#Thanks so much for asking!!
hotcat37 · 5 months
I absolutely adore both your deaf!Jere and IKEA Jance stories so I'm sending 8, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 36, 41, 44, 51, 55 and 60. You can do both for all or pick the pairing that you prefer for each number. Thank you 😊
OMG I'm so happy you like my fics so much!! 😭😭 I'll do deaf!Bojere first and later I'll post the IKEA Jance version too and tag you in it <3
8: what happens if one of them gets sick?
Like in that one chapter where Jere is sick, Bojan would be very attentive and provide a lot of comfort. He's a no nonsense kind of caretaker so if Jere wants something that's not good for him while he's sick, the answer is a simple no. He is very gentle tho and understands that being sick reminds Jere of unpleasant memories so he's extra sweet with his angel <3
Jere might panic a little if Bojan is the sick one but composes himself quickly and does his best to help his boyfriend feel better asap. He'd probably do a lot of Google searches and cook Bojan some soup :3 If Bojan struggles to rest, he'll stay with him and verbally speak to Bojan until he drifts off to sleep♡
11: do they try to hide their emotions if upset?
I actually don't think this couple in particular struggles with that. Bojan and Jere are both emotional and sensitive and communication is a big part of what makes their relationship work so well. They're each other's safe spaces and so I don't think they'd ever purposely try to hide how they feel from one another. If one of them does attempt to hide, though, I think the other would immediately notice and try to talk it out right away
12: do heated arguments happen often? How do they smooth things over?
In general, not really. They're both very in tune with the other's emotions so it's unlikely for big fights to happen between them. There could be arguments caused by smaller things tho. For example: Jere is prone to doing things kind of last minute or taking a long time to get ready while Bojan is often anxious about being on time for things and this might make them clash sometimes. However they can never really stay mad at each other for long, there's too much love between them for that.
To smooth things over after an argument, Bojan is the one to buy flowers and (attempt) to make dinner while Jere will verbally apologize and explain his reasoning for behaving a certain way/acknowledging when he was in the wrong
15: do they always say I love you before leaving?
It's not something they necessarily pay attention to. They always make sure to say goodbye but they tell each other I love you multiple times a day so it's not a thing they specifically say before going somewhere. Unless it's when one of them is going back home to their respective country, in that case there's always several love confessions before leaving :")
17: who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Hmm I'd say Bojan. He's for sure the kind of guy to do silly romantic things like spin Jere around and dip him before kissing him. Especially after a drink or two, Bojan can get really passionate and if Jere is within grabbing range, trust that he WILL be grabbed (Jere quite enjoys it tho 🤭)
20: choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship
My Love Mine All Mine-Mitski <3
My baby, here on earth Showed me what my heart was worth🎶
22: what reminds them of each other?
Bojan: baby seals (because of Jere's voice) and the colors neon green and yellow are things he automatically associates with his angel Jere: roses (Bojan has kind of a thing with those flowers) and just hearing foreign languages in general because them taking the same class in uni is what brought them together <3
36: who's most likely to fire up the stove at 2AM because the other is hungry
Jere 100%. Bojan would try to be secretive about it and slip out of bed in search of food but once Jere notices and has his hearing aids in, one stomach growl from Bojan and it's over. Doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night, Jere will be making his man something to eat damn it!!
41: which one would take off their jacket and drape it over the other's shoulders?
Jere is more accustomed to the cold so it isn't uncommon for him to ditch his coat in favor of wrapping it around a shivering Bojan who once again miscalculated how cold it'd be lol If they're standing still they'll just share a jacket :3
44: who would dance in the kitchen making dinner?
Bojan is usually banned from the kitchen so he'll often just stand in the doorway like a lost dog while Jere sways and gets dinner ready. In moments like these Bojan would ask to do something simple like washing the lettuce but he really just wants to dance with Jere lmao
51: what's a non verbal way they say I love you?
