#The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield
chernobog13 · 2 years
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By the late 1950s, DC Comics (then known as National) was showing the world that superheroes could make a comeback in comics.  Archie Comics took note and decided to jump on the bandwagon.
Archie Comics, originally known as MLJ, had published numerous superhero comics at the beginning of the Golden Age.  The company hired Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1959 to get the superhero ball rolling again.  One of Archie/MLJ’s original characters - the Shield  - was dusted off and brought to life again, joined by the Fly, a new superhero.
The Shield, America’s first flag-wearing superhero, who pre-dated Captain America by several months, was an established character with a respectable run during the Golden Age  However, the creative team presented an all-new character, with new powers and abilities, as the Shield.  There are several theories as to why this was done, but most probable is that the same formula had worked with DC’s Flash and Green Lantern, so why not for the Shield as well?
Strangely, the hero’s comic did not mention the Shield in the title, but was instead called The Double Life of Private Strong.  That’s like retitling Superman into The Adventures of Clark Kent When He Takes Off His Glasses.
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Speaking of Superman, DC Comics was none too thrilled with the new Shield/Private Strong.  This was because Lancelot Strong’s origin - orphaned son of a brilliant scientist who gains super-powers (many similar to Superman’s) and is raised by a kindly couple on a farm - was very similar to the Man of Steel’s.  DC threatened legal action, and Archie shut down The Double Life of Private Strong after only two issues.
The character made a few small appearances in The Fly’s book, but soon disappeared.  Archie brought back all of the MLJ superheroes, including the original Shield, in the mid-1960s during the superhero boom, but the Private Strong version of the Shield was left behind.
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He finally returned as Lancelot Strong, alongside the Shield, in the 1983 series The Mighty Crusaders.  Lancelot Strong was soon killed off, and as far as I know the character has never been used again.  That’s a shame, as he was a result of one of the last collaborations between Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
UPDATE: Thanks to @dirtyriver​ for pointing out a mistake I had made in the original post, where I mistakenly stated that the Fly was a revived character like the Shield.
That’s what happens when I try to do three different things at the same time while writing posts.
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New Crusaders: Rise of the Heroes #1: Ashes to Ashes (Part 1): Reunions
Cover Credits
Regular Cover Art: Ben Bates
Variant Cover Pencils/Inks: Ryan Jampole
Variant Cover Colors: Matt Herms
Blue Ribbon Comics Hero Variant Cover Art: Ben Bates
Story Credits
Writer: Ian Flynn
Pencils: Ben Bates
Inks: Gary Martin
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: John Workman
Editorial Team
Editor/Line Editor: Paul Kaminski
Assistant Editor: Vincent Lovallo
RED CIRCLE Braintrust: Ian Flynn, Paul Kaminski, Alex Segura, & Mike Pellerito
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smashpages · 1 year
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Over the past couple years, Archie has been re-introducing some of their classic superhero characters in the new stories that appear in their weekly digests, teaming them up with the gang from Riverdale. We’ve seen everyone from Pow-Girl to The Web to Fly-Girl appear, and in Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics #314, a lot of those threads come together. The villainous Blast Master  is causing havoc in Riverdale, and the SuperTeens put out the call for assistance from the Mighty Crusaders, Bob Phantom and even the Power Pets. It’s a who’s who of the Archie Universe, written by Tom DeFalco with art by Rex Lindsey and Glenn Whitmore.
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doctorslippery · 2 years
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(via Untold Tales #625 The Mighty Crusaders and The Defenders – Crisis on Earth-Prime)
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howlingday · 11 months
[For Ru-Ja-Gu-Con]
Bask in the precense and the holy glow and watch with your unworthy eyes the mighty sword of the Emperor
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A sword always in flames, capable of really kill demons, used by the God Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade and lastly wielded by him in his final fight with his favourite son Horus Lupercal
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And the Emperor's shield, there's not much to say about it, only that it can reflect any attack that comes his way
By the way, both can change size to fit the wielder (said by the Primarc of the Ultramarines, Roboute 'Xeno-lover' Guilliman)
Jaune: Whoa...
