#Texas power utility companies
longlovely · 2 years
Texas power utility companies
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The biggest challenge is intermittency: producing solar and wind energy when it isn’t sunny or windy. Despite Texas being a large producer of wind and solar energy, there will be hurdles to expand renewable energy across the U.S. That includes 50 gigawatts in wind and solar energy to go online in the next three years-with a significant portion going to Texas. We expect wind and solar energy to double their market share in the United States by 2030. This focused attention on utilities companies nationwide, and our Utilities equity research team believes they must address three key areas going forward.
Your zip code is all you need to get started.Widespread power outages in Texas left millions without power during severe winter weather last month. Use your Power to Choose your energy plan based on your usage with ComparePower, created to cut through the confusion and provide a real apples-to-apples comparison of the best plans from trusted and reliable electricity providers. Thus, your best electricity provider will be the one who offers you the lowest rate based on your home’s kWh usage profile.Ĭompare energy plans and electricity rates based on your home’s electricity usage to cut through the confusion. The electric company you choose in Texas will not affect the reliability of your electricity, as it is the electric utility company that provides electrons to your home or business. In Texas, power companies buy electricity wholesale, sell it at retail, and bill customers for their usage at the end of the month. Over 60 electricity providers operate in Texas, and there isn’t much difference among them. The best electricity provider in Texas can offer you the lowest rate based on the specific energy usage of your home. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Texas Electricity Companiesīelow you’ll find details about the different energy companies competing for your business on ComparePower and throughout Texas.Īny product or company names, marks, or logos shown on ComparePower are the property of their respective owners. Therefore, you can be confident that you are not signing up for a low advertised rate but rather a rate based on the specific usage selected. You can select your expected average usage when viewing plans on ComparePower or enter your monthly usage history for the last 12 months to determine how much each plan would have cost you over the past year. Based on your estimated monthly energy consumption, we calculate the total monthly energy costs for each plan. The math is complex.įor every plan, ComparePower has already completed the math for you. With electricity, this is not the case. Each plan uses a different formula to calculate your monthly electricity bill. The price per gallon stays the same whether you purchase 1 or 10. It is unlike fuel prices, where the “price per gallon” applies to every gallon. Nobody does.Ī “price per kWh” advertised by the utility company does not apply to every household because they use different amounts of energy. You do not use exactly 500, 1000, or 2000 kWh monthly. (TX, United States) How usage-based comparison shopping can increase your purchasing power in TexasĮnergy companies advertise their most competitive “price per kWh” rates based on monthly consumption (usually 500, 1000, or 2000 kWh). Very helpful to have the electric providers vetted and compared.
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anonymusbosch · 1 year
here's a tech tidbit for the day. in large part, the US's current lack of green energy isn't because the tech doesn't exist or that the tech isn't cheap/competitive with fossil fuels - it's because of bureaucratic tangles and permitting delays. Right now it can take new power projects five full years just to get approved to connect to the power grid. (On average, it's taking 3.7 years).
As of the end of 2021, there was over a terawatt of green energy storage waiting to get approval to connect to the grid. That's more than all the energy currently generated in the US. For the most part, these aren't completed projects waiting to connect - they're projects that are ready to build waiting for approval before they break ground, or are partially built and getting their application in so that they're not waiting between construction and transmission. Many requests in the queue will never get built (some because they can't afford to wait in line for five years, or lose land rights, or have their interconnect denied, or require costly restudies after design changes, or for unrelated reasons) but even if the historical rate of 25% of them were to succeed, that's still hundreds of gigawatts of power and enough to more-than-replace all the coal plants in the US.
That's not the only obstacle to construction (see also: transmission capacity, load balancing, environmental studies, permitting, and a host of other factors). To be clear: waving a magic wand and lifting this particular barrier wouldn't mean green energy right away forever. But this problem is a decent representative of the type of obstacle green energy faces. Generation and transmission of energy are - largely - cheap and efficient. Getting systems approved and integrated across a morass of local, state, and federal governments, utility companies, and ISOs? Slow and hard.
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ralfmaximus · 2 months
After the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Beryl, millions of Texans were left without power. And once again, residents of the Lone Star State were unable to count on Texas' flagship utility company for either prompt service restoration or even reliable communication. Some Texans frustrated with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and main power company CenterPoint Energy (formerly Reliant Energy) not providing residents with an outage tracker found a better alternative — the app for Texas-based fast food chain Whataburger.
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Texans are using the Whataburger app to track power outages because the state-run electrical grid is so shitty about reporting.
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Since we're heading into winter...
The Supreme Court of Texas narrowly decided Friday that sovereign immunity, which largely shields government agencies from civil lawsuits, also protects the operator of the Texas electric grid.
The 5-4 opinion will likely free the nonprofit corporation from lawsuits filed by thousands of Texans for deaths, injuries and damages following the deadly 2021 winter storm, unless lawyers find another way forward.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the power supply for most of Texas, qualifies for immunity because it “provides an essential governmental service,” Chief Justice Nathan Hecht wrote in the majority opinion. State law intended for ERCOT to have the power of an “arm of the State government,” Hecht wrote. If anyone is going to hold ERCOT accountable for its actions, Hecht wrote, it should be state regulators or the Legislature, not the courts.
Freezing temperatures gripped the state during the 2021 winter storm, straining the power supply so much that ERCOT called for cutting power to millions of homes and businesses to prevent the grid’s collapse. More than 200 people died. Experts estimated afterward that financial losses totaled between $80 billion and $130 billion, including physical damage and missed economic opportunity.
