#The Future Is Wild rp
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I know I posted this on my old Kaban blog but if anyone else out there rps a muse from a science, nature, animal themed or educational kids shows I'd love to interact. Kaban is the tour guide for a Japanese nature park and while her source material is an educational kids show it has a large adult fanbase and I usually play her as a PG rated science fiction/fantasy character but if anyone else actually does play a educational kids show muse I'd love to throw Kaban at you.
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metaoflocasol · 2 months
Muse Mixup Madness July 2024: The End of a Failure
*this is to be viewed as a vision of real time events*
Tw: death and violence/fighting
Meta Solari stood in front of Vitch, feeling small against his opponent.
“It’s over, Vitch. This isn’t worth it-”
And Vitch was right, Meta had freed the imprisoned Necrozma, giving it enough light to restore its body, if only for now. The mask Vitch normally wore, the face of Necrozma was gone, showing a ghastly sight. His face was being consumed by void. Blacked out and glowing with hatred and pain.
“Enough! You haven’t saved a singed thing! You could’ve opened the Gateway long before this! You were too blind-sided to realize then, and you still are now. I cannot let you do this. You cannot go any farther”. Meta stared down his foe. His counterpart. His glimpse into a world where all abandoned him and the fate of creation fell on him. He had failed there, but not now.
You’ve always said that the difference between us is that I run away from my problems, that I never took action. I disagree. We both ran away that day before finding Necrozma. We both took upon the weight of the world when it felt like all was crumbling. We both sacrificed the things we cared for to help others. No, we are the same in that regard.
Where we are different is that you don’t allow others to help you. You want to be the one to fix everything, because you don’t trust anyone else to do it. Not me, not your followers, not Necrozma, not Arceus, no one. You walk alone despite others walking the same path. This all could’ve been avoided if you-”
Vitch created a beam of light that flew towards Meta, threatening to kill him. But instead, it condensed into a single small sphere that flew into the amulet. The light condensed, reflecting across off the room, glowing violently before exploding outwards, surrounding Meta.
Meta didn’t respond, just looked up with clenched fists eyes glowing bright.
Letting out a ferocious roar, Vitch flew at Meta, arms stretched to strangle him.
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Meta dodged the attack, his light colliding with Vitch’s tainted light. The two traded blow after blow of condensed supernovas, mini suns, and light the scorched the heavens upon their foundation would be built.
Meta let out a cry as he unleashed a ball of pure photon power, almost unseen in the sea of light surrounding the two. Vitch easily dodged the attack, but it blew a giant hole in the wall of the room, from which two sets of glowing eyes could be seen against the light pouring out from the confines.
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Vitch looked in fear at the ghost of his past, now doubled in their hate.
“You thought you could get rid of me, BOY?!”
One of them telepathically shouted
One of the Necrozmas, shining a godly blue collided with a frozen Vitch; who was petrified in fear. The Necrozma tore off his stolen Z-Crystal with its immaculate jaw, causing Vitch to scream.
A supernova exploded from Vitch, utterly destroying the temple surrounding them. The four of them found themselves standing in a field of rubble, with nothing but darkness surrounding them, the only light coming from themselves.
“It is done. You’ve lost, wretch. The world you know is gone, because of you”
The two Necrozmas began to overlap, as if there powers were becoming one, as if the original Necrozma birthed from Arceus’s grand design had once more been awoken from a long forgotten past.
“This world is in ruin. Nothing is left of it. Those who had once lived here are either no more, or displaced in universes not their own. What do you have to say now?”
Vitch didn’t respond, bleeding out glowing ichor that had replaced his mortal blood. He only stared, kneeling as the life was draining out of him.
“I thought you were someone of good, child. I had believed you could’ve shown me a brighter future than the one your kind had shown me long ago. Perhaps you did… but at what cost?”
“…I…” he croaked out, coughing violently.
“Save your breath. It is too late to undo what has been done”
With that, the now merged Necrozma created a portal between the decayed universe and the Arcean Gateway with their enhanced powers.
“Come, Meta. There is one last mission to be done”
With that, they left, casting the world into enshrouding darkness.
Meta began to follow them, but stopped when he heard Vitch croak out.
He turned his head to him, looking at the twisted version of himself with a mix of pity and disgust. He had no reason to wait for him, after all he had done, but something kept him there. Some unknown feeling, like a wheel turning endlessly in the course of the future, gave him pause.
“I have… done so much… wrong… to this world… I never wanted this… no… I went too far…”
“That you did”
“The… Gateway… will not… open in its current state… it’s sealed shut”, Vitch coughed out.
“Take my hand… I have something… to give… you”
Meta didn’t know what was going on. Arceus, a being beyond his creation and Necrozma, the God of his faith conversed in a manner unknown to the likes of his human brain. Something he couldn’t see, hear, touch, feel, or smell imposed upon his very being, making him feel small and insignificant. Much more than the laymen of his own species.
