#The Defier King Rhoam
fragmentedlegends · 15 days
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@sapientiiae You look a bit lost.” The voice is soft, as is her smile, though it still radiates genuine warmth. With her head tipped, she looked the newcomer over before taking a glance around their surroundings. “Can I help you somehow? Are you looking for someone?” (From HW Zelda since I figured she would be easiest to interact with — your choice of muse! )
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Stumbling, he was stumbling, his great weight crashing down upon weakening knees flared in pain—damn the years gone by, damn this cursed body that was deteriorating with every passing day, damn the tightness that clutched his chest, damn it all—
Rhoam was leaning against a tall, white pillar when he heard a woman's voice from behind. He turned and it seemed as though the world spun with him, nearly knocking an old man off his feet once more.
"The princess—my daughter—" he tried to explain, but the spinning turned to an intense twisting of his temples that disrupted his thoughts. Rhoam closed his eyes against it. This was not his first war, damn it, it was not his first pain, he would stand, he would fight, he would find her—
"Get to your home," he finally managed through clenched teeth, waving the woman away without so much as a glance to her face. "It is not safe here."
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You have five seconds to beg for forgiveness 
I’m not begging for anything, in fact, I’m going to keep on doing what I want, as I fucking please. Because as soon as people wisen up and lose respect for Your Execellency, the Regent, I don’t think we have to do anything you say at all.
Link, what are you saying?
I’m said what I said. I’m gonna be the funniest fucking knight in this castle. 
The fuck
If you get beaten out by a pale twink like me that’s how you know it’s bad
I brought pizza
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what particularly kills me about florimund is your juxtapositioning (not sure I used that word right) to rhoam. Terrako did something weird and florimund's reaction is 'hmm, should've let my daughter spend more time working on it' whereas rhoam would have gone 'SEE? SEE HOW USELESS AND UNPRODUCTIVE YOUR TIME WAS? NOW THROW IT AWAY'.
Juxtaposition is the right word! The King that builds Terrako vs the one that destroys him. The dad that gives his daughter peace, vs the father that must prepare his daughter for war. The prince comfortable in his place under his wife, vs the regent forced to lead after the queen’s death. The Follower King vs The Defier King.
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sheikah-simp · 3 years
rhoam’s wife.
✨ king rhoam ✨
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
why do you think rhoam's pride was why he was a jerk to zelda? I thought it was because if she didn't unlock her sealing power the entire country would be, y'know, taken over by ganon which he probably thought was a bit more important than fiddling around with thousand year old technology. He definitely was a complete tool about it but i thought he was a jerk because he was worried about the future, not because he was overly proud
*cracks knuckles* Here we go boys it’s my time to shine 
I’m gonna touch over these points in this giant essay that I’ve been working on but essentially one of the themes that makes the bread and butter of every piece of character growth in botw is a connection to duty, expectation, and responsibility. 
Like many of the characters in the game, Rhoam is forced to choose what aspect of his established responsibilities he is going to prioritizes. This is a conflict that is common in other higher ranking characters like Mipha, Zelda, Urbosa, and Riju. Sage vs scholar. Duty vs love. leadership vs innocence. and in Rhoam’s case, the king versus the father.
You’re right that the King choose to be hard on zelda because he wanted to protect the country as a whole, and he was willing to sacrifice a “comforting” attitude in order to achieve that. Like his description in Age of Calamity says, he will do anything to be a “Defier of Prophecy”
However that’s where the actual character of him lies. A character is constructed based on their desires, the obstacle to that desire, and the lie/truth that they need to identify over the course of their journey to overcome that obstacle and reach their desire. 
So, the King’s desire was to stop the Calamity. The obstacle in his path was the struggling war itself, along with helping his daughter to awaken the only power that could stop it. That’s the external stuff. So what is the internal? What is the actual lie or truth that the character struggles with?
It’s his pride. It’s his mindset that he has to choose between being a king, and a father. He thinks that the sacrifice is necessary, that being harsh and demeaning to his daughter is something he has to do in order to save the world. But obviously, that’s a lie.
I could talk about the parallels for a few more paragraphs about how Urbosa is a foil to King Rhoam seeing as she is living proof that it is possible to take on the responsibilities of a crown and a parent, but I digress. The thing’s that feed Rhoam’s pride, and therefore his “lie” is the environment around him.
