#The Spy Who Loved Crosswords
oeuvrinarydurian · 2 months
Final Scene Friday!
I cherish our traditions, but while I was looking for a fidget, I was idly playing with alliteration in my head and it occurred to me that this could be a fun new game.
I’m calling it “Final Scene Friday” as opposed to my initial inclination, “Final Shot Friday“, because there is plenty in each final scene to choose from, but we’d all wind up posting the same two or three photos if I limited it to only final shots.
Anyway, I selected a couple of unexpected ones to choose between, but ultimately, I just had to go with my emotions.
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Endeavour: Quartet
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hastalavistabyebye · 4 months
Hey wait. It's been two fics where I mention my B Squad, but I still didn't really told y'all about them ! Let's change that.
B Squad is Fox's squad, or well as much as possible with him being the Marshall and overworked to hell and back.
The "B" stands for Black ops. Their existence is a Guard secret because obviously the Coruscant Guard does no spying or other undercover missions :) If you ask a Corrie what the "B" stand for tho, you will never, ever lack answers. Banana Squad, Been there done that, Band of idiots, Brilliant and Beautiful, Brats, Boring, Bolo-ball.... (You can guess which suggestions are from the Squad themselves and which are from their guard siblings).
They absolutely are pranksters (as much pranksters as the Guard can allow themselves and as often as they can while being often into undercover missions and off world...). In a post war, no order 66 au, they will, absolutely and very dutifully, drive the GAR mad (without letting them know who exactly it is who's driving them mad).
So who are they ? A quick review of those idiots.
-Fox obviously (they always call him Boss. It might or might not have spread in all the Guard.)
-Sergeant Thunder (called the Captain). She died during the first year of the war, before being able to get promoted to the rank she deserved (lieutenant because she would have fight tooth and nails against being a captain). She was the one in charge of the Squad for Fox.
-Mick (called the Sergeant, or Sarge). The most level head and calm of them all. He was promoted to Sergeant after Thunder. All of the Squad hate it. Do not underestimate him, he's as much a little shit as the others. And a great pilot (only have the right to drive when under dire times. Let's say he has a tendency to love loopings). Also Howzer's vod'ika.
-Visor (called the Slicer). None of the Squad nicknames really correspond to their roles, especially not Visor and Marker's. All of them are great shots, know how to slice, masters at disguise (and always get their hands on nice civies things for the rest of the guard)... They all have a favorite but no real specialty. Visor thought that being the Slicer was stylish. They love crosswords and are the youngest.
-Marker (called the Bait, because baits are important. It follows the same logic as Visor really). He has a wild imagination and love to tell stories to calm down and distract his vode, especially the Shinies and the ones stuck in medbay.
The Squad don't do solely black ops, they also help with the rest of the Guard's duties (all hands on desk and all that). All of them also do their best to cheer up as much as possible their siblings.
They will have to find a new member one day, because they can't stay three (with the occasional, rarer and rarer, Fox appearance) during missions. But none of them want to just replace Thunder.
Edit : Oh shit I forgot one thing !!! Thunder was a little bit pyromaniac on the edges. Just a bit.
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castillon02 · 3 months
Animals of James Bond Crossword Puzzle
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Created for the 007 Fest 2024 scavenger hunt, prompt #58: "Create and post a Bond-themed crossword." Clues are available under the cut or you can play digitally at the link!
1 A dog of this breed offers Bond some comfort after his escape from Blofeld's destroyed institute in OHMSS
6 The name of a plot-crucial Macaw in "For Your Eyes Only"
7 The name of one of Zorin's fiery racehorses
9 This Argentinian lizard is glimpsed in "Quantum of Solace"
10T hese birds flock around Piz Gloria in OHMSS
11 Macau features this gun-hungry dragon in "Skyfall"
12 This animal gives J.W. Pepper a dunking in "The Man With the Golden Gun"
15 These Barbary animals in Gibraltar observe a Bond chase sequence with bemusement in "The Living Daylights"
17 Stromberg quizzes Bond about this marine animal in "The Spy Who Loved Me"
18 The animals in Blofeld's volcano lair which dispose of Helga and Hans
21 In the book version of "Dr. No," Bond fights one of these
22 "Octopussy" features this kind of deadly octopus
23 Raoul Silva monologues about these animals
2 Bond tells this big cat to "Sit!" in "Octopussy."
3 A blinged-out elephant wins at this game in "Diamonds Are Forever"
4 In "Skyfall," Kincade has a pair of these hunting dogs
5 This bird is famously edited to do a double-take at Moore Bond in Venice
8 This creature gives Connery Bond a scare in the movie version of "Dr. No"
13 Blofeld's white cat is this fluffy breed
14 Q's cats are this hairless breed
16 This glowing animal can be seen in the Shanghai fight scene in "Skyfall"
19 Sanchez keeps this animal as a pet in "License to Kill"
20 The name of the alligator that bit off the arm of a character in "Live and Let Die"
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Tea - a Magnus Archives one-shot
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"You must be Martin. Jon used to go on about you a lot."
In MAG 149, season 4, Georgie recognized Martin the moment she saw him just from Jon's descriptions, but we didn't get to hear that.
Have a glimpse into my mind-palace of how it could have happened.
Notes: none. This is just fluff. Spoilers thrugh season 4.
“And then Martin—would you believe this—let a dog into the Archives! A dog! ”
“A whole-ass dog, eh?” said Georgie, sipping her tea, trying not to sound dubious.
“It took him all day to get that thing back out of my Archives. Ridiculous.”
“So… you didn’t fire him?”
“No, I didn’t fire him! Elias put him there for some reason, and I… well, I thought it might be more suspicious if I got him out of the way. The next spy could be worse.”
Spies. Dogs. Evil bosses. “Are you still not going to tell me whatever happened at your weird cult workplace?” she said.
He glared over his coffee. “No, I am not going to tell you what happened at my weird cult workplace. Just. He also makes good tea. That’s all.”
“Bully for him.” She left to go to work.
“And then you wouldn’t believe… Martin insisted on ice cream for his birthday. Like we were all children!”
“Oh, no,” Georgie said, pencil posed over her crossword puzzle. “Whatever did you do?”
“Well, I ordered ice cream, of course. No need to rock the boat,” Jon said, leaning on his Oxford English drawl. 
“No, no need to do that,” said Georgie. “What kind?”
He huffed. “Rum and raisin. It was serviceable.”
She knew him too well. “You talked about emulsions again, didn’t you?”
If Jon had feathers, they would have ruffled. “Yes, I talked about emulsions! They’re an important part of modern food theory!”
Georgie laughed, filled out wiseguy for a seven-letter know-it-all prompt, and called it a day.
“Martin insists on tea. Insists on it. If I don’t have a hot cuppa, he just… he…” Jon gestures.
“He what?” said Georgie, who really wasn’t sure where he was going with this.
“Well, he gets all… big-eyed, and sad, as if I somehow did it at him,” Jon mumbled, looking down. “I have drunk more tea in the last two years than in my entire life.”
“With your grandmother? I doubt that,” said Georgie, who had come into the picture early enough to meet her before she passed.
“No, she insisted I make tea. She never truly cared if I drank it,” Jon mumbled into his empty cup. “Martin cared.” And then he stared at the leaves at the bottom as though offended they were all that remained.
“Well, I’m sure my tea-making skills hardly compare,” said Georgie.
“They don’t,” said Jon, who did not mean cruelty by it.
Georgie spoke fluent Jon. She understood he wasn’t saying, You suck. He was saying, I miss Martin’s tea. “Are you sure you can’t reach out to him? Maybe outside of work?”
Jon went deep red. “I can’t do that.”
“You sure? I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.”
“No,” Jon said softly, looking now at the floor. “I can’t talk to anybody. It isn’t safe.”
“Safe?” she said.
He seemed to realize he’d said too much. “I… excuse me.” And he closed himself in the guest bedroom to make another of his weird tape recordings.
“I’m telling you, Martin might be sending them!” he said, holding up another batch of suspicious documents.
Georgie was fuming. “How could he be? Did you tell Martin where I live?”
“I… no, I didn’t.”
“Then I doubt he’s sending them.”
“I just thought… no, you’re right. I doubt he misses me at all,” said Jon, hangdog supreme.
Georgie threw her hands in the air. As Jon’s ex, she didn’t really think she had the right to push it further.
“Martin made me take his jumper home, and it… well, I never returned it. It’s so very comfortable! I feel oddly safe in it. Isn’t that odd?” A confession, wide-eyed, over breakfast. 
“Martin hates oolong,” said Jon over lunch and oolong. “I’m not sure why. Something to do with his mother, I think.”
“Martin always smiles. It’s suspicious,” Jon declared over dinner.
Georgie began to tune it out.
“He was terrible at research,” Jon mumbled late as they both sipped some brandy. “But he always tried so hard. He brought in a jar of worms once, did I tell you that?”
“Uh, no?” said Georgie. “Why would he bring in a jar of worms?”
Jon waved his shot glass. “Reasons,” he said like the grim reaper.
Georgie shook her head and threw back the last of her shot before going to bed.
Later, much later, Georgie went to the Magnus Institute, trying to find Melanie. She hated the place; it gave her the creeps, and not only because of what she now knew about Jon. It wasn’t even proper fear. It was just yucky, like something slimy between her toes.
Finding no one, she wandered downstairs, into the Archives, and spotted a man at a desk. He was tall, kind of cuddly-wide; his hair was curly and red, and his freckles were bright. His eyes were, intriguingly, the same color Jon had wistfully described as spring green one very late night.
Like Jon, he had a tape recorder going. She was really beginning to hate those things.
He did a double-take. “Oh, you can’t be here. It’s not allowed.”
“Sorry, Melanie told me to wait for her here,” Georgie said.
“You’re here for Melanie?” the man clarified, standing (good lord, he was tall).
“Yeah. I’m Georgie.”
And out came the smile (which Jon had described) and the awkward aw-shucks body language with one hand behind his head (which Jon had also described). “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t realize! I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.”
