#That's totally only for fart-knockers
p-artsypants · 10 months
Paint it Black (8) Finding
Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City's crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a correlation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? [Actually, does not contain an OC]
Ao3 | FF.net
Starfire and Black diligently worked in his room. Starfire set up a card table and some chairs. She spread her supplies out and allowed him to use what he wanted. 
Black sang a sad and eerie song, as if it was a jaunty tune, complete with a small smile and little head bobs. “That there, that's not me. I go where I please. I walk through walls, I float down the Liffey. I'm not here.”
Starfire glanced at him, goosebumps prickling up on her skin.
“This isn't happening. I'm not here. I'm not here.”
“Your voice is most soothing. Do you enjoy singing?” 
He looked at her confused. “Singing? Nah, I don’t sing.” 
“But you were just––” 
“Hey, look what I made!” He grinned, and held his project up to his face. It was a mask reminiscent of Robin’s, but instead of plain black, it was colored with crayons and had glitter on it. “Guess who I am? Wah wah wah Justice!” 
The mask went up in embers as Starfire incinerated it with the eye beams. “That was neither flattering, nor amusing.”
“Hey!” He protested, gathering the little pieces left. “I worked hard on that!” 
“Perhaps you should learn the art of, how Jinx would say, ‘reading the room’.” 
Black looked around. “There’s no words in here, though.” 
“I do not like mockery of my friends, especially my Robin.” 
He tilted his head. “Your Robin? Oh! Were you guys a ‘thing’? What are they called, courting buddies?” 
She looked downcast. “No, we were not. We were only good friends.” 
“Then…he’s not really yours then, is he?” 
She scowled at Black. “He had my heart, and still possesses it, wherever he is. Your flagrant disregard of this fact is cruel.” 
He pooched his lips. “Golly Gee, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was only trying to understand.” 
“To put it in a way, he was my most trusted friend and advisor. He explained many things to me when I did not understand.”  
“Like you’re doing for me?”
“I suppose you are correct. Your amnesia has put me in a place I was dependent on before.” She huffed, still upset. “I would prefer if we did not speak of Robin. It hurts my heart.” 
“Okay okay,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Star,” Cyborg called from the communicator. “Gizmo just arrived with the last video. Wanna see?” 
“I do not know if I want to see it, but I need to. I shall be there momentarily.” 
Black watched as she rose from the table. “Where ya going?”
“There has been…a break in the case with Robin. I am going to the ops room. Would you like to come?”
“Nah. I’m gonna keep working.” 
All the better, Starfire thought bitterly. She was trying to be forgiving and friendly with Black, but knowledge of his deeds and seeing his actions in person made it hard. 
Yes, he needed help, but perhaps the Titans were not the ones that should give it to him. 
Starfire entered the ops room, spying Gizmo sitting on the couch with a soda. A Dr. Pepper. Those were Robin’s.
But she just silently took her place. 
“Okay,” Raven acknowledged. “Where’s Black?”
“In his room,” Starfire said shortly. “He has hurt my feelings, and so I will leave him to his business.” 
“Black? You mean the weird goth wannabe superhero we talked about last time? He lives here now?! Of course, what am I saying! You fart knockers take in whatever stray ‘hero’ you can find.” 
“Is that not what the Hive does with villains?” Raven quirked a brow.
“UH. The HIVE is a school for supervillains. Totally different thing!” 
“Sure, Gizmo.” 
Beast Boy shifted into a cat once more and sat beside Star, knowing she appreciated the comfort he gave. 
“Y’all ready?” 
“The first two seconds got trimmed,” Gizmo explained. “That’s where the corruption was. The rest looked like it worked fine, but I only scrubbed it.” 
“Thank you Gizmo,” Starfire said softly.
“Oh…yeah. Don’t mention it.” 
When the video started, the camera was at an odd angle, mostly aimed at the ceiling, but they could see the top of the wall, and the underside of a face. The left side. Black hair, still the same gaunt cheeks and dark veins that stood out on his skin. 
“Shall we start?...Just like we practiced…what did we practice for?...Because we’re sending it to our friends, stupid!” 
