#Tfe jawbreaker
beemochi-art · 3 months
Yeah Aftermath is a Lil shit. I remember seeing a tweet of someone describing his and JB's relationship as basically being like Shrek and Donkey's.
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The obvious clip I could’ve gone with was the, you gotta have friends one but I like the onion scene better.
Hey now your an all star ⭐️
I’ve been listening to nothing but Shrek music because of this comment.
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pileofsnakes1 · 1 year
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Look at my sweet boy, thinkin bout important life decisions
(+ non gif versions for better quality)
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asimp4bee · 5 months
(ES!ANON back :D)
Hmm, ooh! I wanna see the terrans be involved! :DD probably because I wanna see the terrans in your style :3
Here's your Earthspark angst, anon! :3 sorry this took me so long aaaaa
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What if... Bumblebee had gotten mind-controlled too? Man, imagine how the Terrans would have felt if they had to fight their mentor/older brother figure :((
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acestudentsera · 1 year
Bumblebee, Jawbreaker Malto, Twitch Malto, Hashtag Malto, Thrash Malto, Nightshade Malto, Mo Malto & Robby Malto
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tid-liddell · 4 months
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Can't wait to see the new season👀 In honor of it I drew some chibi-Maltobots in beach outfits
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy the Autobot who’s unexpected Conjux is Soundwave
SFW, mentions of injury but not specified, platonic, romantic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Transformers Earthspark
Autobot Buddy and Soundwave were Conjux Endura shortly before the war broke out, they never made the relationship public. There was too much at risk, especially when tensions on both sides heightened.
Tension between them both rose when discussing which side was better to side with.
“What will it be then? Its clear we both can’t agree on a side. What do we do?”--Soundwave
“… we join different sides.”--Buddy
“We join different sides.”--Buddy
“Yes I heard that but—”--Soundwave
“We do that. We pick a side in the war. We stay alive for each other and when someone win, we vouch for the other to come join peacefully.”--Buddy
“…it sounds like a good plan…but what about Us, Buddy? I’m concern on what will happen to Us in this war.”--Soundwave
“Don’t worry. We will be fine, as long as we have the bond, as long as we have each other alive, we will be fine. Just take care of yourself and the mini’s, can you do that?”--Buddy
“I will and…I trust you Buddy… I love you so much, my Spark.”
“I love you too Soundwave… Now and beyond the Allspark.”—Buddy
Buddy went off and joined the Autobot’s and Soundwave and the minicon’s joined the Decepticon’s. Never once telling anyone of their relationship, they promised each the other their safety and they were going to keep it.
Soundwave had set up a private link between them to keep in contact.
“How was work today? Are you feeling, okay?”--Buddy
“Work was… adequate… and yours?”--Soundwave
“Things are getting harder I’m not going to lie… I miss you…”--Buddy
“…I miss you too…”--Soundwave
“Tell Buddy I said hi!”--Frenzy
“Tell them we all miss them!”--Lazerbeak
“Lazerbeak enough—”--Soundwave
“…Frenzy, Lazerbeak and Ravage say hello…”--Soundwave
It got harder to keep contact as the war grew longer, especially when both factions came to Earth. Suddenly it was just radio silence from Soundwave. Buddy was upset and concern at the lack of radio response but there was nothing they could do now without drawing too much attention to the both.
“Hey Soundwave? Are you listening? Things have gotten out of control at HQ… its almost funny…”--Buddy
A few days later…
“Soundwave? Are you here? Listen can you give me some sort of sign that your okay? Are the mini’s okay? Please answer as soon as you can.”--Buddy
A few days later…
“Soundwave… please… any sound would do… please just let me know you’re okay… love you, now and beyond the Allspark…”--Buddy
Buddy meets the Terrans and Maltos and they are both delighted and horrified that there’s literal sparkling’s running around with other children in a sketchy base.
“Buddy these are the Maltos and the Terrans I was talking to you about.”--Optimus
“Hi!”--Terrans and Maltos
“…Prime, Megatron, Elita-One… Mind explaining to me why there are literal Sparklings running around!?--Buddy
“You know what I don’t. C’mere kids let me introduce myself.”--Buddy
They don’t trust GHOST at all and refuse to wear a GHOST badge. Buddy wears their Autobot badge proudly. They agree with Megatron in advocating for better treatment of “prisoners”. It’s one of the few things they can agree on.