Thousands of residents accused ERCOT, power companies and distribution companies of failing to prepare for the freezing weather.
Lawyers expect the high court’s decision will allow ERCOT to be dismissed from the litigation, although it does not shield other defendants.
Attorney Mia Lorick, who represents some of those plaintiffs, said she sees only a slim possibility that lawyers could keep claims against ERCOT alive by arguing that their cases have differences that somehow skirt the sovereign immunity finding.
Majed Nachawati, whose firm is representing other plaintiffs in the related cases said, “The Texas Supreme Court’s decision is disappointing to say the least. People lost their lives and the only recourse to the citizens of Texas is to be able to go through the judicial process, and the judicial system, to try to remedy or right the wrong that occurred in this case. And if you can’t count on our judiciary to protect its citizens, I think we’re in a lot of trouble.”
Justices Jeff Boyd and John Devine, along with two others, disagreed that ERCOT has sovereign immunity. Purely private entities are clearly not sovereign, and making them so undermines the public trust, they wrote. The justices argued that “no statute designates ERCOT as a part of the government” and that courts should not be barred from hearing claims against it.
The ruling sprang from two cases filed against ERCOT. San Antonio’s municipally owned utility, CPS Energy, alleged that ERCOT mishandled the soaring price of power during the 2021 winter storm. And private equity investors at Panda Power Funds alleged that 10 years earlier ERCOT issued reports that misled them about how much power the grid needed.
ERCOT spokespersons issued a statement saying that the organization was pleased with the decision. CPS Energy said in a statement that it was disappointed but thankful that four justices agreed with the utility as it sought relief for customers. The utility said the litigation still led to “critical discussions at the highest levels that are necessary to improve our power grid and energy market.”
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Hawaiian officials attributed the cause of catastrophic wildfires to alleged failures from the state's main power utility company and downed power lines this week after Democrats blamed the disaster on global warming.
In a lawsuit filed Thursday, the government of Maui County, Hawaii, alleged Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries failed to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month. Due to this failure, downed power lines operated by the utility company sparked a series of deadly fires on the island, the lawsuit claimed.
"The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th," Maui County said in a release announcing its lawsuit. 
"The lawsuit further alleges HECO’s energized and downed power lines ignited dry fuel such as grass and brush, causing the fires," the announcement added. "The lawsuit also alleges failure to maintain the system and power grid, which caused the systemic failures starting three different fires on August 8th."
Maui County argued in the lawsuit that HECO has a duty "to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment including utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment."
However, Democratic lawmakers, a top White House official and Hawaii Gov. Josh Green have all blamed the event, which has claimed the lives of at least 115 people, on human-caused global warming.
"This is devastating. This is a climate emergency," Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., an original sponsor of the Green New Deal, wrote in a post on X on Aug. 10. "I stand in solidarity with my friends and colleagues from Hawai’i — we must act fast, provide aid, and invest in a resilient and safe future."
"Heartbreaking fires in Hawaii! Scientists are clear that climate chaos wreaking havoc on ecosystems everywhere is the new norm," Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., said in a separate post. "We need to take action immediately or else it will get even worse."
Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., who spearheaded a recent congressional investigation into Big Oil, called on President Biden to declare a "climate emergency" in response to the fires.
"My heart breaks hearing of the devastation in Maui," Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., added. "The climate crisis is here and it's killing people. It’s time for [Biden] to declare a climate emergency."
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., joined in, saying the wildfires were a "devastating view of our planet as we fail to adequately address the climate crisis."
And White House clean energy czar John Podesta called for policies to reduce carbon emissions to fight future natural disasters like the Maui wildfires which he said were "fueled by climate change."
"This summer has brought one climate disaster after another, from extreme heat in Arizona and Texas and across the Southeast, to floods in Vermont and upstate New York, to thick smoke from Canadian wildfires," Podesta told reporters on Aug. 16. "And all of us have watched in horror as the Maui fires have claimed over 100 lives — the largest loss of life of a fire in the last 100 years in America."
"To stop these disasters from getting even worse, we have to cut the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis, and that’s what the Inflation Reduction Act is all about," he continued.
Experts, though, have thrown cold water on claims that climate change triggered the Maui fires.  Instead, they said the event was largely a result of years of poor forest and brush management, in addition to declining agriculture. Such conditions, they said, allow fires to spread rapidly and make fires harder to contain. "Blaming this on weather and climate is misleading," said Clay Trauernicht, a University of Hawaii at Manoa professor and environmental management expert. "Hawai'i's fire problem is due to the vast areas of unmanaged, nonnative grasslands from decades of declining agriculture."
"These savannas now cover about a million acres across the main Hawaiian Islands, mostly the legacy of land clearing for plantation agriculture and ranching in the late 1800s/early 1900s," he continued. "The transformation to savanna makes the landscape way more sensitive to bad 'fire weather' — hot, dry, windy conditions. It also means we get huge buildups of fuels during rainy periods."
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Canary Media:
Octopus Energy has surged to the top of the U.K. electricity market with its plucky brand of clean, flexible, customer-centric energy. Now it’s loading up on new investment to make a broader push into North America.
