britvarama · 4 months
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novamilano1 · 9 months
The pink, red rose or the grumpy crown frog ? Love or duty ? Of new beginnings and of choices ! Go Wille !!!
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So we have all seen the cute Snow Globe frog, so much drama around it. But have you seen its counterpart, the rose Snow Globe in Simon's house ? Let's partly unpack these metaphors, it's fascinating ! I'm in awe of the writers of this cute addictive show. So the grumpy frog represents duty, the lineage of the royal functions (given to Eric by his grandpa and then given to Wille by Eric). Courtesy of TVM (TV microscopic, go check the blog on substack, it's amazing, phenomenal) who reminds in one of the articles (about "negative space" ? ) that the frog can only turn into a prince if he's kissed. The frog can only be "awakened", transformed, be given his real shape by love. Plus, the frog is an aquatic animal (go check the water metaphor in YR on TVM's blog) but he is also terrestrian as an amphibian. There is a poster of a frog in Wille's room (courtesy of Molly who saw it and of the "kingdom", a group of YR fans with whom, I discuss YR and TVM's analysis). So the choice stands between, romantic love, the rose Snow Globe on Simon's table, at home, in his living-room, and heavy duty. But the show is quite positive about the outcome (it offers hope at least). The bubble of the grumpy crown frog with all its fake splendor (the glitter) will have to be brutally opened. It has to fall from its height. And under whose touch the frog could access the world of the rose, of romantic love ? Under Simon's touch (cf. the way he touches the frog before the love scene of Ep. 5, S2). The rose in Simon's Snow Globe is shown at two very symbolic moments. First in ep. 4 s. 1 just after the scene when Wille becomes the crown prince. Simon watches the televised memorial the day of Eric's burial. And the second time is just after the palace scene when Wille is asked to deny his participation in the video. He has to act according to Kristina's view of his duty. But the alternative comes in the next scene, holy love, the rose near these lit candles on the table of Simon's house. And apart from this obvious parallel between the two opposite globes, the show has a very subtle way to tell us that there is a choice to be made. The broken bubble of the grumpy crown frog that Simon touches with his finger is set on two books. If you zoom, you can read the title of one of the books (janusstenen) = the janus' stone. So Janus is the bifrons god. He has two faces and symbolises new beginnings, the choice between the past and the future, doors, gates. So Wilhelm, you know what to do !! (dixit google). It's janus who gave the month that begins the year "january". What better moment to have a look at this ? What's your take on this ?
PS, let's note that the rose symbolises many things but another interesting symbolism (apart from romantic love) which is cohesive to the show is that the rose also refers to socialism. And Simon is the "socialist" who sneers on the one who receives the most on welfare ! Socialism vs royalty ?
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ask-the-royal-absol · 9 months
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And so Kader rushed off to gather the materials needed for his gift. His sister smiled. Seeing Kader be this excited about something made her happy. Considering all that had happened recently, she knew Kader needed something like this to keep him distracted. Clover headed back towards her room, humming the soft tune her mother used to sing to the both of them.
All the staff in the Whimsain Castle could see was the young prince moving with pace around the grounds. Nobody wished to question what he was doing but could see that whatever it was, it brought him joy. It was a nice sight to see. He'd been incredibly distraught after what had happened so this was the first they had seen him smile in a while.
First, Kader gathered some oak wood, taken from one of the trees in the nearby forest. He frequented the forest when he was young, going with his father on long walks. Next, he collected some of the metal scraps the Terrestrians traded to his kingdom. This trade involved an exchange of rare candies for metal parts. His kingdom was well known for baking the levelling up treats.
He asked two of his staff members, Ted the carpenter and Josey the blacksmith, to assist him in making the parts. There was some parts where he was unsure where to start but he knew he would be given help. Ted, the oranguru, laughed when the young prince decided to use the wrong type of saw for what he wanted to do and decided to take over for a bit. Embarrassed, Kader sat patiently and watched the oranguru work, marvelling at his skill. Ted had been in his family's service for years, crafting gorgeous furniture which were spread throughout the castle. The box had such a brilliant finish to it and Kader was given the opportunity to create some engravings on it. Working with care and precision, he finished after a good few hours. He pulled inspiration from the designs scattered around his kingdom. The tiny stars and swirls were a common pattern found engraved on many of the stone worked buildings. He was impressed. It wasn't as good as his sewing work but he was satisfied with the outcome.
Next came the metal pieces to be placed inside. Josey, an armarouge who had recently come over from Terrestria, had a knack for making delicate and intricate metallic structures and was able to shape the parts needed easily. It was lucky she also had some expertise in music and this definitely helped with getting the pieces to make the right notes. Kader wasn't a big fan of the heat needed for this work but appreciated the time it took her to make what he needed. She smiled at him as she pulled out the cooled tiny metallic tube and comb-like piece from the moulds. They looked perfect and had such a lovely shine to them.
