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the-haunted-office · 15 days
I'm not sure where this should be stated in my rules, but I feel like it's something that has come up often enough that I should maybe have it stated somewhere.
My muses are - unfortunately, depending on how you want to look at it - not always easy to get along with and, on the whole very outspoken. If they see or experience something that they disagree with, 9 times out of 10, they are going to speak up about it and against it. This may lead to uncomfortable situations in threads where my muses may put your muse in a situation where they feel they have to defend themself verbally (or physically, sometimes, if they're doing something physically aggressive that Doom doesn't like) and may lead to arguments and confrontations and situations of the sort.
I know that these kinds of threads are not necessarily fun to roleplay, however I am a firm believer in conflict being a key part in character and plot development and that not every thread has to be fun. I think that some conflict is important to have between muses. I think it's important for highlighting where characters are different and where they might be able to need to better understand each other. It's also important for seeing where they are in pain and how they can help each other.
It doesn't have to be the end of all further interactions. It doesn't have to be the end of a friendship or relationship. And it doesn't have to mean the end of us muns roleplaying either. It doesn't have to be the end of all things and does not, by any means, mean that I am personally attacking your muse or you as a person. It doesn't mean that my muse is "trolling" your character. It doesn't mean that I am tearing apart your character either. It means that there is a disagreement taking place between our characters, and that is all it is.
However. I'd like you to know that if you are truly uncomfortable or unhappy with what is taking place in a thread, please don't be afraid of coming into my DMs to talk about it. The last thing I want is for my writing partners to feel unhappy while roleplaying with me. I want to work things out so that we can enjoy writing together! So, please, if you are really uncomfortable with our muses arguing and it's upsetting you, let's talk, let's work it out. I personally don't mind muses arguing and getting into fights as it adds flavor to things, but I also understand that this kind of thing isn't for everyone and I will respect boundaries. All I ask is that my boundaries are also respected, and this is why we will need to communicate when these kinds of things happen.
Something I won't tolerate, though, is godmodding and metagaming in these situations. I won't tolerate your muse reading my muse's mind (unless they specifically have this ability and it is outlined in their bio and/or we've talked about it beforehand). I won't tolerate you reading things in my muse's actions that aren't specifically stated by me (your muse can make all the assumptions they want, but you, the mun, don't get to assume that my muse is acting in a way that they aren't because you are taking it personally). And I won't tolerate altering the situation and things about your own character and then trying to downplay it in order to powertrip or give yourself some kind of advantage. I will come to you to try to communicate with you, but any kind of gaslighting or shrugging this kind of thing off will result in me not wanting to interact with you any further. Period.
I'm sorry if that last part comes off as a little heavy handed, but it has happened before, and I felt I needed to make myself clear on that.
Anyway! To summarize, I don't want conflict between our muses to become something that is insurmountable, even though it is something I feel is perfectly naturally occurring in roleplay. I ask of you as my writing partners, please don't let this turn into something that turns us away from each other. If it's something that truly turns you off from roleplay, let's talk and work something out!
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unite-battle-network · 10 months
Ready up, battle fans: Interview with social media celebrity Nina Vievin
From Mewtube and Tinkatok to our very own Mewnite Battle Network (eh?), the Chucklefvcks found the time in their busy days to come for a chat! Watch the full video h̲e̲r̲e̲ in all its glory.
\\guest writer @poke-muns / @ferrunough. Nina is their character, once they post nina's info i'll link it. this also counts as credit for stealing their ooc barriers because oo trophee looking//
( Lawrence is sat in the usual right-side chair. He is as professional as ever, paying no notice to his interviewee being a Greedent. In all fairness, the Greedent is sat very politely. )
Lawrence: Battle fans, hello, hello! I am Lawrence Renfield, the Unite Battle Network’s go-to guy for making special content just for you and today I have managed to snag a treat of an interview–
( The Greedent waves at the camera and squeaks. In the blink of an eye a redhead leaps up from behind it's chair and swings her arms around the back. The pokémon is unfazed. Lawrence is certainly fazed. )
Nina: HIIIYA!!
