#The Road Trip to Harvard
notes-in-the-margins · 4 months
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2x04 / 2x05
Foreshadowing Jess Mariano ✨
New York from space poster / Lorelai’s New York T-shirt and The Photograph™️
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filmbook21 · 1 year
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 4 ("The Road Trip To Harvard") Aka JessMas Eve This episode makes my list of favorite episodes. On that list of episodes, only two of them don't include Jess (the other being Rory & Paris' super gay spring break trip). So I guess you could say I enjoy the episodes where the characters manage to escape The Hollow for a bit and visit The Real World™. I already reviewed Jess' debut in the next episode ahead of schedule (which you can read here), so next time you see me post it will be Season 2, Episode 6. You can read the rest of my reviews here. I'm going to enjoy these last gasps of breath before Jess shows up and the agonies begin. Until then, let's pack our shit, print out our Mapquest directions, drag out the giant binder of compact discs, and get on with the road trip. Let me just say I admire Lorelai's ability to self reflect and admit to herself that she wasn't ready to get married and that Max wasn't the right person for her.
Rory: What did that sign say? Don't? Or Death? We're doomed. Lorelai: Wrong. We're being guided by fate.
Same things I'm saying as I await Jess Mariano's arrival.
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I love Rory's disdain for all the late 90's pop music that I cherish so dearly.
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Is that the name of the local asulym in The Hollow?
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Debatable. Lorelai: I hope you didn't get too far on that cake. I know the kind of work you were gonna put into that cake and I'd just kill myself if you went crazy for nothing.
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"Oh sure, don't worry about it Lorelai. It's not like I poured blood, sweat and tears, dozens of man-hours, and expensive ingredients into this god damn monstrosity just for you. I'm not going put you in a chokehold the next time I see you or anything. I'm Sookie! I'm too cute and quirky for that!"
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"Here's what I think about your cold feet, Lorelai. " *grabs knife*
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Awww Sookie, you're too kind. Thank you. I... don't understand Lorelai putting down Bed and Breakfasts. Doesn't she literally manage one? I suppose there is some minute difference between a charming, small town, New England "inn" run by quirky characters, and a charming, small town, New England "Bed and breakfast" run by quirky characters? Lorelai at the Cheshire Cat B&B: We can't stay here. Rory: Where are we going to sleep then? Dying of exposure in a car is my worst nightmare. Rory when she saw Jess dying of exposure in a car:
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Lorelai: We found the only room that would have made Liberace step back and say "Wow, step back, no one's that gay!" Early 2000's tv writing, everyone! Lorelai: Are you hungry enough to risk having to answer 100 questions about Chilton, your life in a small town, and your hunky hunky boyfriend? No matter how far from home she strays, Lorelai's's thoughts are never far from Dean. Handsome, tall, beautiful, hunky hunky, 16 year old bag-boy Dean Forrester.
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Rory: What do we do now? Lorelai: Go to sleep? Rory: It's only 8:30. How about we talk?
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"Please say Dean, please say Dean, please say Dean..."
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"...Damn it."
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This screen shot has so many potential uses for future reviews! I will be stealing it. Thanks Lorelai! #Yoink Lorelai calls Sookie again, who is just chilling at Luke's instead of at the Inn for once, honestly kind of an unusual sight that threw me off. Earlier in the episode, on her first call to Sookie, Lorelai asked her to have Miss Patty spread the gossip that the engagement was kaput, but we learn that news has not yet reached Luke, who is in the middle of trying to throw Kirk out of the diner for ordering 8 refills of his coffee and occupying a table for too long. Kirk: I've been trying to figure out the tip, I'm not good at math. What's 6% of $4.43? 8 cups of coffee for under $5? 55 cents a cup? Good deal. See that Gilly Girls? Someone who pays Luke for their food and even leaves a tip! Granted, he's only about to leave 26 cents but at least it's something. Learn from this man. I know Lorelai eventually begins to pay Luke back with Nature's Credit Card (booty) but that's still a few years off. Sookie breaks the news to Luke, and the Grinch's heart grew 4 sizes that day. In light of the bad news, he decides he won't charge Kirk for his (now 9) cups of coffee, forgoing his 25 cent tip, and also gives free coffee to everyone else in the diner, plunging himself even deeper into debt. Anyone else ever think about poor Jess waiting tables, depending on tips but knowing that R&L never tipped him? And Rory would never even tip him with Nature's Credit Card. Shame, that.
