#The Corinthian 2.0
windsweptinred · 2 months
When people ask me why Corinthiel?
(Me taking the ship lovingly from the pedestal I have placed it upon and presenting it with a dramatic flourish.) Just look at this poetic masterpiece!
Two beings, brought into the world at a time of transference from old to new. With one foot in past and present. Born under the shadow of a predecessor they struggle to escape from. Both searching for sense of self amongst the ghosts and ruins. The only other being each has who understands that journey. Who see each other for themsleves, rather then a fragment of the past or a recreation of what was. Both walking the same path together. The first two characters in this new chapter.
Daniel, the mortal born king of the Dreaming, the Waking Dream, a drop of humanity in a pool of Endless. A beautiful intertwining of the human and divine. Cori's desires made manifest. A 'dream' almost perfectly crafted for him.
The Corinthian, remade with the sole purpose to find and protect Daniel Hall. Ultimately fashioned by Morpheus to serve his successor, to be Daniel's, not his own. Cori who was young Daniel's protector, the child's sanctuary was in the nightmare's arms. And the beauty of that continuing on after his transformation....Of Daniel's sole haven from the pressures and expectations of his new role being in his arcanas embrace. Of finding understanding and solace in the one who knew him in both lives, the one who was there for his rebirth, the first one to look upon him as Dream. Of always being Daniel, purely Daniel to the Corinthian. Just mwah, chef's kiss.
Look at the beautiful hurt/comfort, fluff but mind the gore, the Corinthian is his own warning. Smut glorious smut tapestry they weave.
So yeah, that's why. 😊🤍💚
They can be a continuation of Corintheus (True love never dies, just changes form. A beautiful study of second chances, metamorphosis and finding each other again through rebirth.)
Or along side retired Dreamling (Everyone's a winner. The literal definition of having your cake and eating it. Cue some meaningful character explorations into why Morpheus and Daniel want different things from a relationship. And finding a seperate sense of self in that beyond 'Dream'. )
Or just love them wholeheartedly for themselves.
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bobbole · 2 months
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@windsweptinred talking about character development!
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ilyasfanart · 10 months
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Corinthian 2.0 agreed to look after Daniel Hall, thinking looking after a toddler couldn't be any harder than killing people. He's now learned that it isn't harder, but it's certainly messier! For @frostyemma I'm basing Daniel's appearance off the baby we saw in the show in the episode Lost Hearts in Lyta and Rose's final scene, curly brown hair etc. He does have green eyes as he does in the comics.
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the-everqueen · 2 years
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"few things trouble you" tfw your creator (who is not YOUR creator, who did not recreate YOU, but is as much your lord shaper as you are your former self) sees you for what you really are but listens anyway
(from nightmare country, issue #5)
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
(Actually got ahead on this one so its not posting at midnight xD)
Lyta Hall was a lovely woman, if a bit…high strung. She was very well spoken, clearly devoted to her son, and very, very protective of him. Lyta Hall had thoroughly vetted every member of Miss Goodwin's daycare staff personally before she'd finally felt like she could leave him there while she worked, and she was usually the very first parent to show up at pick up time. Precisely at pick up time.
But she couldn't always come, sometimes something happened at work, and that's when she'd call ahead to let Miss Goodwin know she'd be sending a family member to pick Daniel up. She had a list of who was allowed to, and had made sure Miss Goodwin understood that very clearly. Politely of course.
Miss Goodwin had met several of Daniel's extended family now. She quite liked his cousins, Rose and Jed. So polite and cheery and such a help with setting up the daycare's Valentine's day decorations when they'd needed volunteers.
She's been less sure about his…actually she wasn't sure what that dour Mr. Murphy's relationship was to Daniel, she could have sworn she heard the boy call him "Daddy" once, but then children often did that to adults in their lives. Either way he seemed to be around fairly frequently, and despite his rather somber demeanor she could tell the two were very dear to each other. And Mr. Murphy's partner Robert who showed up sometimes was a delightful young man, and surprisingly knowledgeable about 60s music for a man his age.
But she'd never seen this man before.
"You're Daniel's uncle?"
"What, do I not look avuncular?" The man asked cheerily, grinning a particularly toothy grin.
Miss Goodwin eyed the man up and down slowly, taking in his clean-cut appearance, white suit, combed back blonde hair, oddly dark sunglasses he still hadn't taken off. Nothing that immediately gave her pause…there was just something that seemed ever so slightly…off
Still, his name was on the list (on the very last line), and Mrs Hall had called ahead, and Daniel clearly knew the man; he'd shot over to him the moment the man had popped his head through the door.
