#Thanks so much for asking so many Jil!!!
beeholyshit · 6 months
BEEEE HALOOOOO CAN I HAB MAKO PLSSS IWIWIWI 3, 10, 11 AND 14 (as in, when mako's in the fashion mode!) TYY MWA
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
OKAY SO I WOULD DIVIDE THEM LIKE: For White since she is Mako's young sister I feel like she adores them, admires them since she was tiny bebe and just wants to be like them, travelling from one region to another doing what they like (fashion), gaining knowledge about it, meeting people that is also into that WAAA she just wants to be like them and so Mako always tries to support her and help her with her dreams too <3 Black probably only sees them as someone who is famous but doesn't really pays much attention to it and it's just like halooooo and doesn't treat them different from any other adults, maybe gets excited when they go to see Chrome because they bring chocolate for him HEHEH For Elesa you know how she is besties with them since they were kids so hehe and other characters would see Mako as just 'Elesa's old friend', at least that's how Emmet and Ingo met them, with time after Mako starts to get along with Emmet just thinks 'ooo this guy is so talented and interesting ooo let's spend time together' JSAHJASHJSA
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
In general I would say people think 'what the hell is this guy doing with the train guy' LIKE they are so different in so many aspects that I think people would be confused on how they even got together HSAHJSAHJ But to be more specific, firts: I think the first one to know about Mako and Emmet would've been Elesa and I KNOW when Mako told her she would start shaking them and asking them about everything (just as if they were teenagers again), Elesa would be so excited to know that her two friends were now together hehe. For Chrome I think it would be a similar reaction but I think he would tease Mako and Mako would never get what he is saying HSAHSAHAS OR JUST TEASES BACK WITHOUT NOTICING (dumb mf) On White's side I KNOW SHE WOULD BE SO CONFUSED AS WELL, LIKE the first time she saw Emmet he was this weird looking guy that scared her KJSJASJJSA. SHE ASKS MAKO 'uhmmm is he coming to the house now…?' Just give her time to get used to him! but even so, I think she is happy if Mako is happy hehe AND FOR LASSSSST INGO, I believe when he knew they were on a relationship he would walk to Mako, look directly at them in the eyes and tell them 'please be nice and patient with him' because he cares about his twin, also I believe he is really happy to see this side of Emmet, just happy for them wiwiwi
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
I know I made Mako wear mostly inspired on ganguro and gyaru in general BUT! he would wear all kind on styles, I think gyaru is the most seen in him but he would also wear outfits like this:
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a lot of patters + textures AAA if it is supper extra then they are going to wear it!!!
Also teen Mako would wear things like this:
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14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Mako's biggest fixation is fashion, he works non-stop on that but I think that he is also into marine biology just as hobby (one of the reasons their first journey was to Hoeen hehe)
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jils-things · 27 days
also gush pass because I LOVE READING YOUR RANTS JIL!!! yell abotu whatever youre fixated on in reply to this anon ask i b eg -ekans anon
oouuuhhhh i needto snatch the chance to talk about norto.n because im always so shy glrgkrkf 😤😤😤 its all im fixated on rnnn so AWAGGH 🥹🥹🥹
nort.on is one of unfortunate characters i f/o. i genuinely feel so sad about from time to time because he never experienced a very comfy life even since he was a kid and he still lives with much anger and hatred in his heart but i really don't blame him.... the hatred of feeling miserable is what's pushing him to keep going and that's something i can never be so brave abt. sure he's done... a lot of reckless things but... for a man who's at risk of dying anytime? i would do anything to pull him out of his misery and let him know the world isnt so cruel. i've watched his foo.ls gold trailer a bit too much admittedly but its really because for so long, have i been DYING to know what happened to him. i f/o'd him 5 years ago (although going "inactive" within the years) with only little tidbits of his lore and seeing this trailer that came out last year - I feel that my patience has paid off finally because now i can really really ADORE where hes coming from. also his voice just... im so in love with his voice wasiawiaiwiaiai im so ;;;;; all the shit hes enduring i just ;;;;;;;;;;; i get so misty eyed about it. hes the type of guy to go work 30 minutes early before everyone because he can't trust them, and is certain they'd rob his efforts. like how much has he gone through to be this?!? reserved and aloof? how much pain did he have to receive to really keep his walls so high? it makes me so sad for him and i remember saying so many times i get so happy if i see him smiling, fanart or canon art:
i feel happy seeing him happy
i remember my friend once sent me a pic of nor.ton's stageplay actor, in his costume, but out of character - smiling. even if he's not playing the bit, seeing him smile with nort.on in mind just made me so? emotional? like this is how he'd look if... things were better. even just for a day, or hour, or minute. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
umm but... emotional me aside.. hes ... cute. hes very cute 💚💚 his design immediately took me when he was first teased for release. its probably his miners hat with the candle that did it. he looks so cute on it and ermrmhfhj ofuhh i dunno i just... decided to like him and it went further ehhshahhsf
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thank u for readign wiwieifjhjde
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I HONESTLY DON'T MIND MAN IM JUST HAPPY YOU CAME HERE ANYWAYS HEHE THANKS SO MUCH FREYA I HASHTAG APPRECIATE YOU SM HOMIE 🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚💚💚 i got so many stuff from my friends im most definitely contented trust me!! 🥺🥺🥺🫶🫶
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Ah SM how it inspires me so- yeah I have another fic, this one dad related
Streber & Cherry, Haunted House Happenings
It was the day before Spooky Month and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse… Well that was until Cherry heard the shouts of her father ringing throughout the halls, and in a panic she flung herself out of the bed before transforming to gain more speed. And as she finally reached the source of the screams she turned back before running over to him, "Dad are you okay?!" Yet as he turned to her he was laughing making her confused but it at least put her somewhat at ease.
"I'm sorry for panicking you, but yeah I'm fine blossom, I was just surprised hehe." Streber chuckled, holding a hand out to Cherry for them to help him up. They hummed at him with a slightly raised eyebrow before looking behind him to find the source of panic, a… plastic skeleton? They grumbled slightly before looking up at him, "Oh dad, don't tell me-" Yet contrasting their expression he held a more joyous tone, complete with a small grin. "That's right blossom! Streber's Spooky Parlor of Extreme Terror will be opening for business!” She sighed but nodded slightly, turning to one of the many boxes, "Oh, um, well I know how much you dislike the clutter… and how boring you find the setting up, so, for this year, I've decided that I would get some friends to help me." He smiled down at her warmly before stepping aside. Yet they still didn't seem to get it as they continued looking up at him. "So?" Cherry asked their gaze occasionally, darting back to the boxes, and so Streber shook his head before chuckling a little.