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I recognize the woman on the left from an episode of The Golden Girls and the guy in the middle from an episode of Seinfeld (Fun bit of trivia: Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson both made appearances on Seinfeld!)
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Sorta kinda. And now for easily the best thing ever spotted in the background of a tv show.
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Wanted: SAT Instructors? No, that's not it. Conference on Voting Modernization. Hmm, not quite...just move up a skosh there... Affordable Spanish tutoring? No..
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Rory, you desperately need a job and I notice you're not jumping to sign up for this easy gig. I think this would look impressive and really stand out on your college application and you may learn a thing or two. Dean and Jess would be very appreciative. Sadly, even with my good vision I can't make out what the rest of the tiny writing says except "Gay and straight" and that the last line is some pervy perv's email address.
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"Hey baby, you signing up for the Porn Watching job too?"
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Sounds like a good place for getting paid to watch porn. I think Jess would have loved college, and in my headcanon he definitely gets his GED and goes to college in his 20's. The WB network basically made a show about it. It's called The Bedford Diaries. Or as I affectionately call it "Jess Goes To College". The GillyGirls commit some light breaking and entering and walk into an open dorm room.
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I just wrote a song, want to hear it? Here goes: Vintage computers, oh so cute, early 2000's I love youuuu!
I know this was 2001, but Lorelai thinks it costs $100 to take a class at Harvard.
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How do you know you're really at Harvard? Everyone wears sweatshirts that say "Harvard" on them. Rory tries to sneak into the class unnoticed but drops her coffee which causes every single person in the room to turn around and angrily glare at her and she gets reprimanded by the professor for not sitting in a seat. My heart breaks for her pathetic self. But if it's any comfort to Rory, in The Real World ™ I can promise you nobody in that class would give a shit about you or your coffee.
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♫ I'm at a payphone, tryin to call Luke, I never pay him for his food ♫
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The two women next to Rory are rolling their eyes so far back in their heads they're going to make a full rotation and come back out the other side.
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Oh hey I know that guy in the red shirt! A time traveler from the distant year 2006. He didn't stick the landing, had to re-live 9/11 a month earlier and now he's being forced to listen to Rory Gilmore's thoughts on philosophy. That was a Heroes joke. That's the guy who played Hiro on the tv show Heroes. He could travel through time.
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My man in plaid here has fallen into a coma.
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Out of Context Gilly Girls Lorelai comes home and forces her mother to watch slides of their trip. Emily to Lorelai: Why would you go out of town right before your wedding? Wouldn't your fiance mind?
Heh heh, woopsie daisy! Emily thinks Lorelai eloped and flies into a rage but Lorelai tells her what happened. Emily's only response is that she's returning Lorelai's wedding gift. Lorelai once again swallows and represses her ongoing trauma and instead grills her mother on what the gift was, but she won't say. Doesn't Lorelai recieve an ice cream making machine in the mail with no return address a short time later, or was that just a fever dream? Ah, I suppose we shall soon find out. And now for the Relevant Stuff That Happens In The Last Three Minutes: Lorelai & Luke have a very sweet conversation where she decides to keep the chuppah and turn it into a positive instead of a painful reminder. Lorelai asks Luke if he will give her guidance on owning a business and he accepts. She wants to begin the process of opening an Inn with Sookie. Lorelai opens her flip phone and thank god she's just calling Sookie again and not Christopher. And Lane escaped from Korea. Good for her.
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Tomatos Sign: Spotted.
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oatzmeal · 1 month
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harvard university, cambridge massachusetts
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socialanxietysucks · 1 year
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missroller15 · 2 years
rory’s reaction to the Harvard libraries is too real 😔
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deadpoets · 6 months
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GILMORE GIRLS 02.04 | The Road Trip to Harvard
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boujeeceo · 2 years
2023 will be better
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Overall (updated)
This is the final year of 'prep'. By the end of this year I'll be in a position where I can move how I've always wanted. I'll be ready to live the life of luxury and power I've always wanted. I'm done living in working class survival mode.