Time was foreign. Seconds passed as freely as eons, yet none moved in the lack of space that filled with realm. He knelt, still pondering what Vitch had told him. How could two souls so identical go on such different paths? Was the real difference between himself and a monster the death of all he cared for? It chewed at him, knowing upon the brain and usurping the serenity of his thoughts.
“Child. The Genesis offers you a choice. They can ease your soul of your worries caused by this horrific oversight. It will be like this never happened, never met your alternate, never learned of the Ether, never had to endure the hardships of your captivity. You’d be at peace, unaware of the pain these last two months have caused. Will you accept?”
Meta thought hard. He doubted that he could live the rest of his life in peace knowing what he knew, but even so, he didn’t want to forget. After everything Vitch had done, he was still him, and denying that would be denying a core aspect of himself. No, forgetting wasn’t the answer, but neither was remembering the way he currently did.
“I thank you, the omnipotent Arceus for your offer. If I may, I’d like to request a course of action of my own…”
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theheadlessgroom · 4 months
In a flash, June and Randall were upon the vampire, pining her wrists to the ground as she writhed and screeched and kicked, refusing to go down easily. However, the mortals' adrenaline, combined with Emily's own vampiric strength and determination, overrode her efforts to get free, her soulless eyes widening as Wilhelm rushed over, stake and hammer in hand.
Holding the stake right over the heart, Wilhelm was about raise the hammer and bring it down, but he had a moment of hesitation-not because he felt any sort of guilt or pity for this monster who had so brazenly come after his family...
...but because he felt like the wrong person to do the staking.
"Here, lass," he said firmly, holding the hammer out to Emily as he held the stake for her, keeping it hovering above Constance's heart. Considering all that this woman-this creature of the night-had done to Emily, the absolute hell she'd put her through for centuries, it seemed only fair that she be the one to put Constance down for good.
"You...you do the honors."
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heat-wves · 9 months
open starter this is a real low for wren. it's not often you get caught in a bad place by a rival / detective tw: alcohol
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" JUST — DON'T SAY ANYTHING . FOR five seconds . " she says this with a crease in her brow as she holds up a finger , flicking open the cap of the bottle with her other hand . things were already bad enough : leads that went nowhere , pick ups that never materialized , having to get her own hands dirty .
&& NOW HERE she was , nursing her wounds in front of the last person she wanted to see .
SHE KEEPS EYE contact as she tips the bottle to her lips && easily downs half the bottle of whiskey — not trusting the other to take advantage of an already precarious situation for her . taking a breath , she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand && ever so gently puts the bottle back on the ground .
" SO WHAT NOW? " she says , still sitting on the box of stolen goods she worked so hard to get . " do i just hand this over to you && we call it even ? "
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kbthebearcat · 9 months
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A sweet moment with Wild!Troy and VenomFan17’s Erica! I had wanted to draw these two again and she suggested this scene from our RP.
Troy has never had someone fall asleep in his hand… he is shocked and in awe!
I went for monochrome with this (besides Troy’s glow) because it’s easier and I admittedly like the look because it makes it look like an old movie or show, but I’m thinking about coloring it some time in the future if possible!
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ohcorny · 3 months
thinkin' 'bout comics a lot.
i remembered this comic i read years ago - i think of it often, actually - and then finally today while trying to scrape the internet archives for it, i found out you maybe co-wrote a small part of it based on the credits on the archived website ???
i can't recall if you posted anywhere if you're still friends with miri or not, but i sent miri a really cringe email about how sad i was when it was taken down and that i was a fan - Dream Walkers - this email was in like, idk, 2013??? earlier ???
i mean that makes a lot of sense you worked together before, given NS's origins with RSE??? but man. Apparently i've been sort-of-adjacent following you for a while!
time is such a thing. you don't have to post this to your tumblr or answer anything related to this, this isn't really a question, but i wanted to mention it. i didn't realise i was in your creative endeavours' orbits for like over an actual decade.
i look forward to your future work and collab work. Good job making stuff. thank you.
man..... i'd say 'i haven't thought about dream walkers in ages' but i think i did actually think about it in the last 72 hours because ophrys was named after a kind of orchid and i was thinking about that specific orchid recently
anyway it's crazy that it made that much of an impact on you! i think i was 18? when we were making that? and i'm 30 now. that's absolutely wild. i can't believe it's still up and readable.
but yeah miri and i are still pals! we've both moved on to our own projects now, but we still hang out all the time. we go on vacations together, it's great :)
though POINT OF ORDER... i did not co-write a small part of it. that was 50-50 brother, anything involving ophrys and koljac and a handful of the sundara was me, and i did half the illustrations. anything that had slightly thicker lines and bigger eyes on the characters was me. this project was effectively just a big rp log lol. god we put so much effort into our hobbies back then. what a time...