"Uncle Cori!" The boy chirped, running up and grabbing at the man's legs.
"Hey kid! How's my favorite little night terror?"
Daniel giggled at the odd nickname as he was swept up into his uncle's arms, and held out his drawing.
"I'm good!! We drewed our fambly's!"
Daniel's uncle took the picture and held it out with one hand, moving Daniel to his hip so he could look it over.
Or appeared to look it over, Miss Goodwin couldn't see his eyes at all behind those glasses, she was wondering how he could see anything out of them. But apparently he could as a smile sharp as a knife crossed his face and he let out a bark of laughter.
"Oh you got your Pop down pat, that's his mope alright"
"Uh huh! And I drewed you too! See?"
"Ah nice! You even got my knives!"
Miss Goodwin's eyebrows shot up at that, but before she could say anything the pair began to walk away down the drive, chatting happily away as they walked towards a rather expensive looking car.
"Uncle Cori, can we get ice cream 'fore we go home?"
"Of course we can squirt, and we'll get good stuff. Not that strawberry crap your Pop's always getting."
"I like strawberry"
"Ugh, kid you gotta branch out more. That stuff doesn't even taste like strawberries, it just tastes…pink. You had anything Boba yet? Boba's amazing, the way it pops is almost as good actual--"
But another parent had come in at that point to pick up their child, and Miss Goodwin didn't hear what Boba was almost as good as.
Daniel’s Picture:
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korinthiakos · 1 year
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betterdcyz · 2 years
@ofendlessleep​ requested for The Corinthian:  All he does is tuck a dark blue rose into the corinthian's shirt pocket.  2.0 or nah pick one ( Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful - anything goes. / accepting !! ) 
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             There’s brief confusion washing over their features.  Is there a significance to this specific rose?  Or did he simply create it to put it in their pocket.  The Corinthian touched one of the dark blue petals softly.  “My lord.  I don’t understand.  What is this?  I know it’s a rose but why?”  
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roguelov · 7 months
Omg just imagine Morpheus softly watching his wife (newly turned immortal human soulmate) interact with the residents of the Dreaming, like she’s super sweet and smiley, and all the residents absolutely love that she’s their Queen. She has a sweet friendship with Lucienne and Matthew, and has bonded with Hob as well, and she honestly just has Morpheus wrapped around her lil human finger 🥹
This is too fucking cute and I’m melting 🥹🥰
You who immediately jumped into the role as queen and was giddy to help. You ask Dream what you can do and although he wasn’t hesitant at first he slowly gave you some of his responsibilities. You help Lucienne almost everyday and talk for hours as you both restock and reorganize bookshelves
You who visits Fiddler’s Green for picnics and having a one sided conversation telling Fiddler about the day and new things in other parts of the Dreaming. Having tea with Cain, Abel and Goldie and they love with you come around (they also love gossiping a bit and Matthew always swings by because he can get all the juicy details and stories). You getting close with nightmares and dreams alike (Corinthian 2.0 becomes a good friend)
When Hob visits you show him all your favorite spots and you both share stories of your immortal lives (and tell funny stories about Dream but don’t tell the king or he’ll be a little upset)
And every time Dream sees you interacting with the Dreaming and his subjects his heart melts. His shoulders definitely don’t feel as heavy now and he has you to thank. When it’s just the two of you he’ll kiss your temple and whisper ‘thank you’ which confuses you at first but you smile and say ‘you’re welcome’
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coralchimaera · 1 year
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the REAL reason why the corinthian 2.0 was made
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This Ken is the American Dream Nightmare!
Sometimes, I need to take it easy and do a custom project that doesn't require a lot of extreme modifications, and The Corinthian was a great choice for such a project. For the most part, I just had to find a Ken with blond hair and a sufficiently charming/sinister smile, repaint the eyes, and then procure a wardrobe for him.
For the wardrobe, I kept it simple with a T-Shirt look based on Cori 2.0 from the books. The sunglasses, x-eyed smiley face shirt, and jorts were from an official Ken fashion pack--and the shirt felt especially on-theme for him! The American flag beach shorts were a leftover from one of the beach Kens I used as a custom base for another doll. I also made a tiny knife for him out of aluminum foil tape and acrylic paint.
Tagging mutuals under the cut:
@serenityspiral @duckland @violetoftheendless @roguelov @roguedoodles @dotieeee @orionsangel86 @ambercoloredfox @academicblorbo
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windsweptinred · 2 months
Meanwhile in the current Sandman Universe comics...