Bojan is an acts of service kind of guy (getting breakfast ready while Jere sleeps, driving his angel around whenever he needs) while Jere is very physically affectionate and will shower Bojan with kisses and hugs. And because Bojan loves hearing his voice, he'll also just babble random stuff to make Bojč happy <3
55: do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
They're more into stargazing :P Both of them are pretty high energy so it's pretty likely that they'll end a night out by looking at the stars for another hour before heading back home
60: who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
Bojan <3 He can't control his cuteness aggression so if he wakes up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, and he sees Jere's sleepy face, he just has to pull him closer to his body for a hug💞
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possuminabathtub · 4 months
Hiya! Dropping in with a ♥️ 🎁 and 🦋for the fanfic writer ask game :)
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I could not for the life of me figure this out, this ask literally made me go read through snippets of my published fics to see if I’ve written any lines I just truly love and want to show off, and I keep coming back to a line of dialogue from the monologue that inspired a purely angsty and cathartic oneshot.
“You believe that because you suffered, lost everything, that everyone else must do the same, that they must suffer, must die, must allow others to die, because that is the way, isn't it?" 
Which character is your favorite to write? Idk if I can pick a favorite, I do truly love writing all the characters I chose to pov from, they’re all fascinating in their own ways. But if I had to pick only one under duress or something (limiting to canon characters for sake of argument), I’d prob go with Bucky.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Oh boy I have like a dozen different pieces I could share, but I particularly like the writing in this one:
He loathed waking up, breath forcing itself into his frigid lungs. Time had ceased to exist, after months had blurred into agonizing years of ceaseless experiments and white hot electricity coursing through his body, punctuated by bouts of intermittent training, languages, combat, stealth, and long stretches of frozen sleep. He didn't like what they were trying to turn him into, digging his jagged nails into whatever fragments of an identity he had left. 
   He'd fought back, had fought back until his determination turned to cold stone, rough hewn and unbreaking. Despite it, years of steady erosion had run their course, chipping away at his resolve, washing his energy out from under him until he was nothing but a shell of a human, unliving, but not allowed to die. 
  They wanted him to be a killer, and so a killer he would be, and he would make that their downfall. It took five soldiers to finally subdue him, but by then the damage had already been done, two technicians and a soldier were dragged away, smearing red in their wake. 
   In earnest, they had tried to harness that bloodlust, only to find it directed at them. Time dragged past and he sunk into himself, protecting the ember of fierce defiance he still held close to his heart, feeding it with blood and flesh, even as they tore at the very fabric of his being.
   He wasn't sure how long he'd been confined to the cryostasis chamber, but when he awoke shivering in the disgustingly familiar room, he'd let the frost flake off his skin as he forced his thawing joints to bring him to the chair at the center of the circular laboratory, the recessed floor lined by it's ring of steel railing.
  Machinery branched out from the chair, a tree of metal and bolts that practically swallowed the chair whole. Wires snaked across the floor, thick roots that had tripped many of the technicians, between which he could still see old stains of blood, where they hadn't cleaned for fear of damaging the machine, or because they simply hadn't cared. 
   His eyes snapped toward the door as it slid open and then shut again. Two figures had entered, a man in light military gear, and a young woman with a limp that had her left foot lightly dragging against the floor with every step. Clearly, the man was the most direct threat of the two, but experience had taught him not to place his trust in anyone in this forsaken place.
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jupiter-balls · 1 year
What's your favourite Käärijä song? I love Fantastista but tbh all of his songs are bops
Hey! I haven't really adventured a lot into his other music (I wait until after esc to see who sticks and go from there) but from the show today I really liked Klo23, Mic Mac, Välikuolema and Rock Rock 🥰
Edit: of course cha cha cha is the song that made me love him though 🥹
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
2, 4, 6 for brea!! (@raylex)
Hiii lex! 😊💖💖 thanks so much for the questions!!
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
I think it'd be funny to think in a scenario where she was a canon character, in which case she'd first appear in the The Clone Wars! She's been Anakin's friend since he arrived at the jedi temple but since she'd be an animated spinoff only character she doesn't get introduced until like mid-first season wherein Anakin is prepping his troops to be joined by another Jedi on their mission.
