#That's 10 fucking pages
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Ok this post started as a reply to another post about how numbers were fake and got away from me a bit, strap in.
EDIT: Public Service loan forgiveness is a federal program in the US where if you work in government for 10 years the government will pay off the remainder of your student loans. This is way more important than the rest of this godforsaken screed and I'd appreciate a reblog to get out information on that.
This is a facebook group run by my dad(!) among others with a ton of useful information in case student loans are something you are struggling with and have a public service job or are looking to change careers.
Ok, Autism time.
TLDR: Companies are incentivized to borrow money because they can reliably only pay back a fraction of it while using it to inflate their stock price. You are disincentivized from borrowing money because you will pay back 120-130% of what you borrowed unless (and sometimes even if) you file for bankruptcy. We actually do need a financial sector but it's badly under regulated, and also international finance has no rules and is an imperial power-fest. Also anti-finance is an antisemitic dogwhistle.
Debt is one of the fuckiest things on the planet and I wrote this for my own edification but in case it helps someone make sense of a new concept that'd be pretty cool.
Proof the numbers in the economy are fake:
No debt is repaid in exact numbers. You borrow 10k, and probably you pay back 11-13k over a number of years. The government borrows 1 trillion dollars and pays back 1.1 trillion dollars over a number of years. A company borrows 1 million dollars, they pay back 1.1 million dollars over a number of years. The numbers almost always go up, this is one reason we have inflation. You can pay less than you borrowed, but only under certain conditions. Inflation is one, such that you pay relatively less though absolutely more. Typically the numbers only go down if someone defaults, but that's usually the worst case scenario because it breaks the kind of promise that the whole economy is based on.
If you default, your debt is sold by the bank to someone else. Not for 10k, or whatever is left on the balance, but for probably 1-2k, a fraction of what it's "worth" and then the person who bought it tries to get you to pay the rest of the balance while the bank reports the loss as part of their tax deductible operating expenses.
Then, you're still on the hook for the 11-13k plus whatever fees the debt collector wants to charge. And if you don't pay those, they do it again, selling what they bought for 1-2k for 4-5 hundred, and so on, until you file for chapter 11 bankruptcy and are no longer legally obliged to pay all of the debt. In practice, this means the government negates the lender's right to collect the full balance in exchange for you going on a payment plan based on a new agreement the government brokers between you and the lender.
After this, because you failed to pay back the full balance, you will find it almost impossible to find banks to loan you money, even if in the end you paid way more than the 11-13k you would have paid back if you had made your payments on time.
In general, if you file for bankruptcy, you lose.
This sort of works in reverse with the stock market: You buy stock and the company pays you back with interest because you are loaning them your money. Companies sell stock at an initial price, auctioning it off in lots to find out what people think it's worth, and what it's worth is based on a) its capacity to increase in value and b) the monthly/yearly interest repayment which is based on the IPO price. Higher price means more money raised for the company but only at the IPO rate because once it's on the secondary market the company doesn't actually see any of the money except as good publicity.
The interest payouts are called dividends, although only a few companies actually care about paying them out anymore. Many companies ignore their dividends and instead just try to pump the price of their stock on the secondary market, aka the stock market. The ratio between stock price and dividends gives you an interesting picture of how the company sees its long term strategy: Car companies which don't really grow tend to have low ratios between stock price and dividend. Tech companies, which are looking to blow up and act like they don't know nobody, tend to have very high stock prices and very low dividends.
Crucially, companies tend to see the stock price as a reflection of the company's health, or "consumer confidence" or something, and a lot of executive pay is tied to it because most of them get paid in stock.
But the number doesn't mean anything concrete (to the company) after the IPO.
The upshot of all this is that while you are expected to borrow and pay your balance back with interest, companies are rewarded for borrowing and then artificially increasing the size of their own debt (stock price) because that's how the people making the decisions get paid.
Crucially, and this is also the assumption when an individual takes on debt, the debt is supposed to enable the debtor to make more money than they would have without it. However, unlike the kind of debt most individuals take out, the debt from issuing stock doesn't (usually) pay off the principle. This is why companies can (sometimes) get away with taking on debt without actually paying it off. You could in principle do this too if you registered as an LLC and issued stock for yourself, but this would be weird and paying strangers dividends might be a big financial burden. Or it might work out, go wild. I'd say the odds of this working are fairly comparable to minting yourself as an NFT and trying to sell it, albeit without needing to use the blockchain. Please ask a lawyer first though.
Also, companies can take on way more debt with way less risk because it is significantly less punishing for a company to file for bankruptcy than a person. The LLC in LLC is short for Limited Liability Corporation. If a company files for bankruptcy, it usually gets to keep most of its assets, because the government in general wants it to keep producing whatever it was producing and its debts are restructured accordingly. Sometimes, however, the assets are sold and the creditors just lose out on any debt over and above the selling price of the assets. Companies can try to shed debts by selling their assets for cheap to a new company, filing for bankruptcy, and then leaving creditors with the losses. This is fraud, but sometimes they get away with it and the "limited liability" part means that even if it is fraud it is legally difficult to go after the people responsible. LLCs are why if your company goes bust, you as an employee cannot be sued, which is generally a good thing. However, the structure of LLCs make it very easy for a company to take on more and riskier debt while you, as an individual are expected to pay off everything you borrow.
In general, if a company files for bankruptcy, the creditors lose.
The Government, apart from regulations, mostly cares about finance for two reasons: Economic stability and Retirement savings.
All this shit is made up. It's a game with very complicated rules, but there's no natural reason for it to work in the particular way that it does. In fact, there are countries like Turkey where it works completely differently, mostly because of religious laws about interest collection. Both Christianity and Islam have complicated histories with finance, but I digress. The point it that finance is almost entirely held up by agreements between extremely fickle parties. Like, there are contracts, agreements, balance sheets, and so on but none of this is pegged to any real asset. (This is a good thing, people who tell you that we should go back to the gold standard are morons) What that means is that the government can decide at any time to forgive people's debts. They can just void the contracts, who's going to stop them? (Be careful if you have a banking system powerful enough to go toe to toe with the government. JP Morgan and a bunch of other wall street people actually tried to overthrow the US Government in 1933.) They need to be careful about this because being able to borrow money when you need it is a net positive, and doing it too often disincentivizes people from lending money making borrowing more expensive. But overwhelmingly, rather than forgiving small dollar loans to people, the government forgives giant loans to companies.
This is partially because the stability of the system, ie creditors getting paid in order to keep a steady supply of creditors, matters more than the fate of any particular player within it, and partially because big fish can manipulate the system to insulate themselves from consequence.
For example, in 2008, tons of first time homeowners had gotten "subprime mortgages," meaning they had borrowed more money than they could afford to repay in order to buy a first home. Increased buying meant prices went up, borrowers were unable to afford the increased property taxes from their suddenly valuable homes, and then were forced to sell, producing even more subprime borrowers. These debts were defaulted on, sold, and then bundled into packages where debt buyers could not see the insolvency of the loans. Then, the bubble burst. People suddenly realized that they had taken out a million dollar mortgage, which they could not afford the monthly payments on, on a house that would only sell for 400k. And they were on the hook for the entire million plus interest.
At this point, the government had a choice: they had to do something about the fact that millions of people had borrowed more money than they could afford. They could have bought the debt, and helped the homeowners pay in a situation similar to a chapter 11 bankruptcy where some assets are protected in order to prevent massive foreclosures, or they could have done what they did which was buy out the debt buyers and help the creditors recoup their losses. Instead of virtually slashing housing prices by forgiving mortgage debt in order to help people stay housed, they assumed the debts of the people who had bought subprime mortgage bundles, mostly banks, while refusing to go after the architects of the scheme who had issued the bad mortgages and sold them under false pretenses.
