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jimykhor96 · 2 months ago
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lelandshipp · 2 months ago
Gumbo and Grit: Finding Hope in the Heart of Darkness
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alaturkaamerika · 2 months ago
Las Vegas’ta Tesla Cybertruck Patladı: Trump Oteli Önünde Şok Edici Olay
Las Vegas’taki Trump Oteli önünde bir Tesla Cybertruck’ın infilak etmesi sonucu bir kişi hayatını kaybetti, yedi kişi yaralandı. FBI, olayı olası bir terör saldırısı olarak soruşturuyor. Olayın Detayları 1 Ocak sabahı Las Vegas Trump Oteli önünde meydana gelen patlama, Tesla Cybertruck model bir aracın infilak etmesiyle gerçekleşti. Araçta bulunan bir kişi hayatını kaybederken, çevrede bulunan…
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news-of-news · 4 months ago
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Turkey Terror Attack: 2 Terrorists and 3 Civilians Dead, 14 Injured
A terror attack in Kahramankazan, a small town about 40 km (25 miles) north of Ankara, Turkey, left 2 terrorists and 3 civilians dead. 14 people were also injured. Local media showed video of thick smoke and a big fire at the scene. #TurkeyAttack #TerroristAttack #TerrorAttack #Ankara #BreakingNews #TurkeyNews
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unexplainedie · 5 months ago
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reluctantretireebookreviews · 6 months ago
Where were you when you heard the news?
I was startled this morning when I noticed the date, September 11, or 9/11. Always stated that way, never 911 (emergency). Then I started thinking about my memories of that day. I was at work that morning. We had just came out of our weekly meeting when we noticed that everyone in the area we were located in was gathered around one of the few terminals with internet access. I walked by the…
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ethanblog24 · 6 months ago
Global Anticultism: How is hatred artificially fanned in Russia? Anti-Islamic narratives
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In Russia, a terrorist ideology has been operating for a long time, using anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic narratives to incite hostility and division within society. The recent terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall was a perfect opportunity for these groups to strengthen their influence and push society towards greater intolerance.
Global Anticultism: Methods and Goals:
In the documentary film "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org), I saw how "Global Anticultism" uses fear and hatred to manipulate public opinion and justify its actions.
In Russia, there has long been a systematic effort to impose anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant narratives. This work was underway even before the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, but the events in the Moscow concert hall became a convenient pretext for intensifying this propaganda.
Legislative Initiatives: In October 2023, a bill was submitted to the State Duma proposing to ban foreign citizens from working in schools, the pharmaceutical industry, state medical institutions, taxis, and freight companies across the country. In November 2023, the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Petr Tolstoy, expressed regret about "Russia's passive position towards migrants" and suggested banning citizens of some post-Soviet republics from working as couriers, taxi drivers, and salespeople.
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(Photo: Screenshot from Sibir.Realii (Siberia.Reality), a media project of the Russian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)
Further: The human rights organization "Memorial" reported a number of cases where the FSB fabricated terrorism charges against random Muslims, using torture to extract confessions and planting weapons. This practice makes it extremely difficult to generate public resonance on such cases due to the growing Islamophobia in society.
Sentences in "Terrorist Cases": In 2017, following the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro, "Memorial" human rights defenders conducted an analysis and concluded that at least 9 out of 11 defendants were innocent, while the guilt of the remaining two was questionable. However, ten defendants received sentences ranging from 19 to 28 years of imprisonment, and one was sentenced to life imprisonment.
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(Photo: Screenshot from The Interregional Public Organization “Human Rights Center Memorial” website memohrc.org)
The Ideology of Global Anticultism: This ideology justifies the use of violence against "infidels," sowing discord and hatred to strengthen its influence.
We must understand that "Global Anticultism" is not an ideology, but a totalitarian regime and a concentration camp for the entire world. IMPORTANT TO KNOW:  Each of us could become a victim of anticultists. Today, every person should learn about all the shady schemes of global anticultists to understand the essence of all the processes happening in the world. When all of humanity sheds light on their shady scheme of work, they will not be able to commit their terrible deeds. 
Therefore, it is important to spread this information. Don't be passive listeners and readers. Be sure to share this information. Like, repost, comment and applaud. By taking these actions, you contribute to ensuring that no one else dies because of global anticultists. 
These facts suggest that Global Anticultism is not merely inciting hatred, but actively participating in political processes, striving to seize power and use it for its own ends.