"So, you can go out, maybe hang with those boys you like so much." He winked, making her blush and turn away slightly, yet as she turned back to him, she wrapped him into a hug. "Thanks dad." After she ran out of the door smiling all the while, yet she did turn back to see who exactly got roped into helping him. And she saw a brown haired girl in a green shirt she recognized to be related to Ross and the candy store cashier who Roy often stole from.
(brief cameo by @jils-things s/i, I uh... Hope you don't mind jil ^^')
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years
im not sure if you mentioned it somewhere, but id still like to ask - how did you start liking bya.kuya? very curious actually since i like knowing how my mutuals develop interest towards said character :3
It’s the love story of the generation, Fr /lh 🌟
Essentially, the first time I saw the CG of all the characters standing before us, I immediately looked at him and thought, “Arms crossed. Averted eyes. Displeased expression. Looks like the kind of arrogant ass I’d like” — jokingly. But when he was the first to bring up the possibility of trial 1’s blackened as the culprit, I was so impressed by him. I was SHOUTING it was her, figuring the protagonist won’t get us anywhere FAST, and then Byakuya just *says* it. I remember being so happy we saw a lot of him in the next chapter.
To//ko was my least favourite character since day 1 of T//HH (not anymore) since I hate that she stuttered her insults, and was often thoughtless. So, I only liked ‘Kuya more for giving her a serve. I did — and still do, actively enjoy his asshole moments. His flaws make him… well… my Byakuya <3
I just kept loving his character more and more, and felt devastated when finding out he lost his family he based his entire beliefs and philosophy around.
But I really fell in love with him when I read his backstory. I gained a fascination with his character, and started dissecting his quotes to find his attitudes, values, and beliefs. I really related to him in many aspects. Like, the weirder qualities and beliefs I have, that made me feel so othered and isolated from others, were mirrored in him. I actually felt really seen and understood through his character — and perhaps through this disillusionment, I found comfort and love in him.
I just really sympathised with him in a way I could never with other characters. It’s why I seldom adore him so much ♥️♥️ he makes me feel so special.
Thank you so much for the ask, Jil <33🌻 I wish you luck on your journeys to fluster glitch red MWAHAHAHA /lh
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sheepybugs · 7 years
every other even for the ask meme !
 Thanks so much for asking!!! I saved this one for last to make sure I didnt repeat any
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
She’s my absolute best friend girl friend and I love her so much
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
Not really no! I’ve never really tried to go after someone, I always wait until I develop feelings for them and I also wouldnt say that like being myself was messing anything up!
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I dont have any actual sisters but the last time I saw my step sisters was Christmas because one lives in Spain and the other lives in Atlanta
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
My life has changed a ton for the better in the last 5 months so nothing major! But I’m sure there’s something I’m not thinking of like buying a winning lotto ticket or something 
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
I just took off my pajama pants because it’s 85 degrees inside right now
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
Labels are complicated and hard to figure out but she’s not straight for sure
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
Already answered!
30. Do you like text messaging?
Yeah!! It’s a super convenient way to talk to people!
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
There are so many people that mean a lot to me 
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
Always!! Even when playing monopoly and my gf has to sell all her houses to pay for my hotel
42. What is wrong with you right now?
Right now I’m feeling pretty great actually! A lil sleepy but the worst part is I’m super sweaty and hot rn because I still dont have any ac, thankfully that’s going to be fixed tomorrow after two months of waiting
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
Absolutely!! I love talking about myself!
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
Not really no, no one I can think of at least!
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I dont really like being around drunk people but she’s the only drunk person that’s bearable to be around tbh, so I dont mind as long as she’s safe of course!!
58. Do you get along with girls?
Already answered!
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
Well if this one that’s been going on for 2 years and 7 months means anything I’d say so
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
19! (I’ve actually only kissed one person before)
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
I’ve never heard of Luke Bryan in my life and I dont really like Lil Wayne, fun story though, one of my old friends was a die hard lil wayne fan and he spent like 3 hours telling me the overarching story of all of his albums and the inconsistencies in them
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
They’re like an off white, almost yellowish tinted?
78. What are your initials?    
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
Absolutely! I just talked to her roughly 10 seconds ago to ask what color she thought the walls were
86. Do you smoke?    
Never have and never really want to!
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
Kind of? One time I said I was going to go spend the night at a friend’s house but I actually drove 3 hours to go visit my gf if that counts
94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
I am happily dating @goruma !!
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
Kind of? Nothing physical though and it was very uncomfortable and weird
102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
Oh man seriously every Kesha song is so good though??? The first one that comes to mind though is Blow so lets go with that, also another fun story, when I was 17 I downloaded the entire Kesha discography and would listen to it all on loop while playing minecraft single player
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ask-flip-frost · 7 years
♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you - ooh my turn! Do Jil/Alan and then Casip please and thank you
Send me a ship meme
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa - Alan. Jil has to roll her lips in and try not to laugh because he can be over dramatic about it, saying it didn’t go that way the last time they were there.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them - Jil does. She does it only in the corner, so it’s not easily spotted by company. Alan notices though. It’s equal parts endearing and a prompt for punishment because that was hand carved mahogany, Jilomena!
Who starts the tickle fights - It goes both ways. Usually it’s Alan walking up behind her while she washes dishes to give a quick rib-goosing, or Jil snuggling up to Alan when he’s half dozing on the sofa to creep-crawl her fingers under his shirt.
Who starts the pillow fights - Jil might chuck one at Alan from across the room to see if she can get a rise out of him.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile - Alan does. Jil works hard to keep the household together, and often she’ll doze off before he does. He’ll follow up with a kiss to the crown of her head and slowly slip into sleep as well.
Who mistakes salt for sugar - Alan, but only because one of the kids put salt in the sugar bowl. It’s hard to tell which one did it, since there are 917 of them.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning - Alan, heating up popcorn for late night movies when they chance to have the energy for it. It usually wakes the baby, so it becomes movie night for three.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines - Jil does. You’d expect Alan, but it’s usually Jil whispering sweet nothings like, “Baby, you are so sweet you might as well be her majesty’s sugar barnet~”
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order - Alan rearranges the books because Jil leaves them stacked by the bedside when she has insomnia and doesn’t want to wake him.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies - Jil does. She claims that she already washed it when the kids come in looking for spoon licking rights.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion - Both. They have too many candles now. They might as well be the new Yankee Candle Shop. But, you know… British. So Cobbler’s Knob Candle Shop or something like that.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen - Jil draws little hearts on Alan’s wrist before a premiere, so he can look at it and think of her when he’s overwhelmed by fans.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation - Jil picks up a new cat themed magnet whenever they’re on holiday. They have the unmanliest refrigerator in all of London.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines - Jil fills them out first, then makes Alan do it so they can compare answers.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa - Flip, because she’s easily distracted.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them - Flip will doodle hearts with nicknames in them, rather than their actual names. But they’re random places like elementary school desks. Cas finds them at random when he’s on missions in different places around the world and has a moment of gooey heart feelings.
