#Thanks :D
tatck · 1 month
Therapist: Amy Rose with Anime eyes isn't real. It can't hurt you.
(Anyway, love the comic!)
Amy Rose with Anime eyes:
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userdoesntuseurname · 2 months
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your love's warmth wards off all the cold.
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theriverbeyond · 2 months
ianthe for the character meme :-)
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favorite thing about them
the way she wields shame and humiliation like a weapon, how she very intentionally takes on positions that make people ignore her/pity her/humiliate her/etc and uses that to her advantage. whatever the fuck she is doing with gender. the way (IMO) her arm situation maps onto very specific disability narratives.
least favorite thing about them
can't think of one bc every single detestable thing she has done is very integral to why i like her as a character </3
favorite line
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can't beat a classic!!!
her and John. the way she changes her affect trying to be his Augustine and Mercymorn, the way she is manipulating him while also being manipulated by him, the way she attempts to wield power over him while definitely still being subject to his whims, the way she chooses him over Augustine at the bottom of the River. I could go on
UNREQUITED harrianthe‼️‼️‼️ that girl is head over heels In Love with Harrow and I love to see it. she fancies herself as someone who would take advantage of Harrow but when the mkment comes to act on that, cannot bear to see her truly vulnerable. Harrow makes her feel soft. Harrow makes her do stupid things. and Harrow doesn't want to give her the time of day!!!!
all respect to the shippers but I don't find appeal in Cytherea/Ianthe. Ianthe is just enjoying it way too much and she also simply isn't butch enough for Cytherea's tastes. to ME
random headcanon
so we know that she was almost strangled in the womb by Corona's umbilical cord. my headcanon is she usually wakes up having unconsciously wound her sheets around her neck. Before she was separated from Corona, it was dubious if it was Ianthe doing it or Corona, in her sleep, but Ianthe does it herself after she becomes a Lyctor
unpopular opinion
she and kiriona did NOT fuck. she tried but was soundly rejected and VERY sulky about it
song i associate with them
greek tragedy by the wombats, shivers by ed sheeran, both harrianthe (ianthe POV) bangers #toME
favorite picture of them
is it cheating if i link fan art that I drew. anyway shoutout to the bone arm's fat pad. tho looking at that ab 2 years on i think I could do better. i should redraw...
also I really adore all the comics drawn by @/naomistares but in particular this one, which makes me feel things that are best left unmentioned!!
character ask game
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aka-indulgence · 3 months
The monsters in "That's Not My Neighbour" aren't exactly sexy. Some of them you can see they ARE the doppelgangers and some, you have to pressure them with questions until they reveal themselves. However, I am NOT surprised that the Milkman seemed to be a fan favourite. Might be his tired eyes or something. Or the fact he's like the handsome one among all the neighbours
(Hi weepingegg! :D)
Aw darn 😔
Makes sense, just looking at him 😆 tired eyes, most good looking among the neighbours, he has that tumblr sexyman aesthetic to him ✨
(put his pic under readmore for anyone curious)
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Its the eyes man the eyessss
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marsmarbles · 6 days
I drew a sword design for u :D
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Perfect for stabbing >:3
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skyderman · 5 months
Story of Magus2.scriv for WIP Wednesday please
wow yall came out of the woodwork tonight! here's something for a different scene
Lilya remembered little of her father, but she did remember him. He was light, sunshine, smiling. He was big and warm, and could enclose her in his arms so that nothing bad could get in or out. She had never felt so safe.
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isasan347 · 10 months
Heyo, how are you doing?
:D <33333
I’m doing good! Had a good chat with geminiskulleta about my favorite ship, drew a few doodles and am super happy that you send me an ask :D
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thejavavoid · 1 year
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My boys (mostly Raph) decided to welcome everyone to the comp with a gift of your favorite foods and some clothes for the first round(dance off). Donnie slipped earplugs in for anyone who might need them. Good luck!
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Goober has no idea what is going on right now.
(ooh! i cant draw rn but:)
"Ooh, thanks! Hey there's cool clothes in here!"
"Fo- Mikey, careful with that! Uh, thank you.."
"Hey, Donnie, I think you'd like these."
"O-oh, earplugs. Thanks."
"What is this? It looks like food!"
"MIKEY DON'T- eat that.... is it good?"
"Thank you. The boys will be very happy with these."
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bunnymajo · 11 days
12 and/or 19 for Quake?
12. Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
Despite being a witness to memories of disasters from rocks, Quake is reasonably optimistic that the people of the Sol dimension will do the right thing and that things will work out if they're given enough information.
As for who, I still haven't decided on who raised Quake, like if it was her biological family or more of a monastery situation. Either way, the art of gem divination is a rare power that is usually nurtured from a young age and her teacher had a large impact in shaping her attitude.
Also I imagine literally being able to commune with nature can sort out your priorities real fast.
19. Has your OC ever had an experience with the paranormal or the divine? What happened? Was it a one time encounter or is it a normal part of their life? Did they find it terrifying or thrilling?
Once Quake was allowed to commune with the Sol Emeralds, the history and messages from each of them was incredibly overwhelming. It's something she can only do in small doses and the Emeralds themselves stop her from seeing too much. That was one of the rare instances where she did not feel in control and only does it if it's completely necessary.
Other than that, early in her oracle adventures, one time she was asked to do a reading of a tombstone. She now refuses to do jobs like that again.
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Tony, I want to give you a rat.
-rat giving anon
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Tony:Thank you!
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rr-sheep · 16 days
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i made this for you :)
OH SHIT, they better run before they end up in a cage forever till the end of time, yeah they will be treated well as long as they don't "betray her" but I'm pretty sure being immortal in a cage in a room with not that much entertainment will bring you into insanity (there's more then that but we will be here forever if I explained) RUN MF
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tatck · 1 year
i feel rabid...feral even! i need more of that tails design! it's so good! (i'm fine btw)
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fishssoncauyay · 3 months
Nothing personal but *screams* and *boop*.
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
abscission for the bingo ask?
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AH yes, my "what if Cytherea got a villian monologue" fic that got wildly out of hand. I was primarily motivated to write this fic because I have very very specific opinions about Cytherea & her illness & her relationship to the concepts of death, grief, mourning, dying, etc and needed to inflict them on the world. Also I thought it would be hot
thank u <3
send me a fic bingo ask
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jekyll-doodles · 9 months
Mmmmm, delicious art to munch on. Mmmmms yesssss.
lol thanks anon 👩‍🍳
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trekkerac · 1 month
OP I am in love with that redraw you just posted, I love his clothes, I love the style, I love the colors, I love I love I love
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