#That was SICK AND TWISTED of Bruno
badadboombadabing26 · 2 months
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I have no words
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knellennui · 1 year
Doctor Alto Clef Is Probably Not White
Dear SCP Foundation fandom, Doctor Alto Clef is unlikely to be white, or at least in the main canon and with his original author. The whole Francis backstory is frankly incredibly out of character and feels like a different character that his name was tacked onto for relevance and as a plot twist thing. Francis is generally incredibly well written, but Not At All The Same Guy.
In the main canon, IE the Clef-Kondraki incident, he is heavily implied to be THE BIBLICAL ADAM, in his interactions with the SCP who is clearly the Biblical Eve. She is canonically Middle Eastern, as are many Biblical figures both in the Bible itself and in the SCP canon. Clef converses with Eve in a language akin to Ancient Sumerian, fluently, and as if it is his first and most natural language. He also references Eden in other canon documents by the core Clef author.
PLEASE can we have more art of him as middle eastern! (You could make him lighter skinned going off of the one canon photo, you know, the one with the big ole rifle and his lovely DILF-esque tummy?) He's described as big-nosed and that's a feature that needs so much more love!!!
Often, in heterochromia, as he has, the brown or in his case "hazel" eye is the normal eye, with the blue one being the genetically mutated trait due to whatever condition causes said heterochromia, not to mention his condition likely being more anomalous than the usual genetic causes of heterochromia.
In terms of narrative symbolism, it makes the most sense for his third eye or aberrant secondary iris to be the green one, considering the color green being used in reference to reality benders and general symbolism in Western media as unnatural (when vivid), as magical and potentially villainous, and as ominous. (Think: Maleficent, Bruno Madrigal...etc)
Also! He is canonically fat and I am so so so sick of people erasing that about him. There is no excuse for that sort of erasure or for the 'inability' to draw larger bodies. His race is not explicitly stated in canon and is open to interpretation, however, due to his nature as heavily implied to be a pre-Christian biblical figure (Adam), I think it is most logical (as well as personally enjoyable for myself) to see him as Middle-Eastern Jewish (as opposed to Ashkenazic or Goy). He could easily be interpreted as North African, Middle Eastern, or even Central Asian, West Indian or Indo-Aryan, or an Ethiopian Jew.
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yellowcry · 5 months
A little bit of sugar part two.
I updated the first chapter too a little.
Isabela doesn't think she's a coward type. But  there's something terrifying  in the fact that somebody wanders around Encanto like a wild animal, killing everyone on her way. And even more awful  being  the fact that it's supposed to be her sister.
With Luisa's behavior, Isabela isn't even sure if she's still sensible. She held a kingdom of terror. Isabela isn't stupid , she  knows that fighting Luisa is a death mission. When somebody can lift buildings like arepas, the   chances of winning a battle are close to zero. And you can't run away  either . Even without her strength, Luisa is the tallest person in Encanto. This fact alone would make it too easy for her to catch up. No matter how fast the victim ran.
Isabela doesn't want to sit in Casita and do nothing, praying that the crazy woman won't break in. But she's aware enough to know that if she opposes  Luisa'  she's dead. It's like cat and mouse game.  When a hungry predator can't  be stopped  by anything.  Isabela didn't know much about having super strength, but  there's  no way to overpower it.
She's not used to  deal  with problems , her  family usually swept  it  under the rug. She has grown up on 'We don't talk about Bruno '.
They  surely  won't talk about Luisa  too . 
Isabela swallows, burying disgusting hatred under her throat. Why would Luisa do something this horrific?  Going out of her way to kill people in the most cruel ways possible.   Isabela can still see her cousin's lifeless body. Huge lumps of meat  being  ripped off ,  face  is distorted, with embossed prints of big fingers. Blood  staining  her clothes. Isabela gags, remembering it. 
Dolores stared in horror, seeing how Luisa dug her fingers into a piece of raw meat. Ripping it apart with her bare fingers, swallowing it without any care. 
"Listen... I think Tía will gladly make you something if you're hun..."
Luisa whistled out, staring at the person behind her without blinking. Gritting her teeth with narrowed eyebrows.
The feeling is extremely unsettling. Dolores stepped back, gripping her hands together. Maybe Tía was right about her being sick? Oh... She really hoped for some romantic drama.
Luisa jumping on her took her off guard. "Luisa? Get off me!" Her cousin didn't battle an eye at her words, pushing Dolores into the floor with her massive body. 
And when Luisa was just inches from her face, Dolores could finally realize that there was something extremely wrong. Luisa didn't look normal at all. Just stared at Dolores with brown eyes, almost without breathing. If it wasn't for super hearing, Dolores would've thought that Luisa didn't breathe at all. 
She yanked, desparate to get free. Being pinned by your overgrown baby cousin wasn't something you would like to participate in. Of course, an attempt could never work. Dolores wasn't much into physical jobs, and it was Luisa.
Dolores tried to say something, reason with Luisa again, but her words were thrown away before she could even get a chance to say anything. Broken by such a loud scream that Dolores could never expected from herself. Luisa ate into her shoulder, the same way she did with beef before. What the actual hell?!
"This isn't funny!" Dolores gasped, panicked. What kind of prank had Luisa pulled on her? The younger woman didn't battle an eye on this. Her fingers held Dolores' face, and the latter could hear her face bones breaking.
Her yelling of despair had turned into a frantic sobbing. Begging for Luisa to stop. What the actual hell was she doing? 
Why couldn't she be faster? Why couldn't she save Dolores?
Isabela feels guilt gripping inside her stomach, twisting her pained insides . Mixing  with boiled hatred under her skin.  Because she loathes her younger sister so much.  Way more  that she  has thought she can. And again, can Isabela  actually  consider Luisa as anyone related to her anymore? It's funny how fast Isabela  was turned  away from her relative. And she can't regret this fact. 
Luisa needs to  be stopped . It's a fact that Isabela understands more than anything. Her mad sister, if she can still call this monster that way, can't get away with everything she has done. 
Some part of Isabela wants to hide all this time, hoping  that someone  else will deal with this. Or escape fron Encanto. Maybe she can use vines to crawl over the mountains with ease.  Just  left Luisa to herself. Why should she care? But she can't. Isabela doesn't think of herself as a hero. But she can't do this to her family. To her village. And who said Luisa would stop? Maybe one day she will break through the stone insides of hills and start her murdering spree all over Colombia.
The best thing Isabela can do is to try cracking a stone as a practice. To very predictable results. Her magic vines are getting ripped against the rough object. And Luisa is way  harder  to damage. Isabela hits the floor with her fist in despair. What can she do? This helplessness takes over her body. She needs to do something. To take revenge, to stop Luisa. But she can't do this ...  She will only get herself killed. It most certainly won't do any use   And  peaceful talk won't work either. Mirabel went out to try one. She hasn't returned since then. Isabela prays that she hides with some other family, even if the chances are close to zero.
The piece of rock flies through the air, bouncing against Luisa's shining door. So  normal , as if she was  out,  doing her chores. Not ..  all of this. Magic engraving is  normal ,  not changed a bit. Why does Luisa have this freaking strength? Can't she have any remotely  defeable  gift? The candle should've done something less cheating. 
Isabela freezes, rethinking her last words. Luisa is untouchable as long as she has her magical blessing. There's no way to defeat her.
But ...  if we take away the gifts ...  
"Casita? Will our gifts disappear if we blow out the candle?" 
The house hesitates for a  little,  but eventually clicks its tile yes.
Isabela has never felt a bigger relief.
"Luisa? Luisa!" The middle child kept staring at the wall for a couple more seconds before she eventually reacted, raising her head in puzzlement. Blinking herself into  conclusioness. 
"Sí?" She fixed her bun, looking at her mother. Pushing herself up and getting worked up to help with whatever she needs. 
Isabela didn't exactly pay attention to her sister. They weren't close and heavens knew why would she act like this. Probably just distracted to something. Honestly, she had been acting like this for a few days now, constantly stopping response at random moments. But well, it couldn't be anything too bad.
Julieta placed her hand on Luisa's broad shoulder, pushing her down. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked, concerned. "You've been spacing out?"
"I am?" Luisa breathed out, confused, attracting everyone's attention. "I'm sorry... I... I think I'm just tired..." She hesitated, pushing the plate away. "I'll go to bed." Oh, bad sleep would do shit to your mental state. Isabela always said their beauty sleep is the most important thing.
Isabela watched as her sister pushed her way upstairs knocking down one of the pots. Goddamit! Why couldn't she watch herself better?! For her information, plants are alive!
Dolores scratched her plate thoughtfully. Isabela raised her brows in confusion, leaning to her. Dolores was awful with secrets, she would spill it out in a matter of seconds. 