The sprawling clean energy startup pulled in two new investments in recent weeks. On May 7, it announced a re-up from existing investors, including Al Gore’s Generation Investment Management and the Canada Pension Plan. Last week, it added a new round from the $1 billion Innovation and Expansion Fund at Tom Steyer’s Galvanize Climate Solutions. The parties did not disclose the size of the new infusions but said that they lift Octopus’ private valuation to $9 billion. Previously, Octopus raised an $800 million round in December, putting its valuation at $7.8 billion. Thus, eight-year-old Octopus enters the summer of 2024 as one of the most valuable privately held startups in the world, but one whose impact is felt far more in Europe than in the U.S. The new influx of cash will help fund expansion in North America, both by growing its retail foothold in Texas and by ramping up sales of the company’s marquee Kraken software to other utilities. The company has its work cut out if it wants to reproduce its U.K. market dominance across the pond.
“It is a Cambrian explosion of exciting growth in almost every direction,” Octopus Energy U.S. CEO Michael Lee told Canary Media last week.
In the U.K., Octopus has gobbled its way up the leaderboard of electricity retailers, consuming competitors large and small until it reached the No. 1 slot this year. It supplies British customers in part with clean power from a multibillion-dollar portfolio of renewables plants that it owns. The company lowers costs to customers by using smart devices or behavioral nudges to shift their usage to times when the renewables are producing the most cheap electricity. Octopus also began making its own heat pumps, to help households break out of dependence on fossil gas at a volatile time.
In the U.S., land of free markets and capitalist competition, market design largely blocks Octopus from rolling out its innovations, and instead protects the monopoly power of century-old incumbent utilities. There is no national electricity market to take over, but a state-by-state hodgepodge of fiefdoms that obey differing rules. So Octopus made its first stand in Texas, whose competitive power market most closely resembles the U.K.’s system. It now sources power for tens of thousands of retail customers in the state.
“It is absolutely clear to me that the energy transition is happening first in Texas,” Lee said. ​“This is a fantastic market to be in if you know how to work with customers and help them be a central focus in providing that energy transition to the grid.”
Such an assertion might have elicited derisive snorts from Californians or New Yorkers a few years ago, but facts on the ground now support Lee’s thesis.
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matoroblogs · 1 year
BY KRISSAH WILLIAMS The Washington Post Oct 28, 2001
Late last year, five Danish toy designers began to weave a tale of good and evil, creating the kind of heroes and bad guys that American boys love. They used the standard formula: exotic names, special powers, an unknown land.
They added easy-to-build action figures, trading cards, T-shirts, comic books and a soundtrack, as well as Internet, computer and video games. All to tell the story of Lego's Bionicle, which they hope will be the next cool toy line. Their plan is to create a popular story that reveals itself slowly, adding characters to keep the kids coming back for more, with toys cheap enough that parents keep buying.Bionicles also are the featured boys' toys in McDonalds Happy Meals through Sept. 27.
The toymaker is spending $15 million to get the word out about Bionicle, making it the biggest U.S. toy launch ever for the determinedly traditional 67-year-old company known for its classic plastic bricks.
Like much of the toy industry, Lego is financially ailing as more American boys ignore traditional toys in favor of video and computer games and television. Lego, the third-largest toy company in the United States behind Mattel Inc. and Hasbro Inc., lost money in 1998 and again last year, its only losses in decades. The company has watched revenue stall at about $1 billion.
To attract the been-there, done-that generation of American boys, Lego's designers and marketers are trying their darnedest to be cool, even aloof, almost teasing kids to get their attention.
In December, the first bit of information about Bionicle (from ``biological' and ``chronicle') was revealed on the company's Web site: ``Once a paradise, Mata Nui has become a place of darkness and fear, ruled by the deadly Makuta. Now six mighty heroes, the Toa, have come to gather the masks of power and challenge the Makuta. Explore the island ... learn the legends ... and begin to solve the mystery of Bionicle.'
It stopped there. But Lego's marketers hoped youngsters would be salivating for more.
About once a month, new chapters are added to the Web site, along with information about characters and the special masks. This summer, Lego mailed 1 million free comic books to Lego club members, giving details not available on the Web site.
In May and June, the Toa (hero) and Turaga (villager) building toys were released in the United States. The futuristic-looking figures stand about 7 inches tall and are assembled from plastic pieces that snap together Lego-style. The figures cost $2.99 to $6.99, although more-complex remote-control-operated figures will be priced as high as $69.99.
Now, information has been revealed about the bad guys, called Rahi, and other twists and turns are promised.
The Bionicle launch is based on the viral marketing strategy, which is the rage among manufacturers hoping to appeal to fad-prone American children and teens. Viral marketing works to create a buzz one customer at a time rather than relying on mass advertisements such as television commercials.
Lego's idea: Interest one kid in the Bionicle story, and that child will tell another and another. To find those kids, Lego sent out six sport-utility vehicles, each painted with one of the superheroes.
``In early June, 50 kids came up to the truck; just a few knew about Bionicle,' Gillespie said. ``Now, they are pulling up to places and kids are jumping in to tell the other kids about it.'
Seven-year-old Lucas McCoy, who has dropped Pokemon cards in favor of Bionicle, rambles on whimsically about the story line, the music and Mata Nui-Lego's online game, where players see from the perspective of Toa (the heroes) and try to save the island.
Taking a break from play with his Toa figures, Lucas, who lives in Bedford, Texas, talks nonstop for 20 minutes, pausing only to breathe. ``It was the time before time, when the world was new. There was this bad spirit that sent a spell on Mata Nui to sleep ... and I think their most greatest fear is sleep. It made these infected masks, and Makuta is the stone - well, I think Makuta is like a dinosaur.'
The characters' weapons (tools, in Lego's lingo), which include a pitchfork and a spear, don't seem to bother the parents.
