#The PCAs Moment
machinedramon · 1 year
I have to legit force myself to take breaks with this game, I get to a point where I'm not paying attention and making stupid mistakes, and I frustrate myself to no end as a result
but also cataphract was ANNOYING
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
On the topic of Eridan and Karkat's "Pact"
This pact:
ERIDAN: i dont fuckin need this from you i take enough shit as it is from the rest a you dirtscrapers i thought you and me had a kinda pact or wwhatevver KARKAT: OK FINE, SHUT UP, I APOLOGIZE. I KNOW IT’S TOUGH BEING YOU.
It's been a topic in the fandom for a while, since we never find out what the pact is about. Well, I think I figured out the answer. Neither Eridan nor Karkat know, either.
See, the wording Eridan uses there is pretty vague - we had SOME KINDA pact OR WHATEVER. Like he's not totally sure it includes demanding Karkat being nice to him, or even that that's what they really have at all.
Well, later, Karkat says this to Eridan 311 hours in the past:
And this is all that's ever said on the topic of their pact... because I'm pretty sure that this is the moment that it gets created. Past!Eridan (<- dumbass) went "huh, I guess we have a pact," and the next time he brought it up to Past!Karkat, Karkat (<- dumbass) probably went "huh, I guess we have a pact."
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partikron · 1 year
G1 Michigan has seen and done it all.
Before we meet him as the leader of the Balam Redguns, he was the commander of the Furlong Armed Fleet, a hero of the Jupiter War, and once we get the chance to fight him we see why he is known as "Hell on Four Legs".
We don't know what the Jupiter War entailed, but since he commanded a fleet he's gotten the chance to fight in space, perhaps even on the moons of Jupiter (which is cool just to think about), perhaps even in and around space colonies, all before he becomes the leader of the Redguns and gets involved in the Coral War, dealing with the corps, the PCA and the horrifying Coral tech they send your way. You have to wonder what his infiltration of Rubicon was like. Knowing him, he was probably firing on the Planetary Closure Satellite the whole time.
While C4-621 might be the Wallclimber and the Wormkiller, Michigan is nothing less than a force of nature in his own right, and he's right there with you when you face down the Ice Worm. Despite all of this, he's still got some humanity in there, as he knows all his subordinates by name, which I imagine is its own hell because he KNOWS that Balam is gonna throw his Redguns and MT squads into certain death whenever the profits look good. I wonder how he chooses to mourn his comrades, if at all.
After a lifetime of sending people across the river Styx, his own end comes at the hands of one of the best AC pilots ever to live. Whether it's 621 or V.IV Rusty, it takes the absolute best to defeat him and his massive MT squad, and he re-earns his nickname just in this fight alone. He's urging his men on the whole time, too, knowing full well that there's probably nothing he can do to save them, but hey...why should they die despairing, right?
He even cracks a joke in his last moments. The guy goes through every kind of hell even before landing on Rubicon-3, then watches his MT squad get massacred, and amidst shrapnel and explosions he meets his end with a chuckle.
What a legend.
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chasedbyatlantic · 8 months
opening night, joel miller
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summary: IN WHICH — the famous joel miller, who happens to be your husband, decides to have some fun with you on the opening night of his tour.
warnings: no outbreak!joel, famous!joel, current day!joel, using characters for other roles, female!reader, established relationship, dom!joel, anxious(ish)!joel, total fluff, hints to smut, lots of swearing, super cute joel moments, ellie making a grand appearance (as per usual). lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 4.7k
a/n: i had to cook with this one chat. no but i had a dream abt this and was like, omg???? i hope you love it as much as i do. AND THANK U SM FOR THE NOTES AND FOLLOWS ILY. remember to reblog, comment, like, and follow for more! xoxo
Joel Miller was as famous as they came. Within the last twenty years, he had been one of the most known artists (or you liked to call it, 'cowboys') in the world- most known for his country music and lifestyle. His debut album "Havana and Heartbreak" was released in the early ninetys, and had gone Diamond in the music industry. He won tons of awards (and still does) for his music, such as a grammy award for best album the year he released his debut album, a few AMAs, and a couple PCAs. The most important thing he had won, though, was you.
Joel had met you in a bar in the early 2000s, as he was at his complete high in fame. It started with him buying you a couple of drinks and a few hookups, but eventually turned into you two tying the knot in 2004. You had gone from a quiet, kept-to-yourself, suburbs girl to a centre-of-attention, hollywood, city girl. You weren't a fan of being in the spotlight, but you made sacrifices to be together with your husband outside, in public.
A few years into your marriage, Joel had (somehow) convinced you to be his manager in the industry. You were extremely hesitant at the start, this had meant you had to leave your daytime job and be in charge of so much, the burden was heavy but you definitely didn't want to disappoint him. You had agreed, and it was the second best decision you made in your life (the first marrying him, of course). Now, if anyone has anything to do with Joel, they have to come to you about it first.
Every couple of years, Joel dropped a new album. Times like this were so stressful for you, you had so much planning to do for him. Studio sessions, producer meetups, promos, you name it. Joel was the (pretty, at that) face of his business, and you were the brains. He knew this, so he would try anything and everything to get you to have breaks from the stress whenever he could. From sex in the studio bathrooms, to short trips to the Bahamas, he would treat his girl however she wanted.
Although, that had stopped about a month ago. You had stopped it, despite Joel's pleads not to. All he wanted was for you to be happy and stress-free, but you couldn't control it (unfortunately). Joel's newest album, "Rendezvous on the Riverbanks", had been released. This had meant a tour was upcoming- well, it was upcoming; tonight was the opening night. So much time and effort had gone into this tour, it had just completely drained you.
It had been around ten in the morning now, and you were already at the stadium where Joel was to perform tonight. He had wanted to open in his hometown of Arlington, Texas, and it ended up working itself out. Thankfully, the Dallas Cowboys were playing an away game the night Joel wanted, so you were successfully able to book it for him. You were standing backstage with a headset on, talking to someone apart of the lights team. Joel was standing in the middle of the stage, strumming his guitar to himself, almost silently.
"Alright, uh- dim four, but raise seven by about half." You rose your eyes from your clipboard to look at Joel on stage. The lights changed and he was now illuminated perfectly. A small 'perfect' escaped your lips as you pushed one side of the headset off your ears. "We're gonna keep this lighting, Joel." You called out to him.
He had turned his head over, almost snapping out of a trance. "Fine with me, baby." He had replied with a small smile upon his face. You couldn't help but mimic the smile. Even if Joel was blinded by the light, he would agree with you and say it was fine. If you were happy, so was he. As much as you had wanted to stand here all day and admire your beautiful man, many things had to get done before tonight.
For the next hour or so, you had played around with the microphone. Joel had absolutely hated the microphone attached to his earpiece, so he opted to use a good ol' fashion microphone and stand. One of the microphone tech's, Riley (you thought her name was), was helping fix Joel's microphone. "Just a little lower, darlin'." He had told the girl, standing with his back slouched.
You still stood from the sidelines, headset and board now down and off to the side. "You're slouched, Joel. Stand up!" You (jokingly) scolded him. A small laugh had escaped his lips as he flicks his hand at you, standing up completely straight. Now, Riley was properly able to adjust his stand to the correct length. Once she did this, he stepped forward and muttered a 'one, two, three, check' into the microphone. He and Riley had glanced over to you, getting your final opinion on it. "Sounds great to me, definitely the right height."
Riley's job was done, so this caused her to exit the stage to the opposite side of you. This had left just you and Joel out now (and of course the tens of others of workers scattered around the building). You had walked out to where your husband stood, leaving every piece of equipment you had out to the side for a moment. He had turned to face you just before you pulled him in for a kiss, followed by a tight hug.
"I’m proud o' ya'." Joel had muttered to you, barely loud enough for you to hear. He had stroked the back of your head as your head was tucked into the crook of his neck. "When all o' this is done, we'll take a long trip to wherever ya' wanna go." He had reminded you, still stroking your head.
You had brought your head up for a minute, bringing your hand to cup his right cheek. You met his bright eyes, he was yearning for you. "Anywhere you wanna go, I'll follow you." This had sent Joel smashing his lips to yours, practically off in his pants from just hearing you say that. His free hand had snaked its way around your waist to keep you in place. You did not back away, in fact, you brought your tongue eagerly to the entrance of Joel's mouth. He fought back for dominance, but before either one of you won, your name was being called on the speaker system. This caused a sigh from you, as you had (sadly) pulled back from your husband's lips.
"We can never get a moment of fuckin' silence, can we?" You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you shake your head and tsk. This earned a chuckle to escape from Joel’s lips, “Later we will, don’t ya’ worry, sweetheart.”
You brought your lips to his cheek in a quick fashion, pecking the soft skin before turning to walk away. As always, Joel had rose his hand and slapped the bottom of your ass as you walked away. If it were in any other circumstance, you would get pissed at Joel and would've told him to act professional. But, right now, who were you to mind? All you wanted was your husband's hands on you one last time right now, and he just granted that wish.
A golf cart had already been down the steps and waiting for you. You had quickly gotten your clipboard and headset before wasting no more time and getting onto the back, allowing the driver to move. You had found out that the opening act, Abby and the Outlaws, had arrived. Since Joel wasn't able to leave his set prep just yet, you had to go and greet the guests.
After a few minutes, the golf cart had rolled up and stopped in front of the suites. You got out of the back and panned the driver a small 'thank you' before knocking on the second door. You clutched your clipboard in hand, the headset finding its way back to around your neck. After longer than you had hoped, the door had finally opened after what felt like hours. A smile rose to your face a bit quicker than anticipated, with your hand pushed out for a handshake. "Abby and the Outlaws?"
The tall man smiled and nodded his head, "God'damn right we are." He brought his rough hand into yours, shaking it up and down two or three times. He had called the rest of his group over, a tall and blonde girl followed by an even taller and brunette man. The person who had opened the door introduced himself as Owen, the girl as Abby (if it weren't quite obvious), and the brunette by Manny.
"It's great to meet you guys, your music is great!" You had shaken each of their hands, of course still beaming from this encounter (it wasn't fake like before, these people seemed genuine). "I'm sure someone has already gone over everything- this isn't everyone's first rodeo I'm assuming?" You eyed around at the three, the blonde sitting on a nearby chair.
"It definitely ain't." Manny had told you, which had earned a nod from your end. "Figured as much-" You paused, reaching into your back pocket."-Here. This is a map of the entire place, we've reserved you this area for you from three upwards until six. Everything'o yours is already set up, ya' just gotta show up." A small laugh had escaped your lips after pointing to the map. They followed suit with a small chuckle, understanding what you had said.
"Got it. We'll head up in a bit- thank you." The woman, Abby, had stated. With one last smile, and a 'radio me if there's any issues' comment, you were off again. They seemed to have settled right in, plus, people would be coming to assist them shortly, so you were pleased everything was under control. Now, it was time to go find your husband once again.
You had called him about three times before he had answered. Usually, you wouldn't do that because you knew he was busy, but you had to find him. You had answered with many quickened apologizes, but he hadn't minded (he loved to hear your voice, even on the phone). You two chatted for a minute or two before deciding on a place to meet. As soon as you hung up you heard the faint music (you were far away from the open arena) pick up again and finish whatever song the man had been playing.
