#Textile Fibre News
quilt-giving · 18 days
I enjoyed watching The Orville. The Moclan female Heveena was one of my favorite characters. I have made 4 quilts using The Orville as inspiration.
Of the four quilts I have made 2 of them are about the Female Moclan Colony. The Moclan houses have unique windows and that is what the first quilt represents. The quilt is lovely but I regret not mirroring the window design.
The second quilt is a representation of the couch quilt in the Dolly Parton episode and the necklace the female Moclan leader “Heveena” wore.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Lyocell, milk fibre and pineapple leather: New textile fibres advertise sustainability. Few can keep their promises
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Initiatives are many, the textile industry is in a frenetic state
Polyester causes microplastics, and the natural fibre cotton also has environmental damage in its luggage. No wonder some manufacturers are looking for alternatives. But they can at best be part of the solution.
When someone buries his/her underpants in the garden, it's not necessarily a sign of outlandish or disturbing preferences. It can also be just a slightly more entertaining test of soil quality, which the University of Zurich has even used scientifically. However, most of our clothes would probably emerge from the earth relatively unchanged after a few months, even if the soil in question contains enough beneficial organisms. Because most of our clothes are not biodegradable in the environment - often not even those made of supposedly more sustainable fibres.
“First of all, you have to differentiate between natural fibres that grow on bushes, stalks or trees and are already in fibre form, and man-made fibres,” says Anett Matthäi, who works on sustainable textiles at the engineering faculty of the Hof University of Applied Sciences[1] in Bavaria.
Up until the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, clothing was always made of natural fibres, cotton, linen, wool or silk. Then, at the beginning of the 20th century, the first synthetic fibre was commercially manufactured: wood became viscose. In 1940, nylon was the first completely synthetic fibre to appear on the market. In the 1950s, the first items of clothing made of polyester were found in stores. Today, polyester is by far the most common material for clothing, accounting for 52 percent of global fibre production[2].
Polyester, cotton and viscose are harmful to the environment
Polyester[3], nylon[4], and other man-made fibres like polyamide[5], acrylic[6], and elastane[7] have advantages—they're cheap, and they use relatively little water to make. But their starting material is the finite raw material petroleum. And they contribute to plastic and microplastic pollution when they enter the environment.
And they do that on a significant scale: clothing loses fibres, during manufacture, during wear and during washing; In Switzerland, 650 tons of microplastics from textiles end up in the environment every year. And in countries like Chile or Ghana[8], old clothes collected abroad rot in huge landfills; some of them are washed into the sea. They will not rot in the ground or in salt water. Instead, like other plastic waste, they break down into smaller and smaller particles over time.
The second most important fibre on the market does not have this problem: cotton[9] is a natural fibre and biodegradable. But growing them requires a lot of fertilizer, pesticides and water. An estimated 3,700 or 4,700 litres of water are needed to produce one pair of jeans.
And viscose[10], which is made from renewable raw materials, also has its pitfalls. The cellulose from the wood of beech or eucalyptus is dissolved and the resulting so-called dope is pressed through nozzles to create the fibre. "You can imagine the process as making spaghetti from dough," says Matthäi, "only much finer, and the 'spaghetti' doesn't tear as quickly."
In this process, however, large amounts of toxic carbon disulfide and caustic soda are sometimes used. The same applies to modal, which is also made from cellulose. Bamboo viscose has therefore also fallen into disrepute. At first it was considered particularly sustainable because of the fast and pesticide-free growing raw material.
The production of lyocell does not require any toxic chemicals
Because neither viscose nor polyester nor cotton are really sustainable, manufacturers are looking for alternative fibres. And so there are now clothes made of materials with names like Lyocell[11] or PLA[12], bamboo viscose or soy silk, pineapple leather or milk fibre.[13] A lot of it sounds like nature. But the raw material alone does not make a fibre sustainable.
Lyocell is considered to be comparatively environmentally friendly, and the label often includes the brand name Tencel. It is also a so-called regenerated fiber that is chemically synthesized from renewable raw materials. But unlike classic viscose, the solvent used in lyocell is not toxic.
And lyocell is – just like classic viscose – biodegradable, i.e. it is broken down by microorganisms into CO2, water and minerals. A recently published study showed that this not only works in the garden, but also in the sea.
"Compostable" does not mean "biodegradable"
Scientists hung samples of different textiles in the sea for more than a year. The cotton samples then dissolved – no surprise, even from the cotton underpants buried in the garden only the seams and the elastic band are left after two months if the soil is healthy. The lyocell had also disappeared after months in the sea.
The sample made of PLA, a bioplastic that is also processed into textiles, was almost unchanged. PLA is the abbreviation of Polylactic Acid. It is made from fermented starch from sugar beets or corn, advertised as particularly sustainable and is officially compostable. But that does not mean that it is degraded in the environment.
Because in order to be able to call itself "compostable", the material only has to decompose within three months in an industrial composting plant. In this, however, there are completely different conditions of temperature, humidity and oxygen supply than in the garden - and even more so than in the sea.
“You cannot draw any direct conclusions from results on the compostability of a material as to whether it can also be decomposed by microorganisms in a different environment,” says Matthäi. "The conditions and the composition of the microorganisms are completely different." The study shows that bioplastics also contribute to the littering of the oceans with plastic.[14]
Soy silk, milk fibre and pineapple leather: new fibres have their pitfalls
It might be different with soy silk.[15] According to Matthäi, it is in principle biodegradable, but like viscose, manufacturing processes and chemical additives could impair its degradability. The material is often featured in reports on sustainable clothing, but only a few raw fabrics and yarns are available to knit yourself. According to the information provided, they are made from waste from tofu production in a closed cycle.
While soy silk[16] does not seem to play a role on the market so far, an Austrian underwear manufacturer has released the first models with another new material this spring: milk fibre[17]. It should be very comfortable to wear. How good it is for the environment depends on whether only dairy waste that is no longer suitable for consumption is processed. And it depends on which additives are needed to spin a fibre from the milk protein. However, the underwear manufacturer does not provide this information – and does not provide it later on request either.
Pineapple leather[18] is just one particularly exotic-sounding example of a non-animal and therefore supposedly sustainable alternative to leather. Other manufacturers use cork, mushrooms[19], apples[20], coffee, grapes, cacti or bananas as raw materials. But the naturalness usually doesn't go any further than that. Plastic is always involved, as a carrier material, adhesive or coating, and then often polyurethane[21].
Not all fibres can be recycled
The same applies to all fibres: even if a material is sustainable and biodegradable in itself, this is by no means necessarily the case with the finished garment. "A chemical change caused by dyeing or functionalisation - for example to make the clothing easy to iron or water-repellent - can impair biodegradability," says Matthäi. A small percentage of elastane, which many cotton dresses have, also has this effect.
And recyclability also suffers as a result. Pure natural fibres can be shredded mechanically, and the resulting shorter fibres can be spun again. This is often not possible with synthetics; recycled polyester is not made from reused clothing, but from PET bottles.
It's certainly better than oil, but – contrary to what the advertising suggests – it shouldn't be seen as a solution to the packaging waste problem. All the more so since PET is particularly easy to recycle and should serve better as a raw material for a new bottle than for a fleece jacket.
For Anett Matthäi, all these fibres alone cannot be the solution anyway. There is probably not enough cultivable land to produce the quantities of clothing currently made from polyester with clothing made from fibres from renewable raw materials. "In my opinion, the most important thing is that the consumption of materials is reduced overall," she sums up. Then, she believes, it would also be possible to produce enough materials from renewable raw materials or by recycling waste.
So before you bury your underpants in the garden, you should ask yourself whether you could still wear them for a while.
Esther Widmann, Lyocell, Milchfaser und Ananasleder: Neue Textilfasern werben mit Nachhaltigkeit. Ihre Versprechen halten können die wenigsten, in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 29-08-2023, https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaftnachhaltige-textilfasern-wie-gut-sind-lyocell-co-wirklich-ld.1745536
[1] Hof University, German: Hochschule Hof, full name Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof, is a public non-profit business, media and technical vocational university founded in 1994 in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany.
[2] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/725160672165543936/scientists-develop-simple-way-to-recycle-polyester?source=share
[3] Polyester is a category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in every repeat unit of their main chain. As a specific material, it most commonly refers to a type called polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Polyesters include naturally occurring chemicals, such as in plants and insects, as well as synthetics such as polybutyrate. Natural polyesters and a few synthetic ones are biodegradable, but most synthetic polyesters are not. Synthetic polyesters are used extensively in clothing.
[4] Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers composed of polyamides (repeating units linked by amide links). Nylon is a silk-like thermoplastic, generally made from petroleum, that can be melt-processed into fibers, films, or shapes]: 2  Nylon polymers can be mixed with a wide variety of additives to achieve many property variations. Nylon polymers have found significant commercial applications in fabric and fibers (apparel, flooring and rubber reinforcement), in shapes (molded parts for cars, electrical equipment, etc.), and in films (mostly for food packaging)
[5] A polyamide is a polymer with repeating units linked by amide bonds. Polyamides occur both naturally and artificially. Examples of naturally occurring polyamides are proteins, such as wool and silk. Artificially made polyamides can be made through step-growth polymerization or solid-phase synthesis yielding materials such as nylons, aramids, and sodium polyaspartate. Synthetic polyamides are commonly used in textiles, automotive industry, carpets, kitchen utensils and sportswear due to their high durability and strength. The transportation manufacturing industry is the major consumer, accounting for 35% of polyamide (PA) consumption
[6] Acrylic fabric is made with plastic threads. The plastic threads are made of a manmade polymer fiber created from fossil fuels through a chemical process. Acrylic fabric is made in a way similar to the production of polyamide fabric (or nylon fabric) and polyester fabric.
