#Thank you for the ask!!! :D
capn-twitchery · 8 months
hi hello question what is Up with twitchs eyes? sir what happened to you??
you can give the vaguest answer if you want im just 👀?????
(referencing this post (eye horror tw))
oh, y'know,,,because of The Bees
more specifically, twitch was a red honey hive for a while. long enough that they had all of their memories harvested
their memories of their time in the honey cages are fuzzy, but their memories of the time before are entirely broken beyond repair
see, the more reputable honey harvesters keep their red honey labelled with the victim it was harvested from. some prisoners, including twitch, started making escape plans. on the way out, they would find their batch of honey and drink it to recover their memories. foolproof!
it didn't work, of course--the staff knew something was up as soon as twitch was out of the cage first. they took their chance anyway, even without the others...they had to, right??
but when you're mid prison break, there's no time to pick out specific jars of honey. they ran, grabbed a few jars, prayed they were their own memories, and committed to destroying as many jars as possible on their way out (a cage garden lost thousands of echoes that day)
once they were safe, they downed each jar and the rest is a blur. red honey wasn't exactly made to chug a bunch of it at once--they woke up confused and disoriented, without much recollection of why or how they got there, or even who they were.
at first, they didn't question the conflicting memories in their brain, but things don't seem to match up, and the decisions they make don't seem to make sense to anyone else. why do their morals seem to flip on a dime? why do their stories of the past clash with eachother--they told you yesterday they went to the surface, but they told you last week they were born in the Neath?
they don't like to focus on it, though. they get by! and they know how to zail, now. who they were before doesn't matter, because they're twitch now
(even if twitch is a handful of stranger's scrambled memories in a trenchcoat with no fucking clue who they are, pretending to be a functioning person)
((thank you for giving me the motivation to finally verbalise these thoughts hehe i've been meaning to for Ages >:3))
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crazysnor1ax · 5 months
So what does Callie have to deal with after that first transformation?
Oooo, where to start LOL.
Werekrakens, even when transforming at a young age like normal, experience super intense senses, emotions and instincts for a good while after transforming.
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Callie already had fairly good senses prior to transforming, but after they were unbelievably strong for her. Being able to hear, smell, and see everything out of essentially nowhere with no way to make it stop is agonizing for her. She's forced to get accustomed to it, which takes her several moons to do.
Not to mention her kraken side is more intense than ever and she can't let it out.
Prior to transforming she had SOME instincts, but it wasn't anywhere near how intense they normally are for a werekraken. After her first change her kraken is CONSTANTLY making her want to go wild. Even in small forms her kraken wants to come out-vocalizing her happiness/discomfort through growling or clicking like a kraken would, getting physically affectionate (like hugging more than she normally does lol) or aggressive, or just simply behaving like her kraken self in her inkling state.
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The most notable instinct Cal has is the desire to change into her kraken state constantly. If she gets too emotional, either positively or negatively, her kraken IMMEDIATELY wants to take over and she can't let that happen for obvious reasons-which is painful for her because that's still her, that's still Callie and her kraken, as different as she acts while changed, is still fully her. A werekraken isn't divided into two halves, the "halves" are intertwined together and a part of each other. What Callie thinks she has to learn is how to separate them and regulate each one. She does not want to do this but understands that she has to.
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artsy-n-smartsy · 5 months
I see you like scoutpauling, what's your favorite thing about them? I personally don't ship them but I do think they're cute together! I like that Scout is always trying to show off and look cool around her even if he's a total dork about it, it's really sweet imo :)
HEHEHE well firstly, what you mentioned! I adore how much of a dork Scout acts around her, I just find it so sweet and it really shows that he is IN LOVE with her, yknow?