( She cackles and scratches the Greedent's head. Lawrence, meanwhile, recovers. )
Lawrence: –the Chucklefvcks themselves, Nina Vievin and Chuckles! Are you going to stay standing?
Nina: Nahhh, I'll come down. If he'll let me.
( Chuckles, on cue, looks directly up to Nina. He reaches into his neck fur, retrieves a berry, and offers it to her. She shakes her head. Chuckles hops off the chair and sits between the two chairs to munch on the oran himself as Nina swiftly takes his seat. )
Lawrence: Please don't stain the carpet... So, Nina! This is 3 years in the making?
Nina: ... Oh fuck I guess– wait can I swear on here?!
( Lawrence looks to the cameraman. )
Cody: I mean, they are called "the chucklefucks".
Lawrence: ...we will see in editing.
Nina: I'll try be clean. But, uhhhh, OH YEAH. 6 if you count B.C.
Lawrence: B..?
Lawrence & Nina: Before Chuckles.
( Nina nods as the Greedent looks to both of them. He resumes eating quickly. )
Lawrence: What was life like B.C.?
( Nina and Lawrence laugh. )
Nina: It was fine I guess? Like I battled but only really as something to do. Got bored of it for a while. Stopped and then I got Chuckles.
Lawrence: What got you back into battling then?
Nina: CHUCKLES! Someone let slip Skwovet are legal and he would not let me anywhere near the place without going for a battle. I started enjoying it once we changed his build to be very tanky–
Lawrence: Once you discovered you could troll people?
Nina: Pretty much, yeah. Once I discovered I could really piss people off– SORRY.
( Lawrence shakes his head with a strained smile. Nina awkwardly laughs while covering her face, sliding down in her chair. Lawrence takes a breath to regain his composure. )
Lawrence: Was your immediate thought "I can make content from this" or did the online stuff come after?
( Nina pushes herself back up enthusiastically. )
Nina: Nah, the vids came after a Tinkatok of Chuckles wiping the same Wigglytuff twice went viral. The maker was a teammates girlfriend who was up with us in the-the-the... bits where we watch and talk from!
Lawrence: Stands?
Nina: No clue. Probably. The end of it caught the WIgglytuff trainer's reaction and the joy that it brought me, I had to keep going!!
( Lawrence chuckles and flips through his notes cards. )
Lawrence: I cut you off earlier, by tanky you mean?
Nina: Loads of bulk, high HP, high attack, decent speed for a Greedent. People did not like it when, like, a turret just follows them as they try retreat. It's very fun!!
Lawrence: Did not and do not based on your last match.
( Nina begins cackling and kicking her feet. Her laugh devolves into crazed wheezing; Chuckles waddles over to the edge of her chair. With tears in her eyes, she strokes his head to calm herself. Lawrence has stopped laughing by this point and seems greatly concerned. Nina's voice is still croaky when she speaks. )
Nina: I'm good, I'm good. Heeeh... The Decidueye guy was soo p– malding.
Lawrence: I take it you're enjoying your time in the professional world?
Nina: I'm acclimating. I get to still screw with people. While I'm still quite low tier at least. As long as it doesn’t hinder teammates. I think we're getting better at actually playing. Chuckles' got mvp a few times, scored like 200 at some point.
Lawrence: Impressive!
( To show his enthusiasm he looks to Chuckles, who completely ignores him. )
Lawrence: Right... Uh, how much time..? One last question alright with you?
Nina: Yep, go head!!
Lawrence: How are you going to deal with the fans outside who know you’re here?
Nina: A good Bullet Seed spray should help!
( Nina giggles and Chuckles finally takes his attention off of food long enough to join in. )
Lawrence: Haha, that’s legally a joke, right?
Nina: Yes, yeah, obvi. I can spend a bit of time outside the place signing stuff. Don’t wanna clog your hallways. Chuckles’ll give berries to everyone he can.