“He’s…talking to himself,” Raven grimaced. 
“I do not understand,” Starfire breathed. “That is Robin’s voice, and that is his face…but it is not.” 
“So is it Robin or not?” Gizmo asked. “It’s one or the other!” 
“I won't run away no more, I promise,” Robin’s chilling voice sang.
“There is something very wrong with him,” Starfire explained. “Some of the words he speaks, it is like a different person.” 
“Like a person talking with a puppet,” Raven agreed.  
“Even when I get bored, I promise. Even when you lock me out, I promise. I say my prayers every night, I promise.” There was heavy sorrow lacing his words, but he giggled at the end. “Yes, yes, that was good. They’ll like that!...You remember the next one?...Of course!” He tottled away from the camera, the top of his head coming into view every few frames or so. He was dancing. “I resent you calling. I resent your voice. I resent that I don't have a choice.” He was really getting into the song, and singing loudly and proudly. Not all the notes were right, but he had joy in his voice. “And yes I am! Yes I am!” He backed up, the back of his head and shoulders in view. He was wearing a hospital gown, so the skin of his back was exposed, and covered in marks.
Beast Boy shifted back into a boy, and stared at the video. He already had the first part of the message figured out. 
“I think I've told you once, I think I needed advice. You were such a help, that's very nice. I think I've been here before…Yes I've been here before. But this time I kick down your door!” That last note was outrageously sour as he dissolved into playing the air guitar, complete with singing the notes he was pretending to play, “WWEEEE WWAANN WWAAAAHHH!” Then he started laughing as he dropped his arms. The laughter faded until he was just standing there. 
“That was excessive…oh lighten up, would you? We sang it! We rocked it!...it doesn’t have to be a good performance…Why are you like this?...because you’re a massive doo-doo head and no one likes you!” He chuckled, before his shoulders dropped. “Okay,” he turned partially toward the camera. “Last one. Make it count.”
He started bobbing his head as he closed his eyes. His voice was soft, slightly seductive. “Troubled words of a troubled mind, I try to understand what is eating you. I try to stay awake, but it's 58 hours since that I last slept with you.” He started bouncing on his feet. “What are we coming to? I just don't know anymore. Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home…” 
Beast Boy let out a gasp of horror, “dude…” 
He didn’t answer, just continued to watch it all unfold. 
Robin was moving in a slow sway, his arms up. “I get on the train and I just stand about, now that I don't think of you. I keep falling over, I keep passing out when I see a face like you. What am I coming to? I'm gonna melt down…” 
He started air guitaring again, putting his whole body into the song. “Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home!” He threw his arms out to the side and screamed the last two lines. “This is killing me! This is killing me!” 
The door on the other end of the room opened, but the group could only hear it. 
“Having fun?” Said a new voice. 
“Oh a lot! So so much!” 
“I think you’re ready to graduate, Patient 8.” 
“Yes! I knew it!” He whipped around towards the camera, fiddling with it to turn it off, but before the video ended, they all got a perfect shot of his face. Wild eyes, a meaty smile, and a horrible, bloody wound that tore through his right cheek, shoddily stitched and weeping. 
When the footage went black, no one could move. No one breathed. 
“BB…?” Cyborg asked in a tiny voice. “Did you get…?” 
“Yeah,” Beast Boy breathed. “I Promise…Yes I am…Black Star.” 
The door to the ops room swooshed open, and they all turned to look.
Black stood in the doorway, wearing another crudely made mask. “Hey guys, guess who I am?!”
A playlist of all the songs sung in this fic is available here. *Mickey Mouse Voice* It's a secret clue that will help us later!
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copperheid · 5 years
Petition to start calling TERFs "TEBFs", because they aren't rad at all. They're bogus
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famousavenuefest · 3 years
"Listen, Devil," Chad shouted, "You're off the team." 
What? Why?” I frowned. "I’m trying my best!" I countered as he stood in front of Chad. Chad called out to me so he could talk to me alone, while the others were practicing.
