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scribefindegil · 2 months ago
ooh ooh I gotta ask LAST for the Imperial Radch WIP
It wasn’t one of the citizens from Station that I was meeting today. I hadn’t had time to do as much research as I’d liked, but Ship had shown me her name and her designation: Tevar, one of the field workers from downwell. According to her records, she had never been to Athoek Station before. Uran had put in the request for her. I suspected that the two of them had known each other before I had taken Uran as my ward. She had not told me what this meeting was about.
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atimefordragons · 7 months ago
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☾���; April 12, 2024 ☾♔; 2:17pm ☾♔; sotd: Do Pal from Veer-Zaara ☾♔; cotd: Keira Parvis ☾♔; Thistle Grove Academy ☾♔; Fuck if I know what this is
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: lyrics from "First Class" from Kalank, ya know Kalank gets a lot of unfair shit. it's not a bad movie, and quite a few of the songs slap. and the sets and costumes were immaculate too!
yeah, this is not gonna be my set for the event, it's so shit. I hate it. In my defense, it's been busy with the end of ramadan and eid, I've literally just been lurking and the thots did not thunk, so mess vess. definitely gonna remake it, already tried like 5 different times since yesterday, but it was not working. if you see me reusing the outfit, no you don't.
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not-a-kaleshi-saanp · 11 months ago
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
I'm somebody's favorite...😭🥺...so I'm assuming the most frequent songs i listen to yeah, there we go:-
2. Main tumhara
3. D-Day Alvida
4. Cheers
5. Hall of fame- stray kids
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kennak · 1 year ago
当方、お医者さんである。国民民主党の玉木議員の医者の給与を減らせというツイートが昨今話題になっている。その理由は医療に金がかかりすぎ、成長と全体の幸福を損ねているから、らしい。ここに、手っ取り早い解決法を提案したいと思う。国民皆保険制度を廃止すれば良い。国民皆保険制度、そして高額医療制度は非効率な医療サービスのバラマキを行っている。発熱すらしていないコロナ患者に対するラゲブリオや末期肝硬変患者の貧血に対するエリスロポエチン。どうしようもなくボケちまった爺さん婆さんはあめ玉のようにアリセプトを舐めている。大正生まれのご老人に順内と血外の連中がTAVIやらEVAR,TEVARをするせいで、ピンピンコロリへの道筋が絶たれていく。一種の老人病である心アミロイドーシスという病気にタファミジスのような冗談みたいな価格の薬が投与される。PD-1阻害薬なんて薬ができたせいで森○朗が復活してしまい、東京五輪で遺憾無く老害っぷりを発揮したのは記憶に新しい。ヤニカスは年金を受け取る前に早く死んでくれるから財政的にトントンだったのであって、延命してしまえば単なる息の臭い金食い虫だ。糖尿病で腎臓をぶっ壊せば医療費がタダになる上に週3人工透析をする権利が付与される。これは米国だと週2回である。別に週2でも死にはしないのだが、政治家にとっての票田、透析病院にとってのアクティブユーザー数を維持する為に週3となった。そして今後これにレカネマブが加わる。この話を欧米の医者にすると、イかれてんなwどこからその金が出てんの?、と言われる。納税者の財布からである。日銀が円債を引き受け、円の価値を希釈させることでそれを行うこともやっている。世間のイメージとは裏腹で、日本の医療従事者の人件費はとても安い。