[7] Spandex, Lycra, or elastane is a synthetic fibre known for its exceptional elasticity. It is a polyether-polyurea copolymer that was invented in 1958 by chemist Joseph Shivers at DuPont.
[8] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720260226679488512/hms-answer-about-the-dumped-clothes-article?source=share
[9] Read also https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/715379082096951296/the-type-of-cotton-matters-betting-on-more?source=share
[10] Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber, made from natural sources of regenerated cellulose, such as wood and related agricultural products. It has the same molecular structure as cellulose. It is also called viscose. Many types and grades of viscose fibers and films exist. Some imitate the feel and texture of natural fibers such as silk, wool, cotton, and linen. The types that resemble silk are often called artificial silk.
[11] Lyocell is a semi-synthetic fiber used to make textiles for clothing and other purposes. It is a form of regenerated cellulose made by dissolving pulp and dry jet-wet spinning. Unlike rayon made by some of the more common viscose processes, Lyocell production does not use carbon disulfide, which is toxic to workers and the environment. Lyocell was originally trademarked as Tencel in 1982.
[12] Polylactic acid, also known as polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA), is a thermoplastic polyester.
[13] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/721296904220196864/joline-jolink-makes-biodegradable-fashion?source=share
[14] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/656486012918333440/fashion-brands-are-diving-into-ocean-plastic-but?source=share
[15] With the softness of silk, soy fabric or “vegetable cashmere” is one of the world’s most eco-friendly fabrics. Produced using soy protein derived from the hulls of soybeans, this intriguing textile takes a waste product and transforms it into a usable textile with minimal use of toxic chemicals and limited processing. Soy fabric has excellent drape, and it is highly elastic. While this textile dyes well, colors sometimes bleed during the first few washings. Though reasonably prone to pilling, soy fabric does not wrinkle, and it doesn’t shrink. https://sewport.com/fabrics-directory/soy-fabric
[16] Soy silk has similar properties to animal silk: it has a smooth, soft structure, a shimmering shine, it is temperature regulating has high moisture absorption. Unlike conventional silk, it hardly creases and is completely biodegradable… https://www.glore.de/Materiallexikon/Sojaseide/
[17] Milk protein fibers are synthetic fibers made from the milk protein casein. In 2011, the new fiber made headlines as a particularly ecological alternative to cotton. Casein fibers have been known since the 1930s. Designer Anke Domaske developed the new milk fiber Qmilk together with the Fiber Institute Bremen. For the production, casein powder is heated together with other natural ingredients and drawn into threads through a nozzle. Only 2 liters of water are needed to produce 1 kg of milk fibre. On the other hand, in the production of cotton textiles, 10,000-25,000 liters are used for 1 kg of fabric. Every year in Germany alone, 1.9 million tons of milk have to be disposed of because it is no longer suitable for consumption. It still contains valuable ingredients and offers great potential for technical purposes. https://www.glore.de/Materiallexikon/Milchfaser/
[18] Piñatex is a non-biodegradable leather alternative made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves, PLA (polylactic acid), and petroleum-based resin. Piñatex was developed by Dr Carmen Hijosa and first presented at the PhD graduate exhibition at the Royal College of Art, London. Piñatex is manufactured and distributed by Hijosa's company Ananas Anam Ltd.
[19] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/667314088734507008/mushrooms-as-raw-material-for-leather-accessories?source=share
[20] Read alsop: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/677442405046321152/we-make-a-sneaker-out-of-apples?source=share
[21] Polyurethane refers to a class of polymers composed of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane) links. In contrast to other common polymers such as polyethylene and polystyrene, polyurethane is produced from a wide range of starting materials. This chemical variety produces polyurethanes with different chemical structures leading to many different applications. These include rigid and flexible foams, and coatings, adhesives, electrical potting compounds, and fibres such as spandex and polyurethane laminate (PUL). Foams are the largest application accounting for 67% of all polyurethane produced in 2016.
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jennablackmorebooks · 2 years
It's all fun and games until I break out the "If your character was a textile fibre, which one would they be" in the character question of the day channel to mass confusion ^^;
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Princess who likes doing embroidery
She likes it too much
She stayed up all night finishing the embroidery of her gown and then spent the entire ball talking about the techniques she used and how long it took her
She slapped the visiting Prince's hand when he touched her shoulder because "that took me hours and I don't know where your hands have been!"
One of her maids introduced her to weaving and now she's skipping her lessons on statecraft to dye her own wool
She asked for a flock of sheep of her own for her birthday
Her quarters look like a textile goods shop
She hired a new maid to teach her lacemaking
She is the happiest she's ever been and her parents just want to her pay attention in her diplomacy lessons
(she is but she's always doing some kind of fibre craft at the same time and it annoys her tutor)
ETA: Everyone tagging this Sandry from the Circle of Magic books by Tamora Pierce thank you, I am now aware that the books exist, I was unaware of them before. Now; please for the love of god stop fucking tagging it
Also we can do with more fiber arts princesses. I just want more respect for fiber arts in general
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fibre2fashion · 2 years
Austrian firm Lenzing's revenue grows 24% to €1.97 bn in Jan-Sept 2022
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The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of specialty fibres for the textile and nonwovens industries, was increasingly affected by the extreme developments in global energy and raw material markets in the first three quarters of 2022, in line with the impact on the whole of manufacturing industry. Its revenue grew by 24 per cent year-on-year to reach €1.97 billion in the reporting period, primarily due to higher fibre prices.
The market environment deteriorated sharply, especially during the third quarter, and the worsening consumer climate placed additional pressure on Lenzing’s business performance. In addition to lower demand, the earnings trend particularly reflects the sharp rise in energy and raw material costs. Both the earnings trend and the significant deterioration in the market environment led the Lenzing managing board to launch a reorganisation and cost reduction programme.
The programme is already being implemented and is expected to save at least €‎70 million in costs annualised once fully implemented, according to a press release by Lenzing Group.
Read more about Austrian firm Lenzing's revenue grows 24% to €1.97 bn in Jan-Sept 2022
Explore more Fibre News
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vivid-ink · 1 year
"The Love Shack" Part II - Three is a Perfect Crowd
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Relationship: Neteyam(23) x fem!Omatikaya reader(21) x Lo'ak(22)
Read Part I - The Proposition HERE
Story Summary: You’d heard the whispered speculations and stifled giggles during the daytimes. You’d seen the furtive glances that the other women cast at Neteyam and Lo’ak through coquettish eyes, cheeks stained a blushing mauve as they exchanged coy smiles with the two brothers. And during the nights? Hell, you’d heard the moans and wanton cries for yourself… You were definitely curious, but did you have it in you to go through with their proposition?...
Warnings: Adult content 18+ MDNI Word count: 7.9k Content: Mentions of group sex, MMF threesome, smut, sex toy play, squirting
Author's Note: Thank you to all of you who read, commented, reblogged, liked and asked to be tagged for Part II!
@teymars @eyweveng @leaveitbythewave @luvteyams @ @akiras-key @bajbr @questioningconstellationsstuff @reggiesslut @neteluvr @savvysscandles @dasaniix @emery-333 @vintaqestar @ @live-laugh-neteyam @itssomeonereading @strawberry-vamp0 @clairevoyanceee @delacruzyari @bluecooki3 @aalex561-blog @frustrated-kitten @innercreationflower @wolf12thsworld
Here is Part II and I warn ya, it's all filth. 🤭 Grab a glass of wine, a blanket, a towel, whatever you need... and enjoy!
Indecision wasn’t something you were accustomed to. You’d always prided yourself on making strong decisions both personally as well as professionally. It was one of the reasons you rose through the ranks to beat out all the other warriors to become Neteyam’s second-in-command. So, the fact that you’d spent majority of today vacillating in your decision to either go or not go to the outpost was an uncomfortable anomaly.
The conclusion of last meal earlier in the evening had brought with it a burning imperative for you to make your final decision and stick with it. You were dismayed to find that the urgency of the time didn’t help you one bit.
You’d trudged on shaky legs into the woodlands in the outpost’s general direction, before being overwhelmed with a severe case of cold feet. However, instead of turning and running for home, you’d plopped yourself down on some moss and begun whittling away at your half-finished spear from yesterday while you dithered further.
That was a couple of hours ago and it was getting late now.
The present found you parked in the woodland scrub just outside the old outpost with your finished spear in hand. The hesitant side of you hoped that maybe Neteyam and Lo’ak might have abandoned their proposition after your no-show, given the late hour. However, the lambent glow of the lamps inside the outpost shelter and the muffled sound of one of them laughing told you otherwise.
The curious side of you thrilled with anticipation at the unknown…
The brothers had done well to refurbish the abandoned outpost. It had been the central gathering place for the war council during the Long War with the sky people, and it had suffered severe damage during battle. The end of the Long War had been a long-awaited blessing and the outpost had been abandoned, its function no longer necessary and the memory of what it symbolised too painful for some to bear.
