#The Sanctuary AU
jumpybox · 1 year
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Eh, kinda yeah ngl lol but I decided to try and revive a sort of AU I was trying to rp with my bro @silverfrostheart (after a year, I still miss you so much q-q)
More info down below if ya wanna know a bit
it was basically how this one Outcode Gaster decided to make Sanctuary for abandoned/neglected/in danger babybones/kiddos/teens from all kinds of pairings from not one multiverse but many more, with a Core!Frisk he befriended that brings the kiddies to him and with the help of others adults , he raises them
some times there are some from other multiverses that will come to the Sanctuary to adopt a kiddie (but they tend to be rare cases) so there is that too
In the picture above ya can see Canis, a Nightmare x Outer!Sans child just enjoying his breakfast and all the chaos around him, next to him is a babybones named ‘Sparks’ or Sparky(a Papcest fanchild) who is trying to steal the salt shaker lol for what purposes? Who knows
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desertsanctuary-blog · 3 months
Clover Has Trust Issues
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applestruda · 1 year
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Sky au ranchers
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
The Savage and the Sanctuary - Ch. 1: Wrong Foot
Joel takes on a new contract as a bodyguard. A continuation of The Savage and the Sanctuary, a no outbreak TLOU story, from the prologue found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Non-consensual groping (not by Joel.) Mention of grief and child loss. No use of Y/N. Whole fic will be explicit so minors DNI, 18+ only.
Length: 7.1k
Fic Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3 | Prologue | Next Chapter
Two years later - September 2024
“You really want me for this one?” he asked as he rode up the elevator at the nicest hotel in Austin. Even after two years protecting wealthy assholes, Joel wasn’t used to shit like this. The fast elevators and the plush carpets and the trappings of wealth that provided everything his charges needed. Everything, it seemed, except safety. 
For that, they needed him. 
Protecting people, as it happened, was something Joel was good at. It almost surprised him how good he was at it. It forced him to be aware of what was happening around him for a change instead of just moving through the world like a ghost. It took that awareness for him to even realize just how dead he’d been in the years since the death of his daughter.
Usually, things went fine. Most often, he was shepherding tech or oil executives with inflated egos from business meeting to business meeting while they were in town and looking the other way when they cheated on their wives or put half his salary up their noses. Nothing ever happened with those assholes. 
Occasionally, though, his job got interesting. Rabid fans tried to mob some pop star Joel had never heard of at a club on 6th Street once and he had to carry her out, forcing his way through the crowd before she got crushed. Then there was the supermodel who was posing for photos with fans when one little college-aged fucker thought it would be smart to grab her ass to cop a feel. Joel took a little too much pleasure in punching him so hard that he fell to the floor, knocked clean out. The football player had been the biggest trouble, though. Some hotshot asshole who’d just won the Super Bowl coming back to his college town to party. He picked a fight with the wrong drug dealer and damn near got shot for it, Joel whisking him away and getting winged in the shoulder by the bullet for his trouble. 
He didn’t want to admit, even to himself, that he liked when the work got dicey. Being shot at was the closest to alive Joel has felt in years. Getting to lay out some asshole without the cops trying to arrest him for it had been the highlight of his month. It made him very good at his job and he liked that, both things that surprised him. 
“You’re my best guy,” Tommy said. “You’ve seen more action on this job than almost any of the other guards and they want someone with a good history. Plus you don’t give a shit about… higher profile clientele. I can’t put fuckin’ James on a job with someone he knows, he’ll fan boy over ‘em. Remember when that one band came through?” 
“Jesus,” Joel groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. It had been an easy job but it was one that he’d had to do most of the work on, James practically giddy the entire time. “Yeah, you’re right. So, what, this some pop star or somethin’?” 
“Not sure,” Tommy said. “They’ve been playin’ it real close to the chest, won’t ID ‘em until we sign an NDA.” 
“So you got no idea what we’re workin’ with,” Joel said, grinding his teeth. 
“Just that it’s someone people know,” Tommy said. “Long term contract, real good money. They mentioned a stalker, they’re bringing all the information along on that to review, wanted you to see it before we signed on.” 
Joel nodded slowly. 
“Well,” he said. “Least it’ll be interesting.” 
They made it to the top floor of the hotel, only four doors and Joel fought the urge to laugh. God, this breed of rich asshole was a whole new level. 
Tommy led the way to a door labeled Presidential Suite and knocked, a young woman with close cropped dark hair and a headphone in her ear answered the door. 
“One second,” she said, tapping her headphone before she smiled at the two men. “Thank you for coming, Mr. Miller. My boss prefers to have people come to where she is when she travels, I’m sure you can understand…” 
“Of course,” Tommy said. “Happy to go wherever you need.” 
“Can I get you anything?” She asked, leading the way into a hotel suite that had to be damn near the size of Joel’s entire house. “Coffee? Water? Tea? Also have a variety of Coke I think you call it here if you’d like that.” 
“Water’s fine,” Tommy said. 
“Still, sparkling?” She asked. “Also have cucumber, lemon, mint…” 
“Uh,” Tommy blinked for a moment and Joel fought the urge to laugh. “Still’s fine. None of that other stuff.” 
She nodded before she looked to Joel, her brows raised. 
“Coffee,” he said. “Black.” 
“Of course,” she smiled, leading them to a sitting room and gesturing to a couch. “Quinn will be with you shortly.” 
She disappeared and returned with their drinks, handing them to each of them with a smile before she tapped the headphone again. 
“Thank you,” she said, her voice almost syrupy sweet as she went to another room. “I appreciate you waiting since you’re apparently so willing to try to fuck us over…” 
Tommy’s eyes went wide and he looked at Joel, the conversation becoming almost silent as she closed the door behind her. 
“Definitely ain’t from around here,” Joel said. 
“Guess not,” Tommy said. 
It wasn’t long - Joel only drank half the coffee which was far better than he was expecting it to be - when another door opened, a woman closer to his own age coming out, dressed in an expertly fitted gray suit, her dark hair in long, tiny braids that hung to her waist. Sarah had always liked hair like that, always begged Joel to let her get them. He wished he had whiskey for his coffee. 
The woman was on the phone, too, but she was on speaker. 
“I don’t care,” she said. “You know the deal and I’m not going to just sit here and pretend that you don’t because you decided today was the day to play fucking games. Call me when you want to handle shit like a fucking grown up.” 
She hung up and sat heavily on the couch opposite them, the girl who answered the door almost scurrying into the room and hovering near the large coffee table. The woman in the suit - Quinn, Joel assumed - giving her a single nod and she rushed off, quickly returning with a bottle of water and several folios. 