"I think Luisa is in love with somebody." The listener squeaked into Isabela's ear. "Her heart was beating so fast!"
And, even tho Isabela couldn't care less about Luisa's love life, she couldn't miss a chance of a good gossip. Even if Luisa was actually sick as Mama kept saying, it wasn't anything too bad. She would get back on her two in no time.
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lady-wallace · 11 months
Whumptober Alt Prompt #7 - "All Safe and Sound" (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Using a @whumptober alt prompt for today. A bit of a different twist on a Giorno scar reveal fic for today with some misunderstandings and protective papa bears Bruno and Abbacchio
Prompts Used: Alt. #7: Examination Fandoms: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Character: Giorno
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
Abbacchio hurried through the doors of the emergency room with the bundle of blankets and blond teen in his arms.
"Hey!" he called sharply to the nurse working the reception desk. "I'm gonna need some help here. The kid's fever spiked and he's currently unresponsive."
The nurse moved far too calmly for Abbacchio's liking. "Do you know the reason for the fever?"
"He's sick," Abbacchio snapped. "Flu or something—I don't know, I'm not a doctor. He came down with it a few days ago." Even now he could feel Giorno shivering in his arms, soft whimpers escaping every once in a while. Abbacchio readjusted him so that his head wasn't lolling uncomfortably over his arm, but instead tucked against his chest.
"Any other symptoms?"
"Regular coughing and congestion, vomiting—can we please get him some help?"
"Calm down, sir, we'll get him to an examination room shortly."
The nurse picked up the phone and called someone as Abbacchio was practically grinding his teeth, standing there with Giorno still in his arms.
A doctor finally showed up and she beckoned to Abbacchio. "Follow me, I'll see to him."
Abbacchio gratefully followed her down the hall and lowered Giorno onto the exam bed.
"How long has he been like this?" the doctor asked.
"He's only been unresponsive for about an hour, once I saw his fever had gone up near 105, I decided to bring him in. He hasn't been able to keep anything down, not even liquids so he's severely dehydrated."
The doctor was silent as she began unwrapping Giorno from the blanket, giving him a cursory examination.
"You said he had flu symptoms?"
"Yes, as far as we know, it started out like a head cold and then he got the fever and vomiting," Abbacchio replied, folding his arms tightly across his chest as he watched the doctor peel Giorno's eyelids back and look in his ears and nose before taking his temperature.
"Anything in his medical history that I need to know about?"
Abbacchio sighed in exasperation, throwing his hands up. "I don't know."
"I assume you're not his parent," the doctor said, eyeing him up and down.
"No," Abbacchio replied.
"Guardian, then? Or some other family member?"
"I…no, I guess guardian?"
"Sir, I'm going to need a definitive answer on that."
"What the hell does it matter what I am to him? Can't you do your damn job either way? He's a sick kid, help him!"
"What is his name and age?" the doctor asked stiffly as she checked Giorno's temperature.
"Giorno Giovanna, he's sixteen."
The doctor continued silently, putting her stethoscope in her ears and slipping it under Giorno's shirt to listen to his heart. She then rolled him onto his side presumably to listen to his lungs, but as she started to roll his shirt up his back she stopped, freezing slightly before she tugged it back down and turned to Abbacchio with a stony look.
"Sir, I need you to leave the room."
"What? No way, I'm not leaving until I know he's gonna be okay!" Abbacchio protested. "He'll freak out if he wakes up here without anyone he knows."
"I'm afraid I will not allow any argument on this issue," the doctor said and simply marched over, grabbing Abbacchio's arm roughly and pulling him toward the door. "Unless you want me to call security. I'll be out to discuss things with you soon."
Abbacchio was so stunned that he allowed her to shove him out the door and close it behind him. He stood there for a long moment, confusion and worry crashing through him before he finally forced himself to go back to the waiting room, slumping in one of the chairs and bouncing his leg anxiously.
He felt awful, honestly. Bruno had only left for one freaking day and Abbacchio hadn't even been able to watch over a sick kid. Trish and Narancia, who were the only other ones home had been helpful with Giorno's tending but they hadn't known any more than he did. They'd all thought it was just a flu. But then when Giorno's fever spiked so much he turned delirious and now with the doctor's reaction…what if something genuinely serious was wrong with the kid and none of them had noticed? Abbacchio had just thought it was because Giorno had the habit of running himself into the ground so when a bug got to him it hit him really hard—Bruno was the same way. But what if it wasn't something so simple as the yearly flu?
He finally plucked up the courage to call Bruno. He'd promised to call Trish and Narancia too but wanted to wait until he got any news.
"Abbacchio?" Bruno picked up after a couple rings.
"Hey," Abbacchio rubbed a hand over his face. "Giorno…he got worse, so I took him to the emergency room. His fever spiked and I didn't know what else to do."
"God," Bruno murmured. "Okay, no, you did what you should have, Leone. I'm back in the city and I'll make my way over there after dropping the others off. Did they say anything else?"
"No," Abbacchio didn't want to alarm Bruno before he got here in person, especially if he was just reading the situation wrong. "The doctor's still looking at him."
"Okay. Thank you for looking after him, Leone. I'm sure he'll be okay."
Abbacchio wasn't entirely sure, but he ended the call.
He waited a little bit longer, but finally got impatient and stood, heading back toward the room he'd left Giorno in.
He was surprised to see the doctor and a couple nurses standing in the open doorway, talking quietly. Abbacchio could see past them to Giorno lying in the bed, covered in a blanket with an IV drip attached to his arm, hopefully giving him some much needed hydration.
When the doctor spotted him coming their way, she pointed to him with a couple murmured words to the others before stepping up as if to confront him.
"Sir, I asked you to wait in the waiting room."
"All I wanted was an answer as to whether the kid would be okay or not," Abbacchio snapped.
"He's going to be fine," the doctor said shortly. "We're giving him some intravenous fluids right now and some strong medicine to bring the fever down."
"Great," Abbacchio replied, still uneasy. "So can I sit with him, then?"
"We think it's best that you stay away from Giorno until we can ask him a few questions."
Abbacchio frowned, genuinely confused. "Why? He contagious or something? More so than a normal flu?"
"This isn't about him being sick," one of the other doctors spoke up. "This is about your relationship to the young man."
Abbacchio felt like he was about to tear his hair out. "What the hell does that have to do with it?"
"Normally, nothing," the doctor said. "But when a patient shows such clear signs of abuse, it's our job to ask. Especially when they come in with an obviously aggressive 'guardian'." The last word was spoken very pointedly with a cocked eyebrow but Abbacchio was still hooked on 'clear signs of abuse'.
"What do you mean signs of abuse?" he demanded, voice raised quite a bit now.
"Sir, calm down—"
"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" Abbacchio snapped. "You refuse to give me Giorno's diagnosis, kick me out of the room, and then accuse me of abusing him? Just because I waited an hour to see if his fever would go down by itself instead of taking him here at the first sign of a sniffle?"
"Stop deflecting," the doctor said sternly. "This isn't about him being sick, this about the scars that are literally covering his back."
That information was like a slap to Abbacchio's face. He stood there with his mouth hanging open. "The what?!"
"For you to even enter this room, we're going to need both proof of guardianship and Giorno's express approval—after it has been given in private to one of our staff with the promise of security should he refuse."
"What the fuck kind of bastard do you think I am to beat a kid?" Abbacchio demanded, furious.
"Call security," the doctor told one of the nurses firmly. "Sir, I'll give you one more chance to leave before you're escorted off the premises."
"I'm not leaving the kid here alone!" Abbacchio shouted.
"What exactly is going on here?"
The authoritative voice stopped everyone, and Abbacchio spun in relief to see Bucciarati striding up.
"Bruno, thank god," Abbacchio growled. "The doctor here refuses to let me see Giorno because she's convinced I've abused him."
"Excuse me?" Bruno demanded, eyebrow raised.
The doctor folded her arms over her chest. "Are you Signore Giovanna's guardian?"
"Yes, I am," Bruno replied firmly. "What is the problem here? Why can't Abbacchio sit with him? I assume a badly sick minor is reason enough to forgo usual visiting hours?"
"It's policy that if we expect a patient of being the victim of abuse we cannot allow any potential abusers near them."
"What abuse are we talking about here?" Bruno demanded.
"She says he has scars on his back," Abbacchio said, feeling sick to his stomach at the thought. "Do you know anything about that?"
"What?" Bruno asked incredulously. "Are you accusing Abbacchio of beating him?"
"Well, sir, someone clearly has," the doctor said firmly. "And unless I get some answers out of you two, neither of you are going to be allowed in that room."
"Now see here, Doctor," Bucciarati said, voice low and dangerous. Abbacchio could see his Stand aura wavering around him, Sticky Fingers' hands turning into fists over his own. "Whatever abuse happened to that boy it was not done under my roof, and I resent—"
Everyone froze, turning to the open door of the room to see Giorno, propping himself up weakly, looking toward them.