But Neteyam and Lo’ak had rebuilt the damaged settlement, renewing it with new textiles, new fibres and new designs. Apart from its core structure, it hardly even resembled the old war outpost anymore.
Approaching the outpost’s entrance where a set of draping cloths served to shield its interior from outside eyes, you steeled yourself under your breath, “Come on, just go and have a look. You can leave if it’s not your thing, like Neteyam said.”
You’d come this far… one peek wouldn’t hurt? If you were honest with yourself, the taste of Neteyam’s kiss had lingered on your lips and tongue all of last night, and it was your craving to experience it again that had brought you here.
Urging your feet forward, you were in process of reaching to part the cloths when they suddenly flew apart from before you as someone made to exit. You hissed, startled in alarm, instinctively lowering yourself into a defensive position with your spear pointed frontward.
“Argh! Holy shit!” Lo’ak exclaimed, stumbling backward in the face of the sharp weapon you were wielding, “Great Mother, who do you think you’re going to be spearing with that?!”
Immediately lowering your spear when it became apparent you were in no danger, you were quick to deliver a faltering apology, “Sorry, you gave me a fright!”
“I gave you a fright? Goddamn woman, I was just going to take a leak and I nearly pissed myself!”
The other side of the entry cloths parted to reveal Neteyam who had come to investigate. There a momentary flash of surprise on his face before one side of his mouth quirked upward in a wily grin that made your ears heat.
Recovered now from the scare you’d inflicted on him, Lo’ak shot a smug smirk at Neteyam and remarked at you, “You’re very late. Don’t have too much fun without me, I’ll be back.”
Neteyam stepped aside to allow you to enter while Lo’ak left to relieve himself. You padded on tentative feet into the outpost and you were astonished to find the space quite innocuous. The interior held all the usual furnishings that you’d expect in a living space; rugs, throws, cushions and soft mats; woven decorations hung from the upper framings of the outpost and a cosy-looking fire burned in a central hearth.
Your expression must have betrayed your thoughts as Neteyam broke the silence with a chuckle, “Not what you expected?”
“I didn’t know what to expect, to be honest.” That was mostly true, you didn’t have any specific expectations or imaginings of the place, you just hadn’t expected the space to look so normal.
From the salacious gossip that had run rampant amongst the women about their experiences here, as well as from your memory of the sensual cries you’d heard that one night you’d ventured near enough, you’d projected a more sordid atmosphere than the one you currently found yourself in.
“When you didn’t show soon after last meal, I figured you weren’t coming.” Neteyam breathed.
You turned to look at him properly for the first time this evening and you noticed his relaxed attire. You were used to seeing him in full warrior regalia, but tonight he was dressed simply, without his cummerbund, arm and leg guards, and no weapons. A beaded choker necklace adorned his neck and a woven armband hugged one of his impressive biceps, but apart from this and a purple loincloth, the rest of him was bare.
You could see so much of his skin… smooth and striped, and cerulean blue all over hard muscle…
“My curiosity evidently won out in the end.” You replied, attempting to tamp down the buzzing knot of nerves in your belly with a small smile at him.
“You can put this down.” Neteyam reached for your spear, prying it gently from your grasp and moving to set it against the nearest wall. His eyes glimmered warmly in the firelight, “No one will hurt you here.”
You nodded, rubbing your empty palms together with a deep breath. You began to circle the space, noticing that it was bigger than you initially thought as there were more cloth draperies that hung to the sides of the shelter that served to partition it off into different sections. Each section held more of the same comfortable furnishings, but the drapes clearly served the purpose of privacy.
Thankfully, as your curiosity increased, your nervousness decreased and you finally felt comfortable enough to ask, “So, what? The women come here and everyone just plays?”
A husky chortle from him, “If that’s what people want to do. Sometimes everyone just relaxes over some drinks and hangs out. Things don’t necessarily always escalate into more.”
You cast him a sceptical look, continuing on your exploration of the place, “And how often is it that sex and body play doesn’t end up on the agenda?” If gossip was to be believed, then you knew it wasn’t often at all that things stayed chaste.
When Neteyam didn’t respond, you turned to face him as he followed you and the wicked grin on his face confirmed that what you’d surmised was right. You rolled your eyes and he laughed.
“And what are these tawtute (human) things that all the women rave about? These tools that supposedly bring pleasure like nothing they’ve ever experienced before?” You queried, intentionally keeping your tone flippant despite the flagrantly sexual nature of your question.
Neteyam’s hot breath ghosted the nape of your neck and you realised he had walked right up to your back, “Come, I’ll show them to you.”
A warm, large hand enveloped one of yours and he led you over to another part of the shelter where a cloth-covered shape lay. Kneeling before it, Neteyam lifted the soft cloth to reveal an intricately designed chest woven from flax and colourful fibres. Undoing the leather snap at its front, he opened it to reveal a plush-lined inner in which sat a series of instruments in of varying shapes and materials you’d never seen before.
The colours of these instruments were also bright, unnaturally so. There were a myriad of shades and tones of colour that existed on Pandora, but the pinks, purples a blues you were looking at were very artificial. A bright blue tool caught your eye and unable to resist, you slowly reached to pick it up. It was smooth and long, and you could only just wrap a hand around the width of it. Its length was also slightly curved, tapering upward at the end.
Neteyam watched quietly as you picked through the various offerings in the chest, running your fingers over the smooth silicone of the toys. He fought to keep his composure as erotic thoughts of you using them began to assault him. You appeared rather intrigued by the blue g-spot vibrator you held, though he could tell by the slight frown on your face that you weren’t really sure what it was for.
“That’s an insertion toy. It goes inside you.” He informed, “And if you turn it on. It vibrates.”
Vibrates… You’d never heard that human word before and you didn’t know what it meant. You let Neteyam take the toy from you and he fiddled with something on its length before it came to life with a buzzing hum that made you jump.
Extending cautious fingers towards the humming toy, you touched its vibrating form before withdrawing your hand, “It tickles.”
“It feels good against you when it’s in the intended place.” Neteyam’s voice was slightly rough and you could smell the familiar musk from last night emanating from him again.
“Do they all go inside?” You asked, eyeing up the other oddly shaped toys, some of which did not look particularly comfortable to insert.
“Not all. This is a wand vibrator and it’s generally only for external use.” He picked up a purple toy, which had a longer handle and a large bulbous head at the end. Switching this one on, you noted that his one hummed even more aggressively than its blue predecessor.
“Whoa, straight into the toy box, are we?” Lo’ak had returned and his voice was a teasing drawl as he joined you and Neteyam, “Getting right down to business then.”
Ears flattening a little at the jibe, you harrumphed at Lo’ak, “I’m just looking.”
The few loose braids by his temple clacked as he laughed, “Oh, they’re not made for looking at, trust me.”
The bravado you’d found waned a bit with Lo’ak’s return, the reality of the situation seeping into you. Great Mother, were you really here discussing sexual implements with two men?... Were you seriously contemplating engaging in a sexual encounter with them?...
Standing up to put some distance between you and the two brothers, you dusted your knees off lightly and suddenly felt rather out of place. You didn’t know what to do with your hands and you didn’t know where to rest your eyes either.
Sensing that his bold teasing had thrown you off kilter, Lo’ak stood to meet your eyes and his face was sincere as he spoke, “Hey, if you were curious and just wanted to see what this place was about, that’s OK. We can just hang if you want to.”
You didn’t acknowledge Lo’ak’s last statement with a definite answer. You warred within yourself. What did you want?... You were nervous, but you didn’t want to go either. The recollection of the searing but short-lived kiss you’d shared with Neteyam made an appearance again in your mind. You wanted to explore that further… By Eywa, you didn’t think you’d object to kissing Lo’ak either…
Like his older brother, Lo’ak too was dressed simply. Neteyam had risen to his feet next to him and they made an incredibly handsome pair. You could absolutely understand why the other women lusted after them. After all, you were hardly innocent of that crime. Your long-standing attraction to Neteyam had ensured that.
“No, I’ll- I’ll stay.” You resolved, “I don’t want to be the only one who’s left out of the loop.”
The two brothers shared a look that you couldn’t decipher the meaning of. It was a glance between them with fairly neutral expressions, but you did see the slight upturn of their lips.
“Where’d you even get those things anyway?” You questioned. You knew that with their mixed heritage and with Jake originating from the humans’ side, that there were many tools and instruments that the olo’eyktan had adopted for use in the clan. However, you could hardly imagine the olo’eyktan openly bringing in sex toys for the clan’s wider use.
“Spider.” Neteyam supplied with a fond laugh, “He’s got quite the knack for sourcing and supplying us with contraband under the radar from the avatar camp.”
You giggled at the thought of Spider. You liked the human. He lived majority of his life amongst the Omatikaya with the Sullys anyway, so despite his foreign form, he was very much Na’vi at heart.
There was one last set of drapes in a corner by the toy chest which caught your eye. It was the only partitioned section of the outpost that you hadn’t yet explored. Ambling towards it you murmured, “What’s behind here? More of the same?”
Neteyam and Lo’ak watched you approach the last partition, knowing full well that what was behind the draperies was not simply more of the same. The last pair of drapes led into their main play area. Quietly they awaited your reaction and sure enough it came soon after in the form of a soft gasp.
They’d built a large, raised bedframe in there and on it sat a thick bedding mat swathed in silken fabric. The bed was sizeable enough to sleep several adults and piles of plush cushions and rolls lined one end of it. The other main feature of the play area, which was also courtesy of Spider, was a large mirror that ran along one entire wall.
