#Thank u for the message tho anon
kelkilou · 2 months
This is gonna sound weird but I found you through pillowfort lol so this was a mere accident on my part. I like your art I am curious to ask. I know Donnie is your favorite I was wondering what is your opinion on Raph
That's not weird at all! I am spread across multiple socials so I imagine people find me all over the place and crossover, like I do with other artists~ And I'm so glad you enjoy my art! 🧡
Oh man, I love Raph. Honestly I do love all the boys so dang much sometimes it feels hard to play favourites XD
(When I talk about them I'm 95% referring to the 2003 versions of the characters)
I'm just so weak for his tough/angry on the outside but total softy on the inside thing. He loves his family and friends so aggressively, like, literally- but also bystanders too? He has such a big heart and feels a lot, it just gets channeled into anger/punching most of the time. I can also somewhat relate to his hotheadedness as growing up (and often now still) I was prone to being quicktempered...which I'm not too proud of and try my best to manage these days. I understand his struggle ( ̄0 ̄;
He has some of the best oneliners and his line delivery is some of my favourites in the whole 2003 show. The whole franchise really. Plus he hates bugs and I feel him on that.
If I wasn't away from home rn I'd probably go a little more rambly about it all and go full on w screenshots and everything but- yeah, I just think he's neat 🥲
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sawxwhxrex · 9 days
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maxcuntstappen · 3 months
lmfao must be sad shipping two people who barely spend time together
my standard rule of thumb is to not reply to assholes but this message made me giggle soooooo much.
so here's some discord messages b/w me n ella cause u made us laugh so much
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overgore · 2 years
okay look- like- consider: JR was cognito's bitch in part 2 and I don't believe that rand DIDNT take the opportunity to do a squidward move and put JR in a maid outfit or some other humiliating yet homoerotic thing.
HAHSHRHA. oh my fucking god could you imagine. me pulling up my ipad to draw this.
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skellydun · 2 years
i think we could be soulmates in another life
okay i'll find you in the next one my love
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bitciziad · 7 months
ur so real for that kylar post like listen i get it we love an obsessed freak but he’s like. visibly greasy and smells bad. no way you can convince me that boy knows how to wash his ass and clean off the dick cheese 😭 theres no “i can fix him!!” from me for that. meanwhile vrel has confirmed eden is the cleanest ro bc they cant afford to get sick from poor hygiene living by themselves out in the woods, so that dick is both huge and IMMACULATE
anon youre so right i couldn’t have said it better myself, it’s a running gag at this point that kylar does NOT bathe as much as he should be. greasy, stinky, how the hell does he get around town so fast. does he crawl through the sewers?? i could be halfway across town, see him, take THE fastest shortcut across town, and that motherfucker is sitting over on the bench at the park. i just know he reeks. probably only gets “clean” the days it rains and he has to scurry home like a wet cat after staying cooped up in the arcade all day. there’s simply no fixing him 💀
kylar pls clean your dick cheese and wash your ass it is the one thing i ask of you. and drink water PLEASE i just know he’s pissing battery acid it’s not helping his case here. we love the freak but wash your ass !!! and his glorified hazard zone of a manor? mr. clean, lavender fabuloso and bleach is needed everywhere. NEVER go into his room with a UV light.
EDEN THOUGH… you’re so right i don’t care if people hate him or love him but that man is CLEAN. elite. big dick, no cheese, got his own plumbing system in his cabin, makes all-natural soap, self-sufficient big dick eden accomplishing everything off the grid. like minus the obvious (blood, sweat, grime, etc. from hunting/working) the “worst thing” is probably the dirt under his nails but he gets rid of it all after the nightly bath. pathogens are scared of him. his very own osmosis jones in his immune system. i just KNOW his cabin smells good.
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weirdlizard26 · 5 days
hey, I've been in the same burnout cycle and I'm sorry you're going through it :( I hope you feel better soon
AHHH thank you :( its. difficult. because even though im finally out of uni im starting work in 2 months and im just. so upset that i apparently wont be able to do anything in the last 2 months of freedom in my life. but im trying my best to. idk. think positive i guess? im just trying my best akbsnd
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villainsidestep · 3 months
'please send asks on anon u literally know how to play these games' nah
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nyukyusnz · 4 months
you will never love ricky more than me fake fan cancelled exposed i’ll put you on the dr phil show and into a mental ward Oho!
HELPP???? 😭😭 this is hilarious what😭😭😭😭 hello??????