“This isn’t right. Even if they are Decepticon’s, they don’t deserve to be treated like this.”--Buddy
“I agree. Something needs to be done about this.”--Megatron
“…Can’t believe I just agreed with you on something.”—Buddy
Besides agreeing to protect Dot and her family at all costs. They try to visit the Terrans and Maltos as much as possible. It was such a regular occurrence that they got their own bunk in the Dugout.
“Kids? What’s all this?”--Buddy
“Surprise!”—Terrans and Maltos
“Woah! What’s is this?”--Buddy
“Well, you’ve been coming over so much and staying almost regularly now. We all decided to make you your own place here!”--Robie
Yeah, now you don’t have to go back to the base and we can have even more sleepovers!”--Mo
“Do you not like it?”--Thrash
“Maybe it’s the color?”—Nightshade
“No can’t be that.”--Twitch
“Maybe it needs another pillow?”--Jawbreaker
“How about another family portrait?”--Hashtag
“Wait guys hold it.”--Robie
“Buddy? Are you crying—”--Mo
Things were going great for Buddy. Enough to occupy their mind from the pain in their spark. One mission got them hurt really bad. They refused to go to GHOST for medical attention.
“I’d rather have Starscream scream in my audials for an hour than set a foot near GHOST.”
Now they were at the Dugout fighting to stay conscious. Due to the power of plot convenience, they need a jumpstart their spark, which would be possible if they weren’t bonded. Being bonded meant that the other that was bonded would have to jump them with a shock through their spark bond. Which would be great but Buddy won’t tell.
“Wheeljack what needs to happen? I feel like I’m dying here.”--Buddy
“Wrong choice of words. My bad kids.”--Buddy
“Well since you’re bonded, that means that your Sparkmate need make the jump with you. So now the only thing we need to know is the Sparkmate.”--Wheeljack
“…Yeah that’s not going to happen.”--Buddy
“Buddy, did you understand what Wheeljack said? You are going to die if your Sparkmate doesn’t come an do the jump. We don’t know who it is, you need to tell us!”--Dot
“…sorry Dot…but like I said, that’s not going to happen.”--Buddy
Buddy made a dumb promise but they are sure going to keep the last thing they had with Soundwave. Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee, Grimlock, and Elita are trying to remember if Buddy had mentioned their Conjux before in their ranks.
“Lets see… Ironhide?”--Optimus
“… Cliffjumper?”—Elita-One
“No.”-- Bumblebee
“Maybe its Jazz.”--Grimlock
“Gears? Ratchet?”—Arcee
“No cant be either of them.”--Bumblebee
“Okay then what’s your idea then?”--Arcee
Wheeljack and Megatron are trying to look through the database of Teletran 1 for any alternative to the medical procedure.
Meanwhile the Terrans are trying to tend to every need Buddy has to the best of their ability.
Robbie and Mo are at both sides of Buddy’s head rubbing it softly as they wince from time to time from the pain.
“C’mon Buddy. Can’t you just tell us?”--Robie
“Please Buddy. Please?”--Mo
“Sorry—urgh—kiddos. No can do.”--Buddy
It’s Alex who brings up the possibility of Buddy’s Conjux not being an Autobot at all.
“I mean what if Buddy’s significant other isn’t an Autobot at all? What if they are human or a Decepticon? Relationship between factions have definitely happened before right?”--Alex
There’s silence and its being considered. Buddy groaning in pain breaks the silence. Megatron heavily considers it, suddenly wondering how many of his own troops entered interfraction relationships.
“No, they—”--Megatron
Suddenly remembers Deadlock and how he would always single out Ratchet in many battles.
“…You know it might be possible…”--Megatron
Megatron asks Hashtag to send a specific message through a cryptic frequency and starts heading out of the Dugout. Dot, Optimus, and Bumblebee follow him, meanwhile the rest stayed to monitor and look for other cures just in case.
Megatron, Dot, Optimus, and Bumblebee reached a clearing a bit far from the house. Not a moment too soon, Soundwave came into view and transformed in front of them deploying Frenzy, Ravage and Lazerbeak standing their ground. The Autobots reach for their weapons, but Megatron tells them to lower them and takes a step forward towards Soundwave.
“Megatron. What is the meaning of this traitor?”--Soundwave
“We need your help.”--Megatron
“Give me one good reason to help you.”--Soundwave
“For old time sake, one favor.”--Megatron
“…What is it?”--Soundwave
“We need to know any Decepticon’s who have Conjux Endura’s—”--Megatron
“That is out of the question. You do not have the right to know about their affairs.”--Soundwave
“So, you do know?”—Megaton
“Of course, but I will not tell you.”--Soundwave
“Save it Prime!”--Frenzy
Soundwave turns to leave with his minicons, which is when Dot snaps. She wasn’t about to lose a dear friend like this, no not like this.