Not to mention the fact that in the comics, when he sees her again at one point, he goes up to hug her and says something like "I'm just glad you're alright" and.....AAGHHHHH it's so sweet ToT He isn't into her just because she's hot or whatever, no. He ADORES her! He cared for her well-being and it's just...awwww <3
Also I find the "opposites attract" idea really cute. He's casual and chill, she's more formal and stern...there's just a lot of potential with them, be it romantic or comedic. And even if they don't end up together romantically, their dynamic is still sweet. :3
...OK sorry, you said favorite thing and I wrote a mini essay explaining every reason XD ^^; but yeah! In short, it's their dynamic that has me hooked :]
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
the sheevery ends and the shenanakins begin????
This is one of my oldest fics--I believe I wrote the part I'm gonna share here about two years before I even got an AO3 account! It's sort of an introduction story to the Problem Children AU, a fix-it where the Clone Wars ended, the Jedi saved the galaxy, and the fight for clone rights was won in a frankly ridiculous way...
To literally everyone’s surprise, though, the thing that truly reached the people was not an Amidalan speech. It was not a dramatic act of heroism and humanity. It was not the work of a thousand voices crying out for justice. It was a single pen on flimsi. It was a young woman with flights of fancy and a fluttering heart.
It was a book.
And not just any book. A really, genuinely, honestly trashy flimsiback penny-store romance novel, full of purple prose and gratuitous descriptions of fancy outfits.
And it was about the Jedi.
More specifically, it was a romance between a “Twi’lek Knight of ethereal beauty” and a “bold yet caring clone commander”, also starring a blatant Dooku expy as the villain and a ridiculous portrayal of the Jedi life and culture. It was called Remember the Midsummer Night, and it was a smash hit.
The Author’s Note was what really hit home with the people: it told the story of the author’s experience in the war. She claimed she owed her life to a Jedi and a clone “working together in perfect synchronization, like a droid-destroying dance”, and that it inspired her to write a story based on the experience. She followed it with a plea to fellow victims and survivors, to remember what sacrifices the clones made, and to honor them as they should be honored—as people, not cannon fodder.
(Regardless, ever since that book came out, Aayla Secura has been using a “You Will Die By My Hand If You Even Think About Mentioning That Accursed Novel” glare on giggling initiates and Skywalkers, a compilation video of Bly being flustered called Proof Clones Aren't Emotionless Meat Droids appeared on the Holonet, and of course Anakin memorized long passages of the book to quote them at inappropriate moments. What was he supposed to do, not recite the main character’s five-page inner monologue about how handsome her clone commander was in the middle of a council meeting?! Puh-lease.)
And it didn’t stop there. There had always been holofilms and novels featuring fanciful depictions of Jedi, but from the moment Remember the Midsummer Night hit the shelves, “Jedi Romance” became its own genre. The copycat books that followed the original publication were progressively worse. Publicly, the Jedi refused to comment on the stories, but privately…
Well, the Jedi Council meetings (which had begun to feel rather long and empty after the chaos of the war ended) became the Jedi trashy book club.
(Most members of the council weren’t aware Master Windu could laugh until Yoda read aloud a particularly painful passage from Heart of a Hero in the way only Yoda could and Master Windu fell out of his chair, tears streaming down his face, clutching his sides. To be fair, the rest of the council were in similar positions.)
(Anakin loved being on the council.)
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meitantei-shitpost · 6 months
kaito kid for the character bingo :)
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If I had a Kaito Kid plushie I would tie it to the ceiling fan and spin it around at mach speed. He is absolutely ridiculous I love all the Kid heists, ESPECIALLY when they’re from his POV. He’s such a bastard I love him but I want to chuck him into a wall (affectionate). Plus, having public beef with a 7 year old is crazy
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writingkitten · 5 months
Which Alfred Molina character do you find the most attractive and why?
Oh man, I mean I hate to pick favorites but Ricardo just owns my heart. I think it’s because he’s kind of a cheeky guy with a good sense of humor and a heart of gold, but he can also very easily have that dark side to him. Like, for example, during sex he can be rough and dominant, even mean, but only doing what turns you on and doesn’t push you past your limits. I just feel like I can be super comfortable around him and we can be dorks together while also having that edge when it comes to intimacy!!
