#Thank god im not doing anything Saturday haha
sunnyfriedup · 8 months
So does qsmp and hermitcraft start on the same day? 😭😭
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foxgloveinspace · 7 months
LMAO I’m so sorry I lured you in with my weird and then OH GOD SHES SPICY?!?! 😭😹🫶🏼💀🖤 bahahaha omggg I wonder how many others I’ve tricked accidentally. I PROMISE IM WEIRD ABOVE ALL 🙏🏼😭😹
Anywho!!! Hi hi hi!
I’m sorry I’ve been so few n far between, studying (and palworld……oops) has been getting the best of me recently! I hope you’re doing well my dear friend!
I’m getting ready this week to go see The Prize Fighter Inferno, Claudio Sanchez of Coheed and Cambria and his wife’s side project; they’re something special. Very different. Electronic lullaby vibes. I feel like you may like them, so here’s a couple suggestions!
-Death Rattle.
-Virtual Pioneers.
-Run, Gunner Recall, Run! The Town Wants You Dead!
-Roll For Initiative.
-She’s The Brains, My Sweetheart.
Ahhh I hope you enjoy them!!! Iloveyouuuuu!!!
🖤 @a-little-lynx
Hihi Cass!!
Thank you for the music recs, I put a few on while I was doing dishes, I did really enjoy it! I’ll have to give them more of a listen sometime. (A few of the songs reminded me kinda of Half-Moon Run? In a way… something about how the words are sang, haha.) I Really liked Death Rattle, and I hope you have a lot of fun at the concert!!!
Never worry about being busy please!! You’re all good. How has Palword been treating you, haha. I watched a streamer play it a little bit, but I don’t have anything to play it on right now lol.
I’ve been, ok… I figured out my increase in migraines was cause I was binge playing video games on the weekends like when I was a teenager. And I need less screen time in my life now. Which sucks cause I’ve been really enjoying Hollow Knight. And I feel like limiting the play time will be really hard for that game haha.
Other then that not a lot has been going on for me? Mostly hobby stuff really. Been reading more, im finally in the mood to knit again, so I started a new project today, and it’s a sweater which will mostly be in the round which is good, cause I can read on my kindle and knit at the same time that way😂.
I don’t know if you’ll enjoy them, but I found this band on Saturday and I’ve been listening to their EP a lot. It's kinda. I don't know it's hard to describe. It's jazz? electronic, jazz. with 70s vibes. and reminds me of Legend of Zelda somehow, haha. The band also wears sparkly jewl masks, and a mask is always a plus to me!!
I've also been listening to a lot of pop? I've been putting Troye Sivan on repeat again, oof. Idk why his stuff reminds me of Midwest winters.
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commaclear · 2 years
If quackity and Wilbur date post-close to bone:
One Saturday morning quackity stays the night and he n wilbur spend the morning cuddling and talking about random stuff w work or Wilbur’s family maybe. And Quackity gets a call.
“Ugh what does he want?” Quackity mumbles
After 3 calls he finally picks up, “gods what?!”
“Hey pumpkin, I need you to look over this newbies notes for the case, she says she’s figured it out but I want a second opinion.”
“Are you kidding it’s a fucking Saturday.”
“Aww cmon don’t get so up n arms about this you never got pissed over overtime.”
“Yes I have!”
“Okay well I’m getting tired for christs sake can you just get here already.” Schlatt used that fucking tone quackity despised and hung up.
Quackity sighed and hit his head back on the pillow. Wilbur kissed his cheek and sat up.
“Hey it’s alright, I can drop you off.”
Quackity looked at Wilbur sadly, “no it’s fine,” he grunted as he sat up, “I anyways have to fill my car up so hey there’s a silver lining.”
“Sorry about this Q,”
“It’s not your fault wil, schlatt does this all the time I don’t know why it would be different.” He sighed
“Well thanks for stayin over, I’ll call you the next time I need a cuddle buddy to watch a scary movie with.” Wilbur giggled
Quackity smiled and kissed him gently before changing and wishing him goodbye.
Wilbur was getting lost in the maze that was Quackitys office. He realized Quackity never had breakfast at his place and probably didn’t have lunch either. Cue Wilbur in a loose tshirt and sweats with a sandwich and chips in his hand. After the help of one of quackitys co-workers, he was finally at quackitys office.
Wilbur knocked on the door and opened it slightly, “q…?”
“Pretty boy?”
Wilbur froze at the entry way, like a deer in headlights.
“What ya doin here?” Schlatt was sitting on top of quackitys desk.
“Uh um…” Wilbur felt sweat drip the back of his neck, he clenched the lunch bag in his hand tightly. “W-where’s quackity?”
Schlatt hummed at the question then looked over at the bag, “wait a sec- are you and pumpkin-“
“I got the file- wil? What are you doing here?” Quackity entered his office surprised
“I um- I brought you some-“
“BAHAHAHA “ schlatt bursted out laughing
“P-pumpkin, and pretty boy oh man” schlatt tried to breathe, “you know I was joking about the whole third husband thing right?!”
Quackitys face soon turned red with anger.
“Oh man the lack of couples therapy podcasts! It all makes sense!” Schlatt wheezed
Wilbur saw quackitys fist clench, wondering how could he possibly get the two of them out of here.
“Aww and he even brought you lunch, how domestic! Trying to make up for the garbage fire that was your marriage I assume?” Schlatt said smugly
Wilbur’s face flushed with embarrassment
“SHUT THE FUCK UP SCHLATT!” Quackity yelled, barely taking into account the slight flinch Wilbur exhibited.
Wilbur looked over at Quackity who took his hand and led him outside.
“Hey, come with me”
“Aww gonna console your side chick?”
Wilbur glared at Schlatt before Quackity closed the door and sat wilbur down on a nearby bench
“I’m… im sorry about that.”
Wilbur sighed, “it’s fine Quackity.”
“No it’s not. I shouldn’t have gotten mad, nor let Schlatt get in my head.”
Wilbur chuckled, “yeah that was pretty stupid.” Quackity grinned in response and looked over at wilbur side.
“Thanks for bringing me food, that was sweet of you.”
“Of course, I doubt you get a chance to get anything good around here.” Wilbur wrapped his arm around Quackity
“You’re right I was starvin haha” Quackity leaned towards wilbur.
Wilbur kissed his hair and asked him if he needed anything else, “no babe I’m fine.” Quackity sighed and kissed him before parting ways.
Quackity walked into his office, un wrapping the sandwich to see the same strange combo he had since he was a kid. He’s pretty sure that was one of the only times he had ever smiled at his job.
Schlatt is definitely going to get a kick out of this, perhaps more than you think
*gives you a bobblehead, you can't tell who it's supposed to be because its face has been worn away by the cruel sands of time*
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
The Woes Of An Emo
Summary: Virgil is an idiot, and a pining one at that.
Warnings: Swearing, school shooter mention. Tell me if I need to ask for anything else!
Chapter 1: How Did He Get Himself Into This Situation?
Virgil always had a hard time making friends. That was a fact. He knew that already.
Why? The amount of things that can make or break a friendship. Eye contact, saying the right thing, beliefs, time, how you look, talking in general, all that good stuff. It was frustrating and nerve racking.
That's why highschool is such a nightmare. You can only survive if you're "popular". And to be popular, you have to have friends. And to have friends, you have to be popular. It's an endless loop of torture!
Speaking of torture, Virgil was just about to walk into this prison cell his first class, when he got a message from his only real friend. An online friend.
Online friends were significantly easier to make. No eye contact, you can actually think of what to say before speaking, and they won't judge you on how you look. It's so much easier!
princeofyourdreams: Good luck on your english essay!
Virgil smiled at his phone and quickly responded back.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: thanks! Good luck wooing your boyfriend ;)
princeofyourdreams: haha very funny! Hopefully he will be my boyfriend tho. I mean, who wouldn't want to be my boyfriend?
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: i could think of a few people
Virgil didn't want to admit that he wasn't one of those few. But Princey already had his eyes on someone who he could actually see, and from what Virgil's heard, the lucky guy was very attractive.
princeofyourdreams: wow. If you could see just how attractive I am, you would change your mind!
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: oh im sure. maybe if i could actually see u i would change my mind, tho i doubt that
princeofyourdreams: well, you know very well that my parents wont let me! Im just so beautiful, that everyone would be looking for me! and gee thanks
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: right. anyway i gotta go. tell me how the confession goes! i cant wait to hear about how broken your heart will be
princeofyourdreams: And I can't wait to hear about the F you get on your essay!
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: yea F to u too
They weren't being mean to each other, that was just how their friendship always was. Of course, boundaries were set thanks to Virgil having a mental breakdown and actually having to get Princey to call him and actually needing to hear Princey's voice in order to calm down. But it was fine in the end.
Unfortunately, Princey would be delighted to know that Virgil got a C on his essay. Of course, Princey would comfort him, but not until he was done laughing.
The school day went by pretty normally, though. Well, except for fourth period. Roman King, the most popular musical theater kid in school, kept staring at him for some reason. It was kind of creepy, but Virgil knew he was probably just judging Virgil silently, so he didn't think anything of it.
Pretty soon, the long day of school was over and Virgil could finally go home!
Or, he was trying to, before he got stopped in the main hallway.
He turned around to see who tapped him on the shoulder and- WHAT?!
It was Roman King. Why would he want to talk to Virgil?! Unless he got Virgil confused with another purple clad emo. Was this about fourth period?
"Hey, uh..." Roman looked extremely nervous, which was really weird considering that Roman wasn't even nervous during the school shooter drill, and everyone was nervous during that. The principal was an a** and didn't tell anyone that it was a drill, and instead let everyone believe that they might die. Yeah, that was fun. But even during that, Roman was the one who blocked the door instead of hiding. Virgil kind of admired him for that. But talking to Virgil made him nervous?! No way.
"Yes?" Virgil was starting to get a little impatient. It wasn't because he didn't like Roman, Roman was an ok guy, it's just that Virgil really wanted to get home so he could talk to Princey.
"Sorry, um, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something...sometime? Like, with me- uh- like, just us, doing something? Together?"
"Are you...asking me on a date?" Virgil wasn't sure if this was a trap or not. Roman was a great actor, but this felt way too real.
"I- yeah. If-if you want to, obviously. I mean, why would you go if you didn't want to, that's just- sorry I'm rambling." Oh my god. Roman King just asked Virgil Picani on a date.
Was that why he was staring at him in fourth period? Holy s**t.
Did Virgil want to? I mean, he has a crush on his best friend, who probably lives hundreds of miles away, and already has a crush on someone else, but...Roman is really nice, Virgil couldn't deny that.
"Sure." SURE?! Virgil, what are you thinking?! What about Princey?!
"O-Oh! Really?" Roman's face immediately lit up. Oh no. It was really cute. How could Virgil fall for another guy this quickly? Was he that desperate?
"Uh, yeah, could be fun or whatever..." Virgil was mostly just mumbling to himself, but Roman seemed ecstatic.
"Ok! Uh, here!" Roman handed Virgil a small note card that had a phone number on it. "Here's my number! Uh, text me later?"
"Yeah." Oh my god, Virgil, no.
"Awesome! Talk to you soon!" Roman ran out of the hallway towards the buses.
Oh god. What had Virgil just gotten himself into?
So heres the first chapter! I'm gonna try (key word, try) to have an update schedule of every Saturday! It will probably fall apart eventually, but I'll try not to!
Thank you all for wanting to read this series! I hope I don't disappoint! And I will rewrite that last chapter of Imperfect FamILY I swear-
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rosie-moons · 3 years
Beauty and the Beast 1 {} Tale as Old as Time || myg
~Pairing: worstboyfriendever!yoongi x travelenthusiast!reader
~Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of fluff
~Word Count: 3.4k
~Warnings: yoongi being the worst boyfriend 😥😥😥, reader crying 😔😔😔, very cliche scenes, a breakup (not the major part though), yoongi crying 😢😢😢, yoongi cheating on reader (YOONGI I SWORE IF YOU HURT OUR OC LIKE THIS I WOULD PUNCH YOU TILL YOU BLEED but you’re saved for the sake of this story 😡😡😡), reader being too forgiving, swearing
~A/N: well. i just had to give you guys angst after dp, didn't i? i know yoongi's stupid in here but pls don't get mad at him bc he's my bb and i love him too much 🥺. also HOMOPHOBES STAY AWAY, CHOHEE AND NARI ARE MY BABES AND I'LL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!
In your relationship, Yoongi had always been the beast.
Missing dates, drinking at the bar and getting wasted almost every night, overall just fucking around… it was common sense that this was what boyfriends were supposed to do, right?
“Right.” was what you always thought- that boys were uncaring and stupid and undeserving of any love.
Well, any love except for yours.
Somehow, Yoongi always thought that you didn't deserve him, that you were the ugly, cold-hearted beast, that you were supposed to love him without anything in return.
And you always thought he was right; forgiving him after his sobbing apologies again and again, taking care of him after drunken nights again and again, convincing yourself that he really did love you again and again- until you decided this couldn’t go on.
No, you had a life outside of Yoongi.
You had dreams.
You had friends, a good social life, a whole group of boys who’d give you the universe if it meant you could be with them.
Why did you choose Yoongi though?
Why not any of those boys, some of whom were more attractive, more caring, treated you better?
“Soulmates,” your best friend Nari huffed, turning her head to look at you. You were having a long-anticipated spa night together, cool cucumber slices resting on your tired eyes and some sort of coconut scented oatmeal mush plastered over your face. “You gotta stop believing in that shit, Y/N.”
You sighed.
“I’m trying, okay? It’s just that… I think… I think believing that one day someone will love you for eternity is better than living every day in heartache. At least it gives you hope, a reason to smile, I guess. Don’t you think so too?”
Nari paused for a minute, nodding subtly as she chowed on a cucumber slice. “Now that I think about it, I guess you’re right…”
You smiled, proud that you’d convinced her.
“...but nah, I still think you should face reality more than your imagination, you really have your head up in the clouds too much. All those fairytales- you know why they’re called fairytales and not realistic tales or something? Because they’re just to lull kids to sleep, all that perfect romance doesn’t exist,” her expression softened. “Hey, I really didn't mean to upset you... I was just- are you thinking about him again?”
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to stop the overflow of tears threatening to spill out. “I… no, I’m not. I just… I don’t…”
“Hey, Y/N, it’s alright…” She immediately scrambled off her massage chair, coming over to yours and pulling you into her arms. “He’s a stupid fucker who doesn’t deserve you. There’s so many good guys who’ll die to be with you, Y/N, I’m sure even Seventeen’s Mingyu would date you if you gave him a chance. Really!”
You sniffled, burying your face in your friend’s chest. “Not everyone’s obsessed with Seventeen like you, Nari.”
“Well,” She hmph’ed. “Are there any K-pop groups you like, then?”
“How about TXT? Enhypen? Astro? You like none of them?”
“Enhypen’s okay, I guess…”
“There we go! Okay, okay, who’s your favorite member?”
“The one with the really nice smile.”
“All of them have nice smiles, Y/N. Do you know his name?”
“Uh… Sun-something. I think his last name is Kim.”
“Sunoo? You like Sunoo? OMG! OMG! MY BEST FRIEND LIKES SUNOO!” Nari jumps off the massage chair, making “whoop whoop” noises as she dances across the spa room.
A beautiful raven-haired spa attendant creaks open the door, stepping in. “Hello, ladies. I hope you’re enjoying your evening. I just heard… something, and was wondering if you’re doing okay.”
Nari freezes with her left foot still in the air, arms bent in an awkward position. She coughs, blushing as she scrambled to a standing position. “Yes, um, we’re doing fine. Thank you, er…” Her eyes flicker down to the attendant’s nametag, “Chohee ♥” scribbled in pretty cursive handwriting. “...Chohee.”
You flashed your signature wide smile, giving her a thumbs up. “Yep! Nari just gets excited easily, everything’s okay!”
She smiles back, pretty pink lips devoid of any lip gloss or lipstick. “Alright, then. Call me if you need anything!”
“Wait!” Nari calls after her as she proceeds to shut the door. “How are we supposed to call you if we don’t have your number?”
Chohee laughs awkwardly. “Oh… haha… I meant, like, physically call me, not, like, with a phone… haha… but… I mean… like...” She takes a page from the tiny notebook in her pocket, writing something on it. She hands it over to Nari. “Here’s my number, just don’t… spam me… or anything… um…” She clears her throat. “I hope we can… be… friends… or… something…”
Nari smiles shyly, accepting the paper. “Yeah… thanks, Chohee. Um, it was great meeting you…”
They giggle dumbly together before a shrill “CHOHEE! WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING, YOU KNOW!” interrupts the glassy moment. Chohee immediately jumps back into professionalism, clearing her throat. “Sorry, uh… Nari…? Was that it?”
Nari nods.
“Yeah. Nari. Um, I have to go…”
“Oh, we shouldn’t be interrupting your work, should we?” She laughs. “Thanks for… uh… everything…”
“No problem.” They giggle again. “I really have to get going though… Bye.”
“Bye, Chohee.”
Chohee’s eyes widen. “Oop, gotta go. Bye!” She runs off, Nari yelling one last “BYE!” as she waves.
When she finally closes the door and meets your eyes, she’s practically jumping up and down, heated cheeks glowing a fiery red.
You quirk an eyebrow. “Now do you believe in fairytale love?”
She coughs, picking at a scratchy stud on her arm. “I… no… I mean… maybe…”
You clap your hands once, grinning as you watch your friend’s face burn hotter. “Well, would you look at that! For once, I’m not the one that’s crazily in love and stupidly giddy!”
“Stop, Y/N!” She whines, playfully hitting your arm. “And plus, um, our face masks are hardening. It’s time to wash them off. I’m going to the bathroom. Um. Bye!”
And she’s taking off towards the bathroom, the sound of running water jolting you from your thoughts about… him.
You bite your lip, wondering how pathetic you could possibly be. He doesn’t love you. He probably has a girlfriend and is about to get engaged. He probably doesn’t even remember you.
You look up at the blinding white ceiling, the soothing forest sounds playing from the speaker you forgot about now your only source of comfort.
Because the last two were “probably”’s, but the first one was a fact- Yoongi didn’t love you, and he never did.
“For the last time, Nari, I’m 100% sure she likes you back. Just text her, tell her to meet up with you, confess at some cute caf-”
“No, Y/N! You don’t get it, I’m, like, really, really sure she likes the coffee shop server we met the other day, they were practically making out and- oh god, don’t even remind me about the lovey dovey googly eyes!” Nari stomps her foot childishly as you sigh for the upteenth time.
“Nari, just-” Your eyes widen, a brilliant yet sneaky-ish idea popping into your head. “Actually, it’s okay if you don’t want to just yet. I advise you to go take a shower though, wouldn’t want to be stinky, right?”
“But I’m not going anywhere special-”
“HAHAHAHAHA it doesn’t matter HAHAHAHA just go, go take a shower, go go go right now!”
“You’re acting weird…”
“HAHAHAHA am I now?”
“Um. Yeah. Alright. I’ll go shower. Bye.”
“You’re being very enthusiastic.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah… bye though.”
It was an ordinary Saturday morning with Nari lounging at your place, complaining that Chohee wasn’t paying attention to her. So you’d tried to convince her to confess- which didn’t work, by the way.
Anyway, with Nari now in the shower and screaming along to “Chandelier” by Sia, you were ready to launch your plan into action.