これは一人当たり医療費支出を見れば明らかだ(4,691ドルでOECD加盟中15位/38位)。上述のような無意味なバラマキをしており、かつ失敗国家のような人口比率であるのにもかかわらず、日本の医療支出は相対的に低い。何故か?それは医療従事者の人件費が安く押さえられているからだ。米国の医者や看護師の給与水準は日本の5〜6倍くらいはある。最近は円安でそれにブーストがかかった。米国の一人あたりGDPが日本の2倍程度であるのを考慮しても、単純計算で3倍もらっていいことになる。しかも、日本は医療サービスを必要とする高齢者の割合が高く、富は高齢者に集中している。その上、日本の人口あたりの医者数は米国の二分の一強しかいない(看護師数は知らん)。自由競争が許されれば、価格はどこまで上げて良いのだろうか?社会主義的な医療制度を採用しているカナダ、オーストラリア、イギリスと比較しても日本の医療従事者の待遇は地を這うような水準だ。この差は、これら国々は費用対効果に見合う医療のみ提供する事より生まれる。そして、費用対効果という言葉は日本で最も忌み嫌われる言葉だ。医は算術ではなく、バラマキなのである。少々話が脱線するが、日本の医療は安いだけでなく、質が良い。看護師の方々の礼節は海外と比較するとびっくりする程だ。大して金を払っていない患者に対して奴隷の如くクソ丁重にもてなす(個人的にやめたほうがいいと思っている)。消化器の先生は海外ではまず不可能であろうESDなどを華麗にこなしてみせる。外科の先生はクソ面倒くさいリンパ節郭清などを毎回丁寧にやってらっしゃる(あれエビデンスあるんすか?)。心外、脳外、婦人科の先生方はキチガイじみた24hオンコールを律儀に請け負っている。ネットに出没する出羽守の方々が海外で稼げなくなってから日本に凱旋するのはまさにこれが理由である。医療が安いだけが理由であったのなら、金が腐るほどある金持ちは海外で医療を受け、そこを終の住処とするだろう。要するに国民皆保険制度は医療従事者を抑圧する制度でもあるということだ。この手の話題では、医業の独占を医者から譲り渡すべきだという議論になりがちがだが、別にそうすればいいと思う。chatGPTの言われた通りに動けば素人でも9割方正解を出せる(残り一割はとんでもなく間違う)。ただ、麻薬とか向精神薬とか抗癌剤など人を殺せる系薬剤の処方権をお譲りするのは難しいと思うし、無免許医が患者に不利益を及ぼした場合、たとえ事前の患者の同意があったとしても殺人罪やら傷害罪が適応されるべきだと思う。じゃないと麻薬密売やら自殺幇助などがはびこるだろう。血圧とか糖尿病の薬程度であれば各々自由にやればいいんじゃないかな。ここら辺も匙加減間違うと死ぬけどね。ネット上では医者が率先して寝たきり患者を量産していることとなっているが、それは嘘だ。寝たきり患者が増えることで得をするのは病院であって、医者ではない(そして、病院にも大した得にならない)。医者が胃瘻やら中心静脈栄養やら喉頭気管分離を行うのは、家族から「できることはやってあげてください」、或いは「昇圧剤と心マは希望しないけど、他はやってください」と言われるためである。一度そう言われてしまうと、文字通りできる限りの事をしないと訴訟や医師免許お取り潰し、場合によっては殺人罪を着せられることになる。延命を行わないことのデメリットが甚大である一方で、メリットは皆無なのだ。そんな中でも過去にALS患者を安楽死させようとした医者や、透析を中断させようとさせた医者が過去に居たが、日本人はその行為の是非を議論しようとはせず、彼らは司法やらメディアの袋叩きに逢い、無事死亡した。「寝たきり患者量産」は、国是であり、日本国民の総意なのだ。医療従事者は、低所得者や生活保護者ともっとも交流する職業のうちの一つだ。実際に相手をしてみると解るが、大抵彼らは愚かで、卑しく、救い難い。そんな人々を相手にしたくないし、彼らのために真面目に労働し納税している人々の税金を注ぎ込む際には良心が痛む。だが、そうせざるを得ない。国民皆保険制度がそうさせているのだ。国民皆保険制度を廃止することのメリットは以下の通りだチューブ老人というグロテスクな存在が激減する財政が健全化するあなたが不摂生でない場合 (現状の社会保険料 - 民間保険料) は正の値になる 老人が減るので年金・介護・福祉に支払う支出が減る。 高齢化問題が緩和される介護に使う時間と金が減るので少子化解決の道筋が開けるあなたが介護・医療関係者の場合、待遇が良くなるデメリットは以下の通りであるあなたが金のない高齢者であった場合、死ぬあなたが生保であった場合、死に近づく喫煙、肥満、2型糖尿病などプリベンタブルなリスク因子を抱えている方々の民間保険料は、恐らく高額になる上記社会的弱者を糧とする方々が困る(透析病院とか、自民、立憲、共産、社民、れいわの先生方など) 超富裕層が困る(治安が悪くなるため。社会保険料は端金であり、円安は海外の資産でヘッジすればよい。道端でジョーカーみたいなのにぶっ○されることが彼らの最も恐れることなのだ。)要するにフリーライダーが死ぬということである。ただ、想像してみてほしい。ご高齢の方々は、周囲から疎まれながら、そんなに長く生きたいだろうか?役目を終え、尊敬される老人のまま、死にたくないか?デブやアル中、ヤニカスの皆様方は、太く短い生涯を送りたくて、そういったライフスタイルを営んでいるのではないだろうか?そしてなんといっても皆さん、フリーライダーは、お嫌いでしょう??「お前もいずれは高齢者になる」と言われるが、私の経験では生産可能年齢を過ぎてからの延命は本人含め、誰も幸せにしない。病院に巣くうご老人方は醜く礼節に欠きそれでいて生産性は皆無である。家族含めた周囲は陰に陽に早く死んでほしいと考えている。そんな中貴重な医療資源を浪費し、死ぬはずであった今日を先延ばしにしているご本人は少しも幸せそうでなく、それどころか不機嫌な顔をしている。飯塚○三のような、あの顔である。医療に縋らないと生きられない時点で、生物として破綻しているのである。そんな中長く生きても、なーーーーーーーーーーーんもいいことないよ。私は、基本的には人の為になりたくて医者になった。給与や労働条件が他国に比べてイけてないのはまだ我慢できる。だが、劣悪な労働条件で滅私奉公し、それが故に国賊の様に扱われるのは納得がいかない。国民皆保険制度は医療従事者の待遇を悪化させているだけではなく、医療従事者が頑張れば頑張るほど、日本国民、および患者とその家族に不利益を及ぼすような制度設計になっている。悪いのは制度であって、医療従事者でも、患者でも、老人でもないのだ。皆保険制度は捨て去られるべきだ。レッツ、レッセフェーー��ーーーーール!!!!!!!!!
