#The Guv'nors
bandiera--rossa · 2 years
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London- England, 1958.
The Guv'nors was the first published photograph of Don McCullin . It shows a Finsbury Park gang posing in a local dilapidated house, days after a policeman was shot dead by one of its members.
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lauralot89 · 5 days
Okay, I swear I saw a post about this on Tumblr itself, but now I can't find it and I feel like I'm losing my mind
wasn't there a thing at some point in the UK where a video store was making weird phone calls to people who had overdue rentals and also potentially stalking them in taxis
isn't that what inspired the 'Ello Gov'nor episode of Regular Show?
did I hallucinate this?
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insomniacz · 9 months
MF DOOM Community still active???
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maxcartwright · 2 years
this is so pussy serve slay cunt high camp television
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itsnothingbutluck · 1 year
Jeff Beck w/ Brian May - "The Guv’nor"Lyrics Oh I ain't greedy But you gotta see my point of view I was not born yesterday Don't you know I must've learned a thing or two But there's a man on the loose baby An' he's all bad He'll tan your hide and give you what you never had They call him the Guv'nor (God bless the Guv'nor) He's trained to kill (God bless the Guv'nor) Make way for the Guv'nor (make way for the Guv'nor) Give yourself a thrill Look at the Dude! He's got the World - he got it made He got Attitude And he got a fist - like a switchblade And everyone in the City Gotta play his game I don't wanna be a wannabe I wanna be it Wanna be the Guv'nor (God bless the Guv'nor) He's Politically Incorrect (God bless the Guv'nor) Give way give way to the Guv'nor (Make way for the Guv'nor) You gotta show some respect Don't bother lookin' for a way to catch his ass This man is cookin' with a red-hot kind of gas He'll play them hits electrifyin' Tear you to bits and leave you - Cryin' cryin' cryin' yeah! So get ready for the showdown - (Don't lose your head) If licks could kill we'd all be long long dead On account of the Guv'nor! God bless the Guv'nor Make way make way For the Guv'nor You gotta see that man Let's see some respect now!
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magistralucis · 11 months
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Bourbon biscuits and tea, guv'nor
(The teacup space marine is finished! 💖)
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alectothinker · 1 year
the unwanted guest reference compilation (revised, thank u tltblr!) (scroll down for additions)
every day i thank tamsyn muir for her planet sized brain (and the new short story). will be quoting heavily from TUG so spoilers under the cut!
woo this is a long one. (will probably miss stuff, im a non-western zoomer) 
References are in the order that they appear in TUG ->
Pal’s mask being a reference to his shattered and glued-back-together skull:
“This is PALAMEDES SEXTUS, whose mask is distinguished by being plain, of shattered wood clumsily taped or glued back together.” (page 480)
Pain (slight pain) (jk. pretty good amount of pain)
2. An Inspector Calls by JB Priestly: 
“IANTHE Oh — Inspector. How terribly good of you to call so late.” (page 483)
Ok there are so many other parallels to AIC in this story (the setting, the stage play format, overall message) and I’ve written briefly about it here
3. This better not awaken anything in me [original clip from community thank u @what3ver]
“[Ianthe gayly describing infinite strip poker with harrow] Yuck. I hope that hasn’t awakened anything in me.” (p492) 
(she’s tucking the image away in her mind palace as we speak)
4. Ace attorney (i LAUGHED)
"Palamedes slams both hands down flat on the lid of the upper coffin, then thrusts his arm out to point an accusing finger at Ianthe. PALAMEDES you're avoiding the question!” (p493) 
Insert ace attorney OBJECTION dot gif here 
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5. and right after ace attorney, Monty Python:
“IANTHE No. It's a fair cop, guv'nor. But, in this instance, society really is to blame.” (p493)
Probably a reference to Monty Python's Flying Circus, "Church Police". Quote taken from tvtropes: 
Man: All right, it's a fair cop, but society's to blame. Church Policeman: Right, we'll arrest them instead.
