#The Covenant RP
dhampiravidi · 2 months
the covenant (2006) - caleb danvers
big thanks to @astral-athame, who helped me tremendously with this guy's portrayal via her lovely OC Cassia Keller!
Full Name: Caleb William Danvers
Age: 35 as of Jan. 2023 (born Sept. 9, 1988)
Gender/Sex: cis-male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: White (English & Irish descent on his father's side, English on his mother's)
Appearance (FC: Steven Strait)
Caleb is a young man who stands at 6'2" (1.88 m). His light skin doesn't tan or burn easily. He maintains a toned frame. He inherited his mother's straight black hair & bright smile, in addition to his father's warm brown eyes. His clothing aesthetic is simple in his younger years, with him often throwing coats over a t-shirt & jeans. As he gets older, his profession requires him to dress formally, so his casual style is affected; he begins wearing flannels & long-sleeved shirts under sweaters & nice coats, as he feels encouraged to do so. He also goes from wearing contacts to glasses (he's farsighted) & he allows himself to grow some neatly-trimmed scruff.
Personality (tw: mental illness)
Caleb is a stereotypical Virgo, more or less: modest, hardworking, observant, intelligent, reliable, worrying & perfectionistic. People are drawn to his incredibly kind nature. He's a true friend who isn't afraid to stand up for others, even if he hardly knows the person who needs his help. Caleb puts 100% into everything he does, which means that he's a badass at what he loves, but it also means that (in his case) he struggles with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He's taken medication for it since he was a teen. Part of his anxiety definitely has to do with his family & friends, who he constantly tries to keep safe & happy. Caleb's worst trait is probably his stubborn streak; though it helps him persevere, he has trouble admitting when he's wrong & if he's suspicious of someone, he won't accept them into her inner circle. Though some in town aren't aware that he's bisexual, he's never actually been closeted. He just doesn't put it out there unless asked about it. Caleb might have one-night stands if he's lonely, but he prefers steady relationships (monogamous or polygamous). He only drinks alcohol if he's in an extreme depression & avoids it otherwise, due to his mother's condition.
Caleb was born to Evelyn & William (the III) Danvers, who had a decently sized fortune as a result of their family's past helping found their town of Ipswich. He was soon joined by his three friends Pogue, Reid & Tyler, who were also children of the founding families; all were dubbed the Sons of Ipswich. They did everything together, including inherit their share of the Power, the magical abilities that the oldest son of each founding family gets upon turning 13. By this time, Caleb had discovered his love for swimming, his crush on his best friend (Pogue) & his academic ability. Unfortunately, he was also old enough to notice both his father's declining health & his mother's resulting alcoholism. He tried to take care of his parents while maintaining a vibrant social life & making a path to Harvard Law. Caleb managed, but before he turned 18 his father would be moved to the groundskeeper's home, as the man required 24-hr care. Only a year after, he'd meet Sarah Wenham & Chase Collins. While dating Sarah, he was surprised to learn that Chase not only had a crush on him, but that Chase also wielded the Power & was out to steal it from Caleb & his friends after killing them. After a duel, Caleb ended up with his father's Power (as the older man sacrificed himself). Chase was nowhere to be found. Caleb would end up with nightmares & serious PTSD stemming from that event. However, he successfully got into Harvard & became a prosecutor years later, all while still friends with the boys from his childhood.