She knew. He could’ve been conjured from Jon’s imagination for how perfect he was for that man. “You must be Martin.”
He blinked. “Has Melanie been talking about me?”
“No, um. Jon used to go on about you a lot.”
Martin brightened like the sun shining, and then Georgie had to go on for minutes about why she wouldn’t help Jon anymore.
Which Martin insisted she should.
Hell. Jon had no chance. They both had it so bad.
She still didn’t like this place. She still had issues with Jon and everything Jon was doing; but this… she could see this.
Martin and Jon, Jon and Martin. It worked in her head. They fit. 
She hoped it worked out. 
She hoped Jon didn’t drag Martin with him to the grave.
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mediumstrength · 8 months
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The conclusion of the second season has left me alone and bereft please join me as I fill the void.
We start with some bitchin spy action
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oh shit
Truly the first few chapters are why I think you see so many people upset about the series settling into a slow burn family comedy. You start off with some juicy Hollywood movie shit here. Assassination! Straight off the bat! Cars careening off bridges! Great stuff.
Now, it’s time for a little quick exposition. We got two countries, they don’t like each other, they are using spies, blah blah.
In Japanese they are straight up written Eastern Country and Western Country (with “Ostania” and “Westalis”) in furigana. Tatsuya Endo, please.
There is one spy who’s the best tho
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Here he is!! It’s our boy!!
He’s bamboozled that bad guy out of those silly pictures!! Time to also be mean to the dude’s daughter.
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lol what a dick
“Robert” is not as fashionable as “Loid,” the double breasted suit was already on the way out in the early 60s (The SXF vibe seems to be early 60s? Except when it isn’t?) being replaced by the single breasted suits we generally see him wearing. Edgar also is wearing a double breasted suit, but he doesn’t seem like the type to worry about fashion trends.
Loid however does seem to really care about looking sharp, and I’m proud of him for that. It’s basically his only non spy-related interest. Maybe someday he will have two interests!
Loid gives Karen a new complex, and then waltzes out of her life. Onto the next mission!
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Berlint 😂
On the train to Berlint, Loid learns that he has to become a fake dad for silly bullshit reasons that are vital to world peace. This silly bullshit is called Operation Strix, and it is so, so important. The most important mission ever.
I wonder if there’s some significance to the name Strix? It’s a mythological creature, but also a genus of owl. In Japanese it’s written 梟, which literally means owl, so maybe the mythological part is not intended?? I want to know more.
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The early art is weird at times
I hate it.
The real estate guy asks him if he has a girl or a boy, and he says he doesn’t know yet. I feel like I should hate these jokes where Loid says something mind-blowingly suspicious, but I actually love it every time.
Anyhow! On to step two: secure a child.
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Tatsuya Endo has a real talents for making just the most detestable jerks. I love to hate you, drunk shitty orphanage guy!
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It’s her!! It’s Anya!! The early art is, again, a little weird here.
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The absurdly hard crossword puzzle is such a good gag.
Daughter acquired!
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I love it. There’s no real equivalent to “chichi” in English, so they went with something that means dad, but is also a little weird and a little baby talk-y. Perfect. I watched a couple episodes of a fan sub of the anime, and they translated it as “Daddy” which is cute but is simply not weird enough. Anya is a Weird Little Girl.
Anya immediately begins helping, by acting deeply weird and suspicious. We love it.
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I love that Spy Wars is just always on somehow.
Onwards! They go out and do some shopping! Anya is a lot! Loid doesn’t understand her! He goes to his local library about it, which is kind of adorable? And gives an early glimpse into a fundamental aspect of his character. With enough information, Loid can accomplish anything. He is certain of this. He has built his whole life around this concept.
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You are accidentally playing hide and seek with your daughter somehow, with no idea that it is even happening. Amazing.
Anyhow he finally barricades her in the fucking house lol
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It’s Franky!! I love you, Franky.
He tells Loid that his new kid legally does not exist, and has been returned to the orphanage 4 times, and Loid decides not to look further into any of that. Greatest spy in the west.
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Meanwhile Anya is causing problems. I love her.
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Edgar is back, which doesn’t make sense because the Edgar stuff was happening in another city, but I guess Edgar is just also in Berlint now for some reason.
We get a brief flashback to Anya’s time as an Eleven-style lab rat, which is sad. What does “studying” entail? I think we will all be sad when we find out ☹️
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Loid returns and we are treated to a sick. ass. fight. Loid takes a guy out with a can of tuna. He breaks a chair over a dude’s head. I think there was some commentary from Endo (maybe in Eyes Only?) about how using improvised weapons just hits harder. We know more about cans of tuna than guns or whatever. We can imagine what taking a tuna can to the face would feel like.
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What a dick.
Anyhow, Loid bamboozles the same guy with the same trick a second time, bravely rescuing Anya, and now it is time for a sad flashback
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Don’t cry, little german boy.
Anyhow, the world where kids don’t cry thing should be so corny, but they really pull it off somehow.
For some reason he decides to walk back into danger and beat those guys up?
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When did he have time to set these traps??
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Loid kicks everyone’s asses, and then, there’s Anya waiting for him, and she wants to stay with him. This is the moment. This is the moment where he realized, subconsciously, that he loves her. Consciously is still a work in progress. But like, he already cares about her so much. It’s been been like 2 days, and he’s gone from “I hate kids” to “I can’t abandon this little girl who I callously adopted to use for my own purposes”
(…This is the plot of the Despicable Me, isn’t it?)
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This little scene on the streetcar warms my heart. Papa is a cool liar.
Ok, jesus christ this chapter is long. I didn’t realize that we also have getting into Eden happening the first chapter??
Anya takes the entrance exam, her cheating plan, as usual, does not really work out, but she does her best and she passes.
Loid experiences a single moment of relief and collapses 😂 The man is so powered by sheer anxiety that his body doesn’t know how to react.
Anya gets the mail, there is a little cute cuddling, and then, the kicker! We need a mama!!
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Chapter rating 4/5
A little too much stuff happens in this first chapter, on reread. The streetcar scene is such a logical ending! The Eden test, and then the subsequent complication of needing 2 parents felt tacked on, almost like that should have been padded out a little and made its own chapter, but also I am eager to get to my girl Yor so 🤷‍♀️
Looking back on some of their earlier interactions, Loid has not been thinking through Strix logically from the start. This kid has no birth certificate, and she has been repeatedly returned to the orphanage like a naughty puppy for no obvious reason. She is (allegedly) 6 and she solved a crossword where one of the words was “symplectomorphism” with no adult assistance?? There are some questions he should be asking here, but instead he’s buying her posters and snacks.
He hasn’t had anything to love in so long, you guys. He’s going to love this kid with everything he has, it’s just going to be a long, long time before he understands that it’s love.
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soopsiedaisies · 9 months
potter, james potter
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@roalinda @lovelymasks
“Potter, James Potter” is basically a Spy x Family au. A super-spy from a country that is vaguely based on Berlin Wall!western europe (Westalis) has to go undercover in a country that is vaguely based on East-Germany (Ostania), in order to ensure there’s no new war starting. He has to assume a new identity, acquire a child, enrol the child in a prestigious school, and make contact with the Main Guy who’s a big danger to a new war starting, Abraxas. He also has to get married. It’s a found family but an actual family, basically.
James Potter (code name: Prongs; most talented spy of the Order of the Phoenix, the intelligence agency; professional liar) is a psychiatrist who adopts a little orphan boy called Harry. Harry can read minds. James does not know this. Harry’s also four, not six; James does not know this either. But he’s ‘papa’ now and he takes this task very seriously.
In order for little mind-reading Harry to enrol in the super elite school, James also needs to be married. His informant Franky Franklin Severus Snape tries to help him with this but Severus doesn’t make a convincing woman (to Harry’s amusement). Enter Sirius Black, code name ‘Padfoot’: a regular guy who is terrified to be seen as a spy, and who needs a boyfriend/husband ASAP. He’s also one of the best Assassins in the country, but nobody knows this. They get engaged in a very beautiful scene filled with dead criminals and an exploding grenade. It’s all very romantic.
Anyway then they’re a family and it’s a whole fluff fest. The whole family loves each other to pieces (“For the mission” - Agent Prongs) but They Do Not Know about the secret identities. An idyllic family of Liars. Harry (very advanced for his actual age) hates studying but needs to in order to advance in school. Harry also punches Draco (very annoying; son of the guy James needs to stop) on the first day of school. He’s one step closer to expulsion every time he enters the school and it stresses James out So Much because Harry needs to remain in school because the mission would fail otherwise. Sirius is mainly stressed about being a Good Husband (he doesn’t know how). Snape is a reluctant fun uncle. Also Lily is like the Head Spy of the Order.
Regulus (raised by Sirius and obsessed with Sirius) also has a secret identity: he’s part of the secret service. He Hates James so much. Despises him, really. James is not worthy of Sirius. He’s got a bit of a brother complex/daddy complex.
Also James figures out that Regulus is part of the Secret Service the moment Regulus tries to ‘get to know’ him. James cannot, for the life of him, figure out that Sirius (the husband he’s with for several hours every day) is an assassin. James panics when he thinks Sirius is mad at him (for the mission). Love makes blind, I guess.
Here’s a snippet:
James Potter walks past bags of rubbish and through rotting, rusted gates, approaches the doors of a rather dilapidated building without a hint of anxiety. Wool’s Orphanage isn’t exactly the height of luxury, but it’s for the best: these children are scarred and quiet and likely hardworking, easy to forge a background for. He would know.
The Matron, an older woman who calls herself Mrs Cole, is drunk. The children may be fed and dry and clean, but they all look miserable and frightened. Prongs—James asks for the smartest kid of the lot, one who can at least read and write. Matron doesn’t seem to have to think for long before leading him to one of the many cramped little rooms, and then gestures at a little boy who can’t be older than four.
“I’m six,” says the boy immediately, rocking back and forth on his feet. He’s cute, in that way a ragged animal with torn ears is cute. His eyes are massive and green, his black hair is a mess, his features are sharp. “I’m Harry.”