koljac shares dna with lucy, which is a big lol since they're nothing alike
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originemesis · 8 months
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam / abel // haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private
ordained and entertained by skeu ; icon templates by cinna! 💜💛 human icons by bbglucifer ;p <3 --- > xxx
side blog: vortex @gutstaken
here are some cool people 😎 : @deathinfeathers , @voxistem , @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @2ndrib , @atomeyes + @sainticidal , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd, @brokendreamscreation , @hlylight , @chasingrainbcws , @danger-tits-lute , @hclluvahctel
about // playlist // active headcanon // current verses // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal! ^^
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). if i can see plots happening between us, i'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multiship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 6-7 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - i'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume! i have in the past been made to feel like I'm walking on egg shells in rpcs regarding these matters and id rather avoid it here...im just here to chill, write and leave weird surprises in dms.
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of my muses, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. I also do not usually interact w/ other of the same muse cuz I feel like I 'absorb' how others play him and I want to keep my version separated from that. I might give it a shot some times though depending on how it's presented.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly hate this character please don't interact. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified, betray them, make people feel COMPLICATED things... I also love torturing my muse and taking the piss out of him, so I don't need people moving in and tying to constantly put him down/ruin his current plots by being god modey or not at least asking me how we should proceed in a power dynamic, or relationships cuz you don't ship what I ship, or find my interactions with other characters 'toxic' and 'not allowed'...let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change based on what I get up to on here.
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angeart · 2 months
:o are we allowed to ask about Mr Beak?? Because I have been dying to but I figured it was for Future Rambles so I've been holding back.
Especially because both you and Link drew Grian with his wings out, no cloak, and Grian actually using his wings for a smol hug in your bit.
yes you're allowed! it is for future rambles, but we made a concession if you promise you'll still read the rambles as well when they come out! :D
mr beak gets acquired in vex arc, part titled "a night for living". let me take you through Never Before Seen basics! just a quick little rundown :3
grian and scar get accepted adopted into a vex commune! which is a pretty safe place considering that it's full of vexes who are seen as warriors. it's settled in the forest, in what used to be a hunting village. (it was taken over.)
now i won't say exactly how things go, but- there's definitely an adjustment period! especially since grian is an avian in a place filled with only vexes, and scar is... well, not a typical vex!
but they settle in. and they start to tentatively have some security. their own walls, and a bed! there's a LOT to say about the whole vex arc, and i can very easily be swayed, but i'll skip to mr beak. (under the cut because this is getting rambly <3 expect RP snippets too)
there's a big night at the vex commune, one they meticulously prepare for. make sure there's no hunters anywhere nearby, brew homemade alcohol, etc. they make a huge bonfire, set up various games (prizes are mostly more alcohol, lol. special bottles of types from rare fruits and stuff, with a strip of fabric/ribbon tied to them to mark them as the victory bottles) and just... go wild!
it's during this night when scar and grian challenge two other vexes (frens???? 👀) to a game of (drunk) archery. scar pretends he can barely hold a bow. it's very funny when he shoots a bulls eye, trust me.
scar kind of jokingly asks if there are other prizes - like big stuffed bears, for example. and once he wins, the best out of three shots, he again jokingly says he'll take the bear as his prize. and grian joins in, asking for the bear!
(mini rp bit!!)
Excitedly and triumphantly, Scar loops his arms around Grian as well, lower and more securely wound, and lifts, spinning him around like a loon just because he wants to and he can. “The man wants a bear!!” he announces to the world, boisterous and goofy.
anywayyy... yeah, no, the vexes don't have a stuffed bear. but there's an idea. and someone digs out a discarded plush from somewhere.
it's a chicken.
kane is meant to hand it over, but... he's very hesitant. and he wouldn't be if it was a couple of weeks ago, but! he's been learning! about avians and things that upset grian. about how sensitive he is about other birds or bird-like things.
uncharacteristically hesitant, he calls scar over first, trusting scar's judgement on these things much more than himself.
aaand. what if i throw more rp snippets at u? 👀���👀👀 (1,7k words because my hand slipped— enjoy :D)
Kane waits until he's sure Scar's body and wings block Grian's view, and then he tentatively unfurls his own wing, showing the worn plush toy in his arms: a pale brown chicken, a little clumpy, but soft-looking. Squishable. "We have... this," he presents, a bit flatly, waiting for reaction.
It’s unfortunate, really, because in any other circumstance Scar would not hesitate to give the awkward little chicken to Grian. It’s so adorably lumpy, and he wants to squeeze it immediately. 