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seventeenpins · 7 months
thank u beautiful anons for your encouragement, sorry it's taking so long but i'm working on a new bad girl chapter and something of a follow-up to joel being pegged
(spoiler, he gets pegged more)
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batz · 1 year
you dont have to answer this publicly at all if u dont want to obvs but like. i totally get it, my dad also sucked a lot but it really messes me up sometimes that hes not here. like man. coulda had something a halfway normal life yknow? not sure ill ever get over the jealously i have towards folks with two parents :/ but its not weird to be messed up about someone you didnt like/know well i think
RIGHT like ya this dude sucks but like. hes Dead so now theres no chance of him Not Being Shitty. no chance fr him to Magically Redeem Himself like this is some corny lifetime movie or whatever the hell. -_-
its just a weird situation ig. super complicated brain stuff. grief is Weird esp when ur left feeling that grief abt ppl who weren't rlly like. Good ppl when they were alive . idk its tricky
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pissheartmybeloved · 1 year
just wondering if you had any interest in doing ig you could call it a team hold? idk but drink the same water and whoever loses has to send the other a picture of just the soaked pants? if that's too far I'm sorry I won't push again👍
yeah that's something I'd deffo be interested in!!! sounds like a lot of fun, if u wanted to message me privately?? since I don't get notifications when an ask is sent to this blog. but yeah no absolutely go for it
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pxrxmoore · 1 year
re buck's couch, i also think some people overlook an important detail? buck said his girlfriends "came with couches". so these couches he ended up having were not actually his at all – and we also see that when taylor moves out again and takes her own couch with her, leaving buck with no couch (because he got rid of his own couch for taylor).
it clearly shows that he was still not fully accepting the fact that whoever is his partner in life... must truly accept his baggage, his chaotic life, his messes. abby didn't, ali didn't, taylor didn't. then he threw everything about his life at natalia on their second (!) date, she was overwhelmed for a bit (rightfully so!), and then still chose to "step into [buck's] mess" (bobby said smth like this, if i recall correctly) with the whole childbirth scene. it showed natalie (and the audience) how buck's life is a mess – literally and metaphorically. and natalia stayed and helped.
people say buck did not "choose himself" in the finale of season 6 because he asked natalia to "help him pick a couch" (help! meaning he is still is the one choosing it!) but he literally did!!! natalia did not force him to go to IKEA with her. buck was the one who made the conscious decision to ask her for help. and thus invited her into his life, with her knowing everything about all his exes, his job risks, his biological baby. he did not have invite somebody new into his life, but he did. and it was at his own pace! 😭😭
moreover, he was sooo happy when he took his armchair (that only fits a single person) and put it in the place where taylor's couch once was. did everybody forget about that scene?? 😭 he was so at peace when he refused to let anyone pressure him into getting a new couch just because "it's weird" to others that he does not have one. he also happily accepted when his parents bought him that new couch, big smile on his face and all. and who says that he did have no say in choosing that couch either?? people act as if his parents are the devil but buck is obviously making his peace with the past and is happy to have his parents in his life to some capacity (we see that he is happy when they suggest buying a sleeper couch in case they visit him in LA!). we also saw that he gladly sacrificed his couch for kameron and the baby, which is beautiful imo.
buck actually did show agency, all decisions regarding the couch post-bucktaylor-breakup were actually his and his choices alone. and i'm so tired to see everyone ignore half of the essential couch scenes just because it does not fit the buddie agenda.
oooh yeah ur right!! he’s grown so much this season alone and he’s actually making these choices with himself in mind not giving away parts of himself to please others. like accepting his past with his parents and allowing them to gift him w the couch in the first place he rly let that weight lift off him.
i kind of love the full circle moment of the donor story arc that ends in a ruined couch where he chooses to start again rly soon afterwards and get a new one rather than it be months like after his breakup w taylor.
but yeah exactly he’s making these choices for himself and choosing to involve natalia. and he’s not hiding anything from her, he’s given her every detail and it must be a relief for him to have someone come back and stick around after giving away so much of himself. the finale shows a big difference to where we saw him at the beginning of the season imo!
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inkykeiji · 2 years
ur my fav dabi author tbh and I just wanted to let u know that I rlly appreciate ur work !! literally my go to every second night >_< rlly excited for tag ur it p2 but plz remember to also take care of urself !! drink water and sleep well <333
waaaaah oh my gosh okay first of all thank you so much for such an amazing compliment!!! wow!!!!!! (as i’m sure you can tell LMAO) dabi is an extremely important character to me, so to hear that i am someone’s favourite dabi author gives me such a giddy feeling and fills me with warmth <3 thank you thank you thank you for taking a moment to send this in, it’s so thoughtful and it means a lot to me!!! <33
i am i am!! or, i’m trying, at least hehe c: but i promise you i’ve been trying not to rush myself or burn myself out while finishing this piece. the editing is taking me longer than i anticipated, but the moment i begin to feel burnt out or tired i step away from the piece and do something else. this piece is much too precious to me to ruin by rushing and stressing that it isn’t finished as early/quickly as i wanted it to be
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nulltune · 1 year
im getting on my knees and proposing rn as we speak 💍
❛   ... thank you,  but—   ❜      someone like her,  who doesn't know anything about love,  is not suited for something like this at all.      ❛   —i apologise,  i will have to decline your kindness.   ❜
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❛   please get up,  and please be less ...  hasty with important decisions such as these ...   ❜
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sharkshenanigans · 2 years
have you seen the clip from this last ppsat foolish and Sam both called punz to try and wake him up since he was late. it was a whole ass love triangle (fueled by gumi)
Hey, I saw some clips from that ppsat, but not that specific one! And I just skipped through the vod, but sadly I didn't find it, they just played too long, haha! But maybe once I have time I can make another comp or something (or if someone in the comments knows anything) there were a lot prime himbro moments in that stream i heard 👀 (the "angsty" one alone is worth a compilation tbh LOL)
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