“He doesn’t look six,” says James. Can he even read yet?
“I guess.” Mrs Cole sniffs. “Smartest of the lot though. Can do the crossword—”
Harry procures a puzzle book and a pencil from somewhere, sits down, and begins to scribble. It’s not a particularly hard crossword for a trained spy such as himself, and Prongs can answer several hints correctly with nary a glance; but then Harry holds the crossword up, triumphant, and Prongs sees it’s all filled in correctly.
He does not goggle. Spies do not goggle.
“I’ll take him,” he tells the boozed-up Matron. The wording does not leave a bad taste in his mouth. That’s been trained out of him.
“Brilliant,” says Mrs Cole. She looks sickly pleased to have Harry taken off her hands. “I’ll get the papers ready.”
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ironwoman18 · 3 months
A New Comedy x No More Secrets
Disclaimer: Spy x Family and their characters as well as the song Comedy/ Kigeki, belongs to Endo-Sama and Gen Hoshino.
This is a sequel of As long as you love me. Read it first if you haven't yet.
I met you where I came spilling out
You with all your secrets
Pretending to be normal
I'd given up searching for a place where I belong
Only to find out I had to create one for myself all along
We made a deal that day
Thicker than blood
A pact from heart to heart
Yor and Loid arrived home an hour later. Both exhausted after fighting physically and mentally. Yor had some broken ribs and she got shot in her arm.
Loid on the other hand also had some broken ribs and his face looked a little swollen after the fight they had.
Anya who was now eight years old read their minds and was in shock. Mom and dad know their secret identities… but how?
She watched Bond raise his ears and his fur was up, a clear indication that he was having a vision. 
She read his mind and she could see herself crying in front of her parents, this made her feel even more anxious. Does it mean they will break up? Is she going back to the orphanage?
“Mom and dad…” since she was older, she stopped calling them mommy and daddy, Yor missed it very much but understood that she was growing up “are you going to leave me?” She had teary eyes and her voice broke slightly.
Loid and Yor went to her and hugged her “don’t be silly Anya, we are a family and we would never leave you” said Yor kissing her daughter’s head, she always felt like Anya knows things she never said out loud but how could she? She was just a little girl, maybe she was just too intuitive.
“I… I want to tell you something… I don’t want more secrets between us…” Loid exchanged a look with Yor, they were thinking the same, she can tell they have secrets.
“Anya… You don’t need to worry, we c…”
“Dad… You are a spy, mom… You are an assassin” she said looking at them with determined eyes “I knew it from the start because I… I… can read minds” she confessed looking down “I knew about your missions, why mommy was upset before daddy took her out on a date… I knew it was you at the cruise fighting with the big bad man… I knew everything”
The pieces were getting together as she speaks, Loid remembers everything she did while he was under cover and how that helped him on a mission. Yor’s mind was racing as well, remembering how she seemed to know what was happening without words.
Both were very intuitive and intelligent but never imagined that their daughter could actually read their minds.
“Since when can you do this?” Asked Loid.
“Since I can remember. I got out of that place and they never found me…” she said and Loid clenched his teeth, Yor interlocked her fingers with his “they forced me to study and I couldn’t have friends nor play with others. They said I was just experiment 007”
Both parents had tears in their eyes but didn’t say anything because Anya continued “when I read your mind I thought it would be exciting and fun to be with a spy so I read your mind and filled the crossword with your answers and I’m not 9 years old…” she played with her fingers.
“I thought mommy’s job was fun and exciting too so I talked loudly about not having a mom so you joined us. Are you upset?” She asked still with tears in her eyes.
“Of course no baby girl…” said Yor in the most sweet and gentle tone, the one she used when she got sick and couldn’t go to school and when she allowed her to have a sleepover with Becky after Loid said no “you were looking for love and you picked us as your family. Something I couldn’t do with my parents or little brother” said Yor wrapping her free arm around her and kissed her head.
“And why didn’t you tell us before?” Asked Loid, his blue eyes were gentle and fatherly. Neither Anya nor Yor felt hostility coming from him, just curiosity.
“I thought if you knew, you would return me to that awful orphanage…” she says with honesty “you almost sent me back on our first week” he hugged her without letting go of Yor's hand.
“I wanted you to be safe and after what happened, I felt like I made a mistake letting you alone in that apartment”
“You had been a great papa” she said, hugging him fully and putting her head on his shoulder “and I love you and I will always think that you and mama are the best” at that moment, Bond’s vision became true when Loid and Yor were hugging a crying Anya.
After they calmed down, Yor made tea for her and Loid and hot cocoa for Anya, she put some cookies on a plate and even both were in pain they stayed there to talk to Anya who told them as much as she remembered of the place she was in and what they did and said to her.
An murderous aura was around Yor as she heard it and Loid had to clench his fist to control his anger as his daughter told her everything.
“I will inform The Handler to see if we can find them and get all the information...” said Loid, his jaw tightening.
“Oh one more thing...” she looked at Bond and he approached her putting his head on her lap “Bond also has a secret... At Apple project... they did something to him that allowed him to see the future...” Loid and Yor were in shock “I picked him because I read his mind and I watched us from his eyes smiling at him”
Bond looked up and noticed Loid reached his arm to pet him “I knew they were experimenting with you and your friends but never imagined that...” he sighed “We are definitely a weird family but I guess we deserved each other in one way or the other” he smiled and held Yor’s hand “Thank you for your honesty and I guess we don’t need to tell you anything about us since you know it from the beginning”
She reached him and hugged him again and he hugged her back kissing her head softly. He wouldn’t imagined himself so attached to a little girl but Anya changed it and now he can’t imagine his days without her or Yor or even Bond.
It was getting late so they went to sleep and for the first time they didn’t have to hide things from their family. They all know their secrets and will continue to fight for the other’s dreams.
We'll keep on with our ridiculous everyday life
I would like to thank Robyn, a guest on AO3, who suggested this little “Sequel” to As Long As You Love Me.
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heartofspells · 1 year
Hi ❤️✌️
May I inquire further about 'you'?
Of course you can! I think you're going to like this one (if i ever manage to finish it; we're staring down a very endless-looking barrel here help)
For those that have seen the Netflix show and are in The Know, yes it's based off that. If you haven't seen it...no big deal! I've changed things anyhow! But it's all very stalker Remus, trying to be good Remus, desperately in love (obsessed) Remus a la Joe Goldberg. And then we've got Sirius, who is perfect and flawless and can do no wrong whatsoever (lies) a la Love Quinn (you know, with the family and the money and the working for a living and the SUPER co-dependent relationship with her brother (James)). There is stalking (duh) and spying and Inner Monologues and manipulation and Murder along with Creative Body Disposal.
Not everyone's cup of tea, but for those that are interested, I cannot WAIT to share it. This is becoming my new baby (co-parented by @narcissa-black-supermacy because she said so).
"Worst decision of my life," remarks Benjy, working his crossword again, but he smiles, and Remus is forced to admit that it lightens him. For the first time, Remus feels like he's catching a small glimpse of what Sirius sees in the other man, his friend, there by his side, filled with a deeply ingrained camaraderie built from years of a forming and solidifying relationship, no matter what infatuations might stand directly behind its walls.
Sirius huffs out a laugh. "And if I ever believe that, I'll eat my right foot. I'll even carve your name into it."
"Oh, well," murmurs Benjy, eyes flickering up to Sirius, "I was going to say that's going overboard, but if you're going to brand me with your name, by all means."
And just like that, so instantly it twists his stomach, Remus is restraining himself from ripping Benjy's lips from his mouth as it spreads into a leading smirk. Sourness bubbles inside of him as Sirius continues talking, not acknowledging the expression on his friend's face, Remus no longer hearing his words.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? Having him branded into your skin, or better yet, you branded into him so that everyone will know he's yours. You're just sick enough to do it, too. You'd look down your nose at anyone else who even thought of doing such a thing, but you'd carve those letters into his flesh, tattoo him in the empty spaces he still has, but I won't let you. He's mine, Fenwick, and he's perfect as he is. I wouldn't need the proof of claim to know that, and I'd never worry about anyone else taking him from me. He'll never want to leave me, whereas you'd bore him to tears in no less than three hours.
"…and Reg was always adamant about it, no matter how well he convinced everyone else to the contrary, so I count that as a win in the book of Black." Sirius is still speaking, jostling Remus from his thoughts as he shifts in his chair, gaze sliding over Remus, his mouth quirking upwards. "You just did it again," he announces. "What is that, the drifting? You're like James. He's got focus problems, too, but his is a bit different. He doesn't tune out; just jumps when you're not expecting it. Bit jarring until you get used to it."
Oh, great. Potter again. So much for escaping him, but at least he's apparently missing lunch this afternoon. It's better than nothing, and I'll take what I can get.
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undead-potatoes · 8 months
4, 5, and 9 for the tav game!!
Hey, hello, I am 86 years late
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Jay rarely had a proper chance to foster any hobbies in his life, usually deprioritized due to things like money, space, or free time. But if and when he has the chance, his hobbies include; - Bird watching. It's the only one he's been able to practice consistently, even if just very casually, as there are usually birds around no matter where he goes. It's a real treat once he's traveling up the Sword Coast though, since there's just a lot more bird varieties around than in Baldur's Gate (the companions will know a lot more about birds by the time they get to the city, whether they want to or not lmao). It started out as a fascination with the bird life around the grove where he did his training (he had never seen so many birds before), and was further spurred on by one of the druids there who taught him about the various bird species. As a parting gift he was given a book with some basic info on various birds, accompanied by some absolutely gorgeous illustrations, and it's one of his most priced possessions. He has tried to add to it over the years, but he was never really good at art and didn't want to ruin the book, so it's mostly just text past the original entries. It does however have quite a few amusing entries, as he talks to the birds and adds extra info about the things they tell him. I think he'll have an absolute hoot (😏) exploring the surrounding areas of Waterdeep, discovering all the new species he's only ever seen in text books, and seeking out the local libraries to see if they have any more information about them. And ofc, going on walks with Gale and infodumping about all the birds they see (it's okay, they take turns). (Fun fact, this is where he fell in love with Blue Jays, the namesake of his chosen name. Too bad he's more of a pigeon himself.) - Beer brewing. He had a few earlier attempts that failed, but this hobby really kicked off once he moved to Waterdeep with Gale. His whole thing is making brews using his knowledge of (usually poisonous) plants and fungi to give them some extra zing. Something that will kill you in higher dosages might just leave your tongue with a tingly sensation when used sparingly, which is fun in concept but uuuh might not always work out so well in practice. He keeps at it though, and finds his way to some quite tasty brews that won't kill you. Probably. I can only imagine the kinds of food Gale would cook up to pair with Jay's Fucked Up Brews™ for the ultimate sensory experience (like I just know he'd be into that stuff). The trub probably makes for some really interesting loaves of bread too. - Reading. He loves a good book, but rarely has the time to sit down and actually enjoy it. He'll get a few chapters in, then forget about it for 2 months, so when he finally gets back to it he might as well start over again. And that's how it takes you a year to read a singular book. - Puzzles. More of an honorable mention, but he enjoys solving little brain-teasers and puzzles (think crosswords, sudoku etc).