“Tommy,” Quinn smiled. “While it’s good to see you again, I’m sure you’ll understand when I say I’m looking forward to getting this settled so we can stop meeting like this.” 
Tommy smiled back. 
“Can’t say I disagree,” he said. “Wanted you to have the chance to meet Joel, he’ll be the lead on this contract assuming we go ahead. He’s one of my best guys, got the history you asked for…” 
“I’m sure being your brother doesn’t hurt,” she smiled a little. Joel raised his eyebrows and looked to Tommy but she answered his unspoken question. “We pulled backgrounds for everyone on your payroll. We can’t be too careful.” 
She tossed one of the leather folios on the table. 
“This is what we’re up against,” she said. “Redacted, of course, so you can’t ascertain who my client is but you’ll have access to the full versions should you accept the contract and sign the necessary NDAs. We’ve naturally brought them to the police and they believe the threat is credible. They have a lot of information - some of these were sent to my client’s private residence, for example - and it’s clear they’ve seen my client in person numerous times. We have reason to believe they will follow my client wherever she goes and there is genuine concern for escalation…” 
Tommy picked up the file and looked it over, nodding slowly, before passing a page off to Joel. It was the photo copy of a printed letter. 
You were beautiful today in that green dress. 
One day, you’ll come home to me. One day, I’ll make you see. 
Joel passed the page back to Tommy. 
“I can see why you’re concerned,” Tommy said, handing the folio back. “Don’t seem like anything we can’t handle. I think we’re alright to move forward with the contract as discussed…” 
There was a knock at the door and the girl ran to go answer it, Quinn ignoring it completely. 
“Excellent,” she said, grabbing another folio and passing it over. “This is the contract and the NDA, already reviewed by your legal team. We just require a wet signature.” 
Tommy nodded, looking over the pages, anyway, and Joel was starting to wonder why he’d had to be trotted out like some kind of prize show pony just to sign some damn paperwork when there was a commotion at the door. 
“This really isn’t necessary,” the girl was saying, her voice oddly pleading, the total opposite of how she’d been on the phone. 
“Oh I’m sure Quinn won’t mind,” another voice - a new one but there was a tug of familiarity to it that set Joel’s teeth on edge - said. “I am her favorite client, after all.” 
Quinn’s head snapped in the direction of the sound and, in a sweep of gauzy clothes and floral perfume, you were there. 
Joel recognized you immediately, everything about you seeming to have been built to be remembered. The whole world remembered you, it had been years since he’d been able to escape you. The biggest movie star on the planet, helming major franchises and winning fucking Oscars, on the cover of gossip rags at the fucking grocery store and on billboards advertising perfume and on Saturday Night Live. In person, from the second you appeared, you were a force. Your face, your voice, the way you held yourself, no wonder he always noticed you when you were all around him. No wonder his daughter had been obsessed with you. 
Your face was a poster on her wall, a picture where you had the slightest, confident smile on your lips but your eyes always seemed sad. You turned those eyes to him, ranging over him like you were taking stock and Joel’s heart stuttered before your gaze turned to Tommy and back to Quinn. 
“So glad you got the meeting started without me,” you said, all saccharine sweetness, stepping over Joel’s legs and sitting down on the edge of the couch between him and Tommy. You crossed one elegant leg over the other - your pants ever so slightly sheer so Joel could just make out your thigh below the loose fabric - and leaned forward, taking Joel’s white china coffee cup off the table and helping yourself to a sip with a jingle of your bangles that were piled high on your wrists. You gave him a wink as you did, setting the cup back on its saucer before leaning onto your leg, your arms folded in front of you. “I’m sure the fact that I didn’t know it was happening has nothing to do with wanting to cut me out of the decision making for something that’s going to be apparently integral to my life over the next year.” 
“I just don’t want to bog you down with petty things like this,” Quinn waved you off. “You have enough on your plate, that’s what you pay me for…” 
“Oh I’m sure that’s all it is…” 
Quinn leaned forward, too, meeting your steely gaze from across the table. The knowing smile that had been on her lips just a second earlier was gone. In its place was a no nonsense expression that Joel imagined carried her far when dealing with Hollywood assholes. She, it seemed, was done coddling you. 
“The studios know,” she cut you off. “Someone at the police station leaked it. And they won’t insure you without higher levels of security, especially if you want to spend this much time outside LA. You want to keep working? You need security. At least until we get to the bottom of whoever is sending you letters.” 
“Have you tried telling them how well the tickets will sell when I die?” You asked, brows raised. “I’m sure they’ll be champing at the bit then, especially now that they can just replace me with CGI for whatever isn’t in the can…” 
“That’s not funny,” Quinn said sharply. 
“Oh, come on. It was a little funny.” 
She glared at you. 
“Do you really want someone like that getting close to her?” She asked, her voice almost unsettlingly earnest and gentle. You almost deflated then, giving in. “It’s not safe, babe. I’m trying to keep you safe. It just so happens that it’s also in the studio’s best interest so you don’t have to foot the entire bill.” 
“You must not have told them about the boost in ticket sales, then,” you said wryly. She rolled her eyes. “But fine. If you really think there’s a risk to her? I’ll do it.” 
Joel wondered who this “her” was. Knowing movie stars, probably some tiny fucking dog you carried in your goddamn purse. 
You looked to Joel for a moment, your gaze oddly cutting, like you were seeing through every part of him before turning your attention to Tommy. 
“When does your contract begin then?” 
Tommy glanced at Joel, almost asking if he was actually OK with this. Clearly, this wasn’t what Tommy had expected either. Joel gave a minute shrug. 
“Tomorrow,” Tommy said, looking back to you. “Joel here will be your point man but you’ll also be working with a few other guys from my company. He’ll get you oriented tomorrow and we can work out a way to ensure your protection that’s minimally disruptive to your daily life.” 
You scoffed. 
“Something tells me having a wall of muscle follow me everywhere is going to disruptive,” you said. “But the studio says jump, we say how high, right?” 
“Hey, I don’t make the rules,” Quinn said.
“We all know who does,” you muttered darkly, getting to your feet. “Well, since all this was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not, I think I’m done wasting my time here.” 
You turned to Joel and he found himself in the unnatural position of looking up to someone, his jaw tight as you levied those exacting eyes on him again. 
“See you in the morning,” you said, reaching down and helping yourself to another sip of his coffee with a wink before stepping over his legs and heading out the door in a whirl of soft perfume and flowing fabric. He looked back to the coffee cup. Your lipstick was on the rim.
Joel tried not to think about how you looked at him as Tommy finished up with the formalities, the conversation between his brother and Quinn a drone he couldn’t really make out over the noise in his head as his leg bounced impatiently.