"Giorno," Bruno murmured stepping forward before the doctor held her arm across the door. Abbacchio was sure for a second that Bruno was going to zip it off her body, but Giorno's voice carried weakly to them again.
"They didn't do it. Please let them in," he said.
The doctor didn't relent. "Are you just saying that because you're scared of what they'll do?" she asked kindly. "I promise, no one will hurt you here. We'll have them taken away if that's what you want."
"No!" Giorno pleaded, reaching out and the sight made Abbacchio's heart ache, furious at the doctor. "Don't do that!"
Bruno moved forward. "This has gone far enough, I'm going in to see him."
"Call security!" the doctor snapped, making a move to grab at Bruno's arm, as the other nurses stepped forward.
"Is that you, Bucciarati?" A new voice called as footsteps came down the hall. "What's going on here?"
Abbacchio turned to see a middle-aged man in scrubs and a lab coat walking down the hall, brow pinched in confusion.
Bruno turned and let out a relived sigh. "Ah, Dr. Folliero, I'm so glad you're on duty tonight. One of your doctors seems to have gotten the wrong idea about one of my men."
"What's going on, Marzia?" the doctor asked.
The woman folded her arms. "Doctor, this man brought in a very sick young man with signs of abuse and neither of them have done anything to convince me that one of them was not the one responsible."
"They're not!" Giorno's weak voice came again before he coughed, one of the nurses pushed inside to go see to him.
"This man is with you, Bucciarati?" Dr. Folliero asked, motioning to Abbacchio.
"Yes," both Bruno and Abbacchio said at the same time as the doctor nodded.
"Normally, I would say your dedication is admirable, Marzia," Dr. Folliero said calmly. "However, in this case you're quite mistaken." He reached out to squeeze Bruno's arm fondly. "I've known Bruno Bucciarati since he was little more than a boy coming to visit his ailing father. And since then he has brought me many children off the streets and paid for their treatment out of pocket. He is the last person you should be accusing of abuse to anyone other than the abusers themselves."
"And I assure you that Abbacchio does not beat children either," Bruno said firmly. "He just doesn't take kindly to people keeping information from him when it involves family." Abbacchio flushed, somewhat embarrassed by his conduct, but he would still stand by his principles.
The doctor Marzia looked thoroughly deflated. "I apologize, Signore. I made a mistake."
"This time, yes," Bruno told her. "But do not let that keep you from doing the same in the future. It could save someone's life."
"Well said," Dr. Folliero nodded, giving his protégé a fond look. "I'll see to the boy myself."
Bruno instantly flew into the room with Abbacchio quick to follow.
"How are you doing, kid?" he asked Giorno softly. "Sorry for the trouble."
Bruno took a seat beside him, taking his hand and squeezing in reassurance.
Giorno looked awful, lying there, pale, except for his flushed cheeks, the IV drip leading to a taped needle in the crook of his arm.
"Feel a little better," he murmured.
Dr. Folliero checked him over briefly. "Your fever is down to a manageable 102.5. If you keep this up and are able to keep something in your stomach by tomorrow, then we'll see about getting you out of here."
Giorno nodded tiredly, before his eyes slid shut again, clasping Bruno's hand firmly.
"He'll be all right?" Abbacchio asked the doctor.
The old man smiled at him kindly. "Yes. It's just a bad flu. I would simply recommend he get lots of rest in order to recuperate once you get him back home."
"That's all I wanted to know before," Abbacchio muttered.
Folliero's face sobered them. "I take it from the conversation you didn't know about his scars?"
Bruno's face turned pained as he shook his head. "No, I didn't. Giorno's only been with us for about six months and he hasn't told me much about his past yet."
The doctor nodded. "Well, I'm glad he found you, Bucciarati, wherever he might have been before." He squeezed Bruno's shoulder and shook Abbacchio's hand before he left. "I'll be here all night. Don't hesitate to ask for me if he needs anything."
"Thank you," Bruno said, tiredly.
Abbacchio stood there for a long second before he pulled out his phone. "I'm gonna go call the others real quick. Give them an update."
Bruno nodded, still focused on Giorno.
By the time he got back, someone had brought two hot coffees and Abbacchio gratefully took one as he pulled another chair over to the side of the bed.
"Hey," Abbacchio said, nudging Bruno's knee. "Try not to interrogate him about it. I'm sure he didn't want us to find out like this."
Bruno's look was stricken but he nodded reluctantly, reaching out to push some stray bangs from Giorno's sweaty forehead. "I know. Just…the thought that the bastard who did it might still be out there somewhere…"
"I know," Abbacchio replied darkly. "But ultimately it's up to Giorno."
They sat mostly in silence all night. Abbacchio dozed off, but woke as the shift nurse came in around dawn to check on Giorno.
"He's doing well," she said kindly. "Fever's down to 100 now. We'll let him try eating someone when he wakes up."
Bruno nodded gratefully and the nurse left. Abbacchio stood, stretching with a yawn. "I'll go grab some more coffee."
When he came back, Giorno was awake, and allowing Bruno to prop him up, holding a cup for him to drink from.
"Hey, you're looking a little better," Abbacchio told him, setting Bruno's coffee on the beside table.
"I feel a little better," Giorno admitted. "Just…tired."
"Yes, and you'll be resting up for quite a while," Bruno insisted. Abbacchio wished he could get a recording to play back the next time Bruno got sick.
Giorno looked down at his lap, hands clenched in the blanket. "I…owe you an explanation."
"No, Giorno," Bruno said quietly. "You don't owe us anything, especially not until you're well."
Giorno fidgeted. "if I don't tell you now, I'll just be thinking of it the whole time," he said tiredly, hands clutching the blankets tighter. "The scars…they're from my stepfather. He used to beat me. Usually when he was drunk, but not always. I…I didn't tell you about them before because I just wanted to put that part of my life behind me, but I couldn't let them kick you out, and I couldn't stand to hear them accuse you of doing it because you're…" His eyes filled and his breath hitched. He cringed, knuckles going white as he clenched his fists tighter in the blankets. "You've all been so good to me and I didn't think I'd ever know what it felt like to be part of a family."
"Oh, Giorno," Bruno whispered, looking on the verge of tears himself. He was already standing before he asked. "May I hug you?"
Giorno nodded, choking back a sob, and clung to Bruno as he pulled him into his arms.
"I'm sorry," he sniffled. "I didn't mean to get like this."
"It's the fever talking," Abbacchio said, having mercy on the kid as he sat on the other side of the bed and opened his arms to hug Giorno next. "But you don't need to apologize either. I'm sorry you had shit parents and I promise that all you have to do is say the word and if they're still breathing, they won't be for long."
Giorno squeezed him weakly. "Thanks, Abba," he murmured into his chest.
Abbacchio met Bucciarati's eyes over Giorno's head with a silent nod. They would definitely be looking into information about Giorno's stepfather, keeping tabs on him.
Abbacchio pulled away and Bruno leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to the side of Giorno's head. "Best get some more rest. You should be able to go home by tonight."
Giorno nodded and passed out almost instantly as Bruno pulled the blanket over him again.
"You know, Leone," Bruno said quietly. "I used to wonder if it was worth it, worth all the blood and pain and filthy deeds this life brings. But being able to have the power to protect the ones who need it—it makes it all worth it in the end, don't you think?"
"Yeah," Abbacchio replied sincerely. "It does."
Check out my Whumptober Masterpost HERE for more stories!
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lpsgirl109 · 6 months
The Official Pegasus Fanfic Masterlist
Decided to put a huge list of all my fanfics together. This will be updates over time. Note that almost everything off my Wattpad account is excluded from the list, that's because most of the stuff on there is really old and I'd rather let it fade into obscurity
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Marvel Future Avengers
Twisted Shadows
Publishing date: 01/20/2023
Status: WIP
Info: My FA OC fic that has been in the works since like. 2020. Bruno faces his inner demon (and a literal demon) while Loki has to help a group of run away lab experiments. This one is Very OC heavy so I understand if its not your vibe, but this fic is my baby and I would really love for it to get more attention. I will say this fic has a fair amount of violence, and the main villain can get very freakish in terms of body horror, so be warned there
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One in the Same
Publishing date: 10/18/2021
Status: Complete
Info: My first fic on Ao3!! A sweet little oneshot between Bruno and Bucky. I sort of really hate it now, but it kicked off my Ao3 account so in a way it is special. Plus my one friend really loves it so. Slay
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Publishing date: 05/27/22
Status: Complete
Info: A oneshot between Adi and Bruno. Mission goes wrong and it leads to Bruno getting injured and both of them getting lost in a forest
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Keep Me On Fire, I'll Be Alright
Publishing date: 03/02/2023
Status: Complete
Info: A short oneshot exploring my headcanon in which Bruno cannot be in the hot sun for very long, because his body absorbs the heat and will make him sick. Very simple, but sweet
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Locked Memories
Publishing date: 08/11/2023
Status: WIP
Info: this one is the one I fear is gonna get me shot down eventually for writing such a heavy fic about a kids show but oh well. Someone on Instagram has a whole Bluey comic that explores dark themes I should be fine /lh. Anyway, Bruno gets incredibly sick and has a bunch of dreams about a couple of kids who were once part of Hydra's Emerald Rain Project, but died sometime before the show. Should be obvious, but this fic features several deaths of children, and there may be one or two pretty graphic scenes, so if that bugs you, this fic is not for you!!