Lucas's mom, Maria McCoy, said she and her husband play with their son and can ``see his little mind working.' His focus is on building, not violence, she said. ``It brings out his imaginative self.'
On the other hand, the Bionicle tie-in with a broad range of products can increase the pester pressure from kids, parents say. For instance, to see the paradise island before the darkness descended upon it, kids need the Nintendo Game Boy's Bionicle game, which sells for $39.99. To access screen savers and pictures on the Bionicle Web site, kids need to buy the Bionicle characters and access the codes on the toy canisters.
McCoy said she has kept a lid on Lucas's desire to buy all the products by insisting he use his allowance. ``He gets an allowance, and he can buy what he wants with it. I tell him, 'If you save your money, you can get the more pricey things,' ' McCoy said.
Traffic on Web sites and at toys stores indicates boys, teenage guys and longtime Lego fans are the biggest buyers of Bionicle. Lego officials say sales have surpassed their expectations, but they decline to release figures.
The toy's official Web site had almost 2 million hits in July. Bionicle fans also have responded to the company's create-your-own-site contest. Yahoo lists thousands of sites mentioning the toy line.
But Lego's leap away from its classic plastic brick sets hasn't won everybody over.
Spencer Tibbs, 12, of Warrenton, Va., said he can be more creative with older Lego sets, which he uses to build his own creations, such as a replica of his mom's office. He doesn't like sets that require directions.
``I should be more into that stuff (Bionicle), but I like the older stuff,' he said.
For Lego, the big question is: Are more American boys like Lucas McCoy or Spencer Tibbs?
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ridenwithbiden · 7 months
"Xcel Energy facilities “appear to have been involved in an ignition” of a giant wildfire that’s been blazing across the Texas Panhandle since last month, the company said in a statement Thursday. The utility did not provide additional details on how it came to the determination, but said it was based on “currently available information.”
“Xcel Energy disputes claims that it acted negligently in maintaining and operating its infrastructure; however, we encourage people who had property destroyed by or livestock lost in the Smokehouse Creek fire to submit a claim to Xcel Energy through our claims process,” the statement said.
The Texas A&M Forest Service said Thursday investigators determined the Smokehouse Creek Fire - the biggest in state history, burning well over 1 million acres - and the Windy Deuce Fire were caused by power lines.
The forest service did not say whether the power lines that ignited the fires belonged to Xcel Energy.
The ongoing Smokehouse Creek Fire is the largest blaze in state history, burning more than 1,059,570 acres, according to the forest service. Two people have been killed in the blaze and authorities estimate 500 structures have been destroyed as a result."
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tocitynews · 2 months
Some Houstonians Are Sleeping In Cars And Selling Valuables To Survive Power Outages After Hurricane Beryl – Dallas Texas reporting
More than 800,000 customers remained without power Friday afternoon, more than four days after Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas.
More than two million people without running air conditioning as temperatures soared into the nineties.
“It’s ridiculous, we’re sleeping in hot rooms,” said Houston resident Ruth Gonzalez, who’s been taking cold showers to sleep at night.
She blames the utility company and the storm for the upheaval this week.
“What in the world are you going to do for us, and how are we going to be reimbursed for everything that we’re losing?” she asked of CenterPoint, referring to the $600 worth of food they’ve thrown away since the storm.
The impact the hurricane had on local residents can’t be understated. Those with the financial resources retreated to hotel rooms to wait out the aftermath. Those who didn't were left to sleep in cars or in sweltering homes.
Michael Stavinoha, a 40-year-old real-estate developer who lives in Houston part time, spent about $1,500 on hotel stays since the storm struck. He said he’s likely to continue shelling out for rentals because power to his home may not return until next week.
“Every hotel I’ve had to stay at on the low end has been $350 per night,” he said. “Finding a place to stay is crazy because everything is expensive and booked up.”
Northwest Houston resident Jessica Shaw, 35, wasn’t as fortunate.
After growing tired of sleeping in her apartment in “unbearable heat,” she reluctantly stayed Wednesday night in her car with her three children.
Passing Through?
Martin Castro Munoc was traveling from Louisville, Kentucky, to Veracruz, Mexico on Sunday but missed his layover flight in Houston by three minutes. He rescheduled for Monday, but not before the hurricane hit.
He’s been paying $100 in cash per night to stay at a hotel which doesn’t have access to its computer system. “Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong,” said Munoc, 39. “It’s just very inconvenient.”
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sleepyleftistdemon · 7 months
A new lawsuit claims a falling utility pole caused the tragic 1 million-acre Smokehouse Creek fire in the Texas Panhandle.
A system of different wildfires has torn through the Panhandle scorching over 1.2 million acres over the past week.
A woman is suing the Southwestern Public Service Company after her home near Canadian was burned, alleging the Smokehouse Creek fire was caused by human error.
Melanie McQuiddy sued Southwestern Public Service Company, a subsidiary of Xcel Energy, and Osmose Utilities Services, a Georgia-based contractor that inspects wood utility poles, late on Friday.
According to McQuiddy's lawsuit, the fire started on February 26 when the pole, which the firms "failed to properly inspect, maintain, and replace," cracked and snapped off at its base.  
"As a result of the utility, powered utility lines hit the ground, igniting a fire, which spread quickly into an uncontrollable conflagration," states the lawsuit.  
Ain’t deregulation a wonderful thing?