Swiping her phone off the counter, you typed in the password (which she’d told you, as you told her yours as well) as fast as your glittery fake nailed thumbs could manage, plastic click-clacking against the oil-smudged screen. Nari had a habit of never washing her hands before texting, even after some good ol’ cheetos or fried chicken.
You click on the Textalk app and swipe down until you find Chohee’s contact (written “Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑").
10:42 am
Nari Lee said: hey chohee :) u there? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: nari Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: r u ok Nari Lee said: of course im ok :D Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: O-o hmm but u never use emoticons Nari Lee said: oh i just found out that i like them haha
10:43 am
Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: *raises eyebrow* Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: ok yeah im here, wassup? Nari Lee said: so… i was just wondering if ur free today for lunch, i have something to say to u Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: oh yeah ofc! where?
10:44 am
Nari Lee said: um how about magnolia cafe? @12? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: awesome! ill be there <3 Nari Lee said: sweet!
“So…” You say, casually sliding into Nari’s room. She’s in a fluffy white bathrobe, brushing her hair and singing to herself. “What do you say for lunch at the Magnolia Cafe today?”
She shrugs. “Why not? I just showered, anyway.”
You smirk evilly. “Great! Make sure to put on some makeup and wear something nice.”
“Got it!”
“Y/N!” Nari whisper-yells to you. “What in the name of my fuckin’ soggy underwear is Chohee doing here?!”
You hum, unbothered, as you skim over the menu. “How should I know? Anyway, I’m going to order some brunch. How about you?”
“Y/N! Ugh, shut the fuck up, I’m having a life threatening crisis right now! And why is she looking at me? And waving?”
You just smirk, shrugging. “Oops, gotta use the toilet. Bye!” You then dash off towards an empty table right behind theirs, wanting to laugh like a commando mad scientist. Your plan was done, and now it’s just time to see if it works.
Chohee walks over to Nari, and you see her visibly gulp. “Hey, Nari! You said there was something important you wanted to say to me?”
“Uh… I don’t… no? I don’t have anything to say?”
“Oh? Ah, I see. You’re making it suspenseful. Haha, I think I’ve had enough suspense. Spill!”
“Um… I like omelets?”
“I… I like plants?”
“Excuse me?”
“Uh, I like you- WHAT AM I SAYING?!” Nari’s hand flies up to cover her mouth. Chohee furrows her brows.
“You… like me? Like, like like me? As more than a friend?”
Chohee leans over the table and kisses her full on the lips, the sight so endearing you chuck out your phone and snap 18 photos. When they separate, Chohee’s grinning, Nari’s face a dark crimson and her bottom lip trembling. She touches it.
“You… kissed… me…”
“So does that mean-”
“I’d love to go out with you, Nari.”
And they’re giggling again.
“HAVE A SAFE TRIP!!” Nari and Chohee call after you for the 26th time, waving like maniacs. You smile.
This was going to be the most exciting 2 weeks of your lifetime- you were going to Italy.
The small coffee shop is cute, light Italian jazz music playing in the background. The wooden walls are adorned with pictures of the owner’s family, the sweet smell of coffee beans drifting in the air.
To put it simply, it’s perfect.
Perfect for an exhausted coffee lover like you.
“A latte, please-” You pause when the server furrows his brow.
“You… eh… wan’ coffee wit’ milk, no? Not jus’ milk?”
“I mean, um…” You immediately pull up your phone and type into Google Translate. “... caffe latte.”
He nods. “Non c’e problema!” And a minute later, your latte is in your hands, the delicious smell wafting up your nostrils.
You sit down on a cushioned seat, marveling at the decorations and how cozy and warm it makes you feel. Taking a sip of your drink, you smile.
The moment is peaceful and happy, the chatter of the other customers fading in your ears as you just smile. No one to interrupt your daydreaming, no one to come over and call your name-
Your eyes shoot up, a familiar pair of cat-like ones staring at you. His hair is black as night, swept carelessly against his perfect forehead. His cute pink lips are jutted out in a tiny pout, pale moonlight skin practically shining. He’s ethereal, and hasn’t changed one bit.
“Y/N?” He says again, tilting his head slightly.
“O-oh. Um. Hey, Y-Yoongi, um, didn’t expect to see you here…” You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head.
He laughs too, sitting down in the seat opposite yours with a black espresso in his hands. “Yeah, I found a job here. You?”
“I’m on vacation.”
You stare at each other, having nothing to say. It’s like you want to stretch this moment out forever, stretch it until it erases all the horrible things he said and did to you.
He speaks again. “How long has it been?”
He closes his eyes, clasping the mug between his hands tightly. “How-how long has it been- since I last saw you?”
You look down at your lap. “2 years.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your eyes start to wet, a lone tear slipping past your eyelids. There was no barrier now, more droplets following the first one’s lead and cascading down your cheek. “Stop.”
He doesn’t stop, instead choosing to nab at your heartstrings with more words. “I’m so sorry, I only realized how bad I fucked up when you left… I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N, I thought about you every fucking day-”
“Stop it now-”
“And I realized that I love you more than anything, that you were the treasure I held onto without even knowing I valued you that much. Why do you think I chose to come to Italy? Because I knew it was always your dream to visit here, and I hoped I would run into you somehow. I lived like that, in heartbreak and hope and desperate love and whatever the fuck else every single day, just praying you’d forgive me, praying that you’d come here and tell me that you still love me-”
“Yoongi.” You stand up, slamming the table. Your chest is heaving, breathing heavily as you try to take in everything that he said. “Stop. It. Stop saying sorry. “Sorry.” So what? Sorry won’t help anything, I don’t love you and we are over. In fact, there is not even a “we” anymore. You are you and I am me, completely separate, all ties cut, whatever you want to call it.”
“Y/N-” Yoongi’s voice is desperate, those forlorn eyes swimming with melancholy. You cut him off.
“Shut up, Yoongi!” His lip trembles, looking up at you. You feel a pang of guilt, but throw it away along with all your other feelings. Everyone at the coffee shop is looking at you two, the server mumbling something.
You don’t care.
No, you don’t care about anything.
Not about how much you missed him, how much your heart ached, how much you wanted to just fling yourself into his arms and kiss him- convinced he was a changed man.
Not about how he was pleading you right now, fat droplets rolling down his blanched cheeks as he whispered “I love you”’s over and over again.
Not about how the coffee shop server was hurriedly jogging towards you, incomprehensible Italian filling the air.
This was supposed to be a safe place.
The sweet scent and lulling conversations you fell in love with just moments ago, replaced with bitter words and the sound of tears.
You don't care.
You don't care.
You don't care.
Why are you crying, then? Why are those salty droplets cascading down your face? Why are you fighting so hard between your heart and your brain, trying to decide which to listen to?
Should you take him back, act like nothing has happened like your heart tells you to? Or should you give him the ignorance he deserves, leave the coffee shop and try to forget about this whole catastrophe like your brain says?
"Do you love him? Yes, you do. So choose me, your heart."
"Choose me, Y/N, your brain. I'm telling you to be rational."
You shut your heart out, brain taking over control. Yoongi deserves this. This of indifference, apatheticness, maybe even hatred.
“I don't love you, Yoongi.”
And you were out.
That night in your hotel room, you cry and cry and cry until the familiar “ding a ling ding a ling ding a ling ding dong” of a Textalk video call wakes you up from your thoughts.
You pick up, wiping all your tears until there is no trace of them left. “H-hey, Nari,” You hiccuped.
“Y/N, what is going on?” Nari’s eyebrows are furrowed as she tries to read your face. “It’s the first day of your dream vacation and you’re crying? Tell me what happened, please.”
“Yeah, you don’t look too good…” Chohee chimes in, sticking her head into the screen. “Don’t tell me you were robbed or something? Oh, no. No no no no. Please let it not be that.”
You smile halfheartedly, trying to change the subject. “Hey, Chohee. Staying the night?”
She nods, concern still painted over her face. “Mhm. But that’s not important, can you please just tell us what happened? It’s okay if it’s something small or stupid, we’re your friends and we’ll be here for you no matter what. We’re just… really concerned, and-”
“Yoongi.” Nari says suddenly, eyes wide.
“W-what? Y-Yoongi? What- what about him? I-I mean, I d-didn’t run into him, I-I’m just a-asking…” Your eyes are wider than cantaloupes, praying she wasn’t some psychic and had mystical powers or whatever.
She sits up from her previous lying-on-her-stomach position abruptly, looking at your stunned state. “Yoongi… do you remember he said he always wanted to visit Italy? He… was he there? Did you run into him?”
You are unable to speak, stuttering as your lip trembles. “Y-yes.”
Chohee and Nari both scream.
“Guys!” You yell, trying to somewhat calm them down (although you needed calming down yourself, too). “Stop! It wasn’t much, okay? Just- just some… talking, and then I left! That’s all!”
They look at each other, not sure whether to believe your explanation or not. Chohee opens her mouth a few times, as though pondering if she should speak or not- and no words come out.
“Really!” You exclaim, trying to convince them. You throw your hands up into the air for exaggeration, trying your hardest to look like you’re telling the truth. “We were like, um, best friends! Like nothing happened! And the coffee server didn’t come and shoo us out! He didn’t! And Yoongi didn’t cry or apologize or anything!”
Nari sighs. “Look, Y/N. I’m only saying I believe you because if I don’t you’ll bug me forever. But seriously, as your best friends, Chohee and I hereby promise to smack Yoongi in the face and shove skunk poop up his pretty nose. Right?” she looks at Chohee expectantly.
Chohee nods. “Yep. And don’t forget about the eating facial cream and drowning in turnip juice part. Y/N, I don’t care who it is, but if they dare to hurt you I will not hesitate to knock their teeth out.”
“If they even dare to insult you in any way, I’ll help Chohee knock their teeth out. I'll do most of the work, obviously, since... actually…” Nari pauses, biting her lip as she thinks. “Maybe, if it’s Mingyu that insults you, I’ll let him go…”
Chohee smacks her arm, rolling her eyes as Nari yelling a loud “what was that for?”. “For heaven’s sake, Nari! That totally ruined the moment.”
Nari shrugs, shooting Chohee a glare. “What, are we shooting a drama or something?”
You smile, looking down into your lap as your two friends bicker and give each other friendly smacks.
Maybe, just maybe, this world wasn’t unfair to you after all- you found happiness outside of Yoongi and the world of romance.
Okay. I did okay with the ending, right???? I did okay with the plot, right???? I didn't make Yoongi too horrible, right????
Welp, anyway, remember to check my blog for updates on when part 2 is coming!
-*+ Rose +*-
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) i'm so happy to finally be answering this oh my goodness hi gorgeous human being i feel that it has been too long 🥲 SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE WRITTEN ONE OF THESE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN
to answer the things you have said most recently- i'm so mad that spring break is over bc now i have to go back to life??? like dancing and school and shit that feels so unnessacry 😭 and like i can't just do nothing anymore? i was so used to it and now...... ugh. i STILL haven't played sims (i think it's because ✨depression✨ be hitting sometimes) lol but MWAHAH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR!AU AND THAT THEY HAD LITTLE BABY LEO!! i feel the name thing.. i just come up with something that sounds nice? i think leo is a nice name, it makes me think about lea michele and the fact that her son's name is Ever Leo but anyway. i don't name my sims after what i want to name my children irl either... idk why though. (i don't know why i'm telling you this but for boy names i love Liam🥰 and if i had twin boys i think i would do Liam and Peter though i am not married to the name Peter.... anywho)
LMAOOO the therpaist coming made me laugh thank you :)) i hope it's helpful? this may be tmi but i've only really had negative thoughts recently and not many healthy outlets so i'm hoping crossing one thing off this sad list will make me feel better :') i think during spring break my anxiety and my depression really spiked? idk, it comes in episodes but yeah THIS GOT REALLY SAD
i think a lot of things when i read your posts but i never say them hahaha so imma say it now: i googled what bon appetit meant ( i also just had to google how to spell it ) but ur right, i feel like bone apple tea makes more sense than bone apple teeth.. the "th" is throwing me off bc how i say it bone appa (like app-a) teet (like you're saying tit but teet lol) so bone apple tea makes more sense to me lol
i never know really know the time difference for anything lmao but est to germany (that's not gmt is it?) is like 6 hours wOAH so it's like 9pm while it’s 3pm here? wowee
i feel mega weird after watching this show called hollywood (darren criss is in it, so is laura harrier and a bunch of other people) but i don't like it💀 i feel really icky rn and idk why but reading your last response to my ask (?) always makes me feel better :')
i am doing what you said btw, i'm typing this on my computer first then gonna transfer it to my phone's tumblr lol but when you said a digital detox, it's interesting cuz i feel like i've been having one since tom's new project was announced? gOD i don't wanna get into it bc i get so triggered but i've been off of instagram since then bc instagram stans literally stand by tom through whatever even when something ain't right- i’m just gonna leave it there bc i’ll continue the rant, but yeah so i took a break lol
also heard abt your driving lesson thing (?) was it that bad? i can't find the old post but someone asked if you hooked up with your lesson person and i was sOOO CONFUSED LMAOO LIKE OK ARIA GET SOME BUT UHH HUH?
now to address the actual response HAHA the way you touch my heart :') by :') bringing :') up :') halle :') being ariel :') (i honest to God don't remember if i brought this up first, forgive me if i did, it's been a minute lmao) i'm always talking about it and i'm pretty sure my family is so tired of me talking about it lmao, but YEAH when i found out they weren't twins i was so surprised but idk why i always thought they were twins? but YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE WITH THE DISNEY TALK- everyone is always like "tiana is my favorite princess" and yea she's strong and stuff but...... she was a frog. for almost the whole time. it's about time we got another one!! i do agree with some people on the fact that disney should just make another black princess but halle is adorable and i was ariel on stage so it's already really special to me :')
yeah lol there are good times with my brothers but they make me mad for a good portion of the time (there's the 12yo vincent and the 7yo daniel but vincent??? psshhh he is a piece of work and i'm not sure how much longer i can put up with him HAJAH AND YES VINCENT IS THE ONE WHO WAS 👁👄👁WHEN I CRIED AND THE ONE WHO DOESN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC- writing this now makes it sound like vincent is awful. which he isn't... we're working on him ig. not to add to the awfulness but no, he listens to obnoxious loud VIDEO GAME MUSIC and won't stop when we ask him to stop... he gets beat up a lot) anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌
yeah let me know if you end up watching it (wandavision)! i think it's great but if you like it lmk!! tfatws is sooo good like PHEW i am honestly loving it. sidenote: j*hn w*lker makes me wanna jump through the screen and choke him to the ground. i was thinking right, and the falcon and the winter soldier (THATS SO MUCH EASIER FAJHKDAH) would techinally be like a 10 hour movie right? because every episode is an hour long and there'll be 10 episodes? like wow. i get what you mean though, abt the racism in the show etc, like looking forward to it but not like..... no i get what you mean i will not try and give another example lol but you make me wanna learn more languages like really badly (bc of what you said about the german to american translation) & if you end up watching hamilton PLEASE LMK ABT THAT TOO HAHAHA i love it so much, same thing with lion king lmaoo
speaking of germany, i was at lunch on saturday with my mom and her friend and we were talking about my schooling and like-- she planted this idea in my head lol like what if i just got my GED and went around the world (to england probably) to get a theatre experience??? and i think it sounds so cool but no where near practical lol, it's just..... the dream haha and i would then try and learn a language 😉
uh yes we absolutely should order basically a resturant meal at a cinema, how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?
also about cherry (which i still haven't watched yet lol) i got the timestamps from tumblr😌 i couldn't find them anywhere else, but i agree, i probably wouldn't even look twice at cherry if tom wasn't in it? like i liked tdatt a lot, but it's not a movie i would be itching to see ya know?
HAHAHAHA THE 24 HOUR NOTIFICATION- i think i have around 1030 hours on sims? but i've had it since 2019 lmao (reading the screenshots, yes u are 100% a genuis, i take screenshots too but on anon you can't upload them so i just read them and retype what i wrote lmao) i think the university experience in the game is fun, but time consuming and it's all work imo. idk why i do it so often tho 😭😭😭
and agreed!! when you're making good money in the game you have to find other ways to make it interesting. my cousins who play it just continously do "motherlode" and i'm like.... then what do you do in your game?? it just sounds boring to me... my current sims household, i had a famous comedian sim, her name was dylan, aND SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS BC ITS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE UNI THING UNLESS IM JUST DUMB, she went to college for communications when i wanted her to be a comedian and when she graduated i realized that degree did nothing for the career 🥲 so yeah, i think i'm just dumb. but she had a kid in college, guy didn't stick around and she was pretty broke HA but then she got married to this (great) guy named steve, made good bank, had 5 more kids (two sets of twins and one more lol) but then she passed. uhm... yeah that's still an open wound . lol i'm kidding, but when you get rich like that, you have to find a way to make the game interesting and i chose a million kids.
(this was one giant paragraph until i broke it up uhh yeah) i seriously don't pay attention to the sims prices and just end up spending way too much money and not being able to finish the rest of the house😭 but then again, i'm so used to having sims live in apartments... if i end up building a house FIRST OF ALL it'll look like what you explained before lmao but i'll tell you if i actually end up building a house HAHA & planning out your sims game is so fun to me lol, did enisa and michael take in his daughter yet? i may be thinking too far ahead lol and i love that they fucked woohooed (i say woo woo lol) in celebration HAHA but when i was playing with this one couple i had them woo woo every night hoping the dude would have horrible pull out game and they would concieve, but one night they were too tired and i was like why? get back in there man. if i was in college and lived with my partner we would be fucking every night homie. be grateful. i have been talking a lot about sims, and like you said: enough 💀 i just love this game a lot 😭😭
SORRY LAST THING i think the sims romantic and sexual stuff is so nice bc its what i want?? LMAO IDK like the whole hot tub thing you're talking about- puh lease ITS JUST NICE TO SEE OKAY
i'm reading the german section over again and i said aloud "my german friend is so cool" lol (i was saying that to my brothers & i know they don't care LMAO) (& i'm glad the uni zoom call went well!!) so on a form, in german, it could possibily say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer because you would be a participant to an introductory event? i swear german sounds so cool 😌 but i love reading your german lessons!! it's really interesting, most of the time my brain can't comprehend it tho?? like that word makes sense to you, but i need a translation. like to be able to look at that and know what it says.... its just appealing and seems so cool lol i kinda wanna write something out in german but i feel that google translate will fail me. während googeln "google übersetzen" mein Computer war so verdammt langsam und es fühlte sich einfach wie etwas Gutes auf Deutsch zu sagen. ich bin nicht sicher, welches Wort ist "fucking", aber ich mag es lmao (did it fail me like i thought it would??)