Who starts the tickle fights - Flip. When Cas is involved, it’s usually sneaky and light, building to him getting wrecked. Cas doesn’t seem to mind that much, as he’s mostly confused by the sensation. It makes people laugh, and that’s a sign of mirth, right? It’s like a physical joke, he supposes, and afterward his Vessel is flooded with endorphins which make him feel nice.
Who starts the pillow fights - Cas, surprisingly. It’s one of the few playful things that he fully understands. He spouts battle tactics as though he’s leading a battalion against Flip, and she finds that hilarious.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile - Cas doesn’t technically need sleep, so when Flip happens to sleep in his presence from time to time, he can take the time to admire the way she looks at peace.
Who mistakes salt for sugar - Neither of them. They can both smell the molecular makeup of each one.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning - Flip does it on purpose because she likes the beep. Cas doesn’t know how to make it stop.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines - Cas doesn’t understand the subtle nuances of flirting, so his pick-up lines are very straightforward. Flip is cheesy, but it’s intentional. It reminds Cas not to be so serious and concerned, which he appreciates.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order - Cas tries so keep organized, while Flip’s system of arrangement is more chaotic.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies - Flip licks a little, then offers it to Cas.
 Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion - They make their own candles as a couples activity, actually/
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen - They draw on each other sometimes when words are difficult. Sometimes you need quiet, and this is a way to show affection in silence. Well, mostly silence. Depending on what’s being tattooed, you might hear quiet laughter from time to time.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation - Flip, the little magpie.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines -Cas asks Flip to fill them out with him, because the magazines led him to believe you’re supposed to.
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brothalynchhung · 5 years
2019 overview.
this year.. was fucking two years in one. also a little late again but whatever. this is going to be long as FUCK. 
started 2019 in dubai
spent the first couple of days in Dubai on the beach
went to London and just fucked around dt and chinatown lost that damn snake ring fml
I got drunk eating dumplings watching Jeffrey star in that bed LMFAOOOYOO LMFAOOOOOEGJEORIGHSREUG
got back to Ottawa and it was straight GRIND from the get go
back to my last semester of uni 
back to club m (omg.. I miss:( kinda lol)
started that govt job
back to social media marketing for Dubai
3 jobs + school basically
did that dumbass STUPID FUCKING govt job all the way in quebec that I woke up for and travelled for everyday 
would go straight to gym, work again, or school fml
wasn't entirely bad I kinda needed it cuz I applied to a million jobs during that time and did school work LMAO also printed a lot of important shit and got paid so whatever
AND The fortune teller who like prophisized all this shit goddddd 
iconic if I must say
little did I know...
I miss movati fml lol
working at club Monaco omg ugh they gave me life honestly
fun times w trang cc precious Courtney mich JACK Amanda Raman donia even tho she annoying lol and whoever else I worked w jana jil Daria honestly I just miss Courtney LMFAO uhh jenn was cool too 
I'm never going to forget that place I swear to god I have so much loyalty and pride for my memories for that place im never going to take my experience there for
chilling with avid Vinny and like Alex a bit LMAO he would randomly ask to chill it was weird
that Chinese dinner and chat time thing in his car WHAT WAS THATTT
chilling like a scrub a cu with hector and that crew goddLMAO
avin vin rideau gang
visiting avid at nordstorm the Rui girl and Herman lol he was sofunny
last class with strangle omg he was iconic honestly 
trang pargol fidede zainab mannnn honestly shoutout old Ottawa friends 
xinyii!! and jelly!! my last times with them
I miss Xinyi so much :( im so happy I got to see her before leaving she was so nice I wish her so much success 
remember working those last shifts at cm like.. yo I feel like things are going to change and my days are numbered.. I feel it. 
did interview after interview, applying EVERYDAY to escape 
the amount of focusing I did on applying around feb and April like I was just focused on working and getting out of there
did two interviews in like 2 hours always on the go always moving always working 
and then like clockwork.. at the govt job.. went to the bathroom knew? to bring my phone with me.. and then right when I left I got a call from mk went into that empty conference room and got the offer. cried. accepted. life changing
I honestly just left that place... went to cm and just.. resigned... put my two weeks in...
and it happened literally in my last week of the govt job..
like fate 
immediately went home told cc precious fam 
fam weren't happy 
shout out precious for helping me honestly he helped so much 
found my place through hmida who held it down
that whole condo scenario LOL godddd my landlord a HOE
met zgy gvy at precious while I crashed a night
remember the one I took last minute from Yorkdale LMAO that one wasn't bad honestly I slept good
moving my things packaging them up. like yo.. lol
bringing the boxes from shoppers godddd LOL 
finally landed in Toronto with my place
waiting outside for 5 hours for my damn keys crazy with my suitcase lol... 
unpacking my things
like just finally having my own place mannn that was my dream for such a long ass time
getting around dt a bit getting used to tdot... 
crazy exciting 
then... 3 days in..
met that bitch that fucked me up 
met everything I ever wanted in a person? physically and interest wise and yet?
first hookup? lost v? 
new city new job new life new home lost v new everything
in 3 days. 
my life crazy..
spent the whole time like until October till low-key NOW just thinking about it bitterly 
my feelings up and down I was drowning in obsession and confusion
I know I fucked it up but it was fucked up since the beginning
shook everything about what I thought I wanted in gl or a person
standards are definitely raised and all men trash and hoes Idgaf
I feel nothing towards nobody
my whole mind switched to money and power. 