The biggest reason why this stuff really matters is that at least how the US does things right now, almost all retirement securities are tied to stock price. That's your 401ks, your Roth IRAs, etc. With the exception of Social Security and Medicare, almost all the income seniors have is based on the performance of the stock market. This isn't the worst idea, as compared to previous systems like large savings banks or just having parents cared for by their kids this is A) somewhat resistant to inflation and B) does not shackle predominantly young women to permanent unpaid elder care as was the case under past more patriarchal systems. It's good that in general inflation can't wipe out the savings of someone who saved 100,000 1970 dollars only to have that barely cover a week of cancer treatment. Finance makes that happen.
Also, people want to do things that cost more money than they have, like buy houses, start businesses, and go to college. Businesses also want to do things that cost more money than they have, like build factories, conduct research and development, and offer benefits to employees. Finance makes that happen.
We would still need finance even if (like under communism) the government paid for these things, and whether finance should be entirely public (communism) entirely private (anarcho-capitalism) or semi-private (status quo) is a really complicated question. Finance is not this intrinsically evil thing.
Also because of the aforementioned history of Christians making collecting interest illegal most demonization of finance is directly connected to the Jews, who under medieval law were forced into being bankers in order to avoid forcing Christians from committing the sin of usury (interest collection). Much history of antisemitism in Europe is directly connected to these sorts of laws. The stereotype of the greedy jew, for example, comes from the fact that when medieval governments wanted to raise money, such as for a crusade, they would increase taxes but only on the jews. This forced the jews who were legally forbidden from doing any other job to increase interest rates in order to stay financially solvent, demanding higher rates on borrowing and lower interest on savings. This effectively raised taxes on everyone, but looked like the lord was being generous while the jew was being greedy. Anyone who talks about the intrinsic evils of global finance, whether they know it or not, is parroting Nazi talking points. Bear in mind that the Nazis did the same shit as the medieval lords: by raising taxes on Jews and only Jews, as well as seizing the assets of Jewish refugees, expropriating Jewish owned businesses, and using the Jews as slave labor they funded significant social welfare programs and their invasions of neighboring European countries without significantly increasing taxes on anyone but the Jews, at least until ~1940.
But there are still perverse incentives.
Whenever finance (making money by moving money around) overshadows production (making shit people actually need) bad things happen. Enron was a prime example of this: it was a "holding company" (they owned property that other people used for production without being directly involved in that production) that used an asset shell game to boost their stock price to hundreds of times their dividend, then sold out leaving investors with worthless stock they had bought for thousands of dollars.
Crashes can usually be predicted in advance: the problem is that the government is usually lax with enforcing financial crime. Journalists and economists saw 2008, Enron, the Dot Com bubble, the Asian Financial Crisis, and many other financial disasters coming. Karl Marx argued that Capitalism exists in a permanent cycle of boom and bust as a result of its systematic incentives. There is a history of financial crisis going back to the story of Joseph in Genesis. However, even when governments can see it coming, financial prophylaxis, such as regulation, is usually seen as too expensive even when it is cheaper to prevent a disaster than to clean up after one. Worse, the fact that the bankers almost never get prosecuted means that financial mismanagement and crime continue to exacerbate what might be a natural tendency of markets to rise and fall. This is direct consequence of the structure of LLCs. The higher the highs, the lower the lows, but if you're trying to jump out of the market at the top and then buy up everyone else's assets for pennies at the bottom, you want the cycles to be as extreme as possible. That's the position major companies find themselves in, and it's basically only good for them.
I'm not enough of an expert to have specific policy recommendations, except that in the 90s Bill Clinton overturned a law which separated savings banks from investment banks. Savings banks rely on high interest rates, both on loans they issue such as for mortgages, cars, and so on, and on the personal savings you receive from depositing money in them. Once upon a time (the 90s) you could put your money in a normal bank and get 5-6% interest in a savings account. This no longer happens. Investment banks make their money by taking your money, putting it on the stock market, and collecting the difference. Investment banks are more profitable (mostly for the bank) but more risky (mostly for you), like having someone start a casino with your money. House advantage is there, but they can still lose. Before the 90s, it was illegal for your bank to gamble with your savings on the stock market. Now it is not, and this law is something I think we should bring back.
When it comes to governments and the international system things are weirder.
It's really hard to make a government keep a promise, so they get to flaunt these rules. Also, as a rule, Governments only care about their citizens (sometimes defined very narrowly as non-immigrant, non-prisoner, white, etc) and not anybody else. Anything they do on behalf of any other group is only because it also benefits their citizens for some reason. The only real way to make a government keep a promise is by lawsuit, which they can ignore if they don't like, or war, which most people can't really do for fun. This is why The US Debt strategy for its entire history going back to Alexander Hamilton is to run up the credit card like it's Christmas. The plan as far as the USA is concerned is to borrow money and only pay off the interest rather than the principle. The only way someone is going to get the USA to pay off the principle is by beating them in a war. However, those interest payments are the most reliable debt interest payments in the world, unless the republicans in the house are real fucking numbskulls come June. I'm not exactly smart enough to understand the nuance of why all the other countries on earth let us do this but I think it has something to do with beating everyone on the planet in a war in the last century. However, the US always pays its debts in full, even if as a result of inflation what they're paying back is only part of what it was worth when they borrowed it. This is normal, though whether or not it's ethical depends on your views on american empire.
What's important about this is that things like the US debt clock are shameless right wing propaganda. Someone somewhere will tell you that the government has borrowed like three hundred thousand dollars on your behalf and that they expect you to pay it back. This is then used to argue against government spending. I won't get into fiscal policy but this is a lie, and it's better to keep borrowing and paying off debt than to try to achieve fiscal or financial independence internationally.
International finance is also directly used as an oppressive tool for reproducing capitalism in developing countries. The last thing I'll say on the subject is this: countries with less economic power than the G7 are subject to bullying by larger economies. Every country in the world borrows money, and this is generally a good thing. However, Unicef, the World Bank, and other international institutions set terms on the loans that they offer to countries that were robbed under colonialism and refuse to lend money to them unless they comply with various international standards. This sometimes includes things like requiring girls to be able to go to school, and sometimes requires forcing governments to pay license fees for US patents on things like insulin and oh boy if your prescription drug costs are high in the US just imagine how much money you have to pay for drugs with US patents on them after converting non-US money to dollars. Whether or not you agree with these sorts of policy requirements, they are neo-colonialism and do contribute to American domination over these countries. Just because we're loan sharking them for insulin money instead of invading their country for oil doesn't mean that isn't what it is. Intellectual property is one of the most contentious parts of these sorts of fights, where a country would be happy to void a US patent on behalf of its citizens but it can't without losing access to international loans.
There are lots of problems with finance and it's dialed into the entire modern political system so it's extra fucky to understand in greater detail than this, and while it is strictly speaking politically neutral, the more power you have the more you can manipulate it. There unfortunately aren't great tools the average person has to do about the state of the world financially, but I think it's helpful to know and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Maybe you smack a fascist with something from this if they start talking about how globalists run the banks.