It took you around ten minutes to trail to the complete other side of the arena in a quick fashion. You were extremely out of breath when you had arrived, this hadn't to have been attractive you thought to yourself. After the weaving in and out of hallways, you had finally landed on the door your husband stood behind of. There was a man you hadn't recognized standing in front, definitely security from the venue- of some sort.
You passed him a small smile, an 'excuse me.' leaving your mouth as you tried to swerve past him. He followed your swerve, shaking his head. "Nobody's allowed in, manager's rules." He had stated to you, which just made you stare blankly at him. You were Joel's manager. You brought your hand up, showing the guard your (extremely) flashy engagement and wedding bands. "I'd like to see my husband, is that such a big deal?"
His face had dropped as he realized who you were. This had only caused you to laugh, it was almost ridiculous. The boy had almost fallen over as he moved to the side. "Sorry, Mrs. Miller." He looked down in shame as you just patted your shoulders, moving past him and into the room. Your husband turned over, a coors in hand. He smiled once he realized who was standing in front of him. You could only smile back as you approached the man you had loved. He brought you into his embrace with an immediate arm over your shoulders, and a peck to the forehead.
"You're good to leave, Tommy." He had stated, to his personal body guard- and his brother. Yes, that was right. Tommy Miller, Joel's younger brother, was Joel Miller's bodyguard. Tommy was always rough, and getting into trouble when the two were young. When Joel had rose to fame, he figured why not give his brother the chance to rough someone up every once and awhile- while getting paid to do so.
Tommy had nodded his head, a small 'hello' to you as he slipped our of the room and waited outside for Joel. "Took ya' a while to make your way up here, darlin'." Joel had said as he maneuvered the two of you over to the extremely uncomfortable couch in the corner of the room. As he sat first, he brought you over his lap. "Hey, I can only run so fast- and it doesn't help when you've lost your all entrance pass." You slightly chuckle as you wrap your arms around his neck. "We'll get ya' another before tonight, don'tcha worry."
Joel's hands had moved from your waist, slowly up your shirt. His lips were now latched onto your neck, which caused a small moan to escape your lips. "Not in here, baby." You had brought your hands up to his hair, your hands running through. Joel had only hummed in response, not really caring if anyone had heard the two of you. Everyone knew you were his- but, maybe they needed a reminder.
Remember earlier, it was said that Joel Miller would do anything and everything for you to lower your stress levels- including having sex with you wherever the two of you were? Well, this was one of those cases. He wanted everyone to know who you were - You were Mrs. Miller.
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It was a while later, about an hour until Joel had to go on stage. Right now, fans were going absolutely feral for Abby and the Outlaws. You and Joel were waiting backstage together, having a few drinks. Being with you had helped Joel a great deal, he was able to let loose and stay calm before he went on stage. Even though he had been doing this for years and years, the anxious vibes were radiating off of the man for the last while.
You had changed into a nice, black minidress from your basic tee and jeans. You liked getting dressed up for the occasion once in a while. Unlike Joel, who always seemed to be in his nice pair of jeans and a flannel (his signature look), you didn't mind it at all. Joel sure as hell didn't mind you getting dressed up every once in a while, he wanted you to wear short dresses more often- but it was just too uncomfortable for you, unfortunately.
Out of the small silence you two had maintained for a while (the only "words" were Joel's hands resting on top of your thigh), it was completely broken when a loud voice came echoing through the walls. You knew who this was. Before the name could even pop up in your head, the door had bursted open "Joel!"
The familiar brunette head had launched forward at him, this completely took him back and he rose from his seat- just in time to catch her. "Hey, kid." He had only laughed, ruffling her hair. It feels like too long since you've seen Ellie. Life must be hard as a sixteen year old, and your dad an international superstar, you had thought to yourself.
"Hey, Elles." You had beamed at the girl, pulling her into a tight hug once she was done with Joel. Even though the two of you weren't related, you were extremely close (well, when she had decided not to be a moody teenager). You and Joel had decided to take Ellie in when one of your family friend's had passed away, as a newborn. You had adopted Ellie not long after, and had considered her your own daughter.
The three of you had sat down and talked for a while, Ellie going into detail about the book she was creating for her finals project- some joke book of sorts, as per usual. Time had flown when you were spending time with the people you loved. Before you knew it, people were coming up to collect your husband.
"Aw, fuck! Just another five minutes- I'm sure these lovely Texans won't mind, Joel'ly boy-" Joel shook his head, helping you up from the seat. "There's a seat front row reserved for ya', now be a good girl'n go sit." He had told Ellie so casually. All she did was groan, letting a 'fine' escape her lips and exiting the room before any of the rest of you (she knew she wouldn't get far if she fought Joel on this). It was almost like Ellie was complaining on sitting front row at a sold out venue, with eighty thousand other people dying for the seats she got given to her.
You had tsked, followed with a quick laugh. Joel placed one of his hands on the bottom of your back, guiding you out of the room. His hand removed from your back once you were in a nice and big hallway, linking his fingers between yours. You could feel the nervous energy from him more than he thought.
"This ain't your first rodeo, baby. You'll knock their cowboy hats off." You made the remark to Joel, the two of you were getting closer and closer to the crowd of people. He could only squeeze your hand and give you a peck on the forehead. He knew everything would be fine, but the thought was always in the back of his head. "I'll be fine, sweetheart. You, on the other hand- ya'gotta worry 'bout not throwin' yourself all on me out there."
There was the man you recognized, the prideful and charismatic cowboy. "I'll hold myself back until you're done, I suppose." You made the small remark, pulling his arm as you sped up. "The time's cutting close- we're walking too slow." Your arm was almost painfully yanked back (he didn't mean to, Joel was too in the moment right now). "Show ain't startin' without me, now is it?"
You had turned to face your man, your Joel. The paparazzi pictures didn't do him justice, he was so much hotter in person. Your eyes had went from scattering to everything around, to focusing on the big, brown eyes in front of you. You had inched your face just a tad bit closer, enough for Joel to hear the hitch in your breath when you spoke to him. "It ain't."
He could only smirk at your words, wanting to do so much more but there was no time. His hand found its way to the back of your neck as he pulled you into a kiss. You, of course, complied, leaning in and fighting for dominance (just like earlier). This came to an end when you heard Joel's name being called from somewhere behind the two of you - his face fell from in front of yours. "We'll finish this after, yeah?"
You could only nod, a small smile rising to your face. You didn't have to worry about it not happening, Joel would make any and every time slot available for you. Your hands were still connected with one another, so you had continued to walk with Joel as he approached the stage. You two had went into a makeshift cover, so nobody would see him approaching (they would go even more feral).
As the lights in the stadium started to dim, indicating he was about to step out on stage, the crowd went insane. Your hand left his, and moved to cup his cheek. He was staring out into the crowd, but you brought his focus down to you. "Go kill 'em, cowboy."
Joel's expression went from unsure, to confident in a blink of an eye. He had nodded his head, "Ya' got it, princess." Joel's guitar tech, Dina (you think it was), had brought his guitar over. You barely played any instrument, but god this guitar was gorgeous. Joel had scored a nice deal with Fender a year or two ago and made a nice custom guitar with his collab. Joel had slung the guitar strap over his shoulder, strumming the strings to make sure everything was in tune (it was, that's why Dina was here, this was just a superstition he had).
The man in front of you had turned around, facing the stage. He was as ready as he could ever be- so were you. Everyone apart of the Joel Miller team around you seemed to be having a heart attack, just because of the stress and everything leading up to this moment, though. You could hear, clear as day, an inhale and exhale from Joel's mouth, before he walked out on that stage.
Everyone around had went silent, except the crowd. It was even louder than before, which you didn't think was possible. Soon enough, you heard (barely, through the crowd) Joel's voice throughout the stadium. He had started with the first song on his setlist, 'Wyoming' - a definite personal favourite. You were so proud of him, and hoped he knew. He put so much, if not more, work into this than anyone else had, so he deserved to have the best time. Your cowboy deserved the world and more.
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It was near the end of the show, the setlist of forty-something songs had gone by quick. Everyone (especially you, with a few drinks in your system) had let loose, and were having a great time. Joel was definitely having the most fun, almost completely sober too. He finished strumming his guitar to the second last song, before the crowd erupted into cheers and claps. Honestly, other than venues like this, you had never seen so much country folk. If there was one thing country folk could agree on, it was music.
"Alright, now. Before the las' song o' the night-" Joel was cut off by a bunch of disappointed people booing (the only time booing was understandable). He had laughed, swatting his hand around. "I know, I know. But, before it all comes t'an end, I gotta introduce someone to y'all." Gasps and excited screams were heard from all around.
Joel had turned his head to search for you beside the stage, his eyes panning everyone- until he met your gaze. It was hard to determine if it were you for a split second, just because the lights out in the open were extremely blinding. "Now, some'o y'all might just know 'bout this, might just know who this is," He brought his hand up, signalling for you to come out.
You only shook your head, you couldn't believe he was doing this. "Hey, uh-" you turned to some random crew member around, "-can you hold my drink? Thanks." Before a response was given, you handed it over and moved your way over to the stage entrance. You could only brace yourself for what was about to happen to you. "Come on out, little lady."
The lights were very blinding, he was so right. You had also went temporarily deaf from everyone screaming their hearts out at you. You didn't realize you were such a hot commodity around these places. If the screams weren't loud from when you walked out, they sure as hell were loud when Joel pulled you into a kiss. It was actually insane- you couldn't believe it. Your mind was racing, both from the anxiety and the thrill.
You turned now, to face the crowd. Joel's arm fell around your shoulder as you grabbed the microphone stand and adjusted it to your height. "So many beautiful faces 'round this crowd." There were a few girls dead centre in the front who were screaming and crying, waving up to you. Your heart completely melted, you wished you could just jump down and embrace them.
"Now," Joel had started as the crowd hushed, dropping his head to be able to reach the top of the microphone, "Ain't nobody go gawkin' at her, ya' can't have her." This caused an in-sync laugh to escape both yours and Joel's lips. He had found his way to the necklace dangling just above your chest, playing with it between his thumb and index finger (from the arm that was wrapped around your neck).
"Jokes aside, now, this little lady's gonna help with the closer." The nickname, you swore it did something to you. You had brought your head up, mouth right beside Joel's ear. "Ya' know I can't play for the life of me, Joel." He could only smirk at this comment, he was nowhere near trying to embarass you with this- he only wanted you to live it up, just like he was.
Joel ignored your comment and brought his head down to the mic once again, "She said she cannot wait to play!" This was in fact not what you had said, so this earned a slap on Joel's chest from you. He had removed his arm from around you, now standing straight on. He took his guitar off from around him, and slid the strap over your head. You couldn't help but smile at Joel, despite the fake-angry look you tried to maintain.
"Ya' got the rhythm'n chords down, don't worry." Joel had reminded you, his love language most definitely being words of affirmation. Before he had started to adjust the strap so the guitar sit perfectly on you, you slid the hair elastic he had always kept for you off of his wrist, and started to tie your hair back and out of your face. A few people who were close up noticed this, and blew a few whistles over to the two of you.
"I'll count us in, 'kay?" He hummed, and you nodded. Your eyes slid up the neck of the guitar as you stepped up with Joel, beside the microphone now. Joel's 'Cowboy' was the closing song, definitely the fan favourite from all his music throughout the years. You knew this song like the back of your hand, even without practice, you'd be fine.
