#The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Better than reality TV
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remso · 2 years
Does scripture tell us that the earth's axis will shift 40 degrees?
Does scripture tell us that the earth’s axis will shift 40 degrees?
A brother in Christ who goes by the YouTube name, Watchman River Tom, mentioned that he always listens to Jonathan Brentner. So I felt I needed to check out his website, “Our Journey Home.” https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/https/jonathan-brentner-g8fgsquarespacecom/config/2022/11/28/12-signs-the-world-is-running-out-of-normal The article is called “12 Signs The World is Running Out of Normal.“ I…
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osmerharris · 2 years
Does scripture tell us that the earth's axis will shift 40 degrees?
Does scripture tell us that the earth’s axis will shift 40 degrees?
A brother in Christ who goes by the YouTube name, Watchman River Tom, mentioned that he always listens to Jonathan Brentner. So I felt I needed to check out his website, “Our Journey Home.” https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/https/jonathan-brentner-g8fgsquarespacecom/config/2022/11/28/12-signs-the-world-is-running-out-of-normal The article is called “12 Signs The World is Running Out of Normal.“ I…
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jayoftheorb · 5 days
Dp x Dc idea
Batman realizes the Lazarus pits are moving. He's calculated that every pit on the face of the earth is shifting north towards on specific point on the north pole, specifically, they're moving very slowly but getting faster like faro-fluid towards a magnet.
Dani fell apart a long time ago, her body dissolved and fell though a few different natural portals and there was nothing her family could do to get her back through the portal safely without destroying her core, all they could do was wait for her to pull herself together. Her core had been trying to pull her back together for awhile now, she's just now picking up speed, only a few more years til she's back together...
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aspaceinthecosmos · 1 year
hello! i've got some GROUNDBREAKING space news for you!
scientists have uncovered evidence for a gravitational wave background (GWB) in our universe, and the way they went about it is fascinating.
To fully understand what's going on here, we need to go into a bit of background information.
First of all: what are gravitational waves? gravitational waves are often called 'ripples' in spacetime, often caused by extremely energetic processes such as black holes colliding, or two neutron stars orbiting each other closely.
So, how did scientists figure this out? They used 67 pulsars (known as the Pulsar Timing Array) throughout the Milky Way, practically creating a galaxy-sized telescope in order to study this.
Pulsars are the extremely dense cores of massive stars, left over after they go supernova. These are fascinating on their own, but for this project, they had an essential feature: Pulsars rapidly rotate (think up to hundreds of rotations per second), spewing radiation out in pulses from their magnetic poles. For some pulsars, these radiation jets cross Earth's line of sight, and we get incredibly constant bursts of radio signals, which can be catalogued and used as a sort of standard, universal clock.
Here is a link to a gif showing the rotation of a pulsar. Please be warned for flashing and eyestrain.
For 15 years, a team of astronomers working for the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), used radio telescopes around the globe to track minuscule changes in the signal patterns from pulsars. The changes they found are due to the slight movement of spacetime between us and the pulsars, stretching and compressing the paths of their radio waves as extremely low frequency gravitational waves pass through the universe (yes, that includes you. your atoms, as well as the atoms making up everything around you, are very slowly shifting position, dancing along to the heartbeat of the universe).
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At the moment, scientists are still debating what could have caused this gravitational wave background, but some there are some leading theories: the GWB could be caused by trillions of binary black hole systems (black holes orbiting each other) throughout the universe. It could also be due to cosmic inflation, or even the big bang itself. Scientists just don't know yet, but the opportunities this discovery opens up are incredible.
The knowledge of the GWB could help us better understand the formation of early galaxies, or even help us understand the origin of the universe.