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janaknandini-singh999 · 1 year ago
A short haired desi princess! Aapki adaaon pe mar hi na jaaein ham 🫣
Aapke naino pe saare geet vaar dein! Saari shayariyan vaar dein par unke teekhe tevar ka koi muqabla nahi.
😳🤭💖🫶✨ you’re gorgeous Nandini😘
Ayee haaye, ab aapko hum kya kahe saari tareefon se toh aapne hume hi sajaa diya. Bas itna keh sakte hain ki jo khoobsurati aapko dusro mein dikhti hain woh aapme sabse zyaada hain <3
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aakarshspeaks · 2 years ago
Hansta rehta hu tujhse mil kar kyu aajkal Badle badle hain mere tevar kyun aajkal Aankhein meri har jagah Dhoondhe tujhe bewajah Ye main hoon ya koi aur hai meri tarah
Kaise hua, kaise hua Tu itna zaroori kaise hua Kaise hua, kaise hua Tu itna zaroori kaise hua
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444namesplus · 1 month ago
Abazejei Abeubonjal Acevem Aconhertau Adacon Adalol Adazelzen Afeldam Afolner Afolonom Agaiger Agarmenpan Agawesou Agencei Agetei Agoiquou Agotacen Agouseuzer Ahauler Ahermem Ahoipau Ahouneiman Ajemau Ajomger Akafel Akampol Akemwou Akodom Akomnen Alaimol Alelhel Amerwal Ameten Anahol Anemcowem Aneupomrau Apanmejel Apozabon Aradai Arensam Arezeu Aserrai Atagar Ataiwau Atawoi Ateinei Atelen Atengel Aterganai Atofeujar Avamai Awalvai Awapau Awenom Axabalmau Axawenquou Azelsel Azewouleu Azobom
Banbei Bapequem Baquolvar Barzam Batelau Baxom Befai Beiquadau Belam Beutan Bexeu Boigexoi Boijou Bolmen Boudevam Caiker Caurei Cecon Ceudou Coferpon Coivel Conaivel Covainem Coxer Dagom Daloi Dandon Danhaqual Danom Delal Delpeu Dewem Docoquom Dofafau Doikon Donlem Doquor Dougalwem Ebaifeljom Ebalcamcem Ebaneu Ebapeufei Ebeuvexoi Ecairomhon Ecarezon Ecebolau Ececal Econkom Ecosei Edasor Efatedel Efeifaltoi Efesom Egacaugen Egakaxom Egegagar Egeudoi Ehaderkan Eharlemwei Ehasor Ehavemkon Ehersar Ehonwel Ehopezen Ejallolpeu Ejarbalneu Ejaugolcar Ekakeper Ekaugal Ekaxegor Ekemojom Ekovar Elequon Elerxofom Emazem Enatengan Enemcor Enertousoi Eneuquadon Epailen Epanserker Epapecei Epobai Epomfeival Equaforxom Equalquor Equewarjal Equeweu Equomwequen Eraiwen Eramgon Erauquowor Ereremau Ererzei Erexorhan Eroilemhoi Erolhoibeu Erompel Erorban Esabeu Etacewel Eteicelnol Evolveval Ewaivelfar Ewevarar Ewomkoxam Ewonkol Exaiquam Examsadau Exanemfai Exaquoxer Exaxar