Whenever he had counted himself in, it was three foot taps. He knew that you knew this. The entire stadium was silent, waiting to hear the last song choice.
One. Your eyes quickly fell down to the man's boots. His Black Jack Caiman Crocodile heels tapped the wooden floor. Joel's hands started to creep up the stand, his grip tightening once it hit the microphone.
Two. Your fingers from your right hand fell over the corresponding spots to be able to play the song. Your left hand found its way down to the middle of the guitar, ready to strum away.
Three. Joel inhaled, you inhaled, you both exhaled in sync. It was now or never, in front of eighty thousand people, streamed for the entire world to hear.
Luckily it wasn't just you playing, the backtrack was also able to be heard in unity with you playing and Joel singing. You were far too concentrated at multitasking (with the chords and the strumming) to hear Joel singing, or the crowd cheering for you, or even your own thoughts. But, before you knew it, you strummed your last beat.
An exhale left your lips rather quickly, as if you were holding it in the entire time. You just looked to Joel, and he looked back at you. Both of you had drowned out the sounds of screaming coming from every single nook and cranny of the arena from around you.
You wanted nothing more then to spend your nights just like this, with Joel, with your cowboy - and in everything he had loved, you were in the centre of it. He didn't want it any other way, he wanted to spend every breathing moment of his life with you, even if it was in front of the entire world to see. You were his partner in crime, you were his cowgirl.
opening night, scowl
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Finally we’ve got the new beginnings! Just met and just married! So much potential ahead of them!
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ (they be honeymooning! Bring on that newlywed bliss! I mean they’re basically always like that for each other but now they’ve got an excuse and by god are they gonna use it!)
📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖 (buck so would be a librarian in another live. Him being all nerdy and helpful and amazing with kids - especially christopher - watch out eddie! You’re gonna fall in love before you know it!)
I’m obsessed with your work and eternally grateful that you share it - but you already knew this :p hope you have fun writing these!
- PCA <3
Oh love this theme!!!!! You are so kind, PCA. I always look forward to your asks.
63 for ⚡️ (Yesssss more honeymoon phase!)
Eddie finishes saying goodbye to Adriana and Ravi, says a final goodbye to Christopher, and then puts Buck out of his misery at last by joining him in the truck. 
“We are four minutes behind schedule,” Buck chides as Eddie buckles his seatbelt. 
“Tragic,” Eddie smirks. 
“It will be when we don’t stop for coffee,” Buck warns.
Starting off their honeymoon with a very serious threat. Interesting tactic. Height of romance, really.
“Buck,” Eddie complains. “It’s only an hour and twenty minutes of driving. Surely we can spare a coffee run.”
Buck smirks. “Fine. But I’ll find a way to get my four minutes back at some point.”
Oh, Eddie is sure. He knows who he married.
“Just don’t take it out on the coffee.”
The rental in San Clemente is literally perfect. 
They’d discussed going further away. Mexico, maybe. But between the wedding, the house, and planning for another kid, they decided not to spend more than necessary. Plus, they already live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. They didn’t need to go very far. 
The moment they walk into the little condo, Buck knows they made the right choice. It’s a tidy one bedroom with a full kitchen, a king sized bed, a big shower, a private ocean-view balcony, and a walk down to the beach. 
“This is incredible,” Eddie grins, walking out onto the balcony. 
“We are going to enjoy this balcony,” Buck agrees. 
Eddie shoots him a look. “Buck…”
“Honeymoon rules apply here, Eddie,” Buck tells him.
“Honeymoon rules?” Eddie asks skeptically. “What are those?”
“Making them up as I go along,” Buck informs him.
Eddie rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. 
Yeah. They’re definitely going to enjoy the balcony. 
Neither of them has had a honeymoon before. Neither of them is particularly accustomed to vacations, either. Though, perhaps Buck has some of the old Peruvian resort lifestyle living in him somewhere. Needless to say, it takes them both a minute to figure out what to do with literally nothing they need to do. Buck unpacks the groceries. Eddie searches the cupboards for glassware and pours them wine in nice, big blue-tinted glasses. They manage to relax on the balcony for, like, an hour, before they both get a bit twitchy.
“We aren’t sit and stare at the sea people, are we?” Eddie asks.  
“No, I don’t think we are.” Buck agrees. 
“What do honeymoon rules say about swimming while slightly intoxicated?” Eddie posits. 
A little ill-advised. But it’s not like they’re shit faced. And, well, Eddie doesn’t have a lot of ill-advised fun stories. 
“Oh, let me review with the board,” Buck teases. “Hmm. Apparently it’s fine if we conveniently forget we’re first responders.”
“And parents?” Eddie suggests.
“Oh, yeah. Good call.”
“Then maybe we can have some fun?” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows.
“I like the sound of that.”
51 for 📖 (YEAH EDDIE WILL):
No one is home. 
As he drives away, he just hopes the gesture will be appreciated and not seen as totally creepy. 
It’s a long time before Buck hears back about the gift. Which is good in that, he doesn’t get in trouble for abusing the library cardholder database. He spends two weeks nervous he’s going to hear about that every shift.
When he does hear back about it, it’s the fall. School starts up again, and Christopher is enrolled in the aftercare programs. Buck is relieved when he sees his name on the lists.  Like it’s a sign that perhaps things are okay.
He sees Christopher again before he sees Eddie. Right away during the first week of school. 
“Chris!” Buck exclaims happily when he sees him come through the library doors. “How are you, pal? It’s been a while.”
“I’m good,” Christopher answers happily. Then, he walks over, and gives Buck a quick hug. “Thank you for my books, Buck. They made me smile.”
Buck ends the hug quickly. It’s kind of a discouraged behavior. Though a gray area when the kid initiates. But he’s touched. Happy the gift had an impact, and that Chris remembers. Even after a few months. 
“You’re welcome,” Buck replies. “I’m really glad to see you back, kiddo.”
Chris smiles. “Thanks, Buck.”
It’s a few more days until he sees Eddie. When he does, he’s sort of concerned. It’s not exactly the Eddie he remembers. His hair is shorn. His eyes are tired. There’s a strange pattern of bruises on his forearms. He looks rough. If they were actually friends, Buck would ask him about it. But all he can do is quietly observe.
“It’s good to see you again,” Buck smiles as Eddie approaches the front desk before picking Chris up. “We missed Chris around here.”
Eddie nods. “I, uh… I wanted to thank you. Your gift was really appreciated. Sorry I didn’t say anything sooner.”
“Hey, that’s not why I sent it. Just wanted you both to know… Well, that I’m really sorry.”
“Thank you,” Eddie says. “That’s kind.”
There’s a hollowness in his voice. Like he’s accepted a lot of condolences lately. 
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kivaember · 4 months
that idea i had for branch raven finding 621 post-FoR and forcibly kidnapping adopting him... a teaser below the cut...
The medium freighter ship, Tapio, was an old, beaten-up interstellar craft that had gone through at least three different Christenings since it had fallen into Branch’s control. When Chartreuse had liberated it from its original owner (some two-bit grey market smuggler who had bitten off more than he could chew), it had been named The Golden Fleece. Raven had let her rename it to Cheese Board, which lasted for only a few months before King changed it to the far more mundane Star Skimmer.
Chartreuse couldn’t really remember when they had changed it from Star Skimmer to Tapio, but it hadn’t been long after they made plans to run the PCA blockade over Rubicon-3. Even grey-market ships like these were aggressively tracked and logged whenever it so much as paused to take a fart in some piece of shit asteroid port, so scrubbing the identity was essential prep for big operations that would land you in some UEG gulag on Pluto.
They’d probably have to change it again, now that their business was concluded on Rubicon. It was Raven’s turn, and knowing them, they’d think of something either utterly boring, or thoroughly deranged. They called their pet cat Emergency Rations of all things, after all.
(To date, she still wasn’t sure if Raven was being tongue-in-cheek about that…)
Speaking of that cat, though…
Chartreuse grumbled as she shovelled soiled cat litter into its bin. The freighter was built with a crew of at least ten in mind, so Raven had dedicated an entire room to the little beast: cat trees, little platforms for Emergency Rations to parkour off of, toys that functioned as trip hazards for the unwary, and this monstrosity of a litter box that was huge and a massive pain to clean out.
Emergency Rations, as imperious as a queen overlooking her lowly subjects, stared down at her from one of its demonic cat trees. It was an ugly creature, in Chartreuse’s opinion: thin, scraggly fur with bald patches, one missing ear and crooked whiskers, with a broken meow that sounded like the strangled croak of a frog. Probably why Raven adopted it; they had a soft spot a mile wide for broken, ugly things.
“How do you shit so much?” Chartreuse sealed the bin shut and pushed it aside. “I swear you do it just to fuck with me.”
Emergency Rations just blinked its ugly goblin eyes at her.
Chartreuse finished up her daily task of tending to the beast’s comfort and slouched out of the ship’s cattery. After a brief detour to the ablutions to wash her hands, she went to the central mess hall that now functioned as a sort of communal area for Branch. The depressing steel benches and tables had been shoved against the walls and replaced with a battered sofa they’d rescued from a dump, and an old-world TV set with a video player and everything.
Chartreuse had no idea where Raven magicked up these relics, or why they had a taste for such useless antiques.
“The beast’s been dealt with,” Chartreuse declared when she walked into the living area.
King acknowledged her with a raised hand, not looking away from the TV screen. He was sprawled out on the sofa, so Chartreuse sat on the armchair. It was technically Raven’s armchair, but they weren’t here right now - too busy committing terrible life choices and all that.
“Is Raven still not back?” she asked. “We sure that rabid dog didn’t eat him?”
“Haven’t heard a thing since they left.” King picked up the remote and paused whatever was playing on the TV. He had a deep frown on his face, his expression troubled even if it didn’t show in his voice. “Their operator would’ve told us if things had gone sour, though.”
Chartreuse grunted.
It’d been only two days since the Second Fires had swept through the Rubicon system, an event they had only survived because they’d been in the process of leaving said system. They’d been mere moments away from engaging the C-Wave Drive to slip into subspace, only to perform an emergency leap to the nearest stellar body when a surge of volatile energy came exploding out of Rubicon-3. Thank god for that small planetoid they’d managed to shelter behind…
But instead of getting immediately out of dodge the second things settled down, Raven had all but commandeered the ship and started gunning back towards Rubicon-3 like a man possessed. When it came out that Raven was hunting down his successor… well, words were exchanged and Chartreuse may’ve thrown a chair at them, but Raven got their way, as always, and now they were here, twiddling their thumbs and waiting for Raven to come back with a potential rabid dog in tow.
“We might have to figure out a naming system if they do find him,” King said idly. “Raven Senior and Raven Junior, maybe?”
“Who’d be the senior and who’d be the junior?” Chartreuse drawled. “That Gen Four is probably a grizzled old man. Our Raven isn’t even thirty.”
“Guess they’d be junior then.” Somehow, King maintained a straight face as he said this. “We could always call the Gen Four after his designation. C4-621, if I remember rightly?”
“That’s…” Chartreuse wrinkled her nose. “So corporate.”
“Hound, then?” King shrugged. “It’s up to Raven, I guess. It’s their name they gave away.”
