#The Elements of Harmony
bettertwin9000 · 10 months
Question what r ur pride flag(s) for a uhhhh totally random thing n not any holiday gifts whatsoever haha
Hmmm rather suspicious... anyways- here-
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This is a second account teehee!!!
Uh but I go by any pronouns
My names are irim / grim / raven
I uh erm erm I abrosexula la like a vampire ha get it…anyway I like a shit tone of things erm I’m autistic!!!
I like mlp music and nerdy stuff and I lub teen titans go I’m homo for nightwing
Erm this will probably just become my stuff for like albums animations and yt video ideas that I’m gonna make so yeah 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
I loved when the elements of harmony used to be physical objects, no reason really I just think having them as necklaces and in twilight's crown was really neat! I should try to make them out of clay for my ponies someday ^^💖
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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coffeeandtoast · 2 years
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carouselunique · 7 months
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Here you go!
Bonus Explanations for the Elements:
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I treat the Elements as the values being the same throughout it's just how the bearers choose to interpret those values is how they end up being defined. In a sense the original Mane Six and the Swap Six all have similar values but express them somewhat differently.
Roseluck: Element of Inspiration - Rose inspires others to be their best selves, she is inspired to strive toward her dreams through her friendships and wants to pay that forward.
(Element of Generosity - Rarity focuses on what she can give to others while Rose focuses on bringing out what one already has.)
Ditzy Doo: Element of Cheer - Ditzy always delivers a smile, a cheesy mail joke, a wing to lean on, a feathery shoulder to cry on so you can feel better, someone to remember you and make you feel seen etc. She makes others feel lighter and cheerier and that cheer spreads to others in a domino effect!
(Element of Laughter - Ditzy doesn't mainly focus on laughter the way Pinkie does because she believes not everyone needs a laugh to feel cheer. Pinkie is more of a clown type while Ditzy is, well, more of a motherly type)
Sea Swirl: Element of Trust - If you put your trust into Sea, she won't let you down. She is honest sort, even if you sometimes have to take a leap of faith that you aren't sure about at first. Sea will uphold your belief in her with a trustworthiness that makes you want to be someone that others trust as well.
(Element of Honesty - AJ treats her Element as a very literal value while Sea doesn't feel the need to say every true thing outloud, more that you know that she is someone who's words and actions you can inherently trust even if she isn't always literally honest.)
Ginger Gold: Element of Integrity - No matter what ambitions Ginger has, she will always have the integrity to stick by her friends and family and do the right thing. Her integrity and willingness to do what's right by those she cares for no matter what even at the cost of her own goals makes everyone around her a little more honorable in turn.
(Element of Loyalty - It's nearly the same here more just that in my head, Rainbow will be loyal to her friends because they're her friends while Ginger Gold will have integrity because it is something she believes one should just always have and by having that she can be loyal to her friends - not to say one is more noble than the other, that is just how they see it if they're asked to really define it.)
Sunny Rays: Element of Empathy - Sunny is, as her name suggests, as warm as the sun. She is soft and understanding and empathetic and seeing everyone as being worth a chance at being seen and their issues felt allows everyone a kinder view of situations.
(Element of Kindness - Sunny Rays sees empathy as different than kindness, especially as she develops. She can have empathy and not always be kind as someone might see it and someone can be kind but not understand the point of view through an empathetic lens and therefore be kind but not empathetic. Of course it's a struggle to balance how to be kind and empathetic or when kindness has to stop because you know it is hindering your understanding of a situation, etc.)
Minuette: Element of Friendship - Her friendship brought the group together and allowed them to share their best values with each other and her realization that you should make time not just for academic exploration and what we can discover but for the cultivation of emotional and social development and that we need our connections with others to be truly happy helps other realize what truly counts.
(Element of Magic - In my head, Twilight calls it Magic because she believes that Friendship is a form of Magic a flaw that shows up in the later seasons where friendship is treated as something inherent and almost religious in a sense? At least to me? While Minuette believes that the Magic comes second to the Friendship and can only occur if one works on Friendship and treats the Magic of Friendship as something you work at and feel more than it is literal magic.)
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mia-marshmellow · 2 months
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The elements of harmony<33
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
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the rest of the cast got their new song covers, so i wanted to try putting the others in a band :>
i did want to make it look a bit like an album cover but i have no idea how those are designed so eh?? i also couldn't think of any band or album/song names so. if anyone has any ideas...