LMAOOO THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP JUSTIN BC WHILE AT THE RESTURANT THEY PLAYED A JUSTIN SONG AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU AND THIS STORY😭 lol i was thinking it's depending on your age but not even that either... i really don't know.... but tom's fans are hollanders💀 i would consider myself one? he's the only person i'm really into like that (like a lot lol) so idk lmao (directioners 💔💔the pain is real)
LMAOOO (both of these paragraphs started off with “lmaooo” smh) "i like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death" PLEASE, i don't like pete's blonde hair... i just don't. i'm not sure if i wasn't watching the most recent snls but yea. my mom thinks he looks like trash, but i think he's okay? like he said staten island people just look like trash LMAO and I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN KING OF STATEN ISLAND GIRL I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! now i'm gonna make plans to watch it lmao, & yes agreed i find pete hot, don't ask why i really couldn't explain it to someone he's just .
my favorite songs from rex are from pony oh my goodness 🥺 anywho i'm gonna go eat cereal (i ended up eating bun and cheese instead) and listen to the Stormzy songs you recommended... aria. aria aria aria. i would like to thank you for introducing me to stormzy i- i don't have any words or any emojis to express HOW GOOD STORMZY IS. i hope he's popular in germany/the uk because i haven't heard of him but GURLLLL
one second - delicious i love it. it's really good. it’s not my favorite from the album, but its great.
superheroes - at first i played the non-explicit one (on accident) and wondered why the words weren't playing but i was reading them in the lyrics??? THIS ONE THOUGH??? IS THE BEST SONG I THINK I'VE EVER HEARD. i am so SO SO into black people empowering songs (like brown skin girl by beyonce) and this song???? PHEW I CRYYYYY ITS SO GOOD.... i was gonna quote some lyrics BUT THERS TOO MANY I LOVE, "i am young, black, beautiful, and brave" "black queen, you're immaculate, it's coming at the world, they ain't ready for your magic yet, and that was never your fault" THAT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT- I ALMOST CRIED THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i played it twice lol)
lessons is another beautiful one, like its slow and it feels intimate and nurturing and just OO chefs kiss, beautiful . like you can feel the apology and the regret... it’s so good
own it - OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT IS AMAZING!! swear you would catch me dancing to this song, this song is so fucking good i cannot comprehend like this one might be my favorite for real... "it's the way you wind up your waist, i'm so in awe, you never have to worry abt nothing, you know its yours, you know you own it" 🥲 i played it two or three times honestly
rachael's little brother - YES I DID LISTEN TO IT LMAO AND YES I LIKE IT, its a very complex song and it's very layered in terms of emotions i think and i really like that about it. i probably won't listen to it that often, but its really good. i would recommend this song to my "older brother" bc he would just absolutely love this
shut up - i was taking this song seriously (also very good) until i heard him say shu-T up LMAO, this one is good, i probably wouldn't listen to it 24/7 like rachael's little brother but honestly its still fire
before listening to blinded by your grace and vossi bop, i know you brought up the religion bit, i definitely don't mind that, especially because i'm Christian lol and i actually liked that he brought up God in some of his songs like idk i just like it🥰🥰
(i then went to bed after that lol but first thing in the morning i listened to superheroes and... that song is probably my favorite tbh, i was gonna write MORE quotes that i loved from it but, yeah no there's too many. if you want i'll tell you lmao but this is already so long i would just be quoting the whole friggin song)
VOSSI BOP IS A BOP (lol) I CANT EVEN LIE, i love a song that hypes up a dude's girl so the line- i love that my phone decided to fail to load the lyrics, lemme google it, okay the lyric "looking at my girl like what a goddess" i was like AYEEE its honestly just really good. and no one in america says "sauce" like "i've got the sauce" but now i do (thanks to love island and Nas from last season) and now stormzy so (also im gonna watch the music video for superheroes bc it looks great so 😛)
(because this is already so long i feel like i shouldn't finish the rest but . no i'm gonna do it)
now for blinded by your grace pt2 idk why i’m nervous lmaoo PAUSE I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE SONG GIRL THIS SONG IS *chefs kiss* no words, speechless PHEW y'all gon make me start jumping around. why did i not know about stormzy before, he is amazing i- ok yeah i finished the song, all i have to say is that Stormzy is immaclucate. period. i am literally sending his music to all my friends he is..... amazing
you want my song recommendations 🥺🥺 hmm uh okay lol i listen to a lot of old music, whitney houston, marvin gaye, queen, celine dion, i love "more than words" by extreme uhmm okay, but for actual music i listen to on the daily? (this is a lot of different music like.... they do not go together lmao so be prepared) a song about being sad by rex orange county, betty by taylor swift and lover by taylor swift and... most of that album lol, treasure by bruno mars lmao, OOOO and versace on the floor by bruno as well, lazybaby by dove cameron, creep by tlc has been on repeat lol, deja vu by olivia rodrigo (i saw what you said about drivers license and AGREED LMAO but i like deja vu a lot more haha) and two albums that i listen to in general, rare by selena gomez and ungodly hour by chloe x halle 🥰 you don't have to listen to all of them or any of them lol but that's a sense of what i'm into :) so basically everything haha, i'm into literally every single kind of music really so i wasn't too surprised that i enjoyed stormzy :’)
HAHASBSJHAHA your h20 story cracked me up,, like "wow these actors are so dedicated, learning german just for us" 😭 the beauty of overdubbing
once again, math and maths, in my mind maths makes sense because its mathmatics, but saying maths doesn't feel right to me lol, like if i said maths i feel like everyone would look at me like ??? and yea i was taught it as math so its just more natural for me. but yes math/maths is disgusting, easily one of my least favorite subjects so .
mkay. i- the first time i read this i could not contain my laughter when you said the only pollen you know is sex pollen LMAOKOOSHBABJFAJF STOPPP I'M EVEN LAUGHING WRITING THIS,, anyway. wow! that's interesting, my dad (<<< mostly anything else) gets migraines from the sun and the heat and stuff, yesterday (sunday, i was outside for like hours watching my brothers play football, the american kind lol) i was in the sun for like ever and i got a headache😔
summer clothes🥲 i need to go shopping fr fr. for my birthday my mom and dad got me a giftcard like dedicated to a shopping spree and we've yet to go so..... i should bring it up to my mom lol, but!! i went bra shopping (ended up returning literally all of them cuz they honestly didn't work for day to day work? its a long story) and if i could i would walk around in this new "summer bra" i got, i would. it's so fricking cute and its really light fabric (which isn't perfect for my nipples but still) so i don't get hot in it, but that bra and some shorts would be perfect. its the closest thing to being naked so
IS THE BIRD STILL BOTHERING U ARIA, TELL ME NOW ISTG, i laughed really hard that the bird isn't stupid and is really trying to torture you LMAOO like i was rolling, it wants you to suffer, badly
when you said "mensus" it was still close to mens!!! latin speaking queen 😌😌
okay STORYTIME i was reading back your response and started (fake) crying bc i love you lol and my youngest brother (daniel) gon say "oh man, catherine's crying about something we don't care about, again" I--- i swear when i tell you about them they sound awful, but they aren't that bad, just the stuff i say about them is sounds really mean LMAO
but the thing you said about being kind, same, what i always say is: don't be the person that makes people say "i hate people" ya know? like there's no reason to be a jerk or anything.... but its true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are really kind and every time i talk to you i would like to personally fly to germany and give you a hug 💖💕💞💗💓💝💖💘
& i'm gonna show my stretch marks some love bc of you 🥺😭 i really hate how men have basically everyone conditioned that you can't love your own body </3 fuck them, y'all beautiful :')
also thanks for what you said :')) you literally are the kindest, sweetest person i think i've ever spoken to and i love you 🥰🥺🥲💓💗
READING YOUR TAGS HAHAHHAHA the spelling errors makes everything so much funnier. once again, i like your german lessons & yea!! i'm gonna play sims after writing this hahah
#catherine's tags are back #i don't think i've told you my name before?? #anyway it's catherine🥰🥰🥰 #i'm typing this on my computer (without emojis) and if i didn't edit this you would be reading shit shite like #heartface and pout and cry LMAO #yeah abt the tattoos #some stuff with my parents i'm like deal with it??? lol #my mom tells me "if there's something you enjoy or you like but i don't have the same opinion on it... why would my (my mom's) opinion matter? #and i love that #like i'm not gonna go and do whatever i want #but if my mom doesn't like that i swear (which isn't true just an example) #its like okay.... #but whatever #and your tattoo ideas sound really cute!! #and yeah @ your parents, i mean you aren't getting something wild #and the tattoo album>>> #i'm gonna look up ariana's butterfly tattoos just so i know what you mean lol #but i'm guessing you don't want something so incredibily simple, but not super like over the top? #correct me if i'm wrong lol #LMAO the tags were in order don't worry ! #and yeah lol ily2 <33 #and once again, again, sorry for this post JSHJS ITS A MESS AND LONG AS HELL #and you don't need to go in order of my post its literally longer than your german compound words #u're fine #also !!! while writing this the birds were chirping outside and i was like 😳 #and one of your fics (i’ve read all of them, i don’t remember lol) that valentine’s day one where y/n had lingerie on (the pancake one lol) #inspired me to buy lingerie #like when i look back on me “growing up” #that fic & basically you lol really helped with that #that made no sense and i don’t know how to make it make sense... but... yeah. like ily
hiiiiiiiiiii <3333
Dear catherine, 😌
(you have said your name before, but it wasn‘t like an introduction or anything i think you were talking about .... was it possibly the incident at the cinema??? And you said something like ‘calm down catherine‘ like you were telling yourself to calm down idkd dkdkkdkd anyway i didn‘t mention it cause i wasn‘t sure if it was an accident or not dkdjd but now i know 😌❤️ Catherine is such a cute and lovely name btw omg and so are your brothers‘s names 🥰
Sorry that I‘m answering this so late, it‘s been an emotional rollercoaster for me since last week but i‘ll get to that in a second lol
Sksklssk girl i haven‘t played sims in like 2 weeks now ekejdkdlldld ok that‘s not that long at all actually but i keep wanting to play but then i end up not playing for whatever reason, so no news about my sims game 😔 but i love the names Liam and Peter and for twins!!! That sounds really nice actually
okay i‘m trying to answer your ask in chronological answer even though i wanted to wait for the depressing stuff and write it at the end or something OKAY so. i thought that i‘d feel so good when i start uni and that i‘ll like... have a purpose in life again and just be happy (cause in the last year i didn‘t do much and i was depressed like half of the time lol).... anyway i kind of feel even worse now? 😭 i think it‘s because in my brain it‘s like: university!!! that means your life will change and it‘ll all be so exciting. and don‘t get me wrong it is exciting butttt..... idk the online thing is so weird cause you‘re not meeting any new people (i‘m introverted anyway but still lol) and it doesn‘t feel like you‘re listening to/talking to actual people cause it feels the same as just watching a video?
also i thought i‘d be busy again but i only have one lecture (90mins) a day and theres one day where i dont have any lectures at all and just one day where i have 3 hours but.... idk i mean i shouldn‘t complain about having so much free time but i just don‘t know what to do all day and in a pandemic there really is nothing to do but i also can‘t relax bc it‘s like during the week and i know i have uni the next day and .... yeah.
There‘s also this one assignment i had to do that took me AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING????? so that was the only thing i‘ve been doing besides “going to“ lectures. for this one course we have to read two (really really long) texts (like it literally took me 3 hours to read them) and we‘re supposed to post it on this website that all the professors in our uni use. So after 5 days of anxiety (✌🏼) i posted mine this morning bc last night i realised that i didn‘t even know why i was having anxiety so i just posted mine today. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 and no one except me has posted theirs yet........ so i have anxiety again 🥰 cause idk if i‘m the only one who did it or if i even did it correctly
Edit while i‘m rereading this: my anxiety about uni is a lot better and i‘m not as d*pressed anymore maybe it was just hormones? idk but i‘m better so that‘s good
(I started writing this like 5 hours ago and then i randomly completely forgot lol)
I‘m in a better mood now though so let‘s move on from that (oh wait also, i think i‘m gonna see if i can find a psychiatrist bc with my anxiety symptoms (long story) i need to go to a psychiatrist, and so far i‘ve only gone to like psycholgists and it didn‘t help but i think that‘s just bc i was meant to go to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist so dldjdjsj
n e ways but yes you‘re not alone, ily, things will get better and yes i love you (i‘m not good at this type of thing🥲 but i‘d hug you right now if i could <3)
Yess i think the time difference between est and me is 6hours but gmt is uk time i believe? i think mine is called.... cet? For central european time? I could be completely wrong though lmao
Oof i completely forgot about hollywood, i remember when laura kept posting about it on instagram but i never actually watched it and i definitely won‘t now lmaodkdksjsn
Okay my driving lesson LEBDJDKDK I DID NOT HOOK UP WITH ANYONE AKSJSKSMMLM especially not my 40 or 50 year old driving instructor lol i like her but NOT LIKE THAT, the lesson was really really really good actually and i think i‘ll have my driving test soon, but i don‘t even remember why the anon would have thought that??? Oh wait now i remember okay KEKSKDLDL so during the lesson my instructor was like do you mind if i turn on some music? AND THIS WOMAN TURNED ON ONE DIRECTION I LOVE HER so i made a post about it and i said something about the song up all night and i guess i phrased it in a .... idk in a dumb way 💀 so the anon made a joke that i stayed up with my driving instructor all night and NO. No.
Wait did i read that right? YOU WERE ARIEL ON STAGE? SIALDBDJDKSLMSBDKDMDMDKDJSLSMDJFJJEDMBFEKLEFBJDLDVSIDLESKSKWKDKDJDOWNYUEKWNDUWLNSUFLWVSUDLEHDOENSIDBEISBEHENJELBSIEMWUDNRIW KB WOBE JO ON SBEUU HIII S HWS LV W ICH US KB okay this keyboard smash is getting out of hand but uh please do elaborate on that 💘😌???? Like you can‘t just drop that information and not say more??? I forgot if you‘re in like your school‘s drama group (is that a thing? lol idk anything about acting) or in an independent group? Either way - ARIEL that is so fucking cool
Your brothers loooooool, no i get it though obviously you love them and stuff but esp at their age children are so annoying so good luck with them 😭😭😭lmao
Yeah “anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌“ yeah just me and my parents who constantly fight 🥰 lmao no i like being an only child, like i cannot imagine having siblings but i feel like if i had siblings i would be saying that i can‘t imagine being an only child so? but i do think it‘s quite different like i‘m trying to imagine having siblings and WHAT that‘s just so different omg i‘ve never really thought about it like properly ???
I saw a tik tok the other day that was like “sometimes i forget that my siblings have a life of their own. like i see them as side characters in my life“ and even though i can‘t relate obviously i felt that. lol, like i can really imagine how it feels idk what i‘m talking about like shut the fuck up, daria
(also my actual name is daria not aria but i dont like it, and also i wanted to be more anonymous on tumblr so now i‘m aria lmao. pls don‘t mention it though cause no one knows except for you and mel (peterbenjiparker) dkdkdkdnkdnd. but i‘m starting to identify with the name cause everyone keeps calling me that looool😭😭😭 (but i like the name, more than daria anyway? well it also depends on the accent, cause the way germans say daria is okay. the was Americans say it is also okay, but some of my family in England are from the north of england and i don‘t like how they say my name 💀 no offence to them(?) but yeah pls don‘t mention the name in your ask cause the chance of people seeing it is higher then (or if you want to say something about it just send a separate ask and i just won‘t post it (IDK what you‘d want to say about my name but yeah just in case slsldlldmsndnsns)
I‘m loving falcon and winter soldier so much but when i was watching an episode the week before last week (?) my laptop broke😭😭😭😭 during the scene where the dora milaje came at the end my laptop just shut down? And it had these lines all over the screen and i had to bring it to the shop where i bought it and they said it‘ll take 6-8 weeks to repair 💔💔💔 but at least it‘ll be for free, cause if i brought it back to apple it would cost like 400€ (i think that‘s nearly 500$) so yeah. but it sucks cause now i‘m “going to uni“ on a really old rusty laptop and on my phone which kinda sucks. oh yeah and also i can‘t watch anything on there 😭 i definitely want to watch wandavision but it‘ll have to wait🤧
Yessss you should def get your GED! I googled and I‘m still not entirely sure what it is dldks but from how you described it- YES!!!!!!