A name that the rabid dog had technically earned in the same way their Raven had. As sour as Chartreuse was about the whole thing, she grudgingly accepted and respected the dog’s hustle and fire. He’d trounced all three of them in a straight fight, and it was done purely through skill. The things he’d done with that laser dagger were obscene…
But Raven had always been Raven to her. She still called them that, hell, they all did, but if their successor was found and brought into the fold, then they’d have to bow their heads to proper tradition and accept the dog as Raven, and Raven as… Nightfall.
Ugh. She still hated that name. Nightfall. It was a name an edgy teenager would pick for their social media account.
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gabulousxo · 1 year
Rewatching S3&4 of Zoey 101 and I can't wait to relive the Quogan slow burn love!
From Quinn getting Logan to smile as she was helping him with basketball. And him feeling like he met his match at the end as she stood up for herself. And him first showing signs of being a simp for her and doing whatever she said. (And honestly, I feel like Logan started to have more genuine respect for Quinn after this episode.)
To him showing slight jealousy over Quinn's comment about the new dean.. And Quinn's slight jealousy over Logan kissing a random girl in his car. AND lbh, he got jealous when Quinn gave Chase her support in their go kart race. On top of building him a cool go kart from scratch.
To him watching her from behind and angling the corner of his mirror on Quinn from behind in "Quarantine" as well as giving her advice about Mark..even though he secretly couldn't stand her obsession with him.
To Quinn's curiosity at how smart Logan was at chemistry.
To them hanging out and dancing in "Chase's Grandma"
To Logan congratulating and admiring Quinn's intelligence in the Miranda Cosgrove episode.
To their little cute moments in "Curse of PCA".
To Season 4 and all its lovey dovey Quinn and Logan moments! (And Logan's "Logan Reese cool name, cool guy..Mark Del Figgalo" obviously intentional insult. Lol)
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honeyflower15 · 1 year
Can I just say that with these new spoilers and trailers it has me really craving for a new Zoey 101 series! I only want it for more Quogan moments because what we’ve gotten is so amazing! Look at them, even before they were took to after they became a couple at PCA and too now as adults. Look at their smiles, how happy they are together. Logan at the end just looks so happy to be there and marry Quinn
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He’s had the same smile on his face since they became a couple. He loves Quinn so much he just wants he to be happy and to be with her!
I need this movie to come out already so I can see it all. I was really hoping we wouldn’t have a run away bride scene but I don’t mind it if it means we get this cute moment at the end.
Fingers crossed we could potentially get a Zoey 101 sequel series. Maybe on the concept of how Friends or How I Met Your Mother was. See them as adults, dealing with work and life issues and possibly a Quogan pregnancy & baby scene 😍😍
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
I am interested in hearing your take on this I’ve been thinking a lot about this since the trailer dropped . Something I’ve been analyzing is the relationship differences between Quinn/Mark vs Quinn/Logan. Quinn was always looking for more from Mark and he never could give it. When they start dating it her wanting to date him ( I don’t think he even knows her name) radio episode because he won’t kiss her. She is always looking for more intimacy. So she would get upset and he would like kinda give into her. Then they fell into this boring relationship. The moment he found what he actually wanted he left.
It was such a 180 to see her with Logan because it was like “oh I wanna kiss you all of the time.” There was this passion that a teenage relationship should have. She’s finally getting like a real high school relationship. Logan is finally seeing that knowing someone before just making out with them makes you want them more. Also looking back he’s the one making moves in the sense of him comforting her and he’s the one that said I love you first. He was choosing her and I think that was something she always wanted.
In the trailer we see that their relationship hasn’t dimmed he still wanting to touch her all the time and be close to her. He just seems so glad to have her and Quinn deserves that kind of treatment. I really hope they show the growth of the relationship and not just have them as the comic relief… I hope that they show that Logan just got carried away with the wedding because he wanted it to be perfect but when she runs away he realizes that he just needs to choose her and so they go back to their root and get married at PCA. Sorry this is super long I’ve just been obsessing over this.
Don't apologize, I love long rants about my ships.
Warning: I may be looking too much into a teen's show
I've been re-watching specifically Quinn and Mark's episodes as well as Quinn and Logan's, because I wanted to have a better understanding of both relationships. I hadn't seen all yet and been doing it more at random, so feel free to add more if you want.
Like you mentioned, Quinn and Mark's relationship started because she wanted it and the whole time he seemed quite uninterested on it/her. It's not that he was mean to her or a terrible boyfriend (save for the cheating, I'm side-eying you there, Mark), it's just that he just wasn't as into it and her as Quinn, I don't remember him telling her he loves her (like I said, I'm still rewatching, it might not have happened, or I must have missed it).
Let's see the differences between Logan and Mark when it comes to being Quinn's boyfriend.
Like you mentioned, in my rewatch I also noticed Mark didn't give her affection unless she requested it, it wasn't just the kiss, it's details like her holding his hand in the scene where she was directing towards the violinist and him dropping it as soon as he could. He just didn't seem interested in doing those things with Quinn.
He is seen holding Brooke's hand when Quinn catches them and he seemed happy to do so
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So it's not that he doesn't like affection, he just didn't seem to like giving it to Quinn.
Logan, however, is as clingy as her (maybe a little more, even). He has no problem giving her what she wants without having to being asked for it. Their very first scene post kiss starts with him telling her she "has the prettiest eyes" and them sharing an eskimo kiss, both happy and giggling. After they decide to "stop" (not even they believed that lol) he ask her for one more eskimo kiss before they go.
Then, on their next scene they're kissing again, unable to stop. Something that catched my attention was when Quinn was trying to get him to tell her what was bothering him, she got it once she used the "no telling no kisses" threat, and Logan's face too! He was like "tfym no kisses :("
Like, it's amazing to me, they've been dating for seconds and she already knew her kisses had an effect on him, and he folded so easily as soon as she said that, like they both knew he did not want the make out sessions to stop. Her confidence about it is a point I'll bring later on.
He's also the one requesting kisses, whenever they finished discussing something and he knows they have time he pops the "wanna make out?" question, and that's so funny, but also so cute, like you said, he's all like "oh I wanna kiss you all of the time".
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He's also the one that said "I'm not sure I wanna stop" when Quinn said they're not making a good job in stopping those secret meetings. When Quinn said "if neither of us wants to stop they I guess..." and she seemed nervous about even suggesting it, still he completed with "we're dating?" , but he didn't look put off, he said it smiling, which feed my headcanon that he really wanted her from before the bench, he looked hopeful when he asked it (does that count as him asking her to be his gf?), so another first move.
Hanging out:
Maybe it's because Mark is just... boring? but he doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with Quinn, most of the times we see them together, she is making experiments with him or dragging him around. Sometimes I felt like he enjoyed hanging with her friends more than her. He definitely seemed happier hanging with his own friends than her. I don't remember seeing them on a date besides their first, which he didn't know was a date, or actively seeking alone time with her.
He was always like "I guess" to her suggestions and efforts to being a normal couple.
But again, it seemed to be just with Quinn, he liked hanging out with Brooke and is seen on a date with her. He is still as boring as he was with Quinn, since Brooke left him because of that, but he seemed more into it with her. In one episode he showed more interest in Brooke than he ever did in two seasons with Quinn. And that made me feel so sad for Quinn.
That same episode random extras or minor characters showed more interest in Quinn than Mark in two seasons. What's worth noting is that Quinn didn't care about the attention she received for other boys, she wanted Mark to react like that. She cares about those things if it's coming from the boy she loves, and she would never get it from Mark.
Before dating, despite still being a bit of an asshole towards her, Logan seemed fine with hanging out with Quinn, on the last season they became friendlier (again, despite him being still an ass), and post kiss he loved spending time with her, they were always finding moments to be together and alone, enjoying each other's company.
this scene was so fucking cute, while their friends were hanging out, they found a little hidden corner where they could keep kissing and be together:
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When it comes to dates, Quinn didn't really demanded or asked him to, she said she wished they could have dates like normal couples do. And what I love of this scene is that his reaction wasn't "ugh, okay" or "I guess...", instead his reaction was more like (for me) "I'm just happy being with you wherever we are, but if you want more, we can totally do more" and he immediately thought up a solution, a place where he could take her and he even seemed excited about it (with how quickly he came up with it, I bet he has thought about it before too, getting her wined and dined and all that)
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On the date he was as happy as Quinn to be there, and as annoyed when it was interrupted. Logan is the type to boast his wealth and stuff, but I don't think that was his motivation to take her there, I think he wanted to give her the best date possible, he wanted it to be special (if the theories are true, that might be the case too when it comes to their wedding, but that's for another point)
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15 years later, he still clings to her and looks as happy to be around her as he was then.
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"I Love You"
another immense difference between the too.
Like I said, I don't remember him ever saying those three words to her. But wherever he said it or not, I don't think he did. I genuinely don't think he loved her. I'm not saying he didn't hold any emotional affection towards her, he just wasn't in love.
The way he broke up with her once he had the opportunity to be with another girl (thought I believe Quinn mentioned he had been acting weird for 15 days, so he might have been cheating on her for that long or less) is very telling. Like I know Mark is emotionless, that's his trait, but even then, he didn't seem sad at all about the break up.
And when she tried to get him back he rejected her quickly, making it clear he just didn't want that, even telling her how he felt about Brooke, and it's worth noting he never described Quinn like that, never said they had a connection or something, because they didn't, it was a very one-sided relationship.
Not wanting to kiss your girlfriend of two years until she starts bothering you about it is very telling to. Like I know aromantic/asexual people exist, but I doubt he had the same treatment with Brooke.
And honestly, despite the cheating, I felt bad for Mark, he seemed exhausted by that relationship. Like I said, Quinn was always dragging him around and experimenting with him. Plus, she was clingy, something that just didn't resonate with him (which makes me wonder: if him and Stacey are still together how did that worked out? since she is clingier than Quinn). I understand him leaving as soon as he could, it was a bad relationship for both.
Like you pointed out, Logan was the first to say "I love you", and he did it publicly, he screamed it at the top of his lungs in front of a crowd, to her. But the first time he said it was to Stacey, and I really love his response to "why don't you want to kiss me" wasn't him telling her he didn't like her (which obviously he didn't), what came naturally to him was "because I love Quinn!", and it's so cute because he said in on accident, so it was the truth, that was his main reason that het slip, he doesn't want to kiss another girl because Quinn is the one he loves, the only one he wants to kiss from now on.
It was such a grand and meaningful gesture, a huge contrast to her previous relationship. This boy, unlike Mark, loves her so much he doesn't want to be with anyone else, he doesn't want to keep hiding their relationship, not if that means having to pretend to be interested in someone else, I love how he confirmed it again, with no regrets despite the guy behind him asking judgmentally "you love Quinn", like as soon as the words came out of his mouth he realized it was not worth hiding it, it didn't matter anymore if people were going to judge him (and for someone like Logan that's a huge step).
It was a very beautiful scene, it not only showed his love for her was bigger than his concern of what people would think, bigger than his ego, in a more subtle way it also showed he rather deal with that than being disloyal to her, even if it's just pretending, and that says a lot of how how different he is as a boyfriend.
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I also do believe on that headcanon that he loved her (or at the very least was crushing on her) before the bench scene, just in denial.