When Tommy had looked at him just now, the silent request for permission, he should have bowed out. He should have said he didn’t want to put his life on the line for some spoiled fucking brat and gone home. But he hadn’t and he couldn’t back out of this now. It didn’t matter how much you made him think of his daughter. It didn’t matter how your eyes seemed to cut him to the quick. He owed Tommy. When he’d started in this business, he’d told his brother that he could do this work and sometimes that meant doing shit he wasn’t comfortable with. He would just have to live with that. 
Eventually, Joel gave up on sitting still. 
“Be downstairs,” he said gruffly to Tommy when the conversation with Quinn lulled for a moment. He didn’t wait for a response before going for the elevator, relieved that it as empty on the way down to the lobby as it had been on the way up. 
But the ground floor of the hotel was not the quiet place it had been when Joel had arrived. Instead, there was a press of people just outside the doors, phones up and loud enough that he could hear them through the glass. He frowned for a moment before he realized what it was, the metal of your bangles catching the light as your arm rose above the crowd, a phone clutched in your hand as you took a selfie. 
“Jesus,” Joel muttered, stalking over toward the door. 
At least, he thought, he wasn’t on duty until tomorrow. If you really wanted to handle shit that bad on your own? Fine by him. 
The doorman held the door for him and Joel gave him a stiff nod as he tried to force his way from the building, but the press of people was becoming suffocating, every inch of sidewalk crammed tight. 
“Can I get a selfie?” 
“My girlfriend loves you, can you say hi to her on video?” 
“Can I have an autograph?” 
“Look, I’m happy to give you all whatever you want,” you said, voice friendly but still curt. “But I need a little room to breathe, OK? I’m not in a rush, we’ve got time, it’s…” 
Someone from the outside edge of the crowd shoved forward, sending the press of people toward you, Joel tall enough that he could see how they tripped and jostled, sending you stumbling into the person at your back. You had to fight for the space to stand up again, the man you’d fallen into’s hand running up your side to your chest, cupping the underside of your breast as you tried to find a way to separate from him. If it wasn’t for the look on his face, Joel might have given him the benefit of the doubt. But his lecherous smile gave him away, and the thinly veiled look of disgust on your face told him you knew exactly what this man was trying. 
Something that hadn’t existed much since Joel lost everything took over. It was rage, blind and violent and coursing through him sharp and heady. That rage didn’t give him a chance to really think, but then, it never had. Not when he was a kid and his dad was on some bender, not when he was some hotheaded teenager looking to pick a fight with a bully at school, not when he was at a bar and saw someone who could have killed his daughter. It was no different now as he practically dove into the crowd, forcing the group apart and not caring if people got pushed into the street or shoved to the ground.
“Move!” Joel yelled, not that it seemed to do much beyond warn people that he was coming for them. He reached you in a matter of seconds, towering over the man who’d decided to take advantage of your vulnerable position to grope you. The man - more of a kid, likely some student at UT who didn’t know his ass from hole in the ground - gaped up at him, his eyes wide and his hand still on your breast. 
Joel took your arm and pulled you, roughly, away from his grip, tucking you behind him before refocusing on the kid in front of him. 
“You think that shit’s funny?” Joel asked, his hand curling into a fist. “Touchin’ a woman without permission?” 
“I was just…” he looked afraid and something inside Joel flared with pride at that. Look at what he could do, he thought, it looked like he was capable of something after all. 
“Know what you were just,” Joel cut him off, mockingly, before grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him back into a marble pillar. The kids head smacked against it with sickening crack. “Do that shit again and I’ll bust your jaw.” 
Joel released him and the kid slumped to the ground before he turned to find you, looking down at the kid with your mouth slightly open. 
“C’mon,” Joel said, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him, ducking your head down low to ruin the picture for anyone who might be trying to take one. “Let’s go.” 
He looked around, the crowd thinner now but all watching him. 
“Move!” He roared again. This time, they listened, parting like the Red Sea as he ushered you quickly away, back into the hotel. He looked to the door man, trying not to glare at him too hard. “Those assholes don’t come inside, we clear?” 
“Yes sir,” the man said quickly.
Joel looked to you next. 
“Where’s your car?” 
“Valet,” you said, your forehead in your hand. “I didn’t get a chance to even grab it yet, someone must have tipped off some fucking gossip blog that I was here…” 
“Got the ticket?” Joel asked. You sighed and fished it out of your pocket and handed it over before Joel took it to the front desk and told them to have your car brought out back. He also got directions to the loading dock before going back to find you, in the same spot on the plush lobby couch, fingers laced together, elbows braced on your knees. 
“C’mon,” Joel said, making you jump before looking up at him. “They’re bringing your car around back, we’ll get you out of here without those fuckers knowin’.” 
You looked back down at the ground before giving a stiff nod. 
“Thanks.” You got up and took a deep breath, raising your chin, an almost serene look on your face before looking to him. “Lead the way.” 
He did as you asked, watching like a hawk for anyone who might be stupid enough to try to talk to you. But no one seemed to pay you any mind, even as the two of you cut through the dining room - closed between lunch and dinner service - and into the kitchen, where dozens of cooks were working to get set for the evening. They just ducked around the pair of you, sometimes giving Joel a dirty look for getting in their way, and then you were at the loading dock. 
“Here,” Joel said, jumping down from the edge of it to the alley still damp from rain from the night before. He held his hands out to you. “I’ll help you down.” 
“Thanks, but I’d rather do it myself,” you said. You were more cautious about it than Joel but you jumped down and landed lightly beside him, brushing your hands free of the dirt from the dock before crossing your arms tightly over your chest. Your jaw was tight, the only sign on your calm, uncommonly beautiful face that something might be wrong. Joel crossed his arms, too. 
“You OK?” He asked after a moment. 
You looked at him for a second, your brows raised ever so slightly. 
“Fine,” you said after a moment before staring straight ahead again. 
“You sure?” He asked. He wasn’t sure why he was pressing. He shouldn’t care. He didn’t care.
“Yes,” you said and then you laughed once, sharply. “I mean, no, I’m not but what the fuck am I going to do about it? It’s part of the job, isn’t it?” 
Joel ground his teeth. 
“Shouldn’t be.” 
“Regardless,” you shrugged, glancing at him again. “Thank you for your help. You didn’t have to do that and… Well, I appreciate it.” 
“Sure,” he said as your car came around the corner. You dropped your arms before turning to face him. 
“Looks like it’s you and me starting tomorrow,” you said. “I’m sure your boss will give you all the details but I don’t think I caught your name.” 
