#That’s my favorite part of pokemon just thinking about the world building
eggs-can-draw · 10 months
Naegamigiri and their respective Espeon, jolteon, and vapory on
Except shuichi is gifted a shiny umbreon, and they all huddle around the umbreon because, protect just like shuichi
Sometimes your polycule’s pokemon are also in a polycule and that’s so so valid
Tbe shiny umbreon and Shuichi are both just little guyes,,,teeny weenies,,,,
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infinitebrians · 9 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part Final: Pokemon Crystal Clear Clown Edition
Pokemon Crystal Clear is a romhack for the Gameboy Color game that mainly advertises itself as Pokemon Crystal modified so now it is entirely playable as a free roaming open world. Clown Edition is just what I called the rom of the game after creating and injecting a pokemon trainer sprite sheet into the game so I can play as my own character, Clown. I played the whole game on my New 3ds XL, it took a quite a bit of effort to get this exact version of the game working on my 3ds. It was incredibly worth it, this is not just my favorite game, but favorite 'game experience', and even easily my new pick for all time favorite pokemon game in the series.
The game itself was fun and a refreshing new way to experience a pokemon game but the overall experience of getting the game working on a hacked 3ds and playing with my own created sprites was in itself a very fun bit of hobby work. It has revived my love for playing older games on real hardware, something that I have found myself continuing to do this year. Also, seeing my own art in the game and said art feel cohesive with the world ruled and I want to experience that more in some other way. This game made me more into pokemon than I have felt with official releases in a pretty long while, and I even liked my time playing Scarlet. I loved playing on a handheld, I loved seeing the really well made art from gen 2, and I loved being able to put a bit of myself into the game as well.
Apologies for how rambley this gets, I really liked the game but still somehow found it hard to really organize my thoughts on why exactly.
I wanted to revisit this hack after briefly trying it in 2018 because of this excellent Hazel video (https://youtu.be/96YimpRHQHs). The video details various life stories while talking about favorite locations in the games getting me to think about my own favorite spots in the games and where I was personally at the time. The video also got me to start realizing that Porygon might be one of my favorite pokemon in the series and caused me to make drawings of them that I'm still quite fond of. This then made me recall Crystal Clear which contains a feature of surprisingly deep character customization including a wide selection of possible starter picks one of which being Porygon. So, compelled by the allure of having a fun adventure with a cyber duck, I picked up my hacked 3ds and started the game again.
Crystal Clear is a game that allowed for me to be even more creative about how to approach building my team and creating my own adventure out of playing pokemon. It's not for everyone, it wasn't even for me the first time I tried this game back in 2018. Crystal Clear definitely lends itself much more to the idea of creating your own fun than typical linear pokemon games where if you're not interested in that more free form exploration, the game would feel aimless. I even felt this when starting this playthrough, but the goal of pokedex completion was what encouraged to explore and discover Crystal Clear's world. The game was always surprising me in both the number of quality of life features it provided as well as fun new areas to explore or to better make the world more connected. Over time, the game felt more at home to me from getting more familiar with locations and developing a new sense of fondness for several towns in Johto I frequented. The change from a linear progression to that open ended one gave me a better sense of the world and towns had a bit more life to them as places felt more inviting to hang around in.
I love this game's implementation of the pokedex. It has been designed so it will display just about every piece of information about a pokemon, where to find them, when they evolve, what moves they learn, and so on. While the presentation is definitely clunky due to having to have all of that information on a GBC screen, I found this such an invaluable tool to have in game that for the first time in the entire pokemon series I was heavily making use of the in game pokedex for its intended purpose. Being able to look up relevant information for pokemon all entirely in game without having to have a phone/computer nearby with bulbapedia open all the time is just greatly appreciated. While the desire to keep some mystery around pokemon and how they evolve or what moves they'll learn can be part of the fun with the series, I think I just prefer being able to tell quickly if this is a stone evolution pokemon or not.
This was the first time I ever completed a pokedex in any pokemon game, something I've always wanted to do but never fully committed to the whole process. This is because of my own laziness toward how challenging that always was in proper releases due to so many pokemon being obscured behind multiple games and others being locked behind real world timed events. That or the fact that later games in the series just outright make the the act of getting a truly complete pokedex feel almost impossible. Instead, I finally accomplished a completed pokedex in a romhack that was made to make that sort of challenge feel reasonable with modified drop pools and changed events so everything within that one game is catchable. While now possible, I still found myself challenged with a game world spanning adventure of looking behind every rock, tree, and patch of grass to find every funny little guy I could. One particular memory was me spending maybe a week insisting on finding a dragonite in an encounter to catch which has a 1% chance of happening rather than spending the time leveling and evolving one instead. A very, very long process of hitting a tree over and over but made hilarious when later repeating the process for a tyranitar, another 1% chance encounter rate, was done in minutes. It was really fun having a plan ahead with how I was going to get every pokemon, constantly using expshare and other things to level guys to get them to evolve while try catching other guys. The ultimate reward of that certificate is still a pretty hilariously small, though I still kind of want to figure out a way to print mine out.
What made this game so special to me was simply just adding Clown to it. A simple change that was a surprisingly complicated process of getting a crash course on how GBC color palettes and size limitations worked and getting my hacked 3ds up to date on its software. Creating the various Clown sprite drawings was fun, I always liked working in those sorts of strict limitations. Then finally getting the injection to work and seeing my own art in game on real hardware felt surreal, something in this handheld game console I've had forever, on a game I loved for years has something I made in it. Even the process of getting all of this working, as tedious as it was moving game saves and getting color values just right, made this whole experience more special to me.
Something I figured while playing this as well as also from now having also played Dragon Warrior 1+2 and also currently Final Fantasy 5, I really love playing things on a handheld. Playing games on a handheld device has been so much more compelling of a thing to me than ever than playing on a proper TV/computer. The aspect of being able to just let the console sit on my desk and simply open and close it when interested made the feeling of investing myself into a game so much easier to approach. I want to just keep playing more old games on a handheld now, I'm already planning on other games to play and how I should definitely hack my Vita. My friends keep tempting me with one of those emulator handhelds and I don't even need one but they look really cool though.
I have so much respect for people who make fan works, hacks, and other unofficial projects it has been just amazing to see passion projects happen all the time in the gaming community. Playing this romhack that's been a years long, ongoing project in two different eras (2018 and then again in 2023) of it's existence has only further cemented my admiration. People wanting to be creative and open about their love for this form of art is such a wonderful thing to behold. These moments of creative passion being shared to everyone feels so important, reminding that the projects with the biggest budgets and names are not the end all be all of the medium, despite their desperation to be so. Thank you so much for wanting to share such lovely things with the world.
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subwaytostardew · 6 months
Subway to Stardew - Passenger Events - Saloon Part 2
This plays after you see the first saloon event (submas having lunch with Elliott!) and visit on a Friday after reaching 3 hearts with Elesa.
Commentary under the read-more!
Did you notice the sprites? No? Great! I finally stopped procrastinating and recolored their spritesheets so now they don't share the same brown outline and match vanilla style a bit more!
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Sprite-wise... they're over 80. Emmet's in his 90's.
So many sprites.....
Also... Elesa's back! We have a basic outline for what would happen in Elesa's events, but we haven't written anything for her yet... She has plans though! She's rounding up all the artists for it. Meanwhile, submas are still struggling with passenger relations.
Elesa's storyline is going to be fun to plan out but one of her B plots is making sure Ingo and Emmet take their breaks!
Elesa's fun. She's a bit awkward herself (girl can NOT keep a secret for the life of her) but she's doing things. Nimbasa trio share a braincell and they pass it around throughout this event.
We wanted to show a little more insight into their life in the valley and how others feel about them. This time, you're catching them on a bad day. One of my favorite things about Stardew is how everyone is very much flawed in some way and everyone is an unreliable narrator. I love how it just presents life in a run-down town as is and it's up to you to interpret whatever glimpses you get.
Trying to merge the two different media's in terms of tone and seriousness is a bit complex. Pokémon - as a franchise - is at the end of a the day; kid friendly. Stardew Valley, while may look happy go lucky and cute touches upon some really heavy topics.
We are basically skirting the lines here and there with the themes and even trying to make it in character for the Pokémon characters as well.
Taking a kid friendly characters and just trying to touch upon tough subjects while also trying not to seem OOC or off - is tough. So creative liberties it is.
Not everyone gets along in Stardew. I tried to emphasize that in Sebastian's distaste for submas. He would hate being their neighbor. He's cranky because he can't sleep in until 10:00 AM anymore because they're already at work before it turns 6:00 in the morning. Extreme opposites with their problems.
Sebastian and Submas DO NOT get along... They may tolerate each other at the end of the story but they just do not mix well.
I also think that Sebastian would just project a lot of his personal problems onto them... He already does that with Maru. He's not the best taking out his frustrations in the right direction. Haven't finished Maru's passenger event yet (another battle event...) but submas would be decently close with her since she has an interest in Pokemon and Sebastian would take that as "siding" against him. They are also decently aquainted with Demetrius which isn't the best for Sebastian's dad issues. He's not fond of the invasive species they brought in but they do appreciate infodumping to each other about mechanics and such.