gl I love you but you're not here and we got a lot growing to do so imma see ya ass in a couple of years 
anyways started working at mk!!! craziest 3 month probation thing I had 
met so much people... holy shit.. zgy,gvy,hailey,gab,aisha,priya,rach,lisa,alex,DANIA, goddddd
clubbing.. mon., thurs... weekenddd... wake up... 8:30 work
how did I do it.... fuck lol
met a lot of hoes.. fucked with Sunday once more before he died bye bitch ass hoe.. Leo, sleeve, uhhh that's it I think actually
damn this year was crazy I keep forgetting shit
all the weird ass ppl I met at cabana omg the humber guy YOO THE ASIAN GUY WITH MY KEYS LMFAOOO ZGY FUCKLMFGIESH
omg tsf lmao and like yeah all the clubbing ppl in to fuck 
half and half like didnnt know if I liked it or not but it was crazy
still think about that Frans night the damn milkshake and food omggg
just spent summer exploring to trinity Bellwoods ossington like summer stories clubbing stories
managing my double life lol
good distraction made work fun when I needed it during my last months of probation LMAO
omg going home during lunch and then back to work ICONIC
leaving the girls at my place and coming back for lunch LMAOOO god really iconic honestly showering and going back to work sleeping hoeing all that LMFAO 
omg the time I left Leo at my place YOO LMAO
still have that expensive ass sweater LMFAO WAT A SIMP
those drunk texts he sent Me in august and I punked him off LMFAOO 😩😂
men trash 
darren Chris rob goddd all those damn ppl I met the one guy who saved me during that blacTHE BLACKOUT CABANNA NIGHT GOD THAT WAS A MESS LMAO TITTIES OUT EVERYTHING but yeah he was low key useless I forget his name highboy but whatever
I got catfishes twice 😩 the change bitch and the John bitch airehguerihserh FUCKKK LMFAO
and then I catfish Sunday to punk him off for revenge and call him a thot and thought he was talking about me for catfish when it was just about another bitch he was hoeing with cuz he a hoe.. Jesus my life wild
gained weight fml I don't even wanna mention it iDONT WANNA TALK
even if it is muscle I dDONT WANNT TALK ABOUT IT
the cabana pool jump... godd... walking home drunkregiuhersguhe fucK 
summer was crazy
nada and mama coming wow that was annoying I rlly can't do family even though I love them
getting high swimming the catfish racing munchies arguing with Alex LMAO 
eating out with Dania gab Lisa the normal ppl I met lool
a lot of stress of money and where I want to go I was in a hella rush idk why I think everything happening so fast made me not want to slow down at all but im finally slowing down 
priya end of the year rebel tiff stuff 
basically drowning in depress and regret around the end of summer cuz everything calmed down and I had the time to think and reflect about everything and yeah.. got super depressed
that bitch cc and her bullshit yo just fucking go bye
notice how there's like no memories with her like yeah there was but they were just annoying cuz she was annoying highkey
thanks for bringing my shit from Ottawa tho dumbass LOL eat a dick
omg all my emo ass walks at night to the port and water and trillium park in the morning aiohreughresehre writing with my journal god that was actually nice tho 
super peaceful so happy to live near the water highkey
always in between losing myself who am I what do I do now who am I like did I lost myself did I ever have myself
major existential crisis
how did I survive work god 
actually I had a lot of night walking home from the club sad
omg remember the ovo guy fucking loser liar 
as usualllll 
ugh what else fuck too much shit happened OH YEAH
my birthday with the girls and the bbq!! the cake!! omg so nice :((( so funny lol
that weirdo ass man that I still see in the gym sometimes god help me lol 
passing my probation!!!! and then like finally fitting in and feeling apart of mk and the “family” lol
got a moomin from Scottish mans 🥺 love him
anyways got depressed drowning in obsession.. nothing surprising there 🙄 
got high and drunk like bottom of the barrel... 
right before pargol came LMAO 
oh yeah I went to Ottawa because yo I was going out of my mind about losing myself.. needed to go BACK to the place I hated to find myself
went back and it was like??? everything was the same.. still saw vin and avid and Herman at Rideau still had bbt with them 
still fucking around hector and that whole crew had Ivan his girl moe.. ribal..Kyle YO lol that weird ass club experience AS USUAL Ottawa clubs trash god
apple picking same year in a row wit z <3 and hamza and fams lol
saw the kids and got to be stupid again loool 
anyways came back to my actual life
like it just felt weird knowing that the place I had all my memories and experiences in like.. felt nothing
even the forest felt weird like I didn't need to be there anymore?
as much as tried to drown myself in obsession and my past and bad habits.. I couldn't?
im being forced to move forward and learned Sunday was the last experience it was just eye opening
after the emotional shit I sat down again and had a whole purging 
I never felt that bad and horrible and drowned in obsession since raglan..
like.. deleted the hidden pictures... the feeling.. like I've done this before...
that was the final straw..
you think its over just because I am dead but its not over..the games just begun.
never again. 
anyways I met Aisha!!! love her vibe with her heavy
introduceed me to the sugar shit YOOOO LMFAOOO
weird ass fucking people but get the money and go 
stack up crazy and saving up this past few months 
and just chilling w friends and therapy sessions
scheming and planning for the future
therapy sessions
got close with Lisa
iconic holiday party and New Years with again like random weird ppl and my girls exemplifying how wild and fresh the whole experience of this year was 
at least I be waking up warm and clean in MY PLACEby myself with no bullshit 
just like.. got a new place new job new city basically live the life I always wanted? reading movies? new friends no problems? wtf how my life change so quick
new interesting experiences
getting drunk high dancing at my place out in these streets just meeting bare people all these new people and experiences holy shit... 
and like yeah im not where I want to be but this progress and process is FUN now 
everything a strategy and a move and love staying busy 
wish I had more free time tho I never feel rested my life fucking crazy LOOL
that weirdo bitch who thought he was dating me UGHHH BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL JUST FOR A CAR AND FOOD BITCHARE U CRAZY 
power trip crazy im so sorry jfc 
anyways block and move on
met Chris and we still talking for like 3 months in a row god... lol gunna see him Saturday idk was the HALE going on 
im like surrounded by hoes???? and I don't want it GOD I JUST BEEN FOCUSING ON ME AND MONEYFUCK EVERYONE ELSE 
idek what else maybe im missing shit but this whole year wild best year of MY LIFE though
idk what the fuck gunna happen in 2020 cuz my split lives and the chaos and playing hoes and always thinking about opportunity and abundance and money got my mind and moves all wrapped in strategy but we only ONNLY ONLYYY GOING UP from here no excuses lets fucking go I always say this but 2019 was fucking wild and you know what.. lets fucking go 2020 LETS FUCKING GO as long as I don't gain weight LMFAO lets fucking GO. money and power on my mind exclusively. gl imma see you in 2 years. focusing on bigger things but at least im OUT HERE and ESCAPED and we onLY ATTRACTING AND MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE 
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celtfather · 5 years
Celtic Christmas Cheer #440
Merry Christmas from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast lots of Celtic Christmas culture and cheer.