"You don't have it in you, you're the most horrible player we have. That's why I decided to let you go." Chad answered as he crossed his arms. "Why don't you stick back to playing with the dogs?" he rudely commented.
Ouch. I didn't say anything, more like there was nothing else to say. I was off the team because I'm a horrible player. Maybe my mother was right, I'm not good for anything, I would never even amount to anything.. I watched Chad go back to the field.
Kicking the ground and a few pebbles, I started walking away into the woods. I just wanted to be alone. I felt a sting in my heart, an overwhelming feeling that I couldn't control. Tears suddenly started to fall alongside my cheeks. I felt hopeless and helpless all at the same time.
Jay panted as he tackled other players to the ground, how he loves this sport. He looked around, looking for me only to see he wasn't anywhere in the field. Where did he go?
He rushed to Chad, "Hey, have you seen Carlos?"
"He left somewhere over there." Chad answered in an irritated voice, pointing towards the forest. He still didn't like me after a year in Auradon.
Jay sprinted off to find me, wondering why I left. "Carlos?!" He called out as he entered the forest, "Carlos, you here?" Then Jay heard sniffling coming from behind a tree and immediately felt empathy.
He spotted me sitting behind a tree, crying. "Carlos? What's wrong?" He swiftly stood in front of Carlos, kneeling down. "Are you hurt?"
"No... Chad said that I’m off the team," I whispered, wiping away my tears. He didn't want Jay to see me crying. Villains aren't supposed to cry.
"What?" Jay scowled. "Who told you that?" His voice hinted anger as he kept asking questions.
"Chad. He said that I’m the worst player on the team, and that I should stick back to playing with the dogs." I gazed on the ground, lips quivering as I felt a sting in my heart again.
"Carlos, that's not true!" Jay argued, then stood up, "I'm going to have a little chat with Chad." He began to stride away, which caused Carlos to stand up as well. "Wait, Jay! Don't do anything," I shouted, but was ignored as I tried to reach Jay.
Jay shouted out as he arrived at the field, "Chad? Who do you think you are? Kicking Carlos off of the team."
The team stopped playing when they heard yelling. Chad cold heartedly laughed, "I'm the leader of this team and I can do what I want." I looked away with a disappointed expression.
"Then if he's out, I'm out, that's not even a question." I snapped his head up upon hearing Jay. What?  With that, Jay took off his jersey and threw it violently to Chad.
"You can't quit! We have an upcoming game next week," Chad hissed. "We need you."
"Well, apparently you don't, maybe I should tell the king what you're doing.“
Chad snaps”You wouldn’t dare, You’re not the one to make those commands.”
Well apparently you think that you are the one who can kick players off the team, and make those commands so like I said, if he’s out, I'm out."
Chad snaps” And who the f*** do you think you are to tell me that?”
Jay shrugs, "Put Carlos back on the team and I won't quit. We stick together whether you like it or not." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jay was defending me.
Chad huffed. "Fine. He's back on the team for the last game."
I was in complete, total, utter shock for a moment before my lips quirked to into a smile. Jay turned to me, "Told you I have your back little guy." Jay placed his arm around my shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.
Both grinning in victory. As if Chad could read the boy's minds, he shouted at me “Carlos! don't be laughing! because I will find all the reasons to kick you off the team even if it means lying!”
Oh no you won't” Chad suddenly heard the king say.
Beast reached for his radio on his left shoulder and reported ” Chad in view, come out.”
It was then that Chad realizes that the king was going to get him into trouble, so, out of instinct, he begin running, as soon as Beast notices that Chad's running, Beast begins to pursue him. 
As the day goes on...
Prince Charming comes in to the office to ask the king a favour, when he realizes that his son is in the office, for the 4th time this week.
Prince Charming asks“ Chad, what did you do this time?”
Chad snarls" What does it matter? All I know is that the mutant, retarded, imbecile, handicapped, invalid, abnormal worthless curse is off the tourney team.”
Prince Charming snarls” Young man, watch your profanity! You are in front of a king!“
Chad snaps” May I remind you that I am a prince as well?”