#I was inspired by that BDG video about Healthcare#I swear I'm not an econ bro tho#Also this is what I did instead of writing grad school papers#God international relations is fucking depressing it's like a train wreck that started under the fucking mesopotamians and has not stopped#But actually don't worry about the debt though#unless it's your debt in which case vote democrat if you want to see more student loan forgiveness#How the fuck did I black out and write 3500 words about this#That's 10 fucking pages#This is half a journal article
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William and the will o’ wisps make me incredibly happy
He’s like a tired cat owner
#bandit's doodles#jrwi prime defenders#william wisp#William and the will o’ wisps has the same vibe as gillion and the tidestriders#this was lowkey just an excuse to draw his hero suit#it’s so silly#whenever I pull out the pixel art brush I get carried away though#it’s like seasoning your food#it just makes my art so much stupider and that means I can draw more nonsense#you can tell I just drew whatever came to mind#the fucking skibidi William one sent me into a laughing fit for a solid 10 minutes#I couldn’t even look at the screen#also drawing fire in this style is so much fun dude#that full color doodle on the first page is genuinely one of my favorite drawings I’ve ever done#my bullshit doodles are so much better than when I’m actually trying to draw something#but that’s really funny so I’m cool with it#so completely unrelated but you should listen to chuckle dungeon unlimited#anywiwis#that’s all from me
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8 weeks old!!!
In order; Dillweed, Fennel, Chamomile, Rhubarb, Saffron, Thistle, Tarragon, Parsley
#soggy bc playing in the wet grass#foster puppy#puppies#they have officially been posted to the shelters page 🥺🥺🥺#also#thistle is still fucking huge#chunkster#someone commented on the fb post#thistle is so cute! we are looking for a 10 to 15lbs dog :)#girl thistle is already 10 lbs#look elsewhere
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"I have mixed feelings." - daniel ricciardo on josh allen's engagement | 📹
#daniel ricciardo#dr#PAGING BILLSCCIARDO RIGHT FUCKING NOW#that wasn't a joke. that was his true feelings. he;s just playing it off as a joke#just like *** ** ****#also did they film this on a fucking iphone 10 in 480p
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ghost is so excited it dumps its arsenal in the house
#yeah it prepares a lot throughout the years#with weapons just lying on the ground you don't really have to be able to fight to get them#i can probably make it say a lot of fucked up stuff for a lot of weapons but this is already 10 pages long now#it becomes a sort of weapon drawing practice in the end#which is... good? i guess?#i mean weapons are hard to draw because you can't just completely screw up the perspective and ratio and still make it sort of good looking#also fuck forbearance what the hell is that rotating stuff at the front it twisted my brain#why did i choose to draw that its not like im making a point about shaxx having rhulk's weapon by standing in one place 24/7#should've drawn edge transit instead at least i actually use that#destiny 2#destiny ghost#destiny exo#destiny 2 art#my art
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insecure soap whose insecurities don't stem from a place of inadequacy
he knows how talented he is, how hard he’s worked to get where he is; that he didn’t land a spot on an exclusive highly skilled taskforce for no reason. he's confident about his skills; doesn't brag or show off, doesn't need to because he knows he'll always live up to and surpass expectations the second someone doubts him
but he also knows he can always be better
there's records left unbroken, mental walls he can shatter; if he just keeps pushing, keeps training he'll be more. he's always trying to beat himself, not in search of validation or outward assurance but because he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that his yesterday self was lesser
every muscle that burns and tears heals stronger so he dedicates himself to ripping them apart. scarred skin doesn't flinch from heat so he welcomes the burns. he’s strict with his diet and stricter with his schedule, he spends hours in the gym and longer at the range and not a minute of rest goes by without him thinking it’s time wasted when he could be improving, always improving
soap knows he's good
because he knows he can be great
and he won't stop until he is, no matter how many times he needs to break himself to get there
#this episode brought to you by captain mactavish’s obsessive need for improvement#seriously have you read that thing#its like a good 40% the source of my love for soap#theres a page of mactavish running the cqc course and his timings bc hes obsessed with trying to beat gazs record#he runs the thing 10 times#and only once is his time slower than the one before it#what the fuck#that need for improvement is so tasty and i am shamelessly dropping it on 22 soaps head have fun babygirl#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#soapghost#soap cod#john soap mactavish#ghoap#ghostsoap#save post
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new to the blog but abt those felix throughts 😍😍 felix whos so tired of the members calling him innocent and babying him. yea its nice from time to time but hes a grown man ! so he goes 100% hard dom on you just so your moans can be heard in the dorm 🫣 also he would totally cover you in bite marks and hickeys just so he can get his point across to his group 💕
now THAT's what I'm taking about skhsfdlkfjsdlkfj
Like we all know that Felix is a lil guy with too much love in his body but soft =/= sub. He's a man very comfortable in his identity and the power he holds over you. Felix just wants to make his baby feel good but he also wants to prove a point...
Smut and warnings below the cut. MINORS DNI!!!!!!
↳ Words - 2.7k (and some change)
↳Warnings: SMUT duh, Soft!Dom Felix (I'm still getting used to writing Hard!Dom anyone) and a tough of Hard!Dom Lix at the end, afab!reader, relatively vanilla, fingering (f receiving), P in V, unprotected sex (don't), multiple orgasms, exhibitionism?, hickeys
You loved his innocent vibe! You really did! His angelic smile and his sweet words and actions is what drew you to him in the first place. He was nothing but romantic and sweet all the time. The best communicator, respectful of your boundaries, always treated you like a princess. Honestly everyone needs their own personal Felix!!
But he’s tired. He can’t help it. All of his friends baby him so much! Like Changbin said himself, Felix is happiness personified! But enough is enough. His sweet exterior is giving him a reputation he doesn’t want. When his friends talk about their sex lives, they always make these jokes that Felix must be a little pillow prince who takes what he’s given and lets his partner take the lead. In fact, his friends bet, he’s as innocent as can be and maybe you and him don’t even have sex at all!
He’s still grumbly about it when you get to the dorm one night, just to spend a little time together in between schedules. He greets you with his normal warm hug and a sweet peck but you can sense something is off.
Initially you stay in the living room to continue watching the movie the other guys are watching. It’s some action film you couldn’t give two shits about. Your legs are swung over Felix’s lap and he’s gently massaging your calves and thighs while he stares at the screen. You can hear a few of the other guys snickering but you can’t make out what they’re saying. When you glance at Felix, his eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is set. Honestly it’s kind of hot and makes heat pool between your legs. Let’s be honest though…. It’s Felix. Almost everything he does can get you wet.
The boys laugh again and you note that it’s during a not particularly funny part of the movie. This is where Felix breaks. He pushes your legs off him and grabs your hand.
“Come on, babe, this isn’t very interesting. Let’s go to my room.” Felix whispered to you, his lips grazing the shell of your ear.
Your body immediately went hot and you had a feeling you knew what was on his mind. He dragged you to his room and tossed the door shut behind him.
His hands were cupping your face and pulling you into a deep kiss before the latch had fully closed. You could simply melt into his kisses. They always were deep and full of every ounce of love in his body. Tonight, however, his lips were urgent and demanding.
“I need you baby, please.” He whispered against your mouth. The need to show his friends that he wasn’t a little boy anymore coursed through him, but he would stop if you gave the word.
“Lix, I need you too.” You managed out between kisses, “But what about the guys? They’re right outside and-”
“Remember what we talked about last month?” Felix kissed down your neck and pushed you back towards the bed.
How could you forget? Most of the time you and Felix had sex it was very mutual. You didn’t do a whole lot of powerplay. Maybe a sprinkling here and there when the situation was right, but Felix loved it when sex was a mutual expression of love. A few weeks ago he asked you about exploring power play a little more and maybe experimenting with some kinks. One of them was being listened to. Not necessarily the real thing, but pretending like someone could walk in on you at any moment.
With the boys right down the hall, that one held more risk than normal.
“You wanna try it?” You asked. The back of your knees caught on the edge of the bed and you sat down. Felix weaved his fingers through your hair and bent down to kiss you. You parted your knees instinctively and Felix settled between them.
