#The Himalayan rescue caper
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milevenstancyendgame · 7 months ago
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That is not the face of someone eager to re-join V.I.L.E., but okay...
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spittyfishy · 1 year ago
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Here’s my @redcracklevalentines exchange piece for @grahamcarmen ! Their profile mentioned they were a fan of the Himalayan Rescue Caper so I thought it would be fun to do a sort of missing scene kinda thing and add a kiss to the episode!
I hope you like it!
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oftheriverseine · 8 months ago
Mami 🤝 Me
Distraught over Redcrackle in the Himalayan Rescue Caper 🥲
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also also also, I was scrolling through the redcrackle / Himalayan Rescue caper tags and got this ad:
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…which fits. Redcrackle divorce arc /hj
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https-rediation · 1 month ago
Im not normal about this show so take my mediocre observations on the complicated dynamics of Gray and Carmen's (platonic) relationship
Credit to @forgetful-nots for motivating me to write about this they had a really cool post on the shocking extent Carmen and Gray had an effect on each other considering the relatively short time the two knew each other 🙏
The two both have distinct identities that are really significant when referring to one another
Carmen has Carmen Sandiego and Black Sheep
Gray has Graham, Gray, and Crackle
And while yes I hear you saying "they're literally the same person"
And you'd be correct
But that is exactly why the fact that they've been isolated within the show is so important
I think it's most easily able to be observed when Carmen refers to Gray so we'll start with her
Carmen's Side
Carmen almost exclusively refers to Gray as Gray throughout the duration of the show, regardless of what he himself is choosing to be called (Crackle when an operative ("We gonna rock this thing, Gray?" "It's Crackle now, remember?") and Graham after the Mind Wiper)
It's a running gag when his memory is wiped because he's going by Graham and she just can't get his name right
But it's for a reason
Carmen is holding on to that past, longing for someone who once was as opposed to who he had become
And it's not just while he's Graham
When he's going by Crackle it's the same thing
On the train to Paris:
"I thought I knew you like the big brother I never had **Gray**"
There's a sense of betrayal there, like when he embraced Crackle as an identity there was a shift in how she viewed him
And yet she never accepts it because she never let's go of that past between them
But the thing is, Gray and Crackle were never two different people
Merely ones Carmen had crafted in her mind so she wouldn't have to accept who she saw as the "new" him as someone who had been there all along
"Gray, we have to move"
"The name is-"
"-Graham, I know, I know"
"No.. it's Crackle"
Carmen tells him that he's not that guy (in reference to Crackle) anymore, no matter what he's been told.
Gray says that he "[is] that guy, [he's] always been that guy"
He's never been anything other than who Crackle is. Gray and Crackle are the same guy, they always had been, there wasn't just some change within him that caused him to commit the acts he did
It was always in him
And Carmen didn't want to see it
Because she saw Graham and saw who she wished Gray always was
And she never gives up hope that he can still be the person she saw him as
Who she looked up too
Gray is the one who doesn't think he's capable of it
He's accepted who he is
And I dont think he knows how to escape that cycle
Its not until the very end that he breaks free of that, and very fittingly it's for Carmen
Proving her right in a sense
There were always the parts of Graham Carmen admired in Gray the whole time
But when he's finally reached that point he doesn't think he deserves to be in her life
After all she didnt need him "complicating her life"
That's Carmen's side and development
Gray's Side
Gray wields the name Carmen Sandiego like a title
Also seen on the train to Paris:
"Its time we tied up loose ends"
"You were the only loose end, until five seconds ago, when I captured the elusive Carmen Sandiego"
Carmen to Carmen is her identity, it's who she is and has chosen to be
To Gray it's merely a symbol of her allegience
Much like the name Crackle is
When hes referring to the her he knew back at the Academy he uses Black Sheep
"We miss you Black Sheep, VILE wants a truce"
That is who he references when he wants to talk to her as a person, when he doesnt want to engage with Carmen Sandiego, superthief and VILE's public enemy #1
You can see it again as well in the Himalayan Rescue Caper (it has so many good lines bro)
"No.. it's Crackle"
"I assume you prefer I continue to call you Carmen?"