6. Looney tunes: 
“IANTHE (Brightly) That’s all, folks! Back after the break.” (p495)
Here’s a clip of porky pig saying it bc why not: That's All Folks HD
7. Hamlet
“VOICE ‘Use every man after his desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?’” (p500)
Original quote:
“Use every man according to his desert and who should 'scape whipping? Use them after your own honor and dignity, the less they deserve ... the more merit in your bounty.”
notes: very hot of dulcie to know shakespeare
8. Haters meme (?)
does this even count as a meme at this point. Idk but i love that dulcie said it. 
“VOICE Truly, wonderful news for my haters.” (p501)
9. The bible (ofc)
“PALAMEDES (as if reciting) ‘And her body was like the chrysolite, and her face as the appearance of lighting, and her eyes as a burning lamp; and her arms, and all downward to the feet, like in appearance to glittering brass.’” (p502)
Palamedes quotes Daniel 10:6 when Dulcie reveals (?) herself to him. I'm not super familiar with the bible, but depending on dif sources from google (lol), the original quote describes either Christ or the angel Gabriel appearing to Daniel:
"And his body was like the chrysolite, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as a burning lamp: and his arms, and all downward even to the feet, like in appearance to glittering brass: and the voice of his word like the voice of a multitude." (from the Douay-Rheims Bible)
ok finally stuff that might be a reference but I havent been able to figure out a lot has been figured out! additions from tltblr here:
> probably nothing, but any significance re pal’s calling card being the skeleton hand?  probably a reference to the skele hand harrow made him in htn (via @guyrunsbackwards)
The Almond Room?? Is this anything. It seems so weirdly specific lol
 “IANTHE the master will see you in the Almond Room, sir.”
crowdsourced possibilities:
the almond room representing babs' borrowed amygdala, which is involved in processing memory, decision making, and emotional response; would make sense for the investigation/interrogation to take place here (via @confusedbyinterface)
may be a reference to the game Clue, where the individual rooms in which the mystery happens have specific names (via @the-light-of-stars);
a reference to cyanide, which smells like almonds (@the-light-of-stars, @satans-poptarts); + @winged mentioned that in a lot of early 20th century whodunnits, someone has a revelation about the real conclusion when they smell almond somewhere it shouldn't be (vs pal and ianthe having their revelations about babs' soul in the almond room)
"IANTHE False things have a piquancy which the real can never match.  PALAMEDES     is that from something? IANTHE      Everything's from something.”
• ianthe is this actually from something. google yielded no straightforward results :(
"IANTHE You look to me like a small boy holding a tail when he doesn’t even know where the donkey is.”
Nothing in particular just the image of tiny pal playing pin the tail on the donkey is so. He’s baby. Also he probably found a way to be very good at it via psychometry lol
@mayasaura: Under the circumstances, the donkey thing also reminded me of Buddhist parable of the blind men and the elephant, about the limits of perception in understanding the true nature of being. Or, to quote Wikipedia: "The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience" <- ianthe turbo roasting pal, love to see it
Miscellaneous / theatre techniques:
> What's up with the coffins?
@tangelotime: the coffins might be a black box theater technique, using boxes to represent certain settings rather than faithfully recreating them on the stage; @the-light-of-stars mentioned that the arrangement of the coffins depends on Pal's questions:
first he asks a philosophical question thus the arrangement in the style of a greek symposion - their style of dialogue also is in reference to Plato's work 'Symposion', as well as Ianthe offering Pal wine and the servants placing velvet cushions. The next question is about Babs' murder thus arrangement in style of a courtroom. Then a question about Gideon, the cavalier, thus arrangement in the style of a fencing ring. The last arrangement follow a question about Ianthe's motives for Corona and they are playing cards- both a classic trope symbolizing a battle of wits and a metaphor for Ianthe holding secrets (cards) that she has to reveal one by one (via @the-light-of-stars)
@transbutchbluess, @gwydionmisha also ID'd the greek symposium scene as a parody of a socratic/platonic dialogue, which "presents a discussion of moral and philosophical problems between two or more individuals illustrating the application of the Socratic method." (via wikipedia)
> continuing with the theme of theatre, @valence-positive also mentioned that the servants thumping the coffins at the same time after each question may be a theatre technique to underscore Pal's question; @winged made the connection to bells/gavels/gongs, which are often used for judgement (which occurs during the discussion of Babs' murder and Ianthe's intent/endgame.)