Ruby: Huh? What's up?
Jaune: I dunno, I just... I feel something looking at these weapons. Something... I dunno, bigger than myself.
Ruby: What, like a god?
Jaune: No. It's more like...
Jaune: More like a Dad.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: I mean, I don't know about you, but my dad doesn't use a sword and shield.
Jaune: Heh heh, yeah, no. I don't know what I was thinking.
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feely-touchy · 8 months
She was no Cassandra
Didn't need to be
Just little
With a smaller voice
Made mousey by a life of barn cats
Rat traps and poisonous predicaments
Yet still she squeaks her objections
Often with great resistance
Out into the odious air about her mother
Just for a slap on the hands
Told to wait until she's older
If she makes it until she's older
A child turned into a whimper
But be brave, young warrior
Someday, there will be a sword made from a needle
Forged in your courage
It will be able to cut through all the bullshit
Only you will be strong enough to handle it
Then the gods will fashion you a shield out of a thimble
It will be a mighty symbol
A beacon of light for the hopeless
Silver and clean
Gleaming in the darkness
The kind of thing spoken of only in dreams
And you will be a crusader, just like always
Standing on the side of what's right
Even if your voice doesn't develop into a lion's roar
You will put up the good fight
And everyone will learn to love you by your deeds
Queen of the dandelions and watcher of where they blow
Chief among the weeds
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regtechapi · 7 months
What Is Customer Identification Program (CIP) : From Mystery to Mastery
Ever wished you could just snap your fingers and presto, your bank account appears? Ah, the dream! But alas, reality kicks in, and we're met with the rigorous process known as the Customer Identification Program (CIP). Picture it as the caped crusader safeguarding our financial realm from nefarious villains, ensuring only the righteous wield financial power.
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What is a CIP According to the Law?
Enter the detective of finance, meticulously verifying every detail. The CIP, mandated by government regulations, compels financial institutions to don their sleuth hats and verify the identities of their clients. It's the shield against financial crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing, ensuring the sanctity of our monetary domain.
The 4 Pillars of a Mighty CIP (Brought to Life in Our Infographic):
Behold, the fortress of a robust CIP, standing tall on four pillars:
1. Customer Identification: Gather 'round, folks! This is where we collect the basics - your name, address, date of birth - crafting the blueprint of your financial persona, akin to gathering DNA evidence in a grand financial investigation.
2. Customer Verification: Hold onto your hats, we're diving into document checks! Financial institutions wield their magnifying glasses, scrutinizing your IDs, passports, and official documents to ensure every dot aligns, every I is dotted, and every T is crossed.
3. Beneficial Ownership Identification: Ever wondered who lurks in the shadows behind a company or account? Cue the spotlight! Sometimes, we need to uncover the puppet master, unveiling the true owners behind the financial curtain, thwarting potential financial heists before they hatch.
4. Customer Due Diligence (CDD): Enter the sleuth's office, adorned with clues and mysteries. Based on your background and financial activities, financial institutions conduct a Sherlock-esque investigation, piecing together your financial profile to assess potential risks and safeguard the financial sanctity.
The 3 Steps to a Secure CIP Process:
1. Customer Onboarding: Step right up! As you embark on a new financial journey, the CIP process kicks into gear. Just like a superhero revealing their secret identity, you provide your identification details, marking the commencement of your financial saga.
2. Verification: Hold tight! Financial institutions embark on a journey akin to a scientific experiment, meticulously testing your information against government databases and reliable sources, ensuring the fortress stands strong against any attempted breach.
3. Risk Assessment: Danger looms on the horizon! Financial institutions conduct a basic risk assessment, akin to a superhero surveying the battlefield, determining if additional measures are necessary to safeguard your financial haven from potential threats.
How Does CIP Fit into KYC?
Picture a high-tech security system guarding our financial realm. KYC is the fortress, and CIP is the vigilant guardian stationed at its gates, ensuring only the righteous enter and thwarting any attempts by nefarious entities to breach the fortress walls.
