#The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers
chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 3 months
The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer - Part 15 - Equal Punishment for All
Hi everyone! This is Dani and this is part 15 for this comedy series! This is for my great partner @the-silver-peahen-residence. This drabble fanfic is mostly for fun so please enjoy to your hearts content.
----- Chapters --------
Here are previous chapters of Chapters 6-13
Chapter 14
----- Warning ---- Hilarity Comedy Ridiculousness Arson Destruction of Property Grammatical errors
----- Summary ----
Daichi ( Kisho ) is on a mission with Nobara Kugisaki and Yuuji Itadori to exorcise a wasp curse at the abandoned warehouse near a shrine. However, the mission is proven to be difficult until Daichi has an explosive idea for the two to consider. How would this play out? And what would Megumi Fushiguro's response see the outcome? Read to find out! -----
Megumi is now tapping his foot with his arms crossed while exhuming waves of anger while his shikigami Max Elephant hoses building and trees with water to put out the flames caused by his three friends: Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji Itadori and Kisho Hashimoto aka Daichi PhoenX. He got there just in time to see a shrine caught on fire and it spread to a few trees which is stopped thanks to his shikigami.
The mission was to exorcise a cursed spirit inhabiting a old building near a shrine. It was an easy mission so he has to wonder. What in the world did it go so wrong?!
"Care to explain yourselves?" Megumi asked as his friends are sitting on the ground with their hands on their knees, looking down on the ground as they became slient.
Nobody dare say anything because if they say something. Someone is going to get punished.
"We have the entire night...to talk" Megumi said. "Because the mission was to exorcise a cursed spirit not to burn down a building so tell me..how did this happen?" He said so emotionlessly. But they can feel it. it made his three classmates sweat so bad that they sweat bullets as their bottom lips are quivering. They all had one thought,
'Holy shit, he's mad.'
Megumi already knew who was clearly responsible for this but he is going to heard him out.
"I..." Daichi PhoenX opens his mouth and closes his mouth.
"Yes...Daichi? We're all ears." Megumi said.
Nobara and Itadori look at each other with worried looks because they know that Daichi is in more trouble than them.
"Well...it went something like this..." Daichi starts to explain.
----- Hours earlier ----
"Ugh! That was so gross! The curse is so tough!" Nobara yelled.
"I can't even hit it. Not only that there were so many of them!" Yuji groaned. The curse is a bug, it's like a wasp on two legs and it has a crown on its head. Not only, it had its own swarm of flyheads that looked dangerous since they have stingers.
"Same..." Daichi narrows his eyes when he grips his sword. Nobara groans, "So now what?" The mission that the three were sent is to exorcise grade semi-2 curse but it is proven difficult since the curse itself has an army of small grade 3 and 4s, curses that look like killer hornets of the size of a baseball. They were pretty hard to get rid so the teens quickly retreated. So now, they're outside trying to come up with an idea how to get rid of the small fires before getting to the big boss.
Itadori is sighing shaking his head while Kugisaki grumbles. But then...Daichi blinks as an imaginary lightbulb appears on top of his head, "I got an idea! Follow me!" He said. Nobara and Yuji blink so they follow Daichi to his large bag where he unzips and opens it. "Ta-da!" Daichi presents what is in the bag. Eito chirps happily. The two students widen at what they are. Fireworks?!
"Uhh....Daichi...." Yuji is now worried.
"I don't think it's a good idea! I mean....remember last time???" Nobara reminds him. The truck caught on fire when he first use it. In a way, it sounded a good idea even though a truck exploded when the curse was exorcised in that explosion. Megumi was pissed. Daichi sighs, "I know, I know! But this time, it's in an enclosed space and the hornet curse with its swarm will be easy to defeat with this firepower! Think about it!" He said. "We will have the range and advantage. We just need to antagonize the main curse out of its den along her angry swarm of bees or wasps?"
"Her?" Nobara questioned with a raised brow and crossed arms. Daichi nods, "Usually....with bugs like these, it's always led by a queen. So the giant wasp is the queen and she's pretty aggressive if her swarm dies.." "Ooooooh..." Nobara and Yuji nodded in acknowledgment as they get it now. Yuji then asks, "We need to make the curse angry, right? So how would this work." "Yep. We need to take her swarm down so she has no choice to get out." Daichi nodded. "Plus we can attach the fireworks to something to make that work. And I know just the thing!" Something??? Nobara and Yuuji blinked. He goes to take something out of bag. "Ta-da!" He presents them a drone with a remote control. "If we attach fireworks to this, we can have control of the skies and strike the curses from above!" Daichi grinning, as Eito chirps.
Nobara and Yuuji are thinking about the pros and cons about this plan. Although...adding fireworks to a drone, it sounded so.....so...so....freaking insane and cool! This might work! 'Brats. This is a bad idea.' Sukuna's mouth forms on Yuji's cheek opening his eye, giving his own opinion.
"Oh come on, Sukuna! I bet you never tried this in Heian Era!" Daichi stated. Sukuna huffs, "I will use a fire arrow like yours." He says, "What are you suggesting sounds dumb! The fireworks incident got something to explode, remember? How would putting it on a flying contraption would help?"
"Simple. I will add the fire to the strings of the fireworks and then we get the drone in position to fire!" He grins. "Plus I can shoot out a small fireball to lit up it. It's all positioning and planning." "You know...you could put your pet turkey to work!" Sukuna pointed this out to which Eito squawks angrily. Daichi gasps, "I could never do that to Eito! Eito always stays at my side!" Daichi exclaimed making Sukuna rolled his eyes. "Besides...Yuuji and Nobara, what do you say?! We can take this curse down with this plan!" Daichi asked them. Nobara and Yuuji look hestaited but at the same time, they don't have any ideas on how to combat this curse and its minions. Soooo...
"Why not?" Nobara shrugs. "I don't want to deal with those nasty bugs! I just got my hair done! So let's go with this plan. Heck! I want to see how this goes." She smiles.
"Yeah! Those bugs are hard to hit and you have a good idea, Daichi! So let's go with that!" He nods. This got Daichi grinning. "Alright then let's execute this operation Dragonfly!" He points outwards brimming with confidence.
Dragonfly?? The three thought including Sukuna but didn't question it. Sometime later, they set up the fireworks into position as the drone is now ready to take flight. Not before lighting up the strings to the fireworks attached to the drone. Daichi already imbues the fireworks with his cursed technique. Eito chirps.
"Okay! You guys ready?!" Daichi grins as he controls the drone as he had it fly over to the building. Have it aim towards the open window where the curses are residing it. "Yeah!" Nobara and Yuji yelled. And thus Operation Dragonfly has begun as the drone fires off two fireworks into the building. Explosions followed as the wasp curses are screeching as they are dying in the flames. The wasps that survived came out of the building and came over. "Nobara and Yuji! At the ready! FIRE!" Daichi ordered. "RIGHT!" They had their lighters given by Daichi, already lit up the fireworks, and thus the fireworks, just like rockets, shot through the sky and made contact with the incoming swarm. When those mini-explosions occur followed by beautiful sparks in the night sky of that the trio's eyes beam with awe and wonder. The curses were dropping like burnt flies into the ground after their dying screeches. Yuji and Nobara were amazed by this and couldn't believe it. This firework plan is freaking awesome. It's working. Daichi PhoenX is a genius. The swarm dies and another swarm takes its place, coming towards them. The three students look at each other with blinking eyes and start grinning. "HEHEHEHEHEHHE!" They all shared a gleeful expression. With one single brain cell shared between them; Daichi, Nobara, and Yuji decided it was a good idea to use more fireworks at the curses. They were excited to see more mini-explosions. Now they can have their revenge against the curse for being so gross and difficult. Another barrage of fireworks was sent towards the swarm, blasting them into smithereens and more beautiful sparks were seen. The teens were laughing and giggling now. "YEAH! IN YOUR FACE, YOU CREEPS!!" Nobara yelled. She felt like a princess sending out rockets from her kingdom. Yuji roars, "YEAH! TAKE THAT! GET BLASTED" Yuji felt like he was a pirate. "HAHAHAHAHA! FACE THE WRATH OF THE DARK PHOENIX!" Daichi said with Eito cawing to hype everyone up. It's all three felt like kids again. Meanwhile.....Sukuna watches this from his innate domain, almost sweatdropping. He never thought fireworks of all things would work. Fireworks weren't invented in his time and heard they are used for celebration. But to be used as a devasting weapon? He had to admit. It is a good light show. Not only that but putting fireworks on a drone??? It's so freaking ridiculous, it actually works. The King of Curses won't admit it but Daichi's plan might actually work!
But this isn't over yet. Because the ruler of the swarm has come out of its den. The queen. The queen is humanoid but it is monstrous. It is angered by her own being destroyed by the likes of sorcerer children. "Ahhh! Daichi, what should we do?!" Yuji panicked seeing the queen charging towards them. Nobara cries, "Yeah! The curse is gaining on us!" But Daichi remains undeterred by this. In fact, he predicted the angry curse would do something like that. "Not to worry because I knew this would happen, that said...I would have my Dragonfly drone become an honored kamizake!!!" Daichi yelled as Eito squawked.
"Kamizake?!" Nobara, Yuji and Sukuna thought. Daichi already imbues his cursed technique into the drone with his extended technique, Flame Blossom. "DRAGONFLY! GO!" He yelled. Daichi proceeds to ram the drone into the curse, making contact with it. The queen tries to slashes it to pieces and but drone hits into the queen. It explodes, bursting in flames and the flames are inflicted on the queen. The queen screeches as her wings are burned. "WOAH!" Nobara and Yuuji yelled as they went crazy. Seeing the queen now in flames, flying towards....crashing through the building. Suddenly, an explosion ripped through the roof making the three gasped.
"Damn, Daichi! How much firepower you put into Dragonfly drone?" Nobara said. Daichi answers, "Enough to exorcise the curse!" "Holy shit, that was cool!" Yuji yelled. Nobara nods, "Right!?" She grins. But then...something happened. They smell smoke and sees that one of the trees were set on fire. "Uhhhh...Daichi..." Yuuji goes to point at what he's seeing. Daichi turns to where Yuji is pointing at with a dumbfounded look and widens his eyes to see what's happening, "OH NO!" And thus chaos ensues as the fire begins to spread! Then the shrine got caught on fire as well. The three were panicking so the three asked Sukuna for advice. After all...he's the only adult in the room given that he is 1,000 years old. "SUKUNA! HELP US!" The three yelled which got Sukuna's mouth emerged on Yuji's mouth.
"SUKUNA PLEASE!" Yuji yelled. Sukuna can't believe this as he facepalms, he did not reincarnate in the brat's body for this shit. Fuck me! Then Eito goes to chirp frantically making Daichi blink. "Wait...use fire against it? That can put it out." "Seems like the turkey is good for something! You need to use new fire to burn out the old one! It works if there is no water nearby!" Sukuna advises. "Okay! Thank you!" Daichi said before going to do what he was told. Yuji and Nobara go to help Daichi. So far, they keep the damage to a minimal. Sorta. It was thanks to Megumi's arrival when he goes to check up on them after he completed the mission with Taz, Yuria and Miko.
And that's how they got to the situation they are now.
---- Present -----
"So let me get straight." Megumi takes a breath before exhaling. "You three decided to use fireworks to use as missiles by having Daichi imbue his cursed energy into them — AGAIN — so you can shoot into the building where the curse resided because of its swarm. And this time, you add fireworks to a drone??? Then once the drone is out of fireworks, you had it kamikaze into the queen wasp curse, sending it into a building, and blowing it along with the building. Where the flaming debris almost caused a forest fire. Did I get all this right?" Megumi asked with his arms crossed, looking down at the three who were down with hands on their knees. Their palms are sweating including their heads. They can feel the intense gaze of Megumi Fushiguro on them when he is getting the full story.
The two students behind Daichi share a thought. Nobara and Itadori are now worried about their flame sorcerer friend. They are thinking, 'Daichi is so screwed.' So screwed!'
"What do you three say for yourselves?" Asked Megumi. Daichi raises his hand up right away, "It is I! I will take full responsibility for this, Fushiguro! I'm the one who proposed the idea!!"
"Really?" Megumi said, "Why am I not surprised?" He looks to the students behind Daichi, "Kugisaki and Itadori?" Megumi said. "What about you two? You got anything to say as well?"
"We just went along with it because Daichi convinced us!" Itadori answers as he trembles while Nobara nods frantically, "Uh-huh! Daichi's idea is the best one we had so far! We had no other ideas, we were stuck!!"
"I see. Kisho, you know what this means, right?"
Kisho is now crying, "Yes!" He is so screwed but he knew the moment he messed up, Megumi has to punish him. It is what he deserves. Megumi summons his horde of rabbits and goes to punish him as the rabbits are kicking and dogpiling on Kisho. The cries were heard making Yuji and Nobara gasp. They begin to apologize to Kisho frantically.
"We're so sorry, Kisho Hashimoto!" Itadori cries as he and Kugaski clasp their hands together, begging for forgiveness while Kisho is being thoroughly punished by Megumi's rabbits.
"Yes! We will tell your girlfriend, Miko, that we appreciate your great sacrifice!" Nobara exclaimed, clasping her hands and rubbing them together.
But then....the two aren't prepared for Megumi's next words as he slowly..so slowly turn his head at them. "Who says he's going to be the only one to be punished?" He said this with unblinking green glowing eyes in a scary tone towards the two.
Eh? The two look at him with dumb looks on their face. The words sink in, making Itadori and Kugisaki slowly widen their eyes to the size of saucers and their faces pale. Wait what?! Fushiguro doesn't mean...
Wow. You two are fucked. Sukuna said in Itadori's head. "WAIT HOLD ON!" Nobara said as she and Yuji are holding hands together. Yuji had his hand up, pleading for mercy. "YEAH! Come on, Fushiguro!" Yuji yelled as the two are crawling away from the shadow sorcerer.
"We're just following what Daichi told us! You're going to punish us too?!" Nobara yelled.
"Yes. Matter of fact, you two were happy that something blew up meaning you went along knowing how it turned out, didn't you?" Megumi said as he slowly smiled. A disturbing smile as his eyes were glowing green making them sweat really hard while the sounds of Kisho's pained cries were heard within the rabbit horde in the background. "Besides...it wouldn't be right that Kisho is the only one to be punished? After all, he is willing to take responsibility while you two keep quiet. So I'm doing this in order to make sure this never happens again." Itadori and Kugisaki are now crying.
Oh god. What did they get themselves into?!
"Now, now, now...Fushiguro! Megumi! PLEASE! Let's talk about this!!" Itadori is now crying. Megumi sighs, "Sorry, Itadori. It has been decided after Kisho confessed."
"THEN TAKE ITADORI!" Kugasaki shouted, shoving him in front of her. "WHAT?!" Itadori can't believe this. Yuji looked at Nobara with a look of betrayal. "I was dragged into this!" Nobara shouted, not wanting to get punished. "Itadori agreed with Kisho and I had no choice to go with it!"
"HUH?! You're the one who say that you won't get in because you don't want your hair to get dirty!!! What the hell, Kugisaki!" Itadori retorted. "You were so into Kisho's plan!!"
As the two argued, Megumi sighs, shaking his head disappointed with his classmates, "You guys..." He goes to call his rabbit horde as one half goes to come over while the other half is still punishing Kisho.
This got Nobara and Yuji are shrieking in terror. "NO! Please Megumi!" They are pleading for mercy right now. They didn't imagine that they would get punished too.
"Okay. Yuji, you're first." Megumi said. Yuji is now shedding tears now while Nobara is now scooting away from Yuji now. "No, no, Megumi! Please! We're doing the best we can!!" Yuji yelled.
If convincing Megumi won't work then maybe asking for Sukuna's help to back him up would.
---- Inside Sukuna's domain ---
In the innate domain where the King of Curses resides on top of his skull throne, Sukuna Ryomen is drinking a mug of green tea latte, reading a manga with reading glasses. Where did he get a manga, a drink, and reading glasses? Well, that doesn't matter here. Right now, Sukuna is occupied as he takes a long — a very long sip of his cup of matcha latte.
"Sorry..brat. I warned you and you didn't listen. I can't help you with this. Especially with Fushiguro Megumi so you're shit outta luck here." Said Sukuna.
A wave of rabbits consumes Itadori as they are now disciplining him with kicks and such. The cries of his vessel brought a smile to Sukuna's lips. "Ah...the sound of suffering..." He hums. Still, he admit what he says.
He is not going to screw with Fushiguro Megumi when he's mad. Nope. "Not getting off my throne. Nope." Sukuna said.
------- Real World -----
Megumi watches his rabbit shikigami disciplining both boys. The shadow sorcerer turns to the brunette. Now it's Nobara's turn. The girl is now screaming inside and is now clasping her hands in a prayer.
"Hey, hey, hey, come on Fushgiuro! You can't be serious!" Nobara pleaded.
"Like I said, you have to be punished too for your actions."
"Are you seriously going to beat up a poor defenseless helpless beauty like myself?!" Nobara is now shedding the crocidble tears so she can get out of this. But then Megumi lowers his hands, giving a glimmer of hope in Nobara's eyes.
"You're right. This punishment isn't fitting for you. This is..." Megumi does another hand sign summoning a toad with wings. Nobara pales.
"B-b-but!" Nobara is now crying.
"Everyone is equal...." Megumi begins staring down on her, "In the eyes of Jujutsu law."
The frog shikigmai opens its mouth and launches its tongue at her, wrapping its long appendage around her waist.
Nobara screaming, "NO! NOOOOO!" She screamed as the toad pulled her inside of its mouth.
----- 10 minutes later -----
Inside the van on their way back home, the three were slient in the back seat after getting punishment that Megumi handed out. The manager and driver, Nitta sweatdropped as she looks in her rear-view mirror to see the traumatized faces of Daichi, Itadori and Kugisaki.
"So what did we learn today?" Megumi asked making them tremble with fear. Nitta looks to be fearful because she never thought Megumi would be this scary.
Daichi and Itadori are dirty and have some bruises while Nobara is covered in slime thanks to the frog. The three are shaking.
"Not to do dangerous things." Daichi said.
"Not to be stupid..." Itadori said. "And get your hands dirty even if you don't want to..." Nobara said. "Good." Megumi leaves it at that as they make their way back to campus. ----- The next day -----
The three were recovering from last night. Still recovering. Daichi ( now Kisho ) , Nobara, and Yuji are sitting at the table silently. Megumi had to write the mission report given what the three told him last night. So he told them to stay inside. "Guys..." Daichi or rather Kisho begins. Nobara and Yuji looks at him. "I'm really sorry" Kisho apologizes, "I didn't know...." Daichi is used to be punished. But Itadori and Nobara too?! "It's my fault! I should of planned better and-"
"Daichi....stop....it's fine." Nobara sighed, putting her hand. "We knew that we were going to get in trouble sooo..."
"It's no worries. Didn't know Megumi's rabbits could pack a punch. I can't believe you endure all that." Yuji said. Kisho sighs, "Still..." He trails off before becoming quiet. Slience fills the room. "You know...." Yuji breaks the silence, "It was kinda worth it." He admitted, "I mean...putting fireworks on a drone? That's so crazy. It's like seeing a helicopter sending out missiles. I should thought of that!" "Huh?" Kisho blinked at him. Nobara nods her head, "Right? I rather see it again! In fact, Kisho! Where do you get your fireworks?! I want to buy some including the drone so I don't deal with any curses that is so slimy and bug-like!" Nobara whined. "Eh?!" "Yeah...next time...we need to use that if we come across any enemies. We just need to work on the explosive part." Said Yuji. And thus, the three did not learn their lesson regarding crazy ideas. In fact, Kisho or rather Daichi's crazy influence begins to rub off Itadori Yuji and Kugsaki Nobara just a little. What would be their mission next time?
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demon-blood-youths · 10 months
The Misadventures of the Phoenix and Chimera Sorcerer. Part 7 - A Blind Date
Hi everyone. This is part 7. This is for my rper parnter; @the-silver-peahen-residence.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
----- Summary -----
Megumi and Daichi received a mission to exorcise a curse at a host club in Shinjuku with Yuji and Nobara. But their plan will be taken for a crazy turn as Megumi had to endure a great trail involving Daichi's plan. How will this turn out?
I'm going to kill him.
Yeah, I'm going to kill him this time.
Megumi thought as he is sitting on the dress all dressed for an occasion. Rather...for the mission. This time, he is really going to kill Daichi for this. And most likely Yuji and Nobara. Never did he think of the dumbest plan in his life in his sorcerer life. It can't be real.
This all started when they had a mission in Shinjuku.
----- Hours earlier -----
"Hold on...a host club?" Yuji blinked. Gojo-sensei nods his head, "Indeed, Itadori. There are unexplained injuries surrounding a host club in Shinjuku and now a person is critically injured. This host club has no connections to a gang or anything criminal-related. All they can mention is a monster scaring them and away from it. If it continues, it will spread and will harm people in the red-light district.
Good news....the host club is shut down temporarily under the 'notice' of repairs. By notice, it means it's time to exorcise the curse.
"So we just go in and find the curse to exorcise?" Yuji asked.
"Yes but there's a problem." Gojo stated.
"A problem?" Megumi asked.
"The curse is hard to find, you see." Gojo sighed.
"Oh! Then we can track it down with Taz's technique." Daichi said.
"I rather not. Even with Taz's nose, this curse is pretty elusive. " Gojo-sensei sighed. "Besides...If we did, we have to explain to her what a host club is. We need to keep our little Taz pure from the dark side of adults!" Gojo pouted.
"I agree with that, Gojo-sensei!" Yuji exclaimed nodding his head. Besides..how are they going to explain what a host club is to her?! Including the red district of Tokyo, Shinjuku. Taz would be curious and would have tons of questions. Good thing, Taz will be here with Yuria and Miko, teaching them instead going of with them.
"Oh come on, a host club isn't that bad. I mean...." Daichi begins. "It's just bottle service!"
"No way! My little sis will not learn about host clubs!" Yuji pokes a finger at Kisho's chest with a frown comedically. "She's too young for that, Kisho!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah! Taz is too young to learn about that! Also, how do you know what a host club is?! A host club is more than that!" Nobara chided him. Daichi had his hands up, giving up, "Okay, Fine! Sorry!"
Megumi sighs, shaking his head. He looks at Gojo. "So when do we start?"
"Tonight!!" Gojo said happily.
After arriving in Shinjuku, the team found the host club named Lovely Dovely but before they entered. Daichi stops them. "Hold on! We need to gather information about the curse."
"Huh? Why?" Nobara asked. Yuji and Megumi wanted to know the reason.
"Didn't Gojo-sensei say that the curse is hard to find and it's elusive?" He asked. "The curse might avoid us if we go inside like this."
"Yeah but what can we ask the people around here? Most are non-sorcerers and have no idea what we're talking about." Nobara points out.
"Agreed. Plus we got the file on it." Megumi said. Daichi shakes his head, "True but a host club shuts down for repairs...people are going to find out and talk you know, especially in a place like this. I say we do some information gathering about the host club or anything that's happened. We might get something."
"But we can't waste time, Daichi." Megumi crossed his arms. "I know, I know. But we might give it a try at least. Maybe a curse has a history and we might find a way to deal with it."
Megumi thinks hard. True. Curses come from negative emotions so it must be something that a curse emerged from something like this. "Okay. But 5 minutes." He said.
"Right!" Daichi said.
"I can help out!" Yuji said. Nobara shrugs. Megumi would wait here for time just in case if he sees something. After five minutes up, the three meet back here and discuss what they heard and talk to.
"Okay! So from our investigation, I have an educated guess."
"A guess?" Nobara asked. Daichi nods. "Yes! This curse must be female or an angry customer."
"Huh. Okay, an angry customer makes sense" Yuji asked. "But why female?
"Think about it. It is only harming the employees, right?" Daichi asked to which Yuji and Nobara nodded while Megumi raised a brow at this, "I talked to people around about it and they told me. So it makes sense it's female or just a jealous boyfriend. Either of the two." Daichi said. "So I went to a hostess club and asked about the Lovely Dovely from a block down. A compeitior."
"So what did they said?" Nobara asked, now curious.
"Well there is one time where a woman walk out crying out of a host club a long time ago. They said it was months back. I heard the woman gave gifts to a guy who thought loved her but you know. The guy working there wants the tips and got greedy."
"That's cold. I can see why a curse emerged from this place" Yuji said. Nobara sighed, shaking her head, "You never get too attached to the people working in these places. Host and hostess clubs are like the modern geisha!"
Then Noabra thinks, "Speaking of which, I talked to the girls and they told me the same thing. I heard she got her heart broken. And there's another girl whose life savings was to get a boyfriend." She said.
"Yeah. Some people say the customer got angry and jumped." Yuji frowns. "They think the place is cursed because the woman cursed them to get revenge on one of the hosts. Heard he got fired though."
Daichi nods. "And I check to see what kind of men does the curse go after. If we know, then we might try to set up a bait."
"So we figure out who would be the next target then we can find the curse and hunt it down!" Yuji said. Daichi nods. "Right."
"But. We can't get civilians caught in the crossfire." Said Megumi. "The last thing we need is a curse putting another person in hospital or worse." He said.
"And that's why one of us should become the bait."
Wait what? The three blinked.
"Think about it, the curse has no idea that she is walking into a trap so we have to take advantage of our looks! If we do that, then the curse will be exorcised."
"Oh! So you guys become the hosts?" Nobara said now understanding the plan, "But who's going to be the host or all of you?! Nobara asked. Daichi snaps his fingers with a finger. "That's the plan! I came up with and to make sure we got this plan in the bag. Let's look for the description of our victims and see if this works!" He pulls out a notepad to which Yuji and Nobara look over his shoulders, looking at his notes.
"Okay so...tall...." Yuji said.
"Dark," Nobara said. "And handsome."
"Has pretty eyes," Yuji said.
"And mysterious..." Nobara said, nodding her head. All of them are nodding their eyes. "Okay...so who got all that." Then the three blink and look at Megumi, slowly realizing something.
"Megumi! You will become the host of the club." Daichi points with a smile.
"What?" Megumi narrowed his eyes. Nobara and Yuji became silent.
"You check everything off on this list! Tall, dark, handsome, mysterious, and not to mention your great emerald eyes." Daichi counts off his fingers, "Your glorious appearance can mesmerize any woman into hanging out with you and pay for you! You're the perfect guy! And no way the curse will ignore you if you become the host. It's perfect!"
Noabra and Yuji go 'uhhh....' while Sukuna inside Yuji, now cracking up.
"I don't think that's..." Yuji begins but Megumi cuts him off.
"So....let me straight. You want me to become a host to lure the curse out of hiding based on that investigation?" Megumi said, scowling even more.
"Uh-huh!" Daichi nods. "Great plan, right?!" He grins.
Nobara and Yuji are now sweatdropping. They can feel the anger from Megumi right now. They can see his eye twitching.
Then Megumi nods with a small smile, scaring Nobara and Yuji now. "Sure it is...want to know what I think of that?" He asked. He bonks Daichi on the head with a scowl. "OW!" Daichi yelled.
"What kind of DUMB plan is that?! What the hell, Daichi?!" Megumi makes Daichi cry out, "It's a good plan! Remember when we fought that curse that took the girl-" He receives a slap upside the head.
"We are not MENTIONING that again!" Megumi yelled. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT IS WRONG WTIH YOU?!"
"But the plan! It worked didn't it?!" Daichi said.
"Every time you plan something, it gets worse and worse! You want me to become a HOST because of your so-called 'educated' guess! To me, it sounds like a dumb guess that you come up on the fly! What makes you think I would agree to it?!"
"Because.....because....it's the best plan?!" Daichi smiles nervously and this Megumi narrows his eyes into silts now. Already, they can feel the anger coming from the shadow sorcerer. Nobara and Yuji take several steps back.
"Think about it, Fushiguro. This curse chooses its victims based on their appearances and has a history with this host club from what we got from the streets." Daichi tries to convince Megumi to see his logic. "Soon...they're going to go over to other clubs to find the next target on similar appearances even if Lovely Dovely gets shut down!"
Megumi grumbled but raised his eyelids a bit. Yuji and Nobara thought Daichi is getting to through him. However...Daichi's next words invalidate his entire logical explanation.
"Besides you're host material! Every girl's dream and fantasy!" Daichi gives his best smile. Nobara and Yuji just choked. Of course, they tried their best not to laugh because they could see Megumi is fuming.
Megumi snapped as he had that wide smile on his face.
"Yeah...he is so dead." Nobara whispered.
"Yep," Yuji said as Eito is on his shoulder giving a worried chirp.
Megumi can't help but laugh loudly this time, it sounds disturbing. To which Yuji and Nobara yell, "Daichi...RUN!!"
And Daichi did for dear life as he was being chased down by an angry Megumi, leaving Yuji, Nobara, and Eito sweatdropped while Sukuna was laughing his ass off. There were screams, shouting, and cursing in the alleys of Shinjuku. But soon, Daichi managed to convince Megumi to try out this plan. However, if it fails, Megumi promises him dearly that he's dead. So the stakes are high for this mission.
"Okay. To get started, we need clothes." Daichi stated. "Nobara. You know the best clothes, right?"
"Huh? I think so but what do I get in return?" Nobara asked with her arms crossed because she didn't want to deal with a grumbling Megumi and wasn't sure if the plan could work.
"I run into a host club down the street and they have trouble in coming in because of the curse. They said that they would give us money and free food if we solve it. Plus, they know the hostess clubs where they can give you the best clothes for a discount and for free." Daichi tells Nobara giving his credit card to her.
That was enough to convince Nobara Kugasaki when he said clothes. The young woman gives him a thumbs up and a grin, "Leave it to me!"
"Yuji! I need your help in dressing Megumi."
"Right!" Yuji nods. Megumi is now annoyed. "Aren't you two too happy about this?!" He questioned his classmates.
"But freebies, Fushiguro!!" Nobara and Yuji said in unison with a pout. Megumi made a face hearing that. Later on, thanks to Nobara's skill as a fashionista and Yuji's help in aiding Megumi to change clothes in a nearby clothing store. Nobara wiped some sweat from her brow as she saw her work. Yuji clasped his hands together seeing Nobara's work. "Wow! Nobara, you made Megumi really good."
Megumi twitched an eye. He wore in a dark blue suit, with a blue flower on his breast pocket and white pants. Underneath his dark suit is white. His hair is brushed, with bangs covering on one side while he still has spiky hair on another side and back.
"I think I did a good job, haven't I?" Nobara asked. Daichi and Yuji nodded as they clapped, "Yep, yep. You did!" Then a mouth forms on Yuji's cheek, "I must say you really look good, Fushiguro Megumi. No doubt, you make the women swoon for you and spend money on you for their time." Said Sukuna with a gleeful smile.
"See?! Even Sukuna thinks you're beautiful!" Daichi smiled. Then Daichi's collar is grabbed and pulled forward by a fuming scary Megumi.
"Remind me to beat you after this," Megumi said, glaring down at a scared Daichi. "You better hope your plan works for your sake, Kisho." He said his real name. Daichi is now sweating bullets and is shaking in his boots.
"Of course, it will work! Trust me!" Daichi laughed with his hands waving, assuring him. Nobara paid for the clothes on Daichi's credit card at the register. With that, Megumi lets go of him and walks on ahead to go back to Lovley Dovely host club.
And the group went back to the host club. The first thing to do is open it up and have Megumi sit in the lounge and wait for the curse to show up.
And that's how Megumi got in this situation, waiting for who knows how long.
I'm going to kill him.
Yeah, I'm going to kill him this time.
Megumi thought, gritting his teeth while sitting on the booth in the lounge, waiting for this curse to show up.
In the other room, the trio looks through the window door.
"Daichi, I don't think the curse is going to show up," Yuji said.
"It will." A few minutes passed. Eito chirps quietly.
"Are you sure that Megumi is the curse's type?" Nobara asked, looking at Daichi. "Yes, the list of victims that the curse attacked the people I talked to told me to have the same hair and build. I even have the host photos on their billboard and the customers and their competition point out which ones got attacked." He shows the photos to them. Yuji and Nobara went 'Oh' and went, "Yeah, yeah, now we see." All of the victims are dark, handsome, and attractive. Megumi is the perfect candidate.
"How exactly did you get them to talk to you?" Nobara asked.
"I told them that we're private investigators." Said Daichi. "It worked really well."
"That makes sense." Yuji said then looked at Megumi who is now tapping on his foot with his arms crossed. "Hope your plan works, Daichi. Because you know.....Megumi is going to let you have it this time." Yuji warns he could see Daichi sweat hearing that.
'And I can't wait to see what sort of punishment he will give out.' Sukuna said in Yuji's mind. Yuji sighs. Then the lights flickered. Everyone became tense. Megumi is now guard as the lights continue to flick. It suddenly went out making the place fall into silence. There is no sound or anything. Even from the outside. Then the light came back on followed by a sound of a bell. A woman has come in. A pretty modest woman. She had brown hair, a cute smile, and wearing modest clothes.
"Hm?" The woman blinked.
Huh? Daichi, Yuji and Nobara watched. Could it be the curse?
"Oh my! You must be the only one here! Is this place closed?" Asked the woman.
What should he do?
"I guess..." Megumi said. "Place is slow today."
"Good job, Fushiguro." Daichi whispered.
"We might close soon." Megumi sighed. Daichi blinked. Wait...what?! No! Don't say that! He thought as Eito chirps, making the flame sorcerer blink.
"Awww...but can you at least make a woman happy. At least listen to my troubles." Asked the woman. Megumi had to look at his friends especially Daichi who gives him the thumbs up. Damnit.
"Yeah sure. What can I do?" He asked. So the woman talked with him, talk about her job, her daily life and other mundane things.
"Jeez...Fushiguro at least like you're interested! He needs to go to class on customer service or how to make a woman happy at least!" Nobara sighed.
"But the plan is working, that's all it matter!" Daichi said.
"Looks like the lady is convinced that Megumi is a host. Man...you're not kidding when you said he's host material." Said Yuji making Daichi chuckle. "Am I ever wrong?" He chuckled.
"A few times." Nobara commented which made Daichi offended.