You’d never seen anything like it. The gigantic bed was one thing, but the strange pane of whatever it was that spanned the entirety of the opposite wall was breathtaking. You had never seen your own reflection so clearly in your life, save for the completely still water of a puddle after heavy rain, and even that was a far cry from this. Mesmerised, you approached the large pane until you were standing right before it.
“It’s called a mirror.” Lo’ak’s deep timbre sounded.
You’d been so entranced by your reflection that you hadn’t noticed the two brothers enter the space behind you. They flanked you now, one on either side.
“It’s amazing.” You breathed in astonishment. Your fingertips met its cool and solid surface and you marvelled at the clarity of it, “Everything is so clear. It’s beautiful.”
“Just like you are, paskalin.” Neteyam’s words elicited another intake of breath from you and your amber eyes met his in the reflection of the mirror.
Both brothers were standing very close to you, their bodies angled inward towards yours. They were close enough that a subtle shift on either side of you would cause your arms to brush their torsos. Your ears twitched as you perceived the quiet sound of their breaths and your skin prickled with the body heat you could feel exuding from their bodies.
The mirror’s reflection also allowed you to see yourself in-between them and it became apparent to you how much taller and bigger they were in stature compared to you. The top of your head only just skimmed past their chins and your lithe body was much willowier next to their more muscular physiques. The image was as arousing as it was intimidating…
Lo’ak was carefully scenting you now, in a very similar way to the way Neteyam had done the night before. He trailed a hand up your forearm and he pulled you against him to sniff at your hair. Lo’ak’s scent was different to Neteyam’s, but it was no less appealing to your feminine senses.
Through the reflection you saw Neteyam dip his head and you anticipated his action moments before you felt the scorching heat of an open-mouthed kiss against the other side of your neck. Your next inhale was a quivering rush of air into your lungs and your heart began to pound with want.
Leaving a trail of nips up your neck to your jaw, Neteyam paused to purr by your ear, “This is a place where people come to feel good and surrender to pleasure. Rank doesn’t matter here and you leave the outside world at the door. You set the boundaries, paskalin, but if you stay tonight then you must also promise to trust us.”
You turned your head towards him, chasing Neteyam’s lips with your own, yearning to taste him again. But he pulled away with a roguish smirk that promised your patience would be rewarded if you waited.
Your reply was a breathy whimper, “Yes.”
“Is there anywhere you don’t want to be touched?” Lo’ak murmured, the fingers of one hand tickling your hip while its twin splayed flat against the small of your back.
“No, it’s all fine.” Your chest heaved with your deepening breaths, every nerve ending hyperaware and hypersensitive in the waking dawn of your arousal.
Lo’ak’s answering grin was lascivious and the hand at your back pulled the tied knot of your chest-covering free. The garment shifted as it loosened, the beads scraping over your stiffening nipples. Neteyam was quick to undo the last tie of the garment behind your neck, and with a gentle swish it fell from your body entirely, leaving you exposed.
A harsh groan sounded from Neteyam and he cupped one of your breasts, letting his thumb flick over its hard peak, “Eywa, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted touch you like this. Every time your covering shifted at work, every little peek I was afforded when it slipped momentarily, it was torturous.”
Neteyam had been looking at your breasts?... The sentiment was an exciting surprise to you and you leaned into the agonising brush of his fingers over your nipple.
Lo’ak joined his brother, stroking and fondling your other breast, “You’ve got such pretty nipples, and Eywa, they love being touched.”
A stifled moan left you as pleasure shot straight to your core from the stimulation. Your head lolled onto Neteyam’s shoulder and he clasped your chin to angle it the right way so he could reward you with a passionate kiss. You felt him snake a hand down your front, the heat of his palm blazing past your navel to travel even lower. You jolted when he cupped your crotch, his fingers deftly finding the outline of your clitoris and rolling against it.
Neteyam broke away and the absence of his mouth allowed a desirous whine to escape you. He posed another question to you, “How much do you want from us tonight?”
You were dizzy with desire and your core pulsed with liquid heat. You gave another ragged moan when Lo’ak knelt down to capture one nipple in his mouth. Your eyes flicked forward to the wanton reflection before you; one brother suckling on your breast, the other with a hand buried between your thighs while he watched you. The press of their bodies against yours was delicious and you could see matching erections straining behind their loincloths in the reflection.
Your decision came to you undeniably, and you abandoned all your inhibitions in the heat of the pleasure you were experiencing, “I want everything. I want you both to fuck me tonight.”
Their reaction was immediate. There was a flurry of motion as both brothers moved, working in tandem to free your loincloth as well as their own. Naked now as the day you were born, every part of you screamed with want while every inch of your bare skin was pressed up and imprisoned between two aroused male bodies.
You were turned and facing Lo’ak now and you could feel his hard erection throbbing between the press of your torsos. He claimed your lips in a full but brief kiss and then said, “You know, if we’d known that all it would take to get you here was a private session with us, we would’ve done this sooner.”
“You’re incorrigible.” You retorted with a chuckle.
“Shall we move to the bed?” Neteyam suggested hoarsely, “I’m rather impatient to explore you, paskalin.”
“No wait,” You stopped him. You looked into the mirror again, rather enjoying the wide and unimpeded view it gave you of the whole space. Both Neteyam and Lo’ak were gorgeous to look upon and you wanted to enjoy the vision of their imposing frames while they were standing. “I want to enjoy looking at you both like this first.”
Facing the mirror front on with the brothers on a slight angle, your eyes tracked from the top of the pane downward. They were both panting lightly and their pupils were dilated wide with lust in their beautiful faces. Broad shoulders and muscular chests were followed by powerful abdominals that tapered to their slim hips and strong legs. But of course, the two things your attention snapped back to, once your eyes had reached their feet, were their impressive erections.
Biting your bottom lip and feeling frisky, you encircled each of their cocks in your grasp, one in each hand. They were both strapping men, so it didn’t surprise you that they were proportionate in this department too. Simultaneous grunts came from them both when you began a slow squeeze and stroke. Great Mother, they were gorgeous here too… long and girthy, hot skin over rigid hardness that made your pussy clench in yearning…
Lowering yourself to your knees, you peered up at them both while you continued your pumping rhythm over their lengths. You could see they were enjoying themselves, their abs flexing and contracting with their pleasure.
Turning your face towards Neteyam, you held his eyes as you parted your mouth and licked a slow stripe up his cock and over the head of it. His hips jerked involuntarily, a hiss whistling from between his gritted teeth. When your next move was to take his cock into your mouth and suck most of the way down, his response was a strangled cry. It took some effort and co-ordination on your part, but you conscientiously bobbed and sucked while still stroking Lo’ak as well.
“Fuck, you look and feel so good.” Neteyam droned, panting through an open mouth as his face contorted and moved through a series of expressions, all of which spoke to his immense enjoyment.
Lo’ak’s hips were thrusting lightly, pushing and pulling his hard flesh in a delicious glide through your grasp. He would let out the occasional whimper, which mingled sensually with Neteyam’s unrestrained groans. Lo’ak gave a small whine shortly after and you gently drew off Neteyam’s cock with a small pop, licking your lips.
You turned to the younger brother and grinned coyly at him, “I haven’t forgotten about you.”
Lo’ak’s deep chuckle rumbled in his chest and he cocked his head at you with a wink, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have let you forget about me anyway.”
The higher-pitched whine that then followed when you did take his cock into your mouth was a very stimulating contrast of sound.
Neteyam was shifting behind you and you felt him pat the inside of your leg lightly, “Part your legs a little for me.”
Still pleasuring Lo’ak, you multi-tasked and did as you were told. Out of the corner of your eye in the mirror, you saw that Neteyam had moved to lie on his back and had shimmied his head and shoulders between your knees.
Having a bird’s-eye view of the situation and understanding his brother’s intent, Lo’ak smirked and looked down to meet your eyes where you continued to suck him off, “You’re in for a treat, sweet thing.”
Neteyam’s firm hands gripped your hips to lower you slightly towards him. You could feel his breaths puffing gently against your pussy, which you knew was slick with your arousal. The rasp of his tongue against your folds and up to your clit was like a bolt of lightning to your core and you jumped, choking on Lo’ak’s cock when your body failed to co-ordinate your inhale of air with the bob of your head.
The assault that Neteyam began on your core was rapturous. He alternated between broad licks and swipes of his tongue and nose, and intent suckling on your clit. Lo’ak had withdrawn himself from your mouth, settling for stroking himself instead while he enjoyed the view of you squirming over his brother’s face. Leaning forward to place your hands on the ground, you rocked your hips, smoothing your core over Neteyam’s face. Breathy whimpers were coming from you as you neared your climax, but just as it was within your reach, his grip on your hips shifted and he lifted you upward from him to sit up.
“W-Wait no!” You squealed as your bottom plopped onto the ground beneath you, “Why’d you stop?!”
“Shh sorry, paskalin.” Neteyam soothed, cleaning his face off on the back of his wrist and swooping in to kiss you, “We’ll take care of you later, promise. We’re just building you up first. It’ll be worth it. Trust us, yeah?”
Chortling at the wounded expression of disappointment on your face, Neteyam got to his feet before reaching down to pull you up to your own. Your legs were unsteady, but it didn’t matter as he bent to scoop you into his arms next and carried you onto the large bed. Lo’ak had momentarily disappeared from view, but when he reappeared with three colourful implements in hand, you understood the reason for his disappearance. The sex toys.