“Joel,” he said after a moment. “Miller.”
You smiled, a small, almost hesitant one, the slightest upturn of your lips. 
“Joel Miller,” you repeated back to him. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m…” 
“Don’t need to tell me your name,” he said. “Pretty sure everyone on Earth knows your name.” 
You laughed again in that same, humorless way as your car stopped beside you. 
“Yeah,” you said. “I suppose they do. See you tomorrow, Joel.” 
“See you tomorrow, ma’am.” 
He watched you pull cash out of your pocket and smile more broadly at valet who was damn near gawking at you. You discreetly handed him the money as you shook his hand and Joel stayed there in the alley until he couldn’t see your car any more. 
“Holy shit,” the valet said and Joel looked down at him. He had to be about 18 years old, still wet behind the ears. Probably had fucking posters of you up in his room that he jerked off to before he went to bed. He held up the cash. “She gave me 100 bucks!” 
Joel looked down at him, making sure to draw himself to his full height. 
“You gonna tell anyone we got her out this way?” He asked. The kid swallowed hard and shook his head. “Good.” 
Joel tried not to grind his teeth as he went back inside to find his brother. He wished it wasn’t too late to back out of this. You, he thought, were going to be far more than he’d bargained for. He just hoped he was ready for it.
“I’m not wearing this.” 
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“Seriously dude?” You asked, incredulous. “Can’t you wait like… two days before picking a fight?” 
“Have you seen this fucking thing?” Ellie’s eyebrows disappeared into her bangs as she held up the hem of the blue plaid skirt that, you had to admit, looked sickeningly unnatural on your 14-year-old niece. “You could put a whole circus up this thing! And how am I supposed to kick someone’s ass in a fucking skirt?” 
“First of all, language,” you said. She rolled her eyes. You ignored her. “Second of all, you shouldn’t be kicking anybody’s ass. Why are you starting your day thinking about ass kicking? You haven’t even met these kids yet, I highly doubt you’ll need to kick someone’s ass your first day.” 
“I’d like to be able to kick someone’s ass if I need to,” she said, incredulous. “Come on. You know this is insane.” 
You sighed as the doorbell rang and you checked your watch. 7 a.m. on the nose. Well, at least the man was prompt. 
“Fine,” you sighed. “Run upstairs, put on something else…” 
Ellie took off as Esmo, your household assistant, appeared next to you, Joel by her side. 
“Morning,” he said, voice gruff. You looked him over quickly, a side arm at his belt on a pair of jeans that fit him entirely too well. You doubted they were tailored, either, they just fit him like that, the bastard. Just your luck that you’d get stuck with a bodyguard who was unnaturally good looking but also an asshole. “Thought we could get started with…”
“Sorry, that won’t work, things are a bit off the rails this morning,” you said to him quickly, not giving him a chance to respond before turning to Esmo.
“Do you still have the name of the uniform store?” You asked her. “If you do, can you see if they’re open? I think we’re going to need to stop for pants…” 
“Yes ma’am,” she said, quickly pulling out her phone. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think to get pants, the requirements were very clear…” 
“It’s not your fault,” you said quickly. Esmo had only been working for you for a few weeks and it felt like the two of you were still getting used to each other. She insisted on calling you ma’am. You insisted on doing too much for yourself. It was a delicate balance. “She’s just…” 
“OK,” Ellie came thundering down the stairs in the same sweater with a button down shirt and tie but jeans instead of the skirt. “Ready!” 
“Store opened at seven,” Esmo said, pocketing her phone. “I can take her and…” 
“I want to do it,” you cut her off, catching a glimpse of Joel’s shocked expression out of the corner of your eye as you looked back to your niece. “Alright trouble maker, ready to go?” 
“Fuck yeah.” 
“Girl,” you said. “Language, please!” 
She made a face but made her way to the front door, anyway, her thumbs looped through the straps of her book bag and you turned to Joel, still surprised at just how large he was, even after being against him the day before. 
“Assuming you’re along for the ride on this,” you said, jerking your head for the door. “But we gotta book it, with an extra stop we’re already not going to be early for her first day.” 
He still had a look of almost shock on his face but he followed behind you as you grabbed your keys and wristlet from the bowl by the door, Ellie bouncing impatiently from foot to foot. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were excited,” you teased as you made you way to the Porsche SUV you’d gotten specifically to haul Ellie around. “Almost like you want to go to school instead of hanging out with me all day.” 
“Spending time with old people does get… well, old,” she smirked, heading for the passenger seat but you stopped her. 
“Absolutely not, you’re in back,” you said, jerking a thumb toward Joel - who still hadn’t spoken. “This man has a good foot on you, we’re not making him sit back there.” 
“Ugh, fine,” she huffed but obeyed, throwing her book bag against the opposite door before clambering in as Joel went for the driver’s seat, holding out his hand for the keys. You gave him a look but he just raised his brow, his arm still extended expectantly. 
“Please,” you scoffed. “I’ll let you follow me around like some guard dog but I’m keeping some last vestige of my autonomy. I’m driving.” 
He narrowed his eyes. 
“And why not?” You asked. “Because you have control issues?”
“Do you know evasive driving tactics?” He asked. “How to watch for pursuers and safely out run them?” 
“No, but I did my own stunt driving for the Fast Track franchise,” you said wryly. “Think I’ll be fine. Now move, you’re making us late.” 
He ground his teeth. 
“We’re talkin’ about this,” he muttered before stalking off to the passenger side of the car. 
“Yeah I bet we are,” you said under your breath as you got in the car and programmed the GPS for the uniform store. 
“So,” Ellie said in a teasing tone as she leaned between the front seats as you started off. “Who are you?”
“Put on your seatbelt,” he said. 
She rolled her eyes but sat back and obeyed.
“This is Joel,” you answered for him. “He’s going to be around quite a bit.” 
“Is he like another assistant or some shit?” She asked. 
“Language,” you said and you caught a glimpse of her rolling her eyes in your rearview mirror. “And no, not an assistant.” 
“Ohhhh,” she smirked. “So he’s like a boyfriend then, got it…” 
Joel rolled his eyes. 
“I’m a bodyguard,” he said. “I’ll be protecting your…” 
“Bodyguard?” Ellie interrupted and leaned forward again, frowning. “Why do you need a bodyguard? You didn’t have one of those in LA, what the fuck?” 
“I have a bodyguard because you can’t go five minutes without saying fuck,” you said wryly. “My life is under constant threat because of…” 
“Please,” Ellie rolled her eyes. “You have a worse mouth than I do. But seriously, why do you need a bodyguard? Is something going on?” 
You saw Joel moving to talk but you spoke before he had a chance to. 