With him above you like this, you felt small under him. The thrill it gave you made your heart speed up. You gripped his slim waist to pull him closer.
“I want them to hear you while I fuck you dumb,” Felix’s voice dropped and octave. It sent a shiver down your spine. You always loved it when he got like this. When he got too horny, his voice dropped and it made you wet in an instant.
Felix’s hands made quick work of your clothes. He wasted no time in getting you naked, leaving your top and jeans in a pile on the floor. Even though you hadn’t expected to have sex on this visit, you still wore one of your cuter underwear sets. Baby pink with a little bit of lace at the top of the cups of the bra and the top of the panties, made even more innocent by a tiny rose in the center of both pieces.
Felix swallowed thickly at the sight.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?” Felix whispered. He maneuvered you onto the bed and hovered over you. You clawed at his shirt, urging him to take it off. He smirked and tugged it off. “Just say the word and I’ll stop, okay? Until then you're going to let me do whatever I want with you, right baby?”
“Yes, baby.” You nodded in understanding.
You groaned at the sight of his chiseled chest. Those gorgeous, defined ab muscles and his perfect little pink nipples made your mouth water. Everything about him was beautiful from his head to his toes. Not to mention his cock. Speaking of, you wanted to see it immediately. You tried to reach for his pants but he grabbed your wrists and shoved you back against the bed.
“No touching without permission, got it baby?” He cooed, “I wouldn’t want to have to punish you. I bet you’re already wet, aren’t you? It doesn’t take much to get my baby worked up.”
Felix slipped his hand into your underwear and seemed unfazed by the amount of slick in your panties. To be honest, you thought that there should have been more. The sudden show of power had your cunt gushing and clenching around nothing and you needed him inside you, um, yesterday.
“Felix, please!” You cried, pushing your hips up into his hand. His digits rubbed small, slow circles on your clit. Just enough to feel good but not enough to actually get anywhere.
“What do you want, baby? Good girls use their words.” Felix chided, his fingers slipping lower to tap against your entrance but not going in.
“I want you to touch me! Please!” You kept your voice quiet so that no one outside the door could hear you, but that wasn’t what Felix wanted.
“You want me to touch you? Alright, baby, I’m feeling nice today.” Felix kept his eyes on your face as he slipped two of his fingers into your tight hole with basically no resistance. He watched as your face screwed up in pleasure and your lips parted in a silent moan. “Come on you can do better than that.”
With that, Felix pumped his fingers into you. Quick thrusts wouldn’t get him where he wanted to go so he opted for long, deep strokes that pressed the pads of his fingers onto that special spot he’d found a few weeks ago. The ball of his hand pressed deliciously against your clit with every thrust. You swallowed a moan and turned your head to press your face into your arm to help silence yourself.
At this, Felix threw three quick thrusts of his fingers into you.
“Uh uh,” he chided, “I want to hear those beautiful noises of yours, baby. Let me know how good I’m making you feel, yeah?”
He pressed a few more deep and precise thrusts into you and this time you complied with a long, drawn out moan. Felix grinned. He continued like this for a few minutes, pressing his fingers in as deep as possible. He resorted to pressing his hand against your clit and his fingers massaging that spot within you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. You’re drenching my fingers already. I can’t wait until you cream my cock, baby. Keep moaning, just like that.”
He has you clenching and cumming on his fingers in seconds. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly he gets your thighs shaking. You’re moaning so loudly that you’re certain that the others can hear you. Felix smiles through the whole thing. His eyes are dark as he watches you cum just from his fingers.
“Good girl, there it is. Let’s see if you can take my cock, yeah?”
“Please.” You moan loudly.
Felix pulls his fingers out of you and you whine at the loss. He pulls your panties down your legs and tosses them somewhere in the room. Next he strips from the rest of his clothes and his cock slaps against his stomach. Precum pearled at his tip and your mouth watered. You longed to take him in your mouth and suck him until he came but he had other plans.
“Hands and knees. Now.” Felix demands. He pumps his cock a few times to make sure he’s hard enough. How could he not be, though, as he watches you climb onto your hands and knees and present your ass and your glistening hole to him. He leans over you and brushes his cock along your swollen folds. “Good girl. God, you have the most perfect ass…” Felix palmed it appreciatively before pulling his hand back and landing a firm slap on the flesh.
“Fellix!” you gasped when he landed a second slap.
“That’s right, baby, remember who’s name you’re screaming when I make you cum.” Felix’s deep voice rumbles.
He lined up his tip at your entrance and rubbed it through your folds a few times, reveling in the way he could make you shiver every time his cock grazed your over-sensitive clit. When you least expected it, Felix pushed his cock into your tight, warm cunt. You both moaned out in unison when he bottomed out. His long, thick cock filled you up perfectly. It was as if your pussy was designed for him. Felix swore that he could spend the rest of his life between your legs.
“I’m going to fucking ruin you, darling?”
With that, he began thrusting. Sometimes adjusting to someone’s cock in you is a thing of myth. You can never get used to how perfectly he fills you up. It may not be the longest, but it’s thick and it stretches you more than anything or anyone else ever has. His cock has a perfect little curve to it that hits that little spot inside you whenever he angles his hips just right.
Tonight, he’s determined to get all of the sounds out of you that he can. So every single thrust is designed to do just that. He shoves himself into your snug heat as deep as he can go every single time. It’s like you can feel him in your throat. Every thrust pushes his hips flush with your ass. He takes a hand and presses on your back to push your chest onto the bed.
“Fuuuuuck baby, you feel so good.” Felix moaned, “Always so warm and tight for me, baby.”
“You feel so good inside of me,” You moan back, struggling to get your words out between Felix’s rough thrusts, “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“Come on, moan for me baby, show them how good I make you feel.”
As if you had a choice. His thrusts were hard and he shifted his hips until his tip speared into that spot over and over again. Felix had found that spot by chance a few weeks ago when he was fingering you and now he made it a point to seek it out every time.
Felix’s hand curled around your bodies and his fingers made contact with your clit immediately. At this, you keened and let out the loudest moan of the night. Your cunt clamped onto Felix’s cock and he bit his lip to keep from cumming right there. Your tight, wet heat eas driving him crazy but you had to cum first.
He could have sworn that the TV volume lowered.
“Come on baby, cum for me.” Felix grunted, his finger swirling around your swollen clit.
Your walls clenched and fluttered around him. Something in your belly pulled taut and you rocked yourself back on Felix’s cock. The extra bit of friction made the coil pull tight. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to let your body relax so that Felix could take over and bring you to orgasm. Your moans grew louder and louder as you got closer.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You cried, “Fuck, Felix! Right there!”
“That’s a good girl, cream my cock, baby.”
The sound of the TV in the front room had stopped all together.
The extra pressure of you pushing back onto his cock was just the right thing. The intense pressure in your stomach suddenly released all at once. Your legs trembled and your body shook. Felix took over and gripped your hips tightly. He slowly guided your hips down towards the bed so you were laying flat, continuing his intense thrusts into your cunt. He leaned over you and pressed his lips to the back of your neck.
“Felix, don’t stop,” you moaned, arching your back into him to keep his dick lodged inside you as deep as possible.
Your orgasm washed over you in waves, each one resulting in a gush of wetness between your legs. His hips kept drilling into you diligently. He kissed along your shoulders and neck, sucking dark marks onto your skin. The second you rolled over, he’d give you hickeys on your neck and breasts to match these.
When he sensed your orgasm coming to an end, he slowed his hips but kept his cock lodged within your tight walls. He hadn’t come yet but he knew he had to give you a short break before he sought his own orgasm.