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geostelar5 · 4 months
So can anyone clarify what the actual fuck a deathworld is?? Its a term thats thrown around a lot, and I feel like my autistic ass can't understand the term because well...Earth is the only planet we know of that can support life! Like, yes there are dangerous things about it but all the dangerous stuff actually supports WHY it is able to support life the way it does. How its very active volcanically means that things shift and we keep strong magnetic poles to dispirse deadly radiation and solar winds. How we have giant storms that redistribute heat and water into cycles that we can predict and adapt to. How every single enviornment on earth has SOMETHING adapted to live near it because despite what people think. Earth is VERY hospitable to life. In fact I kind of think that the term "Deathworld" probably sprung up from a bunch of panicked alien scientists or observers who saw the stuff Earth has on it and kind of panicked and labeled it like that without understanding WHY the Earth is so hospitbal to all the different kinds of life that we see. So if anyone can explain to me why this dangerous, but actually very hospitable and comfortable planet for life to thrive on called earth is called a Deathworld, when that should be reserved for places like Venus where things DONT actually live. That would be great
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
Belly Dance Observations Week 4
I am now going on record to state that belly dance is an essential ingredient for every female body interested in accessing its innate divine feminine power in a more accelerated journey. What I noticed this week was that my breasts have reverted back to their 20 year old texture. But it’s not about the aesthetics —they are lovely don’t get me wrong, but I'm 47 and not looking for my 20 year breasts...it is just what happened naturally. What enlivens me, what lights up my eyes and dilates my blood vessels, is that I have accessed another portal to tapping into larger untapped kinetic potential (energy, mystery, and freedom) held in the female body. More inner sunlight!
Speaking to another dance student in my class —a 60 year old body-aware ex-ballerina, she shared how she felt the same way when she first started and continues to feel that heightened radiance after each class. I get it though! The hips, spine, and belly hold power that fuels our entire ecosystem. They are the sunlight currency systems! Because I’m a pole dancer, a building/strengthening and flexibility-inducing sexy art, I felt the clarion call to nurture my center of reality with more fluidity and yin, to soften my belly and hips sort of speak. A soft belly with strong flexible legs means that the body is receiving an abundance of earth and water energy from the ground, the earth. Water and earth energy create a strong healthy lubricated female body wellspring. A lubricated female body is actually pulsing with the universe, which isn't about sex, as lovely and delicious as heart-connected sex can be. It is about creation. The creation of new narratives. The shimmies, hip drops, and belly shakes/pumps heat up or activate kundalini to help clear densely-blocked channels in our bellies from unresolved emotions in this recent life and past lives and the detached depression we continue to carry from our foremothers/forefathers trying to navigate inhumane, insanity, predatory Western systems, AND the repression from violence against our grandmothers and the accompanying terror of living in a female body throughout lifetimes.
Whew chile! No wonder so many of us behave out of alignment with our highest potential. But the beauty is that we are shifts and plot twists in our grandmothers' narratives. We have the opportunity NOW to heal in ways that our beloved grandmothers didn't have the opportunity to. Couple that with the fact that if we had a rough childhood, we must process those suppressed emotions throughout our bodies—loosen the shit up so that they can decalcify and be transmuted into more space and love that opens the way to making NEW CHOICES and IMPLEMENTING NEW HABITS🕊️! If you are highly-sensitive and empathetic like I am as well and have been working to open up your heart—to increase your frequency/magnetism through accessing more of your heart space, belly dance (or some other passionate movement like belly self-massages or other belly/hip grabbing, ass-gripping, and spine-undulating, deep-breathing touch during lovemaking) is essential and completely non-negotiable. Hot damn!
My teacher asked the other day how old I was. And she had to sit down in a chair in disbelief when I told her. I live a regenerative life and am always discovering new ways this body my soul essence lives inside of can come alive so that I share the discoveries with other women and non-binary people. I am sooooo in love with belly dance! If you are not resourced enough to get to a class, go to YouTube and find tutorials there. Play around there with moving your belly, back and hips in 4-dimensional ways. Trance out with it.
Such a big part of what I believe my role as a woman/myth being is to bequeath other women with the wisdom to navigate this human existence, to land fully in their bodies in this incarnation, and know in deepest sense that all of us is worthy and welcomed. We get to be in relationship with our bodies and all the feels-- from deep love to deep anger to sadness to pristine ecstasy. To feel them and let them run/drip/leak/undulate and be seen/felt in them and sometimes go deeply into what’s underneath when desired. In my last class, I cried for some unknown reason. It was incredibly liberating to just let it flow and move on.