Exazoman Ezacainan Ezeremau Ezevankem Fafojem Fanquemmau Fapoubem Favau Fesasal Feucequom Folpebei Fongem Fotemol Foxahan Foxom Gamau Gampefol Gamran Garjalem Gauperder Gefom Geimamquer Gengan Gerquan Gesesan Gocel Gouven Haileu Hankor Haurozom Hecanom Hefolger Henzer Herpecoi Hevam Hodou Hoicenrel Hoival Hoquom Horjahel Houcen Houquonnau Hoxaxem Hozemar Jaileu Jamannan Janhai Jemwei Jercan Jexerjam Jomzau Joxequam Kalbon Kamlan Kanverreu Karwel Kaujeusou Kawamqual Kazeroi Keufal Koibargel Kowel Lakomzar Lapeu Lardekoi Larsou Lawam Lelau Lerteu Lomwalrer Lonozom Lozol Lozomquar Macemnoi Malladei Marwel Meulemam Mezateu Monber Moxofel Mozam Nakaval Navor Naxolreu Nebahon Neigoquor Neigor Nekal Neneuxer Nennencen Nenzam Nerson Neuren Nezei Nomhalnoi Obanvarel Oboudel Ocammenhai Ocanor Ocarjamvoi Ocesel Ocobawem Ocofem Ocovelcei Odedesoi Odobon Odoidefau Odolquepen Odovafou Odoxem Ofaimaljeu Ofanalvol Ofelkeibel Ofemzau Ofesau Ofomei Ogafoleu Ogefemer Ogomeilam Ogozei Ohaxeusar Ohemal Oherben Ohevoxam Ojadalnor Ojanzai Ojetalmal Okavajor Olaikavar Olampolwei Olemerpom Omacen Omannecon Omaukenmom Omercamjar Onallamcei Oneleben Opemxon Opocei Oporroi Oquaharfau Oqualxau Oquamquor Oquaucel Orecolsou Oremdem Orerleu Orolvam Orotoldan Osagor Osemjonxeu Osenkol Oseulor Osomquai Ovegam Ovelkor Ovoiquoiver Owalbau Owercar Owopedam Oxedeuzei Oxojal Oxorjal Ozonorxau Ozopoxai Pacermel Paidei Panvamel Pegan Pelror Pemsal Perdorrar Pesar Peukelfam Peunel Pofezal Pomaileu Pomnor Quaihemfen Qualpen Qualwomrau Quanquer Quarcorquel Quegarcer Quodai Quoijankon Quoivoucor Quollencan Raizau Rarxonei Rauwou Rebexou Rehel Remdoteu Renar Rernemdor Rofeudoi Roikor Roisefer Rolderquoi Ronxajom Roubolser Sapamnan Sapan Sardowon Sawelbal Sefenlor Seukal Sokelxou Sokoi Sokom Somjedom Somtomjam Sorlon Sousen Taisedou Talsaiquam Taqueu Tebel Teher Temzajan Tevar Tokam Vailai Vamkenpou Varzal Vauken Vausau Vavoi Veiweucal Velraurer Verfeu Vezoi Vezor Volnoi Vovoi Voxom Vozau Wabeivam Wahornon Walkem Wamcaudal Wangol Warvarel Waseu Waucel Wekau Wemkoidel Wenorgol Wocerlom Wogenmon Woikou Woloi Xalvovai Xanver Xelfei Xemdamau Xemxal Xenwatom Xerol Xeror Zalxekel Zanforvar Zatotol Zauzonhor Zawol Zelel Zemen Zenoicel Zepoixan Zerhetei Zomouram Zorwolcar
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stanleyhuds · 2 months ago
Vascular Grafts Market Size, Share, Demand, Growth, and Forecast 2025-2033
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Global Vascular Grafts Industry: Key Statistics and Insights in 2025-2033
The global vascular grafts market size reached USD 2.0 Billion in 2024.