If not Ricardo, then Chandler… or Harold… or Robert…or-
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benasabrina · 5 months
Another Narumayo ask: when did they finally get together and how?
I like to think they'd have secret flings during the 7-year-gap! They've always loved each other, but after Phoenix's disbarment, he thought she'd be at risk from Kristoph/whatever force he thought of at the time (until he started to actually focus on Kristoph). They made promises to each other, however... and would wait for each other!
Flash forward to him getting his badge back, but now Maya is going away for two years to finalize her training to become the next master! He still promises he'd wait for her, just as she does to him! (I mean, they waited seven years, what's two more??)
It's not until they get back to the California/Japan (depending on where you want them to live) that they finally decide to make things "official". I use the term official loosely because they're new to this whole relationship thing (Phoenix is Maya's first real love and Phoenix hasn't been with anyone since "Dahlia"...) so they take things slow!
They try to keep it a secret, but people know and are so happy for them!! Most of them are like "Oh my god, FINALLY!!!"
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idolkilling · 23 days
How would you describe Reis's love language?
He’s an acts of service person first and foremost, with quality time and gift-giving secondary!  
He likes cultivating a dependable image, being someone others can rely on for anything they might need, any advice they might want, etc.  Initially he has unsavoury intent with this, but it carries over to his genuine attachments after a shift in his own perspective—being seen as trustworthy is personal now, so he wants to prove he’s useful and loyal…  He’s gonna be the beeesssttt friend they’ve eeeverrr had :)  
(Conversely, he’s most receptive to physical touch/quality time, especially from people who know his true nature and stick around despite it.)
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
Hello ❤️❤️❤️ it’s disaster potato! Thanks for reblogging my stuff! My blog is kinda extremely tiny so any traction is good 😭
of course, any time!!! I'm a bit of a small blog too, so it might not make much difference. Nice to meet you!!! Hope you have a great day/night :]
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sinfulforrest · 2 months
15, 34 and 39 for the ask game! :3c
Eeee hiya hun! these are some fun ones :D
15 - Favorite movie!
Ough I have a few faves tbh, if I had to list my top three it'd be The Thing, The Shawshank Redemption, and Finding Nemo! I know one of these things is not like the other, but eh xD
34 - What I find attractive in women!
Mmm ladies, ladies are very very good so this is very serious business here. I love dominant women, ones that are shorter than me but would put me on my place. I find women who are older than me by a few decades pretty damn attractive too, like a a a a they all look so beautiful! I love fat and chub on women too, but that's a feature that I find very attractive on all genders hehe
39 - My favorite ice cream flavor!
Mint choc chip, easy peasy! I don't understand the hate that it gets, it's such a refreshing flavour and it's a pretty colour too! I love honeycomb ice cream and chocolate ice cream as well, they're some real good flavours 🤤
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You don't have to send this to anyone if you don't want to but I think your username is cool so :)
THANK YOU!!!! I spent a lot of time on my username lol, so I love that you think its cool!!! <3<3<3<3 I also absolutely love your username, everytime I see it in my notes it makes me giggle, because absolute MOOD <3<3<3<3
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mysticalcats · 4 months
hai hai hai!! 9 and 14 for the ask game if you please :3 i want to hear about the boy of all time
i've answered both of these questions already <:) i hope it's ok to answer two different questions instead!
2. does your oc collect anything? what do they collect?
he collects a rock from every place he visits. they're not even pretty rocks. they're just some random pebbles he found on the railway track
28. what kind of nervous habits do they have? do they stim? do they have any kinds of addictions?
when he's nervous, he often taps his feet a lot, rocks back and forth, or shakes his head around, especially when stressed/scared. he does stim, mostly by shaking his hands around, like skimble :)
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artsy-n-smartsy · 4 months
11!!! :33
11. do you listen to anything while drawing? - Occasionally yeah! Oftentimes when I listen to music while drawing though, I get distracted by the music ^^; so I end up having to turn it off... BUT, when I do listen, it's either whatever's on my YT Music (lots of alternative, rock and pop stuff), or video game soundtracks. :3
Ask game :D
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
This Is Getting Out of Hand Now There Are Two of ALL of Them or How to Train Your Mythosaur for the wip ask game please
This Is Getting Out of Hand Now There Are Two of ALL of Them (formerly titled *weird al intensifies* as a reference to his song I Think I'm A Clone Now) is an AU where the entire Ghost crew gets sent back in time to pivotal points in their past selves' lives!
