almostlookedhuman · 1 month
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Tesak, Judith's Hellhound by Anna Podedworna
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imagescuisantes · 5 months
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Tesak Bandit
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borvooven · 9 months
I still haven't made a Terror OC HOWEVER what I did make is plan an episode of my Star Trek project where Q puts some of them in the royal navy while the others stay on the ship and try to make Q bring them back.
The tall guy is a humanified version of the captain, Tesak Remor, who's actually romulan but was raised by british people, so he actually knows how to behave around the british and finds the situation to be a lot of fun.
The other guy is the chief engineer, Ash Hurt. Due to him being half norwegian he isn't really respected because 🚨not fully english🚨 and just wants to go back to their time and ship. He does really care about sailing ships though, so there is something he's interested in.
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Marlene, their counselor, is also going with them. She is a middle class woman and tries to help them survive in this time, she is also the one responsible to bring them back in the end. They're the only ones being sent back in time because the captain already has such a close connection to the british and Ash is the highest ranked human crewman and Marlene is the only other human senior officer. All this resolves in an identity crisis for Remor as he is often perceived as human despite being romulan AND Janen, who remained on the ship, questions why he wasn't send back even though he's actually half human.
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akreon · 5 months
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Tesak, Judith's Hellhound MTG: Murders at Karlov Manor AD: Michael Thomas
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Rosyjski neonazista "Uragan" zginął w Ukrainie.
Rosyjski neonazista z Woroneża i były członek ultraprawicowego gangu Format 18 Artem "Uragan" Krasnolucki , który walczył po stronie Ukrainy, został zabity w trakcie działań bojowych. 20 kweitnia poinformowały o tym źródła rosyjskie, a informacja ta została później potwierdzona przez skrajnie prawicowego blogera Vladislava Pozdnyakova. Kanał Uragana nie był aktualizowany od 11 marca.
Artem Krasnolutsky to znany neonazista z gangu Maksima "Tesaka" Martsinkiewicza, wcześniej członek NSO-Triglav Woroneż, który był dwukrotnie sądzony w Rosji. W 2011 roku został skazany na sześć miesięcy kolonii karnej za kilkukrotne pchnięcie nożem w dyskotece w Kałaczu. W 2015 r. porwał mężczyznę i postrzelił go w nogi. W tej sprawie w 2018 r. został skazany na 8 lat kolonii o zaostrzonym rygorze, ale "Uragan" uciekł z sądu i trafił do Grupy "Wagner". Pierwszym, który tam trafił, był jego brat Władysław, który wyjechał do Syrii i zginął tam rok wcześniej. Na krótko przed rosyjską inwazją na Ukrainę Kransolucki uciekł z Rosji. Podobno inny znany rosyjski neonazista, Siergiej "Botsman" Korotkicz pomógł mu przenieść się do Ukrainy. Jednak po rozpoczęciu wojny stosunki między Uraganem i Botsmanem zepsuły się do tego stopnia, że Uragan zagroził zabiciem swojego byłego towarzysza broni. Po rozpoczęćiu wojny "Uragan" został prawdopodobnie zwerbowany przez SBU.
Russian neo-Nazi "Uragan" was killed in Ukraine.
Russian neo-Nazi from Voronezh and former member of the ultra-right Format 18 gang, Artem "Uragan" Krasnolucki, who fought on the side of Ukraine, was killed during combat operations. Russian sources reported this on April 20, and this information was later confirmed by far-right blogger Vladislav Pozdnyakov. Uragan's channel has not been updated since March 11.
Artem Krasnolutsky is a known neo-Nazi from the gang of Maksim "Tesak" Martsinkevich, previously a member of NSO-Triglav Voronezh, who was tried twice in Russia. In 2011, he was sentenced to six months in a penal colony for stabbing him several times in a disco in Kalach. In 2015, he kidnapped a man and shot him in the legs. In this case, in 2018, he was sentenced to 8 years in a high-security colony, but "Uragan" escaped from the court and ended up in the "Wagner" Group. The first to get there was his brother Władysław, who went to Syria and died there a year earlier. Shortly before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kransolyotsky fled Russia. Another famous Russian neo-Nazi, Sergei "Botsman" Korotkich, reportedly helped him move to Ukraine. However, once the war began, relations between Uragan and Botsman soured to the point that Uragan threatened to kill his former comrade in arms. After the war began, "Uragan" was probably recruited by the SBU.
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heaven-pie · 3 months
Nossa que tesak
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plssendbones · 6 months
Hii!! :3
Since not all your characters have names i decided to suggest some names for Luka from "My proclivity" and that one Zombie girl from "Existential undead" which has no name.
Luka from "My proclivity" might be Lucia!