I imagine he'd have them lined up, pacing back and forth all serious-like while Ahsoka hangs back and watches. He informs them that she's a trusted friend of his and a formidable Jedi so he expects them to be at their best and to listen to her orders and whatnot, then a ship lands nearby. And down the landing ramp struts Brea, turning ALL the troops heads while Kepler toddles behind her 😊 she walks RIGHT up to Anakin and pokes at his chest telling him that he's got a lot of nerve for asking her to come help him when she's got ENOUGH to do as it is...before they both erupt into laughter and hug each other tight!
I could write a whole episode on how the rest of the mission goes but that's just her entrance for now 🫶
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
That's kinda hard to say! Cause I feel like she would have a fair bit of screentime with episodes and even arcs centering around her and Kepler when the audience takes a break from the disaster trio (Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan) plus featuring in episodes with all of them as well! But I'm not sure she'd be considered a main character 🤔 she's still not a side character either so let's call her a secondary character?
6. does your self insert have any pets?
Probably not! 😂😂 I bet when she was a child she would sneak animals into the temple and get both herself and Anakin into trouble, but I don't think she'd have one during the series! Too much stuff going on to take care of one yanno? I think she would have some plants though! They'd be decorating her room at the temple and her apartment later on, and when she eventually settles down with Rex to raise their family they start a small farm and that's even MORE plants!
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riality-check · 2 years
Hi! I am so very in love with your Appalachian!Eddie 'verse. Everything you've shared about it is absolutely perfect. <3
You've said you're usually open to getting asks about headcanons, so I hope this is okay. I started wondering about what birthdays were like for Eddie, since today's mine. I'm stuck pondering how they were for him growing up, and how they may have changed when he moved in with Wayne. I also started wondering how'd they'd be when he and Steve get together--especially considering Steve doesn't seem to have a typical home life, so he may not even have the experiences we'd expect him to around that kind of thing.
If you have thoughts on any of this, I'd love to hear them, but please don't feel pressured to respond. No worries if you're not feeling it! :)
hi!! i'm so sorry i couldn't answer on your actual birthday, but i'm less busy now and have so many thoughts about this!!
Eddie's birthdays growing up are small. His parents aren't super well off, and they don't talk to the rest of their families, so small birthdays it is. I can see them going out for ice cream or getting fast food for dinner, small stuff like that. They usually got him one or two things, too, stuff like comics issues, books, art supplies (you can't tell me Eddie wasn't a creative kid), and new tapes.
The most important thing, though, is that both of his parents were there. Neither one of them missed a single birthday before Eddie went to live with Wayne, and they were both sober enough to be functional. Holidays were hit and miss, but Eddie's birthday was a priority. They made an effort to be there, and he loves them for it.
When Eddie goes to live with Wayne, he's around thirteen years old. Wayne is better off than Eddie's parents are, so he takes Eddie to Benny's for his birthday and gets him new clothes and his acoustic guitar. It's... a lot for Eddie, who grew up watching his mama count change on the kitchen counter of whatever house (or motel room) they were living in at the time, even when his pa tried to distract him from doing so. He knows he and Wayne aren't well off, not really, but it's still an adjustment.
Steve is big on birthdays. I've written his parents a variety of ways, but for this particular scenario I'm going to settle on the idea that they loved celebrating his birthday when he was younger but didn't like it as much as he got older. I feel like his parents wanted a kid, not a person, and once Steve stopped being a kid, it stopped being fun for them and time for him to finish growing up and become a man. So, Steve is big on birthdays because he remembers loving them as a kid, hating them as a teenager, and then learning to love them again with the Party. Once Eddie becomes a solid part of their group, Steve wants him to have that, too.
They fight about it at first. Steve is a bit pushy. He can be a lot, and Eddie is still uncomfortable with the idea of doing a lot for his birthday. They fight about it, briefly, until they come to the conclusion that they can make Eddie's birthday little and Steve's birthday big, just as it suits them.
Eddie usually wants to go out for ice cream for his birthday, and that's it. Steve's is for the adventures they take, like driving up to Lake Michigan for a weekend or going into Chicago to see a concert.
They wouldn't have it any other way.