Idk if you know this? Like no idea if I‘ve told you this already (hmmm wait i feel like we talked about it actually?) anyway i was originally gonna go study in England, but for loads of reasons I ended up staying in Germany and I‘m def happy with my decision, but I definitely want to go to England sometime even if it‘s just for six months or maybe for my masters or something? And (obviously everyone is different) but i think everyone should go abroad and live in a different country once in their life, no matter if it‘s for school or what, and even if it‘s just for a few weeks. But i think that‘s something that you‘d never ever forget! And combining that with your acting/theatre??? You really would be living the dream 💘💘😌
how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?— sounds good see you soon 🥰🥰🥰
i used to be one of the people who‘d just do motherlode motherlode motherlode and just... what did i do? Why did i do that??? But not anymore lol. Like I said i haven‘t played sims in a few weeks but i‘ve been watching a few legacy challenge let‘s plays and usually i play with the aging off. So my sims just don‘t age 💀 but i could (should) turn aging on so that it stays exciting and i have limited time and everything. and once i get bored with my current sims i can just make them have kids and continue playing as their children when they get older- like recently i remembered that i haven‘t played the acting career in ages? and i haven‘t had a shop in ages? and i think you can even become a vet right??? like those are definitely some things i want to do in the next weeks!!! Also yes sksksjs i have a few hundred hours on sims as well (if not thousands 😭) it was just that one household that i‘d been playing with for 24hrs
AND GIRL SSKSKJD THE UNIVERSITY THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO, it was a while ago so i don‘t remember what degree and what job it was about but i made my sim study something for aaaaaages so she‘d get a better job from the beginning (you know what i mean like get in at a higher level)...... and i apparently studied the wrong thing cause i didn‘t get any benefits from studying and still had to start at level 1 and shit 🥴🥲
Oh also (this was like 2 weeks ago) Enisa and Michael did take in Michael‘s daughter and i think Enisa currently even has a higher/better relationship with the daughter than Michael but um💀💀💀 also i was hoping (since michael and enisa married (in their back yard i think lol) that the daughter (i forget what her name is😭) would have enisa as her step mom? Like you know how you can see the relationship and it says daughter or son or sister.. and i was hoping that it would say step mom but it doesn‘t say anything 🥲 but in my mind (and if the sims had proper family relations) she is her step mom😌 also Leo is a teenager now???? I mean I aged him up lol dkdk he was being too annoying as a toddler but i don‘t like children so i aged him up twice in one day and now he‘s a teen, but that means he can look after his half sister when she becomes a toddler which is good (the game recognises them as siblings tho even if they‘re just half siblings? why can‘t they have step family members in the sims🥲) okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
I‘ve been a bit sick these past few days and now i‘m getting a headache so i have to finish this response tomorrow 😭😭😭 </3
It‘s not tomorrow, it‘s 3 hours later but i‘m better lol
oooff when sims are ungrateful and won‘t woo woo (lol i like that) cause they‘re too tired like?? Be grateful that you‘re not living with your parents anymore 🙄 no okay dkdkdkdl idk if you play with mods (i don‘t) but i know there is a mod (or it‘s part of a mod idk maybe wicked whims?) where you can adjust the percentage of how risky a normal woo woo is, like you still click woo woo (3dksksks okay i‘ll say woohoo again— wait is that what’s it called? 😭) but there‘s like a 25% chance that your sim can still get pregnant just like in real life there‘s always a chance of getting pregnant even if you‘re using protection (just not 25% lmao) but yeah i personally don‘t play with mods sksk and you can always just click try for baby but it would be cool if you could add stuff like risky woohoo to the game without mods (i have no idea how to download mods and i play sims on a really really old laptop and sims is literally tje only thing that works on it anyway so—) i repeat my words from earlier: okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
okay i‘m so sorry i‘m gonna watch fast & furious 1 now cause i need to watch f&f 1-5 until the 30th of april cause they‘re only on netflix til then (i mean i could watch them somewhere else but the quality is never as good) so i will finish this tomorrow after all😭
it is now 1 am, i finished the film, can feel a new obsession coming up again (i always have these f&f obsessions for six months before and after a new film comes out)
THE GOOGLE TRANSLATE wkekdjdj tbh it sounds like someone is speaking with some kind of foreign accent i guess that‘s probably because it just is a direct translation and so anyway slsjsj i don‘t know if you asked me what the word fucking is in german? like idk cause the translation is a bit weird but in case you asked lol sidjsjs theres not really a good translation like we just say fuck for fuck lmao, i don‘t know if you typed in fucking in google translate and it came out as verdammt? cause that means damn (or damned sksjjs) ummm yeah idek if/what you asked so imma move on🤧
I‘m not gonna comment on what you said about every stormzy song cause you already said all the important things but SKSKSJSJSKNSNDBDUDOENWBSLSKKHSULSLSKSBSJSKSK I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR RESPONSE FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally i know someone who loves him as much as i do 💘💘💘 also since you brought it up, i‘m pretty sure he‘s considered the most successful UK rapper or if not then at least top 3 so he‘s defffffffffinitely big in the uk, in germany more and more people are listening to uk rap too but not as much stormzy cause theyre dumb apparently 🙄 but anywY i‘m sooooo sooo happy that you like him. i think hith came out end of 2019 (i could be wrong but i think it came out on the 13th of december so (in a european way) you‘d write the date: 13.12 and obviously i don‘t KNOW this but i can definitely imagine that he chose that date because ACAB and yes, Michael. Yes. But he hasn‘t made too much music since then so i hope he‘s working on some new stuff 🤞🏼
Also i ordered the stormzy poster😌 also a nicki minaj one bc i decided i‘m gonna have one wall with red-ish posters (i already have two kinda red ones) and one with blue/green-ish posters (already have two) and i can add stormzy to the blue one and nicki to the red one, but i think that‘s it cause if my walls are tooo full it could look cluttered? I‘m not sure how that type of thing works lmao but my room is generally untidy so i don‘t want the walls to look unorganised too so i think that‘s it for now
I really want to finish this now but my brain is getting kinda slow and i need to sleep soon so this will have to wait till later after all 🥺🥴 (not that it makes and difference to you bc you‘ll see this whenever i post it buttttt i wanted you to know that i want to talk to you again but with my slow brain i‘m just taking too long to do it in one day😭😭😭 and i‘m so busy tomorrow hmm but i‘m sure i‘ll have 30 minutes to finish this then <3)
Okay wait I‘m so dumb I didn‘t realise I‘d nearly answered everything i could have posted this yesterday 😭😭
Oooohh that summer bra sounds so nice like if i was confident enough i literally would just wear a top that resembles a bra (or really is a bra lol) cause my tiddies always be looking amazing i‘m just insecure about my stomach sometimes 🙄🙄🙄 but recently i‘ve been loving myself more and more tbh 😌
also i hope you can go shopping for some nice clothes soon ✨😌
I‘ll be honest I haven‘t listened to your song recs YET but only because i wanna take my time with them and i‘ve been so busy and slso AJ tracey‘s album came out last week and I haven‘t listened to that one yet either so ekdkdj (he‘s also a uk rapper like quite popular and successful as well, but i feel like i‘m not gonna like his album cause whenever i‘m looking forward to an album it ends up being really bad and the albums where you weren‘t expecting it turn out to be bangers.... so yeah but i‘ll let you know when i listen to your songs!!!! :)
Omg i keep having to scroll up all the way to see the next thing you said so sorry if I completely miss some of the things you said😭😭
So when you sent this the bird was still bothering me oh my FUCK DKDLDMMDMDMD but now i‘ve been going to bed at like 1-2am so the bird is probably still asleep lool
Okay and for the rest of your ask my response is: 💘💖❣️💚❣️💛❣️💛💕💞❤️💓💟💞💕💕💖💘💝💟💟🧡❤️🧡💞💛💚💓💚💚💚❣️🧡💖💘🧡💝🧡💕💘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘 (okay that looked cuter in my head i don‘t really like the green hearts dldkkdksndnd)
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lordseochangbin · 5 years
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i wish it rained every saturday
a/n: lee felix angst + fluff. haha i love fefe, not proofread
for @0325stay ,, almost based on the cute guy that works at my local starbucks that ive literally never talked to sksk
“remember y/n, you can only write ONE WORD on the coffee order? no ‘girl with ugly pants’ or ‘cute boy thats comes every saturday when it rains”. thats just stupid’”
“that’s literally all you ally, now shut up. i actually write THEIR NAME on THEIR ORDER like youre supposed to” you closed the door to the coffee grains and passed ally, giving her a little shove to credit her obnoxious behavior.  
ally rolled her eyes, about to grab your shoulders on the spot before the bell rang near the entrance. thats right, it was saturday.. and it was raining. you felt a sudden pressure applied to your arms before you found yourself on the floor
“hi this is lordseochangbin’s coffee room [i hate how i implemented my user but i didn't feel like making up a name], how can i help you?” ally straightened her apron, giving a quick “don’t you dare fuck this up for me” look before diverting her attention back to the blonde boy. 
he was pretty, you had to admit. freckles spotted on his cheeks like a pretty dalmatian, you couldn't help but the count them all as if he were yours. but of course, it was a never ending count and the time to hand over a coffee to his table and say “here your coffee! -insert fake ass smile here-” was not enough to comply.
and how could you not notice that jawline? from the floor captured a good angle of his, and for a second you despised the insects on the wooden ground that you forgot to sweep earlier for they had rights to simply look up and see what others may call the sun. but as this all processed through you brain you noticed it wasn’t the ants looking at him- it was him looking at you.
“yeah i think i’ll get that” he nodded to quickly reassure himself. he smiled without his teeth, his lips forming a sideways line. kinda like that one emoji. “also.. are you okay?” he pointed to you.
ally raised her eyebrows in shock before turning to see you on the floor “oh yeah shes-”
“im fine” you got up, brushing your knees off of the dust “thanks for asking”. you shot him a quick smile, quickly returned by himself before he could say, “no problem, and dont make it to ‘cute boy that comes every saturday when it rains’, some people actually read that you know?”
you almost bursted in laughter as the boy walked away. leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and black doc martins. he seemed like the boy of your dreams, and now that you had experienced a bitter taste of his personality you liked it. not to the point like black roast but, somewhat sweet like vanilla. you loved it.
ally threw the small sized cup to you, the name tag unfilled and order still remaining. “chop chop!! get that coffee making, im gonna go apply some perfume and when i get back have that ready so i can give it to him” 
you rolled your eyes at ally, “fine” you muttered under your breath before turning on the coffee grinder, staring outside the window at the pouring rain
you noticed felix as well, staring outside with his wireless headphones in his ears. his lips pursed, and you could tell he was humming a really good song or just really thirsty.
after making the coffee you realized ally was probably doing her makeup as well, and as a few minutes passed by you assumed she may have been doing her hair. but the poor boy looked like he couldn’t wait any longer, so you picked up the coffee before realizing it had no name on it. 
with a marker in your hand, you’d realized he never really told you what to put. nor what to call him. he just told you what you shouldn’t call him. after a few seconds of contemplating, you decided to act like ally. except not in a few words, in one word.
thats what you wrote on the coffee cup before giving it to some other waitress to give to him. you watched from behind the counter as he received the coffee, taking it in his hand before checking out the name tag. “how” you could hear the words leave his inaudibly leave his lips and the hint of curiousness behind it.
your plan was working.
the next few days consisted of pure boredom. getting bullied by ally behind the counter and having to stay late at night as well. one week finally passed and you kept your hopes up that the weather app was correct, it would be raining. and the 80% chance gave you the strength to wake up and do your hair. for no reason though, because you knew ally would want to take his order and ally would want to talk to him.
but just in case, what’s to lose in dressing up decent for once?
you were on your break when felix came this time, but instead of ordering he walked straight to your table. your looking around in case he was mistaken as he sat across from you.
“hey, you’re the girl from earlier right?” he asked, dropping his things on the table in front of you.
“yeah, the one on the floor” you laughed to yourself
“my god” felix laughed along with you, sympathetically shaking his head “im so sorry about that”
“you knew why i was there?” you asked curiously
“oh come on, i know the little secret messages from your friend over the counter. but i really like your coffee, when are you back on your shift?”
“i never thought a guy would ask me to get back to work” you responded sarcastically, looking outside as the water droplets hit the cobblestone floor
“hey now, i just really like your coffee. can I get the usual pleaseeeee” felix begging in a baby-like voice caught your eye as you stared into his puppy eyes, immediately making you fall for them.
you quickly rolled your eyes before getting up from your chair, “fineee”
felix smiled at you, his cheeks turning a faint pink shade as he watched you go to the coffee grinder. “thank youuu”
you quickly put together his favorite order and gave it to ally, stealing a sharpie to write down a word on the name tag
“seriously?” ally asked, “can’t you just write down his name?”
“i don’t know his name, shouldn’t you?”
ally took the coffee from you, “watch me, ill get his name and his number” she was on her way to felix, placing his coffee in front of him and sitting in your seat from before.
you watched felix grab the coffee, looking at the word in awe. he picked it up, staring at post sides for a possible hidden message which made you chuckle considering he was more intrigued by the cup than the girl in front of him.
he looked towards the front counters, maybe in hopes of seeing you there but no- you hid behind as he walked out into the cold ran. and from there, according to the weather app, it wouldn’t rain until another 2 weeks.
the next saturday you didn’t expect his arrival. you constantly imagined it however. the way he’d take down his umbrella the second the door shut behind him, looking around for any open tables to accommodate. his pretty outfits made it harder not to fall in love as well, but you had to admit: a boy that came every saturday when it rained. why every saturday? why only when it rained?? it was a mystery behind a perfect man and you were the only one that speculated about it.
“hey y/n, can you do my midnight shift today? the cute boy isn’t coming so there’s no point in staying?” ally asked, her purse already in her hands
“you don’t think i have anything better to do?” you responded before getting a quick response.
“no, probably not. but i do, so see you later!”
and before you knew it ally was out the door.
you watched as people drank their coffees and read books or socialized with others. it was nice to know that people were still innocent enough to spend their saturdays like this. in a coffee shop like you were. but you knew they were doing so much better than you, better than the girl that was wishing itd rained this saturday, so you can give a message to the cute boy.
when everyone started to leave, you began to clean up before looking outside at the downpour. “mother nature, a little too late to comply to my wishes” you muttered to yourself. but almost on cue, you jumped on the spot as you saw the cute boy rush in- this time without an umbrella- into the store.
“am i too late?!” he asked, his heart beating out of his chest and his hair wet from the weather outside.
“dude you’re like soaking wet-”
“where’s the girl?!” he interrupted, looking past you to see no one there
“what girl?” you asked
“the girl that’s always behind the counter, always giving me those stupid messages. god, all i can think about is how her message will end. i have two words but i can’t seem to figure out the rest?! im 100% sure i have an idea but-“
“wait...” you interrupted, dropping your mop to the floor “you didn’t think ANYTHING of those messages? like maybe they actually came from someone’s heart or something?”
“oh come on” felix retorted, “it’s obviously she just likes me cause she thinks im cute or something. i mean who writes messages on coffee cups?”
shy girls that work till 12pm and get bullied by their own co-workers. you thought to yourself
“me... i do” you said in a somewhat like whisper but loud enough for him to hear
“it was you?” he responded in shock
“yes, but if it really meant nothing then i apologize. im sorry i bothered you with my ‘stupid messages’”
“no no!!” the boy grabbed your hands, holding them in his palm. they were freezing cold and no matter how much you hated him in that moment you wanted to hold them forever. “im sorry.. i didn’t mean it like that”
“yes you did, the whole idea was dumb and im sorry for that”
“y/n..” he read off your tag, “finish the message. i promise i won’t judge” he gave your hands a little squeeze making you look into his dark brown eyes. his breaths were softer in the moment, making your heart beat increase and you felt him come closer to you.
“i really... i really like you” you said, closing your eyes at how stupid it sounded at loud.
“you really like me?” he questioned, looking into your eyes as your slowly opened them
you nodded your head before he could pull you into a hug, “i really like you too, almost as much as i like your coffee”
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madmadmilk · 5 years
girl will u be sharing the whole meeting tom experience like what did he say what did he smell like i know very creepy but IM SO CURIOUS HDHDHDH
OKAY, STORY-TIME ––> long read with reaction pics
first thing, WOW. he had a crazy, crazy, crazy long-ass schedule. he was in LA saturday, and philly on sunday by 9 AM? probably? then i knew his projected schedule was panel from 10-10:45, 11pm photo op, 1 pm autograph, 3 pm photo op, 4 pm autograph. totally stacked! i signed up for the photos at 3 cos that’s easier for me….
little did i know… how long it would take……………….…
so, his whole schedule got pushed like an hour-ish back? like no real consequence to me, but it made me feel really anxious and just like, whew, thinking that he kept a smile on for like hours & hours. and all i could think of was that i hope he had like an iced coffee or like food or something cos that’s CRAZY. but yeah–––– i got to pass the time with some tumblr friends :) ( @spidey-waffles11 & @seamless-hart ) and my boyfriend but he’s whatever 😛
but OK time rolls up (4:50 PM), i get in line–– and i’m there for SO LONG. but it was ok cos i was talking to this dad & daughter and they were really nice. there were some like super  young girls behind me and they had like cute matching spider-man shirts but i was still looking at them like 🙂 . a part of me felt really extra cos i was really out there with false lashes and a BRIGHT RED dress. for reference, i looked like this:
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cute, i know. this is my armor, and even tho a part of me felt kinda flashy and garrish…. i don’t care! it makes me feel CONFIDENT! but yeah–– do, do, do~ we get through the line, drop off our bags and i feel like we went through a mini-maze of black curtains and then––
HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT THERE THROUGH THE OPEN DOORWAY! i like turned the corner, and was kinda looking to my side at the lady directing and then to the family in front of me–– and then he was there. idk what i expected but i was just like 😦
ok, ok, ok so i think maybe he was looking up to see how many people were next but i’m going to just sit here and believe that MY RED-ASS DRESS caught his eye cos he literally:
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looked at ME, then to the family in front of me as they came to him, but back at me as i walked over to wait. he raised his eyebrows and i smiled back and like, i think he looked at my hand cos i was like holding my wrist cos i was like, “oohhhh shit how the fuck do i stand like a regular person” but yeah either way it was like a back and forth–– that i’m probably romanticizing ALL HELL out of. but i was watching him so-– I SAW WHAT I SAW lol. 
and then the family left and i still waited cos i’m polite like that and then he like waved his arm for me to come over and i was like 😧. then i think i literally hopped over and like rolled my shoulders back cos yeah and i smiled soooo hard and i think all i managed to say was , “heeey” 
“hi! hello––” he waves me over again and i slide next to him while laughing. 
i’m pretty sure i bit my fucking lip and like... no, no one does that in real life. god dammit.
“how are you?” i TRY to ask in a exasperated voice
and i think he just said, “yeah” (cos we were moving really fast it’s ok) and looked forward lmao
but i like was able to look at his face and i was literally like 😫 . what bb cream are you using sis???? it was too fast, i didn’t really absorb anything haha. but wow his lips really look like that i guess haha and i really fit into his side, like alright bro. this is where i belong i guess.
and cos of the time crunch of being super, super late i didn’t really get to talk to him cos it was just like photo time. i didn’t have a pose in mind, i just wanted to be WITH him that’s it.
so i put my hand around his waist and wow he’s lean! and he carries himself super tall, if that makes sense. he stands up pretty straight? but relaxed at the same time? and i think his hand was like on my upper back, near my shoulder but TBH i don’t KNOW. i just felt him press next to me. 
uh, everyone keeps asking me what he smells like but i’m pretty sure i didn’t breathe until he let go. and then i was like, “ ah, soap. “
but after the flash of the photo i like turned to him and jfc i was really close. i’m kinda used to standing that close cos my bf is that height but 😬 . he smiled at me and just quickly said.
“hi, thank you so much for coming out.” 
and i was like, “no, thank you!” and he kinda guided my back to the direction of the exit and i was like 😣 and i think???? i called back to say, “take care!” but maybe that was just my brain idk
but then?????? he walked next to me for a second? like we walked to the exit together and i was like??????? like there people in the corner i was passing, and he stopped by them. i looked at him again and he smiled and nodded at me.
this was me: 👀
hahahah and then he grabbed a water bottle someone offered to him and i heard him say,
“can you get my bag..? and grab my air pods”
and i like audibly laughed as i left, idk why that was just so funny to me. like there you go rich king. good! for! you!
and WOW. the family from before waited for me and they were like, “how was it?”
hahah and it was so lame cos i was suddenly BLUSHING so fucking hard like 30 seconds after it all happened hahahahahahahah ok but i couldn’t stop thinking about how he like looked at me in the doorway, and even if it doesn’t mean anything imma never let it go hahaha
anyway, he was really nice and his voice was still so excited and lively even tho he’s probably talked to like thousands of people that day. like his charisma was super charming in all of the 20 seconds i really saw him.
lol this is how the photo turned out:
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AND YOU KNOW WHAT? i’m really haaaaappy with it! i’m kinda smiling too hard but lol THAT’S TOM FUCKING HOLLAND AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
so ya know, idk if i’ll ever see him like ever again? or if i’ll still always be into him as i have been but–– wow. what an experience to have with the way i am now. hope he’s getting a good night’s rest, and lots of warm hugs from his loved ones! thanks tom! thanks keystone comic con! and thank YOU GUYS for holding me together! 💛
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thenighttrain · 4 years
☃️ hello! good afternoon to you (im wildly guessing) but how was class? you've been doing that since march? i wouldn't survive oh my gosh i haven't joined any conference or meeting via zoom but where i work, they held a few that weren't important so thank god i'm a zoomless person :D
i guess we're all hoping for the vaccine to actually work? so that we can resume with our lives without too much restrictions. oh yeah, our party is gonna be on sunday (which is coincidentally taylor's bday so i guess im gonna have a great time!) ❤️
hello, good afternoon, yep it’s 3pm here haha. i’m still in class for another hour 😭but it’s going alright, there’s some interesting content! but yeah haha zoom is a pain in the ass oof
and yeah we are! and ooh have fun on saturday, that sounds amazing! do you think that taylor is gonna do anything on her birthday? it sounds like she’s 100% up to something so i’m SCARED
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Just Breathe, Peter
oohhh myyy im late im late i am so effing late hahahha. technically it’s still spideychelle month week 2 day 1 here in mah place but it’s nightime already so pheewww i am so effing late to the game hahaha.
ya ready for some angst/hurt/comfort, babes? this is directly after the ffh post credits scene, and i like to think the prequel to Safehouse which was my first entry for spideychelle month hihihi (even tho i actually wrote this one first haha)
hope you enjoy mj being such a calm collected rock in the midst of the eventual chaos that would ensue from the identity reveal, folks. 
hurrah for spideychelle comfort being the oasis in the dry desert of angst hahaha
The moment Peter’s secret identity was revealed to the world, the minds of every single person who knew beforehand started going into overdrive, no one more so than Peter. His first thoughts immediately landed on the safety of the people he cared about: Aunt May, MJ, Ned, and Happy. He’s taken down quite a few criminals who would be more than happy to threaten the lives of the ones he cares about just so the thorn on their sides would be gotten rid of.