But i still not sure about Zombie girl's name sooooo here's a small list of names that maybe matches her:
Morte - (Italian and Portuguese for "death")
Mortifer / Mortifera - (latin for "deadly")
Also jokingly i call her "Ksyusha Tesak" (Tesak is a russian word meaning cleaver). I called her that because she has a cleaver in her head. And Ksyusha because it was a random name that came to my mind???
Have a nice day and i hope you like some of the names i suggested!!
Thank you for the suggestions!
Most of the names are decided by the chat when I live stream and I do plan to do another one soon
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tomlinsongirl · 6 months
que tesak dwsg4açadi
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aurevoirmonty · 10 months
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"Il existe une morale chrétienne, celle d'un esclave. Il existe également une morale aryenne, celle d'un guerrier."
Maxim Tesak
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pedrop61 · 1 year
Il propagandista della NATO, stipendiato da tutti noi contribuenti, che a malapena sembra riuscito a capire dove si trovi l'Ucraina sulla mappa, ha intervistato il neonazista russo Denis Nikitin "White Rex".
Quasi a voler comprendere le ragioni dei gruppi neonazisti russi e ucraini che stanno conducendo incursioni in Russia, a Bryansk e Belgorod, riporta la dichiarazione di Nikitin (che ha rapporti con Casapound), che dice di star combattendo contro la Russia in memoria di un amico torturato e ucciso nelle prigioni russe.
Beh, voi sapete di chi sta parlando, giusto? Ma certo, di Maxim Martsinkevich "Tesak"! Il neonazista russo torturatore di omosessuali che filmava il suo grande amico Sergei Korotkikh (quello che ha ricevuto armamenti pesanti dalla Gran Bretagna) mentre tagliava la testa a un immigrato!
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reflets-troubles · 5 months
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Titre du dessin : Wayfaring Stranger
« Ce dessin est constitué de deux faces, celle de gauche qui illustre Ellie dans sa jeunesse avec un air triste et la face de droite, qui, elle, illustre Ellie plus âgée. La jeunesse est plus apte à montrer son côté vulnérable et ne pas avoir honte. L’adulte se renferme et cache ses émotions afin de ne pas paraître vulnérable et pour prouver qu’il peut endosser n’importe quelle responsabilité puisqu’il n’est pas affaibli par ses sentiments. Cette double facette me tenait à cœur. Avec les années qui nous traversent, nous tendons à nous isoler, à nous refermer sur nous-mêmes en cachant nos émotions pour paraître plus acceptables et moins fragiles, ainsi offrant une soi-disant image positive. Ce dessin me tenait à cœur, je souhaite démontrer que nos sentiments sont légitimes et acceptables qu’ils soient bons ou mauvais et qu’il est important voir impératif de pouvoir les exprimer.» – Roksana Tesak
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imagescuisantes · 10 months
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hasanakbal19 · 8 months
Caferağa Mahallesi, Rıhtım Caddesi, No.2/3 (Eski Başkanlık Binası-Beşiktaş iskelesi Karşısı) KADIKÖY-İSTANBUL Tel.0-216-3378654-55 E [email protected] adresindeki ”Konferans Salonu”nda gerçekleştirilecektir. Etkinliklerin hepsi de ücretsizdir, ilgilenenlere önemle duyurulur. Kütüphane her gün hafta içi 09.00-21.00 arası açıktır, Pazar günleri kapalıdır. *** 01 Kasım 2023 Çarşamba günü,…
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kunyekultursanat · 8 months
Caferağa Mahallesi, Rıhtım Caddesi, No.2/3 (Eski Başkanlık Binası-Beşiktaş iskelesi Karşısı) KADIKÖY-İSTANBUL Tel.0-216-3378654-55 E [email protected] adresindeki ”Konferans Salonu”nda gerçekleştirilecektir. Etkinliklerin hepsi de ücretsizdir, ilgilenenlere önemle duyurulur. Kütüphane her gün hafta içi 09.00-21.00 arası açıktır, Pazar günleri kapalıdır. *** 01 Kasım 2023 Çarşamba günü,…
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7ooo-ru · 9 months
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Рассказавшего о похитившем и избившем его Тесаке подростка проверят на наркотики
Подростка из села Некрасовка Хабаровского края проверят на употребление наркотиков после рассказа о том, что его похитил и избил мужчина, назвавшийся Тесаком. Полиция не поверила словам подростка о том, что его похитили и отвезли в заброшенный дом, где пытали в течение нескольких часов.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/09/23/855-rasskazavshego-o-pohitivshem-i-izbivshem-ego-tesake-podrostka-proveryat-na-narkotiki-grss-241934564.html
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