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Four Times Olivia Came In Clutch For The Besties, One Time They Came In Clutch For Her
Publishing date: 09/02/2023
Status: WIP
Info: OC fic about my girl Olivia Rosemary Octavius, featuring the many times she's helped out MJ, Peter, and Harry, and one time they all came together to help her. Still in the works, but should be done within the next couple months
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And I'll Be Just Fine, If Only For One Night
Publishing date: 08/02/2024
Status: Complete
Info: Silly little Harlivia fic in which Harry and Olivia go for a drive late at night. Features hot chocolate and talking about feelings
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Wings of Fire
The Arctic Skies
Publishing date: 08/05/2022
Status: WIP
Info: The first book in my DoD AU!! Basically, the entire AU is my take on how I'd write the Dragonets of Destiny, in a new war, and new challenges to face. Features ten dragonets of Pyrrhian and Pantalan tribes. This book is about the IceWing, Shiver. I haven't worked on it in. Over a year. But I do plan to get back to it soon
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dividers made by saradika!!
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tinyclown320 · 1 year
Nobody understands how sick and twisted u r,,, not like me and Kurt do </3
u and kurt's theme song is talking to the moon by bruno mars
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Chapter 65 : Day Three ( Matt’s Afternoon part 5 )
 Realizing he was now completely and totally exposed in broad daylight with a raging boner, Matt immediately brought his hands down to try and cover himself.
 Oh no you don’t bruh, the gang leader said to Matt, you’re the sick perv that enjoys this shit so much, no covering up now. Use those rags to tie his hands, he said to the two thugs who had just ripped the boxers off of Matt, and not in front either, behind his back so he can’t cover up.
 If we had time, the leader continued, I’d make you take care of that right now. No way I want you splooging all over my seats, but we don’t have time, so get in.
 Matt was stunned speechless. He had gone from clothed to ripped underwear to naked to naked with a hard-on and his hands tied behind his back all in less than fifteen minutes. Now he was getting in a car and being taken who knew where.
 Get in, the gang leader instructed harshly, now.
 Matt realized that the leader must have thought Matt was stalling rather than momentarily paralyzed with incoherence so quickly moved to get into the door being held open for him. Matt was so distracted with his nudity that he had not even noticed that they had made it to the leader’s car.
 At least he assumed it was the leader’s car since he was the one getting in the driver’s seat. Matt positioned himself in the middle of the backseat. He had no intention of being left alone in the middle of the mall parking lot in the middle of the day with no clothes on, a raging boner, and his hands tied behind his back with the remnants of the underwear he had just been wearing. Wherever they were taking him had to be better than that scenario.
 Taking one last look out the window at the mall to reflect on his clothes he had just left behind, Matt noticed Aaron’s car still in the spot they had left it nights ago. Without realizing it, the leader had parked near to the very spot Matt, Brian, and Aaron had not but a few nights ago been out here naked and jacking each other off. Their coats were even still caught up in the hood, trunk, and door where they had been tricked into having to leave them behind.
 Hey, the leader said to Matt, yo, bruh, snapping his fingers, *snap* *snap*. Stay with me, don’t space out on me now.
 Huh, what, Matt answered, being brought out of his reminiscence. Where are we going anyway ?
 Oh, the leader answered him, you’ll see when we get there. You obviously like being a nudist, so you should enjoy where we’re going. Then, the leader continued to explain, you’re going to make a call.
 Can’t really dial a phone dude, Matt replied sarcastically, scooting his tied hands as far forward as he could, and if I could, the only call I would make would be to my friends to come kick your ass.
 Pretty tough for a tied up naked kid, huh bruh, the leader said to Matt with a smirk glancing at him through the rearview mirror, and a smart-ass too. Don’t worry about dialing or who to call, he elaborated, I’ll take care of that.
 What do you mean, Matt inquired, who are you calling ?
 Well, the leader continued to elaborate on his plan, I thought I recognized your buddy from last night. Then, after we went through the pockets of the shorts you gave us, the leader continued, exaggerating and twisting the details of the events from the previous night, I found a flyer for Bruno’s.
 Yeah, Matt replied inquisitively, so ? I never gave them to you, you took them, and they were really Alex’s shorts. He works at Bruno’s, so what ? What does that have to do with anything ?
 Everything, the leader replied with a sneer, it has everything to do with it. Your buddy stole a lot of money from me last year, the leader went on to explain, and now you are going to help me get even.
 Matt suddenly realized that this guy must be from the football team that had the victory party Alex told him about. Maybe everyone in the gang was one of those football players. Alex had told Matt the story about having to deliver pizza last year to a football team victory party. In their drunken state, they had forced Alex to perform for them in order to leave. As he left, Alex took their money as payment for the pizza and his performance. It had been enough for Alex to pay the down payment on his car.
 Now, apparently, the leader wanted to get even with Alex, and was going to use Matt to do it.
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unitedbydevils · 6 months
Match Review: Manchester United 4-3 Liverpool (AET)
My heart. I can't. United are off to Wembley, and I'm off to hospital because I think i'm dying.
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United struck early at Old Trafford and it FELT like it would be our day. We were playing free flowing football, not that Liverpool weren't at the races, but we looked like a rival not an underdog.
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Mainoo class, Rashford sharp, Garnacho drawing defenders, Hojlund holding up the ball, Bruno dictating play, McTominay... being saucey... and then bang he scores. SCENES.
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This pressure lasted til around the 40th minute and then United fell apart and conceded 2. Classic.
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Freddy here queries the focus, but as the image below shows, United without a proper no6 like Casemiro (because McSauce ain't that) are just two disconnected attack/defence units and it's pants.
Mainoo should be an 8. Bruno IS a 10. McTominay is a 10. Mount is an 8. Maybe Amrabat wouldn't have been the right choice, but he would have filled this pocket.
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It's tricky for Ten Hag though. McTominay is an ENGINE and evidently committed, and scores important goals, even if he isn't an ideal fit. It's tricky to not pick deserving players.
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The hope had faded at the end of the first half, and things were a bit sour. United looked knackered, were showing the cracks of this season all over again, and that frustration was coming out in the form of Captain Bruno's petulence.
I don't personally thing Erik Ten Hag wants United to be so disconnected. I just also think his team NEEDS a ball-playing CB (we only have Martinez) and a proper 6 (ageing Case, unfancied Amra). Two crucial positions to be filled, and that's ignoring the zero depth at CF and the issues form or injury issues at RW/LB.
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Second half saw a second chance for United, and none other than substitute Antony scored the equaliser. What.
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ETH went full Ranieri tinkerman mode too.
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Antony LB, Bruno quarterback, Eriksen deep, Amad on, Mount on later... a full madness occurred and it was amazing.
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Praise came through from the fans too - even amidst the tension. Onana had a very good game, Garnacho was everywhere, Mainoo so classy on the ball... hard to call out anyone being poor.
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Then of course United conceded yet another deflected goal...
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But before that 2-3 position, United COULD have won it at the death in normal time if Rashford had finished - and it wasn't his only missed chance.
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The storyline loves a twist and turn though. 3-3 Rashford.
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United are on adrenaline now. Buzzing. The Old Trafford atmosphere is fever pitch. Everyone's knackered, cramping, puffing like old dogs, but still both sides battled on. A proper cup showdown.
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Fans on both sides were beginning to feel sick.
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At 3 all, everyone feared the worst: penalties. You can't deny though that today's game was the pinnacle of a mad weekend of FA Cup football. City Newcastle aside, we had the shock turnaround of Coventry beating Wolves, Chelsea Leicester going the distance, and now United Liverpool. Sensational viewing.
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As the end of extra time loomed, Liverpool's attack was broken down and the counter was on. Garnacho - who it felt like had sprinted all game long - and Amad alongside. Two kids against the world, tearing it down the pitch. Shit pass from Alejandro, recovered well by Amad, slight feint, step, weasels it past Kelleher and gently in off the inside of the right post like a snooker finish.
That's all in slow motion, but the crowd and the explosion of noise was like we'd just won at life. Volume. Kids crying with joy. Amad sent off for taking his shirt off to celebrate. Amad-ness. Amazing.