Oh, Demetrius... I'm going to have fun with world building info-dumps with him. Ya'll like world building? Well, talk to the villagers, they may have a glimpse into things.
I do headcanon Demetrius (pretty much painfully canon...), Maru, and Sebastian as autistic themselves just like the Nimbasa trio. Unfortunately, that does not necessarily mean that they'll always have solidarity. For one, Sebastian's sensitivity to loud noises puts him at odds with Ingo. Submas fare better with the more infodumpy types.
Sibling relations are a sore subject for all of them so submas are horrified at even the thought of splitting tracks and hating each other because they have codependency issues; Sebastian has an inferiority complex and hates how they make him feel like even more of a failure because he doesn't like Maru. Neither parties are exactly healthy, but you can pick between who you're going for! (I was curious as to what the deal was with Sebastian so he was the first bachelor I married... I think you can tell that I divorced him.)
Sebastian has his issues... He was also going to be my first bachelor but uhh, I went with Harvey. I still love Sebastian as a character tho, he is really complex especially family dynamic wise. I do feel bad for him....
He does. I do appreciate how messy his family dynamic is, but I'm a little biased against him since I appreciate Maru and Demetrius more (sorry). I really like how he doesn't handle his issues healthily (I mean... look at Emmet.) and it's interesting to compare him to the other characters.
Like Sam! Sam's a good kid (college age 20 something year old...) and actually really emotionally mature even if he's a bit childish at times. Abigail... isn't quite all there yet but she has a strong sense of what's right and wrong. She's less hesitant than Sam when it comes to things, but Sam serves a bit as damage control here. I headcanon Sam and Abigail to have ADHD so they kind of have an idea about submas being autistic and what that entails, but it's not at the forefront of their mind. It doesn't help that their autism manifests in verrrrry different ways and they don't really know them all that well in the first place. It's a bit awkward between them but they're okay with each other.
We had a bit of fun determining the heart point changes between each route. Personally, I think friendship decreases are hilarious. Also if you don't back up anyone in this situation then... 🤨
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(1) Sebastian -
Ingo -100 | Emmet -250 | Sebastian +250 | Sam -5 | Abigail -15
(2) Ingo -
Ingo +40 | Emmet +5 | Sebastian -100 | Sam -20 | Abigail -25
(3) Emmet -
Ingo +25 | Emmet +30 | Sebastian -100 | Sam -5 | Abigail -5
(4) Sam and Abigail -
Ingo +20 | Emmet +5 | Sebastian -40 | Sam +50 | Abigail +50
(5) Nobody -
Ingo -50 | Emmet -200 | Sebastian -200 | Sam -50 | Abigail -50
I don't see friendship decreases as characters getting angry at you per se. It can always just be them feeling awkward and wanting to distance themselves from you for a bit. For example, if you reject Ingo in his 8 heart event, you get knocked down two hearts just so you can get more friendly-but-not-too-friendly dialogue before it stagnates again at 8 hearts.
The "true ending" is Sam and Abigail's route since they're fairly neutral picks. You should stand up for them! Sebastian would agree that him lashing out was wrong, but he just doesn't want to talk to you about it. Why would he? You would just lecture him or something.
Bad ending is not siding with anybody like a coward. Sebastian's being a bit of a bully here (mainly to a grown man a whole head taller than him, but still, his friends got caught in the crossfire) and if you're wishy-washy then that's just odd of you as the town's farmer and supposed protagonist that goes out of their way to befriend everyone. Not a good look.
Sebastian's route is a bit of a jab at how his romance plays out. A few people have mentioned Emmet and Sebastian being friends with each other under the reasoning that they're lonely autists (but mostly just being favorites, which I get) buuuut... Not sure why you would go for Sebastian when submas is right there. Pick one or the other. They're enemies here. I can't quite see them getting along past that surface-level analysis. Smoking alone is a hard No. from Emmet since birds are super sensitive to airborne toxins (so much so, you can't even have non-stick pans around them!) and he's protective over his defeatist of an Archeops.
Ingo's route is more for fun than anything. If you really want Ingo, you do get the most points with him for mentioning him, but he's confused as to why you're trying to win him over now of all times. He's concerned about Emmet first and foremost!
Emmet has trust issues so even the slightest red flag puts a quite a bit of distance between you. He has low point increases because it's hard to win his trust. In this situation, a point increase mostly just means you didn't do anything wrong. If you side with him, that's what you're supposed to do since he's the side against Sebastian. He may be getting picked on, but he's a bit of an instigator himself. His own route aside, Ingo would be most pleased to see you speak up for his brother. Ingo's route is only has the highest point increases for him because it's well, his.
As for the bar fight... It was a bit difficult to figure out how to make it play out believably and interestingly despite it being three New Yorkers against some grocery store owner. Ingo is more focused on defense, de-escalation, and protecting his passengers (in this case, the college kids). He can take a hit and doesn't want to resort to making any attacks unless absolutely necessary, so he was blocking for the most part. Had Ingo not been the designated grocery shopper, Pierre and Emmet probably would have already killed each other. Emmet doesn't have the patience to deal with Pierre. He thinks Reshiram will smite him for upcharging them and will take it upon himself to deliver the justice of truth. Emmet's swinging at Pierre. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the best defense nor balance when he's kicking and punching. Pierre's too drunk to talk about it, but even sober he suspects that submas are working with Joja because as far as he knows, he saw Morris walk away from the Railroad when they first arrived.
Ah yes. Joja stuff. *Realigns stacks of papers* Lets touch upon Joja here for a moment and Pierre's view of things. When Submas first came around. Pierre was already suspicious of them - more confused if anything - why are two major city boys who also- mind you- come from a foreign region and bring along Pokémon. Take interest in a small town? With an abandon railroad? Right off the bat he does not have a great view; he is worried about his store, his income, and family and this is stemmed all due to Joja Mart.
Now Pierre spots Morris heading towards the railroad - of course Pierre does not know what the interactions between Submas and Morris are. In his mind it's Submas making a deal to work with them or is already with them! Pierre already hates Morris as it is.
That is why he is so passive aggressive to Ingo and Emmet. Just this time around - Pierre is drunk... and Abigail's friend is being "annoyed" by them.
Well... outright agressive in this event haha. I don't quite remember how the idea was finalized, but we decided that they would get into a barfight when doing another "showing passenger relations at the Saloon" event.
As for Joja itself. I most definitely headcannon them in this whole crossover universe as the typical "bad guy" Pokémon team. However they have already won/succeeded (Pokémon are no longer in The Ferngill Republic....) However things are now being shaken up and changing.
I could go on and on about Joja and how I view them... but I think that will be a separate post (if people want to know)
The fight was a pain to debug. For one, Pierre kept running off into the void like a coward. Ingo's lines about staying behind the yellow line were made in the debugging phase because I got fed up with him for doing that.
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Worse yet. 1.6 broke the Pokemon animations so now I have to go back into every event and redo everything (RIP green bean X-Scissor). The old method I was using no longer worked; before, I was using the addObject command. Now they show up as error signs because the sprites that were previously on the sheet called from were removed as they are not valid objects.
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I ended up having to figure out the temporarySprites command to replace the "using a Pokeball" animation. There are no instances of it being used in vanilla. Nobody seemed to figure it out either, so I had to make a mini-event just to test its usage and figure it out.
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I eventually did. Thanks to the help of my emotional support Emmet.
Ah yes... 1.6 has broken some events. Small things. (events are still playable) But we will definitely be revisiting some events to improve or make better. Or to just fix.
I have so much backtracking to do 😭😭😭😭😭 Oh well... I thought events were safe to work on since barely anything about them changed in 1.6... I was wrong.
The ending had quite a bit of revising for concision and tone. It was much more lighthearted in Kade's drafts, but I figured that Emmet is low on steam and probably would have gone nonverbal after everything. Too much passenger interaction for the day. He just wants to depart back to his home station.
Yeah there was a lot of dialog and exposition cut. (Hmm no wonder why it's only 13 minutes long. lol)
Only 13 minutes... Still a lot considering that most vanilla events are around the 1-3 minute mark...
Poor Emmet.. and Ingo. I won't lie, when first seeing the event I burst out laughing during the fistfight. Just somthing about Ingo suddenly collapsing due to Pierre. BUT THEY'RE OKAY - ISH.
It's a bit comical! I had fun ragdolling them. Emmet was going to be much more swingy in his attacks but I ended up not keeping it in since it just didn't look right when used as an animation frame.
We at least kept one of the rag-doll sprite as a "knock back" from Pierre. Which transitions well with his passed out sprite.
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Until next time! Thank you for boarding!
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metalmewtwo-kxb · 8 months
Pokemon story/art/ask-blog for Benta the Mewtwo
Set in an apocalyptic future where most humans have disappeared and only pokemon remain. And the world is not as it had once been.