Cosmetic upgrades
Nanobladed eyebrows
Full body hair removal
Base look Makeover
Skincare/Dermatologist approved skincare
New Clothes
Clothes tailored
Another 15,000$ nest egg saved
Pay off my 2 certifications 3,000$
Get 35 contacts from networking events that I can rely on and that I want to stay in contact with.
Get a job that won't burn me out! Aka a new better job w/better salary. OR get a paid internship. OR work part time for a nice small business.
Start another business!
Hit 200$ a day income
Hit 300$ a day income
Hit 400$ a day income
Hit 500$ a day income
Daily Routine
Workout (no matter what): 18%-20% Body Fat goal
1 gallon water drink
Clean eating + diet breaks
Studying (1hr-2hr) pomodoro style
Vitamins (multivitamins, and collagen powder)
Post 3 videos/pictures to IG, TikTok, or Youtube. (Maybe)
Find a therapist and Go to therapy
Get my 2 certifications in corporate finance (Harvard goal in 2025)
Read the 100-300 books on my list
Focus on to become intermediate in Violin & Recorder
Focus on to become conversationally fluent in Spanish or Mandarin
Find a new country to live in. (To leave USA in 2026)
Get another (different) certification for my career.
Live my life no matter how much money I don't have.
Fulfill a Teenage Dream
This is a stretch goal, might not happen.
Save 7,000$. And go on a two month long road trip!
Full Reinvention Loading
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panharmonium · 8 months
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GILMORE GIRLS 2.04: the road trip to harvard || seeing rory there, in a dorm room, in a classroom...she fit. she was right at home. so how you taking that? taking what? seeing her "fit"? i Ioved it. and i hated it.
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lumosinlove · 1 year
Last minute decision to do @oknutzyweek2023 because FUN!! Decided to add a little twist.
So: O’Knutzy Week (Taylor’s Version)
Day One: Summer Vacation (all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing)
Two times Logan had a cold and was a BABY about it.
There was a flood warning. The whole locker room’s phones blared to attention at once. Finn saw the coaches frowning. Someone flipped the news on. The roads were gone, frigid wind rising from the spray of cars passing through puddles that were as good as small lakes. Blurry red lights and reporters barely hanging onto their umbrellas, sleet stinging their eyes.
Finn caught Percy’s eye and could almost taste it in the wink Percy dropped him. There was no way they were making it to this game.
Max slapped him on the back, short light brown hair sticking up in every direction from his post-practice shower. “Looks like we won’t be line mates after all, Captain.”
Finn sent him a half-smile. “Hm? Oh, yeah, man. Another time.”
It wasn’t good. It wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t anything he was proud of, but the idea of going on a roadie without Logan had been enough to get Finn down for days. A strange ache huddled in his chest, confusing him until he remembered the sight of Logan, feverish and red-nosed in his bed. Max was great. They would have been great on a line together. He was fast and he kept bodies away from Finn. But Max wasn’t Logan.
“All right, boys, you called it,” Coach sighed, hanging up his phone. “Game’s off. Let’s all get home safe now. Keep a close eye on these roads, it’s a river out there.”
At least the guys had the good sense not to cheer, but Finn knew they were all glad for the break. Exams were coming up fast and called for late nights in the library. Finn was exhausted. The games had been hard. They’d been missing Logan on the ice more than any of them cared to admit. He filled gaps that Finn never even thought to look for.
And it wasn’t good. It wasn’t healthy. But Finn felt stretched thin, brittle and sullen, when Logan wasn’t near.
Among the rustle of guys packing up and leaving, Finn hid a small smile, shoved his earbuds in, and pressed call.
The five rings it took for Logan to answer felt like the distance laughing in Finn’s face.
“Hm,” came from the line.
“Did I wake you?” Finn asked.
“Non,” Logan rasped, but Finn could hear it in his voice. He looked down at the call-screen, brushing a thumb over Logan’s contact picture: Grinning, half rolling his eyes maybe. From one of the boys’ pre-season road trips. Finn could just see his bare shoulders, and maybe no one else knew, but Finn had memorized the way his body had looked that day. Golden and strong. Hidden curves of muscles that Finn had mapped out with his thumbs, that one time. Once.