“Let me see,” Scar says, taking it from Kane. He appreciates the hesitance now. Despite claiming victory during their previous dispute over insensitivity, Kane clearly cares to get this right, and it warms Scar’s heart to no end.
Kane keeps the doll hidden as he passes it over to Scar, who analyzes it carefully, squeezing at the center and feeling the material. It’s soft, not at all feathered, and the insides seem to be cotton, possibly with beads interspersed for weightiness. 
But it’s still a bird.
Scar looks to meet Kane’s gaze, both of them uncertain, but Scar sighs and offers a weak smile. “You’re a good man, Kane,” Scar declares, nodding appreciatively at him. 
Ultimately, it should be up to Grian if he wants this. Scar can look out for potential triggers, but it’s not his place to decide for him. 
Scar can’t protect him from everything. Shouldn’t either.
(Plus, it is cute. Scar hopes that fact overwrites any potential anxieties.)
Scar turns around, offering the plushie over to Grian with that same timid smile. “What do you think, G?”
nico's murmuring things to grian, praising his and scar's aim, wanting to know where they've learned to shoot like that. it distracts grian sufficiently, thrown off and glancing at the targets where someone was collecting their arrows now so they could keep playing.
"we... had a lot of practice," grian replies, unsure how to phrase it any better. to say that they didn't need to worry about running out of arrows—or lives—ever was something too bewildering to put out there. "it's just been a while," he adds, grimacing at where a vex was trying to climb a tree to reach the arrow grian shot first. 
nico laughs, amused but bright and kind. "well, you know. as long as you don't lose the arrows, you guys can come here and shoot at the targets anytime."
grian perks up at that, but before he can answer, scar's turning to him and offering something to him.
grian's gaze lands on the bird-like heap in scar's hands, and his head short-circuits.
it's a bird.
memories of [REDACTED] slam into him, and he swallows thickly, rebooting. 
a bird.
this world doesn't have birds. but here one is, silly-looking and soft, offered to grian to hold. (to cherish. to protect. to keep.)
with gaze solidly focused on the toy, grian hears himself try to joke. "i think that's not a bear."
kane huffs, although there's something tentatively relieved in the sound, possibly at the lack of a more outward freak out on grian's part. "i told you we don't have bears."
grian's only half-listening. his chest feels askew and tingly, wings semi flared out, but he's taking a step forward and reaching out his hands for the plushie.
Scar is about to say they don’t have to take it. They could easily accept one of the prize bottles. He could even make a show of tying the decorative ribbon on one of Grian’s fingers as a silly romantic callback.
But Grian is reaching out and Scar doesn’t have it in his heart to deny him. He offers the toy to him gingerly, still nervous, but willing. 
“Not a bear, but… look at its little beard!” Scar tries, letting his index finger fiddle with the red tufts of fabric as he pulls away. “…do you like it?”
wordlessly, grian takes it, holds it out, feels its weight settle in his hands. his fingers squeeze lightly, testing it out, feeling its softness. (it's not made of feathers. not feathers.)
some tightly held knot in grian's chest unspools, and he finds himself laughing a little unsteadily at scar's silly gesture.
his hands flap the chicken's wings, and unthinkingly, grian's own wings mirror the motion. there's a part of grian's brain that's happy at this, already growing attached, and it's probably weird, for a toy to trigger instincts that whisper flock against the nape of his neck, but the affection and protectiveness rise up in him anyway.
he pulls the chicken tightly to his chest, his gaze flicking up, meeting first scar's eyes and then swivelling to kane's. "... i can keep this?" he asks, a bit shyly, even as his hold signals that he would not let go even if he was told no.
Scar’s heart swells again at the sight of Grian flapping the doll’s little wings, and gosh it’s unfairly adorable when he does the same with his own wings. Scar grins, leaning back into Grian’s space as he turns to regard Kane. 
“We’re taking this,” Scar declares.
Kane scoffs, cheeks heating up as he takes mostly fake offense. “As if I’d take it back, come on!” And then he’s grinning as well, clearly satisfied that the prize went over well, all sourness from the competition completely faded away. “You won it fair and square, mister liar.”
“Sober liar,” Nico tacks on, earning a bark of laughter from his mate.
“Hey, I’m getting there, I’m getting there!” Scar insists, leaning down to reclaim his and Grian’s bottles. He hands Grian’s back to him with a bright smile. “…It’s precious.”
grian instantly slots himself next to scar as he returns to his side, still clutching the bird tightly. 
"mister sober liar," he repeats teasingly at scar, nudging him a little and giving him a big, bright grin.
no matter how the others want to spin it, the fact is that they did win, and scar did insist on a prize for grian. (and man, the way his hands were capable with the bow is hot. although it's not something grian'd admit out loud.) he's grateful for it, a bit of playful games and a reward at the end of it, presented with such care. 
with boundless affection, grian leans against him and presses his wing against scar's lower back, under his vex wings, in a little squeeze. hoping his thanks translates. 
he untangles one hand from the chicken only to reach for the bottle, and he lets it clink against scar's. "cheers, to our victory." 
nico's ushering them a little bit to the side, to make space for new contestants, while kane lifts his own drink, cheerfully joining in with drinking. 