"Anyway...I come bearing gifts."
"Gifts?" Megumi blinked. The woman nodded happily, "Yes!" She brings out her bag to give a gift to him. "Here!" Daichi, Yuji, and Noabra are watching. This is too sudden.
"Sorry. I can't accept it." Said Megumi with his hand raised. "I'm just doing my job."
"Your job?" The woman blinked.
"Yes, I'm just a host who listened to women and served them, I can't take your gift," Megumi said, trying to be professional. Yeah, he's really going to kill Daichi for this.
"Oh...is that so...." The woman muttered. "Does that mean you do not love me?"
"Like I said...it's just a job." Megumi sighed.
She bit her lip then Megumi blinked to see that her bottom lip began to bleed. "Ma'am?"
"Is that so? Is that so? Is that so?!" The woman's tone shifted to raspy voice.
"!" Megumi looked at the woman as she began to transform. Hair begins to extend and her height grows as her body becomes slim. Her mouth went wider with sharp teeth. "YOU DON'T WANT MY GIFT BECAUSE YOU'RE SICK OF ME?! YOU BROKE MY HEART! YOU CARE ABOUT MONEY, YOU GREEDY SCUM BASTARD!" She lunges at Megumi with her sharp fingers. Megumi cursed and formed a shadow puppet.
A long tongue wrapped around his waist and took him as the curse missed. Slashing the couch in half. The curse hisses and looks towards the boys.
"DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME!!" The curse roared.
Thanks to his shikigami frog, Megumi is safe and now in battle stance.
"Megumi!" Daichi went over to his side along with Yuji and Nobara. Looks like Daichi's plan did work, much to Megumi's disgruntlement.. It brought forth the curse now. Now it won't stop till she gets revenge.
"Alright...time to do this." Daichi fires off a fireball but the curse evades and is now on the ceiling. She shrieks as it runs over to them from the ceiling. Nobara launched some nails at the curse and all the nails missed because she jumped. Noabara yells, "Hairpin!" The cursed energy from nails strikes the curse's leg.
She shrieked loudly and got angrier. Yuji jumps and goes to deliver a punch downwards, the curse hisses, using its strands of hair to capture Yuji. Daichi helps out by having Eito grab his hoodie with his beak and pull him away from her.
"Thanks, Eito!" Yuji said as he was put down. Eito chirps happily.
"Jeez...what grade is this curse? A grade 2?" Nobara said. The curse's hair is moving like tentacles. She is clawing against the wall with her sharp claws. Her white-out eyes are glaring at the group.
"Hair extension, sharp claws, and speed. This one is tricky." Daichi said. Megumi scoffs and forms a dog with his hand, "Totality." He had Totality go up against the curse. The curse has the agility of a cat and is now at the corner, going to strike her long hair at everyone. The curse and Totality go at each other but the curse's hair slams against the columns and hits the bar. Glass bottles of alcohol are smashed and liquid is spilled everywhere. The room has the smell of sake and other kinds of alcohol. The hair is now covering the room as the curse is getting angrier and angrier. Everyone is trying to avoid the strands as they get on the tables. The hair is growing, wrapping everything around the soon. Soon, they will trap the sorcerers and it's getting difficult.
"Man...this is like the Ju-On: The Grudge!" Daichi uttered. Now the curse has them trapped and it's hard to because right now. He can see Totality trapped as well. Megumi released him back into the shadows so it won't get destroyed.
"Daichi! Can you set it ablaze?!" Megumi said.
"I can..but if I do that. The fire will spread and might cause a problem due to the alcohol being spilled everywhere.." Daichi said. Shit, he should of plan this better.
"Well...we need something or else we get wrapped up!" Nobara said. It's hard to slam a nail at the hair because it will be stopped by the hair. She doesn't have time to use her Straw Doll technique on this. One wrong move and she is out of the fight. Yuji is hanging off the ceiling as the hair is getting close to him. Daichi tries to think.
"I think I have one. But it's a gamble!" He said. The three heard this and Megumi says. "If it's going to work. Do it!"
"Got it. And also I'm sorry!" Daichi went over to Megumi, grabbing his jacket. "Wait...what are you doing?!"
"Trust me on this!" Daichi yelled.
The curse hisses, "L-LOVE`" But Daichi calls over its attention.
"Not so fast, spirit!" Daichi said as the curse was now growling. He went Megumi side and quickly unbuttoned his shirt and rips his suit off. "Feast your eyes on this!" He said, showing Megumi's bare chest to her. Megumi widens his green eyes.
Everyone's jaw drops. Sukuna went wide-eyed seeing this. Including the curse, they see the curse stand still, and right away, blood drips from its nose with her wide eyes.
Did it have a nosebleed?! Noabra stared. But soon, the hair growth stops. "That's right! Look at him, he is the definition of your fantasy! A dark hero!" Daichi presented.
"Haaaaaaaa....so handsome~" The curse went as it looked stunned and dazed by Megumi's chest. There were some abs. Yuji would have sworn there are heart eyes.
"Nobara! Yuji!" Daichi said.
"Right!" Nobara throws her nails up in the air and hits them with her hammer. All of them strike the curse true, making her scream. Yuji punches the curse right with a Black Flash, purple blood spills onto the floor and the curse is now distinguished. The hair disintegrates. The room went back to normal. Only the bar is wrecked.
"Wow. That was a close one!" Yuji said.
"You tell me." Nobara said. "Can't believe your plan worked, Daichi."
"I know, right?" Daichi chuckled, getting the praise. "You see. I told my plans weren't bad right? You know what that means?"
"Yeah! Freebies!" Nobara and Yuji said with their fists pumped up in the air. They were laughing and happy.
"Once we tell the host club down the street about it, they will be very happy. I heard they sell milkshakes that are to die for! I can't believe that they sell them! And..." Then Daichi heard their laughter cease and saw their faces become pale. with their lips trembling "Uh...guys, you're okay?"
"Uh...Daichi." Yuji points and so did Nobara, "Behind you...." The duo are making panic faces as they jerk their fingers to get Daichi to turn around.
Then flame sorcerer felt some intense cursed energy behind them. He slowly looks to Megumi whose face darkened with his eyes closed and arms crossed. His jacket is unbuttoned and his chest is now bare. His hair returned to its usual look. Daichi is on his knees, cowering with his hands pressed together.
"Grrrr...." Megumi looks at Daichi with green eyes glowing now with his teeth gritting. Daichi laughs nervously,
"UH.....hahahahahahaha....sorry about that? Hey! I told you the plan worked, right?! Why so serious? You can't kill me if you said the plan works." Daichi laughed as Nobara and Yuji were sweating now. But that wasn't the problem. It's how Daichi distracted the curse that is the problem.
Slowly, Megumi uncrossed his arms and raised his hands together, to make a shadow puppet.
On the streets of Shinjuku, a door was kicked down as Daichi got out of the host club fast and ran down the street as fast as he could. Soon a horde of white bunnies emerged and ran after him.
Megumi got out of the building and is now pissed off. "YOU SON OF- GET YOUR SORRY ASS BACK HERE!" He yelled, chasing after him. Leaving a stunned Nobara and Yuji inside. Yuji had Eito in his arms.
"Uhhh...should we?" Yuji begins.
"Nah. Let's call Gojo-sensei that the mission is completed." Nobara texted him on her phone and they could hear Daichi's cries and Megumi's evil laughter. At this point, Nobara is now getting used to this while Yuji sighs. The pink-haired teen can hear Sukuna laughing non-stop. Full belly laughs.
'This is entertainment!' Sukuna laughed. Yeah...once Gojo-sensei found out about this. He will be laughing too.
"I think I should write the report for their both of sakes." Yuji volunteered. They can still hear the screams and evil laughter.
'I can't wait to tell the princess about this! She would be delighted!' Sukuna said in his head.
'Right. Just don't tell Taz about host clubs.' Yuji told.
'Got it. But I can't promise anything if the pup asks my princess..' Sukuna said.
"Let's hope the clothes that we buy aren't messed up," Nobara said. "But on the bright side, let's hope Daichi holds up his promise of getting us milkshakes!"
"If he can survive...." Yuji sweatdropped. Another mission accomplishment. He wonders what the next mission brings.
To be continued...
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 19: A small curse terror||
Hi dears. I just got another idea for this so have another chapter. It was funny in my head so I hope you like it. Please enjoy part 19.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
((Your reading chapter 19))
||Drabble Summary||
It's been some time after Kisho brought back the little Possom like Raccoon curse spirit to the school. However, it seems things have gotten a bit bad after he did. What chaos has this little curse brought? read to find out.
~A little curse brat
~lots of yelling and cursing
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"So Taz, how have you been so far? We heard your still growing stronger by the day. We all still do miss you but we hope your well." Taz Hellion was speaking to her leader from the DBT: Van Ink the dragon. She's been doing the daily check up today seeing her in her dorm room.
"Hi Ink and I miss you too. I've been alright and still getting stronger by the day. Though, we are just having another day off though due to some things." she laughed a bit while sitting on her bed to look at the screen.
"Ah, I see. Well, knowing how training has been I believe that. Though, has anything new happened with you and the others?" she asked as Taz thinks about it.
"Hmmmm, not really. Though, some things have happened." Taz explains before she looks seeing a baby quoll near by rolling on it's back. The same one that Taz summoned when she became a toddler. However, their was another curse that was curled up in her lap happily.
"Uhhhhh wait, what is that?" Ink noticed to see the Possum racoon curse. However, she blinks to pet his head to smile.
"Oh this is Charlie. He's a curse that Kisho and Megumi found when on a mission. He tends to be a grumpy pants but he's not too bad." she said while petting him. The baby quoll nuzzles against her hand too as she was petting both of them.
"Wait..Kisho and Megumi found him? Though, he don't seem like a grumpy pants.."
"Trust me, he is. He tends to be a trouble maker." Taz said with a sweatdrop. But maybe she can explain.
"So yeah! I figured if we bring him back we can teach him now to be nice!" Kisho was speaking to the others even the Principle Yaga who was seeing both Megumi and Yuji scratched up all over while Megumi was doing his best not to be angry.
"Uh huh........and your telling me this how? I thought the curse was with them during the time-"
"Lets just say we found it during the time we were shopping for Taz and Yuji. But Kisho figure it was a good idea to go and bring it back." he explains to see Yaga sigh.
"Please Mister Yaga. I'm sure he can be nice..." Kisho said only to see the curse hiss and hops on his face scratching his face again. Kisho screams in pain trying to stop it.
"........" Nanami, Yaga, and Gojo blinks to hear this but they were unsure on how this curse will be good. With a sigh, he looks to him.
"Fine. I guess you can prove it. You boys will just try to make our 'guest' welcome. Just....keep it out of trouble." he said.
"R..right.." Megumi said seeing Kisho rolling on the ground trying to get the curse off his now scratched up face.
"Oh wow. So that curse named Charlie was like that?" Ink asked.
"Yeah but he don't mean to. Though, he seems to be friendly with the girls instead of the guys." Taz said still petting his head seeing the baby quoll now sleeping in her lap too.
"Charlie was either very scared when being found or maybe he was just unsure on what to do."she said but Taz keeps holding both curses to her.
As soon as Kisho and Megumi was given the order to keep a eye on the curse. He already caused some chaos. From the first day, he's been always biting and clawing at the boys who would take turns to it but it was after Taz and Yuji were back to normal. At first, Taz was shocked hearing this even Yuji was too when hearing this. But more when seeing the little curse.
"Why are you two so scratched up?" Nobara said but Kisho sighed.
"You don't want to know-Ow!"
"Sorry!" Miko said trying to put some medicine on the scratches of his face while holding a bottle, a cotton ball with tweezers.
"Well, even though you guys look like a mess..." Nobara sighed. "Though, has the little guy gotten used to his new home?" she asked.
"..Eh...in a way.." Kisho said remembering it shredding his clothes, trying to bit Eito. Their was times it sneaks off causing problems like attacking Megumi while he sleeps or jumpscaring. To Yuji being bitten and him scratching at his face. All Sukuna would do is laugh.
"Well you guys have got to try being more nice to it or...him?" she said.
"Well, it's more like a monster if that's the right word!" Megumi said annoyed with this curse hearing it hiss at him but he saw it glare at him before seeing Megumi holding him.
"Besides, we wouldn't have to worry about him if he stops biting me and the guys." he said poking his nose seeing veins showing till it chomps down on his hand. "OW! YOU FUCKING LITTLE-"
He sees him jump from his hands right into Taz's arms as she blinks to hold it. He hisses angry at Megumi, Kisho, and Yuji but nuzzles happily against Taz.
"Uhhhhhh....he seems to like you...." Miko said to Taz.
"HA!?!? THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Kisho said.
'Wow, I can't believe you brats are so scared of a little thing. You call yourselves sorcerers?!' Kinie said laughing at the boys even if they look to her trying to not say anything.
"You don't get it Kinie that THING hates us!" Yuji said.
'Yeah, no kidding!' she said bursting out laughing.
"I..I don't know how he likes me. I just met him.....but he does look cute." she said seeing him now trying to be cute before it looks to Nobara wagging it's tail.
"Huh, she's got a point. He looks more like a little kid than most." she even reaches to scratch it's head hearing a happy trill from it's throat. It even wraps the tail around her wrist hoping for more.
"You...that fucking little-"
"Easy Megumi, easy." Kisho said nervous seeing him wanting to destroy that little beast.
"How can I!? Why did you think bringing him back was a good idea!?" he said grabbing Kisho by the shirt who yelps.
"I thought he would be added as a new member like Wilson!" he said in a panic.
"SERIOUSLY!?" He said only to see the cruse being petted by Nobara, Taz, and Yuria. Miko was just done with fixing Kisho up before seeing the curse hop and lands in her arms. She squeaked seeing him nuzzling her cheek.
"H..hello there little guy.." she said being carefully while even Eito, Wilson, and Anaconda was curious he only keeps being happy with the females but he seems to be alright with them too.
'Oh this little jerk!' Kisho thought only for him to still be admired by the girls. He even walks over to glare at it. "How come your so nice with them and not us!? Why be a little brat!" he said only for the curse to hiss and chomp down on his hand again.
Kisho twitched only to yelp out in pain from the bite as he rolls on the ground from the pain. Megumi and Yuji sweatdrops even seeing Eito looking at him with a deadpan expression.
"Now now, I'm sure he didn't mean it.." Yuria said.
"Oh he did! I'll get you for that!" Kisho said with tears in his eyes even if the curse hisses at him but goes to nuzzling Taz happily calm again.
"I..I think we should give him a...a name right?" Miko asked seeing the girls agree.
"Hmmmm..true. So...what should we name him?" Nobara asked.
"....How about Ross?" Yuria said seeing the curse shaking his head.
"Mark?" Nobara said seeing him shake his head.
"..St...steve?" Miko said seeing him shake his head. Taz thinks a little but she blinks to look.
"How about Charlie? Is that okay?" she asked to see him blink but nod as he goes to hop in Taz's arms to lick her cheek. She blinks holding him.
"So Charlie hmm? Alright then, we'll call you Charlie!" she said as the girls were happy. However, the boys were shocked seeing this. That sneaky little punk got the girls to love him! However, when doing so, he shows a snickering grin from the girls to the guys who was seething right now.
"Ohhhh now I get it. Wow, he must cause a lot of trouble around don't he?" Ink asked.
"Hmmm, In a way but he's not bad. He's just a little curse. It's just like Wilson when he was taken out due to be cursed. So I think Charlie will be fine. The other shikigami get along with him. I don't know why he don't get along with big brother and the others though." she mutters wondering about it.
"Well, I'm sure in the future they will get along. I do want them to be happy even with this little guy. Mr. Yaga already made a cute plush for him too so it means he's part of the family now!" she smiled looking at the two sleeping shikigami.
"Speaking of them, where are the guys?" Ink asked.
"Ehhhh they said something about doing some cleaning work around school. I'm sure they will be done before lunch later." she said. This made Ink blink wondering what happened but she gets the feeling it involved Charlie.
Meanwhile with them, they had to clean the classroom due to Charlie's rage so they were cleaning it up before Megumi was brushing something away.
"You know, maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here.." Kisho said only to get bonked on the head hard by Megumi leaving a swollen lump. "OW!"
"He's right. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure he will be nice....if we try." Yuji said. Moments later, Yuji and Kisho were running out of the classroom with bunnies chasing them.
"COME ON MEGUMI!! WE WERE JUST SAYING!" Yuji said scared as he ran.
"GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!!" He shouted chasing them as Kisho and Yuji runs off screaming for their lives. However, they will be sure to finish up the cleaning and maybe think of a way to get better with knowing Charlie. Maybe.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 5 months
The Misadventures of Pheonix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer - Part 14 ( Cursey Bites )
Hi everyone! Here is @the-silver-peahen-residence. We made a rp chat regarding this rp so parts of the chaos belongs to @the-silver-peahen-residence amazing written dialogue!
----- Chapters --------
Here are previous chapters of Chapters 6-13
----- Warning ----
---- Drabble Summary ----
It's another day at Jujutsu High. However...Kisho Hashimoto is experimenting with something to help his friends in a battle. However...his friends are seriously worried when they discover his invention is..or rather baked goods of Cursey Bites. How would this go?
It's another day at Tokyo Jujutsu High. Today is no mission so it's mostly free time for the students. However... something is missing as the first-years are eating lunch. Rather...two people haven't been seen today.
"Where's Taz?" Yuji asked curiously.
"She said...she's talking with her friends over the phone. Just a regular check-in" Nobara said, knowing Taz makes her weekly check-ins with her friends back in New York. Speaking of missing people, she also notices that another person is missing, "Anyway...where's Kisho?" Nobara asked.
"Haven't seen him. Must be doing something." Yuji said as Megumi shrugged as he had no idea.
"Oh! He must be in the home economics doing something. I was walking by and he was working on something." Yuria said. Megumi had to pause, raising a brow in suspicion, "Working on something? Like what?"
"Oh, you mean like cooking?" Yuji asked.
"Yeah..he's making cookies," Yuria said.
"Ohh?" Nobara now smiling micheviously made Miko blink. "I wonder who would that be for?" She glances over to Miko who blushes a little.
"Although..." Yuria pursed her lips together before saying this, "He's saying something about replenishing a jujutsu sorcerer's cursed energy. Like...making mana potions."
"Making what now?" Megumi said.
------ Home Economics Room -----
"We did it Eito!" Said Kisho. Eito chirps as he takes plates of the cookies on the stay. "We managed to infuse cursed energy with food! A balanced amount so that way...I can boost your stats in a fight!"
Eito chirps excitedly.
"Now! Take a bite!" Kisho goes to give a cookie to Eito. The bird takes a bite and gobbles all up. Right away, Kisho felt the cursed energy from Eito increased and Eito's orange feathers on top of his head went up and is glowing brightly. Plus, he looks super strong as he is bouncing around.
"This is amazing!" Kisho said. "How are you feeling, Eito?"
Eito chirps as it is flying with energy. "Man! This is great! This is perfect for the shikigami. We need to make different versions like peanuts, crackers or beef jerky!"
Kisho gasped and almost drops the cookies but didn't. He goes to set them on the table.
His name is called by a familar voice as the door slides open, revealing Megumi and the rest of the first-year class. Kisho smiles, "Oh hey guys! You're just in time!"
"In time?" Megumi blinked.
"I made cookies! But they're not just any cookies!" Kisho said. "I call them Cursey Bites!"
"Cursey...bites?" Yuria said. Kisho nods, "Yep! Now you know like in fantasy video games that you replenish your magical abilities which is mana, right?"
"Right..?" Yuji looks intrigued by this.
"So wizards can get mana potions to restore their magic. What about sorcerers and cursed energy? What if we can put cursed energy into food?!"
'Oh hell noooo....' Yuji can hear Sukuna's voice. And what's more, Megumi and the girls recall when Kisho cooked a piece of chicken with his cursed technique when Yuji and Taz were turned into animal hybrid toddlers due to a curse and gave Sukuna and Kinie bodies, acting as parents.
"Kisho...." Megumi begins, "Please do not tell me that you cooked food with cursed energy. Are they even safe to consume?"
"Although...they look good and don't have creepy aura around it...like before" Said Nobara. "But really...WHY?!" She asked for an explanation.
"To restore cursed energy so we won't get cornered. I want to help shikigami boost their status like Megumi and Miko's so they can protect themselves and their partners in a fight."
Miko looks curious as her shikigami badger, Anaconda jumps onto the table and takes a cookie off the plate. The Anaconda chews and suddenly grows bigger in the size of the dog as it gets off from the table.
"Although...it's just temporary," Kisho said. Eito chirps with Anaconda who lets out some happy yaps as he approves of the cookies.
"Woah..." Miko kneels down and pets Anaconda. "That's amazing, Kisho!" Miko smiles. Seeing that expression, it made Kisho swoon. Yuria nods, "Yeah! Super cool! You're a genius!" And hearing that compliment made him happy.
"Oh...thanks Miko and Yuria." Kisho smiles, there is a pink blush. Yuji grins, "Yeah! That's really cool! I never thought of it, man!" He said. Nobara looks hesitant but sees Eito and Anaconda. Kisho might be on to something. "You know? That is pretty cool."
"Guess that explains things.." Megumi said.
"I'm happy that you guys seeing what I'm doing!" Kisho said.
But then the next words got everyone shook.
"So the next step is for me to try it!" Kisho grins.
In everyone's mind, they shared the same thought, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I mean! Sure, I ate the cursed chicken and I did it with a fish but I can't remember how that went! But now! With this, I don't have to worry about exhausting my cursed energy in the middle of the fight." Said Kisho. "This could be revolutionary!" He said. As if that wasn't too concerning, everyone can see the crazy eyes on his expression.
Megumi frowns now, "I....you...you were heavily sick from eating it, you idiot. Kisho! Please, I think you shouldn't!"
"Yeah...you got poisoned!! You even passed out and threw up" Nobara said, trying to talk some sense into him. Yuji blinks, "Wait...you got sick from eating a cursed chicken. Dude...I think you should listen to us, Kisho! The shinigami is enough."
Yuria and Miko are now worried for Kisho.
"I can't..." Kisho said it, startling everyone with the seriousness in his voice and his serious stare. "I will do it for the sake of humanity...."
Yep, that does it. The brat has officially lost it. Sukuna said in Yuji's mind, watching this.
"Kisho." Megumi begins, "Drop. The. Cookies..." He warns him.
Kisho now has the cursed cookie in his hand, "This is sake for science and sorcery."
"Kisho! No...bad Kisho! Put that down!" Megumi tells him getting everyone worried from the way Kisho is talking. The flame sorcerer laughs insanely scaring everyone. Megumi is not allowing this. Nope. Not a chance in hell.
"KISHO! DROP THE DAMN COOKIE!" He said is now cornering him as Kisho backs up.
"DON'T GET IN THE WAY OF PROGRESS, MEGUMI! I HAVE TO DO THIS!" Kisho cried, having one cookie in his hand.
"Dude...isn't that harsh?" Yuji said with Nobara nodding in agreement, "Yeah! We are supposed to save him from himself, not beat him up!" She exclaimed, poking him on the shoulder.
"It's either that or knocking him out cold," Megumi said. Miko and Yuria are now worried. Yuria then says, "Wouldn't he get poisoning if he eats the cookie?!"
Megumi answers, "That or gets heavily sick like the time he ate that damn chicken he cooked using his curse technique flames!"
Kisho hears this and retorts, "I am fully aware that was a failure but this time...I WILL NOT FAIL!"
Megumi has enough, he goes to form a hand shadow puppet summoning his rabbits. "Kisho. It's time for you to take a nap!"
"NOOOOO!" Kisho shouted as the rabbits charged at him. Kisho goes to jump out of the window, now escaping.
"KISHO!" Megumi said. "You four! I need you to catch him before Kisho eats that cookie!
Now the four had to chase Kisho from doing the stupidest thing in jujutsu history. Eating a cursed food from a cursed technique.
"KIIISHO!" Megumi shouted. While the four were chasing around Kisho, the cookies were left behind in place. Of course, they will soon be eaten by someone else.
Skipping through the hallways, Taz is making her way to the classroom until she caught a smell of sweets. Hm? What's that smell? It smells like cookies but it has a bitter scent to it. Like a bit of burnt cinnamon.
"Oooh!" Taz blinks to see a plate of cookies inside the home economics. "Cookies!" Taz smiles. She sniffs at it and hums. She goes to take a cookie and takes a bite out of it. She chews. It's good, bitter like dark chocolate with cinnamon. It's really tasty!
Taz looks around the room. "Maybe three wouldn't be bad to take. It would be a waste if someone left there." Then Taz hears some commotion outside. She is munching on the cookies.
"KISHO! GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE!" Megumi yelled while Yuji and Nobara can't believe this. Kisho is taking shelter in the tree high up.
"Kisho! Please come down, you're going to get hurt!" Miko yelled worried as Yuria sighs, shaking her head. Kisho is in the tree shaking his head profusely! "Never!"
"Don't make me come up there!" Megumi yelled, pointing at him angrily.
"Oh really?" Megumi forms a hand sign like wings and what came out of the shadows is Nue. Nue sprang out from the shadows and caws. "Get up there and take him down." He ordered to which Nue soars above and goes to where Kisho.
"Last chance...Kisho. Don't make me do this!" Megumi yelled as Nue is flying right next to Kisho and Eito.
"Oh, man..." Yuji said.
"Uh...Megumi...what are you planning to do?" Nobara asked.
"You're not going to zap him, are you?" Yuji said. Sukuna snickers, 'I would love to see that!' He cackled making his vessel sweatdropped. Everyone sees Kisho about to take a bite out of that cookie.
"Oh screw it." Megumi muttered and ordered Nue to zap Kisho. Nue zaps him with a flap of her wings. A lighting strike hits Kisho to which the flame sorcerer screams as he gets zapped and falls off from the tree. "YUJI!" Megumi yells out, getting the pink-haired teen to catch Kisho as he falls.
"Oh GOD, right!" Yuji said, running over and catching Kisho in his arms from the fall. "Got you!" He said now looking at Kisho as he has swirls in his eyes. Eito chirps while Nue almost looks apologetically.
"Uuughh..." Kisho twitched.
"You ZAPPED him! You really zapped him!" Nobara exclaimed. Megumi sighs, "Do you prefer if he gets cursed poisoning?" He asked the girls.
"Well...n-no." Miko shakes her head. "I prefer Kisho alive and well..." She said as Megumi took the cookie ( still in Kisho's hand ) away from him. "Besides..I just tase him." Megumi said. "He will be fine." He sighed.
"You called that tasing?" Yuria said. "I don't think that's the same thing! You just had your bird thundershock him!!"
"Sorry...dude." Yuji said, laying Kisho on the ground. Kisho whines, "B-but...my cookies....my masterpiece..." Making Yuji sighed while Sukuna is laughing his ass off inside his innate domain at this.
"What's going on?!" Taz said. Yuji hears Taz, "Oh hey..sis. Uh...Kisho made something dangerous.." He said.
"Dangerous?" Taz blinks while Kinie can't believe she missed the show.
"Yeah...he made some cookies..." Yuji said pointing to the one Megumi held up a cookie while Yuria and Nobara were arguing with Megumi about his punishment.
"Cookies?" Taz looks confused.
"Yeah...apparently...Kisho made cookies and uh.."
"Oh! You mean the ones from the home economics class?!" Taz asked happily. "They were pretty tasty to me. They taste a little bitter but they taste like dark chocolate. It's pretty good!" She said it out loud with a smile.
A long pause. Everyone paused what they were doing as they looked at Taz after hearing that. "Sis...what do you mean?" Yuji asked slowly.
Yes! What does she mean by that?! Sukuna said alarmed.
"Oh well...I saw a plate of cookies by themselves and ate one. And...uh...I kinda went overboard and ate a few of them. I keep them in my room because...I don't want to waste them." Taz said. Then she blinks to see their faces turned pale. "Um...is something wrong?"
"NANI?!" Everyone shouted. Right away, Nobara and Yuria were in shock. Yuji and Miko stared in horror. Megumi looks between that he's about to faint or about to kick Kisho awake even if he is down.
"Uh...guys?" Taz looks confused.
"SIS! Please tell me you did not eat the ones that are thin and look good to eat!" Yuji cried, putting his hands on her shoulders. Megumi looks ready to kill someone. Yes. Most likely Kisho for making cookies in the first place!
"Yeah....they were a bit burnt but they were pretty good," Taz said honestly with such innocence. Oh god. How many did she ate?!
"Wait...if Taz ate them? Shouldn't she be...I don't know....like on the floor foaming from the mouth??" Yuria pointing this out. Indeed, Taz is still standing and looking well.
"Kinie said they were good too," Taz said, having a cookie in her hand making everyone stare wide-eyed. She nibbles on it so quickly like a squirrel with 'naming' sounds that Yuji becomes appalled. "SIS! NO!"
Brat, get those atrocious baked goods away from the pup!' Sukuna shouted. Oh! He is going to beat up the birdbrain brat for this. Buddha have mercy!
Yuji takes the cookie away from her but a piece of it went into Yuji's mouth and he chews it on. The other students yelled in fright, seeing this.
Oh shit! Yuji looks like he is about to panic after swallowing.
But then....
Yuji blinks.
It does taste pretty good. Bitter with spice but okay?
And what soon follows. Sukuna blinks. What the? He felt a slight boost of cursed energy within his domain. He wides his eyes. 'Holy shit...it actually works?!' Sukuna can't believe this. It's impossible.
'What do you mean by that?' Kinie spoke with the King telepathically. Sukuna sighs and explains to her. 'Wait....how is he allowed to cook with cursed energy?!' Kinie exclaimed.
"Yes." Sukuna sighed. Kinie pauses for a moment and says,. "I guess that explains why I feel stronger a bit from moments later. Also...the cookies were indeed good like the pup says."
"Yuji?" Yuria steps forward as Yuji looks towards his friends. "Uh...I feel fine. Though I feel an extra boost of cursed energy though."
"Wait...it actually works?!" Nobara said, looking at Kisho in disbelief and almost impressive. Miko can't believe it either. Yuria says, "Guess we don't need to zap him?" She said, crossing her arms at Yuji.
Megumi makes a face at that.
"SEE?! I TOLD YOU!" Kisho got back up again. "It works!" He smiles now, proud of himself and recovered from being zapped tased by Nue. "I told you my Cursey Bites help replenish cursed energy reverses! This is a great discovery, everyone!"
"Cursey Bites?" Taz repeated. "Oh, you mean the cookies!"
"Yes, it is, Taz! Thanks to you and Yuji, you proved that there's a way to replenish cursed energy!" He said. Taz smiles. "Wow! Really? Although...the cookies need work."
"Good point! I have chosen you to be our home baker!" Kisho said making Taz squeal with her eyes lit up, "Yay!"
"NO!" Megumi interjects. "Damn it, Kisho! Just because Yuji and Taz look fine. It does NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD KEEPING MAKING MORE DAMN COOKIES!"
"Oh come on, Fushiguro! It works!" Kisho said as Taz fed Nue a cookie which the shinigami really liked it. "It might help us in a fight against curses and curse users!"
"No argument there," Yuria said.
"It will help the shikigami," Miko said while Nobara nods. Kisho smiles, "Besides!" Kisho has a cookie in his hand making Megumi blink that he doesn't have the cookie in his grasp. "Hey where did you-?"
"With this...we can change everything!" Kisho takes a bite of his esteemed cursed cookie.
Right away, he felt a surge. This is it! This is what he is feeling. Kisho felt like he is in the clouds, ready to take on the forces of evil! He has been reborn! He is a true Pheonix and-
However....that is all in his lucid imagination. Because in reality...Kisho didn't get a boost. No, he is on the floor twitching and there is foam coming from his mouth from the result of cursed poisoning. "Blurrgh.."
"Oh my god, Kisho!" Miko yelled. Yuria starts to shake him." Kisho! Don't die on us!"
"Do you think.....Yuji and Taz were fine because they have Sukuna and Kinie that is absorbing the cursed energy?" Nobara sweatdropped while Megumi facepalmed at this. That probably explains it. Taz and Yuji were exceptions to the cursed poisoning rule.
"Oh yeah! Since I ate Sukuna's finger, it explains why I'm fine!" Said Yuji. Sukuna groans shaking his head at Kisho. 'What a dumbass...'
"And Kinie eats cursed energy to gain cursed energy!" Said Taz. Kinie chuckles, 'Still...this is something! I would love to get more of these biscuits or cookies! The bird fledging didn't do a bad job on this.'
Sighing, Megumi goes to drag a sick Kisho off to the nurse's office and of course, he has to explain why Kisho got sick from cursed poisoning.
---- Nurse's Office -----
Doctor Ieiri looks at Kisho as Mi-Sun goes to heal him. She looks at Megumi, "Let me guess....cursed poisoning from something he made? Again?"
"Yes." Megumi groaned. Wait...again?
"No surprise there. He came here to tell me how to make cursed energy to heal people like reverse cursed energy. It's hard to explain when I told him how I do it but for some reason, he kinda gets it. Maybe he took that and made a few batches of cookies."
Wait what?
"A f-few batches?" Megumi stammered. Ieiri nods, "Uh-huh. It did boost the energy of his shinigami. Never thought it would boost Itadori and Hellion on that though...it has to be that they're exceptions to the rule due to having cursed spirits inside of them." Doctor Ieiri huffs a puff of smoke.
"I'm going to confiscate these batches..." Megumi said and after that, he is going to have a talk with Kisho about experimentation with cursed energy.
"Uhhh...." Kisho groans groggily after throwing up pieces of the cookie into the puke bin, making Nurse Mi-Sun sigh. "Kisho...how about you take a break from your studies?"
"Yes...ma'am." He said before he is taken to his room by Megumi.
Just another day at Tokyo Jujutsu High.
To be continued
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 5 months
The Misadventures of Pheonix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer - Part 13 ( Badger on A Drunken Rampage )
Hi everyone! I'm back with a new drabble. This is a funny drabble for the series that I made for myself and @the-silver-peahen-residence, that said please read the previous chapters if you haven't read them yet.