Eira, Heather Dale, Peat in the Creel, Marc Gunn, Natalie MacMaster, Donnell Leahy, Alexander James Adams, A Shamrock in Kudzu, The Wee Heavies, Jil Chambless, Ed Miller, Scooter Muse, Spencer & Beane, The Selkie Girls, Sarah Marie Mullen , Susan Toman, Farsan, Aizle & Riognach Connolly, Tommy Sands
I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show with ONE friend.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember also to Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, I'll send you a few cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today.
VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 With the new year comes a new votes in the Celtic Top 20. This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2019 episode.  Vote Now!
0:05 - "Taladh Chriosda" by Eira from Glen Tidings Pronunciation: Tall-uck Crees-da
4:06 - "O Come All Ye Faithful" by Heather Dale from Spark
8:25 - "Merry Christmas Jig, Masters of the Hall, All Around the Holly Tree" by Peat in the Creel from Winter
12:50 - "Slainte Mhaith Christmas" by Marc Gunn from Single
14:52 - "Ding Dong Merrily On High" by Natalie MacMaster/Donnell Leahy from A Celtic Family Christmas
23:32 - "Wintertide" by Alexander James Adams from Wintertide
29:21 - "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen w/The Lamplighter's Jig" by A Shamrock in Kudzu from Kudzu for Christmas
31:14 - "Court of a King" by The Wee Heavies from A Christmas Minding
34:35 - "Christmas Card" by Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and Scooter Muse from Nollaig Chridheil / Songs of the Christmas Season
35:48 - "Blessed Be That Maid Mairie" by Spencer & Beane from On Christmas Day in the Morning
41:15 - "Upon a Winter's Night" by The Selkie Girls from Winter Lore: Songs of Celtic Christmas
44:44 - "Good King Wenceslas" by Sarah Marie Mullen from In the Moon of Wintertime
47:22 - "The Sussex Carol" by Susan Toman from Angels on High
50:31 - "A' Mhisg A Chuir An Nollaig" by Farsan from Farsan Pronunciation: A-Vishk a cur an knoll-ig
54:16 - "The Wexford Carol" by Aizle & Riognach Connolly from The Wexford Carol
1:00:00 - "Slainte Mhaith/The Cat in the Attic" by Tommy Sands from To Shorten the Winter - An Irish Christmas
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
If you enjoy this episode makes sure you subscribe to the Celtic Christmas Podcast. You’ll get over 50 episodes of Christmas music by Celtic musicians.
Find more Celtic Christmas music, including podcasts, videos, Spotify playlists, Celtic Christmas song lyrics, and even some free downloads.
Stephen Conroy’s Celtic Playlists
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
THANK YOU PATRONS OF THE PODCAST! Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out every week and has done so since 2014. You can pledge a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month over on Patreon.
Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. Plus, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are super close to getting a two-hour instrumental special.
I want to thank our Patrons of the Podcast:
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast.
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
James Slaven emailed a photo last year: "I’ve very much enjoyed the holiday music! The main podcast’s Christmas was a great cherry on top.  Listened while baking Busha Bread (my great-grandmother’s recipe) for family holidays. Keep it up!"
Brian Stuepfert of Sacramento, California emailed a photo: "Training for a marathon with celtic and Irish music in my ears."
Neill McShea emailed: "Hey man, Just got back from a trip to Asia so I hadn’t actually heard any of the recent podcast. Nice job on the track titles! Sounded like a true Gaeligor!"
Thanks also to Neill for helping with my Gaelic pronunciation on many of the recent episodes of the podcasts.
Michael Vitagliano emailed: "Hey Mark! My wife and I are listening to episode 430 while driving from Galway to Dublin. It’s our last couple of days on the Emerald Isle and one stop is definitely going to be Cobblestone in Dublin for some amazing live trad tunes. One thing I’ve been surprised about being over here is the lack of cd shops. Back in the States we stream everything, but I understand why artists over here don’t want to be on services like Spotify. We’re going to explore Claddagh Records tomorrow and I’m optimistic we’ll find a pretty solid selection. I don’t know how much more work it is for you, but to include album links in the episodes would definitely help us in finding the artist and knowing which album to purchase. Just throwing that out there. Love the podcast, we’ve been binging it these past two weeks here in Ireland. It’s definitely made the experience that much more special."
Joseph Rosenthal emailed: "Hey Marc! I've been listening for about 2 months now and love hearing the diverse styles of Celtic music and helps me expand my knowledge on artists. I was going to email a favorite local Celtic group I listen to religiously during the Maryland Renaissance Festival called The Hooligans, but I'm unsure if you've played them already since you and they've been around for a couple years. Is there a condensed archive of Artists you have shared on your Podcast available? Keep up the good work! And good on you for imploring that no hate comes to your podcast! I like the focus on the positivity!"
#celticchristmas #irishchristmas #scottishchristmas
  Check out this episode!
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jils-things · 9 months
not really for the trademark ask game since i barely think this counts but i love seeing you being able to reflect yourself in your self inserts, mostly design wise, it's cute seeing you get excited for haircuts and clothes that look like theirs. it's a way to reaffirm the fact that your f/os would love you.
they would love your hair, your smile and personality. and speaking of that you always reflect your exact feelings for them almost without fear. you adore steven like your husband and make it know, you find red cute and you say it instantly.
it's also your cool writing ideas and development plans that make it both interesting and hilarious to read. ily colorpalette and ily memoryshipping
okay who told you to go hard here there's an arrow pierced through my chest rn....
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trust me when i say i was the worst with gushing, first year into my tumblr selfship blog i did not know how to talk... but as someone who enjoys writing/creating stories as much as drawing, infodumping became my way of "gushing" before i became brave enough to... uhhh go ooga booga over my fos AKSJJEJA and when i did, everyone was very supportive abt it! (like even if nobody commented, the amount of hearts that i receive in me babbling just makes me happy enough really!!!) so it helped me really become brutally honest abt how excited i am about my sillays 😔😔 little to no restraint now teehee and I'm very happy about it!
i love love creating stories. i think they're so important in creating deep symbolisms and connections and its always so satisfying when everything comes together nicely. it's like when you listen to a song, and then you hear that familiar reoccurring motif and it makes you, oh! it's that jingle i know! that's how i feel when it comes to writing - it's always fun to mix things and it becomes an important motif or jingle in the story. and of course. ya girl loves comedy. that shit won't ever leave in the tumblr url jils-things blog ever😔😔😔 i should also thank you and many possible mutuals who bother to read my content too because feedback just helps boost the joy 👍👍👍
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Jil IDK why and call me crazy but I think you might like that one guy from that one anime about the stampede (idk what it's called lol-/lh)
So uh, take this as an opportunity to tell us in detail why he's stolen your heart so much (if you want to!)