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ericspeartree · 1 year
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Hey all, here are my creativity test results. Think there's some work to be done! Here are some design preferences and prejudices too:
Design Preferences: 
Subversive Film - I am absolutely crazy about movies. I won’t sit here and try to argue that there’s one kind I love more than any other, because I’ve seen so many that I can find one from any genre that I absolutely adore. Still, I have extra respect for movies that push the boundaries of what can/should be done in film. I love any film that goes out of its way to defy the medium and any established rules of filmmaking. Within these terms, I’ll mention a few favorites: Mulholland Drive (2001), Pierrot Le Fou (1965), Persona (1966), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), and Gummo (1997) stand out above many others to me. If I had to pick a favorite genre, it’d probably be horror, but if it ever comes down to movies I’m ready to talk all day about them. 
Sample Heavy Music - I adore the art of sampling. Few things give me as much of a genuine rush as when I’m listening to an album and I recognize the origin of a sample used in a song. My favorite album of all time is “Since I Left You” by The Avalanches, an album under the Plunderphonics subgenre that is made up of between 900 to 3,500 different samples, depending on who you ask. It is an album full of lively, danceable tunes that I cannot recommend enough. Other artists I love for their sampling abilities are Daft Punk, DJ Shadow, the Beastie Boys, MF DOOM, Madlib, Earl Sweatshirt, and Boards of Canada. 
Varying Kinds of Literature - I would hesitate to call myself well read, but I do try my best to read as much as I can. I think the novel is one of the most powerful mediums, since it can be formed in any way the author sees fit. It is truly a playground for creativity and I’ve found great pleasure in many kinds of literature, so I’ll name a few writers and works I love: Cormac McCarthy (Blood Meridian, All The Pretty Horses), Flannery O’Connor (Wise Blood, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Good Country People), David Foster Wallace (Infinite Jest, Good Old Neon), Thomas Pynchon (Inherent Vice, Gravity’s Rainbow), and Toni Morrison (Beloved). I think what I love most about these writers/works is how much they all utilize the flexibility of the novelistic form to create worlds and characters that could not be rendered in any other medium, or at least would be very difficult to. 
Design Prejudices: 
Minimalistic or Overly Plain Branding: I know many people generally despise the concept of branding as a whole, but I think I’ve pretty much come to terms with its universality. I often find that I grow attached to some kinds of branding, particularly logos, which upsets me even more whenever companies go out of their way to “rebrand” to some minimalistic junk. I understand the need (or perceived need) to appear modern/sleek/cool but to me there is nothing cool about something that looks like it can belong to any old brand. Some entities who I believed have changed their branding for the worse over the years: Pringles, Snapple, La Liga, Firefox, and Google. God forbid they do anything to the Coca-Cola logo. 
Clothing With the Brand Name on It: This one is real specific. I won’t pretend that I have a clue when it comes to fashion; my method for getting dressed every day is to wear whatever happens to be at the top of my drawer. Still, I find that I simply refuse to buy any clothing where the brand’s or store’s name is just blasted onto the front of it. The worst for this are places like Hollister, Aeropostale, even some of the hype-beast luxury brands, but special mention to Gap because I didn’t think I could hate 3 plain letters on a hoodie so much. 
Sitcoms About Nice/Overly Dumb People: Full disclosure, I have a dark sense of humor (within reason, obviously). I find that what makes me laugh in comedy is people acting completely awful. Think shows like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Veep. It works best because it shows the absurdity of life and the situations that arise from it. That’s why so many other comedies simply don’t work for me; they’re too focused on being nice that they just end up feeling toothless and milquetoast. I won’t name the shows I don’t like out of respect (it’s hard to write and direct!) but it’s something that always gets on my nerves. 
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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The Pentagon, in a technological war with China, is moving to launch its first electric aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/29/2022 - 22:08em eVTOL, Military
U.S. Air Force Major Jonathan Appleby (left) and Beta Technologies test pilot Camron Guthrie sit in the cockpit of Beta's Alia electric aircraft during a flight test on March 14 over Plattsburgh, N.Y. (Photo: Beta Technologies)
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The U.S. government has taken a direct approach when it came to the development of consumer drones. Now, a single Chinese company, DJI, has conquered more than three quarters of the world market, and Washington fears that its drones may be a tool for Chinese espionage in the U.S. heavens.
To avoid a similar error and the alarming national security implications, the U.S. Air Force's Agility Prime program has channeled more than $100 million since 2020 into another promising but unproven innovation: battery-powered aircraft known as eVTOLs for "electric vertical takeoff and landing", which many companies are developing for civilian use as air taxis and cargo transportation.
The military's commitment helped U.S. eVTOL developers raise billions of dollars and made them more likely to survive to fight for an eventual civilian market.
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“The involvement of the U.S. Air Force attests that these are real planes – not toys, not flying cars,” said Will Roper, who launched Agility Prime when he served as head of purchasing for the USAF during the Trump administration.
After decades of high development costs for military aircraft, Agility Prime is an experiment to see if the Pentagon can take advantage of advanced, cheaper and ready-to-use commercial technology. The military foresees the use of eVTOLs in utility functions to transport people and cargo away from the airstrips at a lower cost than conventional helicopters. Because they are silent, they can also be useful for placing troops behind enemy lines and conducting rescue operations.
The 15 companies participating in Agility Prime include creators of piloted eVTOLs, such as Joby Aviation and Beta Technologies, and startups that develop cargo drones such as Elroy Air and Talyn. The program provided not only funding, but government testing resources and the potential to earn revenue from military sales before the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) gave the green light to start civil service.
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The HEXA being prepared for loading on a C-130.