Again there's that split in identities
To him, Carmen isn't who she is, it's something she's assumed as an act of rebellion
Both Carmen and Gray are unwilling to truly recognize each other as anything other than who they wish the other was or could have been
Carmen wants Gray
Gray wants Black Sheep
And recurringly neither can live up to those expectations
The thing is, Gray did get his wish though
He got Black Sheep, the VILE operative
And yet
He didnt like it
It was wrong, twisted
Yes it was "fun while it lasted"
But whe wasn't in control
This wasn't her choice
Carmen was her choice and that's when his shift begins
Not only in his allegiences and priorities
But in the way he thought about Carmen and Black Sheep
He stops hesitating when referring to Carmen as Carmen
He sees all of her
Who she is
Who she'd chosen to be
And then she's simply Carmen
Though he never gives her the ability to do the same
He gives her back her ability to choose for herself then revokes it all over again
He chooses to make her let him go
Hes finally in a place where she could accept him as Gray and nothing more
Yet he chooses to leave
Because he will never be good enough for Carmen
A soft of self-fufilling prophecy that the two of them created inexplicably for each other
That's it ☺️
I might look at the themes of free will in the show later
Especially in relation to Gray
I had a really interesting discussion recently about his morality and the extent of the choices he makes being of his own volition or through manipulation and I'll love to fully elaborate on that
But that could be an entirely different discussion so who know 🙌
Hope this made sense though I wrote this at like midnight so
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carmenscarnations · 1 year ago
I think Red Crackle should've kissed before the Himalayan Rescue Caper, it would've made his betrayal more delicious
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fedorah-the-explorah · 1 year ago
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omg whatttt-- it's the secret post credit scene from the himalayan rescue caper
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redxcrackle · 1 year ago
imagine if there was an episode post himalayan rescue caper but pre viennese waltz caper where gray is officially a part of vile but carmen has to steal back the stolen good which makes gray and carmen enemies now (not willingly) LIKE IMAGINE THE ANGSTTTTT
Hi! (Sorry I haven’t responded, I have been traveling :P )
Ughbdjsbsbs the angst would be crazzyy!!!
It would come up in every convo/arguement! Carmen and Gray would be like mid-chase/fight like
stop trying to stop us, you know I don’t wanna hurt you. THEN WHY DO YOU GO BACK YOUR LIFE WAS PERFECT GRAY, I don’t wanna be doing this either.
But the pouty eyes and touches and maybe flirty teasing and snarky remarks. Ahhh but overall they would be like so sad that they are on the other side. Gray would feel guilty when he sees her, almost like a lingering thought. Carmen would get smitten and become very persuasive to get him back.
~ tysm for the ask ~
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yuraimi-lee-bunny · 8 months ago
imagine if there was an episode post himalayan rescue caper but pre viennese waltz caper where gray is officially a part of vile but carmen has to steal back the stolen good which makes gray and carmen enemies now (not willingly) LIKE IMAGINE THE ANGSTTTTT
PUUUUFFFF!!! During the following chapters after the Himalayan caper. I don't know what would have become of me at that time. Too much angst!!! Although well well, it would have also given us good content from the two of them.
Now that I remember: when I read the title of "Viennese waltz caper" for a momentI thought that Carmen and Gray would dance in a scene… but it wasn't like that 8'D
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cs-blank-au-askblog · 10 months ago
OOO HOLD ON IM GONNA LIST IT the ones i like more will be in red most favs will be violet S1 - Becoming Carmen Sandiego (Netflix) - Becoming Carmen Sandiego (Disney+ French) - The Duke of Vermeer Caper - The Chasing Paper Caper - The Lucky Cat Caper - The French Connection Caper S2 - The Hot Rocks of Rio Caper (P1 and P2) - The Daisho Caper - The Fashionista Caper - The Stockholm Syndrome Caper - The Deep Dive Caper S3 - The Haunted Bayou Caper - The Masks of Venice Caper - The Jolly Good Show Caper S4 - The Beijing Bullion Caper - The Big Bad Ivy Caper - The Himalayan Rescue Caper - The V.I.L.E. History Caper - The Egyptian Decryption Caper - The Viennese Waltz Caper - The Dark Red Caper
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lara635kookie · 1 year ago
I just love The Himalayan Rescue Caper so much aaaaaaahhhhh. It shows two people that love and wants to be with each other but they can't because of their choices and because they are in different moments of their lifes and that's just so realistic, man.
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forgetful-nots · 2 months ago
@grahamcarmen tagged me, 😁 thanks for the tag.
Wip game, name your WIP fics and tag others.
- Crush/ confession day for the rc mini ship week.
- Himalayan rescue caper AU, I'm only in the outlining stage but hopefully will be able to get chapter 1 out soon.
- Post-canon rc fluff fic, Carmen gets injured and gray takes care of her.
- hideo- Carmen, uncle-niece bonding, I'm like 65% done.
I really don't know anybody else on here with WIP's, if anybody wants to participate, feel free.
