toyezu-fanart · 6 months
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7ok74 · 2 years
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Random Thambi Screenshots Part 3
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I love actors who make funny faces and are not afraid to look stupid. It just tickles me like crazy.
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anustuff · 2 years
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oo i tis white....
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me telling my dad about literally any artist
my dad: but are they ilaiyaraaja? *gets up to play manguyile poonguyile*
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therukurals · 9 months
There is always a lot to say about Netflix translation but never would I have thought mama would be translated as BRUNCLE and thambi as BROPHEW.
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Vaazhkaiyin Niram
As promised, @yehsahihai and I are back, with the entire fic now. It is kind of long, so have fun?
Arulmozhi Varman was in a quandry. 
He had been trying to get some time alone with Vanathi, and she had somehow, successfully avoided him at every single turn. Even his patience could end, it seemed like, for each time she avoided him, he felt another chip off the block he called his patience. Why was she avoiding him? He had not even teased her in a while…
Oh maybe that was it?
But… why would that make her avoid him? What had he done?
He knew the feelings he bore for her all too well. He also knew that he had been in denial far too long for her to not have noticed something amiss. What he did not expect was how far Vanathi was willing to go in her love for him.
It was mid-afternoon as Arulmozhi paced his akka’s rooms, with Samudra Kumari and akka watching him with a growing mixture of concern and amusement. 
I mean, I just don’t understand. Why is she doing this? What is she trying to do?”
“Thambi even I don’t know and I almost always know what is in her heart.”
“Illavarase, maybe the Kodumbalur Illavarasi has been in the sun too much. That is why she is acting like this.”
“Samudra Kumari, this is no time for humor” came his akka’s sharp rebuke, making Poonguzhali raise her hands in surrender. 
“Akka?” came the sweet voice of the maddening princess who had robbed him of all his sleep.
“Kanne? What is it?”
“Nothing akka. I couldn’t find you anywhere so I was wondering where you were.”
Kundavai suddenly had an idea, as she addressed Vanathi, asking her, “Kanne, just one question. If the one you love is in love with another, what would you do?”
Vanathi froze for a second before looking towards Arulmozhi who had not let his eyes wander away from her since she stepped in. 
“Why akka, then I would do my best to ensure he won over the one he loves”
Arulmozhi physically felt the need to sit down, as she turned to leave, worrying that he would faint after hearing that. Really he had to stop picking up his kanmani’s habits. Holding his head in his hands, he bemoaned, “Akka, why is my wife like this?”
“You’re not married to her yet thambi!”
He sighed, remembering the amusement on Samudra Kumari’s face and the knowing look his elder sister had gotten. That just reminded him of another incident, engineered by his darling. 
Arulmozhi was excited, having seen his Vanathi walk towards him. 
“Ponniyin Selvare,” her sweet voice, which was like nectar to him, sounded in his ears, filling his being. 
“Kodumbalur Kula Vilakke,” he said, trying hard not to call her, my Kodumbalur Devadhai, instead. 
“Selvare, Poonkuzhali is looking for you. She is waiting by the boat at the banks of Ponni Thai,” she said softly, a tinge of sadness in her eyes, something that did not escape him. What was wrong with his Vanathi? He wanted to cup her cheeks and peer into her eyes, reading through them so that he could first understand, and then wipe away her sadness. He wanted to bring that luminosity he so loved seeing in her eyes. 
“Devi, are you okay?” he asked instead. Samudra Kumari could wait, Vanathi came first. She would understand- this was how she was with Amudhan.
“I am fine, Selvare, why do you ask?”
“It doesn’t seem so to me,” his eyes roved over her face, concerned.His hands itched to tilt her chin up, to look into her eyes and understand and solve all her problems.  He noted the tiredness in her eyes, and he ached at the sight of it. 
“No no Selvare, I am fine. But you must go, Poonkuzhali is waiting for you,” with a departing smile, she slipped away, and he blinked. 
Why was his beloved running away again?
Sighing, he made his way to the banks of Kaveri to meet Samudra Kumari. 
It had turned out that his kanmani had ensured that he and Samudra Kumari could be alone?
For what reason even, he had wondered then. Of course, she was his good friend… but she would much rather listen to Sendhan sing Thevarams, and he would prefer to be around Vanathi, even with his Akka present. 
“You?” they had both exclaimed upon seeing each other. 
“Illavarase what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same, Samudra Kumari.”
“Illavarasi Vanathi.. She asked me if I would give her a ride in my boat.”
Arulmozhi frowned at that, trying to understand what his beloved had been thinking. 
“But that doesn’t make sense. She told me you were waiting for me? To talk to me?”
“Talk to you? No Illavarase, I never said anything of the sort.”
Arulmozhi groaned at that, as he sat down on the river banks, head throbbing as he thought of Vanathi’s behaviour in the past few days. His illavarasi had almost continuously avoided looking at him, preferring to engage in conversation with his akka or any other lady in the palace rather than talk to him. There was a pit of anxiety in his stomach as he tried to understand what had happened to the playful, bubbling Vanathi he knew. It was slowly driving him crazy, to be able to see her but never talk to her, to exist in the same sphere as her and still feel like she was miles away from him. Even when she did speak to him it was almost completely formal and clipped, like she was trying to do her best to avoid prolonging their conversations. He had been living with an almost constant dull ache in his heart these days and it was frustrating him to no end that he couldn’t unravel this mystery.
“Oh… oh!”
Poonkuzhali’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked at her, confused as to why she looked both exasperated and endeared at once. 
“Ilavarase, I think the Ilavarasi thinks you and I want to be together. It is clear she does not know of your overwhelming love for her.”
Arulmozhi let out another loud groan at that, tipping back fully to sprawl on the riverbanks, uncaring of the numerous small pebbles digging into his skin.
“Why is Vanathi like this? I’ve been trying so hard to express how I feel for her and yet she doesn’t understand. Every time she looks at me, her doe eyes are downcast and her honey like voice is subdued. What do I do to make her believe that I love her?”
“Perhaps Illavarase,” Poonguzhali began, in a matter-of-fact tone, “you could start by telling her all this instead of crying about it in front of Ponni thaaye?”
Since then, he had been trying to get her alone, but she still evaded him,and also continued her setting up attempts.
Arulmozhi was trying to get near Vanathi, wanting to stand near her for the poojai. He felt that her presence around him will keep him successful in gaining the blessings of Durgai Amma. But getting to her seemed to be getting more tiresome. 
Luckily, he had spotted Samudra Kumari near her, and had sent a signal to her requesting her aid, which his doe eyed damsel had misinterpreted,and had artfully pushed Poonkuzhali next to him, instead of standing next to him herself. 
How was he to confess if she would not listen? 
Maybe he should shout it out in front of everyone?
Hmm maybe that’s what he would do… but what if his love got embarrassed? He could not do that to her… Ishvara, he was really sounding like Vanathi now. Love really made people stupid, he thought, unclear whether he meant himself or his beloved.
Which was exactly how he had found himself in his akka’s chambers as she had watched the whole scene at the poojai happen and immediately demanded answers.
“Thambi, what is going on?”, akka had asked, ever straight to the point. “First Vanathi loves you, then you don’t love her, then you like Samudra Kumari, then she likes Sendhan, then you love Vanathi, and now Vanathi is trying to get you and Samudra Kumari together? What are you all doing????”
Poonguzhali, who had until then been silent, said, “Ilaya Piratti, we think the Kodumbalur Illavarasi has had a misunderstanding. She believes that Ponniyin Selvan and I love each other, though I am not sure why. But since then she has been trying to get us together.”
“I am aware”, came Kundavai’s response to which his head shot up.
“What? How?”
“Because thambi, she approached me before the poojai, asking to speak with me alone. And then she went exonerating about how good of a woman Samudra Kumari was, and how she would make a worthy queen for you and how I should accept her and give you two my blessings. I have to admit, she almost convinced me.”
“I… WHAT?”
“Thambi, calm down. I was not convinced fully, because her love for you was visible, and so is yours for her.”
“Akka,” he said, burying his face in his hands. “What do I do?”
“Well, you have to tell her, thambi.”
“How do I do that when your best friend keeps avoiding me?”
Poonkuzhali sighed, standing up.
“Leave it to me.”
“Somehow that just made it worse”, he muttered under his breath as he watched her leave.
Poonkhuzhali really didn’t understand these royals at times. When it was so clear to everyone with eyes that the prince had eyes only for the kodumbalur Illavarasi, why was she the only one who couldn’t see it? She knew that her brief infatuation with him had been clear to many, but that was all it was; an infatuation that had worn off when she realsied her love for Sendhan. But this princess, had been steadfast in trying to push her and the prince together. How can one love so selflessly, she wondered. The princess was willing to sacrifice her love for Ponniyin Selvan because she thought it would make him happy. Those two were really made for each other, she thought. 
She walked down the palace halls, trying to find the princes until she finally spotted her in the garden, sitting on a bench as she stared off into the distance. Taking a deep breath, khuzhali approached her. 
“Illavarasi”, she said bowing to her, as the princess seemed to snap out of her reverie.
“Samudra Kumari! What brings you here?” 