“This is just a different place than LA,” you said quickly. “People here aren’t used to people like me just showing up in grocery stores and stuff. It can get out of hand quick so the studio wanted me to have Joel around. It’s just a precaution.” 
She seemed skeptical but was satisfied enough by the bullshit explanation you’d just given her that she sat back, pulling a Savage Starlight comic book from her book bag and you smiled a little. A lot might have changed in the last few months but at least Ellie was still Ellie. 
You made it to the uniform store and told the woman inside - who was seemingly trying not to gape at you but was failing miserably - what you were looking for. She grabbed a few pairs of uniform pants in different sizes before leading Ellie to the fitting rooms and you hung back, waiting for her to change with Joel by your side. He stood facing you, eyes constantly sweeping the store as though this strip mall just outside Austin were a war zone. 
“No one told me you had a kid,” he said eventually. 
You smiled, sadly. 
“Yeah, well,” you said. “I have a kid. That’s a pretty new development, though.” 
That made him pause, his eyebrows drawing together as he looked to you. 
“I adopted her,” you said. “A few months ago. Her mom was a single parent and like a sister to me. When she got cancer, the first thing she asked me was to take Ellie if… I told her that she was nuts, that she’d be around forever and she wouldn’t need me to do anything for Ellie besides take her to Europe for a cool aunt vacation when she turned 18 but… well, now I have a kid.” 
“I…” His voice trailed off. “Shit. I’m sorry.”  
You shrugged. 
“It is what it is, I guess,” you said. “She’s why I’m here. Things in LA… I’ve always been in her life. I was the second person to ever hold her. But I’ve always kept the paparazzi far away from her, I’ve made sure she has privacy and that she was as sheltered from that part of my life as she could be. I want to settle into this with some version of normal, one that isn’t possible when I’m in LA. And you, Joel, are throwing quite a wrench into that.” 
“Oh this is so much better,” Ellie threw the door to the changing room open with a flourish, in a pair of blue pants that perfectly matched the blue of the sweater. “Not as good as jeans but better than that stupid freaking skirt.” 
“Alright,” you said. “We’ll take five of those and then we have to get you to school because there’s no point in loading you up on uniforms just to have you miss your first day, let’s go.” 
You weren’t as early as you wanted to be - you’d been hoping to have a chance to meet Ellie’s teachers before the day started but that plan was shot - but at least kids were still arriving. You grabbed a baseball cap from your glove box, Joel stiffening as you reached between his legs to open it and you resisted the urge to smirk at that. As though you’d be trying to come onto him at all let alone with your niece in the car. 
Hat on so you were somewhat disguised, you walked with Ellie and Joel to the front of the stone building, one that had clearly taken inspiration from the ivy league schools the kids who went here were all but destined to attend. A gray haired woman in a charcoal pantsuit rushed out to greet you, an almost stern look on her face. 
“Welcome to Austin Preparatory Academy,” she extended her hand. “I’m Amanda Stark, headmistress here.” 
“Good to meet you,” you said, taking her hand, feeling Joel standing oddly close to your back. “This is Ellie, she’s looking forward to starting here today and…” 
“We’re looking forward to having her,” she smiled a little at Ellie before redirecting her attention to you. “But I’m afraid there’s been some… ah… miscommunication about the uniform. Girls are required to wear skirts. I’m sure we have…” 
“No miscommunication,” you smiled a little, steeling your spine. From the moment you’d caved to Ellie, you knew this was coming. But you’d been prepared to fight far bigger battles over this kid, this wasn’t going to be any different. “Ellie just prefers to wear pants. It wasn’t a problem at her last school, I’m sure it won’t be a problem here.” 
Ellie stuck her chin out, smirking a little and defiant as ever and you resisted the urge to elbow her. She could at least act like she wasn’t going to get her way. 
“But it is,” the headmistress said. “The uniform code here has been this way for decades and…” 
“And I’m sure you’re not suggesting that just because something has been done one way that it should continue to be done that way at the expense of students’ comfort and learning experience,” you finished for her, smiling tightly.
“We have expectations for our students,” she said, her jaw clenched. “Just like they will have one day to be successful in life, and…” 
“And you’re wearing pants,” you nodded to her suit. “And so am I. Of course, if you’re suggesting that neither of us is successful then…” 
“No, no of course not, that’s not…” 
“Wonderful!” You said brightly. “I’m glad that’s settled. I’m sure Ellie won’t cause any disruption wearing the uniform pants and now I won’t need to spend my day contacting every major news network here in Austin and asking them to come here and chat with me about your archaic gender rules and expectations. Sound good?” 
You watched her grind her teeth for a moment. 
“Of course,” she said after a moment of silence hanging in the air. “But we are close to the start of the school day and…” 
“Yes, I don’t want to be a distraction,” you smiled before turning to Ellie, tucking a hair that had already broken free of her ponytail behind her ear. “Alright kid, behave yourself, OK?” 
“Yes Sissy,” she rolled her eyes. Your heart still tightened a little when she called you that. She sounded so much like her mother, Anna. You loved that Ellie called you the same thing her mother had but still, it stung.
“I’ll be back to pick you up,” you said, putting your hands on her shoulders. “Have a good first day, OK?” 
“Oh I will,” she said and you watched her head into the building with the headmistress at her side until you couldn’t see her anymore. 
“OK, she’s dropped,” Joel said, his voice tight. “Let’s move, this place isn’t secured.” 
“Well that sure seems like a gap in security, doesn’t it?” You said, brows raised. 
“One I would have fixed if anyone had bothered to tell me you had a damn kid,” he practically growled. 
“Probably a bad idea for your boss to not have insisted on bringing me into the conversation then, wasn’t it?” 
He looked at you, his face hard. 
“Keys.” He held out his hand.
You laughed once. 
“Keys?” You said. “Really? Just ‘keys,’” you grunted it like he did, “that’s it?”
“Your kid is inside,” he said, hand still out. “Don’t have her to use an excuse now so, keys.” 
You looked at him for a moment, the firm set of his jaw, the flecks of gray just starting in at his temples. He was a good looking man, tall and broad with a rugged look to him. He’d make a good cowboy in a western, you thought, or maybe a hardened detective. But protecting someone like you seemed out of place for him. Beneath him a little, almost like he was a sell out.
“No,” you said simply, ducking around him and heading for the car. 
He followed closely behind you, even his footfalls gruff and angry. You sped up a little but he stepped in front of you, anyway, his oddly large body blocking your door. He opened his mouth - probably to try to order you around again - but you cut him off before he had the chance. 