the coffin thumping might also be a reference to the bell toll in A Christmas Carol (via @winged again, you have a huge brain); it's also implied that Pal's visits parallel the three ghosts who visit Scrooge and induce a moral awakening:
"IANTHE Five minutes to midnight, I'd say. You can't last much longer, and we both know it. PAL You said that three visits ago." (p483)
vs the original novella by Charles Dickens (taken from sparknotes again):
“You (scrooge) will be haunted… by Three Spirits… Without their visits,” said the Ghost, “you cannot hope to shun the path I tread. Expect the first tomorrow, when the bell tolls One…. “Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third, upon the next night when the last stroke of Twelve has ceased to vibrate. Look to see me no more; and look that, for your own sake, you remember what has passed between us!”
Pal makes Ianthe realise that Babs' soul has been slowly fusing with hers all along, which is similar what the third ghost does in ACC:
"The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come leads Scrooge through a sequence of mysterious scenes relating to an unnamed man's recent death...Scrooge, anxious to learn the lesson of his latest visitor, begs to know the name of the dead man. After pleading with the ghost, Scrooge finds himself in a churchyard, the spirit pointing to a grave. Scrooge looks at the headstone and is shocked to read his own name."
Finally, like other references in TUG (An Inspector Calls, Dulcie's Hamlet quote), A Christmas Carol criticises the treatment of a disadvantaged class. AIC and ACC both end with the characters faced with the morality of their actions. (intertextuality! delicious)
I also thought the thumping was similar to the synchronisation thing we see in ntn:
"[Ianthe] flounced up the dais, threw herself back into her chair—the dead bodies jerked their left hips convulsively, all in unison" (Nona the Ninth, p335)
Ok that’s it thank u for reading the whole thing ???? And thank you so much for contributing guys! Feel free to leave a reply or dm me if you have any additions <3
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Jezebel 2.0 continues her wicked mission to (behead) silence and harass TRUTHERS by criminalizing our digital criticism. Pure evil.
Please subscribe to Proper Wiseguy's NEW Channels & also consider making a donation to help him rebuild. Our world is in desperate need for gifted comedians. Hopefully this silencing stunt will backfire and move him closer to FULL TIME comedic work. He has real TALENT, something that makes The Meghans bitter with envy.
Queen Jezebel was the most wicked biblical "royal." She violently silenced all who spoke the truth while her feckless, cowardice husband---King Ahab---knew better but supported her every murderous scheme.¹ (Spoiler alert: in the end, she's thrown to the dogs.)
Just prior to the launch of their recent Nigerian Scam, Jezebel and Ahab 2.0 used BIG Brother (Google) to cancel/silence truther channels like Lion's new "Proper Wiseguy" channel (formerly Motivation Specialist) and Ibble Dibble. ID is thankfully back to normal. Join me in supporting Proper Wiseguy's effort to rebuild his channel.
Please follow the links to help Proper Wiseguy rebuild his new channel. He's also created a backup channel.
The hackers sabotaged more than his YT channel. Big Brother (Google) is also withholding the ad revenue he generated for them earlier in the year prior to monetization of his Motivation Specialist channel.
Tech experts advised Lion to purchase new equipment. Donations accepted via paypal, Go Fund Me and on his merch website
Please follow & retweet on Twitter @ProperWiseguy
Surely the sewer squad, messy misan and boozy the fraud are salivating over what they perceive as a win. It will backfire.
Murderous efforts to silence the truth will always backfire. Like Obi-Wan: when you strike down a truth teller, they return 7x TIMES STRONGER.