Lawrence: I’ll be sure to watch from the windows. Thanks for joining us today, Nina. And you, Chuckles.
Nina: Anytime, it’s been a blast!
( Chuckles squeaks in agreement. He looks at Nina with his paws close to his tail fur. )
Nina: OHOH!!! What kind of berries do you like?
Lawrence: Uh… Wepear.
Cody: Do you happen to have any topo?
( Chuckles roots around in his tail until he finds a pale berry with a dark centre. As he throws it behind the camera, he take a wepear out and places it on the interviewer’s lap. Lawrence tentatively moves it onto the table beside him. )
Cody: Thank you!
Lawrence: Yes, thank you. And thank you, battle fans for watching this interview! Links to the Chucklefvcks’ socials will be below. If you want more behind-the-scenes content or battle clips, check them out here on our website or find them on our rotomblr blog! I’m Lawrence from the UBN, we’ll talk later!
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halflifeprocessing · 6 months
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Your name is NOT RELEVANT, but the moniker HAZARD suits you fine. You are EIGHT SWEEPS OLD, your pronouns are IT/ITS, and you are ALTERNIAN. Given the UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES of your upbringing, you do not possess a caste sign, and have instead taken on an ALIEN SYMBOL OF DANGER as your sigil.
You live in an UNDISCLOSED LOCATION with another troll. You don't get many LIVING VISITORS, considering the land surrounding your cohabitated hive is HEAVILY BOOBYTRAPPED. Your caution is fueled by EVENTS IN YOUR GRUBHOOD you are reticent to disclose, the outcome of which has led to you possessing a ROBOTICALLY ENHANCED THINKPAN, capable of retrieving all legally accessible information available on the APINET.
You have a variety of interests, mainly ROBOTICS and BUILDING LETHAL WEAPONRY to fend off POTENTIAL DRONE ATTACKS, but your current pet project is webmastering your forum ACONCUPISCENTS ANONYMOUS.
Your trolltag is halflifeProcessing and you <!--speak in a rather stilted and r0b0tic manner.-->
What will you do?
h_al @supercomputerz has discovered grumblr. what will ensue?
i have not roleplayed since i was a young lad on animal jam so bare with me if i am not very good at first. no ooc account its all just here baby
due to the nature of pretending to be an alien on another planet this blog has a general unreality warning. please translate your typing quirks when replying to my posts so that i can actually read them.
mun is a minor, no nsfw asks or other engagement. also hazard is troll asexual so anything of that sort would be shot down anyway.
character notes:
hazard uses its prince of light powers to protect it and its moirail by destroying information about them. please dm me to discuss if it would be reasonable for your muse to know any details about them that are not disclosed on this blog.
hazard sort of starts off as a troll conservative. because it only knows what the empire allows to exist on the troll internet, it firmly believes in a lot of propaganda and does not take kindly to being countered at first. its views slowly change as it meets more and more people that don't line up with what the empire says is correct or allowed to exist. hazard knows limebloods exist. cough. and sympathizes with mutants. cough x2 combo
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malka-lisitsa · 7 months
For the mun on a writing level or.. muse level, how do you tackle a controversial character or topic? Like.. you know it stirs up interest in both good and bad.
Novi's advice column
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The absolute first thing you need to know is that this is tumblr, and someone is always going to have a problem with you no matter what you do. Straight up- Someone is going to hate you no matter how hard you try to avoid it. So just accept that right out of the gate you will in fact always piss someone off whether you have controversial shit in your portrayal or not.
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Once you've accepted that- then you really just have to decide who you're writing for and what you want out of your tumblr experience. Personally, I think you should always write for your muse first, you second, and your audience last. Your muse deserves to be done justice not chopped up and spun into bite sized little pieces more palatable for the puritan crowd on tumblr. If your muse is a bad person, play your muse as a bad person. If your muse is a murder, con artist, kidnapper, whatever the fuck- keep them that way.