You felt like you were burning up as you lay on the soft bedding. The heat was like molten pleasure through your veins. The tips of your nipples tingled and your pussy ached to be touched again. Lo’ak returned to join you on the bed and he handed the toys to Neteyam.
Coaxing you to sit up, Lo’ak moved to sit behind you with his legs spread so you could lean back against him. Pressing a kiss to the side of your face, Lo’ak whispered, “How about we give my brother a bit of a show, hmm? He likes to watch. It really gets him going for later.”
You looked at Neteyam, who had perched himself at the end of the bed facing you both. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, almost as if he’d heard what Lo’ak had whispered to you and thoroughly agreed with the idea. You felt Lo’ak’s hands snake under your knees and he proceeded to then hitch them up towards your torso, leaving you splayed wide in exhibition before Neteyam who merely smirked.
Neteyam crawled closer, a couple of toys in hand. You recognised the blue one from before, but there was another strange gold coloured implement you didn’t recognise. You frowned at it warily and your body stiffened as you tried to sit more upright, “What does that do?”
“It’s a suction toy. It goes over your clit.” Neteyam explained while Lo’ak soothed your nerves with some gentle hushing. Stroking a hand over one of your parted thighs, Neteyam reassured you, “If you’re not enjoying it, let me know and we can stop, OK?”
Relaxing back into the position Lo’ak had put you in against him, you nodded in consent. At this moment, you really just wanted to be touched again.
As if hearing your thoughts, Lo’ak’s hands shifted to your breasts, caressing the soft flesh and toying with your nipples again. Your back arched into his hands and he chuckled by your ear. You felt Neteyam place the gold toy carefully between your legs, adjusting it so he nestled neatly against your tingling clit.
With a few clicks, the toy whirred to life and your eyes flew open wide at the new sensation. It was like a pleasant and rhythmic series of tapping against you, and as Neteyam increased the intensity of it, the taps got faster and faster until it all melded into an incredible humming sensation with a delightful suction to it.
“O-Ohhh,”You sighed, your eyes sliding shut as you concentrated on the pulsing pleasure. The pleasure settled into a delightful tempo of rhythmic contractions that made your thighs quiver in Lo’ak’s hold. It was nothing like you’d ever experienced. You’d pleasured yourself and been pleasured by men before, but this was something else…
“That’s it, paskalin, just lean into it. Feel for the rhythm of it.” Neteyam coaxed, watching keenly as the muscles in your pussy began to visibly throb and squeeze. His next words were a profane curse as he palmed his straining erection with his free hand. He badly wanted to have your pussy throbbing and squeezing around his cock like that… not yet, but soon…
Lo’ak was watching through the mirror’s reflection, thoroughly enjoying the view of you whilst also relishing the way you were writhing against him with mewls and sighs. His gaze lifted to lock with his older brother’s and he grinned when you your moans began to intensify, “Let’s see what we can make of her, bro.”
Thoroughly absorbed by the building waves of ecstasy that wracked your core, you didn’t even register that Lo’ak had said anything. The bliss was unreal. You felt the smooth blunt tip of something prod at your entrance and you cracked open a lid to see Neteyam running the blue vibrator through your folds. He was watching you carefully for any sign of objection and when you didn’t give him any, he breached you slowly but surely with it.
A hoarse groan tore from your throat at the satisfying addition that filled your pussy. The pulsing and clenching between your legs intensified and just when you thought things couldn’t feel any better, Neteyam switched the vibrator on and it began to hum inside you too. Your jaw was slack and you could feel your face was contorted into a grimace of pleasure.
Neteyam began to pump the vibrator in and out in a mimicry of thrusting, and your hands flew to clutch at Lo’ak’s thighs beside you. You were only half-aware of yourself, your body suspended in what felt like a never-ending loop of thrumming ecstasy that was speeding you towards an inevitable orgasm that would tear you apart. Something else was building too amid the throbbing of your core. There was a pressure increasing behind your pelvis with each terribly torturous thrust of the vibrator within you.
The throaty sounds you were emitting now were making it very challenging for the two brothers, whose own lust had skyrocketed in the last while as they’d watched you. Both hands occupied with pleasuring you, Neteyam was caught in a cruel contradiction between wanting to see you through and also wanting to touch himself to ease some of the pressure. Meanwhile, Lo’ak was canting his hips against your lower back to find whatever friction he could.
You were so close, teetering on the precipice of blessed oblivion, but you needed more…
You squirmed, trying to shift in Lo’ak’s hold where he had a firm grip on you behind your knees, straining to reach your climax. Your speech was a stutter, your panting breaths punctuated with by whimpers, “P-Please, I want to- I need-”
“What do you need, paskalin?” Neteyam asked, swallowing the saliva that was rapidly pooling in his cheeks at the shameless sight of you, almost completely undone under what his hands were doing to you.
“Please, one of you, just fuck me already!”
There was an immediate halt in the unforgiving pleasure that had assailed you as Neteyam haphazardly flung the toys aside, crawling on all fours to reach you. However, Lo’ak was faster.
The younger brother had shifted you to lie on your side while he stretched out alongside you with your back against his front. He’d hoisted one of your legs upward bent at the knee to splay you, his hard cock poised to enter you.
Hisses and growls filled the air suddenly, startling you somewhat out of your lust-filled haze. You peered through foggy eyes to see Neteyam knelt on your right, his nose wrinkled and teeth on display in an aggressive snarl at his brother, who you could hear hissing in return by your ear.
Lo’ak let out a glacial laugh, “Don’t be like this, bro. We’ve been through this before.”
Neteyam’s response was a harsh growl and his ears were pinned flat to his skull.
Not wanting any animosity between the two brothers, you attempted to mollify them, “Hey, don’t fight, what’s wrong-”
An unimpressed scoff sounded from Lo’ak and he tightened his hold around you, “I know my brother, sweet thing. He won’t let me have you once he’s gotten his hands on you. See, you’re not the only one here who doesn’t like to share.”
Neteyam scowled but he didn’t disprove his brother’s assessment. With a resigned growl like thunder in his chest, he appeared to acquiesce so long as Lo’ak abided by one demand, “Fine, but don’t cum inside her. She’s mine.”
You saw a gleam of possession in Neteyam’s eyes and heard the covetousness in his voice. It was such outlandish behaviour from him, considering you were so accustomed to his usually placid demeanour, but his jealousy was thrilling to you. He lowered himself onto his side in front of you, propping his head up on one elbow to watch.
A shudder rippled through you when you felt Lo’ak glide his cock against your slippery entrance. You felt him reach between you to position himself and he penetrated you with a sharp thrust. Your cry of pleasure was a croaky moan that sounded in time with Lo’ak’s guttural groan of satisfaction as your walls clenched tight around his length. Your pussy fluttered around the width of him and you revelled in the delightful stretch of the feeling. Definitely bigger than the blue vibrator that had been there before…
Lo’ak set a punishing pace of thrusts and your breaths punched out of you with each one as his hips collided with yours. Through half-lidded eyes, you noted that Neteyam was surveying the pair of you with a rather tetchy countenance. Reaching out to him with the hand you weren’t lying on, you caressed his cheek, beckoning him to kiss you. You were enjoying being railed by Lo’ak, but you still wanted Neteyam too.
Neteyam indulged you and you moaned into his mouth while his tongue and lips swept against yours. The pressure at your core was mounting rapidly again and Lo’ak’s uninhibited moans, as he took his pleasure from your body, only served to spur your pleasure onward.
Through the moist melding of your lips with Neteyam’s, you took his wrist and purred a request to him, “Touch me, Neteyam.”
His fingers found the swollen nub at the apex of your thighs and he began to press and circle it in an insistent rub. Your head flopped back against Lo’ak while you whined in bliss at the addition of Neteyam’s actions.
The nagging pressure in your pelvis returned along with the burn and pulse of your pussy. You could see your anticipated ecstasy within reach, but the pressure behind your pubic bone was increasing with each of Lo’ak’s hard thrusts. It felt like an urgent and insistent need to relieve yourself all of a sudden, and it alarmed you…
Eyes flying wide, you tried to shift in Lo’ak’s hold to stop him, ““W-Wait, I need to-”
Neteyam silenced you with a kiss and he hushed you softly, “Let go, paskalin. I know it feels strange, but just go with it.”
Frantic and feeling completely out of control as your orgasm loomed, you spluttered, “It feels like I’m going to wet myself!”
You saw Neteyam’s eyes flick to his brother behind you and they must have shared a meaningful look, for instead of slowing down or being gentler, Lo’ak added a swivel to the trajectory of his hips and Neteyam’s fingers persisted in their massage against your clit.
“Let go, trust me.” Neteyam breathed over you, “Come on, Neyomi.”
You didn’t know if it was the way he’d purred your given name, or if it was just a coincidence of timing and you couldn’t bear it any longer, but you succumbed to the tidal wave of pleasure and allowed it to consume you. A piercing scream ripped from you upon the initial wave. Your entire body went rigid and your pussy contracted intensely, pushing several spurts of fluid from between your legs. You were only dimly aware of the wetness you were emitting as you enjoyed the fleeting weightlessness of your powerful climax.