“I’m not letting you drive,” you said. “It doesn’t matter what you do or what you say. If you want to drive, you’re going to have to pick me up and move me so, if you want to get out of here quickly and without causing a scene, you’ll get in the passenger seat and we can go.” 
For half a moment, you thought he might actually throw you over his shoulder. Instead, he just grunted and stalked around to the other side of the car, ripping the door open roughly. You pressed your lips together, trying not to laugh. All this pretense over some stupid letters from some over zealous fan. 
You got in the car and dropped the keys in Joel’s lap. He frowned, picking them up. 
“You want to have the keys so bad? Fine.” You pushed the button and the car roared to life. “I’ve got them right where I want them.” 
“You gotta come to terms with how this shit is going to work,” he said sharply. “You can’t just do whatever the hell it is you feel like. I get that you’re some spoiled fuckin’ actress who only ever does exactly what she wants whenever she wants but I got news for you, I don’t give a shit how many movies you’ve been in or awards you’ve won. I care about keeping your ass alive and to do that, you gotta listen to me. I ain’t one of those fuckin’ ass kissers you spend all your time with so we can do this the hard way or the easy way but either way, it’s gonna be my fuckin’ way. Understood?” 
You watched him for a moment, your tongue between your teeth to keep from snapping at him. It was something you were used to, something you’d been doing since you were a girl, always shutting up while the people who were more powerful than you - people you’d made fucking rich - made every decision for you. 
That was one thing on set and in your career and even for posed fucking paparazzi shots but not in your real life. 
“I need coffee,” you said, putting the car in drive. “Coffee?” 
“I’m sure you got people who can do that for you,” he said, his jaw clenched. 
“Yes, but where’s the fun in that?” You smirked before nodding down to his wrist. “Oh, also? Your watch is broken.” 
You pressed the gas harder than you should have, the car jumping sharply forward, wondering just how far you could push your new shadow before he backed out.
Next Chapter
A/N: OK I'm already in love with writing how these two push each other's buttons. Annoying Joel Miller is my passion, I can't wait to drive this man absolutely insane over the arc of this fic.
Thank you so much for being patient as I wrapped up Yearling and went on vacation! I'm hoping to update this once a week going forward so you won't need to wait quite so long between chapters from here on out. I hope you enjoyed getting to know these two a little better!
Taglist: @christinamadsen @eff4freddie @brittmb115 @copperhalfcent @r3dheadedwitch @pedropascalsbbg @lovelyjess69 @yopossum @moel-jiller @picketniffler
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sea-lanterns · 18 days
Now I’m just imagining Goat! Ganyu breaking into your bedroom while you’re asleep, only to munch on your pajamas till you wake up naked 💀
The scream you let out alerts House Cat! Lynette and Golden Retriever! Navia (they live with you) to your room and they just see you naked, your clothes all tattered up in shreds, and a Goat! Ganyu sitting on your stomach with her cheeks full of what used to be your pajamas…
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rhapsoddity · 2 months
a sanctuary crumb perhaps? i miss my boy
have a guy
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bubvy · 6 months
(Welcome to the sanctuary au!!)
In this world people with any sort of magical/ supernatural properties are hunted down.
Missa and Tallulah are currently trying to find a sanctuary people have been talking about
The only problem is it's said to be protected by something murderous and inhuman
But what choice does Missa have?He has to get Tallulah somewhere safe
So Missa and Tallulah end up on the edge of the forest of where the sanctuary is rumored to be, but they're being chased
The hunters caught up to them, there's no time to go in calmly
So Missa grabs Tallulah and just starts running in. He knows whatever is protecting this place knows he's there
But all he can do is run.
The hunters are right on their tail.. only as he keeps running he can hear as their screams turn from those of anger, to fear.
And then silence
In that moment, Missa knows he's the next target
Missa hears the flap of wings and knows it's approaching, before he can even really think hes pushing Tallulah into a small hollow under a tree.
Before he can even turn he's hitting the ground
As his head is reeling from the bounce off the ground, he can distantly feel his mask being pulled
As his eyes focus he comes face to face with the creature who just took out the entire hunting group after him and his daughter
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It's his daughter who ends up saving him. Jumping out of the hiding spot and throwing herself ontop of her Papa
As missa frantically tries to put her behind him, he watches as the bird locks his eyes on her
Then steps back before beckoning the two to follow
Missa cautiously picks up his daughter and starts after him.
(Missa doesn't miss how his mask was not returned)
As missa follows behind the bird, he can't help but wonder why he was allowed to live
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twst-drabbles · 7 months
Octavinelle 17
Summary: A stranger approaches you while you're relaxing on the beach. Your large seafolk don't really take to people just coming up to you all that well.
(My brain is all over the place again. Writing a little bit of everything. Have patience and enjoy the seafolk intimidating peeps with their large forms. I have written, so many words!)
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That pocket dimension back home was a strange thing indeed. There wasn't really a surface to breach, nor was there a beach to lay on. It was just water in all directions, no matter how far one goes.
So, with the help of some potions and other magical things, you took the seafolk right into an odd beach that you're more than sure Crowley made somehow. You don't know how, but it had crow shape stones sitting on top of a boulder, so you know he did something.
Well, either way, this place was yours for the playing and the relaxing with.
As soon as you set up the towel and umbrella, all of the seafolk carefully set into the water before they all just dove in.
Azul sank deep into the water as soon as he morphed into his true form, just making bubbles with his lips while he sat there and enjoyed the sun.
Jade seemed to be carving into a raised rock in the water with his claw. He always seems to be busying himself with various little projects and hobbies. Likes to keep his hands busy when he can, for one reason or another.
And Floyd was, well, being Floyd. He was diving to the bottom and seems to be digging for things. Clams, sand-dollars, dead starfish. And just when you weren't paying attention to him, he threw wet sand and seaweed right at your knees.
You didn't exactly come to the beach for yourself to be perfectly honest. Sure, the waters are crystal clear and the weather was just perfect, but it was just one of those days where you simply want to bask in the sun, take in the sea-salt smell and listen to the waves as the seafolk played among themselves.
"Uh, hey! Excuse me," then, an unfamiliar voice interrupted your daydreaming. "Is this spot taken?"
A stranger has made there way here. In a place with clear signs that this was a private beach.
You gave a sigh and pushed yourself up.
"Yeah, spot's taken," you waved behind you, "might want to go elsewhere. It's a private beach."
"Wait, really? Well, can I stay? It's not like you anyone needs to know. You don't really need all this space to yourself right? See, it's my kid's birthday and I wanted to bring the family somewhere really special and--"
Then, there was a dual harsh clicking, right from the throats of Jade and Floyd as they crawled from the waters they were just splashing around in. Jade came to your right side, Floyd covered your left. Water dripped off of them both and right onto your skin.