Chapters So Far ---
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
------ Warnings ----
Alcohol Intoxication
Pop Culture Memes or References
----- Drabble Summary -----
Miko Yosutya was kidnapped on her way to visit her family by a band of curse users whose intentions wanting an ancient curse tool in exchange. Worried and anxious for his dear friend, Daichi and his friends are going to save her by meeting the curse users at their checkpoint. Of course, the two parties are not prepared for the unexpected. The Badger named Miko Yosutya.
Daichi's leg is shaking up and down as he bites his thumb anxiously. Those bastards! He won't forgive them if they hurt Miko! He should have been there if he hadn't wasted time on the other mission. It's his responsibility! Damnit!
Damn it. Damn it! He won't forgive them! He will never forgive them!
If anything happens, he wouldn't forgive himself! He will go on a warpath and-
Upon hearing his real name, he looks over to Megumi who seems concerned about it. "Kisho. It's okay. We're going to get Miko back? So don't get worked up."
"I-I'm sorry, Megumi. I can't stop worrying about her. I always think of the worst thing that can happen." Said Daichi, slumping his shoulders. Megumi nods, "I know. Don't worry, we will get her back. The curse user promises us that much as long as we do as they said."
Yuria Niguredou, a friend of Miko wants to be there with the gang at the checkpoint, wants to be there but is told to stay at the school with the second-years just in case.
The van came to a stop.
"We are going to make sure those guys pay for it, Kisho." Said Megumi. Daichi nods, "Got it. Thanks Fushiguro." As they got off, they walked to the checkpoint.
The checkpoint was at the suburbs near the highway where there is a lone building with a billboard on top. Waiting for them is a middle-aged man with a small mustache wearing traditional Japanese clothing from the Edo era. Hakama and all that. To Daichi, he looks like the boss of the Yazuka.
"Finally...all of you are here." Said the curse user. Daichi glares at him as Eito hoots angrily as well. His classmates are wearing netural faces but deep down, they wanted to murder this guy. Gojo Saturo, the teacher seems nonchalant and seems very calm.
"My name is Uesaka Akihisa!" The curse user grins, "I am the leader of this group. Now you do have the item I requested?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's here." Gojo said with a bored look on his face, having the cursed tool in the case. Before this, he tells his students to stay calm before the encounter. Daichi is getting annoyed with this Uesaka. He is looking ready to throw fireballs at him. Megumi keeps him calm by placing a hand on his shoulder, making Daichi close his eyes and breathe a little. He needs to calm down. He needs to stay calm for Miko. He can't mess up.
"Where is my student?" Gojo asked calmly.
"Yeah! Where is she?!" Yuji asked, upset.
"Yeah! You better hurt not her, you creep!" Nobara yelled, pointing her hammer at the curse user.
"Easy now, young lady! I have no intention of harming your friend. Even if she tried to escape a few times, we made sure not to leave any bruises."
"Why you-" Daichi growls as Yuji, Nobara and Taz look ready to fight him. Megumi holds everyone back, "Don't. He's trying to provoke you guys." He tells his friends. With that reasoning alone, his friends stand down begrudgingly,
"In fact, I made sure to incapacitate her with my technique so she won't even try to leave!"
"A technique?" Gojo asked, frowning a bit. Daichi is now seething but the jujutsu sorcerers aren't prepared for the next words.
That's right! I put her in a drunken haze!" Said the curse leader.
Then there is a short pause. The male students had to process this so they had to ask to make sure. Super sure....
Daichi blinked and had to ask, "Drunken haze? As in...you got her drunk?"
"That's right." The curse user said with confidence. "That's my cursed technique. I can make everyone drunk around me. It's not an lethal but a useful one!"
"Like...how drunk?" Yuji asked now curious. The curse user blinks but answers, "So drunk that she doesn't know who she is! It's like she drank a lot of alcohol!" The curse user laughed.
OH no....
Megumi, Yuji, and Daichi's faces turned pale hearing. The girls, Nobara and Taz see their reactions and become confused. Meanwhile, Gojo raises a brow at the boys' reactions.
He can sees the shocked looks on their faces, "You must be scared for your dear fellow student! If you give what I want, I shall spare-"
"That's not it." Megumi said, cutting him off as he now looks annoyed then sighs deeply and shakes his head now. The curse user blinks and glares, not liking being cut off. "The hell do you mean that's not it?! Are you not concerned about your friend?!"
"We are but...uh....you see. When she gets drunk, she-" Itadori tries to explain but gets cut off.
"She what!?" The curse user yelled, getting impatient.
Out of the building, a window was shattered through from the inside. A curse user lackey was thrown out of the building, screaming and hits the floor with a twitch below. "OWWW! IT HURTS!" He cries painfully.
"That." Gojo points it out
The curse user leader stares wide-eyed. "Wait what?!" Then the sounds of yells and cries heard followed by loud shouts. Then what came out of the wall is man as he is kicked in the gut by Miko whom performed a dropkick. "HIIYA!"
The man is out of the building and crashes into a pile of bushes. Miko burps before moving on to the next floor.
"MIKO!" Daichi yelled but the moment he went to help her. But Gojo stops him.
"No, no, no." Gojo said. "Just let it happen." He said calmly with a smile.
"HUH?!" Daichi stares at Gojo in disbelief. Sukuna and Kinie, the cursed spirits inside of Yuji and Taz can already tell that Gojo is excited, seeing a drunk Miko in action. "Nanami informed me about what happened at the party. I can't believe it's true! Miko's drunk martial arts mode."
"Actually...sensei. It's more like wrestling." Yuji added.
"Oooo...is that so?" Gojo is now way interested in seeing how this goes.
"Yeah. She was using wrestling moves on a curse. She even use the piledriver move." Yuji explained.
"For reals?" Gojo asked. "Though wrestling counts as martial arts, right?"
"For reals and yes!" Yuji nodded before he gets a nudge to the side by a frowning Fushgiuro. Fushiguro sees Daichi very worried for Miko as he is chattering his teeth nonstop.
"Seriously? Why didn't I hear about this?!" Nobara exclaimed. Yuji sighs, "You were high...."
"Wait...what?! How?!"
"Remember the brownies you eat at a party involving that cursed vase?" Yuji said. Nobara widen her eyes, "WAIT IS THAT WHY I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING?!?!" Nobara shouted. Daichi sweatdrops, "Yes. Sorry..."
"Soo...are we not going to help?" Taz asked, bringing the subject back to this as Miko was literally beating everyone up inside the building. A couch is thrown out of the building and crashes into the parking lot.
"I mean...." Yuji begins then he pauses, hearing shouts. "SOMEONE STOP HER! SHE IS TOO STRONG FOR US! NONE OF OUR TECHNIQUES ARE WORKING! HEEELP! We NEED BACKUP!"
"I guess she got this in bag." Said Yuji while Nobara is shocked by this whole situation. "Holy crap...she threw a couch out of the building," Nobara exclaims. "I think she is going up!"
"Up?" Daichi is now worried than before.
Now Uesaka is appalled by this and swivels his head at Gojo-sensei with an angry look and points at the situation frantically. "Tell your student to stop this!" As if he completely forgot that he and his men kidnapped her in the first place.
"Ehhhhhh...." Gojo-sensei is tilting while moving his hands in a spinning motion, trying to answer this, "Aahhh...ahh....hmmmm.....errrr"
Uesaka is shaking with anger, closing his fists as Gojo-sensei is taking his sweet time to respond, "Nope!" Gojo smiles so playfully.
Gojo chuckles while his students except for Daichi ( who is scared for Miko by the way) are staring at the curse user in disbelief and annoyance.
"You kidnapped one of our friends, threatened to harm them so you can get a cursed tool from the school, made them drunk and you expect us to help you after all that?" Megumi questioned the man with a frown, crossing his arms. Yuji, Taz and Nobara are nodding in agreement and side-eyeing at the curse user while Daichi's teeth is now chattering, watching Miko beat all those curse users. "Miko!" Daichi cried.
Eito chirps comforting his partner, sensing his anxiety. Meanwhile...he has a phone in his beak and flies off, recording this.
"I mean...um...yes?" Uesaka answers, unsure of himself.
'This curse user is a fucking idiot.' Sukuna said in Yuji's head. And there are rare instances that Yuji has to agree with the King of Curses. This guy is really an idiot.
Kinie is snickering watching this unfold.
Inside his innate domain, Sukuna find this hilarious that none of these sorcerers can handle one single girl rampaging through hideout. Especially one that is so drunk.
"If you want us to help, you have to dispel your curse technique!" Daichi said, angrily now grabbing hold of his collar. "I-I...uh..." Uesaka gulps, "I could but..."
"BUT WHAT?!?!" Daichi glares shaking him. Megumi can tell Daichi is angry and he rarely sees him angry like this. "Easy Daichi," Megumi said, calming him down.
"Well..um...it only lasts a hour! So I can't dispel it..." Uesaka stammered with shoulders slumped. Daichi throws the curse user to the floor with a growl, "If anything happens to her, you're going to get it. Got me?" Daichi's eyes glow pink making the curse user startled.
"I-I" Uesaka gulped.
"Now, now, now, Daichi. No need for that. I mean..Miko is handling herself pretty well." Said Gojo now eating a bucket of popcorn. Seriously..where the hell did he had the time to get a bucket of popcorn?? Megumi thought, twitching an eye at that with a vein pop.
"But Sensei! Miko...she's drunk!" Daichi cried.
"Oh! I am aware of that! Mr. Kusakabe told me. Nanami didn't because he is so tight-lipped!" Gojo-sensei said. "Besides...I get to see Drunk Miko in action! It's pretty amazing!"
"Sensei, are you not even at least worried?!" Nobara said. Taz nods, "What happens if she gets hurt?" She asked while her cursed spirit was inside of her, Kinie Ger never heard of this. Of course, she will get briefed by the King about it.
"Oh! Hearing what she did to vase curse! It was a high grade. She will be fine~!" Gojo said. "Oh! Look! Miko is on the rooftop."
"SHE'S WHERE?!" Daichi cried and gasped, seeing Miko on the rooftop as she was drunk, hiccuping and burping. Miko is on the rooftop where there is a billboard with a beauty advertisement. She is cornered by a few curse users who look beaten up and bruised.
"NO! Natsuo! NO!" Uesaka shouted. "DON'T DO IT!"
"COME FORTH! Yomi Crawler!" Natsuo, a young man in his mid-20s summoned a beast. It is big and a big grey reptilian with a skull-like head with two horns, it had two long forearms with no hindlegs, just a long serpentine tails. If Daichi had to describe it's from one of those kajui movies. What was it?
The Yomi Crawler hisses.
"NOW ANY LAST WORDS?!" Natsuo laughs evilly while his prehistoric shikigami hisses it's snake tongue, ready to eat her up
Miko does. She narrows her eyes and raises her fists shouting, "HONEY BADGER DON'T CARE!" She yelled.
A pause.
"Honey Badger, what?" Said everyone in unison.
The Yomi Crawler roars and charges as it goes to slam its hand onto Miko but Miko intercepts by catching its palm and pushes the crawler roughly, making it topple over the curse users. Natuso gets out of the way. His compatriots aren't so lucky as they got injured seriously.
"THAT IDIOT!" Uesaka slams his fists on the ground. Megumi grabs Uesaka's collar, "HEY! What kind of shikigami did your associate summoned?!"
"It's Yomi Crawler! He's our dangerous weapon! Natsuo insists on calling it Skullcrawler because some movie involved a huge gorilla on an island that has a monster like it but I renamed it to avoid it due to copyright issues!!"
Yomi Crawler quickly recovers and goes to do a tail swipe at Miko. Miko jumps to the air and lands on the billboard. "YOU RUINED A PRESENT I WAS ABOUT TO PICK OUT!"
"Huh?" Daichi blinks.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Natsuo shouted, frustrated as he has no idea what she's saying.
"Yeah...what is she talking about?" Gojo-sensei asks, still eating his popcorn while the other four including Eito look at Daichi, because they know exactly WHO Miko is talking about.
"G-got no idea!" Daichi quickly says while his face flushes pink, looking to the side.
Megumi sighs. Why I am not surprised???
Then he hears the Yomi Crawler growls loudly as it launches its tongue at Miko. She quickly dodges by jumping down under the billboard. The shikigami goes to swipe its claws at her to which Miko darts to the side and slams into the pole that is holding up the billboard. The pole was heavily dented making the billboard tiled. Miko roars, "AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID PLAN! STUPID CuRSE TOOL! HONEY BADGER DON'T CARE!" She rips the pole from the billboard, making fall over the the monstrous crawler. This pins down the monster briefly before it thrashes, getting out of here while snapping its jaws at Miko.
"HONEY BADGER DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!" Miko roars, stunning the shinigami with her great cursed energy before she goes to pick up the billboard by the broken stem and starts whacking the monster with it. Mind you, the billboard probably weighs a thousand tons!
"YOU! DAMN! STUPID! STINKY! DUMB! LIZARD!" She said each word after each whack on the shikigam's head. The Yomi Crawler is seeing stars after each bonk as there is swirls in its eyes.
--- Down at the ground level -----
"NOOOO!" Daichi drops to his knees, yelling in great sadness.
"Daichi...what's wrong?! Don't you see...Miko is winning!" Yuji said, pointing at Miko, whacking the shinigami on the head with part of the billboard. It's like Mario carrying a sledgehammer and hitting Browser in Super Smash Bros. Instead, it's Miko hitting a huge dangerous carnivorous shikigami with a broken billboard.
"That's not it! Daichi shouted, waggling his fists in the air. Nobara frowns, "Then what?!"
"SHE'S SWEARING!" Daichi cries. The students sweatdrops hearing that.
"That's your biggest concern right now?!"Megumi yelled at Daichi as he couldn't believe him while Gojo is snickering. "Wow! No wonder the Principal got so worried! This is the best show ever and I don't need to do anything!" Gojo takes another handful of popcorn and eats it.
The billboard broke in half and the sikigami got so upset, it lunged at the girl. Daichi gasps, "MIKO! LOOK OUT!"
----- At the rooftop -----
Miko jumps away but now is in the air and below here there is no rooftop just the free fall straight to the ground. The shinigami grabs hold of her as both falls to the ground. Miko wrestles out of the hold by biting down hard.
Gojo would have sworn seeing sharp teeth and animalistic features on Miko. The shinigami bleeds as it cries out, lets go out of here before it got a double kick at the waist, sending it further down to the ground resulting a huge crash.
"NO! NOT OUR TRUMP CARD!" Uesaka cried in despair while Daichi runs over to the scene, scared for Miko.
"That's your trump card?!" Sukuna is now laughing alongside Kinie Ger who is in awe seeing this humiliating display! Man, this drunken badger knows how to put on a show, alright! The first thing was horrifying but the second time? It is now hilarious.
"Miko! Miko!" He calls out for her name in the debris smoke. "Say something!" He said. Daici is gasping as he is on the verge of tears until he hears a shout.
"KIIIIISSSHO!" He heard a familar voice before he got tackled by MIko to the ground. She nuzzles against him nonstop. "Y-you're here, my lovely flame bird!" She said drunkenly as Daichi's cheeks went red. "M-m-miko! You okay?!" He is so glad that Miko is okay!
"When you're here yes! So warm!" Miko said gleefully. Eito chirps. Daichi sighs and goes to pick her up in bridal style. The rest of the students catch up. "Miko! You're okay!" Taz smiled, happy to see her safe. Megumi sighs while Yuji and Nobara are glad to see Miko is okay despite being drunk.
"Where's the shikigami?" Megumi asked.
"Shiki...gami~?" Miko hiccups. Out of the smoke, the shinigami emerges and roars at them with its hands high ready to kill them all as its jaws are now opened wide Right away, the students immediately went into their offensive positions.
Then suddenly, a fire blast hits the shikigami in the mouth.
Daichi holds up his arm with his palm open and forward while Eito, his partner caws angrily at the shikigami. He glares at the shinigami that is now hacking and coughing from the fireball.
"Megumi. Please hold Miko for me." He said to which Megumi did without question because the shadow sorcerer can already tell the flame sorcerer was pissed. "You're going to pay for this!" He said as he readied a fire arrow at the shinigami now recovered and lunged at the students. Megumi sees the arrow is getting now bigger.
The other students widen their eyes. Oh shit! And runs off right away as Daichi lets go out of the arrow. A huge explosion as smoke swept the area bringing up huge winds of gust that breezed through Gojo's hair as the teacher finished his popcorn! "Welp! Looks like the problem is solved!" He said while the curse user is blown away and fell face-first with his butt up.
Once that is over, Megumi and the others take cover behind the wall while Miko whines, "Where's Kiiisho!" She said as the student peeks their heads out.
And there's Daichi and Eito. In front of them is a burned shikigami now twitching as it dies in the hole ground. Daichi huffs before turns around. He takes a breath.
"Wow. So freaking cool." Miko said while Yuji, Nobara, and Taz nodded in agreement. Impressive. Looks like it's over.
Well...almost over..
Because the building begins to shift and starts to fall on its side, right on top of the two and the enemy shinigami. Daichi widens his eyes and screams, running away. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Daichi is now in the clear before the building collapses, leaving nothing but rubble.
The students stared in shock and started to sweat as they looked toward Megumi, knowing what was about to happen. Daichi looks at the destroyed property before going down to his knees and yelling, "NOT AGAIN!"
And not only that, he knows what entails. He felt a shadow over him making him sweat profusely. Gulping, Daichi quickly puts his head to the ground as he turns around. "S-sorry! Megumi Fushiguro! I didn't mean to!"
Right away, the three, Itadori, Kugsaki, and Hellion went to Daichi's defense, "Yeah! He's right! That thing was about to hurt Miko!" Said Nobara.
"Listen..." Megumi begins.
"Yeah! Come on! You can't blame him for that! He has a right to defend his girl!" Said Yuji, holding Miko by giving her a piggyback. Daichi chokes, hearing Yuji.
"Guys..." Megumi said.
"Please don't punish!" Said Taz and Yuji nods, "Yeah! Come on, Fushiguro! Don't do this! Don't get angry!"
"GUYS! I'M NOT ANGRY! CAN YOU RELAX?!" Megumi shouted at the four. The four became surprised by this. Megumi sighs shaking his head, "If anything, it's all the curse users' fault for summoning a huge shinigami and kidnapping Miko in the first place. Also, Daichi, stand up. It's fine." Megumi said. This made Daichi blink and slowly get up, "So you're not mad?"
"No...they started it and you finish it. We can write this up that the cause of this is the shikigami that they summoned." He said. "And Miko rescued herself from the captors and we are there to help at the last moment when the enemy shikigami attacked us. The cursed tool is safe. So no need to panic..." He tells Daichi. Hearing that, Daichi widen his eyes at this and can't believe Megumi's words. In a way, he felt relieved and happy to heard that.
"In fact..." Megumi looks toward the remaining curse users who evacuated the building before it came down. He walked over to the curse users who were dirty and bruised thanks to Miko's beatdown.
The curse users noticed the students, blinking dumbfounded.
"We just need to beat them up and hold them till the other sorcerers come here." Megumi said. Right away, Nobara grins at that suggestion. "You know...that's a good idea! What do you say, Yuji?"
Yuji hums as they see the appenhenrisve curse user tremblings. Sukuuna cackles now. "You know? Sure. They made Miko drunk so they gotta pay for what they did." Yuji said.
Daichi blinks.
"I will look after Miko." Said Taz. Kinie groans as she wants to beat them up but seeing the curse users getting beat up by the King's vessel is better than nothing!
Daichi smiles at this. "Alright! Let's make this quick!" As all four are closing onto the curse users now sweating and a one-sided brawl has commenced. Because right now, they're so going to beat up these curse users for this!
"OOoh! Another fight!" Gojo is now drinking a cola, supervising the situation. Uesaka got back up and groans, rubbing his head. He widens his eyes to see his men getting defeated by the students of Jujutsu High.
"Ooh! Maybe I should play refeere!" Gojo smiles. "Hello everyone! I am your referee! Gojo Saturo, pleased to meet you! Tonight's match between my lovely students and the scary curse users!" He laughed. "My students are now seeking revenge of their dear friend and started their onslaught!" He said, having a microphone at his hand. Taz sweatdrops but chuckles.
"Up first, Kugasaki Nobara delivers a mean dropkick at one of them! She is soaring high wonderfully!" He said as he sees Nobara do a drop kick at one guy's chest, sending him flying. "She is lovely as a rose but her thorns are deadly!" He said as Nobara elbowed another in the throat before whacking that one with her toy hammer.
"And here comes Itadori Yuji with the knee release! Oh! That is brutal! So gonna hurt in the morning!" Then Yuji used his Taidoo martial arts, going to one two-kick with a knee release at one guy. "But no noes! Yuji got tackled but his strength is no other!" Itadori picks up the curse user that tried to tackle him then body slams that guy to the ground, "And that's why he is called the Tiger of West!" He laughed. Yuji sweatdrops and chuckles but keeps on fighting.
"And my precious Megummmi quickly put those two out of commission! So quick! So fast! He's amazing!" Gojo exclaimed as he watched Megumi box two people at the same time, knocking them both out with quick movements. Megumi punches another in the gut before doing an uppercut at the jaw, knocking the third one out. "Never mess with a wolf and his fangs! Even if he is cute and cuddly!"
"SHUT IT!" Megumi yelled in annoyance. But Gojo isn't finished doing his commentary.
"HAHAHA! Look the fiery phoenix, Great Daichi Pheonix doing quick work of one guy! He might be a Chunbiyo but his eyes are blazing with determination!" Gojo said as he watched Daichi did a knee kick at his opponent before doing a cross punch at one curse user, "Aren't my students precious?!"
Then he sees someone coming up behind Taz and Miko. Taz sniffs and quickly does a round kick to the temple, knocking the sneaking curse user out. Taz sighs with relief, pressing a hand on her chest.
"HA! When it comes to sneaking, Little Taz always knows who sneaks up behind her! You can forget about jumping her because that little lady always knows and is always ready!" Gojo exclaimed making Taz blush a little.
"HIIYA! GO TO THEE HELL!" Miko looks excited by the brawl and jumps in by delivering a double clothesline at two curse users, dropping them to the ground.
"And here comes the Crazy Honey Badger, Miko barging into the ring!" Gojo yelled, "And look! She is doing a cobra twist on this poor guy! His soul looks to be out of his body by now!"
"SOMEONE HELP ME!" Cried a curse user caught in Miko's wrestling cobra twist. The curse user faints and goes limp due to the move.
Uesaka stares in shock and horror, "T-t-the students are beating up my men?!" He sweatdrops as his hakama falls to the side, watching this in disbelief. He plops down to the ground, crawling back. Oh god...he needs to get out of here. His plan is ruined. Ruined!
"You damn brats!!" Natuso yelled, going to charge in with a knife. Right away, Megumi grabs one of Natsuo's arms, twisting it. Natuso cries out as he unwittingly lets go of his knife and then he delivers a haymaker punch before Daichi jumps in with a karate chop to the head. "THIS IS FOR MIKO!" Daichi yelled, knocking Natuso out.
"Great teamwork by Megumi and Daichi! Keep up the good work!" Gojo said proud of his students. Uesaka lets out an angry yell and rushes at Gojo but the strongest sorcerer makes quick work of the curse user leader with a strong tap to the forehead, knocking him out cold. "Hey!" The teacher frowns, "I'm the referee! No attacking the referee!" He said with a pout before snickering. Soon the brawl ended with the students emerging as victors of the brawl.
----- Jujutsu High ----
Daichi is now carrying a sleeping Miko on his back as he and the others are making their way back onto the campus.
"Jeez...I never Miko had it in her!" Nobara said. "So if she's drunk, she's like that?"She asked, looking at Miko sleeping peacefully.
"Uh-huh." Said the boys.
"Is that how she defeated the vase curse?" Taz asked.
"Uh-huh." The boys answered. Nobara demands an explanation, "But how?!"
"She performed a Black Flash." Said Megumi. Nobara gasps, "For real?"
"For real." Said the boys. Taz nods, "Oh is that why Maki is teaching her on how to fight? She was using uh..."
"Wrestling moves, Miko is specialized in that because she's a big fan of wrestling. She shows me a few of her videos. They're pretty amazing. Seeing her do is so cool!" Daichi smiles. Then he sees the faces of his friends looking at him. "What? What is it?" He blinks
Nobara chuckles deviously, "Oh..you know! It makes me wonder what kind of present that Miko is going to get you."
"Probably some manga or figurines!" Yuji said.
"What are you saying?!" Daichi blushing pink.
"Oh come on! Lovely Flame Bird? She is SO talking about you while she was fighting that huge big bad shinigami!" Nobara points this out. Yuji said, "Yeah! I mean...you're the guy, Daichi!"
"It was quite obvious," Megumi said. Taz nods, "Yep! You're the one who has a bird-like Eito and has the power of fire!" Taz said.
"By the way, didn't you confess to her?" Yuji asked which Daichi kept quiet for a moment.
"Daichi? Kisho?" Megumi said his name, raising a brow as he saw Daichi's lips twitch.
"Oh! Uh! I have to take her to Doctor Ieiri to see what's going on! See you later! BYE!" He runs off getting Miko to the nurse's office. Yuria Niguredou sees the others return with Miko on Daichi's back. "Guys! You came back!" But Daichi runs past making her blink. Yuria walks to the group, "Did something happen?"
"Lots. I will tell you the details." Megumi said to her.
"Oh! Is Miko okay?"
"She is! Better than okay!" Said Yuji. Yuria then asks, "Then why is Daichi's face red?""
"He didn't confess." They said. Yuria sighs, "Figures. So what really happened?"
"Miko was drunk." Said the four. Yuria gasps, "HOW?!"
Then a chirp is heard as Eito flies around them as he goes over to Megumi, handing him Daichi's phone. Megumi blinks, "You...recorded it?"
Eito chirps happily. Megumi takes that as a yes.
"Now I have to see how it went down!" Yuria said. Yuji nods, "Same! Do you think Eito got better angles of the fight?"
"Hey, don't hog the phone! I want to see it!" Nobara whined.
"Oh! How about we screen share in the dorm lounge?" Taz suggested.
"Good idea, sis!" Yuji smiled as the four ran off, leaving Megumi there. He can't help shaking his head and smiles with a shrug. Well...that went pretty well. He is going to check up on Daichi and Miko. Gojo-sensei would give his report to the principal about what went down.
Today is one weird day but ends on a good note.
"I need some sleep after this." Megumi sighs.
To be continued....
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 9 months
||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 10- Battle of Ice and Fire ||
Hi everyone. This is Part 10 of this Drabble series. This is for my rp friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. If you haven't read the parts yet, please do. That said...my grammar is a bit iffy as this is written for pure enjoyment. Enjoy.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
--- Esteemed Guests in drabble ---
Taz Hellion, Kinie, Rioto Kir-IN, belong to me Taz and Kine from @demon-blood-youths and Daichi and Rioto on this blog. Both blogs belong to me.
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki are Peahen-men's muses. They are mentioned briefly in the Drabble.
----- Summary ----
The Tokyo and Kyoto have a team-up mission regarding an infenstion of cursed spirits in huge village. The mission has been completed and both schools are taking a break. Daichi and Rioto meet up and hang out together until they came across a missing one. What will happened?
"So Rioto. How are you doing at Kyoto High?" Daichi asked.
"Um....Kyoto is alright. Utahime-sensei is nice and but a little strict. So is the principal, Gakuhanji is something. I had to prove myself why I want to become a sorcerer. So I did and told me that I should stick to being a first-year to catch up and help other years."
"Did you make any friends?"
"Well...uh...there's Kamo and Miwa. They're just classmates but they were nice. The rest...are uh....getting used to it." Rioto sighed.
"That's good!" Daichi
"Not really? I mean Kamo feels bad for me and so is Miwa. The rest don't like but they like Miryu." Rioto mentions his cursed companion, Miryu. A blue seahorse with a unicorn horn and two antlers. Similar to Eito, he also look plush-like and flies with tiny flappers similar to seahorse. He blows bubbles while saying 'Buu...' and 'Muuu."
Both Miryu and Eito are playing as they are flying above the two sorcerers. No doubt, his classmates like Miryu.
"So what happened?"
"Everyone." Utahime introduced Rioto to the class, "This is our new student....Syougo Shin-"
"I am Rioto Kirin!" Rioto said his name. "I prefer if you all call me by that name!" He said firmly surprising the class and startled Utahime. "And this is my trusting partner, Miryu!"
A seahorse floats by Rioto's side.
"Muu..." Miryu introduces himself, blowing bubbles from its nose as he is swimming around the class. The girls in the class, Miwa, Momo and Mai find it cute. The boys are intrigued.
"It's nice to meet you, Rioto. My name is Noritoshi Kamo." He said with a respectful nod. "This is Mechamaru, Arata Nitta, Todo Aoi. You must be the new first-year."
That I am, yes." Rioto nods.
"What's up with horns?" Arata asked, pointing at his ice horns that look like antlers. Not to mention, the fur around his collar of his uniform.
"This is for daily battle!"
"Daily Battle?" Arata sweat dropped.
"So you must be the one who brought a village almost to a ice age ." Mai said. "I'm surprised a curse user is allow to attend our school."
Kamo sighs a little, hearing that. Mai has no filter. But he is surprised to hear Rioto's response.
"Correction. My issue is with the few people of the village before my deserving defeat at the hands of Great Daichi Pheon-X. My goal is fight Daichi Pheon-X. That said, I am here to owe a great debt to him and work to pay it off to make it up for my wrong choices by contributing in Kyoto High and to help jujutsu society in general." Rioto says.
"Daichi Pheon-X? The sorcerer who streams online?" Kamo asked.
"The guy with that little bird of his?" Mechamura asked.
"Looks dumb." Momo said. But the bird is cute.
"I hear he's attending Tokyo school." Said Miwa. Rioto nods, "Correct. The Great Daichi told me that Jujutsu High is a good place to meet others who wishes to understand jujutsu sorcery and curses along with other things. That said, I hope we get to along well."
"Doesn't sound bad." Daichi said. Rioto sighs, "Yes....errr..."
During lunch time where Kamo explains the classes to him, Todo got in his way.
"Hey! What kind of girls do you like?"
Rioto blinks. "What?"
"Todo...please." Kamo sighs, knowing where this is going.
"I asked if you have a type." Todo asked. "What kind of type is your woman? Answer me!"
"Uh....well..." Rioto looks unsure of this, looking dumbfound a bit.
"It can be boys too." Todo said. Kamo begins, "Rioto...you don't have to..."
"If you're talking about romance....then...then.." Rioto begins. Kamo held his breath, hoping Rioto has a good answer.
"Then I have no interest in that kind of thing! Something like that does not interest me at all!" Rioto said with utmost confidence which made Kamo gasp and sweat dropped. Oh no...
Then Rioto hears a sniffle and is staring wide as Todo cries. Making Rioto blinked, "Wait...why are you cryin-" The ice sorcerer got whiplash by a clothesline. "You! A coward!" Then he picks up Rioto and does German duplex, Rioto quickly breaks the fall using ice making Todo slip. Rioto got out of his hold and does a flip, not before taking his asthma pump.
"What do you think you're doing?! If you wish to fight, I will be glad to take your challenge!!"
"You don't think about women?! Not only, you're not interested in women and men?! What kind of man are you?!" Todo yelled. "What kind of answer was that?!"
"Why does that matter?!" Rioto yelled.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you and I hope you change your answer!"
"BRING IT!" Rioto summons his ice golems. Kamo yells in a panic, "Not inside the school!"
Little does Rioto know, he has been brutally defeated thanks to Todo's Boogie Woogie technique. Kamo had to take him to the nurse's office for his injuries.
"Then I got beat up by the third year, Todo Ali The Oni!" Rioto tightens his fists as he is upset.
"Uhh...because of your answer on what kind of woman is your type?" Daichi blinked. Rioto sighs and nods, "And he keeps bothering me till I change my answer. To be honest, I don't know what woman or man is my type because I never think of it so I try to come up with a excuse."
"You could of been just honest?"
"So I get beat?!" Rioto exclaimed. "No way! I make sure to avoid him at all costs! I even try to pay Mai to get him out of the way!" He sighed. "I even ask Miwa to hide me from him!" He sighed.
"Well...at least you have friends!" Daichi pats him on the back. But as they walk together, passing a warehouse. They felt a prescence. A cursed one.
Both look at each other and enter inside without hesitation. They missed a cursed spirit and on their way to exorcise it. Not thinking this spirit is almost above their grade.
"Where are we?" Rioto asked as the room changes. Daichi gulps, "I read something about this. Where we are is in innate domain?"
"Huh?! Wait...if that's it! Then that means..."
"We're dealing with 1st grade or a special grade!" Daichi frowns which makes Rioto spooked a little. Both Miryu and Eitio can sense their concerns so they stay close to their partners. "Okay, Rioto. You and me gotta be careful until we found the cursed spirit."
"So what kind of cursed spirit would make this?"
The place is full of edges and stairs. It's like an labrinyth. Regardless, they kept going and going. Going. Going. Going. Still going.
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Rioto yelled, stomping on the ground as ice freezes the part of the ground. Daichi sighs. They have been walking, climbing the stairs and everything. They keep on moving but nothing in sight. Daichi thinks as he sits down on a stair. Maybe the cursed spirit is smart and tries to exhaust them by having them walk anywhere in its domain. They passed rooms because Daichi doesn't think it's good idea to enter in one of them so sooner or later, they have to confront this spirit.
Then both heard a chuckle. "You will never find me. You two are just bait!" A voice crackles. Two immediately became on guard as they brings out their preceptive elements. Daichi with his flame sword and Rioto with his icy lance. Miryu and Eito remain close to the duo. More laughter is heard.
"You two have no idea what you're dealing with! Can't believe one of you is with the vessels that held King of Curses and the other one that calls itself Kinie Ger."
Daichi widens his eyes. Wait..what?
"My master would be pleased."
Master? Daichi narrows his eyes. "Who are you?"
"The name is Tsumi! Your enemy and I found you two the most ridiculous bunch! You two make the perfect bait. I will lead those sorcerers here and kill them until I get to face off those two cursed spirits! Who knows! Maybe I can get that girl that hold Kinie Ger. She seems fun."