“Was I loud enough?” You giggled, “What was that about?”
“The guys were making fun of me, saying things like… I couldn’t be a dom because I’m too innocent, that I’m just a pillow prince and I let you do all the work.” Felix peppered soft kisses on your skin.
“That’s not it at all baby! We just like sex to be reciprocal, that’s all.”
“I know, but I guess I needed a little ego boost.” Felix shrugged.
“Well if I get to come like that every time we need an ego boost, by all means,” You giggled, rubbing your ass back into him and making his cock slide against your puffy walls, making you both gasp. “I think you could stand to be a little meaner, though.”
“What? You want me to be mean to you?” Felix stared at you with large eyes.
“Maybe a little more.”
“Oh, so you want me to call you my own little personal slut?” Felix whispered in your ear. That tantalizing voice of his made your cunt clench on him. “Oh so you would like that? I should have known you’d be a little cock-hungry slut. Can’t go a single day without my cock in you, is that it?”
“Mmhm…” You nodded, eyes suddenly a little teary but in the best way. You pushed your hips back against his again. He groaned and pressed a hand to your hip to stop your movements.
“If you keep going like that I’m gonna treat you like a little cocksleeve, got it? I’ll stuff you with enough cum to keep you full for weeks. You want that, baby?”
“God, yes,” your eyes rolled back at the thought of feeling even fuller than you were now.
“Then relax, my pretty slut, we’re just getting started.” Felix growled.
His hand slipped under you to press lightly against your tummy, the pressure pushing your g-spot effortlessly against the tip of his cock. He’d hardly have to aim at all like this. You let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a moan.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll fill you up ‘til your cute little cunt can’t handle it anymore. M’ cum is all yours.”
#felix smut#lee felix smut#yongbok smut#skz smut#stray kids smut#lee yongbok smut#felix lee smut#ellie writes#PHEW#an ask!#i got carried away with this one#meant to be like 10 paragraphs but its now liek five pages#i don;t have time for the other asks tonight but#i am getting to them#fuck felix is so hot#thank you so much for the ask
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Teach Me Tonight - Part 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Deleted Scene] Part 4: [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Deleted Scene] [Part 8]
Reader x Carmy Berzatto (The Bear FX)
Rating: Explicit (4k)
Tags: Smut, Set sometime after the opening of The Bear, Porn with a little plot, Virgin!Carmy, Sex Toys, P in V sex, Mutual Masturbation, Bondage but they're really tame about it, Both Carmy and Reader have a bit of a praise kink
Summary: Carmy's eyebrows arched in surprise once he saw the contents of the box, accompanied by a pink colored brochure with more options of toys, and big, bold slogans about thrusting and G spots. "Oh. That's intense," he said, not repulsed but definitely taken aback.
A couple of boxes had arrived at the store early in the morning. You were sorting their contents when Carmy walked in through the back door.
"I'll be with you in a minute, babe," you said, leaving a peck on Carmy's cheek.
"Take your time," Carmy eyed the new merch, his tattooed fingers running over the wool of a blue sweater - one you had picked out for his Christmas present knowing it would make his eyes look stunning. You bit your bottom lip to contain a satisfied smile.
"What's this one? Jewelry?"
When you turned around, Carmy was holding a small cardboard box, shaking it lightly by his ear. Your heart started racing when you realized what it was.
"Um, actually, that's a surprise," you cleared your throat. "For you. Well us. But we'll open it later, okay?"
"Now I'm curious," he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you away from the counter and closer to him. You ran your fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck.
"Well, if you weren't so damn nosy..." you said playfully.
"Fuck off," he said without bite. "You like my nose."
You nuzzled against it, then kissed him sweetly.
"I do," you admitted. "Now come on, I'll see you tonight."
He left begrudgingly, but not before he gave you a bruising kiss.
When Carmy arrived home, you took him to the bedroom and placed the cardboard box on his lap. He smirked. While he was opening it, you started getting nervous and second-guessing yourself. Men could get very defensive when it came to sex toys.
"This isn't, like, a jab or anything," you said quickly. "It's just something new to try for fun, you know?"
You didn't lack novelty in the bedroom. Maybe it was because Carmy was new to sex but he was willing to try most things. You had to squeeze your thighs at the memory of him fucking you against the bathroom wall, angled precisely so you could both see your reflection in the mirror as he buried himself deep inside you.
Carmy's eyebrows arched in surprise once he saw the contents of the box, accompanied by a pink colored brochure with more options of toys, and big, bold slogans about thrusting and G spots.
"Oh. That's intense," he said, not repulsed but definitely taken aback.
"So I didn't know what you'd like, I'm guessing you don't know either," Carmy hummed in agreement. "So, uh, I bought a couple of things I wanted to try. You can choose next time, if you want," you offered sheepishly, taking out one of the two gifts you had ordered and handing it to Carmy.
"It's a ring," he said, his Adam's apple bobbing as he felt it buzz on his palm. "And that's-"
"A vibrator, uh, for me... It's got a remote and everything so you can, uh, you know, control it too," you had seen the way Carmy's eyes darkened when he made you come before he did. It was that selflessness you loved but also something hungry and dark that made your knees buckle. "That is if you want..."
"Jesus, yes!" Carmy replied, flustered.
"Okay," you sighed with relief and grinned. "Okay! And, uh, if we like it, you can pick the next one."
"I'd like that," Carmy took a quick look at the brochure, slightly less intimidated than when he had just opened the box. "Just a quick question," he stared at the section dedicated to rabbits and dildos. "That goes inside you?"
You laughed. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty self explanatory."
He chuckled and covered his face, probably the reddest you had ever seen him. "No, yeah, I know. It's just- Does it, you know, fit?"
You took the brochure from his hands and squinted to see the measurements.
"It's not that much bigger than your cock, Carm." you flirted.
"Really," you knelt next to him on the mattress, a hand on his upper thigh and your lips ghosting over his ear. "So..."
"Uh- can I watch?" he asked, his voice quiet as he handed you the smooth vibrator. "Just for a little while. Then, I'd like to try that," he pointed at the remote, a little quiver in his voice.
It was thrilling, knowing he desired you and your pleasure that much.
He started kissing and undressing you, hands kneading on your ass and thighs, lips kissing your chest. Once he got rid of your jeans he looked up at you expectantly.
You placed the vibrator over your underwear, teasing with the lowest setting, going around your whole pussy, feeling yourself get wet as you stared into Carmy's eyes - he licked his lips. You nudged your underwear lower and lower, halfway down your thighs, clicking the vibrator one notch harder.
"Oh," you moaned and arched your back, something red and hot boiling in your veins.
Carmy's hands caressed the inside of your legs and thighs, taking your underwear off completely, opening you wide. "Can I?"
You handed him the controller, your heart racing. His fingers hovered over the buttons.
"Be nice," you pleaded - though a secret part of you wanted to see how bad he could actually be. If his dark eyes were any indication he was toeing that line between loving and feral that made sex with him so delicious. "Actually, no. Don't be nice. Just have fun with it," you let out a breathy laugh.
"Let me know if you don't like something, anything," he asked softly.
"Yeah," you exhaled.
"Okay," he turned it up for a moment and then turned it off. You let out a needy whine. He kissed the inside of your calf, soothing. "I want it to last. You look so good, sound so good."
He went back to teasing, then slowly to a rhythm that made you roll your eyes and hips, and just to the edge of your release and back down.
You let out a frustrated noise, desperate as you ground against the now perfectly still vibrator.
"I can't believe you're edging me without me teaching you what that is," you complained half-heartedly, wiping beads of sweat from your forehead.
