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bookinit02 · 1 month ago
TikTok is back (it’s not good anymore) and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the whole situation. It’s clear that it has been bought out and something much more sinister is going on.
well yeah, i’m not surprised at all. i did say in my original post that i fully believed tiktok would be brought back and wouldn’t be the same afterwards. i’m not sure if i believe that it’s already gone downhill in the last day—my fyp looks the exact same, so i think there may be a bit of conspiracy surrounding that. HOWEVER. i have fully believed for a long while that tiktok will eventually be sold out to american companies and information will start being suppressed. i’ve believed this since the first congress hearings a few years ago—and in fact, i do believe that tiktok began to change after those hearings. the algorithm changed to become more of an echo chamber, ads became more prominent, censorship ramped up, etc. for anyone with pattern recognition that’s been paying attention to the state of social media/the internet in general the last few years, i don’t think this is surprising in the slightest. this slow decline due to capitalizing online spaces has happened to youtube, instagram, etc.—apps that began as valuable community spaces and became overran with ads and hate speech. even tumblr, to some degree.
specifically going back to tiktok, i think it’s very clear that trump is trying (poorly) to orchestrate a move where he looks like the hero of free speech and make himself popular with young people at the same time. i say poorly, but it does still concern me, because apparently #thankyoutrump was trending on twitter today (though twitter is a cesspool anyway). i can only hope that anyone who already opposed trump wouldn’t be swayed by a move this flimsy. facebook has created their own tiktok page, so i think meta will be co-owning tiktok to some degree going forward, which will no doubt lead to a sharp decline in the app’s functionality and usability. i’m going to continue using it for now, but i do think we’ll have to move to a different platform going forward—likely not rednote, because i very strongly suspect that will be banned or bought out as well. a new app will pop up, and the cycle will start over again, like it always does, until something breaks or changes.
really, i am not the most apt political commentator—i just go by what i see and hear, and there are many more knowledgeable people than me. still, this is incredibly predictable and unsurprising. the only thing i’m really surprised by is that the ban didn’t even last a full day. but yeah, essentially, we’re going to have to move somewhere else eventually, or just use the app as best we can. keep the faith, stay hopeful🫡
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dershellelavender · 6 years ago
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blanecharlesdesign · 7 years ago
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@aveda reapplied for @callenlorde #communityhealthawards #nonconforming bathrooms #livingyourtruth #blackgayentrepreneur #owningit #noboxforme #thankyoutrump #wakeupcall
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mackwasthinkin · 8 years ago
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#thankyoutrump 🍃☄️
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http://christmastshirtshoodies.com/truck-driver-christmas-shirt Truck Driver Christmas Shirt - Christmas T-Shirts Hoodies
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macrofreedom · 5 years ago
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Thank you! See our profile now for more great content ✅ •🇺🇸 #trump #trump2020 #gop #donaldtrump #voterepublican #trumptrain #presidenttrump #maga #makeamericagreatagain #wwg1wga #keepamericagreat #republican #conservative #trumpmemes #youngconservatives #foxnews #buildthewall #votered #trumpnews #instapolitics #politics #trumptweet #trumpvideo #trumpnews #politics #election2020 #votetrump #loltrump #thankyoutrump #freedom (at The White House) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXVV4IgoZL/?igshid=1kdc4hs1nhg9g
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bakerinc-com-blog · 7 years ago
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Happy4th of July #America #july4th #respect #love #mercy #hope #honor #thankyoutrump #makeamericagreatagain #usa
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marcwayneactor-blog · 7 years ago
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Iranians Like The Move #ThankYouTrump • #MAGA 🇺🇸🐇🐸👍 #WWG1WGA #Qanon #GreatAwakening #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #WeThePeople #USA #Kanye2024 #kek #ObamaGate #Treason #HRCVideo #ReleaseTheTexts #NoRedactions #FreeAssange
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unrelatedrants · 7 years ago
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sarcasticarepa · 8 years ago
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I assume everyone that voted for Trump will be going on a nice little vacation to North Korea sooner or later, right? It will definitely help bring down the overpopulation we have in this country... Have fun! #FireAndFury #ThankYouTrump
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varaiza666 · 8 years ago
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#SANFRANCISCO, #thankyoutrump, #resist
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libamericaorg · 8 years ago
Trump Loyalists Start Campaign To 'Thank' The Dear Leader, But Hilarity Ensues (TWEETS)
Trump Loyalists Start Campaign To ‘Thank’ The Dear Leader, But Hilarity Ensues (TWEETS)
Donald Trump did not get a mandate, and therefore did not deserve a honeymoon. The latest evidence that he isn’t getting one started rolling in on Tuesday night. A number of Trump’s most loyal supporters had a brainstrorm–why not have his supporters use the hashtag “#ThankYouTrump” to thank Trump for how far he’s already gone in making America great again? Well, so far it’s backfired in lovely…
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macrofreedom · 5 years ago
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And that's the truth! See our profile now for more great content ✅ •🇺🇸 #trump #trump2020 #gop #donaldtrump #voterepublican #trumptrain #presidenttrump #maga #makeamericagreatagain #wwg1wga #keepamericagreat #republican #conservative #trumpmemes #youngconservatives #foxnews #buildthewall #votered #trumpnews #instapolitics #politics #trumptweet #trumpvideo #trumpnews #politics #election2020 #votetrump #loltrump #thankyoutrump #freedom (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDb1SbzA7wN/?igshid=106hnvjw9mqvc
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tiffanywillis · 8 years ago
Trump Loyalists Start Campaign To 'Thank' The Dear Leader, But Hilarity Ensues (TWEETS)
Trump Loyalists Start Campaign To ‘Thank’ The Dear Leader, But Hilarity Ensues (TWEETS)
Donald Trump did not get a mandate, and therefore did not deserve a honeymoon. The latest evidence that he isn’t getting one started rolling in on Tuesday night. A number of Trump’s most loyal supporters had a brainstrorm–why not have his supporters use the hashtag “#ThankYouTrump” to thank Trump for how far he’s already gone in making America great again? Well, so far it’s backfired in lovely…
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ignantgeek · 8 years ago
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What's crazy is y'all swore Obama was too much of a celeb... So you vote for an actual celeb thinking he'd do better?! #thankyoutrump #twitter #changeyoucanbelievein #politics #obama #madness #ridiculous #POTUS #tweets
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thevisibleimage · 8 years ago
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Men's T-shirt Liberals Terrorists Political Protest Trump
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