“Devi, I came to find you specifically,” said Poonkuzhali. “I wanted to ask for your thoughts, as Ilaya Piratti told me that you are fantastic at organizing any event.” 
“It’s all Akka’s teaching, Kumari,” Vanathi smiled. “What can I help you with?” 
Truly, thought Poonkhuzhali, she was the most gracious person she had ever met, apart from Ponniyin selvan. It just strengthened her resolve to bring them together. 
“My engagement ceremony, Ilavarasi,” Poonkuzhali said, feeling bad when Vanathi’s face shrunk and eyebrows frowned. 
“Of course, how can I help?” 
Poonkuzhali gave Vanathi details, requesting her help for organizing it, and the Princess did not disappoint. She helped Poonkuzhali organize it in a matter of half an hour. 
“Is there anything else I can help with, Kumari?” Vanathi asked softly. 
“No, thank you Devi. Sendhan and I are very grateful to you.” 
“Sendhan? You are getting engaged to Sendhan!?”
Poonkhuzhali bit her lips to keep from smiling as she said “Of course devi. Did Illavarase not tell you? I am going to marry Sendhan”
Vanathi felt as though the ground had been pulled out from under her feet, as she stared at Samudra Kumari trying to comprehend her words. She was going to marry Sendhan, which mean she was not in love with Ponniyin Selvan. Oh Ishvara, what had she done? 
She had evoked the anger of her Prince by doing such, by setting him up with a woman whose heart was another’s? How will she face him? Maybe she should just avoid him? 
Yes, that’s what she will do. She will avoid him. 
Standing up abruptly she said, “I-I should go meet akka, samudra kumari. Excuse me” Saying so she ran off, determined to avoid the prince at all costs.
How had Samudra Kumari’s confession not helped? 
Vanathi was still avoiding him, extremely skillfully, which did impress him, as much as it exasperated him. He had tried to catch hold of her many times over the past few days but each time she had managed to excuse herself, slipping away to either be by his akka’s side or by his patti’s side or his amma’s side. It had gotten to the point where he was seriously considering if he could somehow climb into Vanathi’s chambers during the night to talk to her. He dismissed the possibility almost immediately knowing that if someone found out both of them would be in deep trouble with his family member, him more than her. 
Should he try and kidnap her instead? Hmm.. what if he kidnapped her after informing his Akka that he was kidnapping her? No that was ridiculous. Plus his akka would never let him hear the end of it. Maybe he could ask Vanthiyathevan………… No, no even worse. The Vanar Kula warrior would immediately go to tell his akka and then he would have to deal with being ribbed by both of them. Terrible idea. He could ask Samudra Kumari to talk to her, but given their last interaction with each other, he had a feeling Vanathi would just flee upon seeing her. 
He sat down as he massaged his temples trying to think, as he looked out into the palace courtyard….
Right at Vanathi who sat with his Akka, chattering away like she had not nearly driven him to insanity with her actions. 
He watched her for a second, blinked, and made a decision. Like the tiger he was, he rushed towards them, smirking mildly when he saw Vanathi’s eyes widen. 
“Thambi?” Kundavai had a knowing smirk on her face, and had mildly angled herself to ensure Vanathi couldn’t get away that easily. 
“I am sorry to do this to you, but I have to talk to my wife!” he scooped her into his arms, bridal style, and raced across the courtyard, as fast as lightning. 
Vanathi shrieked as she was lifted by him, feeling mortified as he carried her through the palace, burying her head in his chest, praying that no one saw them.   
Arulmozhi didn’t stop until they had reached his chambers, uncaring that anyone could have seen them being so brazen. It would only speed up their marriage after all. He set her down gently, before turning to lock the door and stared at her, his illavarasi who now seemed to praying to the earth to swallow her up. Biting away a grin he asked, “So, Kodumbalur Illavarasi, can we finally talk?”
“Talk? About what, Ponniyin Selvan?”
“You know what about, Devi,” he said softly, taking a step closer.
“No, no, I do not,” she gulped, still staring at the Earth, making him smile softly as he took another step forward. 
“Yes you do. Why have you been avoiding me?” he had crossed a personal boundary, but considering how she had been clutching him when he had held her, he knew she would tell him to move if she wanted that.
“I… I just wanted to give you space with your loved one, or so I thought…”
“Then you should have been around me!”
Vanathi’s eyes snapped up at those words as she tried to search his face for any traces of a joke, or him being another one of her daydreams. But he was right there, evidenced by the fact that he had just carried her throught the palace. 
“Illavarase, this is all highly inappropriate, we shouldn’t be………..” She found herself robbed of all speech as he took another step closer to her. Oh lord, any closer and she was sure he would almost hear the tandavam her heart was doing in her chest. 
She backed away slowly from him, hand reaching blindly for the door behind her hoping to find it’s bolt, but the prince was faster, moving closer to her so she had no option but to startle away from the door. 
“You cannot possibly hope to avoid me forever Vanthi”, he chided her though his voice held no sternness. 
“Illavarase, one only avoids those whom they feel scared of”, came her reply, eliciting a small smile from him.
“And is that why you have been avoiding me?” came the question, much softer than before.
Oh god, they were now circling around a table, each waiting for the other’s next move. Vanathi had heard tales of how the eyes of tigers were often hypnotic, but now standing in front of her illavarase she believed them, for there was no other reason that the world fell away as she looked at him.
Swallowing with difficulty, she replied, “Ayya how can I be scared of you? I was just….”
“Just?” Was he teasing her? Vanathi was suddenly beginning to doubt if all her assumptions about him having no affection for her were false. 
“I had other things to be doing, and I am sure even you did. I did not want to bother you.” 
Arulmozhi stilled at that, before throwing back his head to laugh, loudly until he almost felt tears of mirth gathering in his eyes. He was sure, that his beloved probably thought him mad at that moment but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. 
“Ponniyin Selvare, are you all right?”
Shoulders still shaking, he gasped out, “Vanathi, anbe, has anyone told you that you are a terrible liar?”
Vanathi felt the world cease all movement for a moment as she heard the term “anbe” slip out of his mouth, so effortlessly, so casually, as if it was not the first time he had ever called her that, as if he had been wanting to say it to her for a while. 
“A-anbe?” She stuttered out, cursing the blush that had formed on her cheeks, not realizing how delighted he was to see it. 
“Anbe, Kaadhale, Kanmani, Arasi, Iniyavale, every single term of love is for you, Vanathi,” his voice had turned intimate, his eyes resting on hers, not moving away from her gaze, allowing her to capture his emotions in full force. 
Vanathi suddenly felt faint, as it hit her that she had been wrong, so very wrong. She had been blind to every gaze he had directed at her, every word he had said she had been deaf to, even now she had been the one avoiding him while had been searching for her. She sat down heavily on a chair as she felt herself beginning to lose consciousness, only to be jolted out of it as she felt two very strong, callused hands on her shoulders. 
“Vanathi? Vanathi? Look at me, look at me. Are you ok?” 
She nodded weakly as she focused on his face, now scrunched into an expression of worry, as he looked her up and down to assess her. 
Arulmozhi felt an almost blind panic hit him as he saw Vanathi collapsing onto the chair in front of her, and he reached forward instinctively to hold her. 
“Vanathi?”, he tried as she seemed not to hear him, causing him to place his hands on her shoulders to ground her. It seemed to work as she focused on him, causing a flood of relief through his system. Making sure she was fine, he turned to fetch her a glass of water, handing it to her, as he noted how much her hands seemed to be shaking. 
“Wait, let me”, he said as he slowly brought the glass to her lips, watching as some of the water spilled down her chin. Making sure she was fine, he leaned down to wipe away the excess water on her face even as he felt his heart pick up pace with her gaze on him. 
Vanathi for her part was doing her best not to shiver at his close proximity, unable to look away from him for even a second as he fussed over her, suffusing her being with warmth. 
Seeming satisfied that there was no immediate threat of her fainting, he moved to cup her face with one hand as his thumb ran lightly over her face. Vanathi froze as she felt his touch so intimately, resisting the urge to simply melt into his arms. 
“You scared me kaadhale.”
“N-Natha,” she mumbled, blinking and blushing when she says that. “I am s-sorry…”
“Don’t be, not for calling me Natha, Swamini,” he whispered. When she flashed wide eyes at him, he cupped her cheek very gently, whispering, “Yes, you are my Swamini, Devi.” 
She looked at him deeply, with luminous eyes, which suddenly filled with tears. 
“You were trying to talk to me.. and I just, I hurt you,” she wept, falling into his arms. 
Arulmozhi immediately pulled her close to him, trying to calm her as he assured her that she had not done any harm to him.
“Shhhhhh anbe. Do not weep like this. You have never hurt me, ever. How can I be hurt by you, hmm?”
She still did not stop crying, every tear that fell feeling like a knife to his heart.  Gently detangling himself from her he knelt down fully in front of her, as he took her hand in his, ignoring the slight gasp she let out. 
