#The Scientist Lost to The Void [Gaster]
hainuwelle · 5 months
The third man theory
Note: This theory takes as starting point Aurora's Fun theory. It states that the invention in which Gaster fell was a new version of a warp door that would have allowed the monsters of the underground to escape to a timeline in which the war against the humans never happened. If this experiment were to work, it would have allowed for a happier ending than the True Pacifist one, because more accidents and deaths would have been prevented.
Sadly, Gaster's experiments went wrong and he was scattered "across time and space". The only other time in Undertale this expression is used is when we call Papyrus in Sans's room, the one that gets us lost in a seemingly endless darkness when we enter it, with a door that suspiciously looks like Mystery Man's grey door and Deltarune's warp doors. This key expression used by Papyrus tells us Gaster's creation and untimely demise should have something to do with these doors.
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If this theory is correct, the invention in which Gaster fell would have been under our nose the whole time.
With the FUN theory video in mind, something about Mr. Elegance's dialogues caught my eye.
Evidence 1 - Mr. Elegance, if we didn't previously talk to Jigsaw Joe:
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Evidence 2 - Mr. Elegance if we previously talked to Jigsaw Joe:
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For a flaming teleportation door one would assume to be magical, the vocabulary used to talk about it sure sounds mechanical and mundanely machine-like : « Fix up », « working on it », « got this door workin’ », « it might break », « fixed that door », « it should work without any issues ». Intriguingly, it looks old, and yet, it is new to the Darkners, who have never seen it before. Is it really Darkner technology?
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Of course, to an experienced Undertale player, it looks familiar, similar to the one to Sans's room.
This brings us to my question: Why did Toby Fox add these two different Mr. Elegance dialogues about this door? What purpose do they serve?
It can't be to alert the player that they could malfunction if we haven’t previously talked to Jigsaw Joe, since they always work properly regardless. It’s not like this triggers a side quest asking you to talk to the puzzle man if you don't want a 1/6 chance of the door teleporting you into the void. And they don't serve a comedic purpose either. There is no joke, no punchline. So why warn us about the breaking hazard, if the warp doors never break in the first place ? Why specify that 3 people are needed to get them to work smoothly?
Because this isn’t really about the Scarlet Forest shortcut. The door might not break in the game, but it might have broken somewhere else. This is really about what went wrong with Gaster's experiments.
Time to bring in evidence 3:
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First, let's note that this tweet isn't exactly talking about the same situation as in evidence 1 : Mr. Elegance talks about a door that two people got to work and that might break, while Toby Fox talks about a machine that's already broken and that two people could never repair.
However, evidence 2 tells us that when three of them worked on it, the machine should work without a problem. So if we assume that these dialogues are really about the creation that led to Gaster’s demise, this means that the reason things went wrong is because one person was missing.
Two people worked on the machine instead of three, which led to Gaster's disappearance. Yet, we know that two people were trying to repair the machine once it was broken. This means that after Gaster's disappearance, the missing person came back.
Now let's imagine that Gaster formed a trio with two other colleagues that we'll name X and Y. The Royal Scientist is working on a door-shaped machine that would free the monsters from their imprisonment. As the fate of the Underground lies in his hands, a lot of pressure is resting upon his shoulders. The role that X and Y had in this creation is unknown. Gaster could have even built it on his own. But thanks to Entry n°17, we know that shared his experiments with two other people. And thanks to the Japanese translation, we know he was rather close to them.
After the construction of the machine, Gaster and X try to get it to work, but without Y. Maybe they walked away from the experiment, maybe the other two didn't trust them enough, we don't know.
Despite this, they manage to make it work with just the two of them. However, what Mr. Elegance predicts happens, and something goes wrong. Two people just wasn't enough to assure that the machine would work properly. It's too unstable. It malfunctions. Gaster falls inside, is shattered across time and space, and the machine breaks.
Now let's come back to the end of Toby Fox's tweet. ”Neither of them could fix the machine, no matter how hard they tried. No one can." Notice that "neither of them" means precisely two people.
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After the incident, Y comes back, but Gaster disappeared. The trio is now a duo. Y and X do everything they can to repair the machine, but can't. No one can. Because Gaster, the person necessary to its reparation, is no more.
If this theory is right, what are X and Y’s identities? And why was Y absent during the creation of the shortcut door machine? A lot of questions have yet to be answered...
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didderd · 4 months
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lil doodle dump of Nimh, my sona as a dust. (the bottom two doodles are before and after he's allowed comfort.)
they have some lore. not just your typical dust. long lore ramble under cut. (tw: murder. death. manipulation. abuse.)
i figured Gooper would take a lot to become like dust sans, and so they needed a more fucked up backstory.
so normal Gooper. who is from a Fell au. lost their parents at a young age. their parents were taken by the au's Gaster. as shapeshifters, they have a unique set of abilities, and Gaster found interest in that. and as the mad scientist that he is, took them to conduct experiments, hoping to use them for something. but they didn't survive the experiments.
in this timeline/au, some time after, Gooper was found and taken too. they survived the initial experiments, and after Gaster figured he couldn't do what he wanted/he already got that, he decided to continue to make use of them and make them a weapon, making them a royal guard's person.
Gaster made him keep a skeleton form for his neutral form. his excuse being that it's easier to explain to others that he's a relative. but really he just wanted that control over his shifting, and for his 'work' to resemble him. and even now that Nimh's not controlled by him, he has a hard time trying to shift to a different neutral form, out of fear of punishment.
instead of being scattered to the void/code, this Gaster became a fell G!Sans. i'm not sure how, since i don't know the lore behind G!Sans.. but. yeah. things only got worse for Nimh after that. and it might'v even been when G decided to turn him into a weapon.
they still have the glowing crystal necklace that Gooper wears, which i decided was infused with their parents' magic. but. G broke it. and it lost the magic. it doesn't glow anymore, and they don't wear it. but they keep it close. they also have a scrap of paper with their parents' names on it. ripped carefully from paper records of their parents' experiments. in case they forget.
so when the human came around, Nimh was put on the task of dealing with them. their memory of each reset slowly got better, from deja vu, to remembering everything. and as they started to remember every failure at killing them, and every painful death by the hands of the homicidal child, they started to lose it... more than they already had. G would'v already been feeding him LV, handing him monsters he has to kill to get stronger, and they started taking more outside of that till they were killing everyone. including G. once they realized that's an option and how to do it. which they found great satisfaction in every time. for all the things he put them through.
eventually, like dust sans, the human gives up, and Nimh is left in an empty underground.
but dw. he is eventually picked up by a goopy demigod and allowed a chance to heal. :3
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tarobii · 1 year
Void Gaster
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Undersociation Masterpost here
W. D. Gaster was a scientist who worked on the core in order to provide energy to millions of people.
Unfortunately, he fell into the core and was lost to the world.
