#Thalassa: Curiosity
rald5in · 7 months
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What was left behind (Concept)
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ritzcuit · 6 months
enough of "thalassa talking to phoenix about trucy" i want thalassa talking to datz about apollo. BC THAT'S OBJECTIVELY SO FUNNY............
Well but let's live in an au for a second bc i want thalassa to be like ... oh ... but what of my son...who took care of apollo? and hes like um.well but before he can say anything the camera just pans over to Them
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and she's like oh....!
having dhurke there would be at least a little better since he was The Dad and all but either way . imagining datz like... I SWEAR WE TRIED LOOKIN' FOR YA...... 'til we had to hightail it outta there from the treason chargesBUT LIKE WE LOOKED..... AND WE KEPT HIM SAFE! I MEAN HE DIDN'T DIE I'm so sorry for your loss. .. WANNA SEE BABY PHOTOS?? and shes like. :) yes i wouldNFLKNDKLNGFD LIKE HELP
dhurke at least knew jove and could give his condolences like im crying. And they really did love that apollo but if it's without dhurke...oh im losing it thinking about it. datz has no pr skills. someone please save him. but it's probably so cutie right? thalassa's thankful to both of them... or just to the datz... even if it was only for a little while at least apollo knew a loving home right? like they could have just let him be an orphan from the beginning...they didn't have to raise a stranger's child...but they did. yay. thank you!
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mirabilismayhem · 8 months
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This is Thalassa, Goddess of The Seas. She's based on @skyscrapergods au, which is an absolutely astounding au that everyone should go check out!
Once an average pegasus, Thalassa spent much of her time bemoaning the lackluster nature of the waters of the world. After all, the seas and oceans of that time were no grander than a simple pond for all they had to offer. It's surface stayed still, if not for the action of wind or creature, and it's depths were no more fascinating with only common species around.
So Thalassa dreamed. She molded new creatures of any and every proportion, thought of waves lapping gently at the shore, and crafted stories with colorful backdrops and budding civilizations.
Such was her devotion that she soon grew gills to let her stay underwater indefinitely, her wings turned to fins to better explore, her hind legs became a tail to let her dart through the water, and the beginnings of a new horn began to grow from her head.
Sightings of the mysterious merpony spread through word of mouth, stoking the public's curiosity of the sea. In turn, the sea and Thalassa both grew as well. Newly formed currents allowed life to move and thrive. Soon, whole new species began to appear, creating new niches and patterns which in turn beget even more species to be created.
With the new life the ocean brought, Thalassa's place was cemented as the Goddess of The Seas.
Currently, she's around 30000ft long, though very little of that actually translates into height. Her horn has become encrusted in a blooming coral reef, which thrives even when she's out of the water thanks to the power provided by her horn.
I have more lore on her, but I also haven't finalized her design yet, so I'll wait on that until later!
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Thalassa: Edge of the Abyss - Trying to Figure out the Timeline
The story is presumably set in the later months of 1905.
You play as Cam, an experienced deep sea diver who once served on the ship S.S Thalassa, alongside a crew with excellent capability.
Cam, in-game, has neither voice nor their own character picture profile as the others do when speaking. This can be a bit odd, however, as the other characters will respond as though Cam has said something.
Even in a group photo, Cam is always seen covered head-to-toe in standard diving dress - likely a bid for a person of any gender to be able to identify with them, and better submerge themselves in the story.
The S.S Thalassa, commissioned by a woman by the name of Isabel Greenwood, had a mission to recover relics from the Spanish Galleon her family once owned, known and named as the St. Catherine - and perhaps eventually raise her from the seabed, where it had laid for roughly three hundred years.
After the personal and traumatic loss of a close friend and teammate on a dive gone wrong in early May - due to an accident caused by the collapse of a faulty lift crane - Cam takes a leave of absence from the ship, plunging into a deep depression once the shock of the event clears.
This actually serves as the prologue of the game, and is considerably graphic as Alex - Cam’s friend and diving partner - drowns before the player on camera. After the crane fell, carrying in the net several heavy artifacts from the wreck, she was promptly trapped beneath the broken mast of the St.Catherine which punctured her dive suit - which filled with water.
