#That took awhile
Spider-Man - Season One (1967-1968)
And done so much quicker than I was expecting.
So this blog is supposed to be a list of things attached to the MCU, starting with this series, and honestly, I think my initial beliefs were right in all the MCU connections. The music, the pointing meme, and obviously Spider-Man himself all make appearances in season one of the show.
Review wise I can say that most of the show seems to be fine, enjoyable but some of it has aged like very, very old, sour milk.
Under the cut I’ve made a breakdown of every episode in season one, covering personal thoughts, recurring plotlines and important character introductions.
Just as a heads up, there is one episode (Episode 9a) that I honestly believe is just racist, I’ve marked that episode specifically with a content warning.
Episode 1a - “The Power of Dr. Octopus”
First thing to note, before the episode even starts properly, the theme song. It’s a bop and incredibly iconic to boot. I’m not going to be mentioning it as we continue with this series as it appears at the front of every single episode, but it’s good to start with.
Characters introduced:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
And our main man of the hour, Peter Parker is the first face we see in this show. Apparently he’s supposed to be a teenager here, but I can’t see it; He looks and sounds like he’s in his 30s. Anyway, he quickly changes into Spider-Man at the beginning of the episode. This incarnation of Spider-Man is accurately quick-witted and honestly I can see why he’s the face of many classic memes.
Doctor Octopus
Never referred to by his actual name of Dr. Otto Octavius, but this is our first appearance of Doc Ock. He doesn’t have a very interesting design in this version, just wearing a blue jumpsuit, with his mechanical tentacles coming out of his sides.
J. Jonah Jameson
As expected, JJJ has graced us with his presence at the start of this adventure. The ol' brush-head comes with his signature boomer mentality and sheer hatred of Spider-Man.
Betty Brant
In more recent depictions, Betty Brant is a significantly minor character in the Spider-Man mythos, but she's the main female lead in this series. I by that I mean she's the only woman that appears for most of the show.
Episode 1b - “Sub-Zero for Spidey”
Firstly, Pluto’s not a planet, Parker, you should know this. Secondly, this seems seems like a good time to mention this show's goofy ass animation. Thirdly, the only new characters in this episode, Dr. Smartyr and the Plutonians, are original characters for this show, so they ain't relevant.
Episode 2a - “Where Crawls the Lizard”
Motherfucker just made a swamp boat out of webs. That is all.
Anyway this episode introduces some new characters to the mix, granted only one of them is actually important to the Spider-Man mythos as a whole, but let’s go through ‘em anyway.
Characters Introduced:
Dr. Curtis Conner / The Lizardman
Ok, so immediately if you’re a Spider-Man nerd some things may look off here. Yes his name is supposed to be Dr. Curt Connors, not Conner. Not once is the Lizard actually called “The Lizard”, he is almost exclusively referred to as “The Lizardman”. And Dr. Connors in this continuity very noticeably has both his arms, with the lizard formula being made to cure swamp fever rather than regrow limbs.
Grace Conner
Honestly, all I know about her is that she’s Curt’s wife and that her name in the main 616 continuity is Martha, not Grace. 
Billy Conner
Curt’s son. That is all I know about him.
Episode 2b - “Electro, the Human Lighting Bolt”
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Would you look at that, Spider-Man behind a desk. What will he do? Become a meme apparently, or get shot at by Electro; depends on who you ask.
Also, I’m fucking sorry, did Pete just say he added asbestos to his web fluid. Bruh. This show sure knows how to show its age.
Anyway, this episode seems to be our first case of JJJ blaming Spider-Man for shit he didn’t do and having the police chase him; a common trope moving forward. It’s also the first appearance of the Spider-Tracer, although called the Electronic Spider Device in this episode.
Characters Introduced:
Good ol’ characterless Max Dillon makes his debut in this episode. This time Electro seems to be a thief that likes hanging out at carnivals, because I guess there’s nothing better for him to do.
Episode 3 - “The Menace of Mysterio”
Ah, the classic Mysterio story, framing Spider-Man for a robbery and then wanting to be seen “bringing him to justice”; you love to see it. Of course this plot comes with a healthy dose of the police and Jameson after Spidey too. But, I’m not gonna lie seeing JJJ actually getting his comeuppance at the end of the episode was very cathartic and funny,
Something of note during Mysterio and Spider-Man’s second confrontation in the film studio, Spidey declares that his powers are magical. This isn’t relevant to anything, just something strange I noticed.