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
He has had a variety of jobs throughout his life, ranging from errand boy to working odd jobs for the guild - his druidic abilities made him exceptionally good at breaking in and out of places, spying on people, or doing sabotage in ways that were made to look like an unfortunate case of natural forces. The work wasn't always within his own moral comfort zone though, and he was gald to be free of it once he became independent. Keen eyes and a good memory, in combination with a myriad of contacts im the world of crime, made him quite good at finding specific items or ingredients, and he realized he could make a business out of it. By the time of BG3 he's been procuring and smuggling items around the city for the better part of 30 years, and he's well established as "the guy who can get you (almost) anything". In some ways it's not that dissimilar from his days in the guild, but much of his business is all above board, and he's free to turn down anything he deems too risky or immoral. It's a job he really enjoys, as he gets to meet all sorts of people, and sometimes travel to some interesting places (he's been to the Underdark on quite a few occasions). And ofc it's something he's good at! His general self esteem is not very good, but he knows he's good at his job; people wouldn't keep coming to him if he wasn't.
9. What was your Tav doing when they were taken by the mind flayers?
This post is already sooo long, and I have another ask with only this question, so I hope you don't mind me skipping this one here 🙏
From this Tav ask meme (Durge version)
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Happy friday!! "How much of that did you hear?" for Sweet Tarts?
Reggie smiles over his coffee cup as Carrie sits across from him, the tip of her pink tongue peeking out as she works on the crossword. Their breakfast is finished, but they have nowhere to be today, no appearances to make, so they're having a leisurely time just relaxing.
This is of course, when the phone rings.
Reggie's senses heighten, his grip on the mug almost punishing as the shrill sound of the ringer shatters their peaceful morning. He gets up to answer the phone, praying it's a telemarketer and not who his gut tells him.
"Peters residence," he says, all business.
"Dusk, report."
Reggie stiffens at the name, and turns to Carrie with an apologetic expression. "It's one of my patients, I have to take this."
"I swear, you have the most needy patients, they never let you have a day off," Carrie says. "I suppose that means the picnic is on hold."
"Probably," Reggie replies, voice full of regret. Definitely he thinks, as this call can mean nothing good. "I'm going to take this in my room. Confidentiality and all."
Carrie nods, knowing to hang up the other end when he calls, and Reggie waits for the click before he finally replies to the other end. "Dusk here. Nothing new to report."
"May I remind you that your mission has the state of the known world hanging on it?" the voice on the other end asks, clearly unimpressed with Reggie's lack of progress.
Reggie scowls at the receiver, but tries to keep his voice professional. "I did as you asked and procured a wife, we've made forays into Covington's social circle, but I've not made contact with the man himself yet. Apparently that's a treat for his inner crew."
"Well you and the missus better try harder-Covington has the ear of every high ranking official in the government. Becoming his confidante gets you that much closer to them. So find out how to become close to him so we can find out which way the wind is blowing-for good or for ill."
"And if I can't?"
"Then God help us all," the voice on the other end says gravely. "You-there will be no helping you if this mission fails Dusk. Nor the woman you conned into marriage to sell the happy couple."
Reggie suppresses an audible gulp at that, eyes glancing to the closed door. Yes, Carrie and him were married in name only-him to accomplish his mission, her to keep her well meaning father off her back regarding her single status-but there was maybe not love, but caring there. He'd hate himself forever if anything happened to her because of his failings. "Understood."
"Glad to hear it. Next check in is in exactly one week. Have an update for me, or be prepared to be replaced. Dismissed."
The dial tone rings in his ear, and Reggie sags as he sets the phone down. What is he gonna do?
Shaking himself, he comes back out to the living room, intending to tell Carrie that maybe they don't have to cancel the picnic after all, but there she is, sitting on the couch, phone receiver clutched in her hands.
"I thought it was on the base, but it wasn't and then I picked it up..."
"How much of that did you hear?" he asks, sitting next to her, easing the phone out of her hand and onto the base.
"All-almost all," she amends. She won't meet his eyes and a thousand worries fly through Reggie's head. She could turn him in for being a spy, she could attempt to get him to reveal any number of secrets for her to sell, she could end everything right here and now...
"Why didn't you tell me you needed to get close to Covington?"
That... is not where Reggie saw this conversation going. "What?"
"You told me you wanted to climb the ladder so that we could have influence in society. Not so you could cozy up to the boyfriend of the Senate," Carrie says, lifting her eyes and there's a twinkling to them. "I can get you to Covington, I have contacts."
"B-but you're a clerk at City Hall!"
"By day," Carrie says with a shrug. "By night... well I have another name. Thorn Princess."
Reggie is sure his jaw is on the ground at that name. The name of the most feared and skillful assassin in the whole of the county. The one his agency had been trying to find-to either recruit or kill, he's never sure-for the past five years.
And he went and married her.
He blows out a breath. "Okay then. Guess we have a lot to talk about princess."
"We certainly do...Dusk."
"You know... I think I'm good with us still being Carrie and Reggie," he remarks.
Carrie hums, and beams at him, sliding a little closer to him on the couch. "I think I'd like that too."
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anchormain · 1 year
hi!! i'm anchor, 23, they/them.
this blog is for assorted content, including:
star trek
mainblog to two roleplay sideblogs! roleplayers, please see below the cut!!
MUSES / garak of star trek deep space nine on @lietwice and detective constable morse of endeavour on @dccontramundum. you don't need to be familiar with either of their canon shows to write with them!
MUN / anchor. 23.
GARAK / rules. / about. / verses. / navigation. / interest tracker.
garak is a cardassian tailor living on the station deep space nine. he definitely isn’t a spy. or is he? ( yes. ) garak is quite a solitary man, mostly keeping to himself and preferring to sit in the corner and observe rather than socialise with a group. he has only one real friend, doctor bashir, who debates literature with him over lunch. garak can generally be relied upon to lie to you, whether to hide something, deliberately confuse, or just for fun.
MORSE / rules. / about. / verses. / navigation. / interest tracker.
morse is based in oxford and answers to inspector thursday. morse is curious and clever, and very dedicated to his work. if there are answers to be found, morse will find them, no matter what the cost to himself may be. in his spare time he enjoys listening to opera and classical music, singing in choir, doing crosswords, and taking his work home with him. morse tends to overwork himself. he is also a hopeless romantic and can generally be relied upon to fall in love at inconvenient times with inconvenient people. 
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
Giraffe's Eye View | Spy x Family REVIEW (Kind of)
Hello there people of today and robots of tomorrow! It's me, Clark, here with another rambling collection of my opinions. When last I did this it was in regards to Komi Can't Communicate, my favorite anime that actually originates in Japan. I have since watched all of Season 2 of the show, which amplified the adorable factor with all the times Komi had full conversations with Tadano. Seriously, my heart melted knowing whenever I saw her overcome her phobia. That said, Season 2 had by far the worst moment on the show, one I saw coming thanks to the manga. While on a school trip to Kyoto, Stalker McGee (Amai Ren to the people who somehow like her) plans to gaze upon Komi's breasts when they the girls have to share a bath house together. I was already annoyed by how Agari's seemingly gigantic boobs were once again acting as the butt of the joke, so seeing Stalker salivate at the idea of touching Komi's boobs made me physically uncomfortable. Heck, considering how much of a psychotic pervert she is, I'm surprised she even asked. To top it off, the next episode has Komi interacting with two very sweet students that I wish the show would focus on more. One's a busy body named Katou Mikuni and her yo-yo loving friend is called Sasaki Ayami. They treat Komi to a fun day at totally not Universal Studios Japan, never once trying to grope their new friend. Why this series puts so much focus on Stalker McGee as apposed to any of these characters is a mystery to me, but following this episode I pretty much fast forwarded through every scene she was in. Their White Day episode took place on Friday the 13th, leading me to hope Jason Voorhees could show up and shut this creep up! No such luck.
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The one time this guy doesn't wanna introduce a horny teenage idiot to his machete, unbelievable! And no, I don't actually wish horrible things upon this character, I just wish she'd go away!
Needless to say I was feeling pretty annoyed when I decided to check out another anime that had been gaining popularity ever since it started streaming on Hulu.
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Every where I turn on the Internet there's clip compilations of Anya being cute or inappropriate fan art of Yor on deviantART, and of course none of my friends on Discord will shut up about this show. Being the fan of the found family trope myself, I finally caved in and gave it a watch myself.
The show centers around Michael Weston, a recently burned spy who's forced back to his hometown of Miami, Florida due to unforeseen circumstances. There he's joined by retired Navy Seal Sam Axe, ex-girlfriend and explosives genius Fiona Glenanne, and even his mother, who all help Michael clear his name over the course of eight seasons.
No wait, I'm thinking of a different spy show.
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It's called Burn Notice and all of you should totally watch it! If the compelling ongoing story of what happened to Michael doesn't draw you in, the promise of eight seasons worth of Bruce Campbell should!