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willowcrowned · 9 months
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? and 17. Your favorite character to write this year? for the Ao3 Wrapped?
[ao3 wrapped: writer's edition]
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
At least two are on my list for sure: I'm planning on finishing up the green knight sandman au in early January, hopefully before the semester starts, and the Regency AU I haven't touched in a year and a half is for SURE getting finished—I miss her dearly.
I also have another fic in the corporate espionage 'verse brewing involving French absurdists, presumed death, and very cool looking maladaptive coping mechanisms, so I'd like to get to that too.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
A bit of a spoiler for the Sandman fic, but either Eleanor Gadlen or Desire. Eleanor is practically an OC, but she's a character I love very, very dearly both for her role as a foil and for the fact that she might be the smartest person in that fic (low bar). Desire, of course, is a fucking delight to write, because they're Desire.
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mychemicalrachel · 10 months
Spotify Ask: 73
Everyone says that I'm hard to love / they're not wrong
Aghhh this is such a Kavinsky song, but to be fair I think all Call Me Karizma songs are about Kavinsky 🫠
This song just makes me want to dissect Kavinsky. I love getting inside his head and figuring out what makes him tick, and making up tragic backstories for him because apparently his canon isn't tragic enough. He's chaotic and messy and i love him so much. But this song sounds more angry than desperate which makes me think of Adam rather than Ronan...
So, based on this song, I would write another Dream Pack!Adam fic, specifically a fic where Adam and Kavinsky are frenemies with benefits.
Kavinsky and Adam meet and fuck and bond over shitty fathers and traumatic childhoods, etc. Same old stuff I've written before. However, unlike my usual HEAs, I want this to be a breakup fic. Maybe Adam meets Gansey and decides to break up with Kavinsky in order to pine after Glendower instead and Kavinsky isn't used to being told no, so he doesn't take the rejection well. He's angry and lonely and jealous and he doesn't know how to handle it so he lashes out. Rather than kidnapping Matthew, he kidnaps Adam. There's a whole if I can't have you no one can moment and then BOOM, fire dragon, explosion, and both of them die. the end 🥰
[send me a # 1 - 100 for the synopsis for a fic I'll never actually write]
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
11 and 16 pls :)
Hi Michelle! Hope all's well in your world <3
I'll answer these about you can't catch a sinner with a saint
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
I'm going to be as vague as possible so I don't risk spoiling anything, but I love, love, love the ending and I hope you will too <3
16. Write the next 5 sentences and share.
I've been writing a lot of scenes of Carlos' time as a deputy in Oxridge so it's primarily dialogue between him and Price at the moment so this is what I've got:
Price's eyes glaze over as he mentions Josephine's name; lovesick and lustful just at the thought of her. “Just about took a tumble down the stairs trying to get a look at her. Once I collected myself, I looked up and saw that she had seen the whole thing. Haven’t stopped thinking about it since.” 
Carlos furrows his eyebrows, assuming that there’s more to the story. Price's face is that of a man who feels proud, not mocked. “Because she almost saw you fall?” 
Price grins, and glances over at Carlos. “Because I saw her try to fight the smile she so badly wanted to give me.” 
ask me about a wip
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lineffability · 1 year
For the fanfic ask meme! 👀✨🛒
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Currently planning a delicious little side-project of smut that's all about suppressed longings... and, more specifically, about both Crowley and Aziraphale, separately, touching their own bodies for the first time. and trying, more or less successfully, to push away certain thoughts. of someone. hehe.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Okay, I can do this....mmhhhh... yes, you can be funny on purpose actually and people will laugh about it! positively
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Oohh good one. comfort, i think, is definitely up there. just...the theme of feeling at home and content
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ell-vellan · 2 years
17,16,&12 for the wip asks
17. Write the next 5 sentences and share.
Cruel, just cruel to make me actually write before I answer this one 🤣
From the WIP ask game.
Since 16 and 17 both ask for 5 sentences I'm just gonna share ten all at once :)
“Inquisitor?” Leliana’s voice. Polite, but tinged with an insistence that Ellawyn knew meant she wasn’t going to go away.
Resigned to her fate, Ellawyn rose to open the door.