Take the throne of nothing memory for example. This king, the literal king of Hyrule, is telling his daughter how the nobles and councilmen are watching. Gossiping. Berating Zelda, claiming she is an heir to a throne of nothing, essentially a girl with no worth. He tells her this in an effort to push he further to prove those people wrong, but just think of the nuances of this. This is Rhoam actively choosing not to take on the responsibilities of a father. This is a situation where he could have literally done anything (HES THE KING!) He could have told off those people, FIRED THEM FOR DISRESPECTING THE PRINCESS HOW BOUT IT? he could have worded himself in a way to be more encouraging. Hell, he straight up acknowledges how this statement is a lie, but then actively chooses to double down on the idea that Zelda isn’t trying hard enough. And why is that?
Because he valued the opinions of the country over his daughter. He’s too wrapped up in the insecurities of being the King, with a seemingly useless daughter in the eyes of the rest of the world. He’s too caught up in the bravado of defying the future, and being the grand and powerful King that he gets it in his head that any attempts to falter those royal responsibilities in order to be a caring father will weaken his power. 
The truth is you have the ability to be worried about the future, and taking on the responsibilities of a crown, while still being a parent. Again, Urbosa serves as a proving foil of this idea. The difference is that King Rhoam was too prideful, a word that is derived of insecurities, to accept it. He was too caught up in a rigid prophecy that seemed to state there was “no other way,” and too tainted by an environment that prioritized appearances of power over sincerity. 
And that is why, in Age of Calamity, the only way he would ever be able to reject that character lie and apologize, was to have those factors stripped away in his complete and utter, humbling failure.  
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lanayrusea · 4 years
definitely there’s some questionable/weird stuff in the aoc demo but like how fucking baller is “king rhoam, defier of prophecy”
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...It means, I’m refusing to stand to the side. I’m telling you to fuck off. I’m seeing this kingdom for its true colors, so I’m showing off mine. Fuck you.
Haha, Link’s just joking, he’s just JOKING, RIGHT LINK HAHA.
Oh I’ve been joking for far too long now, Old man, I’m about to be the funniest son of a bitch in this castle.
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Link, stop talking.
Sorry, Sir, I know you never gave me permission to speak. I'm just really sick of just standing hear listening to everyone else speak. And honestly, we're long due for a change in pace. We're a long way from me just silently signing, "fuck you," from behind the door.
So tell us boy, what compels you to tell me, to my face, that you are a traitor? What crimes have moved you so to confession?
Crimes? Heh. Well, just a few. Four counts of accidental arson, I littered a bit as a child. Earlier I stole a meat skewer from the kitchen...Ah! And of course, one count of treason—failure to immediately report news about the Master Sword and the hero of legend.
So you knew… How long?
I pulled the sword when I was just about 13 or 14, and my dad put it back...told me it was all a dream. I mostly believed him until he came clean one night.
The captain...hmph. Wouldn't have expected that from him. 
He...didn’t want this for me. He would rather I be safe from all that destiny talk, grow up without that burden. However, the guilt of his actions and choices…...choices...probably even further than this…...It ate at him. He was ready, he was ready to come clean and accept his punishment. He was ready to say something, so it would stop festering in his soul.
I stopped him that night. I—in my full knowledge of what the ramifications could be for the rest of this kingdom—encouraged Captain Arcadius to continue to commit treachery.
Link! That’s enough.
So, I apologize for ruining any images or perceptions, it's all on me. I am no longer your perfect knight.
Hm...I see. 
Now what exactly do you hope to gain from this little scene? Is it for your family’s sake? You and your father wish to get off without punishment? Use my daughter’s presence as a hope to gain some leniency? 
Leniency? Aha...ha…..yeah...yeah. I think a lifetime ago that might have been it, me just hoping for the best, out of the circumstances given to me. 
But rest assured, Sir, we’re living in a different age now. You’re not the one in power here, I am. I’ve finally realized something, after all this time... So make no mistake, when you listen to me, it will be for your sake, not mine.
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I see you have grown quite the spine, Hartell.
Link, stop talking.
I’m letting myself be known.
So tell us boy, what compels you to tell me, to my face, that you are a traitor? What crimes have moved you so to confession?
Crimes? Heh. Well, just a few. Four counts of accidental arson, I littered a bit as a child. And of course, one count of treason—failure to immediately report news about the Master Sword and the hero of legend.
So you knew… How long?