Characters Introduced:
Joe / Mysterio
Ok, so who the fuck is “Joe” and why does he look like Namor the Submariner. Basically, he’s pretty much just Quentin Beck under a different name. But he is very much the classic Mysterio.
Episode 4a - “The Sky is Falling”
Did the Vulture fucking call Spider-Man a boob? Lol
Anyway, that was indeed an episode. I think I’m gonna start running out of things to say soon.
Characters Introduced:
The Vulture
So apparently this isn’t Adrian Toomes, but is instead a guy named Raniero "Blackie" Drago. I really fucking hope that nickname doesn’t have a racist origin, cos it has those vibes and I ain’t here for it. Bro has an infinity sized chin. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Vulture actually controlling birds before.
Episode 4b - “Captured by J. Jonah Jameson”
Other than seeing triple J taking a more villainous role this episode, there’s nothing really of note.
Characters Introduced
Henry Smythe
Ok, so Henry Smythe is more or less the same as his 616 counterpart, Spencer Smythe. Ngl tho, the Spider Slayer in this episode looks hilarious in comparison to how I’m used to seeing it.
Episode 5a - “Never Step on a Scorpion”
Other than the obvious JJJ creates the Scorpion storyline, this episode also introduces Peter’s sheer incompetence in talking to women. It should also be noted that Jameson sounds more like a whiny bitch than usual in this episode.
Characters Introduced:
The Scorpion
Mac Gargan rears his ugly mug as the Scorpion, making his animated debut. Looks like he’s stoned out of mind on all close up shots. For some reason he roars like a constipated T. rex.
Dr. Farley Stillwell
Originally I had a sentence about how I was only including Stillwell as an important inclusion because I had heard of him once before, but I decided to redact it as they didn't seem fair. This character seems to have more to do than just be an occasional background character in the 616 continuity, so it would be a disservice to disregard him just because I'm ignorant to who he is.
Episode 5b - “Sands of Crime”
Yet another Spidey framed story. Literally nothing else of note really.
Characters Introduced:
The Sandman, everyone’s favourite dream god… wait, no, wrong character. The Sandman, everyone’s favourite dusty thief, makes his debut in this episode. So I made some discoveries while researching for this episode. I went so long believing Sandman to be Flint Marko, but apparently that’s only in a few continuities. Sandman’s actual name is William Baker, who I thought was a separate guy this entire time. Like, yeah honestly believed there was two Sandmen.
Episode 6a - “Diet of Destruction”
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“Walloping Web-Snappers!” is such a shit catchphrase. Anyway this episode brings us an original enemy that is never seen again (which they kept calling a monster, despite being very clearly a robot) and flying cars.
Episode 6b - “The Witching Hour”
So this episode finally introduces a few key aspects of Spider-Man.
Pete dipping out in the middle of a date. (Poor Betty)
On his eternal quest to legalise weed and do magic shit, Spider-Man's arch nemesis finally makes an appearance.
And for fuck sake, why does JJJ with Spidey and the Green Goblin are the same person. Man is legitimately stupid sometimes most of the time.
Characters Introduced:
Green Goblin
At last, Norman Osborn makes his grand entrance to the world of animation. Now, this may be a product of its time, but Goblin seems to be a lot more magic focused than I’m used to him being. Not really a problem, just something I noticed.
Episode 7a - “Kilowatt Kaper”
And here’s our first episode to feature a returning villain; this time it’s Electro up to no good. Other than that there is nothing else of note in this episode.
Episode 7b - “The Peril of Parafino”
Another episode with an original villain; but honestly if you had told me Parafino was a prototype for Cletus Kasady I’d believe you.
Episode 8 - “Horn of the Rhino”
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Spider-Ball, thanks, I hate it.
Anyway, this episode is yet another one of Spider-Man getting blamed for shit he didn’t do. Only this time JJJ spends a night in lockup for trying to trespass onto military grounds. What a dumbarse.
Characters Introduced:
Aunt May
May Parker makes her long awaited appearance. As expected she holds a caring position over Peter, but still holds onto JJJ’s anti-Spider-Man rhetoric. Honestly, it’s good to finally see her.
Aleksei Sytsevich, sounding less Russian than expected, makes his animated debut in this extended episode. Why the Rhino gets a full 20 minutes and Doc Ock & Green Goblin only getting 10 minute slots is honestly beyond me.
Episode 9a - “The One-Eyed Idol”
CW: Racism
So, we learned both Pete and Betty are racist, that’s just really not cool. Seriously, I’m pretty sure this is the first time we actually see a black character in this show and he gets called both a monster and a dog. The fuck. Like, I know this show is old, but bloody hell, this is some very, very poorly aged milk.