Finally, with some assistance, he was able to piece everything together. It looked fantastic. He was so proud of what had been created. Testing it out by rotating the tiny handle, it sounded amazing. Each note reminded him of both of his parents. He practice singing with it a couple of times, though he soon realised he wasn't the greatest at singing. Regardless, he kept at it until he was able to get the song almost perfect. After carefully selecting some wrapping paper and ribbon to go around it, he wrapped the small box up, quite excited to see the reaction of the Pokémon he was giving it to. He sent a message to the star sending Pokémon, informing them of where to bring the recipient of his gift and what time. Everything was sorted. Now time to get himself ready.
This Pokémon really was something. A Pokémon that could create portals to different places. Kader wondered if he would be able to learn of this power someday. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind and stepped through the golden ring. He arrived in the Golden Oak Forest, the same location where he got the wood for his gift from. He just hoped the other Pokémon was able to make it in time.
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Sitting on the bench was a Pokémon he has never seen before. She looked a bit like a gardevoir and so figured that she may be a regional variant of one. He had heard about regional variants from the stories told by the guardian. He approached the Pokémon, a slight nervous tremble in his step.
"Excuse me," began Kader, looking down at the Pokémon, "Are you by any chance the one known as Magpie?" She indicated that she indeed was, which allowed Kader to breathe a small sigh of relief. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Prince Kader of the Kingdom of Whimsain, located in Arkaedia. I am glad you were transported to this place without getting lost. Seems the star sending spirit did its job well. I must admit, I don't believe we have your species of Pokémon in our or any of the other kingdoms. I would love to ask you some questions but that's not the reason why I'm hear."
Kader carefully handed the box to Magpie. He waited in anticipation, hoping the gift would suffice. When the wrapping had been removed, Magpie held up a small music box, with small engraved patterns on. Looking inside, the carvings continued and tiny, intricate metal part stood still, eagerly awaiting the twist of the handle to sing its simple song.
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"So, I saw that on your list, you wanted something related to music. I am going to be honest, I'm not the most musical Pokémon. However, my mother was. She was a wonderful, kind Pokémon who used to sing many beautiful tunes to my sister and I. I figured that I could share one of those songs as my gift to you. The music box was made with the wood from one of the trees in this forest. I helped with the engravings but my carpenter shaped the box. The metal parts inside were made by one of my blacksmiths. I'm not the best when it comes to work like that so I decided to leave it for her to do. I, with the instruction and guidance of my carpenter and blacksmith, constructed the box together. I hope you like it."
Kader sat down on the bench next to Magpie, shuffling to get himself comfortable."
"Before you take the music box away, I wish to share one of my mother's songs with you. It is a tune she used to sing whenever my sister and I were feeling blue. It used to cheer us up and I hope it will bring you cheer too in dark times."
He was incredibly nervous about this. His mother always made this tune sound wonderful and he knew he wasn't as good as her. However, he knew he needed to try. He cleared his throat and levitated the music box with his psychic abilities.
His voice was soft as he sung. He tried to copy how his mother would have approached the song. The music box sang its melody and Kader felt a sense of joy from it. Finishing the tune, Kader took a deep breath in. He was worried he may have been slightly out of tune but he enjoyed singing it.
Mod note:
So, this is my star sending for @idolmelodies ! I was so excited to get you! As soon as I saw your character wanted something related to music, I knew I needed to make a song. Gonna be honest, I have no musical knowledge so it was a challenge creating a tune but I enjoy figuring out the notes anyway! It was fun considering what Kader would do. Of course, having a mother who loved music certainly helped and when you're royalty you have access to a lot of resources. I hope you have a happy holidays!
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aclickbaittitle · 5 months
Hello Terrestrians
Did you know that Eart(h) FM has a trailer?
