#The Treeangle Trio
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war-of-paradise · 2 years ago
Round 2! What’s your favorite and least favorite level in JSAB?
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shape-shenanigans · 2 years ago
why cant the others remember anything about Equol? is it something to do with the fact there's 4 treeangle deities but only four sections?
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justshapesandaus · 3 years ago
Info dump on True colors.
When trios are on the clock, only the three can see one another, they can not see any other Trio on their human. This is because of a special ring the trio must carry with them to work that when all of them wear it they can see one another in the mortal realm.
Blixer has his on a chain, and it's wrapped around his arm, and is concealed under his jacket. Cube has hers on a choker, and it's concealed under the spike choker. Lycan also has his on a chain and on his arm.
Guardian angles are made, while angles and devils are born. It's not unheard-of and is in fact in courage that shoulder angles and devils should have a more romantic attachment towards one another. What is unheard-of and is somewhat frond upon I'd a shoulder devil being in love with a guardian angle.
Reason for this being, is if a shoulder devil and a guardian angle should fall in love and have kids, then that kid will grow up to have powerful magic, much like a god. So the Treeangles ( all three born from a Shoulder devil and a guardian angle) say that if a shoulder devil does fall in love with a guardian angle, then they must find a shoulder angle to get a child from. Because prophecy states when another guardian angle and a shoulder devil has a child/children, their kid/kids will have devastating powers. That will impact the human world.
Their is a completely different world from the mortal world. There angle, guardian angles, and devils all consist, and their are parts of their world where their are certain requirements to get in. Like only shoulder workers can come in, Trio areas, angles/ guardians only, devils only, and Devils and Guardian angles only areas. Their they go outside of work to bond.
Our main Trios human is names Sunny and as she struggles with being a Trans female, she finds a friend group, and funny enough becomes a which with them. Doing so she is able to see the other plane, and see her shoulder helpers + her guide, and everyone else's. She bonds with her helpers, and finds out about their world. And she loves her trio deeply.
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dia-and-clair · 3 years ago
Ah yes, the trio of, god but not rlly, God who's really just a little kid having too much fun,
And Caretaker who wants to sleep forever
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Dia: I'm gonna corrupt the treeangle this time!
Clair: Madam, recommendation: DO NOT DO THAT OTTO IS HERE
Dia: Aiya! You worry too much! It's just the tree!
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just-shapes-and-sweaters · 5 years ago
I gUeSs I cOuLd spLiT tHiS uP iNtO,, stAgeS? cHapteRs? wHateV, tHis'LL bE lonG aNd I cAn'T aDD a cUt sO I'll trY nOt tO maKe tHiS tOo lonG,, oH aNd soMe pArtS mAy bE miSsinG aS I aM nOt fAmOuS fOr reMeMberinG tHiS ówò'
1. CouCh
kindA seLf eXpLanAtOrY bUt,, CubE aNd cyAn juSt anSwerinG queStiOnS oN a cOucH! tHat'S aLL tHeRe iS tO tHe bLoG fOr a wHiLe
2. sOmetHinG neW?
a mySteriOuS fiGuRe, reVeaLeD tO bE bLiX, iS stuCk iN a caVe, aNd urGeS tHe aSkerS tO freE hiM- hE sAyS hE wAs tHrOwN iN tHaT caVe aNd juSt wAnteD tO geT oUt, aNd tHiS aLsO gOeS oN fOr a wHiLe
3. tHe greAt cOrruptiOn
bLiX iS freeD aNd prOceedS tO cOrrUpT a bLuE fLoWeR, LyCaN, wHo laTeR gOeS tO cubE seeKinG heLp. bLiX taKeS tHe treeaNgLe, gOeS neW gaMe fOrM, aNd taKeS LyCaN aS hiS heLpeR. TheY weRe gOinG tO sHatteR cUbE aNd cYaN, uNtiL-
4. mySteriOuS fLoWeR
CubE, cYaN, aNd LyCaN weRe teLepOrteD tO a caVe viA M!A, aNd tHeRe, tHeY sAw a yeLLoW fLoWeR, CoaLyfLoWeR. TheY weRe iN tHe caVeS, miNinG. aNd iT seeMs tHeY haD cOnneCtiOnS witH bLiX. dUrinG tHiS tiMe, LyCaN haS a vioLeNt epiSoDe aNd trieS tO taKe cOaLy'S liFe. cUbE, wHiLe tryinG tO stOp LyCaN, gOt cOrrUpteD. aNd a biT laTeR bLiX caMe aLonG aNd cAuSeD-
5. tHe firSt spLiT
bLiX taKeS LyCaN, aNd atteMptS tO taKe cubE tOo, bUt cUbE reFuSeS. bLiX aNd LyCaN gO tO finD a loCatiOn fOr tHe tOweR. a biT laTeR, CubE suCcuMbS tO tHe cOrrUptiOn aNd attAcKs cOaLy. tHeY aRe stOppeD, aNd tHe wHoLe triO iS M!A'd soMewHeRe oUtsiDe. wHiCh leAdS tO
6. cAt fLoWeR
aNotHeR fLoWeR, a purpLe oNe naMeD aLLiuM, wAs oUt aNd abOuT loOkinG fOr aNy oTheR uNcOrrUpteD beingS, aNd fOunD tHe triO. sHe tOoK tHeM tO heR hOuSe tO keeP tHeM saFe. cOaLy'S stiLL a biT sHaKeN uP frOm tHe aSkerS aSkinG abOuT cudA. A biT laTeR, cUbE aNd cY gO aNd leaVe cOaLy aNd aLLi aT tHe houSe tO gO tO tHe treeaNgLe onLy tO finD oUt
7. tHe tree'S miSsinG
aNd Q (cOrrUpT CubE) taKeS oVeR. tHeY aRe aLLoWeD tO stAy aS lonG aS tHeY taKe cY tO tHe treeaNgLe aNd nOt hurT aNyoNe. upOn beinG M!A'd tO tHe voLcAnO, Q iS immediateLy teMpteD tO hurT bO aNd neArLy dOeS, bUt iS kNoCkeD oUt. aNd aFteR a qUiCk taLk, sOmetHinG hAppenS!