Carmy was giving you a moment to catch your breath while he undressed, staring at you hungrily the whole time. His cock was hard and leaking in his boxer briefs.
"You're so good," he said softly, sitting back in front of you, turning the vibrator back on, up and up, making you writhe against the sheets and moan loudly. Your jaw was slack and your free hand was grabbing at the sheets. "My good girl," he said, ears pricked up for the drawn out moan he knew would follow.
"Please, please," you met his eyes. "Please."
"Good girl," he repeated, going up a notch and watching you come, legs shaking and high-pitched screams leaving your lips. Your hips thrust with a will of their own as you rode it out, trembling with pleasure. Carmy's eyes were on you as you started breathing normally again and took the vibrator off your clit.
"Shit," you sighed. Your fingers grazed over your hard nipples, finding electricity wherever you touched. You would need a little while to be functional again.
"D'you like it?" you mumbled, eyes half-lidded.
"Did I like it?" Carmy repeated then moved on top of you, strong arms holding him up as he kissed you senseless. His curls had become loose and they tickled your forehead. "I loved it so fucking much. So much."
He kissed the side of your face vehemently, like a man starved and you hummed contentedly. He ground into your hips a little.
"Give me a minute," you said softly. You were definitely wet enough to do just about anything Carmy could want but the world was still spinning a little. "I'll fuck you in a second," you joked breathily.
"Sorry," he chuckled into your neck. "Be right back," he kissed your temple and padded out of the room.
He returned with a glass of water and condoms.
"My hero," you teased, drinking eagerly while you watched him take off his boxers and pump himself a couple of times. The sight made you wetter if that was even possible - the prospect of fucking Carmy making you wild with need. "Your turn. Put that condom on," you said, reaching over for the cock ring.
"Oh," Carmy frowned once the toy was on him. "Feels weird."
"Bad weird?" you asked.
"Weird weird," he laughed, moving awkwardly to turn it on. "Fuck, never mind," he exhaled, eyes rolling back.
You caressed him - his shoulders, his chest. "Too much?" you asked after a moment of him being very still and quiet.
"No, it's good, it's good," he replied dreamily, going back to his place above you, lowering himself into your pussy. You moaned loudly at the immediate feeling of fullness, the easy glide of his cock inside you, and the vibration against your clit.
"Fuck, that's perfect," he slurred, overwhelmed. His brow furrowed in concentration as he was overcome with pleasure. "Shit. I can't move," he admitted.
"Wanna switch?" you offered gently.
"Yes. Yes, please. Fuck," he pulled out of you, falling on the mattress, that same stunned expression returning to his face as you lowered yourself on his cock.
"Shit," you keened. The angle made the ring hit exactly on the perfect spot of your clit, your thighs were shaking and you hadn't even begun to ride him. "I'm not going to last, Carm."
"Neither am I," there was a sense of relief as he said it and chuckled. His hands squeezed at your hips with desperation. "Please."
You started moving back and forth, making Carmy squeeze his eyes shut, his breath coming in heavy exhales as you let out needy noises.
"Holy fucking shit," he said, finally opening his eyes, following your breasts as they bounced up and down while you rode him harder and harder.
"You're ruining me," he managed, his hand reaching for yours, calloused fingers keeping you grounded. "Ruining me completely."
You couldn't speak; every coherent thought was replaced with Carmy - his face, his voice, his tattoos, his smell, his body...
You felt him growing tense underneath you, his muscles taut as his cock twitched inside you. You could hear Carmy panting and growling, his chest rising quickly under your palms. Exhausted, you stopped riding him and leant forwards, into Carmy's chest and open arms, your pussy directly on the cock ring.
"Oh my- Oh my God," you gasped and trembled through a blinding orgasm while Carmy held you tight. Everything was white and hot and your ears were buzzing. You kept rutting into his hips, shaking with ecstasy for what felt like a very long time. Carmy's hands went from your spine down your ass and back up, then gently caressed the curve of your waist.
After a while you winced at the vibration underneath you. Carmy rolled you to your side, sliding his softening cock out of you. You saw him take off the ring and discard the condom in a haze.
"You okay?" he asked. His eyes were back to that soft, blue worry you loved so much. You cupped the side of his face.
"I'm perfect," you replied, out of breath. "You?"
"I'm good," he smiled. "That was-"
"Amazing," you supplied.
"I was going to say fucking insane but amazing works."
You giggled into his shoulder. He took your hand and held it close to his chest. You could feel his pulse still racing.
The walk to Carmy's apartment was more quiet than usual. His arm was around you, warm but a little tense.
"You okay?" you asked, raising your hand to interlock with his.
"Yeah," he exhaled, "can't wait to get home is all."
You leaned deeper into his side. "Bad day?"
Carmy let out a chuckle. "Actually it was fine," he cleared his throat. "No, I got something in the mail this morning."
"Okay," you waited but he didn't say anything else. You stared as he got the keys out and opened the door.
You walked in, and as soon as the door closed, he started kissing your neck, hugging you from behind, breathing heavily into your hair.
"What's gotten into you?" you giggled, turning around to return his kisses, pressing against him greedily.
"Can you stay the night?" he asked instead.
"Of course, yeah," you replied against his lips. You practically lived there but he was always nice enough to ask when sex might be on the table.
"Good," he sighed, his forehead to yours.
He swayed you both slowly to the couch. On the coffee table there was a package.
"Open it," he said with a faint smile, fingers tapping nervously on his knee.
"Is this-?" you arched your eyebrow. He nodded.
Carmy hadn't taken you on the offer to let him pick your next toys... Until now, it seemed.
You rummaged through the box and touched metal and leather. Handcuffs. You had never fantasized about being tied up but you could be persuaded - maybe. You studied them in the light, they seemed sturdy and there was padding to stop you from getting hurt. Still...
"We'll have to talk about this, Carm. I trust you. Completely. It's just-" you started, watching him tilt his head in confusion as you talked.
"Oh, no. I mean, we can definitely talk about it," he said gently, "but those are for me."
You stared at him with wide eyes, something warm settling inside your belly.
"Is that okay?" he asked when you were quiet for a moment too long.
You pictured him, toned arms above his head, pupils dilated, writhing on the bed as you had your way with him...
"Yeah," you replied breathily. "That would be- fuck- I think I would be into that."
He smiled.
"This one's for you," he said then, handing you a pink rabbit vibrator. You recognized it as the one Carmy had asked about weeks ago - it was bigger than him but only a little. "I don't know how it works exactly but, uh-"
You tested a few of the buttons and found the vibration settings for the dildo and the clit bit. You were already biting on your lip at the thought of using it when you found out the dildo moved on its own.
"Shit," you said.
"It can fuck you," Carmy added, his voice low.
Your mind started racing at the prospect of having the toy inside you while you sucked Carmy off. Something to think about for later.
"Do you, uh, do you have anything planned for tonight?" you asked.
"Uh, kind of," he hesitated.
"Tell me."
Carmy loved having a plan. You closed your thighs in anticipation.
"I want you to cuff me to the bed."
"Okay." Pretty straightforward.
He gestured at the vibrator. "And I want you to fuck yourself with it. I want you to enjoy yourself and cum as many times as you want. And I want to watch."
Your throat went dry at his confident delivery. When you had started fucking Carmy, what felt like ages ago, he was the one blushing at things, going along with the plan. This was different - he was telling you what he wanted, he was in charge. Even if he wasn't going to be able to touch you.
"How will you-?"
"Cum?" Carmy ended for you.
"Well, yeah. I want you to enjoy yourself too, Carm." You loved the plan so far but you weren't sure it was a fair deal.