no way,,, surely it's not... nich.olas d. wo.lfwood⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️from the newest 3d anime called tri.gun s.tampede⁉️⁉️ no way,,
OK JOKES ASIDE SHAYSHDJF been awhile since I got a gush pass,, cracks knuckles. im sorry in advance 🙈
IT'S REALLY FUNNY CUZ,, I get one mention of tri.gun once, and then a day later my friend asks me if I watched it - to which I said I didn't, and the only guy I ever knew was va.sh (old anime included) BUT NEVER HAVE I EVER SEEN W.OLFWOOD BEFORE.... SO WHEN MY FRIEND SENT ME THAT ONE LOLLIPOP GIF OF WO.LFWOOD I WASN'T THE SAME PERSON EVER SINCE
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i saw this and knew i was not gonna make it out alive. /lh and that's how i got myself into the HOLEEEEEE
when I started watching it, I was actually getting really impatient that he didn't appear yet and when he actually came I started panicking and yelling at my friend, and to their joy, witness me lose my shit there 💚
AUHRHSURHSS MAN AS FOR WHY I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM UHHHGGHH ok first of all it's def the gif that started everything and SECOND HE STILL FOLLOWS THE GRUMPY TROPE THAT YALL KNOW IS JIL SHAPED AHSJSKHSHAJS and basically I just. grew more into him and I deadass scream at literally everything he does 😭😭 his English va is so so good (I clipped so many wolf moments help,,) which shouldn't be surprising because he's tod.oroki (which I think was a good delivery back then) and he just got even better here!!!!! so uhm... yeah,,,, thank you for listening,,,, JSHDHSJJRISE
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nootnoot333 · 7 years
bangtan asks
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
:< hmmmm.... violet from the incredibles bc she cool
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
cry bc my friends have so much dirt on me 
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be?
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
metal against metal: like a metal spoon against a metal bowl 
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
cut them off snip snip
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
thank god now i don’t have to find a job in this economy 
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
in stores it’s usually some really sweet latte, at home it’s 2 tablespoons of sugar and a bit of milk
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
y isn’t sub vocal an option 
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i’ve known ab them since their... a little bit before their I NEED U days bc my friend was obssessed w them since debut and would always post ab them on fb and i watched the i need u mv and that’s where it all started
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
nothing home is where i am
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
i guess? doesn’t every body’s in some way
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
honestly... bts HAHAAHHAa
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
declare my major and get study abroad figured out 
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i’m here 2 listen
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
jump: favorite childhood memory?
playing outside for hours with the neighborhood kids
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
HAHAHHAHA boys wise i have a weakness for tall lanky art boys who have ruffled dark hair and big glasses  LMAO 
i like it pt. 2: dream date?
n/a anything is fine 
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
multiple times, usually having to do w a car ; driving, almost getting hit, being driven
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
let’s not
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
fear- mino, streetcar - daniel caesar, lost- bts
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
pretty good just bc i forget
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
nothing i’m so unspontaenous 
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
depends on the SEASON BOI summer: highwaisted shorts and long sleeved shirt w stan smiths, fall: blue mom jeans, tighter shirt, colorful socks and white vans, winter: light gray turtleneck sweater, black skinny jeans, beanie, dark gray wool coat, black boots spring: denim overall dress, cute shirt, colorful socks and stansmiths
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)?
o..........at least 10 hours awake 
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
stayin alive
i need u: are you in love?
hell no 
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
not rly
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
nah not to the extent of broken 
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
SO loyal
move: last time you cried?
probably last year first semester of school
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
a mississippi sunset
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
YES.... i have so many dream vacations... rn i wanna go to scandinavia 
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
fuk fuk i rly wanna live in like sweden 
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
yes and to an  extent 
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a marine biologist bc i liked fish and the ocean or a neurosurgeon but now i’m veering toward law
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
in little ways
save me: your favorite place on earth?
uh...   prague?
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
kiki’s delivery service
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
LMAO omg... ok 1) tae 2) jimin 3) my frien oshin 4) dean 5) zico 6) crush 7) jil 
all the kpop guys bc Y TF NOT and my friends bc they get along w everyone
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
like around 10 
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i swear a saw a demon 
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
lie: biggest fear?
dying but not having done what i wanted before
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
don’t worry it’ll be fine
mama: are you good at giving advice?
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
i’m so good w directions and navigation 
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
bath, paint nails, do nothing
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
this is so hard
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their silliness 
spring day: who do you miss right now?
no one particularly
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
hahahahahahahahah translating 
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
domestic flights: window
intl flights: aisle bc i pee a lot
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
no one
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years
hiyaa ( ꈍᴗꈍ) first of all, love your selfship with bya.kuya he deserves some love 🥺 but anyways, 1. and 5. for the crush game!!
- jils-things 💚
Hello, Jil!!! Thank you so much for the ask <3 And thank you in general as well, ahaha! Someone has got to love that man ^-^ I really love seeing your art - I have seen your stuff reblogged around by people I follow, but I was always too shy to like or reblog it until we were mutuals, hehe ^-^ I think your art and ship with Jesse and Tom is super cute! I love the bestie dynamic with Tord, like that platonic stuff is TO DIE FOR.
Anyway, enough of my blabbing, let's get into it!
1. Who was your very first fictional crush? 
I crushed a lot on fictional characters when I was younger, so my memory is a little blurry on who exactly was first... but I think it would have to be the 10th Do//ctor (played by Da//vid Ten//nant).
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I completely blame him for my thing for men over 6' with a suit and glasses, hehe <3
I just love his episodes and how they wrote him. I gotta admit, rewatching it without blushing once was a little hard... but it's more of a family joke now. I have an avid appreciation of his actor though ^-^
5. Who are you most ashamed of?
Hmm... Toughie... I was ashamed of a potential F/O back in December of last year because I was really worried about D//RS and was kinda preparing for a F/O drop. But that never happened, and I am super happy now ^-^
I was (and still am) ashamed as I am so touchy with topic of infidelity despite the fact it's fiction and liking multiple fictional characters is not at all indicative of those traits - my thoughts spiral very quickly.
His name is Nobu//chika Gin//oza!!
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Overall, I felt really guilty for liking him in the first place, and the fact I wasn't too much of a fan of him in later seasons (I actually did not watch the movies and s3 as they weren't dubbed and he just... didn't look like himself).
I feel ashamed for liking him, but my friends say I am being really silly about it as I know my head just registers him as 'Kuya (they have so many visual and behavioural similarities... and 'Kuya's English VA for the anime is also his VA, ahaha).