Peter immediately does a rundown of the whereabouts of every single person he cared about, and MJ was right down below him just a few feet away. MJ was still staring at the screen when Peter jumps down from the post he was hanging onto and just grabs her with no warning, in case anyone got any ideas of trying to attack her.
“Whoa, Peter, what are you doing?”
“I’ve gotta get you somewhere safe, MJ, there’s too many eyes around here and people know you’re close to Spider-man now.”
“Wait, Peter!”
Peter consequently proceeded to web-swing away to the nearest safe place that he could; a well hidden alley that no one was currently occupying at the moment. One and two thwips away from the square, and Peter and MJ were gone.
They land at the alley, and Peter gives himself some space from MJ to make sure she’s okay.
“MJ, are you okay? I am so sorry I webs-winged you without your permission.”
Peter runs his eyes all over MJ and then to the alley’s openings to check if they were followed.
“I just couldn’t risk anyone trying to attack you and-”
Peter was still checking all the exits when MJ shakes him to get him to face her.
“Peter, it’s fine. I’m fine.”
The last bit of agency Peter had left had just been taken away from him by a villain they thought was out of their lives forever and he still manages to think of the people he cares about first. The kindness that radiates from this boy is one of a kind. MJ only wished she could offer the same comfort for him right now. She’ll just have to try her best, she guesses, it’s what Peter deserved.
“I should be asking how you’re doing. Are you okay?”
After Peter’s made sure MJ was safe, he still had to make sure the others were as well. And like a ball, it’s when everything suddenly drops, and the consequences of what just happened finally dawns on him.
“I- I- I can’t-” Peter says, prying himself away from MJ.
Peter suddenly finds himself breathless, his legs are all wonky, and he has to hold himself by his knees just so he can remain upright.
“Oh my God, Peter!”
MJ rushes to Peter’s side, holding him up by his arms, but he resists and steps away.
“I- I have to make sure Aunt May’s safe, MJ,” Peter is barely able to say.
Peter didn’t even know where May was yet and even though some rational part of his mind is saying that it’s unlikely anyone could have gotten to her this quick, the shock of it all just made it too hard to focus on anything other than the fact that he doesn’t know where his loved ones are right now, and he doesn’t know if they’re okay.
“Peter, you can’t save May in the condition you’re in right now. You could do more harm than good.”
MJ didn’t want to say it, but she had to tell Peter the harsh truth. And it worked; MJ’s blunt words stopped Peter in his tracks. MJ knew Peter’s heart was in the right place, it’s just his mind that wasn’t.
“I just- I can’t I can’t lose anyone again because of me.”
Peter turns around and MJ sees tears have started to form in his eyes.
“I thought- I thought Beck was gone, MJ. I thought-”
And Peter loses it. He drops down on his knees and the tears start flowing faster. He’s finding it even harder to breathe. MJ gets down on the ground right in front of him and just hugs him as tight as she can.
MJ knows it isn’t much but if she can provide a sense of comfort in the chaos that is his life now, shield him from the unbearable weight of his problems for even just a few minutes, MJ’s gonna fucking do it.
“I thought he was gone, MJ,” Peter mumbles onto her shoulder as he continues to cry.
“He did this just to hurt me.”
Peter doesn’t say it to MJ, maybe because he’s too busy trying to breathe and keep himself from falling apart, but Peter hated himself right now. He should have known better than to think he’d actually genuinely get a true win for once in his life.
“I- I don’t know what’s going to happen to my life now, MJ. He- he ruined it. I don’t think I can-”
Peter isn’t able to finish his sentence. He doesn’t think he can be with his family anymore, because it might be too dangerous for them. He doesn’t think he can lose any more of the people he loves. He just doesn’t think he can do… anything, anything to help himself right now. Beck stole from Peter the only thing he had left, the one thing he had that let him have some semblance of a normal life. So much was going thru his mind that he found himself unable to stop crying even just for a minute to explain why he was reacting the way he is.
As MJ hugs Peter, she’s finding herself in a state she only seems to find herself in when she’s with him, she’s out of words. She is in no way prepared to handle any of this. Peter losing his secret identity was like a bombshell that had dropped in on their Saturday morning date. But MJ knows, there was no point in having both of them freak out right now, so she summoned all the courage she had into trying to stay steady, calm, and collected. Peter had already lost so much, and now he lost his identity too. She had to be a rock; she had to be Peter’s rock.
“Peter,” MJ finally manages to say as she burrows her head onto his shoulder and caresses his back, his nape, and runs her hand thru his hair.
“I know you have a lot going through your mind right now. I’m still trying to process it all myself.”
MJ pulls away from the hug but only just so Peter can hear her words properly. She looks him in the eyes and says
“But right now, it’s just us, okay? Beck isn’t here, all the criminals of New York aren’t here; it’s just you and me in this alley right now.
“Peter and MJ and no one else,” says MJ as she goes back to hug him tight as she can once again.
“Just breathe, Peter.”
“Your world has just been shook to its core. You get to take a moment to process what just happened and grieve before you start dealing with it all.”
Little by little, the raggedness of Peter’s breathing starts to slow down. He’s still trembling but as he breathes in and out, in and out, it starts to get steadier. Peter nods and does exactly what MJ says. He closes his eyes and just focuses on getting his breathing back to normal.
MJ is still caressing him, and before he knows it, Peter’s beginning to get this feeling of warmth and comfort wash over him as more and more time passes in their tight embrace.
And Peter asks, desperate for reassurance, voice shaky from fear, mouth muffled by MJ’s shoulder, puffy red eyes still closed and his fisted hands currently covering the rest of his face.
“Just you and me?”
Their lives had just been changed forever. But none of that mattered in the moment. Right now, the rest of the world didn’t exist, and it was just Peter and MJ.
MJ replies with a smile as she wipes away the few tears that managed to escape.
“Yeah, Peter, just you and me.”
They weren’t even talking anymore, and they were still on the ground of some random New York alley but MJ wouldn’t dare move away from the hug. She would be more than happy to wait as long as it took for Peter to get a grip on himself, feel better, and get back to the optimistic, kind, and intelligent boy she fell in love with.
MJ suddenly feels Peter moving away from the hug, his breath isn’t as ragged anymore, and his voice is no longer shaky, but you can feel the sense that Peter is just so tired and worn out now.
Peter looks MJ in the eyes, his own still red and puffy and says “Thanks, MJ” with a sad smile.
MJ merely wipes off some of the tears left on Peter’s face and says “Anytime, Peter”
Peter stands up and so does MJ.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” asks MJ caressing Peter’s hand.
“I am now,” Peter looks MJ in the face, “really.”
“Okay, so what are we going to do, Peter?”
“I need to get to Aunt May.”
“Then let’s go already” says MJ already hanging onto Peter’s shoulders.
Just a few moments ago, MJ told him she was never going to web-swing again, but here she was now ready to propel herself across rooftops with him just to help him.
“Okay, let’s go,” Peter says with a smile, before putting his mask back on, holding onto MJ tight, and shooting a web onto the nearest roof as he and MJ propel up to the air and Peter thanks his lucky stars that he’s with MJ.
He truly doesn’t know what he would’ve done without her. Yeah, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t just “really like” MJ, he loves her and he’ll do anything to make sure that she and the other people he loves are safe, no matter what.
~ end ~
yaaayyyy only one more promised prompt left, folks hahaha. i actually do have other plans but i didn’t promise/mention those ones yet hahaha
i still have to write the follow up for safehouse hahaha but it’s fine. i’m hopeful i can keep up
i hope yalls liked this one. cus i really do as well :’) <3
shoutout to @tare8chan for being my first beta ever, and for being the beta for this one. i am always very thankful for ur notes n comments n suggestions n support, and i just appreciate you a lot so much thanks :’)
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ryncorrect · 6 years
university!au: day6 wonpil
first of all i will definitely do poorly on this because,,, you know,,,,, he’s so precious and i don’t think my words can do it justice ksbdjshs i wanna make the sweetest scenario for him
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but i suck at sweet stuffs smh bye
name: kim wonpil
major: modeling (i still cant believe this is an actual major im living under a rock smh)
other activities: member of music club, keyboardist and main singer of the university band
jae calls him “the backbone” of the music club because wonpil participates in all club events, he always takes part in weekly activities, and he actively finds new recruits
jae on the other side pops up once in a blue moon to play guitar, do shit, then disappears
don’t worry ever since jae starts dating the newest member who happens to be wonpil’s bestie he’s more active now
honestly more than half of their club members joined because wonpil made them to
he’s persuasive and convincing okay you would end up eating rocks if he told you it’s good for health
but he’ll never do that ever bc he speaks no lies okay he’s like the sweetest person in the earth
he’ll cry by the sight of cute puppies, do i have to explain further
wonpil was nominated as the club president but the other candidate park sungjin who’s also his roommate beat him by one vote
well he prefers to be just regular member anyway, that way he can still do a lot of things for the club but with less responsibilities
you see he’s really nice, he’s caring, he’s hardworking, he’s confident, he knows how to present himself and he’s hella attractive
he’s taking modeling as his major do i make myself clear
everyone LOVES wonpil
and i mean sometimes it’s just not only a platonic love but like an “i will give you my heart and soul please marry me” love
too bad he’s oblivious af
someone: i,, i like you wonpil,,,, d-do you like me too?
wonpil: of course!!! you’re my friend!!!!!!!!!
someone: ….oh ok
accidental friendzone
but you know he doesnt actually mean to do that, he just doesn’t think anyone likes him like that
moreover he already has someone in mind
aka the coffee shop girl
aka Y O U
yeah hello guys i am: still lame
the first time he met you was on exams week
everyone was busy and stressed af and running on almost no sleep
except maybe wonpil
not because he was fully prepared but more like he forgot exams week was coming until the day before so he just decided to wing it lol whatevs
anyway his roommate aka sungjin asked him if he could go buy him a double shot espresso so wonpil did
he rarely visits coffee shops tbh and when he does he always orders vanilla latte with extra syrup for himself
wonpil seems to be that kinda person who tries to enjoy coffee but can’t handle the bitter taste its so frickin cute and trust me you think so too
so anywayyyy yeah he never saw you, aka the new barista, before
it was ur first work day as well btw and he was ur first customer
he didn’t know why but watching you being nervous made him nervous too
just imagine a stuttering costumer and a stuttering barista
everyone watched you two with anxiety
but even when wonpil was a nervous wreck he didn’t forget to smile and before leaving he said to you, “thanks, have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!”
honest to god it made your whole day better
anyway let’s move on to the second meeting
he comes back and this time he orders a vanilla latte, but being the clumsy ass that you are, you slightly confused his order
he receives his coffee and takes a sip and he freezes
you ask whats wrong and he’s like,, uh nothing,, the coffee is just,,,, kinda bitter today??? ha,,,hahahhaha,,,,
you stand still
he asked for EXTRA SYRUP not EXTRA SHOT you dumbfucc
you offer to make him a new one and he refuses saying it’s fine!!! but you still feel bad so you insist but he’s like no!!! i gotta stay awake anyway i have an important quiz today i have to study! by the way uhhhh i’ve never seen you around until recently???
you introduce yourself and he introduce himself blablabla it’s awkward and your palms keep sweating for some reason
before wonpil left, he didn’t forget to say “have a great day!! i’ll see you around then!!!”
he’s so sweet uwu
seeing him and making him his vanilla latte (extra syrup) is one of the best parts of your job tbh
and he visits every single time you’re working which makes it better
why is his smile so adorable what the fuck
and there’s something about the way he walks that keeps you looking i mean boiiiii does he know how to present himself holy shit
that feeling when you see someone so beautiful you want to cry
the more you see him the more you want to know about him
what major is he in? what is he usually do outside the class? what kind of person is he? does he have a lot of friends? what’s his hobby? stuffs like that
too bad he always comes when it’s busy at the cafe so you can’t talk too much
neither he ever tries to initiate a conversation with you except his usual “hello! how are you today?” and “thank you, you make the best coffee! have a nice day!! see you!!!”
let’s admit it you highkey have a crush on him and EVERYONE knows
wELL it’s because you always wear that expression like "goddammit why must kim wonpil be so cute if he ain’t gonna ask me on a date” whenever you watch his back as he leaves the cafe
and EVERYONE but YOU knows wonpil’s so into you
whenever someone says something like “just ask him for his number he’ll definitely give it to you” you’re like “wtf nO that’s creepy and he won’t!! he doesn’t even know me!!!”
“he literally only comes when it’s your shift and he always makes sure you’re the one taking his order you oblivious dumbass”
“it’s just a coincidence”
“…..yeah whatever”
but they’re right wonpil’s crushing on you hard
at this point sungjin can even draw a portrait of you although he hasn’t actually met you before
that’s how much wonpil talks about you
from your whole adorable appearance to how cute your little cough is, or how he adores your little smile and the sparks in your eyes when he compliments your coffee, or he’ll describe your apron what the fuck and how he thinks your look so good in white and blue
sungjin’s so done with him
“just ask her out you stalker”
“well i bet she remembers your face by now since you always drop by when she’s there”
“but she meets a lot of people everyday there’s NO WAY she can remember me”
you see the problem now?
then one day jae decides to play matchmaker
by “playing matchmaker” i mean he follows wonpil to the cafe and straight up tells you, in front of wonpil’s face and everyone there, “yo this friend of mine wants to take you on a date and he wonders if you’re interested”
you are: blushing
wonpil is: dead pale
you: o-oh… i’m–
he drags his tall friend aka jae out of the cafe and since then he never visits again :(
im sad now ugh i told you i suck at sweet stuffs like this
fast forward it’s summer and the university wonpil’s attending is holding a summer festival that’s open for public
well,,,,, you decide to go and you ask some of your friends to tag along
you’re not sure what you’re hoping; maybe you just want to see how the place wonpil’s studying at looks like, or maybe you do wish to meet him by accident or something yanno like a drama
you promised yourself that if you don’t see him today, you’ll get over him
but if you do see him, you will ask. him. out.
well jokes on you babe he’s there performing on the stage with the band
he’s,,, he’s singing,,, and playing keyboard,,,, omg his voice
as you already know im uncreative soooo by impossible coincidence somehow his eyes spot you in the crowd
btw i imagine them singing Pouring but i think you can pick any songs you like
he’s so taken aback that one second he’s singing and the next second he sees you and his eyes widen and he’s like “I’m falling for–hUH? why are you here??” to the microphone
don’t worry the others cover for his mistake while trying not to laugh
everyone laughs too while looking around to find the person whom wonpil sees
you’re embarrassed as fuck you want to curl up and hide forever
but your so-called-friends don’t let you get away that easy okay it’s your only chance
dw dude wonpil feels the same he wants to immediately get off the stage and die
but sungjin will literally kill wonpil in his sleep if he doesn’t do anything it’s now or never
poor boi has had enough of this pining shit
so after the band performance wonpil has no choice but to approach you
“h-hey! so you watched our stage!”
“y-yeah! it was great!! didn’t know you can sing so well”
“h-haha thanks”
“y-you’re welcome”
more silence
wonpil clears his throat and, “so…”
you blink fast, “yeah…?”
“um uhhh do you wanna see around? i can take you”
“oH of course”
What Am I Even Writing Anymore
well remember your promise earlier? about asking him out?? no???
is it too late to chicken out and forget the whole thing now
you barely know each other it’s so awkward and he looks so fine today and you really don’t wanna push him even further now but if you hesitate longer who knows someone else will ask him first and just the thought alone breaks your heart a little bit
so it’s time to grow a pair and take risks cmon dude you can do this
it was!! not!!! your voice!!!!
wonpil clears his throat and repeats slower, “i just wonder if you’re uhhhh free next saturday?”
o shit
o fUck YeAH
you cough a bit before answering, “y-y-yeah i guess??”
“ok um i like, have two tickets for movie if you want to come with me”
that’s like the lamest invitation and you yourself gotta admit that lmao
but oh kim wonpil,, dear,,,, there’s no way i would say no
so you two go on a date
or “casual outing” as you two call it
but everyone knows it’s a date okay even though you two didn’t have any skinskip oops
it’s okay it takes a bit of time but you’ll get there
i mean, since then you two go out together almost every weekend so ye it won’t be that long until the awkwardness wears off
wonpil just cherish you so much he’s afraid he’ll scare you or hurt your feeling by accident so he never boldly initiates anything
the first time you two finally holding hands is when you two go skating, and that’s just because you two are so bad at that
gotta hold each other so you won’t keep falling aye romance
you don’t know this but trust me wonpil talks about it for days sungjin almost decides to move out
he’s still insisting it’s not a date tho
“you know what, i can already imagine you two in like 10 years, standing at the altar and be like, do you marry me as a friend or what? unclear”
“do you think we’ll get married?????”
“oh dear god”
but yeah
you two will get there
just take your sweet time and give wonpil all the love in the world i beg you
that’s it YAY i think imma work on sungjin’s next wish me luck im running out of lame cliche ideas now lol bye
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As Strange As it Seems
[1] [2]
Chapter 3: Saddle up, Partner!
Read on (AO3) or (FF.net)
[A/N] So, fun fact, I made three moodboards for this fic, and I wanted to find a way to use each of them. Im calling this phase of the fic ‘Act II’, and this moodboard fits the tone better than the original one. I hope its not too confusing lol! And I hope you enjoy chapter three.
The week that followed, went on much the same as opening day. Hot, humid, big crowds, 'Saddle up, Partner', a lunch break that was really just a mad dash to shove something into your face, and then it was off to the rides with Max.
Mostly it was fine. And getting that first paycheck, that was pretty great too, but by far the best part of everyday was right before closing. When the sky turned pink and orange, and the sounds of laughing crowds faded, leaving only the constant calliope jingles to be heard. By Wednesday Max didn't even have to ask for Lucas to join. He would just hop over the counter and they would cross different things off of her checklist. By Friday they had ridden the Scrambler 8 times, and all of the kiddy rides at least a dozen times each.
Still, he was unsure of what to call their relationship. Were they friends? Was she only spending time with him because no one else would agree? Was he overthinking everything? (Probably, yes to the last one, for sure).
The answer, to at least some of his questions, came in an odd form on the last day of the first week.
Saturday had been essentially a repeat of each day before, the only difference was that there was a live performance of some magician happening in the evening. 'Great Value brand Mind-Freak' as Dustin had referred to him. Which was, all things considered, pretty accurate. But it also meant that most of the rides, as well as the midway would be closing early, and that during the 'pre-show' show, Lucas's lunch break was extended to a full hour. A gift from god himself.
Lucas decided that a milkshake sounded pretty good. But, then again, so did the idea of a bucket of ice getting dumped on his head. He made his was towards the cart he had come to frequent over the last several days.
"Aw hey, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dustin grinned toothily from behind the food stands sliding glass window. He had his curly mop of hair pulled back in a messy ponytail to help keep off some of the heat. He wore a little paper hat with the fairs logo, and a striped polo that reminded Lucas of something an old timey barber might wear.
"It's my break, I just came to beat the heat." Lucas looked past his friend into the little booth, wear a row of slushie machines sat churning their sweet treats.
"Well come on in then!" Dustin disappeared from his place behind the window, and popped out of a small door a moment later, gesturing for Lucas to follow.
The space inside the cart was small, and what little floor space there was was covering in shipment boxes of food. A giant fan sat on the back wall above a small window, and a cooling breeze pushed its way through the space. There was a bubbling deep fryer for elephant ears, and another one for curly fries. There was a big class cooler with buckets of ice cream inside, and a long counter covered in sprinkles that didn't quite hit their target.