Lawmakers seem to like the program: in the defense appropriations bill passed by Congress on Friday, they gave Agility Prime $50 million more in funding for fiscal 2023 than the $73.9 million the Biden government had requested. However, they denied an order for $3.6 million to rent a handful of eVTOLs during the year for exploratory use, citing a “lack of clear acquisition or field strategy”.
Several companies participating in the program believe that the military will start acquiring their aircraft in 2024. The move to the acquisition would be a major milestone in the Department of Defense, according to Roper, who is currently a board member of Beta Technologies. "It's a different color of money," he said. Before the completion of the allocation bill, AFWERX, the U.S. Air Force technology accelerator that manages Agility Prime, said in a statement that the program “continues to evaluate the acquisition of eVTOL aircraft in Fiscal Year 2023”.
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Among the first aircraft acquired is a small Lift Aircraft multicopter called HEXA - single-s seat partially closed on top by a circular structure with 18 rotors. The Lift says that the ship can fly up to 15 miles and carry a maximum of 300 pounds. The military is considering using the HEXA for search and rescue, transporting small loads around bases and emergency response. The company expected some form of acquisition of the U.S. Air Force in 2023, said founder and CEO Matt Chasen.
The HEXA weighs only 430 pounds and its small size means it is relatively affordable. Lift, based in Austin, Texas, offered the first models as recreational vehicles for $500,000. In comparison, Beta Technologies expects its electric aircraft, Alia, which can carry up to 1,250 pounds of cargo or four passengers in a maximum of 200 miles, will cost from $4 million to $5 million.
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The HEXA from Lyft Technologies.
Other Agility Prime participants say they are progressing to put the aircraft into military service.
Joby, based in Northern California, which received contracts through Agility Prime worth up to $75 million to support R&D and unmanned flight testing, told investors last month that it is in negotiations to deliver aircraft to the military in 2024 - by disclosing that it postponed its target date to launch urban air taxi services by one year by 2025, blaming the pace of drafting federal Its electric tiltrotor for four passengers is designed to take off and land like a helicopter and spin its wings like an airplane for up to 150 miles.
President Paul Sciarra said that it is possible for the military to start receiving aircraft as early as next year, giving the company, which is starting to manufacture the titrotor in reduced numbers, "a really important exhaust valve to ensure that we have a productive and local revenue-generating environment for aircraft to go."
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Major Victoria Snow of the 413st Flight Test Squadron remotely controls an HEXA elevator while Sergeant Master Tim Nissen monitors the aircraft's telemetry on November 16 at Eglin Air Base, Florida. It was the first flight of the HEXA controlled by the military. (Photo: U.S. Air Force)
Beta, based in Vermont, which aims to market Alia first as a cargo carrier, expects the Air Force to buy the aircraft in 2024, after test operations at the base in 2023. In March, Alia became the first electric aircraft controlled by U.S. Air Force pilots, with manned flight, but with landing and takeoff on a conventional runway. Beta received contracts worth up to US$ 44 million through Agility Prime.
An initial test mission that the U.S. Air Force is considering for electric aircraft is to move equipment and personnel around its test and training areas in the U.S., many of which are in remote areas with uneven roads. If eVTOLs perform well in this task, they will be tested to transport "illustrious visitors" on trips ranging from 30 to 90 one-way
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Colonel Nathan Diller, who left the position of head of AFWERX earlier this month, said last year that the test and training areas are a perfect "low-risk" initial environment, with eVTOL aircraft expected to allow faster configuration and removal of communications and test equipment by fewer service members, which is usually done now with ground vehicles.
Another basic use: transporting small parts for repairs that would be a waste to carry in helicopters such as the Black Hawk or the V-22 Osprey, which cost thousands of dollars an hour to fly.
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Heaviside's Kitty Hawk.
Another first-generation mission that Roper says is "acephalo" is to use eVTOLs for security in military bases, which can extend for hundreds of kilometers and are still patrolled from the World War II era by troops in land vehicles.
In the future, the U.S. Air Force is interested in using autonomous or remotely piloted eVTOLs for the risky mission of rescuing pilots killed behind enemy lines. The quieter electric propulsion and the smaller size of some of the aircraft compared to rescue helicopters can give them a better chance to get in and out without being seen. “You can send them to areas of higher risk without putting life or limbs at risk,” Diller said.
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Agility Prime boasts of having helped the companies in the program raise $7.5 billion in funding, but as developers move from the prototype phase to the most expensive stage of civil security certification testing and expansion for manufacturing, not everyone will be able to find the money to continue. The pioneering eVTOL developer, Kitty Hawk, was the first company to conduct an operating year through Agility Prime in 2021. Billionaire investor Larry Page abruptly closed the company in October amid doubts about whether he would be able to bring his autonomous aircraft to market soon.
Roper believes that there will be a healthy civil market for the winners. With Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall supposedly skeptical of eVTOLs, Roper argues that the military needs to recognize that U.S. competition for primacy with China is taking place mainly in commercial technology, so focusing on how much the Pentagon benefits directly from electric aircraft is not the only decisive factor.
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“The biggest impact of Agility Prime is that this is an emerging market that will probably be worth a lot in terms of value, in terms of jobs created, in terms of global impact,” Roper said. "It will be a market with a US zip code."
Source: Forbes
Tags: AFWERXAgility PrimeMilitary AviationeVTOLUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and right-wing Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia on Thursday introduced legislation that would prevent a federal agency from banning gas stoves.
Cruz and Manchin's bill to preempt the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from banning gas stoves—titled the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act and described by progressive advocacy group Food & Water Watch as "absurd"—comes even though the agency says it has no plans to implement such a prohibition.