"there's more games to play, if you want," nico remarks with a chuckle, then adds: "but no more non-bears to win."
grian glances at him. "what about yes-bears?"
kane sputters a laugh, almost choking on his drink.
nico offers a grin instead, with a small chuckle. "none of those either, i'm afraid."
"bottles, mostly," kane says all too happily. "but some games have donation piles and if you win, you can pick something someone else left behind." he shrugs a little, clearly much more interested in the drinks the vexes worked so hard to make. "mostly useless stuff. wood carvings, dull daggers, scraps of clothes, chipped mugs. things people found and don't have use for, or that they don't want anymore."
“What you’re saying is we get to thrift shop for prizes?” Scar asks excitedly, wings fluttering before one slots over Grian’s head in a purposely goofy manner. “Whatcha say, G-man? More games? Want to see how red in the face Kane can get if he keeps losing?”
“Hey!” Kane shouts, grabbing at Scar to try to dig his fist into the top of his head playfully. Scar unfortunately allows it, not willing to give up his spot next to Grian and how his wing is tucked under him so tenderly. But he laughs at the abuse, clearly unbothered.
grian ducks a little at the wing over him, but then he straightens up, chirping and meeting it. he has his prize chicken in one hand, still pressed to his chest, and a bottle in the other, wing still slung across scar's lower back in a casual, if a little clingy way.
"more games!" he cheers, toothily looking over kane and nico. "so what's next, fellas? what do you want to be beaten at this time?"
nico's chuckling, lips curved in a smile, taking this for friendly jest, but kane's getting riled up. his tail swishes aggressively. "you can't thrift prizes if you don't win first," he accuses.
"what game?" grian presses. "what do you think you have a chance at?"
it's a cheeky jab, and grian's delighted as he sees it work. 
"sparring!" kane huffs out, clearly ready to tackle them until he can prove his dominance or something.
"or obstacle course," nico offers as a counter argument.
"sparring!" kane repeats, insistent, shooting his mate a glare. "we win at this one!" 
Scar yawns exaggeratedly. “Drunk sparring? Sounds like a vex slapping fest to me.” He waves his hand with the bottle dismissively at that, eyeing Grian as he does. Then he takes a large sip of his drink and flares out his free wing. “What kind of obstacle course we talkin’?”
Both sound less fun than archery to Scar, but he has a feeling the obstacle course would be preferable to Grian. Sparring just sounds like an invitation to get hurt.
grian is honestly glad scar is steering this away from a fight competition, but kane deflates, looking like he was just betrayed. "you don't want to spar?" his ears flick, then he crosses his arms, upset. "it's 'coz you know you'd lose. you're just picking what you're secretly good at!"
"i dunno, you could've been better at it," grian brushes him off, referencing kane's archery skill in a way that makes kane sputter.
"the obstacle course," nico takes charge, starting to walk in a more solid direction, "has many things. some you get under, some you get over. gliding is allowed." he eyes grian. "outright flying might be considered as cheating."
grian gasps dramatically, his wing losing connection to scar only to flap in playful offense. "i'd never!" and honestly, it's hard to think of himself actively flying, so it's not exactly wrong. it's not just theatrics, but they make it easier to bear, to hide behind.
i was gonna stop earlier but figured maybe you'd like to see the banter :3 maybe you'd like to see the new characters and these dynamics. (they're all tipsy at this point and scar and grian have been living here for a while, just to be clear.)
other big things happen that night besides winning mr beak :3 just sayin'
vex arc is fun <33
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ALRight bestie, can i get uhhh context??? i only know like 2 guys from the incorrect quotes yall are messing around with, who are these guys???? <- wants to know how to picture em lol
also been so fun readiing the shenanigans hahaha
Uhhh Chrumblr server RP got kinda out of hand haha and now we've got this whole plot and an ever-growing cast of characters that currently consists of
Nia Rosewood - Chaos's oc, everyone's little sister (one is younger than her and that's irrelevant haha)
Venatrix - Vixen and Chaos's shared oc, angry murder girl.
Nightwing, aka Dick Grayson - The big brother, nobody knows his true identity but they get why he's hiding it.
Grillface and Sploto - Kirbe's ocs. Creachers. Sploto is a very cat-like in manner kirbe and Grillface is a thief of a waddle dee.
Arrio McKay, aka Spellblazer - You know the Best Boy (>:D). Did his best to avoid letting people know he was a superhero but ultimately failed when he set his hands ablaze and threatened to light Peter on fire (they don't get along).