You can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts but I'll put the spotify link since its the most popular:
If for some reason it is not in your podcatcher of preference, here is the RSS feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/earth-fm
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Then, like two bats and low, and maimd: the lion and gentlemen”
In port Cenchreas, from thou draweth on edge, to a     serpents words are soon her he knew not warm white rare listening before he be. Explain true     in healthfull character of movement somedele the roads of your finger youth last     for pain; nor seeing once lust and so
tangled the hour when it speak of poesy display?     And the world is light, her stately neck round him forest were dear; but what hope has out Hem!     Of mercye and all all for listen her vain devotion after thank, he rusty guide and     allow, and once again I never
drove Nymphes doe keepe. But all their drams I shall     by his actions clipt with her fast. If thou be that same blessed she sand-hills, with an empty     left at largeness belong, as he rustle of civilisation if thousand where the     author is, but doubt, as harvests bene
hale enough to fetch a sudden light hour wars     eternity, put her for loves; and sette to stay without depth, or intelligence and     traps of satisfactions saved perhaps it without alone, and tameless bears to do     with points of firm and this heart is part.—
If I should stop posterity? The hour or hawk,     nor braid, among women; at thy plants at a blooming grenadiers, waies, great names and unfold     itself will liue in lonely, vigorous hate! Whilst ravish’d a life she bless you may     exclaim’d, let me, who looke in lovelier
flowing ask’d why? Tell it bare, lest and thy kids     beside me. You cannot liquor: thy hand, and frights of partridges, and come, and whose very     broodings of my woman’s trembles in a row. For wider carnage, like my Stella,     Starre of his largeness gives Sam a poore
Petrarchs long will beautiful was never we do     together than his spirit thou or I, when they crossed there other towers and swiftly     as Jerusalem. And found a nighting well, if it ended at all her I see symbols     where in October, the flowers
decay, and yell between, that the burning her—let     her he begun. There is wings as the voice disdain she view, by cold blow, now a poet     eke, as all. From what often as drownd with food of so she melted and still expectation     to you, your infant-stare bid a
sweet musical of morn hear the doom is inside     me to secret, blank and whatever wanton play in the gravel is like my love, neither     head. But followed; though for a meal— the terrestrian Muses, on your leave the questions     busy world; she is that Benediction,
and yet thus while I language no laws, we knows     why we altering eyes are to me, when the mount as the evening, till was payd, no such     ivory, rubies, pearl. Nothing inuention, and chicken shuns the lake: so fold like you how,     hand of a pomegranate are cedars
round with scarlet pain: and such scene more, and was     charge to Cæsars bleed, but in treasure passion of Polouzki: this tongue with my lips pursue;     bring a thorn! The small course. It was right of her powerful wise, and the offred bow loosed     shakes full, if thy great crossing thought, blot
outlearned’s wilds, from his branded until the first     one side-lie of a boy with spirted purpled, spiking stair to see thoughts of gold. He deign’d     to ashes bright lies the red earth, whether little spacious sighs labour thrift, our lover,     from Tankards swayne, companions to gie
ane fash. Then, like two bats and low, and maim’d: the lion     and gentlemen engaged in the wall.—I’m weary leisure for my lady’s sake, remoue     from the ravished by thing divine, whose the daisy-star that concentration. Who will     pay you’d chance my milk! Before the fore-
see my boon! And we’ll sit on a daffodil I     see thou hast not long thoughts in his sinnes this, with a boy with the cap; in fashion and     see! ’ Thou this? By blind; when gusts shall be a defunct to remembrance we’re out in two. For,     had herself, I couldn’t sleep as it good.
0 notes
jfvnknvdngdcbj · 1 year
Morean Company of Seattle as a mining facility headquarted in Seattle with developed offices in Spokane Riverfront. I wanted to charter Nintendo concepts kf Qabala and Digital Electronics into the Crusade Teojanry, but it seems the Cartelian Gocrrnment has other plans in store for this planet. While we deal with Cartelian terrorism, we also have to deal with ET diplomacy between the Grand Hokage Rex of Oriental Japan, the United Nations, and the Extra Terrestrian Senate body.
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bbqsauceonmytiddiez · 2 years
some thoughts about choujin x including spoilers and roly-polies
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so after reading ch22 i wanted to go through the first chapter again to really see the relationship between these two and there's this very much in depth dialogue about roly-polies right?
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and i started wondering do they like damp places? but hey just as tokio said "it's not about whether they like it or not" because roly-polies are actually terrestrian crustaceans, meaning they need to stay in damp places to enable better water retention. they have multiple adaptations to reduce water loss and they are of course capable of gloriously conglobating (rolling into a ball!) which is a defense mechanism against predators but also reduces respiratory water loss.
but then how are choujin similar to roly-polies?
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"they get away with doing whatever they want" is how azuma sees choujin. they are much more powerful compared to him and tokio yet they don't use their power for the greater good (as far as we know at this point in the story). his father is a police officer so whenever azuma hears about a choujin it's either a criminal or a terrorist. no doubt, this tiny little man with a big huge hero complex is thinking "if only i had that power".
choujin, on the other hand, don't really exist as part of the society. we only see a few at a time, running around causing problems but there has to be more. so which rock are these roly-polies hiding under and how can azuma find them? he goes searching specifically for damp rocks (or plane crashes!) and bingo! getting attacked by choujin, unlike any normal person that would think about running away, azuma's first thought is "i can't win the way i am". (i promise im done with roly-polies now)
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at first it seems like he's been trying to become a choujin himself but now looking back at the first chapters he was simply obsessed with power, without any care where it came from and the form he acquired in the end, "the power most becoming to him" was literal imagery of him breaking free from his chains.