Bailey Tulloch, the diving assistant aboard the S.S Thalassa, also took a leave of absence in order to keep an eye on Cam’s health, while an inquiry was opened as to the cause of the incident which took the late crewmate’s life.
It was this decision that saved both their lives.
A few weeks later after their departure, on what should have been a routine voyage to and from the St. Catherine’s diving site, the S.S Thalassa sends a distress call on July 8th, 1905... before sinking for an unknown reason, not a glimpse of the vessel to be seen by rescue ships upon arrival at the last known location. No lifeboards from the vessel are found, either.
All hands aboard her are deemed lost.
With a lack of investigation coming from the mainland, and the family of the presumed deceased crew needing answers, Bailey and Cam - the only ones left - head for the last known location of the S.S Thalassa after months of searching, with plans to dive, if possible, on where the wreck was believed to be.
To find out what caused the sinking, and what happened to their crew - and even, additionally, the presence of several others.
When I was reading reviews of the game out of curiosity, trying to find the characters surnames (because I really only know Bailey, Isabel, and Maria’s), one line in the review stated that several years had passed since the incident - which I didn’t think was possible.
- The game’s summary on steam states, without a doubt, that it is 1905. Meaning, the main game is 1905.
- In the game’s opening, even before Cam has been sent down in the water and has begun the trek to the S.S Thalassa’s wreck, Bailey mentions it has been months of Cam in a deep depression - drinking heavily, and not often cleaning up after themselves.
- In other words, months since Alex’s death, at the very least.
- S.S Thalassa last set sail from port-au-Prince in Haiti, on June 27th, 1905. According to a map on Bailey’s ship, it was roughly a seven day voyage to the St. Catherine site.
- We also see, pinned to a board, that the S.S Thalassa’s last message - an S.O.S call (which had originated first in Germany on April 1st, 1905, though only became international regulation in 1906) - was dated on July 8th, 1905.
- We can assume this is around when the ship went down, because when reaching the wreck of Thalassa, there is an S.O.S message response from another ship still attached to the telegraph machine.
- After Cam has entered the water and begun making their way to the wreck, Bailey specifically states that the news of the sinking came only a few weeks after they left following Alex’s death, or roughly a month when taken as a whole measurement.
- Meaning Alex may have died at some point in either very early June or mid-late May, or even early may, since I think ‘few’ most commonly is attributed to a span of two or three weeks, but it depends on the person and what’s being talked about - and again, it was at least seven days back to the nearest port, a week, if that was where they went.
- I don’t know where Alex lived, and it’s not mentioned in game where she was buried as far as I’m aware (don’t have the game, can’t open character screen though I know it exists, which is also why I know no one else’s surnames) - so it’s entirely possible that Cam and Bailey brought her body home from port-au-prince on another ship, and arranged her funeral while Thalassa eventually continued on - to her sinking.
- But still, without a doubt, that means both Alex’s death and the sinking of the S.S Thalassa still occurred in 1905, relatively closes together, May-June 1905 specifically.
- Later on in the game, when investigating the investigation into the crane incident, you do find purchase records of the crane parts dating back to May - which I think means they were replaced around then, implying the accident - again - occurred possibly mid-late May 1905.
- I think most people assume it happened several years ago, due to a group photo Cam accidentally steps on upon first entering the wreck, which he states was taken two years prior (in 1903).
- Which wouldn’t be feasible, as at the time of Alex’s death there were actually at least two other members of the dive team - Llewellyn and Mathias - who aren’t in the picture, although they should have been, if the wreck occurred that long ago.
- This can be explained away by saying one of them took the picture, but i find it more likely that that maybe they joined the crew some time after the photograph was taken.
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- Again, the wreck of the Thalassa is known to occur in 1905, and Alex’s death was also implied to have been in 1905, fairly recently - not 1903.
- As far as I’m aware though, Llewellyn and Mathias are never again mentioned after the prologue, where Mathias was badly injured by the fallen crane and all the debris or falling artifacts in the net it carried.
- When Cam dove, it looked like a broken leg, as you can see the two. Llewellyn made to bring him back to the surface, while Cam went to look for Alex whose’s equipment was damaged.
- Llewellyn was likely the one, also, to bring Alex’s body back as Cam was in shock having seen her drown, and Mathias was very badly injured.