I was gonna make a joke about JJJ getting hypnotised again, but now I just don’t feel like it. Mood’s dead.
Episode 9b - “Fifth Avenue Phantom”
This episode features a freak that uses android mannequins to steal shit and turn things into toys, I think. Literally nothing of any actual note.
Episode 10a - “The Revenge of Dr. Magneto”
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Yet another meme for the collection: Peter Parker reading a book.
Anyway this episode adds fuck all to the greater list. “But wait!” I hear you say, “Isn’t Magneto in this episode? He’s in the title.” Unfortunately not, Dr. Matto Magneto has no relation to the actual Magneto. Sorry Erik, your time will have to come later.
Episode 10b - “The Sinister Prime Minister”
Another episode of stuff that happens. Anyway the only important part of this episode is…
Character Introductions:
Charles Cameo / The Imposter
“Teri, who the fuck is this and why are you bringing attention to them?” Because Charles Cameo is the 60s Spider-Man incarnation of Dmitri Smerdyakov, The Chameleon.  Now Chameleon’s first comic debut does pre-date the show, so I do wonder why they didn’t just use Dmitri, but eh whatever, I’m counting it.
Episode 11a - “The Night of the Villains”
Ah yes, the return of Parafino, because he was just so memorable the first time. Seriously, for the show's second returning villain, you’d think they’d pick someone with an actual stage presence.
Episode 11b - “Here Comes Trubble”
I’ll be completely honest, I was more focused on hatching pokémon eggs than actually watching the episode, which is fine cause bugger all happened anyway.
Episode 12a - “Spider-Man Meets Doctor Noah Boddy”
How many times can someone get bailed out of lock up before that just stops working? I’m just curious as JJJ getting permanent prison time would’ve been funny.
Episode 12b - “The Fantastic Fakir”
Since when were webbing and rope snakes? Also did Spidey just fucking killed a guy by opening a door. 
Unlike Episode 9a, I’m not gonna call this episode overtly racist, I’m just gonna heavily imply it. But in all honesty, I really doubt a single Saudi Arabian person was involved in the making of this. It just had some really not good vibes.
Episode 13a - “Return of the Flying Dutchman”
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So Mysterio’s back in this episode, and for some reason he has decided to be a pirate, because of course he has. Much more importantly Pete fucking with JJJ at the end of the episode is honestly just great.
Episode 13b - “Farewell Performance”
Mostly forgettable honestly, but it is nice watching Spidey outsmart JJJ again.
Episode 14a - “The Golden Rhino”
Rhino’s back but this time instead of destroying the world, for some reason his plan is to make a solid gold statue of himself. Priorities, I guess. Anyway, add this episode to the list of JJJ blaming Spider-Man for shit he didn’t do.
Episode 14b - “Blueprint for Crime”
Ok, so I get Pete’s plan in this episode was to draw the Enforcers out by framing himself, but that then started to get JJJ to question how Pete gets photos of Spider-Man. If this show actually had a plot I’m sure that would come up later. Anyway, this episode has three villains, the main one, The Plotter, I’m pretty sure is original to the show, the other two however…
Character Introductions:
Cowboy & Ox (The Enforcers)
Jackson Brice, usually called Montana but referred to as Cowboy in this, and Raymond Bloch, the Ox, are a criminal team known as The Enforcers. They make their animated debut here. I personally don’t know much about them other than Montana doesn’t stay as Montana in a show I plan to get to much later. (I’m very excited to get to it tho)
Episode 15a - “The Spider and the Fly”
I’ll be honest, the most interesting thing from this episode is what the Flys actual names are: Stan & Lee Patterson. Get it? Stan Lee. Hilarious. I am positively pissing myself with laughter (Written with a face that can only be described as -_- )
Episode 15b - “The Slippery Doctor Von Schlick”
I am running out of things to say on episodes that don't do shit.
Episode 16a - “The Vulture’s Prey”
So, The Vulture and his enormous chin have returned to bully Jameson. I am ok with this. And to be completely fair, the ending with Spidey refusing to help JJJ without saying “please” was actually funny, in my opinion.
Episode 16b - “The Dark Terrors”
The Fifth Avenue Phantom returns to play with shadows, how cute.
Episode 17a - “The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus”
Hooray, Doc Ock is back. With a new voice, I think. Oh yeah, that scientist that spoke with the ice guys, yeah he’s also back, but he’s much less important. And oh goodie, a “spiders aren’t insects” joke, I’m surprised it’s taken this long.