Back to the show we were talking about, it centers around a super-spy known only as Twilight!
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Out there is a universe where this guy has the codename Agent Rainbow Dash. In this universe Twilight / Loid Forger is tasked with stopping a war between two countries. How do they intend on him doing that? By turning him into a family man of course! In order to prevent war Loid has to deal with a man named Donovan Desmond, who only appears at social gatherings held at his son's super-elite school. Twilight accepts, adopting the most adorable little girl known as Anya, not knowing that the pink-haired cutie can read minds.
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Anya uses her Professor X style powers to get out of a lot of scrapes, such as reading her potential new dad's mind in order complete a crossword puzzle. This convinces the super spy of the girl's intelligence, being the fifth person to adopt the poor little girl. Given how utterly depressing Anya's backstory is, rooting for her proves to be no problem, even when she does act somewhat bratty. If nothing else this show does a terrific job showing how unpredictable children are. She's never a little devil in disguise, nor is she a fallen angel. She's just a decent kid who loves peanuts, penguins, and anime. She also hates carrots and wishes bakery sold bacon. Heck, I'm with Anya on that last one, why don't bakeries sell bacon!?
She also figures out pretty easily that Loid is a spy, a factor she loves considering her favorite show is all about spies.
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Her excitement only grows when she meets her new mother, an assassin known as Thorn Princess/ Yor Forger.
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Behold, the subject of so much fanart online! I kid but honestly Yor's the most likable character on the show. Despite her night job as an assassin, she tries to be as good a mother to Anya she can be. She's nurturing, supportive, and kicks the ever-loving crap out of anybody who'd dare harm her baby. Yor Forger has the best Momma Bear Mode in all of freak'n fiction.
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Along with her relationship with Anya, Yor's relationship with Loid is pretty sweet too. Like so many rom coms, the two get together under contrived circumstances. The school Anya needs to enroll in excludes single parents for whatever reasons, meaning Loid needs a mate in order to achieve world peace. Meanwhile Anya needs a cover up to her assassin job, plus she doesn't want her somewhat creepy brother Loid to find out she was lying about having a boyfriend. The two find each other with Anya's help, forming a fake bond with some very real at its center, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it. Yor gives Twilight the best advice she can, Twilight tries to navigate Yor out of awkward situations, and both act as protective parental units for Anya. A good example of this comes during Anya's entrance exam, one obnoxiously rude headmaster asking Anya if she prefers her new mom or her old one. With tears dripping down their baby's face, you can believe that Yor or Loid would've killed this pompous ass-wipe for saying something so cruel.
Luckily Anya is accepted, which is only half the battle. From there she has to contend with homework and Desmond's second son Damian. If my exposure to the DC Universe has taught me anything, it's that spoiled rich sons called Damian are the biggest brats of them all. While this Damian never gets his butt handed to him by the Ninja Turtles, Anya more than picks up the slack due to training from her mom.
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As someone who was bullied extensively when he was younger, scenes like this always feel like karma finally being fulfilled. Unfortunately that's the one kid in school Anya has to befriend. And despite the weird feeling in his heart whenever he's around her, Damian refuses to play ball. Unlike Becky, the daughter of a military contractor who immediately forms a friendship with the Forger kid. Honestly it's so nice when anything good happens to Anya, considering this is the first time a family hasn't returned her. Seeing how all the Forgers help support each other despite continued claims that they're a 'fake family' is beyond heart-warming. It's easy to see why everybody's addicted to this show.
However, that brings me to a major problem. Not with the show mind you, but with Hulu. Back with my Princess Mononoke review I made a big stink about subs vs dubs, rambling on about why I prefer dubbing over subtitles. It all boiled down to me not wanting to read anything at the bottom of the screen when my full attention should go to the bigger picture as a whole. This wasn't a problem with Spy x Family, their first 12 episodes dubbed over. Then came episode 13 and all of a sudden every other episode was subbed. The heck? What happened to the dubs?
My friend Alec explained there are dubs for the rest of Season 1, all of them locked behind a paywall on Crunchyroll. Anybody who's about to type how I should join their premium service can stop right now. I'm addicted to four animes out a billion. Why would I sign up for a service I'd rarely use? Bad as I am with saving money, I ain't that financially foolish. Now I tried to watch the version with subtitles, but I realized how that wasn't gonna fly when a scene with multiple people talking at once played out. Yeah, nope. So for now I have to track down the mangas while waiting for Hulu to get the rest of Season 1. This is really a bummer considering I know who was joining the family come the later half of the season...
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What a freak'n tease! For now though, I can confidently say that Spy X Family is fun for the whole family! Grab yourself a bag of peanuts and go check it out for yourself.
Meanwhile, wanna know my thoughts on other anime content? Check out my previous reviews for Komi Can't Communicate and Princess Mononoke! Until then; may the glasses be with you!
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occupywint · 2 years
Stack the states online game
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#Stack the states online game license
If your kids love coloring, these Printable US Activity Coloring Pages will be an excellent way to teach them about the fifty states!ġ1. This fast-paced Fun Geography Game for Kids is a fun way to learn your states!ġ0. “Travel” the country with this Geography App State Bingo and Road Trip US!ĩ. This State Postcard Challenge is tons of fun for kids who are learning geography!Ĩ. Hands-on, and HUGE, this United States of America: It’s Flag & States activity is a awesome tool and one of my favorite fun games to learn the states for studying states!ħ. State Facts Crossword Puzzle is perfect!Ħ. Teaching your kids US history? Bingo! Here’s a fun State Bingo and Geography Crosswords game.ĥ. Having trouble getting your kids to learn the state names? Give this Scrambled States of America Game a shot!Ĥ. Love electronics? This Stack the States game looks fun!ģ.
#Stack the states online game license
Do your kids get antsy on car rides? Bring this family-friendly Printable License Plate I Spy Game along!Ģ. So let’s get learning off the page and use some fun games to learn the states with our kids! These activities include electronic games, board games, printable activities, and more that are all about getting to know the United States with young ones!įor more geography fun you can try at home, take a look at this Label the World’s Oceans Activity!ġ. But now, there are so many ways to make learning about the fifty states fun and interactive for kids! And it’s fine to use paper maps and textbooks to teach our kids about the United States too. We all learned about the fifty states when we were in school.
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taromolktea · 2 years
▀▄▀▄▀▄ o𝐏e𝓡άtⒾ𝔬N: 🄵🄾🅄🄽🄳 🄵🄰🄼🄸🄻🅈 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ (a Spy X Family AU), Chapter 1: Operation Strix
Xiao X Reader (2nd person)
word count: 5k
content: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BELOVED MEOW MEOW- been loving spy x family sooo much lately and i couldn’t NOT turn it into an au ehe i don’t read the manga (yet?) so it’ll be an episode-by-episode kind of thing at best (and i didn’t think it would take so long to turn an episode into a chapter but alas, here we are) i think even if you haven’t seen the anime (i recommend you do and then talk to sophie and i about it owo), you’ll still really like this series of work :D you the reader don’t actually appear until the next chapter but hopefully the fluff will tide you over
chapter 2: secure a wife
regular tag list (message to be added/removed) 🏷 @icedthoma @citrussaurus @danibby
。🌠 🎀 𝓇𝑒𝒷𝓁🌞𝑔𝓈 & 𝒸😍𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹❢ 𝓌𝑒'𝒹 𝓁❤𝓋𝑒 𝓉💙 𝓀𝓃🍑𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎🌺𝓊 𝓁🍩𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝒷💍𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈❣❣ 🎀 🌠。
Alatus. It is a mountainous task to phase him, always keeping a cold expression even among his boss, Morax,  and other agents known as Adepti, fellow “coworkers” one could say. Thus, Morax himself was highly amused when he managed to crack that composed look on his face.
“Your mission is to get close to the target and probe any seditious activities. In order to achieve this, you will get married and have a child.”
A spray of tea tarnished the newspaper containing his mission parameters. Alatus quickly apologized to the concerned bystanders in his midst. Although Morax was as powerful as he was wise, even he had a sense of humor. A peculiar one at that. Often, his Adepti were the subjects of these social experiments.
Alatus cleared his throat of his surprise. To infiltrate the target’s life and discover their secrets, he was now tasked with procuring not only a spouse, but also producing a child to infiltrate an illustrious academy… all within seven days?
Surely you could’ve assigned Ganyu to this? He grimaced. Or even Yanfei. They are much better at… missions that require interpersonal skills.
Alas, here he was. Securing a modest single-family apartment with adequate escape routes.
“I’ll take it.” 
“Excellent, Gui Xiansheng. Now then, if you’ll sign these documents.”
Gui Xiao. Occupation: psychiatrist. A devoted father and loving husband who has moved his dear family to the robust city of Liyue. Absolutely preposterous. 
With accommodations squared away, he arrives at a nearby (and rather shady looking, he might add) orphanage. Perhaps Morax’s strange sense of humor had rubbed off on him. The realtor- what was her name? Verr Goldet? Seemed rather confused when she asked about his darling child.
“Do you have a son? Or a daughter?”
“I’ll be deciding on that shortly.”
It was true, after all. And the shadier the establishment, the more likely it is that one will find a child with a complicated past. It would make integrating them into his mission easier. Now if he could just find a six-year-old that could read and write…
“Ah, Qiqi. Why don’t’cha introduce yerself?”
Xiao’s attention followed the owner to a little girl with lavender hair and vivid cerise eyes. She looked at him blankly.
The owner continued, “She doesn’t talk much. But she’s a good kid, and pretty bright.” She’s a creepy brat that I’d be all too thrilled to have out of my hair.
Xiao knelt down to Qiqi level and introduced himself, “Hello. My name is Xiao.”
If I recall Morax correctly, the earliest age students can enter Sumeru Academia is six… She definitely looks no older than four or five.
“Six.” Qiqi murmurs, “Qiqi is six, Xiansheng.”
“So you are.” But… she looks rather small.