“Ponniyin Selvare, what are you-”
“Vanathi, my uyirin uyir, my kanmani, you can never hurt me. You are not just in my heart but also my soul. I wish I could say my heart was mine but the truth is it has become yours long ago. You are in every breath I take and every one of my senses. I have been wanting to say this for far too long now, but there was always something preventing me. And today, I am kneeling before you to tell you I love you. Wholly, truly, irrevocably I love you.”
Vanathi gasped, her hands going to his neck to cup his jaw. 
“Once more, please?” She pleaded. 
“I love you, wholly, truly, irrevocably,” he whispered, tender smile on his face. 
“Swami,” she whispered softly, leaning to tip her forehead to his. “Swami, Swami, I lost my heart to you when we first met at the banks of Ponni Thai. And I only kept losing it over and over to you, every second of every day. I have dreamt so much of you telling me you loved me, that I couldn’t even process it at first. Oh Swami, I can’t express how I love you, but I do. So so so much. To see a smile on your face, I would even sacrifice my life.” 
Arulmozhi vehemently shook his head, bringing one finger over her lips. “Never, ever say that again Vanathi. My life is in you. I cannot survive without you.”
Vanathi laughed as she finally realized what had happened, pressing closer to her Swami as she just looked at him, determined to not miss even a second of possibly the happiest occurrence of her life. Separating from him, she moved to lay a soft kiss on his forehead as she murmured “I love you”, moving down to kiss his eyes as she said the same, then onto his cheeks, stopping only when she reached his lips. Drawing back slightly, she watched as his eyes opened as he looked at her, absolute love spilling out of them as he raised himself slightly to cup her face and slowly meld their lips together.
It felt as though a million butterflies had been released in Arulmozhi’s stomach as he finally kissed those lips he had dreamt of for so long, the smile that threatened to overtake his face making it difficult to keep kissing her like he wanted to. Drawing away only a few millimeteres to breathe he said, “You do know now there is no question of you ever avoiding me?”
Vanathi giggled as he said that, replying, “If avoiding you gets you to be so poetic, Swami, I will gladly do it.”
Arulmozhi too felt a laugh bubbling inside of him as he got up and lifted his arasi in his arms to spin her around even as more laughter spilled forth from her lips, stopping only to press their foreheads together and say, “You are my whole heart Vanathi.”
“And you are my everything, Arase,” she whispered, shyly kissing the corner of his lips, blushing but wanting to shower him with her love.
He kissed her lips over and over, still twirling her, both of them joyous in the colours their life and love took. 
@vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @dumdaradumdaradum @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @kovaipaavai @celestesinsight @thirst4light @rang-lo @thegleamingmoon @theambidexterousarcher @whippersnappersbookworm @chiyaanvikram @hollogramhallucination @arachneofthoughts @krishna-sahacharini
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Inaidhal [Chapter -1]
Shopnobhongo (broken dreams)
Collab with @harinishivaa
Standing in front of the window of Arulmolzhi's room in the Buddha Vihar , looking at Vanathi taking care of her thambi , Kundavai for the first time in her 22 years of life felt regret. Kundavai has grown up in a midst of a busy household in Pazhayarai, she was always followed by battalions of servants and  her sakhis. But loneliness never seems to leave her alone, It always comes crawling back to her at the end of the day when everyone falls asleep, leaving Kundavai all alone to deal with her emotions . Kundavai was always a happy child, she was known for her charming smile and happy demeanor but since that fateful day 5 years back when her Anna accused her of betraying his trust something broke inside of her. Since that day Kundavai has stopped sharing her feelings with anyone, how can she ? Her only friend , her Anna , had abandoned her . She had learned to suppress her emotions and become more logical and practical. She had vowed to herself from that day onwards that she will always let her head rule over her heart, because letting your heart become your leader means ending up like Anna , broken and devastated. But now seeing her Uyir Thozhi and her thambi together , Kundavai feels a certain kind of regret for that decision. She has guarded her heart with care for all these years but now she is feeling left out looking at them, she felt as if she is missing the eternal joy of life. How lucky is her brother to get someone like Vanathi in his life , someone who cares , someone who is always there , someone who fits perfectly with his kind heart. Arulmozhi needs Vanathi by his side to succeed in the battles of life , she was the Sita to his Ram .
" Ilavarasi!" the sudden call broke Kundavai's chain of thoughts , she looked up to find a certain Vaanar Warrior looking at her
Ah him, Finally he is here. Vallavaryan has been a part of Kundavai's thoughts for some months now , Unknowingly Kundavai has ended up giving this veer a special space in her heart. Kundavai gazed lovingly at his face, he looked tired , his beard was unkempt and his ever messy curls were falling on his forehead. But his sleep deprived eyes still have the same charm, the same twinkle in them...
" Is everything all right Devi?" - Vandiyathevan enquired once again
" Yes it is, why wouldn't it be Vallavaryan?"
" Well maybe because of the fact that you are standing here all alone in the balcony, you should go inside and meet your brother, ilavarasi."
Kundavai smiled at Vandiyathevan, and his heart missed a beat...
Ahh that smile , that beautiful smile. 
‘How can a smile be so intoxicating?’ Vandiyathevan thought
That smile has captured his heart since the day he first saw her in the hut of Kundandhai jothidar. He had lost his heart that day.
" Come here and see for yourself Vallavaryan."
Vandiyathevan walked towards Kundavai and peered in the window.
Kodambalur Illavarasi was sitting there by Arulmozhi’s side, her face shining with happiness, the sunlight  caressing her black tresses  as she gazed lovingly at Ponniyin Selvan's face. 
"Aren't they just perfect?"
Vandiyathevan was taken aback by the question, he had heard before from his friends back in Kanchi that Ponniyin Selvan is supposed to marry the Kodambalur Ilavarasi but after seeing him with Poonkuzhali he can't really imagine him with anyone else.
"They do ...but"
" But what Vallavaryan?"- Kundavai scorned at him
" It's not my place to say this Illavarasi but i think that Ponniyin Selvan's heart belongs to someone else and that someone else is definitely not the Kodambalur Ilavarasi."
Kundavai reeled in shock when she heard Vanthiyathevan’s words. 
Another woman had her brother’s heart? Who was it? Last she knew… was it the boat girl who had saved him?
“Who is it, Vanarkulathavare?” her voice sounded cold and furious, she did not even sound like herself. But she felt blinded by her worry for Vanathi. What had her brother done?
“Devi, adhellam edharku? (Devi, why all that now?),” Vanthiyathevan asked, triggering Kundavai’s fury. 
“Who is it, Vana Veera?”
“It is Poonkuzhali,” he submitted, sighing softly, looking at his dearest’s face, now cold like stone, eyes carved into the fury of an angel.
"That , that boat girl?"
"You are claiming that she has my brother's heart? The Arulmozhi’s heart?"- Kundavai almost screamed out of frustration causing all the vikshus around them to look in their direction  with curiosity.
"Illavarasi!, Calm down,” Vandiyathevan took an unsuccessful of attempt to calm the raging princess down but Kundavai was not listening to him.
"How can this happen again? How can another of my brother fall in love with a girl like that? Is history going to repeat itself again?  Am I going to lose another of my brother to this girl? To This mere boatwoman?" anger clouded in Kundavai's lovely eyes.
"When did this happen Vallavaryan?"- Kundavai enquired
"It, actually..."- Vandiyathevan mumbled 
"When?"- Kundavai enquired once again in a low voice
"Devi, i think we should step out before we discuss anything about this. This is sensitive news, You don't want anyone to know about this right? Especially the Kodambalur ilavarasi?"
Vallavaryan was not wrong - Kundavai sighed as she glanced  at her Uyir Thozhi. Still sitting beside Arunmolzhi gazing at him as if he is the only thing in the whole world. Vanathi shouldn't know about this.  This news can shatter the flower maiden's delicate heart, the heart she has  given to Ponniyin Selvare since she was nothing but a mere child.
Vanathi had heard the talk turned into an argument between her Akka and Vanthiyar.
She had known, from the second she had stepped into the Viharam and met Vanthiyar once more, that his friendship was not on her side. Even if she was his beloved’s uyir thozhi, to Vanthiyar, Vanathi seemed like a problem. Her silent, and often bashful nature was mistaken for timidity, resulting in none but Kundavai seeing her for who she is- a woman who can understand another’s heart just by looking at them. 
The only person she had had trouble with was the man she was gazing at, the Prince and King of her heart.
He was a closed book to her, a confusing enigma of emotions. He was also the one who had captured her heart, her ‘Ullam Kavar Kalvan’, for he had taken it and had decided not to give it back, like a thief. 
Not that she wanted it back. 
Her heart felt heavy, for she understood that her Kalvan will not return her feelings, despite what Akka had told her- Vanathi completely trusted Kundavai, but Vanthiyar had been with Ponniyin Selvar more recently than even Akka… why was everything suddenly confusing?
But how could she just leave him like that? 
Even if her Lord of wonders did not return her feelings, her duty would always be to him… so she would stay and take care of him, till Akka or Vanthiyar came back.
She drifted to her mindscape, where he shone once more, like that golden skinned Yaanai Paaga she had met and fallen for her, who had given her delighted smiles and sweet eyes, his baritone voice like the sweetest nectar she had ever heard. 