A hand landed gently dug its gray fingers into sand and your once guppy dragged himself out of the ever-deep ocean. Deliberately slow, both to not make the waves blanket you while you're relaxing under the shade and also to establish a presence.
You would scold him, but Azul's entirely too in character to really listen. He, Jade and Floyd. Look at them all. Jade was curling his large tail this was and that around your legs to truly make his size and length known. Floyd was grinning and looked three seconds away from slithering right up to this stranger and squeezing him just for the fun of it. And Azul…
Azul didn't do anything besides plop his chin on his folded hands, oh so politely lowering himself just to meet the gaze of this stranger who wandered into this spot snagged. His smile wasn't wide but it was there. Empty, not a shred of warmth in there, but charming to those that don't know him.
"My, I wasn't expecting a guest at all, especially not on this private part of the beach," without the water and layers of barrier to separate you all, Azul's voice was sharper than you're used to. Weird. "Had I known ahead of time that strangers were prone to just wandering into places they're not supposed to be, I would've prepared some entertainment."
Ah. He's angry. Just angry and annoyed. Doesn't see this person as any sort of threat or danger, otherwise there wouldn't be any words. There would only be odd masterfully manipulated waves as they avoid you, but drag this stranger under into the dark depths of the sea.
"Should I do the honors and receive this guest?" Jade gave a wide smile, baring his teeth, "I'll be sure to give them the warmest of welcomes."
"Oh come on, isn't it my turn this time?" Floyd clapped a hand on Jade's shoulder, "I'm sure this little slug could do with some squeezing."
"Stop that," you sighed out, kicking Jade's and Floyd's tail off of your legs. Ugh, they're all slimed up. You didn't get up, just lifted your head to look at the slowly retreating stranger, "Yeah, you might want to leave. Public beach is a ways down from here. Hope you can snag a spot for the birthday celebration."
"Thank you so much sorry to bother you have a nice day!" Apparently that was all the permission they needed to make a mad dash out of here. Well, as much one could dash on dry sand and sandals.
"Oh dear, they tripped," Jade noted, "should I help them up?"
"Jade," you warned.
"I'm joking, dear Caretaker," he injected a lot of fondness in that sentence.
But yeah, a joke. Sure.
"Alright, now then," Azul, let the facade drop and rolled his shoulders, not used to his true weight on land, "let's leave the Caretaker to their relaxing while we take a swim, shall we?"
"Huh?" Floyd, not in the mood, flopped over right over your thighs. You made a noise of discomfort, heavy as he was, but Floyd ignored you. "I don't wanna. I'm tired of just swimming and hunting."
"Really now, why must you be like this?" Azul sighed, tired of his antics, but then something caught his eye in the distance, "Would you say no to chasing boats?"
Now that caught his attention. "Oh? Where? Let me see."
"There, that red dot in the distance," Azul didn't finish before Floyd dragged himself back into the water. He speed off and soon was out of line of sight.
"Hmm, I wonder if they'll have anything interesting on their vessel," Jade follows after, a little slower.
"Azul," you called to him before he could sink back under, "come here."
Just his face alone was enough to give you all the shade you needed and more. He leaned in close, wanting to hear every word that comes out of you.
"Make sure none of you get into legal trouble," because attempting to stop any all trouble all together was just not going to happen. May as well just settle for this instead so it doesn't go back to you.
Azul gave the softest of laughs. "Well, if that boat is so willing to risk fishing in protected waters, then they shouldn't be afraid of the consequences that may happen. Of what may lurk in the seas they treat as an untouched treasury."
"Fine fine, but I won't make promises."
Eh, that's enough for you. Trying is better than nothing.
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sweetbunpura · 15 days
Rollo and Yuu arguing with each other :3
People: Little foxes having an argument~
Rollo: We both know swearing does nothing!
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karmaspidr · 7 months
Asgore shows DS!Clover the Souls:
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jyoungbloodvo · 3 months
Y'all, I have good news...
I'm happy to say that I've been given the role of Felis Moonclaw (Catnap) in TheAppleLady's (@GlowPOP20 on Twitter, @glowpop_artisan on YT, and @glowpop20 ) Poppy Playtime AU, Poppy's Sanctuary!
(Art by @glowpop20 )
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desertsanctuary-blog · 5 months
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misscloudiedays · 7 months
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Some art of my ​Treasure sanctuary au 🐁
Little drawing of Henry interacting with Oswald cause their besties in every timeline 🔥🔥🔥
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
The Savage and the Sanctuary - Prologue
Tommy offers Joel help one last time. The prologue to The Savage and the Sanctuary, a no outbreak TLOU story found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Grief. Mentions of child death. No use of Y/N. Whole fic will be explicit so minors DNI, 18+ only.
Length: 1.3k
Fic Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3 | Next Chapter
“If you think I’m not going to fight for what’s mine, you’re insane!” 
Joel remembered the woman on the screen. She was young, beautiful, her perfectly made up face snarled in rage. He remembered her. He always remembered her. 
He remembered the scene, too. 
Sarah had loved this show. She was obsessed, one of her friends at school put her onto it and she watched it all in a matter of weeks on Netflix. 
Joel had hated this show. There were drugs and sex and Sarah was just 13 when she watched it but he’d been such a sucker for her that he let her. He’d always been a sucker for her. He always gave her whatever she asked for. 
Maybe that had been wrong.
Maybe if he’d stood his ground more, maybe if he’d been a better father instead of just giving his daughter whatever she wanted, she wouldn’t be dead. 
“Mr. Miller?” 
Joel looked away from the television, reminded that he was in the hospital and that it must be after 3 a.m. by now. The nurse stood in the doorway, an almost pitying look on her face. 
“Your brother is here to see you.” 
Joel just went back to watching the TV. The woman he remembered was still there, beautiful face streaked with tears.
“I can’t believe you,” she whispered. She was a good actress, he thought. Convincing. She sounded like she was in pain. He doubted someone like her even knew what that would really feel like, what that would really sound like. He did. He knew. 
He looked to the door, his brother standing there, the early morning beginnings of a beard on his chin, in athletic wear instead of the suit he saw him in so often these days. He looked back to the TV. 
“You can’t keep doing this, man,” Tommy said, coming in and standing beside him. The woman on the TV raised a gun. “You can’t keep beating the shit out of people you don’t like, I can’t keep trying to buy them off, Maria can’t keep talking you out of trouble with the cops… Hell, I only really talked Maria into it this time because it’s the anniversary of the day she… we know it’s hard but you’re this close to ending up in deep shit with an actual rap sheet, man.” 