Daichi scowls hearing this. Yeah...no way in hell. He won't let anyone hurt his friends. "Where are you?"
"Patience. If you wish to jump to your death, go up!" Tsumi chuckled. Daichi takes a breath and looks to Rioto. Rioto nods. "Wherever you go, I will go with you, my great rival!" He grins. Daichi smiles. Both went up. To see a door and enters. Inside is a arena where a skinny male with a youthful look. He has green slick-back hair and swishes his long tail.
"Here we are!" Tsumi laughs as he brings out his claws. He jumps down, "So you two must be Rioto and Daichi! Two idiots over their heads. For I am Tsumi! A cursed spirit who is smarter than any human."
Rioto and Daichi just stared.
"Listen here, you foul curse! We will prevail!" Rioto points as he strikes. pose. Daichi chuckles and does it too. Tsumi sneers, "Let's see what you got!"
The battle begins.
----- Somewhere ------
"Hmmm..." Megumi sips his drink, making a face as he is eating his soba noodles. Nobara and Yuji noticed this. "You okay, Fushiguro?" Yuji asked, eating his noodles. Taz is eating her grilled eel over rice, hearing this with a curious look.
"Not sure. Just a feeling." He said. "A feeling where things go wrong." He said.
"I mean we exorcise all the cursed spirits in the area." Nobara said. Megumi grumbles a bit, "True. But...there's something else." A face came to his mind.
"Where's Daichi?" He asked.
"He's hanging out with Rioto." Taz answered. "That's what he told me." She answered. Megumi hears this and sighs, "I just hope those two don't run into trouble."
"Oh come on, what would the worst thing can happened?" Nobara said.
"Wow! So these are the Great Daichi and Rioto! You two with dumbest titles I ever heard of is on their knees. What makes you think you two can defeat me?!" Tsumi laughs. Daichi and Rioto are on their knees, panting. Right now, they felt disoriented whenever Tsumi keeps on moving.
Daichi tries to figure out his cursed technique. Is it dizziness, messing with the senses. Tsumi chuckles, "You see, my technique is Distortion. I mess sense of direction and spin the room around." He laughs.
So that's it. Daichi looks to Eito and whispers to him. Then Eito whispers to Miryu. Miryu whispers to Rioto. He widens his eyes and look at Daichi to whom he nods. Both are slowly standing up and hold their hands together. Tsumi laughs seeing this.
"What? Are you going to confess to each other? Well..I can't blame you. You two are going to die anyway!" Tsumi laugh and activates his distortion.
"Not quite!" Daichi said as both unleashes their curse technique. Flames and a blizzard. With them both holding hands, they go to dance as they go in a circle. Shooting out powerful flames and blizzard, this got Tsumi blink as he backs off. Soon, they turn into a spiral of the dual elements. Weathering the arena to where it becomes weak. Tsumi screams as he felt the burns of both fire and ice. Tsumi unwittingly turns off his technique. Tsumi got blasted by fire and was impaled by a ice shard. Tsumi stumbles and staggers. Then he widens to see Tsumi blink his eyes, both sorcerers of fire and ice jump in the air, throwing their respective attacks.
Fire in a form of a Pheonix. And a blizzard attack in form of a Kirin. Both hit Tsumi and send him flying and he was crashed against the wall. The domain begins to fall apart.
"Have you two lost your minds?!" Said the cursed spirit as he can't believe this. Tsumi can't believe these two will cause so much damage. The scaly figure had to take steps back from them with fear now. These human children. ARE NOT NORMAL!
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Rioto and Daichi laughed together insanely as they combine their attacks together. Calling it their combo attack, "Dual Elemental Blast!" They both said as they fire off their attack of their presceptive elements, fire and ice.
An explosion is heard in the distance. Megumi and Kamo look at the huge smoke coming off from their positions. What the???
--- Minutes later ----
Under the rubble, Daichi and Rioto got out as they are breathing heavily. Their companions, Eito and Buu were getting them out of the rubble. The sorcerers have won.
"We survived!" Rioto exclaimed with a grin.
"That was crazy." Said Daichi, dusting his hair off from the debris. As both Chunibyo sorcerers got out of the rubble and dust themselves, a crash is heard making them turn around. The warehouse is now half in rubble.
Both look at each other. How are they're going to explain this?
"Uh...so...how are we going to tell this to them?" Rioto asked.
"Well...let's just say we fought a strong cursed spirit with a domain! Knowing them, they pretty much understand!"
"Right! If I tell Kamo, he will understand! Kamo is always understanding!" Rioto smiled. Daichi blinks, "Kamo?"
"Yes! He's the first I trust!. " He said as Miryu is blows a bubble and gives a 'buy'. Eito chirps in understanding.
"Anyway! I'm going to go to Kamo for help and tell him what happened! I think he's nearby!" Said Rioto. Daichi nods. "Right!"
Daichi lets out a sign as Eito chirps. "I know, right! I think me and Rioto did a pretty good job. Now...we need to explain this! As long as we get our straight, we will be fine!"
Little did they know, the explosion is heard from others. And they're going to deal with a very angry Fushiguro very soon.
To be continued...
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 6 months
The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 12- Math Test ||
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun for part 12 of The Misadventures of the Phoenix and Shadow Chimer Sorcerers. This is for a friend named @the-silver-peahen-residence involving JJk shinegangs and a certain OC of mine, Kisho Hashimoto aka Daichi PheonX
---- Parts ---
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
----- Summary ----
Exams have come up. Kisho, Megumi and the rest of the class have studied and are now preparing for a test. However, before the test starts. Nobara voices her concern.
---- Warning ----
It's a normal day at Jujutsu Tokyo High. However, there are no missions or training days. No, today is a test. A math test. Everyone is dreading except for one person, Kisho Hashimoto aka Daichi PheonX who is confident for this math. After all, given the infamous grand amount of money he gained from his social media channel and merchandise of cursed charms. He knows how to do math pretty well.
With Eito by his side, there's nothing he can do. Nanami-sensei is going to be the proctor for the math exam. He tells them the rules and all that despite Yuji's complaints of why math is needed. Kisho got his pencils ready, his piece of paper out, and the answer sheet. But before...the test begins.
"Wait a minute! Nanami-sensei!" Nobara asked. Nanami looks up from his paper, "Yes, Kugaski?"
"What about Kisho?" Nobara asked.
"What about me?" Kisho blinked. Nanami wonders, "Yes, what about him?" He raised a brow.
"He has Eito with him!" Nobara said. Kisho blinks, "Well...yeah...Eito is with me all the time." He said, looking confused.
Megumi raises a brow while Yuji blinks. Megumi then begins to realize something.
"Didn't you say that Eito is good at math?" Megumi said to which Yuji realized this, "Oh yeah! Isn't he? Didn't you say he helps you in accounting and all that with your channel and your merch sales?" Yuji asked. Kisho nods, "Yeah so???"
"So how do we know that you won't get help from Eito during this test??" Nobara asked. Taz, Yuria and Miko widen their eyes at this.
"Huh?! What are you saying???" Kisho frowns. Nanami listens but didn't say anything yet.
"We're saying...how do we know you won't cheat in this test?" Megumi crossed his arms, leaning back. Yuji nods in agreement. Eito squawked while Kisho gasped in shock.
"How..wha-HUH?! I don't appreciate that accusation! I don't cheat! Eito doesn't cheat! WE DON'T CHEAT!" Kisho exclaimed, standing up and looking at his friends.
"Then tell Eito to go to a different room," Megumi said calmly.
"No way!" Kisho shakes his head.
"Why not?" Yuji questioned.
"Because???" Nobara asked with crossed arms. Yuria, Miko and Taz are curious to know why.
"Because I need Eito!"
More gasps from Yuji and the girls.
"So do you need Eito to help you with the test!!" Yuji said, pointing at him. Kisho retorts, "No, I don't! Eito helps me with my homework! Not my test! I can ace it!"
"Then tell Eito to go to a different room if you can ace the test!" Nobara said with a frown.
"He helps me concentrate and makes me feel relaxed!" Kisho said.
"Riiight...more like helping you," Megumi tells him. Yuji said, "Yeah! Don't try to pull a wool over us, Kisho!" He yelled.
"You're one to talk, Yuji!" Kisho turns his head at him and points at him frantically, "I bet Sukuna helps you with this test! So how do we know that Sukuna won't HELP you in your test?!"
"HUH?! Sukuna never helps me with things like that!" Yuji retorted.
"Oh sure! I believe you~! NOT! I bet he helps you whenever we have a test over jujutsu! Or what about Taz and Kinie?! How do we know Kinie doesn't help her!" Kisho said this as he is on top of his chair.
"Eh?" Taz blinked dumbfounded.
"Don't you dare pull my little sister into this!" Yuji yelled comically. "She never cheats!"
"OH! Sorry! How do we know that?!" Kisho asked, putting his hands on his hips. Eito puffed his feathers on top of his head.
"T-then...what about Miko,huh?!" Yuji shifted the topic. "She has a shikigami and I bet her badger, Anaconda helps her!"
"Eh?" Miko blinks dumbfounded. Both Taz and Miko had a dumbfounded smile on their blank faces as they blinked.
"Miko never cheats!" Kisho yelled.
"You don't know that either!" Yuji said.
Nanami sighs.
"If I may..." A voice is heard from Taz. Kinie Ger manifests on top of Taz's head as a quoll. Miko and Yuria were thinking. 'Cute.'
"I don't understand this thing you call math. It has letters and number mixed together which makes no sense. I can only do basic things like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division." She said. "And some..."
"HOWEVER...I do not help my pup in these things. Only hunting curses. Why would I help the pup with something so simple!"
"Did she tell you...she isn't good at math?! She has bad grades!"
"Wait what?" Kinie blinked. Everyone gasp except Megum who shakes his head. Yuji stands up, "How can you bring up Taz's test score?! That was a low blow, man!"
"I didn't have to bring it up if you didn't accuse Eito and me capable of cheating!" Kisho retorted. "If anything, that WAS a low blow!"
"You're seriously not helping your case here." Megumi said. "You won't tell Eito to go to another room because you need him to concentrate? Do you know how suspicious that sounds?"
"Yeah! You sound sus!" Nobara pointed.
"YEAH! SUS!" Yuji exclaimed in agreement.
"Fushiguro! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOULDN'T BE TALKING RIGHT NOW!" Kisho waves his fists to the air furiously, "Your Ten Shadows technique is versatile right?! So I bet ONE of your shinigami helps you with this test!" Kisho said, now standing on the desk.
Megumi rolls his eyes, "Kisho. My cursed technique helps me in combat, not written exams." He said. "If anything, your shikigami-"
"Eito is-"
"Eito helps you more with soft skills than hard skills. You were bragging about how Eito is really smart in math and all that." Megumi said. "Besides..I can ace this test without any shikigami unlike you."
And Kisho take those as fighting word as he almost pop a vien and his left eye twitched.
"What?!" Kisho is now upset. "You know what?! Fine! I show you! I am going to beat everyone on this math test and other exams without Eito's help!" He yelled, stomping his foot on the desk childishly.
"Yeah sure..." Megumi is not fazed. But deep down, he can't wait to humble this idiot.
"Without Eito! Heck! I will probably beat Sukuna in that jujutsu written test!"
Upon hearing that, Sukuna huffs, "Look at this brat!" Sukuna's eye and mouth appear on Yuji's cheek now smirking. "You think you can beat me in a written exam about jujutsu?! You must be kidding yourself! I am the King of Curses!"
"At least I know you're not the King of Math!" Kisho retorted.
"Ha? I'm good at math!" Sukuna retorted.
"Okay what's 6 times 3?"
"Easy! 18!" Sukuna answered with easy. Then Kisho hits him with another question, "So what's the number of Pi?!"
"Pie!? Are you serious? You cut it into four slices or eight slices." Sukuna answered with confidence which got everyone silent. Nobara tries so hard not to laugh. Of course, Sukuna thought Pi is Pie.
"Uh...Sukuna?" Yuji goes to tell him in his mind. I think he's talking about Pi as in P.I. Not what you think it is. Sukuna was slient before growing. "HUh?! Why you little-"
"HA! It's 3.14!" Kisho grins.
"You know that doesn't count. Sukuna was born 1,000 years ago and Pi was brought up later on." Megumi points this out. "Give him a math problem!"
"I intend to agree," Nanami asked. "The concept of Pi was introduced in the 1700s."
"Okay fine! But I doubt King of Curses knows how to handle money! Like does even he know how to file his taxes in the Heian Era?!" Kisho said. Sukuna twitched an eye from his skull throne. "Now you listen here, you little shit! Do you think dabbling in money matters to me?! I know how to do my finances! Hell! I don't even need it or pay my taxes! You, on the other hand, have that damn turkey to do the calculating for you!"
"You don't even know what stocks are! You don't know what investing is!"
"REALLY?! It's a bullshit way of gambling for snobbish weaklings! You're an idiot! And number two! Screw you!"
"Yeah! I kinda agree on that." Yuji points this out. Kisho frowns, "You know what?! Fine!" He yells. Eito hoots and flies away from the class through the window, having enough of this. "You're going to regret this! I will show you all! I AM GOING TO TAKE EVERYONE DOWN INSIDE THIS CLASS IN THIS TEST!"
The girls in the back, Taz, Miko and Yuria were sweatdropped, thinking this is getting a bit out of control.
"I'm GOING TO BEAT YOU!" Points at Megumi who is now rolling his eyes with his arms crossed at Kisho's childish behavior. "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU!" He points at Nobara who sticks her tongue at him childishly. "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU AND YOU!" He points at Yuji and Sukuna of course. Sukunarolls his eye on his vesel's cheek and scoffs while Yuji made a face at him.
Nanami then clears his throat, "If you're done yelling, it's time to take your seats. It's time to take the exam. Please turn over your papers and pick up your pencil."
Kisho sits down and goes to start to answer questions. Everyone is quiet and silent. But Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji swore that they heard the grumbles under Kisho's breath.
"Im not a cheater...Eito is not a cheater. Heroes...." Kisho grumbles, "don't cheat! Damnit..."
Nobara is snickering to herself as she can hear Kisho getting upset. She will beat him in his test no matter what. It took a few hours. Nobara is the first to finish it. Kisho glares at Nobara while Nobara makes a funny face at him. He almost popped a vein before he shook his head.
No, no, no! Focus.
As time goes, Kisho is the second to last to finish. Taz finished last. The exam is over and the day ends. Eito goes to comfort Kisho in his room after he admitted that he struggled with some of the questions.
Soon..Kisho thought. I will show them all!
Of course, the next morning, he will not expect the results.
---- The next morning ----
"Wow....didn't you say that you're going to beat us in this test?" Nobara chuckled, seeing the scores while Kisho is standing there, looking at the scores with his eye twitch.
"Wow! I got a better score!" Taz said, "Thank you so much, Nobara!" Taz said. Yuji nods, "Yeah! Thanks Noabra!" While Miko pats him on the back.
It went something like this.
Nobara - 100%
Yuria - 95%
Megumi - 90%
Miko - 83%
Yuji - 75%
Taz - 75%
Kisho - 70%
"You got anything to say for yourself, Kisho?" Megumi asked. Kisho grits his teeth while Eito hoots, sitting on top of his head. Kisho looks at the three. "I DEMAND A REMATCH!"
"You mean...a retake?" Yuji corrects him. Kisho groans, "You know what I mean, Itadori! You guys screwed me up with those accusations! I used to be in 90s and 100s on my math tests!"
"With..or without Eito?" Nobara smirks. Kisho's face turns red. "This is just one time! ONE TIME! I slipped up." Kisho said. Megumi rolls his eyes, "Kisho. You need to stop relying on Etio for everything especially this." He said.
"I don't rely on Eito for everything!" Kisho retorted. "Name one I rely on him for something!" Kisho asked Megumi.
"Aside from your missions and tests, he wakes you up every morning." Megumi gives one. Kisho became silent. "What?"
"And playing theme songs for you." Itadori adds.
"Reminding you to tie your shoelaces!" Nobara pitches in.
"Oh! Or when you forgot your umbrella on the table." Taz brings up it.
"Fix your collar when you put on your uniform," Megumi said.
"Reminding you of the weather," Yuji asked.
"Or when you get lost," Yuria asked. Kisho's jaw almost dropped, upon hearing this.
"Telling you to watch your step so you won't trip," Nobara said. Kisho's eyes became swirls as the list goes on and on. He never expected he rely on Eito this much!
"And asking him on what to eat!." Kinie pops up from Taz's head. Taz sweatdropped.
"And asking you what time is it when you should of looked at your phone." Sukuna cackled, joining in the fun. "You even ask the turkey what to wear in a few instances. Come on, ask your own shikigami what to wear?! What are you? Five?!"
"Hey Sukuna..." Yuji scolds, slapping his cheek to quite him down not before apologizing to Kisho who is now clearly embarrassed by this.
"AND HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW THAT?!" Kisho exclaimed in disbelief and shock as he looked horrified by the number of things that his classmates listed so far.
"Hashimoto..." Megumi sighs. "We listened to you talk to Eito on those things. Like....almost every day. You even had him to help you to cook something."
"What?! No! I do not! Miko, tell me! Tell me the truth." Said Kisho begging her to say otherwise. Miko blinks and looks conflicted, "Um.."
But she had to tell the truth, "It seems like you depend on Eito for things, Kisho. Sorry." Miko apologized. "But it isn't bad! That's okay!"
"Yeah! It's not big deal!" Yuji said.
"No, it's not okay! You guys make it sound that I can't do anything without Eito." Kisho said. Megumi raises a brow at this, "Can you do things without Eito?" He said. "It's one thing to rely on Eito for missions and fighting cursed spirits. It's another to rely on him for almost mundane things, Kisho." Said Megumi being straightforward.
"Y-yes! I mean...me and Eito always stick together and do things together! So...I mean..."Kisho looks conflicted by this.
"Still..." Nobara begins.
"You know what! I got to go studying!" Kisho quickly said and ran off, leaving his classmates behind with Eito flying behind him.
"Kisho! Wait!" Miko asked as he ran off. Megumi groans.
"Maybe...we shouldn't press on Kisho about Eito like that?" Yuji asked. "Eito is very important to him. It's part of his technique, right?" He said.
"That's true," Megumi said.
"Anyway..isn't there a mission we got to go on?" Asked Nobara. Megumi sighs.
To be continued???
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 18 days
The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 22: Crazy Mission Story Meeting
------ Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun here with the new chapter of this series. This is created for @the-silver-peahen-residence since we both love funny and dramatic stories! Here are the previous chapters and parts. ||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
|| Previous chapters of Chapter 14 - 20 || Chapter 21 ---- Warning ---- Hilarity Things that don't make sense make sense! Ridiculousness Dumbassery Grammar Errors Wholesome moment at the end.
----- Summary ---- After the events of Hide and Seek deadly curse, the students resume their missions. But then Kisho, Yuji, Nobara, and Yuria were called into the meeting with Jujtusu Tech faculty about a crazy mission that went down yesterday resulting in a high-speed chase! Megumi is also there wondering what the hell happened when he wasn't there. Get ready for storytime!
"So explain what happened." The four students came in as they are required to attend to explain what happened. Kisho Hashimoto ( aka Daichi PhoenX ), Yuji Itadori, Nobara Kugasaki and Yuria Niguerdo. As they were on a mission to exorcise a curse yesterday late afternoon. Some of the faculty were there as well. Principal Yaga, Gojo Saturo, Nanami Kento, Kusakabe Atsuya, Shoko Ieiri, and Kiyotaka Ichiji are there.
They were hearing things last night. Last night's mission was....to put in simple terms; chaos. So something must gone down. Of course, everyone knew that four students must be partially responsible for this. "Hashimoto. You start. Can you explain what happened at the location that was 'blown up' and the curse users being involved? Something involving a detonated device?" Principal Yaga read the report. Megumi who is in attendance was dragged by Gojo who narrows his eyes at Kisho right now. Because he's pretty sure that he told him not to use a drone. But oh no....Daichi or rather Kisho had an new invention. "Kisho...if it's a drone..." Megumi warns. "Nope! No drone! A different one! This one is better!" Kisho grins. "And what is better than a drone?" Nanami questioned, frowning. "To start off; I decided to make an invention where I can use Roomba to move towards the curses. When the curse and robot make contact, it explodes and exorcises the curse right away! Of course, it's not a guarantee, but it gives us an idea of how strong of a curse it is. I even install a camera in it!" Daichi explained himself. "I call this device the Rooster Bomb or Cocktarice Bomb!" This got the faculty dumbstruck. The name sounds....cringy but names aside...that wasn't the point here. It's the device. "Wow...." Gojo said. "You use...a Roomba? Like those self-cleaning robots?" Nanami stared at Kisho. "That Roomba?" The teen nods. Kusakabe blinks. That seems reasonable given the rumors that Daichi uses a drone with fireworks to defeat a curse. However... "Wait..a second...how did you exactly...did you program a roomba to find a curse and explode when it's close?" Kusakabe is now curious. Everyone wants to know that too. "Don't roombas have this map technology and they need one run to map out the place?" Shoko asked with a brow raised. "Oh yeah! How did you do it?" Gojo wants to know. "Yes. Please explain Hashimoto." Principal Yaga crosses his arms. "Uhhhh...." Daichi/Kisho said. Megumi is now looking at Daichi for answers. ------ Few weeks ago -----
"And with this, we can make a moving mine!" Kisho grins, showing the dry erase board to Yuria, Itadori and Nobara, presenting his greatest idea. Taz and Miko were on a mission with Fushiguro.
"So..you're going to have a roomba to replace the drone thing?" Yuji asked. Meanwhile, Sukuna is intrigued by this but wants to see how much of a fuck up this invention would do. "Yes and no.... since Megumi won't approve us of using the fireworks on a drone ever again. I decide to opt for the safest and non-destructive alternative. The Exploding Roomba!" Daichi grins. "Okay...how does it work? I mean Roombas need one run to map out the place and it's going to take a lot of time." Nobara is sipping her drink with a straw. Already, she is down with any invention that might help her and save her from fighting curses that are super gross. But she doesn't want to deal with Megumi's frog shikigmai. Again.
"Still working on it." "Roombas have this Imprint™ Smart Mapping Technology that allows your robot vacuum to learn and map your house, adapting to your needs, right?" Yuria asked. "Yep, we just need to reprogram with a code." Kisho said. Yuji Itadori blinks then something came to mind. "OH! I know a person who can help with the code." Yuji smiles with his hand raised.
----- "I found a computer programmer. Forgot the name!" Kisho said. "Online!" He answered. Gojo hums while Kusakabe raises a brow his eyes, Nanami furrows his brows and Shoko chuckles a little. That answer was so simple but sorcerer leaves it alone. But then... "Is it someone we know?" Megumi asks. "Uh....no?" Kisho said. Megumi can already smell the bullshit from here. He looks towards Nobara, Yuji and Yuria, "You three?"
"Nope." Yuji answered.
"Nuh-huh." Nobara answered. "Don't know." Yuria answered. And the three of them were looking to the side as if they're not suspicious right now. Principal Yaga can see that they're covering for someone. Megumi squints his eyes at his friends before asking another person, "Sukuna."
The sorcerers blinked at Megumi calling out Sukuna. Although, Gojo knew what question he's about to ask. "Do you know?" Megumi asked. A few seconds passed before Sukuna's mouth emerges on Yuji's cheek.
"Sorry. I was asleep so I wouldn't know." Sukuna answered. Gojo is holding his mouth, trying not to laugh at how quickly he answered. Shoko hums, "Well..."
"Riiiight." Megumi said as he doesn't believe that either!
Thanks for having our backs, Sukuna!' Itadori tells him telepathically. Sukuna scoffs, "I'm not saving your ass. Unlike you, I have standards. I don't rattle out people."
If there's anything that Sukuna hates more is snitching. Sukuna; The King of Curses condones murder, mass killings, kidnapping, terrorism, cannibalism and a few others things. But snitching isn't one of them. He's no snitch. It is beneath him!
Oh! And he hates fraud too! But besides that, Megumi is going to know how or who gave the roomba a new purpose is made or what they call it...'reprogramming.'
"It was Jinx, wasn't it?" Megumi asked.
"HUH?!" Yuji widened his eyes.
"Don't lie to me, Itadori. I know you call your girlfriend for a favor!" Megumi pointed at him.
Yuji gasped, stammers, "W-why would Jinx program a roomba?! She's isn't into coding!" Yuji argued.
"No but Jinx's friend is. I would know. Not to mention, Taz's friend; Fosh...you could of ask her and had her friend to do the programming for you." Yuji widen his eyes. ----- Flashback --- "Hey Jinx! How are you?" "Doing great! How are you? I miss you!" Jinx smiles. Itadori's heart softens hearing that, "I miss you. Hey. Sorry to bother you but I need a favor. We can ask Mouse to reprogram a code for the Roomba?" Yuji asked. "What for?"
"Well my friend, Kisho had this cool idea and..." Yuji talks to Jinx about it and Jinx is smiling at the explanation. "Say no more! That sounds cool! Send me a video of it when you use it!" ----- Present ----
"Heck no! Like Daichi said, it's a freelance hacker we don't know he hired! No names, no faces! Nothing!" Yuji quickly says. Daichi, Nobara and Yuria nods. But they were lying! So lying. And Megumi is not going to let them get away with that.
"Oh really? Then let's call her."
"You want to call her when it's night over there, Fushiguro?!" Nobara exclaimed. "It's like super nighttime in the morning!" Yuria exclaimed.
"Yeah, she's probably sleeping!" Daichi said.
"You can't ruin someone's beauty sleep!" Nobara added. Yuji nods in agreement. "Yeah! She is asleep and I won't call her, Fushiguro! No way." Megumi narrows his eyes and the teachers can tell he is not letting this slide. But none of them is going to stop this because it's like watching a show.
"I bet someone is going to say something." Shoko whispered. "I bet 30 thousand yen on the students talking."
"Oooh! How about making 50 if Megumi finds out." Gojo snickered.
"You two..." Nanami sighed while Kusakabe sweatdropped but goes to ask, "Okay besides the programming. How does it work? So the roomba goes to search for the curse and explodes just like that?" "Yes." "That sounds good and all but one problem..." Principal Yaga said. Kisho blinkes, "Yes?" "Why did you have to blow half of the building up?!" Yaga demanded. "Well, it responds to how strong the curse is and how dangerous it is. If it's a high-grade curse, the Roomba made the decision to blow itself up to attack the curse! This is to find out if the curse we're dealing with is low or high and I rather avoid any deaths." Kisho said seriously. "If the Roomba didn't kill off the curse, we can assume it's a high-grade since it's my own cursed energy. And we can plan accordingly." The word death got the faculty paused. And no doubt this made them think back to how Miko was possessed and had her life in endanger because of it. Gojo hums as he can see the reason behind it and so did Nanami, Shoko, and Principal Yaga. So the reason Kisho came up with this idea to prevent such a situation from happening again. In a way, nobody would argue against it but still...why so much firepower?! "That....makes sense but there's something else to it, isn't there?" Kusakabe-sensei said. "Yes Kusakabe-sensei. Upon that, we find out that there were curse users hiding at that place doing whatever they were doing and they got in a panic, screaming something about rituals and bringing forth some curse demon! We can guess that they were using a shikigami or curse as its guardian to ward off others. Once the curse is exorcised, they got into a car and ran off so we pursue them in a high-speed chase.."
"IN A HIGH-SPEED CHASE?!" Kusakabe-senpai yelled. Megumi widens his eyes, "High-speed chase?! What are you four thinking?!"
"Yes. Apparently, in the report provided by Nobara....they pursue the curse users in a high-speed chase..." Principal Yaga said, reading the report and having Ichiji pass it to everyone in attendance. Megumi included. "As a matter of fact, who was driving the car? It was on the news last night! The UA school contacted us about this!" Principal Yaga frowns. "Kisho, was it you?"
"No sir!"
"Itadori?" "Nuh-huh!" "Kugisaki?""
"Nope!" "Niguredou?" "Not me!"
"So who was it???"
"It was me, sir!" Kiyotaka raised his hand a little shaken. All sorcerers widen their eyes at him. "It was you, Kiyotaka?! You were driving the car the entire time?!" Principal Yaga asked in disbelief. "The plot thickens..." Gojo muses to which Shoko goes, "Huh..." "You were driving that car?!" Kusakabe's lollipop slips from his mouth. "Why prompt you to do this?" Nanami asked him curiously. "Well...." Kiyotaka, the manager scratches his cheek, trying to find a way to explain this.
----- Flashback -----
"Kiyotaka! Chase them right now!" Daichi yelled.
"B-but! We should call for backup." Ichiji said. "The objective is to exorcise the curse, not to deal with curse users. I think this is-"
"Ichiji! You're the backup!"
"Huh?" Ichiji blinked Nobara, Yuji and Yuria were in the backseat, listening to this while Daichi is in the passenger seat. "You're our guy to chase these guys down! We're the only ones we can stop these guys from getting away with it. You are part of this team!"
"Yes well...but still...we need to call in this and-" Kiyotaka tries to maintain his serious composure however..
"Kiyotaka Ichiji-san, this is your time!"
"My what?" Kiyotaka blinked.
"This is your time to chase these bastards! I know you're a good driver! Hell! I bet this is the time where you can show them what you're made of! I know you can do this." Daichi tells him.
"I mean...I'm a driver, yes but..." Kiyotaka pauses before asking, "Are you suggesting I should chase them down? I don't know if I can. What if Gojo-"
"Gojo isn't here to stop you! Kiyotaka Ichiji, forget him! He's not here! I know you're a good driver! You think Gojo picks you as a driver for nothing? No because you're a damn good driver! Because Gojo can't drive for shit, that's why he needs you!! It's time to ignite your soul engine and show them what you're made of! You're our only hope! This is your time! YOUR TIME!! This is where you can do this! I can see the fire in your eyes! Waiting to be unleashed, blazing with adrenaline! " Daichi smacks the dashboard, emphasizing this point.
"My eyes???" Kiyotaka said as he can't believe this but yet his words is doing something to him. Nobara, Yuria and Yuji are looking at each other, wondering what the hell Daichi is talking about. "Yes! Eito can see it! I can see it. Yuji can see it. Nobara can see it. Yuria can see it. And even Sukuna; The King of Curses can see it!" Wait what? What the hell is he talking about?? See what?!' Sukuna commented in Yuji's head. Yuji answers, 'I think he's giving Kiyotaka a pep talk..." "Eito says you're waiting for this moment and this is the MOMENT you're waiting for. You put up with crap for so long, I bet you want to vent this out. Well guess this! This is the time to let it out! It's by chasing these curse user bastards! I know you got balls! You're the man of the hour right now, Kiyotaka! You can't let them get away with this, okay?! This is your moment to shine! You need to make your dreams to become reality. You are speed! THEE SPEED" What the hell?! Nobara, Yuji and Yuria are staring at Daichi, listening to this. There is no way Kiyotaka would do i-
"I see. So this is my time..." Kiyotaka gripping the sterling wheel, now his gaze turns steely. "Uhhhh...." Nobara sees the change of attitude in Kiyotaka the manager. "What's going on?!" Nobara asked Yuria who is now into this. "Got no idea! But looks like we gotta put our seatbelts on!" "Yes! Your time!"
"My time!" Kiyotaka's eyes look intense as there is now fire in his eyes. Oh shoot! Yuji goes to put his seatbelt whileSukuna can't believe this. This timid human is going for it?!
"YES! YOUR TIME!" Daichi yelled.
"MY TIME!" Kiyotaka is now putting his foot to the pedal and drives off in rush.. "Buckle up, everyone! It's time to chase them down! We won't let them get away with this!" Kiyotaka shouted, now clearly motivated by Daichi's speech. And right away, the students are in the ride of their lives.
"AAAAAHHHH!" Nobara, Yuji and Yuria are screaming, holding on their seatbelts for dear life while Daichi and Ichiji are grinning so manically. "YES! THAT'S IT, KIYOTAKA! YOU ARE SPEED!" "I AM SPEED!" Kiyotaka shouted.
------ "Daichi gave Kiyotaka the 'Vin Diesel' speech!" Itadori added while impersonating the actor and his gruff voice.
"The what now?" Nanami questioned. "Yeah! Daichi is going on about Kiyotaka that he's the only one who can stop them!" Nobara yelled while Kiyotaka flushed pink, looking a bit embarrassed.
"Oh my god.." Megumi facepalmed, this is unbelievable. It's like it came straight out of the movie script. There is no way that happene/! Daichi influence Kiyotaka to go on a high-speed chase? Kiyotaka Ichiji, out of all people to go on high-speed chase?! Due to a speech??? "Yeah! Daichi is like, "This is your time, Kiyotaka! Unleash your true power or soul engine" or whatever!" Yuria said. Kisho chuckles sheephisly, "Yep. That's the gist of it." So basically...
"So...you gave Ichiji-kun, a pep talk to make him drive like that?!" Gojo is amazed and he can't imagine Kiyotaka Ichiji being the driver of that car last night. He thought Daichi was the one but Ichiji?! He whistled at that as he is impressed.
"You persuaded him to go on the high-speed chase with your motivated speech?! Just like that???" Kusakabe had his head in his hand, trying to imagine this right now. He is in shock. There is no way that is true.
"To be fair...Hashimoto has a point. We can't let them leave and spread their chaos and all that." Kiyotaka spoke up. "I performed the PIT maneuver on the curse user's car and it crashed in the ditch. We managed to catch them and later defeated." Silence until... "A PIT maneuver...." Nanami is at a loss for words, leaning back. "You drove them off the road?" Nanami couldn't imagine Kiyotaka do such a thing. The man is disciplined around students yet nervous sometimes. So to hear he done such a feat thanks to Daichi's.....speech. "Yes." Kiyotaka. answered with a small smile. "Holy crap..." Kuskabe uttered.
"Wow. Impressive." Shoko said getting Kiyotaka blush a little. "Never thought you had it in you, Ichiji." Shoko smiles. "You know..I am surprised at myself." Kiyotaka said.