Climate and public health advocates celebrated last month after CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News that gas stoves are "a hidden hazard" and suggested that new ones should be banned.
However, as Reuters reported Thursday, Trumka "walked back those comments after conservatives and energy industry groups seized on them as a way to criticize the Biden administration for allegedly overreaching with its climate and environmental policy agenda."
Food & Water Watch observed that while "there is currently no plan" to ban gas stoves, "there is substantial research documenting the hazards associated with the air pollution" the methane-powered appliances create.
A widely shared recent study found that 12.7% of childhood asthma cases in the U.S. can be tied to indoor air pollution caused by gas stoves. The findings bolstered calls from environmental justice advocates and public health experts to prohibit the sale of new gas stoves and expedite the switch to cleaner and safer electric ones, but the CPSC has yet to propose regulatory action.
"Manchin is doing his part to fuel the ridiculous right-wing panic over a nonexistent war on gas stoves," Food & Water Watch policy director Jim Walsh said Thursday. "But his intent behind this legislation is serious: to inhibit climate action and undermine agencies charged with protecting public health and safety—all in the interest of propping up his fossil fuel funders."
"As state and local governments are increasingly looking to turn away from gas in new construction—moves that will improve air quality and public health, and reduce climate pollution—Sen. Manchin continues looking backward," said Walsh.
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Manchin is the top congressional recipient of cash from the fossil fuel industry, which has fought aggressively against increasingly popular campaigns to outlaw gas stoves at the state and local levels.
However, the coal baron who leads the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is far from alone in his defense of planet-heating and illness-inducing gas stoves.
As The Washington Post reported Thursday, Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future—a nonprofit group founded by a half-dozen gas companies—"has enlisted prominent Democratic politicians and pollsters to help enhance gas' reputation among liberal voters."
Former Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and former Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) are among those going to bat for the fracking and gas utility industries.
"Natural Allies is backed by TC Energy, the Canadian pipeline giant behind the controversial Keystone XL project, and Southern Company, one of the biggest U.S. utilities," the Post reported. "Launched shortly before the 2020 election, the group is led by Susan Waller, a former executive at the pipeline firm Enbridge."
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citynewsglobe · 9 days
[ad_1] Texas affords quite a few advantages for newcomers, starting from a booming job market to a vibrant cultural scene. One key benefit of residing in Texas is that it has no state revenue tax, enabling residents to retain extra earnings. This monetary profit is fascinating to people and households seeking to maximize their revenue. The state’s various geography means you may expertise every part from bustling metropolitan areas to serene rural landscapes, offering numerous residing environments to go well with totally different preferences. Texas is understood for its wide-open areas, providing loads of room for city and rural existence. Its cities like Houston and Dallas present bustling city environments with high-rise buildings and intensive enterprise districts. Equally, areas just like the Texas Hill Nation present a calmer environment, lovely surroundings, and a extra relaxed life-style. The state’s infrastructure is well-developed, with fashionable highways and public facilities catering to its residents’ wants. Inexpensive Residing In comparison with many different states, Texas’s residing value is kind of cheap. Housing is reasonably priced, particularly in suburban and rural areas, making it a superb place for households to put down roots. The state’s housing market affords a variety of choices, from fashionable residences in city facilities to spacious properties in suburban neighborhoods. Whether or not you favor the city vibe of Houston, with its bustling streets and cultural landmarks, or the extra laid-back setting of San Antonio, with its historic allure and family-friendly communities, Texas affords a wide range of residing preparations that can keep intact. Utilities, groceries, and different day by day necessities, even electrical energy, are additionally extra reasonably priced in Texas, contributing to a decrease value of residing total. Residents can reside comfortably with out monetary stress as a result of they will afford eating, leisure, and healthcare. This implies spending extra disposable revenue on actions, holidays, and different enrichment alternatives for households. For people, it presents the prospect to avoid wasting extra or put money into private pursuits and hobbies. Many newcomers to Texas are greatly surprised by corporations offering electrical companies for properties and companies. In quite a few states and areas, only one electrical firm results in a necessity for extra shopper choices. Electrical corporations in Texas are distinctive. The power trade considerably impacts the financial system of Texas and generates many roles in numerous sectors. Deregulation within the state has elevated shopper choices and enabled Texans to realize extra important financial savings by reaping the advantages of residing in Texas. Financial Alternatives in Texas Certainly one of Texas’s standout options is its sturdy financial system. Identified for its oil and gasoline industries, the state has develop into a know-how, healthcare, and finance hub. Central cities like Austin and Dallas have been named among the many finest locations for startups and tech corporations. In response to latest information stories from Forbes, Texas continues attracting important firms and small companies. This various financial panorama affords job seekers a wide range of alternatives throughout a number of sectors, making Texas a fertile floor for profession progress and entrepreneurship. The state boasts a low unemployment fee and loads of job alternatives in numerous sectors, making it a lovely possibility for job seekers from all walks of life. Whether or not you’re within the tech trade seeking to be a part of a startup in Austin or a healthcare skilled aiming to work in one in every of Houston’s famend medical establishments, Texas has one thing to supply. The state’s business-friendly setting, characterised by low taxation and minimal regulation, additional enhances its enchantment to employers and staff.