His brown eyes had sparkled with so much life, so much gentleness and spoke of a happy nature.. Till he had heard who she was. That had put a frown on his face, and she would do anything to remove that frown, one that her mere title had caused.
The Chozha Prince… who did not want to marry the orphan Princess. 
How could she blame him? When even she knew that she was no match for him? It was Kundavai Akka and Sembiyan Patti’s benevolence and the blessing of Parameshvari that made her lucky enough to even be considered his potential bride. 
One he had every right to reject, one he seemed to have from his heart. 
And yet..
What could she do?
She had been born for him, even if he did not want her. 
The sudden restless movement of her Prince brought her back to reality, and she leaned over, making sure he was comfortable, when he whispered a name that stunned her entire heart to a stone still statue. 
Vanathi felt her entire body burn with pain at the words he pronounced, her being tear from her heart almost. Her Prince did love the boat girl! 
But she could not blame him. 
What did Vanathi have? Misfortune. 
Poonkuzhali had saved his life bravely… how can he not love her? Why would he want this Princess who had nothing as compared to the brilliant woman who was exquisite, strong and independent?
She saw his Lotus eyes start to flutter, and she scrambled up, suddenly not wanting to be the first thing he saw when he woke up. As his eyes opened, she turned and ran out, wanting to get her Kundavai Akka. 
So intent was she, that she did not hear the name he whispered when he saw her retreating form. 
So here it is ! The first chapter! It is a bit angsty but don't worry, everything will work out in the end... Please give me your honest opinions!
@vijayasena @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @willkatfanfromasia @nspwriteups @thirst4light @jukti-torko-golpo @reeeereeeereeereee @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @reeeereeeereeereee @dr-scribbler @ragkee @hollogramhallucination @mizutaama @thegleamingmoon @chiyaanvikram @arachneofthoughts @lemmekno
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Maayaiya Sol - Part 2
A/N: here's the much awaited sequel. @harinishivaa had lots of fun working on this with you 😊
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Arulmozhi was completely starstruck to silence. He could not believe what he was seeing. As the flute started playing, he could see his Akka Kundavai coming in with some little girls holding her hands  out of the corner of his eye but that was not what captivated him. His Vanathi looking feather in pink sari, pink turban with a peacock father tucked in it and flower garland around her neck, every aspect reflecting Lord Krishna was descending, yes, actually descending to the floor, being suspended by makeshift cloth ropes with some of her companions helping her by supporting her weight. Kundavai came to the podium and greeted her Patti by touching her feet. She sneaked a glance at her Thambi before taking her seat on the other side Sembayin Madevi and suppressed a laugh when she saw him staring at her Uyir Thozi with gaping mouth. The girls started singing and arranging themselves into their positions with Vanathi in the middle impersonating Krishna with her hands in the mudra of a flute. Then Vanathi started singing.
Moththathila Siththathula ,Thiththida Vandhen
Un Nethikkulla, Poothi Vaikka Vanthen(2)
Arulmozhi was already impressed by her dance skills and how she was moving her body to the tune so effortlessly while enjoying herself, he wasn't prepared to hear her sing. What a sweet voice! How was he deprived of hearing her sing for so long?
Ratchasa Maamane
Rathiriyin Sooriyane
Kovaipalam Pole
Nee Kobam Kollathe
Un Aaram Budhi
Thera Budhithaan(2)
She was thoroughly enjoying herself, enacting the words she sang. And he was enjoying himself, in her voice, her expressions and her mannerisms. Then she was back again in mid-air, the cloth ropes around her and being pulled up by her companions. Part of him was worried about her moving her body while she was suspended like that - what if she falls? What if she loses her balance? But another part of him was smiling at how lovely her Maya Kannan persona is.
Ho, Veeran Veeran Veeran Veeran
Enga Mamane Veeran
Aalamaram Vera Pola
Azham Aana Veeran
Aattam Kaana Vaikka Pogiraan
Aattukutti Theran
Naatu Thalaivan… Motcham Kolgiraan
Oh Oo, Meesavacha Miruga Mirugane
This was his Vanathi? The seemingly shy and  quiet Kodumbalur Kula Vilakku?The girl dancing in front of him was so confident, so talented, so immersed in her own performance. Just then his Patti, touched his shoulder and pointed towards Senthan Amudhan who just arrived.He gave a small smile and folded his hands to acknowledge him but in his mind, he was a bit annoyed. Why are people arriving in the middle of the performance and disrupting him from watching his dear?
Moththathila Siththathula
Thiththida Vandhen
Un Nethikkulla
Poothi Vaikka Vanthen
He briefly looked at his Akka and saw her smiling at her Uyir Thozi's performance and  looking around, probably for her Vana Kula Ilavarase. Oh right! He is the Kamsa Mama who would be dancing with Vanathi. Is it too late for him to gatecrash this spectacle and dance with her instead of Vallavaraiyan? Maybe not, maybe he should content himself with watching her.
Just then there was a howl and he looked on as Vanathi and the other dancers turned back to face the entry of some men, covered in black paint from head to toe and wearing black clothes, representing the Kamsa Mama's men. And with them, Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan, also covered in black paint and black clothes with red adornments announced his arrival with his part of the song 
Thomsa Vidham Thomsa Vidham
Imsai Mozhi
Amsamena Amsamena… Vamsavazhi
Vantharasan Vantharasan
Kamsamugan Naan
He descended the steps, no, it seemed like he was hopping down the steps singing, proudly showing off his Kamsa Mama cameo with the fake claws and big anklets around his ankles. 
Nakkeranin Nakkeranin Puthirane
Nithamudan Nithamudan Sathiyane
Muthu Nigar Muthu Nigar
Otrai Magan Naan
He expected nothing less from his friend. He knew Vanthiyathevan to be a fierceless warrior, versatile traveller, incredible charmer and a loyal friend. It was now clear to him that the Vana Kula Ilavarase was also a extremely good performer. He once again looked at his Akka, who was staring at the newly arrived performer with amusement. He inwardly thanked his Aditha Anna for introducing this multi-talented man into their lives. But it was now time to refocus on his heroine again.
Balagane Balagane
Balagane Balagane
Andangalin Andangalin Suttrugalai
Kandangalai Kandangalai Vendreduthu
Konda Oru Konda Oru
Komagan Naan
Vanthiyathevan easily stole the show with his eccentricity. And he also stole almost all of the audience's attention. He noticed how his Patti was viewing his friend with admiration and his Akka simply gazing at him. But Vanthiyathevan failed to capture everyone's attention as Arulmozhi refused to let Vanathi out of his sight.
Ennigaraai Ennigaraai Vinnulagil
Mannulagil Mannulagil Chanthiranai
Manthiranai Manthiranai
Vanthavano Yaar
Kathum Kadal Kathum Kadal
Ettum Thoda
Sooriyanai Sooriyanai Thottu Ida
Vada Madurai
Valam Varuven Naan
He saw Vanathi stand on the steps, hands on her hips with a small amusing smile on her lips. Occasionally she sneaked a look at Kundavai as if to say "Aren't you seeing your lover overacting Akka?". But at the same time he couldn't imagine Vanathi dancing so comfortably with anyone else. Forget dancing, he couldn't even imagine her being so natural around anyone else other than Kundavai and Vanthiyar. 'These two should have been blood siblings ' he thought looking at the Maya Kannan and Kamsa Mama roleplayers on stage as Vanathi started singing the next part.
O O Ho O o, Ennam Illayaa
Thinnam Illayaa
Naan Chinna Pillayaa
Nee Koochchalittu Atchiseiya
Two small girls from the group pushed Vallavaraiyan to the side where his fellow raakshasa men were waiting to catch him. He again watched Vanathi sing, her body moving to the tune of the song and her facial expressions mirroring the meaning behind the lyrics. He also noticed Vanthiyathevan look in their direction with a grin but he knew who was the recipient of that grin. He saw Kundavai smile softly at Kamsa Mama, Amudhan seated near her looking at the pair in mild curiosity.
Thollai Seivathaa… Pillai Vaaivathaa
Palli Kolvathaa
Nee Kattumullil Vetti Pola
Matti Kolvathaa
He wondered if he could make eye contact with Vanathi too. But she seemed to be deep in her role barely noticing the audience now and focused on her performance.
Hey Ayyare Ayyare
Aadu Mama Ayyare, Ho
Ye Thaiyaa Thaiyaa
Thaiyaare, Ho
He sat up straighter and continued to look at Vanathi, silently asking her to look at his direction just once, and, as if by some miracle he saw her eyes meet his own with a playful smile playing on her lips just for while because Kamsa Mama suddenly stood up, now wearing a mask and circling around Maya Kannan and the Gopis in mid-air, with the help of the cloth ropes just like how Vanathi did in the beginning of the song. 