Now he's a gossipy housewife doting father watching over his children from the void.
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thepaintedsable · 24 days
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Another spread, mostly colored doodles. Pokémon and Undertale junk to let off steam after class.
Closeups and Junk under the cut!
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I love learning that games for a console that was discontinued in 2013 are still leagues out of my price range. And that if I only had the next version up of said console I could have paid like $30 and had a Pokémon game. Now I want to figure out how to get an R4 card without getting scammed, because I could care less about having an OG physical card but I am also… not the most technically inclined. At least not when it comes to video games, for whatever reason. I just wanna play the game.
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Undertale. Don’t know why I started drawing it again but here we go. I started thinking of my original phase because of all this, and I was weirdly, unironically obsessed with Nice Cream Guy X Burgerpants back then??? The underpaid service workers ship. The capitalism pals.
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Also thinking of my original, childhood Undertale phase, I decided to redraw my old self-inserts. Classic. In the time when I didn’t have social media and was watching Tumblr ask blogs on YouTube to get my fandom fix. I wholeheartedly believe younger me would have both loved Tumblr and also have gotten bullied off the platform. Thank god I was never brave enough to make an account.
Anyways, from what I can remember, both of these characters were 14 at the oldest. I was young enough to think that was mature. The cat was a super smart scientist who worked at Grillbys and was also a part of the Royal Gaurd, somehow? Normal undertale timeline. Was either related to or friends with Burgerpants? The only reason I hesitate to say they were related is because I know they weren’t father/daughter or brother/sister and those were practically the only two relationships I thought were allowed back then. Liked Temmie a lot. Maybe had a Sans ship thing????? The fox… I mean I know they started off as just a redesign of the cat to make her more original but. Uh. After finding a blurb in an old sketchbook from that time: she is a creation of Ink and Error (????) and was raised by them, tried to kill “their Chara” (????? I thought they were created by the void crew??? Where’d Chara come from?) and won but also died, where their dust “traveled the multiverse” (How?) till it fucking possesses a body created by Gaster and Sans in a little AU (????????) but this AU breaks and becomes the Void (HUH??) and is AGAIN raised there until she is 11 with the goal of killing “their Chara” (girl I thought you did that already). She finds her way back home (Ah, void #1) eventually and is a “Multiverse traveling reaper.” Also she likes Underfell Sans. I give younger me 10/10 for creativity, but a C for continuity because????????? Either I thought I’d remember the extra details or I thought it was obvious somehow? At least the cat I can just justify as just a person who needs to work multiple jobs. We are missing data for the fox I swear. Lost to time, smh.
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UT AU, where Toriel is the one that gets enraged and declares war, after the deaths of Asriel and Chara... While Asgore is the one that leaves his Kingdom for the ruins in his grief... This causes a butterfly effect of sorts that greatly changes the Kingdom in the present...
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In this story, Toriel becomes colder and a shell of her former self and she feels guilty over the things that she's done, but she's better at hiding it then Canon Asgore...
Toriel is a bit less of a pushover then Asgore and was considered the brains between the two, so she wouldn't let Undyne be the Royal Guard Captain or Alphys be the Head Scientist, due to the former's temper and the latter's nervousness...
Instead, the Captain and Head Scientist would be different and more professional people...
And Papyrus is actually part of the Royal Guard, but he's in the lowest rank...
Undyne is also still in the Royal Guard, but she's only a rank or two above Papyrus, while Alphys is an alchemist instead of a scientist and while she's technically not part of the Royal Guard, she forms a trio team with Papyrus and Undyne to try capturing (and possibly destroying) a human together.
The robot that later tries to attack Frisk isn't Mettaton's ghost, it's instead the Mad Dummy's angry spirit. (But the robot body helps calm his temper somewhat.)
Mettaton is with Napstablook and they formed a band.
Sans is weakened, has almost lost all hope and stays in bed most of the time; he's on the brink of falling down.
The amalgamates don't exist in this story, instead Frisk would find the human souls in the True Lab.
Gaster (who's trapped in the Void) is the one that created Flowey for some reason.
Flowey is basically the same, except he's somewhat more patient.
Flowey tricks Asgore into thinking that he a friendly flower and tricks Frisk as well.
Asgore makes Flowey promise to watch over and protect Frisk, if the child ever leaves the Ruins.
Flowey becomes Frisk's partner and he tries encouraging Frisk to destroy the kingdom and find the other humans souls.
After a reset and learning of Flowey's true colors, Flowey tells Frisk that if the child tries to leave Flowey, then Flowey will tie Frisk up in vines and tell the Royal Guard exactly where Frisk is.
So, Frisk is forced to let Flowey stay a partner.
Asgore would still try to battle Frisk, but he would desperately beg Frisk to stay and at the end of the fight, he would burst into tears and apologize to Frisk.
Unlike Canon Toriel, Asgore realizes that the other human deaths are his fault as well and he tells Toriel that he forgives her.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Oh also! What did Sans and Wine talk about anyway?
Has the drama been resolved and we can have some "lore" related to their pasts with the research?
Eheheheh sure~
Alright so this goes for the “canon” too, not just the rps
Anyways it gets long so under the cut it goes!
Sans gaster was a great father to sans and papyrus in the beginning. Even after they lost their mum when papyrus was a baby, Gaster stayed strong for his sons. Sans was his pride and joy, his firstborn and his successor. Papyrus was the memory of his late wife, a lovely baby
However gaster made a horrible discovery. You see he was always had a love for the void. The space between every alternate universe. At the time though, it was seen as a miniature universe or a pocket space. People even stored stuff in it. Only the parts closest to their AU was ever seen
Gaster was a genius and he was determined to explore farther into the void than ever before. He created a machine that could do this, and he discovered the tears.