“Finn?” Logan’s voice asked, accompanied by a harsh cough.
“Oh, sorry, hi.” Finn rubbed his eyes. “Hi, I’m here. Just calling to say game’s cancelled.”
“You’re coming home?”
Finn laughed softly. The hope in Logan’s voice was unmistakable. “You’re such a baby when you’re sick.”
“Bring me soup.” 
“I will, I will.”
Finn wished he could make Logan soup, the real kind that his dad got from the deli around the corner when he and Alex were sick. Slight crunch of carrots, soft celery, thick egg noodles, bayleaf and rosemary. He wanted Logan to be better.
Finn zipped up his backpack. “Can you get better already?”
All he got in return was a disgruntled scoff. “I’m trying.” Then, after a moment, “You miss me?”
Finn smiled. He didn’t care who saw. It was Logan’s voice in his ears and his ears alone. “You know it.”
“Yo,” Percy said when the door to OKN slammed behind them. They were all freezing, knuckles tucked under the straps of their backpacks. “You going to check on the gremlin?”
“Yeah,” Finn said. “Kitchen first though. Gotta heat up some chicken noodle.”
Percy snorted. “He knows the stairs still work the same, right?”
Finn dropped his bags and laughed. “Oh, he knows.”
He went to the cupboard and found the cans of chicken noodle he’d picked up. The sink was a mess but he scrubbed a pan clean then stood close to the hot burner while it boiled. The rain was turning to snow outside and he, honestly, couldn’t remember the last time he’d been actually warm. He held his palms over the soup, beginning to bubble, and tried to rub some of the rawness out of his knuckles. He put it in a mug, easier for Logan to hold. Silver, Percy’s dog, came in and sniffed at his ankles, whining until Finn fished a piece of carrot out with the spoon and gave it to her.
How long did this storm give him to relax? A day or two. He still had to finish his Romanticism paper. He needed that book from Kelsey in his theory class. Logan’s soup was getting cold, Logan was sick, Logan was falling behind on his reading and there was only so much Finn could do to help. Logan, maybe, would let Finn spoon up against his back again while he shivered through his fever.
When he opened Logan’s door, he was hit with—well, the only word Finn’s brain supplied was summer. Logan had the heat in his room high, blankets wrapped tight around his shoulders. He was a half-visible lump in the bed, the darkness as good as humidity.
“Jesus,” Finn said as warmth began to seep back into his fingers. “Lo?”
No reply. Finn shut the door softly, then sat on the edge of Logan’s bed, setting the soup down. He put a hand on Logan’s back.
“Got your soup, baby,” he said—and then snapped his mouth shut. He’d meant it as—no, he’d meant—He’d meant here’s your soup. You big baby. But he hadn’t—had he? Baby. I just want to take care of you, and read all of your books to you and I want you to feel better, I miss you, I don’t know how to play without you—
Slowly, Logan rolled onto his back and blinked up at him. Finn stared back and had no idea if he’d heard or not. Baby.
“Raining?” Logan asked.
“Snow,” Finn said. He tapped a fingernail on the mug, making a soft clinking sound. “Soup.”
“We have to study.” Logan groaned and turned into his pillow before pushing himself up on one elbow. His hair was a mess. Needed a wash, too. When the blankets fell down, Finn swore he felt another wave of heat roll off of Logan’s bare chest and sink into his very bones.
“Don’t worry about that now,” Finn said. “Little vacation first, maybe.”
After a moment, one green eye peaked out at him. “Vacation?”
“Feels like the Bahamas in here, that’s good enough for me.”
Logan groaned. “I feel like the Bahamas.”
“So you are feeling better.”
“Non, ugh.”
Finn laughed, but at the frown that settled between Logan’s eyebrows, he quieted. It was a small risk, but he didn’t think Logan would call him on it—He pushed Logan’s sweaty hair off of his forehead. “I know, Lo. I’m sorry.”
Logan closed his eyes. “Oh, your hand is so cold.”
“Oh, sorry.” Finn made to pull back, but Logan gripped his wrist and kept him there.