- At the very least, they weren’t on the ship when it sank a few weeks later (as far as I’m aware).
- Mathias couldn’t be with his leg, and perhaps like Bailey, Llewellyn took a leave of absence to help him - or, simply quit due to the loss of life, because trauma can do that to people. Sometimes, even if you love a job, you can’t go back to it after losing a friend to it.
- Seriously, if anyone’s aware of what happened to those two, please tell me. I was wondering It maybe it was the surname of other crew members and they were aboard, but I don’t know. Help.
- News of the Sinking of the Thalassa broke on July 18th, according to the newspaper Cam had been looking at, prior to the dive. As Bailey heard the news over the telephone, we can assume that they heard of it from someone else sometime before.
- Unfortunately, I have no clue when exactly in 1905 that Cam dives on the Thalassa. Again, all we have in reference to that, was that months have passed since Alex’s death and the subsequent sinking of the wreck.
Essentially, not including all the other background stuff, like when the Thalassa was made or the St Catherine, etc etc.
May - June 1905: The Crane Incident / Alex’s Death
- On a routine dive to the wreck of St. Catherine, the crane of the S.S Thalassa breaks down under the weight of several recovered artifacts, including the large figurehead of the St. Catherine, which comes directly over the head of the three divers - Mathias, Llewellyn, and Alex - already in the water. Contact with the three is lost on the surface.
- Cam, who had been requested to check on the ship’s cradle to see if it was ready to lift the ship’s bow, which it was not, and so plans were just being made to instead look at other dig sites around the wreckage for other artifacts, was the only diver out of the water. As the crane collapsed, they were in the process of being suited up by Bailey, and immediately went to go down and see what had happened.
- Though Llewellyn seems uninjured, Mathias’ leg was badly broken by the fallen artifacts or debris from the ship. Llewellyn was to bring Mathias back to the ship as he could not do so himself, while Cam went to find Alex, who had been on the other side of the bow when the incident occurred.
- Cam would find Alex pinned beneath the broken mast of the St. Catherine, with a compromised diving suit. She stated she could not feel her leg, and that her suit was filling with water. Alex’s telephone system was damaged, she could neither send messages nor receive them, thereby reliant on signals alone.
- The mast was bound by thick rope, which made it difficult to free Alex’s leg. While Cam attempted to saw through the ropes with the diving knife, the movement aggravated the flooding of Alex’s dive suit while Llewellyn was on his way to their side.
- Cam was unable to cut the ropes before Alex’s suit flooded. Her suit flooded with water, and Cam was only able to watch as her helmet flooded, and she drowned in front of them.
- Cam subsequently went unresponsive to any calls through the telephone system, and would be found by Llewellyn hugging Alex to them, before Llewellyn pulled them away from her body and back to the ship.
- Presumably, Llewellyn would later dive to recover Alex’s body, before the weather turned and the S.S Thalassa was forced to return to port.
- It’s requested by several others that the crew have time to recover and heal from Alex’s death.
JUNE 27TH, 1905:
- The S.S Thalassa departs from port-au-prince in Haiti for a routine voyage to the St. Catherine digsite.
JULY 8TH, 1905:
- The S.S Thalassa sends out a distress signal, with its coordinates. These coordinates are later used to find the presumed wreck site.
- Presumably, the Thalassa sinks. A telegraph message is found in the machine, when Cam reaches the site, which implies messages were still being sent out and received.
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July 10th, 1905:
- A rescue ship arrives at the last known location of the S.S Thalassa. No sight of the ship, or any lifeboats in the area.
- Essentially means the Thalassa could have sunk at any time on the 8th, 9th, or 10th (prior to the other ship arriving)
JULY 18TH, 1905:
- News of the sinking of the Thalassa is published in newspapers. By this point, the belief is that every person aboard has died as no bodies, or lifeboats, were found.
- An investigation is launched into the missing, presumed sunken, ship.
- The investigation into the Thalassa’s sinking is called off, much to the frustration of others (ex: Bailey, who refers to them as the damn bureaucrats).
- Bailey begins looking into the sinking of the Thalassa, and at some point begins correspondence with Ethel Jackson, the fiancé of one of the lost crew members - Kaymar - who entreats for any information, for closure, as they have given up hope for the crew’s return.