Qiqi scrunched her neutral face and stood up on her tippy toes before running to the nearby table and picking up the daily paper. Xiao tilted his head in confusion upon being shown the crossword puzzle on the back. Surely that was too difficult for a child like Qiqi.
She beckoned him over to her and wielded a mighty purple crayon as her eyes scanned over the prompts. Xiao looked them over as well. It was easy for him of course, given his intellect.
Let’s see… one down is “homeostasis”, one across is “casual closer”, then the one below that is “symplectomorphism”-
Xiao’s gold eyes went wide. Qiqi showed him her handiwork with a straight face having completed the crossword puzzle, all 100% correct. 
Interesting… with such a high intellect, it would be an easy task to pass the entrance exam. That’s another part of the mission groundwork complete. Admittedly, it all feels a little too simple.
“I’ll take her.” Xiao tells the owner before extending his hand to Qiqi, “Is that alright with you?”
A spy mission. Qiqi gazes at him with doe-eyes, takes his hand in both of hers and nods, How exciting…!
Unbeknownst to Qiqi, his endearing new daughter happened to be a telepath. One that was often kept in solitary confinement for research purposes. Had he known, he might have recalled Morax’s research on Visions that granted beholders a kind of supernatural ability. Of course, such people are very rare. Surely Qiqi was not among them.
“Alright, Qiqi. Starting today, you and I will be father and daughter.” Xiao said at the foot of their apartment, “But if anyone asks, you’ve always been my daughter. Do you understand?”
Qiqi bobs her head, “Yes.”
“Also, make sure you address me as ‘Father’, okay?”
Qiqi bobs her head again, “Okay, Papa.”
Xiao’s brows twitch, “Acceptable. Let’s go inside.”
One of his neighbors greet them in the hallway, “Aiya, hello there! Welcome to the complex.” She crouches down to Qiqi’s level, “Aren’t you a cutie? My name’s Hu Tao.”
“Thank you for the welcome, Hu Tao.”
Xiao glances at Qiqi, who seems to… not like this Hu Tao very much, but begrudgingly she replies, “Qiqi’s name is… Qiqi. Qiqi has been Papa’s daughter for a very long time.” She holds out both her hands, the left palm open and the right having only her only index finger up, “For six years.”
Hu Tao laughs, “How adorable! Yes, six years being your daddy’s little cutie is a very long time.”
Xiao can’t help but find child speech a little odd but makes no comment on it otherwise. He is all too glad that Hu Tao is so unperturbed.
“Why don’t we go inside. Say goodbye to Hu Tao.”
Qiqi only waves at her silently and Xiao sighs with relief as her curiosity leads her all over the apartment’s living room, stopping at the TV, which he turns on for her. She seems especially drawn to the show “Spy Wars” which… is unexpected for many reasons, her fascination with pistols with silencers being one of them.
“Is this really Qiqi’s house?”
“Yes, make yourself at home.”
Since she’s occupied, Xiao begins planning the next phase of having Qiqi infiltrate the academy. An ID card for starters, and a few other things. As soon as he heads for the door however, announcing that he’ll only be running some errands, Qiqi bounds up to him and jumps onto his leg.
“Adventure, Papa.”
“It’s not an adventure, Qiqi. Just shopping.”
“Qiqi wants a pistol with a silencer like the one from Spy Wars.”
“Sure. Maybe if one is on sale.”
Xiao’s neutral expression was on par with Qiqi’s out of pocket request. It was in his mission’s best interests that the two of them behave like a normal family. Not under any circumstances should they draw unnecessary attention to themse-
“Papa, save Qiqi.”
His attention snapped up to Qiqi caught in a whirlwind of passengers boarding a bus. He hurried to her side as an older woman lifted her out of the crowd and reunited them. 
“There you are. You need to make sure you hold the little one’s hand.” The woman chided gently before boarding her bus.
And so, Xiao relinquished use of one of his hands to hold Qiqi’s as they continued down the street. It was a costly thing, really. Under most circumstances, he wouldn’t have made the trade off. Fine. The damned will sooner die again than lay a hand on us.
Qiqi’s indifferent eyes widened some as Xiao’s inner thoughts resounded in her mind as clearly as if he had said them aloud. With a little pull, she freed her hand from his and looked around nervously before ducking in between a cafe signboard.
“Qiqi? Now what’re you doing?”
Did I do something to make her want to hide from me? Perhaps I held her hand too early… does she hate me? Tch. This isn’t good. I need to maintain a good relationship with her in order for my mission to be successful. I must research this… creature. And bond with her. According to Morax, basic diplomacy and understanding the other party is the first… and hardest step to peace, be it of world peace or one-to-one interpersonal relationships. 
Qiqi looked fixedly at him, “Understanding Qiqi… will bring lead to world peace?”
Qiqi came out from under the signboard and took his hand in hers, “Qiqi likes cocogoat milk. And finches… but not to eat. They are just very pretty.”
Xiao nodded, taking her words as valuable notes.
“Qiqi also doesn’t like bacon from baconries.” 
She points at the sign of the bakery behind him and Qiqi frowns slightly, “You mean… a bakery? They don’t even sell bacon.”
Qiqi tilts her head in confusion but gets distracted by a street vendor selling posters. The one of Spy Wars was calling her name.
“Qiqi would like… this one, please.”
The small coin she holds out to him is certainly not enough for a poster but Xiao gives the seller the proper amount shortly afterwards. Something wasn’t adding up, and it wasn’t just the money…
Strange, that’s twice now. Is she… actually stupid? Perhaps the crossword puzzle was a fluke. Maybe it isn’t too late to go back and get another child-
For the first time today since not liking that Hu Tao girl, Qiqi’s purple braided hair went stick straight with fright. Her eyes immediately turned glassy as she grabbed Xiao leg and sobbed louder than he thought was even remotely possible for a human.
“Pwease don’t get rid of Qiqi, Papa!”
Xiao choked on air at the sudden commotion that was once again drawing attention to the two of them, “W-What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?”
The disapproving whispers of passersby made goosebumps erupt on his skin as Qiqi continued to cry, “Pwease love Qiqi! Qiqi is a good bargain!”
What do I do, what do I do?
Xiao blinked, “U-Uh, I’ll get you cocogoat milk! And a pet finch! Just stop crying please!”
Qiqi immediately stopped, her face resuming its indifferent look, “Yay.”
He sighed. The ability to cry and stop crying in an instant… children are… awful. It took a second to discern that “cocogoat milk” is actually coconut milk. Xiao recalled Morax’s musings on oolong tea, which supposedly, was lovely in combination with coconut milk over ice. He wasn’t sure if a child would appreciate such a drink but-
“Qiqi is… sleepy, Papa.” She hugs his arm from her seat in the cart that he pushes around the store, “Take Qiqi home, please… Can’walk’ny’more…”
You’re not even walking in the first place. 
If Qiqi was tired, imagine Xiao’s exhaustion. He scooped her up along with the groceries and began walking to the apartment. Such irrational behavior… I don’t understand it. I’ll need to consult manuals for a better grasp on of all this. His arms were a tad sore when he finally arrived home with groceries, Qiqi, and many books on parenting from the library. After tucking her in, Xiao began pouring over the readings at a breakneck pace.
“The key to raising a child is trust. Rather than scolding them, try to understand things their perspective. Children are not very good at putting their thoughts and feelings into words, so be very patient in understanding them.” 
Tch… so interrogation isn’t an option. Parenting in and of itself is a taxing mission. How do actual parents do this?
“Nurture their self esteem to give them a better future and outlook on life. By giving them the ability to think for themselves, their future…”
Xiao stopped and glanced at what little he could see of Qiqi sleeping soundly in her bedroom. 
Her future… our future. 
He sighed. 
As soon as I’m done with this mission, I’m sending her back to the orphanage. The extent of our relationship is… is merely transactional.
The next morning was… a raucous one. Considering Qiqi’s usual temperament. 
“Qiqi doesn’t wanna study.”
“I need to assess how smart you truly are for the Sumeru Academia entrance exam.” Explained Xiao with his arms crossed.
Qiqi shook her head, “Qiqi doesn’t need to study to do any exam. If I just read other kids’…” minds.
Xiao frowned, “‘If you just read other kids’ answers’? Is that your plan- cheating? Listen Qiqi, if you don’t pass this exam…” my mission fails. He huffs an exasperated huff, “Fine then. I’m going out, and you’re not coming with me! Not under any circumstances.” There has to be another way… 
The ability of a six-year old to get into places they’re not supposed to was… unexpected for Xiao. It took Qiqi four attempts at following after him before he resulted to… less orthodox methods of telling her ‘no’. True, barricading Qiqi inside the apartment and sealing the door with a heavy crate was perhaps questionable at best. But it worked! 
After finding Qiqi in the vents, Xiao couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at his success.
Hah! Try getting out of that.
“I pray you don’t get reported for child abuse.” Yanfei, a fellow Adeptus, sighed.
Xiao sighed too, “Children are… difficult. Their method of crying to get their way is truly a troublesome one.”
Yanfei laughed this time, “Hate to break it to you but that’s what kids do. Little Qiqi seems to be quite the natural. Speaking of little Qiqi, here are the records I found on her that the orphanage didn’t have. And the questions for Sumeru Academy’s entrance exam too. I must say, they were quite tricky to procure.”
Her minty green eyes and read over Xiao’s shoulder as he examined Qiqi’s records. There was very little to be examined however. Nothing about her birth or age, not even her real parents. The only information to be noted was from last year.
“She’s been adopted four times and returned each time.” Said Yanfei solemnly, “She’s also been to two other orphanages.”
“Bai Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi. Song Qiqi.” Read Xiao.
“And now ‘Gui Qiqi’. She changes names as much as you do- you two are perfect for each other.”
Xiao stares at her coldly.
“Please, I’m only kidding. Everything for the sake of your mission.” Yanfei shrugged with a seemingly all too carefree and uninvested air, “You know nothing good will come out of getting attached to Qiqi, right?”
The hidden question was meant to egg him on but Xiao merely replied, “Thank you for your concern.”