8. cLaiRvOyAnT
a greeN fLoWeR appeArS! a seLf prOcLaiMeD cLaiRvOyAnT (AnAstAsiA!), aNd tHe cAretaKeR oF tHe greeN gUardiAn! aNywAy, yAdA yAdA, tHeY taLk, greeN aNd cY fAmiLiariZe, aNd aNa getS biT bY a cOrrUpT sNaKe! aNd cOaLy eAtS a cOrrUptiOn fLaVoR cUpcAkE,,, aNd aLLi coMeS baCk aS a cOrrUpT (aZaLeA) buT tHeN! tHe verY firSt poV sHifT!
9. tHe tOweR
wE seE bLiX iS uNdeR aN eArLieR zOmbiE M!A, aNd LyCaN iS cHiLLinG,, wHeN laTeR a bAbY wAs M!A'd iN! wHo wE leArN iS cHiCorY! owo tHingS aRe gOoD uNtiL bLiX snApS oUt oF iT aNd LyCaN taLkS bAcK tO hiM, wHiCh reSuLtS iN LyCaN beinG tUrNeD iNtO aNotHeR zOmbiE cOrrUpT, aNd aNotHeR poV sHifT hAppeNs!
10. iNtO tHe laKe
wHiLe tHe preViOuS eVeNtS weRe hAppeNinG, aNeMoNe (cOrrupteD aNa) wAs fLyinG cOaLy tO bLiX's tOweR. cOaLy iS verY cOrrupteD... a biT laTeR aNa drOpS frOm tHe sKy iNtO a laKe, taKinG cOaLy witH heR. dUrinG tHiS ordeaL, sAbAtiA (cOrrupteD cOaLy) trieS tO drOwN aNa buT fAiLs. aFteR tHaT, sAb trieS tO heAd tO tHe tOweR bUt iS uLtiMateLy stOppeD. cOaLy sNapS oUt oF iT dUe tO aN M!A, aNd aNa beCoMeS aNe aGaiN,, aLsO duE tO aN M!A. tHeY taKe tO tHe sKieS onCe aGaiN aNd aNotHeR pOv sHifT hAppenS!
11. M!A sHeNaNiGaNs
bLiX pLaYs soMe cOnneCt 4,, a wHiLe laTeR aNe aNd sAb appeAr. bO aNd heLi aRe M!A'd iN laTeR, aNd geNeRaL M!A sHeNaNiGaNs taKe pLaCe, soMe oF wHiCh aRe stiLL gOinG oN
12. fUsiOn iNtrUsiOn
aZa appeArS, chLoRofOrmS "aNa" aNd iS uLtiMateLy seeKinG tO cOrrupT. aZa aNd sAb fuSe, beCoMinG aLstrO. KerriA (tHe yeLLoW caRetaKeR) iS M!A'd iN, aLonG witH heR yeLLoW gUardiAn.
13. neW dAd aNd oLd dAd
bLiX iS nOw tHe cAretAkeR oF orAnGe, aNd CubE iS baCk- aNd- aH, tHaT sHouLd bE eVerytHinG uP tO tHe curreNt pOinT-
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extraspectrumed · 5 years ago
Er, now that tensions aren't so high, I've been meaning to ask. What IS the deal with you and Milky Ways? You guys seem to fight a lot.
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Chronos: “Ways is... commanding. From the day we first sprouted, he elected himself leader of our trio. Leader, of a force that is meant to be one! The Gatekeeper isn’t one for arguing, so we suppose that paints us as the bad egg by not blindly accepting his authority... but arguing alone did nothing. If we did not comply, Ways resorted to using force. We used to retaliate more, but The Gatekeeper started jumping in between us to stop the infighting. We don’t like to see them hurt.”