Lucas found a place to sit on top of a couple of sturdier boxes, and Dustin busted around the cart, like a well tuned machine, making them both milkshakes all without breaking conversation.
"I swear, some of these people have to be millionaires. $5 for a large fry!? You have to be kidding me! That's really the only perk though, that I get to eat for free." Dustin handed Lucas his shake before leaning against the counter opposite him.
"At least your job has a perk. I just have to stand there all day and press a button a thousand times." Lucas leaned back against the cool metal walls of the cart. He only then realized how sore his feet were.
"Don't sweat it, you get to close up early and run around while i'm still in here slaving away." Dustin paused to take a sip from his shake. "And besides, I can't think of a pretty good perk that you have."
Lucas furrowed his brows. "And what might that be?"
"You work directly across from Max! I'll bet you anything that the two of you fall in love before the end of the summer." Dustin winked and Lucas groaned.
"First of all, that's ridiculous. Second of all, we both just like rides. It's not like we get to just hang out all day, unless I yelled across the walkway, and that would just be weird."
"Look, ill i'm saying is that on your break you could have gone and chatted up a cool girl, but instead you came and talked to me." Lucas could feel a headache coming on from the amount of eye rolling he was doing. Why had he come here in the first place?
"Alright, Henderson, time for our switch." A voice called gruffy from the back of the cart. The boys turned to look at the woman who was clambering through the cramped space. She was older, with grey blonde hair pulled up into a hair net, and the face of a bulldog. An unlit cigarette dangled from her lips.
"Thanks Susan!" Dustin said as he hurriedly grabbed his things, and motioned for Lucas to follow. Lucas watched Susan give him an uneasy look up and down before turning to the window.
As soon as they were outside, Dustin untucked his polo shirt, and tossed his already finished shake into the trash.
"Thats Susan. She's one tough nut to crack. I used some of my best food puns on her, and nothing! Not even a chuckle!"
"Well yeah, if they were your food puns then im sure not." Lucas joked, elbowing his friend in the ribs as they walked.
"Haha very funny. You wanna go see Will? I think the backstage has AC."
"Hell yeah!"
They backstage did have AC. It hit them both like a wall, stepping into utter paradise. It looked a lot different than it did the first time they had walked through. The cavernous room was filled with people rushing back and forth across its cement floor. People yelling things at one another, people hoisting things up on ropes, and Will himself painting lazily in the corner, looking bored out of his mind, across from a wildly gesticulating Mike.
"Will Byers!" Lucas hollered, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice boom through the space. Nearly everyone turned and scowled at him before continuing about their business.
"Oh! Hey guys, what's going on?" Will set down his paintbrush, and wiped his hands on his apron. Mike stopped whatever he had been going on about and turned to wave at them.
"We were hot," Dustin plopped down on the cool ground at Will's feet. "And Susan scares me, so we came here to bother you."
"Well, there isn't anything interesting going on here." Will shrugged. He looked... off. Sad Maybe? Disappointed? Lucas couldn't quite place it. He made a mental note to ask him later. "But you could probably hide out here all day. I'm still not even sure who is in charge back here."
"William, I might just take you up on that." Dustin leaned against a large wooden crate, arms tucked behind his head and legs outstretched.
They all sat and talked for the rest of Lucas's break. It was nice, catching up, and it affirmed what he already knew to be true. That it really was more fun that they had agreed to join him. If it weren't for his friends being there to hang out with, he would probably have just been standing around the Midway like an idiot. That, or be off spending his entire paycheck at the arcade.
"And then, he got off the ride and basically fell over the edge! He was passed out for like five minutes! I thought we were going to have to call the paramedics." Mike was telling them a story about one of their old Middle School bullies, who handled the Tilt-A-Whirl with the grace of a dying whale. They were all howling with laughter. "The best part is that his date didn't even wait for him! She just went home!"
"Serves him right!" Dustin chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. "God I wish I could have seen that."
"It was pretty great. Definitely blows the Hotdog Incident out of the water." He finger quoted the words and Will smirked up at him.
Just then, Lucas's watch beeped. He sighed, and stood up, dusting his jeans off. "Alright guys, I gotta get back out there. Are you all going to watch the show?"
"Yeah, may as well." Mike shrugged and Dustin nodded. Will looked like he wanted to say something, but he didnt.
"Cool, i'll find you guys later then."
Lucas made his way back through the fairgrounds, passing happy families and rambunctious teenagers, towards the shooting gallery. He made the trek take as long as possible, shuffling his feet slowly across the dirt pathways. By the time he got back to the midway, the crowds had mostly cleared out. People were already flocking to the stage, wanting to find the best places to stand to watch whatever bogus tricks would be performed. Lucas imagined a lot of smoke and mirrors and sequins. As he neared the game booths, he couldn't help but look up as he passed by Max's stand. His heart dropped momentarily when he saw that she wasn't behind the sunbleached counter, and instead some other bored looking teenager stood in her place.
It wasn't until he turned the corner to his own booth that he saw where exactly she had run off too.
Max was sitting on the shooting gallery counter, swinging her tanned legs casually and drinking from a bottle of orange soda that almost matched her hair in color. When she saw Lucas in the corner of her eye, she turned and smirked.
"Your break ended ten minutes ago." She scolded playfully, hopping from the counter.
"Uh yeah I know I... Had to wait in a long line for the bathrooms." Lucas winced at his own lame excuse. Smooth, Sinclair, really smooth. He didn't think that taking his sweet time on the walk back would affect anyone he actually cared about. Not that he cared about Max, no not at all (aside from the fact that he cared a lot).
"Shame on you, Lucas, look at all of these customers just begging to shoot something!" Max gestured out at the completely empty space around the booth mockingly. "You have deprived them of a good time, and now their entire trip is ruined all because of your small bladder."
Lucas felt himself smile as her condescending facade faded into a giggle. "Sorry Miss Mayfield, i'll make sure to keep my bladder in check next time."
Max laughed hard at that, and it was a sound that made Lucas's face feel hot. "See that you do. You wanna make it up to me?"
"Sure, how?"
"Let me kick your ass in a shooting contest." She patted the top of one of the plastic guns.
"You can try, but I hate to break it to you, i'm the best sharp shooter in Roane County." Lucas crossed his arms in defiance. He really was good, if not on his credentials shooting tin cans with his wrist rocket as a kid, then the week of practice he had amassed working here would surely secure his victory.
"We'll see about that, wont we?" Max flipped her hair over her shoulder as she took her place behind the player 2 shotgun. Lucas smiled and followed suit. After they were both in position, Lucas leaned over the counter and pressed the little red start button hidden underneath.
"Saddle up, Partner." Max and Lucas both spoke along with the games droning prerecording, having heard it a million times before. It made them both laugh before they fixed their rifles in their hands. Then, a western themed song played, and it was off to the races.
Little cardboard cutouts of sharp shooters and bandits would flip up with a number telling you how many points each hit was worth. Some moved slowly and were easy to hit, others flipped up for only a few seconds before flipping back down again. However, it's not exactly that simple, because hitting the cowboy, his horse, or a barmaid will deduct points.
Max and Lucas were firing at full speed. Each turning and aiming, the barrel of their guns crossing on a couple of occasion as Lucas went for a 10 point bandit, and Max went for a 15 point burglar.
"Stay on your side, Stalker!" Max hissed, determination and excitement in her voice.
"I will if you-" Bang "Do!" Lucas taunted back.
Lucas felt pretty confident, there weren't many targets he was missing, and he only hit the Cowboy once. It was probably his best game so far. Max was doing pretty well too. Aiming low and high, getting heavily invested and cheering after she caught the big 50 pointer that flashes up only for a split second. They were both laughing and bumping into one another before;
"That's some sharp shooting, buckaroo!" The game signaled that the round was over. Each cutout lowered back into place, and they returned their guns to the stands on the counter. They were both panting slightly, grinning from ear to ear. At least until Lucas looked up at the scoreboard.
Player 1: 445 - Player 2: 560
"Holy shit!" Max cheered, "I totally owned you!" She threw her arms up and spun in a small circle. Lucas's mouth just hung open. "Oh man, like I mean, I knew I was going too, but you weren't even close!" She punched his arm.
"Jeez, someone is really a sore winner." Lucas chastised and Max threw her head back in a loud cackling laugh. The same laugh that she always had when they were whirling together on rides.
"I can't help it!" She giggled, "You are just so fun to beat. Your face gets all confused and then you scrunch your eyebrows together."
Lucas felt his eyebrows, involuntarily, press together.
"Yeah, like that!" She laughed again and flicked his forehead. If it had been anyone else, he probably would have smacked their hand away.
"Yeah yeah yeah, congratulations or whatever, are we even now?" Lucas crossed his arms, watching her dance in place celebratorily.
"Totally even, I mean, i'm still going to gloat about this for the rest of today, and maybe forever, but we are even." She lifted her chin, looking proud.
"Until I find something I can beat you at."
"Is that a threat, Stalker? Video games are kind of the only thing i'm good at, and i'm really good."
Something really honest past through her eyes at this last rib. He realized that he had never heard Max say anything even remotely self-deprecating before. Not even to be funny. It was strange. It felt off.
"Hey, that's not even fair, you are good at lots of things, maybe just... extra good at video games."
Max looked at him puzzled for a moment. She was still smiling, but her eyes peered deeply into his own, shifting back and forth, almost like she was reading him.
"Okay. Maybe just extra good." She grimaced, her mouth turning downward crookedly.
He felt as though he had stepped into some sort of weird, uncomfortable, territory.
"I will find something to beat you at though. One day." He smiled as earnestly as possible, and let himself slouch against the counter, wanting to change the energy of the situation.
"Well," She slouched beside him, her face shifting back to a more normal, playful one, "If that day ever comes, then i'll owe you big time."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
Her face shifted yet again. She was closer to him now, looking up at him. He could see the small flecks of green that framed her brilliant, blue eyes. How had he never noticed that before? She was looking... Mischievous. Like she had a secret she was just dying to tell.
"I will tell you when and if that day comes, Stalker, but for now, you have made me miss some of my lunch break." She punched his arm, again, and pushed herself off of the counter.
"Hey, you were the one who wanted to play!" He hollered as she began walking back towards the main part of the fair.
She didn't respond, or if she did, he didnt hear it, but his heart buzzed in his ears. That small exchange had told him... well, nothing really. If anything it just gave him more questions. Max was always making him second guess and over think things. Which was, admittedly, really out of character for him. He was always the 'level-headed' friend. The one who said 'No, Dustin, you shouldn't try to eat a burger in one bite.' and 'No, Mike, you shouldn't spend all weekend trapped in the basement, come have fun.' It kind of alarmed him, actually, the fact that she could waltz over to him, flash a smile, and his brain would turn into mush. He sighed, and hopped over the counter back into his station.
The midway closed soon after that. There were just no crowds to try to sell too, and the entire carnival was basically empty save for the Main Stage. Lucas walked off after being relieved for the night, and he met up with Dustin as soon as the food cart closed. Together they found Mike, and then Mike found El and Max. Soon the entire group was on a mission, searching high (and mostly low) for Will. If he was somewhere deeper in the crowd, the thought of finding him would have to be dashed, but he made himself be found in a way that left the entire group reeling.
Will Byers. On stage, dressed in some ridiculous, blue velvet suit, being locked inside of a gaudy box by the magician.
The group was at a loss, silent and in awe, just like the rest of the crowd, but for very different reasons. Will had always been shy. More a behind the scenes sort of personality. It was immediately agreed upon that he had either been bribed, blackmailed, or hypnotized.
Will stepped out from behind a curtain. The Magician introduced him to the crowd as 'The Invisible boy!' He was asked to step inside of a huge rectangular box in the middle of the stage. Everything about Will, the Magician, and the box shimmered in the dusk lighting. Lucas had been right about the sequins, there was no denying that. Will did as he was asked, looking less 'mystified', and more just terrified.
The Magician tapped on the box several times, spinning it around, then spinning it again to show it was a solid structure. Then, he said some sort of magical word gibberish, and swung the door open. Only Will, and his very horrible suit, were gone. In his place was a beautiful and busty woman wearing a swimsuit version of that blue velvet ensemble.
The crowd went nuts, and so did the Party, but again, for very different reasons. Max and Dustin both cupped their hands around their mouths to let out loud and ear piercing applause, before Max grabbed Lucas by the hand, and pulled him towards the backstage area. He could feel the others behind him, but mostly he could just feel Max holding his hand tightly.
They found Will in the dressing room, hanging his suit delicately onto a hanger. He looked green with nausea, and pink with embarrassment all at the same time.
"William Byers!" Dustin gasped.
"Please, please for the love of god, tell me you weren't watching the show." Will groaned somberly.
"Oh, we watched buddy, and you killed it! Who knew royal blue was your color!"
"I didn't kill anything. I just looked like an idiot and walked into a box." Will rolled his eyes.
"You didn't look like an idiot," Mike placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "It was... surprising, but cool. Why did you go out there?"
"I guess the normal assistant for that part never showed up, and i'm the only person small enough to fit through the trap door." He shrugged.
"Trap doors!? Thats awesome! You have to give me a secret tour." Max winked at him and mussed his hair like a mom. That made him smile as he smoothed his hair back into place. Max speaking made Lucas realize that she was still holding his hand tightly. She must have noticed too, because she dropped it, and stuck her hand in her pocket.
"Yeah, sure, maybe. Can we just go? It's going to be crazy getting out of here." Will sometimes did this thing where he would anxiously bounce in place. It was nowhere near the level of twitching and bouncing that Mike often demonstrated, but it was his own version of it. And that's how he looked now, his flush face, and hair bouncing as his eyes flickered to the exit.
It made Lucas remember that sad expression he had worn when they saw him backstage. Was this the reason? Being forced out of his comfort zone? Either way, they all nodded and followed him outside.
"Sure, whatever you say, Invisible boy."
Will just groaned.
The group made their way out into the parking lot. It was basically silent. The only sounds were the 'oo's' and 'aa's' coming from the crowd still inside the gates. It had become a routine for the girls to walk with them to the van, before deciding it was really time to go home, and walking to Max's own car. It was nice, and the conversations they all shared before splitting lasted longer and longer each day.
El was talking about someone who came through the ticket line and had made a big fuss about the price. They all commiserate with her and laughed at her jokes. She was surprisingly really funny, in an understated sort of way. Unlike Dustin, who told a story about some kid who wanted sour apple sherbet and vanilla ice cream, and they all laughed about that too. It felt so... natural. Like they all got along, and the conversation never fell into awkward silence or a dead lull. Not with personalities like Dustin and Max, who bickered over basically everything as if they were old chums. Somewhere the path of the conversation had become skewed to comic's, and it was all downhill from there.
"Dustin, shut up, seriously, if I hear you say one more thing about the MCU im going to kick you." Max rolled her eyes and laughed.
"I'm just saying! It's an objectively better franchise with objectively better narratives!"
"Yeah, I think we all caught that. I even like Marvel movies, and you are making me want to pull my hair out." She flipped her hair back over her shoulder, as if to prove a point, and turned away from him to Lucas. They were sitting on the floor of the van through the open sliding door. "Anyway, Stalker, I have to go before I kill your friend."
"Hey, it's your life, you can kill whoever you want."
"You promise you would still be my friend after?" She put a hand in front of her mouth, as if to keep it a secret, although she still talked loud enough for anyone to hear. Mike chuckled and Dustin sighed.
"Max, if you did something to shut Dustin up? I might be your best friend."
"Alright, it's settled then," She clapped her hands together. "Dustin your days are numbered, El you have been replaced."
"Oh get bent, Maxine." El teased back. El was currently leaning into Mike, who had one arm wrapped around her shoulders, and one arm wrapped around Will's shoulders.
Max popped up from her seat next to Lucas with a smirk, pinching El on the arm. "Let's get out of here, lover girl, I can feel them destroying my last good brain cells." And then she sauntered off, her hair swishing back and forth.
"You know," El began as she stepped out from under Mike's arm, "She only insults people that she likes." And then El was off too, waving goodbye and following her friend to their car.
"Jeez, Dustin, then you must be her favorite." Will said with a grin.
"Hey now, I like Max as much as the next guy, but I think we all know who her favorite is." Dustin gave Lucas a shove as he moved past him into the van.
He didn't respond, not being able to think of a good enough comeback, and he let himself smile. Everyone took their normal seats, and they set off just as the sun dipped below the horizon.
The drive back to Hawkins each day felt as though it was getting faster and faster. Maybe it was because of Will's expertly made playlists, or maybe it was just that they had now made the drive seven times. Either way, it was a nice and fulfilling experience to watch the sky get darker, as the long stretches of farmland faded into quiet suburban neighborhoods.
Before he knew it, Dustin was pulling onto Maple Street, and he and Mike were jumping out of the car.
It was now their first official weekend off of work. The fair was closed on Sundays and Mondays, and the group was looking forward to not doing much of anything. They had talked passively somewhere around Thursday at having a movie night, but if those plans fell through, Lucas probably wouldn't complain. He was looking forward to just sleeping in, and maybe using his paycheck to buy some better shoes for standing in.
When he walked inside, His dad was sitting in the easy chair in the living room watching some History channel documentary. His mom was in the kitchen washing up from supper. He heard the TV go silent and took a seat at the breakfast table in front of a plate of leftovers.
"Hey, son, how was work?" His dad bellowed.
"It was good!" He replied through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"Oh! I saved you a plate from din-" His mom turned around from the sink, "Oh well look at you, are you eating enough at work? Do I need to start sending you with a lunch?" His mom was always the type to fus about whether or not he was eating enough. She was a great cook, so the answer was almost always yes.
"Im fine, Ma, dont worry about it."
"Okay, well you just let me know." She turned back to the sink. "Work is going well? You and your friends are having a good time?"
"And what about you girlfriend?" Lucas eyes shot up to where his little sister, Erica, was spying on him from the stairs.
"Shut up, Erica! You- You don't even... That's not!" He stuttered, dropping his fork back onto his plate. "Why do you-"
"You should know by now that I hear everything." Erica walked into the kitchen and stole one of his diner rolls.
"Erica! Leave your brother alone, and I think you have had enough bread today." His mom scolded, ringing her hands on a rag.
"It's not my fault he talks so loud!" She shrugged, and turned to stomp back upstairs. He liked his little sister a lot, but she was probably the nosiest person he had ever met.
"I- I don't have a girlfriend." Lucas crossed his arms, suddenly feeling not hungry at all.
"Mmmhmm." His mom hummed.
"Mom! I don't!"
"That's fine, I didn't say anything. Now you wash up before bed, you smell like a churro." She pinched his check and walked into the living room.
Lucas sighed, but he smiled to himself. He finished his food and washed his plate, and all the while he thought about Max. He realized that she had said they were friends, and that made him want to dance in place the same way she had after beating him at the Shooting Gallery. It was an affirmation to at least one of the dozens of questions he had about her.
That at the very least, they were friends. And that was good enough for him, figuring that was as far as he was ever going to get.
At least for now.
Tagging:  @stranger-things85 @bestcoastisthewestcoast@she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @dustinhendrsn @samchamberlain @paladin-wheeler@peachysteve @summer-in-hawkins @elliehops @midnightmillie @el-hopper @puzzlingsnark@zerodoubleone@lumaxfanfictionarchive @bob-newby-superhero @sweet-sugar-sunsets @caseyk112
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ride-a-dolan · 7 years
“Breakfast in Bed” (Grayson Dolan Smut)
Warnings ⚠️ : Daddy kink 😍, rough sex, name calling, etc.