Thom Thadak Thom Thadak
Thom Thom Thom Tha Thom Tha
Thom Tha Thakida Thin Thin Thom…
A different beat started playing and with it the performance also started to get a bit aggressive. Vanthiyathevan and Vanathi started dancing on opposite sides facing each other. They were mirroring some dance moves and at one point Vanathi lifted one of legs and swiped it over Vanthiyathevan's head, him ducking in time. Arulmozhi gaped once more. When did they have time to practise all this? And what coordination! They embodied their respective roles perfectly, taunting and challenging each other. And after a while, both of them were again in mid-air with the Gopis and Rakshasa men in charge of keeping them airborne by pulling on the ropes and moving about. They were now enacting the Krishna-Kamsa fight.
"Is that even safe?" Arulmozhi asked, breaking the silence "That looks dangerous. I'm concerned for her". He didn't notice his Patti looking at him with  raised eyebrows.
"She? So you're not even a little concerned for Vanthiyar?" Kundavai asked from the other side.
"He has survived worse. He'll be fine" Arulmozhi said and Kundavai let out a gasp as if in disbelief of her Thambi's utter disregard for his Nanban.
"Kanne" Sembiyan Madevi interjected " Vanathi is stronger than you give her credit for and she has done sufficient practise with those ropes so she'll be fine. You don't have to worry about her " 
"I wasn't worried. I was just curious, "Arulmozhi said, attempting to look disinterested.lo
"Your facial expressions and your words are not at all matching, Thambi " Kundavai mocked him before Madevi quietened the two to watch the final part of the performance.
Now, Maya Kannan and Kamsa Mama was circling with their hands intertwined, showing a wrestling action and then Kamsa lies flat and is slowly lowered to the ground with Kanna acting as if beating on his chest to show the Kamsa Vadh and the inner message of 'good will always triumph over evil'. 
The performance came to an end and the players all gathered on the stage with Vanathi and Vanthiyathevan in the centre. They folded their hands and thanked everyone for their patience and received a very loud round of applause and a standing ovation,even from the royal family. 
Arulmozhi still couldn't tear his eyes off Vanathi who was basking in all the appreciation - a new side of Vanathi that he only managed to see now - an energetic and full of surprises Vanathi.
Vanathi hummed to herself in excitement. 
The dance had gone very well,and she had gained a lot of appreciation from everyone, including Sembiyan Patti once more, as well as both the Emperor and empress. 
She had seen Ponniyin Selvar watching her quite a few times, directly glancing at her, and she had blushed every time their eyes met. It had gotten to the extent that she had just turned into a ripe, red tomato. The smirk on his ethereal face told her that he was pleased that she had such a reaction to him. 
Did this mean that he liked her?   
‘Pochu, you’ve started daydreaming, Vanathi!’ She chided herself, removing her turban with the peacock feather, the rest of her hair cascading down her back in curls, an effect of all the work she and her friends had put to perfect the hair style for the dance. 
 She blinked at herself in the mirror for a second, before starting to remove her jewelry, when she heard footsteps behind her, entering cautiously. 
“I was wondering when you would get here, Akka,” she said, focused on her jewelry. “You never take so much time to come and see me after I perform.”
When Kundavai Akka didn’t respond, Vanathi knew that she was waiting for Vanathi to continue. 
“Sembiyan Patti told me she was so proud of me, Akka! You know how much I adore her. As well as Chakravarthy Appa and Vanama Amma,” she said, intricately removing her intertwined necklaces laid on the table. “But Akka… do you know… what your thambi thought?” 
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” 
That wasn’t… Akka! Oh Ishvari! 
She looked at the mirror, seeing Ponniyin Selvar’s twinkling eyes gazing at her, in all her open hair, less jewels glory. She blushed red, but could not bear to not look at him. 
She smiled, her coral red lips bright, and said, “Ilavarase, thaangala? (Ilavarase, you here?)”
“Maya Kannanai paarka vandhen (I came to see Maya Kannan). I didn’t expect to find the same mischievous damsel I met by the banks of the Ponni,” his eyes sparkled, as if reflecting her heart’s delight.
“I didn’t expect my yaanai paagan, ayya,” she blushed when she said ‘my’ but didn’t try to correct herself. Something told her that she could open her heart and tell him what she wanted to. In that very moment, she felt that he would reciprocate. 
“Your Yaanai Paagan has been waiting for you, my lady. Will you accompany me for a ride later this evening?” He whispered, holding something behind him, making her curious. 
“I will,” she said shyly, gasping when he brought out freshly strung jasmine for her. She looked at them, blushing again, saying, “Thevare?”
Calling him the equal of Deva made her blush red and look down for a minute, before looking back up at him. She gently took the flowers he offered her. 
“Wear them, Devi. They suit you,” with a smile that would charm anyone, he left, allowing Vanathi to mull in the surprise, the best one she had gotten. 
Well, she had been wrong.
This was an even better surprise. She was still wearing something similar to what she wore for the dance, letting it fall around her. However, she had a shawl draped over her, as is actual protocol for royal women. 
Her Prince approached her, seated on an elephant, the bare back of the animal letting her know that she had guessed him right. She smiled as he stretched out a hand to her. 
Gently taking his hand, she got on, blushing and eyes widening at the sparks that ran through her arm, at the contact between them. 
“Devi,” he whispered, his eyes taking in the beautiful princess like he hadn’t seen her before. He looked particularly pleased when he saw her hair decorated with the Jasmine he had given. “Devi, hold on to me. We are just going to a place I think you would really like.”
“Secrets of Thanjai?” she asked softly, delicately wrapping her arms around his waist, her head leaning against his shoulder, one of his hands holding both her linked palms gently. 
“Secrets of Arulmozhi,” he said softly, directing the elephant to the place of this mind. 
She relaxed, enjoying being around him, holding on to him and going on the elephant ride. He had given her everything in this single moment- she was as ready for the end of her life now than ever before.
They went on the elephant, reaching a clearing where the sound of water could be clearly heard. 
“Devi,” he smiled, gently patting the elephant down, his touch more than enough for the animal to obey. 
“Where are we, Thevare?” she asked softly, her eyes glowing in wonder, reflecting the Sun’s light in them, sending his heart into somersaults, ones he welcomed whole heartedly. Oh how she had changed him without trying to! 
Was this not love? Pushing your partner to be their best self?
“A place I found when I was a child, one that even Anna and Akka have never come to with me,” he held her hand still, taking her through the trees, reaching the clearing. Her gasp, followed by delightful laughter filled him with joy, and a sense of right. She was that rightness in his life. 
“Thevare, this is beautiful. How did I get lucky enough to be brought here?”
“I promised myself, Vanathi, that I will bring only the woman I wish to marry, the one I want to eke out my life with, here,” he smiled softly, feeling his hope blossom into surety at the glow in her dark orbs. 
“Thevare?” she questioned softly, not stopping gazing at him. 
“Devi, you have filled my life with meaning that I scarcely knew and understood before,” he said, walking towards her and grasping her palms in his.”You have stood with me, and not lost faith in me, loved me through my miscommunication and idiocy. In truth, I do not deserve you, anbe, but it is only you I want. Will you accept this fool in love, Kodumbalur Kula Vilakke? As your husband?”
“Swami,” she whispered, her palms hesitant at first, firm soon, caressing his cheeks. He closed his eyes, wanting to feel her touch. She held him gently, whispering, “Swami, open your eyes?”
He obediently opened his eyes, only his training preventing the sound of a gasp leaving him. Her eyes were luminous with her love, so open and joyous for him to see, that he wondered how he ever missed it before. 
“To be yours is the reason I have been born, Natha,” she whispered softly, tipping her forehead to his, making him smile and wind his arms around her waist, tugging her close into his embrace. 
“And I have been made to marry you, Vanathi. I love you.”
“I love you, Thevare,” he smiled at the rosy hue that darkened on her cheeks, not moving away from her for even a second. He held her even closer, pressing his forehead to hers a little more.��
Everything could wait, he thought, as they moved closer and closer to each other, intertwined, as if they had become one. 
And they had, that day, with his words of promise and love, and her words of acceptance and love. 
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai@rang-lo. @willkatfanfromasia@thelekhikawrites@thegleamingmoon@deafeningflowercat@yehsahihai@whippersnappersbookworm@itsfookingloosah@gemsmusings@chiyaanvikram@elvenladysakura. @matka-kulfi. @madatdisney@bumblebeeskywalker@vahnithedreamer@nkarti@dosai-maavu@utterlynotperfect@winter-birds@happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore @rapunzels-stuff@celestesinsight@mairablue@rationalelderberry @existenceiswhateven @arachneofthoughts@spider5884fan11
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Oru Pakka Kaadhal
Note: It would be better if you read and no bashing comments in the comment section.
There are many terms to describe love in Tamil Language. Anpu, Kaadhal, Achai, Paacham, and what not. Kundhavai knew all them. Anpu; which was general term for Love, she felt that for everyone she held dear. Kaadhal; the romantic for of love was what she felt when a certain Vaanarkula Veeran started making it's home in her heart. She felt the Achai love, the longing, when he was away. But what she never knew was the true meaning of term Kaikkilai.
When she had met with a certain Princess of Kadambur, Kundhavai's heart was filled with dread. The said Princess was bawling wildly, "He- He who's in dungeons, he didn't kill Pattathu Ilavarasar!!! It was me! It was I who killed him! Vandhiyadevan is innocent!! Please listen to me Ilaiyapiratti! He is innocent!!!" She had bawled, her face swollen with the tears and a red hue on one side of her beautiful dusky face was telling that she had been smacked.