“Ah, fuck!” Lo’ak pulled free of you with a guttural shout to spill outside of you and over your taut belly and hips as your orgasm has triggered his own.
His breathing was ragged now whilst he came down from his own high and with a wary glance at Neteyam, he leaned over to steal a sloppy kiss from your parted lips, which you returned with a soft moan. He rolled away then onto his back, knowing that his brother would want his time with you now.
The keenness of your senses were slowly returning to you as you recovered from the explosive sensations you’d just experienced. All too aware now of the dampness on the bedspread beneath you, your hands flew to your face in embarrassment. What the fuck happened?... It had felt so amazing, but you’d wet yourself at the end of it…
“Great Mother, I’m sorry. I’ve made a mess.” You murmured through your fingers and you scooted up the bed into a sitting position, looking mortified at the drenched patches on the bedding.
Neteyam’s husky laugh was an unexpected reaction and your round eyes regarded him in bewilderment. Even Lo’ak was chuckling away where he lay relaxing with an arm thrown over his eyes.
Neteyam pulled gently at your hands, “Look at me. You haven’t wet yourself, alright?”
“I don’t understand.”
“What you just experienced was a squirt. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it can happen with intense orgasms from rigorous stimulation.” Neteyam explained mildly, before he graced you with a devious smirk, “It was extremely arousing to witness, paskalin.”
The deepening growl of his tone set shivers tingling down your spine again and your eyes dropped to the still prominent erection in his lap. That’s right, you asked to be fucked by two brothers tonight… one down, one more to go… and this was the one your blood seemed to sing for; that your heart leapt for whenever you saw him…
You knew your skin was already flushed from the earlier activities, but you felt renewed heat tinge your cheeks as Neteyam pushed onto his knees to shuffle closer to you again. Sitting before his kneeling form, you were just at the right height to take hold of his cock. Stroking it gingerly, you placed a shy kiss on its tip and lifted your eyes to meet Neteyam’s as he stared down at you. Great Mother, you felt your pussy squeeze again at the expression he wore, which was masculine possessiveness in the best kind of way…
“Don’t get shy on me now. I’m not done with you yet.” He hissed, grimacing as you began the luscious suck and bob of your head over his swollen length, “That all you got for me? You were choking on my brother’s cock earlier.”
Lifting your gaze to his again at his goading, you perceived a familiar warmth swirling behind the covetousness in his eyes, and something warm unfurled in your chest. Neteyam’s words had been taunting, but you could see he was just teasing you. You doubled down on your effort anyway, savouring the titillating feeling of his throbbing cock in your mouth while he groaned openly.
An unexpected click and rumbling buzz caught you unawares and you stilled. You felt the bed sink a little behind you and you realised that Lo’ak had moved to place something next to you on the bed. Drawing your lips up and off Neteyam’s length, you picked up the purple wand toy you’d seen in the chest before. It rumbled temptingly in your grip and you instinctively look at Neteyam for instruction.
“On your hands and knees, but keep facing me.” He directed, “My brother can help with this toy.”
Once again, you did as you were instructed and you redirected your attention to Neteyam’s hard flesh, returning it to the moist confines of your mouth. You’d always enjoyed giving blowjobs. Men were beautiful creatures, especially the one before you now, with all his formidable strength and taut muscle. You’d always found giving them pleasure a turn-on.
You jumped when the rumbling vibrations of the wand toy skimmed up the inside of one of your thighs, drifting dangerously close to your core before it was moved away. It repeated a similar path up the inside of your other thigh before trailing downward yet again. The vibrating tip of it began its ascent again and this time you canted your hips towards it, earning a dark chuckle from Lo’ak who was clearly enjoying teasing you.
Deciding not to be cruel, Lo’ak pressed the bulbous head of the wand against your core and began to stroke it back and forth over you. Your throaty groan of pleasure was muffled and Neteyam thought to himself how alluring you looked with your eyes rolling back while your mouth was full of him. It was an image straight out of his erotic fantasies of you…
Rocking to and fro as you sucked, the delicious rumbles of the wand were deep against your sensitive flesh and your clit was throbbing under the onslaught. You could taste Neteyam’s pre-cum on your tongue and his hands had framed your face, stroking your hollowed cheeks while he slurred pledges to you of how beautiful you looked.
Lo’ak was afford an unimpeded view of your rear and your pussy, your tail curled up and away in an erotic display. He could tell from the twitching throb and clench of your muscles that your second orgasm was not far away. “She’s close, bro.”
You whimpered as Neteyam extracted himself from your mouth at his brother’s report and he bent to whisper in your ear, “I’m going to fuck you now, paskalin. Do you want me to take you from behind or do you want me to face you?”
“I want to kiss you.” Your response was not quite a direct answer to his question, but it was telling enough for Neteyam to make his decision. Grasping you under your underarms, he hauled you upright onto your knees before he toppled you onto your back against the plush cushions.
Pinning you under the delightful heaviness of his muscular physique, you parted your thighs to cradle his slim hips as he positioned himself where he needed to be.
Neteyam’s handsome face was wicked and he paused to purr a filthy promise to you, “You’re going to remember me like this. Every day at work and every night in your dreams, you’re going to remember the feel of my cock inside you as I fuck you.”
Oh Eywa your work days… It was going to be a test of your composure not to let your very unprofessional behaviour not colour your professional conduct with him…
Like with his brother before, the burning stretch to fullness of him as Neteyam pushed inside you was incredibly satisfying, but it was more intimate face-to-face like this. You could watch his every expression like this as he began to thrust; his eyelids were heavy; his lips were parted, and a variation of higher-pitched whimpers and low groans were falling from him.
For Neteyam, your wet heat clutching at his cock was a staggering sensation. He felt his length throb in gratification as your pussy squeezed around him. After watching his brother fuck you and then having to wait his own turn, his own orgasm was racing towards him at a much quicker pace than he anticipated. He wanted to wring another climax from you first though…
Remembering that you’d expressed a desire to kiss him, Neteyam lowered himself onto his elbows so your front was flush with his and only his hips were canting back and forth. Nuzzling your cheek tenderly, he sealed his mouth over yours in a fervent kiss that stole your breath from you.
The hardness of his pubic bone rocked over your clit with each of his thrusts in this position, and each press of his body against yours brought you one step closer to ecstasy. These ‘steps’ weren’t a slow stroll either, they were more like a hurtling sprint. The familiar pressure within your pelvis started up again, but this time it didn’t alarm you. Every piston of Neteyam’s hips was hitting a pleasurable spot inside you that acted like a pump, building the pressure and winding it tighter and tighter.
Neteyam distractedly wondered to himself how Lo’ak had held out for as long as he did when he’d fucked you. Your core was a slippery vise around him, every thrust working his swollen cock from root to tip. His head was buried by the side of your face now as he groaned and panted. Your own cries were getting louder now, to his relief. He didn’t know how much longer he’d last…
“Fuck, paskalin, you’re driving me insane. I’m so close.” He grunted.
“Same. Keep going.” You kissed him again.
When the surge of ecstasy washed over you a second time, you relinquished your control and the pressure in your pelvis snapped with another orgasmic squirt. With your thighs cradling Neteyam’s hips and your arms raking his back, you felt him stiffen with his own climax, his thrusting becoming erratic as he roared his pleasure into the cushion under your head. A viscous heat seeped out from your core where you were still joined, a sensation that had been absent before with Lo’ak, which you now recognised was the evidence of Neteyam’s orgasm.
Adjusting himself so he wouldn’t crush you under his weight, Neteyam rolled onto his side. He tittered naughtily then and his grin was smug, “I told you I’d make you come. Welcome to the love shack.”
Recalling your foot-in-mouth innuendo from the previous night, you rolled your eyes and giggled, “Great Mother, who would’ve guessed that underneath the well-mannered gentleman that you’re such a wild beast.”
Warm skin enveloped your other side as Lo’ak shifted closer to join you, throwing a leg over one of yours and tangling you to him. He murmured by your temple when he placed a kiss there, “Think you’ll swing by again, sweet thing?”
Tilting your head back and craning your neck upward, you gave Lo’ak a deep kiss before turning to do the same to Neteyam, “Only if I can have you both to myself again.”
Lo’ak smirked, bending to kiss and nip at a gradually peaking nipple while Neteyam ran a hot hand down your torso to slip his fingers through your folds, slick with a combination of your own wetness and his seed. You could feel their cocks hardening again where they were pressed to either side of your hips.
By Eywa, stamina as well as skill? No wonder the women kept returning…
Neteyam eyed you and his response was a salacious murmur, “I believe that can be arranged, paskalin.”
PART III - Blurring Lines HERE
Author's Note: I'm quite sure this is filthiest piece I've ever written... 🫣I don't know how I pulled almost 7.5k of sexy stuff out of my brain, but I hope you all FELT this in all the right ways and all the right places... Three cheers for our two boys Neteyam & Lo'ak!! Woot woot! Thanks for reading this! Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you and thanks for all your likes and reblogs too! 😘
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shilohta · 6 months
You can get yourself any textile, bring any craft from the dead if you like, any fiber arts etc from any time period brand new and bespoke for you. What are you choosing and why?
Oohohoho, I'm commissioning a pair of sprang leggings.
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Stretchy, warm, flashy colours and patterns!