Long enough
And what is that supposed to mean...?
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I see you are growing quite the spine then, admitting to treason right in front of me…
Link, what are you doing?
I think we are due for an elaboration, boy.
Of course, "Your Majesty."  It's really as simple as this: I'm finally letting myself be known.
Link. Fucking shut up for the love of Hylia. I’m so sorry, Father, we’re all just really tired from...from all of the....
You’re right on the rupee, Zelda.
I am tired...of everything.
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How's your looking into the identity of the Wing Clipper going Larc? Any prime suspects yet?
Oh yes, making much progress on that. Forearms and knights... Which speaking of, I should be on my way now. To work more on that. I’ll be terribly busy so...good luck to you, Your Highess, and company...and...
... ...Do good work, Link! Stay focused. I’m proud of you. You keep going for the stars when the time comes, yeah? Remember that and you’ll be the best hero yet.
Until next time then...
... ...Well then. Father?
I suppose you’ll all be off.
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...You may rise.
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You lied about the extent of your ability.
Your brother said that you confided in him the true extent of your power.
Me?! Confide in LARC?! THESE DAYS!?? And you BELIEVED that?
Some stuff about memories, some stuff about the Quill...but mostly this. You said that the logbook the Yiga are in possession of is useless because you can control what is sent to it. That you can prevent them from receiving that information. That was a lie.
No it’s not. I am controlling it. 
Your brother found sources that say the Yiga Clan recently learned of a conversation between my daughter and the Sheikah Researchers about the spy. We spoke with the parties in question and have confirmed that such a conversation did happen, although luckily not too much of note was revealed.
That wasn’t me! I wasn’t even with the princess yesterday! I was dropping off Mipher and the bird brain for their armour!
Yes, in which Lady Jou Asu did complain about your rude behaviour...
She started it, not me.
The point being, if you cannot control yourself, if you cannot prevent yourself from being a liability, then the cons will have to outweigh the advantages. And believe me, I do value that Quill. But your brother—
Oh fucking enough about him!
—specifically requested that you be fired and set out into the kingdom unharmed. 
Yeah yeah, where is the asshole. Maybe I shall drape the “brother of the year” medal around his neck myself.
He's out personally investigating developments in the Wing Clippings. Said that it would be best for everyone involved, including himself, and yourself, if you were no longer burdened with this job.
You can’t fire me! I need to be here if, if she��
Don’t think about it like I’m firing you. It’s more like...I’m promoting you to a fresh citizen.
I’m not even enforcing the criminal record that sit on your shoulders, as good graces for the help you have provided for us over the years.
I’ll take a custodian job at this point, literally anything at the castle.
No. You've proven once again to be a distraction, and a liability, and a criminal. Therefore the next time you see your family, be sure to thank them for the leniency they have provided you, seemingly once again.
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Assivus Hartell?
Oh yeah? What the fu—uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A word.
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Is it treasonous to call the king a dick to his face if I’m just an anonymous disembodied voice
Ahahahaa...yeah, that’s such a funny joke, inside joke, it’s a compliment. You wouldn’t get it, it’s not an insult it’s just a funny little compliment in an inside joke ahahaah—so we don't need to do anything to me ahaha—
I’ll cut right to the chase.
Oh. Sweet. And can I just add, that is one of the things I just love about you—
You’re fired.
say wat now
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I hope Hyrule has good severance pay
We actually won’t be providing that, considering you’re not technically an employee, and are, in fact, a criminal. So I hope you understand that my actions are quite generous. 
Hey, I don’t want the Kingdom to get fucked, cause I’m one of the assholes who lives in it!
Yet you continue to fail to see the bigger picture. You're not thinking about the greater good. Your actions seem to have been towards self preservation, with a combination of pure foolishness. 
Well now you’re just speaking too broadly. That could apply to any aespect of my life, not just my career so CHECKMATE! Ha.
I can keep my job, right?
I have been informed of a multitude of your shenanagans. You distract my daughter from her duties. You insult the hero of legend. You keep the Champions from doing their duties.
That seems mostly your fault for pitting me with them.
I suppose I had too much focus on your communicative ability, and not enough comprehension of just how much shenanigans you can pull off...
Soooo then just keep me here at the castle! I’ll keep desk duty, like the good ol’ days!
And that was my intention, yes, until I was given a request.
A request? 
Your brother, you see, spoke to me just yesterday. 
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