Telekinesis - he uses it to lift objects or enhance his strength
Pyrokinesis - this is his elemental specialty; the others manipulate Water (Pogue), Air (Reid), Earth (Tyler) & Psyche (Chase)
Teleportation - it's more difficult over greater distances
Sensing - he can sense when the Sons use the Power
swimming - his high school team went to regionals
cooking - he learned from the former maid, to take care of his mom when she would check out or be unconscious for a while
reading - he enjoys older mysteries & adventure novels
playing with his dog - he has a Golden Retriever, Shasta
languages - he knows English, Spanish & some Latin
playing guitar - he learned as a teenager
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findroleplay · 1 year
Survey for a The Covenant (2006) Group RP
hi! My group isn’t open yet, but I made a survey of sorts that I need people to take concerning the urban fantasy movie The Covenant (2006). Basically, the group would be RPing w/in the same universe, but queer characters and other additions (like NSFW themes for 18+) would exist. Click here to take the survey: https://forms.gle/poS5yr5AMdKtJuEC7 Thanks, FindRoleplay! ✨
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Survey for The Covenant (2006) Group RP
hi! My group isn’t open yet, but I made a survey of sorts that I need people to take concerning the urban fantasy movie The Covenant (2006). Basically, the group would be RPing w/in the same universe, but queer characters and other additions (like NSFW themes for 18+) would exist. Click here to take the survey: https://forms.gle/poS5yr5AMdKtJuEC7 Thanks, Roleplay Finder! ✨
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A smug little smirk spread over the teenagers lips. He then kneels, picking up a piece of the broken dish “Ah...well, that was pretty easy.” He didn’t even need magic, amazingly. The power could wait, for now. Lifting the piece of glass up, he turned it a bit “This is going to be slooow, and painful, for you...But entertaining, for me.”
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thebridgehqs · 2 years
Look who just woke up- is that NIKO TERHO? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s TYLER SIMMS from THE COVENANT. I heard he is 28 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a BAGGY SWEATERS, TINY ANIMALS BURROWED UNDER BLANKETS, OVER PROTECTIVE FRIENDS impression. They’re known to be quite RELIANT, but have a tendency to be CHILDISH on their bad days. (kaylee! can i also reserve daenerys targaryen (got) pls?)
Welcome to 1925 – Tyler Simms !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Kaylee !!
** Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) is now reserved for 48 hours!!
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Sigourney Weaver photographed by Helmut Newton, 1983.
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charles-coven · 5 months
If this post gets 500 notes I’ll hire someone to kill the president.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
🌼Touched By A Zombie🌼
word count: 878
warnings: a bit of suggestive touching (Kyle doesn’t understand the difference)
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Kyle had many different ways he showed his affection. Especially towards you. Grabbing, squeezing, holding and even biting. When he couldn’t find words, his hands told you exactly what they wanted. You. Comfort. He was constantly touching you in one way or another because he needed to feel that security. To know you were right there.
The first day he bit down on your neck you were very very surprised. You were holding his hand, carefully rubbing your thumb across his knuckles when he leaned into you, letting his lips trail across your neck before they bite down. He did bite hard enough to leave a mark, but not too hard that it drew blood. 
It had scared you for a moment before you realized that he was doing it for affection. He had so much love inside of him for you that this was the only way (he thought) to get it out. 
He also always had to have his hands on you. On your waist, around your neck, on your shoulder, even sometimes your bum. Kyle had no ulterior motive for these touches even if some would see them as sexual. Sure, he did enjoy those special times he got to spend with you, but he truly could not tell the difference it made where he put his hands. 
He always liked to hook his thumbs into the loops on your jeans and stay close to you, following like a small child following their mother in a grocery store.
Wherever you were, Kyle was too.
It had been quite hard to teach Kyle boundaries. That sometimes you needed a break. He did learn though, you taught him that when you needed space he could go outside or even play a game on the tablet. 
Kyle always made sure it was known that you were his. He didn’t share you with anyone. If someone looked at you even a bit too long, he was pulling you closer and pressing kisses across the expanse of your shoulders.
He also loves to squeeze your hips and any fat you had there. The more the better in his opinion. He loved having your body to knead in his hands. He literally spends hours just holding you.
You’d been trying to teach him when and where he was allowed to touch you. That sometimes it wasn’t exactly appropriate. He’d whine and huff, mumbling out a complaint. Why couldn’t he touch his girl? 
“Mnghh- h-h-holdddd” he’d groan, hands reaching for you. You’d end up giving up and letting him do as he pleased but over time, he did manage to learn some decency.
Another thing he loved was for you to sit in his lap. He loved holding you and if you were even thinking of sitting down, it better be in his lap. The weight of you against him instantly relaxed him. Like a human shaped weighted blanket. He’d play with your hair as you sat atop his lap, a low hum coming from his chest, which he did when he was very happy.
You did practically everything together. Eat. Sleep. Shower (because Kyle is scared of showers and the water pressure, you found out,) if you’re doing something, Kyle is going to find a way to be included in it. 