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98chao · 2 months
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me: im gonna take a break from drawing today!
ive literally never drawn mlp art a day in my life. What is wrong with me
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quuietly · 2 months
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Her ass was NOT ready for this friendship problem
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cingulomana · 1 month
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
Friendly reminder that in The Return of Harmony Part 1 Fluttershy is the ONLY ONE to resist Discord’s tricks and he has to just give up and forcefully corrupt her because her kindness is so strong and boundless that he can’t get to her
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Figuring this out at 3am Is the strangest feeling ever. AND THEY FIT SO WELL. The elements of harmony fit very well with most of them it’s scary
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
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Saiouma not-week not-day five: Phantom Thief
Nothing says platonic rivalry like having a
⋆。°✩ matching ⭒°。⋆
conspiracy board with your nemesis so you can track their every move!
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heilos · 2 years
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It feels like I've been working on this literally forever now haha. Anyone who’s been following me since my Deviantart days might know who this character is, but for those who don’t, she’s a My Little Pony OC I made back in 2013 based off the Tree of Harmony from the G4 cartoon. I’ve had these sketches sitting on my computer for way too long and finally decided to push myself and finish this “ultimate ref sheet” for her while adding in some minor design updates. Took the time to rewrite her backstory info listed below. Please check it out if you’ve got a moment! This character means a lot to me and one day soon I plan on trying to animate her. :)
________________________________________________________ ✨ Harmony is the Tree of Harmony in mind, body and soul. ✨ Brought into existence as a magic sapling by the Pillars of Equestria before they sealed themselves away with the Pony of Shadows, the Tree of Harmony has been the silent protector of Equestria for thousands of years. Over time, artifacts grown from her branches called the Elements of Harmony were discovered by the royal sisters Princess Luna and Princess Celestia and used to battle many foes threatening the world with evil ambitions and dark magic. Years passed since the events of Discord being sealed away by the elements along with the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and for a time the elements laid dormant and mostly forgotten about. These powerful artifacts would eventually find their way into the hooves of the modern day Mane 6 as the current bearers and defenders of the realm with renewed purpose. However, the more the elements were used, the more of a magical imprint was left on them from their wielders when returned back to the Tree time and time again. The magic of these ponies’ friendships paired with their strong unique personalities ended up being a powerful catalyst, granting the Tree not only sentience, but a will to live and grow beyond her crystal body rooted to the ground. No longer content as merely an observer and guiding hoof for Equestria, the Tree crafted herself a new form to mimic the very beings that shared with her their love, care and adoration for the realm they protected against the darkness. Thus the Tree of Harmony became known as the living spirit “Harmony” ________________________________________________________ ✨ List of general information about Harmony ✨
- Her design elements are based off of more traditional unicorns with a long lion like tail, unshorn fetlocks, and split hooves. Her horn also mimics the branch shapes on the Tree of Harmony. - Her hooves and headband are made entirely out of crystal, just like the Tree itself was. If either gets chipped or cracked, she can repair it fairly easily. - Her hair flowers can be gifted to others if she so wishes. They grow back quickly when removed. They’re also magical and won’t wilt unless drained of magic. Flowers sometimes grow on the ground trailing behind her too. - She’s quite tall and sometimes forgets that when interacting with others. This can lead to some very funny, but awkward moments. - She gives great hugs, though she has to be mindful of her own size and strength when doing so. - She cannot leave the Everfree forest unless part of her magic remains behind so that the forest doesn’t grow out of control. (Can be either the Elements of Harmony left in her place or half of her natural magic in the form of a sapling) - Twilight and Spike were the first ones to find her when she created her new equine form. It was quite shocking to say the least seeing the Tree of Harmony moving around and talking to them. - She doesn’t understand social cues at first and relies on mimicking bits and pieces of the Mane 6′s personalities. But she’s still openly friendly and curious about the world around her. - She’s extremely protective of the Mane 6 on an instinctual level and will directly challenge a perceived threat to them unless talked down. - The Pillars of Equestria are basically her parents since their elements made her. She’s very fond and protective of them as well once they return from being trapped in limbo with the Pony of Shadows. - When using strong magic, her eyes glow light blue with whited out pupils. It’s a little unsettling and intimidating to look at. - Her magic is definitely a bit OP, but her full power is limited to the Everfree forest for the time being. Regardless, she has the advantage on her home turf if the need ever arises to defend herself or others. - She is however susceptible to different types of dark magic if her body is injured badly enough. No one knows what would happen if Harmony was ever corrupted by dark magic and they’d rather not find out ever. - The creation of her new form takes place sometime between season 5 and season 7 before the Pillars return, but after Tirek is defeated by the Mane 6.
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bonnyhoddie · 4 months
Elements of Disharmony - Twilight Sparkle
Introducing, my version of the Elements of Disharmony, and introducing the first victim of the AU, Twilight Sparkle.