Benta, a pokemon who has existed for a long time now, has wandered the crumbling cities and empty roads looking for others who might share his ideals of rebuilding what is left of the world. Perhaps even track down the humans, if there are any left. However, the pokemon all seem to be at odds, more focused on hoarding land and food for survival. Many more are feral and vicious.
As others may find out, he is no ordinary mewtwo, and he might very well be the only one of his kind in a world full of ghosts. But is he the only wanderer? Or are there others?
And is it possible to save this future?
⚠️ Under Construction ⚠️
⚠️ Comic Pages 9-12 In Progress ⚠️
⛔️ NO NSFW ⛔️
General Itinerary (in no particular order) :
🧩 rp reply (if/when I have any)
- Thinking I'm gonna limit myself to one a day with these (or as often as I can manage) since I'm a very tired goose with limited internal motivation lol. I love role-playing! It just takes some thinking and energy. If I ever have more than one thread at a time, I'll make a weekly schedule 📅
✏️🖍 asks and/or art responses
- the art side of these can take anywhere from a day to a few days, depending on what I do exactly style/complexity-wise. Obviously can't do art replies all the time, but sometimes I could get inspired to do something other than text replies! 💕
🎨 comic art
- For the main story! The style for this is different and more uniform than what I'll be using for asks, so it definitely takes longer. I don't typically post until I'm done with a illustration/page set, so it can take a long heckin time. If one part one is 8 pages, I'd say it would clock in at two or three months before it's posted (as long as I'm not sick or somethn). I'm okay with posting peridoic snippet updates from my favorite panels though!
Temp. Edit: I've lowered the number of pages in each part to 4 since I need an easier goal to reach at a time. There's still 24 total! I just need simpler intervals. :T 🖼
Beyond this I have work and need me time, but always thank you, and I appreciate the interest! Benta is one of my comfort OCs so I'm treating this blog about the same. I want it to be a fun and cozy space while I build the apocalypse story lol.
#️⃣ tags
This is a list of tags to search on my blog for my art (which will update as they come up):
- ;mun - my general babble, updates, and so on
- ;poké art - all posts involving pokemon sketches and drawings
- ;pokedex - posts pertaining to the story's pokemon and their lore. These pokemon are usually "new" species, not those that are already well known. However, sometimes special pokemon characters will make an appearance
- ;rp - written replies to roleplays. Kind of recommended since some lore will likely only appear in these, and they can be a fun read for those that like to do so (the rp partner's name will also be included in the post's tags) 👍
- ;response - ask responses! Chances are they contain art and scribbles. And maybe not, depends on how I feel
- Benta - self-explanatory, posts containing content of my mewtwo OC Benta (this does/should include roleplay threads and asks, so it's more generalized and not very concise)
- ;UntilTheEnd - the comic and main story for Benta and other characters that we'll meet along the way! (Set in an alternate universe, so don't expect very much anime/game continuity lol)
- ;drabbles and chapters - more written content that can either have something to do with an established AU or with context of the main story. Typically smaller snippets, but potentially a longer chapter set. I'm a faster writer than a drawer, but I enjoy both- so this is just another means of keeping up fun content 🫶
💬 About the mun:
Age: 28
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Occupation: A menace to modern society :V *cough* artist/writer/author *cough*
Hobby: Literally just bothering my sister and siblings like a sneaky little gremlin.
Pokémun-sona: Zoromun. Info post -> here
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More is tba!
Thank you for the visit, and have a wonderful day!
(main -> @ draconic-hydra )
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sdr2lovemail · 2 years
If you're pokemon requests are still Open could I request a fic with Iono and a female reader? Reader is the opposite of Iono she wears a lot of dark colors is really shy and has a Umbreon for a partner. Iono introduces reader to her stream. I love Iono, my streamer gf
Iono is such a fun character. Her stream was so cool as a trailer too! I hope you enjoy Anon!
Iono Introducing her Girlfriend to Her Stream!
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“It’s time!” The door to your dorm bursts open. On the other side stood Iono with her usual wide smile.
Looking up from your homework, you open your mouth to respond. Before you got the chance, your girlfriend continued. “I know what you’re thinkin’! Oh, my dear, Iono. What time could it possibly be? Well, it’s time for the ‘Iono Zone!’” Her covered hands move to squish your cheeks.
“Oh.” You blinked. “Do you need help on set again?” 
Iono pulls back as her magnemite hair clips swirl around her head. “Yes, I do! But not in the way you might think, nyohoho!” She winked. “You will meet me at my sweet set in thirty minutes. I already called you a taxi, too.” 
The gym leader sprints out your door before popping her head back into the door frame. “Make sure to bring cutie Umbreon with you!” 
You arrive at the ‘Iono Zone’ set with Umbreon at your side. Though your girlfriend is nowhere to be seen, a producer runs to your side.
“Perfect, you're here early. That gives more time for hair and makeup to work.” The producer grabs your wrist and drags you further into the building. Your pokemon follows in a panicked run.
As you sit in a chair, two stylists get to work. “ But I already have makeup on. And I’m just here to help Iono.” You’re silenced as lipstick is applied to your lips.
“Relax, it’s just a bit of a touch-up. It’s so the cameras pick it up better.” The producer sighed. “We won’t have to do much. Your look is already so bold!” True to their words, the makeup artists apply light fixes. Their touch was gentle yet not enough to calm your nerves.
Your heart began to race, and your palms became clammy. “Cameras? Iono didn’t say anything about cameras!” Umbreon ran its head against your leg in a soothing attempt. 
The producer covers their mouth with a hand. “Oops. That was supposed to be a surprise. If Iono asks, I didn’t tell you anything, okay?” 
As if summoned by her name, Iono pops up next to the makeup table. “‘Ello!” The producer leaves rather quickly. “Alright, cutie! It’s time for the world to be entrapped by your beauty!” She nudged the stylists to the side, nuzzling up to you.
“But, Iono! Are you sure this is a good idea? What if your views drop because of it?” 
“Views-shmiews! I wanna show off my sweet, sweet girlfriend! Besides, who wouldn’t be interested in their favorite streamer's private life. It’s gonna draw in viewers like Venomoth to a flame.” She exclaimed. “If they love me as much as they say, they’ll be happy for me.” 
You fiddle with your fingers. You’re not quite sure what to say. Iono means the world to you. All you want is to see her happy. Though is it worth it to be in front of the cameras? In front of her many viewers? 
A smooth hand falls atop yours, calming your fingers and racing thoughts. Iono’s face holds an earnest look. “If you really don’t wanna do it, I won’t make you.” Her thumb grazes your knuckles. “Your comfort comes before, like, a million views. No! Way more than that!” 
“I…” You start, not meeting her bright gaze. “I’ll be on the stream. This is a big part of you. I want to do this with you.”
With a squeal of excitement, Iono leaps from the chair. “For reals?! Yesss! This is gonna break the internet!” She leans forward to press energetic kisses against your face. A nearby makeup artist reprimands her, saying she’ll smudge your makeup. They’re ignored as Iono keeps kissing you with newfound vigor.
“This’ll be a high-voltage stream everyone will wanna see! Come on! You too, cutie Umbreon.” 
Sitting among the vibrant colors of the ‘Iono Zone,’ you feel out of place. The dark palette of your outfit clashed against the set. You run your hands against Umbreon’s sleek coat, trying not to think of how many people are about to see you.
“Okay! Ze plan is simple. I’ll introduce the show like normal, get the audience reaaaal warmed up for yah.” Iono points her sleeve-covered hand toward you. “Then, you’ll give ‘em the old razz ‘n dazz! After that, the chat’ll be explodin’ with messages, so we’ll spend the rest of the stream answerin’ ‘em.” 
Your thumb rubs against the golden hoop on Umbreon’s head. “What if they don’t like me? I mean, we’re both so different.” 
“Say what?! The net loves that kinda stuff. That whole opposites attract thing, ya know. All you gotta do is show ‘em that cutie-pie smile of yours. They’ll be trapped in your love ball!” 
“If you say so…” You trail off.
Iono leaps to your side, giving you one last smooch on the lips. “There! A super duper special kiss for good luck. Not that we’ll need it, haha!” She stands and faces one of the many cameras. “You’ll do great!”
A producer counts down before the cameras start to roll on Iono. She starts the introduction as usual, and her bright and cheery energy infects the room. You can’t help but feel warm seeing Iono do what makes her happy.
“Now, we’re gonna play a super rad game! Do you guys know what it is?” She gives no time for viewers to respond. “I’m gonna tell ya! Who’s Iono’s super secret guest star? I wondah!” 
The chat rapidly scrolls by, yet Iono still manages to read it. “Alrighty! I’ll tell you, guys, about my super secret guest star. You’ll hafta guess who it is!” She laughs before winking at the camera. “Though I bet you won’t get it!” 
She takes a moment to read that chat. “Do we know them? Hm, I’m not gonna say, nyohoho. First clue: They wear lotsa dark colors, like a Gastly stalking the night.”