Kundhavai very well was aware of the fact that Kandhamaran had gave his sister's hand in marriage to Vandiyadevan, only to retreat it abruptly and leave the army, much to her Anna's chagrin. "Idiot, Kandhamaran was. Who knows what went in the mind of that baffoon." He had cried out in anger that day when she visited him in Kanchi. The Kadambur Kula Vilakku was betrothed to her Chithappa; well, her foster Chithappa, and then to her Anna before he was killed. Kundhavai was worried that Vandiyadevan might have feelings for her, but he disregarded the thought and said he had eyes for her, although his eyes shone a little different.
Kaikkilai, was a term that is used to express a romantic love that isn't reciprocated. Kundhavai realised that Manimekalai's devotion for Vandiyadevan was same as Vanathi's for her Thambi, although he had reciprocated, Vandiyadevan didn't. He couldn't. Or maybe he did, only he knew.
Vandiyadevan escaped from Prison, and two days later a disheveled yet widely smiling and proud Kandhamaran had claimed that he killed Vandiyadevan, only for the doors to burst open and came in Vandhiyadevan, drenched head to toe and still half unconscious in fever, yet tightly holding a passed out and equally drenched Manimekalai. Kundhavai, Vanathi and Poonkuzhali had ushered Manimekalai to the Vaidhyar, and all while being treated she only mumbled one thing.
“This life is for him, if he is not there neither I. If he lives I live, even if he loves someone else.”
Kundhavai couldn't help but cry at that. Cry for the lovely maiden who had nothing to do with them yet she suffered. But what hurt her the most was that she had not asked about Manimekalai when her Father took her back. She insisted with her Patti Sembiyan Mahadevi to keep Manimekalai in Thanjai, so that they can heal her. But Sambuvarayar was adamant on taking her back, and did that.
The Letter fell from her hands, that had started shaking. Yet, she smiled when Vandiyadevan visited her. She had told him about Kandhamaran's letter, and also beseeched him to go to Mekalai.
“What's the use Ilavarasi? Manimekalai has forgot me.” he had sadly smiled, and Kundhavai realized that somewhere, he did loved Mekalai. She was well aware that they loved each other, but he loved her too.
“Vandhiyare, Please go, I beseech you. Please go to her, for Kandhamaran says Manimekalai might not see the sun tomorrow.” Kundhavai's eyes which always brimmed with inteligence and wisdom were now filled with worry and dread. Vanathi, who had married to her thambi, too asked him to go.
Next day when he had returned, she knew something changed. His bloodied hands were the proof that the Lamp of Kadambur was extinguished. His tears were proof that he did loved her at some point.
Kundhavai held onto Vandhiyadevan as the Vallam Prince had shook and cried, her hand rubbing soothing circles on his back as she whispered sweet nothings while slipping tears of her own.
That day, Kundhavai had decided that whatever happens, even if he marry someone else too after her, she will take in them with a smile. Be it political marriage or other. She had promised herself that no other Manimekalai will die. Vandiyadevan did married few more women, and she accepted them like an elder sister, searching Manimekalai in them.
Although she found none of her.
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Pic: Final Chapter of Book 5 :: The Rose Withered Away.... | Manimekalai's Death as Vandiyadevan Weeps
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Manimekalai is a Character who will always be attached to me. She knew Vandiyadevan was not hers, yet she took the blame of Karikalan's murder that was pasted on him so that he can be proven clean. She jumped into Ponni Nadhi after hallucinating Vandiyadevan being hanged (That's when VT sees her jumping and saves her). She should have been become better if Sambuvarayar had left her in care of Periya Piratti and Ilaiya Piratti, I think. I cried for like an hour after read her death. I will never forget her. Never ever ❤️
@harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @willkatfanfromasia @nirmohi-premika @nspwriteups @dr-scribbler @rang-lo @deadloverscity @hollogramhallucination @whippersnappersbookworm @rambheem-is-real and half of them who's Usernames I forgot 😭😭😭
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jukti-torko-golpo · 1 year
Kolam : Part 1
So this is my first PS fanfic.... A two-shot. Kinda ended up long. I hope people like this. I do not know if this turned out well. I had a lot of fun though.
It was day 1455 of Arulmozhi pretending like she does not exist, she had cried herself to sleep and woken up with a splitting headache, the kingdom was gearing up for festivities and she was entrusted with the duty of decking up the palace. There was way too much noise everywhere to help with her headache and she had to use every ounce of her energy to focus on a work and get it done. So our doe-eyed docile damsel was a volcano about to erupt for the day.
Vanathi was trying to finish an elaborate Kolam at one end of a corridor. She was almost done with the job and at her wit's end. That is when Universe orchestrated the volcanic eruption.
The Chola prince and his newly found confidante, a certain Vana Prince, rushed through the corridor and before our hero could stop himself, he stepped on the Kolam and ruined a part of it. He froze.
Vanathi's eyes snapped to the ruined bit of the Kolam. It was one thing to ignore her during conversations but ignoring her entire existence and work while she was sitting there was a new low.
She stood up sharply and the expression which crossed her face reminded him of sudden tempests in calm seas. He had no idea from where did this inner poet wake up in him but he was kicked out of his mind very promptly by the sight of Vanathi striding towards him. With a short seething 'Ilavarasar...' she shoved the bowl of rice flower into his hands and marched off leaving behind two dumbstruck princes.
And the sound of a pair of anklets approaching just signalled the second onslaught of the storm.
'What has been happening here, Thambi? Where did Vanathi go? Thambi...' she trailed off when her brother turned towards her with a bowl in his hands and a messed up kolam at his feet.
'First you annoy me the entire morning delaying all my plans, then you mess up my uyir thozhi's work!! What has gotten into the both of you?? Have you forgotten your age Thambi?? What is this mischief that you are stirring up? Are you imagining yourself as Maya Kannan just because there will be a play...' a livid Kundhavai thundered.
'What Maya Kanna?' Arulmozhi was really confused now. 'Nothing...' pat came her reply trying to cover up what she had just blurted out. 'Vanathi was working with a headache and you ruined her work!' Kundhavai swiftly changed the topic.
'How would I know Akka? I was running thanks to you and I didn't notice the kolam,' the prince said as guilt started settling in his mind. He had no idea about the head ache part. 'I...well..I am really sorry,' he mumbled. 'TELL THAT TO VANATHI, THAMBI...UGHHH,' Kundhavai whisper-shouted at her brother.
Now begins a new adventure for our dashing Chola scion...apologizing to a certain woman for whom his heart acted very weirdly and he could not point out how and why it was weird to save his life. He walked to the chamber of the royal doctor and asked him to prepare some medicine for curing headache. With great impatience he waited for the doctor to be done with making the balm for the Ilavarasi.
He took the perilous nerve-wracking journey to Vanathi's chambers very uncertain of how she will react. He stood in front of her door and with a sheer lack of better judgement and and his brain ceaselessly rehearsing what to say, he walked in without announcing himself.
The curtains were drawn and the few rays of sunlight that could enter the room lit it dimly. 'Akka I am fine. Just a bit of headache. I will join the preparations right when this headache goes awa...,' the princess had been lying with her face buried into her pillow. She turned towards the door as she was speaking and she FROZE. Her anger had subsided and now she was very aware of the fact that she had stormed off from the very person who was now standing at her door.
Seeing her shocked and flustered face Arulmozhi panicked and launched into and apology while Vanathi started her own stream of apology. In her haste to get out of her bed she almost stumbled over her own dress and her cheeks reddened immediately. 'My apologies Ilavarasar, I will move the curtains...it is too dark,' she said as she drew the curtains open. She winced as her headache flared up due to the light.
'I don't mind the drawn curtains at all, Devi. I know that you have a headache. I have bought some balm for you from the doctor. please apply it. You will feel better.' These words from the prince made her face grow warm. He had thought about her? This was not a dream right? The Arulmozhi Varman had brought medicine for her? She extended her hand for the bowl rather bashfully. 'Thank you, Ilavarasar. I am very sorry for acting like that before. It was very wrong of me to speak to the Prince like that. Forgive me,' Vanathi said as her eyes teared up with guilt.
Her tear filled doe eyes sent a strange new ache to his heart and he said, 'No Ilavarasi it was my fault. I should not have ran into your hardwork. It was such a beautiful design. I will now take your leave and let you recover from the headache. I hope you will forgive me and join the preparations soon. I cannot wait for the festivities to begin.' Arulmozhi departed leaving a tear-choked Vanathi in her room.
After almost two hours of rest after applying the medicine Vanathi woke up. She emerged out of her room feeling much better. She was determined to finish the kolam this time. She made her way to that corridor and the sight that greeted her left her surprised ever so pleasantly. The ruined part of the kolam was fixed, maybe with slightly wobbly lines but fixed. And there lay beside the design Arulmozhi's ring. Maybe he had opened it while fxing the design and then forgotten about it. Vanathi picked up the ring, held it close and smiled to herself. She then happily completed the design and set off to return the ring to it's glorious owner.