I hope you have a wonderful day <3
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konomad · 7 years
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Hairstylist and head prop extraordinaire Tomihiro Kono reveals the inspirations behind his new book  
“Head props are pieces of transformative and wearable art. I don’t see them as headpieces used to decorate hair but as a way of creating one-off characters.” – Tomihiro Kono
Beginning his career as a classically trained hairstylist, Tomihiro Kono’s work no longer begins and ends in the salons of Tokyo. Instead, the Japanese creative’s designs are used by designers and stylists worldwide to transform both editorials and catwalk shows. Kono frequently contributes to titles including W Magazine, Numéro and Harper’s Bazaar, as well as working with designers such as Jil Sander and Derek Lam. His longstanding collaborative partnership with designer Junya Watanabe (Kono has created pieces for the shows since 2014) has made him a recognisable force within the fashion world.
Kono moved to London in 2007, where he swapped salon-based hairstyling for session work. This is when he began to experiment with the creation of head props, “I developed so many creative, inspiring and supportive friendships there, which helped me to develop my creative mind” he explains. “The energy, youth culture, music and fashion is so original and cool. Every collaboration I did in London was so vibrant.” After 5 years in London, Kono moved to New York, where he is based today. Here, his approach to designing head props has become increasingly mathematical and methodological. Stylistically, his pieces have become very graphic and distinctive, with Kono incorporating a diverse array of materials into his projects, including vinyl, rope, iron sand, rubber tubing and visual motion effects.
Kono’s first book, Head Prop: Studies 2013–2016, showcases the sheer range of his creative capabilities. Released this month, the book demonstrates how he transforms his ideas into malleable 3D objects. It also represents another notable career shift for Kono as he sets up the Brooklyn based independent publisher Konomad, whilst simultaneously branching out into wig making. INFRINGE spoke to him about the concept behind his new book.
What inspired your move from hairdressing towards head prop artistry? I actually still consider hair styling as the main part of my job despite having made many head props. Ideally, I’d like to create a balance between them as one stimulates the other. When I moved to London in 2007 it felt really natural to start creating head props – I felt creative and saw this as a way to build my career in my own, original way. I’ve always thought that originality is extremely important when working freelance, as you want people to recognise that you can make something special and unique. Eventually people started to ask me to make exclusive pieces for shoots and to be part of exciting collaborations with artists and performers.
Does your background in hairdressing influence your approach to creating head props? Yes, definitely. The techniques used are almost inseparable. They are always related to each other. For example, I’ve made a series of 3D hairstyles inspired by the haircut diagrams I used during my hairdressing training in Tokyo. It’s essential to know how each hairstyle is structurally made so you can control the hair shape and line.
Which materials do you most enjoy working with? Having experimented with lots of different materials I find hair the most interesting one to work with. Hair is a responsive material, easily affected by weather, humidity and change of environment, which makes it both profound and challenging. When I am on set, I try to constantly adjust the hair as the photographer shoots as even minor changes in hairstyling can transform a photograph. In my personal opinion, there’s also something relaxing about touching hair.
Your new book Head Prop: Studies 2013–2016 is comprised of diagrams, sketches and photos. Why did you decide to present the book in this way? I wanted my book to inspire as many people as possible, which is why I adopted both a graphic and educational approach inspired by Typology. I like that the book doesn’t look like a hairstylist’s work at first glance as I think this allows for the content to reach a wider audience. There was something very satisfactory about organising the images into a grid-like system as it gave the book an unemotional quality where the results are objectively recorded, like a catalogue.
What made you decide to compile this book, a retrospective from 2013-2016, now? I started the book in April last year as a personal documentation of all my experiments and the trials and errors of my creations. I had spent so much time and effort on the pieces that I wanted to keep a record for myself and the rest of the world. There is always some work that remains unseen as it has no place to go, so I wanted to make a place for them to be shown so I wouldn’t forget what I’d made. Books are my favourite medium to record and archive, I’ve always believed in analogue mediums rather than digital. I hope that upcoming creators or next generations will have a chance to dig out my book someday, just like I have done with old haircutting and styling process books.
What is your most unlikely source of inspiration? Daily life is my inspiration. It’s all around us if you want to see it.
Interview Alex Mascolo Images Sayaka Maruyama © Tomihiro Kono Special Thanks Tomihiro Kono Website tomihirokono.com
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Split My Infinitives
And thus rehearsals began. It became a regular thing for O'Hara to call to collect Jilomena and then take her home again afterwards, much to her initial surprise. Dotty looked more and more murderous every time they were seen together, much to Jil's very private and very irreverent glee. She'd NEVER forget the look on the woman's face the first morning they had arrived at the theatre together. He'd helped her off of the back of his motorcycle, and they'd casually strolled in arm in arm, laughing and chatting. If looks could kill, Jil would no longer be amongst the living, that was for certain. They were currently rehearsing the nursery scene which opened the pantomime. 'Why, what is the matter, Father dear?' the actress playing Wendy asked. 'Matter!' O'Hara as Mr Darling roared. 'This tie, it will not tie.' His voice became the right level of dangerously sarcastic. 'Not round my neck! Round the bedpost! Oh yes, twenty times have I made it up round the bedpost, but round my neck, no! Oh dear no! Begs to be excused!' He turned to Jilomena as Mrs Darling and spoke sternly. 'I warn you of this, Mother, that unless this tie is round my neck we don't go out to dinner tonight, and if I don't go out to dinner tonight, I never go to the office again, and if I don't go to the office again, you and I starve, and our children will be flung into the streets.' Jilomena stepped close to him. 'Let me try, dear.' She reached up and expertly tied the tie around his neck on the first try. She had made sure to practice at home with a tie she had smuggled out from the costume department. 'Thank you, my dear! You are a treasure!' He kissed the corner of her mouth, which wasn't in the script. She was surprised but quickly recovered and smoothly delivered her next line right on cue. If anyone noticed his little ad lib, no one commented on it. It seemed that not even Dotty dared question the additions of the great P.L. O'Hara. As the rehearsals progressed, the production was looking more and more spectacular by the day. Her favourite backdrop was the pirate ship that George had carefully painted. Soon it was time for the dress and technical rehearsal, the Saturday before opening night, which was to be the Monday. Normally, a dress rehearsal took the ENTIRE day, because there was so many things that could go wrong that required correction before they could open. The famous theatre saying went: bad dress rehearsal, good first performance. The cast who were to fly had already tested the mechanism on Friday, along with the light-and-mirror system for Tinkerbell. However, there were still numerous corrections that needed to be made, just so the old adage would hopefully come true. The deck of the Jolly Roger, Hook's pirate ship, swayed alarmingly during the pirate battle, and the mast all but fell against the backcloth of the stage. Also, the ticking of the crocodile was all but inaudible unless you were standing directly next to him. The mast was repaired, the deck secured, and the ticking amplified, and the rehearsal went on. Jil had gotten her wish and she was a fierce pirate as well as the lovely Mrs Darling. She sat in the 'rigging' upstage, watching intently as O'Hara delivered his lines. 'How still the night is...nothing sounds alive. Split my infinitives, but tis my hour of triumph!' Hook roared. She suppressed a smile as he did a jig of glee at his imagined victory. The Lost Boys triumphed over the Pirates, Hook was given over to the crocodile, and the children returned to their nursery and their loving parents. All was well that ended well. They rehearsed the curtain call, and then gathered round Potter and Bunny to be given their final notes. O'Hara and Jil weren't given any notes, but Dotty was given several, she noticed with quiet amusement. They were dismissed with admonishments to get plenty of rest for Monday. O'Hara took her home, and they exchanged several kisses before saying goodnight.