Real-World Example:
Imagine a cunning villain attempting to infiltrate the financial fortress, fabricating a false identity to launder money. But lo and behold, the fortress stands strong! Thanks to a robust CIP, financial institutions uncover the inconsistencies, raising the alarm and thwarting the villain's nefarious plans. CIPs emerge as the unsung heroes, safeguarding our financial realm from the clutches of darkness.
CIPs may appear as mere hurdles in our financial journey, but make no mistake - they're the unsung guardians of our financial realm. By verifying identities and thwarting financial crimes, they craft a secure and trustworthy financial haven for all. So, the next time you encounter a CIP, tip your hat to these unsung superheroes, ensuring our financial realm remains a beacon of integrity and trust.
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watertanksmelbourne · 7 months
Tank Talk: Round vs. Slimline Rainwater Tanks for Your Property
Picture this: you, a champion of sustainability, harvesting the power of raindrops to nourish your garden or even quench your thirst. But you face a critical decision: round tanks or slimline rainwater tanks? Don't worry, cape crusader, this isn't a fight to the finish, but a friendly duel to discover your perfect water-saving match!
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Round Tanks: The Mighty Morphers of the Rain Barrel World
Budget Hero: Round rain water tanks are built tough and affordable, thanks to their simple design. Like a trusty shield, they protect your wallet while holding their ground against the elements.
Space Cadet: They might not fit in every nook and cranny, but their wide stance allows for impressive storage. Think of it as a superhero with the power of mighty water reserves!
Durability Duracell: Round tanks are built to last, distributing water pressure evenly like a seasoned warrior deflecting blows. They'll weather the storm (literally!) for years to come.
Traditional Style: Some might call them old-fashioned, but round tanks have a timeless charm that blends seamlessly with most landscapes. Think of it as a classic costume that never goes out of style.
Slimline Tanks: The Sleek Ninjas of Water Storage
Space Ninja: Need to squeeze your tank into a tight spot? These slim, modern marvels can fit like a shadow between your house and fence, maximizing space with their sleek design.
Modern Maestro: Forget bulky barrels, these tanks are the epitome of contemporary cool. They'll complement your modern home like a sleek suit of armor, turning heads with their stylish presence.
Perfect Fit: Not everyone needs a water storage behemoth. If your needs are smaller (garden watering, anyone?), slimline tanks offer the perfect amount of capacity without taking over your yard.
Vertical Advantage: Need even more space-saving magic? These tanks can be positioned vertically, making them ideal for tight corners or maximizing potential in small areas.
So, grab your cape (or raincoat) and join the fight for sustainability! With the right tank by your side, you'll be saving water and conquering your environmental goals in no time. Good luck, hero!
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sillywolffoxwrites · 7 months
28th of Nightal, 1368 - Day 160, Hour 6
Engulfed in flames my mind was dominated with one thought Is my daughter dead? We were launched head over foot out of the portal, my four companions, myself, and Caelar. Frantically I swung my head around, looking for the deep blue of her shirt. Crumpled, head between her knees, Aurelia looked up at me, and smiled weakly. Then she snapped to attention, wincing. "Caelar!" I spun around, dodging a sword swing from the mighty Aasimaar. My companions sprang to action. Strengthened by a small blue vortex of spirits, M'Kiin dueled Caelar with her glowing sword. Jaheira summoned roots from the ground to slow Caelar down, grasping at her feet and legs with gnarled vines. Yuze shot needles of ice at strategic points, aiming for the neck, and other joints in her armor. Khalid threw himself into the gray, attacking from Caelar's rear. She was becoming overwhelmed, beads of sweat appearing on her gleaming face. She strained herself, but she was keeping up. The 5 v 1 handicap was barely keeping them at a tie. "I will not leave my uncle here! I will save him from Avernus!" Caelar tore free of the vines, and bashed M'Khiin and Khalid away with her shield. The shining lady backed up into a defense stance, and then held her ground. "I thought you were here to save your soldiers?" Aurelia croaked the question from a rock nearer to us than she had started. Having crawled across the hard earth during our battle, she was not noticed. Red dirt covered the front