“Non. Non, it feels good.” Logan dragged Finn’s hand to his cheek and let out a breath. “Fuck.”
Finn could only watched, lips parted, as Logan pressed Finn’s hands against his own neck, his chest, his forehead and cheeks. Finn didn’t dare move on his own. He let Logan put him where he wanted.
After what felt like an hour of Finn holding his breath and trying not to enjoy this too much, Logan let him go and sat up for his mug. He made a face that was something between relieved and dissatisfied.
“This soup is terrible.” He gave a shiver and sank back down into his blankets.
“I know,” Finn said, still caught on the soft roll of the R in Logan’s mouth. His lips were red, chapped. His eyes were vividly green against his fever-bright cheeks.
“What can I do?” Finn said softly. He needed to do something.
Logan looked at him for a long moment. Finn wanted him to say get in. Pull those heated, Logan-filled blankets back for him and let Finn sink into his favorite universe. The one where they might be each other’s.
“Nothing,” Logan whispered.
Nothing. That word out of Logan’s mouth could send him any which way. What could Finn do? Nothing. Nothing is what this seemed, sometimes. But it was everything. Finn was hopelessly trying, pushing and pushing himself to keep up with Logan. To try and figure out what Logan wanted from him. What more could he do?
Logan reached out and grabbed Finn’s hand again, bringing it back to his forehead. It startled a small laugh out of Finn.
“I’m glad you’re home,” Logan said. “D’accord?”
Finn sighed, but nodded. “Okay.”
Present Day
“My poor baby,” Finn said, trying to hide his laugh as he pushed the hair off of Logan’s clammy forehead. “Poor baby boy.”
Logan just tucked his nose up against Finn’s neck and grabbed at his hand until Finn was holding him even tighter around his waist, rubbing cool fingers up and down his spine.
“You are such,” Leo said from the doorway, where he had appeared with a tray of soup and ginger beer. “a baby when you’re sick.”
“Yon,” Finn said. “Always have been.”
Leo set the tray down on the other side of the bed and picked up the mug. He propped himself up against the headboards and Logan, slowly, rolled over and into his arms instead. Leo wrapped his arm around Logan’s shoulders so he could still reach the spoon. “Am I feeding you, is that what’s happening?”
“Yep,” Finn said. “Looks like it.”
Leo just shook his head, but let Logan lean up for a spoonful of broth.
“Merde,” Logan swallowed, his cheek smushing back against Leo’s t-shirt. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life.”
Finn met Leo’s eyes to catch his grin. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
Logan accepted a few more spoonfuls before sitting up himself and taking more eager sips. His eyes flashed disgruntled. “I just want to get better.” He looked wistfully out the window. “It’s summer, we’re supposed to be on vacation.”
“Hey,” Finn held up a hand. “What more would I rather be doing on my vacation that stay holed up with you two?” 
“Same,” Leo said. “Lo, you’ll feel so much better in a few days.”
“I know but…Yeah. I know. Just ugh.” He took another long sip. “This soup is really the best thing I’ve ever had.”
Leo laughed. “I’ll get you some more.”
Finn watched Logan’s eyes follow Leo out through the doorway. He had that same feverish flush to his cheeks. Glassy green eyes, red nose.
“Remember the snow storm?” Logan asked suddenly.
Finn nodded. “Mhm.”
“Me too,” Logan said.
When they smiled at each other, it wasn’t all that sad.
“What do you need, baby?” Finn asked, rubbing a hand over his bare chest. “What can I do?”
“Be here,” Logan said. He pressed a kiss to Finn’s neck. “I need you two.” He smiled, eyes darting towards the kitchen. “Do you need anything?”
Finn shook his head, watching as Logan brought up his hand to cradle against his own cheek. “Just you two.”
After Logan fell asleep again, Finn found Leo in the kitchen, humming softly to himself. He was stirring the big pot on the stove and Finn settled his hands on his hips.
“Smells so good, Le.”
“You want some, too?” Leo asked, holding the spoon up for Finn to taste. “Need anything?”
Finn accepted it gratefully, but he turned his head and kissed the corner of Leo’s mouth. “No, nothing.” Nothing. It was the fullest word he’d ever used. “Just you humming in the kitchen.”