"Apologies, Your Worship," Leliana said briskly, a touch of what Ellawyn thought was genuine kindness softening her voice. "But we've just received word this morning. I thought you would want to know immediately."
Leliana thrust out her hand, offering two thin, sealed letters.
With a plunging twist of fear, Ellawyn instantly recognized the handwriting of the first letter. She did not recognize the second; but she did recognize the name.
One was from Clan Lavellan. The other, marked with the roaring griffon seal of the Hero of Ferelden.
12. What emotions do you expect your readers to feel?
Heartsick, then hopeful :)
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For the fan fic ask thing: the entirety of Tylenol and Diet Coke from your ao3
First things first, Tylenol and Diet Coke is an excerpt from a Kleinsen sickfic whose first draft is very nearly finished at 3,781 words. I shared a rough outline of the plot and another excerpt in this post from almost a year ago if you haven't seen that yet and want to check it out.
Evan tries very hard not to cringe as Jared digs his fingertips into his eyelid like he's trying to grab onto his headache and claw it out of his brain.
Instead, he swallows the last bite of his sandwich and asks, "Did you take any Aspirin or anything?"
“Tylenol. This morning,” Jared answers. He pushes his glasses back into place and takes another swig from his Diet Coke. He still hasn’t touched his lunch, the limp cafeteria pizza going cold in front of him.
A bit of real-world inspiration: I had awful headaches at the end of every day throughout most of middle and high school, largely due to sleep deprivation, and I would chug a can of Diet Coke before my drama club rehearsals hoping that it would prevent or alleviate them, not realizing that it was further hurting my chances of falling asleep at night. I now keep a relatively strict "ideally no caffeine after 12 but definitely no caffeine after 2" policy for myself.
Oh, also: my mental image of the lunchroom they're in is my elementary school cafetorium, which is where I picture every school lunch scene in everything I read or write taking place.
I originally wrote Evan eating a Sunbutter and jelly sandwich like he does in the novel, but I cut it out for being distracting.
Jared looks even worse than he did at his locker this morning. His face is waxy and washed out under the fluorescent cafeteria lights, and it makes the circles under his eyes look like punched-in bruises.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
Jared eyes him wearily over the grey aluminum. “Obviously. Fresh as a fucking daisy.”
“You know I mean--I mean, you're sure you’re not like. Sick?”
There are some descriptions in here that feel kind of clunky to me that I definitely want to redo, but I really like the way I wrote about Jared's appearance. I am also probably still way too delighted to make Jared Kleinman say "fresh as a fucking daisy."
“You know I don't get sick, like, ever," Jared says. "I haven't been sick since Mallory Bernabale sneezed in my mouth in the eighth grade. I just have a fucking headache because I was up until fucking four in the fucking morning.”
A few hours ago it was fucking three in the fucking morning.
I have an awful time naming OCs and I really wish I didn't go with Mallory Bernabale. It sounds too similar to Mallory Bechtel, which of course I realized only immediately after publishing it. I'll either come up with a new name or a new getting-sick Noodle Incident if I can think of something funnier.
I've had someone sneeze in my mouth in real life, but it didn't make me sick. Not fic related, but I also made out with someone the day before they tested positive for COVID without catching it.
Was Jared lying earlier about going to bed at three, or does he genuinely not know what time it was? It's up to you!
Evan knows that he should drop the issue, especially when getting Jared to talk about his feelings is like poking a bear on the best of days, but... “Still, maybe you should go to the nurse? Just to, um, to check. Make sure.”
“Waste of time. And I have a calc test at two, so I can’t risk getting sent home.”
That is the opposite of reassuring. “Why are you worried about going home if you're not sick?”
I think I decided to set this during junior year instead of senior, which probably means I have to change calculus to algebra.
Jared's worried about getting sent home because he woke up with a fever and took Tylenol to put it on hold for most of the day, rather than just taking it for his headache. At this point, the fever hasn't broken through yet, but it's going to hit him hard when it does.