“Buddy’s dying!”—Dot
This statement stops the Decepticon’s right in their tracks.
“Listen, they don’t have much time. They got hurt real bad last mission. They need their Conjux to help them with the medical procedure.”--Dot
 “We don’t know who they are Soundwave. Buddy will not tell us who they are. I will not lose anymore bots when we have a fighting chance. Right now, you are our only way of finding them. Without your help they are going to die.”— Optimus
“Soundwave we wouldn’t be asking you for anything if it weren’t dire. We don’t have the luxury of time because that is something Buddy doesn’t have right now! So, are you going to help or not?”—Bumblebee
The mini’s are looking at their boss in some sort of desperation before Soundwave transforms and agrees to help.
Everyone was ready to move to another location but were surprised when Soundwave asked where Buddy was. That’s when the other realized the shocking truth. Soundwave was Buddy’s Conjux.
They arrive at the Dugout and enter its doors. The Terrans are immediately on guard seeing Soundwave, especially when Buddy yelps in pain squeezing their optics close not knowing who was in the room.
“Calm down he is here to help Buddy.”--Megatron
“What so is he—”-- Thrash
Soundwave had never felt so much regret of not contacting his Conjux for so long than that moment. He calls to them, this causes Buddy’s optics to snap open in disbelief.
The mini’s came out and started shooing everyone out of the room. Wheeljack gives Soundwave quick instructions on how to do the jump starting before also exiting the room.
Now it’s just Buddy and Soundwave
Soundwave is getting the equipment ready when Buddy calls him over and apologizes for bringing him here where he and the mini’s could get captured. Soundwave finishes setting up the equipment and grabs Buddy’s servo as the process began.
“I’m sorry—”--Buddy
“I apologize—”--Soundwave
“You can go first.”--Soundwave
“I’m sorry for getting you into this mess, you and the mini’s.”--Buddy
“Apology not needed. I should be the one apologizing. If I’d had known… If I had kept in contact…”--Soundwave
“…Can we just forgive each other? I don’t want my last moments here to be just pointless apologizes on childish things we both did.”--Buddy
“You’re not going to die. Not when I have a say in it, my spark. I… I missed you, my spark.”--Soundwave
“I love you too, now and beyond the Allspark.”—Buddy
They both begin talking and catching up on some things. Before they knew it, the procedure had finished, and Buddy was going to make a full recovery.
After the procedure was done, they both walked out servo in servo. The mini’s as it turned out had told the Team a bit about their relationship.
“Yeah, so one time Soundwave thought it was a good idea to fly with Buddy around sunset. But he didn’t know that—”--Lazerbeak
“Soundwave! Buddy!”—Frenzy
Everyone there was shocked by the story, but they eventually got over the shock. The longest one to come out of the shock is Megatron. He feels guilty and so blind. How could he not have seen this coming, especially from Soundwave?
Soundwave lets Buddy have one more squeeze before getting the mini’s in his chest compartment. He turns to leave, but he stopped after hearing Dot’s voice.
“You can stay the night here? I think it would be good for Buddy if they knew you were here.”--Dot
“And if you are worried about GHOST, their radar doesn’t come by here. It’s perfectly safe.”—Megatron
He pauses for a minute. Looks back at Buddy and then the setting sun. one night wouldn’t hurt, right? He turns to Megatron stating that if this was a trap, that there would not be a planet he could go to hide from him. With that he swooped in and carried Buddy bridal style and marches into the Dugout as he deployed his mini cons to have fun on the farm.
Meanwhile Soundwave and Buddy cuddled on one of the medical slabs all night long.
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stitchar · 11 months
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I screenshot this because I'm trying to get good pics of Hashtag. Then I left it in the draft cause I got busy with life
Ngl, she does look good.
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birthdaycakeplate · 1 year
Terrans and their new dads
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Starscream is unfortunately still baby doe 😔
Into da baby carrier with him ☹️
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flamewar05 · 4 months
Takara’s Earthspark Deluxe Class Terran Jawbreaker
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beemochi-art · 1 year
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I can’t wait for jawbreakers dad 2.
I hope megs and grim freakin hate each other.
Megs hates him cause last time the terrians met grims, they almost died. So get the hell away from my babies. Alas, op is gonna make him share.
Could I have draw this better? Probably, but I wanted u to see it now so yeah, this will have to do.
