#That Viren and Callum foil is beautiful. And everyone kinda ends up paralleling each other (just like in lmk). Which is always a good sign
imminent-danger-came · 5 months
Are you ever afraid that you are looking too deep into a show and giving the creators too much credit
Not really, no! Whether or not the writers were specifically thinking about what I look into, I'm still engaging with the text as it is. Honestly, I think it's more likely that writers often just have such a solid grasp of their themeing and goals that the final product ends up being beautiful and on-point, you know.
There are, however, certain things I can guarantee were written with all the care in the world—like 3x10 and 4x08 parallels, or MK and Azure parallels—and I'm more than positive Breen has lovingly crafted shadowpeach's dynamic, and how MK plays into that (presuming you were talking about lmk—most of my asks/anons are from the lmk fandom, so I hazarded a guess!).
Like, shows like this don't just happen on accident. There was real heart put into it by an amazingly talented creative team! Like honestly, most of the time, I think it is just that deep. If you can detect consistent threads in a piece of work, chances are the writers put them there!
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