‘It is Chairwoman Geeta?’
‘It’s gotta be Gym Leader Larry!’
‘lol imagine if she brought an actual gastly’
“Hm, I haven’t seen the right answer yet.” Her eyes flicker to yours for just a moment. “Second clue: They have the most cutest smile ever! I’m electrified every time I see it.”
‘Definitely isn’t Larry…’
‘Ooo could it be a girl?’
‘maybe it is a gastly’
“Wowzah! We got our first guess. She’s, in fact, a girl.” The chat begins to rapidly fire messages. One, in particular, catches Iono’s eye. “Khe?! Did someone get the right answer already? I thought I was being supes sneaky with the clues.” Her hair clips circle her head.
‘Tell us who it is!’
Iono flaps her arms side to side, pulling a mock hurt expression. “Geez, you guys are so impatient. Well, if you reeeaallly wanna know who it is, I’ll tell yah.” She sets her hands on her hips, giving the camera a wide smile.
She skips over to you, and the camera follows. “Dun-Dun! My super secret guest star is none other than my cool girlfriend! Say hello to the stream, cutie!”
You flash the camera with a nervous smile and you introduce yourself and your Umbreon. The chat spams with questions, comments, and Iono themed emotes. 
‘No way! Iono got game!’
‘How cute, they’re like total opposites!’ 
‘Who asked out the other first?’
‘I bet Umbreon and Bellibolt are such good friends!’
Iono brings her chair closer to yours. “I know it’s hard to believe, but she was the one that asked. Even with her Whismur personality, nyohoho! Oh, tell ‘em how. It was just the cutest thing ever.”
The camera pans closer to your face, and your heart feels like it’ll beat out of your chest. “I just asked.” You laughed nervously. “I don’t remember doing anything cute.” 
A sleeved arm slings around your shoulder. Iono’s body rests upon yours. “What? Everythin’ about it was cute. You didn’t even bring up the bouquet of flowers you brought for me. It was bigger than an extra-large Voltorb!”
A heavy flush covers your cheeks. The chat spams with heart emojis and comments alike. “Uh, well, then they should know how adorable you were. Your hairclips practically flew off your head and your face was so pink.”
Iono’s face pulls a shocked expression, her hair clips spinning in great succession. “Wah! I just couldn’t help it. That confession had my heart totally electrified!” She scoots closer to you, as close as humanly possible. “Just wait until I tell the stream the other stories about you. They’ll be caught in your love ball just like I am!”
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some musings on Tinkaton and the implications of the steel-type food web
i love Tinkaton and family so much, and my favorite thing about them as an ecology and world-building nerd, is that their existence finally answers a burning question i've been having for years: what hunts the metal-bodied Pokemon? We know Aron will eat metal in the form of rails and posts if they have to, but the family as a whole actually eats iron from rocks. They're earth eaters, not predators of steel-types. Now, we know that Tinkatin, Tinkatuff, and Tinkaton don't eat the steel-types that they hunt, they just scrounge for metal parts and like to knock Corviknights out of the sky for the shits and giggles of it (terrifying, iconic, 10/10). I mean, they *might* eat whatever organic flesh is underneath the metal bodies, but i haven't made concrete a decision on that for the tabletop yet. Personally, I think it's funnier if they hunted steel-types and then didn't even eat them at all, they really just want the metal parts and scavangers rely on Tinkatons and family to provide food. And it's probably the route I'll go. But anyways! The point is that they finally give information to a really important part of the Pokemon food chain, and that is what hunts Pokemon with metal bodies? They're the apex predators of steel-types, the ones that recycle resources back into the food web for creatures like Aron to eat. Of course, creatures like Dusknoir have been eating anything that they can trap for centuries, but a generalist is not the same thing. But what eats Arons? I respect why Lairons and Aggrons probably aren't eaten too often, but Aron? With all the available metal from dead steel-types that would naturally exist in the world, how many Arons could there be? Or are steel-types and, more specifically, metal-bodied Pokemon much rarer than the videogames let on? What eats Arons? Tinkatuffs and Tinkatons seem to focus more on larger prey like Corviknight and Bisharps, so may ignore Arons much like how wolves will usually ignore mice. And there's lots of generalist predators out there, such as Ariados or Dusknoir, but as horrid as Ariados are I have a hard time believing that Ariadoses have any luck with hunting, trapping, and eating an Aron. Galvantula, too, falls into the same issue as Ariados. Perhaps Gibles, Gabites, and Garchomps? Gibles are known to chew on rocks and Carbinks, they might be interested in eating an Aron-- or least Gabites and Garchomps would be. And I'm not worried about what eats them, they're still made of obviously fleshy material and their ground/dragon typing is easily brought down by a well-aimed Ice Beam. Sabeleyes will eat gemstones and predate upon Carbinks, but their proclivity toward gemstones doesn't translate well in my brain as also wanting to eat metal. Or perhaps Mawile? Mawiles are fleshy but still steel-typed, but not made of metal like Corviknight and Bisharp so wouldn't be as likely to be hunted by Tinkatons and Tinkatuffs. I could totally see a Mawile chomping down on an unsuspecting Aron, especially given the whole "its jaws can chew through steel beams." What eats the Mawiles? Not sure, but the Mawiles are fleshy and could reasonably be hunted by large predators like say, a pack of Houndooms or Arcanines, or get into spats with Heatmor over Durants, or be hunted-for-sport by Aggrons or Tyranitars. Anyways I was just thinking about the steel-type food web.
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thekuraning · 6 months
fic writing asks : 17 and 27, 28?
hope you’re doing well!! I’m just about to finally catch up with the latest chapter of moving on in a maelstrom (I haven’t checked my ao3 inbox for updates in a hot minute!!), thank you as ever for writing!
WASABI THANK YOU FOR SENDING im hanging in there i hope youre doing good too <3 and i hope you enjoy the latest chapter grelhbqughoeiqg
:') i talk a lot gomen
17. talk about your writing and editing process
so i'm definitely not the kind of person who sits down and outlines their story and all the plot points or does a ton of planning (kind of a bad habit probably!!) and mostly my fics comes from some broad concepts or ideas, vibes, or any sort of vivid scene I imagine up while im daydreaming on the way to work, and then I just kind of run with it. Actually I think from all the fics I've actually tried to follow an outline for in the past, only one has gotten past a handful of chapters (that would be Turning Point, which is shockingly complete!)
And like the scenes or vibes or ideas aren't always related to major plot points or anything either, they're just character moments and either a) do not need backstory to explain the situation, so they get to be a oneshot, or b) are VERY PARTICULAR about the backstory of the Scene and then they end up a full-fledged novella/novel/epic.
So like for example, I started on Maelstrom fic for a very specific scene with a very specific character--and you might expect it to be related to the main villain! Except I didn't even have a design for him until the day I sat down to write chapter 5 (which came to me in a caffeine-fueled fever dream) and wasn't even sure what his NEXT ability would be until chapter 8. Yeah he's the main antagonist. But this entire fic. This entire damn fic. Is a stepping stone. To a scene where Yuri is going insane under house arrest and Barnaby goes to visit him. And it's the funniest fucking thing in my head. Like I want to be so clear this is just an elaborate slide puzzle to a one-paragraph gag and I have no idea if the set-up is even worth it. But then once I get started writing things kind of start to fall into place like dominoes because I spend a lot of time overthinking the world building and the canon orz
Anyways as for editing uhhhh well!!! You have probably noticed!! I have SO MANY TYPOS IN MY CHAPTERS!!! My cat hears me say so many swears after chapters are posted :( I tend to be like constantly reading and rereading and editing... the first half of a chapter. The further I go the more excited I get to post! And the less I end up reading. So uhhh yeah if anyone ever goes back to read any fic I've ever posted EVER and you're like huh I don't remember that or huh I thought it was different yeah. yeah it was. I edited it 3 months later when I reread part and realized I had 15 typos, non-sequitors, and the worst sentence composition known to man OTL
27. your favorite part of the writing process
getting experimental with it! :') i like fucking around with imagery and description and pacing to try and see what kind of vibes i can squeeze out of something. actually i forget how long ago it was but i think my buddy isleofair sent an ask once where I went on a rant about what makes a slow burn a slow burn and ever since then I've REALLY wanted to try and write a slow burn that diagetically takes place in like. one or two hours. i have no idea how it would work but i think it would be really fun to try.
otherwise i think my favorite thing is like world building but through the little background details, like trying to squish in regional dialects or brands or in-universe entertainment franchises. I was really fucking proud of myself for Barnaby's Gatorade ad reel and his promotional coffee in Maelstrom lmfaooo or like getting so fucky with Proton's slang in my pokemon fics. Still trying to figure out how to write an entire oneshot about no one understanding what he means when he says "freezycaff."
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
>:( what do you MEAN I have to have a coherent plot!!! What do you MEAN I should probably plan to avoid plotholes!!! What do you MEAN i have to write through writer's block or take breaks when I burn out creatively!!!!! NO STOPPING ONLY VIBES ONLY GOOFS AND GAFFS!!! ONLY FICS!!!