“Jesus Christ.” Jared reaches under his glasses again to press both palms against his eyes. “Evan, I’m fine. I swear to God, okay? And I promise I have every intention of rubbing one out and then sleeping for fourteen hours the second I get home, so please just give it a rest.”
It’s the blunt edge of utter exhaustion in Jared’s voice that finally does him in. “Okay.”
The last minutes of lunch slip by in silence. Jared finishes off his Coke and crushes the empty can in his fist.
I wasn't sure about including Jared's "rubbing one out" snark when I first posted this and I'm still not sure about it now. I don't know if it's a joke that most readers have gotten or not, so it might seem out of place or edgy for edgy's sake. On the other hand, Jared makes a lot of jokes like that in canon and I want to be truthful to that.
I noticed when I was writing this scene that "It must be the wobble breaking through that finally does Jared in" echoes "It’s the blunt edge of utter exhaustion in Jared’s voice that finally does [Evan] in," which would be fantastic if they were from the same story! But they're not so it just means that sometimes I plagiarize myself. (Yes, I do have two different WIPs that involve Jared getting sick and being a stubborn little bitch about it...although now I'm wondering if anyone read both and did think they were related.)
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egregious-beast · 2 years
what’s your story about, if you don’t mind sharing?
Hey! I don’t mind sharing at all, I really appreciate your interest! I’ve been wanting to start talking about the story on here for a while now, but have previously been overwhelmed & afraid. So this is a good way to start :)
It’s fantasy political, with a healthy dose of religious issues & crusades. Lots of the found family trope, as well.
The main character actually makes it clear right at the start that he is recalling the story seven years later from a prison labor camp. So expect a lot of “doomed from the start” in the narrative. Essentially, his goal in telling the story is to justify all the questionable actions that got him to this point (imprisoned) in his own head. I think he sort of imagines that he’s telling the story to a loved one he hopes will one day forgive him. Sort of a downer, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for catharsis.
Conscripted holy soldier, Private Pine, returns to Fort Valendwell a month after deserting his battalion. He’s coming out of the wilderness, presumably with a secret about what lays beyond; which could devastate a lot of his nation’s religious theory, but potentially end a civil war on the other side of the country.
Pine’s goal, however, was to make it past the fort and never look back on his life in the military. Not even to disprove a religious system he knew was deeply flawed. All Pine wanted to do was escape.
Unfortunately for him, he’s nearly killed by a monster in his attempts to get past the fort, and is saved by two fellow soldiers on scout duty, who seem to think he’s a new recruit.
But as luck would have it, Pine’s commanding officer- Colonel Crowmore- agrees to keep his AWOL a secret. This saving grace comes at a price though, and Pine ends up doing a lot of dirty work for Crowmore with little to no benefits.
The most interesting assignment Pine is given? To act as a guard to Princess Freyja, who despite only being twelve, is expected to arrive at the military outpost as a nurse (with special magical abilities which uniquely qualify her for the position!).
It’s curious that Crowmore is using Pine in place of someone who would arguably be more competent at the job. Perhaps Crowmore finds himself in a messy situation too? Forcing him to resort to the blackmail? But that’s not the only concern Pine has about his new objective.
He suspects that the reason the church suddenly has so much leverage over the government is because the King committed an act of heresy. He figures instead of outright punishment, the lead priest decided to grant the King mercy by using his daughter as a pawn in their power play.
That’s the set up. The story itself is about Pine juggling a ton of secrets, and a ton of guilt over keeping them, especially when these secrets force him to lie to people he cares about. The worst part is that he’s using a system he disagrees with to climb the political latter.
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hirazuki · 2 years
Hi! Re: the fic writer ask game, what about 1, 42, 49, 14 please?