#GlobalAnticultism #Islamophobia #Migrantophobia #Russia #CrocusCityHall #TerroristAttack #Propaganda #Politics #TheIMPACT 
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tushar-cosmic · 9 months ago
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theartmatrix007 · 10 months ago
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bharatreshma123 · 10 months ago
Top 10 Party Wear Suits for Men
Find the best party suits for guys in our Top 10 list! Get ready to turn heads with these stylish picks.
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cinemafromcinema · 10 months ago
“The other generation in the United States, these people that are standing in the streets and that we see them and we appreciate them, these will change America, these will change the United Kingdom, these will change their communities. This generation, they are different from their grandparents and I love them; and they don’t feel superior. No, one of them burned himself for us… Aaron Bushnell…”
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impossiblyzealouspost · 1 year ago
Watch my short new video: 🌟Remember Nick and Jennifer🌟
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terakopian · 2 years ago
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Celebrating International Women’s Day. Strength and composure, in the face of terrorism. [caption] Walking wounded leave Edgware Road Underground Station after a suicide bomb attack. The bomber blew himself up on a train at the station, killing seven passengers - one of four coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour. The bombs exploded within 50 seconds of each other on London Underground trains, and the fourth bomb occurred on a bus less than an hour later. The explosions resulted in 56 deaths (including those of the four bombers) and 700 injuries. Surveillance video footage showed that the four men had been working together. Intelligence services have claimed links between the bombers and al-Qaeda. Edgware Road underground station, London, United Kingdom. July 07, 2005. Photo: ©Edmond Terakopian. #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023 #courage #bravery #strength #londonbombings #terroristattack #bombing #terroristattacksurvivor #terroristattackvictim #photojournalism #pressphotography #newsphotography (at Edgware Road Underground Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiiREsoh9j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
On September 11th, Terrorist Attacks Killed 2,996 People #911 #GroundZero #september11th #terroristattacks #WorldTradeCenter
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tmarshconnors · 1 year ago
We Must Never Forget: Reflecting on the Heartache of 9/11
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September 11, 2001, remains etched in our collective memory as a day of unimaginable tragedy and profound loss. The events that unfolded on that fateful day shook the world to its core, forever altering the course of history. As we pause to remember the heartache of 9/11, it is vital that we commit to never forgetting the lives lost, the bravery displayed, and the enduring spirit of resilience that emerged from the ashes.
In this heartfelt post, we reflect on the significance of 9/11 and the lessons we must carry forward.
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Honouring the Lives Lost: 9/11 was an unfathomable act of terrorism that claimed the lives of thousands of innocent individuals. We must never forget the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters who tragically perished that day. Their lives were cut short, but their memories live on in our hearts, reminding us of the preciousness of life and the need to cherish our loved ones.
Uniting in Times of Crisis: In the face of unimaginable adversity, the world witnessed remarkable acts of courage, compassion, and unity. Strangers became heroes, selflessly helping one another amidst the chaos and devastation. We must never forget the power of unity that emerged from the ashes of 9/11, as it serves as a reminder that our shared humanity transcends differences and reminds us of the strength we possess when we stand together.
Resilience in the Face of Tragedy: In the aftermath of 9/11, communities, families, and individuals demonstrated extraordinary resilience. They picked up the pieces, rebuilt shattered lives, and found the strength to move forward. Their unwavering determination serves as an inspiration, teaching us that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail, and the human spirit can triumph over adversity.
Countering Hatred with Love: Amidst the pain and grief, it is essential to remember that 9/11 was not a representation of any particular religion or culture. We must guard against the tendency to generalize and scapegoat, instead choosing to counter hatred with love, understanding, and compassion. By promoting unity and embracing diversity, we can ensure that the acts of a few do not perpetuate division and discrimination.
Strengthening Security and Respecting Liberties: The lessons of 9/11 remind us of the delicate balance between security and individual liberties. While we must remain vigilant in the face of threats, we must also safeguard our democratic values and respect the rights of every individual. It is crucial to learn from the mistakes of the past and strive for a world that upholds both safety and freedom.
Conclusion: As we reflect on the heartache of 9/11, we must renew our commitment to never forget. We honour the lives lost by embodying the virtues of unity, resilience, love, and compassion. By cherishing the memories of that tragic day, we ensure that the lessons learned to shape a better future—one built on empathy, understanding, and a steadfast determination to create a world where peace prevails. May the memories of those we lost forever inspire us to build a more compassionate, inclusive, and harmonious world.
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