- Cam and Bailey reach the S.S Thalassa’s last known location, and dive in hopes of finding the wreck. Bailey (when getting Cam up) and Cam (in the main hub of the Thalassa) both have mentioned that it has been months since Alex’s death and the wreck, by this point.
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MerMay Day 2 : Carnivorous
Prompt by: @mossypidder
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Inky blackness darkened the water around the ship, clouds overhead cast the area in a dreadful grey. Through the spyglass held in his hand, it looked almost too artificial. Like somebody summoned the rapidly approaching storm.
He lowered the brass from his face, staring out at the dark sea. “Prepare the ship for a storm!” He heard a call from behind him. The skies above opened up and began to weep, rain pouring down with ferocity. Sudden and aggressive, he turned away from the edge, watching his crew move about the ship quickly.
Waves crashed violently against the sides of the ship, sending it off course in mere moments. He pressed his palm to the edge of the spyglass, pressing and closing the brass device. 
“Captain!” Somebody from his crew called to him. But he felt the deep fear in his heart, unable to face the raging seas. He could only hope Davy Jones’ Locker would be as inviting and accepting as he hoped.
The ship creaked unnaturally as something bashed into the side, the sound of wood splintering was loud. It was almost deafening. His coat whipped around him as his face wetted with the rain. The wind strewed his hair about, stuck pieces of the dark strands to his wet skin. 
“What do we do?!”
“Accept yer fate.”
A figure rose from the water behind him, shadowed by the storm. In the darkness, something dark began to illuminate. Rings of deep blue spiraled from writhing shapes in the darkness. A laugh echoed over the sea, the sheer force shook the ship.
Tendrils enveloped the ship, wrapping around it and causing both crew and cargo to scramble. The captain finally turned as her eyes opened, several large sets of shiny teal and violet eyes set against a terrifying backdrop.
“Is there any way to bargain?!”
She drew closer, all eyes blinking as she inspected the captain who stood his ground despite their odds. Despite his own acceptance of the fate before him. Her head shifted upside down, examining him with inhumane curiosity. 
A creature of the sea. Chances were slim.
The watching crew screamed as a row of sharp fangs became visible, swallowing their captain whole. The ship began to split apart from the force of her body ripping it to shreds, sending the crew and cargo into the abyssal seas below.
Thalassa could only laugh as she used a claw to pick the captain’s flesh from between her fangs. She enjoyed watching them run and scramble, attempt to lower the lifeboats, and attempt to stab at her toughened body.
But there was no escaping the creatures of the dark swept sea.
And there was no escaping Thalassa, the horror of the deep.
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the year 2214, humanity had reached for the stars and begun colonizing distant planets. Among the pioneers was Captain Elara Kent, a seasoned astronaut known for her calm demeanor and unyielding resolve. The blue glow of her helmet reflected the starlit night of Thalassa, an ocean world teeming with potential yet fraught with danger.
Elara had been chosen to lead a mission of unprecedented importance: the enforcement and expansion of the Treaty of Lisbon, a document reborn in the 23rd century to govern interstellar relations and ensure peace among Earth's burgeoning colonies. This modern Treaty of Lisbon was not just a diplomatic accord; it was a guiding principle for humanity's expansion, advocating for the sustainable and ethical exploration of new worlds.
As Elara stood on the icy shores of Thalassa, her mind raced with the responsibilities she bore. The Treaty required careful negotiation with the sentient species of the planets they encountered, balancing human needs with respect for alien cultures and ecosystems. Tonight, she was about to meet with the Elders of Thalassa, a species known as the Thalassians, who had evolved a sophisticated underwater civilization.
The journey had not been easy. As Elara gazed at the palm trees swaying in the cold wind, she remembered the challenges they faced. The Thalassians, although peaceful, were wary of outsiders. They valued their autonomy and had a deep connection to their oceanic world, which they viewed as a living entity. Convincing them to join the Treaty would require not just words, but actions that proved humanity's commitment to coexistence.
Elara's suit, equipped with advanced environmental controls, kept her warm as she waited for the Thalassian delegation. The suit was more than just protection; it was a symbol of human ingenuity and adaptability. The reflective surface of her helmet displayed constellations, a reminder of the vastness of space and the many worlds yet to be explored.