You see, the void was unstable and had been for ages. Every year it slowly unraveled more and more. Think of it like a space ship. Inside the ship, things are stable, but if a hole ever appears, everything inside gets sucked up and thrown out into space, and that’s what every au was to the void. A little ship floating in space
He theorized that if the voids tears grew large enough, every au would collapse and it would be the end to everything. He slowly went crazy with this knowledge, working longer and longer hours trying to find a solution to the mess
In the end, gasters dear and paranoia led him to experimenting on sans, the only one who he ever hinted to at his research, causing sans to be stuck in a time loop (the resets) until the void finally collapsed
However gaster didn’t predict that instead of destroying all the AUs, the collapse would simply lead to the void reorganizing itself, making a completely new universe. (And if anyone could explore it these days, they wouldn’t see any more tears. Apparently this happens every couple billions of years but they don’t know that)
Now wines side:
Wines mother (not gaster) was the head scientist of his AU and also obsessed with the void. However when discovering the tears, before she could make any theories on it, she was assassinated to keep the information from leaking
Wine was originally supposed to follow in her footsteps and become her successor, but with her early death, covered up by the fact that she had just had coffee as an excuse, his father (gaster) had him shipped to the royal guard instead
Wine has always felt like he was missing something, and in his teens he found some of his mothers research she hid before her death. It was incomplete, and when he went to his fathers for answers, they got into a huge fight. His gaster threatened to get rid of him and put coffee in his place instead, and wine snapped, pushing him into the core killing him.
In an ironic twist, sans gaster also died by falling into the core. Except he was thrown in by his machine exploding. Sans tried to catch him but just missed him instead
To wine, the research is the last memory he has of his mom, and he wanted to understand what she died for, so when he got wind of sans having something similar he jumped on it
To sans, his fathers research was the cause of everything bad in his life. And having it get out to anyone would only bring trouble. It’s why sans was so resistant to wine finding it!
Anyways it was papyrus who convinced sans to compare notes with wine as his first steps of healing from his past. For sans this was a way of letting go and freeing himself from the fear. For wine it was getting closure and getting a piece of the happiness he used to have
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stargazer-tps · 6 months
Stargazer-TPS’s Take on Gaster
(Deltarune notwithstanding.)
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Hey look, it’s a guy. Commonly accepted fanon-compliant? No. Canon compliant? Almost definitely not. He’s a guy who has been heavily modified to act within Erscoga and its rules of the multiverse (with people being Authors and Characters, which I STILL haven’t explained properly, and with the Multiversal Gumbo Trinity in mind).
Some Erscoga!Gaster Trivia and Design Notes:
He WAS just like… a normal monster at one point, a shadow being similar to the Pondecle on Dunkel, or Deemo from the game Deemo, or my version of The Narrator from The Stanley Parable.
As stated by the Gaster followers in-game, he was the Royal Scientist of the Underground and built the CORE, and got shattered across time and space. For the purposes of Erscoga, though, this period of his life was entirely unremarkable other than everyone singing praises to his brilliance.
Because his story specifically includes being erased/deleted/whatever, his being in The Void was inevitable. Usually Characters only end up there when they’ve been revised out of their stories (like on a literal meta level); Gaster was specifically written to be “deleted”—so even though he has this “past” he doesn’t really remember any of it, and that’s also why it’s so unremarkable. He’s a little paradoxical, and a bit like Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball in this way.
Because his first and only real memories are of being in The Void, he takes it upon himself to become the “Void Herald”—that is, he greets newly revised-out characters and provides them comfort and assurance that The Void isn’t all that bad once you get used to it (despite the fact that actually it does suck pretty bad). Most of these deleted characters either found some Storyline to be put back into, or were fully absorbed into The Void. (The Void as a place is highly corrupting/corrosive, and will wear down a deleted Character’s mind/body/soul gradually until they just become a part of it, like the world’s worst compost bin.)
In the Author/Character system, he is an Observer (despite being a “character” written by me) because he is unable to interact with/be a part of/manipulate Reality in any sort of meaningful way. Although the longer he stays in The Void, the more he is learning about how to bend it to suit him…
Despite being there for, like, All of Eternity, Gaster has yet to fully be “composted” by The Void. He has lost his physicality (see: the doodle that looks most like the Mystery Man sprite), his voice, and much of his compassion, but he is not fully gone. Truthfully, though, he and The Void can never be meaningfully separated, even when he was “alive” and “existing” in the Underground (or if he gets removed to a physical location like Erscoga), because of the narrative purpose he fulfills (i.e. being a Deleted Character is his main character trait). So really he never would be fully composted, he’d just exist as fragments scattered throughout The Void and perhaps as The Void Itself, which is more than could be said for other characters who get fully composted. Confusing.
At the beginning of his nonexistence, he was capable of speech; his voice being lost/corrupted is the reason he now speaks in Wingdings. He also has learned to talk through The Void Itself (using the bits of himself that have sloughed off and been scattered there) rather than through his actual body, because talking through his actual vocal cords hurts him.
Due to the nature of The Void and his own (non)existence, he is able to access the memories of every other version of the W. D. Gaster character. Occasionally, this leads him to be confused as to which one he actually is, what he actually wants, etc. At the beginning of his time there, he was able to filter out these other Gasters quite easily, but it has become harder and harder as time has gone on (ESPECIALLY with those other versions of himself also losing parts of themselves to The Void…). He is still separate from these other versions of himself, though—think Everything Everywhere All at Once.
Moving on to his design: his “face” is just a white mask that he wears so that he actually has a perceivable face. He thinks that it makes him less unsettling than if he just showed up with a black oval for a face. He also wears white formal gloves for fun and for flavor. (Also, he’s a huge drama/theater nerd. He might be going the way of The Phantom of the Opera.) Both of these become fused to his body after he loses enough of his physicality.
His “clothes” (other than the mask and gloves) may or may not just be a part of his body that he can re-shape at will.
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iced-souls · 2 years
Thinking about other possibilities for papyrus’s relationships with the gaster followers in the past, and so now i got void gang and this new thing where papyrus is more teenager. Cause in void gang i figure him to be older, maybe 20 or 21. So in this world, when the accident with gaster happens, papyrus is like… 15-17??