And it's kinda funny, how Mark seemed inoffensive yet he cheated and Logan was seen as the womanizer, yet he was loyal to Quinn.
Quinn's Jealousy Issues:
Many years ago I read the take that Quinn didn't love Logan as much because she wasn't jealous like with Mark, and I honestly disagree.
I believe jealousy roots from insecurities, and Quinn is a very confident girl, so I get why people wouldn't agree her jealousy stems from that, but hear me out.
Like it was mentioned above, Mark wasn't very affectionate and didn't seem interested in Quinn, maybe he thought she didn't need it, but for someone like Quinn, who is constantly seeking romantic gestures and cuddlings/kisses/just any kind of intimacy, it's clear she does. I found it interesting how she knew how many days he had been acting weird, it showed she is attentive to details, she notices and cares for those things. I know it could be attributed to just a quirky thing of hers, but I don't think it is.
I think Mark's lack of, well, participation on the relationship did affect her confidence on their relationship and herself, so that's where her jealousy comes from, she's a smart girl, deep down she must've known he wasn't as into her as she was into him, so she feared someone would take him away (and she was right!), I think her jealousy came from the insecurities the one-sided aspect of that relationship. It was also his poor communication skills, he was always like "yea... I guess... uh..."
With Logan though, she seemed chiller about it. She still got jealous about him taking "make out Mandy" to prom, but I think that was it. It was just, like, normal jealousy, for lack of better words. And I think that's for how attentive Logan was, he showed his interest constantly, he was affectionate, he cared, their relationship was built on good communication, he made her feel wanted and loved, something she didn't feel with Mark, it's hard to feel wanted and loved when someone doesn't want you nor love you.
She didn't have to drag Logan along or force him to show his love, he came to her and he was doing all that willingly, like you said he made the first moves from the bench scene, stopping to confort her and staying despite being told by her to leave was the first move.
Telling her what he really think of her was a first move too, I just can't stress enough how special it is to me that Logan was the only one that said he prefers her as herself.
Ever from the bench scene he rebuilds her confidence, and he does it by just loving her and showing her with his actions and words, not on purpose, he just does it, he just loves her so much he can't help letting her know. And I think that's why Quinn is not as jealous with Logan, because she doesn't have to fear someone taking him away, not when he's clinging to her side and when she is on a healthy relationship based on reciprocate love and good communications.
Overall, Logan not only loved Quinn, he also liked her, and had no problem letting her know that.
Jealousy from their part:
There's not much to say about Mark here, so I'll just jump to Logan.
The "well, he's not [Quinn's boyfriend] anymore!" scene and him not letting her invite the shirtless guy to prom may not be the only times we've seen him jealous. If we take into consideration that he might have been into Quinn before the bench kiss, we can see his treatment of Mark in a different light. Like we all know Logan was a jerk, but he seemed to specially dislike Mark, making fun of him, not caring at all if he was injured/injuring himself (I really wish I had a gif or at least a pic of when he threw that frisbie at Mark, you can see in his face he did that on purpose and enjoy it), like he generally disliked him.
I do believe he was jealous, and seemed to calm down once he had Quinn.
The Relationship:
I'll make this point short because it's basically repeating what I already said.
Quinn-Mark relationship was one-sided, with Quinn doing most of the emotional and physical labor, Mark either reacted to her or was forced to reciprocate, but rarely even initiated intimacy, they had poor communication skills from his part. Overall, he wasn't into it as she was.
Quinn-Logan relationship was fully reciprocated, with Logan doing as much emotional and physical labor, he willingly spend time with her, showed affection and love, meeting Quinn's expectations and both parts communicated perfectly, working as a team to solucionate any problem they may have. Overall, Logan was an active part of the relationship and was very much into it an her, just as much as Quinn.
TL;DR: In a shocking turn of events, Logan turned out to be the most boyfriend material of the cast. The boyfriend Quinn dreamed of.
now, to answer the rest of the ask.
I also hope Logan got carried away on the thrill of giving Quinn the perfect wedding, making their day as especial as possible.
I love love love that you wrote "Logan is finally seeing that knowing someone before just making out with them makes you want them more" because yes! this is new for him too, this is his first relationship and it was so cute how he was like "alright, I love this, I'm never letting go" (don't even bring up that "they break up at least once" hc, I refuse to believe it, let me live in denial)
I also hope they're not just background comic relief, I hope they treat this beautiful ship with the respect it deserves, hope they don't forget they're the most loved couple for a reason and actually the reason why 90% of ppl will be watching that movie
I may be forgetting about more points, but I can always reblog later. Do share your thoughts please
also, now I'm sorry for having making this so long lol
EDIT: Ugh, I had to delete a few pics examples and gifs or it wouldn't let me post it.
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beth-will-rise · 1 year
I'm so embarrassingly excited for the, pretty much guaranteed, love confession Logan will say to Quinn during this scene 🫠
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In some way, I'd love him to reference how the met/ got together, all those silly little moments they shared & bonded over. They are in PCA after all. Memories would be flooding back. I want it to be over the top nostalgic & sentimental, with a dash of banter for good measure. In true romcom fashion!
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saeriibon · 8 months
erueuhruhg... erm... ac6 headcanon shit again..
on mankind:
FTL travel has not been invented yet
humans cope with large space travel distances using cryogenic sleep
near-light speed travel speeds have been invented, however
humans remain the only sapient form of life in the known universe, with the exception of c-wave mutations such as seria and ayre
earth is not inhabitable, though measures have been taken to restore it
as such, mankind is scattered throughout space via colony ships and terraformed planets/moons
the average modern man in this setting is no longer concerned with discrimination regarding age/sex/ethnicity/gender/religion/etc.
this is due to the fact that the "old world" of mankind has died out, leaving the guiding hand of corporations to control the civilian populace, who are more concerned with profits than perpetuating harmful ideologies that would alienate potential workers/business partners
unfortunately this has simply left for a broader form of discrimination based on class, as well as employer (see: vehement hatred between balam employees and arquebus employees) and physical/mental ability
cloning and genetic modification is prevalent in society
on age:
with the advent of this universe's modern medicine, humans can extend their lifespans to almost 200 years; thus, someone can appear to be younger than they really are
this is especially true for those who have had augmentation surgery or have the money to pay for such luxuries
because of cryogenic sleep, someone can be preserved indefinitely, further blurring the definition between looks and age
on rubicon iii:
named such as per standard planetary naming conventions (star is called 'rubicon,' the planet is the 3rd celestial body in its gravity well)
however, people have colloquially called it rubicon, as opposed to making up a new name for it (example: as humans have done for jupiter, which is sol v)
it was colonized with the xylem recently in mankind's history; around 25 years before the fires of ibis (75 years before the game)
the grids and institute city were built fairly quickly using prefab technology and the like. (also imagine giant-scale 3d printers making parts for buildings etc.)
as such, there are very few "native" rubiconians, i.e., children born planetside. most everyone in the aging RLF draws their lineage from the scientists and miners that populated the planet as well as outworld sympathizers, with very few stemming from mercs, scavengers, deserter corpos/members of the PCA. ziyi, arshile, and rusty are some of the few members who are native to rubicon
rubiconian and rubiconist are both used to describe people who claim nationality to the planet, though rubiconist has been falling out of style and is used more to refer to the original people of rubicon (colonist + rubicon = rubiconist)
on the jupiter war:
there isn't any explicit mention of who (between furlong and balam) won the jupiter war
thus begins my ramble...
it says nile, (as the leader of their security force) failed to ever arrest michigan, but i dont think that necessarily means that balam lost the war.
my reasoning is: why would michigan have joined balam (his then enemy) and then put his own bounty on his head, "with the stipulation that half of the reward money [is to] be distributed among his former comrades at furlong"? it implies he still holds loyalty to his old corporation, his old comrades, and the way he regards balam's command also reflects this
i think balam won, and under some sort of wartime reparations, furlong signed michigan over to them. i also think, because furlong lost, that's why they wanted to collaborate with the RLF against balam|arquebus (with the development of steel haze ortus) to maybe gain some semblance of corporate strength it had once lost by sabotaging its old enemy
also, i think despite ending up on the losing side, michigan still did some number of great deeds to earn himself the title of hero (torres moment). maybe it could even be a misnomer. maybe he surrendered and joined balam to maybe end the war before it could escalate to an even worse conclusion and that is what made him a hero. idk. those are my thoughts
on the island four conflict:
this was a geopolitical conflict over who gets to own the titular 'island four' involving like 6+ separate entities all trying to lay claim to it
ended up being a giant clusterfuck that kept escalating until the whole place was essentially wiped off the map (wherever it was on the map)/rendered useless for its original intended purpose
end result after a bunch of conventions and treaties was that ownership was ceded to a neutral party that now just uses whats left as a memorial site
naming convention also implies it is a planetary body, fourth in orbit to a star called "island," though i am going to imagine it's more of an asteroid than planet
on coral:
c-wave mutations form naturally, though they only gain consciousness when exposed to the electrical signals in a human's nervous system
this is more likely to occur when someone is exposed to a large amount of coral, like with dosing or getting bathed in it like 621. HOWEVER, not all dosages of coral contain a c-wave mutation, making contact extremely rare
once exposed to the human brain, the c-wave mutation can immediately develop a sense of self and perception, as well as knowledge that its host would have, without issue
this is due to the fact that coral is like. super mega brain waves in of itself, and can perform almost immediate calculations in order to jump-start its cognitive processes
coral as a substance exists as a fine dust. it is difficult to pack together, as the particles have a tendency to produce a lot of heat and energy when they collide, especially in its "active" state. special measures must be in place to render coral safe for transport
coral waves are a form of radiation, though unique in their uncanny ability to transmit information between particles like mycelium
coral is like if siphonophorae were rocks
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rosehipmecha · 4 months
You were destined for this job, one only you can do and one only you signed up for. No other independent would risk their life in a jury-rigged AC like this. Almost at the drop point you boot up your AC into combat mode early. The soft hum of the engine is interrupted by several warnings blaring and beeping which you quickly silence. Even in normal operation this thing was barely functioning.
You feel a jolt as the floor beneath your opens up to reveal beautiful clouds, the weather was on your side today. With a last check over of your systems you determine that it'll at least get you to the target. A loud clunk shudders through you as you're silently dropped over the target. The feeling of the freezing air rushing past your AC fills your mind, your actual body was warm and fine inside the cockpit but the neural interface was overriding that. For once, you knew this feeling of adrenaline wasn't just the usual neural feedback, that couldn't get you shaking like this. You break through the clouds, the target right below you, a watchpoint. You feel your stripped down AC suddenly being watched by hundreds of greedy eyes then hear and see the conformation as fire control radars pinpoint your location and smoke trails take off in your direction. With a deep breath you calm your nerves and push your AC into a full assault boost straight down. Your AC's thrusters scream with a power you've never known before, the feeling is incredible and one you need to feel more of. The first missiles fired from below finally start to come into range and bare down on you, with a flick of your control stick your dangerously bare AC easily rolls out of the way of the oncoming threat. The feedback from your link to this AC had to be jacked up, that felt incredible. Powerful lasers start lancing from the earth up to target you now that they're elevated, it seems the PCA was tipped off about your arrival but not the direction. With their most powerful weapons baring down on your and your altitude dropping rapidly you start making evasive manoeuvres that push you hard into your chair and send blood rushing to your brain and legs repeatedly. Even with the augmentations this wasn't safe but it was just so addictive. This feeling was unrivalled, you and your AC as one, the lingering heat from the path of dodged laser shots keeping you warm at this altitude. A large string of missiles comes from one of the heat signatures targeting you. Both your body and the mechanical one you control strain to move and alter course toward it. The internal computer catches up with your intuition and identifies the craft as your target.