A soft hum interrupted her thoughts. The Thalassians emerged from the water, their bioluminescent bodies glowing in the moonlight. They communicated through a series of melodic tones, translated by the AI embedded in Elara's suit. The leader of the delegation, Elder Tahl, approached her, his eyes reflecting the same curiosity and caution that she felt.
"Welcome, Captain Elara Kent," Tahl's voice resonated through the translator. "We have observed your presence and the respect with which you treat our world. Speak to us of this Treaty of Lisbon."
Elara took a deep breath, her voice steady. "Elder Tahl, the Treaty of Lisbon represents humanity's commitment to peace, cooperation, and mutual respect. It is our promise to you that we seek not to conquer, but to coexist. We offer our knowledge and technology to aid your people, and in return, we ask for your wisdom and guidance as we explore this world together."
Tahl considered her words, the silence filled with the gentle lapping of waves. "Your words carry weight, Captain. But actions speak louder. Show us that you mean what you say. Help us protect our home, and we will consider your Treaty."
Elara nodded, understanding the gravity of the task ahead. The Thalassians had a point; trust was earned through deeds, not just words. Over the following months, she and her team worked closely with the Thalassians, sharing technology to help clean their oceans from the pollutants left by previous, less considerate visitors. They built desalination plants, offered medical aid, and learned the Thalassians' ways, always mindful of their customs and traditions.
Slowly but surely, a bond of trust formed. The Thalassians saw that the humans were sincere in their desire to protect and preserve their world. On the day the Treaty was signed, Elara stood beside Elder Tahl, a sense of accomplishment washing over her.
"The Treaty of Lisbon will be our guide as we move forward, together," Tahl declared, his voice echoing through the gathering. "Let this be a new dawn for both our peoples, a symbol of what we can achieve when we unite in peace."
As the stars shone brightly over Thalassa, Elara knew that this was only the beginning. The galaxy was vast, with countless worlds and civilizations to discover. But tonight, under the shimmering constellations, humanity had taken a significant step towards a future where peace and cooperation were the cornerstones of their interstellar journey.
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thalassaschel · 2 years
"I do not thing we have met, but I made these "snow cones" and thought you might want one." She sets a teacup down by Thalassa, filled with frozen frost, stawberry sauce, and condensed milk. "I have to go now to give the rest away before they melt. I hope you enjoy."
The warrior eyed the 'snow cones' with a hint of curiosity.
She had heard tale of an icy cream treat, but never had the chance to try anything of the sort for herself.
It was g o o d !
But alas, before she could thank the other woman, she was gone.
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
Another prompt: Thalassa sees Fae for the first time. Maybe sees her when she's with Lahabrea?
Mitron and Thalassa's heads both snap up as one as an alarm fills the halls of Icthyology. Immediately, the Convocation member gets to his feet, a gesture from him directing Thalassa to place the creation they had been examining back into the water. Scant minutes later, the pair walk into Phytobiology, the source of the alarm. Halmarut, the Convocation member responsible for Phytobiology, is casting a spell of restraint upon a massive green figure, wreathed in plantlife and tentacles, giving off an acrid smell. Across the chamber, Thalassa sees the unmistakable mask of Lahabrea, flanked by his own student just as Mitron is - clearly, the alarm sounded in Phantomology as well. Looking at the woman standing next to the Speaker curiously as her mentor goes to confer with Halmarut, Thalassa tilts her head in curiosity. While the other student is masked, her cowl is down - and her hair appears to be enchanted to float behind her in a vast trail, velvet-black and shimmering with the supporting magicks. Her stance speaks of some kind of hesitancy or fear - although of what, given her mentor's infamously brusque demeanour, Thalassa cannot imagine.
As Mitron returns to her side, gesturing for Thalassa to follow him back to their own work, she quickly obeys, opening her mouth immediately.
"I saw you staring," he says, cutting her off. "Her name is Fae, and she has a gift for Phantomology that is second only to Lahabrea himself."
Slowly, Thalassa blinks. "I... Was staring?" "You were. But I don't think it was noticeable to anybody but myself."