While at times he could be so rough, and his fine motor skills struggled, hands a bit rougher than they might normally be. The more used to his new body he got, the better his motor skills got. Soon enough he was playing with your hair and trying to make elaborate hairstyles. (Which turned out quite bad but you wore them anyway because your sweet Kyle had done it)
He also always wanted to wash your hair whenever you two would shower together. Unlike some people, Kyle acted no different around you clothed or nude. You could be stark naked in front of him and he would just smile and hug you. He didn’t mind nor care at all. 
Now one of the things he did that was a bit more risky than the rest of his touches was when he would squeeze your bum or your breasts. They were basically his stress balls. Why were they there if he wasn’t allowed to squeeze them? This was more reserved for when you two are alone, but he always tries to sneak and squeeze your butt when you’re in public. You never have it in you to scold him, his face gets him out of trouble all the time.
Overall, once he is more accustomed to being alive again, he’s perfect. Sometimes he has the occasional outbursts, but he’s so sweet every other second of the day. He was everything you could ever ask for. He thought the same about you. How was he so lucky to end up with you? That’s what went through his foggy brain whenever he laid eyes on you (when does he ever take them off of you to begin with?) His.
His his his. Like a mantra stuck in his head. Yours and no one else’s. And the same went for him. He never ever thought of anyone else the way he thought of you. He loved you more than any words could ever explain.
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all-agatha-harkness · 1 month
Rise and shine, everyone! No coven meeting today, but I’ve got something nice cooking up for all of you~
*Once I take the last one from the pan, I change my stove back into my cauldron before serving everyone at the table* Pancakes!
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//Pancakes be upon the family and the coven! @tiny-barnes-sibling @stolen-daughter @bird-girl-ali @elven-child-of-chaos @fox-barnes @vinnie-the-witch @the-other-rogers-kid @itsbeenagathaa //
//Edit: I FORGOT TO TAG @redwood-witch!!! PANCAKES BE UPON YE, TOO!!!//
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purplehairnpronouns · 20 days
[Shiyuu hesitantly knocks on the door to the infirmary. They enter, awkwardly closing the door behind them.] “Ah…hello…” [They clear their throat and straighten their posture.] ”Is uh…Is Coven here? Coven…Skyefall?”
Looking up from their notebook, Coven shifts slightly on the cot they had been assigned to. Confused for a moment before speaking up.
“ that’s me. Is this about the.. um- nevermind- what did you need? “
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bunbunbl0gs · 2 months
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Tate and violet ❤️💊
american horror story masterlist
Tag list : @astess
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Please Read Before Interacting! (RULES)
I’m a multimuse account. I play mostly OCs, plus a few canons.
This is a blog for people who are 18+. I write NSFW (smut, violence, alcohol) content on occasion. I’m 24.
Triggers: AI/robots or horror/eldritch themes!
All of my muses have multiple character forms, usually one per verse. Look in their headcanon tag (linked on the muses page).
I no longer tag smut.
Please trim your posts. If not, I might still write with you, just not follow. Long, uncut posts can give me anxiety.
If you get to the point where you want to block me for some reason, please tell me. I'd like to try & talk it out. Otherwise, just LMK so I'm not thinking something bad happened to you.
I can't interact with any other Rogue/Anna Marie's OR Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa's. I have 1 of each who I interact with & I can't imagine getting used to another. Sorry.
I frequently use "hon", "bruh", and/or "guy" to refer to people (singular or plural) in a gender-neutral way. LMK if those bother you at all.
If you don’t respond for 2+ months (including updates), I will unfollow. This doesn’t mean I won’t be open to interacting again. If we've been writing for a while & you need a break, just LMK & we can do something else when you're ready.
Here's a list of FCs I love to see!
Here's a link that leads to all of my D&D muses specifically!
assorted tags: memes // wishlist // muses // ooc content
mobile muse list under the cut:
Jayn: heir to a vast fortune, fighter. Verses: DC Comics, Royal/Regency, Queen of the South, Grishaverse, Western, Suits. generous, creative, faithful, loving, bossy, nosy. FC: Tessa Thompson.
Naela: she just wants adventure and love. Verses: canon GoT/ASoiAF, Rhaegar Lives AU, D&D. optimistic, honest, philosophical, careless, restless. FC: Tristin Mays.