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And lo, United did win 4-3 at the death at home to book a semi final at Wembley against Coventry. Not that lower teams have been easier (hi Newport) but I also have more faith in Chelsea of the 3 of us to hurt City.
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So yeah, Klopp's hopes of a fairytale season ending are over. I love shit like that. Ruining the party is part of the fun of it all.
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We're all knackered, but we're all buzzing. This weekend has been mint, and how often can you say that about a United game eh? Up the fucking reds, and on to Wembley!
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Superman & Lois Season 3 Review
Another season is over, let's take stock of how the show did in comparison to S2.
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Well for starters their poster game dramatically improved, the pic above is the first one that I would describe as cool. The writers seemed to have taken feedback from S2 into account because they made several corrections that I think led to S3 being the best season of the show yet.
First off they dropped the emphasis on the Multiverse which had previously played a strong role in S1 and 2. Good timing considering that the general audience at large has started to show signs of fatigue with the very concept of Multiverses, Spiderverse aside. I myself have grown utterly sick of the Multiverse and was grateful that like X-Kryptonite, the show decided to put that storytelling crutch on the shelf.
Second, they did a much better job with juggling all the characters' storylines this time. Lois, Superman, the Irons, and Smallville all connected to the overarching Intergang plot in a way that made sense and worked to flesh out Mannheim in contrast to the Parasite Twins last season who suffered from too much vagueness and multiple plotlines that failed to connect emotionally. Sam and Lana having similar emotional arcs - where they learn to move past the pain they suffered from previous relationships and be ready to explore new ones - was a great way of connecting the two that I did not see coming. And sue me but I enjoyed the Kyle/Chrissy romance as out of left field as it was.
Bruno Mannheim was easily the best villain of this series thus far. His actor was able to switch from charismatic and sympathetic to terrifying with startling ease. My favorite example of that is the episode where Nat and Matteo had dinner with the elder Mannheims, Mannheim was cracking jokes and being the cool dad one minute, and getting ready to beat John Henry Irons to death the next minute. Great casting and acting for the entire Mannheim family, odd choice to use a take on Onomatopoeia for a Superman show, but I thought Peia's love for her family and ruthless nature to protect them contrasted well with Lois. Loved that scene at the end between Supes and Peia where he tells her it's ok to let go, opposite message of the iconic All-Star scene which they also homage, but one that I thought can be just as comforting.
Speaking of her, Lois benefitted from being the star of her own storyline this season. She got to deal with cancer and investigate the Mannheims, she got to make mistakes (like when she hesitated to keep digging into Mannheim after her bonding with Peia), have struggles with her self-esteem, and her past actions regarding Lex help set up S4 nicely. Eager to see the fallout of Lex's hatred for her next season.
Clark didn't get as much to do this season other than butt heads with Mannheim and Jordan, but he got enough cool Superman saves and nice Clark moments for me to be satisfied.
New actor for Jon is great. Not only does he look more like the Jordan actor's twin but his performance was on par with his predecessor. Making Jon a firefighter was a nice way to give him something to do beyond being Jordan's emotional support, or take the fall for his girlfriend. Writers appear to have finally caught on that most of the viewers see Jon as the true sympathetic kid who embodies the best of his parents. Jordan however... what the hell are they doing with this kid? He was a total creep this season regarding Sarah and towards the end it felt like maybe they were going to pull a twist ending by having him start falling into villainy. Then they had the scene at the end where he apologizes to Sarah and I have no clue where they're going with him anymore. Having S4 be Jordan's fall while Jon finally gets his powers and has to confront his brother would be the best way to end this series, a way of coming full circle back to S1 being Clark vs. his own evil half-brother without being a total rehash. Dunno if the show has the balls for that, I expect they do not, but man it would be a great set up for a series finale
The Irons were far more involved this season which made me happy. Scene where Irons and Mannheim confronted each other after Irons saved his sister from the bomb was pure classic Superman/Lex hatred, made me wish we had gotten more scenes between Wole and Coleman because the two played off each other beautifully. Grinned when I saw this show follow through on the Steel/Lana romance, happy to see something of Pak's influence reach outside of comics.
The Lex actor is the best live action Lex since Rosenbaum, have to give the CW credit for being able to adapt Lex while the film side struggles. Really looking forward to him stepping up as the Big Bad next season. Given the show's emphasis on family and that they won't be bringing the actor playing Sam back as a reoccurring support, I firmly believe they should have Lex kill Sam in S4. Would be a great way to establish Lex as a threat, show how determined he is to punish Lois, and write Sam off in a way that serves the story.
On the bad side I guess this season ending on Doomsday didn't do much for me? Doomsday being a weird adaption of Nuclear Man from Superman IV (they even end the season with a fight on the moon!) and DCEU Doomsday is one of those times where I just ask "why?" when I see this show taking influence from the DCEU. Oh and there's all those supporting cast plotlines that aren't going anywhere now that the show has basically trimmed the cast down to the Kents and Lex. Nothing will come of the Irons moving back to Metropolis and building Steelworks or Kyle and Chrissy having a kid, not that the writers are to blame for that.
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People would have been pissed if the show ended on this cliffhanger, lucky for them that S&L are at least getting what is likely to be one final season to wrap things up. Tulloch was saying that she wasn't sure if S4 was the last season, but I don't believe S&L can get another one. Between Nexstar just barely renewing this show after months of negotiations with WB, Nexstar making it clear the show isn't very profitable and they want to transition away from scripted content, most of the supporting cast members being laid off to cut costs, the real life town that scenes for Smallville are shot at only being signed up for three seasons, and of course Superman Legacy being primed to release in 2025, there's no way S4 will be anything but the final season. Especially with the WGA (and possible SGA) strikes delaying S4 scripting and shooting until late 2024, I expect that S&L S4 will air just a little while before Legacy's July 2025 release date, much the same way as the CW Flash series ended a little while before the Flash movie released.
Between MAWS and Legacy it's unlikely this show will have much if any impact on the Superman franchise, but it's been a nice diversion while the film side sorted itself out and MAWS got worked on. I'll definitely check in for the final season, I'm sad that the Irons won't return but I think the show might benefit from having to focus on the core cast rather than get sidetracked by focusing on everyone else like how the Flash show botched it's final season.
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mm-so-this-is-love · 2 years
Encantober prompt 4 - head pats
Pepa paced back and forth across the school yard. Bruno sat still, ruana draped out over his knees like a tent. Under it, out of sight of his anxious sister, he fed crumbs to the rat who had hitched a ride to school with him that day. At best Pepa only tolerated his small friends, and the cloud darkening over her head showed she was certainly not at her best.
“I can’t take the test Friday, Bruno!” She muttered, more to herself than to him. “I won’t be ready, you know I’m terrible at History, and if the test is Friday, I’ll fail for sure, then Mamá will be upset and then I’ll be upset, and our birthday party is this weekend and she won’t let me go, and even if she does I’ll rain all over it and everything will be ruined, and—”
“Whoa, whoa, Pep, take it easy!” Bruno’s ruana was twisted around his frame, his little buddy having scurried into a shirt pocket taking cover from the tornado that had begun swirling around them. He managed to catch her wrist and pulled her down next to him. He slung an arm around her shoulders. “It’s gonna be okay, okay? Julieta’s on it.”
Pepa slumped into his side. “What if it doesn’t work?” She twisted the end of one braid around her fingers.
Bruno reached his free hand up to tug gently on her other braid. “What if it doesn’t? Let’s play worst case scenario.”
Pepa sighed. “We take the test Friday.”
“We help you study.”
“I fail anyway.”
“It happens.” Bruno squeezed her shoulders. “Then what?”
“Mamá cancels our party.”
“Nah, she won’t, the whole town is coming, she wouldn’t. And,” he continued over her, “she’ll let you come, it’s your birthday, you not being there would look bad for La Familia Madrigal.”
“Okay, she lets me go, but glares at me all night, and I thunder and rain and storm and the whole party gets canceled.”
Bruno tugged her braid again. “Then the three of us, we hunker down under a table and keep all the food Julieta made all for ourselves. And I steal a bottle of Mama’s good wine, and we have a real fiesta del trillizo.”
That got a hint of a smile out of Pepa.
“But anyway, Julieta’s on it! She’s the best negotiator of us all, she convince el maestro to have the test next week, and we’ll help you study and it will be fine!”
Pepa nodded. Julieta, armed with a basket of buñuelos and her sweetest smile, had gone into the school house to try to negotiate with the teacher: if anyone had a shot of persuading him to change his mind it was her. Julieta was the most level headed, the most even tempered. She made sick and injured people feel better. Half the town regarded her as a saint. She reassured Pepa and Bruno before she walked in, just a small, polite request worded just right, and they wouldn’t have to worry.