"That's what you're worried about?" he asked incredulously. "I don't think you know the effect you have on me. The times I've had to stop myself from enjoying too much when I hear you or see you while we fuck," your stomach fluttered. He wasn't always so open. It felt like you had stumbled into something very intimate, except he had taken you there willingly. "Baby, I'll be fine."
You got closer to him. You didn't really know what to say in return so you just caressed him, his face, his hair, his shoulders. You searched for his eyes and found something fierce, something so like love...
"Tell you what," he said after a while. "If I haven't finished by the time you want to untie me, we can fuck and call it even?"
It seemed almost silly, to have him offer that, like you were haggling, like he was appeasing you, but you agreed nevertheless.
"Deal," you gave him a little peck to settle it. "I still think I'm fucking scamming you but whatever."
That made him chuckle.
"Come on," he pressed another kiss on your lips and started walking to the bedroom, his silhouette undressing beckoning you like a siren's song.
You found him shirtless, laying on his back, his jeans half unbuttoned.
"Fuck," you said softly, your hands fidgeting with the handcuffs. "Are we doing safe words and shit?"
"Sounds like a good idea," he agreed.
"We can do green, yellow and red, you know? Green if everything is fine, red if you want me to stop and untie you," you had read about it ages ago, probably in Cosmo magazine or some shit like that but it was better than nothing.
Carmy nodded and offered his wrists to you.
You bit your lip in concentration as you tightened the right cuff. "Yeah?"
"A little tighter," Carmy said. His Adam's apple bobbed when you pulled on the strap. "Mhmm, that feels better."
You secured the chain to the bed, your heart racing all the while.
"Hey, you okay?" Carmy asked, his blue eyes searching for yours. You realized your hands were shaking.
"Nervous," you admitted. "Never done this before."
Carmy used his free hand to cup your face. "Bad nervous? We can stop right now."
You leaned into his touch - he was warm.
"Good nervous, I think," your underwear was damp from you talking about it, you had to at least give it a go. "I'll tell you if it gets too much."
Saying that, you kissed his palm and secured the left cuff.
You started undressing, there, sat by Carmy. His eyes followed every move. You stared right back - the strain on his arms, the tiny wrinkle between his eyebrows, his soft mouth agape. He looked beautiful, straight out of a painting, except he was breathing heavily. He shivered when your cardigan grazed his skin as you threw it out of the way.
You stopped at your bra, then discarded your boots and jeans. The vibrator was on the other side of the bed, so you leaned over Carmy to reach it, your hair tickling at his stomach. He hummed.
You leaned in to kiss him: hot, full of tongue, then stopped and moved out of his reach.
"Like that," he said softly, some reassurance that this was exactly what he wanted. You smiled and turned the vibration on.
You moved it over your body, on your stomach, over the inside of your thighs. You were taking your sweet time. You took off your bra and caressed your nipples with the tip of it, a drowned out moan leaving your lips.
"Yes," Carmy said, his voice was close to that feral growl that made you curl your toes.
Finally, you placed it between your legs.
"Fuck," you hummed, getting rid of your underwear as quickly as you could, wetting the toy with your arousal. Carmy probably had lube on his bedside table but you didn't want to move, not when he was looking at you like that. His eyes were wide open and you knew that if he wasn't tied up he would be on top of you already, pounding into your pussy hard and fast. You bit your lip - you wanted it.
You shifted on the mattress until you were in full display in front of him and aligned the toy with your entrance.
"Eyes on me," Carmy said, his voice hoarse. A shiver went down your body. You got that delicious fullness while looking at Carmy; it felt right and good.
Once the dildo was inside you, it all became a blur. You let yourself lose control, selfishly seeking your pleasure. You got even more turned on by the sight of Carmy tied up, arms flexing.
"Is this what you want?" you said between gasps, searching the blue of his eyes, feeling your first orgasm approaching rapidly. "Oh, fuck, fuck- Carmy..."
You drew out his name into a moan, one hand pushing the dildo into you, the other playing with your nipples. You kept going, staring at him, the delicious V of his stomach as he thrust his hips into nothing.
"Pleeeease," he keened. He was desperate, his neck strained when he arched into the bed.
The room was hot, filled with sweat and moans from the two of you. You came and you muffled the cry that followed into your forearm.
"Let me hear you," Carmy asked with urgency once it was over. "Please, come again and let me hear you."
You climbed up the bed and gave him the sloppiest kiss, drunk with pleasure, licking into his mouth.
"Yes, anything you want," you said, your lips on the side of his face. Then, you leaned back, just out of his reach, and started thrusting against the dildo, there, still straddling his torso, making a mess of arousal and sweat on his abs. You could feel the rhythm of him fucking into nothing just behind you. Your moans came almost in unison.
"You look so beautiful, so beautiful," he mumbled, his eyes glassy.
You went quicker, emboldened by his praise, feeling your pussy flutter against the dildo. "I feel so good."
"Cum, baby, please," he blurted out.
And you did. And you kept going. Your moans turned into whines and then quiet sobs as the orgasm went on and on. You squeezed your eyes shut, overwhelmed.
"You're doing so good," you could hear Carmy through a fog of lust. "Sound so beautiful. I could die here, I swear..."
Slowly, the waves of pleasure became gentler, the vibration inside you just a soft hum, and you opened your eyes to Carmy's bessoted face. He stared like you were a beautiful work of art or a stunning sunset. It was everything.
You leaned forward, kissing his face, licking the salt off his skin, running your hands up his muscular arms, moaning softly as you took the dildo out.
"Did you finish?" you slurred into his ear.
"It doesn't matter," he said earnestly, his tone soft.
And you smiled, kissing the side of his face, less lust drunk and more devoted as you went. You left kisses on every tattoo you could find. You loved him so much.
"Can I touch you? Please," you begged.
"Yeah," he exhaled into your hair.
You reached down, between your legs, under his jeans and boxers, and started caressing his cock. It was tenting his clothes and leaking with precum.
"You're so hard, Carm," you whispered. "You've been so good. Let me take care of you."
He groaned at your gentle touch.
"Carmy," you called, your free hand caressing his chest, lightly pinching his nipple.
"Oh, fuck," his jaw went slack. "Keep doing that."
You slid downwards, started kissing on his chest, licking at his nipples, and raking your nails down his ribs.
"Jesus, fuck!" he thrust into your hand forcefully and shook the chain of the handcuffs. "Take these off. Please. Jesus."
You straightened up and stopped touching him, making him whine in response.
"You sure?" you asked.
"Yes! Red or whatever the fuck we said," he panted. "I need to hold you."
You freed him from the handcuffs as fast as you could. Once the first one was off, he rushed to help you, throwing them across the bedroom when he was done.
"Thank fuck!" he said and immediately brought you down to hold you close, lying back with you on top.
He kissed you hungrily, tongue first, mouth open. He ran his hands up your spine, squeezed your ass, caressed your legs, worshipping every inch of skin he could touch. You went back to pumping his cock, grinding into his jeans, your forearm grazing on your pussy and sending little shocks of pleasure as you went.
"Fuck," he moaned into your mouth. "I'm so fucking in love with you. Love you so fucking much."
"I love you. I love you," you said right back.
Your hand pumped faster and faster, he was close.
You made him lose control with one nipple in your mouth and the other held tight in your free hand.
"Son of a bitch," he cursed and came in his stomach and your hand. You kissed his chest one last time.
"That's new," you said, pumping his cock a couple of more times then letting go. You settled next to him on the bed, wiped your hand on the bedsheets and made yourself comfortable on his pillow.
"What is?" Carmy asked, breathless.
"You don't say 'son of a bitch'. You're more of a 'jesus christ' and 'fuck' kind of guy," you said smiling.