So in this one, i got gaster being a big kinda neglectful father to papyrus, because in this case i got the idea that he created sans in the way where he would be like a clone of gaster, but in the tub tank thingy sans was starting to fall apart, so gaster used some human magic from the 2 souls they had at the time which kept sans together, but the body lost like 60-70% of his actual… bijazzle. Gaster being a very very calculated and prepared guy, he was all ready for one child. Using the human souls isn’t a thing he was really allowed to do so he kept that a secret, and locked away the room with the tube. So when a couple years later when he has to go get some parts from that room, he discovers the pieces that fell to the bottom of the tank seem to be assembling together thanks to the little bits of some excess human magic that fell off of sans. But the body is probably gonna die since that stuff isn’t exactly enough, so gaster with his fatherly instincts tries to save the new child, ending up having to use the some more human magic from the newer souls that have been collected over the couple years. Gaster wasn’t prepared for a second child, so when papyrus was created, he tended to be used to sans, but forget about the new guy.
ANYWAYS, so relationships with the past gaster follower dudes. First off, all the ones in hotland are past scientists that worked with gaster. I’m just gonna use the names i got in void gang to make things easier—. MG is a kid who admires the science stuff, and always seems to somehow sneak into the lab to watch them. Sans also works as a scientist, but like papyrus kinda already worked there because of gaster, so they already helped out. Papyrus graduated 2 years early from high school, but is still just a helper because gaster… forgets—… and after constant reminders gaster still thinks papyrus is still in highschool. So they’ve given up and just decided to wait it out.
So my personal favourite thingy is with mosiac’s role. He’s an older guy, maybe in his 40-50’s. A very humble, chill guy. Why I like him is because he acts like papyrus’s father figure. And I REALLY FRIGGIN LOVE THIS STUFF AND I DON’T KNOW WHY—. So technically they knew each other longer cause of the whole science thing, but they first started actually knowing each other, which i imagined it being something where papyrus was upset and he was passing by, so he just sat down beside him, with a little bit of distance, and asked what was wrong. After getting the silent treatment he said that he was a very good listener and can keep stuff private. And so papyrus just said he was upset at his dad-man. But that was the start. Then all the stuff gaster never did, mosiac did. Like coming to his graduation, complimenting his work, giving good life advice, giving him headphones for his birthday, and yada yada yada.
Chris doesn’t have much a role in this one. Beanstock, my mind has been debating whether he’s a best-friend, partner, or also nobody. But i like the partner thing cause in this world he’s a much more upbeat, “yooo wassup duuude” kinda guy and really helps papyrus out and does a lot of confidence boosting.
MG is also undecided, but its either best buds, or beanstock papyrus MG family time. In which both i love but again my mind always seems to lean more towards the family thing. So when MG sneaks in when more chill about the science stuff around people are there, [aka sans, papyrus, beanstock, and sometimes chris or mosiac], papyrus usually tends to show them what’s happening and sometimes teaches them stuff.
As for the angst time of the accident. I’m gonna write about that later because i just realized i got carried away with this and need to do some dumby dumb schoolwork before school starts up again—. But do be wanting to let out my thoughts for that because it makes me go GUH and feels like my heart just got stabbed—.
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gastergettingbetter · 5 years
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scarecrows-trashcan · 4 years
Familiar Face? (_Mystery_Man_?_)
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~Doctor W.D. Gaster~ [From Undertale?] A new Face...Or a familiar one? These are one of these low effort, small projects that I finished in about 30 minutes.Changes, suggestions, and requests are always appreciated! Hope you Like it!
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determination-saved · 7 years
tag dump
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pris-art · 3 years
Merry Christmas!
I’m a little late, but here i am @snarkyartist20s​ ! i focused on Chara singing Don’t forget, though i may have tilted further towards on the theories you linked because they were so fascinating... anyways, enjoy!
Chara was attentive. They had to be. If a child ignored an adult, then there was trouble. Monsters were much nicer about this principle, but had not broken it as a rule of the world, as they had broken other rules the human had made before falling. So as Gaster was explaining what would be needed from them next, Chara listened. There was nothing else- no one else to pay mind to anyways; Plus, Chara had volunteered for this.
Gaster respected them. Gaster let them have input, and was honest. There wasn’t much they were needed for, however, for this next step. The connection was working, and the stage was set. On occasion, Chara noted the gooey skeletal scientist was impossible to find, but then again, the Void was just weird like that. Right?
Chara was listening; and that’s when Chara heard something unexpected. Their concentration broke, and the scientist’s tendency to pace as he talked or thought made a distance grow as they froze, looking for the sound that had been heard.
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Turning to face the sound revealed an unexpected but familiar flower, and all need to focus on their superior evaporated, as Chara was distracted. They stepped closer, not that there was any ground to walk on, shock and uncertainty drawing them towards the golden Flower.
Flowey, on the other hand, was confused. this was unfamiliar to him, which at first glance would be good; everything in the world was overtly familiar. but then, there was nothing but him to be seen, to be heard. It was dark, and silent, and alone.
Even with his darkest adventures, he was never alone. Not like this. But... it was just dark. Maybe there was someone out there.
There was still a gap between them, and Chara didn’t know what to do. After all, weren’t they to blame for his current state? They may even be to blame for him being here; once again, they had led the charge. Once again, they’d done more harm than good to those that were important to them... and as is the case with the void, if you are not intentionally getting closer, you are always drifting further apart.
Those fearful pathetic please; those fearful bleats moved the deceased human, however, and they couldn’t stand aside.
Gaster noticed his assistant getting further; this was a crucial point in making this plan work, he needed their Strength help. No time to let them be distracted... and seeing the cause of the distraction, no chance at letting the human’s determination waver. It wouldn’t do for them to know of some unfortunate side-effects, and back out completely. Not now. Not when He was- They Were so close.
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So, he reached out, with the same hand he had previously been gesturing with while talking. It was just meant to guide them back to him, he can easily claim to not see Flowey; There was enough void between them it would be believable. He didn’t want to be separated; it was easy to be lost in nothing. He reached with disguised intent, the first fallen to distracted to even see his hand.
Then Gaster grabbed Chara’s arm, and they froze, stiff, naturally expecting the next blow that never came. The first tug back was followed out of habit, out of fear, out of knowing the danger adults were. Then Flowey’s pleas were shrinking, he was losing hope...
Chara was filled with determination. They took another step back, as the hand guided, then with no warning, tugged their arm out of the grip and ran. Not that running alone was what made one move in nothingness, but they’d been a resident of the void well enough they did know how to get through the vacuum when need be. Still, the adrenaline of disobedience had their heart shaking, and the human had to catch their nonexistant breath.