This was a far cry from the Julieta who now came stalking out of the building. Her eyes were narrowed and the scowl across her face would certainly have looked more familiar on her brother or sister’s. She began pacing, following the same path Pepa had abandoned just moments earlier, muttering fiercely under her breath.
Pepa and Bruno looked at each other then back at their sister. “Um, Juli? You’ve got a cloud,” Bruno said nervously.
“He wouldn’t move the test?” Pepa guessed.
Julieta spun to face them. “I told him we had a big weekend coming up, and everyone in class was looking forward to it, and reminded him how special la noche del milagro is to everyone, but especially us.”
“And I told him how grateful we would be, and how meaningful it would be to our mother, if he could take that into consideration.”
“And he said he’d move the test to Monday.”
Pepa and Bruno jumped to their feet. “That’s great! You did it!”
Julieta smiled, but in a way her siblings could only describe as terrifying. “And then he said he knew I was just looking out for you both, and that he knew I was only doing my best.”
Bruno scowled. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes. And I told him, you also do your best, but could use another day to prepare. And then he patted me on the head, and said ‘good girl.’”
Thunder crashed above them as Pepa narrowed her eyes. “He did what?”
“The test is Friday!” Julieta yelled, grabbing her sister's arm. “And you are going to ace it!” She began marching her towards Casita.
Bruno made to follow them, but then stopped, pulling his rat friend out of his pocket. “Okay, ñero, I’ve got a job for you…” He whispered into his ear before setting him on the ground, where the rat promptly took off for the school house. Then Bruno started walking after his sisters. History wasn’t his best subject either, but the three of them were about to study like they’d never studied before.
This writer (who is also a teacher) does not approve of bribing teachers or using rodents to get revenge, no matter how minor. She also, however, doesn’t approve of teachers playing favorites, or having little to no faith in their students.
The prompt “head pats” only made me think of Gilmore Girls, so that line was borrowed lovingly from season 6, episode 6. “We are on Sores and Boils Alley!”
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16magnolias · 2 years
Encantober Day 11: Door
Dolores has trouble falling asleep, and Felix helps. Over and over. Fluff, Good Parent Felix, Mild Hurt/Comfort - mostly comfort <3
“And then, Pablo PUSHED Eduardo, and Eduardo grabbed onto his collar, and they both fell into the mud and were rolling around and wrestling and Señora Domingo was having trouble separating them so I told Señora Muñoz about it and she went to help her pull them apart and then she ended recess early so she could ‘handle them’.” Dolores relayed with wide eyes as she bounced lightly on the edge of her bed.
“Well, it sounds like it was an eventful day at school today,” Félix said, distracted as he searched the drawer for his daughter’s nightgown.
“Ah – could you – put this on, mija?”  He said as he handed her the pajamas he’d finally found.
“Sí,” Dolores lisping slightly around her missing front teeth.  She’d lost both in the span of two weeks, and it was adorable. 
“And then it’s time for bed,” Félix said for the tenth time, as Dolores animatedly talked about everything she’d heard at school that day.
“Sí, sí, Papa, okay.  But I’m too tired to go to sleep.  I’ve got too much wiggle worms in me to sleep right now.”
“Well, you’re going to have to try,” Félix said with gentle sternness. “Because tomorrow is a school day.”
“Another one?!”  Dolores made a face.  “How may more days until it’s over?”
Félix chuckled.  “Only about a hundred.”
“A HUNDRED?!”  Dolores sat straight up in bed.  “But that’s practically forever!” She whispered.
Félix coaxed Dolores to lay back down and tucked her in again, giving her a kiss and smoothing the covers over her.  “It seems like it, but you do only have two more days until the weekend.  No school on the weekend, querida.”
“Yeah, that’s still two whole days.”  Dolores sighed. “Can we go on a picnic to the lake this weekend?  It’s so nice and quiet there.  Well, not quiet, really. But different sounds.  I like it there.”
Félix paused.  “Is your gift bothering you, mija?” 
Dolores shook her head.  She’d had her gift for over a year now, and she seemed to have adjusted as well as could be expected.  In fact, she was prouder than she’d ever been of it, because she had been the one to recently announce that her mamí and tía were both pregnant.  “It’s not bothering me today.  I just wanna go on a picnic.”
Félix smiled at her.  “I’ll talk to your mamí and your abuela and see what we can do, then, okay?”
“Okay!” Dolores whispered cheerfully.
“Now go to bed!”  Félix said with a smile as he closed the bedroom door behind him.  “Mamí will be in in a minute to kiss you goodnight, too.”
The sound of little feet passing overhead made Félix look up to the balcony.
“Just need a drink of water!”  She said.
Félix waited until Dolores had gotten said drink of water from the bathroom, and then ran back to her room.  “Good night, mija!”  He whispered.  “Don’t forget to shut your door.”
She paused at her door.  “…Okay. G’night, Papa!”
“Can I have some?”
Félix, Pepa, Julieta, and Agustín looked up from the kitchen table, where they were nursing cups of weak coffee and eating some sweet and sticky torta des tres leches, talking over the day and discussing the plans for the weekend.  Pepa was further along than Julieta, but they both seemed to be over their morning sickness and neither was so large that a picnic by the lake was unfeasible. They’d invited Bruno to sit with them, but he’d mumbled something about needing his beauty rest and escaped to his tower.  He’d been avoiding them all with increasing regularity these past few months. Maybe a picnic at the lake with the family was just what he needed, too.
Dolores stood, twisting the hem of her nightgown in her hands, eyes wide and looking hungrily at the cake on the plate.
“Hungry, mija?”  Félix asked softly.
“Sí,” Dolores said.  “Just a little.”
“Okay, a little piece, corazón, and then back to bed,” Pepa said, and patted her lap for her to climb up and sit with her.
Félix had just finished getting ready for bed himself and was leaving the bathroom when he nearly ran into Dolores.
“Dolores, mija, is everything okay?”  He whispered under his breath.  It was unusual for her to be out of bed this late.  She preferred the quiet of her room after a long day.
She blinked up at him.  “Oh! Um, yeah.  Sí, Papa.  I just – uh – I have to go to the bathroom.”
Félix moved out of the way.  “Okay, mija, and then I’ll tuck you in again.”
“So, having trouble falling asleep tonight, mija?”
Dolores flopped down onto her bed, hiding her face behind her hands. “I think I might be a vampire!”
Félix choked on a laugh and quickly swallowed it, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her.  “What?”
“I’m just – so tired during the day and then I’m so awake at night!”  She curled her hands to imitate claws and lifted her lip in a snarl and hissed, pretending to show off her fangs. She then gestured to the air around her, giggling.  “I belong to the night!”
Félix shook his head and ruffled her hair affectionately.  It was nice to see some of her former spirit returning.  Her gift had taken away some of that cheerful silliness and made her so incredibly subdued for months.  “You do not belong to the night, Dolores Madrigal.  You belong here, in this family, in your bedroom, asleep at this hour.  But – why are you having trouble sleeping, mija?  You have been tired lately.  Have you…have you been hearing something at night?  Did something you hear bother you?” 
Félix tensed slightly.  They’d had a lot of trouble navigating Dolores’ gift this past year.  She’d heard things no child should ever hear.  But her room was her safe haven; it was completely quiet in here with the door closed. He’d spent many days and even nights in here with her, helping her to adjust. 
Dolores hesitated.  “No.” 
“Because you can always tell me if you hear anything you - ”
“It’s not that, Papa,” Dolores said softly.
“Oh.  Well – querida – what is it?”
“I just – I want to – hear you.”
Félix blinked.  “You want me to spend the night in here with you tonight?  Or sleep with Mamí and I?  You can if - ”
Dolores shook her head.  “Mamí snores now that she’s got a baby in her belly.  And that’s too loud to be next to her.”
Félix snorted.  “Ah – um – yes.  So - ”
“Just – leave the door cracked?  That way I can hear everybody.  Just for tonight.  I like hearing the baby’s heartbeats.  I like hearing you and Mamí talking before you go to bed.  I like hearing Tío Bruno’s sand.  There’s – there’s enough quiet noise in Casita that I don’t have to listen to anything outside if I don’t want to. Sometimes – I like the quiet in here, but sometimes – it’s too quiet.  And when it’s too quiet in the room, my brain thinks too loud.”
“Ahhh,” Félix nodded in understanding.  “You like soft noises to help you sleep?”
Dolores nodded. 
“Well, I think we can figure something out for you then, mija.  Tomorrow.  Tonight, I’ll leave the door cracked.  Okay?”
“Okay, Papa. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, mi amorita.”  Félix kissed her goodnight.
When he left, he left the door cracked open. 
She was asleep within five minutes.