So many episodes in and honestly Octavius seems to be the only villain in the show that is actually threatening. Like, the show butchers almost everyone in characterisation, but Ock is portrayed really well here, actively outsmarting Spider-Man for most of the episode only for his downfall to be his own hubris.
Episode 17b - “Magic Malice”
What’s this? A double whammy of Spidey’s greatest foes?! Green Goblin is back, and I just noticed the length of his eyelashes, like girl you gotta tell me where you get those done, or at least what type of mascara you use, cos I’m jealous.
Not gonna lie, it’s funny watching the Green Goblin stoop to money and jewellery theft knowing how rich Norman Osborn is in literally every other continuity. 
Also he just took an axe to the arse and his only response is “ouch”. Not important, I just thought that was funny.
Notice how I have more to say with villains like Goblin and Ock. It’s almost as if they’re just inherently more interesting. 
Episode 18a - “Fountain of Terror”
First of all, the main villain from that racist episode is back, thankfully didn’t look like he brought that shit with him. More importantly Dr. Connors is back, and surprisingly not the Lizard. It's good to see Connors out of being a reptile.
Episode 18b - “Fiddler on the Loose”
The villain of this episode is called the Fiddler. Just take that in for a moment.
That is the worst villain name I have ever heard. I originally had a joke written here, but I decided not to and leave the joke to your imagination.
Episode 19a - “To Catch a Spider”
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Me and the boys forming the Sinister Six Fearsome Four Spider-Catchers.
Anyway, this episode brings Dr. Noah Boddy back to break Vulture, Electro, & Green Goblin out of prison. Together they form the Spider-Catchers. But as always with the Sinister-Six adjacent they also fall apart due to infighting, granted this time it was caused mostly by Pete knowing how to do voice impersonations, for some reason.
Episode 19b - “Double Identity”
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Eureka! The pointing meme! I have found it.
Anyway it’s a standard Chameleon plot, using recognisable faces to steal shit.
Episode 20a - “Sting of the Scorpion”
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Ok, what the fuck happened to Pete here? His everything is broken.
Also Scorpion becomes a kaiju in this episode, so that was pretty neat.
Episode 20b - “Trick or Treachery”
Another Spidey framed plot, this time orchestrated by the Fly twins.
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ygodmyy20 · 10 months
For the fanfic ask: 3, 12, 14, 25, 27
3. Fav line/scene I wrote this year
OUgh!!! Which one...some of my fav scenes are not yet posted (one of which I shared with you the other day!) But of the ones posted....fav scene I think is the end of Float, with Shigeo laughing and getting chocolate milk up his nose hehe
Fav line probably is this one from Blackhole:
"Galaxies in his chest, pulsating outwards from his ribs, white bone shining marigold, like sunflowers—vessel breaking, reforming vessel unraveling, reforming vessel exploding reforming dead-black-dead-blackhole space in his heart.
I just was so happy with the intensity of that fic.
12. favorite character to write about this year
Dude you know who it is hahaha Shigeo 1000% is my favorite character to write. BUT I gotta give props to Shou on his bday, writing him so far in Black Sweatshirt has been SO FUN. I am excited to write him more.
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
Kinda all of them? Heh. The intensity of writing again hit me like a god damn freight train.
I am not kidding when I say I haven't written a single word of fiction in the last 8 years until July. I read some fanfics here and there (like I got into a few gravity falls fanfics, still YGO, a little dr. who) but. But nothing like this.
Black Sweatshirt is the biggest surprise. I expected to write a few one shots and that would be it. I'd be done, move on, read some fics and just kinda...do my real life thing again
And then I kept reading
And kept writing
And started to talk about my ideas
and suddenly its like I can't stop the train. The train left the station the train is GOING AND IT AINT STOPING
25. A fic you would recommend everyone read
God I don't know.....everyone has different tastes. My fav fics are terumob, but I know that isn't everyones ship. I am trying to think of a gen fic that I would recommend...
I really don't know which to pick. So instead I am gonna share some that I know I have re-read
Issho Childlike Wonder In The Palm of Our Hand Trolly Problem if it wasn't for the nights (the mp100 fic that started it all, the first one I ever read) Butterfly Effect Area Hysteria Rainspeak (and recondite which quirkle is currently posting!!) MOM (also in progress but so damn good) Old Habits Die Hard
These are just a few! I have many others I have re-read bits of hahah
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I gotta give it Toasty (heeeeeeey toasty haha). I have already spammed you with all this but yeah, your post-cannon terumob fics. I am not sure if it was the place i was in in life or what but like I read them. And then my brain did the "Oh boy we're connecting dots in here!" And I think I stared at a wall for days.