"Goddamn..." Principal Yaga said as he has a newfound respect for Ichiji now. Who knew he had in hi?!. Wait hold on! This doesn't change anything! The mission was chaotic!
"It isn't impressive when you got cops chasing you." Kusakabe frowning, "How the hell did you manage to deal with that?!"
"Rest assured. I managed to lose them given my experience. I uh...used to do drag racing when I was young." Kiyotaka said this, pushing his glasses looking a bit embarrsed. Everyone is in shock. "You?! A drag racer?!" Kusakabe exclaimed. Hearing that, there is no doubt in his words making the faculty wonder what the hell happened last night. "Holy crap, now it makes sense! Kiyotaka just went Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift!" Nobara said. "You should of seen it! I think Eito recorded it! I almost died though." "He was drifting! Tokyo drifting!" Said Yuji, describing the chase. Sukuna groans, remembering that ride. It gave the King of Cruses almost a heart attack. Of course, he won't tell that to anyone due to his pride. "He was super awesome!" Yuria said. "If it weren't for him, the bad guys would of gotten away. Plus, he left those cops and the pro-heroes in the dust. I thought I was in an action movie."
"You three, just shut up." Megumi twitched an eye. "And Daichi! Stop smiling! That mission was shit when I read the report!" Megumi waved the paper in his hand furiously; the report.
"What?! Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!" Daichi yelled. "Wasn't that bad?! WASN'T THAT BAD?!" Megumi shouted getting the faculty startled by how upset Megumi is right now. Although..Gojo is munching on popcorn, watching this scene as if he was entertained. Nanami had to smack him upside the head making Shoko chuckle and Kusakabe shake his head. Kiyotaka is rubbing his neck, looking sheepish while Principal Yaga sighs. "You blew up a building with an explosive reprogrammed roomba, pursuit curse users in a high-speed chase that got us on the news last night where pro-heroes are called in and you caused damage to the road and the building!" Megumi said as those are the problems laid out.
"The road?" Kusakabe said. "YES! Apparently, witnesses said that there were some explosions and shooting!" Megumi tells them. "There were potholes!" "Uhhh..." Yuria said, as she was sweating. "What did you four do???" Nanami asked, demanding an answer. "They were shooting at us! One of the curse users were throwing arrows and some objects at us." Daichi replied. "It's like cops and robbers! But like jujutsu sorcerers vs curse users!" "So me and Daichi were shooting at them back while we chasing them!" Yuria said, gesturing to the finger gun. So it sounds like a Fast and Furious movie from how they described it. ---- Flashback ----
"HEEY! They shooting at us!" Nobara yells. Yuria frowns. "Kiyotaka! Roll the window down!" "RIGHT!" Kiyotaka did so where Yuria points her finger and goes to fire off cursed energy bullets at the car and arrows thrown at them. Daichi helps up by launching fireballs at them. The casted techniques were thrown at each other, canceling each other but then a curse user goes to throw something at them. A talisman. "Daichi and Yuria, pull your arms back inside!" He said which they did and as he had the windows rolled up.
"EVERYONE! BRACE YOURSELVES!" Kiyotaka yelled.The talisman blew up resulting in a fiery explosion. "HA! WE GOT THEM! THOSE DAMN JUJUTSU SORCERERS!" Said one curse user. "Right!? Those punks got nothing on us!" "Ha! We can go back to our bank robbing plan with the curse we came up and-WHAT THE FUCK?!" In the rear-view mirror, the curse user driver sees the car of their enemy jump out of the fiery explosion still intact. The two curse users look towards the car that is unscathed is now gaining on them. "How in the world-" Then their car were rammed from behind, making their getaway vehicle swivel out of control. All three curse users scream as they hit a ditch off the road, ending the chase. ---- Present ---- "It is true." Kiyotaka said. "They were good at deflecting the attacks and the curse users try to use a talisman to blow us up but I managed to apply cursed energy reinforcement to the car so I managed to push through the fiery explosion and did the PIT maneuver. All of it is caught on camera." Kiyotaka said calmly as if he is proud of what he did.
"I have no words..." Nanami said as he couldn't believe it. He had to take off his glasses and wipe them. That's how unbelievable it is. On second thought, Nanami completely believes it since Kiyotaka is backing up their claims.
"Caught on camera? Where's the video?" Shoko said. "I send to Miko and Taz to watch it. The second-years are watching this too."
"Why???" Kusakabe asked with his shoulders slumped.
"Because they want to watch it after we told them about the mission." Yuria said. Kusakabe runs through his hair with his hand, he needs a drink after this. "I need to see that video! It sounds so cool from the way you guys talked about it!" Gojo said.
"Same here." Shoko said. Principal Yaga clears his throat, "Yes..well...I guess that explains everything but is there anything else I need to know?" "We left a note." Yuji said. "For the pro-heroes." "A note?" Megumi repeated. Yuria nods, "Yep! We kicked their butts but we found out that they weren't using cursed energy, just quirks but they were dabbling in curse stuff so we tie them up before the cops and pro-heroes get here when we intergotted them." Yuria explains to which the three nods their heads. "That explains the call..." Principal Yaga facepalmed, rubbing his temples. Of course, they had to left a note. ------ Flashback ----
"Uhhhh...guys?" Midoirya found the suspects that were responsible for the string of robberies with unseen tactics. All three tied up with bruises and bumps on their eyes. All of them were unconincous. Midoriya found a note on them. "Yeah?" Bakugo and Shoto asked.
"Look!" Midoriya shows Shoto and Bakugo the note where it says, "Sorry! Our fault. They were curse users but they were using curses to commit crimes so sorry about that! " Signed Your friendly neighborhood Jujutsu Sorcerers And there is a Pheonx circle stamp on it which says 'Daichi PheonX' "Uhhhh..." Midoriya has no words, seeing the car that is wrecked as parts of the road had some potholes
"This is all part of those damn sorcerers again?!" Bakugo yelled. "I swear as if the garbage at the bay wasn't enough?!"
"I think we need to tell the school, Midoriya." Shoto said. Midoriya slowly nods with a smile, "Yeah no doubt about it."
"YOU PUT YOUR OWN PERSONAL STAMP ON THE NOTE?!" Megumi yelled. "So that way, we can be honest with them!" Kisho said. "I MEAN...they're going to know sooner or later!" Kisho explained with his hands up. "Pro-heroes have an agreement with jujutsu society when it comes to jujutsu activity, right? Better to tell them!"
"You are an idiot!" Megumi yelled. "Do you know how much that is going to cost us!" "Uhhhhh...got no idea! I will pay for it thought." Kisho smiles nervously. "WITH WHAT MONEY?!" Megumi questioned. "From my youtube channel?" Kisho said sheepishly. Silence fills the room as Megumi's face darkens. Gojo is sipping a cherry cola, "Oh boy...here it comes.." Gojo said. Kusakabe blinks, "Here it comes? What you are talking about-" Megumi goes to form a hand sign and at that moment, Kisho told his three fellow classmates to book it. "EVERYONE OUT! OUT!" "Wait why!?" Yuria yelled. "You wanna get slimed by a frog?!" Noabra exclaimed. Yuria gasps, "EWWW NO!" "THEN RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!" Yuji yelled. All four of the students ran out of the meeting with Megumi chasing them in hot pursuit. "GET YOUR ASS BACK, DAICHI! I SWEAR EVERY TIME!" ----- Back at the meeting ----
With the students left in a hurry or rather ran for their lives from an angry Megumi. The meeting left everyone to their thoughts trying to process this. "That was an eye-opener, wasn't it?" Gojo grins making Kusakabe and Nanami sigh. Shoko chuckles while Principal Yaga facepalms, "How are we going to explain to the Higher-Ups, Gojo?" Yaga asked.
"Oh come on! Those guys will have a headache and dismiss it once I tell them the explosive Roomba! Those guys are so old, they will doze off" Gojo laughed. "Those geezers will write it off!"
"And what would be the punishment?" Yaga asked.
"I mean...." Kuskaabe begins before hearing Megumi yelling, "DAICHI! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE AND TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT!"
"I guess cleaning the school grounds will be enough.." Kusakabe finished, hearing the terror in the students' screams. He feels bad for them now.
"I agree. Megumi's punishments are enough.." Nanami said this, putting his glasses back on, trying to ignore the chaos outside.
"Yep." Shoko said. "Fushiguro knows how to put the fear of God into them."
---- Meanwhile ----
Miko is laughing so hard that there were tears coming from her eyes, after watching the video that Eito came with at her room while she is in recovery. Taz is there with the second years watching this.
"Holy crap! Never thought Kiyotaka had it in him!" Maki laughs. "Daichi should be a public speaker!" "Right? Who knew that Daichi had to rile him up like that." Said Panada. "Salmon!" Toge added. Taz smiles, seeing Miko is happy and laughing watching this. Miko smiles heartily, "That's Kisho for you. He knows the right thing to say." Miko smiles as there is slight blush, petting Eito and Anconda. "You two should really get together..." "Eek?!" Miko yelped as her cheeks blushed, "I mean....I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Not yet. But maybe in the future."
Taz giggles while Maki pats her shoulder, "Oh come on. Once you do that, Kisho will confess back." Maki grins. Miko looks hesitant. "Okay. I think I might once I get better." Miko smiles a bit, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Hey, no pressure!" Maki smiles. Then the group hears the commotion outside. Miko had to look outside her window to see Kisho and others running for their lives.
"What's going-"
"MEGUMI! PLEASEEE! IT WASN'T THAT BAD!" Daichi/Kisho yelled as Yuji, Nobara, and Yuria kept on running for their lives.
Miko sweatdropped while Taz became dumbfounded.
"Looks like the mission they were on got them in trouble again. Kisho most likely. " Panda said. Toge nods, "Salmon...."
"Wow. Megumi is really upset! I'm going to ask Kisho for those Roombas though! They seem like a great idea!" Maki snickering. Eito chirps.
Miko chuckles getting everyone to look at the girl. She laughs more louder than ever. Taz smiles, seeing Miko happy again. Seems things are returning to normal at least.
What's next for the students? To be continued...
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 9 months
The Misadventures of the Phoenix and Chimera Sorcerers. Part 8 - Training
Hi everyone. This is part 8. This is for my rper parnter;
@the-silver-peahen-residence's muses ( Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara ). Also if you notice, I decided to make a Daichi/Kisho blog so in order to built up a good activity for this blog. This is the first step! Also if you want to read the other parts, they are here!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
----- Summary ----
A normal day at Jujutsu High, the students are training at the grounds to practice with their cursed techinques. Megumi gets a glimpse of Daichi's training and is curious. How will this day go out?
There is a day off at school today but it doesn't mean that the students can slack off. Today is training day meaning that the students must take the time to train with their cursed energy.
Right now, Megumi has subjugated another shikigami in his arsenal. The Piercing Ox. He got it thanks to his shikigami. Yuji got some done with his Divergent Fists and came up with new moves using his feet. The two are wondering what Kisho is up to. They see Kisho on an isolated hill. He is moving while flames are around. It's like he dancing or doing karate, using dynamic hand and feet movement. Yuji and Megumi are curious of what Kisho is up to so they go over to see what's going on.
"Hey...uh..." Yuji is conflicted. Should he call Kisho or Daichi.
'Just say 'hey dumbass', brat.' Sukuna grumbled. He is still sour about the goat that Daichi exorcised is now staying here as a spirit. Good thing, that Principal Yagi made a cursed doll for the spirit to go inside and possess it. Now the goat is more cuter much to Sukuna's displeasure.
'No way!' Yuji retorted.
Wilson the goat is now sleeping with Eito sitting on top of him, watching his partner train. Great, two more damn plushies! Sukuna rolled his eyes. He heard the goat helps Principal Yagi since the principal enjoys its company. Goddamnit.
"Oh hi, guys!" Kisho smiles. He is not wearing his glasses but he isn't wearing his uniform. More like activewear. He wears a tee and shorts with leggings underneath. His hair is wild, seeing the red strand. "What's up?"
"We're just here to train more! Looks like you have been training too!" Yuji smiled while Megumi wore a neutral expression.
"I am! I am now inspired in making movement with my flames!" Kisho grinned.
"We saw." Megumi said. "You don't usually throw fire or anything like you usually do. It's like you're dancing..." He said, curious. "Are you trying to do what Itadori does?"
"Somewhat! But yes, it looks like I'm dancing! But I'm not!"
"Oh? What is it?" Yuji asked. Kisho chuckles and does a pose, "It's called Firebending!"
This silences the duo. What???
"Fire...." Megumi said.
"Bending?" Yuji finished. Kisho nodded. "Yep."
"Hold on...." Where did Yuji hear that term before? "Isn't it from that show called Avatar?! Where people has the elements like fire, water, air, and earth?! That show?!"
"Indeed, Itadori!" Kisho smiles, happy that someone knows it.
"What's Avatar?" Megumi said. The boys gasped, making Megumi raise a brow at this. "What?"
"You never heard of Avatar The Last Airbender, Fushiguro?!" Yuji said, shocked. Sukuna doesn't know it either and is curious.
"How could you not know Avatar The Last Airbender?!" Kisho gasped. Megumi sighs, rolling his eyes, "Just tell me."
"Okay! It's an anime from America. It's like they're inspired by our anime so it's a story about...where people bend and control the water, earth, fire, and air. Four nations represent the four elements; The Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and the Air Noamds!"
"You mean manpiulate the elements?" Megumi said. Okay, Megumi gets it. Sounds interesting.
The boys nodded. Kisho continues, "Yeah. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony … " He frowns, "then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished."
"You make it sound like it's history." Megumi made a face.
"That's how the intro goes!" Kisho explained.
"I saw it and it's pretty good! You should watch it with us, Fushiguro! We should binge watch it" Said Yuji. Megumi nods, "Yeah sure. So...what you're doing is Firebending because you saw it from the show? And you're thinking of applying to your cursed technique?"
"Yep." Kisho said.
Megumi doesn't want to say this but he has to. Or someone else will and they're not going to be nice about it. Megumi said. "While it's good to put martial arts into your technique. You can't rely on cartoons or fictional shows to help you with your training." He said bluntly.
"Huh?!" Kisho said, blinking, "Why not?"
"Because cartoons don't apply to real life all the time, Kisho." Megumi tells him with a sigh, stating the obvious.
"Actually, Fushiguro. Firebending is inspired by Northern Shaolin kung fu!" Yuji informs him. Megumi raised a brow.
"It's true. All element bending is inspired by martial arts of this world!" Kisho answered as Yuji nods.
"Regardless, my point still stands," Megumi said. "It's good to be inspired but jujutsu sorcery is serious thing. If you said it like that, people might not take it well."
Kisho slump his shoulders, "Okay then.....so how am I supposed to do it into hand-to-hand? My techniques need some help somehow. Is there anyone who with cursed energy that uses martial arts?"
"I mean I do." Yuji said with his hand raised with a smile. "Mine is Taido Martial Arts along with MMA." He answered. "It helps a lot."
"There's one." Megumi points to Yuji.
"Okay! That's a good example. But I'm not as strong as you, Yuji! You're way better than me at that, especially with combat." Kisho said slumping his shoulders.
"Then there's Maki as she is skilled and uses martial arts and is master of using cursed tools. And she doesn't have cursed energy." Megumi sighed. Kisho seems surprised by this. "Wait she doesn't?"
"Huh? Didn't you know?" Yuji asked.
"I haven't! But if she doesn't have cursed energy, how would she see curses?" Unless she has other spiritual powers that aren't cursed energy.
"Her glasses." He answered. Now thinking about it, how would Kisho react to someone without cursed energy.
"Oh!" Kisho nods and accepts. "That's pretty cool!" Though, he wonders why Maki wants to become a sorcerer. Probably for personal reasons. But he won't pry into it. "I bet Maki-senpai would think Firebending is a good idea."
"Dude...she would wipe the floor with you if you tried that with her," Yuji said. Although...it would be good to see some bending in real life. Yuji is curious. Sukuna wanted to see what this Firebending is about. Shaolin monks?
"Okay, okay! But you know I'm just practicing, right? I need tio train my Firebending and do the The Dancing Dragon."
"The what now?" Megumi asked.
"It's an ancient form of firebending made by the Sun Warriors." Kisho grinned. Yuji beams, "Ohhh...I want to see."
"You...know it's a cartoon, right?" Megumi said.
"Yes but I call it inspiration." Kisho said, stubborn about it. "Besides Megumi, you should learn somethin from the show with your shadows!"
"Wait...there's Shadowbending?" Yuji asked. He doesn't remember that in the show.
"There is! There was a comic on it! But it's non-canon." Kisho said. "Megumi. Your curse technique to manipulate the shadows reminds me of Waterbending."
"Oh!" Yuji said before nodding, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I can see that." Yuji said with his hand on his chin. Kisho smiles, "Right! Megumi, you can control shadows like water."
"And how is that going to work?" Megumi crossed his arms, "Water and shadows are two different things. With water, you can touch it, since it's physical....and with shadows...you can't touch it. You can only see it. I mean-"
"Huh? Then what about when you store your weapons inside your shadows?" Yuji points out.
"Yes but I have to bear the weight of them," Megumi explained.
"So like a backpack but in shadow form. A form of storage that has a limit like in a game." Kisho said. Megumi nods, "That's right. Not only that, I can conceal myself in shadows like objects and people, including my own."
"Woah." Yuji blinked.
"Dude! Megumi, you're seriously like a ninja!" Kisho said with stars in his eyes.
"Like Markkos Ninja!" Yuji laughed. Megumi makes a face hearing that with an eye twitch, "Don't remind me...." That name is so cringe, remembering it hurts when he first met Kisho or Daichi. Ugh. Same person.
Then Kisho had an idea. "Then if you can hide in shadows like that and hide items in it, can you touch people's shadows or affect them?"
Megumi raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
"You said...if you store items in it, you have to bear the weight of it, right? What if you can put something in someone's else shadow like let's say a curse user and you put a pile of bricks inside their shadow to slow them down? Would it work?" Kisho asked.
Megumi pauses. He never thought about it like that. "I....never try it." Because it didn't come to mind. That's something he can try in a spar.
"Or heck...what if you pull the shadow of an object what happens? Or change the shadow into some kind of weapon? Is it like a different dimension" He asked. Megumi never considers that either but he did use people's shadows as a way to hide himself.
"Well....I did use it as...like using shadows as a trap. Like when they step into it, they fall into it."
"Like a puddle? Or wait...pothole!" Yuji asked. Megumi nods. "Yeah."
Kisho and Yuji nod. "Oh! So is it like water-bending!" They both said.
"No, it's not!" Megumi yelled. "Ugh...look. Shadows aren't like water, okay. But..." He rolls his eyes, "What you mentioned, by putting weight in other shadows. I will try that." He said. And other things."Anyway. I'm going to go to the vending machine..." He said. "Anyone needs a drink?"
"Oh! A melon soda!" Kisho said.
"I want an aloe drink!" Yuji grinned. Megumi nods and goes on ahead. It's a bit of a distance but Megumi decides to try what Kisho suggested. He looks at a couple of rocks and a small tree. He goes to use a stone and decides to touch the tree's shadow. He drops a couple of rocks. Nothing. Then more rocks. Megumi heard a sound. A branch fell off. He blinks. It works.
Megumi will admit. Kisho says ridiculous things like his planning for example. But the questions he asked were something he never took note of. He thinks back to when Kisho suggested having Wilson the Goat as his shikigami. That was a no. But....
'Why only ten, why not more?'
It's true. Why not more? Megumi thinks back to it as he is now at the vending machine, pressing the options. But it just isn't possible. How could he expand to Eleven or Twelve shadows? it's not an innate technique, it's an inherited technique but hasn't any sorcerer before him tried to do it? It wasn't said in the record. In a way, it sounds like Kisho wants to push the limit further. Mergumi isn't sure if that's ambitious or dangerous.
Then he hears a huge kaboom! It's coming from hill where Kisho and Yuuji are. What the hell?!
Megumi rushed back to the training grounds and heard shouting. Wait...are they're arguing? Both Kisho and Yuuji are glaring at each other as they panted. Were they sparring?! When did that happened?
"Jennifer Lawerance has a big ass and she's cool!" Yuuji yelled.
A record sratched.
What? Megumi stared.
"No! Anne Hathaway! She has the look and the ass! She's good! Way better than Lawerance!"
'What the hell is this?' Megumi uttered, hearing this nonsense.
"HUH?!" Yuuji can't believe it. Megumi can already guess that Sukuna also going, 'What the hell did I get himself into.'
"Yeah well...my type is in the Hunger Games and she's popular! Way popular!"
"That's all she was ever known for! To be the greatest actress, you must adapt to all roles! Hathaway has all that! She even voiced a cat in a Ghibli Film. Can Lawarence voice act?! I don't think so! She has ass and the assets. She's better."
"Oh yeah?! Anne Hathaway is in some dumb movies! Like Ocean's Eleven! Who asks for that?! At least, Lawarance has three movies and was in X-Men movies!" Yuuji said.
Are...they fighting over this stupidity? Megumi thought. Sukuna, Eito and Wilson are watching this like it's pure entertainment.
"Oh yeah?! X-Men?! That has been done already. Hathaway has classics going for her. The Devil Wears Parda! It was nominated for Oscars!"
"Yeah, well....Lawrence won awards for American Hustle!' Yuuji asked. "So take that!"
Why me? Megumi groans internally.
"Anna Hathaway is BETTER!" Kisho readies a fire arrow.
"NO! Jennifer Lawrence!" Yuuji shouted, raising his fists imbuing them in cursed energy. He picks up a huge rock and is ready to throw at Kisho. Megumi just came back from getting drinks from a vending machine like....just for a few minutes. How did this escalate to a full-blown argument. Quickly, Megumi forms a shadow puppet with his fingers and summons Max Elephant. The shikigami trumpets its trunk and launch water at the both boys, drenching them in water!
"You guys are both idiots.' Megumi said. "Are you trying to make a mess out of this ground?" He asked them sternly. "Over something like this?" He asked them.
Both boys look at each other and went, "YES!"
Oh my god.
"Megumi! Who do you like more? Anne Hathaway or Jennifer Lawrence?" Kisho asked.
"YEAH! WHO?!" Yuji asked. Are they serious? Megumi twitched an eye. "Do I look like I care?" He asked. Before the boys said anything, a king interjects.
"You both are idiots." Sukuna's mouth appears on Yuuji's cheek. "Kinie Ger is the most beautiful one than both of your so-called idols."
Megumi groans internally.
"I'm sorry...what did you said, Kisho?" Sukuna's tone changed dangerously.
"Nothing." Kisho quickly answered as he doesn't want to get smack around.
"Thought so." Sukuna answered. Megumi shakes his head, "Let's head over to where Nobara and the others are. They're probably training as well. Let's see what they're up to." Megumi said, wanting to see how the others doing.
"I heard little sister is working on that barrier technique of hers!" Yuji asked, hearing about Taz. Kisho nods, "So is Yuria and Mike with their cursed techniques!" He smiled. The two quickly forget the subject of 'whose celebrity is better' as they want to know how girls do. Megumi sighs, and leads the way.
As they got to the other training grounds, the girls seem to be exciting at what Yuria is doing.
"Wow! So Kisho help you with that?" Taz asked. Yuria nods her head. "Of course, thanks to him! I can able to do this!" Yuria said.
"Do what?" Kisho asked as he, Megumi and Yuji arrived.
Nobara is the first to tell them. "Yuria can shoot cursed energy from her finger tips!" She said, grinning. Taz nods, "Yeah! It's so cool!"
"No need to praise me!" Yuria laughed. "I just need a good aim and I will be rocking it!"
"Can I see?" Kisho asked her to which Yuria smiles, happy to be ask edabout it. "Right! Miko!"
"Right!" Miko smiles as she sets up a bottle at the railing. "It's all yours!" She said, backing away from the bottle. "Right!" Yuria raised her right hand and holds her wrist with her left. Cursed energy begins to surround and then is channel to a singer point. She does a finger gun gesture as something is powering up at the tip of her finger. The boys were amazed and then...
"SPIRIT GUN!" Yuria fires and immediately, hits the bottle shattering it. Yuria blows an imaginary smoke at her finger.
"Yuria! That was amazing! Freaking cool" Kisho exclaimed, clapping his hands as he is so proud of her. Yuria blushes as she heard this. Yuji nods. "Right! So cool! That was some good shooting!" But the name of that technique sounds so familiar. Where did he hear it from.
"How did you learn something like that?" Megumi is genuinely curious. Yuria smiles and skips to her bag, taking something out. "Kisho, give me this manga to learn and I found it!" She smiles. The name of the manga is YuYu Hakusho!
Megumi stares in disbelief. "What?'
"Oh!" Yuuji now gets it. "That makes sense! The Spirit Gun is something for anyone to use! I wish I could of thought that!" He said while Sukuna groans, 'In that ridicioulus stance?! You can leave yourself open!'
"Oh come on, Sukuna! You have to admit it's pretty cool!" Yuuji argued.
Nobara hums, "So reading manga gives you an idea! It sounds like a non-innate technique!" She said. "This can help the assistant managers!"
"That must be cool!" Taz said. Yuria said with a nod, "It's true but it's harder than it looks. I end up brushing few fingers of my finger in getting it down! But all you need to do is channel the concentration of cursed energy in the fingers, which is released in your mind. Like pulling a trigger technique. That's how little guy say it in the book." She explained. Yuuji, Taz and Nobara paused hearing this and nods. "Uh-huh."
Megumi process this and asks, "And this is how the book explains it?"
"Well..I guess." Yuria shrugs. "But that's what training is all about! No pain, no gain!" She smiled. Megumi narrows his eyes, noting the bandages on her fingers and says, "Kisho...." He said his name as waves of danger emit from the shadow sorcerer made Kisho and Eito sweat drops. Yuji, Nobara and Taz are now gulping.
That tone, again. Kisho is in trouble now!
"Wow! Look at the time, Rioto must be calling me by now!" Kisho quickly said, hurried himself out of there with Megumi glaring at his back. "KISHO!"
"Uhhhh...." Yuria asked, sweat dropping. "I didn't know it was that serious."
"I mean...brusing your fingers...gotta hurt." Yuji said. Does Kisho about this?! It's a bit risky.
"Didn't you tell anyone? Does Kisho teach you knowing that?" Nobara asked with concern. Yuria shakes her head, "No. I just want to surprise Kisho. He gave me manga based on the supernatural to get inspiration fro. I mean he helps out a lot! I didn't think it was that bad. I mean...if I have to go up against curses, I need something to defend myself." Yuria said. "The Spirit Gun does it and you have to cut through the pain to sue it."
Good point. But someone needs to change the name because that's going to be copyright issue.
"Oh! That reminds me. Kisho is planning to add some martial arts to his technique!" Yuuji asked. Miko is now interested, "Like what?"
"Oh from Avatar The Last Airbender?" Taz asked, knowing of it with a smile. Nobara blinks and made a face, "Don't tell me it's...
"Yeah, an anime." Yuji chuckled sheepishly. They can heard Megumi and Kisho yelling now. "Don't make me use the Dancing Dragon Megumi!" He warned him. "I'm not a-afaird to use my firebending!"
"Oh! Please do! I can't wait to wipe the floor with you using that!" Megumi laughed. "TRY ME!" He taunted.
Kisho yells in fright. Sounds like he tried and fail.
"Oh! I did learn how to do a technique! It's called Expelliarmus!" Miko smiles. "I was thinking of disarming people who use cursed objects! I think it will help."
"Expellairmus?" Nobara questions. What kind of cursed technique is that?! Then Miko shows her book, Harry Potter. "Yes! I read this and it give mean an idea." She said. Nobara and Yuji doesn't know what to think.
'Wow. It's like that idiot relies on fantasy books to teach people in develop cursed techniques instead of going for something practical and focus on the basic ones first.' Sukuna commented. 'Yeah. What can go wrong?' He said scarastically while Kinie Ger is snickering. "But you admit, these names sounds very interesting.'
In fact, does reading fantasy books and taking inspiration to do techniques is a good idea? Nobody knows. This training day is going to be crazy.
To be continued???
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demon-blood-youths · 11 months
The Misadventures of The Pheonix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcrers Part 3 - A Fated Rival || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is part 3 involving Megumi and Daichi for my firend ( @the-silver-peahen-residence ) If you haven't read previous parts, here they are.
Part 1
Part 2
------- Warning ---
Grammatical errors.
----- Summary -----
The Tokyo Jujutsu first-year gang is on a mission to deal with a curse user. Megumi and Daichi find out that the curse user is using one of Daichi's cursed charms to cause panic and chaos. Who is this curse user? What are their goals? Also would Megumi, Daichi and friends be able to stop it?
The team was given a mission. The mission consists of Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, Taz, and Daichi. Gojo-sensei said it requires them to investigate since the town has problems. A curse is sighted by a fellow shaman. An ice golem that has cursed energy. Plus he heard that cursed objects are being used to stir up more trouble. Someone is using them. A curse user. It was photographed as it is sitting on top of the ice golem while carrying one of the cursed objects in hand.
The cursed object in question is Daichi's own cursed charms.
On their way to their location, the four noticed that Daichi was oddly quiet. Eito lets out a worried hoot as Daichi looks out the window.
"Um...." Taz doesn't know what to say. Daichi never looks so upset and serious. He only gets upset when his friends are in endanger like Eito and Miko for example. So seeing him like this. Daichi must of felt upset at him because someone use his cursed charms as a weapon.
"Daichi...don't get upset!" Taz said, cheering him up. Yuji nods, "Yeah! Nobody would know that the charms you made were used for bad stuff."
Though it's a matter of time. Sukuna scoff. Yuji frowns at him. Not helping, Sukuna.
"Thanks guys. But...um...still.." Daichi said.
"Daichi. If you feel that upset, then let's track down the curse user responsible." Megumi said. "I know you don't need to be told this but this is one of the main examples of why you can't use jujutsu sorcery carelessly." He tells him firmly.
"Fushigoro..." Yuji said as Taz looks sad.
"Jeez. No need to beat a dead horse, Megumi.." Nobara muttered.
"No. It's fine, guys. Megumi is right." Daichi said, "This is the worst thing I wish that it wouldn't happen. I made the charms to protect people not to hurt people. Seeing someone using them to hurt people...it made me feel so stupid and made me wish I shouldn't made them in the first place." He said. "That's why I want to go on this mission and confront the asshole who's doing this."
"It's my way of owning up at least." He said.
Hearing that Megumi sighed, "Then think about that on your mind."
"Alright, we're here!" Ichji stated.
After investigating the sightings, the curse user left cryptic messages in graffiti for them to find. Such as...
'The fire will never melt the frozen tundra.'
'I am the one who brings the everlasting winter!'
'Winter is coming.'
'The cold will never let you go not now and ever.'
'I am still here. I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE'
"Jeez....this guy likes to double down on this ice thing. He makes it obvious to everyone what his curse technique is." Nobara grumbled.
"He sounds scary." Taz said while being petted by Yuji.
"That's because he's confident that no one will stop him." Megumi sighed.
Not only that, they found that the curse user was terrorizing this town by destroying their rice crops, vandalizing their stores, freezing cars, and such.
Megumi sees Daichi rarely so angry before. As for the cursed charms, the curse user is using them to have them terrorize the locals and threaten them it by putting a curse on them.
"I won't let him get away with this. " Daichi vowed making everyone except Megumi nervous. Megumi knew this kind of thing made him angry.
Along the way, they were attacked by ice golems. They were surrounding them but they were no match for Daichi's fire and Yuji's fists. Nobara helps but by piercing the weak points of the golems making them fall apart with her nails. Taz then found a scent of cursed energy. Wintergreen and salt. Taz tells the others that she found a scent and leads the way.
The first-year class found the culprit behind the attacks on the town. The ice curse user.
"Stop right there!" Megumi shouted at him.
"Guys. That's him." Taz said, tracking down the scent. Daichi glares at the man responsible for using his charms. He won't let this person get away with this. The curse user responsible looks at the group. This person looks about their age. Probably younger.
He has blue hair with white strands on it. He has a look. He has horns on top of his head, wearing a fur jacket cape, and wearing fingerless gloves. He has tight jeans and boots. "So you have found me...."
"That's right! We're here to stop you!" Yuji said. The gang looked ready to fight.
"Ha! You think you can defeat me, you mere mortals!" Said the man. "My power is beyond your comprehension!"
"What are you doing this?!" Taz asked, trying to find a reason for this.
"Why you ask?!" Said the man. "Because I'm here to challenge the strongest there it is! You all fall for it!"
The sorcerers stiffened. The group knew who this sorcerer was talking about. Gojo Saturo because he is the strongest sorcerer there is. So the town was bait.
"You're doing this so you can fight Gojo?" Megumi asked but the next words that came out of this teen's mouth were unexpected.
"Gojo?" The youth blinked at them. "I don't know any Gojo! I'm here to challenge the Dark Phoenix!" This got everyone blinked. Wait what?
"Wait...what?" Daichi blinked, wondering if he heard that right. The man points at him, Daichi. "You! I challenge you to a mortal combat, Daichi Pheon-X. You with the Flames of the Dark Phoenix against me with my Everlasting Winter of the Ice Kirin!"
Taz sees a cursed spirit behind the man. A floating seahorse?
"Uhhhhh....Daichi....do you know this guy?" Nobara asked. Everyone looks at him. Daichi shakes his head with his hands up, "No. Never! I had never seen him before! Not once in my life.!" He explained.
"Okay, so why does he want to fight you?" Yuji asked.
"Look! I'm just as confused as you guys are!" Daichi asked.
"So let's ask him." Taz said. Daichi nods, "Right." He clears his throat, "Why do you want to fight me?" He asked the curse user in question.
"Ha! It seems like you don't get it!" He snaps his fingers, "I'm your mortal archnemesis. My name is Rioto Kir-IN! I serve the Future Great Demon Lord Oda! I carry the great power that is Everlasting Winter of Dark Kirin! YOU AND YOUR ENTOURAGE SHALL REMEMBER THAT! My sole reason is bringing you in this despised town to fight you in a duel!" Rioto laughs evilly with his hands raised.
"Rioto Kirin? Kir-IN?" Daichi blinks. Wait....is that a mythological creature? A Kirin? Wait..so he did this just to bring him out here.?!
