#The Ground
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okmcintyre · 1 month ago
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Bellamy Blake Appreciation Week: Day 1:  Bellamy + home - ‘On The Ark & On Earth'
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jefkphotography · 2 months ago
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Abstact. Sand.
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wiley-treehouse-gardens · 8 months ago
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gizmocreates · 10 months ago
Eating as a metaphor for camaraderie, loyalty and family, yes, but also eating as a metaphor for compromise, sacrifice, and loss of self. The food chain as symbolism of creation and destruction and the ultimately cyclical process of life
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year ago
Permaculture Instructor Andrew Millison visits a site in Oregon that has installed an extensive series of masterfully built ponds that have renewed the water supply in a dry valley. The site is called The Ground, and you can find more about the site here:
The Ground website: https://www.theground.love
The Ground Instagram: @theground.love
/ @thegroundor
The project was designed and installed by Zachary Weiss of Water Stories: https://www.waterstories.com/
/ @water_stories
Water Stories is an online community of water regenerators and Zachary has installed many epic water systems around the globe with his business, Elemental Ecosystems:
You can learn a lot more about his work at Water Stories.
More about The Ground:
Tabula Rasa Farms, the Ground's founding regenerative farm, spans 440 acres and is home to over 80 cattle, 75 pigs, 1,000 chickens, 500 ducks, 200 turkeys, and many vegetable crops. Over time, Brenda and her husband, Frank, have begun other enterprises—a farm store for farm-to-table sales, a bed and breakfast immersed within the farm, a restaurant in McMinnville serving farm-fresh food, and others. The Ground is fundamentally about connecting people to their food, their planet, and each other.
Digital Map Animations by Pearl River Eco-Design:
Andrew Millison’s links:
JOIN THIS CHANNEL to get access to uncut video content and live Q & A sessions:
/ @amillison
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shinythingsarecool · 10 months ago
Hmmmmm actually I don't think I want to do work actually
Actually I think I'm actually going to go become one with the soil, actually
The ground is quite soft if you know where to dig, actually, and it is inviting me to join it, actually
And actually I think I will join it, actually, because it is soft and nice and it wants me to become one with it and actually I also want to become one with it actually
And actually, actually doesn't sound like a word anymore actually and I have actually forgotten its meaning but actually that's okay because the ground has accepted me and now the earth is filling my lungs actually and I can't breath but actually that's quite nice and actua-
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dsgustng · 1 year ago
I genuinely think that liek. Shitty managers think when disabled people have low availability we just spend all that time that we're not working partying and having fun frolicking doing fuck all and we only don't work more because we're "lazy" and choosing to make thier lives more difficult for fun- when in reality most of the time I'm not working I'm recovering from the last time I worked and regaining my energy just to um. Use It all up working again . I wish instead of seeing it as us barley working and being lazy they saw it as us choosing to use up all our very precious and scarce energy working as much as we possibly can and then having no energy left over for ourselves because thats usually how it goes.
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knxfesck · 2 years ago
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my akira figurines came in!!!! ft. tiny tetsuo
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dredsina · 10 months ago
Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.
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athinginmotion · 2 months ago
social media has got twenty year old women thinking they have to be a "clean girl" at university with a morning routine and face masks and expensive water bottles and a 9pm bedtime. I am begging the world to let young women go through a crucial developmental stage of being disgusting messy little rats. for feminism.
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 month ago
deep rooted respect for women who openly get mad and are okay w being perceived as bitchy
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jefkphotography · 2 months ago
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The ground, grass, a twig, plants and yellow flowers.
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wiley-treehouse-gardens · 2 months ago
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The ground.
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jessaerys · 2 months ago
u guys are so annoying. look at my cat
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twinliches · 4 months ago
while i was trying to wade through the large amounts of people trying to leave the central subway station, everyone abruptly came to a halt in front of the subway turnstiles. two french girls had misunderstood the tap-out process, and one of them was now stuck behind the gate. as i was wracking my brain on how to explain the tap-in tap-out process of the milan metro to both of them with my rudimentary french while they both got increasingly upset at the closed gate between them, a young teenager suddenly pushed me to the side.
i was just about to give him my most scathing disgruntled glare when he took out his ticket and, after realizing they had no common language, started gesticulating wildly in front of the french girl left behind. he pointed at the ticket, then at her, and very seriously said: “on three, we go.” she nodded, and after he counted to three, holding up his fingers so there could be no confusion, they sprinted through the gate together, giggling profusely afterwards as if they had just pulled off the heist of the century,
it was just a small moment during the morning commute. but i realized then and there that the time i had spent trying to intellectualize the problem and wondering if my lack of language skills would be awkward the situation could have already been resolved. and that while i had been mad about being pushed aside, the teenager got it exactly right: no questions, no fear or shyness, just direct action to help where you can and rushing there to do so. i think about him every time now when i run to lift someone’s pram or ask a lost looking person if they need my help despite the fear of being rude. on three, we go.
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