In that time, Flowey gave up hope,
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and Chara realized they had no plan.
As the silence that is so typical of the void surrounded all, Chara stood there, not knowing what to do. Not knowing how to comfort Flowey. Not knowing how to comfort Asriel. That task had never been easy before. The silence stretched on, as unseen tears began to fall from the flower’s face.
Only one thing came to mind, but it’d been so long. The one song, from that one decent foster, that had helped when they were too young to know the world wasn’t all cruel, that the life they faced wasn’t meant to be normal. It had been the one thing they’d known how to help a truly upset Asriel before, when they gotten past the thinking big kids weren’t allowed to express themselves, or have emotions. The Dreemurrs had done well in breaking the toxic teachings of all the ‘parents’ Chara had had before, with time.
...They couldn’t keep standing here, in silence, doing nothing. They just had to say SOMETHING. Those lyrics would work. So, Chara began to sing the one fond surface memory they had, the one lullaby they cared about.
“When the Light is running Low, and the shadows...” Chara trailed off, doubting themself. Doubting the lyrics, doubting how this would even help. They cut themself off, swallowing, looking away in shame.
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But Flowey heard. He looked up ahead of him in shock, surprise: he knew that voice; He knew those Lyrics. The tears stopped flowing, though they stayed stuck to his face. Looking up so, in shock, those petals still obscured any vision he could have.
Chara’s breath hitched, hearing  their name, and they looked at the flower in similar shock, swallowing. They... they couldn’t answer. Instead, Chara picked up the song again. “When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow...” There was a tapering off of their voice again, nerves making a bubble in their throat.
“And the places that you know...” Flowey picked up, softly, the next lines, giving courage to the human unwittingly. “Seem like Fantasy.”
“There’s a light inside your soul, that’s still shining in the cold,” Chara was able to pick it back up with confidence as Flowey turned around, petals slowly perking up. “With the truth,”
“The Promise in our hearts,” Flowey filled in the next line when the eye contact had Chara freeze, taking another ‘step’ closer, before lowering themself to their knees, to his level.
“Don’t Forget, I’m with you in the dark”
Silence snuck back for a moment, as they finished the song together, just staring. Then, with an amount of gusto that shocked the flower, Chara hugged him, and he felt them shaking. He heard an apology, and it dawned on him.
He could feel the sincerity.
“That last line’s true beyond our expectations now, isn’t it?”
The question gets a strangled laugh out of the human, as they hold the flower. “I suppose so.”
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decimadragonoid · 2 years
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* Even Grandpa Gaster knows how to play piano! It's been months since I did anything Undertale-related. This is roughly four days early for Undertale's 7th anniversary, but I just couldn't help but leave this here to show you guys! XD Who would've thought Gaster knew how to play the piano outside of being a scientist and father of two wacky skeleton bros? In my UT headcanons, aside from following the popular belief that Gaster is Sans and Papyrus's long lost father who was seemingly erased from existence after his accident at the CORE, I also like to depict him as Frisk's grandfather. Not only does he feel indebted to Frisk for saving the Underground and rescuing him from the Void, Gaster likes to spend time with them and help them in return. Also, while I have some headcanons for Gaster, I also try to adhere to the canon mysteries of his form. Gaster is NOT a skeleton. He never was, and never will be. Was he one in his past life before his accident? We'll never know. That's how interestingly mysterious he is. Overall, this piece was fun to make! I even added Dad Sans, Uncle Papyrus, and Monster Kid as an audience. Also, this was actually the first time I ever got a chance to draw Shyren. I don't know when I'll return to the fandom, but I felt it'd be nice to leave something as a way to celebrate one of the best Earthbound-inspired indie game creations in gaming history! So let's adore the final product, sing a song, and shout Happy Anniversary to all our Undertale pals! Enjoy! ^^ ======== Please do not hesitate to leave your thoughts, comments, or any critique, as it really helps me improve my overall work and style! ======== Undertale © Toby Fox
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humancandy-comic · 3 years
You may not get this reference, but I cannot get this comparison out of my head: Void Gaster = Dr. Jack Bright; Void Zewi = Dr. Alto Clef
* He crosses his arms, lost in thoughts.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
3/3 SO gets sucked into the void one day beyond explanation, and skeleton becomes the only person who remebers them. A few months later, they are spat back out by the void (or for the more sciency skeletons, brought back) and are traumatized from not having a physical being for so long. Reactions?
-sunset anon
Well unfortunately this only applies to the sanses. Since they shared the same ability (which I haven’t revealed yet) as their gasters, only they can remember resets and anything that has to do with the void. When SO comes back, it’s still like they never existed. The papyri won’t remember them
Sans: when SO sees him again the first time, he’ll look like death. Sans worked frantically to bring them back. He hasn’t slept in days. Probably hasn’t eaten even longer. All SO gets is a broken sob as he embraces them for the first time in forever. It’s a long road to recovery for both SO and sans. But they can do it together
Papyrus: he has no idea who this strangely beautiful human is and why they’re sobbing into his arms. Or why they appeared in his basement from his brothers machine. Papyrus has been trying to get sans to confess for months about what’s been making him so frantic. Well papyrus never leaves a sad person unattended so he decides to comfort them first
Star: Star may be very smart, but he’s not a scientist. He does however know someone who is. With the help of his undyne, Star has been doing his best to track SO down. Finally they got lucky and pulled them out of the void. Star is a weeping mess holding his SO while twister (underswap undyne) is shouting in victory. Finally people will believe her that the void can sustain life!!! Not the time girl
Honey: one day, a beaming but nervous Star, a crazed and victorious looking twister, and a broken looking human show up at his house. The human pulls honey into a hug crying about how much they missed him. When honey awkwardly pats their back and asks for their name, they just break down. He feels terrible but he doesn’t know how to fix them. Honey makes a tactical retreat to his room while Star comforts the human
Red: this calls for drastic measures. When red’s father fell into the void, he managed to throw his notes up at red for him to catch. Red uses those and his impressive engineering skills to build a small version of a void pocket. But his first attempt was only successful in grabbing the attention of one of his least favorite people. Desperate times call for desperate measures though. And together red and sans are able to recreate the machine in record time, saving his SO only after two weeks.