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milevenstancyendgame · 7 months ago
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It finally happened! :D
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leenunzio · 1 year ago
imagine if there was an episode post himalayan rescue caper but pre viennese waltz caper where gray is officially a part of vile but carmen has to steal back the stolen good which makes gray and carmen enemies now (not willingly) LIKE IMAGINE THE ANGSTTTTT
Hii anon I don't really think about this stuff unless it involves myself and whatever 😭 i don't tend to play into graham and carmen dynamics. Not yet that is . I will when i rewrite some episodes to include me/whizzer 👍 carmen and whizzer end up as basically siblings if that says anything. Angst would go cray lol.
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zenithpng · 2 years ago
Carmen Sandiego Scenic Shots Masterpost
This masterpost is a work in progress. You can help by sending in scenic screenshots with their episode and location!
Episode names are links to a post containing scenic screenshots from that episode. If the link is not active, that means the post does not yet exist.
Season 1
Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part I
Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part II
The Sticky Rice Caper
The Fishy Doubloon Caper
The Duke of Vermeer Caper
The Opera in the Outback Caper
The Chasing Paper Caper
The Lucky Cat Caper
The French Connection Caper
Season 2
The Hot Rocks of Rio Caper, Part I
The Hot Rocks of Rio Caper, Part II
The Daisho Caper
The Fashionista Caper
The Boston Tea Party Caper
The Need for Speed Caper
The Crackly Goes Kiwi Caper
The Stockholm Syndrome Caper
The African Ice Caper
The Deep Dive Caper
Season 3
The Luchadora Caper
The Day of the Dead Caper
The Haunted Bayou Caper
The Masks of Venice Caper
The Jolly Good Show Caper
Season 4
The Beijing Bullion Caper
The Big Bad Ivy Caper
The Robo Caper
The Himalayan Rescue Caper
The V.I.L.E History Caper
The Egyptian Decription Caper
The Viennese Waltz Caper
The Dark Red Caper
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healeroflightanddark · 1 year ago
Player Has Joined the Party, Chapter 1: S.O.S.
Team Red was sitting in their warehouse headquarters base, just hanging out for once. V.I.L.E. wasn’t up to anything for a change, so they didn’t really have any capers to plan. Ivy was doing maintenance on Carmen’s equipment, Zach was pestering Shadowsan to teach him ninja moves, and Shadowsan was trying to ignore Zach and read a book.
Carmen was in the gym working out, trying to quell a feeling of unease. It had been a few days since Player had contacted Team Red, and the red rogue couldn’t stop worrying that something might have happened to him. Unlike the rest of the team, Player lived with his family in Ontario. He really only interacted with the rest of Team Red over video calls.
Sure, Carmen, Zach, and Ivy had all met him in person once a few weeks ago, during the Himalayan Rescue Caper, but that was the only time they’d actually met him. It had been decided early on when the team had first formed that it would be best for them to keep their interactions with Player online, for his safety. Player was the youngest member of the team, and the only one who was still a child, and they didn’t want V.I.L.E. to find him. He was too young, and Carmen knew that V.I.L.E. would be all too eager to capture him and hurt him to get to her.
So Player stayed in Ontario while the rest of Team Red traveled the world to do their capers. Player didn’t seem to mind, preferring to be in his nice dark bedroom and exploring the world virtually instead. He wasn’t always online either, due to family events and other personal matters.
But Carmen still couldn’t help worrying. Player had never remained offline for this long. The longest he’d gone without contacting her was three days, and it had been almost a week. He hadn’t contacted her beforehand to let her know that he’d be gone for a while like he normally did, either. What if something had happened to him? What if V.I.L.E. had seen her or Zach and Ivy with Player the one time they actually met up with him in person?
Carmen sighed and stopped boxing on her punching bag. This wasn’t doing anything to help her calm down. Maybe she should try to contact Player herself. Grabbing her towel, she went into the living room to grab her laptop.
“Hey, Carm!” Ivy said from the table where she was tinkering with Carmen’s grappling hook. “You okay?”
“I’m worried about Player,” Carmen said. “It’s not like him to go this long without contact. I can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong. Especially since we visited him not too long ago.”
Shadowsan nodded sagely. “Trust your instincts.”
Carmen opened the chat app that Player usually contacted her on, and sent a text. Haven’t heard from you in a while. You okay?There was no response for a long, agonizing few minutes. Then, a single text came back. S.O.S. They know. Help!
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frozenwolftemplar · 10 months ago
Anyone remember that scene towards the end of 'The Sound of Music' when the telegram boy is offered a chance to run away with the Von Trapps and not be a pawn for the bad guys and he doesn't?
Yeah. Those are the vibes I get from Gray in the 'Himalayan Rescue Caper.' Coulda joined the team, Gray, and been given the role of Team Big Brother, but noooooo, you had to go and do an Evil. 🙄
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