of her leather vest and the knees of her pants. "You're not really here for them?" "I am! I am here to save them, to resurrect them, to ease them of punishment that should of been mine! They died Bhaalspawn, attempting to save my uncle, who was trapped here. As a child, I activated an infernal artifact and was transported to hell, enslaved by a devil. I only stand here now because my uncle took my place. That's why we went back, to save the man who saved me. Now I will correct both our failed initial mission, and save the soldiers who so loyally followed me to their doom." Everyone stood as still as their heavy breathing bodies allowed. Caelar's words hung in the air, her voice an invigorating, commanding tone. Was this part of how she led her crusade, can aasimar influence others? Would Aurelia be able to do this? "You- you brought an army down here to, all to save one man? This all started because you marched an army's worth of soldiers straight into the inferno?"" I huffed, my breath catching up with me. "I owe that man everything! As a proud Argent and loyal niece, I would have, and will do, everything within my power to save my uncle, as well as my loyal troops, who died for our noble cause." "What nobility? You wretched, overpowered child! In your naive ideals you have condemned hundreds to hell, sacrificed them all like sheep to the slaughter. In an act of abject *selfishness*. You disgust me aasimar! Truly it seems, the gods laugh and give the most power to the worst wretches in the land! " "Cretin! I will-" "You will fall to my hammer! If the gods will not administer justice, I will answer the call myself!" I swung and Caelar parried, a massive dent appearing in her shield. She took the impact and shrugged it off, squaring up for a counter attack.
This woman took hits like an ogre! The party ran in to attack, but would not make it before Caelar swung her sword in retaliation, catching my hammer and wrenching it from my hand. In a fluid movement, she pulled my arm behind my back, and put her sword to my neck. "Tell me where Hephernaan went Aurelia! Tell me or your guard here loses his head. Every battle i have spied you in, he has always been by your side. So don't try and tell me the orc isn't important to you." "That way" Aurelia pointed an outstretched finger to a plateau in the near distance. Calear threw me to the ground and sped off in the direction Aurelia pointed, sprinting with all the efficiency and speed of a royal messenger. - Ferrum
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thetristoneera · 7 months
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Legendz 1st - 7th
For those that conjure up enough strength, enough magical might, enough luck; will be given the Tyrannical Spirit's godness. Millions of lives he has claimed, except for the thirty nine legends of this world. When they felt the fuck no coming on, they just kept going on; on to the next sword, on to the next strategy, on to the next war, on to the next victory; on to a higher oh my goodness. They fought so hard against human nature, to ideally force humans to choose peace over hatred. That's how they created the ceremony of rebirth; taking away everything they used to know, so they can simply not reclaim it. Started chain reaction after chain reaction of ultimate peace crusaders. Even though the number is small, the way they love thyself; the way they love everyone else, couldn't survive if they weren't over powered catalyst of everything & anything.
Legendz 7th: Zigmonto & Jovantra, a king & a queen. Their nations were the furthest from each other during their generation. Hardly any communication between them, was the epitome of miscommunication. Until the Tyrannical Spirit tried his coupe detat, from their first time finally meeting on; proved his misjudgment of when to strike. The world war of that time was prevented because their individual intuition; kept most of the world leaders heads from being rolled. So innovative with reading human nature, you'd think they were already legends.
Zigmonto / Sorcery: Dark, Psychic, Earth & Behemoth / Barbarian Axe
Jovantra / X Hammerhead / Twin Yoyos
Legendz 6th: the House of Rillieth Ladies / The House of Rillieth was an orphange for girls. In the current day & age, it still exists as a beacon of legendariness. At that time, the head masters felt so lucky. The potential of each lady would make them tear up with joy on a daily basis. Their parents were war lords, slain; didn't know any of them. Without skipping a beat, all of them wanted to be war lords too; the protective kind. Hearts made of gold capitalized the art of harnessing, voicing, unyielding, rallying & understanding. Making them living proof that stranger danger is a myth.