Achilles: the Hellenic/Greek hero from The Iliad (canon). Verses: Mythology, Modern, Call of Duty, D&D, X-Men/Marvel. courageous, confident, quick-tempered, protective, moody. FC: Taylor Kitsch.
Jasmine: a young woman on her own. Verses: Marvel, Shadowhunters/TSC, The Covenant, John Wick/Assassins, D&D, Suits. practical, disciplined, overcritical, perfectionist, grudging. FC: Kat Graham.
Skadi: half-Jotun, half-Asgardian. Verses: Marvel, Call of Duty, D&D. compassionate, inventive, independent, blunt, distrusting. FC: Olga Kurylenko.
Oraia: daughter of Poseidon and Nebet-Het, goddess. Verses: Marvel, SPN, Urban Fantasy, The Old Guard, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shadowhunters/TSC, D&D. flirtatious, easygoing, sociable, impulsive. FC: Hannah John-Kamen.
Hestia: sweet, badass martial artist. Verses: X-Men/Marvel, Hunger Games. witty, lively, inquisitive, anxious, accepting. FC: Kristin Kreuk.
Rose: John Constantine’s space-time magician of a daughter (canon). Verses: DC Comics, The Mummy/historical, D&D. loyal, intelligent, protective, intuitive, hardworking, manipulative. FC: Antonia Thomas.
Aurelia: a Gryffindor who chose Slytherin. Verse: Harry Potter (Marauders or Golden Trio era). persuasive, amusing, loyal, protective, bossy, jealous. FC: Precious Lee.
Rela: Twi’lek Jedi. Verses: Star Wars, D&D. modest, curious, compassionate, eloquent, indecisive, responsible. FC: Rachi Sitra (or Gugu Mbatha-Raw depending on verse).
Zehara: the daughter of a Water Tribe father and a Fire Nation Colony mother. persuasive, adventurous, adaptable, compulsive, patronizing. Verses: Avatar: TLA, D&D. FC: Jhené Aiko.
Eugenia: Bonnie Bennett’s second cousin. Verses: Vampire Diaries. loyal, determined, practical, vengeful, secretive. FC: Kylie Bunbury.
Shayera: she's got wings & a mace. Verses: DC Comics, Historical. brave, loyal, adventurous, determined, compassionate, self-critical. FCs: Juliana Harkavy & Freema Agyeman.
Mu Lan [穆岚]: "my duty is to my heart." Verses: Regency/Bridgerton. restless, loyal, intelligent, outspoken, kind. FC: Thaddea Graham (& Ming-Na Wen when she's older).
on request, I can play:
Fantomex (X-Men canon; FC: Warren Christie)
Renée Michele LeBeau (OC daughter of Gambit from X-Men; FC: Janel Parrish)
Rhea Livia Agresta (OC shifter niece of Alan Deaton from Teen Wolf; FC: Jessica Sula)
Lady Gotham (personification of Gotham City; DC Comics; FC: Death - Marvel v Capcom)
Caleb Danvers (The Covenant canon; FC: Steven Strait)
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vile-it-blue · 22 days
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❝Guess who?❞
⛦Nova-のば ➛ Late Teen ➛ Girlblogger⛦
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My main blog is @serialkilluh-1996 , but I made this acc because one of my mutuals, @cxndiedvi0lets , got me into AHS, so I figured I'd make a side blog for it, product of my main blog being messy.
I don't really know what I'll post here, but nothing TOO different from what I usually do.
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anniecr3sta · 2 months
not to sound rude or anything but i feel like tumblr is becoming less and less tween girl friendly and i mean I GET IT the people that used it in its hayday are now like 20+ which makes sense for them to be 18+ accounts BUT LIKE CHAT.. if ur 16, talking to a 14-15 year old without any ill intentions (i see creeps) wont kill you or anything. this isn’t referring to anybody just a convo i had with my friends. just hoping i’ll still be able to find my friends even if im born in 2009 or whatever crime i did HELPP
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soupercatte · 7 months
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Redrawing friends into memes is my favorite pastime and I will never stop.
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@theemperorsnewestgroove IM SORRY
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