Hera goes back to when her mother died.
Kanan goes back to Order 66 on Kaller.
Ezra goes back to when his parents were taken.
Sabine goes back to when she was left for dead.
Zeb goes back to the aftermath of Lasan.
Chopper does not go back in time because the galaxy could not survive two of him.
They all take on new names (that are sly references on my part to the things they were named after--e.g. Hera takes on the name Juno--tragically i have not figured out one for Zeb as i have no idea what he was named after, if he was named after anything) and adopt their past selves in one way or another. Emotional reunions abound as they all reunite with each other once more.
(Also, Hera was still pregnant with Jacen when she went back in time, so Jacen is there too! He's around the same age as past!Sabine and past!Ezra. Jacen knows about the time travel.)
They do not tell their past selves that they are them from the future. Past!Kanan figured it out because of their Force-presences, past!Hera caught on when future!Hera and future!Kanan reunited, and past!Zeb eventally caught on, but past!Ezra and past!Sabine are entirely clueless.
there's also a lot of matchmaking shenanigans. Future!Hera and future!Kanan are trying to set their past selves up together. Past!Sabine is certain that if only she can get her "cousin" and Ezra's "older brother" to 'fess up to their feelings and tie the knot, she can aggressively family-zone past!Ezra and he'll get over his crush (and therefore also get over his jealousy-fueled beef with Jacen, who is very aware of the irony of the situation but keeps his mouth shut and plays along because he thrives on chaos.) Future!Zeb and past!Zeb commiserate over the ridiculous nonsense of it all but still sometimes team up to lock past!Kanan and past!Hera in a closet together. it doesn't work. it never works.
(Unbeknownst to everyone, past!Kanan and past!Hera are actually already a couple and are just keeping it secret to mess with everyone.)
Chaos abounds. Things are fixed. Neither of the Kanans die. There is no purrgilling. All is happily ever after.
The End
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wayfinderships · 4 months
can I get an 8 and a 22 for the aske meme!!
VALENTINE!!! :D Hope your day has been going well! I'll start with 8! Number 8 is....
SERAH! Yayyy my little sister Serah!
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I don't bring her up much since my s/i and her kinda swap places in the story (With some notable changes here and there) and I struggle with figuring put how to fit her back into the story but that aside!! I love Serah! She's so sweet!
Since Panchi is adopted, the two aren't related by blood (aka why Panchi doesn't have pink hair. There was a point in their life where they dyed it pink though) but that doesn't matter! The two care about each other a lot! Panchi is also pretty protective of Serah though not to the same extent as Lightning is. Also Serah is the one that introduced Panchi to NORA and Snow! :D She wanted to introduce them to some of her friends <3 She wasn't anticipating Snow and Panchi to fall for each other so hard but she's very supportive of both of them! It's really sweet!!
Ok onto the other one before this post gets too long-afksnfksnfnd Number 22 is...
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I love this guy so much <3 He's so funny and silly <3 Ignore all the crimes he's committed he's just silly goofy <3
Joking aside, Rokurou and Panchi have a pretty fun dynamic! Panchi was a member of the Abbey but they always hated it there so when Velvet and Co. show up, they betray the Abbey and join them all instead! Rokurou and Panchi warm up rather quickly and eventually become "Sparring Partners" <3 Fellas is it gay to pin down another man while sparring?
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mackmp3 · 9 months
hey mack 👋 i bought the starless sea i am going to read it when i have time 😊
ajhsajknsh i hope you like it when you get around to it!!! <333 jasnjasnn it my favouriteeeee
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