I heard about sprang in the first couple of weeks of my fibre arts course and never found an excuse to explore it more. Obviously I'm free to do research and play around myself, but it's the sort of obscure niche fibre art that's hard to find good information. Carol James has been researching it since the 90s and I'm hunting for some of her books. (The picture above is from the advertising for an online zoom talk by Carol James)
I love the geometric patterns. The method of making sprang is fascinating. (What do you MEAN it's like weaving with only warp threads? Creating mirror-image twists that meet in the middle, and if the middle seam gives out goodbye to all your work?! And what I've read about creating patterns, especially where the two halves are different like the striped legs and patterns above, it hurts my brain. Indistinguishable from witchcraft)
I'm very aware that there's a vast multitude of cool and/ or lost fibre arts that I could have chosen, but I don't need obscenely fancy status marker fashions (thinking of goldwork embroidery) and I don't want to claim something from a culture that I have no connection to (Pacific barkcloth... I just want to know how it feels). And sprang has been in the back of my mind for so long, waiting to spring out.
Bonus if I get sprang leggings made with medieval wool that isn't itchy!
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handweavers · 5 months
"The relationship of textiles to writing is especially significant, not only for the cuneiform-like qualities of many patterns (preserved in a Hungarian term irásos, meaning 'written'), but also for the parallels between ink on papyrus and pigment on bark cloth. There is, in fact, little difference between the two. Such connections are implied in many textile terms. For example, the Indian full-colour painted and printed 'kalamkari' are so named from the Persian for pen, kalam; the wax for Indonesian batiks is delivered by a copper-bowled tulis, also meaning pen. The European term for hand-colouring of details on cloth is 'pencilling'. The Islamic term tiraz, originally denoting embroideries, came to encompass all textiles within this culture that carried inscriptions. And the patterns woven into the silks of Madagascar are acknowledged as a language: the Malagasy vocabulary for writing and preparing the loom are synonymous, while the finest stripes are zanatsoratra, literally children of the writing, or vowels. The study of textiles is, in fact, a branch of palaeography, in which deciphering and dating reveals the stories encapsulated in cloth 'handwriting'. 
With or without inscriptions, textiles convey all kinds of 'texts': allegiances are expressed, promises are made (as in today's bank notes, whose value is purely conceptual), memories are preserved, new ideas are proposed. Records were kept in quipu (khipu) a method of knotting string used by the Incas and other ancient Andean cultures to keep accounts and communicate information, the oldest of which is some 4,600 years old. Many anthropological and ethnographical studies of textiles aim at teaching us how to read these cloth languages anew. The 'plot' is provided by the socially meaningful elements; the 'syntax' is the construction, often only revealed by the application of archaeological and conservation analyses. Equally, the most creative textiles of today exploit a vocabulary of fibres, dyes and techniques. Textiles can be prose or poetry, instructive or the most demanding of texts. The ways in which they are used - and reused - add more layers of meaning, all significant indicators of sensitivities that can be traced back to the Stone Age."
— Mary Schoeser, World Textiles
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umabloomer · 2 months
Textile scientists are developing new “sustainable” fabrics like viscose from seaweed cellulose or literal compost which is a cool experiment but I just think it’s not responding to the right issue in fashion… we have many good fibres that have been used “sustainably” for thousands of years before now (cotton, linen, hemp, wool etc.) The problem is the scale at which they are being used and the low price being demanded for clothing. Doesn’t matter how many new semi-synthetic cellulose variations you invent, nothing will be sustainable at the fast fashion scale.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Rachel House; Happy Belated Non-Binary Parents Day!; Lesbian Visibility Week!; New Event's Calendar; Watch Parties; Fibre Arts Division; Uproar; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Slay; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Guz Khan =
Guz Khan's landed in L.A.! If you're in the Los Angelos Area, you can still get tickets to see him at The Regent for April 24!
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= Samba Schutte =
Samba sending out some love for Earth Day!
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= Nathan Foad =
More dashing photos of Nathan Foad in Love's Labours Lost
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Img Src: @saritagabony's IG
= Rachel House =
More BTS Pics of Rachel and the kids from The Mountain! Can't wait to see this come to the US! @temaungafilm Instagram Page
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== Non Binary Parents Day! ==
Happy belated Non-Binary Parents Day! Sorry luvs I missed this yesterday! You are wonderful, you are valid, you are such a beautiful part of this world. Thank you for all you do for all the kiddos out there, yours or otherwise. Whether you go by Zaza, Per, Muddy, Bibi, or any other of the number of non-binary parent names out there, we love you my dears. <3
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Img SRC: Art by Veya
== Lesbian Visibility Week! ==
Today is the first day of Lesbian Visibility Week! We see you lovelies! Each and every one if you is valid, and are a shining star that fill up the skies. Where would we be without stars? We love you dearies!
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Img Src: Trans World Of Queer Shitposting Facebook Page
== New Events Calendar ==
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The Save OFMD Crew's Even Schedule is Up! Monday and Tuesday are focused on the Fiber Arts Brigade! They're looking for artists to join/donate and or share your work!
Check out Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post for more deets!
== Watch Parties ==
Short Poppies is on the docket this week, and so are a few filler episodes of other smaller roles our favorite Captain has been in!
When: Tuesday April 23, 2024, at 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 10:30 pm GMT
What: We'll be watching A Series of Unfortunate Events Episode 7, and Short Poppies Episode 2!
Looking for where to watch?
Short Poppies - Amazon Prime
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Netflix
Don't have access? Hit me up here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill over dm, or @/AspirantAbby42 on twitter for more info.
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= Palm Royal Season 1 =
Episodes 5 & 6 this Thursday April 25: 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET, 9 pm BST
via @lcwebsxoxo on Twitter!
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
On June 14th the Save OFMD Fibre Arts Brigade will be holding an online auction to benefit SAGE (an Advocacy & Services Non Profit for LGBTQ+ Seniors)! If you'd like to donate OFMD themed textiles to the auction, hop on over to their Donation Page Src: Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post
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== Uproar ==
Uproar is finally coming out on digital & on demand tomorrow 04/23/2024!
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Img Src: @/blue_fox_entertainment's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our fabulous crewmate @melvisik has done it again, one more addition to the cast cards! Brett O' Gorman plays the captain "to whom Stede gifted the red suit (which was definitely NOT cursed...)"!
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= Our Flag Means Slay =
Only 5 days left to get tickets for the Our Drag Means Slay Livestream! All proceeds go to charity!
Get your tickets here!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More fun colouring pages by @patchworkpiratebear! Thank you so much for designing all these lovely, I've printed several off and my son and I are working on them throughout the week!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast ==
The Lore of the Ring Episode is finally here! Special context from Alex Sherman! You can listen on Spotify or Apple Music, link below!
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Img Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction's IG
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope your Monday wasn't too crazy! I'm gonna keep it short tonight because I am nodding off.
I know sometimes we do things when we're not feeling very well that we regret. I know sometimes we get so far progress wise, but then we revert a little bit because the day was just too much. Sometimes we even say or do things that hurt others, even if we don't mean to, but it happens.
Just remember lovelies that that doesn't make you a bad person.
We all make mistakes. We are all human, and none of us are infallible.
You are going through so much. You are dealing with the stressors of the day, of the week, of the year, of the country, of the global climate, hell you're dealing with the stressors of keeping you and your loved ones fed, and clothed and sheltered, or maybe you're dealing with a physical ailment.
Whatever it is, you're dealing with A LOT. We all have bad days.
Making mistakes is how we grow. Give yourself some grace lovelies, you deserve grace too.
Anyway, that's enough out of me, goodnight crew, I hope your dreams are sweet, and your rest is full.
Other People's Love Notes: @realyogibryan IG / @/michellcclark
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Idk what tonight's theme is. We watched the Guy Mann episode of X-Files and I just really wanted to add him to tonight's recap. Gifs Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @romantoy
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buckets-of-dirt · 5 months
Top 5 things to find on an excavation (artefacts or non-artefacts; 'find' can be interpreted however you like)?
1. Cats
Can you say "site mascot"? Nothing turns a crowd of archaeologists into a cooing mess faster than an unexpected kitty, no matter how tough and professional they try to pretend they are. They're usually very pushy site visitors, but they're so dang cute that I don't even mind when they step into my unit without permission. Though there was the one that rolled in poison ivy and then immediately demanded scritches...
2. Stories
Those once in a lifetime finds you'll still be talking about at parties when you're 80. The trowel that went missing. Assemblages that create little mysteries you'll never unravel. The time the truck got stuck. That Tim Hortons your crew is never allowed to go back to. Your first projectile point. How hard so-and-so cried on backfill day
3. Friendship
Excavation crews share a special bond that can only be forged through engaging in many hours of often-tedious manual labour together over a few weeks or months. And you'll need this bond to get through (especially with the kinds of deadlines you have to work under in CRM). You may never see some of these people again, but if you're lucky you might find a lifelong friend or several down there in the dirt. Even the short-term friendships you form are important, though, because excavations aren't always within commuting distance of your home and it's pretty miserable never socializing with anyone outside of field hours
4. Artifacts that clearly belonged to kids
Toys, learning aids, first attempts at tool making, all fantastic. Even frozen Charlottes and tiny shoes, both of which are often seen as "creepy", make me smile. I am not immune to evidence of people being people, okay? Go look at the toys found in the Indus Valley sites (particularly the MANY found in the cities' extensive drainage systems) and remember how to feel joy
5. Textiles and textile-adjacent artifacts
We all knew this one was coming, let's be real. It's no secret that I love textiles. Several of my hobbies are fibre arts and I'm always looking for new ones to try, and this love of textile technologies extends into my archaeological work. Unfortunately for me, textiles themselves rarely survive in most contexts. But happily, there are other artifacts related to textiles that do survive. Buttons, thimbles, needles, loom weights, beads, spindle whorls . . . and then there's certain pottery decoration styles that everyone who knows me is thoroughly sick of hearing about. I will put down whatever I'm working on, no matter what, to go see any find related to textiles
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quilt-giving · 1 year
The Orville quilts I made and handquilted.