AO3 here
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mgentamn · 3 months
shock (1977)
i just finished watching the movie shock. its an older film from the 70s. i really enjoyed it. im really disturbed rn and i feel sick. in my opinion, the 70s was a great time for horror movies. 1 thing that i liked about it from the beginning is the fact that it was rather silent, which is also what i liked about the exorcist. there was still a back track but still a significant portion of the movie was silent. I dont remember the mothers (dora) real name but she is an excellent actress and she did an amazing performance. i really liked bruno from the beginning. i thought that his relationship with marco was so cute. like the way he was putting up a swing for him. i thought it was creepy how the fingers of the decorative hand was sticking out from the couch like that was very ominous. but again i thought it was so cute how dora marco and Bruno were all playing outside on the swing. red flags would have automatically went off for me obviously when marco told his mom he had to kill her. She was way too nonchalant about that and idc if it was a party setting i would have gone to find him and told him to elaborate. at first i was like 'eww why wld dora follow him when hes acting like that' but then again i wld do the same bc thats her son. marco had started acting so strange and misbehaving and i honestly dont know what i would have done. it was already creepy enough but the part when he was pretending to be ill and then jumped up and said he was just kidding would have freaked me out to my core. anyways like i said, he was misbehaving and i was so frustrated with him. i was thinking 'omg why doesn't dora discipline him or show him that shes serious' and i was expecting her to sit him down and talk to him or something but instead she slapped him and he started to cry. all frustration i had with him went away immediately i felt so bad. no matter how frustrated i get with a child i could never hit them. i feel like I would sit with him and talk to him but i just couldnt hit him even though he was bad i mean thats just a little kid. anyways. I think dora took him to counseling way too late. i really liked bruno near the beginning but then i got annoyed with him because he didnt do anything about doras breakdowns but the twist at the end was so chilling. what i thought was scary about this film was doras expressions. idk the girls name but she did a phenomenal performance. The way her eyes would go wide and the way she portrayed the fear on her face was so scary in itself. not only that but psychological horror messes with me so bad. the way she was having the nightmares and the hallucinations was so sickening as a viewer and it just was so off putting. the way her husband was in the walls is such a scary concept and the way she killed bruno too and put him in the walls was soo scary. when dora killed herself i really expected hands to reach out and pull her into the wall too but that didnt happen. i honestly feel so bad for marco omg poor child. the part that also really scared me was the way marco turned into his father while running at her in the hall.
I really enjoyed this film. i loved the sound design, the way it was quiet, the piano music, the childs nursery song ig it was, and the way marco kept saying 'mama' was so eerie as the film progressed. i also liked the way it was filmed. The cameras transitions were really cool, especially the one when marco pushed the swing which affected brunos plane. i liked that the movie didnt have cheesy jumpscares and the cgi wasnt overdone. the hand imo wasnt that scary but still cool i suppose . but omg why did dora kill bruno he actually kept her out of trouble but idk. the movie did an amazing job of portraying how dora was losing her mind and im still chilled. great movie 8/10 imo. i love loopholes in movies. the way marco was so attracted to the cellar and the way bruno was so adamant about closing it away. great watch i really enjoyed. also the part when Marcos eyes were all white was so creepy eww
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corpsoir · 2 years
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showing off his stand powers or something idk
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Can you do a Mikaelson men x Black reader where Finesse By Bruno Mars and Cardi B( ik the song is old but I love that song) is playing on her playlist while she’s making breakfast for her husbands and children and while she’s singing and dancing the kids are around her singing too and the boys walk in and see them and their just by the doorframe watching their kids and wife just singing and dancing to the song with a smile on their faces and you can freestyle the rest
Yes and yes time for just the fluffy soft Mikaelson fic
Warnings: Fluff just all around Mikaelson fluff
You were just a poor waitress working two jobs to support your sick mother when you met Elijah. And you had dated Elijah for a year before meeting his siblings and after talking it out you began seeing Finn, Klaus, and Kol. When you began to have feelings for them also and Elijah wasn't surprised. Elijah informed you it wasn't the time he shared a lover with his brothers.
Your marriage was blissful even if Hayley was a little jealous of you and Hope adored you. You first pregnancy with the twins was a surprise but Finn was happy to be a father. Then Kol and you having Alicia and Elijah fathering Xavier with Klaus being the father of Alastair.
You had woke early getting out of bed before Finn got up so you could get started on washing the kids hair with Hope's help. Brianna and Alicia wanted braids like yours, Jasmine wanted twists while Xavier wanted puffy hair.
"Puffy hair?" You asked Xavier when he climbed into the chair with him smiling brightly at you. Brianna was helping her sisters get dressed with Hope also helping.
"Like grandpa." Xavier said pulling a chuckle from you remembering you had took the kids to see your parents the other day.
"Right puffy hair." You say kissing Xavier's head. Kids dressed and picking up Alastair from Elijah's chest, you all head downstairs for breakfast. You placed Alastair in his highchair giving him a bottle with Xavier climbing up next to him.
"Alright my babies let's make some breakfast for everyone." You say pulling up your Spotify Playlist on your phone. Xavier right away jumped up when the first play of the tune and Cardi B's voice came out of the speakers.
Drop top Porsche (Porsche), Rollie' on my wrist (wrist). Diamonds up and down my chain (aha). Cardi B, straight stuntin', can't tell me nothin'. Bossed up and I changed the game (you see me?). It's my big Bronx boogie, got all them girls shook (shook). My big, fat ass got all them boys hooked (hooked). I went from dollar bills, now we poppin' rubber bands (ha). Bruno sang to me, while I do my money dance like ayy. Flexin' on the gram like ayy. Hit the Lil' Jon, okay (okay), okay (okay) Oh yeah, we drippin' in finesse and getting paid, ow
Ooh, don't we look good together? There's a reason why they watch all night long. Yeah, know we'll turn heads forever. So tonight I'm gonna show off.
You smiled watching your son begin to dance as Alicia joined him, both singing along. Jasmine grinned also joining in while Brianna and Hope stayed next to you helping. Alastair kicked his little feet trying to dance along while clapping his hands.
Your mornings were always like this, you would play black centric music from a Playlist your father gave you. Your dad claimed the kids needed to know their culture and the joys of black music which always made you chuckled. But you couldn't deny how cute the kids were dancing and singing along to the music every morning.
When I'm walkin' with you. I watch the whole room change, Baby, that's what you do. No, my baby, don't play. Blame it on my confidence Oh, blame it on your measurements shut that shit down on sight. That's right
We out here drippin' in finesse. It don't make no sense. Out here drippin' in finesse. You know it, you know it. We out here drippin' in finesse. It don't make no sense. Out here drippin' in finesse. You know it, you know it.
Elijah woke up first groaning still feeling tired and panicked for a moment when he didn't feel Alastair on his chest but relax hearing the baby with you. Finn woke when he didn't feel you in bed next to him before realizing what time it was and got up.
Klaus groaned as he woke not surprised that the twins weren't on his back knowing it was wash day. Kol dragged hisself down stairs with his brothers hearing little voices singing and movement. The men paused smiling seeing you cooking while you sang with the kids dancing around the kitchen.
"Yeah, we got it goin' on, got it goin' on. Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? Yeah, we got it goin' on, got it goin' on. Girl, we we got it goin' on. Girl, we got it goin on. Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? (Feels so good) Yeah, we got it goin on, got it goin on (with you)." You sang holding Alastair dancing making the baby laugh. Brianna and Alicia were dancing with Xavier while Jasmine was singing along with Hope.
"When I'm walkin' with you, I watch the whole room change. Baby, that's what you do. No, my baby, don't play. Blame it on my confidence Oh, blame it on your measurements. Shut that shit down on sight, that's right." Kol couldn't help but sing along joining in making the the kids squeal with delight.
"We out here drippin' in finesse. It don't make no sense, out here drippin' in finesse. You know it, you know it. We out drippin in finesse. It don't make no sense, out here drippin in finesse. You know it,, you know it.Yeah, we got it goin' on, got it goin' on. Don't it feel so good to be us, ay? Yeah, we got it goin' on, got it goin' on. You know it, you know it."
Elijah smiled leaning against the doorframe watching with a smile with Finn. It was cute watching their wife and kids just dancing and singing before Jasmine trotted over wanting Elijah to join. And the was how they spent the morning, just dancing and singing while making breakfast.
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lloyd-got-a-knife · 3 years
Five year old Bruno who just got his Gift and is just so excited and he can't really see big things yet, so the stuff he tells people about their future is still like "you'll find a pretty flower tomorrow" and cutesy small visions like that and the townspeople all think he's adorable because he's still at that age where being a little "weird" and "quirky" is considered cute and his visions are seen as a cute lil thing, especially since they're being told by this adorable, bright eyed five year old kid
But as he gets older and his Gift evolves and he starts to understand the world better his visions twist. Every once in a while he has to deliver bad news to people. Sometimes devastating news. He hates it, but luckily it doesn't happen that often.