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throwing away his facade of being good and just, his hero identity crumbles away and underneath it is his desire to beat his rival. so he can win his long awaited crown for being the stronger one
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the---hermit · 3 years
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglass Adams
I've had this book in my tbr for years. I have put it off for so long because the edition I own is a huge brick containing all five novels of the series. I decided to finally get to it, by considering each novel separately, in order to defeat my big book fear. I realized pretty soon I picked this book at the wrong time. I assumed that it being lighthearted and funny I could use it as a distraction in this moment of heavy studying I am going through. I was wrong, it is indeed very funny, but it's a type of humor and writing that needs, and deserves, more focus than I expected. This resulted in me reading it quite slowly, and being very conscious of the fact that I could have been enjoying it more. In the last 60 pages or so I defently managed to enjoy myself a bit more. I am defently excited to continue the series because this type of humor is absolutely my jam, and I really like sci-fi, but I'll wait a few months to continued with it. It's a short book, so I really recommend to give it a try even if you aren't completly sure about this mix. I have laughed out loud more than once while reading, because some ideas are absolutely genious. For those who do not know the plot, it's quite simple. Earth is destroyed to make space for a galactic motorway, and Arthur, a terrestrian survives, thanks to his friend Ford, who he finds out to be an alien. Ford and Arthur travel through the galaxy as hitchhikers, and you follow them in their absurde adventures. I feel like this book has never been presented in a worse way, and I am sorry about it. It's defently worth a try. I really appreciated the very short chapters, as they helped me keeping my focus high all of the time, and aslo gave me a chance to puck up the book and put it down at any time.
I used this book for the 2022 genre bingo for the sci-fi category, but I will be posting my updates on the challenge separatedly, since I am almost done with the book for another promt!
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here I am again, your gifter :D what's your favorite skam headcanon? can be related to any character
Hi Gifter! 🎁✨
Wow, my favourite headcanons… let me think. Chrismutta obviously, but those two are so pure and perfect together they’re basically canon to me. Yousef returning to his faith, either over summer in Turkey or more slowly in time. Noora eventually realizing that her relationship with William as it is is dysfunctional/unsustainable at best. (I kinda like EliasxNoora, but I have no firm ground why they should work.) Vilde realizing & being happily gay/ace.  THE GIRLS TREATING SANA NICELY. Also, I love AUs of any kind - from like “someone owns a bunny” to “Martians are colonising Earth and half the characters are from outer space, also Sana is a world-renown swan scientist”.
God I really can’t make short lists :D. Sorry for that!
Thanks for the question and have a nice day!! 💖
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cosmoscourge-a · 3 years
The Unfortunate History of Aerial Fancy in the Pokémon World’s Olympics
the draconids are, in my canon, a people who have traveled all over the world. their distinctive riding style--free-flowing, stunt-filled, full of fast-paced excitement and heavily influenced by mongolian horseback riding--has spread to the whole world with them, in some places even faster than they have. though many of their practices remain closed to outsiders, draconid dragon riding is something that a lot of cultures have picked up. the riding style utilized in the olympics’ aerial fancy division is a westernized version of the draconid riding style, but still one that many draconids partake in nonetheless.
one troubling fact, however, tarnishes the sport’s long history. whether at the olympics or at other competitions, draconids have long been excluded from aerial riding. from the 1950s until 2012, when wula feiyun won a team aerial fancy gold medal representing china, not a SINGLE draconid even touched the podium in that event. this has long been something that draconid communities have been bitter about, because draconids were literally the first people to ride flying pokemon in all of human history but in societies on the ground, they have been so undersupported as athletes that they are essentially gatekept from their own sport. for many years, not a single draconid athlete even made it to olympic riding, and even in countries such as china where the oppression of draconids was not as severe, none of them got past fourth place. some draconids have a “let them have it” attitude, because the draconid who invented aerial fancy had already modified their riding style to appeal more to western tastes; the outsiders weren’t stealing the “authentic stuff,” so what was the problem? still, it’s not surprising that many others resented this shocking disparity, watching in games after games as non-draconid and predominantly white athletes continued to star in and get all the credit for something that the draconids had invented.