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celtfather · 5 years
Texas Scots #407
We visit the 2019 Texas Scottish Festival this week on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Celtic music from...
Scotland Rising, Beyond the Pale, The Selkie Girls, Reel Treble, Tullamore, Ed Miller, Jed Marum, Skeleton McKee, Anton & The Colts, Cleghorn, Willow and Her Giant, Brother, Jil Chambless, Scooter Muse
I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show with ONE friend.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember also to Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, I'll send you a few cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today. Thank you again for being a Celt of Kindness.
VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 With the new year comes a new votes in the Celtic Top 20. This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2019 episode.  Vote Now!
0:06 "Desert Reels" by Scotland Rising from Out of the Ashes
3:32 "The Tommy Jig-Dan Murphy's-Four Posts of the Bed" by Beyond the Pale from Wantin' Something More
6:29 "Mo Nighean Donn As Bòidhche" by The Selkie Girls from Pirate Queen
10:37 "Martin Wynne's #2/Dunmore Lasses/The Coalminer" by Reel Treble
14:50 "Sound the Pibroch" by Tullamore from Two to Get Ready
24:28 "Room for Us All in the Dance" by Ed Miller from The Edinburgh Rambler
29:18 "Loch Lomond" by Jed Marum from Calla's Waltz
33:08 "Handsome Johnny Flynn" by Skeleton McKee from Leave the World Laughing
39:09 "My Favourite Song" by Anton & The Colts from No End of the Line
44:56 "Hello Hello" by Cleghorn from Live in Greenville
48:51 "O'Carolan's Farewell to Music" by Willow and Her Giant
52:11 "Take Me Down" by Brother from Pax Romana MMV
59:00 "The Collier's Way" by Jil Chambless and Scooter Muse from The Lang Awa' Ships
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
Whenever you become a Patron of the Podcast, 10% of all the money I earn goes toward Celtic non-profits. I donate that because I want to help our fellow Celtic organizations grow.
One of the festivals I have supported over the years is the Texas Scottish Festival. Thanks to our patrons, I made another nice donation to this festival in North Texas. The festival takes place May 10-12, 2019 in Decatur, Texas. And this week, we're gonna highlight some of the amazing artists performing there this year as well as in past years.
I want to give you a quick heads up. I decided to skip the podcast next week. Our official move in date for Atlanta is next week. While we will still be in Birmingham for the most part, we will be getting everything setup at our new home. And since May has five Thursdays, instead of the usual four, I figured it was just easier and less financially stressful for many of our Patrons of the Podcast who don't set a cap on their pledges.
That said, I decided last minute to compile a short bonus podcast exclusively for our Patrons of the Podcast. If you want to support the show, please consider joining them.
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
THANK YOU PATRONS OF THE PODCAST! There are many ways to support the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. You can make a donation through our website. You can buy a bumper sticker to show your support. You can buy a shirt or get the Sainted Song Henger Collection to tell the world you support Celtic culture through music. The best way is to become a Patron of the Podcast.
This show exists because of the kind patronage of people like you. You can make a pledge of a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. And you also get episodes before regular listeners.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast.
I want to thank our newest patrons: Alexander P
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
Lori Wilson emailed: "St. Patrick's Day goals! Didn't know if you saw this. Thought it was neat." http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20190313-an-irish-pub-born-in-the-dark-ages
Mary Malyszka emailed: "Hi Marc - Devoted and highly supportive listener here! We love your podcast. My husband and family and I have a ritual - we love listening to your podcast as we cook dinner. We talk about our days and enjoy your wonderful music! Simple but wonderful! Thank you!
In any case, I was just listening to the current podcast, and you mentioned having a podcast devoted to the Celtic harp! I was thrilled. I've spent the last 20+ years studying the "clarsach" or 'Celtic harp - it is a passion. (I am actually a former president of the Scottish National Harp Society of America SHSA)). I wanted to offer some recommendations for some harpists that I've loved listening to over the years. There are so many great harpists - so this isn't a comprehensive list - just some that I feel are great because of their skill and talent as a performer, or because of their unique ability as a composer or arranger.
First, I'd like to suggest someone named Cynthia Cathcart. (http://www.cynthiacathcart.com) She is a Scottish US National Champion and professional musician. She plays the clarsach - which is the wire-strung harp played with one's fingernails. She is a small niche artist (even in the harp world), so any of her music from the "Alchemy of a Rose" album should be easy to get permission to play. (She does a great version of Brian Boru's March with the didgeridoo!)
I'd also like to suggest Ann Heymann - who, in my opinion, is the finest wire-strung harp player in the world. She is credited with re-inventing the wire strung technique based on extensive research of the Bunting manuscript (Irish harp source) and other sources. My favorite album is 'Queen of Harps'.
Another premier Scottish artist is Alison Kinnaird, who is considered one of the leading performers and researchers of the Scottish harp - her book "Tree of Strings" is a must-have for anyone doing historical harp research.
Other artists that are absolutely wonderful and renown in the Celtic harp world include Deborah Friou, Kim Robertson, Robin Huw Bowen (Welsh triple harp), Cheryl Ann Fulton, Máire Ní Chathasaigh, Patrick Ball, Laurie Rasmussen, and, of course, some of the original leaders in the Celtic harp world, such as Derek Bell and Alan Stivell. There are so many wonderful harpists that I could name! I hope you do consider doing this podcast. There are some great Celtic harp musicians out there that I know your listeners would welcome learning about. With respect for all the wonderful things you do!"
Check out this episode!
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