On a more serious note. My least favorite part really is since I don't do a lot of planning beforehand :( sometimes all I got be them vibes, and getting from point a to point b can be like pulling teeth if I'm not like. manic. A lot of times I feel like I have a big picture with a lot of missing little pieces, and sometrimes I just can't figure out a satisfying way to get over it. Then the perma-hiatus hammer comes out UmU RIP in pepperonis dead fics from 2018.
Thank u again for sending!! <3
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mareenavee · 1 year
5 Random Things
Ah yes a very clear title for you hehe. Another not-entirely-tes tag game, which, since I've been relatively deep in the hyperfocus I thought I'd surface and do a couple of these before diving back in lol.
I was tagged by @dirty-bosmer to share 5 random things I enjoy! (Their post is here!)
I will tag @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @archangelsunited, @snippetsrus, @kookaburra1701, @friend-of-giants, @elfinismsarts, @thequeenofthewinter, @rainpebble3 and anyone else who'd like to write one of these!
Chicory Coffee which baffles a few people in my household, and I enjoy that too. I've been calling it canis root tea for funsies because I feel like that's basically the tamrielic equivalent. There's really nothing else like it, I don't know how to explain why I love it so much. But I have that as frequently as regular coffee despite less caffeine -- I have the kind that's mixed with regular coffee. Otherwise it'd be caffeine free lol
The Legend of Zelda which is my favorite game series of all time, followed close by Elder Scrolls, of course. The reason is because I've been playing these games since the days of the NES lol though as a small child I had absolutely no idea how to puzzle through that first game. It still brings me joy though. Tears of the Kingdom is very fun, but I think my favorite remains Breath of the Wild.
Mechanical Keyboards. Even inexpensive ones. They are extremely fun to pull apart and repair or redesign, plus I love the noise feedback. I do less typos on these things, plus they're pretty. What's not to like, honestly? A very writerly/gamerly thing of me to say.
Dungeons & Dragons. Oh look another game on the list, hehe. This one sort of combines everything I love about video games with everything I love about storytelling. I've been a DM before and seriously enjoy the world-building aspect and the absolute chaotic nonsense that players can create. I might enjoy being a pc more for causing said shenanigans :> Also, dnd dice. Shiny 🤩
Sketching. I don't share my art on my blog because I usually draw Pokemon if I'm being honest LOL but the act of just sketching for the sake of sketching or learning more about drawing is super soothing to me. No pressure to share them, no pressure to get them right. I just draw because I can. Though sometimes I will write apologies in the margin if a sketch turns out really fucked up. :> But even then, it's all part of the process.
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theangrypomeranian · 11 months
tagged by @daddygrandpaandthebeaver and @babsvibes <3333
(note: i'm going to make most of my answers for my angrypomeranian psued because i don't really wanna bring up my past fandoms if i can help it lol)
1. How many works do you have on AO3
2. What's your total word count?
can i just say too many?? lol i'm very long winded when i write.
okay so i actually did the math...dear god. 774,967 (i really am long winded omfg i'm so sorry y'all)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Bob's Burgers
4. Top 5 fics by kudos:
Baby Steps, I Think I'd Have a Heart Attack, The Devil Doesn't Bargain, 12 Days of Bob-mas, and It's a Promise.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I need to get better about this. I want to, but part of me worries about people thinking i'm inflating my comment numbers by doing so. i know that's really stupid lol but there it is. i appreciate every single comment though, you guys are the best. <333
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
so i love angst with my whole heart but i prefer to write happy endings. i think the fic with the angiest ending is probably It's a Promise, since it ends with Zeke walking away and Tina still with Jordan.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Things You Said: When We Were the Happiest We Ever Were. it's so disgustingly cheesy and i love it. <3 can't wait to make it canon in the Baby Steps verse :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not in this fandom. in my last one i did and it was honestly kind of funny because it was for a ship that literally only i shipped lmaoooo
9. Do you write smut?
oh yeah lol.
10. Do you write crossovers?
not unless really specific AUs count lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
in a past fandom, yes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes i have, with the lovely and talented @littleredruns <33333
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Zekina and Barryl <3333333 (i literally cannot choose between them, they are equal to me now).
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
nothing posted, thankfully. there are a few in my docs, though...
16. What are your writing strengths?
angst and slow burns.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
world building, i suck at it so so much help-
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
as someone who did it a lot in a past fandom (cringecringecringe), please please please do your research and don't depend on Google Translate. be mindful of people who are reading and may actually speak that language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
posted? Pokemon lol. unposted? Warrior Cats lmaooooooo
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
outside of Baby Steps (lil too obvious lol), Safe and Sound. i'm so proud of this fic and i think about it all the time. i pumped out over 30k words in under a week and it combines my OTP with a world i love with my whole heart. plus i'm pretty sure it's the first Hunger Games au in the fandom (if i'm wrong please let me know).
i tag: @littleredruns, @lovelyxxxsymone, @keepyourhornson-spyro, @burgerspeople, @casually-concerned, @pixiestickers, and @thedarkestgreys <3 (please don't feel any obligation to do this if you don't want to).
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ramblyngrobyn · 7 months
Juvenile (Pkmn/Prsk crossover) Prologue notes extended
Okay! So! This is the start of a little big something I've been sitting on for a while. For the last several months (since at least April 2023) I've been occasionally poking at this ever-expanding AU in my phone's notes, adding ideas for story beats and things to do with the characters and world. I always figured I wouldn't actually turn this into a real thing and figured I'd just keep it to my own imagination but the brainworms eventually won, so here I am!
Uh, so I don't know how "good" this is gonna be? Hell even this first chapter I'm already worried that maybe I tried to do too much at once. As I was writing a lot of extra ideas hit me for how I could better build this as a solid foundation of the rest of the story. I wanted every scene to like, matter, yknow? It might just straight up be too long! But any time I considered cutting a scene just to make things more brief I was like "no, no, I need that part". I could have also cut it into multiple chapters but it's the same amount of content so like, what would the point be. If you're wondering, the break points for a 3-chapter version of this would have been Mafuyu showing up at Kanade's place and Kanade seeing the others off at the train station.
Right off the bat, the prologue is a bit different tonally and I wanna talk about that. There's not a super high saturation of Pokemon stuff in this opening! I hope that isn't too weird considering this is a Pokemon AU! I wanted to ease Kanade into it before dropping her in the deep end for the last chunk. When the next chapter hits, we’ll be in full on Poke-mode. This chapter also has a handful of more serious moments, which is par for the course since y'know, Niigo. I actually cut out or edited some bleaker moments because I thought they felt out of place, lol. It's gonna get a lot more consistently lighthearted from here, I promise! (Mostly!)
I have the broad strokes of this story outlined, both in written notes and a map that I scribbled out. I don't have all the details in-between locked in, I'm being flexible there, but I know where I want this to go and generally speaking what I want to do with the whole cast.
I'm not aiming for anything super profound with this, and I have no practical experience in long-form storytelling. Hopefully that doesn't bite me in the butt too hard. Going forward, some chapters might end up being mostly choreographed action, some might be the characters sitting around talking for a few thousand words. At the end of the day, this is just me having fun with my favorite characters in one of my favorite fictional words. I'm trying to not think so hard that I corner myself.
On that note, I think it's worth noting up front that this is very much my version of these characters in my version of Unova. Not in a "my fic don't like don't read" kind of way but like... you might not agree with every choice?
For the most part character origins will have to be built from the ground up, though as you can see from this first chapter I've tried to keep bits and pieces from canon that I think naturally fit. Niigo's origin story is honestly pretty easy to write and intuit around considering they first met remotely. And while I did do a lot of expositing in this opening I think that instead of every character getting an airtight, perfectly laid out backstory, I'll leave some things to the imagination.
As far as the laws of the Pokemon universe goes, it probably goes without saying that I definitely won't be following strict rules from the games. Some Pokemon might end up learning moves that aren't in their learnset, for example (or at least, if they make sense for the Mon in question). Some moves and abilities might have their function tweaked for this context, or I might go for a different interpretation of how the move manifests physically. There’ll be Pokemon that have more than literally four moves. Stuff like that. I'm inserting some headcanons, some ideas that I think fill in gaps in the world building, and there'll be a lot of changes to the design of the world. I joke to myself that this is a "post-globalism Unova", because there's some locations that are really different, a couple totally original locations, and Pokemon here that don't show up in Pokemon BW/2. You could call it "anime logic" if you want, I just think loosening the rules makes things more interesting and fun to write and read. 
One more little nugget: In case you didn't recognize it, the title is from the Jin song made for the Project Voltage collab! It's my favorite song so far from the crossover, it makes me feel so many things. It just felt like a perfect fit for this story vibes-wise, as well as a fun coincidence since I’d been imagining Kanade with an Eevee for months beforehand.