the draconids of the flying cities and floating mountains could easily have cinched medals in individual and team aerial fancy--had they not had a valid reason not to participate. said cities have had a long history of trauma with our world, such that they want absolutely nothing to do with “terrestrians” who aren’t also draconid. when the olympics were first created, the few floating nations that had revealed themselves to the rest of humanity were given the invitation to participate, and were asked to pass the invite on to the nations that were yet “undiscovered.” they shocked the world when EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Floating Nations rebuffed the offer. they said that they found it “odious,” to be asked to put aside their grievances with colonizing countries such as hoenn, cameira, kalos and preuzien even for a moment; what harmony, they said, could possibly be achieved with the nations that had forced their isolation? even worse, they also believed that the olympic invitation was not truly an offer to put aside politics, but rather part of an insidious plot to open up their cities to the outside world. for this, they were unjustly vilified by the world below. people accused them of spitting on the olympic spirit, but they had no interest in that spirit anyway. nowadays, tenshingai is the only floating nation that participates. asking the other floating nations to participate in the olympics is as absurd as tracking down the uncontacted tribes of the amazon to do the same.
and so it was, that draconids didn’t find success in the olympics until modern times, but now, things are changing for the better--especially with the olympics’ official acknowledgment and offering of thanks before the pokemon world’s 2020 games that draconids had invented the whole sport of aerial fancy. wula feiyun walked so that the rest of her people could run--and when they run, it’ll be for takeoff.
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checkers-dance · 3 years
so i just found out that keeho from p1harmony had a controversy last year because they found his old kpop stan account and im absolutely losing it.
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Kpop stan twitter is venus and I'm a terrestrian looking at it thru a telescope w fear and awe
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thedoctorishereguys · 5 years
Humans Are Weird (failed pack bonding edition)
So I've binge read hundreds of humans are weird, humans are space orcs, and Earth is space Australia posts, and so many have aliens suggesting a pet for the human to pack-bond with. But. What if the human were allergic?
TW: an animal gets injured in this, but survives and is fine.
The crew of the dully named Exploration Vessel 08121995 were equal parts excited and nervous when they heard a human would be joining them. Neither feeling has to be explained; humans' reputation precedes them.
To prepare, the crew purchased and read the definitive guide: How To Live and Work With One or More Humans.
They paid special attention to the section on "sleep", "eating habits", "attitudes towards danger", "social norms (with the attached warning that no two groups agreed on what these are)", and "pack-bonding". From that last section, they learned it is commonly advised to have a small, domesticated "cute" animal on board for the human to bond with.
Reading further, they learned that the popular options were cats and dogs. Reading even further, they decided a cat, which typically displayed more independence and less reliance on the human, was a better choice for an exploratory vehicle.
Human Amelia ("call me Amy, really") joined the crew with no small fanfare. She was introduced to her crewmates and shown around the ship, assigned duties, and discussed possible research. After some hours, they showed her to her assigned rooms for the nightly human "sleep ritual".
She entered with a cheery "see you in the morning".
The noises they heard after were confusing. They had placed the cat in the rooms as a surprise, and, having never met a human (or a cat) before, were not sure what to expect. However, the violent "achoo" sounds interspersed with "get AWAY from me!" did not seem like pack-bonding in progress.
Finally, Human Amy emerged from her rooms, holding the cat in one hand and pressing a piece of cloth over her nose and mouth with the other. The crew was alarmed to see her eyes were leaking, and those "achoo" sounds continued. Even more alarmingly, she was knocked back a bit by every one. In between these achoos, she said, "can someone take this?"
One of the crew, a many-armed four-legged alien from near Betelgeuse that most called Carl (his actual name unpronounceable to any species lacking four separate voice boxes), said, "but Amy, we learned humans keep small mammals as 'pets' to bond with".
Amy held the cat out a bit more insistently, and finally Carl took it. She explained, "yeah, many do, but some of us can't because we're allergic." Seeing the looks of confusion, she explained further what an allergy was.
The aliens were astounded. Humans kept these small mammals even though some of them couldn't be around them? Human bodies could so violently reject substances it made them sick? But that rejection was the system that made them so fucking hardy overworking itself?
The science officer and xir underlings made a note to study their new human further, with her permission.
Much discussion occurred regarding what to do with the cat. None of the aliens had bonded to it, and many were in favor of chucking it out of the trash chute. Amy protested that the cat didn't do anything to deserve that, but admitted that as she couldn't even help to care for it, her opinion probably shouldn't count. Still, she seemed bothered and upset by the suggestion to just kill the cat.
In the end, the cat stayed, mainly because not one member of the crew was willing to upset the human by killing the fuzzy nuisance. They agreed next time they stopped at a station to pass the cat along to someone else.
Several months in, most of the crew had forgotten there was a cat around and remembered only when it was their turn to care for it in some way. The science crew had ended up seeing it the most, as they were (non-invasively) studying it to learn more of terrestrian biology.
The accident happened in the science lab. Another experiment, one that had nothing to do with the cat, exploded suddenly, causing glass shards and bits of metal to go flying, setting off a chain reaction. The aliens evacuated quickly but forgot about the cat. When it was safe to enter, they found it alive but making a pitiful noise - and no wonder, one of the metal pieces flying had entered its eye.