Amanda Leigh / Light / Sword & Shield
Victoria Monet / Astronomy / Sword & Shield
Elejyun Athi / Shadow / Sword & Shield
Neaux Ksenia / Astronomy / Sword & Shield
Onami Phaed / Vegetation / Sword & Shield
Legendz 5th: Ravenot & Gymetto are perhaps the least likely to set it off. Diplomatic minds, make it so they can negotiate a better world for any nation. But because of the world they were brought into, they had no choice but to learn how to fight. Other wise, they'll be the ones on their knees & not in the good way. If it wasn't for their ways of figuring out perfect loyalty; both of their heads would've rolled a couple of decades before being crowned. The unity they could develop between communities turned both of them into kings. The way they acquired world domination was a bullet to the Tyrannical Spirit's heart. Talking to people nice is a quality he won't develop.
Ravenot / Shark of Astronomy / Twin Claws
Gymetto / Afterlife / Scimitar
Legendz 4th: We're Hungry / Consists of four individuals that found each other through world traveling. Mighty individually, free agents they were; but love at first sight dealt with their magical might. Then their magical might led them to magical weapons. A cache of mage weapons could be found at any given time, but a morph sphere is a god weapon. Whatever you think, it will turn into. Not a single confrontation was ready for them, not even the Tyrannical Spirit.
Nacho / the Bull of Crystallization: Heromite, Diamond & Emerald / Morph Sphere
Wagashi / Death Swan / Morph Sphere
Lasagna / Ladybug of Explosion / Morph Sphere
Some Other Food Item / Dalmatian Craft / Morph Sphere
Legendz 3rd: Aioserus & Zuvantul were separated at birth, that's a picture of a war torn world. Their parents thought it would be best if they split up. They did, but could never find each other again. That didn't stop them from coronating their daughters into Coven Intalli. A coven built on all primary elements with a totem that's a tree of magic. That eventually reconnected the sisters, but when they physically reconnected; they were ticking time bombs against the Tyrannical Spirit.
Aioserus / Hexenry: Ice, Light, Electricity & Pegasus / Spear
Zuvantul / Hexenry: Fire, Dark, Earth & Pegasus / Spear
Legendz 2nd: Hazoon Bizaki & Zatuoshi were both obsessed with Virgess & Sacrifice; just like any other citizen of this world. Made everyone want to become a god, made everyone want to whoop the Tyrannical Spirit's ass again. This generation was swarming with super beings, over & over again in preparation that the sky will turn black again. Happy to eliminate monsters, happy to execute the inhumane. All for the love of actual peace, facing certain death never put fear in their heart. It was the trend Virgess has always wanted.
Hazoon Bizaki / Charm / Twin Nodachis
Zatuoshi / Ninetales of Weather / Sword & Shield
Legendz 1st: Virgess used to think that no girl got what they wanted. All because one guy incentivized he'll always be number one. An abyss of a world order that needed to be broken, but how? Where everyone understands, if you can't become powerful; you'll always be nothing. Why exist? Why continue to exist? Turned into... I'm too beautiful to be stressed. These people are too beautiful for all this slaying. This isn't what we want. My dream, to make the world the way it better be. All day, every day; Sacrifice was right there with her to say fuck no & fuck yeah. According to whichever situation; his hydra forms always made sure she had a head up on the warfields. It took her ages to get to the Tyrannical Spirit, took her ages to be the first ever to behead him. To make her even more superior, she drunk blood; leaking from his dome. Immediately after beheading him, immediately changing the course of humanity for the better...
Virgess / Heaven VS Hell / Sword & Shield
Sacrifice / Shadow Hydra of Death / Double Sword
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milesonthenet · 8 months
Unseen Stars: Blue Marvel's the hero you should read about.
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Welcome to the House of Milesverse, and today we welcome a new guest.
In preparation for February's Black History Month, I have come up with a new discussion topic. I want to explore African-American characters across DC and Marvel who could use a bigger push in media. These are characters that I think could actually serve a purpose beyond the comic book pages.