Hi!! I don't think I actually reblogged the writing ask yet -- I was absolutely planning to once I got home for the day for good -- but you totally anticipated me and I am absurdly delighted 😂💕
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Probably A Step Faster -- it's a very self-contained one-shot which incorporates pretty much all themes/tropes that I'm drawn to, and is a good example of how I like to balance adherence to canon with canon divergence; skirting that line is one of my favorite things. It's also one of my more recent fics, so it gives a sense of what my current writing voice is like, as well as my habit of switching POVs and my preferred way of enjoying romance/shipping dynamics.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
The two that come to mind immediately are: one on my Bleach longfic, where someone said that if they didn't know better, they'd have thought the mangaka himself wrote it; and one on the fic I linked in the previous question, that said they keep coming back to reread it. But literally any comment that someone enjoyed what I wrote will replay in my head for weeks ♡
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Ahaha, I have so much that's in varying states of WIP-ness, but since you're here for the Tolkien, that's what we'll go with. Full disclaimer, it still needs a ton of work ^^;
It takes a breath and a half for recognition and the beginnings of wariness and rage to replace the shock in Maedhros’ eyes of finding someone else skulking in the shadows, but that span is more than enough for Mairon to conclude what Feanor’s eldest must be doing here.
He hates Feanor and his brood – for their obstinance, for the obstacles they have ever proven themselves to be, for the crafting of those miserable jewels that set madness ablaze in all but a few and stole everything from him – but he hates the Valar more.
So, he closes his eyes – perhaps not wise given his once-time prisoner is standing before him; he was not involved in his torment or his hanging, but though he doubts Maedhros grants him the courtesy of that distinction, he also knows this elf with the intimacy of blood and bone upon rock and wind; knows that for all his ruthlessness, he is pragmatic; for all that he is murderer and kinslayer, he still, somehow, clutches to the shreds of principle – and casts his senses out from his body.
It is a simple matter, to find them. He knows them intricately, having lived under their cold, searing light for centuries. He would know them anywhere. He could not forget them, even if he tried.
(He has tried.)
“Third tent on your right,” Mairon says in a low voice. “That blue one.”
Maedhros does not thank him, and Mairon does not wait.
He turns his back – and if that is yet another unwise decision, it is merely the latest in a long line; he has been acting out of character since waking up with salt water in his mouth and seaweed in his hair and loss in his throat and soul – and continues his escape from the camp.
“They’ve put the fire out!” He hears a new voice whisper. “We don’t have much time until – brother, who was that?”
Mairon tenses.
“No one,” Maedhros says after a heartbeat, his voice even; unaffected, to all ears but those who heard every shade of raw inflection in his chords for thirty years. “They’re this way; come.”
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Hmm, I guess anything that is darker/"problematic" (like idk, rape or very dark/graphic torture)? I have no problem with that kind of content itself at all, but dislike when writing for those things becomes excessive and slips into melodrama, for the sake of shock value, especially at the expense of stuff like good characterization. OH AND REDEMPTION. Omg, I have come to greatly dislike the trope of redemption as I've grown older, because too often I find that it either defangs the character to make them more palatable, or it has this very preachy, holier-than-thou approach about it, particularly with regard to the concept of "deserving," that just leaves the atheist in me me feeling all slimy and gross.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask game!
✨ - Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I'm good at worldbuilding. Like actually pretty good at worldbuilding. Changing one thing and following through on how that sort of little difference would impact other aspects of culture, how different groups of people might interact with it (or not). I'm. actually I think this is something I do reasonably well.
✅ - What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Back scars. Like - I've been writing Agatha with them (and why they're there differs by verse/story because...if she's not raised in Salem, they can't be whipping scars; they have to come from somewhere else). But when I wrote Rhea of Daxam (from Supergirl S2 - Mon-El's mom), she had back scars from a traumatic event, too. So does Jessica Rabbit, when I write her. There are probably more characters who I've written with them (Camille, from Sharp Objects, although those are part of her canon and not me) - and I guess it's not even just back scars; Jess has traumatic scars elsewhere, as did Mireille (in the Noir fic I still haven't edited/posted), Miss Lint (her scar is canon, where it comes from is up to me), there was definitely a focus with Rose on not having scars (up until the gunshot wound in s2), like. Maybe scars in general. Scars as a result of trauma, physical scars as metaphor for the emotional scars the trauma left behind. Etc. But specifically back scars.
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riality-check · 2 years
[carefully sticks a ⭐ on what's in a name, dots and dashes, and like one of the girls] [thinks for a moment] [sticks one more on smin] I am a cozy blanket bundle, please talk to me about your stuff! <3
omg i'm so excited to talk about all of these (and i'm sticking a read more on this post because it's going to be long as hell)
what's in a name, anyway?