Sometimes what I witness happen with women is that when we start feel our denser suppressed emotions like anger or rage, we stay in them for years....unconsciously-- without awareness, creating other calcifications like fibriods or tumors from either being easily triggered by the external world, not detoxifying and moving enough through our processes, or of course, never accessing what has been suppressed. And I get it too--it's a lot happening all at once and it can be a tough game to play . But this is the times we are living in and sometimes it's just hard so learn to be okay with life being hard while also keenly aware that it doesn’t always have to be. We have to be lovers again. A lover state of being is essential for our bodies' highest harmonies. But we also must be a bit like martial arts and warriors. Capoeira-style in the shape of belly dancers. We have to be here for all of it.
With feeling, also *practice* feeling the emotions that may be less natural for you to feel right now like joy, gratitude, appreciation, tenderness, ecstasy, softness, sweetness, relaxation, and serenity. Normalize these states so that your body receives neurotransmitters, endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin that help to nourish and repair it. Rest, hike, touching, kissing, really good sex, good nourishing food, healthy relationships, laughter, limiting social media/tv, creativity/finishing projects, good music, and of course dance. As you release and open, you may find yourself rarely usurping emotions like "anger." Not that anything is bad/wrong about the very useful emotion of anger but when you consciously create your life, the more fulfilled you become, the less necessary the energy of anger becomes for you in how you process or experience life. But if ever needed again, you know how to access your anger, embrace it, and hold yourself in it by feeling it into a warm flow.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Eye of Sirius Talon Abraxas
Sirius is known as the "Dog Star," and as the star of liberation, love, freedom, and initiation. Sirius strongly influences events on the earth plane. It is the magnetic energy that comes from Sirius that changes the earth's magnetism and creates pole shifts. You can work with the Sirius energy to stay clear and balanced, to have an open heart, to free yourself from negative energies, and to be magnetic to all you need to fulfill your purpose.
The 7 stars of the Pleiades, sometimes called the "7 sisters," are found in the neck of the Bull, in the constellation of Taurus. These are related to the 7 stars in the Big Dipper. The energies coming from Pleiades are part of the intelligence aspect of the universe, and influence the form side of manifestation. You can work with these energies so that everything you manifest will be the highest possible embodiment of the seed of divinity within it.
Pole Star The two stars on the outside portion of the cup of the Big Dipper point to the Pole star, known as the star of Direction. It is currently Polaris, found in the Little Bear. It brings humanity back to its originating source. You can focus on this star energy so you can always know the true goal, that of Self-Realization, and find it in the most efficient, effective possible way.
Spiritual Sun This is the "light of all lights." It is the light of unity, coherence, and synthesis. When you "see" in the light of the Spiritual Sun, you can see the oneness of all life, and know your connection to it. When the Spiritual Sun arises in the center of your being, within your heart, then pain, struggle, and suffering is dissolved. You can contact the Spiritual Sun to illuminate the "veil of unknowingness" that separates you from your Divine Self, for in the light of the Sun the veil disappears. You can then see in this light the one absolute Reality that pervades and illumines all life.
Solar Light, Heart of the Sun
This is the "soul" of the Sun, just as the Spiritual Sun is the "spirit or one life" that is the source of life of the Sun. It is connected with the 7 rays, the consciousness, magnetism, and vitality of life itself. It radiates Divine Love. Orin's album Solar Radiance: Becoming a More Perfect Light is an in-depth course on working with Solar light.
Connecting with Star Energies:
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alphaman99 · 9 months
Silly Sally
Neil Golan posts:
1. SUNSPOTS – Every 11 years elevated sunspot activity occurs on the Sun and is transmitted to earth as heat.
2. PRECESSION – The Earth’s axis moves in a cycle that lasts 26,000 years during which time it varies by 23 degrees from the neutral axis which is perpendicular to the Suns rays. This changes the locations of deserts and forests.
3. ECCENTRICITY OF EARTHS ORBIT - Changes the distance from the Sun to Earth. This varies the amount of heat the Earth receives from the sun. It warms and cools the Earth.
4. METEORS OR COMETS – Are plentiful but every so often can cause devastating changes in the Earth when they impact. One has been blamed for the extinction of the Dinosaurs at least in part.