I may run out of steam eventually, but I'm publishing this first chapter because I'm currently feeling fired up about it. Even if the current enthusiasm wanes over time this'll be here for me to poke with an update whenever I want.
I'd love for you to join me on this silly journey, and I hope you can enjoy it!
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sciencesara · 8 months
The Palworld Discourse
Why is it so bad…
I actually have a nuanced take but seeing the two sides is just irritating.
One side is mad and saying it’s a cheap ripoff of pokemon and that it used AI (how??? unsure) and the other side is just like, loll who cares, bad look defending the biggest IP by Nintendo, what’s wrong playing a parody that a smaller company has made, looks fun!!
Alright, I’m breaking this down into some overarching problems I see, and why everyone is having a weird knee jerk reaction one way or the other.
Gameplay and why it is (or is not) the pokemon game you are looking for
The company model is not anything to write home about
As an artist who loves Pokemon, I’m not mad that they ripped off Pokemon, I’m just mad that they did it in the laziest way possible
AI and the artists in the current climate
I love media analysis, let’s goooooo
Gameplay and why it is (or is not) the pokemon game you are looking for
Okay yes, the images below are pretty great, definitely selling the edgy dark “this is an adult parody of pokemon – with guns!” complete with animal abuse and exploitation vibes. Funny to see, but that’s not my kinda game, and even if it were…
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That’s not what you are going to see most of the time. It’s definitely a more basic looking open world game/survival/base building/automation with menus and lists that you will be staring at, grinding and leveling up. The Pokepals are just a part of the game as a whole. It’s also early access, so the game is still not completely done yet. I can definitely see why it’s such a hit – it’s a genre crossover we haven’t seen before, even though it’s not…a great game, it still will be enjoyable for its audience. Presumably people who liked South Park growing up, idk
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Syntac on Youtube
The company model is not anything to write home about
Y’all thinking I’m defending Nintendo by criticizing another game company can know I can hold hate for both simultaneously, thank you very much. The developer/publisher Pocketpair has done other games that are on Steam – one is called Art Imposter, a game similar to drawful that uses AI to generate the art (I will touch on AI later) and Craftopia. Craftopia is also an early access multiplayer survival action game by them, maybe you can tell what other game is mentioned when talking about this game…
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How about an upcoming game they have in the works, in addition to the two early access games?
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If you can’t tell where I am going with this, their whole premise is making riffs off of popular works, and in my eyes, do not make them out of love, or make them in a transformative way.
As an artist who loves Pokemon, I’m not mad that they ripped off Pokemon, I’m mad that they did it in the laziest way possible
The fan game Pokemon infinite fusion uses an AI to generate a mash-up of two different pokemon, but a large fan base has been making unique pixel art to replace favorite fusions, and has some amazing takes! There are rules and peer review of the submitted artwork, and a guide of how to make these look like pokemon – complexity of the design, color scheme, shading, etc. There are some hilarious deep cuts, and sometimes multiple versions of the same fusion, so you can pick your favorite.
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SnooDrawings7091 on r/PokemonInfiniteFusion
Next, we have r/fakemon, a subreddit for fans to post their own designs, and they are amazing! They range from reimaginings and regional redesigns to original creatures, see below
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Expert-Discount-3311 on r/fakemon
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And here are some pal to pokemon comparisons
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If you notice, all of these match the color scheme and body proportions of the one or two pokemon shown – all of them. There are original pals, but that is not the point. If you want a knock off pokemon game, go ahead, but in my book, even a few of these absolute fake prada bags are lazy. I love the creation of new, original designs that look like pokemon but are not. Look at the below image for an original pal that I love the design of -
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Give me more of this!!! These look like new pokemon, because they use the same basic shapes, colors, and eye shapes of the pokemon style.
But others can just shrug and won’t care that much, and find it kinda funny that the company is so blatant about it (and find it weird that I have such strong feelings on the subject)
And that brings me to                                   
AI and the artists in the current climate
As you might know, AI has been a nightmare for digital artists, sending them into a survivalist defensive against the rise of generative art.
AI, that takes existing good art, puts it through a blender and makes something derivative with the same-wait a minute-no, I shan’t say-
If there were weird vibes of people throwing AI accusations against Palworld, this is probably why – they are so primed to be defensive right now against the use of AI that stuff like this hits that same spot in just the right way.
I have a whole other rant about how I do not like AI, but suffice it to say I feel kinda depressed that I have to scan digital photos and digital artwork now to make sure it is not AI generated before I can rely on my immediate gut instinct of liking or disliking a photo or artwork. The problem with AI generation is one of use – it makes so much chaff that the wheat of actual human work gets lost in the noise. Good luck for any new digital artist to join the market when AI can do it better off of stolen work for free. Something something the rise of derivative works overshadow smaller original ones
Anyways Palworld is meh to me and I’ll sit this one out and eye Slime Rancher 2 instead
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subwaytostardew · 5 months
Hello! I’ve been following this mod for a little while now and I want to say!! How absolutely impressed and blown away how amazing it is!! The story and world building is so much fun! And the sprites and the amount of effort you put in each animation is phenomenal! The pokemon look so good and I adore how you made emmet and Ingo’s walk cycles different, and just the! Writing and seer amount of programming done is just! Amazing! Super bravo! You two so clearly but so much thought into (1/?)
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First off, I'd just like to say thank you for taking the time to type out all your messages! It really means a lot whenever we get feedback like this!
Kade is brilliant on the world-building aspect of things and coming up with ideas... She sent me a whole google doc with a draft of their schedules a day after I managed to get Emmet in game. Really helped give this project a sense of direction!
I wasn't too confident regarding writing and pixel art at first, but having her take charge with scripts really helped me stay on track towards a higher state. After so many events, I feel like we have a good idea as to how to write their characters. Making Emmet's sprite first did make Ingo's a bit of a pain to draw (since he does not walk like that) but I'm glad I committed to the bit from day one.
I've been staying up late (I get too excited working on the mod...), but I'm making sure to sleep in to account for that! It'll be a while until we get around to releasing platonic versions of their routes (don't get me wrong, it's first on our patch priority- especially since so many people following this are aromantic! We just still have a long way to go regarding the base mod.), but I'm glad what we have is still enjoyable for now. Emmet's part of Ingo's 10 heart event is still one of my favorite things I've written. It wasn't in the original draft and was only added in during the coding phase, but everything is constantly evolving!
As for Chandelure and Ingo, they can understand each other, just not in the way the farmer can understand Pokemon. We actually discussed the logistics and capabilties together but I don't believe we've ever published it in a post. The farmer understands Pokemon as if they were recieving instant translations to English from the noises they "speak". Farmer has a bit of telepathy in a sense because sometimes, they're just making noises, but they can read their thoughts in words. (When writing Joltik, I don't actually have any text in my head... it's just babbles of "bah" and "wawwawawawawa" in my head. Baby noises.) Farmer also has an absurd ability to eavesdrop, so they can just tell if a Pokemon is thinking/saying anything.
Ingo and Chandelure have their souls bonded, but Ingo can't quite decipher what Chandelure's chimes mean exactly in words. He reads her through a mix of tone, how her flames burn, charades, and any visions she transmits into his mind through active effort. In the tunnel, she's just transmitting what she wants to say into the farmer's mind. Ingo can't pick up on that. When Chandelure communicates with Ingo, she has to will his perception, and it's only in images. If Ingo had the image of hand-holding with his crush flashed into his mind, he would just get flustered and eventually assume it's his imagination running wild again. He does get caught up in his ideas, so Chandelure can easilly gaslight him into believing it's his own train of thought rather than her fault.
In that same line of thinking, Chandelure could convince him that he's super down bad for the farmer with enough suggestions since she kind of wants to win a bet with Grandpa saying that they'll get married in three years. Ingo feels haunted about having a crush for a reason.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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maddy011901 · 2 years
hi 🍂🩷🌙🧣
(previously known as omfgdany)
sims 4 gallary id: maddy011901
💌 a list of things you might see on my blog (this is a fandom blog, first and foremost)
sims 4 posting (builds, cas, challenges, legacy, etc...)
hex haywire 🖤❗️
redacted audio (gavin is my favorite)
aesthetic posts
yuurivoice (alphonse, by beloved)
hermitcraft (season 9 is defiantly my fave lol but 7 and 8 will always hold special places in my heart)
traffic life series (scar, my beloved &lt;;3)
the last of us (ellie is my ride or die)
genshin impact (only got into it bc of venti, he's my baby)
anime (my current top 5: banana fish, fruits basket, psycho-pass, black butler, & )
other mcyt (it is still mostly tubbo)
one direction (I'm not a larrie anymore but my faves are harry & louis)
taylor swift (die hard swiftie since debut ~ top five albums in no peticular order: evermore, speaknow, ttpd, reputation & folklore)
high fantasy books (idk how to read /j)
fnaf (I've been a fan since around fnaf 2! freddy is my fave)
stim boards
barbie movies
bratz dolls (I've had a fixation on them since i was a kid)
obey me (I'm in love with asmodeus and beelzebub)
music & musicians (i'm not particularly picky about music so expect all kinds of stuff)
the scream movies (HUGE fan of the 1st 4...i feel realty neutral about 5 and 6)
sanrio (i like cute, sweet things)
pokemon (i like fairy and grass types but my favorite pokemon is Ditto lol)
birds (one of my special interests from when I was a kid that has recently resurfaced lol)
game of thrones & house of the dragon (i have complicated feelings)
good omens
the narnia movies (idk how to feel about the remakes but i am hopeful!)
resident evil games (i like the stage plays too!)
the mcu (loki stan, bucky stan, wanda stan, peter stan)
other roleplay asmr (this is something very personal to me so i don't really talk about it lol)
2000s and 2010s "nostalgia"
dragon ball (the og anime, my bf introduced me to it and I fell in love)
anime tiddies
fanart (i love reblogging fanart)
fanfic (i write & reblog fanfic!)