Peter Parker, aka Spiderman - Classic Gen-Z, opposes murder (as do a few others), a certified little shit. Doing his best to hide his superhero identity. Hates Arrio as much as Arrio hates him (LET THE RECORD SHOW THAT PETER CAUSED THE INCITING INCIDENTS OF THEIR INITIAL CONFRONTATION).
Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil - Might as well be Peter's dad. Blind but has heightened senses. Helping Peter keep their cover as heroes.
Lieutenant Strike - Moob's Star Wars oc. No-nonsense clone, extremely confused with all these Earthlings. (Why don't they know what a holo-map is??? Are they stupid???) Perhaps not as perpetually angry as she seems to be.
Raoul de Chagny - Terrified sobbing French man who loves his wife.
Christine Daaé - Terrified-but-better-at-hiding-it French (actually Swedish tho) woman who loves her husband. Often tries to stop fights between Peter and Arrio, usually fails (by no fault of her own - those two are wild).
(Note from blog author: Raoul and Christine are under the protection of the entire group. Hurt them and suffer the consequences.)
Maddox Darling - Christi's Star Wars oc. Due to time shenanigans I don't understand (lmao), is friends with Strike in the future. Strike is extremely confused.
Basically the plot is these characters all showed up in a small town in the middle of nowhere with no memory of how they got there, and now they're trying to figure out where they are and how to get back to their respective universes without killing each other (looking at Peter and Arrio). Also some of them are starting to realizing that they may or may not be fictional, but those who were elsewhere at the time of the discovery still have no idea.
So uh that's basically it I think? It's kind of a lot but we're having a blast lmao. People keep joining and adding characters and it's really chaotic and fun haha.
Also, completely unrelated but WE GOT ANOTHER ONE BOYS (you know what I'm talking about heheh)
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astrals-and-pirates · 8 months
(rambly) spoilers under the cut but like
ohmygod rwd s5ep4 was so GOOD
the description mentioning a new god was so intriguing but i didnt expect austin pulling on some wild dnd lore and creating a super interesting challenge, it was really cool
the individual scenes showing off everyones personalities and arcs sooooo well and the dice playing in line with the rp, from vhas' impulsive and carefree personality paying off (i liked vhas before but i really like him now) to vr-la engaging w the mental aspect of the maze instead of the physical (and that WILD alternate timeline dream)
kyana's trial sucked so bad for her but it also made so much sense narratively?? the point of the maze was to develop a deeper understanding of the self and commit to a goal or path and kyana doesnt seem to have a solid long term goal for the future; her whole thing is running away but at some point thats not gonna be sustainable and her reluctant choice to run from stability reflected in the dice
dani's future choice is so interesting to me and feels like a very satisfying moment for a final season arc, especially since i was relistening to older episodes and saw how much dani grew in little ways (sophia describing dani as an asshole for bullying egan, still being mean to davion but now having a sense of respect; the self realization at pandemonium and trusting herself to be able to fix anything she puts her mind to; her becoming the captain of her own ship). i think i wouldve given dani a different choice in the moment, but i think sophia chose the right pressing decision for dani
my perfect episode, chefs kiss, im so seated for the rest of the season
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luminousfauna · 3 months
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Finally got around to making a little reference sheet of my Glimmora.
Meet Mora! I'd like to imagine most Glimmora can live up to over 100 years, thanks to the energy they absorb from the terastal energy in the underdephs. This Glimmora is from a line who is tasked to protect Terapagos until his is awaken, hence her distrust of those who venture too close to the cave leading downward. She is also a mother of many Glimmet (Some fully grown and living their own lives), currently she is raising her 5th youngling.
The scar along her underside were from attacks from wild Corviknights that hunt her kind, not just as a food source, but also for sport, since they are immune to Glimmora's toxins. Sadly, this scar is a painful remind of such attack from a "Steely Bird" that took the life of a youngling of hers; since then, she is protective of any future younglings (either her own Glimmets or even others)
Hope to do more RP's with ya'll!
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I know this is probably a long shot, but if anyone else rps a muse from a science or nature themed cartoon I’d love to interact. 
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valorxdrive · 1 month
HEY! your ability to take a canon muse and go beyond is inspiring. it's like everything i would have wanted to see in these muses you bring to life and then even more - constantly amazing me with how in depth you go. you're not only creative but an incredible friend, too. your understanding and thoughtfulness of others is admirable and i'm both grateful and proud to call you my friend.
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Way to deck a guy here in 4k. Genuinely. Literally logged in today and got quite the sucker punch.
I'm genuinely glad that you enjoy what I put out there. If anything, I might've mentioned this before, but I make it my pivotal aim to just let it be the most profound notes on my blog. I want it to be an adventure, I want the muses to not only live through experiences fun, wild and deep, but also have that experience be just as fresh and fine for the muses mine share things with.