AAP07. The lasers are getting close to hitting now, you can't keep the dodging act up for long and now kinetic weapons are in range too. Your heavy breathing from the strain of the manoeuvres gets mixed in with the hundreds of target lock warnings. Finally within your terminal phase you cut your assault boost short. With shaky hands your uncage your reactor and hear it start to spin up high and higher. The feeling of the power increasing inside of you takes over your mind. With the kinetics starting to hit and plink off your AC the rest of your body starts to go numb, making the building feeling intoxicating. You're brought back to reality by a horrible pain and searing heat that takes over your right arm as it's burnt off by a laser that only just grazes you. The enemy was right there. This was it. In the final moments of your flight you thrust your left arm forward, igniting the pulse blade it holds. Flicking a couple tacked on switches in the cockpit, you reroute power from the soon to activate assault armour into your pulse blade. The blaring warnings from start up return now, just louder and with more company. Your whole body shudders from the feedback as the energy channels to your left arm, pumping it all through the small pinhole that is your weapon. Your heart races inside your chest, the fake and real feelings being sent to your brain sending your body into overdrive. A glorious white light extends out in front of you, your eyes widen as the target in front of you engages it's shield just for it to be pierced cleanly through from one side to the other. A blinding blast takes over your view. Your cameras black out while your neural interface practically fries your brain with the feedback from it all. Before it manages to your reactor finally gives out, your AC completely shuts down as you fall. A sudden extremely loud crunch rings in your ears as you're slammed forward in your cockpit. You wake up, dangling from your seat, ears ringing, body aching and covered in sweat. A smile forms on your face. Nothing will ever feel that good again.
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 months
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(Guess whose back, baby!)
“What story do you want to tell?” Christophe asked, adjusting his lenses.
Victor paused mid zip, the garment bag held loosely in the air. He looked blank. “I… hadn’t thought of that. Blin!” Stepping back, Victor looked over the collection. What was the running theme? What world did the story of his clothes belong in? He wasn’t expecting editorial. He was just building his portfolio back up. Victor hesitated. Was he? The portfolio he had got him into PCA, but should it stay stagnant? Would the professors build his education based on the work they saw, or would something new be expected? Yebat'!
“You’re spiraling,” Christophe whispered in his ear. Finishing zipping up the bag and depositing it on the rolling rack, Victor sighed.
“I think… Evolution.”
“Interesting. Explain.”
“This was the previous collection, da?”
“So, now I am making it new. But from the old. Like the baby bird fire.”
“Eh? Oh! Da! Feniks! It will be a glorious rebirth! An evolution to something lively. Something that is fashionable, yes. But also something comforting, comfortable. Something you can be proud to be in and happy to wear. But not so ridiculous in minimalism that it lacks flair. This is the theme. Evolution of beauty and comfort.”
“Sounds like marriage to me.”
“Perhaps. But is for the new. The old are hard to change, da?”
“If you say so, min vän. I have aligned several models. I have arranged the place and time. The rest is up to you.”
“Oh? Blagoy! Erm… how to say…” Victor held his chin for a moment. “Bien?”
Christophe rose a brow. “Victor, how much sleep have you had?”
“Sleep is for tomorrow.”
“Sleep is for today.”
“I am fine, I tell you!”
“You forgot bein. Next you will forget homme attrayant, or draguer des.”
“Not in that order, I won't,” Victor grinned.
“Be that as it may, We will need to leave at four in the morning-” Victor whined, “- or we’ll miss the sunrise. We have a whole day booked.”
“Fine. Sunrise. How long, this shoot?”
“All day, Victor. I will not miss a chance to shoot your fashions in the most perfect light.”
Rubbing his face, Victor conceded. A long bath was what he wanted, but a quick shower and bed would have to do.
The ruched center line on the cord knitted top belied femininity, a masculin shoulder line and long sleeves ending in crocheted lace recalled a more refined time, and yet because of the material it used, the simplicity of the fit, it was decidedly modern. Christophe eyed it and its three colors, deciding which one he’d take in payment. Really, Victor’s old designs were good, but these were inspired. The models looked good, yes, but the clothes seemed to make the usual grumpy expressions and general malaise at early times and all day work for no pay easier. Victor needed to keep one of each design for samples, but otherwise was delighted to be able to clear his limited closet and not have to part with any francs.
He was just considering which set of cuffed side button shorts he was going to keep - probably the cream - when he spied a flash of golden hair about knee height. There, beside a mailbox, stood Yuri. He was watching, head tilted slightly to the right as his concentrated stare warped his childish features into one of cold intensity. It made Christophe shudder in his soul. What could make such a young boy so âme triste? Victor rested his chin on Christophe’s shoulder, using it to sight line. “Don’t we know him?” Christophe asked.
“Da. He should have someone with him.”
“Well, give it time. His père will be here soon, eh?” A smile accompanied the twinkle in his green eyes. “If you were to, say, speak to a lost little boy, keep him company until his strong, handsome père comes to gather his wayward boy…”
Victor’s eyes lit up. “Christophe, you are a wonder!”
“I know, I know.” Waving off his Russian friend, Christoph watched as Victor fairly bounced his way to the little blond.
“Privet Yuri!” Victor waved, smile bright and wide. Yuri froze, slowly looking up as he stepped back, hiding himself behind the mailbox. “Ah! But I have already seen you, Yuri! No use hiding now. Come out. It’s me, Victor. You recall, da?” Yuri nodded, eyes warry. “Ah good. I had thought perhaps you did not and I had scared you for no reason. You are watching the shoot?” Again a cautious nod answered Victor’s happy questions. “Good, good! You have good taste, yes? You can tell me something then?” Yuri blinked, his gaze becoming curious. “I must pick the best shots. You see the man there?” Victor pointed to Christophe folding the cream shorts into a bag.
“The one stealing your clothes?”
“Oh, he is not stealing. I give them to him for his work. It’s how you say… chestnyy obmen.” Yuri nodded sagely. “I’m so glad you understand,” Victor cooed, causing Yuri to puff his chest in pride. “As a young man of learning,” Victor watched Yuri fair swell to bursting with the words, “I am sure you will be able to help us choose, da?”
Yuri looked over his shoulder, then at Victor before tossing his gaze at the clothes and models, the props being accounted for and the tall man with the camera scrolling through the images in the tiny screen. For a moment Victor thinks he won’t agree, and he can’t blame him really. He barely knows the boy, but he’d like to know him - and his father - better. Yuri takes the hand offered, his own skin a few shades warmer than the winter blue of Victor’s. Squaring his shoulders, the small child stomped towards the gear, lips in a dangerous pout as he tried his very best to look as serious as possible.
CHA 8 “No. The other one!” Yuri insisted.
“Bien. Pourquoi?”
“Poutqui…” Yuri winced, then tried again. “Purquoi… Blin!” Slamming his fists into his thighs, Yuri huffed until his cheeks puffed out as he pressed his lips into nonresistance. Christophe chuckled.
“It’s okay Yuri. Sometimes the words, they come with effort. Sometimes they come with ease. It’s all a matter of when, not if, oui?”
Lips slowly reappearing, the little blond flared his nostrils, then huffed before standing straight, arms crossed and looking like he was trying hard to not care. “The other one is better because the flair covers the eye.”
Christophe leaned into his camera, then looked at the monitor. “Yes, but it haillos the hair.”
“Is this a fashion shot or a fantasy shoot?! The happy must show! People do not spend franks on glow. They spend it on pretend.”
“Yuri!” Trent called as he exited a nearby building. “There you are.” Christophe watched the man move closer. There was a je ne sais quoi to the man, but there was also an air of danger. Quickly he snapped a picture.
Yuri’s arms dropped to his side, then moved behind his back, one hand locking around the other wrist. His feet moved into position, expression falling from his face. Christophe snapped a picture. “Trent!” Victor cooed. “Oh, ma faute! Monsieur Dale,” blue eyes sparkled mischievously.
Trent paused, seeing the smiling visage of Victor pop up in front of him. “Oh. Hello again. I’m just here for Yuri.”
“Yuri? Ah yes, he’s been so good. Helping out!”  Victor turned to beam at the boy.
“Is he now?”
“Oui! He is helping with," Victor's lips bent, eyes sparkling as he voiced his thoughts about the clothes, noting how they mirrored those he had about the man, "je ne sais quoi. He’s a natural eye.”
Trent rose a brow. “That’s good to know.” His blue eyes sparked as he looked at the surroundings. “The shoot is done now?”
“Ah. Yes. Just something for we were working on.”
“Terribly sad that we couldn’t show sooner. Perhaps we could have helped.”
Victor felt something in him stur. “Yeah?” his smile growing. “That would have been nice. Ah!” a forlorn sigh escaped him, “but this was not for children’s wear.”
“No? How tragic. We could have spent more time together.”
Victor decided right then and there his next collection would have clothes for mini-peoples. “Well, if you’re offering to model clothes for us,” he said with a cheeky flair.
“Moi? Oh, non. Here.” From an inside pocket Trent slipped Victor a glossy business card. “This is Yuri’s agency. We must make sure he gets credit for his work. Builds his portfolio.” Seeing the Russian’s face fall, Trent lifted the corners of his lips. “I’ll make sure you get first choice,” he winked, holding his arm out. Yuri slipped off the stool, moving to the man’s side with a blank face. “After all, it would be a shame not to see you again.” Blue eyes locked together as his teeth flashed. Victor could feel himself sway as they turned away, heading for the nearby car.
They got into the car. It started. It pulled into traffic. They were gone. “Bold, isn’t he?” Christophe said softly into his ear. Victor’s lips twitched as he fought off several less-than-public comments about just how bold he wanted Trent to be. He stopped when he caught the twinkle in Christophe’s green eyes. Turning from the road, they got back to work.
The prints were prepared, printed, cataloged and portfolioed. Victor kissed Christophe’s cheeks in delight before they settled down to the very serious business of getting to classes on time, navigating the halls and buildings, and dealing with the difficult discoveries of which cafe` had the best - re: most palatable - caffeine. It seemed even France was not immune to the terrifying phenomenon that seemed to engulf all college campuses. A ‘good’ place for food that catered, one bar worth going too, and precisely no freedom from immense gossip as new students found themselves dealing with the wide-eyed confusion of first time freedom as the second years and up trugged from place to place with more espresso than blood in their veins. And yet, somehow, Victor wore it well.
Christophe was almost jealous. There was a vague aloofness that overcame his Russian friend, causing a chilling frost to cling to him as soon as his instant hanger-ons were out of his orbit. But it never touched Christophe. This, he mused, was the difference between admiratrice and amie.