When he's eight people start to look at him weird when he hides behind Alma. The other kids laugh when he panics after they "jinx" something. The adults start to whisper about how he's often playing alone. A girl asks him about her sick goldfish and he tells her the truth and makes her cry
One day when Bruno is ten he finds himself unable to breathe after having a vision about one of the old ladies from town dying. It takes his mamá two hours to calm him down. People don't ask him for visions for fun anymore and Bruno understands why. He doesn't really see the fun in it either anymore
Bruno is thirteen, an age he has really dreaded. Something has to go wrong at thirteen, right? He spends the whole year just waiting for whatever that might be
Bruno is fifteen. He got into a fight with his mamá after he said he hated his Gift. Pepa screamed at him after one of his visions made her thunder. Julieta said she knew he didn't mean to mess everything up, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she didn't want him around either
Bruno is seventeen and he has started thinking about running away. People have started to avoid him on the street. They think he doesn't notice. The other kids call him names and treathening to push him into the river. Bruno secretly wish that they would.
Bruno is twenty and his mamá is starting to push him about marriage. Bruno doubts she could find anyone interested which is confirmed when she stops pushing pretty quickly. Bruno is secretly relieved. He has started talking to the rats that lives in the walls of Casita and they all agree he's better off alone
Bruno is twenty three and he missed his own birthday party. He doesn't really care, but he's a bit sad that he also missed his sisters'. There were just so many people and he knew none of them wanted him there. He didn't wanna ruin Pepa and Julieta's day. Julieta left a piece of cake in front of his door, but he didn't touch it
Bruno is twentyfive, but looking at him you'd think he was at least forty. His forehead has deep wrinkles and the bags under his eyes look like he haven't slept in ten years. He certainly feels like he hasn't too so maybe there's something to it. His nightly ritual has started getting pretty long to avoid getting bad visions while he sleeps. His mamá once found him repeating his routine at 1 AM because it still didn't feel right and he didn't wanna risk it. She wasn't amused
Bruno is twentyseven and he just ruined his sister's wedding. He was trying to help, he really was... but as usual he made things worse. He didn't even stay the full ceremony. He knew showing up was a bad idea. He had snuck back out as soon as his mamá had taken her attention off him and he made sure to avoid all the cracks on the road as he made his way home
Bruno is twentyeight and he didn't show up to Julieta's wedding despite her insisting. Julieta didn't comment on it, but she also didn't speak to him afterwards. He knew it was shitty, but he would've just made it worse if he had shown up
Bruno is thirty and his two nieces are the sweetest kids he has ever seen. They're still too young to understand that they should keep their distance to him. Bruno does his best to keep that in mind for them
Bruno is thirtytwo and Julieta dragged him out of his room to met his new niece. She's the sweetest thing and Bruno almost says yes to hold her before he gets an uncomfortably strong thought about dropping her and quickly excuses himself
Bruno is thirtythree and his two oldest nieces have gifts of their own now. Isabela seems to be thriving and takes after her mother in quickly getting an idea of how to use her powers. Dolores has been keeping a lot to herself after her ceremony and people are starting to look at her weird for the way she flinches at the slightest sound. Bruno tries to help her work through it, but he can't help but worry that his sweet niece takes too much after him
Bruno is thirtyfive and he prefers to avoid the family altogether. The family is growing steadily and his sisters are expecting again. He has started having more involuntary visions, his rituals only doing so much to halt them
Bruno is thirtyseven and his mamá got mad when she found out he's not coming to Luisa's gift ceremony. She used some nasty words he wasn't even sure what meant, but after that she left him alone
Bruno is forty and Mirabel didn't get a gift. When his mamá asked to speak with him in private he already knew what she would ask of him. At first he refused. He didn't do visions anymore. She knew that. But, hearing the way her voice broke as she begged him, he obviously can't say no. He looks into the future and what he see is... concerning. There's no way Mirabel would hurt the magic or the family, but... he knew how it would look to everyone else. He couldn't let her grow up with a burden like that. He takes one final look at his door, before he leaves
Bruno isn't sure how old he is. In theory he should know. He has been listening in on every family celebration, but he kinda lost track. It doesn't matter anyways, what matters is that his family is safe... for now... as long as no one sees the vision
Bruno is fifty and he's finally home
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Ooo for a prompt, if you want, Antonio and Mirabel having to promise to be gentle with Bruno because they wanna have some tìo time but Bruno is having a bad mental health day and/or a migraine.
They’re the babies of the family and I love this trio so much 💕💕
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“Where’s Tio Bruno?” Antonio asked, looking around the breakfast table with a disappointed pout.
“Bruno’s not feeling well today, bébé,” Pepa said gently. “Remember we told you how he feels sick sometimes?”
“Oh…” Antonio nodded in understanding, but was still plainly disappointed. “But he promised to play today.”
Mirabel leaned in closer to Dolores and whispered, “Migraine or depression?”
Dolores held up two fingers and tapped the side of her head. Ah, bad mental health day then. Mirabel would keep an eye on that.
To her surprise, Bruno ended up joining them for breakfast. He was late and Mirabel’s heart twisted as she realised he’d plainly been crying.
“Tio!” Antonio shot up from his seat and tackled Bruno into a hug. “Are you feeling better?”
“Um- well, I…A bit…” Bruno was plainly scrambling to think of a lie or reassurance, caught off guard. Luckily, Camilo distracted Antonio by pretending to steal his orange juice and Julieta quickly led Bruno to his seat.
He didn’t eat much. Most of his food went to his rats. Abuela tutted over their presence but, for once, she didn’t protest.
That alone told Mirabel how bad it was.
She watched her uncle like a hawk for any signs of distress. No way would he be able to handle a park full of screaming kids today. But would he be able to tell Antonio “no” when he felt like this?
Mirabel didn’t have a lot of experience with this sort of thing. Besides, was it really her business?
She firmly decided that, yes, yes it was. If her Tio was unhappy or unwell, Mirabel wanted to know. She wanted to help.
She couldn’t fix it, she knew that. But she could help.
After breakfast, Tio Bruno seemed only half-aware, stuck in his own head, drifting away. He knocked on the doorframe as he headed for the stairs, his head lowered and eyes dark. What little energy he had seemed to have vanished.
Antonio went racing after him. Mirabel caught him.
“Hold on, hombrecito!”
“But we’re going to the park today,” Antonio said. “Why’s Tio Bruno going back to bed?”
“He’s still not feeling well,” Mirabel explained, as gently as he could. “So he needs to rest.”
Antonio looked like he was thinking very hard about it.
“Can we help him?” he asked. “Maybe Tia Julieta’s food will make him better if he has more.”
“It’s, uh…not that kind of sickness.” Goodness, she was echoing Tio Félix now. “It’s- because of his visions!” It seemed so simple: Antonio already knew that Julieta couldn’t cure vision migraines. It was only a little white lie.
He nodded in understanding, looking sympathetic. Those big sad eyes should have been illegal.
“Then let’s find him a plushie and a story,” Antonio said solemnly. “That always makes me feel better.”
He didn’t wait for Mirabel’s agreement or permission; he went to his room and Mirabel hurried after him. He was sorting through his toys and books and he handed the biggest plushie to Mirabel, holding his favourite book with a smile.
“Let’s go make Tio feel better!” he said and Mirabel just about melted on the spot. She knew they should probably just leave Bruno alone, but…Well, hadn’t that been part of the problem? Leaving him alone had only made it worse before.
So Mirabel followed Antonio to Bruno’s room.
Bruno was curled up in bed, his curtains closed, and the blanket pulled right up over his head. Antonio climbed onto the bed, settling the plushie by Bruno’s head.
Only then did Bruno seem to register that he had company. He lowered the blanket a few inches, revealing tangled hair and painfully sad eyes.
“Uh…?” He pushed the blanket down fully from his face and Antonio sprawled next to him as Mirabel sat on Bruno’s left, the book in her lap.
“We can have a story day,” Antonio said happily. “So we won’t hurt your head.”
For a moment, Bruno’s face was so expressionless that Mirabel feared he’d kick them out. Maybe he’d even snap at them, or start crying, or- well, she didn’t know. But maybe they were only making him feel worse.
Bruno didn’t say anything. His smile was small and weak, barely there- but it was a smile. Mirabel sighed in relief.
“I’ll read,” she said and Bruno shot her a grateful look as he sat up. Antonio cuddled against him, smiling at Mirabel expectantly.
No, Mirabel couldn’t be sure if she was doing the right thing at all. She was willing to bet no one in her family really knew how to help.
But they were trying. They were doing better.
And Bruno was smiling. That was what mattered.
Mirabel opened the book and began to read.
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