the-modern-typewriter · 3 months
Its always really great to read your work in my free time. Would you maybe consider a short story involving the hero's sidekick being killed by one villain, so the hero's primary villain goes to their hideout to console them
"Hey." The villain announced their presence as softly as they could, wary of startling the hero.
The hero didn't startle. They didn't even look up, or twitch. They continued to stare at a blank piece of the floor, jaw set, like the flagstones contained all the answers in the universe.
"I - uh - I heard what happened." The villain moved closer, slowly, making sure not to dip out of the hero's periphery vision. "I'm sorry."
The hero was clutching something in one white-knuckled fist - what was it?
"I know my saying that doesn't change what happened," the villain pressed, as the hero continued to say or acknowledge nothing. "But I'm so sorry for your loss. They were a good kid. Brave. How are you..how are you doing?"
It was a scrap of clothing. A bloodied scrap of clothing. The sidekick's uniform.
The villain closed their eyes briefly, releasing a breath. When they opened them, the hero's gaze was locked on them. The villain nearly jumped. The hero's stare was dark, boring into them with a drill-like precision, fierce and hard enough that the hairs on the back of the villain's neck stood on end.
They'd seen that stare before. Just the once.
And what had followed...
They through caution to the wind and crossed the room to the hero's side, kneeling in front of them and taking the hero's jaw firmly in their hands.
They had come expecting tears. Heartbreak. Something they could soothe and console and hold the hero through, perhaps, though the two of them would never speak of it again.
They should have known better.
"I know you want to kill them-"
"-Don't." The hero's voice was raspy, but unforgiving. They let the scrap of clothing fall to the floor, like it was nothing, and not the red flag of a bull fight screaming. "Don't try and stop me."
"You try and stop me. Every time."
"I'm not you."
"No," the villain agreed. Calm against the tempest. They dug their nails a little harder into the hero's skin, grounding. "They actually looked up to you."
"Fuck you."
"I'm not suggesting you don't seek vengeance," the villain said. "I'm merely suggesting you be smart about it. But that's another matter."
The hero bared their teeth, though they hadn't lashed out yet despite the dark look in their eyes, so the villain was definitely taking that as a win.
The villain caressed their cheek; wishing they could find some joy in the corruption of it, in the proof of what so many good people were willing to do in the name of grief and justice.
They couldn't.
Not when the hero looked like that. So hollow. Like if the villain simply scraped out the fury, softened the sizzling hatred a bit, let time heal the hurting, there would be nothing left all.
"Do I need to tell you that it wasn't your fault?" the villain asked.
"I know whose fault it was!"
"Are you going to try and stop me?"
"Tonight, yes. Tomorrow...that's on you."
"You didn't even like them."
The villain shrugged. They both knew liking someone wasn't the same as respecting them, and certainly they weren't convinced the sidekick wouldn't come back as a poltergeist if the villain let the hero loose to lay carnage on the very night they died.
No. The villain didn't even like them, but they did like the hero, and they knew what the hero's sidekick would want them to do.
"Is that why you came here?" the hero demanded.
"No. Unhappy coincidence. I came to check on you."
The hero finally wrenched their head free, chair scraping as they surged to their feet. "I don't need checking up on. I'm fine. I'll be fine when I feed that bastard their own windpipe."
There were many things the villain could have said to that, and would have said to that, on any other night. As it was, they watched the hero. Watched the shaking volcano of them, the tremors and ever more devastating fragility of something that might just shatter completely.
"Oh, don't look at me like that," the hero snarled. "And don't you dare say that it's okay for me to be angry."
The villain shut their mouth. About to say just that, and more.
The hero shook their head. They slumped back into their seat, in perfect stillness, as quickly as they'd moved.
"Tomorrow," they said. "Tomorrow, then."
"Tomorrow. If that's what you truly want. Then I'll help you kill the bastard myself."
The hero reached for the scrap of material again, tucking it close against their chest, head bowed. Their fingers continued to tremble. The villain was not stupid enough to consider it weakness.
The villain would pick up the pieces after that.
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mareastrorum · 2 months
Omg, the contrast of Astrid letting Caleb teleport away when Trent was hunting the Nein versus Essek bringing mercenaries to trap her and preventing her every attempt to escape.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 6 months
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simonrillleyyysss · 6 months
me after some fifteen year old puts philip graves in their bio (he’s mine we’ve been married for 13 years)
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ahlaway · 8 months
The only thing I am certain of is that no one is leaving purgatory with the same feelings of bbh they went in with.
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thebirthofvenusfly · 3 months
if i asked to escape my current timeloop and was given an out to be directly put into myself's timeloop again as an onlooker and both of us trapped together and then watch them succeed at every turn I crumbled on and get the ending I deserved do you understand the hell I would raise
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steelvermin · 5 months
The rage! Nowhere to put it! I will never be normal! Or at least never feel like it! The rage!
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lalalaugenbrot · 6 months
ich hab keine ahnung welche marketing-strategie da gerade durch sämtliche unrernehmen gereicht wird und es regt mich schon genug auf, dass eine software nach der anderen komplett random zum Du übergeht (insbesondere bei denen, die ich für die arbeit nutzen muss), aber jetzt hat auch noch meine fucking BANK einfach ungefragt angefangen mich zu duzen???? can you not???? go away from me. you're not my friend?????? i wouldn't even mind so much if this wouldn't reek of capitalism so. badly. bei der bank, bei der software, bei allen. es regt mich so auf. was soll das???? das ist so eine dumme, durchschaubare anbiederungsstrategie um hip(tm) und urban(tm) und freundschaftlich zu wirken, dabei ist es einfach nur anmaßend und peinlich
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
“b-b-b-but that character isn’t [POC/gay/trans/neurodivergent/disabled] in canon—“
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evermorethecrow · 10 months
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im still not over this btw
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euesworld · 1 year
"If you aren't making the butterflies in her stomach rage and quake, what are you even doing?"
Make her butterflies moan too - eUë
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rowanisawriter · 5 days
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Virgil is legit crazy for doing this, for having everyone just stuck in a time loop between texts, pyrrhus killing priam while invoking achilles who killed hector, a son killing a father while invoking a father who killed a son, the cycle of blood and death and dishonor literally never ending and recalled in the symmetry of this scene against achilles standing over dying hector promising to defile his body, pyrrhus standing over priam telling him to take this story to achilles in hell, the symmetry. the ugly symmetry the matching stains of blood the horror written 1000 years apart
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oocstephenkingtv · 4 months
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The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) Directed by Katt Shea / Carrie (2013) Directed by Kimberly Peirce
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thefandomlifechoseme · 3 months
fucking CeX
graphics card is dead through software bullshit
took it back to try get money for it and grab a new one
fuckers decided that because it came with physical damage they can't take it back, even though it came with that damage, didn't come in a static bag or any bubble wrap or anything when they sent it
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elenaferrante · 2 months
Btw the ttpd set >>>> the rest of eras
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Nah 'cause I absolutely HATE the fucker who hacked ao3.
This is my safe space, okay? I'm actually getting quite emotional-
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