🐰 about me 🌷
i don't really retire from fandoms (unless i have a negative experience) so i blog about an endless number of fandoms
all pronouns means i am comfortable with any and/or all pronouns being used for me!! (i think i'm agender?)
Dany is not my real name, i started going by it online in 2019/2020 :) my real name is Maddy, idc which i am called ~ i have also gone by the names Kitty, Raye, & Bambi online
my favorite color is #f3859f
my special interest is a fantasy world i created when i was a little kid and i am currently writing a fantasy book series based on it
I'm a capricorn
I am in a relationship <3
my favorite characters are almost always "the blonde one" (they're at least "blonde coded")
my favorite number is 19
i'm a tumblr veteran (my first ever tumblr account was made in 2013/2014)
I've been writing fanfiction since i was 10 (i was writing it before i even knew it was a thing lol) my first fanfic was a walking dead fanfic i also made edit tv/movie trailers for lol
age regressor but I don't really post about it online
I am active on other social media (Instagram, tiktok, Twitter, reddit, pinterest, etc...)
My blog speaks for itself for the most part. I'm a chronic reblogger
i've been writing as a hobby since childhood, including original fiction/fantasy works and fanfic and poetry
🎀 other info 🧸
i was diagnosed with "level 1 autism" in 2020 but i think i am actually more like level 2 tbh
i use my queue for reblogs (most of the time) so i don't clog up feeds and stuff :)
if you feel the need to block me, for whatever reason, that is okay
if you appear to be a bot (no pfp, no posts/reblogs, no bio, no recent activity, etc) i WILL block you
my asks are closed because they make me anxious
i don't have a dni list because if i dont want you to interact with me i will just block you
i am not comfortable sharing much about my personal life. that being said might reblog/like/follow things related to myself or my personal life
i am queer (for now I'm going with agender bisexual, but that is subject to change)
i frequently use tone indicators
💘 tags 💭
tags stayed the same post name change lol
dany rambles - exactly what it sounds like, just rambles
dany's diary - personal posts (this is a more recent tag, older posts won't have it)
dany vents - vent posts (i also tags these as "vent" and "vent post")
dany writes - posts about my writing but not my wips/fics/etc themselves
dany's q - posts from my queue
simming with dany (sims 4 posting lol)
💬 socials 🍓
tiktok (shitposting&theonlyglimpsyougetintomypersonalife)
twitter (taylorswiftstanaccount)
pinterest (fandomfaves&myaesthetic)
spotify (music!!!)
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon Masters EX: my thoughts on Legendary Adventures [unfinished]
I'll go in order.
Also I have a general headcannon than the main reason so many legends are showing up is because they want to check out this man made island with all these powerful trainers. So unless the story proves otherwise, I'm just going to assume that.
Pretty good! Of course I'm a big fan of the giant freaky skeleton dragon, so seeing it appear is cool. It feels a bit off though that the story in which I get Zamazenta is more focused on a different legend.
Also Sigma suit Leon at the end looks cool af and I wish I had him because he and Eternatus make such a cool pair. I wish I got them from this story rather than Hop and Zamazenta. Or at least I would prefer Zacian to Zamazenta. But getting another steel type is nice at least, I could really use some.
Anyway the idea of Eternatus showing up and being weak without an energy source and needing help is neat. And I think it's cool that Leon decides to help it and formed a sync pair with it.
World building wise it's interesting seeing the professor's bring up the fact that the sync stones and mega stones must have something in common because they can both cause mega evolution. And that they could potentially also cause dynamaxing. Suggesting that all these things may have some sort of common energy to them.
I wonder if Z-Moves and the new Terastlization could be included in that at all. It would be neat if the gimmicks were all kinda connected.
For sure the weakest story. It wasn't really much of a story at all. Main Character and 2 friends walk up a mountain because people are talking about loud roaring coming from the top, and also to see the sunrise.
Anyway the roaring was Solgaleo. A bunch of other trainers are at the top of the mountain as well. Solgaleo is really jiving for a good battle so it's just battling everyone there like nonstop, including Main and Friends.
Eventually Solgaleo has had enough so Main and Friends leave but it follows them and befriends Main.
I think it's interesting that it bonds w/ the player character rather than someone else. Because all these other legendary sync pairs are characters from various already existing stories. So I'm like, why this legend? Why bond it w/ Main and not some other character?
Anyway I wish it was Lunala. I don't really care about getting Solgaleo outside the fact that I could really use more steel types.
This was actually the 1st one I did, in part because I really love Xerneas's design, but also because I could really use more fairy Pokemon. Also I like Sycamore, so it's cool to have him on the team.
So Xerneas shows up on the island, Sycamore is like: Let's go check it out. At the same time apparently he's aware that Lysandre is on the island and he has some guys who are disableing some bomb he made. We don't find this out until the end though.
We know he was talking on the phone about something serious. And it's like a Chekov's gun because it comes back at the end to foil Lysandre's plans. I liked that, it was simple but done well I think.
Lysandre is just as Thano's like as ever. He's still got his whole "We need to kill people for population control" Which is pretty fucked up, but at the same his wording always comes off as kind of goofy to me. His whole "Let's keep the world beautiful" has always been such a strange way to say "Let's do some genocide"
Anyway Xerneas was nice what with counteracting Yveltol's whole... death aura(?). So people would stop choking. And I guess it thought Sycamore was a chill dude so it was like "imma stick with you"
anyway, good time I enjoyed it.
Oh boy, I gotta say this one was more favorite! I love Silver, and I love N. And woof, these poor boys have some daddy issues. 1st loseing a match to a father-son duo and then later having their dads show up and be asses.
N was hopeful and Ghetsis is an ass for playing with his feelings. Really goes to show how much of an ass Ghetsis is. And what he says to N at the end of the story, wow. Poor N. It was pretty jarring that right afterward the story ended and I recruited Ghetsis. An example of story and gameplay not matching up.
Y'know I never really thought about pairing Silver and N together before, but honestly it makes so much sense. They have the similar issue of having a villain as a parent, and they were both antagonists in their own right from the games they came from.
N really took some high ground when defending Kyrem, and by extension Ghetsis, from Giovanni.
And I like it when the game locks me in to using certain characters, wish it would do that more, I like the challenge.
Anyway though, that part w/ the 2nd Kyurem? WTF Already I'm having a hard time with why there are both normal ledgendaries and some shiny legendaries around. This one isn't even shiny! I had the same reaction as Ghetsis here of "what the hell, that shouldn't be possible" and the game kind of acknowledges that but not really. Nate (or was it Hilbert?) just says "yeah I thought that was weird too, the Pokemon world sure is strange" and just kinda shrugs it off. Not a good enough explanation for me, I'll say.
One more thing, did they forget Reshiram? I mean after Nate's Kyurem fused with Zekrom, Ghetsis acted like "that's it, my plan's are foiled!" While there's an entire fuseable dragon just sitting in storage, you could have grabbed that one Ghetsis. And none of the main characters mention Reshiram at all afterward. I can only assume that N grabbed Reshiram while leaving but there was truly no mention of it whatsoever.
[the rest of these are unfinished, I wrote all this stuff like half a year ago and I just want to get this out of my draft]
Gotta say, the opening was kind of funny, the Kyurem story also had a funny opening in a similar vain. In both cases the villains just kind of shows up on Pasio and are like "where the fuck am I".
And Team Break see this guy with a fucking legendary, and are like "yeah we can take him". No you can't Team Break! You never do.
Probably my 2nd favorite story. I really love Silver!
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pinchraccoon · 2 years
I think I'm gonna write an actual like, real review of it, but here's my mini review of Pokemon Violet to get my thoughts summarized.
The latest entries to pokemon, while a bold step in a new direction, may be a step into Alaskan snow in flip-flops. The game has some great ideas and lofty ambitions, and for what it does accomplish, there's clearly a lot of fun to be had with the product that was delivered, however, the preparation given to bring these ideas into fruition was far under prioritized.