Edge: he was very concerned when his brother suddenly got a very big interest in the work of their late father. Edge had thought red was over his obsession with gaster. In his frustration, red winds up telling edge all about the void and the resets. Edge doesn’t believe red however until he finally meets his SO again for the first time. He has no memories of this human, but looking at them and he can just feel himself fall in love all over again. Edge believes red now
Mal: he’s lost. An absolute wreck. Mal is not a scientist, or even that well educated. He never got to go past elementary due to his and cash’s bad childhood. To him he thinks SO is forever lost until wine worriedly asks if he remembers them. For months they had been working together with some others to try and access the void until one day SO suddenly reappears. Mal almost doesn’t believe it and actually backs away at first before vaulting into their arms
Cash: a while back, his brother practically screamed at him over forgetting a name he doesn’t know. It’s been months now and cash still feels the tension between him and mal. His brother has been going out lots, and coming back late. It’s stressing cash out like crazy. When mal comes back with some random human one day, they have one of the biggest fights ever since he was an addict. Mal tells him again about the resets and the void and claims this human is his SO. Cash feels bad for the obviously sick human, but how the hell is he supposed to help someone he doesn’t know? Even if his soul is telling him he knows them
Oak: when SO disappeared, oak had a day long panic attack thinking he was going crazy, imagining being in love with a fake person. And poor willow was near panic as well not having any idea what scared his brother. It’s not until willow mentions the next day that this was almost as bad as the day after gaster disappeared that oak remembers what happened to SO. And he knows just who to call. Him and sans had been working for weeks to bring SO back. And of course red remembers and got involved. Like with red, oak gets his back in two weeks tops.
Willow: his brother keeps referring to this person willow has never heard of and it’s starting to freak him out. He’s checked every familiar place he can think of for paranormal activity. Nothing. Nada. Willow is pretty sure he made the entire ghost population go extinct. When oak sans and red come home one day with this strange human however, willow just knows. He may not know their name, but he can just feel they were his.
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jmbringitonworld · 3 years
Why You Shouldn't Mess With The Machine
For all of the chaos that would follow, that day had started off deceptively normal. It was a beautiful day, as were many days on the Surface at that time of year, the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming and the birds were singing. It seemed like the perfect day to conduct an experiment that Sans and Papyrus had been working towards for weeks, to finally bring to life a dream Sans had had since childhood: rescuing their father, W.D. Gaster, from the Void.
It had seemed like the perfect time to fulfil his long-held ambition. After years of living on the Surface, monsters had slowly, but surely, been accepted by humans, having integrated themselves surprisingly well into life Aboveground and human society, in large part thanks to Frisk’s efforts as their ambassador. Frisk herself was happily married to Sans, her best friend and closest confidant, the love of her life, the one monster who had been with her throughout most of her journey Underground, and the only person, besides her adoptive sister, the newly revived Chara, who fully understood the hardships she had faced on her quest to break the Barrier and free monsters for good. It had come as no surprise, to anyone who knew them, when they had announced their relationship, nor when they had gotten married. What had come as a surprise, however, was when Papyrus and Chara had revealed their relationship.
Most of their friends and family had been delighted for them. Alphys, who had spearheaded the project to revive the lost prince and princess, had been ecstatic to have a new ship to celebrate, Undyne was happy her best friend had found love, Toriel and Asgore were both overjoyed that their, usually unfriendly and acerbic, adopted daughter had found a special someone to love and cherish her, and Asriel, while a little saddened that his best friend would now be spending most of her time with someone else, had nonetheless been very supportive, and had taken this as an opportunity to explore new horizons, having decided to go to university. Frisk, having been the only one aware of the growing feelings between two of her dearest friends, had done her best to encourage their relationship, hopeful that Papyrus’s kindness and optimism would be able to heal Chara’s scarred heart, and that, in turn, Chara’s fierce loyalty and cunning would protect and strengthen Papyrus’s gentle soul. The only one not pleased with this unexpected development, was Sans.
Still haunted by the events of an erased timeline, Sans had never been able to entirely forgive Chara’s rampage of death and destruction across the Underground, regardless of how temporary it had become. As for Chara, she had her own issues with the former Judge and his lack of honesty, and had despised him for breaking Frisk’s trust during both their dinner date, and when she had overcome Chara’s control to show him mercy, in the Last Corridor. Chara hated betrayal, of any kind, above all else, given her past experiences. But despite their mutual dislike of each other, the two former foes acknowledged how important the other was to their lover and to their sibling, and so had formed an uneasy truce. A truce that had held out even when Papyrus and Chara had announced their engagement.
It was with this assured peace and happiness in mind, that Sans had revealed to his family his desire to finally fix his father’s machine and bring the former Royal Scientist back from the Void.
“That’s a wonderful idea!” Frisk’s face lit up, her determination to save a lost soul clear to see. “It’s always bothered me that there was nothing I could do to help him. I searched throughout the entire Underground during my journey, for any clue on how to save him, but all I could find were his followers mentioning him, before suddenly disappearing when I looked away. And not in the way you do, Sans. It was more like... they just stopped existing.”
“Yeah, it was creepy,” Chara agreed, grimacing at the reminder.
“their connection to this plane of reality must be unstable, because of the accident,” Sans frowned thoughtfully. “but if they’re somehow able to reach us, no matter how briefly, then we should be able to find a way to reach them, and dadster, and bring them all back home. And dad’s machine can do it, I just need to fix it.”
Sans cringed, a remorseful, apologetic look on his skull. He held his hands up in defeat, backing down in the face of his younger brother’s reproachful glare.
“you’re right, bro, sorry. we’ll fix dadster’s machine, together. it’s gonna be hard work, and ya know how much i hate workin’. so i definitely need my super cool and talented bro to help me with this.”
Suitably appeased at the praise, Papyrus drew himself up proudly.
Frisk cheered for him, winking at her husband in approval. Chara rolled her eyes at their antics, well used to them by that point.
“Of course, you bleeding hearts are only focusing on saving some poor, unfortunate souls,” Chara sneered derisively, “instead of on the danger you could be putting yourselves into. Did you guys forget that it was because of that machine that Gaster and his followers disappeared in the first place? What if you guys end up trapped in the Void yourselves!?”
Papyrus visibly deflated, wringing his gloved hands nervously.
Chara sighed in resignation, sulkily turning away from her fiancé’s pleading look.
“I don’t understand... but if it means that much to you, then I’ll support you,” she relented, with obvious reluctance. “I just don’t like the idea of you messing with a potentially dangerous machine you guys know next to nothing about.”