Frowning and pulling her cowl up further, ensuring that nothing of her face can be seen, the Word of Mitron turns her mind to the puzzle this other student presents to her curious mind. What was she afraid of?
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
from Laura Thalassa's Apocalypse books, which hero is your fave? Mine is Pestilence, the only bitchy/asshole-ish one of the four, and I credit your influence lmao. you got me into romance and so far I've clocked 30 books this year
Omg thank you!! That warms my heart, truly. Needed to hear it.
And my favorite is Pestilence too. I love a bitch, as we know lol, and I love a virgin, and he is both of those things. I think my favorite scene of the whole book is when he's like I GAVE YOU MY ESSENCE. He's such a drama queen.
I also really love that his general... lack of knowledge... leads to some unintentionally (I mean, Thalassa intended it but he didn't) hot scenes? Like there's one where they're bathing together without intending to be sexual--like I don't think they've had sex at that point--and he kind of just starts messing with her tits out of like... curiosity lmao. Like just touching them and licking them and shit and the heroine is like "bro what the fuck am I supposed to do with this".
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part of your world
First off, I LOVE this song. SO much
Second, for canon characters, I think this kind of gives me Jemima vibes. Because of the innocence and curiosity. 
And I hope this isn’t overstepping, but it also reminds me of @the-rum-tum-hatter’s oc, Thalassa. (which she did mention in her summary of Thalassa but still). And with a more angsty twist, I think this song could also possibly work for Criselody. 
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thetakenpokemon · 4 years
Callan@Iniko: "... Queen Thalassa? Your Highness, what brings you-- ... oh." The tall Milotic warrior hesitates, the excitement and curiosity in his eyes yielding to shock, and then fallen into embarrassment. Clearing his throat, he addresses, "... Er... forgive me, madame. I... mistook you for, er, someone else. Still..." with a cleared conscience, he asks, "... 'tis not often I see a -hybrid- of Tapu Fini. Tell me... what powers dost a maiden like yourself wield with such blended heredity?"
[PoV: Iniko]
Another voice speaks to my person, catching me fairly by surprise. I didn’t quite expect for the locals to actually be approaching me, since I was quite sure that I was the one that needed to come to them...
What really confuses me is that the speaker addresses me with such familiarity, yet the name that they utter is completely unknown.
...Queen? Surely they don’t mean me.
When I turn to look at the individual, I find myself blinking a few times as I look at what I could describe as to be ‘the finest the sea has to offer’. As quite stunning as he appears to be, I don’t recognize him at all. From the looks of his expression morphing into something akin to embarrassment, it shows that he too realizes that we have never met.
I myself couldn’t help but be flustered, but mostly due to the fact that he mistook me for someone else. This...is definitely a first.
“It is quite fine.” I say with an awkward chuckle, waving him off. “If I must say? It is quite a surprise that you’ve mistaken me for another, since it’s an occurrence that I can’t say have ever happened before.”
So it seems that there are still other Tapu Fini out in the world, or at a least hybrid of some sort. Hearing this...actually makes feel a bit relieved, to know that not all of the Legendary Pokemon in the world have disappeared.
I find myself driven from my thoughts as the anthromorphic Milotic asks me a question, making the gaze of my blue eyes snap onto him.
“Maiden? There is no need to address me as such.” I wave him off for a second time, my face threatening to gain a red hue. “Well...” As I focus on the question, I feel myself slowly regain my composure. “For my abilities...? As a bearer of Tapu Fin-” I stop myself, remembering that there are multiples out there. “...As a bearer of a Tapu Fini, I possess a multitude of powers that such a Legendary would normally wield.”
I open a palm, the action causing a small stream of white mist to drift out into the air. “Like them, I wield the power of water. Be it to conjure and wield its shapeless form or to utilize it in its gaseous state - which is mist.” I close my palm, causing the growing cloud of fog that’s surrounding my arm to dissipate. “Additionally I can breathe and move freely in water. I also possess the ability to purify large bodies of it as well, regardless of pollution levels.” There’s a twinge of pride when I say this, since I’ve purified a couple of severally polluted rivers during my visits in the outside world. “It’s a power I share with Phinelia, who’s the bearer of Suicu-” I stop myself, not sure if I should continue. Although I’ve been told that there’s not really a reason to hide the existence of the other Sisters, I feel a bit uncomfortable with bringing up the fact.