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bobbole · 10 months
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That's why you kept parts of the other one....babygirl, I think you are talking about YOURSELF here!
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thinkanamelater · 1 year
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I! Love!! The Corinthian 2.0!!!
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writing-for-life · 1 month
Hi bestie, hope you're doing well 💖💖.
I just wanted to say that I've been thinking about Morpheus being a grandpa. I also wonder how he would feel about it, I mean he's old already HAHHAH, but like, that would be a new kind of love in his life. I also think that maybe Corinthian would be the babysitter again and all that would be lovely
Can you just… not do that to me? 😩🫂
I mean, I’ve said this many times: All things considered, he should have been a girl dad, and I stand by that (*if* we assume he should have been a dad at all, which remains to be argued 🤣). I have the weird head-canon he would have been softer and more forgiving with a girl, but that’s totally not grounded in any deeper logic. Just the feelz 🤣
And he would have been a tricky one to convince that anyone is good enough for his girl, so whoever is the dad or other mum would have had to prove themselves so badly. Feeling sorry for them already. But Morpheus would have been secretly racked with nerves (would never admit to it of course) about her, and he would totally lose it emotionally when he sees his grandchild for the first time (would also never admit to that and probably lock himself away to secretly cry in a corner).
And then he’d be with the grandchild as he was with baby Orpheus (from what we know from Calliope), and I’m just like… no let’s not go there 😢
No chance for the Corinthian to be a babysitter I think. He’d want to do it all himself.
Now, if we’re assuming Orpheus had survived… they would have such arguments over how to bring up the kid. Not loud, shouty ones. Just stubborn growling and moping at each other. And that’s where Cori 2.0 would be awesome. He’d just whisk the kid away for ice cream and bring them back when they’re done with their petty squabbling. Better for the child, too.
And this is a total head-canon shitpost based on wishful thinking, because to think about the real implications honestly breaks me a little 😩
So yes, please everyone: Also always feel free to send me head-canon prompt material via my asks. I’m a fic writer, I love this stuff (I’m not the main instigator of the sparkle- and helm crack tags for nothing 🙈). I can’t do serious all the time 🤣
@morpheusbaby3 ask answered
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Ending up doodling another Corinthian Bros AU thing, had the image of the moment Cori 1 realizes he actually likes having Cori 2.0 around, after he almost loses him when they go up against an enemy or something
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the-everqueen · 4 months
Alt face cast for the Corinthian?
this one is hard...i do think the Corinthian as a white man makes sense from a narrative standpoint, for reasons i have talked about elsewhen. also definitely thinking about how "Corinthian" is inextricably linked to Classics and the role that's played in formulation of "Western" subjects/identity (re: the Corinthian's U.S. southern accent and the ways he's almost uniquely U.S. American in his scope/influence). anyways i'm saying, if you need a feral white man to play your feral nightmare, Boyd Holbrook is an excellent choice.
that being said! Amir El-Masry has that casual, devil-may-care vibe that i think goes well with the Corinthian's impulsiveness and charm. also he rocks the white t-shirt and jeans combo. (all of his like, red carpet pics are...who is styling this man? why y'all putting him in these ugly suits?) clean-shaven with a tight fade and the top all curly? mm. good look. on the younger side, Jay Lycurgo has that rangy, tight-wound energy i imagine a young Coco would embody (plus he plays very...lonely characters and i do think of the Corinthian as fundamentally lonely). the feelings i have about a mixed-race Corinthian are...hm! did not know i could feel even more intensely! also on the young side but PLEASE look at his wikipedia pic because it exemplifies everything i'm arguing here: Xolo Maridueña. give him a few years and he'd be perfect. ALSO. AGAIN. having feelings about the Corinthian as played by a Latine, LA-raised actor - Coco 2.0 goes to Silicon Valley in Nightmare Country and he's...super LA vibes. the ways that being an LA-born-and-raised brown person allows you to move through that space in certain ways - you go unnoticed, you know the various streets, you have a familiarity with the area that could either render you as someone who belongs or as someone who might be otherwise "dismissed" as, say, "the help," which! affords you a degree of freedom if you're a Nightmare on the hunt, even as it maybe adds to the chip on your shoulder. (also then so many thoughts about brownness and risk/fungibility/survival.)
of course, this is all assuming that Riz Ahmed is busy playing Dream. because again, Riz Ahmed did the Corinthian's voice in the audiobook version of the comix.
[totally off-the-cuff choice: Janelle Monae, anyone? i know i said Ayo based on that one white suit but...we want a queer rebellion, and Monae has the range.]
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