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incorrect-formers · 1 year
Bumblebee: Okay, Maltobots. What do you do when someone offers you high-grade?
Jawbreaker and Thrash: Take it!
Hashtag: Punch them in the neck!
Nightshade: Say thank you!
Twitch: Offer them more high-grade to assert dominance!
Bumblebee: No.
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yoayoaa · 7 months
Hi! Can I ask if you can do (platonic) headcanons of Terrans from Transformers earthspark
SURE! Terrans platonic headcanon coming right up!
Notes: SORRY IF THEY SEEM OOC and its short 😭
-the type of bot to actually take up any challenges seriously
-LIKE you'd be challenging her to a MARIO CART RACE and was actually focus on it (somehow quick on catching up as well)
-ANYWAYS would definitely tell you about her day before going to sleep
-you'll be hearing about it for half an hour or so, telling you about her adventure with Thrash and the Malto siblings before you hear her slumbering away
-she'll be interested in anything you do that seems new to her. Oh whats this? Its called painting? Oooh I wanna try!
-well i think he'd be the type of bot to jokingly annoy you
-for example that type of friend who does the EXACT opposite of what you tell them to do just to annoy you
-OR just copying everything that you said
-from what ive seen, Thrash is easily bored so i think he wouldn't mind if you invited him playing with Twitch
-just dont play that exact same game for a lot of rounds 😭
-kinda like the older sibling little brother dynamic ykykk
-would literally binge watch a bunch of shows with you
-i feel like she's the type to laugh at funny videos she found online before showing it to you
-YOU KNOW how a child is when they learn something new right? THATS LITERALLY HER
-she'd be so excited in telling you what she had recently learn, may it be something small but she'll still tell you LMAOOO
-i bet he's the type to enjoy hugs no matter how big or small the person/bot is hugging him
-would ask you for advices if he ever encounters a problem
-i feel like he'll feel a bit sad that he's the last one to actually get his alt mode, BUT NOT TO WORRY YOU WERE THERE WITH HIM!
-he's just a big puppy that wants some head pats and hugs /hj
-since Nightshade is on the more peaceful and quiet side, i think they'd enjoy some company while doing something
-would read with you if you ever invite them
-would ABSOLUTELY INFO DUMP YOU on the latest device they had recently finish
-they'll slowly walk up to you while having this excited and happy look before telling you ALL about it
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asimp4bee · 1 year
HIHI!!! How do you think Mea would’ve reacted to seeing ES! Bee literally passing out at the end of Home pt. 2? :3
At this point they hardly believe that Mea and Bee are just "old friends" lmao
Also the Terrans are so hard to draw without any good refs 💔
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acestudentsera · 1 year
Transformers Earthspark incorrect quote text posts [part four]
Enjoy! :)
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Bonus! :
(I also made a tfa bumblebee version as I kept thinking of him whilst making these)
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ozzietherandom · 12 days
Earthspark x prime ideas I’ve had
a Semi-long list of ideas I’ve had that all sort of link together under the cut.
tfp x earthspark but the cons have to babysit Twitch, Jawbreaker, Spitfire, and Aftermath. The kids are all fighting but megatron(for some reason) sees them all as useful and semi-interesting if manipulated correctly but none of them like him so he dumps them on everyone else(The other Decepticons mostly, Knockout, Breakdown, Starscream, Soundwave, etc) and then everyone slowly forms an attachment to the goofs(aside from megatron) and do a scrap ton to keep megatron from offing them.
and then then the autobots find Thrash, Hashtag, Nightshade, Mo, and Robby.
I feel like Hashtag, Nightshade, and Raf might get along in the way they sort of share interests, Jack tries to keep the Terrans from following Miko into danger(and ultimately fails bc Miko is Miko), Miko likes the idea of the chaos Terrans and finds them cool, she turns into a sort of big sister role while also accidentally getting everyone in trouble.
Mo and Robby bond with the other kids through interests, I think Mo would get along with most of the bots but I do like the idea of ratchet teaching Mo and Raf about Cybertronian anatomy while they all also figure things out about the Terrans anatomy and abilities.
I also think it would be cool if the cave idea(the episode with the dweller) also applied to the prime universe
and maybe some angst that would also have airachnid in it
it would generally be cool to see a prime and earthspark fanfic or whatever with some stuff like this(time to scour AO3)
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
I've been thinking about a few characters from tfp and a few from earthspark swapping universes temporarily
Namely: Optimus, Soundwave, and Starscream. Maybe the tfp kids and the terrans triplets, maybe not.
Things, obviously, are ✨special✨ for a while
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