Diverting the subject, I continue. “And...I wouldn’t necessarily call this ability, but I sustain myself by absorbing the energy that’s derived from moving water. Although I can obtain sustenance from things such as rivers and streams, ocean currents is what satisfies me the most. I tend to make do with whatever I find, since I can’t...well...” I gesture to my face, or more specifically my lack of mouth. “...You get the picture.”
One thing I left out is the fact that my power is most strongest when I’m on my home island, since that is where the source of my power originates. Even though I’m technically far stronger than most individuals on the outside world, this is info that should probably be left to ourselves.
...Hopefully Miyako isn’t running her mouth to others about this.
Realizing that my expression has shifted into one of annoyance, I quickly shake my head and let out another awkward laugh. “But that is essentially my Tapu Fini side. Since I was originally a normal Medicham, I still retain several skills from that side. I’d like to think that I’m some of the best of my kind when it comes to martial arts, which is further enhanced by the power of a Legendary.”
I’ve left out a few things, but this should be more than enough to satisfy his question...hopefully. “I believe that summarizes what I’m capable of, albeit without me getting into the specifics. Although...”
At this point I’m unable to contain my curiosity, and like an open book it’s definitely spelled clearly across my face too. “You mentioned of a Queen? Thalassa was her name, correct?” I subconsciously take a few steps towards him, my eyes brimming with fascination. “It is a first for me to hear of another Legendary that exists in this world, most especially one who is related to Tapu Fini. Could you tell me about her?” Realizing that I may be overstepping a possible boundary, I quickly take a few steps back and raise my hands in a disarming manner. “...If you’re fine with indulging such information to me, that is!”
Sheesh, so much for saving face and keeping a calm and serene image. First my ‘mask’ got blown to pieces by a cloud-like dog, and now this. I do hope that if the original owner of my power isn’t somehow watching me right now, otherwise I’d have the feeling that she would be very...very disappointed in my behavior.
Another thought occurs to me and I can’t help but mentally kick myself, another strike that said originator of my power would probably be disappointed for. “Also... I believe I’ve forgotten to introduce myself as well, I apologize for my rudeness.” I place my hands together and give a bow, albeit a rather quick one. “My name is Iniko, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”
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rald5in · 7 months
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A Father's Concern (1/3)
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jacklyn-flynn · 4 years
17 Questions!
Thank you @elveny and @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold for the tags! I don’t have time to do them often but I love being included in these things!
nicknames: Jacks and Tante (tawn-tah)
zodiac: Taurus
height: 5’ 3”
last thing i looked up: I don’t know if it counts but I just asked my Google home why it was so fucking cold outside. (Spoiler: she didn’t know the answer)
song stuck in my head: Sound of Silence by Pentatonix
no. of followers: 231?!
amount of sleep: As much as I can get. It is, without exaggeration, my favorite pastime. That odd place between sleep and waking is the best for daydreaming.
lucky number: 26
favourite instrument: Violin
favourite song: This is, actually, an impossible question. 
dream job: Puppy petter. 
aesthetic: Anyone ever heard of a cabinet of curiosities? That’s my aesthetic. Just a hot mess of random, weird, morbid things. 
favourite author: I can’t possibly pick one, but my top three (non-fanfic) authors are Grace Draven, Laura Thalassa and the duo who wrote two of my favorite books of all time, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. 
favourite animal noise: That little brrup noise that cats make and that exaggerated sigh happy dogs give when they fall asleep. 
random: When I was 15 my house burned down. I later married a firefighter (8 years yesterday!) but those two things are completely unrelated!
Tagging: (people who have probably already done it or been tagged) @charlatron @kemvee @kittimau @schoute @pookydraws @bigfan-fanfic @lostinfantasies38 @froschkuss @gaymingbinosaur @jellysharkbat @princessvicky01 @tessa1972 @wardenari and I hope so many more just because!
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crtalley · 4 years
'Golden Blood' for the fic title ask ^^
Golden Blood
Naith has done deep-ocean hauls since she was a kid, pulling the remains of ancient sunken cities up from the radioactive depths of Thalassa. She’s no stranger to long periods of silence and darkness, accompanied only by AI and the barest whisper of life in the water around her. It’s lonely, but it’s life.