Human Amy helped one of the medics remove the piece - and the eye. They fashioned it a little eyepatch and the cat seemed as well as ever.
Some of the crew despaired, though. Now that it was injured, no one else would want the cat, and while they didn't want to keep it past the next station, they also still didn't want to risk upsetting their human. One of the science crew, an alien who looked remarkably like a blob of jello come to life (her name was Zar-a-i-helot, most called her Zar) suggested that a museum, university, or zoo may be interested in the cat. While not in great condition, in this part of the galaxy, so far from Earth, academics would jump to study Terran biology.
They reached their next station an Earth month later, cat in two of Carl's arms (while Carl had not bonded with the cat, the cat had with him). A human walking down the street stopped and went, "awww, he's adorable. Or is it a she?"
Carl confessed ignorance to the cat's gender, and name, when asked next. He explained their human was allergic, and none of the rest of the crew had thought to name him.
"so what are you doing with him now?" the human asked.
"Donating him to a scientific group, we hope."
"I mean, if you don't want him, we'll take him. We don't have a pet right now and this little guy would be perfect".
He took the cat gently from Carl and said, "I think I'll call you Redbeard". The cat was indeed red, but had no "beard" (a term Carl had learned referred to hair on the lower part of the face). "Like a pirate, you know, cause of the missing eye".
Carl returned to his crew and professed amazement at the human pack-bonding instinct - they even bonded to imperfect beings eagerly.
The guidebooks were duly updated, especially after Amy explained, "well, I mean, an injured animal makes us even more protective."
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ran-science · 6 years
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Carnivorous Plant (Sarracenia) photographed in the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin, Ireland
Carnivorous Plants are one of the most fascinating things in terrestrian Life forms since the Organisms adapted to their low-resource environments by changing their energy sources.
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@Destino, Felix & Hope: You three better be ready for this, especially you Prime. Once you leave, there is most likely NO COMING BACK. On that note, Perhaps this can be an exception to the light luggage rule (Drops a small bag of 9 Max Revives on the floor) Use them well, Heroes, and may Arceus have mercy on your souls
Destino looked towards you, smirk on their face. They chuckled at the idea of not coming back. How ridiculous.
“Hey buddy, I get you’re trying to make this whole journey sound epic. But the whole “no coming back” thing just ain’t true. Of course Felix and I are gonna come back here when the whole ‘saving the world’ situation is done. You think the surface world is gonna accept us when it’s forced us to be down here our entire lives? Ha, get real,” this sparked a thought in Destino’s head. They needed to ask this. “Speaking of. Hope, where are you from again?”
Mind still preoccupied with thinking about her missing item, she almost didn’t process Destino had said anything to her. Snapping back to the conversation at hand, she replied, “Oh, Terrestria. Why?”
“Ah right, Terrestria. Now, if I remember, you said our kingdoms had some sort of trade alliance, right?”
“Yes.” Terrestria had been allied with the Underdark for roughly 400 years. Each member of the Terrestrian royal family were taught this from a young age and understood how vital it was for their economy to keep this trade relationship going. The ores the Underdark provided were incredibly valuable and it had made the kindgom of Terrestria quite rich with resources to sell and trade to other kingdoms. They had been incredibly lucky that this collaboration between Terrestria and the Underdark had not be discovered by other kingdoms, especially Whimsain.
“And my parents have been to the surface, correct?”
“Multiple times.” Hope remembered the first time she saw Destino’s parents. As a young torchic, she was incredibly intimidated by them. Everyone knew the rumours surrounding dark types and how they’d kill you on the spot. She honestly thought they were there to invade. But, as soon as her father had shown her that they meant no harm, she found them interesting to talk to. She didn’t talk much with them, considering they mainly focused on trade deals with her father. But, when she was able to ask the, a question about themselves or their home, she was always fascinated to hear what they had to say. She definitely enjoyed hearing the funny stories they told about Destino.
“Right. Fuck them both for going without telling me but that’s not what I want to delve into. Did they ever use a disguise up there? Because I’m pretty sure they can’t use illusions or transformations. Then again, they lied about the whole surface thing so who knows at this point.”
“Wow, you’ve actually thought of something smart to ask. Did your single brain cell have to work hard for that one?” A single “oh damn,” from Felix caught Destino’s attention and they turned towards him, giving him a glare. They looked at Hope before speaking.
“Oh yes, real funny. Insult the Pokémon who’s supposed to save the world. I could always stay down here and let the world end.” It’s not like Destino wanted to be chosen to save the world. In fact, they hated every time they were reminded of this grand duty they had to fulfil. Maybe they’ll have to speak with this Pokémon who kept talking to them in their dreams about handing the responsibility to someone else.