She screamed and sobbed as she pulled the trigger. 
The woman panted for breath before lifting the gun to her temple. It cut to commercial. 
“Sarah loved that show,” Joel said, looking away from the TV to see Tommy close his eyes and shake his head with a sigh. 
“I know you’ve been strugglin’,” Tommy said, crossing his arms and looking at him again. “And I don’t blame you, alright? What you’ve been through… I’d be a wreck too. I know it ain’t the same but it killed me too, for a while, losing her that way. Can’t even imagine what it’s like for you. But Joel… it’s been three years now. You can’t keep destroying yourself like this, you just can’t. It’s killing me to watch you do it but I don’t got it in me to keep saving you. I cannot let you drag me down with you, not now, not with…” 
He clenched his jaw for a moment, looking back toward the door and back at Joel again. 
“Maria’s pregnant.” Joel’s heart clenched. “She’s my focus now. I want to be there for you, Joel. Lord knows I owe you after everything you did for me but I can’t do it at the expense of myself or my wife and my kid. You understand?” 
Joel nodded slowly, looking to his boots. There was a dark spot on the left toe, the leather never really clean from the blood. 
“Here,” Tommy held out a business card.
Joel frowned. 
“Think I know how to get ahold of my own brother.” 
“This ain’t for me,” Tommy said. “It’s my hiring manager. This is the last thing I’m doin’ for you, Joel. Come and work for me. I can help you that way, make sure you’re not out there on your own. You don’t got the formal training of the other guys but we can handle that. Christ knows you got the raw skill, just ask the asshole whose face you rearranged…” 
“He’s lucky that’s all I did,” Joel snapped. 
Tommy ignored him. 
“Once your hand heals up, we can get you started,” Tommy said, card still out. Joel took it, running his fingers over the embossed lettering. “I want to help you, Joel. I want to be there for you. This is the last way I can do that. Understand?” 
He just looked at the card, Miller Security in large letters, Military Grade Personal Protection in smaller ones below. The email address was for someone named Marlene. 
Joel had probably met her at some point but he didn’t remember her. Joel had been to a few company BBQs and happy hours for the private security company his brother had founded about six months after his daughter died. 
Tommy used to work alongside Joel, the two of them taking contracting work together. If wasn’t easy work but it was satisfying. Joel liked building things, liked working with his hands and seeing the physical manifestations of his labor. It wasn’t a bad life, in hindsight. Not since he’d blown it. 
After his daughter died, Joel couldn’t keep working. He tried, after a few weeks, to get back to it but he sometimes showed up drunk, sometimes didn’t show up at all. It wasn’t long before he was fired and word spread. Soon, he got shot down for every job he tried for. He’d screwed over not just himself but Tommy, too. 
That’s how Tommy came to create the security company to begin with. He had a few old special forces buddies move back to town looking for work and Tommy realized he had a lot of highly trained men with time on their hands at his fingertips. What better way to put them to use than to start a security company?
The business took off. Joel was proud of him. Or, as proud as he could be while the rot of guilt gnawed at him for letting down his then struggling brother so badly he needed to start his own fucking business to fix it. 
And now his brother - six years his junior, the kid he’d promised his mother he’d look after when she was on her death bed - was offering him a job after bailing him out at least a dozen times in three years. 
“I want to help, Joel,” Tommy said. “Please let me. Work with me, get back on your feet, have a support system. I want to help but you have to let yourself be helped. Please.” 
Joel tucked the card into the pocket of his shirt and looked at Tommy, a pleading look in his eyes. Eyes that reminded him of Sarah. 
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll email in the mornin’.” 
Tommy closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you,” he said as a nurse came in around him. “I’ll be out here, give you a ride home…” 
“We’ll have him out quick,” the woman smiled kindly as Tommy turned to go. “I’m here to handle discharge. Can you confirm your name and birthday for me?” 
“Joel Miller,” he said. “September 26, 1982.” 
“Oh!” She looked up from the chart and smiled at Joel. “Happy birthday!” 
Next Chapter
A/N: Welcome to The Savage and the Sanctuary! I like to introduce my new fics as I'm finishing up an existing one. This likely won't get chapter one for a few weeks yet but you never know what might happen! I hope you're excited to go on this journey as Joel learns to find himself again after surviving the loss of Sarah. There's a lot of angst and excitement and smut ahead! Fingers crossed you enjoy the ride.
Love you!
Taglist: @christinamadsen
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sea-lanterns · 9 days
I thought of a peregrine falcon because that statue in Inazuma has wings. Plus, Ei is very powerful and peregrine falcons can dive at 240 miles per hour which makes them fastest bird and faster than a cheetah’s speed (80 mph) and Mexican free-tailed bat’s speed (100 mph) combined. Also, one of the peregrine falcons I work with as part of also being a falconer is named Shogun. Another thing, what if Cat! Lynette is a chartreux?
Wait, that’s an interesting reason for Ei to be a falcon! I can just imagine Crow! Sara being her closest companion like always, but she dwarfs in comparison to the absolute behemoth of a bird that Ei is 😭😭 (I actually don’t know how big Peregrine Falcons are but I imagine they’re huge compared to crows)
Crow! Sara is so loyal and stays right by Falcon! Ei’s side, but it’s always comical to see her being like half Ei’s size and unafraid that Ei could demolish her if she could. (Ei would never, she’s just a big, gentle baby <33) As for Lynette, I’ve actually never heard of a Chartruex cat before, but looking it up I squealed at how cute it is because THE FACE IS SO ROUND.
ROUND FACE LYNETTE. AWGWJDHE I just know that the Vet loves cupping her face and smooshing it in her hands, maybe massaging her chubby cheeks and making Lynette grouchy but not mad enough to pull away. It also says that Chartreux cats are from France and are used as a hunting breed which I think is perfect. Lynette is definitely a skilled hunter thanks to her breed —and being raised by Panther! Arlecchino— so the Vet will oftentimes find dead rodents at the doorstop of her clinic as food offerings since Lynette thinks the Vet can’t hunt for herself.
What a good girl Lynette! The goodest of good girls!!
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Prompt 68
The witcher boys run a sanctuary for monsters. Lambert is off on his honeymoon with Aiden, and they're down a pair of hands, so they go about hiring someone to help around the plot. Only problem is only one person shows up to try and get the job. A twink with bright eyes and a big smile, in fancy colorful clothing, who admitted to knowing NOTHING about any of the monsters, and wants to do all of this for "Song Material." Geralt doubts he'll last a week. Eskel puts Geralt in charge of training him. Godsdamn it all.
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