Local weather Concerns Texas is known for its heat summers, light winters, and numerous local weather areas. Whereas some could benefit from the lengthy, sunny days, others may discover them overwhelming. Think about how the climate may have an effect on your day by day life and seasonal actions. The appreciable measurement of the state ends in a notable distinction in local weather between totally different areas. Northern Texas experiences extra of a continental local weather with cooler winters, whereas southern Texas boasts a subtropical local weather that is still heat all year long. Furthermore, sure areas are vulnerable to pure disasters comparable to hurricanes and tornadoes, so precautions needs to be taken. Coastal areas, particularly these close to the Gulf of Mexico, are prone to hurricanes, making it important to have robust catastrophe readiness and sturdy housing. Inland areas, particularly within the central and northern elements of the state, sometimes expertise tornadoes, prompting residents to have emergency plans. Therefore, it's important to grasp the distinct local weather and climate circumstances within the area you propose to relocate to to ensure a safe and nice residing setting. Think about that you simply get pleasure from taking part in actions that happen exterior. The sunny local weather supplies ample alternatives for year-round out of doors enjoyable, whether or not mountaineering, swimming, or simply having fun with a barbecue in your yard. Texas boasts quite a few state parks, nature reserves, and leisure areas that showcase its pure magnificence. Texas supplies a wide range of terrains, from pine forests within the east to rugged mountains within the west, interesting to out of doors fanatics and nature lovers. Cultural and Leisure Actions It's wealthy in cultural and leisure actions, from music festivals in Austin to rodeos in Houston, Texas. Sports activities fanatics can cheer for skilled groups just like the Dallas Cowboys, whereas artwork lovers can discover famend museums and galleries. Important cities host yearly occasions and festivals, celebrating every part from music and movie to meals and artwork. Out of doors actions abound, whether or not you get pleasure from mountaineering within the Hill Nation or exploring Huge Bend Nationwide Park. Texas cities rank excessive for his or her high quality of life and leisure choices. Moreover, the state’s culinary scene combines Southern consolation meals, Tex-Mex, and worldwide cuisines, offering a pleasant gastronomic expertise. From well-known barbecue joints serving slow-cooked meats to modern eateries providing progressive dishes, Texas has one thing to fulfill each palate. Meals festivals and farmers’ markets are commonplace, permitting residents to pattern native flavors and artisanal merchandise. The state’s various inhabitants additionally signifies that you’ll discover a vary of cultural influences mirrored in its delicacies, arts, and traditions. Texas has many historic websites and landmarks that share the state’s wealthy historical past. For people interested by historical past and heritage, exploring the Alamo in San Antonio, visiting the Area Heart in Houston, or touring the State Capitol in Austin affords instructional and enlightening experiences for locals and vacationers. Challenges to Think about Regardless of its many benefits, residing in Texas has its challenges. The summer time can carry intense warmth, with temperatures ceaselessly over 100 levels Fahrenheit in sure areas. This excessive warmth can have an effect on day by day actions and require important use of air con, impacting power payments. Site visitors congestion in main cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin will be irritating, particularly throughout peak hours, resulting in longer commute occasions. Moreover, public transportation choices are restricted in comparison with states with extra intensive methods, making automobile possession nearly mandatory for many residents.
The state’s huge measurement signifies that commutes will be lengthy, notably for these residing in rural or suburban areas who work in city facilities. The price of gas could add up, though the decrease total value of residing helps to offset this expense. Furthermore, adapting to the native local weather and climate circumstances can take time, notably for these unaccustomed to excessive warmth or the potential for pure disasters. Different challenges embody adjusting to native wildlife, which may differ barely from different states. Encountering animals comparable to armadillos, rattlesnakes, and scorpions will be an uncommon expertise for newcomers. It’s important to pay attention to the native fauna and take applicable precautions to make sure security and luxury in your new setting. Ultimate Ideas on Transferring to Texas Relocating to Texas can provide unparalleled alternatives and a top quality of life, particularly in the event you’re ready for the challenges that include it. Whether or not you’re drawn by the financial prospects or the cultural aptitude, Texas presents a singular mix of conventional and fashionable residing. Conduct thorough analysis and even perhaps go to a couple of occasions earlier than transferring to make sure it aligns along with your life-style and expectations. The state’s welcoming communities and various landscapes present a variety of experiences and alternatives for brand spanking new residents. With its myriad sights and advantages, Texas generally is a improbable place to name house, providing one thing for everybody in its various panorama and neighborhood. Whether or not you’re an urbanite searching for a bustling metropolis life or somebody searching for the tranquility of rural areas, Texas has all of it. People and households discover the state interesting because of its increasing financial system, low value of residing, and vibrant cultural choices.   [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Are Facebook, Instagram and YouTube more like newspaper publishers or telephone companies?
The Supreme Court on Monday was wrestling with that question in a pair of cases being called the most important tests of the First Amendment in the internet era.
The justices' answer could be critical to setting the terms of online speech for generations.
Florida and Texas each passed laws in 2021 ordering social media platforms to limit content moderation (e.g. removing or devaluing certain posts, at their discretion) and requiring them to issue notice and explanation any time a user's content is removed or account suspended.
Both laws were enacted following the platforms' decisions banning then-President Donald Trump after Jan. 6 and conservatives' longstanding concerns about the sites' censorship of content based on politics.
The states argue that social media platforms are akin to "common carriers," like utility companies, which are subject to government regulation, and must accept all users' content regardless of viewpoint.
But the internet companies insist they have the right to set their own standards, like any other publisher, and cannot be forced to host messages on their platforms that they don't support, such as hate speech, misinformation and other malicious content.
Federal appeals courts have divided on the question: one striking down Florida's law as a violation of the First Amendment, another upholding Texas' law as permissible government intervention.
The nation's high court is expected to deliver a decision in the cases by the end of June.
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