5. VOLCANOS - Caused by tectonic plate movements, occur in unpredictable ways and have been known to create extreme global temperature variations. The eruption of Tambura caused the 1815 “Year without a Summer” with effects that lasted 3 years. There are approximately 1500 active volcanoes, 500 of which have erupted in modern times, and 60 of which are currently active in approx. 60 countries around the world. Yellowstone is a Super volcano that will really change the climate when it blows again.
6. SHIFTS IN THE EARTH’S MOLTEN CORE…. In unpredictable ways. Changes the magnetic poles and moves them approximately 35 miles per year, and can lead to pole reversals every 7000 years.
7. GULFSTREAM (ancillary)– And other currents are generally consistent but variations of hundreds of miles can cause huge environmental changes.
8. JET STREAM SHIFTS (ancillary). They move heat energy in unpredictable ways.
9. EL NINA & EL NINO (ancillary)- Warming and Cooling effects of atmosphere in the Pacific Ocean.
11. CONTINENTAL DRIFT – over the very long term.
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currentclimate · 1 year
The videos, which garnered more than 20 million views on the popular social media platform between January and April, according to the report, include clips from a Jan. 18 episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, in which Rogan uses that conspiracy theory to downplay the climate crisis and calls efforts to address it “a moot point.”
Climate change is “this narrative that just gets repeated over and over and over and this fear mongering and everyone gets freaked out,” Rogan tells his guest, YouTuber Jimmy Corsetti, in the episode. “If the f***ing magnetic poles might shift and we might get hit by a giant rock from space, we might have bigger problems.”
Why do people listen to a second-rate actor and a 3rd rate comedian and UFC commentator about anything other than maybe the UFC??
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 4 months
Here are my Double or Nothing predictions and/or fantasy bookings that no one asked for! These things will absolutely not happen but in my mind, this is what should happen.
Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Rosa. I like them both but like Rosa a little more than Deonna.
The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass vs. Brian Cage & Gates of Agony
Daddy Ass and the Acclaimed
The Bang Bang Gang (Jay White, Austin & Colten Gunn) (c) vs. Death Triangle (PAC, Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero M) for the Unified Trios titles
This is a tough one because I low key love the train wreck - one brain cell ass combo of the Bang Bang Gang BUT I’m a Lucha Bros Babe from before AEW so I’m giving the edge to Death Triangle
Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta
Listen. Here’s all I’m gonna say. I’m Team Chuck Taylor above all others. And Chuck chose Orange. So if that’s what Chuck thought, that’s what I think
Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita in an IWGP World Heavyweight championship Eliminator
That arm in the chair spot handicaps Mox a bit which I think leaves this open for Takeshita to take this win (only to lose when the actual title is on the line)
Chris Jericho (c) vs. HOOK vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the FTW title
Anyone but Jericho. Fuck outta here.
(low key rooting for Shibata tho)
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the TNT championship
If I had my way, Adam is gonna come out to the whole old school Brood entrance, I’m talking with the original music, the ring of fire and Gangrel carrying the blood filled chalice.
Anyway I’m thinking Adam has the edge (get it lol) and this is clearly leading, as I said when Adam first got inked by Malakai, to Adam turning evil and taking over HOB (so that Malakai and maybe Buddy can fuck off back to WWE to be with their SOs, which I don’t fault them for wanting)
Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay for the International championship
I want Ospreay to come out and immediately decapitate Matt Taven with a round house kick and for Matt Taven’s head to fly into Mike Bennett’s gut and go clean through it leaving a comical hole like in the movie Death Becomes Her.
And then he beats Roderick.
Timeless Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb for the AEW Women World title
Toni Storm cross body blocks Serena and then just starts mocking a seizure and her acting is so good that Serena immediately submits.
Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Moné for the TBS title
Willow picks up Mercedes and tosses her into the rafters like she was a paper plane. When Mercedes floats back down to the ring after 15 mins of gliding, Willow powerbombs her so hard that Earth’s magnetic poles shift
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage for the AEW World championship
Swerve should roll Nick Wayne up in one of Mother Wayne’s dusters and use him like a lance to take out Luchasaurus/Killswitch, since he has a masters degree in Medieval history, I believe Luchaswitch would appreciate it.
Then Swerve would have to defeat Mother Wayne as Christian would be hanging on to her leg like a scared kitten.