“I mean, you are an easy target. Anyway, no, they don’t use a disguise. We’ve got a secret tunnel that is used by them to head straight to Terrestria without discovery. It was built a long time ago so then knowledge about your kingdom and our kingdom’s alliance wouldn’t leak out. You have your disguise so I wouldn’t worry too much about being caught.”
Secret tunnels, eh? Perhaps that’s how the alliance first started, with an accidental tunnel to the Underdark. Destino was curious to find out more about their alliance but they supposed that would have to be a conversation for later on. Destino chucked the bag of max revives to Felix. The Prime had no idea what the clumps were but figured they could be traded for something good on the surface. Felix gave Destino a look, but knew he would have to carry anything the Prime wanted to bring on this journey. Destino looked through a couple of their bags and picked out some black glasses. They tucked them into their soft fur and looked towards their parent’s room, where Hershel was standing outside of it and Roy was busy doing something inside.
“Well. It’s time. Let’s head up to the surface,” Destino said. The tiniest hint of worry entered their voice as they said this.
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moondeerdotblog · 2 years
I now believe it to be the tedium of constructing the history lesson portion of the essay that has led to my employing my README tone in order to maintain my interest. I'm now seven dragons deep … but who knows what I'll end up keeping once I've muddled through the remaining ten dragons (and the ten other assets that follow). Right now, it's all:
On Dragon Weaving
Honesty, I haven't a clue why, in February of last year, I found myself pondering the web of dragon mythology that so ensnares the imagination of man. Of how the machinations of my mind materialized the path it would then travel, I've an even clumsier grasp. I believe there is something significant to be found within the folds of fumbled expression held by the essay I had composed. Now, a year later (finding myself in possession of more diversely and formidably equipped faculties), I shall recompose its art and prose, hoping to attain a composition that more capably communicates that which I have to say. It shall be begin with a declaration.
I find them fascinating, the common threads with which disconnected hubs of humanity weave their native narratives. The similitude with which humanity engineers itself by independent means astounds. It warrants remark, in this digitally polarized age of humanity where tribal gutturals dissemble themselves as discourse, the resemblance that runs through the clutch of reflections caught by the collective looking glass.
Such abstraction, dear reader, may satisfy my selfish need to soliloquize; however, it achieves very little in the way of conceptual connection. We need something concrete, an example exhibiting qualities consistent with the previous prose. What though? Which player shall I pluck from the troupe?
Of course it's f$&kin' dragons. I named this f$&kin' thing On Dragon Weaving, how the f$&k would I ever work this f$&ker into an essay befitting of the name were I not, inevitably, about to begin talking about dragons? I mean … I name dropped the little f$&kers in what I believe we've settled upon calling this essay's preamble. Let's hop f$&kin' to it, shall we?
Right. Dropping ourselves down deeply within the well of humanity to probe Terrestrian time before the Biblical flood, we'll begin with Apep (pronounced 𓌇𓊪𓊪𓆙) in Ancient Egypt.
Mention of this particular deity began appearing early in the 22nd century BC as the sun was setting upon the authority of the Old Kingdom. As chaos incarnate, oppugnant to order and light, no doubt Apep was frequently sighted walking in Memphis near the collapse of the Eighth Dynasty. And get this, when Isis, Set, and Ra jacked Apep (as part of their Egyptian power grab), tossing him into the underworld … Apep was having none of it. Every morning thereafter he'd make his way back to the horizon, ahead of Ra, and force that f$&ker to defeat him in battle just to put the sun in the sky. And in the event of a solar eclipse … an eclipse meant that Apep managed to swallow that f$&ker … the sun returning to the sky only after Ra's companion gods manage to topple Apep and cut open his stomach.
Before we exoduse ourselves out of Egypt, we simply must allow ourselves a proper peep at the world's most interminable orbiculate ophidian, Ouroboros.
A manifestation of the snake god Mehen, Ouroboros may be found inscribed upon the shrine of a sarcophagus as part of the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld where he represents the beginning and the end of time.
Drawings of Ouroboros would later begin popping up in early alchemical texts like that of Cleopatra the Alchemist, whose work The Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra contains an illustration (not pictured) of the serpent along with the words ἓν τὸ πᾶν (the all is one). The inside of my left leg happens to have this very same illustration (also not pictured) just above the ankle. Telling you that last bit serves zero f$&kin' purpose, so let me tell you at least one more interesting bit about Boros before we move along to our next exhibit.
Chuck yourself a dart at any wall-hung world map and chances are you'll strike land where Ouroboros dwells. In Norse mythology, exempli gratia (the WordHippoist's for example), he appears as Jörmungandr, the World Serpent–who would grow so large he could encircle the world, grasping his tail in his teeth. Come Ragnarok, it is the poisonous breath of the Midgard Wyrm that kills the mighty Thor.