Same thing happened when I first read Nightjar hahah so again, god damn I am so excited to read more of that fic (and love that I can get little teasers now hehehe so exciting)
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rourouxiaobao · 5 months
The Power Of Soup Compels You (Chapter Update!)
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The Power of Soup Compels You Chapter 10
Chapter Summary: Qishan Wen is a motherless sect and Nightless City is, by and large, a place run by men. Which is not to say that it holds no women of influence or consequence. Though she would prefer otherwise, Yanli meets one of them.
Things go pretty much as she expects.
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watcher0033 · 1 year
Pash N.
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girlboyburger · 6 months
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alright tumblr, here's your homegrown cowgirl C:{
what do you think of her?
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thistaleisabloodyone · 8 months
I went through and looked at every listing for Cinnamaroll x RMPG plushes on Mercari that I could find. Uhh, if you're looking for a Makoto, you're in luck, there's, like, 30+ listings, I stopped counting after 26.
If you're looking for Kaisei, you're fucked, there's literally one listing.
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6gumi · 2 months
“ inexperienced ” my ass !
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⋆.˚ NSFW mdni . wc . 884 . multi-fandom men x f!reader 、AGED ! UP CHARACTERS ! 、 cunilingus 、maybe tit play ? ? am not suresies ! 、softies . . hehe 、messiest eaters eva . . x-x — 𝑹𝑼𝑩𝑰 : “ eeeek ! here is ‘anotha filler thirstie ( sad face ) am so sorrie i haven’t been able tew get my drafts in ! eeeek hope dis makes up for it . . hehe ( ´ - ` ) ! ”
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“i’m not that experienced, baby . . . so don’t expect much.”
. . . such a liar he was. you knew your boyfriend was a liar . . . but you never knew he was this much of a liar! your lashes fluttered, mouth hung open at the feel of his wet tongue along your cunt. he peeled your clothes away, baring your body to him completely. the sight of you, naked and glistening with sweat, left him utterly breathless. he needed to see you writhe beneath him, to hear the sweet music of your passion. your boyfriend’s breath hitched, the temptation was almost too much for him to bear. his calloused hands reached up to take one of your breasts in his grip, giving it a gentle squeeze. a soft moan escaped your throat, your soft flesh filling his grasp. his other hand traveled up your waist, moving around to cup your other breast. his fingers teased your nipple, rubbing in a circle before flicking it lightly.
you could feel his gaze on you . . . his eyes darkened as he whispered against your breast, "let’s get your pussy all nice and wet." leaning forward, his lips planted smooth kisses along your midriff . . . trailing even lower than before. his tongue snaked out, swirling around your clothed pussy. “h—hey . . .” you murmured, the tips of your fingers digging against his scalp. he hiked your skirt up against your waist, revealing your ass to him completely, the lace of your panties was the only barrier between his mouth and the sweet nectar he craved. he slid his hand beneath the waistband of your undergarments . . . sliding the fabric down to your knees. “make sure to use your pretty mouth and tell me when to stop . . kay?” shit, he could feel himself growing hard at just the thought of getting his hands on your luscious body. “because . . i think i’ll be too focused on how much you taste to even stop myself.”
your boyfriend settles to his knees, his cock straining against his pants. he licks his lips, teasing the soft flesh of your pussy before diving in. his tongue darts inside, circling your clit once. twice. he moans, his voice muffled by your cunt. he’s loving every second already, feeling your warmth enveloping his tongue. the larger male slid two fingers inside, his thumb pressing against your bud . . . setting a steady rhythm, working them with skill. he’s tasting nothing but his beloved’s delicious flavor, and he’s enjoying every second of it. “you . . . ah!—said you were inexperienced . .” he gazed up at you, those sweet eyes of yours were going to send him to the moon . . while his were sharp; and serious . . . as if daring you to deny him, to tell him no more, to push him away. but he knows you wouldn’t want him to stop, no . . not one bit. "i am.” “th-then why—mmh! you’re a liar, a big fat liar !”