Once Mother Wayne was disposed of, Swerve will have Nana dance so hard that Christian will pass out resulting in a win via TKO
The Elite (The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) vs. Team AEW (FTR, Bryan Danielson & Darby Allin) in Anarchy in the Arena
This is too ripe for wild shit. Nothing I could imagine would come close to whatever inevitable insane shit Darby does.
I’ll just say I’m Team Elite. Because I can’t stand FTR.
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Trust the science?
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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Enormous changes are occurring on Earth, as well as within and beyond your solar system. The sun is displaying increasingly high levels of solar storm and electrical activity, as well as a distinct increase in its brightness and a sizably stronger magnetic field. An increase in brightness can also be seen on the planets and their moons, some of which now appear to be glowing. Scientists and astronomers have noted magnetic pole shifts, huge changes in atmospheric pressures and temperatures, and unusual fluctuations in magnetic fields throughout the entire solar system. The steady increase of celestial activity by way of comets, meteors, and asteroids is also an obvious sign that something very big is occurring; yet most people are so wrapped up with day-to-day diversions and distractions, they barely acknowledge the significance of these all-important celestial changes.
With everything moving at an ever-increasing pace, those entrained with the awakening can achieve massive leaps in conscious awareness and learn how to manage humanity’s newly unveiled mental and intuitive capabilities.
✨🌑✨ A natural part of the awakening process involves dealing with and finding answers to the seemingly endless flood of questions that arise from deep within. Questioning the framework of your personal and collective reality is actually a wise and healthy endeavor, because it unlocks the conditioned mind-set used to exploit your understanding of life on Earth, as well as your place in the scheme of existence. A probing, questioning mind always has tremendous impact on the mass consciousness, there is no telling where your thoughts will land and take root once they are free from restraint. ✨✨The Pleiadians 🌑Art by: @sumapano 🌑
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monkeyandelf · 1 year
The Earth's magnetic field is getting weaker: Behold the atypical anomalies confirming the approaching of dark days for humanity
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Every 12,000 years, global catastrophes occur on Earth. The conclusion about the presence of such a cycle was made on the basis of a large-scale interdisciplinary study of traces of catastrophes based on ice cores, bottom sediments, traces of floods, ash layers of eruptions, megafires, paleomagnetic events, tectonic reconstructions, archaeological materials, and much more. It is important to understand that these cyclic catastrophes on geological time scales occur almost instantly. In the last cycle of catastrophes between the sharp warming and the subsequent cooling of the Younger Dryas, in just a few decades, a planetary catastrophe occurred, leading the planet to the Great Flood. Due to the suddenness of these climatic events, non-specialists and journalists interpreted it as the result of a meteorite impact, that is, it happened so abruptly and unexpectedly, however, those who comprehensively studied the events of the Later Dryas are sure that a sharp warming and subsequent cooling occurred precisely because of volcanic eruptions. In addition, at the same time, a drift of the poles was taking place on the planet, which could in no way be connected with the fall of the meteorite. Catastrophic volcanic eruptions and sudden changes in the magnetic field have something in common, and one reason - this is the destabilization of the core of our planet by external cosmic influence, which affects the planets of the entire solar system once every 12 thousand years. In every 12,000-year cycle of catastrophes, the Earth's magnetic poles drift, which we still observe today. The pole shift 12 thousand years ago is called Gothenburg excursion, 24 thousand years ago - Lake Mungo, 36 thousand years ago - Mono Lake, 48 thousand years ago - Laschamp and so on. Also in past cycles, there was a weakening of the magnetic field. For example, according to paleomagnetic studies during the Laschamp event, the planet's magnetosphere shrank by about 3.8 times the Earth's radius. One hypothesis claims that the extinction of the Neanderthals was due to an increased flux of ultraviolet radiation, as a weakened magnetic field began to pass it more. According to the models of scientists at the same time, auroras were observed on Earth even in the equatorial zone. Today, the change in the Earth's magnetic field is already gaining momentum. It may seem to us that this is not such an important parameter, since we do not directly feel these changes, but in fact this is a catastrophic phenomenon that threatens all life on the planet. Let's look at what anomalies on the planet lead to changes in the Earth's magnetic field in the current cycle of 12 thousand years . In 1995, as a result of changes in the core of our planet, the North Magnetic Pole, previously moving at a speed of 15 kilometers per year, sharply accelerated by 3.5 times. This is the result of heating the outer core and accelerating the flow of molten iron inside it. Today, due to the weakening of the magnetic field, the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly is growing. Scientists tell us that over the past century, the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by more than 10%, which means that we are threatened by a more powerful stream of cosmic radiation, such as ultraviolet radiation, and this also means that the stream of external cosmic influence is even greater. volume passes to the nucleus. There is another possibly unexpected indicator of changes in the Earth's magnetic field, indicating a destabilization of the core - these are atypical auroras. This year there were especially many anomalously bright and frequent auroras, including in atypical points of the planet. People posted a lot of photos and videos on social networks, admiring this phenomenon, but unfortunately there is nothing to admire here. 