To speak kindly of the game before speaking ill, I have always, and will always, love pokemon. It's a series that is very near and dear to me, and there's a certain magic that comes with learning all about the new creatures that have been added to the growing roster of canonized monster designs I've come to love, especially on a semi-blind playthrough, the magic of learning about and hunting down as many new pokemon is unmatched. SV does deliver on this, as I feel that this generation has a series of lovely pokemon designs that I have fallen in love with in my short time with them. (Tinkaton, Revavroom, Ceruledge, Meowscarada, and Chi-Yu are all new favorites)
Additionally, the story of SV is quite well done, easily one of the best-executed stories in pokemon in a while, and while I don't think I'm comfortable calling it "better than" the story of BW/BW2, I feel that it's comparable in quality. Characters, themes, and plot points all feel surprisingly natural in a game that theoretically allows you to go off and challenge its many hurdles in any order, utilizing the scripted events that it does have cleverly, and to great effect. I particularly enjoyed the Team Star narrative, and how it takes the "evil team" formula that pokemon has had for a long time, and juxtaposes the idea of a group of bullies onto it, only to learn over time that they're just bullied people sticking together, and aren't bad, just misrepresented.
On the basis of the typical gameplay loop, SV delivers Very well. The incorporation of overworld encounters and optional trainer battles allows the player to feel free and uninhibited by the game itself, and free to engage with exactly as much content as they would like to, whether this be picking and choosing what pokemon to battle in the wild, or which trainers if any, they feel the need to battle. SV's design philosophy seems to be prioritizing freedom as much as possible, while also meaningfully rewarding progression, and I feel that the game flow comes off as organic.
This is to say, that this game has more team-building potential out of the gate than just about any other pokemon game, with countless pokemon accessible to the player even moments from starting the game, appealing to collection freaks and competitive fans alike.
Then, what's the problem?
In short, the game is unfinished. The game, at launch, would routinely dip to what I could ascertain to be 12-17 FPS regularly, and while steps have been taken already to make the drops in framerate far less drastic, the time to do that incredibly important work is before release, not after. The framerate, the chief among issues, and generally its lack of optimization for switch hardware, sometimes spoils the other wonderful parts of the game. Finding pokemon is less intriguing when extreme pop-in only allows you to look at pokemon less than 20 feet away from you, and somewhat harms the immersion of the experience. And while updated models and style of the pokemon have been made, and they're quite impressive, it's hard to say that the pokemon "look good" when after 4 appear on screen at once, or even two pokemon with some attacks, their frames drop far below what they should.
Additionally, while this game loads quickly traveling between areas, smaller, more subtle, but similarly important loading times feel far, far too long. The boxes take far too long to load the images of your pokemon in each individual box, which somewhat harms the collection fantasy, and upon starting a battle with a wild pokemon, their "low poly open world" model will still be loaded long into the first turn. Additionally, menuing remains rather clunky and sluggish, which quickly becomes annoying when things like Wonder Trade or other such "quick" menuing activities take a minimum of 45 seconds due to their lack of optimization.
The issues I'm listing sound comparatively minor, however, in an experience as dependent on a lack of obstruction as SV are clearly trying to be, the failure to deliver on a product that runs consistently and reasonably is a major slight against it.
These issues are not deliberate design choices that simply do not work, these larger issues are a product of the dev teams' inability to put out the product that wouldn't have these problems, and the issues with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are by and large issues with management, not the dev team themselves. The worrying pace at which Pokemon games are released, especially considering that SV is not even our first major open-world Pokemon release this year, is clearly harming Game Freak's ability to provide a product that will meet the expectations of both fans AND the artists themselves.
SV is in many ways, an extremely fun game that has been weighed down by the weight of the industry, and as much as I loved the time and fun that I had with it, its issues cannot be overlooked. I can't say that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, in their current state, are "good" games. Violet is a game that I enjoyed, it's a game that perhaps will be good in the future following patches and performance updates, but at current, the development issues that are so apparent and the clear lack of optimization for switch hardware made by these issues genuinely harm my perception of the game quite a bit.
Is it fun? Yeah. Is it good? No.
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thekuraning · 6 months
Fic ask
4, 13, 20!
HELLO MY FAVORITE PROFESSOR ELM STAN THANK U FOR THE MEMES!!! hey actually these are all ones i havent thought about so made me put on my THINKIN CAP. and hey actually actually this got really long really fast so im PUTTING IT UNDER A READ MORE!!!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
Ok so like. I've got these two ideas kicking around in my head from time to time that I'm like. Still kind of workshopping. One is a fanfic and one is an original fic. But basically I've had in my head since forever (10 years of Big Thinking) about a big Digimon sort of odyssey that originally started as a Pokemon x Digimon crossover where I took the Rocket executives and shoved them into the digital world. I have a whole world built for it already and a central sort of issue/theme revolving around a power struggle between the Demon Lords and the Royal Knights. The Royal Knights control HUB City, which is the major settlement in the continent, the Demon Lords control the Dark Lands, and kind of like usual they all want to wipe each other out. There's eventually a viral sort of glitch that starts to deteriorate the digital world and jumps to the real world.
Part of my problem is I've wanted to make it a comic or at the very least an illustrated fic and part of the problem is I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it as a crossover or just slap some new names onto the execs bc i gotta be real, the pokemon world and other pokemon characters. do not feature. at all.
its really just an excuse for me to give petrel a digimon.
anyways they all have full evolution lines planned, i've got a few major story beats, plot points, and the major final twist decided on. i also have 5 amvs that i play in my head on a loop when i drive to and from work.
also in this fic some digimon are gay (stingmon and flamedramon makeout sessions when) and trans (crusadermon, trans queen) ive decided
i think ive posted old art before extending the au to some characters and for my perfworld mutuals if youve seen my sycamore + dukemon art before that specific dukemon is also from this au. ive also got a fic i did publish where i workshopped a little bit of HUB city & a few side characters
i am now realizing i meant to also talk about the original fic i have planned and that one is a short story about a serial killer who murders hitchhikers picking up a hitchhiking serial killer and that one is less planned out but i know they sloppy kiss in the end
13. a fandom you're thinking about writing for
so like besides pokemon and tiger & bunny & digimon there's none i actively have fic ideas for, but some fandoms I think I'd like to revisit are Sonic and Zelda. Actually I had a Zelda fic I abandoned back on FFNet that I'd like to take another crack at one day where the premise was it was a modern setting based on the OOT/TP Hyrule (mostly OOT) where magic and fairies and such are regarded as superstition sort of the same way they are now, and the wondrous races (Goron, Zora, Kokiri/Korok, etc. even the Sheika to some extent) had all died out, leaving pretty much just the human races like Hylian, Terminian, Gerudo, etc. (In this case Termina is legitimately a neighboring kingdom/country and not limbo/purgatory ok??) And the kicker was Link was like. a hardcore atheist. but i think i remember people getting mad at me bc i made his legal name "Mahas" which I MUST IMPLORE YOU. THIS IS CANONICALLY HIS NAME AS OF SKYWARD SWORD. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT TO BUILD A PSEUDO LANGUAGE IN SKYWARD SWORD. WE KNOW HIS NAME IS MAHAS BECAUSE IN THE BEGINNING WHEN FI IS JUST CALLING HIM LINK AND NOT MASTER LINK HER VOICE LINES ARE EVER ONLY MAHAS. ONCE SHE BEGINS CALLING HIM MASTER LINK ANY TIME IT APPEARS ON SCREEN SHE SAYS "MAARI MAHAS." SO IM RIGHT OK FUCK OFF IM RIGHT. DIE MAD FFNET. DIE. MAD.
im normal now.
anyways yeah i'd like to write for elder scrolls again too i think but like. something more original than the supernatural/TESIV Oblivion retelling crossover i tried once.
You can find that one on my ao3 but im not linking it.
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
In the year of our lord 2005 (pensive emoji)(raised fist emoji) I published a... fic of some kind to FFNet.
You won't find it anymore, I deleted it a long time ago! I'm not sure if it was 'Rocket Road Trip' or 'The Rebellion,' but it was one of those. I used to write a ton of OC team rocket fics, and this was back in the day when the Rocket Executives had no name so you either thought there was 1 guy exec and 1 girl exec or you thought each exec encounter in GSC was a different person, and that was me. So I gave them all names and threw them into a truck together and i think in the very first chapter they were leaving the Team Rocket HQ and they ran over and left to die the OC who would later go on to be repurposed into Proton except his name was Steve then and he was a special classification of trainer class that I called a "Random Rocket," and the thing about Random Rockets was they all had very generic names (Steve, Bob, Juan, I think there was a Nancy once but she never got to show up in a fic or rp?) but the OTHER thing about Random Rockets was no one knew what they looked like because canonically their faces were all censored with a big ass mosaic effect (this was written, not draw.)
anyways farla cussed me out on 3 or 4 different fics back when she used to cuss out literal children so I deleted all my fics from 2005 - 2008 and then I deleted more of them when I went to college.
don't be like farla.
edit: self-plugging my old FFNet account for the lulz. yes it is i, the original author of Slowpoke Tails and Koffing Fumes.
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