There's nothing new under the sun & nothing new in Darling's tactics to silence her critics: TorontoPaper February 10th 2019
"Did you really think, exposing nobodies with only a few followers, some broke or jobless, would help your image? Have you actually sunk this low? You were proud, almost arrogant. What happened to you? I don't recognize you anymore."
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Lion is back and better than ever!
"I see myself in all of you too"- 🤡
"People see me as a role model." 🤡
Lion: Are people aspiring to be DList Actresses 😂
"So they loaded up Madea's jet & they moved to Beverly, Hills that is..." 😂
Sparry is lizard lip licking again...dressed like the king of fried chicken Colonel Sanders😂
From Lion's Comments Section
BTW-I don't think she has any of Diana's jewelry.
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Proper Wiseguy Channels
Backup Channel
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Go Fund Me
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¹Sparry to the Sussex Sewer: "Keep doing what you're doing."
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soncfthewitch · 6 months
closed starter for @heirofhermes
The small propeller plane juddered as it touched down on the snowy airstrip, sending a shudder through Toby's body. He gripped the armrests tightly, his knuckles whitening. Flying commercial was one thing, but this rickety deathtrap was pushing his nerves to the limit.
As the plane rolled to a halt, Toby fumbled with the door latch, desperate to escape the confined space. The icy chill of the Barrows morning bit at his face as he stumbled onto the tarmac. His legs wobbled, still adjusting to solid ground after being crammed against Sebastian for the entire flight.
A wave of nausea washed over him. He doubled over, retching violently onto the pristine snow.
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Damn it. He squeezed his eyes shut, cursing the Order of Hermes under his breath. What did Sebastian do to earn this backwater exile? Toby glared at his companion, daggers in his gaze. Surely the other mage must have crossed one of the big wigs to warrant such shoddy transportation to the remote town of Barrows.
Toby fumbled for his phone, his fingers numb and clumsy. The device slipped from his grasp, disappearing into the snow. "Bugger," he muttered, fishing it out and brushing off the flakes.
His thumb finally registered on the biometric sensor, unlocking the device. Chez's virtual form flickered into existence, the feline AI's eyes comically crossed and surrounded by dizzying swirls.
"Bloody hell, you look how I feel," Toby muttered. "Oi, Chez, you alright there?"
The digital feline blinked, then grinned. [Never better, guv'nor! Just a bit of a bumpy ride, innit?]
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Howdy, guv'nor!
A wolf has escaped. An interviewer from a newspaper writes about it.
Much drama!
The wolf returns on its own like a good not-dog!
Meanwhile, Seward hastens to Lucy aftergetting Van Helsing's telegram late.
The house seems locked down and no one is around.
Van Helsing shows up!
Team Helsward breaks and enters, find all the servants drugged, Lucy's mom dead and Lucy herself as good as dead.
Team Helsward have trouble becaude they are not fit enough to give blood a second time, woe!
When things look bleak, BAM enters Quincey P Morris who has been sent by Arthur to check on Lucy and Team Helsward!
And thus, with new blood, Lucy is no longer as good as dead, but still very very badly.
Van Helsing is hopeful, Quincey is baffled and Jack is questioning is very sanity and all knowledge.
It has been a very very trying day
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pepsi-maxwell · 5 months
oh my god daddy magic you can't just ask somebody what they're the guv'nor of
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ghostowlattic · 1 month
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meow-moment · 21 hours
are you perhaps the reincarnation of a victorian child?
you know whats weird is i do say "guv'nor" a lot for an american
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hungrydogs-if · 1 year
this game is dead, innit
rude lol.
that aside, i do know i don't post many public updates, but the game is alive. it's a project i work on weekly even if i'm not as loud about it as before.
plus i did say that i'm focusing on, oh, not being homeless in 8 days.
my heart is still in this game. i promise it's coming. just please let me work at it at my own pace.
tl;dr: oi it ain't dead guv'nor, jus' lethargic on the tumblrs innit
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