Prince Charming scolds” Do you understand that number 1, using profanity in front off a king is rude? And 2, when you described those features and a curse, you were talking about Carlos, weren’t you?”
Chad snaps” Yeah, so what, he’s a worthless, invalid son of a cruddy, dangnabbit fart knocker!”
Prince Charming walks over slaps Chad over the head and snarls” When will you ever learn?”
Suddenly, Jay emerges, face covered in blood and exclaims” Where’s fairy Godmother? She needs to come to our dorm right now! Something’s wrong with Carlos!”
Prince Charming looks over at Jay and asks, concern lining his face” Anaphylactic shock? Broken limbs? Jay! what happened?”
Jay pants” I don’t know, I think that Carlos may have levitated and gone to the enchanted lake, but, next thing I know I get a phone call  informing me that Carlos fell through the ice!”
Fairy Godmother emerges and asks concerned" What happened? Is everything okay?" 
Jay exclaims relieved“ Oh thank goodness you’re here! Carlos is unconscious! His heart stopped earlier! Someone in the school put him under a spell that made him levitate and fall into the icy water of the enchanted lake! He's had no pulse for almost an hour! Hurry! Please! I don't want him to die!”
Fairy Godmother turned around and took off almost instantly after Jay had finished his sentence. 
                                         As they arrive...
I am lying still, too still for Jay’s liking,  I am always so energetic and bouncy, but today, My stillness made Jay squirm. His stomach was in knots, he’d been with me his entire life and had never felt this much fear.
His heart was pounding hard in his chest, he could practically hear it beating" Thump, thump.”
Everything came flooding back to Jay, from the first time he had the chance to hold baby Carlos, to now, having to see his little Carlos lying in bed... lifeless. He couldn’t bear the thought. It bothered him. Just seeing his little guy lifeless made Jay want to punch whoever had put Carlos under that horrid, stupid spell.
Jay lost his train of thought when he heard Fairy Godmother recite a spell" Taker of life, god of gods, accept my offering. Bone, flesh, breath. Yours eternally.
Bone, flesh, breath. I beg of you, return to me.”
Apparently, what happened wasn’t what Jay, Mal, Evie, Ben, Fairy Godmother or anyone expected.  Chad had actually cast a levitation spell on me and had made the enchanted lake's ice so fragile that when he placed me on it, it broke and I fell through, landing in the water that was so cold that I got hypothermia almost instantly. Jay called 9-1-1 and first responders fished me out. 
I was transferred to Auradon bay hospital where the paediatric Critical Care Doctor began CPR, trying desperately to revive me, but all efforts were failing. 
As the hospital personnel ran multiple tests, I still had no pulse after 55 minutes. The main doctor, Dr. Garett, walks into the waiting room and breaks the news to everyone” I don't think that Carlos will make it, I'm sorry, if you have family and friends that you would like to call, now is the time.” 
Evie asks, sadness present ” Are we allowed to go in and say our final goodbyes?”
The doctor smiles empathetically at the teens and emphasizes”I'm so sorry, I know how much you loved him.”
Jay's in the emergency room, trying to figure out how this happened, it had only been a matter of 15 minutes between me being in the dorm, to him drowning. This was horridly devastating. Jay looks up, walks over to the hospital bed, and begs” Carlos..., it’s Jay, If you can hear me, I need you to understand something, You need to come back to me... Please!”
 I'm lying still, tubes everywhere.... Worst  of all.... not breathing .
This was the most horrific thing that had ever happened to Jay, this could possibly mean that he would lose me... forever,
Next thing that Jay knew....
The doctor was in the quiet room talking to Evie and Mal about my situation.
“I am sorry, but Carlos is probably not gonna make it.”
Mal's eyes burn with tears as she asks Evie“ How can this be? Our little guy is dead after only 14 short years!"
Evie looks up and asks" Where is he? Take me to him immediately!”
Having heard that, the doctors rushed Evie to me. Jay was there tears streaming down his face as he begged me to come back
bed,.. A little while later... The heart monitor begins to beep,. The doctors rush in, unaware of what is about to happen or what they are about to witness.....
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