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Grayson’s POV
I woke up and, without opening my eyes, reached to my right to feel Y/N warm body.
She wasn’t there.
I sat up quickly, blinking away the sleep. Her side of the bed was unmade. I pressed my palm to my eyes, then stretched and rolled out of bed. Grabbing my bathrobe, I walked from the bedroom into the kitchen, tying it securely around my waist. I hadn’t bothered to even put on briefs again last night before Y/N fell asleep in my arms. I hadn’t exactly planned on wearing clothes today, either. What else were Saturdays for?
There was a sticky note on the kitchen door. I pulled it off and read it quickly. Hope you’re still asleep and don’t see this! I was going to make you breakfast in bed but we’re out of milk. Back before 10.
Smiling, I glanced at my watch: 9:45. I could crawl back in bed and pretend to be asleep. I headed back to the bedroom, grinning to myself. Y/N and I had only been dating for a month now, but every day she did something that made me thank my lucky stars she’d come into my life.
I pulled off my bathrobe and hung it back on the hook, lifting the covers to slide back underneath completely naked. Of course, after my breakfast in bed I would be dying for a way to repay her, and being already naked… I couldn’t wait to hold her again.
Something vibrated at the end of the bed and I glanced over at Y/N bedside table. Her phone lit up and started vibrating towards the edge. I reached over and grabbed it to keep it from falling to the floor. A glance at the screen told me it was a text from Heather, her best friend: “omg girl you’re such a sex kitten. Do you think he will? You should tell him!”
I hesitated, my eyes narrowing. I didn’t think Y/N was cheating on me, but…what the hell could that text mean? I punched in her code, bringing up the rest of her conversation with Heather. I knew it was wrong to pry, but what was I supposed to think, after that text?
Heather: so whats he like in bed. ;) im still so jealous, girl
Y/N: haha well you’ve been banging his best friend for a year now! So don’t even. Grayson is great–he’s HUGE! I know every girl says that but omg
Heather: yeahhh get it girl!
Y/N: I shouldn’t say this, but… kinda wish he wasn’t so gentle with me
Heather: ahhh haha he doesn’t know you love bad boys
Y/N: yeah bad boys are good…but I want a man who’s not afraid to boss me around ya know? ;P
Heather: omg girl you’re such a sex kitten. Do you think he will? You should tell him!
I stared at the phone, trying to register my shock. I had no idea Y/N felt that way. I wished she’d told me. I tried to recall if she’d hinted at anything similar during sex. To be honest, I couldn’t remember, but then again, I never thought clearly while in bed with her. My excuse was that all the blood for my brain was busy elsewhere. In truth, I had wanted to go a little rougher with her, but I hadn’t wanted to approach her about it yet, not until we’d been together for a bit longer. I was afraid of scaring her off.
But, if that’s how she felt… I’d definitely give her what she wanted. I replaced her phone on the bedside table and stood up, now walking over to my closet to get dressed.
I made it into the kitchen right as I heard Y/N turning the lock. I sat at the kitchen table, arms crossed, as she walked in. She saw me, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the three piece suit I’d put on.
“Grayson! what are you–”
“Did I say you could leave?” I interrupted.
Her mouth was still open in surprise, the bottle of milk clutched in her left hand. “What do you m–”
“Did I say you could leave my bed, little girl?” I asked again, forcefully. She was still confused, so I stood up. I cross the room and shut the door behind her, locking it with a click. “The answer,” I said, now taking her shoulders and pulling her over to the kitchen table. “is no.” I pressed down on her shoulders as I lowered myself into the chair, forcing her to kneel in front of me.
“Your punishment is to suck daddy’s dick.” I kept one hand to her head while the other unzipped my slacks.
She looked up at me, bemusement ceding into lust. She smiled. “Gray–”
I cut her off by thrusting my cock into her mouth. “Daddy,” I corrected, now using my other hand to force her head down my shaft. “If you don’t call me daddy, I’m going to thrust my dick so far down your throat you can’t breathe.”
Y/N smiled against my cock, now engaging herself. I felt something cold press against my leg and looked down to see the milk bottle had rolled into me, released from Y/N grasp. I kicked it away, spreading my legs wider to give Y/N better access. She slid her mouth further down my erection, her eyes locking into mine as her pink lips glided up and down the shaft. I released my gaze, my head rolling against the back of the chair. I hadn’t had many blow jobs from her, and now I was wondering why we hadn’t done more of this. She was amazing at it, now purring softly around the tip, making a small moan slip out of my mouth. Actually, this one was better that all her others, and she’d barely started. Maybe she did just need a man to boss her around.
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My hands laced around her head, intertwining with her now messy hair. I increased pressure on the back of her head, forcing her to speed up and to go deeper. She gagged slightly, but that only made me fuck her mouth harder. “Take it, baby,” I murmured, watching her mouth slide roughly up and down my erection. “Take it all.” She choked, trying to jerk away from me. I pulled her hair back away from my dick and she leaned back, gasping to take a breath. I smirked. “Too rough for my little girl?” Y/N said nothing, merely gazed up at me with a mixture of awe and desire. I clenched my grip harder around her hair. “Now you’re going to strip for me.” I released her, and after a silent pause, she did. She slid her t-shirt over her head and pulled down her jeans, now standing in front of me in her lacy green lingerie. Apparently she had been planning to seduce me after breakfast in bed. I smiled, my eyes narrowing. Good. “All of it,” I said, lifting my hand and twirling my finger in midair. She hesitated, then slowly withdrew her hands to her back. She unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground, releasing her breasts. I licked my lips as the rounded flesh bounced free, letting my gaze drop to her waist as she slowly began pulling down her panties.
“Now,” I said, keeping my voice firm and forceful. “You’re going to crawl on your hands and knees to the bedroom, like the little slut you are.”
I could see the smile on her face now. She bit her lip coyly as she lowered herself to her knees. “Yes, Daddy,” she finally whispered.
I smiled in triumph as I watched her breasts dangle, aided by gravity, and then begin to bounce as she crawled across the floor. I stood up to watch, my hand reaching for my shaft. So fucking hot.
She disappeared into the bedroom and I followed. She was exactly as I wanted her, her stomach pressed against the bed while her legs hung over the side, her entrance vulnerable for my taking. And it was obvious she was already wet.
Still in my suit, I slid my hand over her ass, feeling her flesh trembling beneath me. I positioned myself at her waist at rested my erection at her entrance. She moaned, turning her head to look back at me.
“Are you going to watch me fuck you?” I asked, now squeezing her ass cheeks in my long fingers.
Her flesh jumped beneath me, her mouth opening in need. “Yes,” she whispered.
I removed my hand, then let it fall across her cheek with a slap. She yelped, her body rocking forward. “Yes, what?”
Her mouth closed once before she opened it again to answer. “Yes, Daddy.”
I thrust sharply into her, drawing a sharp cry from her lips. Her body stiffened into one long line, her head snapping forward to moan into a pillow. I felt her clench around my cock, forcing a shudder that rocked through my whole body. Oh God, how I’ve wanted to take her from this position.
I thrust again, harder, and found a rhythm. Her hands twisted madly against the sheets as she moaned. I grabbed at her wrists, pulling her arms backward until her shoulders were almost off the mattress.
“Oh, God!” Y/N cried, her head now forced upward, facing the headboard. I was rock hard, from her voice, from her tightness, from watching my cock disappearing inside her as I thrust forward. She moaned louder, her wrists struggling against my grip, but I held her fast.
“Naughty little girl,” I growled as I fucked her harder. “You haven’t been whoring yourself out to any boys, have you?” No response, just increased moaning that was reaching the volume of a shriek. I plowed my cock into her, feeling myself already getting close. Why hadn’t we done this sooner? “Answer me,” I said harshly.
Her answer was barely audible between her gasps. “No, Grayson,” she panted.
I stopped thrusting, drawing my cock out of her until only the tip remained. “What did you call me?”
She twisted madly in my grip. “Oh God, no, please, I’m so close.”
I released one hand from her wrist, instead pulling at the strands of hair falling over her shoulder. “I said, what did you call me?”
Y/N moaned loudly as I pulled her hair. I couldn’t see her face; I could only feel her legs quivering beneath me and watch her free hand clutch at the sheets with white knuckles. “Daddy,” she whispered again.
“Daddy! Oh, please, Daddy, please fuck me!”
I thrusted into her again. She screamed, one long howl that broke into smaller and smaller pieces as my thrusts increased. Then another long scream as she reached her climax. She thrashed wildly beneath me, her hips bucking weakly against me until I felt her legs collapse under her. She lay beneath me, gasping for breath, as I hurried to finish myself.
It didn’t take long. Not with her lying like that, with the sound of her screams of pleasure echoing in my ears. My face screwed up as my climax neared. I reached the wall and pulled out, roughly turning Y/N onto her back. “Open your mouth,” I panted quickly, pulling her waist so her face slid closer to me.
I was too far away to make it neat. I came with a gasp, releasing my essence onto her face. Some fell into her waiting mouth, while most dripped off her cheek and chin. All over her face. Her face, that was mine to do with whatever I pleased.
Panting for breath, I collapsed to the bed beside her. Y/N giggled, now wiping her face from the last of my remaining cum. “Grayson, that was…amazing.” She glanced at me, sucking the cum off of her finger seductively.
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I smiled, my breath finally slowing as I watched her insert another finger into her mouth. “Glad you enjoyed your breakfast in bed.”
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selfcareparker · 4 years
(lovely anon) ok so this may sound so dramatic but; let me paint you a picture: i’m responding to your latest message, sitting on the edge of the sofa. i type in “lovely anon” into the search and see this longgg post come up and i’m like uhhh... i scroll down and see the people you tagged and literally. when i saw @ lovely anon. i . cried . like full on tears. my brother goes “what are you doing” “she tagged meeeee” and he continued what he was doing and didn’t care LMAOO but i was so emotional? i love and appreciate you too and aAH IM CRYING!! you’re just really sweet and i didn’t expect it at all and it was really lovely to be a part of something :’)
the kermit pic sent meee but yes yes yes!! when you start uni let me know, lol i’m so excited for you!! let me know how it goes cuz i’m literally hype hahah & yes we will be in our sad corners of the world, missing england but you’re right it’ll be sooooo worth it in the end!!! and oH i’m glad you talk to them lol i truly thought you like haven’t seen them/haven’t spoken to them this whole time😭 that would’ve been awful!
also i totallyyy get what your saying about the english speaking thing. and idk why you’re insecure (well i *knowww* bc it’s not your first language and you’re studying it in college so yuh) but your english is great :)))
lol yeah that makes sense.. my mom took french in college and she remembers NOTHING HDJSHSJ (the fact that you wanna learn MORE languages i- ahh i so admire you.. you literally know so many languages🥺) yea i mean you know a bunch of languages bc you know the base of words lol, but i wonder if because you know latin it’ll be easier for you to learn french? oh- oh wait you said it’ll be easier HAHHAHA
THERES SO MUCH EXCITING STUFF TO TALK ABOUT HDGSJSJSL it’s so wild to me that you can’t watch chaos walking :( i’m a professional hacker tho so i’ll try and find a way for you LMAO (by professional hacker i mean i literally have gotten multiple free trials and i’m pretty sure the hulu police are after me bUT ITS THEIR FAULT BC WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE???) i mean the movie was good? and cute? and funny? but yea don’t think it’s gonna be the most fantastic thing haha AND THE DOGGO AWWW (i saw it again today- or my today lol, saturday, aND THESE OLD PEOPLE CAME AND SAT IN FRONT OF ME AND MY FRIEND LIKE ITS A LONG STORY LMK IF YOU WANNA HEAR IT)
SHARK FILMS?!?!! PLEASE READING THIS I HAD NO IDEA YOU WOULD LIKE SHARK MOVIES TOO FHSKSHSHDJDJGAJAYSJS ok so i haven’t seen any of the classics (i’m working on it) but i would probably watch jaws to laugh at it? not like that lmao but like comparing it. OKAY BUT HONESTLY I BARELY KNOW ANYONE WHO LIKES SHARK FILMS AHHH OKAY im adding “the shallows” to my watchlist bc it sounds super good AND SAME AHSJD ANY BODY OF WATER IN A MOVIE I JUST KNOW ITS COMING LMAO watch me not go in the water anymore after seeing that picture HHDJSJ
WHEN I READ THIS I JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO MY MOM ABOUT THE MEG AND THAT SCENE WHERE THE SHARKKK JUMPEDDDD AND ATE THE OTHER ONEEEE AND THEN JONAS HAD TO DO- bro i cannot (i think that one is my favorite because i love me a bit of romance and the subtle romance hAD ME) 47 meters down PHEW could you imagine?? i try not to think too hard about it i’m like “don’t be dumb catherine, don’t put yourself in a dumb situation” (not autocorrect having “dumb bitch” ready i am not lying) and i literally understand... there is no other way to explain 47 meters down
i CANNOT watch horror movies, can’t can’t can’t, i literally hate them i cannot do it!!! the thrill is tempting and it’s cool in the moment but i cant lmao. i don’t have nightmares about scary things (for the majority of the time) but going to sleep i’m like oooohhhhhh shit 🥲 literally what you explained
music !!!! music !!!! music !!!! (u ever write a word and now it looks weird lmao) MY BROTHER DOESNT LIKE MUSIC AND ITS SHIT IM LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU- anyway, my music taste is all over the place i mean......... it’s crazy. earlier today i was listening to meghan trainor’s album “title” oUT OF NOWHERE, but just a few minutes ago i was listening to fall in love with me by earth wind and fire soooo lol .. megan is *chefs kiss*, i’m not familiar with stormzy🙈, harry styles.... IM SORRY IM THAT PERSON but i don’t listen to his solo music EEK i only listen to adore you... and not that frequently... the music video freaked me out... i like niall’s solo music a lot more, which i listen to a lot more. now. one direction. favorite. please & thank you. i have a playlist called “boy bands” and it consists of one direction and the vamps (obsessed with cherry blossom btw) but as you can see my taste is all over the place!! fr fr if i sent you what apple music has as my “favorites” it went from ariana grande to carrie underwood to glee (OBSESSED DONT LET ME TALK ABOUT IT) i mean please if you let me i will nonstop (hamilton HDJSH) talk about music all day😩 & NOOO UR MUSIC IS GREAT HAHSK IM NOT A BIG RAP PERSON BUT DOJA CAT IS MY FAVORITE!!
okay good, i’m glad :) i was just nervous that you did feel that way <3 and GOT IT HAHAJ healthy pressure is always good :’) my friend got me these pens cuz i love stationary and school supplies lol and was like “now you have to write something” soooo yea i feel that! and i saw you posted the ficcccccc literally so proud of you 🥺🥺 i’m trying to decide if i read it tomorrow or tonight..... sleep or a literal beautiful creation made by the sweetest person and is v v nice smut and college!peter and 4.7k...... sleep aint really calling no more.
GIRL ALL OF MY SENTENCES ARE TOO LONG HAHAHAH IN FACT THIS IS TOO LONG SOOO (also why am i 3 days late..😑) anywho it’s 1 in the morning so <33 lovely anon
oh my god the fact that you cried nearly made me cry too😭😭🥺🥺 (also, your brother LMAO), i wasn‘t even sure if you‘d see it but i immediately thought of you so of COURSE i included you <333
the hulu police lsjsjaiaik, girl i was ready to get a hulu membership when i wanted to watch big time adolescence and i couldn‘t find it anywhereee, and when i got to the payment it said i need a bank account that‘s based in the US or whatever. like bro i was about to pay you!! but i was forced to find it somewhere (and i did, on levidia,— not that i‘ve ever used it because it‘s illegal 😤 i would never!!! i‘d rather support billion dollar companies and spend my money on watching films that i can find for free 🥰🥰🥰 not
i‘ve found chaos walking online so i‘ll watch it som time this week!! also YES TELL ME THE STORY
okay so idk if you watched/are planning on watching falcon and winter soldier but i watched the first episode the other day and they were speaking french (just a few seconds) and I UNDERSTOOD SOME WORDS DLDJDJ and i was so proud of myself. i‘ve only ever learned french with duolingo lol (i only do like 5 mins a day and that‘s why i was so surprised that i understood some of it!!). and yeah apart from latin i feel like italian, german, french and english are all similar in a sense.. i mean obviously they‘re completely different languages but for example there are some grammatical constructions in french that i think i wouldn‘t understand if i only spoke english? so when i translate those things into english you can‘t directly translate them bc you say things differently, but when i translate them into german then it makes more sense to me. idk that‘s something i noticed so i feel like if you already know multiple languages it‘s easier to learn another language compared to if you only know one language and are trying to learn a second one. even if the languages aren‘t similar then i think you get the hang of it easier.
ikd slsjsjs also i don‘t want you to think that i‘m a linguistic genius or anything lmfao, like i‘m only fluent in english and german and i‘m just a wannabe (ew that word) polyglot sksj (yes i had to google polyglot— i do think learning ancient greek would be super cool tho? like imagine studying latin AND ancient greek, whew). and honestly i don‘t think i‘ll ever be fluent in another language bc i don‘t plan on living anywhere other than germany or possibly england and i‘m not dedicated enough to properly learn any other languages esp if i don‘t have anyone to speak the language with. but i still try my best and i just love language/languages as a whole so yeah i‘m happy & just learning as much as i can dkdjh🥰
(I guess language/linguistics are/is my passion (which sounds sooo lame lmaoooo) and the word passion comes from the latin word pati (i think💀) which means to suffer, and in german passion is called Leidenschaft which basically means suffering too, idk why i‘m telling you this maybe you know it already. but ok dumb fun fact, in german you can make compound words with as many words as you like, and the longest official german word is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz which is a law for the monitoring of labels on beef... this is such a dumb fact but i think about that word like once a day idk why dodjsjsj so... 👁👄👁)
but i‘ll stop boring you with my linguistics talk because truly i don‘t know much about languages but i am interested omg i‘m gonna shut up now.
now water + sharks. (so in non-covid times i always go to croatia with my dad during the summer, and even before ever watching a shark film i was always kind of scared in water.. but after watching so many shark films wldjdj HELP Like you know when you go deeper into the ocean and you can‘t see or feel the ground/floor? anymore.. then i just start imagining sharks. like i can‘t help it i just imagine a shark sneaking up on me or feeling something graze my foot ABD I JUST START FREAKING OUT SSKJSHSJ. idk. anyway kdkdh i do love the ocean/swimming though but the older i get the more i realise how fucking scary the ocean is ( even if we’re gonna disregard sharks)
your brother... what‘s wrong with him? HOw CAN YOU NOT LIKE MUSIC LIKE WHAT THE FAWK
OKAY BUT SAME ABOUT THE ADORE YOU MUSIC VIDEO DLDKDJSJSKSLSLKSKSJSHSH and yeah i have to say harry’s style (styles lol) as a solo artist isn‘t reaaally my cup of tea, and i only like the popular songs from his second album and the first album is only good when i‘m in the right mood (haven‘t actually listened to it in a while though, but kiwi is one of my all time favourites along with only angel but i hate the start, like it takes 40 seconds to actually begin properly). i like mgk and because of him i watched the dirt which is a film about motley crue, and now one of my favourite songs ever is same ol situation and i‘m into rock now lol. +++ justin bieber. I had a justin bieber cardboard cutout thingy😭 i was the biggest Belieber on earth when i was 13-16, but i didn‘t like his last album and tbh he‘s become a bit weird lately, BUT OH MY GOD. i Listened to his new album yesterday and i‘m in LOVE with the song hold on
i really like niall‘s music toooo!!!! And doja cat 😌😌😌😌 And THE VAMPS OG MY GOD. i got to see them live bc they were the opening/support act for little mix and ajdsjskslslsjsjsj. (Also i love concerts, some of the best memories of my life are concerts, i‘ve seen nicki minaj live 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and justin twice and my heart fills every time i think about how excited i was, it was my first concert ever (16th of September 2016 😌) and i was the happiest person alive seeing justin drew fucking bieber (even if i‘m not tooo sure about justin nowadays)
i have a confession? Idk what hamilton is. I mean I‘ve heard about it and i keep googling it but i‘ve never watched it (is it even a film???? or like a proper musical? also pls tell me you grew up with high school musical. i have a few friends who didn‘t and it makes me so sad 😭😭😭 hsm is the best thing to happen to my childhood , the sooooongs— i still listen to some of them every week or month lool they make me so happy)
(Okay wait i was about to recommend some stormzy songs but you said you‘re not that into rap so i won‘t dksksjl)
What you said about my fic AHSLSLSJB (i wasn‘t sure if you sent an ask about it earlier? idk that might have been someone else, so if it was (and you‘ve read it already) i hope you liked it sksjsj i was...... unsure about it. and i have this reeaaallly long peter fic that i started writing in december and that‘s the only peter thing i currently want to write but also i can‘t because idk how to continue kddjj.) but I’m definitely getting back into writing i have a few blurbs that i want to write so 🥰🥰🥰
Oh and pls as soon as you read this let me know: violet or yellow? (it‘s just a tiny thing for my new theme slsksj)
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gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter one: what’s my name again? link to prologue
summary: [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF [??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?] [18:00] harry?: !!!!!! word count: 1,573 warnings: n/a a/n: we’re getting into it!!! hope u enjoy
read on ao3
[FRIDAY; 10.12.18]
  the golden trio™ [POTter (SumayaPotter), grangerstranger (HermioneGranger), DieselWeasel (RonWeasley)]
  [16:45] POTter: @everyone
[17:34] grangerstranger: What’s a mood [17:34] grangerstranger: Sorry [17:34] grangerstranger: What’s up
[17:36] DieselWeasel: how do you accidentally type whats a mood
[17:36] grangerstranger: Magic [17:36] grangerstranger: And a conversation going on next to me
[17:37] DieselWeasel: okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: sounds fake but . okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: a n y w a y [17:37] DieselWeasel: @POTter whats up
[17:40] POTter: oH [17:40] POTter: yh sry [17:40] POTter: if yall were th opp sex wht wld ur names b ?