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
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Or’s favorite Gilmore Girls episodes: 2.04 | The Road Trip to Harvard
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saltygilmores · 1 year
My Top 10 Gilmore Girls Episodes
10 There’s the Rub
9 Dead Uncles and Vegetables
8 Concert Interruptus
7 Rory and Paris on spring break
6 Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving
5 That’ll Do Pig (aka the Winter Carnival)
4 Road Trip To Harvard
3 Bracebridge Dinner
2 They Shoot Gilmores Don’t They
1 Lorelai’s Graduation Day
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weepynymph · 1 year
I have a new favourite pet theory
That this photo that Jess picks up
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Is actually this photo from Road Trip to Harvard
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Bonus gif because he's so deranged for this:
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He really just went 'Oh, hello! Pretty girl alert!' 😂
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lyrakanefanatic · 1 year
Okay so I’ve been seeing @hathorneheiress do tig family hcs and I wanted to try that as well
but with my own!
- Grayson and phone girl (maybe 😜) would have one daughter
- Libby and Nash would have two girls
- Xander and max would have a boy and a girl, exactly the amount max wanted
- Avery and Jameson weren’t gonna have too many kids, but then Avery got pregnant with twins so they just left it at that 💀
- Avery’s daughter and Graysons daughter are 4lifers, and they hang out all the time
- they’re also super close with Xander’s daughter
- Nash and Libby’s daughters are polar opppsites. One’s quiet and shy and the other is popular and loud, but they both are best friends
- Graysons daughter is Rory Gilmore smart, and it’s her dream to go to Harvard like her dad (yes, like Rory and yes, I know Grayson dropped out 💀)
- jameson’s son and Graysons daughter have eternal beef for absolutely no reason, but they’re also very close. Also, Graysons daughter has definitely chased him around the house with a knife before.
- maxs son is super into books like his mom, and practically lives in the Hawthorne house libraries
-jameson’s daughter is super theatric and leads the school plays at her school
- and max’s daughter is smart, and more outgoing and extroverted than her brother
- she also loves board games and puzzles, and loves chess just like her mom
- Graysons daughter is TERRIFIED of sports. Like if she sees a ball coming towards her she will run away screaming, which kind of shocked Grayson since he was so athletic and into those kind of things
-but jameson’s daughter (and son) LOVES sports, and will take any chance she can get to do them
- all of the kids (except Graysons daughter) were terrified of Grayson till the age of 5, when they finally realized he’s nice and wont kill them in their sleep 💀
- Xander’s daughter uses big words even though she doesn’t know what they mean, like machiavellian
- Graysons daughter and Savannah are besties and hang out every chance they get
- all the kids love gigi and hug her every time they see her (🥺💖💖)
- the kids (except graysons daughter) were even more scared of Savannah then they were of Grayson, and Xander’s son would even cry everytime she would try to talk to him till he was like 7
-Nash and libby have a million holes in their backyard because their daughters wanted fish and they all died, and even though the fish kept dying after two days nash would still buy them even more 😭😭
- one time they rented a huge van/trailer and tried to do cute family road trip with all of them, and it did NOT go well
- graysons daughter and Avery’s son were both beefing (again, bc whose surprised) for absolutely no reason
-Xander’s daughter was throwing up on the side of the road because she has motion sickness
- jameson’s daughter was blasting Hamilton songs and was pissing everybody off, especially her brother, because apparently Hamilton songs “make his ears bleed”
- that started another argument
- xanders son kept asking Nash “are we there yet” every 5 minutes
- Nash’s daughter (the eldest and louder one) kept singing along to her music despite having headphones in, and then ANOTHER argument broke out between her and her sister
- Nash had finally had enough and yelled at all of them saying, “stop arguing! Can’t we all have fun as a family for once?”
- all the kids felt guilty but Jameson’s daughter and graysons daughter we’re trying so hard not to laugh
- anyways they finally made it to their place and never went on a road trip again
Okay I’m finally done, sorry it’s so long I have way too many ideas 😭😭
Again, thank you @hathorneheiress for giving me the idea 🫶🫶
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