Carmy chuckled. "Yeah, you're right."
"And," you emphasized, "you like nipple play."
"I didn't know that about myself either," he exhaled. He turned on his side to have a better view of you. He was sweaty and gorgeous. You held his hand in between the mess of sheets you had both made.
"I can't believe I was right about you," you said after what felt like a long time. Carmy was only half awake by now.
"Mmm?" Carmy rubbed your knuckles, soothing.
"You do like kinky shit."
He hid a sleepy grin behind his hand and brought you closer.
"Fuck off," he said into your hair, sweetly, the rhythm of his breath lulling you to sleep.
[Deleted Scene]
[Part 5]
#this smut is brought to you by bellesa's instagram page 🥵🥵🥵(completely unhinged and sex positive confessions/tips/ads for toys 10/10)#also that gq photoshoot with jeremy allen white in the crop top jesus fucking christ 🥵#carmen berzatto x reader#carmy x reader#carmy berzatto x reader#carmen berzatto fanfiction#carmen berzatto x you#carmy berzatto x you#carmy x you#carmy berzatto smut
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im not kidding mouthwashing is maybe one of the most on the nose explains itself As It Plays Out horror game possible and the fact its breached containment and is now outside the sphere of people who like horror and the MAIN MAJORITY of people posting about it are people who cannot understand the IN YOUR FACE BY THE OWN GAME base level ppppplot points of characters not being good people or mentally well or Experienced In Their Fields and are nonstop posting shit like "guys why didnt they just not hire jimmy are they stupid?" come back to the tag when you can even begin to fathom that jimmy is not the only antagonist of the game because youre fucking 1/3 right now and the game is NOT SUBTLE.
#its like actively killing me getting mouthwashing on my for you page you are all so fucking stupid im actually losing my mind#and somehow people think hashtag yaoiheads are the blight of the fanbase and its like well ive seen maybe less than 10 yaoi people#and over 200 jackasses who earnestly think curly is a hashtag women respecter who hates jimmy#well the plot of the game is you Wish. you WISH curly hated jimmy.#mouthwashing#im putting this in the tags because i am begging people to block me to make my mouthwashing fan experience even a fraction less miserable
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ill always talk about jack as a sweet darling baby boy (bc he is!) but also godddd what a little shit. i adore this asshole.
#newsies#jack kelly#just a nuisance when he wants to be#jack & the delanceys is soo fucking funny bc its alwaysss jack instigating some shit#but to his boys..#the worlds best (most annoying) big brother#this procrastination btw i have 10 pages to write 🔥🔥
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based on how i approach plotting ive come to the conclusion that even if i were morally and logically okay with becoming kira i would get the death note and think "okay, im going to make sure i come up with the perfect plan so i can't get caught", spend several months on it, refuse to execute it because it's not foolproof yet, and simply never get around to it. if ethics and reason didn't stop me from becoming kira then sheer procrastination would do the trick
#rookposting#lets track my major wips right now#p5 palace fic chapter 10 which im working on intermittently but stalled on again because of action sequences#death note canon divergence longfic which has two chapters written and more than 60 pages of planning#most of which is me cancelling my own evil plans out because im playing brain chess eith myself as L and light simultaneously#and death note ace attorney au which went from 'ill do one scene for fun' to 'this is a two day trial casefic'#'which will be interactive'#'and potentially playable '#i also need t o finish writing my job application.s. for fandom: my career#oh fuck and also redacted projects 1 2 and 3#3 being the one i just took on because im not BUSY ENOUGh
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If the books are Katniss’s memo, we could headcanon Peeta having a personal annotated version with small notes of his perspective and opinions. 😕 faces at the Gale kisses. Flirty teasing each time Katniss is obliviously fawning over him. Sweet notes each time Katniss shows how much she needs him. I don’t even know what he would do with the beach scene
In response to what I think is this thread. (and this offshoot thread) ANON. MY DARLING ANON. MY SWEET BABY ANGEL ANON.
Who would want to read this?????
Tagging @waywardangel-wilds and @sameschmidtdiffname right off the bat as tributes because HOLY SHIT this has the potential for GREAT hilarity.
#peeta mellark#katniss everdeen#everlark#katniss is the author#peeta is a mess#gale is crying in a corner somewhere in 2#johanna also leaves notes in the margins#they're all fucking wild#haymitch just writes “you were an idiot” every 10 pages or so#thg#thg series#the hunger games#hunger games headcanon#thg headcanons#hunger games nonsense#thg nonsense
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tgcf book 6 got me lying on the floor staring at the ceiling for an hour because what the FUCK dude......
#saw it coming like. 10 pages before it happened and my stomach fucking Dropped#what the fuck......#and i thought book 4 was bad haha..... 🫠#tgcf#heaven official's blessing#tian guan ci fu#charles.txt
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HEY GUYS CHAPTER DAY hey anyway did u know about the shen. shinkirou. mirage clam dragon creature. this is one of those things i assumed everyone knew about bc im so in love with it and i think about it all the time
it's so many concepts that appeal to me. a little unassuming creature. the idea of mirages being the dreams of a creature at the bottom of the sea. the nebulousness of the concept of a "dragon". mirages and illusions in general
anyway this is all preamble to show u my son Mirage
(cowboy because he was for a wild west themed minecraft rp server lmao. but also have u considered: cowboy dragon hot?)
im not a writer so i dont have a lot of plot or lore for him or anything but he IS entirely based off the concept of "deserts have mirages. oceans have mirages. the desert conjures up a mirage of the ocean"
anyway yeah i really love this clam thing. one of my favorite creatures ever
#canadas art#canada ocs#i feel a bit loopy writing this bc ive been translating the chapter for the past 10 hours straight and its 6am im kinda losing my marbles#this chapter is one of those where bc i had to translate it i really had to dwell on every page and notice all the innocuous details#and i think this chapter says a lot about ebisu. like way way more than “haha hes scared of spooky things and calls for kurahashi”#but i need to like. gather energy. to really psychoanalyse ebisu#also i was hootin and hollering when the fake hatanaka and miki showed up I FUCKING LOVE MIMICS!!! I LOVE WHEN SOMEONES SENSE OF SECURITY#IS EXPLOITED!!!! this chapter really is so many concepts that appeal to me SO HARD#anyway mimics reminds me of the selfcest diagram i made when i was discussing types of selfcest with my friend recently. does anyone want t#see that while im in a marbles lost sleep deprived rambling state still
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the scariest part of the terror book imo is when they casually mention a symptom of scurvy that is totally normal to them in-world, but provides frightening additional context to everything I'm witnessing them go through. like when they're already describing the horrors of dragging thousands of pounds of weight across icebergs that resemble small mountain ranges and lightning storms and the temperature never rising above -60° and being stalked and hunted by a supernatural creature, and then your narrator will offhandedly mention "my one remaining tooth" or "the perpetual blisters on your face and upper body from the sun" or the cut on their leg from 3 weeks ago that is still bleeding and you're like. oh! I'm sorry I forgot that in addition to the starvation and the exhaustion and the beast and the terrors of the arctic, you are also all slowly being killed by an incredibly painful and merciless illness! ouch!!!!
#love a tragedy#these men do be going through it#this is why i eat like 10 oranges a week lol. anti-scurvy instinct#any this books fucks SO hard im 600/750 pages in and im having a great time#the terror#ace txt
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mfs really out here writing trucoop college au fanfic but with different names for their creative writing class bc they were out of ideas 😭😭 like who would even do something like t
#take a wild fucking guess for who is who#this is a 10 page play script btw <3#save me twin peaks college au#twin peaks#trucoop#dale cooper#sheriff harry truman
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