First on our list is the Blue Marvel. He's a comic book that I read when I was a teenager. However, his story and character has stuck with me for so long.
The Blue Marvel is one of Marvel's unknown powerhouses from their vast catalog of heroes. His real name is Adam Brashear, and he was created by screenwriter Kevin Grievoux. Grievoux created Adam when he was a child, and comic penciler Mat Brome brought that vision to life.
Blue Marvel first debuted in Adam: Legend of The Blue Marvel. The comic book details most of the past and present events regarding his appearance. The events of the story also force him out of retirement, which he had previously put himself into under oath by the president.
Without further ado, let's dive into Marvel's cobalt crusader once and for all.
The Origin:
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In life, Adam Brashear was a former fullback from Cornell University. He was also a veteran of the Korean War and a marine with two silver stars. During his tenure in the war, he met Connor Sims, who became a lifelong friend of his.
The two of them became a part of Project Perseus. The purpose of this project was to harness anti-matter from the negative zone as a renewable source of energy. However, their reactor malfunctioned and exploded.
The resulting explosion affected them both differently. Connor Sims was disassembled by it, but he would later return as the Anti-Man. Adam Brashear meanwhile, was blessed with superhuman powers and became the Blue Marvel.
For a time, Blue Marvel was one of the biggest heroes protecting the world in 1962. He was loved by the world, due to his heroic endeavors. However, in a fateful battle, Blue Marvel's mask was broken. The rest of the world found out that day that Blue Marvel was a black man.
Adam Brashear was caught between worlds after these events. White People feared the idea of a black superman living in the same country as them. Black people felt betrayed by Blue Marvel because he didn't serve them.
Ultimately, Adam Brashear was forced to step down by President John F. Kennedy. This was the same day that the president gave him a Medal of Freedom. JFK was pressured into this decision by numerous other politicians.
Since then, Blue Marvel remained a mystery for many decades. The government helped fake his death to keep all tabs on Adam. SHIELD assigned one of their spies to watch over Adam Brashear. The spy, Marlene, eventually married him and gave him three children.
As fate would have it, this was not the end of Blue Marvel's journey. He would resurface as a hero to defeat his archnemesis, Anti-Man once and for all. Blue Marvel would become an avenger, and find new ways to help the world in the modern age.
What does Blue Marvel do?
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Blue Marvel's abilities make him a living reactor of anti-matter energy. He is super strong, durable, can fire energy beams, can heal, and is incredibly fast. His strength is so much that he was able to knock out the Ultimate Universe version of The Hulk in one punch.
Blue Marvel has a vast arsenal of abilities beyond these. However, his greatest asset is his intelligence. He is an accomplished scientist whose an expert in anti-matter subjects, and many other fields.
Reasons he deserves a push:
His romance with Monica Rambeau (And the potential set-up for The Ultimates):
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Adam Brashear and Monica Rambeau were in love in the past. The two began their relationship while they were on the Mighty Avengers. This on its own would be an easy tie-in as to how to bring Blue Marvel in.
In addition, they also served on another team, as well. The Ultimates were once an alternate version of The Avengers created for the Ultimate Marvel imprint. In the 2010s, they would be resurrected as a team seeking universal solutions to universal problems.
Blue Marvel, Photon, America Chaez, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel were all members on the team. For their first foray, the group had managed to cure Galactus of his hunger for planets. This caused Galactus to become a bringer of life.
The Ultimates would be an easy position for the MCU to use. With the Guardians no longer around, there is a need for a new cosmic team. In addition, there's potential in building an Ultimates lineup using the MCU's characters.
The Black Panther who was a member of the team is not possible, however. Rest in peace to Chadwick Boseman. You would have to substitute T'Challa with Shuri instead, which would also give her something else to do.
Furthermore, there was a rumor going around that Blue Marvel was going to be in The Marvels. If the rumor is true, it is possible that they simply saved him for a later period. Either way, there are many avenues of interest to bring Blue Marvel into the MCU.