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Heyyy infodump time
Twilight sparkle was born with high praise and expectations on her, especially with Shining Armour as her older brother and THE Princess Cadance, princess of love, as her foalsitter.
These expectations only grew as well when the ponies around her started to see her own talent for magic, learning spells much quicker than her peers, and casting simple spells such as levitation spells at an adult's level.
She was so good at casting spells that her parents applied for her to study at the academy for gifted unicorns, where she was to perform the test of cracking a dragon's egg. After many attempts, she felt that she was going to have to give up, as she was unable to even put a small crack in the egg. However, just as she had accepted her defeat, a loud bang and bright multicoloured lights overwhelmed the room, and, in her shock, something in her body unlocked, and her horn let out a bright light and her body was overwhelmed with a power she had never felt before, and a power that she couldn't control. Before she knew it, her parents and the assessors were shifting into different objects, regressing in age and losing control of the gravity around them. The only being who could protect herself from Twilight's power, and therefore calm her, was the Princess, who was alerted to a problem when she saw the large head of a purple dragon break through the roof of a Canterlot building.
When Twilight was calmed, and Celestia reverted all the changes Twilight made to the ponies around her, she promised to teach Twilight how to control her powers, along with congratulating her for her skills, and notifying her of her cutie mark. An 8 pointed star, and the symbol of her talent of magic. Twilight was ecstatic, and couldn't sleep for many nights out of excitement.
However, as the years went on, Twilight's excitement slowly turned into hopelessness, as many, if not all of her lessons with Celestia to control her magic was fruitless. She couldn't even perform simple levitation spells without risk of losing control. Sometimes her spells would misfire, striking to the right or left somehow, or they'd be a completely different, random spell. Or, in rarer cases, her horn would let out more magic than she intended, which will risk breaking the object she's trying to lift, or a magic meltdown, which causes mass destruction in whatever room she's in.
Celestia could not help her. And she was juggling enough issues as it was, with her sister banished to the moon for the next thousand years after she attempted to return, raising both the sun and the moon on her own, protecting and ruling Equestria, helping Cadance and the Crystal Empire, and so much more that meant she was less and less able to help Twilight. So, one day, she made the extremely difficult decision to strip Twilight of her magic, as it was her magic that was damaging both herself and everything around her, along with every nearby pony.
However, Starswirl the Bearded, during his time before his disappearance, was never capable of finding an artifact or spell capable of absorbing some of Twilight's magic, which left Celestia no other choice than to confront a centaur in Tartarus, Tirek, who was locked away for attempting to steal the magic from Equestria. On top of allowing him to absorb her magic, with Twilight also consenting to this, she heightened security for Tirek, giving him enchanted restraints and enchanting his cage, so that they would never lose their magic, and would neve break, so, if Tirek was to ever absorb the magic from his restraints and cage and grow, they would never break, so he would have to either return the magic and give up, or suffocate from his own body squeezing against himself.
After Twilight lost her magic, and therefore her ability to cast spells, and her cutie mark, which reminded her of what made her Twilight, she felt like she was missing a large part of herself, as if she was almost just a shell of what she once was. She felt colder, more exhausted, weaker, and much more apathetic to the world around her. On top of that, she felt a strong pull from her magic, as if it was trying desperately to return to her.
After months of trying to recover and resist these feelings, she couldn't handle it anymore, and she travelled to Tartarus, to meet with the centaur, who promised to not only return her magic, but to also teach her how to use it, telling her that Celestia was lying to her about her being unteachable. And that his only condition for her magic was his freedom, and for her to take him to Celestia.
In any other situation, Twilight would have refused. However, the pull of her magic was too overwhelming, and her growing desperation allowed her to believe the lies of Tirek. And, as such, she agreed. Tirek gave her a portion of her magic, but claimed that he gave it all to her, and gave her simple advice of how to control herself and her spells, finding her resentment growing for Celestia, as, for years, she was believed to be uncontrollable, only for her 'best teacher' to be a centaur. As she found herself performing various spells in her excitement, Tirek fed her more and more lies about Celestia and her 'jealousy' for Twilight's potential, which served to make her hate Celestia more and more. And, as part of her deal, and as part of her gratitude to Tirek, she released him from his cage, and guided him to Canterlot, allowing him to drain the magic of other ponies as they travelled. All while maintaining some control of Tirek to protect herself from ever losing her magic again.
And that was the day the princess of the sun and Equestria lost her magic.
Now you’ve come this far, help a family!
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carouselunique · 4 months
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Swap Six: Equestria Girls Edition!
Had a ‘spark’ of inspiration for our main villain Twilight Sparkle, so here she is in all her glory!
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