What is aurora?
Aurora is the interaction of solar wind particles with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. In simple terms, when particles of the solar wind interact with particles of oxygen and nitrogen, this causes them to glow, which we observe as aurora. Depending on how deep charged particles can penetrate into the atmosphere and what their energy is, there will be a glow of different colors.
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Each height has its own color, which is determined by the composition and density of the atmosphere. On Earth, we are used to seeing green aurorae, and mostly at the poles.
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Green aurora occurs at altitudes from 100 to 200 kilometers above the earth when charged particles of the solar wind of medium energies interact with atomic oxygen. However, the glow can also be red, and it arises due to the interaction of high-energy solar wind particles with atomic oxygen. Such a poisonous red glow usually occurred at an altitude of over 200 km, since such high-energy particles were not transmitted below by the Earth's magnetic field.
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Red auroras have occurred rarely and only during intense magnetic storms, so now we are seeing a very alarming anomaly. Not only did the auroras begin to occur very often, their manifestations are already observed at an altitude already below 90 kilometers, which means that, firstly, the Earth's magnetic field is weakening and those active high-energy particles of the solar wind that should have been reflected by the magnetic shield are freely penetrate deep into the atmosphere and begin to interact with atomic oxygen closer to the Earth. It is important to note this penetration of larger and more strongly charged particles, which act more destructively on all life on the planet, and the fact that today red auroras occur already in the lower layers of the atmosphere means that there is no longer any protection above. The second reason auroras behave anomalously is the lowering of the upper and middle layers of the atmosphere. Our atmosphere settles, that is, sinks, and the density of its upper and middle layers decreases. Moreover, its chemical composition changes. Now, according to satellite data, a decrease in oxygen concentration by 2-4 times at an altitude of 130 km has been revealed, and the loss rate significantly exceeds all calculated models, and this indicates a certain pathological process leading to a decrease in oxygen in the atmosphere. Scientists are also recording ozone depletion from the solar wind at 75 km, and we will soon see the ozone layer being destroyed already in the stratosphere below 50 km, which means that we will lose our protection from ultraviolet radiation. We already see examples of red auroras in mid-latitudes, especially in February and March 2023. And on January 5, 2023, the sky over Germany was painted red. It was an example of an anomalous static red aurora, but in addition to such red auroras, auroras of blue, turquoise, white and even pink hues have also begun to be observed, which also indicate the penetration of the solar wind closer to the Earth's surface and cracks in the magnetic field. https://twitter.com/bbroastro/status/1650285754562519044 During solar flares, the auroras move closer and closer to the equator. So, for example, during a strong magnetic storm on March 24, 2023, which scientists could not predict in advance and did not expect its arrival, the northern lights were observed in the United States and even in southern states such as Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Arizona. Auroras began to reach the southern latitudes of Europe, for example, to the Czech Republic, Ukraine and southern Russia. The occurrence of atypical, bright and frequent auroras, which are now observed far from the polar regions, cannot be explained by the activity of the Sun, since the Sun is now in a protracted minimum of its activity, and a smaller number of solar wind particles come to Earth. The only explanation for the aurora anomaly is that the Earth's magnetic field is critically weakening, the atmosphere is settling and the solar wind is sinking lower and lower to the Earth's surface. This is actually scary, because such large disturbances in the magnetic field are a sign that the core of the Earth is no longer working as it should. Few people know that there is another anomaly that indicates a local manifestation of the atypical behavior of the Earth's magnetic field. The so-called light pillars are a phenomenon that has become more frequent in the last few years. Previously, similar phenomena were observed only during the aurora, but now they began to occur without it. Now light pillars are observed mainly in the cold regions of the Earth at night, when there is light from lanterns. You can read that such phenomena occur due to the fact that hexagonal or columnar ice crystals hang one above the other in the air, and they illuminate the atmosphere, but remember winter night photographs 10-20 years ago, when there were lanterns, and light there were no pillars. What now began to keep them in limbo? In fact, this is not just an optical effect. Now we are finding more and more cases where light pillars appear in a group. Often they are brightly colored in the color of the lanterns that illuminate them, however, the intensity of the glow of the pillar does not match the brightness of the lantern, and moreover, another anomaly occurs - light pillars with a red tint or red color appear regardless of the light source. 
