proloner · 1 year
This contains angst and bxb ship and if u do not like it, do not read.
Anywayyyssss for the angst loving people-
Sonic and Shadow had been inseparable ever since they realized their feelings for each other. They fought side by side against Dr. Eggman's forces, their love for each other gives them the strength to overcome any obstacle. They had been through countless battles together, but this one was different.
Dr. Eggman had constructed a powerful new weapon, one that even Sonic and Shadow weren't sure they could defeat. But they had to try. They had to protect their world, their friends, and each other.
The battle was fierce, with explosions and laser blasts filling the air. Sonic and Shadow fought with everything they had, their determination unwavering. But in the end, it was Sonic who fell.
Shadow watched in horror as Sonic was struck down by Eggman's weapon. He ran over to Sonic's side, tears streaming down his face as he cradled Sonic in his arms.
"Please, Sonic, don't leave me," Shadow begged, his voice full of desperation.
But Sonic was already gone. His body lay limp in Shadow's arms, his eyes closed forever.
Shadow was devastated. He had lost the love of his life, his partner in battle, and his best friend. He couldn't imagine a world without Sonic in it.
For days, Shadow mourned Sonic's passing. He refused to leave his side, holding his hand and whispering words of love and regret. He knew that he would never find anyone else like Sonic, someone who had understood him so completely and loved him so unconditionally.
In the end, Shadow realized that he had to keep fighting, to protect their world and honor Sonic's memory. He was determined to defeat Eggman and ensure that Sonic's sacrifice had not been in vain.
And so, Shadow continued to fight, to protect the world that he and Sonic had loved so much. But he could never forget the love that they had shared, even as he battled on without Sonic by his side.
Q: Does this seem OOC at all? 😭
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proloner · 2 years
I wanna know what u guys think..
Is the trope(that's the word right?) for Sonknux, enemies to lovers or friends to lovers? I mean I think Friends to lovers bc they did turn into friends from what I remember but maybe I'm just stupid and need to dig into more info about them, bc I found they easily ngl.
What about enemies to friends to lovers? IDK BRO, I'm so confused, I need somebody to tell me!!
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proloner · 2 years
This honestly is just a rant, read if u want↓
OK, so I finished Sonic Prime a couple weeks ago and–if you've seen my other posts–as we all know I ship Sonadow right? I've read fics here and there about Sonknux and this one fic just made me have an amazing fic idea😩
Okay so basically, if you've seen Sonic Prime and know how it ends with Sonic and Shadow in the Shatterspace(?) place, I'm thinking that Sonic gets thrown into another dimension BUT in this one, everything is normal, or as it was before Sonic basically destroyed their home or whatever. Everything is the same and Sonic, at first, thinks that somehow he, magically, managed to fix everything. So when Sonic goes to find his friends and he finally does, they all gather him all worried and stuff. Ofc he's confused and asked why, he then finds out he's been missing for weeks! That confuses him even more and before he can start to explain to them he's attacked by Shadow, who tackles him to the ground. Before Sonic can do anything, Shadow kisses him, he then proceeds to yell at him about being missing and how worried he was. Now of course Sonic was in shock, why did Shadow just kiss him?! What was this new, weird side of Shadow that he's never seen before? The story then goes on about Sonic finding out he's actually dating Shadow in this dimension and maybe, just maybe, he even actually falls for him (again?).
That's about all I'm gonna say but I so deeply want someone to write something like this badly😭🙏
I would but I'm still working on my writing and I'll definitely make them too out of character tbh. If u do know a fic or sum that matches this at all pls tell me, I'm desperate.
(I hope this makes sense btw)
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proloner · 2 years
If i had to choose a favorite character from Sonic, it'd have to be Knuckles. That's only bc of how cute and fucking adorable he is and ngl I saw a vid of a human version of him and he'd definitely be my type irl sadly he's not real so-
Also he's like 16 😭 which is WAY older than I am and it just feels wrong to like him. But besides that he's totally my favorite, I'd have to say shadow is either 2nd or 3rd since Sonic is also amazing!
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proloner · 2 years
I just wanna talk about how amazing it would be if sonadow was canon, I know it prob will never be but rlly think about it, WOULDN'T IT BE?!?
Especially if u are an enemy to lovers troupe fan–like me–then wouldn't that be amazing??
Ok so there's Shadow right who ofc is our precious emo boy that would most definitely pretend he hates physical contact but he secretly rlly likes it. And I just think that's rlly cute and also how maybe, in some way, Sonic reminds him of Maria which makes him get closer to him bc he misses that feeling of being with Maria and ends up accidentally falling for him, Sonic on the other hand ends up falling harder for him once he gives Shadow a chance after he confessed to him out of the blue.
Ik this is a lot and probably confusing but I had to say something bc I just couldn't get it out of my head 😭
- Give me some of ur thoughts on these two or other HCs u have -
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proloner · 2 years
I didn't care about people HCing Sonic as trans because I didn't think so at first but now it is now one of my favorite HCs because it absolutely just makes sense!!! Ofc that's only because I saw a video about it and they showed how it made sense and IT LITERALLY MADE SENSE LIKE OMFGGGGGG!!!
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proloner · 2 years
Does anyone have any good Sonknux or sonadow fics I can read? I deeply love these ships and I rlly wanna read some atm!!!!
(Tell me some ships u like as well)
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proloner · 2 years
I'm so hyper fixated w/ anything Sonic The Hedgehog related rn so feel free to send any HCs or ships that you like bc I am so obsessed with it rn😭🥸
(dw I'll respect ur opinions no matter what unless it's very unhinged and weird or sum shit like that– yes I'm talking about you proshippers → DNI)
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proloner · 2 years
Saw a post that said it was canon that Mike was trying to grow his hair out like Eddie's (Forgot who it was exactly that I saw it on) and I have a hc where in another reality, Will meets Eddie and gets a sorta admiration for Eddie, mostly bc of Eddie's love for DnD, and Mike gets jealous and therefore thinks the only way to get his best friend back is by looking like Eddie himself bc he thinks that is Will's type.
Please tell me what you think about this, I personally think it's cute and would absolutely happen!🥰
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