Delighted and relieved, Papyrus lifted his fiancée into the air and spun her around in elation, paying no attention to her half-hearted protests.
“Yeah yeah, whatever, just put me down already,” Chara blushed hotly from within his arms.
Papyrus complied, while Frisk snickered at her sister’s embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, Sissy, everything’ll turn out okay in the end, it always does,” she reassured her disgruntled sister. “And if anything does go wrong, then we’ll solve it together, just like we always do. There’s no problem we can’t overcome if we work together!”
“you know it, wifey,” Sans grinned proudly at his wife’s confidence, appreciative as ever of her unwavering, positive attitude.
“Idiots, the lot of you,” Chara shook her head exasperatedly, but there was no denying the soft, fondly affectionate smile on her lips.
And with that, the group made plans on how they would go about repairing the broken machine. With all of the gold the monsters had brought with them from the Underground, as well as with the sale of their magical food, which had proven to be overwhelmingly popular for its near-miraculous healing properties, monsters had very swiftly found themselves incredibly wealthy. As such, the skeleton brothers had used their newfound wealth to purchase a large mansion on the outskirts of Ebott City. Their new abode was close enough to civilisation for easy travel via the roads, but far enough away from any nosy neighbours, to allow them the privacy they needed to carry out their work unimpeded. The enormous house also boasted lots of spacious guest bedrooms, for all of the group’s many friends and family to come over and stay the night. All in all, everyone was very pleased with their new home, with the brothers in particular being glad to be reunited under the same roof once more, and they had quickly moved the old, mysterious machine into the massive basement.
After weeks of diligent work, with a great deal of time, effort and research having been devoted to the task, Sans finally decided that the time had come to activate the machine. And so it was, on a beautiful, seemingly average day, that the four of them stood in front of the large, metal apparatus.
“this is it, folks. it’s finally time to see if all of our hard work’s paid off,” Sans spoke, with an uncharacteristically serious look on his skull.
The others nodded, equally solemn. The skeleton monsters grasped their respective lover’s hand tightly and, together, pushed the button that would turn on the machine. Immediately, a whirring noise could be heard, along with several harsh clinks and clangs, as the high-tech contraption slowly came to life. Releasing their collective held breath, the four of them looked at each other in cautious hope, as everything seemed to be going well. But suddenly, the machine started to rumble ominously. Before anyone had time to react, there was a loud explosion from deep within the machine, and the entire room was filled with dark smoke. The family quickly backed away, coughing and calling out to each other in concern. Amidst the panic and the noise, more voices could be heard coming from the direction of the machine. Shocked, the group of four watched as three other, eerily similar, groups of four slowly emerged from the smoke. Blinking in stunned disbelief, they all cautiously observed the newcomers.
Each group was comprised of two skeleton monsters and two humans, who each bore a striking resemblance to Sans, Papyrus, Frisk and Chara, respectively. The first group was dressed in reds and blacks, and the two skeletons had a menacing aura to them. The one who resembled Sans had sharp, pointy teeth, one of which was gold, and red eyelights, which matched his red jumper. The Papyrus lookalike had a ferocious look on his scarred skull, which bore three deep scratch marks over one eye socket, as if something had clawed his face. His mostly black outfit was stylishly accentuated by a long, blood-red, tattered scarf, which, along with its owner, looked like it had seen numerous fights. The human who looked almost exactly like Frisk was, for whatever reason, wearing a spiky dog collar, and seemed a lot less self-assured and more hesitant than her counterpart, while the Chara clone was crossing her arms defensively, a worried, fretful frown on her pale face.
The second group was even stranger, seeming to bear only a superficial resemblance to the original quartet. The shorter skeleton had the physical appearance and body shape of Sans, but his demeanour and attire seemed more akin to Papyrus, with his blue bandana, gloves and eyelights, and his bright, almost child-like look of curiosity. Likewise, the taller skeleton may have looked more like Papyrus, but his orange hoodie and his slouched posture was more reminiscent of Sans. Their copy of Frisk had a cold, suspicious look on her face, with an air of danger about her, though she smelled faintly of caramel. As for the other human, while alike Chara in looks, she had a cheerful, excited look on her face, to compliment her wide, eager grin.
Finally, the last quartet seemed to be a mixture of the other two, with their apparently swapped clothing preferences and personalities, and the more aggressive, threatening air to the monsters. The shorter male resembled Sans, but with sharp, pointed teeth, scars across one of his eye sockets, and purple eyelights, bandana and gloves, although the rest of his neat, well-kept outfit was black, to match the dark, fearsome expression on his skull. The other male had Papyrus’s height and outward appearance, but little else it seemed, as he wore an extremely fluffy hoodie, which he nearly drowned in, and a dog collar, with a bone tag, which, when paired with the meek, submissive way he held himself, brought to mind a timid dog; an image very much at odds with his two sharp, golden fangs and the subtle hint of menace in his eyelights. Their version of Frisk had a haughty air and a near-condescending look on her face, though it did not completely mask the uncertainty and quiet fragility hidden underneath. Lastly, their Chara counterpart had a calm, self-assured, almost dignified bearing, and despite the surrounding chaos, appeared completely unfazed by it all.
As everyone took in their new, and wholly unexpected, arrivals, Chara was the first to recover.
“I told you this was a terrible idea!”
Once the initial confusion had died down, everyone settled down to try to figure out what had happened. After much lengthy discussion, including introductions, explanations, and a great deal of theorising, the monsters all eventually came to the conclusion that they were all different versions of each other, from various alternate universes. They speculated that, since they’d all tried to activate a reality-bending machine to reach into the Void, at the exact same time, the interdimensional bridges each machine had created had all collided and intersected, as a result pulling everyone in contact with the machines into the most stable timeline, that being the one most similar to the theoretical “Alpha Timeline”, the very first, original timeline.
“that’d be us, i guess,” Sans surmised, meticulously going through his many pages of notes, theories, calculations and blueprints.
“THEN ALL WE NEED TO DO IS REVERSE THAT PROCESS, WHILE CREATING A MORE STABLE BRIDGE!” his blue counterpart punched one fist into the palm of his other hand, azure eyelights blazing in determination.
The Sans with red eyelights scoffed derisively.