So what are the light pillars?
Light pillars are an atypical manifestation of the properties of magnetic fields, not fixed by our devices. It speaks of a local weakening of the magnetic field. During such appearances, along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, cosmic radiation penetrates to its surface and interacts with air molecules, which paints the pillars in different colors, like aurora borealis. Therefore, along the lines of force of magnetic fields, ice crystals hang and remain in a suspended state. Just like in the northern lights, the red color in the light pillars indicates that the molecular oxygen we breathe is being destroyed by hard cosmic radiation. Molecular oxygen turns into atomic oxygen, which glows red. This, in turn, suggests that more and more anomalous zones appear in the magnetic field, and the magnetic field lines are distorted. As a result, our atmosphere is subjected to even more severe attacks from cosmic radiation. Now you understand why such a phenomenon as light pillars does not delight at all, but is very frightening. The protective magnetic field of the Earth is very much weakened. Hard cosmic radiation penetrates deeper and deeper to the surface of the Earth, and oxygen in the atmosphere decreases, and all this progresses very quickly. We, being smart and educated people, do not see this. We admire the anomalous aurora with light pillars and say : What a beautiful scenery? But what can be beautiful in the coming Armageddon? Thus, atypical anomalies in the magnetic field are due to the fact that the core of our planet is destabilized due to cosmic impact, which comes to our planet every 12 thousand years. A climatic Cerberus and dark days to us in the literal sense of the word. Read the full article
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sassypotatoe1 · 1 year
As a high iq autistic who's special interest is knowing everything ever all the time, the amount of things people are just so confidently wrong about is staggering, but I can't really say anything because it's not really stuff that's harmful to be wrong about and quite frankly some of them are hilarious in their wrongness.
Some of the not as funny examples but the only ones I can remember off the top of my head rn include:
A woman told me that picking at my nails and tearing off the tips when they chip to make them smooth is going to make them grow slower because it makes microscopic tears into the nail bed that have to heal first. Nails grow like hair, from inside le finger, and they push dead proteins out, which is bound together by beta keratin, and that makes the nail. It doesn't grow from the tip, that's just the excess dead skin cells being pushed out.
The man who once told me that he thinks that the ice on the poles build up, become very heavy over time, and then the weight makes the earth flip on its side, changing the equator into the poles, where ice again builds up, becomes heavy and eventually flips the planet. He believes that this is how the dinosaurs were killed. Nevermind the fact that poles can't just shift to the equator, that's not how magnetic fields work, otherwise uranus would be spinning on the same general axis as everything else. Also nevermind the fact that the amount of mass required to do something as cataclysmic as flip a planet is like, don't cite me on this I'm very likely underestimating, 1000% of the amount of water we have on the planet total.
The man who confidently told me that herd immunity is when herds ostracise sick members to let them die off and create a healthier gene pool. Sir that's just survival of the fittest, and very very few animal groups actually do that. Herd immunity is.. Totally different. It's when enough people have been immunized against an illnesses to decrease spread of the illness so much that those who are immunocompromised or could not for some or other reason get immunized don't get sick. This one is actually harmful misinformation so I did attempt to correct him but I wanted to include it because it's just so confidently so wrong.
So anyway people being confidently extremely wrong entertains me because I have to laugh about it or else I'll become morbidly depressed so please share your HARMLESS (because I don't want to be depressed about harmful misinformation) confidently way off the mark stories I need to read something when work is slow.
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