The market is expected to reach 3.3 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.42% during 2025-2033.
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest vascular grafts market share.
Cardiac aneurysm exhibits a clear dominance in the market due to the rising incidence of cardiac aneurysms, necessitating vascular grafts for treatment.
Hospitals account for the majority of the market share as they are the primary healthcare facilities where vascular graft procedures are conducted.
The ongoing technological advancements in graft materials and design are supporting the market growth.
The rising shift towards minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) is propelling the market growth.
Industry Trends and Drivers:
Prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases:
The rising global cases of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are boosting market growth. These diseases often need surgery that uses vascular grafts.
Technological Advancements in Graft Materials and Design:
Technological progress in graft materials and designs is boosting the market. Today's vascular grafts are biocompatible, durable, and reduce complications like infections and rejection. Innovations such as drug-eluting and tissue-engineered grafts are also emerging. These grafts aim to better integrate with the body's tissues. Such advancements improve the safety and effectiveness of vascular surgeries, thus enhancing patient outcomes.
Preference for Minimally Invasive Surgeries (MIS):
Minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) are driving market growth. Procedures like endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR) are less invasive than traditional surgeries. They also reduce hospital stays, lower infection risks, and speed up recovery. This boosts interest in specialized vascular grafts for these surgeries. Moreover, patients and doctors are leaning towards MIS for its benefits. This trend increases the demand for compatible vascular grafts.
Request for a sample copy of this report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/vascular-grafts-market/requestsample
Vascular Grafts Market Report Segmentation:
By Product:
Endovascular Stent Grafts
Hemodialysis Access Grafts
Coronary Artery By-Pass Grafts
Vascular Grafts for Aorta Disease
Peripheral Vascular Grafts
Endovascular stent grafts represent the largest segment as they are increasingly preferred for minimally invasive (MI) vascular procedures due to their efficacy and lower invasiveness.
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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) holds the biggest market share, attributed to its widespread use in vascular graft manufacturing, owing to its biocompatibility and durability.
By Application:
Cardiac Aneurysm
Kidney Failure
Vascular Occlusion
Coronary Artery Disease
Cardiac aneurysm exhibits a clear dominance in the market due to the rising incidence of cardiac aneurysms, necessitating vascular grafts for treatment.
By End User:
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)
Hospitals account for the majority of the market share as they are the primary healthcare facilities where vascular graft procedures are conducted.
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
North America dominates the market, which can be accredited to the increasing adoption of advanced vascular graft technologies and a rising prevalence of vascular diseases in the region.
Top Vascular Grafts Market Leaders: 
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Abbott Laboratories
B. Braun SE (B. Braun Holding GmbH & Co. KG)
Becton, Dickinson & Company
Cook Group Incorporated
CryoLife Inc.
Getinge AB
Heat Medical Europe BV
LeMaitre Vascular
Medtronic plc
Terumo Corporation
W.L. Gore & Associates Inc.
Note: If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
About Us:
IMARC Group is a global management consulting firm that helps the world’s most ambitious changemakers to create a lasting impact. The company provide a comprehensive suite of market entry and expansion services. IMARC offerings include thorough market assessment, feasibility studies, company incorporation assistance, factory setup support, regulatory approvals and licensing navigation, branding, marketing and sales strategies, competitive landscape and benchmarking analyses, pricing and cost research, and procurement research.
Contact Us:
134 N 4th St. Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA
Tel No:(D) +91 120 433 0800
United States: +1-631-791-1145 
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prabhugikwad1088 · 3 months ago
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drcare4u · 3 months ago
Stellantis, Seeking to Revive Sales, Makes Some Leadership Changes
Stellantis, which makes Jeep and Chrysler vehicles, announced a number of significant leadership changes, including the timing of CEO Carlos Tevares’ retirement and the departure of its chief financial officer as it struggles to revive sales in North America Source link
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stokesy55 · 3 months ago
You know, in India, especially among the older generations, there is a worrying normalisation of domestic abuse. Which might get reflected in omegaverse I think?? The situation is definitely getting better as we progress, but we're nowhere close to improvement as we should be. So anyways, the older generations of women in India were definitely taught to expect that their husbands would hit them, and that they should tolerate it if it happened, but under no circumstances should they seek a divorce, because that's unacceptable as it would tarnish the reputation of the family. Yeah, it's very toxic, I know.