The 'Black Superman' trope and how it applies to him:
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Blue Marvel is one of the better examples of a 'Black Superman' in my opinion. He is a lot like Superman in some ways. He's just a good man trying to do what's right. His abilities alone also make him a mighty powerhouse much like DC's blue boy scout.
What I think works is how he captures the spirit and attitude of the character. At the end of the day, Adam Brashear is a good man trying to do what's right. Even after being put in a bad situation, he still rose out of retirement to help. That alone is worthy of Superman's indomitable spirit.
In addition, Blue Marvel is also more subtle about being a Superman pastiche in some ways. He might be as physically powerful, but he does not follow the usual routine. He lacks complete copies of Superman's abilities, unlike Hyperion, or Gladiator.
On his own, Blue Marvel's a man helping set what's right in a world full of chaos. He's a warm spirit that aims to protect people, regardless of who they are. He fights for truth, and justice, even in the name of people who are different from him.
A period piece waiting to happen:
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Blue Marvel's story is primarily rooted in the 60s era. He was active around that time and went on many adventures. His actions helped earn him a good reputation from the outside people. This is, of course, before he was unmasked as a black man and forbidden from duty.
His story could easily be made as a period piece in the 60s. The civil rights movement was big around that time. It would further serve to highlight the purpose of his character.
In addition, there is still room for him in the modern era as well. You can easily write Blue Marvel being forced out of his current situation like he was in the comics. A scenario where he has to battle against his enemy, the Anti-Man, who has returned. That would also provide a 'modern' touch to his stories for longtime Marvel fans.
Blue Marvel is a perfect choice for a future film.
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There is always a question when it comes to creating comic book stories. It always centers on specific characters who have a set purpose and idea. Why specifically, would anyone bring them to the big screen?
Superhero media has placed more focus on non-white superheroes. Black Panther is one of the biggest examples of this that I can think of. Before his film, he was not a big player that mainstream audiences could name. Ever since the release of his MCU film, Black Panther has become synonymous with the modern Marvel audience.
Just like Black Panther, Blue Marvel can be another rising star for the MCU. He's got the talent to just be as good as them if done well. He has the powers, the attitude, and the struggles to make him a legitimate choice. All he needs is an opportunity to rise to the occasion.
Unseen Stars: What's next?
I hope you enjoyed this lesson in black history with Unseen Stars. I already have the next Unseen Stars candidate lined up. Tune in for the next few entries.
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New Crusaders: Rise of the Heroes: Halloween Comic Fest 2012: Cover
Cover Credits
Pencils/Inks: Mike Norton
Colors: Matt Herms
Editorial Team
Editor/Line Editor: Paul Kaminski
Assistant Editor: Vincent Lovallo
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Hungry To See
“His fame spread throughout all Syria! Many people who were in pain and suffering with every kind of illness were brought to Jesus for their healing—epileptics, paralytics, and those tormented by demonic powers were all set free. Everyone who was brought to Jesus was healed!” Matthew 4:24TPT
“Have faith in God…” Mark 11:22NIV. Faith in God— while watching miracles— is easy. My mentor after the baptism of Holy Spirit related many miracles she’d witnessed living in California. This was during ‘the Jesus Revolution.’ A miracle she related was a man with a huge skin cancer tumor on the side of his head. Irma said it looked like a huge head of red-purple cauliflower. Lonnie Frisbee touched the tumor, which fell off onto the ground. Immediately, fresh new skin and hair developed where the tumor had been.
I’ve been hungry to see these wonderful miracles since 1978. Why haven’t I seen these things? God has been doing the miraculous only in sparse places. Kathryn Kuhlman was moving in the miraculous, along with Oral Roberts, AA Allen, and our church ridiculed everything they did. Lester Sumrall, and Charles and Francis Hunter were operating in Holy Spirit— but I didn’t know about any of them who were active in our time. Our church squelched every morsel of news about the miraculous.