"But why?!"
"To see who is stronger, of course!" He points at Daichi, "I want to demonstrate my great power and malice from my frozen heart! I made use of your cursed charms to get your attention. My plan has finally paid off!" Rioto laughs evilly while standing on top of his ice golem while holding his hands in a rock-n-roll gesture. Devil horns.
Megumi begins to think what the purpose of this man, Rioto Kir-IN wanting to fight Daichi and the purpose of attacking this town. Revenge? Archnemisis. But then he sees the other strike poses as he laughs evilly and those weird clothes. Then it clicks.
Megumi twitched an eye. "You have got to be kidding me." He rubs his temple. "As if one isn't enough!" He groans, facepalmming.
"Huh?" The others look at Megumi while Rioto keeps on laughing. Yuji cocks his head, "What do you mean, Fushigoro?"
"Guys. Look at him. Who does he remind you of?" Megumi points at Rioto as he is laughing his head off. The sorcerers tilted their heads at Rioto. They tilted their head to the side and then to another slide. Soon it clicked as everyone but Daichi went 'Oooooohhhh....'
Nobara, Yuji and Taz understood.
"Yeah...I see it." Nobara said.
"Me too." Taz nods.
"Same!" Yuji nodded slowly. Sukuna and Kinie did too if not already.
"Guys! I don't get it! What do you guys see?" Daichi said, not understanding what's going on.
"Daichi, this guy is like you!" Nobara exclaimed.
"Like me???" Daichi blinked, confsued.
"Yeah...I mean...the poses and that laugh. Uhh..he's kinda like your evil twin." Yuji explained. Daichi looked incredulously. "Wait what?! Come on, I'm nothing like that guy! I mean..." Daichi looks at Rioto for one second before making a face.
"See?" Megumi points out.
Great. One delusion idiot isn't enough. Sukuna commented in Yuji's head. The pink-haired youth is confused which got the King of Curses groans. 'The dumb brat playing villain up there is the same as our birdbrain hero sorcerer, Daichi.'
Indeed. Kinie is in agreement. 'It's like seeing a dark half but more annoying.'
"Okay, so what now?" Yuji asked.
"If this keeps on going, the town is in big trouble!" Taz added. "What he's doing is bad!"
"I will fight him, that's what!" Daichi vowed, "If he wants me then I will fight-"
"No, we all fight him," Megumi corrects Daichi.
"Look, Daichi. No, Kisho." He said his real name, "We're all in this together." Megumi tells him. "This mission is bigger than you even if you're the target. You don't need to take on this alone." Megumi tells him.
"Megumi..." Daichi said.
"Besides, we got your back," Megumi said it. Daichi...Kisho...widens his brown eyes at him. Got his back. He looks at his friends. Everyone nodded. Daichi is about to cry while Eito is chirping non-stop.
"FOOLS! I am only here to challenge Daichi Pheon-X! Daichi only! Not you peons!" Rioto overheard them as he said this angrily.
"Too bad." Megumi retorted which got Rioto really upset. "You think you get what you wanted because your plan worked?"
"Guess you didn't expect us, didn't you?" Yuji said.
"Yeah...your ice golems isn't going to stop us!" Nobara said.
"We're going to bring you down!" Taz said. Rioto grits his teeth and tries to think. Then he had an idea.
"Fine!" Rioto smirks, "Then I make sure to blow all the houses up using the cursed charms!" This got everyone tense. Rioto sees their expression and grins, "That's right! My town is my hostage! Shouldn't you know that?!"
"If you listen to my demands, I will spare the town! My only demand is Daichi Pheon-X! After all...those cursed charms of the Pheonix really serve as good explosions. I have the ability to blow them up if I want to! They're all over the town!" Rioto said. "So you still think you will refuse my demands!??"
The Jujutsu sorcerers are now angry but Daichi steps forward. "It's fine, guys. Thanks. But like you said, Megumi. This mission is bigger than me. You guys need to find the cursed charms while I handle Rioto."
"Erm..." Megumi looks conflicted.
"It's okay, guys! I got this!" Daichi gives them his best smile.
"You heard him. Let's go!" Megumi said. For once, Daichi and Megumi aren't fighting and agree on something.
"I will stay here and watch the fight from here," Nobara said.
"Ha! Good to know that you listened to the words of me!" Rioto laughed. Daichi glares at him. "Watch, Rioto Kir-IN! I will bring you down. In the name of the Dark Phoenix, I will vanquish you."
"So cringe..." Megumi and Nobara thought.
So cool. Taz beamed, giggling.
Yuji had to admit, it's pretty cool even if it's cringing.
The battle started between the Kirin and the Phoenix.
---- Minutes later ----
They search the town all over for the cursed charms but they aren't here. All the cursed charms they found were already used. The only thing they can do is exorcise the curses along the way.
"I can't find them! It's like they aren't here!" Taz said with panic in her voice.
"Did we got tricked?!" Yuji asked.
"If it was, it's working!" Megumi gritted his teeth. Damn, that evil Chunibyo.
They came back as they heard a huge explosion where the fight between Daichi and Rioto was. They all came back and saw Daichi keeping up, firing fire arrows at Rioto's icy spears. Rioto is laughing as he summons a huge torrent of blizzard.
Daichi slams his two palms together, creating a fire torrent, both attacks cancel each other out, creating a mist on contact. Rioto closes the distance as he summons an ice lance. Daichi quickly brings out his fire sword, Giant Demon Slayer. Yuji and Taz are in awe at the sight while Nobara is glued to the fight. All three were amazed by this.
Megumi is watching this. He never seen Daichi so focused and holding down his own.
"Alright! How about this! My familiars will not forgive even after they fall in battle." Rioto quickly summons his shikigami. They are made of snow, have three large-sized snowballs that makes up the body, and have a carrot for a nose! Well..more like an icicle!
"Are those snowmen?" Taz asked.
"Wow! They are!" Yuji said.
'Huh..they don't look so scary." Said Nobara.
Rioto snaps as he hear their comments, "THEY'RE NOT SNOWMEN, THEY'RE SNOW SAMURAI, DAMN YOU!" He yelled at them comically. "THEY HAVE SWORDS! LOOK AT THEM!" Rioto stomps on his foot as the snowmen have ice katanas and the ice helmets on their heads.
"Sure they are." Megumi made a face crossing his arms, not impressed by Rioto's shikigami.
"QUIET YOU PEON WITH AN SEA URCHIN FOR A HAIR! AFTER I FINISHED WITH DAICHI, YOU'RE ALL NEXT!" Rioto shouted with a popped vein. Megumi twitched an eye and slowly went to make a gesture with his hands. Yuji stops him, putting his hands on his.
"Fushiguro! Megumi, Megumi! Don't get angry! Think happy thoughts! THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS!" Yuji tried to calm him down.
"Yeah! Daichi is about to whoop him!" Nobara added. "HEY DAICHI! We WON'T FORGIVE YOU IF YOU LOST!" Nobara yelled at him. "YOU GOT THAT?!"
"HA! NO WORRIES! NOBARA, TAZ AND YUJI! I, DAICHI PHEONIX WILL PREVAIL!" Daichi grinned as Eito squawked with confidence.
"Don't encourage this!" Megumi yelled at Nobara and Yuji. Is he the only one taking this seriously!
"Sorry Fushiguro, can't help it! Watching this is like being at the movies!" Yuji said, looking excited.
Taz nods. "Yeah! Look how happy they are!"
"Yeah! Don't you want Daichi to win?!" Nobara asked.
Happy?! Megumi made a face. He looks at the fighters and they seem to be enjoying themselves as they fight each other like it's a movie.
Kinie pops up from her head in quoll form, "I tend to agree, this is very entertaining." Then Sukuna gives his two cents when he opens an eye and conjures a mouth on Yuji's cheek. "Yes! It's not every day to see sorcerers battle each other. It reminds me of the old days back when I was human."
"You guys..." Megumi made a deadpan face.
"My bet is on the birdbrain," Sukuna said.
"I betting on the ice kirin!" Kinie said.
Oh my god, Kinie and Sukuna are making bets now?! Megumi stared in disbelief.
How is that helping?! Megumi thought.
"Heh." Daichi quickly made his sword hotter as he went through the snowman shikigami with ease. The training pays off thanks to Jujutsu High. Rioto growls and goes to summon an ice sculpture. A horse with horns. It was charging towards Daichi.
Daichi summons a fireball and fires, blasting the ice sculpture. Rioto sneers and yells, "I WILL CURSE YOU WITH ULTRA DARK BLIZZARD!" He summons a blizzard towards Daichi. It was a snow avalanche. It topples over Daichi.
"Daichi!" Taz, Nobara and Yuji yelled.
But Daichi activates his triangular barrier. 'Dark Great Pheonix's Plumage!" It melts away all the snow. Megumi can't help but smile a bit as Daichi deactivates his barrier. This got Rioto twitching an eye but he smirked.
"Not bad! Then let's see how you handle my ice golem! This ice golem has hatred against the flames such as yours! It knows no bounds! It will not stop!" He summons his ice golem. A golem with icy horns. The golem slams its fists upon the ground and goes after Daichi. The flame sorcerer immediately evades the incoming punches. He went through the arms. "Flaming SLASH!"
He jumps into the air and fires off a huge fire arrow, blasting the golem into two. It falls down on Rioto.
"Ha! As the great Dark Phoenix inside me, I will never falter in the face of evil!" Daichi said as he keeps firing upon Rioto and his evil snowmen samurai.
"HA?! Is that right?! Then let me show my ultimate power! Once I defeat you, I claim your party as mine!"
"Party?" Nobara frowns.
"I think he's talking about us." Yuji said.
"So if Daichi loses, we will join his party?" Taz asked.
"Ugh...." Megumi groaned. I swear to God. Should I call Gojo-sensei and end this? No. He would find this entertaining and join the peanut gallery. Still...I hope Daichi will win this.
The fight keeps on going between ice and fire. But it seems Daichi has the upper hand in this fight. If he hadn't enrolled at Jujutsu High, he would been beaten.
"Enough of this! It's time to get serious! I will summon my ultimate attack!" Rioto creates multiple ice shards in the air while his seahorse is flying around. He brings them down to which Daichi quickly swings his sword, unleashing the flames upwards.
"I LIED!" Rioto laughs and summons another ice golem, this time; a mythological creature. A kirin! He has him charging him. Daichi looks at the attack and unleashes his attack. "RED HAWK!" He said. He conjured a flaming bird, striking true through the icy kirin and at Rioto. An explosion and wind breezed everyone's clothes, and all the students held up their arms to protect themself from the snow.
Smoke fills the area before it clears.
Daichi is sitting on his butt, panting while Rioto laying there unconscious.
Daichi has won.
Eito goes to him followed by his other friends.
"You did it, Daichi!" Yuji smiled.
"Good job!" Nobara nodded.
"Yeah! You were amazing!" Taz said. Daichi smiles. "Thanks guys! Thank you for believing in me. That was a tough fight." He said after being help up by his friends. Megumi gives him a nod, "Good job."
"Thanks Fushiguro!" Daichi grins making Megumi look to the side with a hmph.
"FOOLS!" Everyone turned to Rioto as he is still standing having slight burns. "Daichi Pheon-X! You may have defeated me but you didn't win the war! I, Rioto Kir-IN! I still have the power of Winter and Kiri-In at my side! I will come back to take my revenge!"
As Rioto continues to talk, he goes to summon an ice golem to retreat. But something tackles him to the ground. A huge wolf. Rioto yelps, "What the hell?! Someone get this overgrown dog off me!" He yelled.
Totality growls and picks him up by the scruff of his fangs, tossing him onto the ground at someone's feet. "Ow!" Rioto looks up to see Megumi looking down at him. Rioto doesn't like this so he stands up.
"Huh? Who are you? I am talking to Daichi Pheon-X-"
A smack is heard, echoing throughout the mountains. The Jujutsu Sorcerers were in shock as Rioto was made silent by Megumi's hand. A handprint is there on his cheek. Rioto widens his blue eyes and grits his teeth, holding his cheek. He looks at Megumi in disbelief. "How dare you?! Do you have any idea who I am--"
Another smack.
"What the hell?! I haven't finished my sentence, you bastar-"
Followed by another smack, this time backhand. Then Rioto's collar is grabbed by Megumi who proceeds to smack him more.
"OW! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Daichi, Yuji, Nobara, and Taz stared in shock and fear watching Megumi smacking the shit out of Rioto. Sukuna whistled while Kinie blows a raspberry.
Well damn. Fushigouo Megumi is really giving it to him now.
Daichi can't bear to watch this. "Megumi!" Daichi got up and went to stop him, grabbing his arm. "What are you doing?! The fight's over!"
"Is it?" Megumi asked. "Do you have any idea how much damage this idiot caused? He destroyed the rice crops, terrorized the people, and all that." He jerks the collar of Rioto whose face is now bruised and streaming with tears from his eyes. "This guy used your charms to attack this town and for what? Just to fight you? He could send you messages online but he didn't! He just wants to be an idiot and do all this for attention!"
"I did not! I wasn't-" However, Rioto shuts up when Megumi glares at him. "What was that?" The shadow sorcerer replied.
"N-nothing..." The ice curse user sniffles and sinks back cowardly in fur-lined collar. Megumi didn't let go of him but jerked him forward. "If he didn't cause any major damage, he will be executed on the spot. He's lucky that nobody died." Megumi said coldly. Daichi understood, he didn't argue with that point.
"Did you find the charms?" Daichi asked.
"No, we haven't." Megumi answered. Daichi sighs and looks at Rioto.
"Rioto. Where did you hide the cursed charms?" Daichi asked him seriously with a firm tone.
"I-I....already used them up," Rioto answered.
"What about the ones you threaten to blow the town up with?" Daichi asked, frowning.
"Oh...uh...I lied." Rioto admitted.
No surprise there. Sukuna commented inside Yuji's head.
"I did that because I really want to fight Daichi...and nobody else," Rioto said.
"Is it because of my charms? Is this revenge? Look whatever I did to you, I'm sorry and don't know what else to make it up to you. But the rest of the town doesn't have to suffer for this. " Daichi said as he wanted to own up to the cause of his cursed charms. But everyone is not prepared for the next words to come out of Rioto's mouth.
"Huh?" Rioto looks confused, "What are you talking about? I have nothing against you, dude! I was just doing this because...well...you're famous and I want to fight ya because...um...just for kicks and just to prove something...." Rioto confessed.
"For kicks???" Megumi repeated, wondering what the hell is he talking about.
"But didn't you say that Daichi is your archnemsis?" Nobara put her hands on her hips with a scowl.
"Yeah. It sounds like you have a bone to pick with him after saying that. What's up with that?" Yuji added to which Taz nodded.
"I...I...was....uh..." Rioto looks to the side, looking embarrassed, and says, "I was in character, okay??? I was just...doing my thing. It's a moment."
'"What?" Megumi said, narrowing his eyes to silts. Daichi blinked stupidly.
"In character?" Taz trying to understand. "Like...cosplaying? So all these things you said during the fight with Daichi weren't true. You were just saying things because you're in character?"
"Yeah...something like that. It was the moment! I was getting into it you know?!." Rioto said." I was having fun because it was cool. Fire vs Ice, you know? Like in anime! I mean...it's cooler than in my head. A heat of the moment. I just wanna have fun." Rioto added while his shinigami seahorse lets out small neigh.
Megumi popped a vein and Daichi looked stunned. So it wasn't for revenge or anything like that against Daichi. Upon realizing what Rioto just said to them, Taz, Yuji, and Nobara fall over themselves comically and slowly get back up as they can't believe what they just heard. Sukuna and Kinie were choking on laughter at the absurdity of this. My goodness...
This curse user, Rioto Kir-IN is a bigger idiot than Daichi PheonX.
Then the ice curse user receives a smack upside the head. "OW!" One of his ice horns is broken upon impact. "MY HORN!" Rioto cried.
"YOU IDIOT!" Megumi yelled, and he continued his punishment, shaking him and smacking him around. "YOU DID ALL THIS BECAUSE YOU WANT A FIGHT WITH DAICHI BECAUSE IT'S COOL!?! THIS ISN'T SOME CARTOON, YOU GODDAMN MORON! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! GROW THE FUCK UP!!" Megumi keeps on smacking him over the head.
"I'M SORRY! I'm SORRY! SORRIE!" Rioto cried.
"Megumi Fushiguro, chill!" Daichi yelled. trying to calm him down. "ITADORI! YUJI! HELP! STOP HIM!"
"R-right! Coming!" Yuji Itadori goes to intervene to break them up leaving a stunned Taz and Nobara, processing this.
"Huh...it sounds like Rioto looks at Daichi as his rival." Taz said making Nobara. "Huh?" She looks completely dumbfounded.
"Oh! Sorry. It sounds like Rioto looks at Daichi as his rival so that's why he did all this."
"A rival? But...why?"
"I know because it happened with my friend Ink and her rival, Kali. This is like the almost same thing." Taz said.
"Really?" Nobara said, amused by this. Taz nods. She sighs. "Right. So how are we going to explain to Gojo-sensei?"
"I can write down the report," Taz said. Nobara nods. "I will help you with that."
"DUMBASS!" Megumi shouted while Yuji and Daichi tried to separate a crying Rioto and an angry Megumi.
And so, the mission was completed. The curse user; Rioto Kir-IN is now in custody and he was sent to Kyoto sister school as a student given his abilities in order to atone for his crimes.
When Gojo-sensei hears about this as he read the report, the teacher is laughing so hard that Megumi sighs exasperated while Daichi aka now Kisho exhales tiredly.
"Wow Daichi! Didn't know you had a fan!" Gojo laughed while Daichi aka Kisho in his normal attire sweatdropped. "It isn't funny...." Kisho muttered.
"Still it was great that you took on that curse user on your own like that. But why did you vouch for this guy?"
"I mean...well...um..." Kisho sighs, "Ugh...he wasn't a bad guy. After my fight with him. He's just angry but happy to see me. He was taking out his anger on the town because.....in a way...I see him in myself. He did this because he got bullied because nobody believed him and he was shunned so he became Rioto." He sighed. "Sure...he caused trouble but he wants to prove to someone that he's right and he isn't weak. All he did was destroy stuff, not kill people. He did say sorry and wants to make it up for it after me and Megumi told him what he did. There were a few bullies but the whole town didn't deserve that."
"Is that how you see it?" Gojo hums.
"That's how I see it." Kisho nods.
"Megumi. Do you agree?"
"Unforunately...I'm on the same opinion as Kisho." Said Megumi. "Rioto just told us...that he did because to show off his power and wants to prove that he's the strongest. . "
"Oh?" Gojo is amused by this.
"Apparently....we all thought he was talking about you when we confronted him but he means Daichi because like you said. He's a fan." Megumi rolled his shoulders as Kisho slumped his shoulders.
"Man! He sounds like fun. I should meet him! Nanami tells me he's a handful." Gojo laughed.
"Also...as he was being dragged across the town after apprehending him. He told us that he didn't think what he had done was that bad because nobody believed him and he was bullied so he took his anger out onto the town. I had to tell him what he did was serious and Kisho showed him what he did. Like the rice crops for example. So far, All he did was vandalism and scaring others."
Kisho nods. "It would be good to have him on our side given his curse technique. If we punish him, he would become worse." He said.
"I see. Well...I hear Kyoto is in need of new students, so I will send him there and let Utahime know about it. She knows what to do with him!" Gojo said. "We already have one Chunibyo here. So whyn not Kyoto have one of their own."
Megumi sighs. He pities the students in Kyoto. They're going to have Chunibyo as a student.
"Anyway! Thanks for the report. You're dismissed."
The two left the teachers' lounge. As they walked through the hallway, Kisho spoke, "So...uh...Megumi. Thanks for saying stuff back at the mission."
"For having my back," Kisho said, scratching my neck. "That meant a lot to me."
"It's fine," Megumi said shrugging. "You're my friend and classmate. You were about to take on Rioto. You already have enough on your plate as it is."
"Is that right?" Kisho said.
"Yeah," Megumi said. As they continue to walk, Kisho asks, "So want to be part-"
"No. I'm not going to be part of your videos, Kisho." Megumi groaned making Kisho slump, "Fine." He sighed. The two walked together back to their student lounge to meet up with the rest of the group.
So far, the mission is completed. They hope the next mission will be smoother.
To be continued???
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 17: Equal Punishment for all part 2||
Hi dears. I'm back and I'm going to add another part or chapter to this little mini series. It's time for part 17. So lets see what chaos has happened today?
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
((Your reading part 17))
||Drabble Summary||
After the first punishment from Megumi, Nobara, Yuji, and Kisho were trying to behave. However, thanks to learning about using the fireworks they now want to use them more in the missions. Right under Megumi's nose but it seems they got caught. What will happen now? read to find out.
~A angry shadow sorcerer
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya and Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It was another nice day at the school, even for many of the students that was relaxing on this summer day. During this time, Gojo Satoru was happily eating a cake he got from the shop today while smiling.
"Ahhhh what a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing...." he said hearing the birds chirping along like nothing was-that was when a few screams were heard in the distance. "And students screaming in peril...wait wha?" Gojo blinks to look left and right wondering where that came from only to see three of his students running tired but scared out of their minds.
"What do we do, what do we do, what do we do!?" Nobara said panicing while crying.
"I don't know! We need a plan to get away before he finds us!" Yuji said.
"I know! I think we can try to hide but we-"
"NO! We need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara said mad.
"Uhhh you three alright?" The three blinks to look seeing Gojo sensei waving with a smile. "Here to enjoy the day too?"
"GOJO SENSEI YOU HAVE TO SAVE US! MEGUMI'S PISSED!" Kisho said in a panic crying. This made the teacher blink to tilt his head.
"Hmm? Awww Megumi is angry again? Wait..what did you guys do?" he asked.
"We uhhh...sorta used fireworks during our missions but we kept it under wraps. We don't know who told him!!!" Yuji said.
"Ohhhhhhhh...I remember that report. That was pretty fun." he snickered but the three sighed.
"Though..where is Megumi?" Gojo asked but before the three could speak they heard a loud shout.
" T-T"
"You have to help us Gojo sensei please! Were too young to die!" Kisho said.
"Hmmmm..I might be able to help but...maybe if you guys just accept the punishment it won't be as bad. XD"
"....Not helping Sensei.." Yuji and Nobara said before something crashes into the ground. The three tense looking seeing Totality there as he howls out loudly.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT! RUN! RUN AWAY!!" Kisho said running with Nobara and Yuji following as well. Gojo blinks to see them gone but shrugs happily eating his cake he got. A smile with a happy noise leaves him.
"So yummy~"
"D..do you think we should at least help them? I know Megumi is mad but..I never seen him this mad before." Taz Hellion was worried seeing Megumi looking left and right. He already sent out Nue and Totality to find the three so he can give them a more worse punishment but MIko and Yuria was worried.
"I..I don't know if we can..." Yuria said but shows a sweatdrop on the side of her head. "And I don't know if we can even save the three from his wrath this time."
"...Maybe we can try to calm h..him down?" Miko suggested.
"Ummmm..." Both Taz and Yuria looks at her then at Megumi who was still angry. "W..we can try.." So they walk over to a very angry Megumi.
"Ummm big brother Megumi? I know your a..angry but maybe you should c...calm down?" Taz said worried that Megumi heard her voice to look at her. His anger was gone from his face seeing her, Miko, and Yuria that he goes to pet her head. "???"
"Don't worry Taz, I'm not that mad. Just wanna talk to them for a bit. Don't worry. Besides, I wish they were behaved like you, Yuria, and Miko." he said admiting that it leaves the three to blink. Even Kinie knew he was furious on the inside. Just hiding that from the three.
'Well, at least his anger is not towards us. Even I know better than to mess with him.' she said laying in her tree under the shade. It was nice in her domain.
'Not helping Kinie...' Taz thought seeing Megumi calm with her. "Now, you three should run along, I'm going to go find them and just talk okay?" he said.
"Uhh o..okay.." they said seeing Megumi going to find them but when facing away, his angry expression shows as he rushes off. He left Taz with Miko and Yuria who looks to one another then at Megumi leaving.
"..You know if he finds them, they are so dead.." Yuria said.
"Y..Yeah...I know." Taz said praying they will be okay.
~~~~~~In a hidden area in the school grounds~~~~~~
"Okay, I think we can hide here for a while before he finds us. But we still need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara hissed at the two but they were hiding somewhere while Kisho and Yuji were nervous.
"But we don't know who! Right now it's too dangerous to even go anywhere. Maybe we can wait it out till he calms down?" Kisho said.
"But for how long? You saw how pissed he was!" Yuji cries shaking Kisho who got dizzy. "Were so fucked man, so fucked! T_T"
"Yuji, your making me dizzy! @_@" Kisho yelps trying to calm him down. But Nobara smacks Yuji up side his head to stop him.
"Will you calm down!? Look, all we need to do is keep away from Megumi till he chills out. I'm sure after this he will be cool again. No worries! I'm sure after he does, this will blow over." she said.
"And how are you sure?" They asked even with Yuji crying scared and Kisho having swirls in his eyes dizzy from the shaking.
"I just know because I-"
That's when a very angry growl was heard, something breaks down the classroom door startling the three. Standing there was a very angry Megumi who was looking right at them. The three of their eyes widen now hugging one another shaking in fear.
"There you three are!"
"Uhh oh shit-"
"Ummm Hi Megumi! Fancy meeting you here. We just uhhh-"
"Save it. I want to know why you three were using fireworks again? Didn't we agree that you wouldn't use them on missions again?" he asked, demanding a answer from one of them.
"...W..we know but.....we can explain. They help a lot in the mission even being more careful this time! Please, we just wanted to make it quick and easy with no hassle!" Yuji said waving his arms even if he was terrified right now.
"Is that so?"
"It is! come on guys say something to back me up!" Yuji said as Nobra was crying afraid.
"I......I got no words to say!" she said.
"I'm still dizzy but we are more careful this time! We swear!" Kisho said.
"........" Megumi said nothing towards this but this only leads him to close his eyes. "Is that so?"
"Ummm yes?" the three said sweating bullets right now. But how would Megumi take it? Slowly sighing he didn't open his eyes.
"You know? I think I understand fully." he said.
"Y..You do?" Yuji said lowering his hands.
"Of course! How could i have been so blind! I get you three wanted to use them to speed up the mission. Even if it's risking fires, destroyed properties and items, and risk of someone being hurt. I get it now!"
"...." Nobara didn't like how he said that. Not at all.
"So...." He then opens his eyes showing that disturbing smile on his face while looking at them. "Here is my reaction to it."
Seconds later, the three screams as the inside of the classroom was swarmed with angry rabbits. However, Nobara and Kisho saw Yuji caught as he was crying.
"Don't worry Yuji..it won't hurt. It's just three times more painful than last time." he said happy while showing that creepy smile. Yuji was pale seeing the red eyes of the rabbits surrounding him as he looks.
"......" To them they quickly dash off.
"SORRY YUJI!" Kisho said running.
"YOUR ON YOUR OWN!" she said.
"Oh don't worry, their next so..enjoy your punishment." he said as the rabbits jump him.
"One down...two more to go." Megumi said as he had some of the rabbits chase them. Now Nobara and Kisho were running down the hallway passing a few empty classrooms. Maki was reading something but as she was drinking something she saw both Nobara and Kisho dash by her.
"Hi Maki, if you see Megumi, you didn't see us! bye!" she said quickly not stopping.
"Wait what?" she saw the two gone but that's when she sees the rabbits to blink but they look around before guessing. "If your looking for them..they went that way." she said pointing. The rabbits goes in that direction but Maki sighed.
"Sorry guys..I don't want to be a target to a pissed off Megumi. Nope. Not going to leave from this spot." she said going to reading again. Outside, Nobara and Kisho were panting looking around to run or hide.
"We need a plan here! What do we do!?" Kisho said in a panic.
"Hold on, I'm thinking!" she said looking left and right however, she thinks blink. "I think I got something but you trust me right?"
"Uhhh yeah I do!"
"Good!" As she nods, that's when Totality shows up growling at them. Kisho and Nobara tense to back up but they were nervous.
"E..easy Totality..good boy...." she said laughing nervously. "Alright here is the plan Kisho just follow my lead." she whispered.
He knew Nobara had some good ideas so this one couldn't be bad right? Seconds later, she grabs Kisho and lifts him up.
"WHAT!?! O.O!!"
'Wait, she can't be serious can she?! She can't be!!' Kisho screams in his head as she threw Kisho to Totally's paws and he winces from that. However, he tenses seeing him. "Uhhh g..g..good boy..good boy-Nobara!!"
"SORRY KISHO! I'LL PAY YOU BACK LATER!" she said running off in high speed.
"NOBARA YOU TRAITOR! HOW COULD YOU!? T_T" he shouted before he felt Totally pick him up by his maw and drags him to Megumi. "NO TOTALITY NO!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NOOOOOOO!!"
Nobara knew she made a risky choice but she would be home free while running and hiding now. She panted now in a room alone only to sigh.
"Sorry you two...but Megumi is not getting me this time! I don't want to be punished again even with the icky slime again." she shudders grossed out. "But at least a beauty like me will survive!" she said happy like nothing was wrong. However, she was dead wrong.
"You really think so?" said someone behind her.
"Of course! I know I'm smart because Megumi didn't catch me! X3"
".....You might wanna recheck that statment.."
That's when she tenses to sweat worse slowly turning her head sweating even worse. Standing behind her was a scary Megumi looking down at her.
"....Oh shit.."
"Hello Nobara..." he said as she quickly crawls away from him but saw the slimy frog tongue show up again. "Oh no NOT AGAIN! Megumi please not the frog again!" she cries but she felt the tongue wrap around her ankle to stop him as she was crying shaking in fear.
"Sorry Nobara..it's your punishment..this should teach you and the other idiots to listen.....but it won't hurt for too long." he said.
"B..but I'm a girl! You wouldn't hurt a pretty girl like me right-"
"You used that before you think it would work again?" he said.
"........M..Maybe?" she said laughing scared. Her response was being dragged back into the dark screaming for help. The three were screaming for mercy and help but many sweatdrops not wanting to face Megumi's wrath.
Later that evening, the three were caught but shaking in fear. Yuji was beaten up by the rabbits. Kisho was crying being bruised up by Totality before the rabbits even Nue joined in. And Nobara shaking as she was coated in slime again with worms inside.
Taz, Miko, and Yuria felt bad for them but Kinie and Sukuna was laughing their butts off from the funny show they got. Megumi sighed but he felt better to look at the three tapping his foot.
"Now, what did we learn?"
"N..Not to use f..fireworks in missions.." the three said crying.
"A..and to not keep secrets from you.."
"Good.." he said feeling better.
"You know, this was not too bad right guys? At least you learned your lessons." Gojo laughed as Kisho, Nobara, and Yuji looks at him then at one another. In a moment, the three falls back passed out with swirls in their eyes twitching.
Yeah, they learned alright but what's stopping them from doing it again? NO one will know.
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer part 23: Training part 2: demon edition||
Hi dears. It seems another part for the last chapter is needed. Though, I hope you like it. This all started with demon mun but we add chapters to it to see the adventures of our muses. So I hope you enjoy.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 14-20||
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
((Your reading chapter 23 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
It's time for Training! Yuji and his classmates/friends are going on another training session once more. However, Gojo decided to do a little change in the training. That's when he invited two guests to help them out. Wonder who they are? Read to find out.
~A lot of crazy fighting for training
~lots of yelling and cursing
~funny parts and being scared running arouns
~sorcerers vs demons
||Muses in this drabble||
Van Ink the dragon, The DBT, Taz Hellion, Kinie, Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Jinx violet and the cursed vixens are my OC's that belongs to me. While Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It was another normal day here at jujutsu high school, seeing that everything was peaceful and calm. That nothing could ruin such a nice peaceful....
That's when a sudden explosion was heard followed by someone screaming as they were free falling to crash into the ground twitching.
"Owwwwwww..." Megumi winces from the hard landing but he sits up holding his head. "Damn it..she hits really-" that's when someone else lands on him showing another one who was dizzy.
"I'm good.....I'm seeing stars though.." Kisho Hashimoto a.k.a. Daichi Phoen-X was dizzy with stars over his head from the powerful attack he was hit with.
"Kisho, you okay?" Megumi asked but Daichi was still seeing stars but he tries to get up.
"I'm good, I'm good I'm...hold on a sec.." he shook his head but was still seeing stars. "Y..Yeah, I'm good..." he said but he heard chirping hearing Eito flying over to see if he was okay.
"Don't worry Eito I'm alright! I will admit she packs a punch. Taz was not lying about her power!" he said to Eito.....if he was facing the right way and not talking to a tree.
"Uhhhhh.." Megumi sweatdrops and Eito showing a deadpanned expression. Yeah, he still was seeing stars from that hit. Shaking his head, he goes to try shaking him out of it.
"Kisho, snap out of it! Were still in training. We need to get back to the others. Besides, we still have to-" that's when he heard more explosions near the school.
He sweatdrops not expecting this training to be like this but it wall Gojo's idea though.....
~~~~Flashback to this morning~~~~~~
"Morning my students! I hope your ready for today's training session!" Gojo smiled more happier than he would that leaves the class curious.
"Uhhh we are Gojo Sensei but..what's the training about this time?" Taz asked with a hand up.
"It's not another one of your stupid sweet runs is it?" Kinie said on top of Taz's head annoyed.
"Oh no no no! That's next week. This is different." he said.
"Okay? And what is it?" Nobara asked now curious.
"Well, this is a team training but..with a little twist. I asked for two guests to help us out with this so you can get a better idea of dangerous targets. So they agreed to play the role of dangerous enemies for it." he said.
"Huh...that's not too bad.." Miko said curious.
"Yeah! I'm sure we can do this! But...where are the guests?" Yuria asked.
"Hmm? Oh, there here. Hold on, you two can come out now!" The group looks to the right to see two people walking over but they were silent before Taz knew who they were and the same with Yuji too.
"Class, say hello to our guests!" Gojo said smiling showing the two girls.
"INK!!" Taz happily rushes over to hug her as Van Ink smiled being hugged.