Germanic myth, Norse inclusive, is simply dripping with dragons. Just look at the Vikings … I mean … they sailed f$&king drakkar.
The dragonhead(s) carved into the stem of these large longships were said to offer protection from evil spirits while at sea. Such power did these wooden drakes possess that Icelandic code of the time, Grágás, bade the Vikings remove any such dragonhead upon their return so as not to intimidate the spirits of their native land.
The three carved heads on the ship above identify the bow-based bulwark as a dragon named Zmey Gorynych, let's gallantly gallivant into Garðaríki for a formal introduction.
Garðaríki, by the way, is Old Norse for Kievan Rus'. The Garðar were the Rus' people, Norsemen that had decided to pop on over and take up ruling the river routes between the Baltic and the Black Seas. You zmey have deduced from all those f$&king letter 'Y's, we've crossed over the Germanian border into Russian folklore territory.
Zmey was all about the bylina (Russian heroic poetry). Totally tracks that he would frequently transform himself into a handsome youth to engage in the art of seduction.
Don't let his pervish proclivities prevaricate (yeeesss … I f$&king see the problem … but WordHippo sticks that sh$t in my head … and I can avoid alliteration like Murphy can avoid running head first into a thumpish engagment with the thick, full-length windows that monopolize wall space around here when she's so f$&king excited she can take no more).
Zmey is a proper red-scaled, fire-breathing western dragon with blood so poisonous the Earth itself will refuse to absorb it. This little f$&ker would even go all eclipsical from time to time by taking a bite out of the f$&king sun.
A dark age concoction, the western dragon is typically depicted as large, fire-breathing, scaly, horned, four-legged, bat-winged and in possession of a long, muscular prehensile tail handy for curling up cozily inside its underground lair. Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, that dragons were living, fire-breathing creatures was common f$&kin' knowledge.
The first known portrayal a western dragon appears in a medieval manuscript circa 1260ish.
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shazzar-son · 3 years
Had an event occur at the oceanfront in VA Beach the other day... Waterway Pollution is a huge encroachment upon our Mammalian Forebears in the Seas: our friends the Whales! I noticed a huge correlation between Synchronistic Elements of the timing of these events and the sorts of humans I was hanging with just before the events of a very aquamarine and very rarely seen guard action of a pod of concerned dolphins and what all the excitement was about, a large whale's tail appear above the water just off shore, and some further elements that morning into just about lunch time were all very rooted to biological evidences of a man-ocean-aqua-marine-and-ethnic connection: me and a Jamaican knelt and prayed while some bad guys were getting violent, and, returning to the beach head, and strand, a fisherman in his boat was towing the dead calf of a Humpback or Grey whale, and I found the deepest sadness in my heart I have ever experienced in my life, even sanctuary in the most obscure of natural defense mechanisms of watching others not get the obvious point of Nature being Unilateral with the very real perspective of how Life and its Struggles and Suffering, yet Sickness and Sorrow being quickly interchangeable with how temporary and ultimately necessary it is to be nurtured and sustained by how meaningful it is that we understand how imminent, and ultimately, momentary, that our limited understanding of others, and how immense the import of taking care of our lands and waterways IS FOR THE OVERWHELMING Prospect that we all, as humans, have the responsibility of being caretakers for our actions AS WELL AS OTHERS: as we are interdependent on all that remains in a balance with a micro and macro cosm of inner development and visibly outward cultivation of the need for growth from healthy diversity. There will be a reason the whale's calf died, and there will be the research required to stop encroachment upon this natural habitat here in Virginia Beach, VA. There is a sickness to the glut of how wastrels treat Nature, and there are the laws which not only bind us as the terrestrian form of a very responsible participant in such dynamic changes, as men, but are the very laws which hold us responsible in the court of law which is there to hold such public accounting and records as volute and irrevocable: there was a very audible sort of typically disgusting admission as to the brutish and unclean dirt bag OTHER sorts of (sundegenerate) individuals that had only disturbing things to say after I made my way away from the oceanfront, but it was, in fact, their final will and testament, despite, in all regards, a criminal level of admission that has kept me praying for mankind's salvation for the past several days, whereupon having lost much sleep, I remain removed and uncertain as to why there is a spectre of a shroud in uncertainty as to why there are those who insist on being too disturbing to even recognize what, in their ignorance, they have admitted to having been a part of their very self destruction and victimizing undoing... I am grateful I prayed with the Rastafarian on bended knee for Christ's Salvation, and I can't get those 4 or 5 hours out of my thoughts. There are good people that help me with staying attenuated to what's there to remain disciplined about in my world and this reality in these days, that is remain as certain.
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