Put a trigger warning in your pinned, on your card, and in a bio, make sure to tag your threads where you need to and most people will either not follow to avoid the topic, or block the tag so they don't see it on the dash. You will get trolls, if you can't handle the butt hurt people telling you how to run your blog because they clearly speak for everyone everywhere and definitely know what's best for the entirety of tumblr- I suggest you turn OFF anon, because those people are all cowards and wont have the guts to say it to your face <3
Like I said most people will simply block or not follow and you'll be fine- a lot of people have very specific topics as deal breakers in their rules, so defo make sure you're also looking for those before you follow. The long and the short of it is, is that when it comes to muses who have done, are doing, and will do shitty things your audience is going to be smaller- but this is the internet and there is an audience for EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING.
You simply have to decide what's more important to you, the topic, or your audience/writing partners. I always advocate for keeping your muse pure and NOT cherry picked. Villains are supposed to make people uncomfortable that's why they're villains. Morally grey characters are supposed to make questionable and concerning choices, that's why they're morally grey. If your muse did something controversial in their past, chances are it had a huge part of shaping who they are or the people around them today and it's not fair to erase that.
So, how I handle it PERSONALLY- I have in my pinned I refuse to water Katherine down and she absolutely IS a morally grey character and does some pretty shitty things. I also state that she has a lot of trauma I wont water down either. Make the topic(s) clear up front and then communicate with the people who do choose to write with you, and be cognitive of their triggers/hard nos. After that there's nothing else to really do. You write your character the way they're meant to be written, and anyone who has a problem with that doesn't have to follow.
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last4ever · 29 days
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#𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝟒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 : a multimuse featuring characters from tsk's 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 . heavily headcanon based & crossover friendly with any modern or fantasy universe. ship exclusive with @honeyhold.
dossiers. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ. blogs.
muse list :
rancilda ashmore, troll, lauren lopez. canon. sera fogg, villager, lauren lopez. canon with original dev. lucy grizzwald, heiress, lauren lopez. canon divergent. yrene wisemore, healer, sinead persaud. original. gaston legume, pretty boy, joe keery. crossover. anastasia ivanov, princess villager, kat mcnamara. crossover.
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that there is a lot of triggering content with cc, including but not limited to: violence, gore, body horror, murder, and extremely crude humor. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp _aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging.
do not follow if you write portrayals of real life people or events or if you write child predators such as william afton or peter pan from the twisted childhood universe.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use eat rot!
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trollocs-ooc · 6 months
3 6 7 8 for second and eleven !!
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
Second is almost always brutally honest but not when he feels threatened or vulnerable(I've said before if he feels like someone or something is genuinely a theeat to his life he will start shaking n having a panic attack but he won't say that online obviously). Unless he's like genuinely having a breakdown like when his lusus died and he stopped giving a shit
Eleven does not like showing his "real self" because he feels it's inappropriate and no one would like him. He wants respect he wants validation but highbloods tend to not respect him due to . Being better to lowbloods and lowbloods tend to be intimidated regardless so he's stuck just kind of pleasing no one. He barely spoke on the blog at first because of this but TA kind of forced him to speak more because he felt if he didn't everyone would believe her and hate him forever.
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
If this is about media, for Second it's Warrior cats (soldier purrbeasts) because as much as he liked reading it as a kid he knows it sucks. Eleven likes troll NANA but the story is unfinished so he can't rec it to anyone
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Eleven is unlosable in the crowd i imagine as he is eight feet tall. However if you really want to find Second or Eleven just yell out that their partner sucks they will find you
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Trying to kill me today are we.
Eleven only says "i love you" on occasions where he's truly overwhelmed with emotions and Second only says "i love you" in response to someone else saying it, almost never first. However as they get older they start to realize how little time they could have together and start saying it a lot more loosely. For Eleven it would be about showing Second how much he's loved in every way he can before the inevitable and for Second it would be about making as much of an impact on his partners life as he can in case he isn't around to see through the rest of it.
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askkwieon · 1 year
What do I even wanna do with this blog?
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