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When you go running in the woods in your running tights, elastane is the reason they fit you so comfortably. Elastane is an elastic material that allows the fabric to stretch and adapt to your body. But when elastane fibres are mixed with cotton, wool, nylon or other fibres, as is the case in many clothes today, the clothes become almost impossible to recycle. It is extremely difficult to separate out the different fibres, and therefore the materials in the clothes cannot be recycled. For this reason, clothes and other textiles are among the materials that we are the worst at recycling. Only about six per cent of clothes thrown away by Danish households are recycled. In comparison, 32 per cent of all plastic packaging is recycled in Denmark.
Read more.
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acesolaris · 2 years
A Collection on Solarpunk Fashion
@pepermintsolarpunk indentifies the tennents of solarpunk fashion as eco-friendliness, inclusive design, and personal significance, with the later addition of functionality
@punkofsunshine has a conversation about how aestethics reflect a movement and what that could mean for solarpunk art and fashion (read the reblogs please)
there is also this Conversation between @titleknown and @solar-sunnyside-up talking about how the aesthetics of solarpunk could/ should be more oriented torwards the 1950 instead of 1920 due to the social values at that time
Sewing patterns and inspiration
This website is full of free sewing patterns from plush toys to clothing that will automatically alter to your measurements
@practicalsolarpunk has a post on designing clothes for wheelchair users
@m34gs shares links to plus size shops (USA based)
@wastelesscafts shares a pattern for an vintage wrap top
#folk clothing on tumblr displays a wide array of folkfashion from literally all over the world
@wiisagi-maiingan talks about the problems of plastic made plant leather and avocates the revolution of the leather and fur indurstry instead
@probablyasocialecologist shared an article oft the NYT about the same topic
@punkofsunshine gives an overview about the problems of the modern fashion industry in their post Textiles: Agriculture, industry, couture, and exploitation
@wastelesscrafts talk about Fabrics and summer heat, which to use and which better to avoid
They also have this amazing beginners guide to fabric types
@practicalsolarpunk answers this ask about plastic clothes with an overview of the most common used fibres and their handling
@gowns shares a spreadshead of their research into slow fashion brands with prices and production processes
they also give an order of opeation for sustainable clothing when you get the urge to buy some new
@wastelesscrafts has a masterpost with sources about fast fashion and climate change
@fatmasc has a collection of videotutorials on repairing and mending clothing
@godlovesdykes has a list of ressources on historical sewing
@lovely-low-waster explains the problem with donated clothing to africa
@dropoutdaisy has this post on sewing on a budget
this is a guide to fabric thrifting
Blogs to follow
@wastelesscrafts is a tumblr dedicated to sewing and mending.... everything not just clothes, here is the intropost . Srsly, when in need always check this blog first!
[Version 11/2022] Please feel free to add and comment!
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wlwsuperheroine · 1 year
I’m obsessed with this scene from eclipse lake
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Some might see it as comedy or a visual gag on the word play of the ‘common mold’ or they might see it as foreshadowing to Luz’s death, which is understandable since she turns into a mold-like cluster.
But I think it’s deeper than that. I personally see it as using fungi as symbolism or storytelling tool to Luz’s character and development.
I have 2 points I’d like to make about that, first about Luz herself.
One of, if not, the most distinguishable trait of luz is that she’s human, it’s what sets her apart from all the other boiling isles inhabitants, to the point it became her moniker in a world full of witches and demons to many characters.
And genealogically speaking humans are more related to fungi than any other kingdom, more than even plants. We share nearly 50% of our DNA with fungi, enough for us to contract many of the same viruses a they do.
so putting the scientific perspective on the side let’s take a look at the poetic point of view.
Due to the fact that fungi’s main purpose in our ecosystem is to break down living matter and release other substances into the soil and atmosphere, they have always been a symbol for rebirth and resurrection, reincarnation and rejuvenation and regeneration.
Which yes might eludes to the finale where luz literally died and came back to life but you could also see it as luz being rebirthed into the boiling isles. There she started a new life, with a new family to love, a new house to live in, a new dream to look up to, new relationships to make and maintain, basically a brand new life.
Last thing, like luz, mycology and mycologists have always been overlooked and unappreciated, even in the scientific community. According to an article published in the guardian, fungi weren’t seen as their own kingdom of life until the 60s. Mycologists were put in a corner of the plant sciences department, rather than in their own fungal sciences department. And you could see how neglecting that must feel. But while being overlooked like fungi, mycology thrived in the dark and the damp.
The second point I’d like to make is not the fungi’s relation to luz herself but to her magic or at least how she uses magic i.e. glyphs.
We know glyphs are the first and oldest form of magic, just like how fungi was the first organism to come to life on earth. And as shown in the show, where different characters used glyphs at some point, that it’s very versatile, it’s very flexible they have a lot of uses and advantages even if many looked at glyphs with condescending disdain at first, we can’t ignore it’s potential.
Which it’s very similar to the strides fungi and mycologist are doing in the industry. Fungi’s application can be found in food, medicine, textiles, fibres, packaging materials, and there are some great research being made to use it as biofuel. And it’s not done, it’s no near being done in the field, and just like how we finished the series with luz discovering new glyphs, scientists all around the world are discovering new fungal species on a daily basis. The future is fungal.
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dapurinthos · 3 months
master caudle: now it's important that you read through all six double-sided pages of this patient information sheet before you give your small child these prescribed stimulants. sifo-dyas: got it. sifo-dyas: wow this is a lot of bullshit. caudle: yeah they think they need to be virtuous about the fact that they're making speed for kids that they're making huge profits from, instead of providing a needed substance for people with differently-wired brains. sifo-dyas: i think it would be really hilarious if i made ari listen to me recite all six double-sided pages. narrator: things did not go as he expected.
Master Si arranges it so that when he presents the acid green pill bottle to me, it's directly under the sofa-side lamp, illuminated like a holy object in a shrine. “Your legally-acquired, medical-grade stimulants.”
I grab at it, but he moves it back out of my reach, and holds up his other hand, blocking me.
“I have instructions,” he warns. That's as far as he gets.
I leap up and across the sofa in a move that would make an Ataru master sit up and demand where that sort of energy was when I was in their class. In the moment before I land on him, Master Si’s eyes go the widest I've ever seen them.
The idea that he may have just made a mistake is plainly visible on his face. He scrambles back, hits the arm of the sofa, then fumbles his way off of it and out of my way. He Force-pushes at the air and it forces me into a gentler stop than I had planned.
I eye the new distance between us. “Give.”
“I’m supposed to keep them.”
“Locked up, out of reach.” He backs up as unobtrusively as he can, shuffling more than stepping toward the door. “Doctor’s orders.”
I jump to tackle him again. This time, I feel the fabric of his robes slip through my fingers on the way down and manage to somersault off some of the momentum before I can brain myself on the floor, and only end up with a bit of shoulder pain from the impact. I scramble up and follow him out the door, into the hallway, bemoaning my fate like a Tsis tomb zombie looking for Force-sensitives to snack on.
“My focus!”
“I’m not sure you should have these if you're acting like this at the sight of them.”
“They're a controlled substance.”
“I’m very concerned.”
I give up bleating a third repetition at him and shift my choice of battlefield, reaching out in the Force like I’m patting the floor around me to pick up a pair of glasses. The carpet is wool. His slippers are wool. They may not be from the same place but they’re still the same material. The slippers will be easier. They're felted. That’s just fluff pounded together until it forms a sheet of material.
I let him feel virtuous and victorious as he goes through the instructions the healers gave him. Like all drugs for children, there's a long list. Most of it's for his edification, not mine.
“Got it?” Sifo-Dyas finishes.
I blink at him, removing my focus from felt. It’s like coming out of a cloud. The soles of his slippers are now connected to the carpet, the wool very agreeable to the whole process of de-felting, unwinding, and then joining together so I could squish them together with the Force. Some people sculpt things. I modify fibres. Double-sided fabric wishes it were this interconnected.
“Got it?” He has the nerve to bring my pill bottle back out and give it a rattle.
“Got it,” I say.
Sifo-Dyas narrows his eyes. He shifts his weight in this Mandalorian stand-off we’ve created between us. I narrow my eyes right back and, deliberately slowly, raise one foot.
He flinches back as I lunge again.
His slippers do not follow.
He makes a sort of ‘glurk!’ sound and trips over his own feet.
I move with grace and decorum, practically gliding down the hall to fetch the bottle of my rightful stimulants. Sifo-Dyas swipes at me without much conviction and uses the momentum to roll onto his back.
“No convincing textiles that they’re hook and loop tape,” he says to the ceiling.
“All it to the list,” I inform him, settling down on the floor to examine my prize.
“Okay, now undo it.”
“I haven't gotten that far yet.”
“Padawan,” he groans.
I imitate his tone. “Master!”
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