#streber is my dad and i find it to be very funny-
Ah SM how it inspires me so- yeah I have another fic, this one dad related
Streber & Cherry, Haunted House Happenings
It was the day before Spooky Month and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse… Well that was until Cherry heard the shouts of her father ringing throughout the halls, and in a panic she flung herself out of the bed before transforming to gain more speed. And as she finally reached the source of the screams she turned back before running over to him, "Dad are you okay?!" Yet as he turned to her he was laughing making her confused but it at least put her somewhat at ease.
"I'm sorry for panicking you, but yeah I'm fine blossom, I was just surprised hehe." Streber chuckled, holding a hand out to Cherry for them to help him up. They hummed at him with a slightly raised eyebrow before looking behind him to find the source of panic, a… plastic skeleton? They grumbled slightly before looking up at him, "Oh dad, don't tell me-" Yet contrasting their expression he held a more joyous tone, complete with a small grin. "That's right blossom! Streber's Spooky Parlor of Extreme Terror will be opening for business!” She sighed but nodded slightly, turning to one of the many boxes, "Oh, um, well I know how much you dislike the clutter… and how boring you find the setting up, so, for this year, I've decided that I would get some friends to help me." He smiled down at her warmly before stepping aside. Yet they still didn't seem to get it as they continued looking up at him. "So?" Cherry asked their gaze occasionally, darting back to the boxes, and so Streber shook his head before chuckling a little.
"So, you can go out, maybe hang with those boys you like so much." He winked, making her blush and turn away slightly, yet as she turned back to him, she wrapped him into a hug. "Thanks dad." After she ran out of the door smiling all the while, yet she did turn back to see who exactly got roped into helping him. And she saw a brown haired girl in a green shirt she recognized to be related to Ross and the candy store cashier who Roy often stole from.
(brief cameo by @jils-things s/i, I uh... Hope you don't mind jil ^^')
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