Yanfei watched him go and smiled. Not very often someone wiggles their way into Alatus’ heart. That little Qiqi must be quite the charmer.
Qiqi gazed up at the ceiling aimlessly. Qiqi is… bored. When is Papa coming back? She lolled her head to the side and spotted the door leading to the Xiao’s bedroom containing his equipment. Earlier this morning, she recalled him reciting the code in his head.
A pistol with a silencer…
And that’s how all of Xiao’s equipment ended up on the floor, including but not limited to a jade winged spear that Qiqi couldn’t help but wonder how it even fit in the closet. Pointy… pretty… but not a pistol with a silencer.
Upon opening up one of the briefcases, Qiqi’s curiosity fell on the communicator. A suitable, but unbeknownst to her, highly dangerous and compromising form of entertainment. She spent the rest of the day touching buttons and flipping switches, leaving monotone messages to who knows who until the realization struck her. The room was now a mess.
“Now that you’ve found out I’m a spy, I’ll have you disappear!”
Qiqi shook her head free of the impression of a furious Xiao and quickly began putting things away.
If Papa finds out Qiqi is a telepath… Qiqi will have to leave…
Old memories of a man in a lab coat with green hair and a white snake resurfaced in Qiqi’s head. Studying over drawing. Research over her feelings. There was no time to bother with childish games, not when her exploitation could further studies on immortality and perhaps even bring about “world peace”. 
Qiqi sighed after putting everything away and curled up on Xiao’s bed. It smelled like him- comforting and safe. Her eyes began to droop shut just before a harsh and abrupt movement resounded from the front door.
Xiao arrived in the apartment lobby that afternoon just as Hu Tao happened to be leaving, “Hi again, neighbor!” She chirped, “Say, about that heavy crate you blocked your front door with…”
He stiffened, “I-It’s uh… because our lock was faulty. It’s just a temporary fix-”
Hu Tao tilted her head, “Oya? I was jus saying it must’ve been as tough to move it there as it was to move it out of the way all by yourself. It took like three guys earlier.”
His gold eyes went wide for a fraction of a second, “Three?”
After bidding a quick goodbye to Hu Tao, Xiao hurried upstairs to the front door where he found the crate moved ever so slightly from its original spot. Inside the apartment was dark and quiet. Xiao’s eyes narrowed as his ears pricked from the sound of footsteps. Too large and heavy to be Qiqi’s light and little ones.
Like a crack of lightning, he flipped his assailant onto his back and narrowly dodged the bullets fired from the two behind the couch. Xiao made quick work of  them. Once they were all disarmed and unconscious, he searched the apartment for Qiqi. Her bedroom was empty. It wasn’t until he got to his bedroom that he found his equipment a mess on the floor alongside the finch plush he had gotten Qiqi yesterday.
She’s been compromised, and so have I by the looks of it. Who were those thugs? Did they take her? Where could they have gone? …Calm down. Calm down.
He picked up the finch plush from off the floor. Qiqi had placed a heart-shaped sticker on its back and even wrote the characters for her name on it with a marker. “七七”. Except the first 七 was backwards. He couldn’t help but crack a smile. It was her first ever possession that was entirely hers. Xiao recalled her nearly imperceptible look of excitement when he gifted it to her. He shook his head and stuffed the finch in his pocket.
…I should get to safety. As for Qiqi… there- there are other children out there. I’ll start over from square one and-
When Qiqi came to, she found her hands tied behind her back and a gag in her mouth. Her heartbeat thrashed in her chest, suffocated by the evil thoughts brewing in the room full of thugs and their leader, who wielded a pistol with a silencer. 
A bad guy!
“Who is this kid anyway? Does she belong to Alatus?”
“No clue. She was in the room where the signal for his location was found. Must be Alatus’- there’s no other explanation.”
“Fine. She’ll be our hostage to lure him out. It’s a rare opportunity to dispose of one of Morax’s Adepti anyway. One less to worry about.”
“Yes sir. Especially Alatus, the fiercest of them all.”
The engine of a car roared to a stop outside and two more thugs joined the dimly lit room, one of them hauling in a thrashing body whose head was covered by a bag and unceremoniously dropping him on the ground. Qiqi’s eyes widened. Papa?
It all happened so fast, Qiqi could barely process it. When they unveiled the body, from the shoulders down, she was so sure it was Xiao. But from the shoulders up, she never saw who it was. Based on the surprise from the thugs and their leader, and the lights going out in the warehouse immediately afterwards, she could only shut her eyes and curl up in fright. Papa! Please save Qiqi!
As if someone heard her wish, Qiqi felt her body get scooped off the ground and tucked under someone’s arm. Their thoughts were frantic but the voice behind them was… familiar.
Tch. Reduced to waltzing right into enemy territory- how absurd.
“Papa!” Qiqi cried, throwing her arms around him even though she couldn’t see his face. 
She knew it was him. She would recognize his voice anywhere, and she knew he would come to save her. Xiao’s eyes softened behind his Yaksha mask for a brief moment but kept his gaze on the exit, holding Qiqi tight against him. 
“Look, you’re okay.” He insisted as she continued to cry, “Nothing’s gonna happen to you as long as I’m here, got it? You don’t have to be scared.”
Xiao admitted to himself that he was hardly any good at comforting children, but as Qiqi’s sobs grew louder, he remembered why he hated the sound so much. This is exactly why children suck. They remind me of… me. When I was powerless under that person. When I was exploited and forced to do unspeakable things on his behalf before Morax saved me. 
Just before the light of the outside world, Xiao knelt down and let Qiqi stand on her own two feet. Normally, he was certain his Yaksha mask would frighten small children, even grown adults. But Qiqi stared fondly at him even with her glassy eyes. She reached out her hand to touch his cheek but he backed away.
“Listen up… little one.”
“Qiqi.” She said.
“Listen up, Qiqi. Take this and run around the corner to the right of here. You’ll find a police station. Give this note to one of the police officers and they’ll take care of everything, okay?”
Xiao handed over her finch plush plus a folded talisman with Morax’s insignia inside. One of the Adepti agents planted in various organizations would be able to meet Qiqi at the police station. And bring her to a better orphanage. Give her a better future than one with me in her life. I’m not going to involve a kid in this mission.
Qiqi’s eyes widened as Xiao directed her down the street with the throw of his arm. He barked at her to go and she found her legs taking her away, but her focus remained on his thoughts.
I’ll figure something else out. Rework the plan. I can’t… bring myself to put Qiqi in danger ever again. Not when I swore my life to Morax in order to create a world where kids like don’t have to be afraid or cry.
Qiqi swore she saw a glimpse of Xiao’s face under his mask just before he returned to the darkness of the warehouse. The sound of gunshots and screaming urged to keep running but she told her legs to stop just behind a telephone booth. She crouched down to catch her breath before looking over her beloved finch plush. Unharmed and not a thread out of place. Underneath it was the folded note Xiao told her to give to a police officer. She stared at the two objects before stuffing the note in her pocket and clutching her finch tightly against her chest. 
“Do I make myself clear?” The malice in Xiao’s voice was clear, though it hung in the air like vapor.
The edge of his winged spear just barely brushed against neck of the leader of the band of thugs. His henchman lay in unconscious heaps around them, and his hands were raised in defeat. Even one centimeter closer would’ve drawn streams of blood from his throat. The blade glowed faintly in the dark, barely illuminating the ornate jet black mask covering Xiao’s face. The leader managed to nod without hurting himself any further. 
Xiao remembered the man from various dossiers on corrupt political figures. He wasn’t of particular note, but he was a caring father. In that sense, perhaps they had one thing in common.
“Despite your sordid reputation, even you have it in your heart to love your daughter. I’ll make this easy for you: if you want her to have any semblance of a normal life, you’ll leave me the hell alone.”
His pole arm cut through the gun in the man’s hand like a hot knife through butter. Only when he cleared out did Xiao return outside. Exhaustion clung tightly to his bones as he removed his mask. The warmth from the setting felt… nice. He wondered if Qiqi made it to the police station safel-
Xiao’s eyes widened when he spotted her just behind the telephone booth, “Qiqi?”
“Papa!” Qiqi gasped and ran over to him, finch plush in her arms that she then wrapped around his leg.
“W-What’re you doing he- I mean… what’re you doing outside the house?”
Qiqi looked up at him blankly.
Xiao cleared his throat, “I was… just in the area to… shop? Shop. Yeah. But it looks like the store here is actually out of business.”
Qiqi smiled fondly. 爸爸不善于撒谎的人。(Papa is not a good liar.)
“Qiqi missed Papa. So… Qiqi went to go find Papa but… Qiqi got lost. Qiqi was scared.”
Xiao knelt down and held her shoulders gently, “I’m sorry you were scared. I’ll do better so that doesn’t happen again.”
She leaned into the crook of his neck and sighed, “Qiqi wants to go home. To our home, Papa.”
“Are… you sure?”
“If Papa leaves Qiqi behind… Qiqi will cry.”
She’s been adopted four times and returned each time. Bai Qiqi. Zhu Qiqi. Song Qiqi. And now Gui Qiqi.
Xiao nods and pats her head, “Let’s go home then.” Qiqi wraps her arms around his neck as he lifts her up and stands, “But that apartment is far too dangerous, so let’s move. I spotted a poisonous snake there yesterday.”
“Qiqi doesn’t like snakes.” 爸爸不善于撒谎的人。但是他是个好人。。。(Papa is not a good liar. But he is a good guy…) 
The train ride to their new neighborhood is full of scenery that keeps her looking out the window, “Qiqi wants to live in a castle.”
Xiao glances at her and smiles, “We’ll see if one is listed. But once we move into our new home, you have to study, okay?”
“This time, you just have to memorize all the answers. It’ll be easy. And I’ll get you another finch if you pass.”
“Qiqi will… do her best.”
The stressed thoughts of other six-year-old students were difficult to not tune into as Qiqi began her exam. At first, she thought she could simply read their minds for the correct answers. But as it turns out, they didn’t know anything. They were all suffering together for the next allotted hour and a half.