Nancy meets his parents about six months in. The whole time, during that catered dinner, his parents call him "Steven." His father asks him about basketball - he never went to his games - and why he wasn't captain yet. His mother made vague references to staying out of trouble, Steven James.
She watches Steve shrink before her eyes. Watches him become something small, so unlike “The Hair” and “King” and the boyfriend she knows.
Nancy isn't sure what to do, and she hates uncertainty more than anything. When they're alone, she tries for a joke about how much she hates when her mother yells "Nancy Grace" across the house.
It's not the same. They both know it. Steve laughs anyway.
Months later, when they're at that Halloween party and Nancy is too drunk to see straight, she calls him "bullshit" but makes sure "Steven" never leaves her mouth.
(She’s angry and scared and a lot of other things, but she doesn’t ever want to see Steve that small again.)
I love writing Nancy's POV so much. Seeing Steve through her eyes was so much fun and such a challenge since I had to go back to who Nancy was during seasons 1 and 2. The "calls him 'bullshit' but makes sure 'Steven' never leaves her mouth" line is probably one of the best I've written.
dots and dashes
Steve yanks himself out of his thoughts and back to the present, where he’s standing at the front desk of Family Video on an exceptionally dead Monday.
Dead, except for one Dustin Henderson.
“I’ve told him no five times, but apparently he only listens to you,” Robin complains.
“Bold of you to assume I listen to Steve,” Dustin shoots back.
“He doesn’t,” Steve tells Robin. “He only listens to me when there’s a crisis, and even then, I have to fight him on it.”
Dustin looks too proud of himself.
“It’s not a compliment, shithead. What has she told you no about?”
This interaction was so spontaneous as I wrote it, and I got so many wonderful comments about how in character it is! So, I'm really proud of it, and I'm laughing as I reread it.
like one of the girls
“No one else is like me, Stevie.”
“I know. It’s why you’re the best I’ve ever had.”
And before Eddie can respond, Steve is out like a goddamn light.
That’s fine. Eddie reaches over and turns out the light before he snuggles right back up to Steve. He’s gonna have to do laundry tomorrow, and he has a long-ass shift at Thatcher, but that’s all fine. All of it can wait.
This moment, right now, head resting on Steve’s chest and arms wrapped around him, is all that matters.
This moment, and the certain knowledge that Eddie is it for Steve. Because for a long time, probably longer than he’s realized, Steve has been it for Eddie, too.
And Eddie falls asleep with the thought that none of those girls, however many there were, have ever had that from Steve.
It took me forever to figure out how to end this fic. It started out as a drabble in my notes app with a vague concept of Steve taking the reins, and it turned into a fic that made one of my friends ask "why is there bowling in the porn." I'm really proud of how soft and sweet this fic ends, and I love its placement in my series.
slay monsters, if needed
But it’s not like she wouldn’t do it. Nancy might be a bitch, has known that since she was eight and got called it to her face for the first time, but she’ll always help people, especially when she’s the only one who can do it.
Live, love, Nancy Wheeler. I love writing her so much, and everything about her in SMIN has just been such a fun thing to do.
I see so much of myself in her it's scary. The bitch line is actually from my own life (it didn't bother me then - I didn't tell anyone because I didn't care. My friend brought it to a teacher - and it certainly doesn't bother me now.)
ask me more questions about my fics!!
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speaknowworldtour · 3 months
Top TtPD lyrics this week?
i just listened to how did it end so that entire bridge of course
“but the story isn’t mine anymore”
i haven’t been able to stop thinking about “i move through the world with the heartbroken”
“feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen” just encapsulates the whole album some way
the second verse of chloe et al.
the entirety of loml but specifically “who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?” and “our field of dreams engulfed in fire. your arson’s match. your somber eyes” and “what a valiant roar what a bland goodbye”
the entirety of peter. i’m a slut for intertextuality (honorable mention to ttpd chorus and the wizard of oz ref in loml)
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