Arulmozhi was reunited with Vanthiyathevan and they were overseeing the decoration of the palace courtyard. He raised his hand to direct one of the decorators and noticed that his signet ring was gone!It was his favourite ring. Where could he have left it? He was about to excuse himself and go looking for the ring when a soft voice called out 'Ilavarasar!'
'Aaah how is Maya Kanaa feeling now?' Vanthiyathevan exclaimed. She grinned up at him as he patted her head with affection. Maya Kanna? Again? Since when did the two of them get so close? Why was his heart acting in the weird way again after seeing her smile? What was up with everybody going Maya Kanna around him?
'I am sorry Kamsa Mama. I should not have stormed off from there,' Vanathi apologised to Vanthiyathevan, her voice laden with sincerity. Why Kamsa Mama? This was all too confusing. The dramatic Vana Prince feigned being deeply hurt by Vanathi's behaviour but Immediately dropped his charade when she pouted and said,' Anna please don't do this. I am already really sorry for behaving that way.' She took a quick glance at Arulmozhi and blushed deeply. His heartskipped a beat. But why? ' I am fooling around, little one. How can your Anna ever be angry at you?' Vanthiyathevan laughed and patted Vanathi's cheeks before he was called by someone to check a certain flower arrangement.
Vanathi turned towards him and her blush deepened. She was desperately trying not to make eye contact with him. Arulmozhi had given up hopes for his heart as it was wildly acting weird now. 'Ilavarasar I have something to give you...' she started. She held out her hand and on her palm was his ring. 'You had left it near the kolam,' she added coyly. 'Thank you, Devi. I was about to go looking for it.' Saying this he reached for the ring and his fingertips brushed on her palm. Her hand shook ever so slightly at the contact and she took off the moment he had taken the ring. She suddenly turned, walked up to him and mumbled a very shy 'Thank you for fixing the kolam.' This time she took off for good before could say anything.
Why did he spend the rest of the day twirling the ring in his hands and thinking of two shy doe eyes? Why did his heart start acting all strangely? Why did he find himself smiling when he thought of her blushing face? Why was she called Maya Kanna? All these questions swirled around in his mind. Would he never find the answers out? Or would he find them out very very soon?
@nspwriteups @thelekhikawrites @whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa @thirst4light @yehsahihai @nirmohi-premika @shaonsim I do not know who else to tag. Please tag anyone who you think would like to read this. And please leave your reviews.
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4uru · 8 months
My Bangladeshi queer story's first chapter. I haven't decided on a name yet. But here you go. (It has untranslated Bangla sentences)
Tagging some bangali mutuals: @rone-do-please @mylovelyme @cult-of-the-eye @heavenwontbethe-same (tell me if you want on or off the taglist)
Chapter 1: The snake and the mongoose 
Lalon Chowdhury thought he was straight, until he found himself with his face buried in the crook of Sunny Bose’s neck.
He was kissing the other boy like he was starving.
And maybe he was. 
“Shaala, thambi tui?” Sunny laughed. God the sound was so fucking infuriating. Lalon could feel the laugh on his lips as it vibrated through the throat he had his mouth on. He wanted to dig his nails in Sunny’s skin.
He pulled off, rested his forehead against Sunny’s and tried to catch his breath. A hand rested against his jaw.
“So, now what?” 
Asholei, now what? 
“Oi, bolbi kisu tui?” Sunny asked. Lalon couldn't answer. He didn't know how to.
(3 weeks earlier)
Lalon hated Sandeep Bose.
The fucker got 48 on Physics written part. Lalon got 45. he had begged Hashem Sir. But his cries fell to deaf ears. He knew he deserved 48 too. Only if Shafayet Sir checked his copy too along with Sandeep’s. He hated Sandeep, he hated Hashem Sir and he hated this godforsaken school. And wanted to burn this place to the ground. Sometimes he day-dreamed about it. He would burn this place in the dead of night. All the pain, all the frustration would turn to ash along with the flashy fake accolades. 
“Kire? Aibaro kom paili naki?” the snake asked. Sunny. Roll 3. Sandeep Fucking Bose. Lalon stretched the most looking genuine smile he could muster up at that moment. He tried to make it reach his eyes. but the blood rushing past his ears made it hard. 
“Hae re, iktu’r jonno miss.” he clenched his fists into tight balls. He wanted to fight Sunny. He was waiting for one valid trigger.
“Thak, baad deh. Chill out, you still got A+, bro." Sunny slung his arm around him and sat back on the bench.
“So what? I deserve at least 47” Lalon gritted out. He felt like a fussy toddler.
“You know this school is trash, bollam na? baad dey!” 
One more period left. Forty more minutes and he could go home, crash in his not so soft bed and melt on it faster than ice-cream under the summer sun. 
Forty more minutes.
“Sir, iktu ashte pari?” a student asked, the boy was stading by the door wearing the house leader sashe. He was from the Bangla version, Lalon couldn't remember his name.
Hashem sir gave the boy permission to come in. 
“Ami Math club er pokkho theke eshechi, amader ekti Quiz protijogita hotel jacche, agami shonibar. Amar kache form ache, ei form ta akhon niye bhorat lore nam dite paro. 
Toh tomader moddhe jara jara icchuk quiz e nam dite, 1:00 er shomoy 718 no room e chole esho. form ta joma neyoya hobe, o aro details jante parba” 
Lalon felt Sunny tense up beside him. He wondered if Sunny knew what Lalon was thinking. He would have one more opportunity to beat Sunny. Lalon struggled with maths alot. But Beating Sunny is enough motivation to carry him through it.
Lalon took the application form. And started to fill it out. 
He didn't need to win. He just needed to beat this Harami Sunny. 
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Random Thambi screenshots Part 2
He's so damn handsome, I can't.
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Love his scrunched-up nose angry face.
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thegleamingmoon · 1 year
Another collab by me and @thatacademic Sakhiii! <3 <3
Fallen by chance
1 ~ Until Next Time
To say that the youngest Chozha prince has been restless from the time he entered Pazhaiyaarai would be an understatement. There was a feeling of an unknown yearning that filled his heart for something or maybe someone..someone special.
‘It seems like I have left a piece of my heart here’
Strangely enough his mind traveled to think about that Kodumbalur princess who amused him enough at the gardens of Thirunallam.
There was something about her… something about her quirkiness,her chirpiness that made a part of his being come alive in a whole new way. Her love for nature,the compassion in her heart for the smallest of creatures spoke to him like none other.
And her eyes that held a magnetic charm, outpouring childlike innocence with a little mischief peeking through them.
“Hey Yaanai Paagan !” was what she called him.
Poetic to his ears enough. It amused him as much as it made him feel liberated.
It was as if he was okay with him if she had never known about his royalty for he somewhere knew that she had seen his real self and he didn't know why but it mattered to him the most.
Until he knew about her royalty. Something put him off. And he left that place as quickly as he could, both flustered and disturbed. For which, he would like to apologize to the princess, whenever he gets the chance to.
Oh,he could go on and on about her.
He knew she would be here, in Pazhaiyaarai for he knew about the newfound friendship of her and his Akka…
Shaking off his thoughts aside and regaining his composure, what he knew to infer of the Kodumbalur princess was that she was a close confidante of his elder sister. Nothing more. Nothing less.
But did his heart agree?
As almost all the girls finished doing the arati for him,his eyes could not leave that one girl who stood at the last with the Arati thattu in her shaking hands and that was the Kodumbalur princess. She seemed a little too nervous to even look at him.
But why?
As he neared her,he could see her trembling had increased and when she forwarded to do the Arati. She managed to look him in the eye for a second and…
The arati plate had fallen making a deafening sound when it met the floor.
“Apa Sagunam! Apa Sagunam!”
( A bad omen! A bad omen! )
Everybody cried,angered and worried, much to the dismay of the princess as he saw tears streaming down her face as she fainted due to all that fear as Kundavai was quick to hold her and make sure that she received necessary rest.
And that was the moment he felt that nothing,no pain could even come close to the pain that he felt when he saw the tears in her eyes.
“Yen thambi inge?” (Why here, brother ?) His sister asked him but all that could meet his eye was a soundly sleeping Vaanathi next to his sister,with a peaceful smile on her face that warmed his heart.
The feeling of relief that washed over him after that had never been anticipated by him this much till now.
“Ilangai selrathukku mun ungalai paaka vandhirukiren,Akka,” Arulmozhi said as he bowed to take Kundavai's blessings.
(I came here to seek your blessings before I start for Ilangai,Akka)
“Yen aasirvadangal eppodhume un kooda irukattum,thambi,” Kundavai could feel her heart swell with pride as she blessed him.
(May my blessings always be with you,thambi!)
“Kodumbalur Ilavarasi ippodhu eppadi irukiraal?”
(How is the Kodumbalur princess now?)
He couldn't help but ask.
“Nalamaaga irrukiraal, thambi. Aval chinna pen, Ellorum kaththum ‘Apa Sagunam’ endru vaarthai kettu bayathil mayakkam potutaal.”