You can do it, Qiqi. I’m counting on you. Just like we practiced.
Xiao’s comforting and encouraging thoughts spurred her on as she tightened her shaky grip on her pencil. Slowly but surely, the confusing material became more and more familiar. Just like we practiced… just like we practiced…
When the results were released, parents and their children crowded around the scoreboard searching for their ID number. Qiqi couldn’t remember hers but thankfully Xiao did. It was hard to tell who was more nervous between the two of them. The moment he found Qiqi’s ID on the scoreboard however, he felt… pride? Fill his heart up to the brim and overflow with happiness. It was very strange, but at the same time, it felt very good. 
He lifted Qiqi so she could see her ID, “It’s there, see? You passed!”
Qiqi smiled brightly as Xiao spun her around, it felt like she was flying! “Did Qiqi do a good job?”
“Yes, a very good job, Qiqi. I’m proud of y…”
In the moment he had relaxed, the wear and tear of fighting all came crashing down on him, which then made Xiao come crashing down on the grass.
“Eh? Papa? Papa!”
 I need… to get a grip. I relaxed and everything hit me at onc- wait. I relaxed?
The last noise he heard before promptly passing out from sheer exhaustion was Qiqi’s distressed bawling, “Papa! Don’t leave Qiqi! Papa! Papa! You’re going to make Qiqi cry! Qiqi promises to be a good girl if you come back! Please come back, Papa!”
Eventually though, the two of them made it back home where Xiao managed to flop down on the couch and lay motionless once more. Qiqi hung her head low and prayed over him. Papa died… When the doorbell rang, she wiped her nose and went to see who it was. It was the mailman.
“Is this the Gui residence?”
“Qiqi’s name is… Gui Qiqi.”
“Wonderful! Can you give this to your mommy or daddy for me, little Qiqi?”
“Qiqi will give it to Papa because Qiqi’s mama doesn’t exist.”
“O-Oh, really? I’m very sorry!”
Sending the sympathetic mailman on his way, Qiqi scurried back to Xiao’s still dead-as-a-doornail body, “Papa, the mail is here!”
No response, even after patting his cheek with the letter. Qiqi hummed before putting the letter on the coffee table and, with a mighty effort, lifted up Xiao’s limp arm so she could crawl underneath it and curl up beside him. Xiao never let himself sleep for long so within a few minutes, he was up again. To his horror, he found Qiqi snuggled against his heart and nearly shoved her off the couch in surprise. 
“W-What do you think you’re doing?” He demanded, “Are you trying to kill me?”
To think I actually fell asleep in front of someone… incomprehensible. 
Qiqi rubbed her eyes and slowly got up to get the letter on the coffee table, “Mail.”
It was a congratulatory letter from Sumeru Academia, as well as a description of the second phase of the admission process: a family interview. 
“It is absolutely mandatory that the applicant attend with both parents, no exceptions.” Grimaced Xiao.
Qiqi frowned, “But… Mama doesn’t exist.”
Xiao sighed. Tch. I guess my mission is moving on to the second phase too.
。🌠 🎀 𝓇𝑒𝒷𝓁🌞𝑔𝓈 & 𝒸😍𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹❢ 𝓌𝑒'𝒹 𝓁❤𝓋𝑒 𝓉💙 𝓀𝓃🍑𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎🌺𝓊 𝓁🍩𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝒷💍𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈❣❣ 🎀 🌠。
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Prosciutto Headcanons
Part 2 (Personal Headcanons)
If at first you don't succeed, reload and try again.
Warning: Mentions of gore and sociopathic behavior.
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⚜ The best way to immune yourself, is through exposing yourself to the disease. He may have been indifferent about the horrors of mafia life every since he was an amateur, but overtime, he exposed himself to the gore side everytime he got the chance do to so, so as to get used to the truth and avoid it from hampering his assignments.
⚜ Family ain't who you're born with, it's who you die for. He might act blunt and brash to his teammates when they're to themselves, but he respects every single one of them as if they were his own brothers. Prosciutto is the kind of person who would not handle any shit-talk about his team members. If someone pisses him off beyond a certain limit, they meet an insufferable death.
⚜ Speak your mind. Completely nonchalant. He doesn't keep his opinions to himself, lest they bother his peace. Does know when to zip up his mouth. Dangerous are those who sit back and observe. Not getting involved in discussions make other gangs' members assume him to be of a timid nature.
⚜ Your patience decides your future. He is composed at the times of his vulnerability. Strikes back when he is aware that he has the upper hand in a given situation.
⚜ Out of sight, out of mind. He keeps his mind sharp focused at all times, thanks to the unpredictable nature of his job. Indulges in crime and mystery novels and tries to figure out the plot himself. Could occasionally solve crossword or sudoku like puzzles, with timers on.
⚜ If at first you don't succeed, reload and try again. Believes that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. A person's failure give them a proper reason to gather themselves and go for their target the second time. Don't fear failure. Learn from it and try again.
⚜ So much depends on reputation. Guard it with your life. Doesn't get involved in lowlifes' businesses. Although, and that too rarely, he gets his guard down around the team. Assassin job is itself looked down upon, and hence he, as well as the entire team, do not miss a single opportunity to hold themselves high. There exist many opportunities for one to prove themselves.
⚜ He is prideful and has proper reasons to prove himself. Although he knows when to ignore those who try to pull him down, he does end up degrading those who can't keep their mouth shut.
⚜ Slightly careless when it comes to handling materialistic things. Tosses his/other's belongings as if they would end up landing at the designated location.
⚜ Pose as a friend. Work as a spy. Charisma does not lie only in the appearance but also in a person's conduct, the way they walk, and their oratory skills. His manipulative behavior adds up to these requirements, thus nominating him as the perfect candidate for undercover missions.
⚜ Walking style. Walks with his fists clenched. This hints towards his uptight and alert nature.
⚜ Has a disturbing sadistic side. Years of working in the mafia has developed in him some psychological diversions. The instances when he gets out of control, sometimes, make him doubt himself. Has sociopathic tendencies.
⚜ Don't think too much. 'Cause thinking leads to worries. The assassin job itself thrusts in his mind numerous worries that he needs to deal with, be it be the assignment related tensions or, sometimes, remorse and guilt. He doesn't think too much about many things.
⚜ Silence is better than bullshit. Deprived of all strength after his working hours, he doesn't get involved in wasting the remaining energy on something useless.
⚜ Romance is not quite his cup of tea. To him, feelings are difficult to deal with and as someone who is quite goal oriented, he does not appreciate being distracted, and that too, during his working hours. Takes him years of analysis and patience, but when he falls in love, he falls hard.
⚜ And not too hard 'cause job.
⚜ Talks to himself. He needs expert advice. 'Think in Fourth Dimension'. It's a truth that your development depends mostly on how you think. Think high, and you will end up developing your thinking to a critical level.
⚜ Stand strong at all times. He is quite aware of his capabilities and doesn't feel insecure when he is aware that he is better than his opponent. Might get a little stressed in case the enemy has a much more powerful stand ability, but doesn't show it on the outside and does the best he can to achieve victory.
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presidentbungus · 3 years
do u have any heavymedic headcanons
- thiiiiis post. this one right here by my bestie @welcome-to-ikea. this post I have helpfully linked at the beginning and I will link it one more time. that one. please like and reblog it. they are in love. thank you ikea
- I think even from the beginning the doves love love love love Heavy. like, one day he came into the infirmary for surgery and sat down and in like 10 seconds his lap was just filled with birds and, like, he didn’t care. just chillen. it was one of the things that convinced Medic he might be someone to trust, actually, and maybe even… befriend (perish at the thought!)
- Medic starts off super like emotionally closed off “TRUST NO ONE EVER” because I guess he feels like he’s supposed to be that way when he’s with people like this but Heavy gently prods him into realizing it’s a stupid idea pretty fast. I think once the dam breaks the flood comes QUICK. as SOON as Medic figures out he can be ultra vulnerable with no consequences he basically sets aside like 4 hours a day for the both of them where they can just sit down and Medic can cry about his many, many emotional problems, which are numerous.
- Heavy loves loves loves loves listening to him talk in general even if he’s completely incomprehensible a lot of the time. for some unimaginable reason he finds his voice kind of soothing, and generally just enjoys the energy he gives off all the time. he could sit in a room and hear Medic tell stories about his various disastrous escapades forever and, looking back on it, it’s a little weird it took him that long to realize how he felt huh
- Medic lIkes how calm Heavy is—just having him around clears his head And GOD knows he needs that. its nice to just have someone to rant to and stuff who’s, like, willing to listen, and not trapped on an operating table at risk of having all of their organs unconsensually removed by gravity
- I think Heavy makes the first move, romantically mainly because Medic just gets so deep in denial at some point that to wait for him to make a move would probably take several years and a shovel. one day Heavy drags him aside and has this whole romantic thing planned where he like says everything he likes about Medic and everything they do for each other and the deepness of their Bro Bond and everything and the entire time Medic’s just half-listening nodding along feeling like the most tangible fucking relief anyone’s ever felt like ever. like oh. I guess that’s what that was about. LOL
- they protect each other VERY strongly. obv Heavy’s main role in battle is to protect Medic and, like, he does his job, but if a Spy backstabs Heavy in front of him then ough. poor guy. that Spy is going to die VERY SOON and it will NOT be fun
- Medic looooooves Heavy’s body. all his muscle and fat and scars and stuff. Medic loves to sit in his lap and lay against him and hug him and stuff and just like feel him. there is nothing that delights him more than when like Heavy’s carrying something and purposefully flexes in front of him to show off (sometimes he full on dramatic faints which is a significant health risk but he seems to be having a really good time so nobodu considers it that much of a problem)
- if you don’t piss either of them off you’ll be fine. if you piss off one of them you automatically piss off the other one and you will probably be dead
- they are both married to engineer. this is my headcanon. one day heavy was like medic do you want to marry me and medic said hold on let me ask my husband. and his husband said yes. and they’re a throuple they sit in rocking chairs on the porch and do crosswords together over tea and talk about gardening or whatever
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