But I can sorta see this being replicated in Omegaverse with omegas? In India, often parents were discouraged from indulging their daughters, and were instead encouraged to place curfew on them, place restrictions on their social movements, etc. and this might be the situation with omegas? VK's dad pampers him a lot, and is very indulgent of his every mood, every desire. And I can see VK's relatives being like, "Isko itni dheel mat dijiye, ek baar pankh lag gaye na to udd jayega!" Meaning "don't give him so much freedom, once he grows wings, he'll fly away!" So essentially implying that VK is receiving a disproportionate amount of freedom, and this will make him wild and undomesticated.
When VK announces his decision to pursue cricket as a career, the reactions from his extended family are like: "Yehi sunna reh gaya tha! Yeh Ghar se nikal ke job karega. Kya jaroorat hai? Ghar main aur koi kamaata nahi hai kya? Pehle hi bola tha maine, isko bachpan mein itna mat bighaadna. Lekin aap hai ki sunte hi nahi hai!" Which means "This was the only thing left to hear! He'll get out of the house and do a job. What's the need? Does nobody else in the family earn? I had advised you in the beginning, there was no need to spoil him so much as a child. But you aren't ready to listen to me!"
VK would also receive many taunts from his relatives: "Kitna ziddi hai tu, sasural mein kaise nibhayega!?! " Meaning, "You're so stubborn, how will you manage at your in-laws?!"
And when BCCI marry VK off to Pat, his relatives react like. "Bahut accha hua! Ab isko iska pati hi seedha karega! Teen-chaar thappad padege na, tabhi ye saare tevar bahar niklenge. Ye kaam hame hi bachpan mein karna chahiye tha!" Which means "Very good! Only his husband will straighten him out now. He'll receive 3-4 tight slaps, only then will he be rid of that attitude of his. We should have done in this in his childhood!"
And when VK confesses to his closest family members, ig his mother and his siblings that Pat is cheating on him, I can see even them going, "Rehne de, kuch cheezein bardasht karni padti hai. Tu ye soch, usne tere saath kabhi kuch galat to nahi kiya. Kabhi tujh par haath nahi uthaya, kabhi tere saath jabardasti to nahi ki. Jo hai usme khush rehna seekh." Which means, "Let it be, some things have to be tolerated. You think, he has never done anything wrong to you. At least he never raised a hand to you, he never forced himself upon you. Learn to be happy with your lot."
I probably won’t explore VK’s further family that much but yeah I can see this ringing true
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guapagorcevic · 6 months ago
Oh the birthday party I’m taking about is Ana Tevar’s on that day they saw each other in person for the first time in a few months, it was weird because they were at the same place but they didn’t take any pictures together and J unfollowed AMC a couple days after that.
definitely something happened there
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lyricsssdotin · 6 months ago
Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap Lyrics
Singer:Amitabh BachchanAlbum:Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap Thodi Thodi seena zoriThodi Thodi Matha fodiThoda action thoda JacksonBbuddah Hoga Tera Baap Tode sare neeyam todeThode thode sar bhi fode Choohe banke jeevan daudeBbuddah Hoga Tera Baap Soch samajh ke zara samne tu aaSoch samajh ke zara tevar DikhaSoch samajh ke zara Question poochhDe doo na mutthi se jawaab Hey..buddeh..!abe!Bbuddah Hoga…
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describano · 1 year ago
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anavatazes · 1 year ago
Instead of saying Wongers, we say Tevars. And cherish both equally ❤️.
Just realised Carson Teva is like the Wong of the Filoniverse
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shayrlocked · 1 year ago
In English, we say, 
Why are the Muslim leaders still sleeping on a genocide? 
but in Urdu, we say,
samjha rahe the ham bhi dil ko juNg ke usool
itna kiaa tha sabr ki, tevar chala gaya
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