“mhm . . say whatever you want.“ he purrs, his voice filled with wanton desire and smugness. his wet muscle teased around your wet folds, tracing a path as he ate you out like a starved man . . the way he moved his tongue against you felt good, almost too good for someone who was “inexperienced”. blush covered your entire face . . indicating just how embarrassed you were. the way he licked and sucked at your cunt drove you crazy. your boyfriend gave you a soft hum, feeling your body react to the gentle touch, the muscles in your thighs clenching. “so sensitive," he whispered, his expression a mix of pride and amusement, a hand gently stroking the side of your face. "—yet such a good girl. you’re taking this quite well.” his lips curled up into a devious grin, the sight of his pretty girl being weakened by his ministrations was only fuelling his fire. he revelled in that power, enjoying the ability to make you quiver and squirm. "you still good, baby?" he asked, amused, his hands moving in tandem with his tongue. he hummed at your subtle nod, his fingers pinching your nipple from below with just the right amount of pressure to bring you to the edge but not send you over. just seeing your legs tremble so much . . . he already knew he was doing a good job, he could even feel the wetness coating his face, and he lapped it up hungrily, craving more.
"shit.." he cursed, though not out of frustration, “your pussy is driving me crazy." he whispered against your folds, the vibrations of his voice sending shivers through your entire body, it almost felt as if you were being electrocuted or something. “my darling girl with such a sweet pretty pussy . .” his tone was firm but filled with a promise of more pleasure to come; he wanted you to experience every inch of ecstasy he could give you. your boyfriend’s fingers slipped between your wet folds, desperate to get another reaction from you . . the constant sounds of slurping and sucking filled your ears, it almost felt wrong to listen to how well he was licking you up “such a liar . . . . hng. you were experienced all along!” his grin faltered for a moment as he heard the desperation in your voice, chuckling at your fucked-out expression. “you’ve got it all wrong,” he whispered, his voice rough. “i’m only learning . . . i’ll get better, ‘promise.”
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© 6GUMI 2024. modifying 、translating 、sharing my works on other platforms 、or considering them as yours is strictly prohibited.
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a handy guide.
companion piece for the "it's both" crew who better make their own posts damnit
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
Bumbleboyo!! 🐝
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3 of the 6 TF fanarts done!! >:3c yippieeee!
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ieilaf · 11 days
YOU - "Only if you promise that we'll talk again. It's *important*."
Process - [ rough keyframes ] , [ some inbetweening + color-key ]
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disappointeddyke · 1 year
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dyke bod
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hiroshotreplica · 9 months
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challenge yourself in this experience that’s designed to be replayed over and over and over and over and over and over and
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commodorez · 8 months
Zoomer here, and I do indeed have questions about computers- how do filesystems work, and why should we care (I know we should, but I'm not exactly sure why)?
So why should we care?
You need to know where your own files are.
I've got a file on a flash drive that's been handed to me, or an archival data CD/DVD/Bluray, or maybe it's a big heavy USB external hard drive and I need to make a copy of it on my local machine.
Do I know how to navigate to that portable media device within a file browser?
Where will I put that data on my permanent media (e.i. my laptop's hard drive)?
How will I be able to reliably find it again?
We'll cover more of the Why and How, but this will take some time, and a few addendum posts because I'm actively hitting the character limit and I've rewritten this like 3 times.
Let's start with file structure
Files live on drives: big heavy spinning rust hard drives, solid state m.2 drives, USB flash drives, network drives, etc. Think of a drive like a filing cabinet in an office.
You open the drawer, it's full of folders. Maybe some folders have other folders inside of them. The folders have a little tab with a name on it showing what's supposed to be in them. You look inside the folders, there are files. Pieces of paper. Documents you wrote. Photographs. Copies of pages from a book. Maybe even the instruction booklet that came with your dishwasher.
We have all of that here, but virtualized! Here's a helpful tree structure that Windows provides to navigate through all of that. In the case of Windows, it's called Explorer. On OSX MacOS, the equivalent is called Finder.
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I don't have to know where exactly everything is, but I have a good idea where thing *should* based on how I organize them. Even things that don't always expose the file structure to you have one (like my cellphone on the right). I regularly manually copy my files off of my cellphone by going to the Camera folder so I can sift through them on a much bigger screen and find the best ones to share. There are other reasons I prefer to do it that way, but we won't go into that here. Some people prefer to drag and drop, but that doesn't always work the same between operating systems. I prefer cut and paste.
Standby for Part 2!
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janedoeaart · 6 months
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Mordecai Heller, Marigold's Infamous Hatchetman ✍️
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josukespimphand · 1 year
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Haven't drawn her in forever ah.
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marty--party · 27 days
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The Prime Minister Ishimaru Kiyotaka’s Inaugural Parade
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