But then she finds something different on one of her hauls: a pressure-sealed casket holding a mobile cryo-chamber, something that she’s only seen in rusted-out remnants and plasticine replicas. To the right buyer, it’s worth more than the blood-price of her whole town combined. She tests her limited power reserves, carefully extracting it from the debris and pulling it to the surface.
Only then does she realize it’s still occupied. The person inside is as much a pre-disaster artifact as the casket itself; when she brings it to the ruling council, they measure the sleeper’s blood-price in gold, not steel or power. But where the council intends to keep the sleeper as a curiosity on display, Naith thinks they would have so much more to add to the anchored cities and the traveling armadas of Thalassa—
And she’ll risk everything to wake them.
→ new adult / scifi / far-future post-apocalypse / ocean-bound cities / waking the sleeper / stranger in a strange land
send me a title and i’ll tell you what i would write for it //
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angelrider13 · 4 years
In Sea of Lotuses, re: Thalassa and bowing (or rather the absence thereof). "'Bow to others in reverence and respect, but never in slavery.'" Thalassa recites, heading turning until she stares, bird-like, at the watching Cultivators from one sunset-bright eye. "What have you done, that I should respect you?" There is honest curiosity in her voice.
Now I’m just picturing people trying to reason with Thalassa about why she should bow to them. And for them, those reasons are synonymous with her respecting them.
Cultivator: it’s polite
Thalassa: that’s not a reason
Cultivator: it’s tradition
Thalassa: that’s not a reason
Cultivator: i’m your superior
Thalassa: *unimpressed eyebrow raise* that’s not a reason
Cultivator: i’m your elder
Thalassa: *amused smirk* that’s not a reason
(And the entire time, JC and NHS and NMJ are in the background watching these arguments. They make bets about them. NHS wins most often.)
None of the reasons given are anything related to respect - not as Thalassa defines it. Because the kind of respect they are demanding from her is the kind that must be earned. The kind of respect they are demanding from her is the kind that in their society is traditionally just given. But Thalassa doesn’t work like that. She will never let anyone dictate who she should give her respect. Or how she should demonstrate it. Because she respects people in this new world she’s currently living in. That doesn’t mean she’s going to be bowing to them anytime soon.
In fact, the ones she respects are perfectly fine with her lack of bowing. They’ve listened to her reasons and accepted them. They don’t need her to bow to them to know that she respects them as a person. They understand that just by interacting with her. Everyone else can try to talk her around until they are blue in the face, but Thalassa will just laugh at them. Some of them even start refusing to bow to her. As if that’s a slight that would bother her. Well joke’s on them - that just makes her laugh harder.
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pinkdogplushie · 4 years
I'm just gonna throw this out there
Return to Tomorrow is a genuinely good episode (Roddenberry's interference because he was one of Those Atheists aside). But I think it would have been more notorious if Scotty had been one of the chosen descendants for the minds to occupy.
Why should the aliens content themselves with possessing bodies to aid the crew in building mechanical bodies when they could possess the actual engineer and build them themselves? If they wanted Kirk to have his big speech and be a protagonist, he could still be Sargon's descendant. However, Sargon's area of expertise would be more along the lines of diplomacy or education, meaning he wouldn't know how to build a mechanical body but would be able to instruct Kirk on their purpose and the benefits of the possesion with no problems.
Scotty's ancestor, then, would probably be Sargon's advisor and/or best friend. Pretty much the same role Spock has with Kirk. Spock could still get Henoch, and Ann Muldaur Thalassa, but Scotty's ancestor -let's call him Phaistor- would be Sargon's more excitable foil whose curiosity for the human ways knows no bounds, and who would be quite easily tempted to take over Scotty's body forever so he would not lose the sensations he had missed. Sargon would have to convince him to give back the body, but once he does, Phaistor accepts that there's still much to explore in the universe even as an energy being and departs Scotty just before Sargon and Thalassa say their final goodbye.
Idk bro, it would have made an already good episode a bit more interesting.
(Bonus points for some subtle flirting between Phaistor and Uhura, and Scotty later admitting he was partially to blame)
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