#Territorial Integrity
tmcphotoblog · 2 months
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llewelynpritch · 6 months
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kuyenshino · 3 months
Tbh at this point, I almost feel sorry for people who ship Bakugou with another character other than Izuku.
I mean, don't get me wrong, ppl can ship whatever they want, but that blonde boy has Izuku on his mind 24/7.
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leroibobo · 10 months
really do not think people understand the extent to which palestinian sites/landmarks (especially muslim ones) were destroyed, beginning in 1948 until now, even in cities. the oldest extant mosque in jaffa (al-bahr mosque) was built in 1675, even though islam came there in the 7th century
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i have a historiographical quibble with how the antisemitic campaigns in the soviet union in 1948–1953 are often framed as an extension of the holocaust in the scholarship rather than being fully considered within the context of the soviet nationalities policy. except when i'm applying for funding from institutions that do holocaust studies. then i'm fine with it
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halfelf · 10 days
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how it feels with every new piece of info we get about veilguard
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Sqq gets kidnapped by demons and he's allowed to write one (1) letter to cq, but he's not allowed to even HINT at being stuck or kidnapped. Knowing this, he sprinkles in just enough demonic lingo to render the letter vaguely indecipherable to yqy (and pass muster with the demons as 'not code'), meaning he has to summon sqh to try and figure out what his xiao jiu is saying. Sqh takes one looks at this harmless letter and sees, as a line break, the more code sos.
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txttletale · 2 years
so obviously a forever war is a bad idea, but how do you view the peace process as going? especially considering that iirc most ukrainians are opposed of conceding any territory to russia as part of a peace process
yeah, i mean, i think that's a pretty reasonable red line! i think it would be pretty fucking bad if the war ended in territorial concession for a number of reasons. but a lot of other terms that are being floated both by the ukrainian government and by NATO and the EU are obvious non-starters. i think there has to be a peace process and there has to be a realistic peace process.
'ukraine will not cede the donbass' is a very realistic red line for any negotiation, only a russian nationalist would deny that--but things like 'putin must be deposed', 'russia must be utterly humiliated', whatever, all these radical punitive measures that could only ever be enforced by a full-scale invasion of russia, all that rhetoric is unrealistic and a massive obstruction to there even being peace talks.
i also think the 'return crimea' revanchism is a similar non-starter, not only because by a lot of believable indicators (as opposed to the obvious sham polls in occupied eastern ukraine) it seems that people living in crimea don't want that, but because (more practically), like the other stuff, it's not something that's enforceable without massive increasing the scope and scale of the ukrainian war effort.
and these are the conditions and red lines that are being proposed and endorsed by NATO & Friends, because they do not care about 'ukrainian territorial integrity', and they certainly don't care about actual ukrainian lives--they want to increase the scope of the war and make punitive maneuvers against russia because that's the only goal of their involvement with this war. their goals align only incidentally with the goals of the ukrainian state, which in turn align only incidentally with 'things that are good for the ukrainian people'.
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philsmeatylegss · 10 months
Learning that Dan and Phil knew about all of the phandom lore and jokes is like learning Santa isn’t real. Looking back, it’s obvious and makes a lot more sense, but where’s the magic?
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
“The armed formations of Karabakh are withdrawing from their positions as part of the agreements reached during the meeting in Yevlakh. As of today, more than 800 firearms, grenades, mortars, guided anti-tank missiles and MANPADS have been surrendered,” the Russia peacekeeping mission added. Based on the agreement, Russian peacekeeping forces will replace the Artsakh Defense Army at those positions.
This is already the second convoy of Russian trucks entering Artsakh through the Lachin corridor on Friday, News.am reported. Earlier, a Reuters correspondent had reported that seven trucks of Russian peacekeepers had traveled to Artsakh on the Goris-Stepanakert motorway.
It is not yet known what cargo the trucks are carrying.
“Regarding the developments in the region, we emphasize that respect for the rights of Armenians and the status of Armenians are a necessity, the security and rights of Armenians in the region must be maintained and the internationally recognized borders must be fully preserved,” Raisi stated.
Iran's stance in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has consistently revolved around preserving the territorial integrity of both Azerbaijan and Armenia, respecting international borders, and safeguarding the rights of Armenians. Based on these principles, Iran recognizes Syunik as part of Armenia's territorial integrity and Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. At this pivotal moment, Iran has the potential to play an active and effective role, aligning with its principles, to help broker a ceasefire between neighboring countries and facilitate the peaceful return of Karabakh to Azerbaijan while ensuring the safety of the Armenian minority.
22 Sep 23
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soomanymoths · 3 months
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An apology passed on by Crinkles partner a while back. Posting bcs im not waiting another year for him to own up to his flock how horrendously he treated people. Redacted certain parts bcs im not entertaining excuses and reasoning as to why it was ok to treat his partner and "dear friend" like trash. The stuff i left in (biphobia etc) doesnt realistically make sense and should have never been taken out on me. Even if it did make sense, being nasty to a "friend" as a 30 year old over an oc is pretty goofy. He made his biphobia MY problem and thats inexcusable. He made all of his issues other peoples problems actually. Thats the entire situation imo. This doesnt cover the extent of how terrible crinkle treated people but i dont expect it will ever get better than this and im not waiting anymore
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ohsalome · 11 months
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llewelynpritch · 6 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
aroace joy vs aroace loneliness fight
#im saying that as someone who IS aroace if this ends up in discourse territory somehow#sometimes i think it's some form of internalized arophobia and it probably is a little at least#but i just feel so wrong and lonely thinking about the future#because i love the idea of being in love (as one can tell) but i just don't love people like that#and aside from any other self worth and confidence issues involved in obtaining a partner it just seems unfair to them you know#that id never be able to love them in that way#before anyone says qpr i am WELL AWARE!!! but then we go back to the Other Issues#besides its so easy to find other aros online but irl nobody really understands#so its kinda hopeless#ive always wanted to get married and have kids of my own !!! like genuinely i love the idea of it#but i doubt id ever find someone who would like#want to be a secret 3rd thing with me and get platonically married and raise kids or smth#and then theres the whole thing about me probably not being a good parent or being able to even afford to have kids so like. GRGRRARARSRR#cant win#ive accepted the fact im gonna be alone but it doesn't make it any happier. it feels like theres something wrong with me you know#but on the other hand i love being aroace its such an integral part me??#and it makes me so happy to be apart of the community and to know its okay#that there are people who understand the Lack#and even in the specific ways i do!!!#so its like so. aughhghhghh#saying this feels like a betrayal because i know theres nothing wrong with not#finding love. i heavily criticize the idea that people need love in their life to be fulfilled.#i feel like im wrong on both ends. to want it AND not feel it#personal posts and stuff idk#cw vent#aethers rants#sorry to be a party pooper i think its getting a bit cloudy and its getting to me
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tchaikovskaya · 1 year
although it is often inaccurately used as a kind of shorthand description, the term "proxy war" does not actually apply to the war in ukraine. but i do think you have to have your head entirely inside your ass to reject the idea that the conflict at its heart is about spheres of influence.
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nonuggetshere · 10 months
I haven't rambled about any of my ideas, ocs, stories or AUs on here in ages that's a travesty
Who am I if I don't torment my followers with the inner workings of my queer mind
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