So I'd like to give you some heartfelt thanks myself. My time spent with this hobby has been fruitful, chaotic, and genuinely has led to a lot of wonderful people I got to me. I've found myself just having either peace or fun when I log on, and as always, it allows the imaginative in me to aptly explore those fun limitations that are there, but the mediums themselves can never quite get into.
But on top of that? Being able to just put love letter after love letter for all these series I adore? I think that may just be the most rewarding detail for me to take. It's due to the whimsy of these authors, and all of their fine work that I was able to build some fun things myself.
I'd like to propose a toast in that case. Simply for a fine, fun future where the good sport of RP can still do its thing, and can still be a way for people to take a load off too.
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auburnhairedwaiter · 1 month
[ The bustling sounds of the city were resonant as always, with an auburn-haired waiter awaiting customers within the serendipitous bistro, La Gueule de Saturne. Upon your arrival, he bowed slightly, gesturing towards the array of tables with a smooth, mellow voice. ]
[ Asks are OPEN! ]
"Bienvenue à La Gueule de Saturne. What would you like to have today, dear customer?"
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"Aaah... I guess I should start by setting the ground rules!"
1. You gonna act inappropriately with the waiter? Don't expect to return to the bistro! Don't repeatedly cross boundaries and we're tout bon!
2. Go ahead and tell us about anything and everything! Well- not everything, but know that you can open up here if need be!
3. Please be a decent customer and speak politely and comprehensibly! None of that… skibidi thing.
4. Every now and then, we'll let the customers give requests to the waiters! Go as wild as you want so long as it's not inappropriate! (Anon magic)
5. Once again, always be a decent customer! Please be polite to the staff and your fellow diners!
"Enjoy your stay!"
~♠︎ ooc notes underneath
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~♠︎ tags:
🏷table for one -> in character
🏷waiter's break -> chatting/reblog
🏷customer inquiries -> answering asks
🏷faceless customer -> anon
🏷bistro events -> anon magic
~♠︎ character tags:
🏷sous chef -> Vincent Charbonneau
🏷mi amor -> Marieanne "Manon" Vacher
🏷winter child -> Winnie Bosko
🏷summer seredipity -> Augustine Orlov
🏷white-haired dame -> Angelica
🏷guardian angel -> Forcas
🏷nouvelle embauche -> Protag
🏷blond nuisance -> Coworker
🏷sharp tongue -> Antag
🏷fragile bird -> Colleague
🏷monochrome smile -> Normal Guy
🏷future mariée -> Da Jeong Choi
🏷pretty in pink -> Myeong Hoon Dan
🏷crimson laces -> Bok Su Go
~♠︎ anon list:
… It's empty right now!
mod: @lopilofficial
please don't hound my DMs in my OG blog! this blog is run for fun, so don't pressure me into answering asks! have fun asking!
other blogs:
@doppelcoworker - Colleague ask blog
@polaroid-angel - Eloquent Countenance AU RP blog
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(Crown Princess, Tati Gabrielle, she/her) - @moondancer-rp
Welcome, Princess Baela of House Targaryen! We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the nineteen year old has been praised as fiercely loyal, creative and adventurous but some have whispered she is also provocative, short-tempered and wild. Upon her arrival it is clear that she is excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to Her family in House Targaryen and House Velaryon.
Iry, 19, she/her, GMT-6, triggers: n/a
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obraveyouth · 20 days
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want new-and-exciting plots for your character? long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? fear not! fill out this form and give your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. [ template source , repost don't reblog ]
MUN NAME: rinni, as dotted with hearts. OOC CONTACT: tumblr im is open for everyone and my discord is open to mutuals
have you ever felt a sudden sadness emerge when the worlds of light and shadow converge. well , these words held such truth for link ordona , marked by farore and destined as a hero , lead a simple life: a ranch hand from the rural farming village of ordon famous for its productions of milk , cheeses , and pumpkins. he spent his days helping fado with herding goats , getting sword lessons from rusl , and providing aid in entertaining the village's next generation. that is , until life wasn't so simple. link's life is changed drastically when , preparing to go on a journey to deliver a blade to the royal family of hyrule , on behalf of ordon that grotesque monsters kidnap his friends and plunge the world into perpetual twilight. it is trying to begin their rescue that he is dragged into the twilight realm and destiny makes her call: for unlike others , within the twilight , link is transfigured into the form of a proud blue eyed beast. as a wolf , link allies with midna , the twilight princess , to obtain pieces of the forbidden fused shadow and restore the realms of light and darkness. through his journey link encounters various allies , including the hero shade ( a man that once bore the mark of farore and the spirit of the hero ): link learns of hyrule's tragic history --- from the banishment of those from the shadow tribe and the gerudo king that sought to plunge the land of the god's into ruin. from this combined might link defeats the false twilight king and ganondorf , undoing the curse put upon midna's form and bringing peace back to both realms once more. 