"Hi Taz! Hey everyone!" Van Ink the dragon was here.
"HOLY CRAP IT'S YOU! VAN INK THE DRAGON! YOU ARE ONE OF MY FANS! CAN I HAVE A AUTOGRAPH!?" Kisho shows a book and pen as Ink blinks but giggles, taking it to sign it.
"Oh brother.." Megumi sighed shaking his head. Who would have known Ink would be in the school but she wasn't the only one.
"YUJJJIIIII!!" He blinks hearing his name before he got tackled into the ground by the other.
"Hi Yuji! I missed you!"
"Jinx!?" Yuji sits up to see his girlfriend here too! Jinx Violet, the leader of the cursed Vixens as the others saw a group walking over waving hi. The teammates were here too!
"Yep! I asked Ink and Jinx to be our enemy guests for this training." Gojo said happy.
"I think we get it but..what's the main mission for this training?" Megumi asked.
"Well, think of is as a suddenly mission. To help you get stronger. So, you have to be prepared for anything. Evne when it comes to demons that have cursed energy. So! Both Ink and Jinx were nice to offer a hand." he said.
"Huh, that explains it." Megumi sighed.
"Don't worry guys, we won't let you down! We'll be sure you get trained well you can trust us!" Ink smiled to the group with Jinx agreeing.
"Knowing that I know we will. Just don't hold back on us alright?" Megumi said.
"Believe me, we won't! Right Jinx?" Ink said.
"With that said, shall we begin?" Gojo said smiling seeing his students getting ready but saw Ink and Jinx grin with smiles, ready to go.
'This is going to be easy. We got this!' Kisho thought ready even if they had no idea what they got themselves into. Both factions knew this was going to get messy.
Which leads to now. Both Ink and Jinx were hunting the groups down hearing screaming and shouting from the school. Megumi saw the destruction but laughter that came from Ink herself.
"GEEZ, WHAT THE HELL-LOOK OUT!!" Nobara shouts from the area seeing blue flames going up to the sky. However, their was more screaming. "EASY ON THE FLAMES YOU TWO!"
"SORRY NOBARA!" Jinx said happily loud as she was chasing down some of the others as they were trying to fight her.
"THIS IS INSANE! WHAT SORT OF TRAINING IS THIS GOJO SENSEI!!" Yuria shouted before more shouting and explosions were heard. Megumi sighed knowing this was going to be a pain but that's when another explsion was heard seeing someone crash land in front of him and Kisho.
"Huh? Yuji!?" he goes to help him sit up but he winces from a kick Jinx gave him.
"Ow ow ow ow ow..Geez, Jinx kicks hard." he winces but looks up. "Oh hey Megumi-"
"Wait, Jinx kicked you!?"
"Yeah, I was trying to fight her but she kicked me from the school grounds to near the forest. She's dangerous and strong........isn't she amazing?" he sighed happily even if Megumi bonks him on the head. "OW!"
"Will you focus here!? We are in a training session right now! You can be all lovely dovey after we are done!" he said standing as Yuji pouts.
"It's not my fault my girlfriend is cool!" he said.
'Correction; Your girlfriend is insane!' Sukuna said. 'She's more crazy than you are! How can you date someone like that!?'
"Oh? Like you dating Kinie!" he said.
'Hey don't involve my princess!'
"Then don't involve my kitten!" he said.
'Kitten????' Megumi thought but he sighed before hearing more shouts and more screaming. Megumi looks seeing Nobara fall near but lands on Yuji's lap.
"Ughhhhhh..those two are not normal! How are they that dangerous with that much cursed energy! I thought they were just demons!" Nobara grumbles to get off of a now dizzy Yuji.
"You forgot? They have cursed energy so it makes them three times dangerous Nobara." Megumi said but she blinks remembering.
"Oh yeah.." she laughed rubbing the back of her head before hearing two more screams. Megumi saw Yuria free falling to help catch her as she winces. Kisho snaps out of it hearing Miko's scream before he rushes to catch her. However, he crashes into the ground holding her wincing.
"Owie....s..she's strong..." Miko mutters rubbing her bottom while Anaconda whines now dizzy from the attack the two delivered.
"Your telling me." Yuria said. "How in the world are we going to beat them?! They are getting more stronger by the second!" she said.
"We just need to think of something. We can complete this we just need time to think of something." Megumi said to the group as they look at him.
"And that is??" They asked.
"......." Before Megumi says, something came near the area to show a black panther with the two tails swaying. However, the cursed energy was heavy and dark showing Jinx had found them. Everyone tenses to hide behind Megumi who blinks to look at them then back at Jinx.
"Found you~" she giggled showing black cursed claws infused with her flames with her eyes glowing.
"......Megumi?" Kisho said now scared.
"And that is....TO FUCKING RUN!" right away he ran with the others following him screaming. Jinx saw but chases them while laughing excited.
"Wait, your actually scared too??!! I told you!!" Kisho said running.
"COME BACK GUYS! I JUST WANNA PLAY!!" Jinx laughed chasing after them as they were running away screaming.
"WE NEED TO TRY AND FIGHT BACK!!" Nobara said about to turn and fight but Yuji grabs her. "HEY!!"
~~~~Back with Gojo~~~~
"You know I think you and Jinx are doing amazing in the training lesson. I owe you two for this!" he smiled with hands together seeing Ink smiling.
"It's now problem. It's good to see that we can help but we were shocked you asked us to help with this." Ink said as she was looking to him.
"Well, I wanna give my students a chance to learn something new but this helps in the biggest ways." he said but heard another explosion again.
"GOD DAMN IT YUJI!!!" that was Megumi's voice.
"YOU GUYS ARE NOT HELPING!" Nobara said next from the distance.
"GUYS SHE'S CATCHING UP WE NEED TO KEEP RUNNING!!" Miko said in a panic with more screaming and shouting.
"Huh, so that's where they were. Later I'm off!" Ink held up her great sword and goes to follow and find them to join in. Gojo was happy but both fractions the DBT and Cursed vixens sweatdrop.
"I actually feel bad for Yuji and them. Do you think they'll be okay?" Mouse asked hearing the explosions.
"RUNNNN SHE'S GAINING ON US-OH DAMN IT NOW INK'S HERE!?" that was Kisho's voice from the distance.
"Ehhhh....I'm sure they will be fine. Besides, it's training so it works." Shdwkyz said with arms crossed. Oblivion was playing her hand held game while this was going on.
"I guess so....but you know that both our leaders never hold back even when it's training. Don't you think they will do worse?"
"They won't..if it don't involve destroying the school. I'm sure everything will be fine." Gojo said happy before another giant explosion was heard with more panic screaming.
".....Something tells me that's not the issue here." Melinda said with a sweatdrop seeing Jaron doing the same. That's their leaders but they were the most strongest so....that explains a bit?
"But honestly, at least we know they are still going. Were are still so proud of Taz and how she progressed here." Shdwkyz adds with Vivi agreeing.
"True. Honestly, knowing you, your also finding this funny.." Navarro said sitting by Echo who was wincing from the shouts.
"SOMEONE HELP USSSSSSS!! WE DON'T WANNA DIE!" Kisho screams out next.
"SERIOUSLY!?" Megumi said.
"WE FOUND YOU GUYS! LETS KEEP PLAYING!!" Jinx and Ink laughed as the group screams in terror.
"In a way. At least we get some payback after mister Kisho from before?" he said but the others remember. They didn't want to remember but keeps watching.
"How long do you think they will keep going at this?" Hellmare asked everyone.
"...A while...if they don't get caught." Rust said with a sweatdrop. However, in a bit, another one was heard and something was falling back down over to them. Everyone saw but a giant crash was heard seeing the fractions shielding their eyes from the dust. Right away, they look seeing a dog pile to be silent.
Yuji, Megumi, Yuria, Miko, Kisho, and Taz were in a dog pile dizzy like but Taz was on top with stars over her head.
"T..told y..you guys my girlfriend i..is the best.." Yuji said dizzy like.
'Brat..just stop talking..' Sukuna said having a headache.
"Yuji..Your girlfriend i..is a monster...and Ink is j..just as monstrous..." Kisho said dizzy like.
"D..did we pass the t..test?" Miko asked still dizzy like.
"I see pretty stars..." Taz giggled with stars over her head even Kinie was dizzy.
"This..is why Gojo plans too many surprises.." Nobara said dizzy too.
"I think...we went to another planet. My head is spinning all over.." Yuria said.
"Well, at least we d..did it and survived....ughh my body hurts.." Kisho whines still dizzy with Miko landing on him twitching as she was dizzy too.
"Well, at least you guys lived long enough so good job. After this, we can go again!" Gojo said happily that everyone looks at Gojo.
"Yep again! It's to help you guys understand your enemy. We will be doing this all day till evening. Isn't that exciting!?"
"......." the group looks ahead then lets that sink in. In a moment, everyone falls back comically knocked out twitching. "@_@"
"Huh? Was it something I said?" he asked.
The fractions sighed shaking their heads but saw Ink and Jinx come back.
"You two went over board again.." Navarro said with arms crossed seeing Ink and Jinx laughing nervously.
"Sorrie.." they said but Gojo was happy not minding this. After all, it's training so more will come. That is after they wake up, they will run it over again. However, others did hear this from the school wondering what the heck happened.
Well, that's for them to guess. However, Gojo was happy and all is well. Megumi was still dizzy but he did snap out of it to sigh.
"Why?...just why me? Damn it Gojo sensei.." he grumbles but was under the dog pile. Yeah, the others were going to be out for a while before they did this again. But hey, teaching is a lesson after all.
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||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 15-A Phoenix's heart||
Hi there hope your all doing alright. This is Peahen mom back with another try to add another chapter to this mini series my friend started. :3 If you wanna read what is up the chapters are below.
Chapters 1-5 (Click here)
Chapters 6-13 (Click here)
Chapter 14
((Your reading Chapter 15))
||Drabble Summary||
It seems today was another off day for everyone but they were taking the time to rest up before another mission hits. However, Nobara confronts Kisho about something and it involves Miko. What could it be read to find out!
--- Warning ---
~Nothing dangerous
~A silly moment
~~Guests in drabble~~
Taz Hellion, Kinie, and Daichi Pheon-X comes from a side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer that belong to my beloved amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki is from the anime serious Jujutsu Kaisen. Also to me due to rping as them as muse. The same for Miko Yotsuya, Yuria Niguredou, and Hana Yurikawa comes from the anime and manga Mieruko-Chan.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
Another day has come for the others here in Tokyo Jujutsu High. After the last missions, it seems like things might be calming down even after Kisho's recent recovery on his so called snacks. Right now, everyone was relaxing before that was broken.
"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?!" A shocked voice came from a room followed with Megumi covering his ears, Yuji sweatdropping to see him freaking out again.
"Kisho, please stop yelling. It's not that serious-"
"Yes it is! She expects m..me to.....t..to do something like that! I can't!!!!"
"But it's the truth! I think it's time for you to stop being a coward and confess! I mean you have too after what happened on your last mission you guys told me about!" Hana Yurikawa was visiting her new friends along with Miko and Yuria. However, she heard of what happened on their mission.
"I mean, she's got a point Kisho. You have to find a way to thank Miko for helping you on that mission. We all were not expecting her to do that but she did it! And saved your life!" Nobara said that Kisho was sweating now remembering. I mean, can you blame him for that mission and that dumb curse taking them by surprise by what it did???
'She's got a point. She did have your life..' Kinie said with a smirk seeing Kisho more embarrassed.
"Kisho what is the big deal!? I thought you would be impressed." Megumi said with arms crossed.
"I didn't say I was I am! It's just.....how you told me this when I was knocked out during the mission!" he said. The others blink but remembers it.
~~~~~Flashback to last week's mission~~~~~
"Damn it, Kisho!! Wake up!" Megumi saw Miko worried as she was seeing a knocked out Kisho there. He was hit with a curse with Eito hooting worried. However, Yuji, Megumi, and Taz was trying to attack the curse who was laughing. It looked like some demonic curse bird but it's talons were holding a flaming orb there. It was Kisho's flame!
'OH come on, you can have a little fun to share!? Besides, his flame will be perfect to burn this city to ashes!' It laughed teasing but Eito squawked angry.
"You won't get away with this you fucking jerk!" Yuji said as the others tried to fight it off. However, Miko was worried as she was trying to wake Kisho. She saw tears landing on his face but he didn't move feeling cold thanks to the curse.
"Don't worry Miko, he'll be alright. You have to trust me." Yuria was worried but Miko was shaking crying to see him like this. However, she heard the others fighting off the curse but trying to get KIsho's cursed flame back.
'Missed me! You'll never see the phoenix hero again! His soul is mine! Mine mine mine!' it laughed that Miko's upper face was hidden before she stood up to look. Yuria blinks to grow worried.
"K..Keep Kisho safe..I'm getting his flame back.." she said.
"H..Huh?! But Miko, Megumi said for us to keep a eye on his-" That's when she dashes off towards the curse. "MIKO!"
Yuji got hit down by the curse spirit along with Megumi. Taz was struggling in it's hold as it was about to rip out Taz's own cursed energy. 'Ohhhh you look tasty too little pup..' it laughed seeing Taz wincing. She was trying to summon her kinfolk but they got crushed by this curse.
'LET US GO YOU FUCKING BUG!!' Kinie shouted angry feeling it starting to drain her cursed energy and Taz's too.
'Too bad! I'm going to enjoy my meal and when I do, I'll be sure to savor eating you up!' he laughed about to see it going to eat Taz. However, before it could.....something quickly comes to do a super kick right in it's face. It twitched dropping Taz but something catches her to make Taz blink.
"H..Huh?" she looks to see it was Anaconda!? "Anaconda!" she looks seeing him wagging it's tail. However, she looks up seeing the curse crash into the ground only to see someone standing there.
'Haaa!? Who the fuck did-' he got stomped it's face in only to show some cursed blood but saw a enraged Miko there. However, he tenses seeing her being angry with him.
'Who are you?! How dare you hit me! You weak girl!' it said about to grab her but Miko grabs it's hand but twists as it trashes from her grip. It was painful but Miko didn't let go but the others watch.
'OWOWOWOWOWOWO!! Let go of me!' it said only for her to quickly slam it on the side causing the area to shake. This got Yuji, Nobara, Yuria, and Taz to blink seeing she was not happy.
"Oh no, your going to pay for hurting my phoenix. You better give up his soul or else.." she said
'You think I'm scared of you!? No way! I'll beat your ass and eat his soul whole. What are you gonna do!?' he laughed only for Miko to get more angry. That resulting in a ten minute beatdown by the Crazy badger herself. The guys were shocked seeing her beating the curse black and purple with Nobara, Yuria, and Taz sweatdropping.
In ten minutes, the curse was crying beaten up as it was holding Kisho's flame to her. 'O..OKAY ENOUGH, ENOUGH! YOU MADE YOUR POINT! T..TAKE IT JUST STOP WITH THE BEATING!' it begs that Miko takes it but she only held it while knowing it was his.
"Good....Taz, can you hold this?" she said seeing her take it carefully but Miko looks to the curse who pales. "As for you..."
'N..No wait a minute! NOOOOO!!' That's when Miko picks the curse up and started slamming it left and right quickly and fast till she punches it back right through two buildings! The others had a shocked expression to see it twitching now from the pain. Miko sighed but she blinks to look.
"Thanks Taz ummm m..may i see it?" she asked as Taz hands over the flame. Miko walks over to Kisho but carefully looks to him still laying there before she lowers the flame to see it sink into his chest. In a moment, she waited to hope it worked with Eito worried. In a moment, Kisho's body slowly showed some of his cursed energy before he winces then snaps awake quick.
"Wah!?! Guys we have to stop the-Curse?" He looks left and right trying to see where the curse was but he only saw a giant mess. What the heck happened!? "Uhhhhhh guys? What happened-" Right away, He got hugged by Miko tight as he yelps looking.
"Woah, easy Miko! What's the matter!? What happened!?" he asked but he only held her as she was crying happy he was safe. The others sighed happy to see this too but Daichi was confused.
"We'll tell you after we head back." Megumi said.
~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~
"How was I suppose to know that she d..did that!? How in the world can I even thank her for what she did! She.."
"Saved your life?" Nobara and Taz said at the same time as he blinks to look to the side. He had no idea what happened but he was trying not to blush.
"I..I mean.."
"Listen Kisho that means she really dose care! That tells you a lot you know! I think it's adorable that she did all that just for you. Even beating up that scary monster!" Hana said as he blinks to sigh.
"I....I know that and I'm grateful she saved my life but I'm not ready to confess like that to her! I don't think this should count even with the mission. Can't I-"
"NO! You should confess! Stop being so scared and just tell her how you feel! You saw what she did and what she was like! That tells us that she likes likes you!" Hana said poking his chest that his face was red now.
"...YOU KNOW I CAN'T! IT'S TOO EMBARRASSING!!!" he said waving his arms quickly while Megumi sighed and Taz giggling.
"It's not hard to admit your feelings-"
"I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" he said looking scared.
"I think you should dude. I mean, Miko shows she likes you a lot..and it seems she does with you too. It shouldn't be a scary thing. I mean look at me, I confessed my feelings to one of Taz's friends named Jinx and...honestly, she felt the same way you did. She thought I was saying things but she and I have been talking and well...we got to know one another and.....yeah. I think you should go and give it a shot. I'm sure she will understand." Yuji said.
"Ohhhhh No no no no no! I am not ready to confess anything yet! And Miko just went on a mission to get more training!!! I can't..I just can't..." he whines covering his face.
'Great now he's being a baby..' Sukuna said annoyed but he was visting Kinie's domain petting her happy in her quoll form. She relaxed but didn't mind it. This was nice.
'Stop being a baby and just say something to her..' Sukuna said.
"You stay out of this!" Kisho said.
"I'll never admit it yet! Not now!"
"You know if you don't you'll never admit anything to her but...look, she cares. She loves you I bet.." Nobara said but Hana was giggling knowing it was adorable and cute. Seeing love blooming once more.
"I really can't! I don't want Miko to get a loser-"
"You are not a loser!! Come on, I'm sure she will love you if you just admit your feelings. It's like me having feelings for someone myself but..I don't know if she'll like me that way-"
"Hold on, you like someone?" Megumi said to Nobara but she smiled.
"Anyway, Kisho just be honest. I'm sure she will love you very much. Just be honest with yourself...It's not that hard." Hana said but Kisho was quiet only to think. He did care about Miko as a close friend! Though, he was not ready for that.
"........." Though, thinking about his friend made his face flushed. She was sweet, kind, loving, protective, and very strong. She was someone a guy would indeed like very much. Though, even with her being dangerous with her wrestling moves. She was something else and amazing.
This made him blush worse now that he was already looking more red now trying not to think about it. He covers his face that it made him shake his head. He couldn't at the moment! He already finds her amazing but he didn't want her to be with someone that might seem like a bad influence. Even when they told him what happened on that mission and the time she got drunk twice.
He didn't want her to be worse but the others think he was over thinking it. "Kisho, I think you are worrying too much. I think she will be happy with you even so. You shouldn't worry about it." Nobara said gently and yet he was silent still flushed.
"..I really can't..I can't.....I......" He still was red though from the thought that he didn't know Miko walks into the classroom while looking happy as she smiled holding a treat and a bag with other sweets. However, she was gently taking a bite of her melon bread before seeing the others.
"O..Oh hi guys...." she said.
"Oh hey Miko! Back from your trip to the store?" Nobara asked.
"Yeah, I g..got us some snacks if you guys w..wanted some." she said showing a bag that the others smiled to thank her. "I..I even got some for Eito and Anaconda too." she smiled as she saw Eito flying around her head then lands to nuzzle her cheek as thanks.
"Y...Your welcome Eito." she smiled kindly as the others happily goes to get a snack. She even hands one to Kisho who was flushed again though he said nothing seeing she was happy. It was so much better to see her happy with no problem. Though, seeing her so happy made his heart swoon.
Miko deserves to be happy.
"Kisho? Ar...are you okay?" she asked wondering if he was alright that he snaps out of it.
"Uhhhh are you...okay?" she asked softly to him that she felt his forehead that his face was redder now seeing her.
Miko blinks wondering if he was that he was sweating now still blushing worse. Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, Taz, Hana, and Yuria blinks to see this only for Kisho's eyes become swirls to her touching his forehead.
Megumi sighed but the others goes to help Kisho up or somewhere else. Seems he might take the time to wake up later on. "Uhhhh..."
"D..did I do something wrong?"
"No no, you didn't. He's just tired from his day off. No worries." Nobara said smiling seeing Miko worried.
"No worries Miko, we'll take him to the nurse." Yuji laughed picking up a dizzy Kisho while Megumi helps. However, the girls giggled with Miko being confused. She wonders if she scared him but she will not know yet. Seems like it will be another time till he would say something. Though, at least it was something.
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 18: Video game Chaos||
Hi dears. I'm back and I'm going to add another part or chapter to this little mini series. It's time for part 17. So lets see what chaos has happened today?
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
((Your reading part 18))
||Drabble Summary||
After a while and a few missions, seems Megumi and the gang were now just relaxing and thought about doing something fun. So maybe a few good rounds of videos games would work? What will happen now? read to find out.
~Video game fun
~lots of yelling and cursing
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
Today was a day off for the sorcerers today!
Right now, everyone was either hanging out or resting up after a long week of missions after missions. Seems the curses were lively this last past week but it was nothing for our group. So right now, they were on their day off and now was thinking of what to do.
Kisho Hashimoto was reading something oh his phone but was wondering on what they should do today. With the missions done after last week it seems nothing else was busy at the time.
"Ummm you okay Kisho?"
He blinks to look up seeing Yuji Itadori checking on him since everyone else was relaxing together in their dorms. He was coming to visit him along with Megumi who was eating something.
"Ummm I'm fine Yuji don't worry. Just a bit bored is all." He laughed only to see Yuji think about it.
"Well, you do have a point since everyone is still tired from last week or just resting up. I hear some were taking long naps or walking off campus grounds to do something. I figure Megumi would but he is still here." he points seeing Megumi having his arms crossed hearing that.
"I'm right here.."
"I know."
"Uhhhh anyway, even if that's the same. It's still a bit boring though. I'm sure we can think of something to do right?" he asked seeing Yuji think a little along with Megumi.
"Well, how about we head out to do something fun? For us boys!" he said and yet Kisho thinks a little bit.
"Didn't we do that last time?" he asked seeing Eito resting on the pillow near by while having a sunbathing nap. The sun rays were really nice.
"He's right, we did that already....we been doing that for a while. And right after yesterday when Taz's friends visited again. That training session was nuts." Megumi still can feel the training...and the destruction that came with it. Her friend Ink was a monster in training but it was a good help. Even the others like Jinx was crazy given with her black hell flames that really was crazy! Yuji didn't mind but he did find it amazing that most noticed how flushed he got even with her smiling.
"Oh yeah....then what do we do?" He asked as the two were thinking even with Megumi shaking his head to see them wondering about it.
That's when Yuji had a idea.
"I know! How about some video games. We can some small tournament together! Heck, we could even play with the girls if they wanna join." Yuji suggested to see Kisho thinking about it. He wasn't sure about that but he did know Taz plays video games sooooo...that might work.
"Well, we can ask them and see if they want to. It could be pretty fun!" he said.
"Then lets go and find them. Come on Megumi, wanna join!?" Yuji asked seeing him look at Yuji hearing this.
".......Depends. Knowing how crazy video games get...is that even a good idea?"
"Oh come on! It'll be fine! So come on!" he laughed before grabbing Megumi and drags him along with Kisho following after picking up Eito who was relaxed. So they went to find the girls.
~~~~Meanwhile with Taz and the girls~~~~~
"So you think with t..this..I can maybe get used to that move?" Miko blinks holding the controller with Taz nodding. She along with Nobara, Yuria, and Hana (who's visiting) were showing her about video games.
"Yeah! If you get used to the game play this game is pretty fun. Just takes time." she said but Miko understood to nod. She will have to get used to that in a while.
"I always did enjoy a good session game of smash this is too much fun!" Nobara laughed even seeing Kinie sitting on Taz's head seeing the game. She already had a turn but was excited wanting to play more.
'I still am glad that we can have fun just like this. So relaxing..' she hums even with seeing the girls still playing. However, that's when a knock was heard making Taz blink.
"I'll get it!" she hands Nobara the controller so she can answer the door. She gets to it and opens seeing the boys.
"HI guys! Hi big brother!" she smiled seeing Yuji wave.
"Hey little sis! What's up?"
"Nothing much. What can I do for you?" she smiled happy that she looks to him.
"Well, we were a bit bored so....did you and the girls wanna play some video games with us?" He asked. "We were trying to think of something on what to do so we figured why not video games? So...did you girls wanna play?" he asked that Taz smiled.
"Sure! We were actually playing some and teaching Miko how to play. We can play smash if you guys want!' she said.
"That sounds fair!" Kisho said happy.
"Yeah, that is fine." Megumi said seeing Taz moving out the way so the guys can come in. They saw Anaconda resting on the chair watching the girls playing the game while Miko watches since she's still learning. When the guys came in, Taz walks over.
"Girls, the guys wanna play some video games with us!"
"Huh? You do?" Yuria asked.
"Yeah. We were trying to think of what to do but..we thought maybe some video games will work." he said with the girls thinking about it. Though, that didn't seem too bad.
"So the game we are playing is smash right? So guys against girls?" Yuji said with the girls looking at one another then back at him.
"If you want it to be. That's fair. We been trying to teach Miko and she's getting the hang of it so yeah! Though, are their any bets you wanna make?" Nobara smiled but the boys blinks.
"Uhhhh bet? No bet just having some fun-"
'That's tempting to ask. Unless you boys are scared to lose to us?' Kinie teased but she knew her king loved a challenge. Even if the boys were looking at them.
"Huh? Were not scared of you girls playing against us!" Yuji said even if Sukuna chuckled from his head knowing he might be wrong about it.
"So? How about it? A few rounds to see...and we can make some silly bets during it. Deal?" Nobara held a hand to Yuji who quickly takes it.
"Yuji, are you sure that's a good idea?" Megumi asked.
"Oh come on! It's fine and we will win. We play loads of games, we will win!" he said. "You guys can trust me!" he saw Megumi with a sweatdrop and Kisho blinks to look at him. Well, Yuji was smart but knowing much it depends. So they agree to play a few games.
It wouldn't be that bad.....right?
'Oh sure, it would be easy he says. He said don't worry about it.' Megumi sighed seeing Kisho got knocked out again by Miko who was still in the game with Taz helping her. Yuji was crying since he was out again and Megumi was too. Heck, even Sukuna remained in a few of the games only to get knocked out once.
'Wow, and you are not good at this are you brat?' Sukuna teased Yuji who grumbles.
"Oh shut up Sukuna.."
"Come on Miko you got it!" Nobara said cheering for her with Taz doing the same since she was fighting against Megumi who was still in. Kinie was snickering seeing this knowing the girls might win this again even with Eito, Wilson, and Anaconda watching too. However, they were seeing Kisho about to be knocked out by Miko.
"Oh no no no no no! I won't let you knock me out this time Miko!" he said.
"S..sorry Kisho but you have to fall for my win!" she said still smashing buttons with Yuria even cheering her on.
"Go Miko go!!" they said seeing she was fighting him off with her main as Kisho panics.
"NONONO!!" he tries to fight her back only to get sent flying off the stage seeing he was out. "Dang it!" he said.
"Seems like Kisho out! It's just Megumi, Miko, and Taz!" Nobara said as the two were now ganging up on Megumi who quickly tries to get them away but he was no match only losing moments after that he sees the girls won this round.
"Geez, we lost again! Dang!" Yuji sighed but Nobara saw the girls cheering happily while looking to them.
"Well, you guys lose this round. Not bad though. So, wanna play again?" she asked.
"You know what sure! Lets play again!" Yuji said.
"Yuji, that's enough. We lost a few more than win. I think they proven us wrong. Even shocking how Miko won and she was just learning this game-"
"Ummm..I..I been playing and learning f..for a while w..with Taz and Hana. They been helping me learn more. Even helping Nobara and Yuria too." she said smiling as the boys looks to her then at one another.
"E..even so, we wanna a rematch!"
"If you wish but if you win, we will treat you guys to a nice lunch later on." Nobara said.
"That seems fair. But what if we lose?" Megumi asked.
"...Then Kisho has to take Miko on a date!"
"WHAT!?!? O///O" He was shocked only to see Miko blush as well.
"Uhhh N..Nobara, I don't know about-"
"Oh nonsense so what do you say!? Wanna go!"
"Oh it's on!" Yuji said.
"Yuji, wait! I..I really don't think this is-"
"Trust me Kisho I got this! You will be fine." he said happy that Kisho was nervous only for him to see Megumi pat his back with the girls seeing Nobara ready to play one on one with Yuji. After picking their chrracters they would begin!
The girls cheers for Nobara with Megumi and Kisho cheering for Yuji, even if Kisho was nervous seeing how if he lose he will have to take Miko on a date! He was not sure if he was ready for this yet!
'Come on Yuji please win! I don't know if I'm ready yet!' he cries in his thoughts seeing Miko watching while seeing the match going on. They saw Nobara fighting hard but she saw that the match continues. Later on, the two were now getting close seeing Nobara's main had 2 lives left but she just got Yuji on his last 4.
"Come on Yuji you got this!" Kisho said.
"Told ya I've got this! I just need to knock her out!" As he got Link close to swing a attack at her main Luigi. She quickly blocks only to grab him and attacks. Yuji saw that she knocked him out only to see him fall off stage having 3 lives left.
"It's fine, I still got it!" he said still trying to fight. Even with Nobara smirks, blocking and fighting back, she even got some health back before seeing the stage suddenly take Yuji out now losing another to have 2.
"I KNOW, I KNOW!" He said still fighting but he got Nobara finally to make it her last life. She saw but Kinie was watching with Taz, Yuria, and Miko. They were seeing this was intense that Yuji got hit again with a fire item. Now he was sent flying again only to be on his last life!
Both teams were cheering the two on, seeing who would win this. It was crazy but Kisho was sweating seeing that Yuji was getting taken over! He was going to lose!!
'I can't let him lose..I'm not ready!!' he cries to himself but seeing Nobara beating Yuji up.
'You suck at this Brat!'
"Sukuna, you are NOT helping!" he shouted smashing buttons even with Nobara laughing evil like.
"Give up Yuji, you won't beat me and Kisho will have so much fun on his date with Miko!" she laughed beating Yuji more. With them still fighting Yuji was close to losing but Eito was hooting with the other two. However, as soon as he looks, he saw Nobara laughing to stun Yuji seeing Link now in a stun phase.
"Now, you are mine!" she laughed about to deliver the finishing blow!
Just as she was about to do that, the game suddenly shuts off.
"....HUH!?!?" The teams blinks to look wondering what caused that to see some curse like possom unplugged it.
"WHAT IS THAT!!" Nobara said.
"...I..Isn't that a curse?" Miko asked but the other two knew who it was.
"You again!? How did you get out of your cage!" Megumi said seeing the possom like curse hiss at him before dodging when he tries to catch him. The other 3 Eito, Anaconda, and Wilson was confused seeing the curse hop on Kisho's face scratching his face again.
"OW! STOP THAT YOU LITTLE- OW!!" he shouted trying to get it off his face. The other girls were confused seeing this but saw the possom hiss a little to hop on the ground now running off while Megumi goes to chase it.
"Sorry about that! He's been a lot more grumpy since we brought him back. Though, he's learning to be nice...maybe?" Kisho said happy even if the groups blinks to sigh.
"Even when it scratches up you guys faces?" Nobara said.
"Yeahhhhh..but he's learning...somehow." he said.
"Ehhh....." By being good is scratching the boys. The girls don't get scratched by the possum raccoon like curse but he just nuzzles against them. Though, the boys get scratched up. That sucked but...
"Sooooo does this mean it don't count?" Kisho said to Nobara.
"Hmmmm...No, we can play again if you like Yuji-"
"Naw, I think he's good!" Kisho said quickly even if the others look at him. For a moment, he was laughing nervously still blushing pink that Miko was worried.
"K..Kisho, you alright? I think we have a first aid kit here in my room to fix you up." she asked even if he blushed worse to look away sweating.
"I'm good! No worries!" he laughed nervous even if Miko was worried. The girls sighed even if Hana giggled. Even when Miko sees him wince crying from the scratches.
"He seriously need to take her out one day." she said to tease him that Kisho turns his head to look at her.
"Stop it!!" He said waving his arms quickly but Miko sighed.
"C..come on, I think I have something.. "she said going to get up and goes to take him to her room to fix him up. He was nervous but the others look at each other then at the two.
"You know, ever since you two brought that curse back, he's been popping up a lot. Are you guys being nice to him?" she asked Yuji.
"Huh?! but he tends to scratch us! How is that nice!" he said only to see Megumi come back tired to see the possum like raccoon trapped. It hissed mad at Megumi as he sighed.
"Why did we even bring this monster back....."
"Yeah, why did you bring him back?" Yuria asked confused.
"Because Kisho wanted to see if it's for good....." he said to set the cage down. "Though, it's a work in progress.." he sighed.
"Yeah, we can tell.." the girls said hearing the hissing. However, it seems their video game challenge was done. Though, it's clear to see the girls win. They will still take them out to lunch later. Though, at least Kisho was being treated by Miko who was being careful and even Kisho being speechless.
For now, another day off was fine for them till their next mission.
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||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 11-Little adventure of Yuji and Taz||
Hi dears,. This is Part 11 of this Drabble series I'm writing with my amazing friend. It seems we have another adventure this time so lets see what is going on today. To see where we are now, the chapters are down below.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
((Your reading part 11))
---Drabble Summary ---
It seems another adventure is going on with the students of Jujutsu High. However, it involves watching over little Taz and Little Yuji. However, when Sukuna and Kinie went to get some snacks, it was up to the others to watch them or would they? Curious to what happened, read to find out.
~Worried students
~Missing toddlers but they were fine
~Two very angry parents
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"Your going where?" Daichi, Megumi, Nobara asked seeing Sukuna and Kinie standing in front of the three while hearing little Yuji laughing while gently booping little Taz's nose who smiled blushing.