“it ain’t that simple, ya blue moron,” he sneered nastily, though it lessened considerably at the harsh glare the Frisk with the icy demeanour shot him. He nervously cleared his non-existent throat, somehow sweating as he tried to avoid looking at her hostile expression.
“all i meant was, it ain’t gonna be easy. we’d need ta fix the machine, which, if you guys haven’t noticed, is a complete wreck, an’ then we’d need ta recalibrate it, with new specs an’ coordinates we haven’t even figured out yet. we’re gonna have a helluva time fixin’ this mess!”
As he threw his arms up in annoyance, the Sans with the purple bandana tutted dismissively.
“THEN WE’D BEST GET STARTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE,” he said, carefully inspecting and readjusting his gloves.
And so, it was decided that all of the skeleton monsters would work together to fix Gaster’s machine, with the aim of sending them all back to their home dimensions. In the meantime, the original quartet had invited their visitors to stay at their house, since they had more than enough spare bedrooms to accommodate everyone, with the couples all sharing bedrooms, an offer the others had all accepted, having nowhere else to go.
Any initial optimism of accomplishing their goal in a timely manner soon vanished, however, as the enormity and complexity of their task quickly made itself apparent. The skeletons’ collective knowledge of their father’s machine was minimal, and it had been no small feat getting it to function in the first place. With it now almost completely destroyed, they had only a slim chance of repairing it to working conditions, and, on top of the many, complicated calculations they needed to do to properly fine-tune it to meet their needs, most struggled to maintain hope. Along with their rising frustration, the guys also found that, despite being alternate versions of the same person, or their brother, they didn’t all get along very well. Arguments were common, though, thankfully, not fights, none of them wishing to endanger or upset their girlfriends.
To combat the confusion generated by them all sharing the same names, the skeleton monsters had decided to give each other their own nicknames. The Sanses had chosen simple, colour-based names, going by Red, Blue and Black. They’d initially wanted to call Black, “Purple”, but his Frisk had immediately vetoed that idea, instead insisting on the name Black, hinting at some sort of inside joke, given Black’s exasperated sighs and Frisk’s mischievous giggles. They hadn’t intended to give the resident Sans a nickname, since it was his universe after all, but his Frisk had insisted that they address him by the nickname “Comic”, arguing that “it’s not fair that my hubby is the only one left out; besides that’s one of Chara’s nicknames for him” (“I have plenty of other ones which suit him far better...” Chara had grumbled, which had earned her an irritated, resentful glare from the monster in question).
The Papyruses, for their part, had decided on slightly more imaginative nicknames. Despite Red always calling his brother “Boss”, the others had instead chosen the name “Edge”, though some still snidely called him “Edgelord”, much to the militant monster’s indignant fury. Blue’s brother now went by “Stretch”, given his lanky figure, made worse by his constant slouching. Black’s brother had been simply nicknamed “Rus”, although Black still referred to him as “Mutt”, which seemed to explain his dog collar (somewhat). Everyone was stumped on what nickname to give the resident Papyrus, who had insisted on being included in the “nickname game”, until eventually, his Chara had quietly suggested “Vanilla”. She didn’t clarify why, though Frisk was more than happy to enlighten everyone (“the standard model, based on the most popular flavour of ice cream. Also, it’s really soft and sweet, just like Paps!”), which had sent their Papyrus into rapturous tears, as he enthusiastically hugged both girls.
The humans, on the other hand, had staunchly refused any official nicknames, much preferring to go by their real names and absolutely relishing any resulting confusion, finding the chaos hilarious (“Good morning to you, Frisk!” “Good morning to you too, Frisk!”). Moreover, while there was plenty of animosity amongst the skeleton monsters, there was, shockingly, none to be found amongst the humans. All of the women had taken an immediate liking to each other, instantly acting like best friends and sisters, much to their lovers’, occasionally disgruntled, surprise. Furthermore, given their abundant determination, as well as their unwavering belief in their boyfriends (or husband and fiancé, in the original Frisk and Chara’s cases), they were all confident that their partners would eventually succeed in their arduous task, and find a solution to their current problem. Their boys were geniuses after all, many of whom had studied quantum physics and the intricacies of the time-space continuum; the girls had complete faith in them. In the meantime, they would continue to support them, in any way they could, all while making sure their idiots didn’t end up destroying their lovely mansion.
And with that turbulent beginning, there followed many more, chaotic and sometimes tumultuous days, in the overcrowded skeleton-human household.
I took a bit of a break from trying to force myself to write out Fransweek prompts, to introduce my take on a very popular AU within the OC/Reader x Sans and OC/Reader x Papyrus community (of which I'm not a part, but still appreciate nonetheless). It's the machine skeletons AU, where various AU versions of the skelebros mess with (what we like to assume is) Gaster's machine and all wind up in classic UT, except with my twist on the formula: their lady loves have joined them!
Also, while most of the stories I've seen begin after the skelebros have already established themselves within the UT world, I wanted to explore the hows and whys of them getting there, as well as the immediate aftermath and how they dealt with the incident.
As you can probably (I hope) tell, I've chosen Underfell, Underswap, and my version of Swapfell/Fellswap. I use the last two names more or less interchangeably here, because their AU is a mix of both Swapfell and Fellswap, with the former's colour palette (purple), but my baby Rus is most definitely adorable, insecure, soft boi Mutt from a lot of Fellswap AUs. My heart bleeds for soft bois. Although, I have absolutely no idea where Black fits within the SF/FS split. I've chosen not to include Horrortale, for various reasons. While I absolute love that AU, I don't think it'll fit here. I also have enough characters to keep track of here, without adding another four to my plate. Horrortale will have its time to shine, but that is not now.
At the moment, I don't exactly have a plan for this AU, besides a couple ideas, but I like this AU concept so much, I had to write it out. Who knows, maybe I'll do more with it in the future. Or maybe someone else wants to do something with it? One can dream.
Anyway, back to trying to force my brain and hands into submission. You will obey me eventually!
EDIT: I'm listing everyone's official nicknames here, for future reference.
Sans: Comic (UT), Red (UF), Blue (US), Black (SF/FS)
Papyrus: Vanilla (UT), Edge (UF), Stretch (US), Rus (SF/FS)
Frisk: Topaz (UT), Ruby (UF), Sapphire (US), Amethyst (SF/FS)
Chara: Buttercup (UT), Rose (UF), Bluebell (US), Violet (SF/FS)
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