(She is fine now, brother. She is a little girl after all,she couldn't handle the fear that occupied her heart and so fainted when she heard the cries of 'bad omen' from the people)
Arulmozhi scoffed at the thought. Little did those people know that her very presence was so auspicious that merely looking at her was enough to make him feel that his Eezham expedition would turn out to be successful.
“Paavam,aval anaathai pen,thambi. Chinna vayadhinile thaayum thandhaiyum yelandhaval,” Kundavai continued, empathizing with the sleeping princess who was beside her.
(Poor thing,she is an orphan, brother. She lost her parents at a very young age)
Though he could understand how much his Akka loved Vaanathi as a friend and a close confidante, he didn't seem to agree with this remark of hers
“Aval anaathai pen alla,Akka,” He voiced, firm in his tone as Kundavai looked at him confused.
(She is not an orphan,Akka)
“Kodumbalur periya velaalarin valartha magal. Ilaiya Pirattiyin uyir thozhi,eppadi anaathai aaga irundhida mudiyum?” He justified,carefully as he saw a teasing smile gracing the face of his elder sister.
(I mean,how can the one who is brought up by the Periya Velaar of Kodumbalur and is your close confidante be an orphan?)
Taking her blessings once again and with one last look at the sleeping princess he exited the room.
He knew very well that at this moment he had indeed left a precious piece of his heart. Filled with positive hopes to be reunited with it,until next time.
The next part will be coming soon!
@yehsahihai @thelekhikawrites @nirmohi-premika @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @chiyaanvikram @dumdaradumdaradum Sorry,if I'm still forgetting to mention someone..
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most people get turned off by the durian smell but that is pretty easy to get over, the custard flavor/texture is it for me i do not like my fruit to be creamy it feels wrong.
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
Thanks for reading and encouraging me guys☺️ here's the finale💗
A Matter of Chance -17
The coming weeks saw Nandini converse more closely with her twin, although the world saw them as uncle and nephew’s wife who shared a common interest for spirituality. She notice his eyes, face and gestures and was gaining an idea about his motivations and insecurities. His doe eyes resembled her own as a youth while she mourned fate for parting her from Aditha. The same man who was now her brother’s challenger.
She made use of her ‘admirers’ to shepherd their relatives and friends into not changing sides regarding the succession.
She thanked Perumal daily for Sembiyan Madevi’s and kundhavai's uncharacteristic non-interference during her wedding plans. But she realised they merely saw her as a candy for tantalizing Aditha into remaining at Thanjai, to prevent Madhurantakan from becoming king
How the tables had turned! they plotted to ensure neither twin reached the throne but now it was destined for atleast one.
She sat in the palace courtyard with Madhurantakan, observing the ornate water fountain and its bubbling when she began.
“Does it hurt? It must, right?
“What?” asked her companion
“Being lied to and led on, only for them pull the ground from your feet?” Nandini continued, looking into his eyes
“Cha! I never thought that your life can be difficult too. I thought hardship was only for folks like us- abandoned at birth, raised in a humble home, exiled for attracting a man beyond her and to live alone amongst the wilderness “ she lamented.
Madhurantakan’s face curled in sympathy, May Shiva forgive him! here he was cursing his fate- bitter over the throne not falling into his lap- while his akka had undergone pain beyond his comprehension.
He bore no ill will for Aditha Karikalan. He merely resented how Sundara chola ‘s 2 sons seemed to have all glories served to them on a silver platter while he wasn’t given a choice. People whispered that he too deserved the throne and he had believed it. Only now, the man he thought to be his father wasn’t that and he was left with no basis to question them. His ‘mother’ raised him away from war and politics and now he understood why- he was merely an ornament- admired but of no practical use.
His opinion of his ‘nephew’ was greatly improved by his steadfast commitment to his twin. The stubbornness that once seemed ungodly now showed a brother in-law who’d always protect his sister.
“They’ve used you ill, thambi (little brother). To raise you as a placeholder, to have cornered you such that you can neither lay claim to the throne nor reveal your plight to others” nandini said tutting “they shielded you from the common citizens, but didn’t hide your upbringing from the aristocrats- wonder why?” she trailed
Nandini saw him realize with every word she spoke that it wasn’t merely his supposed birthright that attracted the chieftains. His cloistered upbringing, away from people, politics and battlefield made him pliable as clay. They’d press their opinions as facts and he would have to listen. Any minister or courtier would see him as a simple devotee to be influenced.
Before he could think of another existential crises, Aditha’s voice boomed “Sithappa, you have taken up enough of my patta mahishi's time today. I have come to steal her lest you send her back into the temple” he laughed at own joke as his wife fondly rolled her eyes.
Madhurantakan was left perusing his ambitions as the couple skipped away to their bedchamber.
They kept him in the dark all these years, exiled his sister and now they’ve tied his hands.
Perhaps his claim to the throne was invalid, but his twin still stood a chance to one-up those Chola elders.
Parthibendran and Kandhanmaran were turning out to be miracle workers. They enjoyed being seen as altruistic patriots while they yearned for crumbs of the pattathu ilavarasi’s attention.
They spoke of Aditha Karikalan’s prowess in the battlefield that subdued neighbouring kings. They hailed Arunmozhi’s- Ponniyin Selvan- unmatched place in people’s hearts. Choosing one with neither asset will cause disquiet inside and outside the empire, they said. The chieftains too slowly began turning when enough people repeated these opinions.
To thank his 'friends' for their 'services', Aditha grinningly handed them permanent fiefdoms near the northern borders. “Serves them right for ogling her, like she’d give them the time of day” he harrumphed.
Nandini shot a satisfied smirk at her husband. She promised she’d ‘make amends’ to him for using his friends and making him jealous, and was definitely looking forward to it.
The chieftains grew increasingly reluctant to endorse madhurantakan’s suit. Their influence, afterall, greatly depends on the Emperor’s power. But they had given him their word and the hand of chinna pazhuvettarayar’s daughter and felt guilty backing out.
When Prince Madhurantakan – now supportive of Aditha’s claim for a reason only few knew- finally negotiated control for temple administration over being heir, they agreed with great relief.
“The Crown Prince mulishly wed a nobody, and Princess Kundavai too seemed to have set her sights on a penniless soldier- a lord only in name” the nobles lamented. Nevermind, Prince Arunmozhi may still become our son-in-law they soothed themselves.
Sundara Chola’s guilt over her mother gave Nandini’s efforts the final edge. He was ashamed at his inability to protect Mandakini and decided to ensure at least her daughter lived well.
She didn’t have to persuade or plot to make him ensure Aditha’s position.
Nandini marched out into the gardens towards her smiling husband, smoothing the silk saree over her bump and admiring how Perumal offered her a chance to rearrange her life. Her face glowed with the satisfaction of a job well done and leaned back into him.
She munched on a fruit while relishing Aditha’s roving hands, grateful for that day in the woods. And grateful to her husband’s perseverance
Nandini enjoyed her tenure as empress, working for the land’s orphans. Her Emperor’s devotion to her proved a greater prize than the throne.
The imperial couple spent their freetime between the Pazhayarai perumal temple and a Krishna temple that they built in Thanjai, the latter curiously resembling a small temple in the forest. Nandini would spend early mornings and some evenings leaning against the temple pillar chanting pasurams as her husband laid on her shoulder with closed eyes.
Courtiers were left wondering about her powers- stubborn aditha karikalan who couldn’t be swayed by his parents or the ilaya piratti- could be persuaded by mere glance from his consort. Aditha took pleasure seeing his wife thrive at court- seeing her manipulate the vultures who thought her beneath them only made her more irresistible.
The couple’s absolute need for one another shocked people – it was a wonder they survived their separation! Indeed, Aditha’s wars became infrequent, but when he did return his normally composed wife would cling onto him for days inside their chamber.
Marriage to Vanthiyadevan softened her once thorny sister in law, who had grown to respect her charming manner of manipulating courtiers. They often joined forces, rendering their foes defenseless. Kundhavai also was appeased by her dear younger brother Arunmozhi dutifully falling for her friend Vanathi- resulting in a marriage that strengthened their clan. Aditha was proud of matchmaking for the matchmaker.
The Empress Dowager was pleased with Nandini for thwarting Madhurantakan’s coup, and Madhurantakan was pleased seeing his sister as sole chakravartini- a mutually beneficial settlement.
Aditha was a formidable administrator, disproving those who called him a warmonger and was assisted by his astute brother Arunmozhi . His besotted wife bore him daughter after daughter filling the entire nursery, prompting bittersweet “better luck next time” greetings from all around them.
But for a couple who expected to live a barren life devoid of love, each daughter was nothing short of Gods’ favor upon them. They joyously lived, secure knowing that Arunmozhi would make a great emperor beloved by the people.
@nashibirne @nspwriteups @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @budugu @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @nirmohi-premika @yehsahihai @curiousgalacticsoul @rang-lo @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @inveter @deepti1011 @vidhurvrika @itszhunotz @babayagahunt @thegleamingmoon @maisadalawa @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @happysharkdragon @gowrimenonop-1 @ramcharanobsessed @nature-writes29 @voidsteffy @gemsmusings @sowlspace @canonless5
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