"You heard us. Me and Kinie are going into town to get some new stuffed toys for the little ones. I'm getting a tiger for little Yuji.." he said.
"And I'm getting a panda for little taz. Though, I already got her a quoll one but I'm getting another one......" Kinie said. Both the king and his princess were wearing some regular clothing and it seems they would do some shopping.
"So we are asking you to watch over the little ones for a few hours. We shouldn't take too long to get what we need and come back." she said.
"Ohhh so you want us to baby sit them? Sure, we can do that!" Nobara said smiling with Megumi and Daichi nodding. They wouldn't mind watching them. Even seeing the two playing.
"Good. We should be back real soon while heading into town." she said to them. As the two were getting ready to head out.
"Don't worry you guys, we will watch over Yuji and Taz till you come back!" Daichi smiled happy to the two but Kinie remembers something.
"Oh, and one thing.." she said.
"Uhhh yeah?" Daichi asked seeing Kinie looking to them.
"You guys better be sure to keep a good eye on them. You are responsible to being sure little Taz and little Yuji stay safe and don't get hurt..." she glares at Daichi but only looks to them as they tense.
"She's right. We don't want anything happening to the little ones so just be sure you keep a good eye on them. Because if we find out anything happens to them or if a single hair is missing on their heads." Sukuna grabs Daichi's shirt and lifts him up to look dead in his eyes seeing red eyes. Kinie even had her dark spear showing while glaring at them.
"You all will regret it." they said in a deadly tone scaring Daichi and them.
"U..Uhhh r..r...right! Of course, you both don't have to worry. We'll be sure they are safe." Daichi said that Sukuna looks to him but drops him as he falls on his butt.
"Anyway, you can contact us with these phones Gojo gave us. Just keep a eye on them...we will see you soon." he said but saw little Taz and Yuji playing as they waddle over to Kinie and Sukuna who picked them both up.
"Papa! Papa! P...Pway?" Taz coos smiling at him while holding his cheeks.
"Pway Pway!" Yuji smiled nuzzling Kinie's cheek.
"Oh you two. We have to go out for a little bit but we will be back to play with you. You and your brother be good little ones okay. And Yuji, keep a eye on your little sister okay?" Kinie said but he blinks only to nod. "Good boy."
"And Taz, be sure you listen to your little brother okay?" Sukuna said but she blinks to nod, gigging while hugging him. The group blink seeing how cute they were! They really were the only ones that can calm Kinie and Sukuna down. Seeing this, both Kinie kisses Yuji's cheek and Sukuna kissing Taz's cheek before setting them both down.
"We'll be back. Be good you two." They said smiling while they giggle waving to them. The curses smiled waving to the little ones but they glared at the others to insure they would be safe. However, they stood up to head out and close the door to see Daichi sigh.
"Yeah...still scary." Nobara said but seeing little Yuji stand up but helps little Taz stand too so they can go and play with Miko and Yuria seeing how adorable they were.
"Alright guys, lets just be sure Taz and Yuji are taking care of. Lets just do our best!" Daichi said.
"We'll be fine, Daichi. Though, lets be sure they have what they can while Sukuna and KInie are gone. With that, the group goes to babysit Taz and Yuji. For a while, they already fed them, cleaned them, and made sure they were safe and protected. Even Eito was watching over the two while they were being gentle while petting and hugging the spirit. Eito chirps nuzzling against the two.
"Awwwwww, so cute!" Gojo said taking more pictures.
"Again with the pictures.." Nanami sighed looking at him but Daichi, Megumi, and Nobara sighed. Well, since they became kids, he was enjoying this. Though, so far they already were alright and told Kinie and Sukuna the two were okay.
So far so good. It was not like anything could go wrong right? Well....after a few hours, the group was resting up while making sure the two were safe.
"I'm telling you. If you just add a theme song it's fine! It'll make you look cooler-"
"I told you a thousand times Kisho, I'm NOT adding a theme song!" Megumi argues with the girls going to get some blankets for Taz and Yuji to take their nap. The two were playing in the room with Yuji giggling to pet his sister's head again. All she did was giggle and smiles.
"But why not!? You'll be cool just like me! X3"
"NO!" he shouted at him as the two argued now. This made little Yuji blink confused to why they were arguing now. He didn't know why but he was looking only to keep by his sister. As for Taz, she was giggling hugging her quoll plush before the two hear a soft baaa from somewhere.
"???" They looked around before seeing the cursed spirit Willson? What could he want? He looks to the kids but thought they were cute! He even smiled to see the little ones eyes sparkling seeing the goat ghost.
He and Denji kept arguing back but didn't know the little ones were now following after Willson who was letting them. He was happy while the two kids laughing softly reaching for him. This is when the girls came back to the room.
"Hey guys, were back with the blankets. Taz and Yuji should be ready for their na-" As Nobara speaks she stops seeing the two arguing. Miko and Yuria blinks confused.
"WHY ARE YOU TWO ARGUING!?" Nobara shouted seeing them stop to look but Megumi sighed.
"Nothing. This idiot was suggesting I should get a theme song but I said no." he Megumi said.
"He has no taste!" Daichi said with the girls sighing.
"Uh huh. Come on, we need to put the little ones down for a nap." Nobara said. "So where are they?" she asked.
"They should on the play mat." Megumi said pointing so the girls go to do that but when entering the room they stop.
"What?" Daichi asked.
"Megumi?....Daichi?...their not in here." Nobara said as the two blink to get up heading over.
"What are you talking about? They are in there. Are you trying to-" As Megumi looks he tenses seeing the play room was empty. Daichi saw but his eyes widen.
"W...what?!? But they were here! We know it!" Daichi said rushing in. "Taz!? Yuji!?" DAichi said looking around for them as the girls did and Megumi too. As they were panicking, Willson was happily playing with the little ones while he was leading the two to a play area but he would keep them safe while Taz and Yuji was happily following him.
~~~Back inside~~~~
"Oh no, oh no no no no NO!" Daichi was sweating now looking like he was going to be sick. "I can't believe this! WE LOST TAZ AND YUJI!! SUKUNA AND KINIE ARE GOING TO FUCKING KILL US!" he said crying.
"Calm down! I'm sure they are around somewhere. They couldn't have gone far." Megumi said.
"You two were to watch them while we went to get the blankets for them! How could you lose them!?" Nobara shouted to bonk the two as Megumi winces.
"It wasn't my fault! Daichi started the stupid argument so it's his fault!"
"NO! I was just trying to tell you a theme song would make you look-"
"G..GUYS! This is not the time! We have to find them before Sukuna and KInie get back! Who knows what they will do if they find out!" Yuria said worried.
"I think I might know what he might do and It won't be pretty." DAichi said shaking.
"Look, lets tell everyone in school to keep a eye out for the two. They have to be around here somewhere. We can find them before-" As he said this, Daichi's phone rings as he looks to see who it was. His face pales showing it was Sukuna and Kinie.
"What's wrong?"
"I..I..It's them! Sukuna and Kinie is calling! What do I do!?" he said.
"Just answer the phone!" Megumi said but DAichi whines not wanting to but gulps to calm down and picks up. "Uhhhh Hello?"
'Hey brat. It's me. Were just calling to check on the pups. Are they alright?'
"Yeah, of course! Their fine. We ummm...just put them down for a nap." Daichi said but he was scared.
'I see. Well, I'm just calling to say we should be back in a little bit. Kinie is looking for some new bows for Taz but I got Yuji some hats. It should be another two hours before we come back.'
"Right. Thanks for the heads up! We'll be sure to do that!" he said loudly but Sukuna blinks.
'Why are you being so loud? Your shouting...'
"S..Sorry, just ummm.....excited. Anyway, we'll see you two later!" he said to hang up.
Sukuna blinks to lower the phone. "Weird." he said but heard Kinie laughing. He looks seeing her holding some cute little bows for Taz.
"Did you find something princess." Sukuna said even if other women blushed seeing how hot Sukuna looked! He looked pretty built for a guy.
"I did! Taz would look cute with this!" she said showing them. Sukuna looks but smiled.
"I think she would be three times cuter than she is." he said to Kinie who smiled being adorable. He chuckled to pet her head while KInie smiled. "Oh, I forgot. How are the pups?"
"They are taking their naps. I think by the time we get back, they should wake up. So, we should hurry up and head back." he said.
"Of course my king." she said happily finishing up as he follows her. Though, he was helping with holding the things in a basket.
~~~~Back at Jujutsu High~~~~~
Everyone is on high alert trying to find the little ones. They have looked in all the classrooms, outside, teacher's lounge, hidden spots, even other locations and no luck. Where could they be!?
"Ohhhh their going to kill us. Their going to kill us!!" Daichi cries looking cared. "What are we going to do?! What are we gonna tell them!?" he said.
"Stop panicking. The little ones have to still be in school. We just have to keep looking." Megumi said.
"But how long!? Sukuna and Kinie will be back soon! They will destroy the school if they find out!" he said but Megumi sighed. He saw the girls running over worried but tired. "Any luck?"
"No. We looked in the cafeteria but nothing." Nobara said.
"We checked the classrooms with the second grade and nothing." Miko said worried.
"Were still looking around but..what if they walked off the school grounds!?" Yuria said that made Daichi twitch but slowly think.
"O..O..Out..o..o..of s...s..school grounds?" he meeps but his eyes became dizzy and falls back to faint. Yeah, they were going to kill him. Megumi sighed to see that.
"Great.......Come on, lets keep looking." Megumi said while they just keep looking. The groups were scattered all over but they had no idea Willson was watching them. Even carrying them on his back to give them little rides. And yes, they are still on school grounds. Little Yuji laughed having fun but held onto his sister Taz who was making silly noises riding his back even petting his head.
"Goooo....f..fun!" she smiled.
"Baaaaa...sooo cute!" he said happily to reach and nuzzle the two who smile and hug him back. Yeah, they were having fun with him. Not knowing the chaos going on right now. They looked everywhere for the last few hours till it was later in the afternoon. Megumi was tired but was upset seeing they didn't find them.
Nobara was worried hoping they were alright. Daichi did wake up but he was pacing left and right. They didn't find the two and it was already getting dark.
"I don't get it. They should be around but no! Where could they be!?" Daichi said but Megumi looks to him.
"I don't know. We should have watched them better then they wouldn't be missing. All because you wanted to argue about stupid theme songs."
"Theme songs are NOT dumb!" he said.
"Guys not now! I just hope the others are having better luck..." Yuria said but they might have to tell Sukuna and Kinie they lost the pups. They were not going to be happy.
"So..h..how should we tell them?" Daichi said worried as the group thinks but it's when they heard the door open making him tense.
"Guys! were back!"
Sukuna and Kinie returned.
'Oh on..' Daichi said.
"Sorry we were late. We had to get some other things for the little ones but we hope they were good." Kinie said showing the bag with Sukuna doing the same. However, the two blink seeing the group tired or something.
"What is wrong? Did the pups tire you all out? That's a shame. They are pretty quick for little pups." Kinie smiled. "So, are they still taking their nap?"
"Is something wrong?" Sukuna asked but Megumi sighed to look at them.
"Sukuna..Kinie...we have something to tell you.." he said.
"Tell us? What is it?" She asked but Sukuna wonders too that Daichi looks scared but sighed.
"W..we......we sorta lost them?" Daichi said nervous but the king and his princess blinks.
"Lost them? What are you talking about?" KInie asked.
"...Lost as in we...lost Yuji and Taz.." Megumi said but Sukuna was shocked that Kinie drops the bag seeing the bows and stuff doll of a panda fall out. She quickly rushes into the play room to check.
"But don't be angry. We been looking for them all day! We are having the others help us try to find them-"
"....WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FUCKING LOST THEM!? AS IN THEY BEEN GONE SINCE I CALLED!?" Sukuna shouted to make the others wince. He was pissed.
"Y..Yes but please! We didn't mean to-"
"It wasn't our fault! It's just me and Megumi got into some argument about him having a theme song and-"
"YOU LOST THE PUPS BECAUSE OF SOME DAMN ARGUMENT!!!" he shouted but Kinie looks to come back but she was quiet. The girls saw her upper face hidden but their was tears? Wait, was she crying?
"........You..YOU IDIOTS!" Kinie barked that her cursed energy shows up in deadly waves but she walks over showing a spear ready to hunt them all down. "HOW COULD YOU LOSE THEM! WHAT IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO THEM!" she said now crying angry.
"SILENCE! DO YOU KNOW THEY COULD HAVE WANDERED OFF FROM SCHOOL GROUNDS! WHAT IF ANOTHER CURSE GOT THEM!? WHAT IF THEY GOT HURT!? WHAT IF THEY......WHAT IF THEY GOT KILLED!?" she said now tightening the grip on her spear but she looks up to scare them. Her eyes were glowing but the tears were seen. Even Sukuna was worried. He's never seen his princess cry like this.
"KINIE CALM DOWN!" Megumi said but she had her kinfolk surround everyone ready to attack them. "YOU FOOLS DARE LOSE THEM! I WILL BE SURE YOU REGRET THIS! I WILL BE SURE TO MAKE YOU ALL-" As she speaks, someone pulls her back only to be held. She looks up but saw Sukuna quiet.
"Enough princess........please calm down." he said but she was quiet only to cry more that she hid her face sobbing loudly in his chest. Sukuna held her but he looks to the others.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't curse you all for losing the pups. And it better be a good damn one." he said.
"........W..we don't know we just..the girls were getting blankets for them but...after they did we lost track and...." Megumi couldn't explain knowing even from now, Sukuna was pissed off. He held a crying Kinie to him but he slowly held his other hand like he was going to destroy the room with them in it.
"W..wait Sukuna please! We'll keep looking for them! Please we are sorry!" Daichi said crying.
"......You should be. Though, I'm sure we will make you all suffer for losing them." he said in a dark tone as everyone was ready to defend themselves from a angry Sukuna. His cursed energy was showing around him. However, before he could....
A familiar baaaa was heard to make him blink. The others did too seeing from the window of Willson happily floating over.
"What the..."
"Oh great. What does the damn goat want? I"m not in the mood to deal with you right now!" Sukuna shouted at Willson. However, the goat keeps coming to the window before he floats in but was carrying two little bundles of blankets.
"Sorry evil king...baaaaaa I was having so much fun with the little pupppssss today. They got tired out after following me to play."
Wait what!?
Kinie's eyes widen to turn and see the blanket. Willson lowers down to set them on a big pillow showing little Yuji asleep with a smile but hugging little Taz to him. It was the pups!
"Ehh!?!" Willson had them all this time!?
"Hold on, how long have you had them!?" Megumi said but the goat looks.
"Huh? Alllllll day. They followed me outside but I kept a watch on them. I was trying to take them back but they wanted to stay. Why, did I miss something?" he asked.
Right away, Kinie goes to the two but she falls on her knees still crying. They were safe. They were back safe and alive. Reaching with a shaky hand, she touches Taz and Yuji's little cheeks as they sleep peacefully happy. Though, they knew it was her to yawn but nuzzle against her hand holding it.
"......." Kinie said nothing but sobs gently reaching to pick them up in her arms to kiss their foreheads.
"Oh thank god your both safe...I was so worry.." she sobs holding them but Sukuna calms down to gently go and hold Kinie with the little ones. He was happy they were safe too. He did look to Willson to say,
"Thank you for watching over them. We heard the others lost them...but thank you for keeping them safe." Sukuna said.
"Your welcome.....I didn't want anything happening to them. But they are alright...I even got them some food from the cafeteria so they were fed too. Even so, I'm going to go sleep now..it was fun playing with them. NIght night.." with that, Willson disappears to do that. Sukuna sees him gone but now looks to Kinie crying but nuzzling the two.
"....Sooooo...were not in trouble are we?" Daichi said.
".......No, your still in trouble....we told you guys to watch them...so your lucky you won't die this night. I think we'll keep a eye on them from now on.." Sukuna said but he picks Kinie up in his arms along with the bags they got for them and leaves to set them down to rest. The others remain in the living room but falls on the ground after the scare.
"Y..Yeah Megumi?" he said.
"The next time or if we get the chance to watch them again..no more talk of theme songs...ever." Megumi said.
"...Deal." he said. Nobara shook her head but she'll write this in for a side mission. Though, she was happy that the two were safe. Meanwhile in a room they were given. Sukuna was holding Kinie who went to sleep but she was holding Yuji and Taz in her arms. He finds it cute to see this almost like he and her had a family. Gently kissing her forehead, he was happy to know the pups were safe.
11 notes · View notes
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer part 21: Her forgiveness or her punishment||
Hi dears. It seems another part for the last chapter is needed. Though, I hope you like it. This all started with demon mun but we add chapters to it to see the adventures of our muses. So I hope you enjoy.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
((Your reading chapter 21 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
Two weeks has passed after the mission that got Miko where she is now. Right now, she gotten depressed or upset after what she's done and felt like she was a danger. However, it seems she'll have a visitor today but who could it be? Read to find out.
~A resting sorcerer
~lots of yelling and cursing
~depression and self blaming is present in this
~dark thoughts is present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. Their will be dark moments in this so please read at your own risk. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It's been two weeks after that mission and yet, others have somehow heard about it. Principle Yaga told everyone that everything was fine but requests to give Miko space. She is still in some recovery right now and visiting to ask questions might upset her. For now, only her classmates and friends can visit her.
However, she was one someone's own mind too. Kisho was looking at the notebook but Gojo was trying to teach class only to see that everyone was distracted. He saw Taz upset, Nobara full of worry, Megumi upset wanting to help, Yuji just gripping the pen and Kisho trying not to cry.
Seeing this, this made Gojo sigh. "Come on now, you all have been quiet all morning. I told you before she's alright." He looks to them but they look up to him then down.
"We know Sensei but still..." Nobara said but she was looking worried. Even after that night, she couldn't get it out of her head seeing how that curse took Miko after possessing her. It was scary but a bit disturbing.
"I can understand that." Gojo said.
"I know you guys are worried about her. I can tell but as the nurses said, you have to give her time to rest and recover. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you all. We don't know if she's mentally stable to see though." he explains.
"But it's been two weeks now. I know they said to give her time to recover but...we just wanna be sure she knows this was not her fault. She didn't mean to do it. That curse did it." Taz mutters but she rests her hand on her shoulder where Miko stabbed her. Or the curse made her. It didn't sting as much but she was to take it easy as it was healing.
"I know, I know.." Gojo said.
"......."Yuji said nothing but Megumi closed his eyes even Yuria was upset too. Seeing that his students were very upset, this made him sigh to close his eyes.
"If you all wish, we can visit her. If it helps keep you calm. Is that fine?" he saw his students look up but hope it was fine. They could visit her? Looking at him, seems Gojo gave him a idea of what they wanted.
"I see. Come on then, lets go and find them." Standing up, he begins leading his classmates to the nurses offices knowing Miko was there. They just hope she didn't mind but that made them not know what is going on in Miko's head.
~~~~~~~~With Miko~~~~~~~
She was awake laying back against the pillow but she was resting up while looking to the window. Her eyes half way open to think of what happened in the last two weeks back then. It still wounds her deeply. Hearing what she did and what happened.
She got taken over by the curse that made her do so many bad things. Even during that, she could see and hear the things she's done.
Hurting/stabbing Taz
hitting Yuria
attacking Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi
and...even cutting Kisho on the side.
She hated that evil curse for making her do so many evil things. She didn't want to do such a thing and yet she could hear and see everything. Seeing what she's done to her friends. She even saw her shikigami who was hurt but she did it. She even harmed him too.
Thinking about it only made her cry heavily a bit gripping the sheets. Even now, it hurts that it's like she was a danger now. She didn't want to hurt anyone. Not her friends, Anaconda, no one.
"......." However, she looks to the window but she was only looking more upset while sitting up. However, she only sits up to hold her head shaking now. Why didn't she fight back? Why didn't she restrain the curse from taking over? She could have killed them. She could have done harm.
'I could have hurt them. I could have done something b..bad. I..I could have...'
She was shaking curling up to hide her face about to scream till hearing a knock. This made her tense to hear.
"Miko? Are you awake? You got some visitors-"
"NO! GO AWAY!" A sudden scream was heard from her that startled the two nurses.
"Oh dear..." Mi sun was worried hearing the shout but Ieiri knew she might be still stressed. Maybe she might have to tell the others they will have to wait another week.
"Try to help calm her down Mi-sun, I'll go speak to them." Seeing her nod, she goes to do that while Miko was sobbing inside. Gojo was waiting with the others but saw Ieiri walking over.
"Hey that was quick. Are we able to see Miko now?" Gojo asked and yet Ieiri sighed.
"I'm afraid not. Seems she's still distressed about this and right now, she screamed when we spoke to her. Even now, I fear this is just her being worried or over worried." She sighed with arms crossed but this worried the others.
"What do you mean? She's awake or is she-"
"No no she's still awake but..like I said she's still stressed out from what happened."
"Huh? But it's been two weeks. We wanna see if she's alright." Nobara was really worried with Yuria worried too. However, this made her even more worried. Was Miko having a moment or something worse? However, this got the others more worried about her, even Kisho who was more worried.
"I see. So I guess this is not a good idea to visit?" Gojo said.
"I'm afraid no. However, maybe in another week.." As she explains that's when someone runs by her to show it's Kisho.
"Huh?! KIsho! Where are you going!?" Ieiri sees him run by her along with Anaconda and Eito who follows but the rest follow wondering what was wrong.
'Miko....please, don't be thinking that! Please!' he thought in a panic. He rushes to the room but he goes to see the door open before he shows up. In a moment, he looks inside to see.
"MIKO!" he gets to her room but stops seeing her. Mi-sun looks seeing her standing near her but Miko was standing up but she was looking at the window. However, he saw a cursed ball near her head like she was going to...do something she can't take back.
He got nervous seeing it and feeling how dark it was, that choice would be her last one. He had to act fast!
She didn't say anything nor faced him but he knew she was upset right now. This was still upsetting for her.
"M..Miko?" he takes a slow step but he sees her not reacting to his voice. However, he slowly walks over to her. "Hey...Miko, are you okay it's m..me. Why are you standing up? You should be-"
".......Please d..don't come near me. Don't come near me p..please...just don't.."
"Miko.." he tries to get close but Mi-sun stops him but looks to him but the two looks at her again. She was crying but shaking again to sit down covering her face. The two said nothing but saw her upset.
"...Miko.." he was really worried but saw her sobbing softly.
"As stated, she's been still upset about this. I think we might have to hold on her getting visitors-"
"Wait, I can't just leave her like this. I have to help her." he said.
"Kisho, even if you did, she might freak out. Miko's been taking this hard. She's been really upset about what happened."
"But it was not her fault. That curse made her do it. That thing took over her and caused that to happen!" he said upset and yet, Mi-sun sighed to look at him.
"I know...." she said to him but looks to a shaking twitching Miko. "But she thinks it's her fault. When we treated her, she wouldn't stop crying Kisho. She blamed herself ever since that day thinking she was too dangerous. We told her or tried to explain it was the curse's fault but she's too upset to listen to us." she explains.
"I know but right now. Maybe it's not safe to.....speak to her right now. Maybe give it a little longer-"
"No, I can't. She's...she's all upset because of this. I can't leave her like this. What if she gets worse?" he said and yet Mi-sun sighed seeing the others now showing up.
"Please...l..let me try to calm her down. Maybe I can get through to her." he wanted to help her and be here for her so if it's possible let the others in too. But maybe one person right now is safe. Mi-sun didn't know if this was safe but...maybe it's a risk to try.
"Alright Kisho...I'll allow it but if something happens you'll have to leave to give her space." he nods to understand before Mi-sun leaves but tells the others what he's going to do. They didn't say anything but understood going to give them space as the door closed. Now it's Miko and Kisho.
"....Miko..." He steps closer to her but she was still crying not facing him. "Hey, listen what happened that night..it wasn't your fault. It was the curse's fault. Not you." he said and yet she didn't respond to him.
"I know you think it is your fault but it's not. We all know you would never want anyone to get hurt."
"..*Sniffs*...But it still m..made me d..do it. I hurt you all...I hurt all of you.." she cries still not facing him.
"But it was not you. The curse hurt us Miko." he said to look worried at her but he saw her shaking still while crying more. "Besides, that thing used your body to do it. Please believe me, you are not at fault here-"
"YES I AM!" she screams suddenly making Kisho tense as he saw her hunched over. "I..I should have been stronger that night Kisho. If I was more stronger then maybe I wouldn't have been taken over! *Sobs* I couldn't control myself but I..I saw and heard everything." she said only to lower her hands looking at them.
"I hurt and stabbed Taz's shoulder, I almost killed Kinie, attacked Yuji along with Nobara and Megumi. I almost cut Yuria and....." she felt her voice breaking up when saying this. "I...I almost k..killed you too." she cried but closed her eyes.
"I never wanted that to happen and yet I got taken over. But.....I feel I'm too dangerous to be around or too weak. All because it took over. What was I doing w..wrong? Why couldn't I even....stop it from doing that?" she asked and yet Kisho sighed.
"Because not all curses are going to be easy Miko. We seen a few like that from some missions and it's going to get worse. Besides, you only got possessed because you risked it to save Yuria. If you didn't push that other guy away from her, that curse would have taken over Yuria instead." He explains and yet Miko didn't face him.
"I know you think your weak and this was your fault but believe me, Miko. It's not your fault. Please...you have to believe me." he said begging her to trust him.
"..I...I can't. I just...everything I...I could have." she remembers and yet it leaves a heavy scar on her heart. "I still did something horrible....something was still done and..." she grips the blanket and Kisho saw her cursed energy slowly growing small like she was afraid.
".......Maybe I was just not ready like Principle Yaga said. I should have b..been more careful. I feel like another one might do the same to me. I d..don't want to be a threat to my friends here..or you. I don't want this to happen again..I j..just feel so sick of myself..for what I did."
"M..Maybe it's b..best for you guys t..to stay away from me. Same with Anaconda t..too. And Eito and....I just am too dangerous s..so weak..I.....I shouldn't even be alive after that happened and yet I'm alive like I'm spared! Is this a punishment towards me? am I being punished like before?" she asked only to grip the sheets again.
"I shouldn't even be alive! The cursed energy from that thing was s..so thick but dangerous I..I couldn't breath. I shouldn't be alive Kisho...I should be d-"
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! YOU DON'T!" He said quickly and yet Miko only cries more.
"How would you know!? Everything that happened was because I was weak! I could have stopped it Kisho!" she sobs and yet he looks at her though remembers a story Taz told him a while back after one week involving a friend who went through the same thing almost.
"Wa..wait really? And yet she still lived?" he asked seeing Taz nod slowly but during this time her arm was bandaged up but was too weak to heal. She was on bed rest so it can rest.
After Kisho was visiting Taz, he got a somewhat close story with one of her friends too. However, he saw her silent even so. For now, Taz sighed but looks at her lap.
"Yeah. After what ha..happened my friend Yuuka suffered so much and yet....she was feeling the same. She got scars on her thanks to all that happening. Her arms were marked with purple like scars on her skin but everytime her emotions get involved they darken due to negative emotions. I heard one time she changed due to that but that told us and Oblivion she also has cursed energy."
"Wait, so your friend went through the same thing too? And she.....then she's.."
"In a way. I'm not sure but it seems like it after seeing how she changed because of it. Or turning somewhat monstrous like I said. She felt the same thing as Miko was.." she grips the sheets looking down.
"She felt like she was dangerous around people too. Even when Oblivion tries to speak with her she snapped at her and the others. It hurt her for a long time though right after. She distant herself from everyone." Taz sighed to open her tired eyes again.
"She thought she was weak and useless too...till my friend Oblivion snapped her out of it. True, it took a while but my friend didn't leave her side. No matter what Yuu told or said, Oblivion wouldn't leave her.." she explains.
"Even then, she had to stay by her side to help her mentally and still is back home. She didn't want Yuu to go through this again......no matter what happens. That's why she's always seen helping her. I do tend to ask how she is but..Yuu is recovering and getting better after that night." she said but Kisho didn't know that.
"I..I see.."
~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~
"I know right now you feel like a monster to us after that night but let me tell you Miko your not! We are all worried about you after even if you feel like you don't deserve to live, you do. You deserve it! I mean, your father did but after he was sent to rest in peace that day you were feeling more calm with yourself after he and you said good bye. What would he think if he sees you giving up like this?" he said and yet Miko had no answer.
"But..but I'm dangerous Kisho, you shouldn't be in this room with me. Please leave."
"I'm not leaving you alone Miko. You have to listen to me. I want to help you. I want to be there for you. Me and the others do. Anaconda wants to be here with you. Please, don't shut us out from you. We want to help you!" he said going to her but he saw her stand up only to glare.
"THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE KILLED ME KISHO!" she shouted in tears but his eyes widen hearing this.
".......Y...You don't mean that. You don't mean that Miko-"
"I do! I feel like I am a monster! Even after what happened with the god back then, I always felt I can do better but I feel like I won't. I feel like I'll go through this over and over again."
"I shouldn't even do this! It's just like Megumi said right!? I shouldn't have done this if it's this dangerous! And yet, I wanted to take it no matter how bad. I wanted to prove I can do it just like you and the others! but NO! I end up getting possessed! You should have punished me by taking my life!!" she screams at him with her eyes still closed with tears.
"NO! I WON'T CALM DOWN! WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME OUT WITH IT! WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS JUST STOP ME THAT NIGHT! TELL ME WHY!" she screams but Kisho knew she was getting stressed out due to seeing her curse energy growing. He was worried but he knew negative emotions were dangerous if unstable.
"Miko stop you have to calm-"
"I told you I won't! I won't calm down! I SHOULDN'T BE HERE!! I SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE! WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS STOP ME FROM HURTING MY FRIENDS!? WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST EXORCIST ME!!!" she screams before suddenly Kisho had enough.
In that moment, Kisho rushes to grab Miko tight to just hold her as she stops to look up feeling tears running down her cheeks.
".....W..what are you-"
"Miko please.....please no more." he said in a hurtful tone but he didn't let go while his hair was covering his face.
"I know you think you don't deserve to live after what happened but please..please just listen to me." he begs. "I couldn't do that to you. We all couldn't do that to you. We wouldn't want to kill our friend and classmate for something she didn't do. Have no control over. That damn curse was the reason that event happened. The only reason it happened was because you saved Yuria's life. That would have been worse if she got taken over. Or any of us." he said and yet she still listens slowly gripping the back of his jacket.
"Taz forgave you even after you stabbed her. She was crying upset worried about you than herself. She kept saying to you as you were knocked out.." he started to say remembering.
'*Crying and hic ups* I forgive you but don't be dead please..please I don't want to lose my friend..'
"Yuji and the other two were panicking trying to get you back to the school and yet I never seen them that worried. They were hoping you stay strong to stay alive Miko.."
'Hurry up guys! We have to hurry back!'
'Just hold on Miko, we'll get you up! Just don't die on us!'
'Come on Megumi hurry!'
'I know!'
"Yuria thought this was her fault but she knew she was thanking you for saving her from going through that." he adds in.
'Miko, thank you but please..please don't die on us please....'
"And me? I felt dumb because I should have taken that damn curse out before it possessed you. But....I was more happy that we freed you and..you were alright after we came back to get you treated." he said.
'Please be okay..please please please be okay..'
Miko said nothing but she still kept crying while looking.
"So don't you dare say you want us to kill you. Your our friend Miko and I wouldn't forgive myself if I had to. I had to take the life of one friend I care about. I'm not going to go through something like that again. Not with you!" he said but he only feels Miko fall to her knees but she only feels him hold her while petting a hand on her head before his own face was hidden with tears running down his cheeks.
"Everyone is worried about you Miko..I'm worried about you. After all that, we wanted nothing more than to see you wake up. Please don't push us away. Don't push anaconda or Dennis away..." He then hugs her tighter but looks down.
"And don't push me away. I won't let you do that...I won't disappear even if you tried to. You won't get rid of me that easily.." he said and yet Miko only felt her eyes wide that she begins crying even more that she curls up against him as she begins sobbing loudly in the room. However, Kisho was crying but held her close to him to rub her back.
"*Sobbing* I'm s..sorry...I'm s..so sorry I hurt you guys..I d..didn't mean to.." she whispered with her eyes half way open.
"It's okay Miko...we forgive you......all we want is for you to rest.......we want that from you." he said and yet he only sees her curling up more that she grips what she could only for Kisho to let her grip his hand to hold. He felt it shaking but this worried him more.
"...Miko? You okay-"
"C...could you please st..stay here with me? I..I don't want to be alone....p..please?" she asked not looking at him but he only remains quiet to understand.
Hours later, Ieiri and Mi-sun came back to check on the two but the others were there as well. They saw that Kisho was sitting on the medic bed but was holding a now curled up sleeping Miko. She was tired from all the crying but he only looks to her still worried.
"Kisho? I..Is she.."
"..Stable. She did lose her mental state for a bit but...she's calm now.." he said even seeing Eito fly over hooting worried when seeing tears on his and Miko's face.
"Wait, you were crying. Did something.."
"Lets just say Miko was letting out some steam but she's now tired from all the crying and yelling." Kisho said to Megumi seeing Anaconda hop up but whines worried that he goes to crawl and lay on Miko's lap. Even if she was shaking he didn't move only to lick her hand worried.
"Seems what you said helped....but is she stable to talk to the others?" Mi-sun asked.
"..She is still a little shaken but not as bad. She's said sorry so many times crying..but...she is not bad. In a while she might wake up but....she said she wishes to say sorry to everyone here when she did." he said to the others but they look to each other then back at him.
"That's fair...but for now, we should let her rest." Megumi said seeing Miko knocked out asleep.
"Alright. We'll leave you here with her Kisho. Be sure she rests up okay?" Nobara said as he nods going to do just that. As the others left, Kisho looks down to a tired Miko with Anaconda protecting her.
'Please rest up Miko..I'll be here when you wake up.' he thought before looking through the window again. It was still late afternoon but right now, he was more focused on helping Miko recover both physically and mentally.
The others will visit as soon as she wakes up and is more presentable but for now...rest is needed.
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