Since leaving that church, I began searching for moves of God. Countless times I’ve gone to meetings, traveling hundreds of miles—Toronto Airport Vineyard Revival, Brownsville Revival, Benny Hinn Crusades, and Dr. Paul Yongi-Cho USA Crusades, Toledo revival in 1993.
The Greatest Awakening in the history of the earth is beginning. God’s glory is being poured out in small pockets around the world already. Dead people are being raised. Sick, maimed, lame, blind, deaf, crippled, and demoniacs are being delivered, set free in the power of Jesus’ name. This time we’re hearing more about the miracles occurring in evangelistic crusades, just like Jesus did. This is only the beginning. God is currently using Billy Burke with Kuhlman and Roberts type of miracles.
God will move as in Joel 2:28-29NIV “…Afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Every true, praying, born again believer with faith will soon be fulfilllng God’s commission in Matthew 28, and Mark 16. Evangelizing the world, healing the sick and bringing forth mighty miracles of God— that’s you and I.
There was a video about a 5 year old’s dream. —His mother was going to war. She grabbed her sword when leaving for battle. He began screaming to her, ‘take your shield, take your shield.’ But she didn’t hear him, didn’t take the shield and was killed.— This child didn’t understand the relevance of the sword or shield spiritually, only saw them both in the dream. Interpretation: No one will make it in the upcoming battles without faith.
We’re being prepared, equipped to do the same healing, delivering works of Jesus in our text. God’s not going to use only special evangelists. Dressed in His armor, see Ephesians 6:10-18, we must BELIEVE God is everything He says He is. “Without faith it is impossible to please God…” Hebrews 11:6KJV. Then get busy. I’m seeking God to give me the gift of faith, see 1Corinthians 12:9. Will you prepare? Let’s use His power and pour out the move of God, we’ve all been waiting to see. It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Lord God increase our faith, please. Help us to stand still and perform all the works Jesus did, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblogthis devotional, for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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jayvenprj · 1 year
"The Quantum Crusaders"
We see the bustling city from above as a group of superheroes flies into view. We see the leader of the group Captain Olrac at the front with his team including lightning miyabi,The crimson crusader,The might mask and The shadow
Captain Olrac :
All right team. We have intel that the evil Dr. Darkness is planning an attack on the city. We need to stop him before he can do any harm
Lightning Miyabi :
You can count on us,Captain
Crimson Crusader :
Let's go save the city
Mighty Mask :
We need to be careful. Dr.Darkness is not to be underestimated
Shadow :
Don't worry. Mighty mask we're the best in the business
The team Quantum Crusaders off towards the city we see Dr.darkness and his minions wreaking havoc in the streets. The team land in the middle of the chaos and immediately engages in battle
Captain olrac uses his shield to deflect blasts from Dr.Darkness, while lightning miyabi zaps minions left and right. The crimson crusader uses his strength to lift cars and throw them at the minions, and the mighty mask uses his intellect to outsmart them. The shadow sneaks around. taking out minions from behind.
In the midst of the battle. Dr.Darkness reveals his Ultimate weapon a massive robot. The team looks up in awe
Dr.Darkness : (Evil laugh)
You won't be able to stop me now!!
The team looks at each other, determined. They charged at the robot attacking it from all sides. After a fierce battle, The mighty mask manages to hack into the robot and shut it down
Captain Olrac :
Great work team. The city is safe once again
Lightning Miyabi :
We did it !!
Crimson Crusader :
We make a great team
Mighty mask :
But we must remain vigilant. Who knows what evil lurks around the corner
Shadow :
Don't worry might mask. We'll be ready
The team flies off into the sunset, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.
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smashpages · 3 years
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Variant cover for The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1 by Jerry Ordway
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dccomicsnews · 3 years
Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1
Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1
Indie Comics Review: The Mighty Crusaders: The Shield #1[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Publisher: Archie Comics Story and Art: Rob LiefeldScript: David GallaherLetters: Jack Moreilli Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd Summary Who is the Shield?  Is it Joe Higgins?  Is it William Higgins?  Is it Lancelot Strong?  Is it Victoria Adams?  They all may be, but why must Joe Higgins die at…
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