[17:41] grangerstranger: Sorry just [17:41] grangerstranger: Give me a minute to decipher that
[17:41] DieselWeasel: #rekt
[17:41] POTter: r00d
[17:42] grangerstranger: Wait Maya
[17:42] POTter: ye
[17:42] grangerstranger: As in what our parents would've named us or what we'd want our names to be if we were the opposite sex
[17:42] POTter: idc both
[17:43] grangerstranger: William
[17:43] POTter: y
[17:43] grangerstranger: Well [17:43] grangerstranger: I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me [17:44] grangerstranger: But the name Hermione is from the winter’s tale by Shakespeare [17:44] grangerstranger: I'm not the hugest fan of Shakespeare but I'd still like to have an older name [17:44] grangerstranger: Plus his first name was William so it's still a nod to my parents
[17:44] POTter: damn out here w tht Knowledge [17:45] POTter: ron????
[17:46] DieselWeasel: uhhhhhhh [17:46] DieselWeasel: i mean if i had been born a girl it wouldve been ginerva bc yall KNOW ma and dad have been holding onto that for ages [17:46] DieselWeasel: but . harper maybe? i like that name
[17:46] POTter: huh [17:46] POTter: harperd fit u
[17:47] DieselWeasel: what about you
[17:50] POTter: idk [17:50] POTter: what do u think
[17:50] grangerstranger: Alex [17:50] grangerstranger: ?
[17:51] DieselWeasel: i mean ? would you want like [17:51] DieselWeasel: an ethnic name ? [17:53] DieselWeasel: imagine quotes on that lol
[17:53] POTter: ehhhhhhh [17:53] POTter: i wldnt b opposed but ? [17:54] POTter: idk rly i guess itd be cool either way [17:54] POTter: also @grangerstranger alex is nice
[17:54] DieselWeasel: mkay [17:56] DieselWeasel: what about harry [17:56] DieselWeasel: hari ? harry ? who knows
[17:56] POTter: OH [17:56] POTter: y e s [17:56] POTter: thank
[17:59] DieselWeasel: uh ? [17:59] DieselWeasel: no problem lol [17:59] DieselWeasel: :)
  ??? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF
[??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to hari?]
[18:00] hari?: !!!!!! [18:00] hari?: wait wait wait
[hari? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?]
[18:01] harry?: i like this better i think [18:01] harry?: idk im still trying 2 figure it out
[18:04] luna!: oh! that's a lovely name. congratulations harry! i'm glad you've found something that suits you. :D
[18:04] harry?: :D
  [SATURDAY; 10.13.18]
  everyone except sumaya [granger (HermioneGranger), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), malfoy (DracoMalfoy), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom)…]
 [13:35] granger: I just want all of you to know I still disagree with the name of this chat
[14:57] malfoy: Yes, yes, we know. [14:57] malfoy: You’ve been saying that since the creation of this groupchat.
[15:15] weasley_1: #rekt
[15:28] granger: Shut up malfoy
[15:28] weasley_1: #rekt
[16:01] longbottom: ok but we haven’t had to use this chat for a couple weeks now? what’s up hermione?
[16:01] weasley_1: sus acting weird
[16:01] longbottom: okay but she’s always acting weird, what’s different about this time?
[16:02] weasley_1: we had an entire conversation about what our names would be if we were the opposite sex
[16:02] longbottom: oh. [16:02] longbottom: yeah okay that’s a bit weird. [16:02] longbottom: what did she say her’s would be?
[16:02] granger: That's the thing though [16:03] granger: She didn’t [16:03] granger: She asked us what we thought it should be
[16:03] weasley_1: here gimme a sec
[weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.] [weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.]
[16:05] parkinson: im dead her name is my MOOD
[16:05] longbottom: damn. okay. [16:05] longbottom: what do you think it means?
[16:06] weasley_1: i dunno why does it have to mean anything
[16:06] longbottom: well, obviously you think it means something - you wouldn’t have posted it here if you didn’t?
[16:06] weasley_1: damn youre right [16:07] weasley_1: i dunno? it just feels like kind of an odd thing to ask about ? [16:07] weasley_1: especially because its not like we were talking about names today or anything [16:07] weasley_1: it just seemed like an out of the blue subject thats all
[16:09] lovegood: if i may interject? i find it very likely that sumaya is simply settling into their personality, and part of that may include an exploration of the different facets of themself! [16:09] lovegood: her*, whoops!
[16:09] weasley_1: ? [16:09] weasley_1: oh okay
[16:09] longbottom: you’re so right, luna!
[16:09] weasley_1: huh yeah that makes sense lol
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:10] #girlsforluna: gay
[16:11] #boysforluna: :’) [16:11] #boysforluna: i can’t help it! she’s so [16:11] #boysforluna: wait.
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_1 (RonWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), granger (HermioneGranger), malfoy (DracoMalfoy)…]
 [16:12] longbottom: hey, @lovegood?
[16:13] lovegood: yes! hi neville!
[16:13] longbottom: hey! what pronouns are you using right now?
[16:13] lovegood: he/him for now! :)
[16:13] longbottom: okay! thanks so much.
[16:14] weasley_2: neville you fucking nerd i cant,,,,,,
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:12] #girlsforluna: you okay??? [16:13] #girlsforluna: oh my god lmfao
[16:14] #boysforluna: okay, i got it. [16:14] #boysforluna: he’s just so cute! and smart! and kind! and! ugh my god i love him so much.
[16:14] #girlsforluna: youre so fucking cute i wanna die [16:14] #girlsforluna: you really just paused an online conversation to get pronouns i love you oh my god [16:14] #girlsforluna: also. i feel you so hard he’s such a lovely person??? hhhh [16:14] #girlsforluna: anyway :)
[16:14] #boysforluna: :)
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), granger (HermioneGranger)…]
[16:15] lovegood: is everything okay, neville?
[16:16] weasley_2: oh yeah totally i just had the sudden and urgent realization that neville’s a fucking nerd
[16:16] longbottom: shut the hell up n stop ghosting u hoe
[16:17] parkinson: damn son okay [16:17] parkinson: i dont know if im more surprised tht u cursed or tht u didnt use Perfect Punctuation ???? either way im lowkey impressed good job
[16:17] longbottom: :)
  mione (HermioneGranger), nevs (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:46] mione: Hey neville
[17:09] nevs: yeah, what’s up?
[17:11] mione: Do you think sue might be [17:11] mione: Trans or something?
[17:11] nevs: huh. [17:11] nevs: i guess i’d never thought of it but. [17:11] nevs: i suppose it’s entirely possible? [17:12] nevs: especially because she’s been wearing her hijab more often.
[17:12] mione: Yeah [17:12] mione: Wait but why would that mean shes trans?
[17:13] nevs: well, she has really long hair, and when she’s not wearing a hijab she usually has it in a braid because it’s easier to manage, right?
[17:13] mione: Yeah I know what hou mean [17:13] mione: You
[17:13] nevs: but it’s also a constant reminder that she has hair. [17:13] nevs: i mean, i was talking to luna the other day? [17:14] nevs: and he mentioned that on his masculine days he like to put his hair up, but only when he’s feeling really dysphoric. [17:14] granger: so now that i think about it in that light, it makes a lot of sense - [17:15] nevs: her hair goes into a bun when she puts it up, and it’s tight so she doesn’t have to think about it so much.
[17:15] mione: Oh [17:15] mione: Yeah that makes sense [17:16] mione: Thanks Neville
[17:16] nevs: no problem! [17:16] nevs: i probably wouldn’t go around sharing this with everyone, though. [17:16] nevs: especially because we don’t really know if it’s true or not.
[17:17] mione: Yeah of course
  hermyownknee (HermioneGranger), ronniekins (RonWeasley)
 [17:20] hermyownknee: Hey Ron
  ron (RonWeasley), luna (LunaLovegood)
 [17:34] ron: hey luna
[17:38] luna: hello, ron! is everything okay?
[17:38] ron: um . i think so?
[17:38] luna: okay! [17:40] luna: what did you want to talk to me about? [17:40] luna: i assume you contacted me for a reason? :)
[17:40] ron: haha yeah [17:40] ron: um [17:40] ron: dont take this the wrong way [17:41] ron: i know sometimes sumaya tells you stuff that she doesn’t tell me or hermione [17:41] ron: and that’s fine [17:41] ron: obviously shes allowed to make those kinds of decisions for herself [17:41] ron: but uh
[17:41] luna: she’s fine, i promise. [17:42] luna: i would tell you if she told me anything that i found concerning.
[17:44] ron: okay [17:44] ron: thanks
[17:50] luna: of course, ron.
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inhalareexhalare · 6 years
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The menstrual cycle begins. I usually feel pain until the third day at most, but I can move just fine.
Slow, but with fight in it Like embers of honey
It scorches the eyes But is sweet to the palm
Did you know by the way? The faster and the hotter you heat honey, the more you reduce its nutritional value. So yes, while it has a very warm color, its temperature is usually not the same :)
2018-10-23 10:00 Philippines Tuesday
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My daytime journal has been discontinued due to its tendency to take over my whole identity. I somewhat live [a double life], you could say, and I am now exploring my nighttime psyche.
This is my heartfelt "letter" to @neweresth​ (CHECK OUT neweresth IN YOUR DASHBOARD BTW IT WILL ROCK YOUR DORMANT WORLD), who inspires me to keep learning and discover my photographic sense.
True enough, this nighttime journal has been a very big compilation of crunchy insights to my deep-deep-down subconscious, which in my opinion takes a big bite off the whole pie of what makes the self.
I've been anxious about how to teach for a time now. It's like a secret calling, a secret dream that I have that I quietly—and secretly—shut off every time it resurfaces.
The reason is my ineptitude with socializing. Communication, especially verbal, has always been hard for me.
My English teachers throughout my school life (and even outside its premises) have doubted my authorship of countless papers I've written, all due to the fact that I navigate speech poorly, yet apparently write eloquently enough above my age.
That has discouraged me from honing my lesser swords. The possibility of never growing out of anything.
But that's bullshit.
I write because I love. I write because I want to communicate. Communicate!
I write for no one else other than for the truths that live inside me, and they are written for no one else but others who could do with a genuine story that cares about their beautiful and suffering minds.
I am socially inept. I am antisocial, by the world's standards. But that doesn't change what I write for.
I write to learn.
Likewise I will teach to learn.
Maybe I am bad at it. Maybe it takes talent.
But nothing good has ever touched and transformed hearts and minds other than that which has originated from those very things.
Talent is a gift indeed.
But heart even more so; it is both curse and privilege.
The pain that makes us human. The agony that teaches us what is real. The happiness that guides us to what is worth living for.
If I had all power, and all talent, all knowledge, and all beauty. If I had all riches, and all the admiration, and fame, and number of friends--
If I have not love, I am nothing.
PS I really do love movies. If you’re an aspiring writer, or a writer with fluctuating inspiration, do watch The Rewrite. Check out  1 Corinthians 13:2
“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” 
2018-10-23 18:07 Philippines Tuesday
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"Keenness, spontaneity, and trusting the moment..."
I entered the room to discover a Thor exploring the wonders of my film-filled laptop.
I took my favorite Nuyorican Poets Cafe book to read and learn. Stepped out to the living room filled with people and stretched my legs to feel at home on the couch. I made a re-friend! :) Yana approached me and asked about the book.
I didn't know she was interested in prose and poetry! She also writes snippets here and there sometimes. I told her to collect them.
I asked for recommendations, since strangely enough, even though I like to write I don't have a wide background when it comes to poetry from the celebrated and the local poets alike.
I don't know why I didn't read them sooner.
Keep learning!
2018-10-23 19:31 Philippines Tuesday
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To Karu:
Sorry for imposing on you last night. I just really do value good sleep. I don't know about you but I can't workout without it, and it also affects the general mood and brain function.
I still don't know what to do about it. Everyone seems to enjoy not sleeping at night, but I don't feel like conforming to it especially since I see its daily effects on me. You can actually join stuff like that if you like. I was thinking that we both need sleep desperately, but I realized that I might have been forcing/pressuring you to go to bed.
Though I do request to have no guests in the late night of this approaching Saturday. I'm going to need tons of energy and also an early alarm since I will be called for work (thank God they allowed me to go to church first)
(Even if I did only request it, that doesn't change what it might have felt to you. So again, I apologize if a part of you was in unease or anything.)
I love you
[25 minutes later]
I would like to kiss you all over, but that will rouse you from sleep.
I love you, and I love you to death.
2018-10-24 06:21 Philippines Wednesday
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From Isla:
"My tita and tito from [the] US are here in the PH right now
"and they said im too young to be in a relationship.
"and gave this vibe like......don't be in one right now.
"i really appreciate the love and support from them ofc
"it's just....medj na-down ako lol" [I was a bit downhearted lol]
To Isla:
I'm assuming they aren't free thinkers, your aunt and uncle hahaha
They probably are right, but if you think about it that observation is only relative to an imaginary concept which is the future
In my opinion, no one is too old, and no one is too young. It's never too late, and it's never too early
There's only now, and a moment's opportunity to come to a decision
There's only now, and a moment's commitment to be true to who you are at this point in time
Only what is existent after all counts as truth :) the future is yet to happen, and both possible and unlikely
Entrusting the sense of reality to tomorrow, in other words, a question mark seems illogical to me
The BEAUTIFUL book you gave me about the deaf-mutes gave me this idea
The future is not a universal or "natural" concept
[Check out Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks]
And the past is not more real than a memory is. And we all know how nearly inexistent memories are. That's all they are--memories.
From Isla:
"Those are beautiful thoughts. :)
"Reading it really helped me.
"I'm thankful that i have you in my life."
[An hour later]
"Did other people tell you the same thing before? if you don't mind me asking
"Have you ever been so hard on yourself one time in your life, and eventually you stopped it?
What did you do to overcome it?"
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To Isla:
Personally, it takes me a continuous amount of effort to stand up against the self-hatred. Some say it's a lifelong sickness we have as humans, and it seems true to me
(also, writing heals both the writer, and hopefully the reader, so it's mutually a good thing, hopefully hahaha)
It's like the motivation to commit to a vocation
It's not natural to be motivated at every moment of your life, but we seek to make it a habit
Habits form the shape that our thoughts and feelings take. Like my nighttime anxiety. It was developed because I gained the habit of thinking that I am alone and abandoned every time these factors come together: it is nighttime, and I am physically alone
I unconsciously associate the scenery with something from the past that reminds me of a similar situation, but is actually entirely different
In fact it dates back to the time I was still very close to my mother. We still loved each other as I grew up, but not too close as to always be hugging every chance we get
It dates back to when I was a little girl of age 5 at most (since the scenes were from my Atimonan home, and we left that when I entered elementary)
Habits don't die on their own. They cannot be thrown away just like that. But, they can be replaced
If I can create a little nighttime routine, even just cue words or a little ritual, that could change a lot. I just need consistency because some nights I'm too tired and I forget to pray or to practice deep breaths and stuff. And when I find myself alone again, it starts all over; I get anxious as hell
So maybe the first step before changing your habits would be to forgive yourself
We are imperfect, at that is incurable. But we have the potential for growth, and that is at least forgivable. We can learn from our mistakes, so we shouldn't let ourselves down from them.
They are there to give us two options: give up, or try again.
Changing a habit is probably going to take more tries than my fingers can count, but hey we're still alive and breathing, so I presume Life is willing to give us as many chances as we need in a lifetime
Failure is unfortunate, but failure is an important mark of what truly matters to you.
If it's worth more than the self-obsessive need to be successful, and if it means your life and your calling and a better world, it's at least worth trying again, no? :)
When people bring you down, they could be there for a good reason, and that's not to bring you down. Maybe that's hardly what they wanted to do in the first place.
We need to learn to assert our own beliefs and stand up to them. Maybe they think it's all just a whim because they don't understand yet how it matters to you, and what it means to grow up.
Growing up means making mistakes (your relationship is not necessarily a mistake haha), getting up, and learning something new.
Learning something new always requires a new experience.
Learning something new always means stepping out of your comfort zone and into unknown territory.
If you end up hurt, that's fine, we're here for you. What's important is that the lessons are not lost. What you learn is what you grow out into.
So don't ever stop learning. :)
Learn to stand up for what you believe in.
Don't be afraid to share what you have learned!
But never impose beyond your personal right to live. Nothing teaches an individual more than a personal experience.
We each take our own paths, and each take our own lessons in life, in forms that we are ready to understand.
And if advice or conversation cannot help your case with them, then you've done your part.
All you need to do is live your life and live it honestly enough for it to speak for itself
2018-10-24 07:00 Philippines Wednesday
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