Chronos: “Ways has us under a strict set of rules. He insists the safety of our tree is our top priority, and forbade any of us from leaving its side. Our tree is important, yes, but what of our subjects? What of our duty to look after them and protect them? How are we meant to look after them if we aren’t allowed to come to their aid and get to know them?”
Chronos pauses, looking wistfully back at the Treeangle.
Chronos: “... We may never form a proper guardian if we can not reach some sort of agreement, so the ancient guardian says. I can only hope that they can talk some sense into Ways.”
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once-a-shape · 6 years ago
And yeah, pretty much the trio under the Treeangle (Adra, Tag and Val) did pass out, and they looked pretty corrupted too
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Havoc: "Th'tree shares it's energy w'the square n' the other three. If any of the five become corrupted, the others will too. Ass for a head finally gets th'medicine he deserves... I don' get why th'tree kicked the pink part tho. It shoulda been full on pink instead of just a part. Unless..."
Havoc begins walking slightly faster and mumbling to himself.
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"K, hold on."
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"So. Remember when I said the thing 'bout the name? Above, Centered and Below?"
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jsab-crossover-hell · 6 years ago
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here’s the SRAFYP variants. The shapesquad and Aura are all non-binary. Scene identifies as male. 
Scene is too extra to be straight. He also tends to run away from all of his problems for the most part. (also that’s why the whole annihilate thing didn’t happen in this) Accidentally caused the apocalypse due to parting too hard. 
Omen is the responsible parent, Scene is the fun parent, and Aura’s the parent that’s having to deal with two(2) dumbasses, and the trio of kids that the three of them more or less adopted. They’re also pretty fun and responsible at the same time. 
Note, Risk, and Ward all popped out of the treeangle a good deal later than Omen. they have three(3) parental figures that they all refer to as ‘dad’
Omen and Scene’s relationship can mostly be summed up by the  ‘i am THIS close to smacking you’ meme.
Scene hogs the bed, and Aura steals all of the blankets, so it’s actually rare to run into all three of them sharing a bed, (despite the fact that they’re in a polyamorous relationship lmao)
Scene mostly sleeps on the couch and sometimes Omen sleeps with him because Aura keeps stealing all of the blankets. Omen won’t admit it tho.
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qwertythepopstarian08 · 6 years ago
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I thought I’d show a little teaser of my headcanon design for the Treeangle Trio.
(Yes that’s what I call them)
In my headcanon, these three are the ancestors of Cyan, who were each shattered in combat protecting the Treeangle from a threat. Cyan was the first of their family to both succeed in eliminating the threat and to survive while doing so.
Chronos was shattered while fighting Corruption.
Milky Ways is a Phantom Beat reincarnation of him.
Logic Gatekeeper is Ways’s daughter, who became a schoolteacher to educate young shapes on the Treeangle and its importance.
They are naturally blue, but all three possess the ability to switch between hues to disguise their powers.
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professional-shitpost · 6 years ago
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inspired by @decagon95 Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TOg_e8_Z0o
With the hyper beast consuming all in it's path, the surface shapes needed to find a way to stop it. The answer lie in the corrupted mini triangle pieces that were left unconsummed by LLTNF. They managed to track them down, only for the pieces to combine into an odd, and familiar circle. It looks similar to new game, yet different. Immediatly, it attacks and takes Cude, Barracuda, and Fresh away. Square gives chase, only to watch as the trio are stipped of some of their weapons. With this new found power, the unknown fresh adds one last piece before equipping the new weapons. Stabbing the final corrupted triangle into the top of it's head, it gains a power surge, transforming into abomination. Now the surface shapes has two threats to worry about.
The Hyper beast has transformed into a beetle like entity by unknown means and is now unstopable. But Abomination didn't get the memo. Attacking Hyper Beast, Abomination gets scratched by one of the treeangle pieces. Slowly, the corruption is purged until all that's left is a purified Beast. Round 2 begins.
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justothertreeangleask · 3 years ago
((-WHEZZE- Like, both Blixer and the treeangle Trio needs therapy and a “get along” shirt ))
A- sorry- you looked like.. Someone else- but uh.. Seriously, are ya okay?
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Blixer: and luckily, it will still be in the depths of my soul...without way out...and yes...I’m “fine”
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war-of-paradise · 2 years ago
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At least he had someone to play with.
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war-of-paradise · 1 year ago
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war-of-paradise · 2 years ago
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war-of-paradise · 4 years ago
Info Dump: The Over Situation
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[Mun] Feel free to ask questions for clarification. I hope to do a few of these as a compromise for being on that partial hiatus! Got a few ideas in mind - levels, corruption, Blixer, and other bosses...
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war-of-paradise · 4 years ago
Nah I just thought that you could use something that is cute to cheer you up Milky and before you ask I am a talking cat
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Beautiful lies.
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