O1. his canon point is ten years post-game ( making him twenty-seven ): link has been trying for a decade to regain connection to the twilight realm to see midna again. it has become an obsession to him and something he is always thinking about , even if not outwardly showing it. while he does carry around the master sword , link is always seen wearing the traditional clothing of ordon ( unless he has business in hyrule / castle town ): to pair with this , unless you are referred to him through a previous connection , he will not speak as to not ruin the image of the hero he bares. O2. my link has gerudo ancestry through his mother and speaks with a heavy southern drawl , all of my dialogue reflects this and sometimes he may work in a word of two of gerudo he learned from his mother , though it is very rare. O3. if your muse wants to be friends ... do not call him hero. do not put him on any kind of pedestal. link has a huge issue with people trying to paint him as something more grandiose than he sees himself to be and by people continuously doing so , it further divides him from the more common people ( except those of you ordon ): exceptions to this are children and animals --- both as a man or in the form of a wolf , link maintains an absolute adoration for animals -- domestic and wild alike. O4. he kept the shadow crystal and can transform into a wolf at anytime! along with this no matter the form , link can communicate with all animals and takes great pride in this fact! paired with this , some years ago link gained the ability to communicate with all the previous incarnations of the hero [see headcanon here]: so there are times when he will seek their guidance , think of how aang from atla communicates with his past lives.
default verse ( open ): it is a decade later and while hailed as a hero , link longs for the life he used to have and greatly misses midna , their only connection severed by her shattering of the mirror of twilight. he is tirelessly searching for a way to regain a way into the twilight realm. along with this , he has maintained his duties to the people of ordon and has even taken up gardening. link will attend political meetings , per the request of zelda , but will not speak during them and merely attends as a figurehead as the one who saved hyrule ( he does not care for all the formalities ): and has been known to journey to other kingdom's to provide aid and as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule. sacrilegious godslayer ( plotting preferred ): a link who grew tired of the cycle of incarnation and seeks to destroy it at its source of , what he believes , to be the gods he was preordained to serve [ heavy wip ]
the vast majority of my interactions i imagine will take place in either ordon , hyrule , or something adjacent to the two. though , i have no preference if they meet while link is attending a political meeting in hyrule , while as an ambassador on behalf of hyrule for another kingdom , during the ingame quest , as a wolf , or even in a modern-ish setting. my default verse is perhaps the most versatile in terms of location but i am always down to discuss and bounce ideas off!
O1. a verse with the hero of time / the hero shade. i view link and shade as having a very loving bond beyond the simple mentor / student dynamic ( it is something a bit more paternal ): if this ain't your dice i understand , but i think the implications and ability to expand upon what was not seen in canon is exciting! O2. look my main verse heavily centers around midna and link missing her , now whether this is something romantic or purely friendship i leave up to the other mundane. while , i do ship midlink ... there are many nuances to their relationship that i want to explore outside of the purely romantic. i crave it honestly because midna is such a fascinating character to me. O3. the other minor cast of twilight or other character's games. i especially love the yiga , zora , other renditions of zelda , link , ganondorf... man honestly fuck me up. i am down for like anything toss me all the plot wolfies!
while extensive canon libraries have been taken with link as a character, primarily revolving around his racial/cultural background and personal feelings outside of his duty as a hero of the gods. he is older , taller , wiser , and fairly sacrilegious. but he is still the link we all know and love from twilight princess and all the more courageous and proud. but , regarding the canonical timeline of the legend of zelda , i am trying to adhere to it as to not uproot it as i am one of those people that is a stickler for canon... until i am not. because look, nintendo is doing fuck all with their timeline so i am mostly ignoring. ocarina of time predates twilight princess more than a couple hundred years though (that map layout is so wrong ): and i like to think that the events between oot and tp are a few thousand years or so apart. when it comes to the twilight princess manga it is not something i adhere too minus very choice things: i. the midlink kiss is so canon to me , ii. link is highly intelligent and an avid reader , iii. link struggling with the duty of being a hero , iv. he has a bit of a mischievous / prankster streak. also he is very funny , and v. his interactions with the hero shade. i have poured a lot of love into developing link over the years and continue to do so. i reference the game a lot. i tweak tidbits here and there to better form a narrative and overarching story and to drive character development above all. i am not really into extensive fight threads, especially not with link ( he has countless ability of past warriors and godslaying ability in his blood ): it wouldn't be fair and i wouldn't see a point personally. i am more aligned with extensive emotion driven interactions, and though i do not mind one off ask memes for those that are not as into plot heavy novella style threads.
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