Then it was ten-thirty and off they went. Victor to Couture craftsmanship (very exciting),while the Sweed took himself to composition & basic editing techniques. They met for a rushed twenty minute lunch before launching themselves across the quads to  Fashion Drawing by Hand, which Victor hated to admit he found a bit intimidating despite his years of practice. Christoph had practicals and applications that took him off to the field to get shots for his Digital and Modern Applications class. By the time Victor dragged himself from the edges of Introduction to Accessories Design at nine-thirty he could admit the twelve hours he spent in classes were not tough. They were brutal. He’d been able to keep up by dent of blinking twice. His head was spinning as Christophe tucked him into the couch with a cup of steaming vegetable soup.
“It gets easier,” he cooed in mock sympathy. Victor’s gaze was shell shocked.
“It was so much French.”
“This is France,” Christophe said, curling his feet under him before sipping on his own cup.
“It was so fast. I was sure I had a good grasp, but it was so fast!”
“Ah, mon ami. Most things are.”
cha 1&2, cha 3&4, cha 5&6 Bonus Picture for those who were patient: the boys on their first day at PCA.
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tydhl · 4 months
Th’ell ya’ doing here, lady? (Monty x reader)
Chapter 2. Who th’ell are ya’, lady?
Oh no!
It looks like you’re not a registered character in the Plex’s system, how unfortunate.
Good thing Montgomery Gator here realized you aren’t human! He will be in charge of escorting you back to the daycare.
Warnings: Mild swearing.
Headcanons used:
Monty is glad to be a rockstar but is jealous of Feedy being fan favorite.
Monty is very gentle with children.
“It’s past closing hours, lady, what th’ell ‘ya doing here?”
You stared up at the much larger animatronic, optics widened in terror. If your voice box was operational, you’d probably be screaming by now. You felt your CPU buzz loudly inside your chestplate, frantically calculating an escape route while you stood frozen. The gator was massive, being a good few feet taller than you, and looked like he could easily bench press a car if he wanted to.
You shakily brought your hands up and in a placating gesture and shook your head, trying to signal that you meant no harm. You glanced behind the gator, trying to judge the distance you’d have to run if you could slip past him. This only seemed to aggravate the already aggressive animatronic.
Monty felt his security module continuously ping his processor on the steps he needed to take now that he has located a trespasser to ‘keep Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex a safe place for all families to enjoy.’ He blinked at her rapid movements, becoming irritated if not confused on what you were trying to convey other than a frantic gesture.
He internally pinged Vanessa about the situation, needing a human employee to process any human infringement. 
Bringing his attention back to the shorter animatronic, he spoke up. “You stay here, an officer is going ta come talk to ya’ on how you’ll be processed fer trespassing on private property.” He said, pulling back a bit as he kept his harsh gaze on you, the response automatic and robotic as ever.
You winced at it’s scowl aimed towards you. At the mention of an officer getting involved in the situation, you began to panic. It hasn’t even asked who you we’re! 
He stared at you for a moment longer before he noticed that you weren’t quite…well, human.
“…What in the—?” 
He jerked his head back to get a better look before quickly running a full body scan. When his system revealed to him that he was, in-fact, talking to another animatronic, he didn’t quite know what to do.
Why weren’t you in his database? Surely they would’ve added the ID of a new member to the plex when they issued you. …Or maybe not, heck, this corporation isn’t known for being the nicest to their… assets. 
The gator stared at you for another tense moment before stepping back, letting go of the recharge station. A flicker of embarrassment was present in his face but was quickly masked by a scowl.
“Who th’ell are ya, lady?” He asked, crossing his arms as he stared you down. “I ain’t ever seen ya ‘round here before.”
You began to sign frantically, using your digits to convey what an answer to what was asked of you.
‘I’m the Daycare Attendant’s helper! Sorry if I intruded, I didn’t mean to wander so far or know that it would cause any problems.’ You looked up at the gator animatronic apologetically, after you gave him your name, equally embarrassed as you held your hands close to your chest.
Monty felt his scowl soften a bit when he realized you couldn’t speak. His optics quickly caught on to your ASL, already having been downloaded in his programming as a part of the ‘PCA’ part of his purpose during events. He decided not to comment on your lack of speech.
“You from the Daycare, huh? You don’t look as creepy as those clowns, heard management’s gonna to do something ‘bout their faceplates soon.” He replied, tilting his head to the side as he grimaced at the thought of the Daycare Attendant’s appearance. 
Whoever designed their likeness sure didn’t know what they were doing, those bots look creepy as hell. They did them so dirty. He quickly linked a quick picture of you and your name into a file for later. 
“Didn’t even have ya in my system. I’m guessing you’re new then.” He added, letting out a hiss of pressured air past his nostrils in a pretend huff.
That made sense. The human staff you’ve interacted with didn’t seem particularly interested in any of the bots. To leave out coding your addition to the animatronic staff does seem like something the would do, even intentionally.
“Moon’s allowed to come out of the Daycare during his rounds, he must be near Roxy Raceway by now. Sun, on the other hand, his programming won’t let the bot set foot outta the place, heck, I don’t think he can even think about doing so.” The gator mused, feeling himself relax slowly while he pinged Vanessa once again, this time to take back his request.
“I don’t know nothing ‘bout you though, if ya can or can’t.” He said, his scrutinizing gaze remaining fixed on you as he waited for a reply.
You blinked once, twice. Adverting your gaze, knowing full well that your programming doesn’t exactly specify whether or not you’re allowed to leave the daycare. You do, however, have a high clearance than Sun, being that you can leave without your joints locking up as soon as you crossed the Daycare doors.
You shrugged, deciding to change the topic.
‘You’re pretty intimidating, all the animatronics here as tall as you?’ Okay, maybe not the best way to divert the subject, but an attempt nonetheless.
The gator snorted at your words. If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s being intimidating. He brought a hand up to tilt his glasses down his snout and gave the shorter animatronic a grin. “Most of us, yeah, we’re pretty tall, modeled after th’ same endo.” He said, sliding his purple shades back up his snout.
‘Well, I may not be tall, but I am softer than most animatronics here. They gave me a complete silicone casing and memory foam pads on my hands.’ You signed, bringing your hands up for demonstration. ‘You can see for yourself.’ 
Monty’s smile faltered at your trusting gesture, looking down at her extended hand with a surprised expression. His jaw clicked shut as he processed your offer. You was offering to let him touch you. Him? Slowly, the bulky animatronic brought his clawed hand up to gently rest it in yours. Despite his reputation for being a destructive individual, the gator animatronic can be gentle. He’s gentle with the children, he’s never hurt one. She was true to her word, her servos were, in-fact, soft, silicone coating her palms.
A slow thumping noise was heard behind the gator and he quickly pulled away, an embarrassed expression painting his mostly static face. His tail had been wagging, and he mentally cursed the the programmer that had decided to add that involuntary reaction into his software. He looked away and crossed his arms, scowling once again.
You quirked a brow in amusement at his abrupt motion, effectively putting some distance between the both of you. 
“Yeah, well, ya should probably head back to the daycare if ya aren’t on patrol, it’s dangerous out here.” He grumbled.
You agreed, it was probably best for you to return to the daycare. However, you’d like to catch the gator’s name before you left, he was the first person outside your daycare duties that you’ve meet, after all.
‘Right, of course, but, before I leave, may I get your name?’ You signed, waiting patiently for his reply.
He glanced back at you, narrowing his eyes. Did you really not know who he was? Did you not know who the band was? Wait…then that means you don’t know who Freddy is, or about his reputation, which also means that you can’t compare him to Freddy like everyone else. The opportunity just walked right into his very hands, an opportunity he’s not going to miss.
Monty turned to face you, brining a clawed digit to tilt his bright, purple shades down and winked at you. “Name’s Montgomery, Montgomery Gator, but ya can call me Monty, doll-face.” He said, knowing this is his shot on making a memorable introduction with his southern charm.
You felt your fans kick up a notch at the pet name, but payed no other mind to it.
“I’m the band’s bassist, you could say I’m a fan favorite, got my own golf course an’ all.” The gator drawled rather arrogantly, brining his hands to his hips as he grinned toothily.
“You should come by some time, I’ll show ya how ta play, it’s on the house.” Monty offered smoothly, looking down at you through the violet hue of his signature shades.
You smiled at his offer, perhaps you should make going out of the daycare part of your routine. It would be a nice change. 
‘That would be nice.’ 
His grin widened.
As you turned on your heel, you hesitated. You really didn’t want to get lost again, and Monty did seem like a person who knew the place well. Turning back towards him, you signed.
“Nah, don’t worry about it, I know this place like th’ strings on my bass.” He said, brushing you off as he brushed one of his hands over his mohawk in a causal manner. “I can help you out, easy, wouldn’t want you to run into any other members of the band and throw yourself into a locker or something.” Monty teased, a loud bark of laughter escaping him before as he walked past you, already making his way to the Daycare.
He also didn’t want you running into Freddy, but the gator would never admit that. If you met him, he’s certain she’d realize how much of a mess the Gator actually is plus how much better the bear was compared to him. You’d forget all about Montgomery Gator. He can’t let that happen, he won’t let that happen. Shoving the dark thought back into the depths of his processor, he focused on the situation at hand.
“‘Sides, Moon can cover for me, he does owe me one.” The gator added as he looked back at her from over his shoulder with a grin.
“Get over here, short stack.” He called, gesturing for her to follow him.
You quickly followed after him, running to catch up to the larger animatronic. Falling into step beside him, you glanced up at the gator. His color scheme was a lot different to Sun and Moon’s, his attire as well. While the Daycare attendant sported s circus themed outfit, the glamrock wore a much more eighties-esque type aesthetic, reminiscent of the 80’s rockstar, David Bowie.
He glanced down at you and you adverted your gaze quickly, embarrassed to have been staring. Deciding that the floor was much more interesting, you kept your eyes glued to the tiles. The gator chuckled, much to your chagrin. Monty was used to the attention, either good or bad, having eyes on him wasn’t a new feeling, rather just as normal as recharging for him.
As you two passed the band’s green rooms, you perked, pointing at the show rooms as you turned your head to look up at the gator. 
Using your other hand to sign at him simply, you asked. ‘Your friends?’
“Hm? Oh, yeah, that’s where th’ band and I have our showrooms.” Monty replied, keeping his optics trained on you for any other signs. 
His tail slowly swept back and forth behind him, another indicator of his better mood. The gator’s eyes landed on Freddy’s room, and he fought back the urge to bare his teeth, instead, smiling down at the little lady.
“Maybe I can show ya ‘round some time, give ya a tour and all that jazz.” Monty added, glancing at his room’s door. 
The bulky animatronic grimaced a bit, optics quickly switching to his room’s visual feed. He’d have to get a S.T.A.F.F. bot to clean up the mess he made after his temper tantrum earlier in the day. He returned his gaze back to the shorter animatronic as they neared the Daycare entrance. 
“If you’re lucky, I might even take a picture with ya.” The reptilian animatronic said with a grin. “You’ll be a certified Montgomery Gator fan!” 
You clapped your hands excitedly, relying more on your body language and actions to get your mood across. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? 
When your eyes landed on the Daycare’s doors, you balked. You didn’t want to end your conversation with Monty just yet, you’d just gotten to know him. 
‘Will is see you again?’
The animatronic gator blinked down at the you, surprise evident on his face as his optics widened. You wanted to see him again? Him, Montgomery Gator? Suck on that Fazbear!
With a toothy grin, he brought his hand to your forehead, flicking your faceplate, making you lurch back with a surprised expression. “Sure ya will, doll.” 
Stepping back, he looked past the netted wall that separated the daycare from the gift shop area. “Say hi to Sun for me, alright?” Monty said, returning his focus to you.
You rubbed at your forehead, watching him with narrowed eyes. This made Monty grin wider as he continued.
“And don’t let me catch you wandering where you shouldn’t, just ping me if you need someone to—” he gave her a mischievous grin, “‘assist a new bot with directions’.”
He quickly found your data signature in the Plex’s network and shot you a quick message, just a simple ‘hey’. “You can use th’ network to message me after hours or during your break, usually only security guards use it, but it’s pretty nifty for us bots to stay in touch.” 
You jerked a bit at the message popping up in your visual feed before grinning, giving him a thumbs up. 
”I’ll see you—“
The daycare doors opened suddenly, cutting the animatronic gator off. You both turned to look at what had interrupted your little conversation.
“Sunshine! I’m so glad you’re back, I got worried when I couldn’t find you anywhere! Moon went out to look for you and—…” the sun-themed animatronic tilted his faceplate when he noticed the band’s bassist standing next to you. 
His milky white optics seemed to darken, though perhaps that was just the lighting. “Oh! You brought the gator…with you.”
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
*entertainment, purposes only*
*read at your own risk*
Does R know about this blog?
Pulled: Queen of Cups (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: oh she knows! It’s not affecting her friendship with T though. If anything, she’s bitter because zeglyth is popular. Her own bf doesn’t get that kind of love so she’s irritated that Zeglyth is taking over. However, I’m seeing a lot of immaturity here. How can you hate something but feed into it? That’s like saying I’m tired of eating chicken then ordering 50 chicken wings with a side of nuggets. Can’t have it both ways. T has the same issue. He can’t be mad that R doesn’t want to talk about the kiss when he told her not to. They’re both always bitter over something. Two lemons on a lemon tree.
Is R mad at zeglyth shippers?
Pulled: Eight of Swords
Tarot 2.0: hmm interesting. No not really! She’s annoyed like I mentioned but she’s mad at her fans in general. Everyone needs to relax. Her fans are overwhelming her and it’s becoming toxic. She misses her older fans from WSS, they weren’t too crazy. She knew about zeglyth shippers though so it’s not surprising to her? Isn’t she a fandom shipper herself? She knows how it goes by now then. It’s not a big deal, people are blowing it out of portion. She was irritated for like 1 hour and got over it.
She’s slowly realizing that being online and in her own fandom is not a good thing. Now she feels trapped because she loves the fan interaction but she comes across stuff she doesn’t want to see. Oh well. Learn to curate your space, R.
How is R's relationship with J now?
Pulled: The Hangman
Tarot 2.0: She’s not happy right now. All hell is breaking loose everywhere. She’s very conflicted over J and their current relationship. This blog didn’t help (not in a bad way but like she’s constantly forced to confront her feelings for T). She’s seeing T everywhere because of the Zeglyth explosive on her timeline and reminiscing on all their moments together. What a mess. Also I think her and J are having long distance relationship issues but she’s trying to put on a brave face. She doesn’t do well when she’s lonely and sinks into a dark place. However, she shouldn’t make rash decisions (see what happened to T when he did that?) and take a break offline.
Why did T’s energy change from his bday to now?
Pulled: Page of Pentacles
Tarot 2.0: this is pretty typical actually. He was very happy on his bday surrounded by friends and loved ones. And then after the bday high is over, it’s usually followed by an extreme low. People tend to reminisce during the bday. What have they accomplished over the last year? What happened? Any regrets? And all those questions sometimes lead to a major depressive episode for a few reasons.
One, people don’t like to think they’re a year older because time passes quickly. Two, if they accomplished something, they want to go back to that time. Three, they have major regrets and wish they could go back and do things differently. And last, they don’t know where their future is headed so they’re sad for the unknown.
I’m going with option 2 here.
T hit a big career milestone that he equally loves and hates. Loves because finally his career is headed in a great direction. Hates because now life is under a microscope and he misses flying under the radar. It also explains why he’s impulsive because if he’s thinking about the positives of last year, I’m willing to bet R flashed through his mind a lot. And he doesn’t want to think about her at all.
This is a terrible month for all these insane emotions. His bday and Valentine’s Day is forcing him to confront these thoughts.
Me: don’t forget TBOSAS documentary and PCA.
Tarot 2.0: damn so R and T don’t want to think about each other but all these life events are forcing them to. What terrible timing.
Me: if it’s terrible, why are you smiling?
Tarot 2.0: I love when people suffer tbh. It gives me a thrill especially when it’s self conflicted like these 2.
Me: he stammered over the word friend when he was talking about her.
Tarot 2.0: huh?
*shows her clip*
Tarot 2.0: didn’t this happening during filming? So months ago? Over a year ago since they filmed back in 2022? He couldn’t even say the word friend without stuttering, you’re right. He’s so deeply unserious.
What does he mean “one of the joys in his life?” He has many friends, I feel it in his energy so that’s a powerful thing to say. Don’t tell me he was going to say “she’s easy to fall in with”? I hope BB isn’t watching this.
And I’m noticing a pattern here. Every time he’s alone with his thoughts during these interviews, he confesses what he’s truly feeling. No way he would have said all of this in front of R and/or J.
Me: and there’s this!
Tarot 2.0: J is weak! No way am I letting another man lift my girl off the ground! Especially in front of me. Is this a common routine? T definitely has a thing for petite and short women. But J turned his back for one second and T had her in the air. I’m so lost right now. I don’t understand how J can be okay with this? T has no respect for him and honestly I don’t either. This clip pretty much sums up the relationship between these 3. J is clueless and indifferent, T is literally lifting her and R is giggling like a school girl getting asked to prom. If you show a random person this, they wouldn’t believe who’s actually dating who.
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Hi Cal!!! Lol I’m submitting later than I usually would but dw I’m here with lots of emojis! 😝 I hope the competitions went well!! Your dogs are so adorable please tell them I said “hi hi hi!!” with lots of pats and smooches!
Already so pumped for the new stories! I think I’m gonna vary my submission order this time - I’m finding a theme for the pair of emojis in each ask. First up is the supernatural stories!
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟 (this story is still everything to me! I can’t wait for when they come back from their road trip and buck is ride or die for eddie and the rest of the 118 is kinda lost :p in every world BuckAndEddie are a bit much so why should an apocalypse be any different?)
➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ (i have questions! I want answers! I’m ready for buck to bust them out of there and to find out why eddie is being both wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird)
- PCA <3
Thanks! The dogs did great! All passes, and three new titles across between the two of them
75 for 🧟 (THANKS! Excited to share my plans. I may not hit 75 though because I'm almost done the chapter. We shall see.)
It happens before the sun is even up. It’s not the full dark of nighttime, but not quite dawn. Eddie has finally managed a few hours of sleep on the couch. That is, until he is rudely awoken by a loud clattering outside the house. 
His first two thoughts, as he snaps from dream to reality, are Buck and raccoons. The first thought is proven wrong when Buck immediately calls Eddie from the bedroom, asking if the noise is him. So not Buck. And, when he hears another loud clatter, and a muffled curse, he realizes it’s raccoons either. Or zombies.
So, Eddie doesn’t really think. He doesn’t wait for Buck. He grabs his weapon, and he rushes outside. It’s hard to see, but Eddie is immediately greeted by the dark silhouetted of two living, un-zombified people messing around with his truck. They’ve got the hood open, they’ve jacked up the wheels, siphoned the gas… Everything… . 
He doesn’t think. He aims at the thieves, and shoots. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hears Buck hiss behind him. 
Even in the dark, Eddie’s aim proves true. It hits one of the thieves, though probably not fatally. The man shouts in agony and falls backward. The other thief grabs something from under the hood and takes off running. 
“Fuck,” Buck says again. 
The person Eddie shot scrambles back to his feet, cradling his arm. He takes off running in the direction of his co-conspirator. He knocks over a gas canister as he runs, spilling fuel all over the driveway. 
“DON’T COME BACK!” Eddie shouts after them. It feels sort of redundant after the whole gunshot bit, honestly. 
Buck shoves past Eddie to go pick up the canister, trying to save as much gasoline as he can. Eddie stands uselessly for a moment, hands shaking a little. Not from the danger. Eddie is used to the danger. But to the… Well, the fucking catastrophe of it all. Another stupid, horrible thing to happen because of Eddie’s fruitless mission to find Shannon. Now his truck is ruined. And… And he dragged Buck into all of it.  
Yeah not quite 75 but all I can do for you right now.
75 for ➰ (Wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird is exactly right!):
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“It’s okay!” Buck scrambles to appease him. “It’s fine, Eddie. We can still make it for dinner on time.”
They’ll go to the seafood place, sit inside, and die of carbon monoxide poisoning or whatever it is. No need to panic. No need to assume disaster will strike. 
“What does a broken kayak rack have to do with dinner?” Chris asks. 
“Nothing,” Eddie mumbles. “Nothing at all.”
“Beach or pool?” Buck asks when they walk back to the Jeep.
Eddie still looks flattened. Like he’s waiting for the worst to happen. Which is weird. Because the day Buck jumped out of the way of the kayak, he’d been pretty understanding. Why is today different?
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Eddie replies, somewhat weakly. He almost seems dejected. Like, okay. Can’t we be glad Buck wasn’t smacked in the head? Just for a second? 
“Well, what’s easier?” Buck asks. “In the worst case scenario.”
Eddie sighs. “Pool. Less work for first responders. And, uh, me.”
Right. Getting down to the beach. The sand. The water. That makes sense. 
“Pool it is,” Buck replies. 
“You guys don’t make any sense,” Chris sighs. “You’re being extra weird today.” 
“Sorry, Chris,” Eddie mumbles. 
“Yeah, sorry, bud,” Buck adds. “You don’t mind an afternoon at the pool, do you?” 
“Nope,” Chris says. “I’m okay with the pool. We have beaches in L.A.”
It kind of ends up being like the day Buck hit his head on the rocks. Chris and Buck swim in the pool and have fun, and Eddie seems somewhat distant. Not quite as bad as that day, but it does feel like he’s hanging back and not participating. The difference, this time, is that Buck is aware of what’s happening. He knows Eddie is waiting for something bad to happen to one of them. He just doesn’t understand what makes this go-around different for Eddie. 
“What’s wrong?” Buck asks him, sitting beside him on a reclining pool chair. He’s brought them both a fresh beer.
“You know what’s wrong,” Eddie whispers. He takes a sip of his beer. A long sip. “We messed up the day. Something worse is coming.”
“Okay, but you didn’t act like this last time I screwed up,” Buck reminds him. 
“That was different,” Eddie mumbles. 
“How?” Buck asks. “It’s kind of the exact same, actually. Other than the fact that I didn’t accept drugs from Rachel.”
Who passed him by without offering, thankfully. She’s sitting across the pool deck, begging her kids not to run so close to the edge of the water, rubbing sunscreen into her husband’s very hairy back. Buck has avoided looking at her as much as possible. Eddie has thrown her unpleasant glances, which feels a little too far. She doesn’t know she killed Buck.
Eddie sighs. “It just is, Buck. Okay?”
“Why?” Buck asks. “Because we both messed up this morning and not just me?”
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